#nation mckinley x reader
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hotpinkboots · 1 year ago
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show" + "Shock Treatment" Fanfiction Masterlist
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Yandere!Dr. Frank-N-Furter
Yandere!Riff Raff & Yandere!Magenta
Magenta Comforting Her Girlfriend
Magenta Finding The Reader Wearing Her Clothes
"Sleeping Beauty" (Magenta x Reader)
"Late Night Lovers" (Magenta x Reader)
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Nothing here, yet! Throw in some Shock Treatment requests!
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dragonfirerogue-writes · 2 years ago
Quinn Fabray X Reader
Reader is on the soccer team and is the captain. Whilst training, she does the shirt trick (lifts her top up to wipe her mouth), what she didn't realise is that Quinn was staring at her stomach. After practice, Reader walks is in the locker room after having her shower, she is in her sports bra and Quinn walks in to talk to her, they flirt and R asks Quinn on a date. They have a nice date, and R drops Quinn home after being a gentlewoman all night towards Quinn (that's what she deserves). Next day at school, some idiot what making a comment about Quinn saying stuff about her having a baby and how she looks fat, R punches them and gets into a fight. R walks away with blood dripping off their face and bumps into Quinn who drags them into the bathroom (pretend that the sinks are different) and sits R on the sink and stands in-between her legs, Quinn cleans her face and asks what happened, R reluctantly told her and Quinn had a tiny smile because no one has ever done that for her and R takes Quinn to her own house and then they make out, Quinn who is also moving her hands up R stomach at any given point to touch her abs and R realises and just smiles.
Quinn x Reader
The sound of a whistle echoes across the field and it draws Quinn's attention. The Cherrios were sharing the field today with the soccer team and while it infuriated Sue Sylvester to no end, it was a blessing for Quinn. Mainly because you were on the field.
You and the rest of your team were doing suicide runs, building stamina and agility. It was exhausting work, especially since your coach was pushing you to your limits. This year's team had the potential to make their way to the championship and your coach was making sure you all would make it. When the final whistle sounded, most of the team collapsed into a heaving heap. You, the star center, and a few others stayed standing.
Quinn watches in interest as you lift your shirt to wipe your face of sweat. In doing so, the head cheerleader had a clear view of your abs. Suddenly, she hears a low whistle from next to her.
"Daaamn. I would love to be all up on that." Quinn whirls around to see Santana standing next to her. "I bet she's killer in the sack."
"That's disgusting, San," Quinn chides. "And disrespectful."
"Oh please. It's not like you weren't thinking the same thing."
The blonde smacks the Latina in retaliation and orders her back to practice. She takes one last look at you before following suit.
You wander around the empty locker room, vigorously drying your hair with your towel. You were the last one out , making sure that everyone was all right and there weren't any issues with the others. When you make it back to your locker, you're greeted by the sight of a very pretty blonde cheerleader.
"Quinn! To what do I owe this pleasure." Your smirk spreads as you see her eye your half naked torso. It was no surprise that you worked hard as an athlete. This was your ride to college after all. And if people appreciate it, all the better.
The blonde settles against the lockers, next to your open one as you pull a shirt from its inside. "Just wanted to check in on the star soccer player. Have to make sure you're doing well since you're actually putting McKinley on the sports map for once."
You let out a soft chuckle as you pull your shirt over your head. "Oh, like the stunning head cheerleader of the National Cheer Champs hasn't already put McKinley there." You gushed. "I've seen you guys practice. It's brutal."
Quinn takes the hem of your shirt and helps you pull it down, letting her hands lightly graze over your abs. The muscles twitch at the touch and you can feel your body warm at the feeling. When finished, you take the rest of your things and close your locker, letting your hand rest on the surface of the door.
"You must be tired though," you start. "All that hard work. How 'bout I treat you to a nice dinner tonight? You know. In appreciation."
The blonde hums as she starts to walk, making you follow close by. She leads you out of the gym and into the parking lot. "I dunno. What makes you think I'd want to go out with you?" It was an obvious game they were playing and she intended on making certain this was going to be a good date.
"Cuz," you slide up to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "A queen like you needs to be treated properly. Who am I to deny you that?" You accentuate the statement with a dramatic bow that makes Quinn laugh. When you reach her car, she finally gives you her answer.
"Pick me up at seven? I'll leave the planning to you."
"Of course. I'm at your service."
Quinn sat waiting on the couch for you to arrive. It was about 6:56pm and she was getting anxious. While she wanted this date, she also didn't want it to get messed up. She actually liked you a lot and would often be incredibly flustered when in the privacy of her own room.
When the door bell rings, she jumps up in excitement only to take a moment to collect herself before opening the door. Her mother, a witness to it all, tries to hide her smile. Quinn sends a glare to the elder blonde before opening the door.
The opened door reveals your smiling self, dressed dapperly in a pair of slacks and a button up shirt. Suspenders accented the outfit along with a pair of loafers. In your hands held a bouquet of flowers, adorned with various blooms that complimented each other.
You both shyly greet each other as you offer your present to Quinn. She takes the bouquet and takes a sniff before her mother takes them from her hands.
"I expect you to be home by ten." She says. "You two still have school tomorrow after all."
You give a short bow and nod. "Yes ma'am." With that, you offer your arm to Quinn and take her to your car.
The night ended up much more than Quinn ever thought. You took her to a nice restaurant in the neighboring city, opting for a place other than Breadstix. You opened doors for her and pulled out her chair and generally did all you could to make her feel special. If she hadn't fallen for you before, she definitely did now. After dinner, you took her to a nice little boardwalk for a stroll before taking her home just before ten.
When you approach the door, you take Quinn's hand and place a lingering kiss on it. "I had a wonderful time. I hope we can do it again?"
With a smile, Quinn pulls you close and gives you a gentle kiss. You almost melt at the feeling as you let your arms rest on her waist. A sudden flicker of lights interrupts your embrace with an embarrassed chuckle. The blonde shyly looks up at you through her eyelashes.
"I would love another date with you."
With a final kiss on the cheek, she slinks into her home, one minute past ten. You wait until you get to your car before jumping up and fist pumping in happiness. What a dream come true.
Your happiness fuels your mood through til the next day. School ended up being a cinch and even soccer practice seemed easier when you're dancing on air. Nothing could bring you down.
Well, almost nothing.
While at your locker, switching out the books you needed for homework, you overhear a couple of meatheads chattering about. Initially, you pay them no mind until a certain name came up.
"Bro, you've seen Quinn today? Dude did she get fatter?"
"Right? I bet she's preggers again."
That was more than enough for you. Before you knew it, your fist went flying and the crunch of a broken nose echoes in the hallway. The crowd of students circle around and start cheering on as you tussle with the two jocks. Kicks and punches fly but you manage to get the best of both of them, using their lumbering forms to your advantage. You stand over their prone, groaning forms with blood pouring from your nose.
You hear the ruckus of the crowd, but you don't move until someone grabs your arm and pulls you away before any teachers arrive. It wasn't until you were in the bathroom that you realize that Quinn was the one who stole you away. She points to the sinks as she grabs some paper towels.
You do so with a groan. Normally it was easy but now the aches were settling in, a simple hop made your muscles protest. Practice was going to suck. For now though, you had a pretty blonde to pay attention to.
"What were you thinking?" She asks as she settles herself between your legs. With a damp paper towel, she dabs at your nose and starts cleaning off the blood. "You know better than to fight like that. You could get suspended."
You give a slight shrug. "I know. But I couldn't stand by and let them talk smack about you." Quinn pauses her movements. "I'd gladly take suspension if it means you're protected."
A growing smile appears on Quinn's face. No one ever went out of their way to stand up for her like that before. It made the butterflies in her stomach flutter. She continues to tend to you.
"Thank you..."
"Of course. Anything for you, Quinn."
Your nose had stopped bleeding and the excess blood was cleaned. As soon as Quinn tosses the trash, she hugs you close, her hands caressing your stomach as they move towards your back. With a smile, you return the embrace and let yourself sink into the moment.
"Hey, you wanna come over tonight?" you ask. "Mom's making a killer dinner and I'm sure she'd love to have you over."
Quinn finds herself in your room. On your bed. In your arms.
Almost as soon as you both reached your house, you pulled her into your arms and practically carried her into your room. You're now sitting at the edge of your bed with Quinn between your legs again. You hold her close, her forehead touching yours. You can feel her hands roaming about your stomach and the feeling makes you smile. It's almost time for your mom to come home from work, so you knew that this alone time was running short.
Gently, you place a kiss on Quinn's lips, drawing her impossibly closer. As her hands wrap around your waist, yours come up to cradle her face. Feather light touches cause her skin to erupt in goosebumps and she lets out a soft sigh. The two of you stay like this until you hear the garage door open, signaling the arrival of your mother. While disappointed, you were all right with this.
There's plenty more moments to have in the future.
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a-simple-imagine · 3 years ago
With Us
Synopsis: Quinn is on top of the world. She’s hot, popular, dating a handsome footballer and is on track to become prom queen but what’s most important to her? 
Pairing: Quinn Fabray x fem!reader x Sam Evans (polyamorous) 
Words: 6.1k (way longer than expected.)
A/N - Can’t believe i’m writing glee fanfiction in the year 2022. embarassing. this is purely self indulgent. it’s cuter if you listen to the song and imagine quinn and sam singing to you. 
Song is Bloom by The Paper Kites 
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often we speak of great love. a single love that comes along and sweeps you off your feet. strive for a single person who makes your heart race as butterflies flutter in your stomach. it's sweet and pure but often so far from the truth. your first love lay with your best friend. the infamous Quinn Fabray. Hottest girl in Mckinley High. Captain of the cheerios. Girls wanted to be her. Guys wanted to date her. It wasn't immediate, you developed a crush about a year into knowing her. It was a secret you would have taken to your grave... if you had actually needed to.
The longer you stare at Puckerman, the more you wonder if he actually thinks before he speaks or just blurts out whatever pops into his head. that was not an insult rather you admired how oblivious he can seem to be. you reckon there is depth behind those eyes, something he reserves for a select few. you long for the peace that must come with an empty head. right now he spoke idle nonsense as the room waited for the arrival of a teacher. with your attention still on the boy, your head falls to rest upon the shoulder of your girlfriend. Nobody knew of your relationship status but it was hardly unusual for best friends to show affection towards each other.
the brush of velvety fingertips drifts across your cheek. "you okay?" Quinn murmured over her shoulder. you confirm your okayness with a nod so she goes back to chatting with Sam.
"I know you're all excited about prom but I really need you guys to focus," Enter Mr. Schuester. Champion of the William McKinley High School's glee club. he demands the attention of the room as he heads for the board. scrawled across the board is the world 'nationals' in massive white letters. “nationals” we need ideas- award-winning ideas."
"I'm not goin to prom so I agree we should be focusing on the competition," you start, sitting up straight. "also I wanna put myself forward for a solo- I've been working really hard."
"wait, you're not going to prom?" such surprise etched in the voice beside you but it was overshadowed by berry's famous arrogance.
"if anyone is getting a solo, it's me." a hand placed over her heart. "I'm clearly the best choice if we actually want to win."
"you have to go to prom." Quinn resumes buzzing in your ear, you peek at her. a worried expression on her face.
"I'd rather stay home."
"I'd also like a shot at any solos," Kurt adds. "we should be doing something new, not same old Rachel berry."
"I don't have a date," Brittany jumps into the conversation. "but I'm still going to prom."
"you should go," yet another blonde inserts their opinion on prom, this time from the other side of Quinn. why was this becoming a big deal? Your brow furrows as you look around your girlfriend to Sam.
"I thought you weren't going either."
"he is." Quinn moves to block your view of the boy. "if he doesn't go how will he win prom king."
"he won't?" you're almost certain that boy does not care about winning prom king and it's merely Quinn Fabray at work here. "we're getting off-topic- Mr. Schue, I agree with Kurt. you can't just give Rachel solos."
"I'm not giving Rachel anything." unlikely story. "once we decide on a plan, ill hold auditions for any and all solo parts."
"Quinn says I have to go," there was an aspect of playfulness in his tone, as he leans back in his seat. Quinn is clearly unamused as she lets go of his hand. "even if she has to drag me there."
"she can't make you go, Sam."
a sharp glare was thrown in your direction. if looks could kill, you'd have a dagger in your heart right now. "He's my date. I can't go alone."
"if anyone is getting a solo, it's obviously gonna be me. I'm the most talented one in here." Santana brags from her place next to Brittany. "so if we just plan it around me, we're gonna win."
"but I should go alone?"
"That's different," Quinn insists. "Sam is my running mate. I need him to win."
"how could I possibly forget," you groan a little too loudly. "it's not like your face is plastered all over the school or anything."
a few snickers dotted around the room but it's hard to pinpoint. you could take a couple of guesses of course. "guys," Mr. Schue calls out. "can we focus here please. "we've also been asked to perform at prom."
the pressure surrounding prom seemed to be coming from all directions today. you had already resigned the idea of attending and there was little that would change your mind. your hand shoots into the air but you speak without being called upon. "do I have to?"
"I'm not gonna force any of you to actually perform anything but I would still like some ideas for the others."
"Great, just what everyone wants more work."
"It's not like you do much work around here anyway." a snide comment from Santana. everyone is used to those by now. you wish she'd be more creative but alas she lacks the imagination to really hurt you.
"lay off her," Quinn is quick to your defense, a rather weird and frankly useless endeavour. Santana doesn't care and neither did you. you were plenty capable of defending yourself had it been needed. a free hand encompasses you knee, squeezing just a little. a reassuring smile spreads across your lips.
"It's fine," a heavy sigh, you remove Quinn's hand and place it back upon her own. for the rest of glee club, you merely remain silent. listening as Mr. Schue spoke of possible songs or ideas. you're the first to rise when it all comes to an end. bag slung over the shoulder, you charge out of the choir room.
"you can't just skip prom," that voice belongs to your girlfriend who walks up behind you and falls into step. it's late afternoon so most people have gone home unless they're part of a club. "don't you want to see me win prom queen?"
"do you want my honest answer or?" it was said in jest but frankly, it was more concerning that the only reason she wanted you there was to see her win some plastic crown.
"it won't be the same if you're not there." bottom lip pushed out into a pout. it may work on Sam but not you.
"you can send me a picture, I'll be just as proud at home." you just roll your eyes. "where's Sam?"
"had to get something from his locker," pushing through the double doors you're greeted by the setting sun of the parking lot. "you wanna join us for food?"
"right now?" the other girl nods a little. "always."  surveying the surroundings, you risk taking Quinn's hand and pulling her towards her own car. "where we goin'?"
"breadstixs." falling back against the door of her car, you just watch her for a moment. Quinn was a really pretty girl bathed in the golden sun made her even more angelic. every part of you wanted to pull her closer. wrap your arms around her waist and kiss her. but that was just a little too much right now.
"Isn't that a little too public?" With a playful quirk of your brow, you spy sam Evans making his way over.
"Are you gonna ask that every time I invite you somewhere?"
"yea," an eager nod, you flash Sam a smile. "breadstixs?"
"Who invited you?"
a hand slapped against his arm, you pull open the car door. "your girlfriend. now let's go."
The moment Sam Evans transferred to McKinley flipped your entire world upside down. he had come from some all-boys boarding school which made his about as smooth as a board of nails. for some reason that made him all the more charming when it came to the ladies. He joined the football team which was his ticket to popularity. and one admittedly adorable duet later and he was dating your best friend. this was pretty early on in the semester in spite of her summer promise to focus on herself. you weren't mad about it. there was no chance you'd ever tell Quinn how you actually felt. and if you were being honest to yourself, sam left you feeling... confused. he was ever so endearing. a blueberry slushy to the face was all it took. it was stupid but he tried to cheer you up by doing impressions of your favourite celebrities. it may not have stopped the burning but it did make you laugh. he was always making you laugh. sam was a massive dork but you liked that about him. but you liked, Quinn, right? it was hard to work through feelings that didn't matter because they were dating each other. only... that wasn't how things worked out. Quinn kissed you first and it fucked you up. riddled you with so much guilt you had to avoid her for days. cheating was definitely not something you wanted to be a part of. you couldn't even look at sam. and then when he kissed you, it was like the world was crumbling down around you. nobody wanted you before but now suddenly two people wanted you at the same time and they both just happened to be dating each other. looking back, it was silly how worked up you got, considering you're now actively just a part of their relationship. open relationship? throuple? the terminology really didn't matter.
" so Santana was telling me that as long as we empty the bowl, they'll keep bringing us more," grabbing a breadstick, you snap it in two before taking a bite.  "so we could walk outta here with like a hundred of these things."
"wait for real?" Sam perks up from across the booth where he is sat beside Quinn. "do people actually do that"
a quick shrug of your shoulders. "dunno. maybe we should try it. I'll start filling my bag with them."
"nobody is stealing breadsticks."
"it's not stealing if they gave them to us, Quinn," you take another bite. "we're just saving them for later."
"no." a loud huff followed by the sound of ceramic scrapping across the table as Quinn moves the bowl. "now can we talk about the elephant in the room?"
"Sure," placing your pieces of breadstick down on small side places, you sit up straighter to convey your seriousness. "do you also think sam needs a haircut? it's getting a little long in the front." reaching across the table, you run your fingers through his hair. "maybe it's time for a change, I think you'd look really sexy with short hair."
the blonde boy just slaps your hand away, fixing his precious hair. "you don't like my hair?" he turns sharply to Quinn. "do you think I need a haircut."
"your hair is fine," Quinn insisted, clearly getting a little flustered. "I was obviously talking about prom."
a roll of your eyes, you glance away from the table to lock eyes with the waiter heading your way. thank god, a distraction. "hi, yes, we're about ready to order."
it's polite smiles all around as you each go over your order, avoiding any unwanted chatter as to make it as quick and painless for all involved. but as he walks away, you can feel Quinn's eyes burning into you already. the word prom just dying to fall past her sweet lips. "maybe I should cut it a little in the front."
"I mean, I like it but sometimes I wonder if you can see past all that hair," you tease. "just a trim, maybe? you're plenty cute either way."
"How can you be so calm about this?"
"About what?" the blonde huff again only to be interrupted by the waiter bringing drinks. polite thank yous until he's gone and the smile on Quinn's face washes away just as quickly.
"you know what," cold eyes bore down upon you. "why aren't you going to prom?"
"urgh Quinn," an exaggerated groan. "let it go."
"you can't just not go," you take a sip of your drink in preparation for the upcoming battle. "it's prom."
"It's a silly dance," you express, leaning back against the plush fabric of the booth. how many times would you have to go over this? "I don't see what the big deal is?"
"It's not just a silly dance, it's prom." she reiterates like you're supposed to suddenly supposed to care more. "tell her,"
quinn shoved her elbow into the side of the boy a little too aggressively, taking him by surprise. luckily, he didn't spit out his drink but some did manage to slip past her lips. "oh yeah, totally. you should definitely come."
"way to really sell it, Sam. definitely want to go now."
"I don't understand why you wouldn't want to go," Quinn takes her own drink in hand. "we'll both be there and the rest of glee club so it's not like you'll be alone."
the thing about dating Quinn Fabray was that no matter what she did or how angry she got, she was truly a sight to behold. ever so pretty, you can't help but just stop and admire her. watching as she brings her glass to her lips to take a sip of her own drink. you wonder if you should tell the truth here or just keep biting your tongue. just letting the topic run it's course would allow you to keep your secrets while not upsetting anyone too much. "I'd just rather stay home." you offer a small smile, swirling a straw around the edge of your glass. "might watch Carrie or something."
"classic movie," sam comments earning himself a less than favourable look from his girlfriend. his other girlfriend.
"you can watch movies any time but prom is only one night,"
"but that's just not true, is it? there will be another one next year."
"Please come," Quinn reaches across the table for your hand. "I want you to see me win prom queen."
"Can we talk about something else?" you suggest, pulling your hand away. She was always extra touch feely when she wanted something. worked half the time too. "have you seen Carrie, Quinn?"
"how about we talk about the real reason you don't want to go to prom?"
"how about we don't," you hum. "you know a lot of kids from McKinley come here, don't want potential voters to overhear our little date, now do you?"
that was enough to shut down any more talk about prom, at least for now. quinn was many things and one of them was predictable. a high level of importance placed upon appearances; labels were a big thing at school so it's not entirely without reason. you cared a lot less about being perceived as cool. however, you understood why your relationship was being kept a secret. your school wasn't exactly filled with open-minded individuals. and while sam would probably get high fives from his pals for having not one but two girls. your fate, alongside Quinn's, was the be branded as sluts or whores with just a hint of homophobia. if they couldn't handle Kurt, it's a pretty safe bet that your fluid situation wasn't going to go down well.
The thing about dating three people is dividing up time. at first, the three of you would pretty always spend time in threes. then you quickly realised that wasn't necessary at all. just because you were dating didn't mean, you had to all be together all of the time. you could hang out in pairs. today was just you and sam. it had been his idea to come to colour me mine. you didn't mind though, you quite liked it here. it was peaceful. and while you're not the best painter here, you're definitely not the worst. sam, on the other hand, was surprisingly great at this. you enjoy watching him paint; the way his brow crinkles when he concentrates. today he was working on two ceramic dinosaurs. one big, one tiny. it's adorable how into this he gets.
"god we haven't been here in ages." you comment, watching the little over sam's shoulder mix paint together. a bad idea, if you've ever seen one. "gives me war flashbacks."
"war flashbacks?" with a steady hand, sam carefully runs his brush along the larger of the two dinosaurs. it leaves behind a distinct red.
"the shark mug?" is all it takes for a massive grin to appear.
"the shark mug," he repeats. the first time you ever came here with sam, there was but one ceramic mug fashioned after a shark left. obviously, you both wanted it but sam nearly tackled you to get it. He did a mighty fine job of painting it too. "do you still have it?"
"I do," in the end, he had given it to you. said it was better off with you than inevitably breaking at his place. that had probably been the plan all along but you just went along with it "it's my favourite mug. i won't let anyone else use it just in case they break it."
"you love it that much, huh?" a quick glance at you, as he turns the ceramic dinosaur around to paint the other side. you nod despite him being completely unaware.
"of course. you gave it to me after all," you dab a paintbrush in some water and start working on your own creation.
"doesn't take much for me to make a masterpiece," he teases, you flick some water at him in response. a few moments of silence pass by, or at least, you two aren't talking. the rest of the place is pretty hectic with kids and stuff.
"Are you doing okay?" Sam asks abruptly.
"what do you mean?" your expression morphs into that of confusion as you look at him. there was no reason to suspect something was wrong. did he think the silence was awkward? you certainly hadn't. or maybe he was worried about how little you had painted so far. that wasn't a reflection of your enjoyment level, instead you were just indecisive. "I'm fine. I'm not that bad at painting, am I?"
"wouldn't know, you've hardly done anything,"
"that's not-" you look to your trinket plate. still as cream-coloured as when you started. "I can't decide on a colour, okay?"
"Good to know," the corner of his lips perks up into a brief smile. "but I actually meant with Quinn."
he doesn't answer right away. instead, he finishes the spot he's working on before pausing altogether and placing his attention on you. he catches your eyes for just a second before you look away. it's almost a worry that he's looking for answers in them even if that was impossible. "Quinn can be... a lot. she's pretty intense and she's dialled that up to like a hundred so I wanna make sure you're good."
"is that why you brought me here?" the question leaves your lips quietly as you take your brush and dip it in some paint.
again with the pauses. you wonder if he's thinking about what he says before he blurts it out. "it's not the only reason,"
sam was right. quinn can be pretty intense but you never saw that as a bad thing. you don't necessarily think sam sees it as a bad thing either but the way he brought it up only brings up questions. does he think you can't handle her? was this jealousy rearing its ugly head? or did he just care enough to bring you here to see where your heads at? that sounded more like him.
"Quinn is passionate," you begin, trying to reassure him with a smile that you're not sure is convincing. "i like how excited she is, i just..." trailing off, you sigh a little. "it's fine. I'm good as long as you guys are."
"...and prom?"
"-don't you start"
"I'm not. if you don't want to go, that's cool."
the prom question was a little suspicious so begs the question was Quinn involved here?" "did Quinn put you up to this?"
his head shakes from side to side, and a blob of red paint drops to the table. "prom is what most people are talking about, thought I'd see if your mind has changed."
"it hasn't."
"that's fine too." the conversation dies there. you both go back to focusing on the task at hand with the occasional idle chatter. you finish your little dish first but that's probably because you had less to work on. Sam is still finishing up the smaller of his two dinos. big is red and purple, Small is purple and red. Once all was done and dusted, you follow sam out of the building onto the busy street. The sun was low in the sky and it was getting chilly.
"why'd you go for dinosaurs?"
"felt like it," he shrugs. "why'd you paint a dish?"
"It's not a dish, it's for trinkets," you correct.
"So it's a trinket dish, then. Still a dish."
"Shush," you hiss. "do you... wanna come to my place?"
"can't." he hums. "babysitting."
"oh... maybe I could help with that? if you want me to like, it's fine if not?"
"Actually Quinn already offered." he offers a smile. you don't press the matter. "we've got some work we need to do so."
"oh. okay, cool." you return the smile. "you at least taking me home?"
"of course. i am a gentleman after all."
"barely," you tease, bumping your shoulder against his.
stood outside your door, your eyes trail over your boyfriend. "thanks for today. it was just what I needed."
"you were just my excuse to go but you're welcome." it's hard to tell if he's joking or not but it brings a smile all the same. "do i get extra points for painting the little dinosaur just so I can give it to you?" this time you know it's a joke as he pulls out the ceramic dinosaur wrapped in tissue paper out his pocket. "matches the bigger one- thought it would cute or whatever."
"you'd get more points if it had been the bigger one," you play along, smile growing. what a massive dork. "thanks. I'll cherish him always." you take a step forward. "have fun with Quinn tonight. hope she's not too crazy."
"she's always just the right amount of crazy." a laugh bubbles in your throat.
"don't miss me too much." leaning in, you press a kiss to his lips.
"How could I not," you just roll your eyes before waving goodbye and heading for your door.
the weekend fast approaches. you've been facetiming Quinn for quite a few hours now as she picks out potential prom dresses with her mother. your phone propped up against a pencil case on your bed. why she needed your help when she was plenty stylish on her own is beyond you but you're more than happy to help. you kinda wonder how she hasn't gotten bored yet because you definitely would have but you'd never say that.
"It's really pretty," how many dresses was she gonna go through. "but I'm not too sure about the colour."
"lighter or darker?"
a soft hum. "not sure. depends."
"you're such a big help. thank you." do you detect sarcasm in her voice? it's amusing.
"if given the chance would you want to perform a solo at nationals?"
"what are you on about?" Quinn wonders.
"I'm working on a list of potential ideas for prom and nationals. so if you had the chance would you want a solo?"
"I thought you wanted a solo?"
you skim the screen. quinn is currently holding a dress in front of herself as stares into a mirror. " Mr. Schue is never gonna give me one."
"you've been practising right? so why wouldn't he?" Quinn continues. ever the optimist when it came to you. "you're just as good as anyone else."
a snort of a laugh. "hardly."
"we'll i think you'd smash a solo," turning to the camera, Quinn holds up a yellow dress. "thoughts?"
"how do you not already have a dress picked out?" a curious brow raise. "that shade of yellow will wash you out."
"too many options." she shrugs. "I need help narrowing down."
"you still haven't answered my question."
a sigh. "fine. yeah, probably. if it's an option, I'd do a solo."
"Great," you go back to scribbling down on your piece of paper.
"Have you thought about what you'll be wearing for prom?"
and there it was. it's like she can't help herself. "I don't really plan outfits to sit on my couch."
"Please come."
"we're not doing this now." you huff. skipping over Quinn's name to move on to Rachel. she could and would sing just about anything.
"I want you there."
"There will be plenty of other people to watch you win." you insist, glancing at the camera.
"I don't just want you there for that. you're my gir- friend. you're my best friend and I don't want you to miss out."
"Nice save, where's your mom?" the camera pans to Judy rummaging through a rack of dresses. she waves a little.
"how about I come over tonight?"
"what for?"
"to see you, obviously."
"how about you keep trying on dresses."
"I'm coming over." she declares. "do you think I'd look good in orange?"
"you'd look good in anything."
true to her word, a few hours later, the bedroom door opens and in walks the ever beautiful Quinn Fabray in all her glory. as inevitable as the dreaded prom conversation was, you can't help but be happy to see her. the bed dips beside you and a pair of arms wrap around you from behind as she lets herself lay on the bed with you.
"hey," mumbled softly in your ear.
"hey," you smile. "how's my girl doing?"
"she's good- still working on your set list?" you nod a little. reaching up you loosen her grip on you in order to spin around so you're looking up at the girl. she wears a gentle smile.
"I'm picking songs that I think play to everyone's individual strengths so it's taking forever," you express, picking up your list, you hold it so it's blocking her face. "so many songs."
plucked from your fingers, the other girl tosses the paper off to the side. "maybe it's time you take a break."
"I need to get it done before glee club," there's a slight whine to your voice as you shift to collect the paper. a hand placed against your chest, your pushed back down against the bed.
"your girlfriend came all this way to see you and all you can think about is glee club."
"you came all this way to talk about prom, not to see me," you argue.
she leans in very close, her breath pricking at your skin "I can do both." a gentle, slow kiss pressed to your lips. "can't I?" such a tease. "still thinking about glee club?"
"little bit," your smile broadens. quinn lingers close with an all too familiar smirk. "maybe kiss me again just to really get my attention."
with a roll of her eyes, the girl fulfils your request. delicate lips brush against yours in such a painfully quick embrace that as she goes to back away, you reach up to pull her closer. hands gracing the perfect curve of her jaw. you can feel her smile into the kiss. it's raw. it's passionate. you never want to let her go. quinn deepens the kiss, clearly getting into just as much as you; bottom lip pulled gently between her teeth as she pulls away just a tad. "better?"
"glee club who?" whispered against her lips.
"Such a pretty girl," she leans in once more, a feather-like kiss lasts but a second. "imagine how much fun we could have if you came to prom with me and sam?"
"that's not very head of the celibacy club of you, now is it Miss. Fabray?"
"you know what I mean,"
you lean up to peck her lips. "I do... but it's not like we can be open at prom anyway so."
you watch that pretty smile fade as sg sits up on the bed. crossing her legs, you do the same opposite her. "can you be straight with me?"
"not really, I'm gay babe."
"Haha, no."
"depends on what you're about to ask." you insist.
"tell me the real reason you don't want to go to prom and I promise I'll never bring it up again."
"isn't I don't want to go good enough?"
"not when it's not the truth." Quinn urges.
"tell me why you've been so distant with me recently?" you ask back.
"Distant?" she questions.
"you and sam have both been avoiding me recently. working on something in secret." she looks to you with an indecipherable expression. there's a pause.
"Answer my question first."
you sigh softly, looking down to your hands. you didn't really know what to say to her. how to express your feelings in a way that wasn't insensitive or would hurt her feelings. you also weren't sure yourself, if you were being honest. feelings were complicated. "i did wanna go to prom but..."
"I just don't see the point." you shrug.
"why though?"
"it's silly."
forefinger placed under your chin, she forces you to meet her gaze. "tell me."
"I would have liked to be asked."
"I thought that guy on the-"
"two guys on the football team asked me actually," you interrupt. "I obviously said no."
"funnily enough, I'm actually dating someone so," you quip but your heart is hardly in it. "I wanted you or sam to ask me."
"yeah... oh." you hum. "it's fine though."
"I've asked you to come." Quinn continues, she takes your hands in hers. thumbs brushing over the back of your hands. "this is me asking you, right now."
"Quinn, no, you... you know what I mean." you gaze at your hands in hers. "I want the full stupid prom experience. matching colours. a corsage. I wanna slow dance with my prom queen of a girlfriend and have everyone else be insanely jealous. i just want this- us, to be normal. and I know it's selfish but yeah, that's why I don't want to go." you explain. "I'm not gonna stand on the sidelines and watch you pretend with sam. so if we can't tell everyone then I'm gonna stay home, okay."
"Okay." your brow furrows. wow. she was just gonna accept that? it was really that easy?
"Okay," Quinn repeats. "I'd rather you be there but I'm done pressuring you. stay home, maybe me and sam can come by after and watch... what was it called? Carrie?"
"I would like that." you nod a little, a smile tugging at your lips.
"you're so stupid."
"What?" abrupt insult there.
"Nothing," she smiles, ". I never realised you'd be so into the whole cheesy couple stuff. it's cute- you're very cute."
"I should get back to my list." pulling your hands away, you search your floor for the paper she tossed away earlier. "you should go."
"yeah." Quinn shuffles off and you go back to lying on your bed with the setlist in front of you. she stands there watching you, or that's what you assume because you don't look at her. she hasn't done anything wrong you're just no longer in the mood to talk. guess you expected her to change her mind about coming forward or something instead of just agreeing you should stay home.
"Are you gonna be okay?"
"mhmm," you nod. after a moment in silence, your bedroom door opens and closes.
it's been a few days since your talk with Quinn. you felt bad afterwards but every attempt to talk to her had fallen flat. almost like she'd been avoiding you. when you do manage to catch her, she refuses to acknowledge it even happened. Sam seems to be ignoring you too. any excuse to avoid being around you. it's weird. another day in glee club. only this time, you're in the front row while sam and Quinn are in the back. they normally save you a seat but they didn't. you're next to Rachel and Tina.
"so I hope you guys have ideas for what we can do." Mr. schue states as he steps into the choir room.
"Actually Mr. schue, sam and I have been working on something." that was Quinn. could this be the secret project they had been working on? they could have just told you they were doing a duet for glee club. you wouldn't have minded.
"Great, let's hear it."
they step down and take centre stage in the choir room. "so this isn't actually part of the assignment but it is about prom so," sam starts.
"hope that's okay." Quinn continues.
"we already know you want our votes, you don't have to torture us too," Santana remarks.
"constructive comments only, please" Mr. Schue declares, a poor attempt at scolding Santana.
"i just wanna add-"
"get on with it," Santana blurts, interrupting sam. it attains some chuckles.
"This is dedicated to our girlfriend." did he just say our girlfriend? was that a slip of the tongue? a mistake that everyone would just brush off because he was dating Quinn. they were both looking at you which made you reevaluate your position in the room. glancing at the other members of the glee club to see if they had also noticed. melodic notes fall from the strings of sam's guitar.
In the morning when I wake And the sun is coming through Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness And you fill my head with you Shall I write it in a letter? Shall I try to get it down? Oh, you fill my head with pieces Of a song, I can't get out
Can I be close to you? Oh-oh-oh-ooh, ooh Can I be close to you? Ooh, ooh
Can I take it to a morning Where the fields are painted gold And the trees are filled with memories Of the feelings never told? When the evening pulls the sun down And the day is almost through
Quinn walks on over, holding out her hand for you. with wide eyes, you're not sure what to do. the song was pretty. their voices compliment each other well. but why was she singling you out here? reluctantly, you take her hand.
Oh, the whole world is sleeping
quinn pulls hard and you stumble up into her. she catches you, whispering the next line in your ear.
But my world is you
Can I be close to you (ah)? Ooh (aah), ooh (aah) Can I be close to you (ah)? Ooh (aah), ooh (aah)
sam continues the melody as you stand between them. staring out at a sea of very confused faces. safe to say, even you're a little lost. what happened to keeping everything a secret? you've never had someone sing you a song before especially not one so... flowery and romantic. as confusing as this all was, it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. you couldn't stop the smile on your face. big and bright and incredibly embarrassed. and then out of nowhere, Quinn kisses you in front of everyone. not an ounce of hesitation on her part but plenty on yours. you're shocked at first but quickly relax into the embrace.
Can I be close to you (ah)? Ooh (aah), ooh (aah) Can I be close to you (ah)? Ooh (aah), ooh (aah) Can I be close to you? Ooh, ooh
claps all around for the immaculate pair. a captivating duet worthy of praise. you can't help but think such a lovely song was wasted on the likes of you. hardly worth the effort.
"what's going on here?" you glance between the two blondes on either side of you. they both wear Cheshire cat smiles. cheerful and light.
"you're hardly as subtle as you like to think you are," Quinn begins, taking your hand once more.
"so I have to be the one to ask," Sam takes over, "you wanna go to prom with us?"
if it wasn't physically impossible, you would swear that your heart stopped. a tidal wave of heat crashing over you because in that instant everything stopped. the sound of your fellow glee club members drowned out by a simple question. in that second it may as well have just been you, sam and Quinn in that room.
"like for real?"
"matching colours. corsages. the slow dance and all." Quinn hums, squeezing your hand gently. "we want you there. with us."
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prettypincher · 8 years ago
She Sets the City on Fire
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Request: A Sebastian smthye imagine with the reader being small and a part of new directions (I'm 4'9"1/2) and they are secretly dating and he sees some carry the reader during a performance and he gets jealous so he sings she sets the city on fire or closer (in front of new directions) and then he kisses them saying she's is his girl(?) -Anonymous
Pairing: Sebastian Smythe x Reader
Notes: PRETEND FINN IS NOT WITH RACHEL RN. Hope you like it!
“Babe.. babe.. baaaaabe!”
*record scratch/freeze frame*
“Hi. My name is (y/n) and this is my boyfriend Sebastian. I’m currently trying to study for the big history test coming up and someone is not being very helpful.” 
“Sorry, babe, but I can’t help the fact you’re incredibly gorgeous, you look completely adorable when you’re concentrating and the whole.. situation we have working here isn’t in fact.. working.”
“Yeah. I should probably elaborate. I’m in a club in my school-McKinley High-called Glee. You’ve probably heard of it. We’re called the New Directions and are currently in the middle of a legendary battle with Seb here’s glee club from a neighboring school, the Warblers. Somehow this little idiot convinced me that it would be a good idea for him and I to date.”
“I don’t know, babe. Even if I were the one to convince you, it was pretty easy.”
“Whatever, Warbler. So, now we’re hiding it from our teams because we don’t want any unnecessary drama between the already feuding clubs. Dating in secret definitely has it’s perks, but Sebastian doesn’t exactly like the fact that he can’t ‘flaunt’ me around in public. His words.”
“I just want to be able to show off my best girl like any other sane guy in this world. I don’t really care what your.. friends think of us as long as we can be together. It would be so nice to be able to take you out without having to always be on alert or driving over an hour away.”
“I know, honey, but I don’t think I’m ready to hear what they have to say. Especially Santana and Finn.”
Sebastian scoffs. “Finn? Why would you care what Finn thought? I’m sick of him always hanging around you. It’s time he realizes that you’re mine a-and taken and.. mine.”
“Aww. Is someone getting a little jelly there, baby?’
“No! I just.. want people to know you’re mine.”
“I know, Seb. We’ll tell them soon. I promise.”
“Ok. As long as it’s soon. I’m tired of sneaking. Although, it is kinda hot isn’t it, babe?”
My cheeks turned bright red. “Seb, hush! We don’t talk about that!”
-The next day-
“5! 6! 7! 8! And step! And step! And spin! And drop! And step! And-hey! Guys we have to focus if we want to win at Nationals and beat those wiry Warblers!”
The high and slightly squeaky voice of Rachel Berry rang through the auditorium as she directed the glee club and led everyone through their respective steps.
“Rachel. We’re working really hard and I just think that everyone could use a little break,” Tina tried to reason with the diva, but when does reason ever work with Rachel Berry?
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know my passion for this team and club was too much for you. I just want to win. Us! I want us to win.”
Everyone tried to hide either their annoyance or amusement at their female lead. Most failed.
“Ok, Rachel. You win. Let’s run it again.” “Thank you. 5! 6! 7! 8!”
The first notes of Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me reverberated across the auditorium and the stage came a live with song and passion. Mr. Schuester gave me the ‘role’ of Taylor with Finn as respective love interest. Go figure.
The glee club did a wonderful job of playing out the events of Taylor’s music video. Too good of a job. At least according to Sebastian who was hiding in the back of the first floor. He watched as his girlfriend was paraded around the stage portrayed as a love struck girl who had the hots for the exact guy he wanted her to stay away from. As (y/n) stole the stage, Finn held up the newly added male vocals. Sebastian could start to feel the anger and jealousy seeping into his veins. He was about to rage. At the end of the performance, Finn and (y/n) strutted up to each other and demonstrated a stage kiss. You know. The thing where the guys brings his hands up to girl’s face and places his THUMBS OVER HER LIPS AND KISSES HIS FINGERS! Sebastian was mad. He stalked out of the auditorium and made his way to the glee room where he knew everyone would be going after the performance. It was time.
The voices and laughter of the members of McKinley High’s glee club were nearing closer and closer. Sebastian recruited the instrumentalists for a very special performance. She Sets the City on Fire by Gavin Degraw began playing as the New Directions came into sight. (Y/n) was at the front of the group with Finn not far behind. They stopped in their tracks when they saw Sebastian standing in the middle of their choir room.
“What’s the devil doing here? In our school? In our practice room?’
“Hello to you too, Santana. I’m here to serenade my girlfriend so if you all could take a seat.”
“GIRLFRIEND?!” Everyone was very confused including yourself, but everyone surprisingly listened and took their seats.
“Everybody knows she's a perfect ten
And I'm hanging on tight til the whole thing ends
Cause New York sky don't get much brighter
She sets, she sets the city on fire.”
Sebastian walked up to the group and pulled (y/n) onto her feet. 
“Somebody told me if I'm not careful
Well, this one's gonna roll me
I got my hands full and this one's gonna own me and control me
I'm so mystified
She caught the last train last night, left another note
Saying "see you next time; miss me if you don't"
You look good in your bed; til we meet again
You went through my head and nobody told me so.”
The New Directions were all very confused. How could their sweet little (y/n) fall for such a cold-hearted jerk?
“Everybody knows she's a perfect ten
And I'm hanging on tight til the whole thing ends
Cause New York sky don't get much brighter
She sets, she sets the city on fire
She sets the city on fire
Burns like a million lighters
I'm going up, I couldn't get much higher
She sets, she sets the city on fire.”
As the song went on, the glee club actually started listening and watching. The whole time Sebastian was staring into (Y/n)’s eyes and twirling her around. He looked like a love struck little boy who had fallen in love with what he thought to be an angel. He looked.. kind.
“New scene, next block
She'll be jaywalking right across while the cops talk
Make you feel like a boss when your eyes lock
And you can't stop staring endlessly
She got the whole thing figured out; hits me where it hurts
And I know I might be swinging at a curve
I don't mind it, though, when the lights are low
She can hit the notes wearing my T-shirt.”
Sebastian ended the song with the chorus and everyone was either deep in thought or their jaws were on the ground. Sebastian then began speaking.
“Hello, New Directions. If your public school brains hadn’t caught on yet, (y/n) and I are dating. We’ve been together for 5 months and I felt it was time everyone knew.”
The choir room then exploded with yells and screams. Everyone was upset at because not only did (y/n) not tell them she was dating, but she was dating Sebastian Smythe-glee club enemy #1 and who Santana called Satan.
“Guys, guys! Calm down! This is exactly why we-I-didn’t want to tell you. I knew you’d freak out and basically forbid me from seeing him. It’s just.. I know he hasn’t been on your best sides.. ever, but I really, really like him. As in more then I’ve liked any guy before. He’s kind and caring and apparently overprotective and I love him. I just hope you can support me in this and trust that I know what I’m doing.”
All was quiet among (y/n)’s friends. For about three seconds.
“But (y/n), he’s the enemy!” “He has caused nothing but trouble for this team!” “Do you not remember all the insults and threats that came from his own mouth?!’
A loud whistle pierced the shouts and hollers of the enraged glee club, effectively silencing all the voices in the room.
“Excuse me. I’m still quite confused as to what’s happening here. Our little ray of sunshine, (y/n), has chosen the devil himself as her lover. That's complete bull!”
“(Y/n) was trying to say that she cares about all of you just as much as she cares about her own happiness. Actually more! She was scared to tell you because she didn’t want to disappoint any of you, but I’m telling you that there is nothing you have to be disappointed in her about. I love (y/n) with my whole heart. No one has ever made me as happy as she does. She’s loving and passionate and the cutest little alto I have ever met. She completes me and makes be want to be a better person.”
“And he’s gotten better,” you jumped in. “Sebastian has been nothing but swoon worthy throughout our whole relationship. Just a bit annoying sometimes.”
“Hey! I have been a great boyfriend!” “Yes you have, dear, but everyone has their own faults.” “Whatever,” Seb scoffed.
Everyone was watching Sebastian and (y/n) with mild interest and disgust.
“Guys, please. I’m a big girl. I’m not a baby like you all treat me.”
“We know that, (y/n). We’re just shocked you chose our competitor who has continuously tried to demolish us to date,” poor Finn muttered.
“I think they’re cute.”
Eyes widened and stared at Rachel as the seemingly traitorous words slipped from her mouth.
“What? It’s not because Finn has a puppy crush on (y/n). I know she doesn’t like him like that. Obviously. But haven’t you been listening to what they’re saying. They love each other. Who are we to get in the way of that?”
For once everyone agreed with Rachel’s statement. The last bits of resistance drained from the room.
“OK. We’ll support your relationship as long as you know one thing. If you’re doing this to mess with us, hurt our team or just screw up like every guy does and hurt (y/n), you’re are going to suffer. Do you hear me? I will make you want to have never been born, much less have ever met us,” Santana threatened.
“Message received, but my intentions with (Y/n) are completely- ok mostly- innocent. I genuinely love her and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. Ever.”
“Fine. Then we give you our blessing. Treat her well.. or you’ll regret it.”
“Ok, Santana. Thanks for you approval,” you tried to calm her.
“Thank you all for your cooperation. I was just ready to let everyone know that this angel is mine. I want her to wear my jacket, go on public normal dates with me and not have to hide anything.”
“I love you, my Warbler.”
“I love you too, my angel.”
“...you were a little pitchy in areas.”
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x-reader-theater · 8 years ago
Mechanical Heart
Relationship: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Summary: You never really noticed shy boy Peter Parker before now. 
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, swearing, mentions of abuse, kidnapping. Yes I know. It’s a lot of fucked up shit. 
Word Count: 5,917
A/N: And here it is! My first ever imagine! I loved writing this, so give it a like and a reblog telling me what you liked about it and what I can improve! I’m thinking of writing a multi chapter reader insert fic, but I don’t know yet! Please request things, I would love to hear from you! <3
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The constant noise surrounding the robotics lab was always comforting, and the heat of the bodies and machines constantly whirring in the background was what you wanted to be around constantly, but sadly it could not be. You had robotics for one period and could be in the lab for an hour and a half after school and that was it. The rest of the time you spent with your precious robotics had to spent at home.
“[Y/L/N]!” Your robotics teacher yells at you. The rest of the class, save for the Parker kid had left already. You look over at Mr. McKinley and shrug.
“Just getting my project together. Don’t want to let everyone down at the national robotics competition!” You say and Mr. McKinley looked like he wanted to strangle you.
Mr. McKinley always hated you. A, you were a girl who was better at robotics than him, and B, you always beat his son in those completions, even with his help, and it pissed him off. He tried to get you in trouble but it never worked. Your mother was a lawyer after all.
Grabbing your stuff and carefully placing your project in your backpack, you run out of there, not even stopping when you hear someone calling your name.
“[Y/N]! Wait!” They yell and after a few minutes of the yelling, you quickly turn around and they run smack into you.
“What do you want…” you look at the face as you say, “Parker?”
“Yea um, hey [Y/N]. Um, I was, um, hoping that-that you could help me with-with my robotics project?” The Parker kid asks and you told your head.
“But you already know loads about robotics. Why would you need my help?” You ask and he shrugs.
“I-I just want to spend more time with you…” he says, trailing off.
“You probably know my schedule more than I do, seeing how sleep deprived I am at this moment, so whenever you find me free, just come talk to me,” you say, just wanting to get home. You were only a block away anyways.
“Oh! Ok! Cool! So, um, I’ll-I’ll see you around?” Peter asks hopefully and you sigh.
“Yea. Just go home kid.” You wave him off and you can swear he mumbles, “But I’m only a year younger than you…”
“God dammit!” You yell, slamming your fist into the table. Picking up your power source to your robotics project you fling it out the window as far as it can go, and close it, hoping to never see the damn thing again. Sighing you put your head in your hands and think about giving up. This was the biggest thing you’ve ever done, and it could change the world and transportation, but you needed to find that clean, reliable, safe energy source that you just could not perfect.
As you lift your head up you hear a slight knock at your window and your head snaps up so fast you were worried you got whiplash. Carefully walking over to the window you slide it open slowly, and quickly pop your head out looking from side to side but seeing nothing. You’re about to go back in when you hear a young voice.
“Lost something?” He asks and you look up, coming face to face with Spider-Man. You scream and jump, hitting your head on your window and falling on your ass back inside your room. Spider-Man slowly lowers himself and wave at you upside down, and enclosed in his hand is your power source. You get up and grab it back from his as he says, “You know, you could have hurt someone. Luckily I was there to catch it!” If you could see his face you knew he would have a proud smile under there.
“Yea lucky me. Didn’t want to accidentally hurt someone, who would then accidentally go to the hospital, where I would accidentally be sent their bill, and I would accidentally pay for it losing about fourteen thousand dollars from what their insurance couldn’t cover,” you deadpan and Spidey sighs. “What do you want Spidey? I’m in the middle of giving up and you’re ruining that for me.”
“I just wanted to see if everything is okay?” He says, more like a question than an actual answer.
“Why?” You ask. “There’s probably a bank that someone’s robbing right now and you’re checking up on some girl who threw a robot part out a window.”
Spidey stops for a moment, looking aff into nowhere, before his gaze focused on you again.  “No. No banks being robbed so it’s just you and me.” He tries to act casual by resting his arm on the wall, but he seemed to forget he was still upside down and falls for a few second before you hear his web shootout and pull him up onto the window sill.
You sigh and reluctantly say, “Just, if you’re going to be here for a while, come in and sit down.” You gesture inside and he takes no time to clamber his way in and onto your mattress on the floor.
“So… if you don’t mind me asking… why did you want to quit?” Spidey asks you and you sigh.
“This sounds so weird coming from a superhero who sounds like a fourteen year old,” you say.
“Hey I’m fifteen!” He says and you smile.
“Good to know…” you say, smirking.
“Aw shit.”
“So to answer your question, it’s because of my robotics project. My entire base is going to change the world! Or, so I hope. But I just can’t seem to figure out the damn power!” You exclaim and Spidey rubs the back of his neck.
“Have you tried rerouting the power?” He asks and you scoff.
“Of course I’ve tried reroute-” you stop mid sentence and your eyes widen.
Turning around you begin to talk as you work. “If I just reroute this to here then it will eliminate the need for this!” You rip a part out and throw it behind you, making Spidey dodge out of the way so it makes a dent in the wall instead of his skull. “And then I can hook this up to here for more direct power so it doesn’t have to go through so many things!” You plug it into the project and see it turn on. Placing it on the floor, you step onto it and feel yourself no longer touching the ground. “I did it! I created the world's first hover board!” You say.
Jumping off you land in Spidey’s arms, and placing yours around his neck, you plant a kiss right where the mask covers his mouth. Jumping off a stunned Spidey, you turn off and grab the hover board and grab his hand. “Come on! I need to test this out!” You say, pulling him up. Grabbing your backpack you put the hover board into it and go to the widow, slinging your pack over your shoulder. You scale the wall up effortlessly, seeing as you didn’t have a fire escape, you needed some way to get to the roof. When you make it, Spidey is right behind you.
“How did you do that?” He asks and you shrug. Taking the hover board out of the backpack, you turn it on and place it on the ground.
“You wanna try it?” You ask and he politely shakes his head.
“No I think I’m good. On the ground. Where I can’t fall and ruin my suit,” he says and you shrug.
“Okay. SUIT yourself!” You say, finger gunning as you hop onto the board. Spidey just facepalms.
You leans forward and start moving, and once you get the hang of just moving, you try a few flips. An Ollie, a kickflip, and a few others, but overall it was a good board. Speeding towards Spidey, with the intention to move away, the board freezes and you go flying into Spidey’s arms.
“Shit I’m sorry, it still has a few bugs,” you say, getting out of his very muscular arms.
“Oh no it’s-it’s okay,” he stutters and you had to admit, the stuttering was very familiar, you just could place your finger on it. All you know was he was male and was fifteen. That could be anybody.
“Dude, really, it was all my fault, no need to say sorry,” you say, wiping yourself off, turning to pick up your board and place it back in your backpack.
He clears his throat and says, “Oh, um yea.”
You sigh as you approach the edge. “Hey could you take be back down? I usually remember my keys but I was too excited,” you say and he nods sporadically.
Grabbing your waist and pressing you snuggly against him, he throws out and web and lowers you down to your window. “Your stop, miss?” He says and you laugh as he slowly places you on your window sill.
“Sorry for taking up your time Spidey. I know you’re a busy man on a mission,” you say and he shakes his head.
“It wasn’t a big deal, really. It was a quiet night and seeing you so excited made me happy to stay. Besides, like I said, it wasn’t a busy night!” He says just as an explosion went off in the distance.
“And there it is. You jinxed it,” you say and you could hear the smile in his voice.
“Yea, guess so. Well, see you around!” He says, giving you a sloppy salute that was just so him. He goes to jump away but you quickly grab his arm, eyes wide.
“Stay safe!” You say and he nods. You let go and see him fly into the night.
God, all you hoped was that he was safe.
“Dude, you’re doing it all wrong. You have to put that there so your robot dog thing will have power to the tail. Without it there’s nowhere for the current to run through,” you explain and Peter nods, quickly switching it. “I thought you were some kind of genius?”
“I-I am. I just, I don’t know, I like it when we talk, even if it’s you yelling at me,” he says, blushing a bit. “It’s stupid.”
“It’s not fucking stupid. I can be nicer. I should be nicer. You obviously like me somehow because who In their right fucking minds would hang out with me?” You joke. “You must be insane.”
“Well then you must be fucking insane for agreeing to hang out with me. Have you ever even noticed me before yesterday?” He asks and you shrug. You really hadn’t noticed him much.
“Then to being psycho together.” You hold out your fist and he bumps it. “I didn’t have glasses.”
“I think you're fine,” he says and you smile.
Staring out at the stars was one of the only things to do when you didn’t have a project to work on. Leaning out of your window, you think back to the times you would spend with your dad when he was alive. He would tell you all about the stars, when they were out and where they were in the sky at the exact moment. You remembered a few constellations like Ursa Major and Minor, Orion's Belt, Scorpio, and a few others. It was a peaceful night, though you haven’t turned on your TV yet. When you looked out at the city, it just looked so peaceful. Like nothing in the world could touch it. That dream was quickly shattered.
“Incoming!” You hear. Looking out at the sky from where the voice came from, you feel someone crash into you. Looking up you see Spidey's mask inches from yours.
“We really need to stop meeting like this,” you wheeze out, your breath knocked from your lungs upon impact with the solid mass of Spider-Man and the floor.
“Ah shit sorry!” He says, scrambling off you. You take in a lungfull of air and cough, regaining your breath.
“Dude, will you stop saying sorry?” You ask and get up into a sitting position.
“Sorry…” he says, trailing off, falling to the floor.
“Shit! Spidey? Stay with me! Stay awake! Tell me what happened! Aw shit!” You yell to no one. You slap him as hard as you can and he stirs. “Spidey, man I need you to stay awake! Can you hear me?”
'Y-yea-yea, I can hear you,” he mumbles.
“Stay the fuck awake or so help me!” You yell and he nods shallowly. You crawl over to your bathroom and grab the first aid kit that was right next to the door. Fast crawling back you say, “Just fucking stay awake. What happened?”
“My back,” he mumbles and you grab a pillow, and rolling him into his front so his back was exposed, making sure his face hit the pillow.
On his back were three long, deep gashes that resembled claw marks if freshman Biology was anything to go by. “Holy shit,” you whisper. Stealing your expressions, you sit up straighter. “I need you to sit up. Do. Not. Move.” You command and he weakly nods. You help him into a sitting position and grab a stool for him to rest against. “So how did this happen?” You ask while using disinfectant wipes to clean the gashes.
“Some woman in a cat costume? I couldn’t really tell. I was too busy running away after she clawed me,” he says and you nod, moving on to another wipe.
“I knew it was claws,” you say. After the wipes you get out the needle, thread, and lighter. Quickly lighting the lighter you disinfect the needle and thread it. “This is gonna hurt. I don’t have painkillers.” Spidey nods and you start stitching him back up. It was weird with the suit still on so when you finished the first one, tying and cutting the string you just had to ask, “Is there anyway you can get the suit off?” He nods and lifts his arm. Suddenly the suit goes slack and you look on impressed before you notice something.
“Spider-man’s fuckin white!” You say and he looks like he’s about to protest, but it fell upon deaf ears. “Well that narrows it down a lot. Now I know you’re not Flash. Good that guy’s an asshole.” You finish the second stitch.
“So, are you Chris 'the diss’ Powell?” you ask and he chuckles shaking his head. “Yea his voice it too low for yours to match. You have prepubescent pre-teen voice,” you tease he lets out a “Hey!” but you ignore it. “You're not Marc Spector, he’s too muscled and big… and hot.”
“And I’m not?” He exclaims and you chuckle.
“Well I wouldn’t normally go for twinks, but I’m pretty sure you're not gay which rules out half the guys…” you trail off, thinking.
“Damn, you should be a detective…” he says and you smile.
“My mom was a lawyer,” you say.
“Was?” He asks and you shrug as you continue on the third stitch.
“Yea. She’s dead now. Overdose on Meth. Dad died a few years later. He jumped from the Brooklyn Bridge,” you shrug.
“Shit [Y/N]. I’m so sorry,” he says and you shrug again.
“It’s no big deal. Mom was abusive and Dad wasn’t there for me when Mom OD’d, so I’ve always been alone. It’s no big deal. Mom didn’t leave much but Dad’s family had a fortune that he kept from Mom,” you say casually, as if you never knew them, just of them. “I just, don’t wanna talk about it much right now…” you trail off and Spidey nods. Pulling on the knot and cutting the string, you say, “There. Done.”
“Thanks [Y/N],” Spidey says and you shrug.
“You know, I don’t ever recall mentioning my name to you…” you mumble. “Good to know.”
“Oh! Um! Well, don’t-don’t you remember you told me last night!” Spidey says and you shake your head but place your head In your hands, all the medical supplies now back in the case.
“No, but it could be the sleep deprivation talking,” you say.
“Alright well…” Spidey says at the same time you say, “Okay so…”
“Oh you first,” he says and you nod in thanks.
“So… I guess I’ll see you around?” You ask and he nods.
“Yea, well, if I ever need a nurse I know where to go…” he says and you could feel the tension in the room. It was so thick you just knew you could grab it.
“Oh? Am I just a nurse to you now?” You ask and he shakes his head quickly.
“No! No! That's not what I meant at all! What I mean to say is that, well, I like hearing your stories,” he says. He mumbles as well, “And you’re, really pretty.” You laugh and get up, helping him to his feet. He lifts the suit back up and presses the spider in the center which tightens it back around his body.
“Well I should go patch this up. To- the person who made this is going to be pissed if I bring it back ripped,” Spidey says and you nod.
Lifting up the make to his nose, you kiss Spidey on the cheek, smiling at his blush. “I like hanging out with you too Spidey,” you say. “Now go!” You push him playfully towards the window. “I think you’ve stayed here long enough,” you laugh.
“See ya 'round, [Y/N]!” He says, giving you a two finger salute before diving out the window. You run to it and stick your head out, watching him zip away into the night.
You were head over heels for that boy, and you didn’t know what to do.
You always hated the weekends. So much time and nothing to do. So you went to the roof and tested your hover board. It was truly a feat of technology, and you didn't want to brag but you did make it all by yourself. After a few hours of practice with the board, you hear something land behind you.
Turning around you see Spidey, looking sad. Zooming over to him you jump off and place a hand on his shoulder. “Hey Spidey! Everything good?” You ask and he shakes his head and collapses on the ground unceremoniously.
“I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t save them all…” he mumbles.
“Who? Who couldn’t you save?” You ask and he shakes his head again.
“There was a robbery on 90th. It was the cat person again. Well woman. She had a gun, and said that if I came she would shoot, and I didn’t listen and-” you cut him off.
“Stop. You can’t always save everyone. It’s just a fact. She is a horrible human being. She kills people, and I think that’s as good a reason to take her down,” you say and he sits up, looking you in the eyes.
“You want me to kill her?” He asks.
“What? No! Don’t kill anyone! I meant take her down to like, the police station so she can be locked up!” You say and he sighs. “Just- I have an idea, but you need to trust me,” you say getting onto your feet and walking over to the edge of the building. “Do you trust me?” You ask over your shoulder. He nods from the ground and you smirk. “Good,” you whisper before falling over the edge.
The rush of air was exhilarating, and the adrenaline pumping through your system was feeling your desire to go faster, but you kept it under control, making sure you went as slowly as possible, which wasn’t really that slow. The ground was creeping up on you, faster and faster, till suddenly you felt strong arms wrap themselves around your waist, and the ground was now much farther away than it had been a few moments before.
“What the fuck was that?!” Spidey yells to you while flying you through the air.
“We need to work on your reflexes. You were a bit slow that time,” you say and he does a double take.
“What the- what!” He yells. You just shout and laugh as he flings you across the city.
“Dude, you said you trusted me, so go with me on this!” You say, an expectant expression on your face.
Spidey sighs. “Fine. But only because I trust you.”
“Yay!” You exclaim, throwing your arms around his neck.
“But! You can’t throw yourself off buildings every time you think I’ll catch you!” He says and you roll your eyes but nod anyways.
“Okay! Okay. Now let’s find a rooftop. From what I’ve heard of this woman, she’s an incredible fighter. You need to get on her level,” you say and he scoffs.
“What do you know about fighting?” He asks and you smirk.
“Honey, I’m a woman in Queens. I learned to fight before you knew how to walk.”
“Peter?” You ask, turning to the boy now sitting on your bed.
“Yes?” He asks, looking up from his Chemistry homework.
“Do you like anyone?” You ask and he looks shocked you would ask such a thing.
“Why-why would you ask that? Do YOU have a crush?” He asks.
You chuckle before saying, “I did ask you first.”
He sputters for a moment before collecting his things. “Um, well, I, um, just remembered I gotta go home. Aunt May cooked Thai!” He was red as a tomato and you looked at him quizzically.
“I thought Aunt May didn’t know how to cook?” You ask and he gets redder.
“Un yea, we might just get takeout if she didn’t burn down the kitchen,” he chuckles nervously.
You shrug as he leaves your room. “Alright. See ya Spidey.”
Peter freezes. You freeze. Everything freezes. Even the clock next to your bed, if it could be called that, seemed to stop ticking. It was silent, besides the pounding of your heart in your chest. You had your suspicions but you didn’t want to reveal them quite yet. Peter just had a way of making you talk when you didn’t want to. You could spill your entire life story to him in a night, and also make an accusation a week later. Your life with him was over.
“I’m sorry? What did you say?” He asks you slowly and your face heats up. “Did you just- just call me ‘Spidey’?”
You nod slowly, not looking him in the eyes and he sighs. “I’m sorry! I just sort of figured it out! I wasn’t going to say anything until YOU told me! But it just… came out…” You trail off and he scoffs.
“No.” You look up at him, his face steeley. “I’m sorry. I’ll see you at school tomorrow,” He says and walks out. You fall to the floor, small tears slipping out between closed lids, and you feel hopeless. It was over.
And you never got to tell him your crush.
Getting up off the floor, you wipe the tears away, and grab your keys. Climbing out the window, you grapple your way through tears to the roof and look up at the starless Queens skyline. It was a beautiful night, cloudless and light-filled, but it couldn’t patch the hole that was now in your heart. The night couldn’t hold you like Peter did when you swung across the city. They couldn’t give you the same adrenaline rush that Peter did whenever he touched you.
The night couldn’t look at you the way Peter did.
It didn’t matter now. He wasn’t ever going to talk to you again, and you had to make peace with it. You just couldn’t.
“Ah. So you’re the Spider Boy’s girlfriend. Thought you’d be older,” You hear a woman say in a sultry voice. Looking up through tear filled eyes you see an outline of a woman, White around her neckline and arms, white hair with black around the eyes and your own widen. Trying to scramble away, Black Cat scoffs. “So trivial.” She walks over and you see her fist coming in contact with your head, and nothing else. It was darker than the New York skyline.
Slowly opening your eyes, you close them again when the light hits you. It felt brighter than the sun and the pounding in your head wasn’t helping. It took you a few more times, and what felt like a thousand more groans, but you finally were able to open them, squinting at the light when it finally turned off, the pounding in your head easing up a bit.
“Finally. Took you long enough. I was almost wondering if I killed you. It wouldn’t have been as fun but it sure would have gotten the job done!” She says, laughing. “Ooh that rhymed!”
“What the fuck do you want with me?” You spit out.
She laughs again and walks closer to you, getting in your face as she says, “What I want? I want to see Spider-Man burn!” She yells and you struggle to get out of your ropes. No. Not ropes. Only zip-ties.
“You leave him out of this!” You yell and she chuckles.
“Why? DO you like him or something?” She asks and you just growl. “It doesn’t matter anyways. I’m going to get what I want, and you’re going to die. It’s a win win situation. For me!” Laughing, she walks away and sits in an opposite chair. “I didn’t really need to take you, but it was the best way to get Spider Boy down here.” She pauses for a moment before grabbing a knife and playing with it. “Or maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he hates you, and puts up with you because you have something over him.” She looks at you and bursts out laughing. “Wait, forget that. You’re not smart enough for that. She spends the few minutes working on something, and you use that time to break through the zip-ties, holding them in your hands so she wouldn’t notice, making sure your hands were still together.
“Hello Spider-man! Wherever you are… I have something of yours!” She moves out of the way of a camera so you’re in the forefront.
“Spidey! Don’t come! It’s a trap!” You yell.
“Silence!” Black Cat says. “If you don’t come within ten minutes, every five you go over, she gets a cut on her perfect skin. If you don’t make it within the hour, well, let’s just say you won’t ever be able to see those pretty eyes of hers again!” She cackles. “See ya soon Spidey!”
“No! Don’t come! Leave me!” You yell, but it was too late. She had turned it off.
Walking over to you, she looked furious. “You ruined it! It was perfect and you ruined it!” She raises the knife in her hands, but hesitates before lowering it. “No. I made a promise I intend to keep.”
She walks away and you let out the breath you didn’t realise you were holding. You would never admit it out loud, but you were scared.
After what felt like hours, Black Cat finally came back, but it wasn’t what you hoped. The knife she was carrying was sharp, and you knew it was time. The first cut sliced across your arm and you let out a yell, the feeling of the knife and blood were overwhelming.
You couldn’t tell anymore if it was you screaming or someone else, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the unbearable pain that reminded you of your mother.
After a few minutes it was over, and you were panting, multiple cuts over your arms and shoulders.
“I know I said I’d keep my promises, but I couldn’t help it. Your screams were…. Delectable!” She cackles and you wince.
After a few more minutes of pain and waiting, she sighs and walks over. “It’s sad. I don’t want to have to ruin your pretty face. But Spidey hasn’t come has he?” she does a mock pout and you spit in her face. “You bitch!” She screams, slapping you across the face, reminding you of your mother once again.
“Hey! Don’t touch her!” You hear someone yell and you sigh in relief. He had found you, but it did come at a cost. It still was a trap.
“Oh! Me? Touch her? I don’t know what you’re talking about!” She says sweetly before moving the knife in her hands and swinging down, missing. “What?!” She screams, turning around to face the empty chair.
“Oh fuck off! I lived in Queens my entire life. You think I can’t get out of zip-ties?” You ask, before giving her a roundhouse kick to the face. “Bitch.”
Peter uses his webs to pin her to the ground and you give her a punch to the face to knock her out. “Karma’s a bitch, but so am I,” you say smirking and you turn to Peter who’s standing there waiting for anything.
“Peter?” You ask, slowly going over to him, being careful of him. You walk over to face him and he relaxes. You stand there for a moment, before throwing your arms around him. “I’m sorry,” you say and he hugs you closer. Pulling back with your arms still around his neck you whisper, “Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” he says without hesitation.
You pull his mask over his head and expose the young face if Peter Parker. Wasting no time you smash your lips against his. It was like they were mentioning to fit together, like puzzle pieces fitting into place. It was like fireworks going off in your stomach and your lungs clenching as they needed air.
Pulling away you both laugh. “You know when you asked me who my crush was?” Peter asks and you nod, still trying to catch your breath. “It was you all along.” You smash your lips to his again and pull away.
“And remember how you asked me?” He nods and you smile. “It was always you.”
“Hello everyone! My project today is going to change the world!” You boast and everyone look up at you from your platform. “You take your two inserts and attach them to your shoes like so…” You do as you instruct. “And you activate and jump!” Jumping off the ledge, everyone gasps, but your hover board comes flying out of your backpack and attaches itself to your feet, and you fly around the audience, gaining numerous applause. You fly around, bowing, making sure to do a few tricks to gain the judges attention. Looking over you see Mr. McKinley standing next to his son, looking furious as two more judges run over from his robot window wiper, that was supposed to clean your windshield better.
Later than day you got first place, and you and Peter celebrated it by riding around New York, taking in the sights and hanging out with Spider-Man.
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gotham-gleek · 7 years ago
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Hi my name is Y/N Berry, yes Rachel Berry is my twin sister but we went to different schools our whole lives until softmore year were i transferred to Mckinley and went to sign up for the glee club, the only person i knew and to be honest the only friend i had was Rachel
I auditioned with defying gravity from wicked, Rachel had funny girl dont rain on my parade but i had defying gravity from wicked as soon as the bell rang i went straight to my locker on a corridor that no one was on or so i thought. As soon as i turned away from my locker TWO blue slushies colloid with my face
“Wecome to Mckinley Gleek” they laughed as they walked off high fiving each over. I was left in total shock not knowing what to do untill i heard a voice come speed walking down the hall way
“Oh you poor thing come with me” they said as they grabbed my wrist leading me down the hall way sense i couldn’t really see. I could tell it was a mans voice they seemed really sweet maybe they were in glee club?
We entered what i could tell was the girls bath room by the smell of over priced perfume that was still there from the girl that just left
“Who knows why theres ALWAYS a stool in the girls restroom but thank goodness there is” he said guiding me to sit on the stool, as i sat down he handed me a wash rag that was hanging to wipe my face off with. “Ok im going to need you to lean back a little” he said. I still had the wash rag on my face rubbing my eyes a little. When i leaned back water started to hit my hair as he ran his hands through it. I took the wash rag off my face only to see a EXTREMELY ADORABLE CUTE guy as my cheeks tinted a very light shade of pink
“Hey” he said when he realized i had opened my eyes “Hi” i said kind of akward “By the way you slayed defying gravity” HOW DOES HE KNOW I WAS IN THE AUDITORIUM WITH ONLY MR SHU
“Um how do you know about my glee club audition?” i asked because as far as i know NO ONE ELSE WAS IN THERE “Oh yeah im also in the glee club, most of the time we go and watch the new people audition, this time we actually were not going to watch and instead discus songs for sectionals but Rachel Berry made us go and watch im glad she did because GIRL you can sing!” he said rubbing the shampo in my hair sense there were two slushies instead of one
“Oh thank you oh whats your name?” “Oh im so sorry Kurt Hummel!” he said cheery like “Y/N Berry” i said when he gave me a a shocked expression
“YOUR RACHELS SISTER” he said VERY shocked as he had stopped rubbing in the shampo “Yeah TWIN actually” but then i realized he knew who i was “OH MY GOD YOU SUNG ROLLING IN THE DEEP WITH JESSE ST. JAMES FOR VOCAL ADRENALINE AT LAST YEARS NATIONALS" he said “ARE YOU A SPY” he said freaking out a little
“WHAT GOD NO IN ALL HONESTY I HATED VOCAL ADRENALINE” I said raising my voice a little “O-oh god my bad” he said while he got all the shampo out of my hair “No your fine not the frist time” I said laughing as he joined in pulling out a small hair dryer
“Oh my god you bring a small hair dryer to school?” i said laughing as he plugged it in “Wouldn’t you when you get slushied all the time” He said as he started drying my hair “Fair point” at this point he had dried and styled it, dam it looked good and its only been 10 MINUTES DAM
“Oh thank you so much your such a life saver” i said jumping on him giving him a hug “No problem if you ever need anything let me know” he said pulling away from the hug “Now what class are you so post to be in” he asked “Uh Mr Shu Spanish” i said smiling because he would understand. He leaked our arms together and we walked out of the rest room “Great he wont mind and we have that class together so you can sit with me” he said.
As soon as we walked in we asked why we were late “Oh sorry mr Shu Y/N here was on her way to YOUR class when she was Slushied for no good reason” kurt said his arm still linked with mine “Oh ok sorry about that but you guys are fine please have a seat” We both sat down together and at that moment i knew i had someone besides my twin as a friend
*BONUS ENDING* *KURTS POV* *in kurts mind* ‘Kurt what is WRONG WITH YOU’ ‘You think shes adorable’ ‘Shut up head im gay REMEMBER’ ‘Maybe you might be bi and SHES PERFECT FOR YOU’ ‘Yeah how’ ‘Well 1:amazing singer 2:Beautiful 3:Loves wicked and musicals in general 4:quirky 5:- ‘OK BRAIN I GET IT maybe i am bi
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hotpinkboots · 1 year ago
Shock Treatment has GOT to be one of the most underrated movies I've ever seen! After watching it a few times, I've decided to write with it!
Send in Shock Treatment requests! I'll write with any of the characters.
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