#narn chapter boards
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outofangband · 10 days ago
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Túrin in Doriath  Chapter Five of The Children of Húrin
An updated version of one of my favorite Narn chapter boards! There are others in that tag!
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deepspacedukat · 2 years ago
Who Reads The Mind-Reader? - Part One
I’m not tagging any of my usual suspects for this one, because this is a Babylon 5 fic. The people on my taglist are primarily here for Star Trek (or at least I think you are) so if anyone wants to be tagged for this (and possible future) B5 fic(s) or any of my ST fics, message me/send me an ask and let me know.
Originally posted to AO3 here.
G��Kar (B5) x Olivia Lane (OFC)
[A/N: There will be eventual smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: None that I can think of for this first chapter. Language, maybe?
“Ms. Lane?” A voice called over the station’s bustling crowd, and I turned to find an Eath Force officer giving me a warm smile. “I’m Commander Jeffrey Sinclair. Welcome to Babylon Five.”
“Thank you, Commander. I was just on my way to try and find you to report in,” I said giving him a polite nod.
“Well, I’m happy to have saved you some trouble,” he said taking a small step closer and offering me his hand. How odd. Most people weren’t comfortable touching telepaths, even when we were wearing gloves. I clasped his hand just as a man in a grayish-brown uniform hurried over. “Ah, just in time. This is my Chief of Security, Michael Garibaldi. Mr. Garibaldi, our second commercial telepath, Ms. Olivia Lane.”
“Nice to meet you.” The new arrival smiled and not-so-stealthily let his eyes wander down the length of my body. His thoughts were so loud that I couldn’t avoid hearing a few things he doubtless wanted to conceal. Who used the slang word ‘rack’ in this day and age?
“Mr. Garibaldi will show you to your quarters then escort you to see Ms. Win–”
“Commander!” A rough bellow drew our gazes to a Narn storming our way. “There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you. This is simply outrageous! Surely, you don’t mean to allow Mollari to get away with–”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, give me just a moment,” Sinclair said before turning to the raging Narn. “G’Kar, if you have a problem, we can discuss it in the council chamber. I will not have you accosting me while I’m welcoming a new resident to the station. Is that understood?”
The man blinked and glanced over at me, seemingly noticing my presence for the first time. His lips parted in surprise, and his shoulders relaxed by a small measure.
“My sincerest apologies. I hope that I have not given you a negative first impression of your new post.” His voice had lowered to a slightly more normal level from his previous irate shouting, and when his blazing red eyes skimmed over the Psi Corps badge on the lapel of my blouse, he looked at me curiously. “Perhaps I could buy you a drink to make up for my unseemly behavior, Miss...?”
“Olivia Lane,” I offered, and the corners of his mouth drew up into a small smile.
“Ambassador G’Kar of the Narn Regime,” he returned with a polite inclination of his head.
“As soon as I’ve got my bearings, I’d be happy to take you up on your offer, Ambassador.” Looking inordinately pleased and less tense than before at my acceptance, he turned to the Commander and gave him a sheepish sort of look.
“I trust that I shall see both you and Mollari in the council chambers?”
“I’ll go grab Londo and meet you there in an hour,” he confirmed, and the Narn walked off, seemingly satisfied by the answer.
“Never a dull moment,” the Security Chief muttered, and I couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “Ah, you’re laughing now, but just wait. He and Londo are constantly at each other’s throats. You’ll get sick of it eventually.”
“Ms. Lane, I should probably warn you about Ambassador G’Kar. He’s tried to proposition every telepath who’s boarded Babylon Five. If you do take him up on that offer of a drink, I’d recommend you keep your wits about you.” Commander Sinclair sounded a little worried for me, and while I was touched by his concern, I shook my head quietly.
“I’ll be perfectly fine, Commander, but thank you. Now, you were saying something about an escort?”
“Are you certain about this?” G’Kar’s aide was clearly skeptical about his latest idea given his prior two failures, but she dutifully watched him walk back and forth across the length of his quarters.
“Na’Toth, I know I haven’t had success yet, but that does not mean every attempt will be as fruitless as the first two. It only takes one ‘yes’ to give us the result we need,” he murmured as he paused in his pacing. “Besides, this new girl seems less prickly than Ms. Winters. She almost seemed amused by my anger. Courage is something we can’t hesitate to grasp at when we find it–”
“You just think she’s pretty, don’t you?” Na’Toth’s deadpan inquiry was met by a pair of widened red eyes.
“...She is quite attractive for a Human female–”
“You should know, you’ve mated with enough of them,” she muttered almost under her breath.
“–But that does not change the fact that this is our chance to reintegrate telepathy into the gene pool! My attraction to her, or lack thereof, is irrelevant,” he said straightening to his full height. His aide rolled her eyes.
“Yes, Ambassador.”
“Good. Then I shall propose the idea to her when I feel the time is right. I think my problem with Ms. Alexander and Ms. Winters was that I was too abrupt in broaching the topic. Perhaps a more subtle approach would yield better results...” He trailed off, thinking back to the amused expression peeking out from beneath her copper hair. It was slightly closer to brown than the station’s first telepath, but somehow that made her all the more alluring. If she agreed to mate with him, then he would have to allow himself the luxury of caressing it. As he mused, he glanced at the time. “Oh, I’m due in the council chambers. time to give Mollari the pasting he deserves!”
The Narn allowed his anger to filter slowly back into him as he turned toward the door of his quarters, but Na’Toth’s voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Sir, before you go, a word of advice,” she called. “I know you have an affinity for Human females, but...don’t allow this one to take up more space than she deserves.”
“Are you implying that I would let my emotions get in the way of my job?” His deadly quiet question cut through the room like a knife after a brief hesitation. Turning to face his aide, G’Kar gave her a stern look.
“No, sir, but Humans have an odd way of getting under peoples’ skin. It would be unwise for you to allow your guard down, especially given her abilities.” He hated that she was right, but he couldn’t admit that. He couldn’t allow himself to appear weak.
“I am Narn. It would take more than a few smiles from a pretty girl to win me over, Na’Toth. I would’ve thought that you’d have realized that by now,” he stated puffing his chest out slightly to project strength. She nodded her head in deferential acknowledgment, and the Ambassador swept out of his quarters. He scoffed as he strode down the hallways. A Human female worming her way into his heart? Ha! He’d never heard anything so ridiculous in his life.
“I think those are all the major areas, but if there’s something you need help finding, don’t hesitate to ask me, security, or one of the Earth Force officers. Some of the Ambassadors can be quite helpful, too,” Talia said as we drew to a stop outside a casino in Red Sector. “It’s good to see you again, old friend. I’m so glad the Corps decided to honor my request to have you here.”
“So am I. Ten years is way too long to go without one of our late night chats.”
“We’ll have to catch up once you’ve gotten some rest. Don’t think I didn’t see you yawning when we were walking through Blue Sector,” the blonde smirked as she spoke, but something caught her eye over my shoulder. “Uh oh. Here comes trouble.”
“Why, hello there, ladies,” a familiar voice greeted, and Talia rolled her eyes. Did she not like him? But he seemed so charming...in a dorky kind of way, of course.
“Mr. Garibaldi.” She ground the words out as if his mere existence bothered her. “Can you find your way back to your quarters on your own?”
“I’ll make sure she gets there safe and sound,” the Chief said, and Talia made her escape.
“Thanks, Mike,” I murmured, and he gave me a warm, lopsided smile. “I take it Ambassador G’Kar and whoever that Mollari person is didn’t come to blows?”
“Nah, with a little assistance from Jeff - Commander Sinclair - they were able to resolve their differences peacefully. More or less,” he said as we walked a little deeper into the casino. I assumed he was making his rounds, because he gave a few of the more raucous patrons a stern look. “Have you met the rest of the Ambassadors?”
“Well, I have yet to meet the Vorlon, but Ambassador Delenn was very cordial. So was her aide - Lennier, I think his name was. You know I’ve met G’Kar, but the Centauri Ambassador is also a no-show,” I rattled off, and the Chief nodded his head.
“I think I can help with that last one. Come with me,” he said ushering me through several groups of people until we caught sight of a man in dark purple finery. A green drink was perched half-empty between his fingers, and a scantily clad dancer was sprawled across his lap.
“What a fortunate man I am to have such beautiful company,” he growled as his lips split into a devious grin. Two sharp fangs served to make him look rather intimidating. My escort cleared his throat, and the man looked up. “Ah, Mr. Garibaldi! How are you this evening, my dear friend? And you’ve brought a charming young lady with you! Excellent! Join us, join us!”
“I can’t, actually, I’m on duty. I just thought I’d introduce you to our newest commercial telepath. If you’re busy, we can do this later...?”
“No, no, no, not at all! Run along, beautiful. I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes,” the Centuari murmured to his companion, and she slid off his lap and over to another table of patrons. The Ambassador stood and gave me a small bow. “Londo Mollari, of the Centauri Empire. It is a pleasure to meet you.”
I introduced myself, and to my surprise, the Ambassador lifted my gloved hand to his lips.
“The honor is mine, Ambassador Mollari,” I murmured, but he made a disapproving sound.
“I will not hear of such formality from you, Ms. Lane. Please, call me Londo. Forgive my curiosity, my dear, but has something happened to Ms. Winters?” He sounded genuinely concerned for her, so it was a happy task to set him straight.
“No, she’s perfectly fine. The Corps assigned me here at her urging. She was receiving so many service requests that she was having to turn down more jobs than she accepted. I’m just here to help lighten the load a bit.”
“Ah, I see. Well, I hope you will enjoy your stay on Babylon Five,” Londo said with a fanged grin. “If you will take some advice, I’d recommend you stay clear of the Narn Ambassador. He can be a bit...abrasive.”
Huh. First the Commander warned me about G’Kar, then Talia, and now Londo. Goodness, the Narn Ambassador had certainly managed to garner a reputation. I couldn’t help but wonder whether it was warranted. Sure, he’d been irritable when I first met him, but he was rather charming when he calmed down. The vibrancy of his spots didn’t help matters...
I mentally shook myself out of my thoughts just in time for Londo to bid us both good evening before walking off to go find where his lady friend had gone. Despite the cacophony of the crowd, I couldn’t help but acknowledge that this was going to be an interesting assignment, if nothing else.
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outofangband · 7 months ago
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Niënor in Brethil and The Coming of Glaurung chapters fifteen and sixteen of The Children of Húrin for @child-of-hurin who suggested it like a year ago:/ sorry for the delay. I love making Brethil related boards because I love birch trees! I've also loved the detail aout the Haladin being among the only inhabitants of Beleriand to eat mushrooms.
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Others in the narn chapter boards tag!!
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outofangband · 1 year ago
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Chapter fourteen of The Children of Húrin, The Journey of Morwen and Niënor to Nargothrond
I love this chapter; Morwen's reckless and stubborn bravery and grief, literally thretening to swim across a dangerous part of the rivers if Mablung won't help her cross, Niënor's exchange with her and defiance in the eyes of Glaurung, the utter horror of the dragon wrought landscape around Nargothrond and of both Morwen and Niënor's fate..
These are definitely more gentle images, I think, it can definitely be hard to represent what I associate in my mind with each chapter
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Chapter One, Four, Five
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outofangband · 2 years ago
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Chapter Four, The Departure of Túrin
Chapter One , Chapter Five, another board about this chapter (you can probably guess the theme)
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outofangband · 2 years ago
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x x x  x x x  x x x
Chapter One, The Childhood of Túrin
Túrin in Doriath board for chapter five
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