#narratively its so unnecessary because rachel has already seen this with her psychic powers
carf-writes · 2 months
I have mixed feelings about the Titans show. Overall, I think it is kind of bad and the color grading is very ugly but it has good stuff particularly about Dick. It's pretty much the Dick Grayson show and a good chunk of the first half of the first season is dedicated to learning his backstory which literally has nothing to do with the overarching plot.
But I'm still losing my mind over the fact that Rachel googles his name and instantly pulls up a video of his parents' deaths which zooms in on his horrified little face. In the canon of this show, this happened in 2002. Youtube was created in 2005. So somebody recorded this on their camcorder (not that crazy to do at the circus), made sure to keep recording when tragedy struck to film a suddenly orphaned child and then made sure to upload to the internet. And then somebody made sure to keep porting that video over to new video sharing websites so that it would never be lost to time.
They never want to lose this horrible morbid video that definitely violates some youtube guideline. That's messed up.
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