thenocturnenarrator · 4 months
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i should i think
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post it
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cosplayrapatapan · 1 year
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bacchettemagichemb · 1 month
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Wood magic wand Narra quilted and ebony wood by Marco Bianchini
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darkandlightsides · 1 year
"I am drawing a mustache on Rex's face as he sleeps. It's a great exchange for preventing his nightmares and making sure he sleeps good <3"
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lilaccheese · 1 year
Illusionist told me to ask Narrator to talk about themselves.
Illusionist is also a narrator.
Sure! I'll get them to answer now.
Oh, wow. Someone showing interest so soon... I can't say I'm upset at all. Your narrator didn't clarify what exactly they wanted to know... So I'll just tell you the general info.
I'm called Narrator-sama, but feel free to shorten it to Narra. In origin I'm a void-born seminarrator, that means I existed before anything else existed and I just chose to assist Lilac here.
Shut, I'm speaking. And the "semi" part means I've interacted with Upper Realm (real world) denizens enough to evolve into a character rather than a concept.
In Lilac's mind (which affects how I do my job, since she's my Host), I am to constantly narrate over 20 worlds to sustain them. It's not an issue to me though, I have been doing this for years. Trillions of years and more.
My powers include, well. Quite literally everything. I don't really use them most of the time though... I just like watching stuff happen on its own, without my "help".
Oh, about myself as a person. I'm fascinated by languages, I enjoy collecting stuff forgotten by everyone to add to my trash pile. If I had to pick a favorite character of Lilac's... It'd be Vivian, no hesitation. We get along.
Narra, do you have a favorite world?
Oh, no-no. I don't. I like them equally.
Alright. Another question: Why the British accent?..
Because it fascinated me. Also has a refined feel to it if used in moderation. Kind of like wine. Too much makes you look dumb, but a bit makes you look like a gentleman or whatever equivalent of it you prefer.
Cool. Do you have a dream of sorts?
Not really? If I do sleep, I don't have dreams. And in a different context, I don't really have a goal I'm going towards at the moment. I enjoy my routine enough, thank you very much.
Thanks for the answers.
Uh-huh. Anyhow, it was impolite of me to talk about myself for that long when another curious individual is right there. Illusionist, would you be so kind to tell me about yourself in return?
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filipeanut · 1 year
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Flowering narra and banaba trees, at Isabelo Delos Reyes Elem. Tondo, Manila.
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dyzzythedemon · 2 years
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depositodofoxyne · 2 months
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paradoxguardian · 2 months
On: Dimensions
Space, and by some reckonings Time, is a structure of multiple dimensions. In your case, 'space' consists of three dimensions. These dimensions are largely Euclidean, as far as you have measured, and are joined by a single dimension of time to form the 'Space-time continuum'. This grand structure is then distorted by mass to produce gravity.
Of course, both space and time, while inseparable within your reality, are not inseparable conceptually. Spatial dimensions have two directions, no inherent motion, and need no granularity nor curvature limitations. Temporal dimensions, however, have two directions and require no granularity nor curvature, but may or may not have inherent motion. Some Temporal dimensions are 'spacelike': exhibiting no inherent motion, and in some cases having well defined granulation; whereas others are 'timelike': operating as time does in your world, sometimes with conditions.
Both of these are physical dimensions. However, there are other sorts of dimensions.
There are Metaphysical dimensions, including Pneuma, Makrinos, and Somnier.
Pneumal dimensions govern the interactions of the spiritual, where afterlives hide.
Makrinal dimensions govern the separation of worlds, often referred to as 'AUs', though this title is often mistakenly applied to structures along other dimensions.
Somnieral dimensions govern the motion of the mind away from the body when sleeping. This is a surprisingly common dimension across worlds, and yet often overlooked.
Finally, there are Pataphysical dimensions, of which I have cemented one: Narra.
Narral dimensions govern layers of 'realness'. Between two worlds, if one is Narrally superior to the other, then the second will appear to the first as fiction. Narral relationships are not necessarily transitive, nor are they really delineated in some circumstances.
Well, that's my ramble for tonight. I wish you well.
Uncle P-
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or-fi-s · 11 months
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Drawing commissions at https://piczel.tv/watch/OrFiS!
Posted using PostyBirb
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wally-b-feed · 3 months
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Anthony Fineran, Za Narra Minter, 2024
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Tumblr Town is falling to shit where the fuck are mayors
In your moms house ~Narra
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theanthocyanin · 1 year
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darkandlightsides · 1 year
"Im blocking anons within the office. Ones with signoffs are exceptions but you're on thin ice. I need a drink."
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lilaccheese · 1 year
Oh, Illusionist has a good question, "Which character is most like their user?"
Okay, it's not something I'm supposed to tell you, but... Lilac has multiple self-inserts based on herself. They're all different since she has more than one personality trait (what a surprise!), so all of them combined is just Lilac. I can't figure out who's most similar to them though... Maybe Mini Lilac, aka Minilac? Hmm, no, too innocent... Not L1, that one we don't talk about... Castella too inexpressive, Rai too exaggerated... Yeah I don't think I can pick anyone.
I don't want to interrupt, but—
You're so deep in denial I'm not gonna trust you to answer this.
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popcornbutterfly · 1 year
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