footprintsinthesxnd · 2 years
Scared to love you
Pairings: Jake Seresin x reader
Warnings: mentions of sex, unstable upbringing
This was a lovely request from two very lovely people @callsignmaverick5 and @emma8895eb. Both had lovely Jake x reader requests so I thought I’d combine them as they went so well together. Hope you enjoy. Thank you to @callsign-phoenix for proofreading for me.
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The sun was growing low on the horizon when Jake pulled up to the base, casting an orange glow across the evening sky. He parked the car and turned to you, watching as your knee bounced nervously.
“Hey, it’s going to be ok. Nothing is gonna happen, Baby.” He reassured you, bringing you in for a sweet kiss. You melted into his lips and instantly felt a little better.
“I know. I’m just nervous, I’ve never been in your plane before.”
“Well, this is a perfect time. It’s normally quiet in the evenings so there won’t be many people to catch us.” He gave you his signature cheeky smirk, before jumping out of the car.
You followed after him quickly, his long legs striding across the tarmac and towards the locker room. Natasha had said that you could borrow one of the female flight suits, she let on that Jake had been planning to take you up in his F18 since you’d met. Your heart swelled in your chest at that thought. You loved Jake Seresin with all your heart and although he was reluctant to say those three words back, you told him every day. You knew that he loved you, from his actions and the way he kissed you. You understood why he was afraid. Jake’s family hadn’t exactly been the most stable and loving and so he’d grown up knowing that emotions were a weakness so you’d take it slow, building up the trust between you. In the back of your mind, you knew that one day he would say it when he was ready.
You changed into one of the flight suits quickly, glancing occasionally over to your boyfriend as you watched him change, the muscles of his back rippling under his tanned skin. Once you were ready Jake set you up with a helmet and your oxygen, ensuring that you were all ready before he did his own. He grabbed your hand, smiling as he eagerly pulled you towards the hanger. Once inside he pulled you toward the plane furthest away and as you approached you couldn’t help but smile proudly. On the side of the plane in dark grey letters read “Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin”.
“Pretty cool, huh?” You could see the excitement on Jake’s face as he waved his hand towards the plane.
“Very cool,” you admitted, and it was true. You might not have been into planes but this was something else. You felt a great sense of pride knowing that your boyfriend was protecting his country.
“Unfortunately we both can’t fly it because it’s a F/A-18E.” You looked at him, utterly confused but he quickly corrected himself, realizing that he was talking a completely different language to you.
“It means it’s a single, but Phoenix said we could borrow her and Bob’s plane, as long as we didn’t have sex in it.” He laughed as he watched your face contort in horror, “don’t worry, Darlin’ we won’t and anyway you know how much room I need when I make love to you.” You cringed inwardly at Jake’s awful attempt to seduce you. Honestly, this man always had sex on the brain. He helped you climb up into Bob’s seat before hopping into the seat in front of you. You picked at the ends of your gloves nervously as the plane began to move. Once you were out on the hangar Jake put the canopy down and you could hear his voice come through on the radio.
“Are you ok back there, Baby?”
“Yep, all good,” you tried not to sound too nervous, after all, you were excited to be in a plane with Jake. He’d told you so many times about the amazing sunsets and views so you were excited to see them for yourself.
You could feel your stomach churning as the plane picked up speed and you had to suppress a scream as you felt the ground disappear beneath you. You climbed higher and faster before you eventually levelled out. You could see the base far below you as you cruised above the clouds. Jake’s voice echoed in your ears but you barely heard him, too enthralled by the view.
“Jake this is incredible,” you whispered and could hear Jake laughing lightly.
“I told you it was worth it.”
The colours danced past you as you placed your hand up the glass in complete awe.
“I’ve always loved this view. It’s one of my favourite parts of the day, except for coming home to you, Baby.” He added and you could tell he was smiling.
“I love it, Jake.”
“I knew you would. I wanted you to be a part of something I love so much because… well… I love you, (y/n). It’s always been you. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to say it and I know now I seem like an idiot because it was so easy to say but… I was just scared. I was scared that after I said it that would be it and the magic would be gone and you’d want to leave.” You could tell Jake was starting to tear up slightly and you leaned forward the best you could, trying to gently touch his shoulder. Jake very rarely showed his emotions so this was a real breakthrough for him. He nodded as you reassured him and soon regained his composure. The rest of the flight was smooth, you finished your circuit of North Island before descending and back to base. You held your breath as the plane touched down and finally sighed with relief once Jake had parked it back in the hangar.
As the canopy opened, Jake hopped out, helping you down. As soon as your feet touched the tarmac you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, hugging him. “I love you, Jake Seresin. Thank you for sharing your world with me.”
Jake chuckled, placing a delicate kiss on your forehead.
“You’re welcome, Darlin’. Thank you for being in my world. I love you so much.” You wove your fingers into the hair at the base of his neck, pulling him down into a delicate kiss. Your lips met passionately and Jake’s hand trailed up your stomach, unzipping your flight suits.
“Seresin? Is that you?” You jumped away from Jake quickly, trying to compose yourself.
“Shit! It’s Cyclone. Quick. Quick. Go! Go! Go!” Jake pushed you out of the hangar, grabbing your hand as you raced towards Jake’s car, your clothes forgotten. Once inside the car you burst into a fit of giggles, nervously looking out the window to see Cyclone looking around the empty hangar.
“That was too close,” you whispered but Jake just hummed, his lips already attacking your neck. You tried to push him away. “No, Jake, we can’t. Phoenix said I could borrow one of the flight suits, not have sex in it,” you groaned.
Jake pulled away briefly, “she said we couldn’t have sex in her plane, she never mentioned anything about the uniform.” It was safe to say that you washed the flight suit three times before giving it back to Natasha, rather embarrassed, luckily she was none the wiser putting it back in the pile with the other spares, although knowing Jake’s big mouth you soon wouldn’t be able to look her in the eye.
Tag list: @callsign-phoenix @imjess-themess @blue-aconite @averyhotchner @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @alexxavicry @a-reader-and-a-writer @topguncortez @maggiescarborough @callsignmaverick5 @ssprayberrythings @smoothdogsgirl @xoxabs88xox @luckyladycreator2 @abaker74 @elenavampire21 @classyunknownlover @okiegirl24 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @sunlightmurdock @basiccortez @airedale17
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footprintsinthesxnd · 2 years
Operation Death Wish | Chapter 4
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Synopsis: Jake Seresin knew what it was like to lose people he loved, he’d been losing them his whole life. Yet in the midst of chaos as the world as he knew it ended Jake found somebody he never wanted to lose. But what if he’d already lost her. Warnings: swearing, dystopian descriptions, gore, death, violence, alien descriptions, fighting, sexual images, 18+ (minors dni), angst, some fluff at times.
Nat pulled the truck into a lay-by in Winterhaven by the California Arizona border. She got out of the truck, bending over and stretching her legs. She’d been driving for 2 ½ hours and she was already feeling the exhaustion taking over. She’d been on her own in the front with little to distract her from the death and destruction outside. Each town you had passed was abandoned, a shell of what it had once been in recumbent serenity. Natasha stood, soaking in the moment of silence. Plants uprooted the pavements, houses without roofs or walls or both, cars abandoned but what hit Nat most was a small child’s bicycle that sat parallel to her, it was soaked in dark red blood and as Nat moved closer she could see the small hunched body beside it, glassy eyes staring wildly back at her. Nats' gut wrenched and she doubled over, gagging and vomiting on the sidewalk. The acid burned her throat as she tried to compose herself, stomach churning. All she could think about was Sophie and the baby, it could have so easily been their bodies that littered the streets.
“Hey Phoenix, you good?” Jake called, hanging out the side of the truck.
“Yeah I’m fine,” Nat croaked back, moving back towards the truck but keeping a hand on her stomach in the hope that it would calm her slightly.
“Do you want me to drive the next part?” Jake was sat on the bonnet as she approached and she simply nodded at her, climbing into the back of the truck. The others had all gotten out to stretch their legs but you followed him round to the passengers side.
“Mind if I ride shotgun?” You’d asked, looking up at him through the window.
“Course not,” Jake lent over, throwing the door open for you. “You can be my wingman anytime.” You hopped in beside him, giving him a small smirk. He had his aviators on and was looking incredibly cool as he took the wheel, pushing the keys into the ignition and the engine hummed to life. With the windows down and Jake humming along to a random CD he put on everything seemed normal. For a moment you felt as though you could relax, like it was a normal summer's day and you and your boyfriend were driving to the beach but nothing about this situation was normal. You could feel your engagement ring hanging heavily on the chain around your neck and you turned your gaze from Jake, looking out of the passenger window as the world passed by absentmindedly. Why was this so difficult? Before all this Bradley had been your world, you’d spent all your free time with him and when you were apart you called and texted every night. Bradley had been your rock through so much so how was there a question? But then Jake came along and somehow you thought about Bradley less and less, Jake was exciting and adventurous and he made you feel things that Bradley never had. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You must have drifted off to sleep again because the next thing you remembered was the truck jolting forward and Jake cursing loudly. The engine was smoking and the truck was juddering along the road before finally coming to a screeching halt.
“FUCK!” Jake slammed his hands into the steering wheel before looking over at you apologetically.
“Jake, stop fucking around!” Coyote shouted from the back and Jake turned, glaring at the green canvas separating the compartments.
“I’m not, Dipshit, the fucking radiator’s gone.” Jake threw open his door, climbing out and popping the bonnet to survey the damage. The others all followed suit, climbing out of the truck and crowding behind Jake to get a better view.
“It’s shot,” Nat declared, “there’s no coming back from this, not without a proper mechanic and tools.”
Everyone groaned. “Where the hell is Bob when you need him,” Fanboy grumbled and instantly regretted it from the glare Nat sent his way.
“Bob’s at home with his family, which is exactly where I should be. So while you lot can stand around moaning I’m going to find my wife.” Phoenix grabbed her bag and marched off triumphantly.
“She has a point,” you said, looking up at Jake. “If there’s nothing we can do then there’s no point hanging around here in the open. We’ll be sitting ducks.”
Jake and the others agreed, even if a little reluctantly, grabbing their bags and following Nat down the road.
“We need to find cover as soon as we can,” Natasha informed you, as you hurried to catch up with her. “You ever seen one of those things?”
“What things?” You asked, watching as Natasha’s face wrinkled into a grin.
“Those alien things. The enemy. I don’t know what to call them.”
“The fuckers that ruined the world.” Mickey chimed in, causing you all to laugh.
“That sounds about right,” Jake laughed, his eyes reached yours from over your shoulder and you couldn’t help but stare back at him, he smirked at you causing the colour to flood your cheeks. You turned back around to Natasha. “No, I’ve never seen one. I’ve seen their ships and I’ve seen pictures of them but never one in real life.”
Nat gave you a reassuring smile, “well then you’re in for a treat. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.”
“How long do you think it will take us to walk there?” You asked, turning to Jake. He tried to give you a reassuring smile but you could see it was pained, he didn’t have that normal smirk and his lips were set in a thin straight line.
“Well, we’ve got over 2,000 miles to go so I’m guessing about 30 days at a minimum and that’s without detours or stops.”
“Right,” you said, “well we better pick up the pace.”
The group continued in silence with only the odd comment pointing out different things you passed. You began to see signs for Phoenix, which everyone except Nat found funny. You reached the outskirts of Tucson by nightfall. The town was eerily quiet, with no street lamps to guide you. The only sound was the group of heavy combat boots thudding against the tarmac and the occasional whispers. There was an abandoned warehouse that didn’t look remotely inviting, with doors screeching noisily and broken windows. It was the last place you wanted to spend the night.
“Fanboy and Payback you take the east side, Phoenix and Coyote you take the North and we will take the south,” Jake said, turning to meet your gaze. “Shout if you see or hear anything. We’ll meet back here in 15.” Everyone nodded before forming groups of 2 and heading off into the darkness. You stuck to Jake’s side like glue, wanting to reach out and grab his hand for comfort but you resisted the urge. You watched as he walked, broad shoulders taunt and stiff, his walk slow and he looked from side to side. He was in full soldier mode, ready to protect you from the slightest thing. Although you were nervous you were still in the Navy, a point that you thought Jake had forgotten. A rustling from your left caused Jake to stop, raising his hand in a fist. You waited with bated breath as something moved in the shadows, lurking. It moved slowly, stumbling over its own legs that creaked and groaned, sounding like a chain being dragged across the concrete floor. Its breathing was heavy, muffled in the darkness as it snuffled about. Your heart stopped as it came into the dim light, its pale form seeming to shine in the moonlight. It had a small head with a beady black eye, sunken into the side of its head and a long nose with a large jaw lined with hundreds of sharp teeth. Its body was thin, each bone protruding sharply out of its flesh, looking almost painful.
Jake’s hand pressed firmly but slowly against your chest, pushing you back towards the door, without even looking at you. Your steps were in slow motion and you tried to control your ragged breathing. As you reached the door Jake hurried out behind you, closing the door as quietly as he could and letting out the breath he’d been holding.
“We have to warn the others…” you began, moving to follow where you’d last seen Nat disappearing into the dark but Jake grabbed your arm, strong fingers digging into your flesh.
“Not a chance in hell are you going back in there,” he said firmly.
“But Jake, they're our friends. I care about them, we have to.”
“And I care about you,” you could see the pain behind his eyes as he spoke, “I care about you a lot actually and I’m not letting you risk your life. My only goal here is to protect you and that’s what I’m going to do.” Jake had moved closer to you and his large form towered over you. You took a sharp breath, trying to fight the urge to reach up and kiss him. Jake leaned a little further forward. His soft pink lips were within touching distance when the sound of heavy boots appeared behind you. You both pulled away quickly, Jake clearing his throat and watching to see who was coming.
Natasha and Coyote came running around the corner, closely followed by Payback and Fanboy.
“RUN!” Nat shouted, her voice closely accompanied by what could only be described as an animalistic scream. Payback and Fanboy were firing at something behind them, the gunfire lighting up the creature in the darkness. Only this time there were two of them.
“Run!” Jake shouted, grabbing hold of your arm and dragging you after him and you ran. You watched as the others scattered, running into the dark. You completely lost your bearings, tripping over more than once but Jake’s firm hold of you stopped you from tumbling.
Jake pushed you forward before turning to fire a few rounds at the creatures.
“KEEP RUNNING!” Jake shouted and you did as he said, turning back to watch as the creatures approached him. You ran until your lungs were on fire and your muscles burned. You didn’t know where you were running to, you only knew you had to keep running. You’d lost sight of the others and you couldn’t hear their voices anymore, only the sound of gunfire and the creatures' screams filled the night.
When you finally stopped running you collapsed against a tree, gasping for the oxygen that your lungs desperately craved. Your vision was blurred and the only sound you heard was your heart hammering in your ears.
“Jake?” You called out breathlessness but there was no answer.
“Phoenix? Payback? Fanboy? Coyote? Anyone?” You scrambled to your feet, head spinning but you ignored it, desperately trying to gain your bearings.
“Hello?” You kept calling and calling, stumbling around in the darkness. This was the last thing you needed. You held on tightly to your gun, checking the safety was off and raising it slightly, ready to fire at the slightest movement. You crept forward, cautiously avoiding the tree roots as you followed the narrow path. You didn’t know if you were going further in the forest or not, but all you knew is you had to keep moving. A sudden crack beside you caused you to jump, swinging your gun around to face the noise. You went to call out but thought better of it. If it was one of those creatures you’d be dead before the words even left your mouth. You stepped forward cautiously into the gloom as the figure came closer, it wasn’t the creature, no this figure was human. The figure moved forward, shoulders slouched, into the clearing, the moonlight illuminating their face.
Taglist: @wkndwlff @a-reader-and-a-writer @callsign-phoenix @imjess-themess @averyhotchner @basiccortez @mayhem24-7forever @sunlightmurdock @callsignmaverick5 @ssprayberrythings @smoothdogsgirl @xoxabs88xox @luckyladycreator2 @abaker74 @elenavampire21 @classyunknownlover @okiegirl24 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @airedale17 @shadowolf993 @flyboyjake @topguncultleader @callmemana @marchingicenotes7 @t-nd-rfoot @bradshawseresinbabe @amortentiadrops
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