#national motherfucking pride
strawberryamanita · 2 months
At this point, if you're saying not to vote for Biden, I'm just writing you off as a Trump supporter. There's just no room left for semantics. Either you learn from 2016's shitshow of joke write-ins and overconfidence and allocate your votes accordingly, or you wear your Trumper title with pride.
You motherfuckers are equating Biden's verbal slip-ups to irredeemable crimes against the nation. Meanwhile, the Republican party is linking arms in the way they always do, but in preparation to wipe out literally every single one of us. If you're still reading this post, they're out to get you. There's no room for rewrites for the Martin Niemöller poem; nobody will be able to speak for us because we'll all be caught. These fuckers are fueled by hatred of the other. I don't completely trust that my own mom won't surrender me to the new Gestapo, at this point.
Between relative incoherence and completely articulate agendas to wipe out entire groups of people? Yeah, I don't know about you lot, but I'll learn to stomach a bit of extra senility.
I've said it in tags on reblogs, but I need to say it on an original post: we will not have the means to defend Palestine if we're all trying to save our own lives at the same time. If you care about yourself, if you care about your friends and family, if you care about anyone who wouldn't survive another term of Trump, the onus is on you to bar him from winning; this is not a means of guilting anyone, this is as close to fact as I can get in this shitbag world where reality is framed as subjective.
And unless any of you big-shit-talking riot-pushers wanna put your money where your mouth is and snipe the bitch, that means you need to vote for Biden.
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natsudragneelgf · 1 year
WORLD STOP. just remembered when I went to my first and only (so far?) Pride parade in 2017 I had gone with June @sarcasticpotatoz and this other gutterbutt devious twink (George if you read this die in a fire) and when the concert portion started we kinda got swooped in the crowd and it was all fine until I saw national channels were filming the place and I wasn't out to my dad and got really fucking scared and looked for June but they weren't where I was with that stupid twink so I turned to him and like very worriedly asked about the cameras and THAT MOTHERFUCKER SHRUGGED AND QUOTED RIHANNA PLAYING ON THE SPEAKER SINGING THIS IS WHAT YOU CAME FORRRRRRR and well I tried to grit my teeth through it but inevitably had a panic attack and had to step away for air. So yeah um maybe if you're at an event for marginalized people and someone shows genuine fear at the prospect of being filmed and posted or shown on Television maybe uh. show some empathy to that. Or something what do I know I hope he dies
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
me seeing the rtd complaints are now trying to lumping in david as if rtd hadnt had to beg on his knees for david not strolling up in the same fit as 13 and give the dt!hamlet girlies something to truly fawn over since nan's christmas special on sight
motherfucker probably got all the doctor who costumes in his closet and only wear his to throw suspicion AND ITS WORKING
yall out here reaching like we all didnt see that man on james corden stand up in only the pink suit top and georgia tennant briefs underwear on national tv as if he was posing for vogue magazine 'at home' edition
dt probably bought the blonde bob too: we dont know him. AND HE KNOW HOW TO WORK WOMEN'S CLOTHING?
dont play wit 'im dont play wit 'im dont play wit 'im. we all heard and saw that podcast for pride month the multiple usages of the nonbinary pin long before and after pride month:rtd had to beg because his own life was threatened if david didnt wear what we got for 14 like cmon now dont get too hatred blind to start spouting misinformation - reel it back
yall know full and damn well david strolled up in that 13 costume and rtd went: oh no hes hot we gotta make him a new suit we cant because of shit excuse and fumbled his own bag while david got a free 13 coat and tshirt.
we all saw those multiple takes of i dont wanna go, you think that was THE ONLY fit they had HIM in?? release the master!doctor cut of the fit.
stop it. stop. it. stop lying to urself to be more mad about it.
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wernher-von-brawny · 1 year
I marvel that I got to exist on this planet at the same time as Carl Sagan.
I think I felt this way as far back as 1980, when Cosmos was airing on PBS, and I couldn’t get why the nation was not drowning in Cosmos-mania, the way it had with Star Wars a few years earlier.
I mean, Star Wars was fun, with the “pew! pew! pew!” and the incest and all, but Cosmos was even more mind-blowing, and it was, like -- Real! Like, science and shit!!!
“May the Force be with you”? Banal.
“We are made of star stuff”? Third eye blasted wide motherfucking open!!!
As cringe as the posthumous lionizing of The Greatest Generation or Boomers can get, I have to concede that there was something damn special about a couple scoops worth of the folks who emerged from the post-war and counter-culture eras, when intelligence, inquiry, and reason had not yet been made forever unfashionable by the fuckbois of Madison Avenue.
Before genuine -- not performative -- principled, moral behavior and a healthy distrust of the military-industrial complex was recast as “naiveté” by the fucking Reagan Revolution.
I look around today, and I see high-quality public persons, no doubt. But we’ve all been raised in and conditioned by a different, more cynical and distracted culture.
A culture lacking, for example, the first-person experience of how opening the door even a crack to pro-business, neoliberal, “unleash the market” jingoism would lead directly and inevitably to the Facism2023™ that will sooner or later make its way into the Oval Office.
(Although “The Greatest Generation” did vote Reagan into office, so even the folks who actually lived through it once before, voted it in with a pride that was only outweighed by their willful ignorance.)
And that hard-won world, that unique recipe, gave us humans like Fred Rogers and James Baldwin and Kurt Vonnegut and Ursula K Le Guin and Bob Ross and a bunch more.
A culture that could produce artists and activists and thinkers like that seems, to those of us raised by TV and the internet to believe that the highest virtue a citizen consumer can aspire after is celebrity, almost cartoonishly improbable.
But it was (apparently) real, and it gave us the amazing, beautiful Carl Sagan: a scientist with the soul of a poet.
And when I see old clips like this, when I see how resolutely and comfortably my boy is just plain himself when appearing on the media of his day, how stoked he is to be sharing with us what he’s learned through rigor and study; and how his words are wise and full of the kindness, wonder, reverence, and spiritual awe that the MAGAchurch bros can only karaoke...
It makes me marvel that this was a person who actually existed, and that I got to share the planet with him for a while.
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sunflowersandmirage · 3 years
haikyuu characters as texts sent by my irl groupchat
Aone: You can't beat me, I lack eyebrows Tanaka: If I ever rule a country, instead of saluting, we'll dab Nishinoya: Today was a productive day. I stabbed a Pepsi Kita: The merciful despacito gods Kiyoko: horror au: everyone is straight now Osamu: It's okay, we'll revive him with pasta salad Kageyama: If you're an egg, you're a dumbass Lev: Mario's looking really happy, completely destroying capitalism Oikawa: Calm down... he said sexily Bokuto: By day, I'm your dad. By night, I'm your mom, and in the afternoons I'm whatever you want Kuroo: The relationship between my best friend and I can be summarized by the fact that we accuse each other of being furries, and then we aggressively meow at each other Sugawara: Hey, what the hell? Just tell them to go fuck themselves. And calm down Koganegawa: So, to recruit this one guy I need to recruit his childhood friend. and to recruit his childhood friend I need to pLAY SOCCER AGAINST DINOSAURS Hinata: What is that microwave in the hallway for? Tsukishima: The teachers will throw it at you if you misbehave Hinata: Cual es tu motherfucking name, joder? Yamamoto: Everything is losses today. First fortnite kid leaves. And now you do this to me Alisa: The L in LGBT is for Luigi. I am An LL, THE Luigi Lesbian Asahi: Animal Crossing: Survival Mode Matsukawa: Youtube recommended me a Romeo and Cinderella cover sung by Spongebob, and now I'm gonna make it your problem too Hanamaki: The best way to start Pride Month is calling people out for Homestuck Crimes Kinoshita: It was worth the risk. Or the dick, cause I have seen a lot Fukunaga: As far as I know, you can't make a baby breath out fire Atsumu: I'm the seer of... Time? Heart? Seer of I FUCKING KNEW IT. HELL YEAH! Konoha: IGNORE MY GAY NINJA EPIPHANY, WON'T YOU Ushijima: I ended up breaking the floor by beyblade-ing too hard Natsu: And that's all I am now. A communist baby Yaku: Do you know what's the difference between fruit milkshakes and fruit juice? Can't be the milk, some juices have milk too Lev: ... fuit Shirabu: In the game of cardboard, either you win or you die Hoshiumi: He has lost tiny privileges. if he calls anyone else short, I'll have to arrest him Kenma: Bowser is actually a gay icon because in Mario 64, when you throw him Mario says "So long, gay Bowser!", which compliments Luigi being a literal disaster gay. In this essay I will- Nishinoya: You tell them, Hinata! Just because we're short doesn't mean we can't stab them Saeko: TODAY I LEARNED THAT LESBIANISMS CAN SOLVE LITERALLY ANYTHING That one nationals guy and his gf, I forgot their names: WE ARE JUST OMNIPRESENT Miwa: BIG LESBIAN ENERGY WITH A KNIFE Tendou: If I were your government assigned magical girl companion, I'd give you the power to arson Suna: Hello. My name is Suna Rintarou, and I'm a normal girl, except I'm Satan Takeda: And the road trip ended with the whole class singing Baby Shark Daichi: My life is weird and my hats are many Kenma: So while we were playing Animal Crossing, Lev wrote "penis" on the board and then I tried to behead him with my axe Yukie: Mutual morosexuality. The beautifulest kind of love Futakuchi: DOES AONE IS EYEBROWS I'M DYING HERE Iwaizumi: ARE YOU STUPID OR DO YOU EAT SOUP WITH A FORK!? Us: Things would be easier if I was in charge. Everyone could be gay Yachi: I was panicking because I thought I missed the bus. I was inside the bus Gin: Fuck, Suna, you look like you should sleep for 3 thousand years Semi: You all should know lyric videos written in Comic Sans are not trustworthy Yamaguchi: You WILL heal. This is a threat. Where's that Goku post- Goshiki: My dad (Tendou) told me he casually licks lemons. In no time, I will too Aran: I just can't compete against Kansai Logic
Akiteru: My brother placed a pair of crocs under my bed and I am scared
Ukai: [sternly] Do you know what this means...? No, I don’t either
Kindaichi: Hello, I’m Kindaichi, I like books, I’m Veget- Kunimi: -A, PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS
Akaashi: Between all of us, we have 3 braincells, none of them functional
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peachscribe · 3 years
peach’s summer book list
i had a lot of fun compiling the list of books i read during the 20-21 winter, so i decided i would do a summer one as well! i still have a lot of books i own but haven’t read, so im definitely not lacking in material
if you didn’t see my winter list, how my book list works is basically like this: i read a book that i own but have not previously read, write a short summary immediately after finishing the book, write down my thoughts on the book, and then provide a rating for the book. i also might include background info on why i read this particular book/feelings about the author, but that depends on the book. that’s how each entry works
without further ado, let’s get started!
1. Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
okay so i absolutely adore another book by andrew smith (written after grasshopper jungle) called the alex crow. it’s one of my favorite books of all time, so naturally i wanted to see if grasshopper jungle would make me feel similarly. just like the alex crow, grasshopper jungle’s plot is. so fucking weird. it stars austin szerba, a teenage polish kid who lives in ealing, iowa, and is often sexually confused regarding his girlfriend shann and his best friend robby. and in ealing, iowa, austin and robby accidentally and unknowingly unleash an unstoppable army of huge six-foot-tall praying mantis bugs that only want to do two things: fuck and eat. and i just have to say: andrew smith’s got an absolutely dynamo writing style. alex crow is similar, where it’s a book about kind of everything all at once, framed in a moment centering around teenage boys. it’s fantastic, and it’s more than a little gross, and i love it. this book made me feel so many things, and i thought austin was such an amazing narrator and main character to identify with. this book has it all: shitty teenage boy humor, fucked up science experiments, and poetic imagery that will make you want to cry. and explicit lgbt characters.
412/10 andrew smith what do you put in your water i just want to know
2. Burn by Patrick Ness
patrick ness has written a plethora of some of my favorite books (such as a monster calls, the chaos walking trilogy, and the rest of us just live here) so when i saw this one in the store i knew it would be a great one. burn is an alternate history fantasy that takes place in 1957 frome, washington, during the height of the cold war, and it begins with a girl named sarah and her father hiring a dragon to help out on their farm. but there’s not just dragons, farm living, and cold war tensions; there’s also a really shitty small town cop, a cult of dragon worshippers and their deadly teenage assassin, a pair of fbi agents, and a prophecy that sarah’s newly hired dragon claims she’s a part of. i think eoin colfer’s highfire was on my winter list, which also featured a story that included dragons and shitty cops, so when i first began burn i thought it was funny to have two books that had both things. you know, if you had a nickel etc etc. but that’s really where the similarities end because burn is entirely it’s own monster (dragon). burn is entirely invested in its world, and its fascinating. not only that, i had no clue where the book would take me next. there were so many surprises and amazing twists that honestly just blew me away. this book also includes beautifully written complicated discussions on family, race, and love - it features interracial and queer romances as the two most prominent romance plots which was such a nice surprise from a book i wasn’t expecting to have that kind of representation. this book is witty, fast-paced, and a very heartening read - i absolutely adored it.
9/10 dragons and becoming motivated by the power of love and friendship are so fucking cool
3. As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann
i hate this book! as meat loves salt is a historical fiction novel which takes place in seventeenth century england, which is going through a grisly civil war. the protagonist, jacob cullen, is a servant for a wealthy household and is engaged to another servant in the house. but due to certain events that are almost entirely jacob’s fault, he flees the house and is separated from his wife. from there, he joins the royal army and meets a kind soldier, ferris, and the two become fast friends. jacob and ferris’s relationship begins to bridge past friendly, and jacob struggles with his homoerotic feelings as well as the growing obsession and violence inside him. also, they try to start a colony. listen, i don’t know how to describe the book because so much happens, but it basically just follows jacob and all the terrible decisions he makes because he is, truly, a terrible person. ferris is kind and good, and jacob is scum of the earth. he sucks so bad. the entire time i was reading this book (which took absolutely so long), all i wanted was for jacob to just get his ass handed to him. i wanted to see him suffer. and it’s not like i just personally don’t like him - i believe the book purposefully depicts him as unsympathetic even though he is the narrator. i did enjoy the very in depth and accurate portrayal of what life would’ve been like in seventeenth century england, and i think it was interesting to read a character that is just the absolute worst person you’ve ever encountered and see him try and justify his actions, so if you enjoy that kind of thorough writing, then this book would be perfect for you. however, i did not see that bitch ass motherfucker jacob cullen suffer enough. i’d kill him with my bare hands.
2/10 diversity win! the worst man on earth is mlm!
4. This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab
i know ive had a friend tell me how great one of schwab’s other book series is, but truthfully i bought this book because the cover is sick as hell and it was on a table in the store that advertised for buy two get one free, i think. something like that. anyway, this savage song takes place in a future in which monsters, for whatever reason, suddenly became real and out for blood in a mysterious event nicknamed the phenomenon. august flynn is one of these monsters, but he takes no pride in that fact and only wants to feel human. kate harker is the daughter of a ruthless man and is trying her hardest to be ruthless, too, but deep down she knows it’s just an act. their city, verity, stands divided, and kate and august stand on either side - but when august is sent on a mission to befriend kate in the hopes of stopping an all out war, the lines begin to blur. this book rules. august and kate are such interesting and dynamic characters, and the narrative is familiar while still being capable of twisting the story around and taking the feet out from under you in really compelling ways. this savage song is part of the monsters of verity duology, and i can’t wait to dive into how the story continues and finishes.
11/10 sometimes you can judge a book by it’s cover
4a. Our Dark Duet by Victorian Schwab
this is the sequel and finale for this savage song and i’d figure i’d update everyone: fantastic ending, beautiful, showstopping, painful.
12/10 loved it and will definitely be keeping an eye out for schwab’s other books
5. White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi
oh boy. okay. white is for witching is about a house, and it is about the women who have lived inside of it. when her mother dies abroad, miranda silver begins to act strangely, and there’s nothing her father or her twin brother seem to be able to do about it. she develops an eating disorder and begins to hear voices in the silver family house, converted to a bed and breakfast by miranda’s dad; and she begins to lose herself in the house and the persistent presence of her family legacy. white is for witching switches perspective dizzingly and disorientingly between miranda, her twin eliot, miranda’s friend from school named ore, and the house itself. this story is a horror story as much as it as a tragedy as much as it is a romance as much as it is a bunch of other things. oyeyemi brings race, sexuality, nationality, and family into this story and forces you not to look away. this book is poetry.
(like i mentioned briefly, this book heavily deals with topics of race and closely follows miranda’s eating disorder. read responsibly, and take care of yourselves)
15/10 this book consumed me and i think i’ll have to read it another 10 more times to feel it properly
6. These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
okay. okay. strap in for a ride. these violent delights is a romeo and juliet style story, taking place in glittering 1920’s shanghai. the city stands divided - not only between the foreign powers encroaching on chinese land, but also between the scarlet gang and the white flowers, who are at the height of a generations-long blood feud. juliette cai, heir to the scarlets, has recently returned from four years abroad and is determined to prove herself ruthless enough to lead. roma montagov, heir to the white flowers, is standing strenuously on his place as next in line due to a slip up four years prior and is desperate to keep hold of his title. and in the midst of juliette and roma’s burning history with each other threatening to combust, an unnatural monster lurks in the waters of shanghai, loosing a madness on scarlets and white flowers alike. this book has it all - scorned ex lovers, political intrigue, deadly monsters, and all set on a glamorous backdrop of the roaring twenties. i absolutely was enraptured by this book and the way it plays around the story of romeo and juliet so well that it easily became it’s own monster, but with the punches and embraces of something classically shakespearan. gong does just an absolutely breathtaking job of fitting this fantastical story amid the larger world of shanghai and the real life historical events that had shaken the city to its core. completely immersive and outstandingly heart racing.
17/10 i was chewing on my fingernails for the last thirty pages and will continue to do so until the sequel is released (our violent ends, 16 nov 21)
7. The Antiques by Kris D’Agostino
you ever heard of the american dysfunctional family story? this is most definitely that. at the same time george westfall’s cancer takes a turn for the worse, a hurricane hits the east coast, and suddenly all at once the issues of his health, the hurricane, and all three of his children’s achingly dysfunctional adult lives are crashing into each other. reunited by george’s death, the westfall siblings have to face their grief, each other, and the problems in their own lives they attempted to put on hold while planning their father’s memorial. this is a nice story about grief and loss and love and somehow finding the humor amidst it all.
(this book does include a depiction of an autistic child who does experience several pretty bad meltdowns due to ignorant people around him not understanding how to cater to his needs. im not an authority on what depictions are or are not harmful, but i do believe this depiction is ultimately loving and well-intended.)
7/10 it made me laugh and cry and was generally one of those books that somehow hit you close to home
8. Fierce Fairytales by Nikita Gill
fierce fairytales is a poetry anthology that reimagines classic fairytales from a modern, feminist viewpoint, acknowledging that the line between hero and villain, monster and damsel, are not as clear cut as the classics try to make you believe. this book also includes illustrations done by the author herself, which i think is really cool. my personal favorite story reimagining was the story of peter pan and captain hook, called ‘boy lost’ which looked at how peter and hook’s relationship began and rotted. all in all, i think this collection of stories had a lot of important things to say and said them in frank, easy to understand poetry and prose.
7/10 beautiful message and pretty prose, but at times a little cliche
and that’s all from the summer! my fall semester starts tomorrow, and overall i feel very good about all the reading i did this summer. i even read four other books not on this list for work! so i definitely feel like i made the most out of my time, and im really glad i was able to read so many stories that made me feel a variety of different things
thanks so much for reading this list, and let me know if you read or have read any of these books and tell me what you think of them!
happy reading<3
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corpsentry · 4 years
january: an art retrospective
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i did some stuff last month (but it’s a lot of stuff and there’s a photodump + some Serious Fucking Reflection, so it’s all below the cut)
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so ok, let’s start with this. here are some heads. each head has a red arrow. that red arrow is what i call the red line of the devil. it’s the slope of the face from the side of the eye to the cheekbone and then down towards the chin. up until like 2 weeks ago, i couldn’t draw it. i couldn’t fucking draw it. i would edit over that part of the face over and over again until i was frustrated and tired and i had a raging homosexual headache and it still never looked right. notice that each head is different. notice that each head looks wrong.
at the start of 2021 i finally admitted to myself, as per the image above, that i was deeply, deeply unhappy with my art. what was the problem? i dunno. but i decided i was going to fix it and i was going to do so via another one scribble a day event wherein for every day of january i would find a photo of a human head, and i would draw it.
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january 1st, 2021. i was embarrassed to tweet this even on my private account where like 5 friends and a rock would see it. in retrospect, you can also see all of my bad habits emerging like dicks from a hole in the ground. it’s disproportionate. the brows look flat. the eyes are slanting upwards. the entire drawing looks flat, like this isn’t a 3d person but a caricature of one.
january 2nd, 3rd, 4th:
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on the 2nd i decided to start a separate thread for doodles and applied learning. here’s the first set of tests
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the rest of the week is kind of uneventful so we’re going to skip those. fast forward to january 11th
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this one is especially bad. i am acutely aware, suddenly, that i am not changing anything at all. i’m stressed and miserable about it because i’m still trying to see people as people and trying to draw people that look attractive and proportionate and hot. my friend, leny, reminds me that i need to think about faces in terms of planes. i have a moment. my other friend masha sends me some links to anatomy tutorials. i have another moment.
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january 11th. applied sketch
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january 13th is when i start the troubleshooting process. the link above drives me mad because i’m pretty happy with the face but then i realize that there’s something very fucking wrong with the shape of the head LOL and then i realize that i’ve never had any idea what the proportion of the face to the rest of the skull is so i grit my teeth and i open a new canvas and i
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bald studies. it seemed like the right thing to do. can’t draw heads? ok draw some heads. look at some photographs. i traced each photo but tried to stick to straight lines so that i could replicate the shapes more easily. i broke each face down into shapes. i thought about airplanes
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i got really excited. i started doing studies, then applied studies, then stylized studies.
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sketches. i’m not sure what’s going on (as always) and it’s very rough, but they look different from the sketches i did on january 2nd. that’s a start
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january 16th’s daily study. looks more like a person now. juuuuuust a bit
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more applied studies
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on the 18th i take a break and go stare at some lips because i don’t understand how the fuck they work. again, i focus on shapes, on volume, on the fact that these things exist in 3d. holy fuck lips exist in 3d. holy fuck we are real
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january 19th. i’m working on it.
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january 22nd. some sketches + a daily study. it has finally occurred to me that heads can tilt up and down and that things look different accordingly. yes i was not aware of this before. yes i have been drawing for over a decade.
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january 23rd. by this point after doing my daily sketch i almost always go back and do an applied study which is basically to say i drew a lot of fucking links. this one looks kind of okay. i’m kind of proud
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january 25th. links. trying to make sense of everything i’ve learned
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26th, 27th, 28th. daily studies
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january 1st. january 31st
The End Of The Photo Dump (dab)
ok NOW i get to talk about what i discovered while studying the shit out of human beings
FIRST OF ALL, there is something precious and magical about drawing shit without the explicit knowledge that you’re going to tweet that shit out to 45 people later. it takes the burden of perception off your shoulders and that does something to you, or at least that’s my theory. i told myself i wouldn’t post any of this stuff until the end of the month (if i wanted to post it at all) and kept everything off my public social media accounts and that meant i could draw ugly as hell without worrying about who would point and laugh, which i absolutely fucking did. a lot of these are fucking trainwrecks. most of these are fucking trainwrecks. why do they look like that?? why??? this doesn’t look like the work of someone who’s allegedly been drawing since they were in kindergarten, does it?????
here’s why: because that person took a huge motherfucking swing at everything they’d ever known about art and spent a month building something new in its place. the abstract explanation is that i grew up on shoujo and weird old anime and my understanding of anatomy was unironically kamichama karin and while i love kamichama karin, when kamichama karin is your rule even if you try to break it, you’re going to end up going nowhere. “you have to know the rules to break them”, yeah? well i didn’t know shit. the abstract explanation is i’ve been miserable about my art for a few years now because i saw other people doing things effortlessly which i couldn’t and instead of going back to the basics, i tried to do what they did (not plagiarism, mind you, i mean i literally tried to copy the red line of the devil i mentioned above because i couldn’t even make that happen) and then i fucking failed.
the simple explanation is this. i had to unlearn everything, and relearn it again (like some kind of new renaissance clown, what the fuck is this?)
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take this for example. all my life i’ve drawn faces in the order: eyes, nose, mouth, face shape, head. this works for some people, im aware, but it was something central to how i had always drawn, so i decentralized it. i said fuck you to the old me and changed the order up. now i start with the nose, then the eyes, mouth, the chin line, and the sides of the face. now i force myself to think about the human head as a series of parts interacting with each other instead of a bunch of disparate features which i want to look pretty.
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or let’s use this zelda from last year. something about this looked wrong last october, the way something about all of my drawings looked wrong, but i couldn’t pinpoint it for hell the way i couldn’t articulate Any of my feelings about the visual arts. now, looking back, here’s what i see. that nose is sticking out far too much given how she’s not really facing very far away from the camera. that ear at the back shouldn’t be there. her forehead is too big. she doesn’t have a forehead. what the fuck is up with the shape of her head?
so apparently reject modernity embrace tradition has its roots in alt-right terminology and i’m not very horny for the alt-right (you understand), but the spirit survives here. you know sometimes you have to admit that you have no idea what the fuck you’re doing and draw people for 31 days. i’ve spent my whole life drawing stylized people and while again there are artists who have no issue with this, i veered off the track of the Good and the Holy and couldn’t get back on. i had no point of reference because i’d never thought about what an actual human being looks like, so i had no way to fix what i knew in my gut looked wrong but wouldn’t come out better.
this was hard. this was like oikawa tooru swallowing his worthless pride and admitting that ushijima wakatoshi had gotten the best of him for the last time in his high school career, but in haikyuu!! by furudate haruichi oikawa tooru fucks off to argentina and then joins the argentinean national team, and you know what, i think i’ve made it to argentina (not the team just the country). as per the golden rule of dont fucking move until you’re at least two thirds of the way through the month, i only started trying to draw Shit shit on like the 22nd or something, but i was happy with that i created. i am happy with what i’ve done. i’ve posted like 2 things this month that involve people with what i now call ~applied Knowledge~~ and they’re, like, not perfect obviously (perfection is an unattainable ideal), but i’m fucking proud of them. i didn’t spend 5 hours hunched over my laptop adjusting the red line of the devil because it’s not a devil’s line anymore. because i finally sorta get how people work. because i sat down and i said ‘we are not going to fuck with this misery shit anymore’ and then i did that. it’s just a line now.
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here are 2 collages tracking my painstakingly carved out progress from january 2nd to february 2nd because i’m a slut for collages
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and here’s what i’ve done to my art! the same person drew these but also Not Really! you know! for the first time in a year i don’t immediately hate what i’ve drawn. you know what guys? art is fucking fun. zelda’s forehead doesn’t scare me anymore because i know how foreheads fucking work now, and i don’t know everything, and i’m going to keep troubleshooting stuff as i go (i want to draw a skeleton. like a. i want to draw a goddamn skeleton guys) but i’m honestly and genuinely proud of what i’ve done in the span of a month, and i’m also in disbelief. i started this month-long challenge out as a last ditch effort to make peace with my art because i’ve been tired for a long time and i was ready to kick the bucket on drawing people altogether. i didn’t think anything would happen. nothing’s happened for years. i’ve been miserable for years.
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this was the caption for january 1st, 2021. i was super, super fucking embarrassed and it looks like super fucking shit, but you know what, i think i did in fact triumph over the bullshit. surprisingly enough, when you put in consistent effort into something, You Will See Results. didn’t see that coming, did you? i know i didn’t.
this isn’t a success story. it’s a happiness story. i never gave a shit damn about the institute of art or whatever, i was just mad at myself because what i saw in my head didn’t match up with what was on the canvas. and now it’s getting better. now i’m calibrating the compass. now drawing not just backgrounds but also people is exciting to me, and i can stick my links in your face and tell you ‘they hot’. i’m going to keep doing that. i’m going to keep going until i drop off the side of the earth and then spiral towards mars like some kind of fairy, and then i’m going to create something beautiful.
thanks for reading. here’s a pr department link for sticking around until the end
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kozozaki · 4 years
We really fucked up this time - Ranboo x Reader Chapter 4
Y/n will be a little touchy with Tubbo this chapter (Tubbo and Tommy throughout the story) Y/n is just really comfortable around them and I don't have a better way of showing that than them hugging and stuff. Everything with anyone that isn't Ranboo is platonic no matter how much it doesn't seem like it.
Y/n hadn’t been to L’manburg in a couple of days, she didn’t want to be there until she was required to. Ranboo came over that day as he promised, it was really sweet of him to offer. Y/n must admit, she didn’t realize how lonely she was over there until Ranboo showed up, it was nice having someone over who she got along with.
She was just barely missing the qualifications to be considered late. She rushed to the holy lands, where the meeting room was, “Y/n, you’re here! I didn’t think you would want to come after, the other day,” Fundy said.
“Umm, yeah, I’m sorry, I broke down for no real reason. B-But I’m fine now,  I promise!” Ranboo had comforted her a lot when he was there.
“It’s perfectly fine Y/n. Are you okay though, really? If you have a nervous breakdown in the middle of the meeting, I’ll feel responsible, please, tell the truth, Y/n,” Tubbo made her feel guilty, but it wasn’t completely a lie, she was feeling better for the most part.
She nodded, “I promise, Tubbo.”
“Big Q and Fundy, you will be seated on the left side, Y/n and Tommy will be seated on the right, Tommy, you will be next to me,” Tubbo informed. Everyone nodded and prepared themselves to enter the room, as the atmosphere was already tense, they couldn’t imagine how it would be in there. Y/n gave Connor a confused look. He shrugged as if to say, ‘I don’t know why but I’m here’.
They entered the blackstone building, Y/n’s anxiety rising by the second at the sight of her older brother. They all sat in their designated spots.
After a moment of silence, Dream spoke, “Hello,” they all greeted him in return, some more hesitant than others, “Did you bring a book and quill?”
“We need the minute man,” Tubbo said. Y/n blinked in confusion until Ranboo came through the door holding a book and quill. She smiled nervously at him. She couldn’t tell, but Ranboo felt extremely guilty, she looked so uncomfortable, and he was the one who pushed her to go to that meeting. 
Tubbo and Dream began discussing the possibility of Tommy being exiled and the walls, but Y/n zoned out when she heard Tommy breathing heavily next to her. She grabbed his hand to calm him, and it helped, but not great.
Dream began to say that Tommy couldn’t curse towards anyone and he lashed out at him, “You can’t silence my swearing you motherfucker!”
To which Y/n yanked his hand downwards and he groaned in pain, “Tommy you have to learn to shut the fuck up when you need to, okay?” She scolded him, he was like a brother to her, she didn’t want him to be exiled.
“Fine, jesus…” he breathed out. Y/n zoned out once again, for who knows how long, not noticing what was happening until Tommy started taking apart the table.
“Tommy what are you doing?! This is the exact opposite of what I just told you!” He ignored her still and stood on a makeshift podium.
“Dream, you idiot. You walk around all day, thinking you’re the shit. This isn’t some insanity thing, I’m not going down Wilbur’s path, I’m not getting exiled, because my friend, you have nothing of mine. But Dream, a long time ago, I got something of yours.”
“Tommy…” Y/n whispered, not loud enough for him to hear. She was scared, he had no idea what he was doing. Tubbo put a comforting hand onto her shoulder, “Tubbo, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
“It’s okay, Y/n,” she nodded slowly, she had no reason not to listen to Tubbo. She had no reason to not listen to anyone in the room, everyone had been there for her and helped her.
Tommy paced towards the enderchest, “Dream are you familiar with your old pet horse? What was its name, Dream?” Dream pulled out an axe and Y/n put her hand out to stop him but Tubbo pulled her back, and she melted into the slightly taller boy's arms. Her head rested on his shoulder as a few anxious tears fell from her face. He wasn't gonna let Dream kill Tommy, but if he couldn't prevent it, he sure as hell wouldn't let Y/n see it.
“Kill me all you want Dream, kill me all you want, what was it’s name?” Y/n seethed at the boy’s confidence that she used to admire before it got them into shitty situations like the one he was in now.
“I can’t it’s the holy ground,” Dream said. Y/n let go of Tubbo and turned around. His voice was uncharacteristically quiet. There was no way he still cared, he didn’t care about anything, even his sister, why would he care about a horse that died months ago? 
“What was it’s name, Dream?” 
There was a small moment of silence, “Spirit,” he stated. Y/n knew better, she knew he was only pretending to have trouble saying Spirit’s name, pretending to have trauma attached to that name. But she didn’t speak up about it. No one would believe her.
“Spirit, ‘Tommy confirmed,” Months ago, months ago, I retrieved Spirit’s remains, an item that means so very much to you. You don’t have anything on me anymore, not even the discs! And I’ve been holding onto this for so long. You have nothing on us anymore.”
“Tommy, you’re speaking out of line,” it pissed Y/n off when Tubbo spoke like a president, like he was more entitled than Tommy and her, even though he was more entitled. And he was correct, Tommy was speaking out of line. She wanted nothing more than to be with her friends without any issues, just like it was in the summer.
“I can speak out of line, what does he have on us, what does he have on us?!” Tommy repeated, not understanding why nobody else was contributing to his detestable words towards the man. 
“He has the power to destroy our nation, you’re being selfish Tommy, you’re acting like the bad guy here,” Y/n had it up to here with Tubbo’s hurtful words towards Tommy, he was one of the most selfless people she knew even if he didn’t seem like it.
“No no, Tubbo, listen, he’s had my discs all this time, he’s had the high ground, but Spirit is the one thing he actually cares about, he doesn’t have anything on us, alright? As long as we speak to Skeppy and Purpled before him, which we can do easily, Tubbo, you have one of them, we’ll have all four discs!” Y/n looked up from the ground, was it truly that simple? Dream took her discs, wait and chirp when she fought alongside Tommy, Sapnap, and Tubbo that day.
“Everyone thinks I’m out of line, everyone thinks I’m being naive, no. Dream, you don’t have anything on me anymore. You don’t have the discs.”
“But he has shit on us!” Fundy argued.
“Tommy, what if I get it, Tommy? Right now I have nothing, but what if I get it?” Dream tried to threaten.
“Cause Dream, I can burn Spirit,” Dream visibly tensed at Tommy’s sheer lack of care, “Why is no one else freaking out right now?”
The room devolved into Quackity, Tubbo, Tommy and Fundy talking over each other, “Well Dream you don’t have anything on me, and I have Spirit on you. And this is the only item that means anything to you now, and it’s in my possession.”
While listening closely to Tommy venting to make sure he didn’t fuck up any more than he already had, Y/n made her way across the room over to Ranboo. He had his sunglasses off once more, and by looking closer she had noticed that his left sclera was black and his right was the normal white. His eyes also had a soft glow to them. She realized she had been staring at him and her face was quickly covered in a red hue as she muttered curses at herself, halfway hiding behind Ranboo and half hugging him from his side. 
Ranboo looked down and smiled sadly, she was getting stressed again, he could tell by the way her hands were shaking slightly as they clasped together on the other side of his torso. She looked up at him, her breath feverish and her eyes moving around his face sporadically. He ran his hand through her hair, attempting to calm her down. He set his hand onto her shoulder since that always seemed to work more than other things. Her frantic breathing patterns had ceased, but her shaking stayed. He decided to leave her alone and let her hug him. Since that first time they had hugged each other, it seemed to be one of Y/n’s favourite things to do. Besides, he could always help her more later.
She shifted her focus onto the conversation happening elsewhere in the room, “Tommy, tell him what he has to do,” Fundy spoke, no longer wary of joining Tommy’s side.
“Dream. You’ve got to take down those walls,” Tommy ordered, Big Q and Fundy chuckling in delight, Dream had finally been put in his place. At least that’s how they viewed the situation, “Let’s go, we don’t need the holy land for protection anymore,”
“This is a really bad idea,” Y/n agreed with Tubbo, it was relieving to see her cruel older brother finally at everyone else’s level, but it was all a ruse. He didn’t care about Spirit. But she didn’t say anything about it. She loved seeing Tommy happy like this, but if she said anything while he was in this mood, he would either not listen or it would put him in an unbearably upset mood. She knew it would be apparent why she was so silent during the meeting in a few minutes regardless.
They all stood there just outside of L’manburg. Fundy and Quackity were just making fun of him, “Well Tommy- ugh,” Dream groaned in annoyance, knowing he couldn’t make a sufficient rebuttal, “Tommy, if I get a- grr,” Tommy made a surprised laugh, taking pride in the fact that Dream couldn’t do anything. Y/n scoffed and turned away back towards the direction of the museum. His difficulty speaking was patently fake, why was it just her that realized it? Her eyes became cold and dull to anyone who didn’t bother looking closer. She was so frustrated, she couldn’t do anything. Tommy and Tubbo are the only ones that ever took her seriously, but they’re both being arrogant. 
She only turned back around towards the walls when she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around to see Ranboo towering over her with a sweet, nervous smile. She returned it the best she could, and Ranboo snaked behind her. Y/n saw a small section of the walls being torn down by her brother and smiled a little. It wouldn’t last long, but when he wasn’t being unruly, it was nice to see Tommy proud of himself.
Dream stood still, before beginning to place back the obsidian that he had been forced to mine. Tommy, Fundy and Big Q were bewildered, Y/n looked guilty, and Tubbo was indifferent, they both knew it was bound to happen, “Y/n? Y/n you have a really guilty look on your face right now, did you do something?” Tommy asked very quickly, “Or- You knew that this was gonna happen. Didn’t you?”
She looked away with an even guiltier expression, laced with a sad smile as she watched her older brother build the walls even higher, “Why didn’t you say anything!? I would’ve stopped if you’d just say something!”
“Because I like seeing you happy,” Y/n sniffled, “and if I told you he didn’t actually care, you would either ignore me because you were being arrogant, or you would be upset. So I just didn’t say a thing,” Tommy looked at the girl with sad eyes as Dream jumped down from the walls in front of them.
“Tommy. Listen, you fucked up this time,” Tommy asked him not to swear, “No, Tommy. I don’t give a fuck about Spirit, I don’t give a fuck about anything actually, I care about the discs. I care more about your discs than you do! That’s the only thing I care about actually! I don’t care about Spirit, Spirit was my horse, died ages ago. I care about the discs, cause that’s what gives me power over you, your friends, and everybody that you care about because you care about the discs more than anyone else here. So if you are not exiled from L’manburg, I will build these walls until I can’t anymore! I will keep everybody inside, I will hire guards, Punz and Sapnap to patrol all around the walls keeping them inside. No trade, no one leaves, no armour or they get slaughtered inside,” Y/n was grinding her teeth against each other, Dream was pissing her off. They both had slight anger issues, like brother like sister, “Don’t try and threaten me! I don’t care, I have lost all care for anything in this world-”
“Really, so if I burn Spirit, right now, you wouldn’t care-”
“Burn Spirit, right in front of me right now!” That was it. Y/n couldn’t take any more of him yelling at Tommy, and she snapped. In one swift movement, she was in front of Dream, holding the flat of her gleaming netherite sword to his neck, effectively putting decent space between him and Tommy.
“Quit shouting at Tommy Clay!” She could only see one of his eyes from behind his cracked mask, but they told her everything she needed to know. He was taken aback, he seemed to have temporarily forgotten how much she cared about Tommy. She used his real name, that even she rarely used, and she only used it when she was beyond pissed. She wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if he tried anything, he knew that for sure. Despite being nearly a foot shorter than him, she was a threat to everyone if they pissed her off or hurt or offended someone she cares about. Dream’s eyes flicked over to Ranboo, someone else she seemed to care about a great deal, “Don’t you fucking dare,” she spat, knowing what that look meant.
“You wouldn’t kill me, you’re too-”
“I would,” she said simply, with a sick smile, “I would kill you. Half those discs are mine too, I couldn’t care less if you lost one, or two, or all three of your lives.”
“Well this is the only thing you’ve had attachment to this entire time, how do I know you aren’t fucking lying?” Tommy stated shakily.
“I have an attachment to you and Y/n’s discs.”
“What- Why would you care about them, they’re ours, why do you even care about them?”
“No no no, Tommy, they’re my discs,” the edge of Y/n’s blade pressed further against his neck, just a bit more pressure and it would puncture his skin, “I’ll get them, I’ll keep them, and I’ll put them in my enderchest for the rest of your lives. Listen Tubbo,” Y/n took her sword away from his neck and walked back towards Ranboo only to be engulfed in a hug. She faced the scene while leaning her back into his chest (or waist? I don’t fucking know he’s too tall. ribcage?). “You have three days. If you don’t exile him in three days, I’ll do what I said.”
“What does that entail, what the fuck do you mean?” Tommy asked.
“L’manburg can be independent, but L’manburg can’t be free,” Dream answered simply. Dream stopped talking and immediately went to raise the walls.
“Tommy you had one job. You had one job. To be positive, to be peaceful. And you messed it up,” Tubbo criticised. 
“You fucked up,” Quackity whispered, “You really fucked this up now Tommy-”
“No this is on you two as well!” Tubbo shouted at Fundy and Quackity, and they all argued for a moment while Tommy just stood there, watching Dream build up the walls, bewildered at what had just occurred. Y/n huffed at the sight, Ranboo just held her tighter to his chest.
“Tubbo he’s only doing this so he can get under your skin to get you to turn on me,” Tommy tried to tell him but he wouldn’t listen.
“No, he’s very clearly doing this to get the discs, cause he wants them.”
“You guys are idiots, he wants Tommy as far away from L’manburg as possible, while also getting the discs to gain control of Tommy and I,” Y/n affirmed quickly. They both turned towards the girl who was rested in Ranboo’s arms, that was standing behind Tubbo, both giving her a baffled look, “What? You guys didn’t realize that?” Her face was covered in blush as she realized how weird it must look to them that out of nowhere Ranboo and her were so comfortable with each other within less than a week of him being here when it took her at least a month to hug even Tommy. She exhaled in relief when they turned away, but also grief when they started arguing.
“You couldn’t do one thing for me, Tommy! And it was for your own good! So you know what, if the roles were reversed as you said, yeah, you probably wouldn’t have exiled me, because I would’ve actually listened to you and done what you said! And maybe had a couple ounces of respect! You’ve messed this up for no one but yourself,” There was an agonizing silence after Tubbo’s line, but as much as it angered Y/n seeing Tommy pushed around, it was the painstaking truth. Tommy had no one to blame but himself and Dream, “It’s selfish.”
“I’m gonna say it now,” Big Q sighed, “What’s happened has happened, there’s no going back.  What do we do next?”
“We have three days-”
“Tubbo-” Tommy started.
“I don’t want to exile you, okay?!” Tubbo yelled.
“This whole war, all of this, L’manburg, everything. This has started way before L’manburg, me you and Y/n versus Dream. This can’t be where we split now, you can’t- it’s always been us three, man, we can’t- C’mon, please, you-,” Y/n zoned out until Ranboo spoke up for Tommy.
“Tubbo, you said that Tommy was selfish. You said that Tommy doesn’t care about anyone else, well that’s not true. I robbed George’s house too. I did it with Tommy. But in court, he said that it was just him. He could’ve pinned the blame on me, there was evidence that it was me. But he didn’t. He’s not selfish. Me and Tommy robbed George’s house, we didn’t mean for it to burn. We didn’t mean to burn anything down.”
“Tommy, is this true?”
“Yeah. It is.”
“He covered for me. He’s not selfish. Calling him selfish after what he did, I’ve only been on here for about five days, is it? That’s not selfish. Tommy isn’t selfish-”
“Ranboo, stop,” Y/n said, no longer leaning into him but standing up on her own with his arms around her, “Stop trying to pretend like I wasn’t there too.”
“Why didn’t we question Y/n? She’s always the one who causes most of the damn fires around here anyway,” Big Q said. 
“You didn’t even think about it? The girl who’s nickname is literally firebug? I didn’t burn it down, and neither did Tommy or Ranboo. I simply burned a tree, went back to George’s home and the outside was burning. Both Tommy and Ranboo were inside, there was no way they could’ve started it,” she left out a few details, of course, but it wasn’t like they could fact check it.
“Tubbo I’ve put the discs aside for so long, I think for once, now that Wilbur’s gone, now that the dictator, the man who has exiled us before, Schlatt, is gone. Tubbo you can’t turn into what you hate. You can’t be the next Schlatt. If you exile me, you’re following in that mans footsteps.”
“Well, as long as I can’t be the next Schlatt, you can’t be the next Wilbur,” Y/n’s eyes narrowed, he really had the audacity to compare Tommy to Wilbur. Quackity started talking and she left, she’d had enough of her brother’s bullshit for one day.
OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN’T UPDATED IN NEARLY A MONTH! I’ve been meaning to write but this chapter was especially difficult. I probably updated too quick in the beginning, giving out chapters every two or three days like they were candy. I’ll probably start updating around once a week. Also if anyone would like to draw fanart for this book that would be very pog, my discord is in my bio!
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bisluthq · 3 years
Also, is it true that Taylor started this whole thing with YNTCD because Todrik asked her how she would react if her son was gay and she thought she wasn't supporting LGBT people enough or something like that lol?
Well that’s what she said in her mess of a Vogue interview where even the journalist got confused because she was making like negative amounts of sense lol. At one point the journalist lists all the shit Tay did as an ally and is like that triangle math lady right she’s like “what the fuck is this girl talking about even” like dudes idk.
If Taylor is an ally she’s genuinely one of the worst allies in entertainment. She makes it about herself, she says shit like “our pride” and “gay pride makes me me”, she thinks homophobes are poor people, she doesn’t give a shit when her fans are doxxing gay kids who think James is a girl (and I’ve explained like I KNOW it is a boy for her, it’s a boy for ME TOO but like Taylor Nation could’ve reblogged the pretty comic with the lesbians right and just spotlighted cool art and endorsed alternate readings on main since the characters are FICTIONAL like even JKR managed a “Rowling loves Black Hermione!” tweet when there was backlash and if Rowling is woker than u idk man you’re a whole entire Princess Aurora), the shoutout to the bi flag was on her motherfucking head instead of going on a bi person like… besties… idk man like the reason I really vibe with a fruity Swift is if she is in fact 100% straight like she’s genuinely dumb as a rock and I’d prefer to live in a world where someone that kind and caring gave more of a fuck about people like me.
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wavebiders · 3 years
Final episode thots
Mathias and Nina really could have used more development but I do like them
I really do feel a sense of national pride about the coolest motherfuckers in this show being basically Dutch people
Commentary from the father "Evil. Pure evil" @shadow man
Jesper my beloved
Zoya is another character I feel could have used a bit more time to be fleshed out but I get they only had 8 episodes and some corners had to be cut
Mal and Alina should just run away with the Crows and become criminals. I would watch that show. Come on, fantasy Leverage
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I have a lot of feelings about katara and aangs children in Legend of Korra, and most of them are katang positive.
I see a lot of posts saying that aang and kataras parenting style was unrealistic and aang would never blah blah blah but I think those people are really missing the point and nuance of bumi, kya, and tenzins characters.
Let's start with Bumi. Never once do we hear aang or katara say anything bad about bumi. But bumi feels bad. It's clear he feels like he failed his father for not bei ng an airbender. Aang probably showered him with affection and love, same as his other children. But bumi, being the oldest saw AND UNDERSTOOD, the joy and pride of aangs face when tenzin first airbent. Bumi was jealous. Aang, being one of the two air benders on the planet had to train tenzin, ofc, and with his full time republic city duties, suddenly was strapped for time. Bumi probably felt that so personally, it probably felt like a let down and like he let his father down. The only problem that aang is guilty of is not seeing how bumi was hurting, he should have been able to see through bumi brave face (not wanting to disappoint his father more probably) and helped him through it. But no parent, no matter how spiritual, is perfect.
Bumi and kataras "problems" are probably similar. Katara had less "my child is the only hope of my nation" vibes when kya was born, but she was happy to have a water bender in the family nonetheless. Katara probably took time to train kya, along with aang. Like any older sibling, he probably felt left out - pretty normal sibling stuff. The biggest difference between bumi and regular sibli ng s is the bending aspect. I imagine bumi had a lot of support and influence from Zuko and sokka when becoming a navy general. Sokka impressed aang again and again with his strategy, jokes, and thinking (and Zuko had a navy) and bumi saw an opportunity to impress his father. Aang already loved him and was proud, but Bumi didnt feel it - and that's key to his character.
Kya is a bit simpler I think. Of course aang was happy/proud she was a water bender. His wife/one of the most powerful benders ever was a water bender. Because Katara was a water bender kya felt close to her always (she even moved to the southern tribe to be with her mother when aang died). The only time we really see kyas confidence crack is when the siblings argue about who was the responsible one and kya argued her case BECAUSE the boys were so stuck on how to impress their father that she felt burdened with making sure they were all happy and stayed together in the long run. Kya felt like she had to care/look out for her brothers when they felt like they weren't good enough for their parents (her brand of love/affection is a lot more like tophs than aangs tbh).
And tenzin, TENZIN. damn, aang was probably so happy to pass on the airbender gifts. Without realizing it he put a lot if pressure on tenzin. Imo, Tenzin and lins relationship suffered (and lasted way longer than it should have) in part because tenzin was afraid of NOT finding someone to have a family with and pass on airbending. Tenzin meditated for hours EVERYDAY and never ONCE entered the spirit world. He was trying soooooo goddamn hard to live up to his father's expectations and legacy when his father was the mOTHERFUCKING AVATAR!. of COURSE he is going to simultaneously have delusions of grandeur mixed with severe feelings of inadequacy.
So yes, katara and aang could have addressed these feelings early on in childhood. But by LoK book 1, aang has been dead for like 18 years, and katara is nothing but proud and "your father would be proud."
Childhood emotions are strong - really strong. And I am sure that when aang died all three children regressed considerably. But I also believe that aang and katara were nothing but attentive and loving parents - that made mistakes, like all parents do.
Feel free to contend any points with me, I have strong feelings.
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Alright, tagging system check under read more if any of u ever need to find a post i reblogged or shut up my constant rambling:
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# boo’s 500 blogs- self-promo for one of my blogs/sideblogs
#friemds tag- me and my friends goofing around or just vibing
# d0n’t r3bl0g. thnx ^-^  - self-explanatory. please don’t reblog anything under this tag
# replies- chain post
# good art- fanart
# aesthetic- other people’s edits and photography
# other people’s fics- fic recs/ to be read list
# other people’s writing- drabbles added to my posts/ submitted to me
# other people’s aus- posts/asks about aus that aren’t mine
# other people’s ocs- people talking about their original characters
# other people’s headcanons- headcanons i think are cool, but don’t align with my own
# other people’s art- artistic additions to one of my posts
# watch what happens next- posts related to @/theparadisemotel
Character tags:
# hyperion's eye- Jet Star
# paris in flames- Fun Ghoul
# ares’ pride- Kobra Kid
# reinventing icarus - Party Poison
# sunshine- The Girl
# killer glamour- Show Pony
# tapedeck gunner- Dr. Death-Defying
# coyote snarl motherfucker- Cherri Cola
# dreaming electric sheep- NewsAGoGo
# sea glass rebel- DJ Hot Chimp
# nightshift fly- Tommy Chow Mein
# radiostar- Mad Gear
# revolution’s bastard- Val Velocity
# dialtone cadet- Volume
# crescent moon- Vamos
# shooting star- Vaya
# shadow of the past- Vinyl
# diamond wings- Red
# golden tears- Blue
# posterchildren misbehave- Korse
# burning heart- Flare
# blizzard’s eye- Sprawl
# jetset lies- The Director
# ashen feathers- The Phoenix Witch
# electric soul- Destroya
# technicolor anomaly- Mousekat
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— isn’t that amycus carrow? yeah that is them, outside the three broomsticks! they used to be in slytherin but apparently they now work as a wizengamot seat holder. sybill once said that they reminded her of anger – cold, righteous, violent, unceasing; a set of twins held together with linked fingers from the cradle to the grave; the bitter resentment of the son who can never get anything right no matter how hard he does or doesn't try, so why bother; and a sculpture reworked into something more remarkable, which seems about right. anyway i’ve heard they’re still a bit obstinate, abrasive, and dark-humorured. they’re twenty six now but some things never change! i wonder how being a pureblood is affecting them after school, especially now they’re a marked death eater? i guess only time will tell… — playlist || pinterest 
→ NAME: amycus apollo carrow → NICKNAMES: carrow, am, ams, amy, bastard, etc (it’s a long list, most aren’t kind) → AGE / D.O.B.: 26 / 31 october 1950 (soon to be 27) → SPECIES: pureblood wizard → GENDER / PRONOUNS: cismale / he&him → SEXUALITY: not up for discussion → RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single and slutty
FAMILY → PARENTS: alcaeus and calliope carrow → SIBLINGS: alecto → COUSINS: none? → PETS: family owls; panther: despina (he loves her); does mookie count as a pet? (the elf says no, but amycus says yes)
LIFESTYLE → BORN:   swindon  , england → RAISED:   england, primarily, but they have a lot of properties and he doesn’t care enough to really think this one out. he likes the house in greece. → CURRENT RESIDENCE:  swindon → NATIONALITY: english, → LANGUAGES: english, russian, bulgarian, greek, french, german, sarcasm, etc → OCCUPATION:  wizengamot seat holder; completed hitwix training, and was looking forward to the dream job, but was unable to accept the position; thanks dick dad → DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: yes, yes, yes  → RELIGION: he believes in something, but he won’t tell you what
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES → FACE CLAIM: tyler hoechlin → ETHNICITY: caucasian → HEIGHT: 6′0 → WEIGHT: 210 lbs → BUILD: broad, athletic, stocky   → HAIR: black, short → EYE COLOR: green → DOMINANT HAND: right → SCENT: pine, bergamot, and lemon → NERVOUS HABITS: paces, glares, picks fights (but he does that anyways)
CHARACTER → MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral evil → MBTI: estj → WESTERN ZODIAC: scorpio → SONG: motherfucker got fucked up - folk uke  //  getting away with murder - papa roach
MAGIC → WAND(S): cyprus, doxy wings, 10″, sturdy - picked him at 11; ebony, basilisk skin, 13″, rigid - heirloom wand goes with the wizengamot seat. amycus uses both, daily. → PATRONUS: he can’t make one → BOGGART:  looking into the mirror and seeing his father’s face - then, behind that (over his shoulder) he can see the people he loves, limp, as he’s taken their lives.
he’s the oldest twin and yes it fucking matters
he’s also one of the biggest bastards in this bitch and that matters too
to him, but whatever. you don’t earn a reputation for being as awful as amycus without putting some elbow grease and pride into what you do.
surrounded by a dorm full of other bastards amycus would say he had a pretty good time with the bros back in his school days
and yeah, he was a bully.
he was the first carrow marked - being the older twin does have perks (he’s not 100% sure this was one of them but he wasn’t  mad about it either, since he got marked with bas) 
S L Y T H E R S L U T (that didn’t change either, but he might, that’s up to him)
alecto has always been his number one - don’t test this. stop testing this.
loves to build a swamp and/or flood rooms/floors/homes as a petty vengeance
he’s real fuckin petty let’s put it that way
home has never been kind or happy, and since reaching adulthood, amycus (and alecto, usually, they come as a package, always) prefers to live wherever his father is not.
for most of their lives, amycus has taken the brunt of the responsibility and the consequences – even when it wasn’t his fault, he’ll always take the blame for her. 
he can’t stand to see her hurt, so it goes without saying that he couldn’t bear to see her punished for anything -- and the twins were punished a lot over the years.
again, amycus, primarily, but this is because, at the end of the day, most of their problems can be traced back to him, and he refuses to let anyone lay a hand on his sister, whoever that person may be, when he can stop it
by that alone he spoiled her, keeping her from learning about consequences of her actions, though he’ll never say he regrets it
but where their parents continually let them down, they’ve always made up for it for each other.
one day, amycus plans to kill his father, but until that day he bides his time
he’s a dick to almost everyone but he does genuinely care about people
he likes to fight
loves it
he doesn’t need a reason to fight you
he will just throw hands in your general direction
you’ve heard the term, “if you’re good at something, never do it for free?”
well, amycus, is so good at fucking people up, he decided he should make a career out of it.
he couldn’t wait to join the hit-wix training program, and he made it all the way through with excellent marks, only to be gifted the family wizengamot seat on the twins’ 23rd birthday.
he never wanted it, but he’s not allowed to hand it to his sister – and even he knows that’s for the best
surprisingly, you know, amycus is the stable twin.
well, the more stable twin.
marriage has never been something on amycus’ to-do list, and he’s ruined MANY betrothals 
if he calls you by a nickname feel special
he likes cats and stops to pet every cat he comes across and dares you to judge him for it
he hates his parents (he’d be a momma’s boy if his mother wasn’t useless)
has a stabbing problem
(he wouldn’t call it a problem, he’d call it a solution)
prefers the not literature in any …. oddities shop, shall we say
**** can conjure and control fiendfyre****
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
For all heroes, how many would punch out their best friend or master for 100,000 dollars or the equivalent of yen?
Thanks for the request, anon! ❤️❤️
Disclaimer: this is hella crack lol
Would do it:
Tornado of Terror: The closest thing she has to a group of friends is her dumbass coworkers and she thinks about merkin these hoes at least 87 times a day. It doesn’t help that she can make everyone’s head explode with a sideways glare either. You’re gonna have to pay her NOT to rock everyone’s shit at some point. She’s tired.
Silverfang: it’s canon he beat the shit out of Charanko just so the little fucker wouldn’t get tied up in the Garou situation (which backfired horribly), so he’d definitely uppercut the poor bastard for 100,000 big ones and then give Charanko like 15% of it (plus a firm handshake) as reparations. Silverfang also has an older brother. So, speaking as someone who also, unfortunately, has an older brother, I can say with absolute certainty that he’d punch Bomb for free. Maybe not now, but definitely when they were both younger.
Atomic Samurai: his best friends are his disciples. I’d be lying if I said he didn’t occasionally slap Iaian upside the head in a mom sort of way when the young lad first starting training. He doesn’t do that anymore now that Iaian’s gotten older and more disciplined, but Bushidrill, however, has been a fucknut since day one and Kami ain’t gonna miss the chance to kick that fucker down the stairs for some money.
Child Emperor: his only friend is none other than the absolute disaster, Zombieman. Child Emperor would be really hesitant to rock his shit at first, but Zman would convince him to do it because A: he’s immortal and couldn’t possibly die and B: 100k is a fuckton of money and one little punch is well worth it. So, Child Emperor does it, breaks Zombieman’s nose, and they both happily split the cash. No hard feelings.
Metal Knight: would nuke a small island nation for some boneless wings.
Zombieman: the closest thing to a best friend he has is his adoptive bastard, Child Emperor, and he’d lightly suplex tap the kid in the face, then split the cash evenly as an apology. Child Emperor would be hella salty at first, but then consider it a sound financial decision soon after. No hard feelings.
Drive Knight: see Metal Knight.
Pig God: it’s simple. More money = more nom noms.
Watchdog Man: tell me you don’t look into those pitch black, lifeless eyes and see death and suffering. He’d rock someone’s shit for free. Anyone. All this bitch does is sit on a rock all day, just waiting around for someone to try him. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to knock some poor fucker’s face unconscious for some money when he does it for a bootyass paycheck 24/7. Motherfucker is ruthless.
Flashy Flash: like Tatsumaki, the closest thing to a group of best friends this lonely bitch has is his dumbass coworkers. Although he’d really rather not engage in a one-on-one deathmatch with anyone, he wouldn’t say no to it if there was a hefty sum of money on the line and/or if he was sure he could win (because ninja pride).
Tanktop Master: he’d refuse because he would never lay a hand on one of his homies, but the entirety of the Tanktop Gang all volunteer regardless. 100k is a fuckton of money and they’d all gladly risk a concussion for it. So, he would do it, but only to someone he’s sure could take the hit. Then, they’d all split the cash evenly and go out for drinks. No hard feelings.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: he’s all about non-consensual touching! All the better if he gets paid for it!
Amai Mask: see Flashy Flash. Although, he would be the one to engage a one-on-one deathmatch with someone for free, let alone a fuckton of cash. It’s canon that he was ready to risk it all and throw down with Metal Bat and Flash just because they dissed his shit, imagine if he actually had another motivation? No survivors.
Bushidrill: would push Kami down the stairs for free.
Fubuki: Like the Tanktop Gang, everyone in the Blizzard Group would gladly volunteer to get punched if it meant they all get to split 100k. This is a really easy decision to make because Fubuki isn’t super strong muscle-wise like Tanktop Master is, so there’s no real risk factor involved. She’d punch someone, they’d say “ouchie” and then they’d all go about their business a little bit richer. Probably gonna put that money towards buying a small herd of cars to match the one they already have in order to engage in T A C T I C A L C A R P O O L I N G, of course.
Little bitches that wouldn’t do it:
King: he wouldn’t do it, but only because all of his friends are ultra-powerful godlike people that could obliterate his atoms without even breaking a sweat. This dude is too timid to ask for extra ketchup packets, let alone ask anyone of his coworkers/friends if he could punch them for 100k (and even if he did summon the courage to ask, he’d give himself away with how weak his punches are). The only person he’d feel comfortable enough with asking would be Saitama, but his knuckles would probably turn to dust if he punched Saitama.
Metal Bat: Zenko would propose a joint agreement that includes her giving Badd permission to punch her lightly and then split the money evenly. Badd would refuse because he knows he would accidentally give her a concussion and that’s a big no-no. If he didnt have overwhelming strength, however..... he still wouldn’t do it because that’s his baby precious little angel sister and he’d rather be caught dead than hurt a hair on her little precious baby angel head.
Genos: would NEVER hurt Saitama. The fact that someone would even CONSIDER—
Iaian and Okamaitachi: would never lay a hand on Atomic Samurai because they both respect the shit out of him and know he��d rock their shit without even hesitating.
Saitama: If he wasn’t basically God incarnate, it would be an instant yes. However, a punch from him is a death sentence. It would be a really hard decision for him to make because 100k could turn his life around for sure, but he’s not willing to kill anyone for it.
Mumen Rider: baby
Superalloy Darkshine: see above
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rhynehoward · 3 years
“I think it’s an ugly part of that city. Their fandom is cruel. There’s a pride in how mean they can be. They file it under caring but it can be very cruel”
dan le batard on philly fans after their treatment of simmons
literally don’t understand how anyone in philly is denying this lmao IT’S KNOWN (NOTORIOUS!!!!!!!!) TO BE A HORRIBLE PLACE TO PLAY. CAUSE THE FANS ARE A BUNCH OF CUNTS
???? why would you deny this lmao are they in denial or do they think their behaviour is normal or appropriate like ‘we’re so passionate/we care sooo much/we’re so knowledgeable’ GO FUCK YOURSELF. what a load of bullshit
no free agents want to play there!!!!!!!!!!! i wonder why that is. only so many players can go to play for the la teams or new york teams. philly is a huge ass market and still no one has EVER wanted to go????????? wonder why. what could it possibly be
and like the amount of pressure and expectation they put on players is INSANE. how can anyone be expected to perform under that pressure like no wonder y’all haven’t won fucking anything ever. cause players play scared and timid cause god forbid they make a mistake or have a bad game. one bad game = never accomplished anything ever you’re a bum in philly. reactionary ass motherfuckers (and it’s always ONE player that is to blame, the scapegoat after every game. and it’s never the player that smiles a lot and panders to the fans lmao noooooo it couldn’t possibly be the player that we like’s fault)
they loooove to act like they’re the best fans so much better than every other fanbase and i don’t get it???????? denver sells out their arena regular, so does portland and they’re small market teams! they’re passionate about their teams too they just do it without being fucking assholes to the players????? like i think if dame played in philly instead of portland he would’ve left fucking years ago lmao
‘we supported ben/markelle/wentz/etc etc’ is bullllshit (i think this will also happen with jalen hurts this year too) (NOT TO MENTION JALEN REAGOR - THE ABUSE HE’S RECIEVED SIMPLY CAUSE HE’S NOT JEFFERSON??) it’s selective support lmao you waited for them to fail and then CELEBRATED IT ?? that’s not my idea of support. that’s being a front runner and someone who’d rather be ‘right’ than support a player ON THEIR OWN TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ARE YOU EATING YOUR OWN IT DON’T MAKE SENSE
home court (apparently the best in the league) is supposed to feel like an advantage but it doesn’t in philly cause there’s soooo much pressure on the players and they know if they fail they’re gonna hear abuse for fucking months afterwards. or sometimes during the game. as if that is gonna help anything? tobias literally stayed off social media most of the summer, turned his comments off because he was receiving so much abuse??? that doesn’t make you good fans!!! that makes you an asshole lmao and horrible people
and it would be one thing if they own it (still bad. cause yay we’re assholes?) but they deny it??????? as if their behaviour isn’t fucking wrong and cruel? like you have your bad reputation for a reason!!!! other cities aren’t out to fucking get you, the national media isn’t painting you with some brush that you don’t fucking deserve. at least fucking own it otherwise it makes it seem like the level of cruelty and meanness that y’all express is supposed to be normal??? instead of fucking extreme and wrong
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Tinder Chronicles (Lemon x basically everyone?) - Mermelada
A/N: Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour, long time no fic! I’m currently job-less, so have naturally developed an obsession with the Canadian dwolls! This is (hopefully) going to be a multi-chapter lesbian/bi/pan AU, with lots and lots of appearances from different queens as Lemon figures her life out. I have a vague idea of what direction I want the story to go in, but I am always open to suggestions and feedback! Gros bisous à toustes! (Gender neutral French still looks a bit odd, but we’re going with it!)
Lemon tapped her yellow acrylic nails against the screen of her phone. It was now or never: she could either wallow in her post break-up misery for another two months; or she could finally start piecing her life back together and get back on the dating scene. She shook her head at the ridiculousness of her current emotional turmoil, blinking, sighing, and finally pressing the ‘download’ button on her screen. For the first time in three years, she was single. And for the first time in three years, she was going to use a dating app.
The icon spun for a few seconds, the app finally opened on her screen. This, she supposed, was the easy part. She decided to link her Facebook profile to speed things up, and pressed the buttons that she was a woman, interested in women. Not wanting to spend too long on a profile she wasn’t even sure she’d use, she chose her current favourite photo of herself to head up her profile, an adorable portrait of her sat on her kitchen floor, in plaid pyjamas, cuddling her dog. Nobody needs to know that an hour after the bliss pictured, she’d cried herself to sleep, once again unable to shake the feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy from her mind. She quickly followed by adding an assortment of photos from her Instagram which she felt best “advertised” herself: posing happily in front of the theatre where she’d just performed, cradling a giant bouquet of flowers (from her grandma, bless her); holding her leg in a grand-battement in the ballet studio, clad solely in a black leotard and bright yellow legwarmers; staring seductively into the camera lens at the dinner table, which could have been sexy if it weren’t for the floating crab claws above her head, courtesy of an off-camera Jan; and a simple selfie she’d taken moments before at her desk, with her thick-rimmed glasses perched on her nose and her hair tied back in a messy heap on top of her head. She looked at the five images, hoping that people would be able to see the kind of upbeat, loyal, and fun-loving person she really is. Or, at least, the person she can be when her heart isn’t broken. Next came her bio, which she really couldn’t be bothered with, so she just wrote the only vaguely amusing tagline she could think of: “Pucker up, motherfuckers.”  
Happy with her choices, she finally clicked the ‘save’ button and waited. The loading screen turned and twisted for what seemed like an eternity, which almost gave Lemon enough time to change her mind and delete everything. But before she could even contemplate quitting, the first profile sprung up in her hand.
Priyanka, 29
Within 10 miles
Wow, this girl – sorry, grown ass goddess – was stunning. There was no other way of putting it. Lemon bit her lip as she scrolled through the photos, holding back her giddy excitement at the prospect of getting to know with Priyanka.
Nope, she thought, don’t get too carried away. She hasn’t matched with you yet. She probably hasn’t even seen your profile yet. And she also probably wouldn’t want anything to do with you, you dumb bi- Dropping her phone and jumping onto her bedroom floor Lemon resorted to the best way of controlling her anxiety she could: doing a handstand against the wall, while singing the national anthem. The first time she attempted it was after her dad – in a panic himself – had suggested it, not sure how best to look after his daughter as her breaths shortened and her pulse raced. As it turned out, it was the perfect distraction for her adrenaline-fuelled brain, and she now kept it as her secret weapon against her hidden anxiety monsters. Maybe she could share it with someone else one day. As she finished the last long note, she stood back upright and lay back on her bed, carefully timing her breathing.
Okay, now where was I…?
Priyanka was hot. She had a picture sat on a beach in a blue and white striped bikini, followed by one in a beautiful white and gold lehnga, taken in what looked like a garden, but Lemon’s favourite was the candid snap of a laughing Priyanka in the middle of a street, surrounded by people, holding a pride flag around her shoulders. Without needing to think anymore, Lemon swiped to the right…
…and nothing happened. Without feeling too disheartened – she had only just downloaded the app, after all, these things take time – she read through the next profile.
Rita, 33
Within 10 miles
Now Rita was completely different from Priyanka, but Lemon wasn’t complaining. Her main profile picture was an artsy selfie, with her short platinum hair sleeked back, making her look every inch the sexy business lady Lemon loved. As she scrolled through the pictures, she learned that Rita was clearly a lover of the 80s, as she was definitely not afraid of bright make-up or loud, monochromatic clothing. Glancing down at bio, it simply read “Je me sens sous-titrée”. Lemon may have dropped French as soon as she was allowed at school, but it only added to her already growing intrigue. Even more enticing, however, was the final picture, where Rita appeared to be dressed as a young Céline Dion, passionately serenading a hot dog. Swiping right was a no-brainer.
The next profile quickly followed, with Lemon once again swiping right.
Kyne, 21
Within 10 miles
She was younger than Lemon would have usually gone, sure, but Kyne was pretty. She was tanned and toned and had perfect eyeliner and was a final-year mathematics and statistics major?! Sign her up!
Kiara, 22
Within 10 miles
“Kiki wanna kaikai, maybe you’ll be my type ;) “. That was all the next girl had written in her profile bio, the suggestive nature making Lemon audibly snort. She would definitely be down for some fun with Kiara, she had to be a supermodel! The tall girl was a vision in red, with her dark hair cascading down her back as she posed for the camera. It was an obvious right-swipe.
Tynomi, 39
Within 10 miles
Okay, so maybe Lemon had forgotten to set an age filter, but now she was glad it had slipped her mind. Tynomi was exquisite – if Lemon could have a figure like that at 39, she’d be a very happy girl. There was no bio to read, only four photos. In the first two, Tynomi was wearing a skin-tight lime green t-shirt dress, standing on a balcony looking out to the sea. In one, she started moodily at the camera, her honey-blonde hair gently blowing behind her. Though in the second one, Lemon could practically hear the laughter radiating from the tall woman, her mouth wide open and teeth sparkling in the sunlight.
I wonder what was making her laugh like that, Lemon pondered, zooming in to where she wishfully thought she saw the faint outline of a nipple through the thin material. Maybe one day I could make her laugh, and then I’d laugh at how much she is laughing, and we’d be so happy together… Uh oh, control yourself, Lem. Focus. Let’s not get carried away… But fuck, please choose me, Tynomi!
Boa, 25
Within 10 miles
Lemon stared at the profile, pursing her lips. She knew deep down that as much as she told herself she didn’t have a type, all of her past fixations – yes, including she-who-must-not-be-named – had one thing in common. They were all skinny bitches. But Lemon wanted to change that, she really did, she is now at an age where she needs someone she can bond with on a deeper level and have some fun with. And Boa looked very, very fun: her profile picture was her sat on a bale of hay while dressed as a cow, how could you not be entertained?! The rest of her photos followed a similar theme, until Lemon reached the final one, which took her breath away. Boa stood on a spiral staircase, with a huge smile upon her face as her sparkly silver dress hugged all he curves.
She’s funny, she’s pretty, she has amazing tits… let’s do it!
And then, she saw it. To say she felt her eyes pop out of her head, her lower jaw hit the floor, and her stomach turn inside-out would be an understatement. Two months after blocking her on every platform she could think of, two months after deleting every photo of her, two months after having her heart shattered… There she was, staring straight into Lemon’s soul.
Juice, 31
Within 10 miles
Lemon’s mind went blank. In her haste to get the beaming picture of the girl she may-or-may-not still be in love with off her screen as quickly as possible, her thumb slid the screen to the right. Before her brain could even catch up with the atrocity she had just committed, a bright, white notification popped up on her phone.
“CONGRATULATIONS! You have matched with Kiara!”
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