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todropscience · 2 months ago
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Flatback turtles (Natator depressus) face predation risks during their hatchling stage on Thevenard Island, Western Australia. A recent study found that while no egg predation occurred, about 30% of hatchlings were consumed, primarily by ghost crabs (Ocypode convexa). Gulls and Caspian terns were also observed preying on hatchlings, although these were less common.
The absence of egg predation is unexpected and may be explained by the strategic nesting choices of female turtles or the composition of the eggshells. Despite these protective mechanisms, the survival rate from egg to hatchling remains vulnerable.
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- Ghost crabs (encircled), and silver gulls and a Caspian tern predating on flatback turtle hatchlings emerging from nests, recorded by infra-red video camera on Thevenard Island, Pilbara region, Western Australia.
Conservation strategies must address these predation threats, particularly by targeting human disturbances and reducing predator populations in key nesting areas. These findings offer vital insights into the challenges affecting flatback turtle populations and their long-term recovery.
Photograph: Golden ghost crab by kaiwolfe
Reference (open access): Avenant et al. 2024. Predation rates on flatback turtle Natator depressus eggs and hatchlings at an island rookery. Mar Biol.
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lasaraconor · 7 months ago
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Confirm !
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 10 months ago
Paris 2024 les nageurs risquent gros
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o-link · 5 months ago
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Nager comme une sirène
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cujus · 7 months ago
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lounesdarbois · 7 months ago
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feelingveryorangelately · 29 days ago
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passion natation - recherches depuis un documentaire sur Youtube et des vidéos random
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carbone14 · 9 months ago
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Jim Thorpe et Josephine McKim - Etats-Unis - 1932
Josephine McKim a été la doublure de Maureen O'Sullivan dans une séquence du film d'aventures Tarzan et sa compagne (1934), dans laquelle on la voit nager totalement nue sous l'eau et qui a été censurée à l'origine par le code Hays.
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imashadowalker · 6 months ago
As I start writing this, I still feel the ghost ache of eyes red from crying.
Tonight, France Télévision - the public television company providing some of France's main TV channels - is diffusing, prior to the start of the Paralympic Games in a week, a documentary entitled "À Corps Perdus". This documentary is available as of this morning on the group's online platform. I finished watching this documentary about 20 minutes ago.
I do not cry often. A big part of it is that I've been fortunate enough to live a peaceful, mostly strife-free life. That being said, one of the things that can get me to cry is emotional, impactful writing or cinema.
I cried, watching this documentary, overwhelmed with emotions I'm not sure if I can make sense of. What overwhelmed me, I think, was the sheer beauty of humanity being displayed.
I do not believe in Gods. I've heard that everyone believes in something, that people need something to believe in. I've never really taken the time to think and figure out what, exactly, I do or do not believe in, but I've long had an instinctual answer to the question "what do you believe in?" : humanity. This undefinable quality of humankind that makes us capable of the worst of violences, but most importantly of the best of kindnesses, of the most incredible achievements.
Nothing awes me like the good people are capable of. "Good" seems like too weak a word to express the greatness of what humanity can bring about, but it is the right one. Seeing people come together, keeping a light glowing in the darkest of times, fighting cruelty with the most selfless kindness, claiming triumph over horrors thanks to the dedication of dozens, hundreds, thousands of individuals.
Nothing captures my attention and emotions like a human story.
Nothing overwhelms me like humanity.
I want to give many thanks to everyone who took part in the creation of this documentary, which I hope will play a key role in getting French people excited for the upcoming Games.
To all of the athletes out there taking part in the Paralympic Games in Paris or in future editions, I wish the best of luck, the greatest experience and the most wonderful emotions.
To Oksana Masters (US / Ukraine), Alexis Hanquinquant (France), Anne-Sophie Centis (France), Cédric Nankin (France), Gabriel Araújo (Brasil) and Zakia Khudadadi (Afghanistan / France) : my best wishes to all of you for these Paralympic Games.
Alexis, Anne-Sophie, Cédric, je vous souhaite la plus belle réussite sous les yeux de vos familles et de vos amis, avec le soutien indéfectible du public et de tout le peuple français.
Gabriel, I hope you get to take that photo under the Eiffel Tower.
Oksana, I hope you and your mother have the most wonderful time in Paris.
Zakia, je vous souhaite d'avoir tout le soutien du peuple français derrière vous ; que dans les tribunes du Grand Palais, des dizaines, des centaines de français scandent votre nom ; que puisque, concourant avec l'équipe paralympique des réfugiés, vous ne pourrez pas l'entendre depuis la plus haute marche du podium, le public chante pour vous La Marseillaise à chacun de vos matchs. Je vous souhaite, si vous le désirez également, de participer aux Jeux Paralympique de Los Angeles 2028 sous le drapeau français ; ou, peut être, si l'Histoire vous le permet, sous le drapeau afghan.
À tous ceux qui ont accès aux chaînes de France Télévision, je vous invite à regarder le documentaire À Corps Perdus, disponible en ligne, en replay, et diffusé ce soir (mardi 20 août) à 21h10 sur France 2.
À tous mes concitoyens français, je vous encourage à montrer le même engouement pour les Jeux Paralympiques que vous l'avez fait pour les Jeux Olympiques, à commencer par le relais de la flamme qui commencera ce samedi 24 août et traversera de nombreuses villes. J'appelle en particulier les Parisiens à venir nombreux encourager les athlètes lors des épreuves en pleine ville (triathlon, vélo sur route, etc.).
To everyone around the world, I call onto you to watch the Paralympic Games, which will start on August 28th with the opening ceremony, as much as you are able - even if it is just 30 minutes in total over the 2 week long event. Let us give this event the attention it deserves.
To my fellow French citizens, to our close neighbours from Ireland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain - as well as Monaco and Andorra - and to all around the world who are able, I invite you to buy your ticket and come to Paris to cheer on the athletes and witness this event in person.
Many of us, and I am among this group, are or will be busy going back to school or work after summer vacation, giving us less time to pay attention to the Games as we had in August. Let us, to the best of our capacity, support the athletes by paying as much attention to their performances as we are able.
Aux français qui ont célébré les Jeux Olympiques avec d'autant plus d'enthousiasme que nous avons besoin, aujourd'hui, de raisons de célébrer et de nous rassembler, de ressentir notre appartenance à une seule et unique nation, faisons de ces Jeux Paralympiques les plus beaux de l'Histoire.
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marcrobin · 5 months ago
Un ami d’enfance se jette à l’eau pour une bonne cause le 24 septembre. 33,8km de natation entre Catalina Island et la Californie pour collecter des dons pour la sauvegarde des tortues. Tous mes vœux de réussite @virgelviersetjoel #natation #swimming #tortue #turtle #dons #donation @gofundme @megannshaw
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abixana · 9 months ago
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Bain de soupe 🍜
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luminumarashi · 2 years ago
Slugcat OCs!
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Their names are The Natator and Tendril
Information and references(?) are under the cut
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The Natator, waterfowl slugcat. It/it's
It is a purposed organism, a messenger, and was created by Out of Bounds. Natator is as good of a swimmer as Rivulet is, and it has even bigger lung capacity, but it's very slow on land (crawling speed is similar to Gourmand's, walking is slightly slower). It also better navigates in zero-gravity.
It has a small emotional range, but it is really curious! Most of its free time it spends in water. Occasionally, it brings interesting stuff it finds to Out.
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Tendril. They/it
Tendril is a specimen of a slugcat subspecies, which formed close relations with noodleflies. They're small, flexible and mimic noodleflies' infants with their appearance. Because of this (and because this subspecies keeps good relationships with noodleflies), noodleflies allow them to travel by holding noodleflies' tails.
Tendril is a traveler and currently isn't a part of any slugcat colony. They live on Gaze's facility grounds and have willingly become their messenger. They're restrained, not very talkative and easily annoyed. It prefers to be alone and rarely visits Gaze's puppet chamber (because it finds them a little annoying), but they still appreciate her company. Sometimes.
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 10 months ago
Alexis Jandard nous donne quelques astuces pour bien rater son plongeon. On rappelle qu'Alexis a glissé sur le plongeoir pendant l'inauguration de la piscine olympique. Une vidéo pleine d'autodérision réalisée par la Fédération Française de la Lose (FFL)
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o-link · 4 months ago
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cestmoiquand · 1 year ago
Et dire, que je nage limite plus vite après 5 sans natation, que quand je nageais régulièrement. 1km en 30 min, c'est un temps normal.
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cherusque · 2 years ago
Ona Carbonell 🇪🇸
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