#nata decoco
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happy 11.11 pocky day!!!
#serah art#ffxiv art#ff14 art#ffxiv#ff14#fanart#wol oc#emetwol#wolship#ffxiv wol#sorry i really love emet selch#pocky day#nata decoco
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Shanum waktu minta makan jelly nata decoco dari kakeknya yg beberapa kali nyetok dirumah nyaik, padahal shanum belum boleh makan snack² dg kandungan gulanya tinggi .
Untungnya ga lama bisa ngerti lebih milih makan roti meski masih "ogah" makan nasi .
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"My Ramadan Activities 2024"
1. Sahur sendirian bersama Bakso So Good dan stay at home, berbuka dengan sop & makanan tambahan dari warteg, tapi ke N1 dapet bakso di malam thunder storm.
2. Sahur alone again tapi jam 1.30 (kemarennya jam 2), sop perkedel kentang dan roti daging cincang HB, roti tawar mesjes dan segelas kopi, berbuka dengan kangkung & dadar jagung plus kopi Alfamart, pastry ayam HB... today jalan ke warteg di siang yang windy...
3. Sahur sendiri lagi with nasgor bakso, kejutan dapet kartu Flazz dr Maltha tudei, cuacanya hari ini mendung, angin, gerimis full day. Buka puasa dengan berbagai gorengan takjil, kopi dan ikan.
4. Sahur ditemani hujan petir, bakso, bihun, roti cukup menghibur hati, jadwal cek kolesterol lalu hang out ke BX, ternyata semuanya kecuali Max Sinta, Mama kumpul bareng di BX, setelah itu di ajak liat apart baru Lia.
5. Sahur sendiri tapi masih pada melek yang lain nya, Indomie gr + bakso menunya, buka dengan seblak setelah kehujanan. Stay at home full day, mager banget. Malming ke Alsut lewat doang... udah balik ke rumah lagi.
6. Sahur masih sendirian dengan telur dadar, di buka dengan takjil sus soergawi, UC 1000, ayam emados.
7. Masih sendirian, sahur dengan nasi padang, today ketemu Maltha, Max dan Afifah (for the 1st time...) liat NC Band di SMS... so happy and sad at the same time
8. Sahur masih alone, otak2 & steak ayam made by mom, buka dengan gorengan, yasmine sakit today
9. Sahur with steak ayam made by mom, sore ke Rumah Buah, Superindo. Lots of takjil "buka puasa" for today... Gak makan nasi jadinya.
10. Sahur with bakpao ayam, Indomie bakso. buka puasa at N1... es jelly
11. Sahur alone with vegetarian food (sayur sawi, tahu, tempe... tiba2 ke BX, AEON, buka puasa di Solaria Mall Alsut, dapat gift dr Universal Studio kaos abu2.
12. Sahur alone with captjay, buka with Tahwa from sinta, malam hujan, kopi dan roti gambang
13. Sahur with paru goreng, bebenah kebun...
14. sahur with mie korea pedas, ke Siloam klinik buka es campur made by mom, pepes tahu dan dibeliin onde2 sama Sinta (25/3/24)
15. sahur masak nasgor sosis buka es campur lagi...
16. Sahur steak ayam made by mom... bukanya pake puding coklat, es campur... ayam mentega
17. Sahur with ayam mentega, buka with puding coklat, es nata decoco, ayam perkedel kentang dan sambel gr kentang
18. Sahur menunya sama = buka puasa kemaren buka with puding coklat, lasegar, sop bakso dan malemnya kopi, roti bandung.
19. Sahur Indomie goreng, bakso, teh manis dan berbuka dengan puding coklat, nasi telur dadar udang, coca cola dan roti.
20. Sahur with sop bakso sambel gr kentang... buka nasi padang, teh manis hangat, coca cola, kusuka sapi lada hitam.
21. Sahur Indomie gr jumbo, bakso, sosis, telur masih single fighter... trus ke IGD anter Mama... buka somay ayam wortel.. Dan ada Maltha bawa McD
22. Sahur ayam McD, buka wingko, singkong gr, lumpia semarang, nasi fuyunghai tjaptjay, jelly... ampir kena geledek
23. Sahur fuyunghai, bukanya wingko, perkedel kentang, ayam kecap, kangkung, bolu gulung keju, kurma, teh sosro, las segar leci, kwetiauw goreng, telur... puasa sendirian lagi today
24. Sahur perkedel kentang, seharian bebenah di N1, buka ayam geprek, es teh manis...
25. Sahur captjay bakso, pangsit Loky keujanan, bebenah rumah, ke siloam klinik... buka di bubur ayam melia, ati, telur puyuh, usus & jeruk nipis madu
26. Sahur Indomie gr, bakso, sosis, 2 martabak manis, Nutrijell strawberry, buka combro, misro, sempol ayam, bihun gr... teh yong dji ke Pasar 8, flavor bliss, LW
27. Sahur kue talam singkong, ketan, awuk2 dan Natsbee. Bihun & bakso. Buka kolak singkong, kurma...
28. Sahur indomie gr sosis, buka di Des and Dan jus madu lengkeng, Chaterise
29. Sahur opor sayur lodeh, brownies kukus dan talam ketan, buka ketupat sayur lengkap,bolu amanda, pudding coco longan dsb
See you Ramadan
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Lowongan Kerja di PT Sari Pangan Tessonillo Pekanbaru Februari 2024
SMITH JANKERMAN Lowongan Kerja di PT Sari Pangan Tessonillo Pekanbaru Februari 2024 - PT Sari Pangan Tessonillo adalah Perusahaan sebagai Pabrik Minuman Nata Decoco yang berlikasi di Jl. Lembah Damai Gg Kembali No. 89, Desa Pandau Jaya, Kec. Siak Hulu, Kab. Kampar, Riau.Saat ini kami PT Sari Pangan Tessonillo Pekanbaru sedang membuka kesempatan bagi para pencari kerja untuk bekerja bersama kami http://dlvr.it/T3BrzD
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Resepi Air Koktail Sempoi Tapi Sedap
Resepi Air Koktail Sempoi Tapi Sedap

Bahan-bahan :
● 1 bekas nata decoco
● 1 tin Susu pekat
● 1 tin Susu cair
● 1 tin jagung (yang buat Ais Kacang tu)
● 1 tin laici ( potong halus-halus/carik-carik)
● 1 tin Kacang merah
● 1 plastik besar sumi (potong halus-halus)
*buah buahan jika mahu
Cara Penyediaan:
1. Campur semua bahan di atas.
2. Bila nak minum, baru tambah ais.
*boleh tambah apa yang perlu dan tak perlu letak jika tak suka
Selamat mencuba..
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有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 非常开心! RM8的杂雪 椰糖是浓郁进步了 今天的Nata decoco酸了 估计老板自己也不懂 RM 8的萝卜糕没有东西弹 RM 10.50的干炒河 河粉有锅味牛肉块就完全Failed 一块块炒在一起很硬很老 源记的一片片大大片的比他好吃 (at 公仔佬糖水 GZL Sweet Hunter Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYbiXqrvIeP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Resepi Air Koktail Sempoi Tapi Sedap
Resepi Air Koktail Sempoi Tapi Sedap
Resepi Air Koktail Sempoi Tapi Sedap Bahan-bahan : ? 1 bekas nata decoco ? 1 tin Susu pekat ? 1 tin Susu cair ? 1 tin jagung (yang buat Ais Kacang tu) ? 1 tin laici ( potong halus-halus/carik-carik) ? 1 tin Kacang merah ? 1 plastik besar sumi (potong halus-halus) *buah buahan jika mahu Cara Penyediaan: 1. Campur semua bahan di atas. 2. Bila nak minum, baru tambah ais. *boleh tambah…

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2 mangkuk/gelas
Bahan bahan:
1 buah mangga harumanis potong-potong kecil
2 buah yakult
2 sdm biji selasih rendam air hangat
Nata decoco secukup nya
secukupnya SKM
secukupnya Es batu
secukupnya Air es
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sweets aren't enough to satiate their hunger 😏🎃
Happy Halloween and All Saints' Wake!
#serah art#ffxiv art#ff14 art#ffxiv#ff14#wol oc#fanart#emetwol#wolship#ffxiv wol#sorry i really love emet selch#nata decoco
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Resep Es Jeruk Sirup Melon Segar
Dilansir dari https://thesnowgeesebroadway.com/ panas panas gini enaknya minum yang seger seger peep. Nih kami berikan resep segar enak murah yang bisa kamu buat sendiri. Yukk buat

Bahan-bahan: - 5 buah jeruk - Sirup melon secukupnya - Nata decoco - Air dan es batu secukupnya Cara membuat: 1. Belah dua jeruk lalu peras airnya 2. Siapkan wadah masukkan semua bahan, aduk-aduk sampai manis asem segernya pas.
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Battle of the Milk teas: Episode 1 – ILOVEMILKTEA
Which one is the best?
Lately we are trying different flavors of milk teas and we must say it very fun trying and exploring new flavors, so for this episode we are featuring different types of milktea, first is ILOVEMILKTEA shop way back when we were still grade eleven students we always went to ILOVEMILKTEA Las Piñas City, Bamboo Organ branch just to try their milk teas. Let’s talk about first the ambiance, the place is very nice because it has a second floor and have an aircon very neat and they also have Wi-Fi, which is vey useful for students. And for the price of milk tea’s, they have different sizes for the small it’s Php 45.00, Medium Php 60.00 and for their large it cost Php 70.00 and they also have frappes which cost Php 100 and up we can say that the price of the ILOVEMILKTEA is very student friendly and as for the flavors they have different kind of flavors such as Milk teas, fruit teas and frappes.
The first milk tea that we have tried is our favorite flavor the “cookies and cream” it is very delicious because you can truly taste the cookies and cream and it has a bits of cookies on your drink, when we order they are always asking for the sugar level so that you have the control of how sweet your drink will be and take note for every milk tea and fruit tea that you will order it has free one toppings of your choice,whether if it’s tapioca pearls, coffee jelly or pudding and nata decoco except for their frappes you have to pay additional for their toppings second is their toffee nut we fell in love with this milk tea it is like a combination of coffee and chocolate very recommendable flavor we also tried their fruit tea we ordered green apple tea it taste like the jelly ace way back when we were kids.
The service is very good and fast they are also very accommodating, they are friendly the only cons of this branch of ILOVEMILKTEA is that the place is very small they cannot accommodate many people even though they have second floor but overall if we are going to rate we’ll give 8 out 10. We can recommend this especially when you are finding a delicious yet affordable kind of milk tea.
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the walls around us ring hollow and cold, but you are no illusion and sight to behold
a favourite piece from EmetWoL week 2021 that I somehow forgot to upload
#serah art#ffxiv art#ffxiv oc#ffxiv wol#wolship#emetwol#wol oc#ff14 art#ff14#ffxiv#sorry i really love emet selch#nata decoco
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chill vibes Estinien/Nata doodle! :D
#serah art#ffxiv art#ff14 art#estinien varlineau#estinien wol#ffxiv wol#wolship#wolstinien#Fanart#nata decoco
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The dawn of a new adventure is upon us! See you in Dawntrail!
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