#nathuram godse politics
hindulivesmatter · 8 months
Resources to learn more about Hinduphobia, and Hindu culture.
Making a masterpost about this because I'm getting a lot of asks for it. The list will be updated!
Books to read:
Not Without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody. This is the memoir of a woman stuck in Iran and how she has to illegally sneak out with her daughter. It doesn't focus on Hinduphobia but it does highlight the violence perpetuated by Muslims to women. This is a true story and a movie has also been made on it. Also, I just need to appreciate how well it's written, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
Aavarna by  S. L. Bhyrappa. This book basically details how Hindu history was derailed and destroyed by Mughal invaders, specifically Aurangzeb, the plot is fictional but the history is real.
All Religions Are Not the Same by Sanjay Dixit. This is a new book and I've just ordered it actually. It discusses the differences between religions and how secularism affects that.
Why I Killed Gandhi by Nathuram Godse. Includes the testimonial of the man who killed Gandhi. I'm about to read this book and I'm excited. Don't be fooled by the one-star reviews.
Hindus in Hindu Rashtra by Anand Ranganathan. Illustrates 9 examples of the hypocrisy of the current government when it comes to legalities and laws concerning Hindus.
Some people you can follow on Twitter are Dr Anand Ranganathan, The Skin Doctor, and VivanVatsa. They're all well-read on Hinduphobia and/or Hindu history.
A fantastic account on Instagram called vrindkavi posts amazing comics on Indian history and mythology.
Blogs you can follow for awareness, and learning about Hinduphobia/Hindu culture:
@rhysaka (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
@mrityuloknative (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
@main-agar-kahoon (debunking common myths, awareness, culture)
@yato-dharmastato-jayah (history and explanations, culture)
@forgotten-bharat (amazing for the history of ancient India, and culture)
@kailash-se-birha (culture, awareness)
@aranyaani (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
Interesting masterposts from other blogs:
Booklist to learn more about Hindu History by @mrityuloknative
The Ayodhya Masterpost by @mrityuloknative
Some important Hindu literature:
Mahabharata This is classified as an Itihasa text. It deals with a war between 2 royal factions and is a vehicle for describing the activities of the Avatar Krishna.
Ramayana This is also an Itihasa text. It provides the biography of Lord Rama who is considered an Avatar of Vishnu.
Bhagavad Gita This is an important text of the Vedanta school and is treated separately although it is part of Mahabharata. It provides a coherent summary of Vedanta.
Srimad Bhagavatam This is a Purana and provides a biography of Lord Krishna. This is an important text for the Vaishnava sect of Hinduism.
Shiva Purana and Linga Purana These Puranas provide the biography of Lord Shiva and are important texts for the Saivite sect of Hinduism.
Chandi or Devi Mahatmyam This is an important text for Saktas who worship Sakti or Devi. This text is really part of the Markandeya Purana.
But really, the best way to combat Hinduphobia, is to learn about our history and culture, because if you know the truth, you won't fall for the twisted narrative being peddled by the media today. If you've got to the end of this, thank you for educating yourself and learning about us.
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justforbooks · 8 months
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30 January 1948: Gandhi is assassinated on his way to prayer
A Hindu nationalist gunman believed the leader had betrayed his people
The clock had ticked past 5pm on 30 January 1948, and in the garden at Birla House, New Delhi, Mohandas Gandhi was running late. At the age of 78, the leader of India’s independence struggle still played a prominent role in the politics of the subcontinent, and had only recently completed a fast in protest at the violence between Hindus and Muslims. Now, the day’s business concluded, he and his great-nieces were on their way to a prayer meeting.
Outside, a crowd of several hundred schoolchildren, businessmen, holy men and even street-sellers was waiting. As Gandhi approached, one man pushed his way to the front. “Bapu [Father] is already 10 minutes late, why do you embarrass him?” asked Gandhi’s great-niece, Manuben. At that, the man pushed her aside, so that she dropped the rosary and notebook she was carrying. Then he levelled his Beretta pistol, and fired.
Whether Gandhi died on the spot remains controversial: some accounts say he breathed his last a few minutes later, after he had been carried inside. Either way, the shots were fatal. His assassin, who was seized immediately, turned out to be 39-year-old Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist who believed that Gandhi had betrayed his people to the Muslims. “I sat brooding intensely on the atrocities perpetrated on Hinduism, and its dark and deadly future if left to face Islam outside and Gandhi inside,” he later told the court, “and… I decided all of a sudden to take the extreme step against Gandhi.” Godse was executed for his actions. But to some Hindu nationalists, he remains a martyr.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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primetimetruecrime · 2 years
MURDERED: Mahatma Ganhdi (Prime Time Crime)
On January 30th, 1948, Mahatma Ganhdi, the famous Indian activist, left his home at the Birla House in New Delhi. It was late in the afternoon and he had his grandnieces with him. At 5:17 pm, a Hindu nationalist named Nathuram Godse approached Ganhdi and 3 fired shots at him. This is where the acounts differ. Some reports claim Ganhdi died instantly and others say he was taken inside a house where he died 30 minutes later. Either way, Godse's actions left Ganhdi dead. Godse did not attempt to run away and instead, he surrendered at the scene. It was later revealed he was linked to the extremist Hindu Mahasabha political party. At his trial, Godse said he assassinated Gandhi because of his "complacence towards Muslims." Godse was found guilty and executed in 1949. Mahatma Gandhi's death was mourned nationwide.
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nikhilgulia · 5 months
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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi, was a prominent leader in India's struggle for independence from British rule. He was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, India.
Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance, known as Satyagraha, became the guiding principle of his life and the Indian independence movement. He believed in the power of truth, love, and nonviolence to bring about social and political change.
Gandhi's journey as a leader began in South Africa, where he fought against racial discrimination faced by the Indian community. He developed his principles of nonviolence and civil disobedience during this time, organizing protests and advocating for the rights of Indians.
Upon returning to India in 1915, Gandhi became actively involved in the Indian National Congress, a political party fighting for India's independence. He led numerous nonviolent campaigns, including the famous Salt March in 1930, where he and thousands of followers marched to the Arabian Sea to protest against the British salt monopoly.
Gandhi's commitment to nonviolence and his ability to mobilize the masses made him a revered figure in India and around the world. He inspired millions with his message of peace, unity, and equality. His teachings emphasized the importance of self-discipline, self-sufficiency, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background.
Despite facing numerous imprisonments and hardships, Gandhi remained steadfast in his pursuit of freedom and justice. His efforts, along with the collective struggle of the Indian people, eventually led to India's independence on August 15, 1947.
Tragically, on January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist who opposed his views on religious tolerance and unity.
Even after his death, Gandhi's legacy continues to inspire movements for peace and social justice worldwide. His principles of nonviolence, truth, and equality remain relevant and influential to this day.
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historispro · 1 year
Mahatma Gandhi's, Political Career and Biography can be found at | De*th & Facts |
Mahatma Gandhi:
Mahatma Gandhi, whose full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was a prominent leader in theIndian independence movement against British colonial rule. He is known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which he called "Satyagraha," meaning the pursuit of truth. Gandhi's methods and teachings had a profound impact not only on India's struggle for independence but also on various civil rights and freedom movements around the world.
Gandhi was conceived on October 2, 1869, at Porbandar, a seaside settlement in the Indian state of Gujarat. He studied law in London and practiced law in South Africa, where he became involved in social and political activism after experiencing racial discrimination firsthand. It was during his time in South Africa that he began to develop his principles of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience.
Upon returning to India, Gandhi became a leader in the fight for India's independence from British rule. He led various campaigns of civil disobedience, boycotts, and protests, often emphasizing the importance of peaceful resistance. One of his most notable campaigns was the Salt March in 1930, where he and his followers walked over 240 miles to the Arabian Sea to protest the British monopoly on salt production and sales.
Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence was based on the belief that individuals could resist oppression and injustice without resorting to violence. He believed that by suffering willingly and without retaliation, the moral strength of the oppressed would ultimately prevail. His commitment to nonviolence and civil disobedience inspired millions and played a crucial role in India gaining independence from British rule in 1947.
Tragically, Gandhi's life was cut short when he was assassinated on January 30, 1948, by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist who disagreed with Gandhi's views and methods. Despite his death, Gandhi's legacy continues to inspire people worldwide to seek social justice, human rights, and equality through peaceful means. He is often referred to as the "Father of the Nation" in India and remains an enduring symbol of nonviolent resistance and the power of civil discourse.
Read More Information by my Website
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priti04 · 1 year
Exploring Nathuram Godse and Related Books
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Today is a digital age. The world is running at a fast pace. With that pace, the need to know has never been higher. The quest for knowledge is never ending. Book play a major part in a seeker’s life. It helps him explore the depths of unknown realms of this world. The need to stand at long queues and wait for to rent books has drastically reduced. Many people turn to book buying sites to explore a wide range of topics and authors. One such topic that ignites the curious readers is the life and beliefs of Nathuram Godse. The most debated figure in Indian history. This essay aims to shed light on books related to Nathuram Godse and his ideology. We will discuss his life, his role in history, and the books available on this subject.
Who Was Nathuram Godse?
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Nathuram Godse was an Indian patriot who had strong idea towards a better India after freedom. His ideas were mostly radical ones. He was born in a small village in Pune, India, in 1910. Growing up, he walked with several groups in a vision to build that nation. He often felt isolated as his ideas differed from the group. He went on to build his own group of young patriots. He gained notoriety for his heinous action of killing Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. Godse grew up in a radical and politics filled world. His early years were marked by his interest and visionary ideas on the building of the nation and its future. 
Godse's Role in History
Nathuram Godse's was just another guy with radical ideas on the nation until he lifted his gun to shoot Mahatma Gandhi on January 30, 1948. Gandhi, known as the father of the Indian nation, advocated non-violence. He believed that with peaceful protests, one could win anything. Gandhi played a pivotal role in India's struggle for freedom from British colonial rule. Godse, on the other hand, held opposing views and believed that violence was necessary to achieve India's goals. Varying ideas has always been a part of political discourse in India. But, the reluctance of the Congress to include harsh measures to drive out the British angered many patriots. This finally condenses down into the terrible act of killing of Gandhi. 
Godse's killing of Gandhi shocked the world and had far-reaching impact on  India's history. He was arrested, put on trial, and was hanged to death. His execution took place on November 15, 1949.
Books on Nathuram Godse
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Interest in Nathuram Godse and his beliefs has led to writers of differing ideas writing books on Nathuram Godse. The books delve into his life, ideology, and the events leading up to Gandhi's killing. These books speak about the political air of the nation at that time. At the same time, these books implore, upon studying the mind of the killer. Here are a few noteworthy books on Nathuram Godse:
1. "Why I Assassinated Mahatma Gandhi" by Nathuram Godse
  This book is notorious to be one of the brave attempts where the killer goes on to write and justify his own act. Godse wrote this book while serving jail after he killed Gandhi. He doesn't sound to apologize about his action. The book is filled with his efforts to justify the act. 
2. "The Men Who Killed Gandhi" by Manohar Malgonkar
   - Manohar Malgonkar's book offers a detailed account of the events leading up to the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, with a focus on the conspirators involved, including Nathuram Godse.
3. "Gandhi and Godse: A Review and a Critique" by Sita Ram Goel
This book makes an analysis. It puts either ideals to test. It examines the ideas and vision of Gandhi. Godse’s ideas are also written. The author tries to take a middle ground, putting forth the facts and records. 
4. "Nathuram Godse: The Hidden Story" by Dhaval Kulkarni
This book sheds light on the life of Godse. It is a biography. The main focus of the book is upon the childhood and growth of Nathuram. It explores in the study of topics that made him a patriot. Mr. Kulkarni has made an in-depth research on the life of Godse. This could be the singular best biography of Godse. 
5. "The RSS and the BJP: A Division of Labour" by Walter K. Andersen and Shridhar D. Damle
  This book doesn't speak more about the personal lives of either Gandhi or Godse. It is one of the books on Nathuram godse where the past incidents are explored. The situation that was in the country, the mindset of communities and sects are written about. The political condition of the state at that time is put down to words with good clarity. 
Nathuram Godse remains a debated and puzzling figure in Indian history. His action remains as one of the bitter stories in the freedom of India. The act will never be forgiven. The freedom for us to research on the issues with an open mind lets us be the judge. It makes us to study and understand the ideas and conflicts that lead to this killing. Books on Nathuram Godse provide readers with insights into his life and ideology. They speak about the dominoes of events that led to this tragic event. By reading these books, one can gain a deeper grasp of the complex history and the conflict of the ideas that led to Godse's actions. Book buying sites offer a convenient way to access these texts and engage with this important aspect of India's history.
The reason that we are allowed to study on such a bitter matter speaks loads about our country.
Let us make use of the chances and engage in a healthy debate about our country.
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बर्खास्त विधायक राजेंद्र गुढ़ा अब एक नई पार्टी से अपनी नई सियासी पारी खेलने उतर सकते हैं। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsI_2E0IGmM युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | शुक्रवार को ब्रसेल्स के प्रेस क्लब में राहुल गांधी ने कहा भारत में इस वक्त महात्मा गांधी और नाथूराम गोडसे के विजन के बीच लड़ाई है। At the Press Club of Brussels on Friday, Rahul Gandhi said that at present in India there is a fight between the vision of Mahatma Gandhi and Nathuram Godse. जोधपुर में एक हेड कॉन्स्टेबल का शव थाने के टांके (वाटर टैंक) में मिला। In Jodhpur, the body of a head constable was found in the water tank of the police station. भीषण गर्मी से तंग आकर विहार के दरभंगा जिला के एक आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता ने भारत सरकार के पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय के केंद्रीय मंत्री से मौसम के संबंध में जवाब मांगा। Fed up with the scorching heat, an RTI activist from Darbhanga district of Vihar sought answers regarding the weather from the Union Minister of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. बर्खास्त विधायक राजेंद्र गुढ़ा अब एक नई पार्टी से अपनी नई सियासी पारी खेलने उतर सकते हैं। Dismissed MLA Rajendra Gudha can now play his new political innings from a new party. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #rajasthannews #ashokgehlot #congressnews #bjpnews #pmmodi #rahulgandhi #congressparty #rajasthanelection #election2023 #politicalnews #crimenews #jodhpurnews #weatherreport via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg September 09, 2023 at 11:49AM
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ivisonguitars · 1 year
बर्खास्त विधायक राजेंद्र गुढ़ा अब एक नई पार्टी से अपनी नई सियासी पारी खेलने उतर सकते हैं। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsI_2E0IGmM युग चरण के साथ देखिये देश-विदेश की सभी महत्वपूर्ण और बड़ी खबरें | शुक्रवार को ब्रसेल्स के प्रेस क्लब में राहुल गांधी ने कहा भारत में इस वक्त महात्मा गांधी और नाथूराम गोडसे के विजन के बीच लड़ाई है। At the Press Club of Brussels on Friday, Rahul Gandhi said that at present in India there is a fight between the vision of Mahatma Gandhi and Nathuram Godse. जोधपुर में एक हेड कॉन्स्टेबल का शव थाने के टांके (वाटर टैंक) में मिला। In Jodhpur, the body of a head constable was found in the water tank of the police station. भीषण गर्मी से तंग आकर विहार के दरभंगा जिला के एक आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता ने भारत सरकार के पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय के केंद्रीय मंत्री से मौसम के संबंध में जवाब मांगा। Fed up with the scorching heat, an RTI activist from Darbhanga district of Vihar sought answers regarding the weather from the Union Minister of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. बर्खास्त विधायक राजेंद्र गुढ़ा अब एक नई पार्टी से अपनी नई सियासी पारी खेलने उतर सकते हैं। Dismissed MLA Rajendra Gudha can now play his new political innings from a new party. Watch the latest Hindi news Live on the World's Most Loved News Channel on YouTube. Latest News about Politics , Sports , Entertainment, Crime at Yugcharan Channel. Un Biased News Reporting ! Follow this link to join our WhatsApp group to get Latest News Updates : https://chat.whatsapp.com/ESor6YJXGEIL9y7DZRCtim Subscribe our channel for the latest news: https://www.youtube.com/@yugcharan Like us: https://www.facebook.com/theyugcharan Follow us: https://twitter.com/theyugcharan Telegram : https://t.me/TheYugCharanpaper Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/theyugcharan/ Website : https://yugcharan.com #today_breaking_news #Breaking_news #Latest_news #Hindi_News #News #NewsHindiLive #LiveTVNews #HindiNews #rajasthannews #ashokgehlot #congressnews #bjpnews #pmmodi #rahulgandhi #congressparty #rajasthanelection #election2023 #politicalnews #crimenews #jodhpurnews #weatherreport via Yugcharan News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT6O9BlRulH48ph5QmCYEg September 09, 2023 at 11:49AM
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odishadetails · 1 year
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India, was a prominent leader and advocate for nonviolent resistance during the Indian independence movement against British rule. He is widely regarded as the Father of the Nation in India.
Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence, known as Satyagraha, emphasized the power of truth and moral courage. believed in peaceful protests, civil disobedience, and passive resistance as effective means to achieve social and political change. Through his leadership, he inspired millions of Indians to join the struggle for independence, promoting unity and equality among people of different religions and castes.
Gandhi's most notable campaigns included the Salt March in 1930, where he led thousands of Indians in a nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly, and the Quit India Movement in 1942, demanding an end to British colonial rule. Despite facing imprisonment and numerous hardships, Gandhi remained steadfast in his commitment to nonviolence and justice.
His teachings extended beyond politics, emphasizing self-discipline, simplicity, and the importance of living a life of truth and integrity. Gandhi's influence reached far beyond India, inspiring civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
Tragically, Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948, by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist who opposed his efforts towards religious harmony. However, his legacy lives on as a symbol of peace, nonviolence, and the power of individual action to bring about significant social change.
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indiablog1 · 1 year
Indian Cultural History
1920-22 - Mahatma Gandhi leads Non-Cooperation campaign.
1947 - Independence; partition of subcontinent into India and Pakistan.
1948 - Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.
1984 - Indira Gandhi imposes state of emergency.
2004 - Manmohan Singh elected prime minister; tsunami hits east coast.
2008 - Gunmen attack the main tourist and business area of Mumbai; 172 dead.
2011 - Mass movement against India’s culture of corrupt officialdom emerges.
In 1948 when the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi happened, he was killed by a man named Nathuram Godse. He approached Gandhi and shot him in the chest 3 times ending his life. Then Godse tried to end his own life but failed and then was tried in court for murder. The people from that culture started riots and committed arson, there were hate attacks towards the Brahmins, that is who Godse was. The people who were so reliant on non violence then turned to a culture of violence and destruction.
In 2008 during the Mumbai massacre 10 gunmen were responsible for the attack. They were from Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure). The negative perception of Hindu terrorism rose in India, and people looked towards the government for change
In 2011 a bunch of organized protests across India began to stop political corruption within the country. They did this to create a righteous environment for their government.
Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRB2MiSjmTk
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Mahatma Gandhi Odia Biography Book
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was known as Mahatma Gandhi. prominent Indian nationalist and 20th-century proponent of nonviolence.The popular moniker Mahatma Gandhi for Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is used to refer to him. Gandhi, a social reformer and the head of the Indian Independence Movement, popularised the concept of Satyagrah, or nonviolent protest. Gandhi was raised in Gujarat and attended the Inner Temple Law School in London. In 1915, he went back to India after spearheading a civil disobedience action for Indians living in South Africa. In India, he embarked on a rail tour to several regions of the nation in an effort to comprehend the issues facing farmers, peasants, and urban labourers and to organise protests for them. In 1921, he took over as president of the Indian National Congress, and he went on to become both the organization's most famous leader and a legendary figure in Indian politics. In 1930, he orchestrated the Dandi Salt March, and in 1942, the Quit India Movement. Additionally, he attempted to elevate the underclass and gave them the new moniker "Harijan," which means "children of God." Gandhi also contributed frequently to publications, and the spinning wheel he used as a representation of independence gained notoriety. Gandhi played a key role in pacifying people and averting the Hindu-Muslim riots as tensions rose before and during the partition of the country. He was shot dead by Nathuram Godse on January 31, 1948.
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digimakacademy · 4 years
'गोडसे देश का पहला आतंकवादी', साध्वी बोलीं- कांग्रेस देशभक्तों का अपमान करती है
‘गोडसे देश का पहला आतंकवादी’, साध्वी बोलीं- कांग्रेस देशभक्तों का अपमान करती है
हाइलाइट्स: नाथूराम गोडसे पर दिग्विजय सिंह से भिंड़ी साध्वी प्रज्ञा दिग्विजय सिंह ने नाथूराम गोडसे को बताया है देश का पहला आतंकवादी साध्वी प्रज्ञा बोलीं, कांग्रेस देशभक्तों का करती है अपमान बीजेपी सांसद साध्वी प्रज्ञा पहले भी नाथूराम गोडसे को बता चुकी है देशभक्त भोपालप्रशासन ने ग्वालियर में गोडसे की लाइब्रेरी पर ताला लगवा दिया है। लेकिन प्रदेश में इसे लेकर राजनीति जारी है। कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ…
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globalcourant · 2 years
After Savarkar, Godse portrait put up in Surathkal, taken down by Mangaluru City Corporation
After Savarkar, Godse portrait put up in Surathkal, taken down by Mangaluru City Corporation
The portraits of Godse were purportedly erected by Akhila Bharath Hindu Mahasabha The portraits of Godse were purportedly erected by Akhila Bharath Hindu Mahasabha Mangaluru City Corporation on Thursday, August 18, removed portraits of Naturam Godse that had come up at two places in Surathkal. The portraits of Godse, which were purportedly erected by Akhila Bharath Hindu Mahasabha, had come up…
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bhartenduvimaldubey · 4 years
कट्टरवादी गांधी के देश मे गोडसे या जिन्ना की पूजा करके क्या साबित करना चाहते है ?
सर्वविदित है कि भारत “गाँधी” की धरती है .. यहाँ तक कि RSS पृष्ठभूमि वाले PM स्व० अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी व वर्तमान PM नरेंद्र मोदी भी भारत को “गाँधी” की धरती कहते है लेकिन आज कल गांधी के देश भारत मे “लोग” गोडसे जैसे दुष्टों को पूजनीय बना रहे है और शासन प्रशासन कोई कार्यवाही भी नहीं कर रहा है – मध्य प्रदेश – युवाओं को गोडसे के बारे में बताने के लिए हिंदू महासभा ने शुरू की गोडसे लाइब्रेरी … इंडियन…
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bhaskarlive · 5 years
LS: Pragya apologises for Godse remark
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BJP MP Pragya Thakur on Friday tendered an apology in the Lok Sabha on her remarks on Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse, saying she “regrets and apologises” if her statement had hurt anybody and clarified that her remarks were “wrongly interpreted and twisted”.
The Bhopal MP, who faces charges in the Malegaon blasts case, later said she respects the service of Mahatma Gandhi for the country and condemned the way her statement was interpreted.
“In the backdrop of past sequence of events, I express regret and apologies if any statement made by me in the House has hurt anybody in any way. But, I also want to say that my statement made in Parliament was wrongly interpreted and twisted,” Thakur said.
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rainbowandstardust · 3 years
Death, a reappearing event in the Gandhi family
The Nehru-Gandhi family governed India for almost 50 years out of the total 74 years since our independence. As we approach our 75th Independence day, we should learn about the period of deaths the history of our politics saw in the early years. All of this started with the assassination of the father of India-"Mahatma Gandhi" who was not in politics but his death was the beginning of a series of deaths. First, let's rewind a little bit.
While there are various theories revolving around how the Gandhi name was acquired. The first story that I was told as a kid which has now been proven to be wrong by the internet goes as follows, Feroze Jehangir Ghandy was a Muslim and Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India did not approve of an inter-religion marriage of his daughter Indira Gandhi, the first and only woman prime minister of India. Mahatma Gandhi decided to adopt Feroze and then convince Jawaharlal Nehru to marry him with Indira. His name changed to Feroze Gandhi and Indira Nehru became Indira Gandhi. Thus, started the legacy of The Gandhi Family.
On further research from different articles on google, a different story was discovered. Feroze Ghandy was a Parsi and a politician along with being an activist who was inspired by the works of Mahatma Gandhi and hence changed the spelling of his surname. He married Indira Nehru who then became Indira Gandhi.
The first death the Gandhi family saw was Mahatma Gandhi's assassination which occurred on 30th January 1948 when Nathuram Godse shot 3 bullets for what he thought would lead him to be celebrated across the whole nation. Instead, he was hanged.
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Indira Gandhi one the day of her death. She was wearing a beautiful saffron saree.
Then followed Indira Gandhi. While some people celebrate Indira Gandhi's era some believe it to be the darkest period of Indian democracy. She was shot 33 bullets on 31 October 1984 by her two Sikh bodyguards Satwant Singh and Beant Singh. Operation Blue Star was ordered by Indira Gandhi and was carried between 1 June to 8 June 1984. It was to remove leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his followers from the buildings of the Harmandir Sahib complex in Amritsar, Punjab. This operation led to many casualties from both sides and the reason many people turned against Indira Gandhi-The Iron Woman of India. Allegedly Indira Gandhi had predicted her own death a day before in her speech given at Bhubaneswar. She said, "I am here today, I may not be here tomorrow. Nobody knows how many attempts have been made to shoot me I do not care whether I live or die. I have lived a long life and I am proud that I spend the whole of my life in the service of my people." The Sikh bodyguards were to be removed after the blue star operation but Indira believed this would create her image as anti-Sikh, a life-threatening mistake she did. Following her death, riots broke out across the whole country.
Rajiv Gandhi was in Contai, 150 km away from Calcutta when Indira Gandhi was shot. He was asked to be the next prime minister following his mother's demise.
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Rajiv Gandhi on the day of his death.
This was not the end of the circle of death looming over the Gandhi family. The successive prime minister Rajiv Gandhi took the office in 1984. He was the youngest prime minister of India at the age of 40 and governed from 1984-1989. Like Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi also anticipated his own death a few moments before the bombing. Neena Gopal asked Rajiv whether he felt his life was at risk, to which Rajiv Gandhi said, "Have you noticed how every time any South Asian leader of any import rises to a position of power or is about to achieve something for himself or his country, he is cut down, attacked, killed look at Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Sheikh Mujib, look at Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, at Zia-ul-Haq, Bandaranaike."
Gopal says within minutes of making the statement that hinted he was aware that he was a likely target of dark forces at play, Rajiv himself would be gone (Statement from India today). Following the Civil war in Sri Lanka, Rajiv Gandhi sent the military to end the uprising. Many soldiers lost their lives and LTTE could not be stopped. India then stopped its involvement in the Sri Lankan civil war, but LTTE became the enemy of Rajiv Gandhi.
He was campaigning in Madras on 21 May 1991. When he was on his way to deliver his speech, Thenmozhi Rajaratnam bent down to touch his feet and took out RDX explosive-laden belt from underneath her dress. Rajiv Gandhi, his assassin, along with 14 others died in the suicide bombing orchestrated by LTTE.
The LTTE leveraged genuine issues of linguistic discrimination, political disenfranchisement, and anti-Tamil riots in the island nation where Sinhalese-Buddhists are a majority — but adopted the politics of violence and terror as the method to attain their objective. And it was this terror that cost India’s former PM his life. (Hindustan Times)
LTTE then lost its support from Tamil. “Rajiv Gandhi was expected to come to power in the 1991 general elections. The results showed that in his death, he was stronger than in his life,” says Thiyagu.
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Sanjay Gandhi in his plane
This was not all. Prior to these assassinations occurred the death of Sanjay Gandhi, the youngest son of Indira Gandhi. During the emergency period in India, Sanjay Gandhi is believed to have a really strong hold on what was happening around the country. He had a liking for adventures and did acrobats in planes. One day prior to his death he was travelling in the same plane with Maneka Gandhi who then came home and informed Indira about the plane ride, telling her to stop Sanjay from flying in that plane again. Indira talked to Sanjay about the safety of the plane. To which he replied that it would be fixed in 2-3 days. The very next day i.e 23 June 1980 Sanjay died in a plane crash. One more person who was flying the plane along with him died. He was supposed to be his mother's successor in politics.
There are many conspiracy theories regarding some of which state that Indira had her son killed. I don't think a mother and one like Indira Gandhi can do such a thing. After his death she said. "It feels like my right arm has been taken away." No one can understand the love of a mother. Moreover, there are no strong arguments backing up this conspiracy theory. One must keep in mind that Sanjay had a liking for adventures and he had been doing such acrobats in the planes for a long time. But, he was still not so experienced. It is most likely that it was an accidental death.
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Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi
Flashforward to 2021 when Sonia Gandhi is the leader of the Indian National Congress, Rahul Gandhi is often portrayed as a person who is dumb in front of the public. One cannot neglect the fact that he and his sister, Priyanka Gandhi, and his brother, Varun Gandhi had a very traumatic childhood. At the mere age of 10, Rahul Gandhi saw his uncle's death followed by his grandmother who was killed by people he thought were his friends. In one of his interviews, he said he thought they were his friends. They once taught him to play badminton and out of anger, they killed his grandmother. Following Indira's death, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi were homeschooled for security reasons. This led to their seclusion from society. After this when he was studying at Harvard he heard the news of his father's death. He shifted to Rollins College in Florida again for security reasons. The amount of trauma this family faced is a lot. Their childhood had been full of deaths and social seclusion. No one can even imagine the trauma surrounding the Gandhi family. Sonia had pleaded with Rahul not to take up politics, "I begged him not to let them do this. I pleaded with him, with others around him, too. He would be killed as well. He held my hands, hugged me, tried to soothe my desperation. He had no choice, he said, he would be killed anyway." What has politics ever given Rahul? It has taken away everything from him.
-Vrinda Kwatra
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