#nasal surgery anon
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rewatching conjoined baking <3 in honor of the conjoined phan dragon <3 they are gay <3 gay video <3 silly boys <3 one of my comfort videos <3
-nasal surgery anon
hello my friend EXCELLENT choice conjoined baking my beloved <3 they really are just Like That huh… crazy. i am in need of some cozy familiar vibes might just go for a baking video myself hope ur doing well ^_^
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Are we calling vitiligo a disability??
Michael Jackson had lupus, dude. He had chronic lung inflammation and shortness of breath, severe insomnia and severe hair loss. Not to mention the damage that lupus caused to his nasal passages which was why he had reconstructive surgeries. Oh, and the fact it prevented his scalp from healing properly either, resulting in numerous other surgeries later on. Yeah, it affected him a lot more than people realize it did.
I never even mentioned vitiligo in the post you linked, so I’m not really sure what you were trying to prove with this, anon. Was this some sort of gotcha ask?
The lupus and vitiligo in regards to MJ went hand in hand. One couldn’t exist without the other. Autoimmune diseases can absolutely be debilitating and in Michael’s case, he had multiple aspects that would be viewed as disabilities if he were anyone else. He had organ damage and specifically lung damage which affected his ability to breathe. He went days at a time without rest because lupus left him with terrible insomnia. He had permanent changes to his appearance as a result of said diseases. He had arthritis and joint problems as a result of lupus as well. Just because he hid it well, doesn’t mean it wasn’t something he dealt with.
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For the Drabble prompts: Shane losing his voice at work.
From this ask game. Combining the two Shane prompts I have into one since they worked very well together. And because I have a hunch they were sent by the same anon, but that's just a guess obviously.
Also, I definitely picture this as much later in the timeline with Silver Fox Shane, although it's generic enough to not matter much.
Gives You Hell
Shane shuffled out of the staff bathroom, too miserable to keep the pained grimace from his face. He jumped as one of the MAs accosted him, her loud nasally voice grating on his ears and making his head throb:
"Oh my GAWD doc, was that you coughing in there just now? You sound like a trucker on six packs a day!"
Shane managed a self-deprecating smile. "Yeah, it was me. Sorry you had to hear that," he whispered.
Her eyes widened as she heard his voice. "Wow, you sound awful. Your voice is completely gone!"
He nodded. "Today has not been kind to me. My throat’s giving me hell all of a sudden." He could see her straining to understand the gravelly croak that was forced to pass for his voice.
"Shouldn't you go home? A doctor's office is not the place you should be right now, unless it's you who's the patient."
"I have to see one more patient and then home is exactly where I'm headed," he managed, trying to clear his burning throat. "So I'd better get back to it. Thanks, Tammy."
He brushed past her as politely as he could, making his way to the last exam room on his schedule, twenty minutes past the time he should have been there. He'd been so slow and sluggish all day, not to mention having to duck away to cough so much. He felt like he was starting a fever too, on top of everything else. Just his luck.
He steeled himself with several painful swallows and once more tried to clear his throat, hating that he would be forced to talk again. Talking hurt so much, and he hated seeing the pity in everyone's eyes when they heard him. Coming in today had been such a mistake.
With a deep breath he knocked and entered the room, pasting on a smile. "Hello again Bill, how are you feeling today?"
The patient, an older man with a badly injured knee whom he had seen just the day before, looked startled. "Hey doc. I'm good. 'Bout the same as yesterday. But it sounds like you can't say the same."
"That's the truth," Shane agreed, rasping and weak. "My wife has had a bug all week. Thought I'd avoided it, but today it hit me like a truck."
"Then why are you here? You should be home with her taking care of you."
Shane tried to suppress his frustration at the unnecessary, repeat conversation. "The hospital wants me to see patients, so I guess I'd better do that," he joked lamely. "So let's talk about you, Bill. What do you think of these scans?"
They conducted the visit mostly as usual, though Shane could see Bill struggling to catch what he was saying, even as Shane was struggling to keep from coughing every few seconds, his voice getting weaker by the minute.
Once the new scans were discussed, Shane was about to launch into his explanation of the upcoming procedures the other man was to expect, but Bill stopped him with a gentle touch on the arm. "You've already told me about the surgeries and I've already had most of them done before anyway. The surgeon can give me all the details. Let's call it a day, huh? I think it's time for you to go home, doc."
Shane huffed a hoarse laugh, resisting the urge to give the old man a kiss. "If you're sure you're all set, then that sounds like a great plan to me."
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Hi, sorry to bother you but I've been trying to remember something for days and since you are a head Alfreyco i thought you might be able to help- I'm trying to remember when it was/ what episodes where Fredo had his surgery and he sounded really nasally and bunged up for a couple of episodes and it was adorable, does that ring any bells for you?
You're no bother, so jot that down first there anon! And oh man, yeah, it does ring some bells for me. And it was super cute!! Uuhh I looked on Twitter, and Alfredo posted a pic of himself after his surgery and it's on the date April 25th, 2021. So maybe start around that date with AH videos and Red Web stuff to hear his nasally voice! Some of them might be staggered because they did pre-record stuff, but I think that's a good starting point for ur search 😊😊😊
#anonymous#hey a question#enjoy your search for stuffy-nosed Fredo!#also thank u anon for the title of one of the 'head alfreycos' i will hold that close to my heart for eternity
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Broken Melody - Part Thirty Three
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 8.8k+ (DANG IT! I tried not writing as much... Ah well.)
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, PTSD moments, smut...ish more mentions of?
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers x Sam Arias
This Part: A week before the surgery and Emma sees Alistair for an appointment.
Ek! So close! Please, please, please, let me know you thoughts and opinions. I literally have no anons 😅 @aznblossom thank you for always leaving a comment!
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please! I like knowing your thoughts.
Taglist: @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom
A Week Before The Surgery
Emma’s feet pound the pavement as she runs along the waterfront by the city, with Robyn’s partly completely album blaring in her ears.
Emma can’t help but feel pride with how good everything sounds as she passes unsuspecting members of the public. Weaving around the couples and families going for a gentle stroll in the warm April, Saturday sun.
Her face starts to feel slightly uncomfortable from the sweat rolling down her face. The face modifier causing a strange sensation and a tightness due to her heated skin. After finding this happening whenever she exercises with the modifier on, Winn and Brainy decide to develop a new model, one that will hopefully be more lightweight and comfortable for the wearer. Including more options and will be able to change the wearer's hair and colour.
But, Emma hopes the time will come soon where Lucy gives her the go ahead where she won’t have to wear it anymore. By Doctor Hamilton’s assessment it should be another month or two before that can happen.
Emma had ventured out without it on, but that was under Lucy’s strict orders and guidance. The lawyer had organised a little outing where Emma sat in a wheelchair with a nasal cannula, giving the impression she was getting oxygen and sat with her sisters at Noonan’s. Bruises and prosthetics were applied around her face and neck to create the illusion that Emma was still healing.
Emma did query whether it would be a good idea but she had been reassured it was. Emma even asked if she still needed the prosthetics but Doctor Hamilton explained that with the severity of the trauma done to her body, she suspects the swelling would have stayed around longer than normal.
As soon as Alex rolled Emma through the restaurant's doors it spread like wildfire that Emma was out in public. Social Media lapped it up and soon a crowd of paparazzi, well wishers and fans gathered outside the restaurant. Emma stiffly waved and played her part but was grateful when they left and she could get rid of the itchy makeup and prosthetics.
Lena was meant to have joined them at the outing, but per usual, Lena had been too busy to attend.
Emma lets out a heavy breath as her heart clenches at the thought of her girlfriend. The Sunday after Nia’s party had been utter bliss with Emma waking up in Lena’s arms. The raven haired beauty had already been awake and kissed Emma’s forehead as she greeted her. The couple then laid there for a while, planting soft kisses on each other's lips until Emma needed to pee. The blonde had come back expecting Lena would want to start the day. However the raven haired beauty had not moved.
“Didn’t you mention about spending the whole day in bed?” Lena asked in a husky voice, dripping in sex. She pulled the covers back and revealed she had removed her pajamas.
Emma didn’t hesitate in flinging off her own clothing and jumping right back into bed. That day had been magical while they moved as one, the feeling of-
Her watch bleeps, pulling Emma out of her thoughts and alerting her to another mile she’s completed and calculating what her pace is. She glances down at it to check but notices the time instead, her eyes widen and immediately she turns towards Alistair's office.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ Emma screams in her head as she starts running faster and berates herself for being in her own little world. Not realising she had gone further then she originally planned.
Currently she was twenty minutes away from Alistair’s office and her appointment was in ten minutes. She’s going to be late and Emma hates being late. The blonde pumps her arms and wishes she could call out for people to move or apologies when she makes people jump as she sprints past.
Finally Alistair’s building comes into view but Emma doesn’t slow down until she slides in front of the building's door and presses the buzzer four times to alert the alien she has arrived.
“Come on up Emma!” Alistair’s warm voice calls through the speaker and the buzzing of the lock follows, allowing Emma to push the door open.
The blonde races up the stairs two at a time, putting her wireless headphones in their case and turns into the hallway towards Alistair’s office door. Finding that the red headed alien was already standing in the doorway and gently smiling at her.
‘I’m so, so sorry! I’m so late! Time got away from me and-’ Emma’s mind screams out as she quickly approaches the therapist, automatically reaching up and deactivating the modifier.
“Emma, it's okay! You’re actually right on time!”
The blonde halts and frowns, immediately lifting her arm up to look at her watch. She notices the running app is still on and quickly ends the session before looking at the time.
Alistair was correct… She was right on time.
‘Huh… I must have read it wrong.’ Emma muses as she tries to visualise what she saw as she was running.
“Possibly.” Alistair agrees and moves out of the way to let her in.
As soon as she enters the office the patter of paws makes her look up from her watch as Lily excitedly trots over to her.
‘Lily!’ Emma drops to her knees and affectionately strokes under Lily’s chin. The snowy white german shepherd greets her in kind with many licks to her face and arms, lapping up the light sheen of sweat covering them, causing Emma to release a few voiceless laughs.
“She’s always happy to see you.” Alistair says cheerfully and moves towards his chair, motioning for Emma to sit on the sofa.
Straightening up Emma makes her way over with Lily right beside her.
“The water is for you as well. Did you have a good run?” Alistair asks, as Emma sits down, takes her trainers off and sits crossed legged. Lily instantly hops onto the sofa next to her and rests her head on the blonde’s lap.
Emma glances at the coffee table in front of her, on it was a box of tissues, a few books and a glass of water with a lemon slice and a few cubes of ice.
‘Thank you and yes it was good.’ Emma thinks gratefully as she carefully leans forward to get the glass, not wanting to jostle Lily too much. Seeing this, Alistair helps by getting the glass first and holding it out for Emma to take.
“Great and thank you for being willing to move your appointment to today. I am sorry about having to rearrange our time together.” Alistair says sincerely.
‘It’s okay.’ Emma shrugs, she normally sees Alistair during the week. ‘Not like I had much planned for today anyway.’ A small twinge hits Emma’s heart.
“Okay, how’s the last few days been?” Alistair asks as he leans back against the leather armchair and studies her. Emma takes a few gulps of the cool water as she thinks.
‘Yea, it wasn't too bad.’ Memories of the week flashes through her mind, who she saw, the smells, her heart clenching whenever she’d wake up in an empty apartment-
“Ah, I take it Lena is still working a lot?” Alistair asks with a sympathetic smile.
‘Yea.’ Emma answers softly in her mind, her shoulders slump and Lily licks her hand, making the blonde slowly stroke her head. ‘I understand these new investors are important, I know how important her work is but-’ Emma stops her thoughts and looks out of the window at the sea in the distance.
“You miss her.” Alistair finishes for her and Emma lowers her head.
‘Yea.’ Emma thinks weakly and can’t help but visualise their early relationship. How excited Emma was to get back to her hotel room to spend some time with her girlfriend, no matter how exhausted she felt after a gig. ‘I love her so much, I’d give my life for her but I just miss what we had when she wasn’t so busy. I mean we made it work when I was on tour and I’d call her even with the different time zones and it would be early in the morning for me.’
“That is understandable.” Alistair comments as he rests a finger beside his cheek as he ponders what Emma revealed. “You have both been through some major changes. Has she given you a time frame for when things look to be getting back to normal?”
-- -- --
During the week - Lena and Emma’s apartment
Emma checks her phone for the umpteenth time as she gets ready for Lena. On Sunday they had planned to have a date during the week and go out for dinner. Something they haven’t been able to do recently.
Emma voicelessly sighs while putting the finishing touches on her makeup, thankful that her hard work transfers through the modified face.
Standing up from the dressing table the blonde heads towards the walk-in wardrobe and takes the dress, she had spent hours deciding on, off the hanger. The dress was teal coloured, elegantly pleated and Emma had fallen in love with it as soon as she saw it. Also finding she was loving the dress even more when she zipped herself up and admired the way it hugged her toned body. She then steps into her trusted black high heeled shoes and opens her jewelry box.
For a moment she looks for her layered necklace her sisters got her. Only to feel a devastating pang when she remembers Kara crushed it.
‘No… Not Kara.’ Emma shakes her head and closes the lid. She heads out into the living area and glances at her phone again.
No new messages from Lena.
Emma flops onto the sofa, ignoring the dull ache in her head that hasn’t disappeared since leaving the DEO. Naturally when anyone asks her about it the blonde shrugs it off, not wanting to worry her friends and family anymore then she already has.
Laying down on the sofa Emma opens her phone and scrolls through social media to pass the time. She yawns and starts to feel her eyes grow heavy and eventually they close as she falls into a deep sleep.
So deep that even when the apartment door opens and closes, Emma doesn’t stir. Or when heeled shoes click over to her.
What does wake her up is a hand gently shaking her shoulder. Emma jumps, her eyes fly open as she takes a sharp intake of breath.
“Sorry love.” Lena apologises softly and strokes Emma’s cheek with the back of her fingers.
Emma nuzzles her face into Lena’s hand and kisses it before sitting up. Which causes her to become face to face with the raven haired beauty as Lena sat next to the sleeping blonde.
Emma smiles and goes to kiss Lena, until she sees the time on the oven clock. Her eyes widen and she pulls back.
“Em?” Lena pouts at the halted kiss.
“The reservation! We’re late.” Emma moves to jump off the sofa but Lena places a hand on her shoulder, halting her movements.
“I cancelled it.” Lena says hesitantly and Emma blinks at her. “I’m sorry, it got so late and you weren’t answering your phone and-”
Emma places a finger on Lena’s lips, sensing the rising guilt and panic in her girlfriend. Reaching out she unlocks her phone, noticing the messages but instead goes into Hope’s app and turns the lights up from a soft glow.
Lena’s eyes squint at the sudden light and Emma studies her properly.
Despite the make up Lena was wearing, Emma can see the dark circles under her tired, reddened eyes. Emma opens her arms and Lena immediately falls into the hug and kisses her cheek. Slowly Emma leans back into the corner of the sofa, pulling Lena up with her.
“Emma!” Lena giggles and Emma feels Lena settle on top of her and snuggles in. The blonde slowly rubs circles into her girlfriend’s back and eventually feels Lena twitch, signalling she’s fallen asleep.
Carefully grabbing her phone, Emma opens UberEats and decides to get Lena’s favourite food. Seeing that it will be delivered in half an hour, Emma rests her head back against the cushions and enjoys the feeling of holding her girlfriend. Grateful that even though they haven’t gone out on a date, Lena has still come home and given Emma this time with her.
When the food arrives Emma carefully lifts the snoozing CEO off her and quietly runs to the door. But no matter how careful Emma is at keeping quiet, when she turns around Lena is sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
“Em?” Lena’s husky voice calls out.
Emma lets out a huff of frustration as she wants to tell her dinner is ready. She wants to speak the words of love she is longing to say.
Instead Emma strides over to the sofa and places the bag on the coffee table.
“Hmm, you know me so well.” Lena smirks at the sight of the logo on the bag.
The couple settle on the sofa and listen to a playlist of soft acoustic music as they eat.
“I-” Lena starts and hesitates. Turning her head Emma gazes into regretful green eyes and watches Lena swallow before she continues. “I just want to apologise for ruining our date tonight. Time just got away from me and… there's no excuse.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it's not.” Lena tries to implore Emma to listen. “Just- this won’t be forever. I promise you that. I’m taking time off for the surgery and afterwards to look after you. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been working nonstop, so my sole focus will be on you.” She reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind Emma’s ear.
Emma beams at her, taking Lena’s hand and kisses it.
“What have you been working on?” Emma asks and Lena explains the many projects she’s been developing with the investors and her team. Emma’s eyes widen at how complex it all sounds and nods along.
Soon they finish their meal and despite how tired they both are, they head to bed for a different reason than sleep.
-- -- --
Emma comes out of the memory before she shows anything risque to her therapist. But she cannot help but smile softly at the feeling of Lena’s arms wrapped around her.
“Interesting. So there wasn’t a set time frame, just that it won’t be forever?”
‘Yea.’ Emma looks down and runs her fingers smoothly through Lily’s fur.
“Have you tried asking Lena further?”
‘She apologises and says the same thing she’s been saying for a while. Now isn’t forever.’
Alistair nods and looks down at his notes as he jots down a few more. “How are you sleeping?”
Emma hesitates, causing Alistair to look back up at her. Feeling an unease emit from the blonde.
“Emma?” Alistair asks, his eyes imploring her to be truthful with him.
‘I haven’t been sleeping well. I’m finding I-’ Emma pauses, not wanting to admit what's been happening. Taking a deep breath her mind shows him instead. Horrible nightmares that have Emma jumping awake in a panic, drenched in sweat, only to find she is alone in bed.
“You’re still experiencing nightmares?”
Emma nods.
“More than usual, less or about the same?”
‘I-’ Emma lifts her head as she tries to remember. ‘It feels about the same.’
“Okay, that is something that we will still work on and honestly I’m not surprised you are still having them.” Alistair says compassionately, trying to help Emma see she is doing nothing wrong.
“What about your sisters? How are things going with them?”
‘It’s going well. Things almost feel back to normal.’
Emma’s mind brings up the memories of Alex chasing her around the beach, laughing as she tries to catch her until she finally jumps on Emma’s back.
And memories of Kara come forward where she’d fly into the apartment bearing gifts of Emma’s favourite food, like Cadbury chocolates from the UK. The pair would snuggle up on the sofa and watch a film while they gorge on the treats.
‘I know she still feels guilty, but she doesn’t flinch when we hug or touch anymore.’
“That's a good improvement for sure. But it seems Kara is still not as open as Alex yet?” Alistair enquiries, causing Emma to pause as she reflects.
‘No?’ She answers unsure. ‘I mean, Alex still holds back in certain areas. I still catch her looking at me with such a sad expression. They both do.’ Emma plays with her hands as her sisters’ mournful faces fill her mind, that is until Lily nuzzles her nose into her fiddling hands, allowing Emma to stroke her instead. ‘Maybe it's due to Kara’s trauma?’
“Most likely.” Alistair nods in agreement. “The thing is, each of us are different, we have different likes, different dislikes and our brains are wired uniquely. Therefore we can react differently to the same events, depending on who we are.”
Emma nods and rests her head against the back of the sofa as she thinks. ‘That makes sense. So, for Alex, she has trained to be a soldier, her natural instinct is to fight and follow orders. To lead and protect. But for Kara she grew up on another planet, with a particular upbringing, she witnessed that planet being destroyed, all she had known, gone in an instant.’ Emma’s heart pangs in sympathy, remembering how shell shocked Kara had been when Clark brought her to the Danvers. A new family and a new way of life. ‘She had to be so careful, even when walking, to not put her foot through the floorboards or hurt any of us.’
“Like a god among mortals.” Alistair nods in agreement. “From what you’ve told me before, it sounds like fear was instilled in her as soon as she arrived, that she could easily hurt anyone she came in contact with.”
Emma nods.
“So, Kara broke that promise when she hurt you-” Emma immediately interrupts in her mind but Alistair holds his hand up, halting her. “To Kara, she did hurt you and I know you keep repeating that she didn’t, but from Kara’s point of view it was her hand that crushed your neck and broke your bones. She hurt someone she cares deeply about and using the powers she had sworn would protect people.”
Emma lowers her head and pinches the bridge of her nose. Feeling the pounding in her head intensify.
“Like Supergirl, you can’t protect and save everyone.” Alistair says softly, imploring for Emma to understand.
‘I know.’ Emma admits sadly, she feels Lily move and nuzzle her head against Emma’s cheek, as if sensing her pain.
The pair sit in silence for a while. The ticking of the clock being the only noise in the room.
“How are you feeling about the surgery next week?” Alistair looks up at the clock. “You’d have just gone into the theatre.”
‘Honestly, I can’t wait for it.’ Emma thinks softly and the familiar sense of butterflies start fluttering around her stomach.
“How are you feeling about that?”
‘Nervous. Excited. Terrified.’
“Terrified? About the procedure?”
Emma hesitates. Lily, seemingly sensing her tension, lovingly licks Emma’s cheek and nuzzles her head into Emma’s hand. Causing Emma to continue stroking her.
‘I am terrified about the operation not working, that it's going to make things bad again.’
“How so?”
‘It seems to be a constant reminder when I have to sign or when I go to laugh or make any noise, but all that comes out is breath.’ Emma thinks mournfully and glances out the window, memories of her sisters’ guarded eyes fill her mind. ‘I know this will take time before things can go back to normal. I just don’t want the progress we’ve made to be destroyed because the op didn’t work.’
“And if that happens?”
Emma’s stomach drops at the thought. But her mind focuses on those around her. Her family, friends and Lena. How would they react?
“Emma.” Alistair softly sighs, placing his book on the coffee table and leans forward. “You need to focus on yourself. Which you have been doing and I am pleased with our progress with your PTSD. We both know this isn’t a quick or an easy road. But you need to focus on how you feel about your voice not returning right away or, possibly ever.”
Emma swallows deeply at Alistair’s words, her throat feeling like it’s going to close over. ‘I understand.’
“Good.” Alistair picks his notebook back up and settles back into the seat. “Is there anything else you wish to discuss?”
Emma pauses and focuses on Lily as she runs her fingers through the soft fur.
‘There is something else.’ Emma admits quietly. Almost as if she’s too scared to present it.
“Which is?” Alistair asks kindly, but Emma keeps her mind closed off. “Emma, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to-”
Images start filling his mind, of the world blurring and morphing around Emma. How one second she’s at one end of the apartment and the next she’s at the other end, normally crashing into something or stumbling. How she easily lifts items others seem to struggle with, lifting Lena and Alex like they were light as a feather. Her headaches and heightened senses, especially her sensitive hearing and being able to hear a whisper across a room. How overwhelming the noise can become when she’s in a crowded place.
Alistair also feels fear and confusion pour off the young woman.
“Emma, you have nothing to fear here.” Alistair implores the blonde. “And thank you for showing me. How long have you noticed these- moments?”
‘Only recently when… erm.’ Emma’s cheeks colour in an intense blush as she remembers the moment she heard a crack from the headboard during an intense orgasm on Sunday while she rode Lena’s strap. Looking down she noticed the wood was splintering and cracking under her hands.
Once Lena was asleep Emma had sat up and felt the cracks again. She stayed there for a while as pieces started to click into place. Something was wrong with her.
“Nothing is wrong with you.” Alistair says firmly, his eyes imploring Emma to listen. “Can we test this theory that something is happening to you?” Alistair asks as he straightens up.
Emma nods and watches as he gets up and goes to one of his many bookcases. The redhead picks something up and strides back over to her. In his hand is a small, shiny ball.
“Squeeze this as hard as you can.” Alistair says while handing her the ball and moves her empty glass to sit on the coffee table in front of her.
Lily sits up, intrigued by the object Emma is holding.
‘Okay.’ Emma starts squeezing and applies more and more pressure.
Nothing happens.
“Keep a hold of it but look at me.” Alistair instructs and Emma lifts her eyes and focuses on his kind crystal blue ones.
“Have they gotten any closer to finding those responsible?” Alistair carefully asks, his eyes searching Emma’s hazel green ones.
‘No.’ Emma’s face and eyes darken and she clenches her jaw.
“Are Kara and Alex putting up the right precautions to not get taken again? I imagine they are prime targets as they are close to you? Maybe someone like Winn or Lucy or maybe your Mom or even Lena could be taken next?”
The thought of her family, her friends, her loved ones being forced into what Alex and Kara have already gone through fills Emma with a powerful rage.
She grits her teeth and her hold on the silver ball tightens.
Alistair’s eyes flick down to her hand. “Emma, look.”
The blonde lowers her gaze and gapes at the hand imprint she has made on the now disproportionate ball.
“This is a ball of titanium.” Alistair says as he picks the metal up out of Emma’s hand. “Or was.” He mutters as he turns it around in his hands.
‘What’s happening to me?’ Emma thinks, terrified at what this could mean.
“I don’t know.” Alistair truthfully admits. “Maybe it’s to do with the serum they gave you?”
‘But it was a healing serum? Not a super soldier thing!’ Emma’s mind shouts, her panic starting to build.
“That may be the case, but you need to communicate with Lena, Brainy or Doctor Hamilton about this.”
‘Do I have to?’ Emma apprehensively asks.
“Yes. Because this-” Alistair holds up the distorted piece of titanium. “Is not normal.”
Emma nods but her face scrunches up in emotion.
‘You always like being the center of attention! I hate you!’ Alex’s teenage words scream within Emma’s mind, causing her to hide her head in her hands.
“Emma?” Alistair tilts his head and Lily nuzzles her nose into the side of the blonde’s face.
‘I’m just Emma, plain, simple Emma.’ Her thoughts come out weak and feeble.
“Emma, there is nothing plain or simple about you. You are one of the most talented people I know. Your voice reaches and touches millions of lives and gives them hope.” He says passionately and before Emma can respond a buzzer goes off. “And that’s the end of our session for this week.” He says apologetically. “But we’ve made some really good progress. Emma-” Alistair says to get Emma to look at him. Slowly she lowers her hands and lifts her head. Her eyes swimming in anguish. “I really recommend that you tell someone what is happening. Anyone you feel comfortable sharing with. Maybe Lucy or Sam?” Alistair gently offers. “Just don’t keep this to yourself.”
Emma nods and gets up, making Lily jump off the sofa and trots with her to the door.
“Did you want to meet up on Wednesday like usual? Or did you want to come here on Friday instead?” Alistair offers as he follows behind her with his diary.
‘Yea Wednesday sounds good.’
“Great! I’ll see you then! Have a good weekend and remember what I said.” Alistair opens the door and smiles at her.
Emma nods but feels slightly frustrated that the appointment ended just as they were getting somewhere. She quickly rushes through, feeling like she has more questions than answers.
What’s going on?
Did she have powers?
How could that be?
Over and over these questions cycle through her mind as she makes her way down the stairs.
She passes a mirror and suddenly remembers to put the face modifier on. She chooses the face with the Marilyn Monroe beauty mark that is quickly becoming one of her favourite to use.
As she exits the building Emma starts to get her headphones out and plans a route to run home. That is until a car quickly pulls up beside her and honks loudly. Causing Emma to jump high into the air.
“Get in loser we’re going shopping!” Alex yells across Kara who beams at Emma from the open passenger window.
But the blonde momentarily stays frozen, trying to process what just happened and her sisters’ beaming faces.
“Em?” Kara’s smile fades and a frown replaces it, making Emma quickly open the back door of Alex’s car and dive in.
“Seatbelt.” Alex orders as she turns to study her baby sister. ‘She must have had a hard session.’ Alex thinks and her eyes snap to Kara’s who looks to be thinking the same thing as she bites her lip in worry.
Once Emma is belted in Alex pulls back into traffic. “Hope you didn’t mind us picking you up?” She calls back to Emma and watches her shake her head in the rearview mirror.
Kara twists around so she can see Emma properly. “We thought we could have a sister’s day and have a movie marathon?”
“Sounds good.” Emma signs and tries to smile convincingly.
“Plus it's your turn to choose!” Alex says trying to sound more upbeat than normal and wants to remind Emma. Normally her blonde sister would clap loudly and take a while to choose. Going back and forth between many classics and their favourites. Even discussing pros and cons between the choices she has.
Instead, Emma simply nods in response before gazing out of the window. Making Kara and Alex exchange worried glances as they continue towards Alex’s apartment.
Soon they are parked in Alex's parking space and the sisters get out. Emma goes to walk towards the elevator when Alex stops her.
“Do you mind giving us a hand?” Alex asks while she pops the boot open. Bags upon bags of food are revealed, causing Emma to raise an eyebrow at her sisters.
“I know! I was hungry!” Kara whines and immediately grabs a donut from one of the bags and chomps on it.
“Kara!” Alex yells and swats at her.
“Sorry! Do you want one?” Kara says with her mouth full and offers Alex a donut.
Emma can’t help but smile at the pair and reaches down to take a few bags.
“Wait! Em they are-” Alex pauses as Emma effortlessly lifts them up. “Heavy… Guess not.”
Emma momentarily freezes and remembers what she had Alistair had discussed, instead she shrugs and smiles at the red head instead.
“I got these!” Kara announces and takes the rest.
“You left me with one.” Alex says unimpressed while closing the boot. “Emma, give me a few.”
The blonde looks down and hands her sister the bags full of light goodies.
“I can take a few more.” Alex raises an eyebrow at Emma and holds her hand out. But Emma responds in a shrug and strolls towards the elevator. Alex turns her head towards Kara who repeats Emma’s shrug and follows.
As soon as they enter the apartment Emma places the bags on the island and quickly disengages her face modifier. Silently sighing in relief as she massages her cheeks.
Kara places her bags on the island and pulls out a small USB drive from her jean pocket. “Winn kindly let us borrow his drive with all the films past and present. Wouldn’t let me borrow films of the future though… Especially those based on real events.”
“Wonder why?” Alex laughs and places the last of the bags on the island. She looks to see Emma’s response, but the blonde is too busy unpacking the bags. “Em?”
Hazel green eyes shoot up and an unusual blank look accompanies Emma’s face.
“You okay?” Alex asks with a frown and takes a step towards her baby sister. But Emma takes a step away from her and around the island.
“Can I have a shower? I still feel a bit gross from my run.” Emma signs while barely looking at her sisters.
“Sure! You know you don’t need to ask!�� Alex utters and watches Emma nod before zipping into the bathroom.
“Shall I get you some clothes?” Kara calls out while giving Alex a concerned look, the redhead mirrors it with a frown.
Emma pops her head around the door and nods, giving them a grateful smile before quickly disappearing again.
Kara approaches Alex’s closet. “Kara, wait!” Alex yells but the blonde has already opened the door.
“Huh, Alex-” Kara tilts her head and slowly turns back to her sister. “Why are most of your clothes not in your closet?”
“Er, laundry day?” Alex says not too convincingly and can tell by Kara’s face, she doesn’t believe her.
“That’s a question.” Kara places a hand on her hip and studies the redhead.
“Okay I can explain, but I want to tell both of you. Together.”
“Okay.” Kara grins at her sister and turns back to the closet to find something for Emma to wear.
“There should be a bag of Em’s things by the right?” Alex says while getting glasses and bowls for the drinks and snacks for the marathon.
“Found it!” Kara hollers, takes the bag out and places it on the bed. She opens it and tries to find the comfiest clothes for Emma to wear.
“Do you need any help?” Kara asks after getting Emma’s things ready.
“Can you move these to the coffee table please?” Alex asks and then gives Kara a hard look when she grabs two huge bowls filled with treats. “Do not start eating until we are all sitting on the sofa.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kara deadpans and starts transferring the stuff over from the island to the coffee table, while Alex gets the microwavable popcorn ready. Finding they all prefer fresh, hot popcorn to normal bagged ones.
Kara hears the shower turn off and super speeds over to grab the clothes she has chosen for Emma and practically skips to the door, knocking on it in a quick rhythm.
“Hey Em, I got some comfy clothes for you to change into.” Kara calls through the door and hears Emma moving around the bathroom. The door opens and Emma’s hand appears to take it. “There you go!” When the door closes again Kara heads to Alex sitting on the sofa. Her sunny attitude fading as her face morphs into one of worry. “Do you think she had a hard session today?”
“Yea maybe. I mean she hasn’t seemed the happiest the past few days.”
“Mhmm, do you think it's mainly due to Lena? She’s working way too hard.”
“When doesn’t she?!” Alex takes a sip of her drink. “Shall we order or wait for Em to decide?”
“Let’s wait.” Kara nods and sits back into the sofa cushions.
“But how is Lena, like, have you gone to see her recently?”
“Yea, I saw her last night on patrol. Actually had to forcibly remove her from her office but we had a good chat. She just holds onto what her damn family says too much.”
“Yea.” Alex says softly in agreement. She’s grown to really care for Lena, despite the rocky start. “But she’s taking time off soon for the- you know.”
“Yes, that's the plan.” They both ignore the word surgery and both feel their nerves bubbling up about it. “Are you taking any ti-”
The bathroom door opens, making the sisters drop their conversation and look at their baby sister.
Emma feels more relaxed after the warm shower but the sudden stop in her sisters’ conversation when she leaves the bathroom fills Emma with an uneasy feeling.
“Were you talking about me?” Emma signs with a tilt of her head as she continues to dry her hair with a towel.
“Just about what food we fancy.” Kara smiles too brightly. “And as usual we want the complete opposite and I was asking Alex what she thought you would want.”
“Yea and I didn’t get to answer cause that’s when you came in.”
Emma stops drying her hair and looks between her two sisters, her eyes darting back and forth. She doesn’t believe them but decides to go along with their explanation. “So what are the options? I mean, we can get different things right? Not like it will go to waste?”
“Now that is an excellent idea.” Alex nods in approval and gives Kara a bright smile as she unlocks her phone to open UberEats. “So Kara you wanted-”
“Potstickers.” Emma signs at the same time Kara enthusiastically yells the word out.
“You know me so well little one!” Kara laughs, making Emma pause, realising Kara hasn’t called her that in a while.
But she carries on drying her hair before flinging the towel towards Alex’s hamper.
“Em-” Alex starts to complain, thinking the towel would flop part of the way there. But the screwed up towel lands perfectly in the laundry basket. “Ma- huh, good throw.”
Emma bows and approaches where she normally sits in the middle of the sofa.
“Peanut, what do you fancy?” Alex looks up from her phone after putting in her order too.
Emma shrugs and grabs a handful of popcorn.
“That’s for the film!” Alex hollers and slaps Emma’s hand, causing her to jump. “Which you also need to choose what you want to watch.”
“I’ll do it!” Kara super speeds to where she left the USB, plugs it into Alex’s tv and hands Emma the remote to scroll through.
“But first I need to know what you want to eat.”
Emma shoves the rest of the popcorn in her mouth to sign. “What have you already ordered?”
“Chinese and pizza.”
“I’m happy with that. Not feeling overly hungry.”
“What?” Kara blinks in shock especially when Emma can eat a decent amount of food.
“What have you eaten today? Did you have a big breakfast?” Alex enquiries, also knowing it was unusual for Emma not to demand her own food.
“Yes Doctor Danvers, I have already eaten something today.” It was only a banana but Emma wasn’t going to admit that. Her session with Alistair has unsettled her stomach.
“Yea but what was it?” Alex presses but Emma ignores her by focusing on the tv and trying to decide what to watch. Making Alex narrow her eyes. “Emma.”
But her eyes move from Emma to Kara when her other sister motions for her to stop by signing. “Can’t you see something is wrong?”
“I know but I want to find out what!” Alex tries to sign out of Emma’s peripheral vision.
“Leave her alone Alex.” Kara warns, making Alex huff which causes Emma to look over at her and Alex gives her a soft smile.
“So, any idea what we are gonna watch?” Alex asks casually and Kara rolls her eyes.
“Lord Of The Rings Extended Editions?” Emma signs hopefully, knowing the full run time is nearly twelve hours long.
“I’m up for that!” Alex beams at the TV as the menu screen for ‘The Fellowship Of The Ring’ comes up.
“Me too!” Kara claps and settles back into the sofa. Emma smiles at both of her sisters and grabs the blanket draped over the back and places it over their laps.
“Thanks Em.”
The sisters watch the opening scenes fold out, explaining the lore of Middle Earth, the darkness and the moment all things were almost lost.
When the whistle of the Shire plays, Emma’s eyes well with tears and she sniffs. Always finding this piece of music touches her. She feels a hand on each thigh as her sisters reach out to comfort her at the same time and Emma hesitantly takes each hand. Warily to not harm them and being frightened to do so.
‘Rao, is this how Kara feels all the time?’
But Emma tries to push her earlier discovery away and gets lost in the film again.
The loud ringing of the apartment buzzer makes Emma almost jump out of her seat.
“Food!” Kara yells as she flies to the door and down the stairs to grab it from the delivery person.
Emma pauses the film and turns to Alex to sign with a raised eyebrow. “Do you think Kara is secretly a Hobbit?” Emma signs, causing Alex to almost spit out the drink she was sipping. “I mean, she has what, four breakfasts?”
Alex cackles loudly and Emma smiles at the sound.
“What are you laughing at?” Kara asks as she super speeds into the room with the food perfectly balanced in her hands.
“Oh, we were just comparing you to a Hobbit.” Alex teases and grins at the blonde.
“Alex!” Kara looks outraged. “I do not have big, hairy feet!”
“It was Emma’s idea!” Alex motions at Emma.
“Emma!” Kara shifts her focus to her baby sister but Emma shrugs and grabs her pizza off the pile.
“I mean, she’s not wrong.” Alex says as she opens a tub of potstickers for Emma and her to share.
“Alex!” Kara yells outraged.
“Kara!” Alex yells mockingly back.
“Emma!” The blonde signs and the trio start laughing. Alex rests her forehead against the side of Emma’s face. Emma turns her head to nuzzle Alex’s and smiles when she feels Kara lean over and hug both of them. Emma twists to place a kiss on Kara's shoulder.
Alex clears her throat and pulls away. “Shall we press play?”
Emma nods and grabs the remote, continuing the film.
The sisters watch the first film and immediately go into the second one, which to Emma, is her favourite. Especially the scenes with Arwen in.
When they get to the scene with Arwen talking to her father, Emma swallows deeply.
“There is still hope.” Arwen whispers back.
Emma’s stomach clenches at the words. Hope.
“Little one?” Kara turns to look at Emma, hearing her heartbeat changing.
Alex immediately grabs the remote to pause the film when she sees tears fill her sister's eyes and how Emma is desperately trying to hide them.
“No, I’m fine. Please continue the film.”
“Actually I need to use the bathroom!” Kara zips up and Alex pauses the film anyway.
She watches Emma closely as she rubs her eyes, trying to force away the tears. “Em? You know you can always tell me what’s going on? Right?”
Emma nods but doesn’t look Alex in the eye, knowing she’d break. “It was a hard session today, sorry.”
“Oh Em, please don’t apologise.” Alex says and pulls her sister into her lap, hugging her close. She feels Emma stiffen but slowly relaxes in her arms.
Kara comes back and Alex gives her a sad look.
“Everything okay?” She asks while sitting down next to them.
“It was a hard session.” Alex answers softly.
“Oh little one.” Kara places a gentle hand on Emma’s back and Emma can’t hold the tears back anymore as she buries her head into the crook of Alex’s shoulder.
Alex and Kara sadly gaze at each other, unsure what they can say or do as they listen to Emma’s hard breaths and sniffs.
Kara swallows and shuffles closer, hugging Emma’s back. “We got you little one, you're safe.” Kara feels Emma shift and move her hand over her shoulder to grab a hold of hers.
They don’t know how long they stay in this position but Kara and Alex do not move until Emma feels ready. They whisper words of love and encouragement and hope she hears them.
Suddenly Kara’s head snaps to the apartment door as she hears two sets of footprints approach. The door opens before she can do anything as Sam and Lena walk through. They both halt at the sight of the sisters.
“What's wrong?” Sam whispers quietly as she places the takeaway food on the coffee table and goes to Alex’s side, perching on the edge of the sofa.
“Hard session.” Alex answers softly and kisses Sam’s lips.
“Has she mentioned anything else?” Lena asks quietly and watches as Emma immediately lifts her head up and twists her neck to find her. Lena swallows as she sees the tears streaming down Emma’s reddened cheeks, her eyes puffy and bloodshot. “Oh love.” Lena says brokenly and goes to comfort her girlfriend, but halts as she doesn’t know where she can go.
Kara immediately moves out of the way, allowing Lena to sit next to Alex and hug Emma’s back. But Emma has other ideas as she twists and moves her upper body onto Lena and holds her close, burying her head into Lena’s neck but her lower half stays on Alex’s lap.
“We got you love.” Lena soothes while stroking Emma’s damp hair and back. She feels Kara scoot close and Lena signals that Kara can join the hug. Immediately Kara wraps an arm around Lena and places a hand gently on Emma’s lower back.
The four women quietly console the broken woman in between them and each other. Wishing nothing more than to heal Emma’s pain.
In time Emma loses steam and slowly lifts her head from the crook of Lena’s neck and sniffs heavily.
“Hi love.” Lena says gently and Emma nuzzles their foreheads together and breathes deeply.
Emma feels truly exhausted, not having cried like that in weeks, well, since she found out about her paralysed vocal chords.
“Is this the time though?” Emma’s ear picks up Alex quietly whispering to Sam.
“Maybe it will make her happy?” Sam offers back, making Emma turn her head towards the couple.
“What will make me happy?” Emma sloppily signs and Kara shifts so she can see the couple too. A small smile gracing her lips.
“Well, erm…” Alex pauses. “I’ve found I’m not really living here anymore because I’m mainly around Sam's apartment.”
“So, we’ve decided that Alex will move in with Ruby and I.” Sam finishes with a huge grin.
Emma blinks and her eyes dart around Alex’s apartment. She had noticed little trinkets and items missing but thought nothing of it.
“Congratulations!” Kara yells happily and jumps to her feet to hug her sister and Sam.
“Thanks Kara.” Alex hugs Kara back and turns back to Emma, who still looks like she’s processing. “Em?”
She watches as Emma’s eyes refocus and a small smile tugs at the corner of her right lip. She lifts her hands and holds one hand with the other and firmly shakes them. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks Em.” Alex smiles back.
“And, you can totally come crash at ours anytime, use the spare room and have sister nights.” Sam smiles at Emma and Kara.
“Well, not ANY-time.” Alex burrows her nose into her girlfriend’s cheek and Sam blushes and bites her lip.
Emma raises an eyebrow and smirks at Lena. She takes a shuddering deep breath as her body calms down from her breakdown.
“Do we want to finish the film and watch the third one another time?” Kara asks while looking through the takeout bags.
Missing the way Emma whips around to gape at her.
“But then it's not a movie marathon!”
“Kara.” Lena says to get the alien’s attention out of the bag containing burgers and french fries.
“Hmm?” Kara’s eyes are wide as she looks to see what her best friend wants.
“Emma was signing to you.”
“Sorry little one.” Kara says apologetically.
“But then it's not a movie marathon.”
“I agree!” Kara nods and shoves some french fries in her mouth. “Shall we get comfy?!”
“I need to pee.” Emma signs and carefully moves off her sister and girlfriend. But as she takes a step away from them the world morphs around her.
‘Please! Not now!’ Emma’s mind yells and she tries to halt her step, ultimately causing her to trip over her own feet.
“Wow careful Em!” Alex laughs. “Rao you are getting more clumsy than Kara!”
“Hey!” Kara yells back offended, making Lena and Sam chuckle in response.
Emma smiles back at them but moves cautiously to the bathroom door.
“Did she mention anything else?” Emma hears Lena ask as soon as she closes the bathroom door.
“No, she’s been quieter than normal.” Alex sighs heavily, making Emma’s heart clench.
“Like she wasn’t here.” Kara agrees.
“Well therapy sessions can be tough sometimes and it’s good Emma is obviously opening up.” Sam tries to reassure the group while plating up everyone's food.
Emma tries not to listen but her ears can’t help but pick up her loved one’s voices. She finishes what she is doing and washes her hands. Briefly pausing and leaning against the sink.
‘Should I tell them?’ Emma wonders and her eyes lift her to her distressed expression. Immediately she wipes her face and adopts a more neutral expression. ‘They have enough to deal with anyway.’
Suddenly she feels a piercing pain in her head. So severe that if she had her voice, Emma would have screamed out as she scrunches up her eyes. Emma then feels a droplet fall from her nose and her eyes shoot open. Her nose is bleeding. She quickly grabs some toilet paper to stem the flow. But, finds nothing more comes out, the nosebleed seemingly stops before it had even begun.
Confused, Emma repeatedly wipes at her nose a few times to make sure it had indeed stopped.
‘Weird.’ Emma mutters in her mind as she stares down at the blood on the tissue. Her head tilts as she assesses the colour and her eyebrows knit together.
“Emma?” Sam’s muffled voice calls through the door, making Emma recoil away from it. “Are you okay in there?”
Throwing the bloodied piece of tissue into the toilet, Emma flushes it, quickly washes her hands and moves towards the door, opening it to a concerned looking Sam.
“You okay?” She asks as her warm brown eyes seemingly studies the blonde in front of her.
Emma nods and gives her a small smile before moving past her to get back to the sofa.
Sam follows, watching Emma closely and sits on Alex’s turquoise chair. Emma hesitates, not sure where she can sit due to the sofa looking full with her sisters and Lena already on it.
“There’s room for you on here too, it will be a tight squeeze but I think we can manage.” Lena pats the small gap between her and Alex. Emma carefully wedges herself between the two and gratefully takes the plate Kara hands to her. Already feeling a bit hungry.
“Ready?” Alex asks while grabbing the remote.
“Ready!” Sam and Kara yell back and the room is again filled with the sights and sounds of Middle Earth.
-- -- --
Later that night Kara, Emma and Lena glide through the air towards Lena’s apartment.
“I mean, why couldn’t Gandalf have just got the Eagles to fly Frodo and the ring to Mount Doom?” Kara argues with Lena while Emma listens and smiles, enjoying the debate between the two.
“Because they are their own beings plus Sauron had the Fellbeast and the Nazgûl would have seen the eagles coming!”
“Huh, I guess. But! Then why didn’t the fellowship prepare for that? Have a few more elves firing arrows? Problem solved!” Kara declares as they touch down on the balcony.
“If you say so, Kara.” Lena beams at her best friend as Kara gently places her feet on solid ground and Emma lets off her sister.
“Well, goodnight.” Kara opens her arms and hugs Lena tight before turning and giving Emma a hug too.
“Night.” Lena yawns out and opens the balcony door with Emma following behind her and waving goodbye to Kara.
They get ready for bed together and Lena can’t help but notice the far off look in Emma’s eyes. Like her girlfriend was somewhere else.
When they slide into bed, Lena gently takes Emma’s hand and lies on her side to fully look at her girlfriend.
“Hey.” Lena gently whispers.
Emma slowly turns her head and her eyes focus on concerned green ones.
“Are you okay?”
Swallowing deeply Emma turns to lie on her side to face Lena. Her mind races with what to communicate. Should she tell her everything?
“Love, please don’t lie to me.” Lena says, seeing the clogs working in Emma’s mind, and the worry within her eyes. But suddenly Lena is yawning again. “Sorry.” She blinks and widens her eyes more to keep them open.
Emma gives her a small smile and watches her closely. ‘She’s exhausted. Tell her a half truth.’
“I’m nervous about next week.”
“That’s understandable. But we are all with you.” Lena nuzzles her forehead against Emma’s and gently kisses her lips. Her hand slowly trails down Emma’s body.
But Emma pulls back and her smile widens slightly. “Time for sleep.”
“But I want to make you feel good.” Lena yawns out, even though her eyelids start drooping from exhaustion. Emma slowly reaches out and softly runs the back of her finger down the bridge of Lena’s nose.
“No sleep.” Lena whines but feels her eyes closing anyway and a tender kiss being placed against her lips. “Lve yu.”
Emma squeezes Lena’s hand three times and watches her girlfriend fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. She stays there for a while, admiring how serene and stunning the raven haired beauty looks.
Slowly Emma rolls over, picks up her notebook and pencil and faces Lena again. She sits up against the headboard so she can sketch Lena, wanting to capture the moment and take in every detail of her love.
Once her task was done Emma places her things on the bedside table.
“Hope, can you turn the lights off please?” Emma signs and carefully slides down the bed to lay back down. Emma closes her eyes and breathes deeply, willing herself to go to sleep.
But in the dark, sinister voices start playing through her mind. Digging up her fears and dread.
Emma blows a frustrated breath through her nose and turns back towards Lena, opening her eyes to focus on the raven haired beauty. Emma’s breathing becomes heavy as she tries to stay calm, but ultimately her stomach clenches and thoughts begin pouring in of what will be happening this time next week. What will the outcome be of the surgery? Will it succeed?
As if sensing Emma’s distress in her sleep, Lena shuffles closer to her girlfriend and latches on. Unknowingly calming Emma down and relieving the ache in her heart. Emma gently kisses Lena’s head, pushing aside her fears and worries before closing her eyes, to fall into a peaceful sleep.
(Part Thirty Four)
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Angel - Grayson Dolan
thanks for the cute request anon! woke up and felt inspired to write it, did a little change on it, but i hope you’ll like it!
word count: 1k
drabble list masterlist
It’s hard not to look at the twins as you focus on your work. They are quite the view, lying on their beds and goofing around for the camera while you get ready the nasal tampons, bandages and other stuff that will be needed once their surgery is over.
“Yeah, we have some amazing people looking out for us, so don’t worry, we’ll be alright,” you hear Grayson tell the camera and glancing up your eyes meet his and you turn away so he can’t see the blush on your face.
It’s not too professional to crush on one of your patients, as a nurse you have to be focused at work, but they are surely making it a hard task, especially Grayson.
You need everything in you not to stare at him while you inject, as they call it, the goofy juice into his IV later, when Ethan is already done with his surgery. Grayson seems to be entertained by his drunk looking brother, but you keep catching his glares at you while you make sure Ethan is all good.
“See you later, brother,” he chuckles before they take him away.
Not too long later, when you are changing Ethan’s nose bandage Grayson appears on his bed, looking all passed out, his hair is a mess as they put his bed next to his brother’s.
“Change the bandage in a bit, his bleeding is a bit worse than the other’s,” the doctor instructs you before signing their papers and leaving the room.
Walking over to Grayson’s bed you smile to yourself at their conversation as you check if everything is alright with him.
“Oh, hey! An angel!” he sighs looking up at you and of course, you immediately blush.
“You feel alright?” you ask fixing his pillow.
“Now that you’re here, I do.”
Their mom, Lisa starts giggling in the corner, absolutely enjoying the show her sons are putting up right now.
“Then you’ll feel even better from the painkillers,” you chuckle and as you’re about to step away from his bed his hand curls around your wrist and pulls you back. His grip is firm even in his muddle-headed state.
“Don’t leave me! I need you here,” he pleads, eyes barely open.
“Your bandage is soaking, I need to get a new for you,” you smile down at him, placing your other hand on his on your wrist.
“Make someone else get it, I need my angel here.”
“I’m not an angel,” you chuckle blushing.
“Gray, let people live!” Ethan scolds him from the other bed.
“I want her to live with me!” he snaps back, making everyone laugh in the room. He is pretty bold thanks to the goofy juice.
You finally manage to make him let go of you and change his bandage for a new one, and he keeps mumbling about you being an actual angel while you take care of him.
“Mom, take a good look at her. She is the one,” he sighs closing your eyes and glancing over at his mom you see her grinning.
“Alright, ask her out first, Grayson,” she suggests and you feel like this is your time to leave the room before you say something flirty too. It’s hard to resist him, that’s for sure.
In about an hour both of them are ready to leave the hospital. Grayson insists on you to push his wheelchair out to the car and you can’t say no to him. Once they are in the car he rolls the window down sticking his puffy face out.
“I’ll be back for you, angel!”
“Oh my God,” you laugh covering your mouth. You watch the car disappear and suddenly you feel disappointed that he probably won’t remember any of it once his head clears out.
Two days later, when you see their names in the schedule you can’t help but get excited to see Grayson again. They show up in time, ready to have their tampons removed, their behavior finally back to the normal.
“Everything looks fine, the healing is going perfectly,” the doctor tells them while you are cleaning up the table and you can feel Grayson’s eyes on you.
“Thanks, doc.” They both shake hands with the doctor before heading out of the room and you feel like you should at least give him the chance to talk to you, if he wants.
“I’ll get some new needles,” you let the doctor know, but he is barely even listening to you.
You walk out just before the twins and you hit a slow pace, giving him enough time to catch up with you. Luckily, he does.
“Hey, wait!” he jogs over to you and you stop with a warm smile on your lips. “I just, um… I want to apologize if I was being too pushy when I was out. My mom told all about how I acted.”
“It’s alright. I’m used to it.”
“You’re used to guys flirting with you for an entire hour? Honestly not surprised abotu that,” he chuckles.
“Not that part,” you laugh tugging your hair behind your ears.
“Well, I’m sorry if I was too forward, but I guess you made a great impression on me and I honestly can see why I thought you were an angel.”
The damn blushing is back and you feel like a school girl talking to her second grade crush.
“Thanks, I guess?” you giggle nervously.
“So what I really wanted to say is that, if I didn’t scare you away last time, I would love to grab a coffee with you, or dinner, whatever works for you.”
He seems genuinely nervous to ask you out, and it’s even cuter than his goofy version, rambling about angels.
“That sounds nice,” you nod and a relieved smile lights his face up.
“Really? Amazing! Um, when are you free?”
“I have the day off tomorrow,” you say and grabbing a brochure from the stand near you and scribble your number to it before handing it to him.
“Great, I’ll text you and… See you tomorrow!” he cheers holding the brochure up as he starts walking backwards.
He happily waves at you before walking out and you giggle to yourself going back to work. Just about ten minutes later your phone buzzes in your pocket. Reading the message you can’t push a smile down.
“Hi Angel, can’t wait for tomorrow :)”
#grayson#grayson dolan#grayson dolan fanfiction#grayson dolan imagine#grayson dolan imagines#grayson dolan fanfic#grayson dolan fanfics#grayson dolan fanfictions#grayson dolan oneshot#grayson dolan x reader#grayson dolan x you#grayson dolan x y/n#dolan twins#ethan dolan
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I think a very valuable lesson I've learned in my very short amount of years is that not everyone is ment to stay. Sometimes people come into your life for those sweet moments, and in a second you'll never see them again. Sometimes they're with you for the worst, or best years of your life, and you think they'll never leave, but then they slowly drift away. And then there's the people you never expect to stay, but they do. 1/4 -Golden Anon
And it really fucking hurts when they leave, but it’s meant to be. The people who are in your life are meant for you right now, they may not always be, but they are right now. That thought is one of the very few things that brings me comfort when people leave. Compassion fatigue is something I often worry about too, I have some abandonment/emotional abuse trauma, and I constantly worry that my problems are a burden to people like my girlfriend, but it’s gotten so much better since we started focusing on communication. Like “Do you have the mental space for this right now?”. It works wonders when a loved one doesn’t feel obligated, permission is amazing. I’m so so fucking sorry that people have left your life because of disease. That’s beyond wrong. But people are people. My apologies for returning the rant 😂 any how, my medical problems, are still somewhat of a mystery. I have a missing nasal wall, no biggie, yeah? No. That missing nasal wall comes with some nasty shit, it allows extreme sinus pressure to build up right next to my brain, causing extreme fluctuating hearing, severe migraines, vertigo, essential tremors, nose bleeds, and other nasty shit. I spent hours upon hours of my childhood in a children’s hospital, searching for relief, but I’m a unique case, there’s no fix yet, and not many other cases similar to me. It’s still an ongoing struggle, but I’ll survive, I think. 😂😂 4/4 -Golden Anon
that’s very true, it’s just hard for me to let people go because I get so attached and also like….I genuinely pour my heart into my relationships and it feels like a bit of a waste when they end. plus it kinda sucks when, like me, you’ve got very few people to begin with. I don’t really want to believe that I’m meant to be alone during some of the hardest years of my life, idk. but you have a point, and looking back I don’t know if I could have or should have salvaged the relationships that have since ended. I just wish I had a way to meet more people, both online and irl. that’s why it’s meant so much to have you message me, so thank you for helping me be a little less alone
communication is soooo important, I completely agree. I have some of the same issues and I still haven’t been able to kick a lot of my self esteem problems. a small part of me wants a gf partly so that someone will finally prove my self loathing wrong because as it stands I have a really hard time believing that I’m worthy when so far, all I’ve gotten is what feels like empty reassurances from people who don’t see me that way to begin with. sorry for the tangent, it’s just something I’ve wanted for a long time and thought a lot about, so it just kinda pops into my head when I’m talking about relationships y’know?
yeah it’s been rough, people have a really hard time knowing how to handle a person with a chronic illness, especially if they’ve never known someone who has a condition like that. it’s hard when it’s always the same problems with the same lack of solutions. and I’m a very verbal person so the worse I feel the more I want flowery declarations of sympathy but it’s not really realistic. hugs and cuddles are second best but that’s also not super accessible so most of the time I have to just accept whatever the other person is able to give and self-soothe the best I can.
christ that sounds awful. my mom has recurring sinus polyps that she keeps having to get surgeries for and it’s bad. I can only really empathize with the migraines part (I have lyme migraines that follow a cluster pattern; when they first started I had a migraine every day for 80 days) and that shit Sucks. having a medical issue with no cure really is the Worst, but I hope you find a solution soon
#golden anon#also no need to apologize#conversations like this are how you really become friends#and I feel like you and I are gonna be friends for a rly long time tbh#Anonymous
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i need to make it clear that i am not struggling financially & am EXTREMELY lucky to be able to give my pets the absolute best care available to them. that is why the cat not only goes to the vet once a month but to a board-certified ACVIM diplomate – i know anon doesn’t actually know jack shit about actual veterinary medicine, but that means A Super Legit Internal Medicine Doctor, More Legit Than The Others. besides regular vet school, they undergo additional education for their specialty (the ACVIM is a college specifically for veterinary internal medicine, stupid typo) & additional board certification.
my cat was hospitalized & operated on this summer due to chronic systemic autoimmune issues that he has had ever since i got him, possibly due to the abuse/neglect he faced as a kitten. it’s a long story that some of my followers know but when i first got him he had a bad wound on his head (supposedly due to an “accident” but many vets i have seen agree that it was likely human-inflicted) that had been there for several months without treatment & was grossly infected. this has permanently impacted his health, but somehow this summer everything just went to shit all at once in 3 different body systems simultaneously. he ended up needing multiple nights in the ICU, x-rays, a CT scan, an endoscopy & rhinoscopy, both nasal & skin biopsies, & idk probably a lot of other shit i am forgetting, plus an off-the-menu medical board of several weeks bc i inconveniently had a trip scheduled in the middle of all of this. the only veterinary specialty hospital in town capable of all this is, naturally, the most respected as well as the most expensive. but i trust them because not only did i intern there & get to spend 200 hours behind the scenes seeing how seriously they take every single case, but because they have previously done 2 spinal surgeries on my dog, who is a dachshund & if you know anything about the genetic health problems of the breed, enough said. also the fact that i interned at such a nice place (an extremely coveted & competitive spot) is, you know, maybe more evidence that i kind of know what i’m doing.
you want to see how stupid ridiculously fancy this place is?
(this is just the ER, so only half of the lobby - other side is specialty)
(this is only about a third of ICU, they have a different section for every specialty department as well -- the whole hospital is 22,000 square feet!!!)
i have never been to a human hospital this nice in my whole life.
i have previously stated that i spent upwards of $3,000 for all of this. i had not actually calculated it. turns out it was uhhh…… very very upwards.

i spent $8,264 on a goddamn cat
anyway this was pointless but it’s bc i don’t want anyone to think i am struggling with my animals bc of finances. i have more than enough finances. i have too much fucking finances & if i wasn’t so stupid as to pick these silly sicko animals i’d have more available to donate to my friends who need it. but you never know when your cat is suddenly going to need $8,000 apparently. also picking the sickest animals is a curse of being in veterinary medicine.
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What do you think of Ren's vocals? (Both generally and technique wise)
Hi anon! This is an awesome question! My laptop messed up while I was in the middle of writing this originally but here’s try #2!
Let me say this: I have a history of vocal lessons when I was younger, but I mainly have an ear for stuff rather than a concrete of explanation of “this is good/bad and here is why.” I can hear when stuff is off but sometimes I don’t have the vocabulary for why. If anyone more advanced than me cares to add stuff too, I’d love to hear it!
Okay, here we go!
Ren has improved a lot over the years and I’m super proud. It’s not like he was below average for a kpop subvocal especially of his generation and age at debut, but he’s still improved since then. I’d say yeah, he was about average at debut if not better due to his age. But within Nu’est, he was probably the weakest vocal, even compared to Aron who was focused more on rapping.
Ren’s problems at debut were with nasality, support, and projection--at least in my opinion.
I believe Ren got corrective surgery done to fix the nasality in his voice after a few years or so, because removing as much nasality as he did takes a lot of work (for example the American singer Jesse McCartney, who had a superrr nasally voice, had to get special training for quite a while to remove it & interestingly my sis who was a big fan of him said he sounded completely different without it lol) but a corrective surgery is quicker.
For support, basically he used his throat a lot and not his diaphragm/healthy breathing techniques (example: if you see veins popping out of someone’s neck, that’s a sign they’re not supporting their breath with their stomach and are messing with their throat instead--sometimes though people like to make the note look all hard and amazing visibly, but tbh the parts Ren was singing back then were not an example of that showing off I’m sorryyyyyy). Especially in the early days.
For projection, this has to do with the loudness of your voice. Microphones obviously help greatly so I feel like trainers slack off on this, but when mics malfunction or at fan signs without good mic systems, that’s when you can normally hear a big difference. Ren I think struggled with this too, which tbh, it is really hard to project while dancing. Especially in old performances of Action, at about the 1:30-ish mark, he almost starts to yell, in a way, his parts rather than sing them (relatable, lol, I don’t have a super strong voice rip).
Now though, he’s improved a crazy ton. I think he has a pretty and dramatic voice, and can really convey emotion well, which is hard for most idols. He seems to trust and know his voice. I feel like he’s not too breathy, which is a problem for a lot of idols. His breath control and support seems better. Overall he is just better, totally better, and he’s matured a lot.
Let me know if there’s any other aspects you want me to mention and I’d love to talk more about the other members’ voices!
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I just saw the anon asking about the steaming for sinus problems, and yes steaming is used for that. I have very bad sinuses, nasal congestion etc (also awaiting sinus surgery) and I have to use steam twice a day. It's basically used as a decongestant, it moisten and loosens the build up of phlegm within the sinus cavities so it can come out easier. If I don't do it mucus/phlegm builds up and leads to infection. I would imagine that is why niall has been steaming a lot more recently to.
ayyy thats good to know, thanks!!
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just woke up to the goddamn phan dragon what universe am i in rn i think dan and phil are actively trying to kill me. pls mr and mr phagon i just started being able to breathe why must you do this to me 😭
- nasal surgery anon
no literally the psychic damage that got inflicted upon wake this morn of ing… i find it so funny that there’s phannies out there that actually play dragon city that come out like the towns crier to let us know that there’s a new dnp event being advertised therefore we are left to shake in anticipation knowing that there’s a video coming where they’re going to say the words phan dragon and breeding and you expect us to go on with our day. im so sorry they did tbis to you friend 😔😔
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(Just curious, are these from the same anon or do you two just think alike? Either way, good luck with your exams, hope you enjoy -- Leslie)
Lessons Learned
The first time Ahsoka wakes, someone is there. There is a gentle hand resting on top of hers and a soft voice conversing quietly with the medical droid. Master Obi-Wan, she realizes. He doesn’t seem to notice that she’s awake. She doesn’t know where she is, but she is too sleepy to find out.
The second time Ahsoka wakes is perhaps an hour later, but she is alone. She hears steady beeps and breathes in the clean, airy smell of the Halls of Healing. She is home, then. She vaguely remembers riding in an ambulance-speeder.
Ahsoka sits up and her right arm thumps against her chest in a sling.
It’s strange to be alone in the Halls of Healing. It’s not that she wants her master or grandmaster to coddle her like a youngling, it’s just that they would normally be here.
Med droids come and go, but it’s almost half an hour before Master Obi-Wan appears.
“No one told me you were awake,” he whispers by way of greeting. There’s something in his body language as he sits down that makes Ahsoka nervous.
“I can’t stay long,” he adds. “But I’m glad to see that you’re okay.”
“Is it…broken?” Ahsoka asks, lifting her arm.
“Do you remember Luminara talking to you before the surgery?”
Ahsoka shook her head.
“I’m not surprised. You seemed fairly out of it,” said Obi-Wan. “You broke both bones in your wrist. They put you under and set it with some durasteel pins.”
Ahsoka nods, accepting this information. “I know I shouldn’t have chased after that shuttle,” she says with a sheepish smile. She and Anakin had chased their target all the way from the Senate building only to lose him in the chaos of the airtraffic lanes. Anakin had surprised her, and told her to let him go. Ahsoka had defied him and pursued the spy, and, evidently, injured herself in the attempt.
“Is Anakin upset with me?”
“Anakin is down the corridor,” Master Obi-Wan says slowly. “In critical condition.”
Master Obi-Wan leaves again soon, full of cold politeness that makes it hard to judge whether he is angry or just tired and worried. They say he hasn’t left Anakin’s bedside since the accident except to check on Ahsoka while she was in post-op.
The horrible, twisting pit in Ahsoka’s stomach only deepens as she reads the report which Obi-Wan has already drafted for the Council. It says, among other details of the mission, that Anakin was crushed between two speeders as he flew over three lanes of airtraffic trying to reach Ahsoka. The report does not mention that Ahsoka was on top of a moving airshuttle, chasing the spy she had been explicitly ordered not to pursue. That Anakin had tried to stop her. That she had fallen from the shuttle, almost to her death.
The sensation of freefall feels like it never left. She is still trapped in desperate, tingling panic. He was trying to save me. If I had just listened—
Ahsoka is released as soon as the anesthesia has worn off, and immediately tracks down Barriss, who has been helping Master Luminara.
“They expect him to survive,” Barriss says gently.
The fact that this is an expectation, not a certainty, sends Ahsoka reeling.
Barriss tries to explain that a collapsed lung, badly bruised kidneys, or a fractured spinal disc are all survivable in isolation but combined together with significant blood loss and shock they can be dangerous, but that’s not what Ahsoka needs to hear.
She stops to lean against the wall. It’s my fault, oh Force,
“He’s only supposed to have one visitor at a time,” says Barriss uncomfortably when they reach Anakin’s room and see that Master Obi-Wan is still there.
“It’s alright, Barriss, let her in,” says Master Luminara. Obi-Wan does not acknowledge them as they enter.
Anakin is deep in a healing trance, immobilized with a neck brace and multiple casts. A tube protrudes from the lower left quadrant of his chest, draining air that escaped from his injured lung; his face is pale and bruised and obscured by an oxygen mask.
The healers are keeping a close eye on him, but there are inevitably moments when Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are alone in the room, and the silence becomes suffocating.
Once the silence is broken, it’s like floodgates have caved in.
“You’ve gone too far this time, Ahsoka. What were you thinking?”
“I didn’t think he would follow me, I’m sorry,”
“Of course he wasn’t going to stand back and watch you get killed.”
“I said sorry—“
“I was always afraid something like this would happen to him,” Obi-Wan snarls. “But I assumed he’d be the reckless idiot who brought it on himself.”
‘Idiot’ stings, and although one part of Ahsoka accepts the blow as though she deserves it, another part of her bubbles up in anger. “Master, you have no right—”
“Nope,” Luminara snaps as she enters the room, laying a hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder and steering her towards the door. “Absolutely unacceptable. If you are going to raise your voices, you may leave.”
“Thank you,” says Obi-Wan, sitting back down with a huff.
“You too, Obi-Wan,” Luminara shoots back. “You two can go argue somewhere else, or have some time apart, figure it out. We will take good care of Anakin.”
“He is my padawan,” Obi-Wan hisses.
“He’s my patient,” she counters, matching his tone.
Anakin makes it through the night.
Barriss tells Ahsoka that the danger has passed, that his lung is mending and all his fractures and bruises will clear up with time. It will be a long, painful recovery. Ahsoka swallows hard.
Anakin is awake when she is allowed in. She doesn’t know what to say.
“Snips,” he gasps. He’s still on oxygen, but they’ve moved him down from the whole mask to just a nasal cannula. Although Ahsoka doesn’t see the significance, Barriss insists that’s good news.
“I’m sorry,” she says tearfully.
“What, for this?” He’s a bit spacey and not fully there, Ahsoka notices. “Forget about it. They’re giving me the good meds, I feel nothing.”
His blood oxygen level fluctuates wildly as he talks. He takes a sharp breath and it stabilizes again.
“It should have been me,” Ahsoka whispers.
“Like I would let that happen. Listen Snips, we’ve all made shitty judgement calls. This could have happened to anybody.”
“I think Master Obi-Wan hates me.”
For some reason, that makes Anakin chuckle.
Ahsoka is quite used to hearing her master curse, but the following weeks are a whole new level. Anakin’s good spirits don’t last long once the healers release him and he sets about the grueling task of getting better. Sitting up is hell on his back and neck, but then again, so is lying down and standing and pretty much just existing in general. His day is defined by when each dose of pain medication is due.
Obi-Wan is there to bring him food and help him transfer and get to the ‘fresher and back, and once Ahsoka’s wrist brace comes off she pitches in too. He finally reaches a point where he can hobble short distances, but it’s hard for him to put pressure on his spine or do anything for a prolonged time, even just standing up in the shower.
Obi-Wan isn’t home one afternoon when Ahsoka hears the water shut off in the ‘fresher, followed by a nervous call of, “Obi-Wan?”
Ahsoka follows the call to the ‘fresher door, then hesitates. “He’s not here. What is it, Master?”
“Could you come in? Don’t worry, I’m decent.”
He’s sitting leaned against the outside of the tub, wrapped in a towel.
“I’m sorry, Snips, I thought I could do it, but—” He pauses, embarrassed. “I can’t reach my arms up high enough to wash my hair. I’d wait for Obi-Wan, but I already drew the bath, and…,”
“It’s alright,” Ahsoka says quickly, trying to sound more confident that she feels. “I can help,”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles again as Ahsoka carefully has him lean his head back under the faucet and lathers the shampoo through his hair.
“Do you need help rinsing it too?”
“No, I usually just sit under the shower head. You can go now. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing, Master. I want to help.”
“You’re uncomfortable.”
There’s no point in denying that.
“If you need anything else…”
“I’ll holler. Yes, thank you.”
Anakin awkwardly shuffles into the kitchen where Ahsoka is doing homework, and sits himself down next to her.
“Obi-Wan says we need to talk about what happened,” he states.
Ahsoka almost says something snarky. It’s ironic that Obi-Wan wants them to talk when he’s barely said two words to Ahsoka in weeks.
“I really am sorry, Master. I wasn’t thinking about the consequences. I just wanted to catch him.”
“I did too. But Ahsoka, he wasn’t worth it. We both could have died.”
“I know.”
“Obi-Wan was harsh with you because he was scared that he could have lost both of us. He doesn’t say that kind of stuff because he thinks it sounds like an attachment, so he just comes off as angry.”
Ahsoka nods. Then she looks up to meet Anakin’s gaze carefully. “Are you angry with me too?”
“I was a little bit,” Anakin admits. “But I think the past few weeks have given you an up-close-and-personal look at what the costs of that kind of recklessness can be. I don’t think you’ll make this mistake again.”
“No!” Ahsoka assures him quickly.
“Then I’ve taught you something. See, I’m great at this.”
He clearly wants her to laugh, so she makes an attempt.
Ahsoka is used to her master couching uncomfortable topics in humor, but she sees that he is sincere.
“I’m sorry,” Ahsoka says. “For not listening to you, and I’m extra sorry that you got hurt.”
“You can stop saying that,”
“No I can’t.”
“I forgive you, Snips. Does that help?” Anakin pushes the table further away and reaches out to hug her. The range of movement in his arms is restricted, so she has to meet him halfway.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers again, and Anakin hugs her tighter.
#ahsoka#anakin skywalker#obi-wan kenobi#star wars#hurt/comfort#anakin whump#TCW era#lessons learned#please don't tag as anisoka she is smol#anon#Lpost
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What if Shiro's scar is not a scar but a skin graft? I'm not sure but I've heard that an easy way to the brain is through the nasal cavity. Hagar (Haggar?) for some reason may have wanted access directly to the brain, maybe for brainwashing, maybe for making him compatible with quintessence? Idk, just a thought...
woooOOOO ANON GETTIN TO THE REAL STUFF HERE! I never thought of that and YES that’s a really likely possibility. I mean Hagar could probably affect the brain by zapping anywhere, but for implants or something that would be a good spot for surgery. Gosh poor Shiro. Someone go write him a comfort drabble or something…
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(Same anon) I had the turbinate reduction too! I have a chronic inflammation problem caused by mysterious forces of evil and now I'm hopefully getting a second surgery to open up some other nasal passages to relieve all the pressure in my head. I just want to hear about someone having success after living in pain for like 2 years. This b*tch needs hope.
omg that sounds terrible but u and me both :( honestly the pressure behind my eyes and forehead and nose rn is no joke lol gotta suffer before being healed but i truly think i’m gonna be able to breathe a lot more freely so i’ll let u know how i feel when i can finally actually breathe through my nose!! also i just got out my entire surgery procedure rundown so just in case it might inspire u i got: septoplasty with bilateral turbinate reduction, bilateral middle meatal antrostomy, bilateral ethmoidectomy and left sphenoidotomy. sounds like a lot but i don’t think it took more than one hour to complete. i hope ur second surgery is going to go smoothly let me know how ur appointment went down!
#i've been living like that for thirteen years so worry not... everything comes to an end! even the most painful shit iA#Anonymous
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Hi love!! I really hope you don't mind or that I'm not putting my foot in it, but I was just trailing thru the "rhinoplasty" tags, and your post about it came up!! I'm really close to decide on getting it myself, but I was just wondering if you had any info or anything about your personal experience and what you make of it all??? Ty ❤️
Hello anon, I personally got a rhinoplasty because I didn’t like my nose at all, I really hated the shape of it, it didn’t match my face (I literally have a babyface and that wasn’t aesthetic at all) anyways, instead of going to a plastic surgeon I went to an otolaryngologist, who is a doctor specialized in the ear,nose and throat. I did not know this specialist can also do rhinoplasties, I did like the result tho, it looks natural (even tho personally I request it).
The kind of surgery he made on me was a closed rhinoplasty, less invasive than the open one and because he wouldn’t make much change (he told me the open one is usually with big noses and nasal problems), I thought the surgery would last hours but after two hours he already finished. Of course he used general anesthesia, it would hurt less.
On recovery: well I had a bandage on my nose like for a month, to help to make stay everything in place, the nose itself doesn’t hurt, there’s more pain in your throat because your nose is plugged with tissue to prevent the bleeding, so you need to breathe through the mouth. That tissue usually lasts one week after your next check in with the doctor tho, then he removes it and you are free to breathe normally. It kinda bothers you all the mucus in there, it’s like having a flu but it’s something you can handle. Ah, and you need to drink a lot of water!
I cannot think of nothing else to tell you in this aspect, but if you feel you will be more confident in yourself if you do it then do it!, In my opinion I felt more positive and happy about my looks and I like it so much. I hope this helps (:
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i am also possibly crying rn
- nasal surgery anon
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