#naoto x male reader
nex-ture · 3 months
Naoto x male reader
Naoto has a crush on reader since childhood but he enevr approached him. And in the future he regrets it, so he ask takemichi to help him. When takemichi is in the past he tells little naoto to jump over his shadow.
And ever since naoto and reader are seen together laughing and cute stuff.
And the next time takemichi goes back to the futur Naoto is just thanking him, telling him how happy he is with reader
Naoto Tachibana x Male Reader
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I apologize for falling off the face of the earth again...
(This took me 2 months to write because I am so bad at getting stuff done)
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This felt like failure 17 on rescuing Hinata, but the two boys knew they were getting close. Even though saving Hinata was fresh on everyones minds, it wasn't the only thing holding in Naotos' attention.
Sneding Takemichi back to the past made him reminisce on his own childhood, his childhood friends. Naoto didn't have many of those. He was seen as the conspiracy theorist lunatic who was always spewing nonsense about unheard of things.
"Do you really think time travel is possible?" A young boy who looked around the same age as Naoto spoke, standing in front of his desk. It wasn't rare for kids to talk to each other, of course, but it was still shocking that someone chose this conversation starter with him.
"Well, yeah, it's not like we have proof that it doesn't exist, I think it's possible." Naoto replied eagerly. It was the first time he spoke to his classmates about something he genuinely enjoyed.
"You'll have to tell me abo-" the teacher calling for everyones attention cut Y/N short of his next few words. Quickly turning around and making his way to his desk. The class started, and they day went as normal. That was the only time Naoto ever spoke to the other boy.
Naoto was too scared to approach him again and ask what he planned on saying. He always looked so busy talking to other people. It felt pointless. Naotos daydreams were cut short when Takemichi walked through his apartment door. "I'm totally stumped, I have no idea what we can do from her." Takemichi sighed, plopping down on a chair nearby
Naoto looked away from the man just walking in, instead grabbing some old class photo he had shoved away in a drawer, circling Y/Ns face. Naoto stands with the picture in hand and looks over to Takemichi, "Why don't you try looking for ideas in the past, if nothings here, why don't you check what's happening there?" Naotos' idea bounced off the walls of Takemichis' brain. He knew he couldn't come up with a better idea than that.
"I guess I have no choice.." Takemichi grunted as he stood up to walk over towards Naoto. "Oh, and one small favor, when you find me in the past, could you try and convince me to go up to this boy." He hands Takemichi the picture with a little boys face circled, Takemichis face is mixed with confusion until he sees the saddened expression mixed onto Naotos' face. Naoto had a thing for this boy, Takemichi knew he'd Naoto at least something for all the work he'd done to help Hinata, so he agreed.
Grabbing eachothers hand and being sent to the past. Surprisingly, when Takemichi entered his consciousness, he still had the picture in hand. Walking down the street with Chifuyu to the park they always go to. The sun had started setting already, Takemichi took note as Chifuyu continued talking about whoever the hell Peke J was, Takemichi couldn't remember.
Reaching the playground, Takemichi took a seat on the swing set, Chifuyus house was nearby, and he quickly ran home before his mom on his ass about being late. "Any luck with Hinata?" Takemichi heard a younger voice coming from behind him, Naoto climbing onto the swing next the blonde.
"Oh, Naoto...hm, I've made some progress, but not enough to save yer yet." Takemichi looks at Naoto, saddened with his own response on the matter. He sighs, waiting to hear Naotos' response, but there's mothing. The younger boy stays silent, probably thinking of ways to help or what to do.
"Hey, Naoto." Takemichi blurts out as he starts to stare at the park in front of him. "What is it," Naoto looks over to the blonde with curiosity. "Do you know who this is?" Takemichi hands the photo of the circled boy to Naoto, his eyes widened slightly upon seeing the picture.
"Yeah, but how did you even get this? Prints don't come till tomorrow.." Naoto looks over at Takemichi, his certainty of Takemichis tame traveling abilities. "I just had a hunch that he might be of importance to you, and maybe our mission." Takemichi smiles brightly at Naoto.
"How would me talking to him help our mission-" Naoto was cut off as Takemichi loudly spoke his next words over him. "Just talk to him, alright! I know this'll be good for you, Tachibana." Takemichi began to take his leave, even though it'd felt like he'd only just gotten there.
Naoto watched him leave, heading home shortly after, though stealing glances at the photo every once in a while. Talk to y/n? How would that help save Hinata.
The next day felt no different for Naoto, but he knew he had to do something he wasn't used to doing...striking up a conversation. Y/n was busy talking to his other friends as Naoto walked towards him, y/ns friends cutting their conversation short, some look at Naoto as if he was an alien for just standing there.
"Hey, uh...y/n, you could see me after school. There's something I more or less wanna talk to you about." Y/n only noded in response with a small affirmative, and everyone, including Naoto, headed to their seats to listen in to the class.
The wait for school to be out was nothing short of dreadful for both Naoto and Y/n. It felt as if the words worst news was going to be dropped on them as soon as the bell rang.
Naoto was the first of the two to get out of class. Maybe it was the anxiety, but it felt like he had been waiting on y/n for ages. His anxiety seemed to worsen as y/n walked over to him. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?" Y/n gave a weak smile as he looked to Naoto.
"Right, my birthdays coming up...it's gonna be a space themes party, like Martian and stuff.." he giggled, gushing about his party while handing y/n a green envelope he seemed to have colored with marker. "I'll ask and let you know!" Y/n let out a dopey grin, grabbing the envelope with both hands.
Naotos eyes grew as he let out an awkward smile back, "I'll be dressed up, so make sure you are too, alright?" Naotos' question was answered with a simple nod from the other boy.
Naoto quickly spotted Hinata waiting nearby for him to finish his conversation. He sprinted to her while waving bye to his new friend.
Y/n opened the invitation as soon as Naoto left the secen. Hinata clearly wrote down all the information, but Naoto drew pictures of aliens and planets all over. God, he was such a nerd, that's what played through y/ns mind with a smile.
It felt like months until Naotos' birthday, when it was only around a week, he was dressed as an alien king. Around 5-8 other kids were there that were his age, but the majority were Hinatas friends. Everyone was in some half-assed space costume, some girls in sparkly "star" dresses, and others like Takemichi, who taped card board on his forehead and called it Saturn.
Y/n made his way to the party in green with some cardboard antennas he made the day he got the invite. He looked around, searching for the birthday boy. Naoto soon found y/n looking around. It's not surprising how fast he noticed y/n. It was the only thing he was thinking about the whole party.
"You came! And you're dressed up!" Naoto was cheering excitedly. No boys ever made him this happy before. Why did he feel like this. "Of course I did. Was I not supposed to?" Y/n teased back, making Naoto shake his head violently to explain himself.
"I have an idea, we should make you a crown so we can match!" Naoto beamed excitedly, dragging y/n over to where some kids were drawing. Naoto had always been a geeky kid. His party was full of all the things he'd enjoyed, conspiracies, the unknown, etc. Drawing and writing had always been big hobbies of his because it could always relate back to this stuff.
"Aren't you wearing the crown cause you're the birthday boy? I don't wanna infringe on that." Y/n stated as Naoto started drawing a crown like shape on some cardboard. "Well it is MY birthday, just trust me." Naoto began cutting out the pieces to tape together.
Y/n watched Naotos face closely as he placed the cardboard crown on his head. A giggle leaving both of them soon there after. Naoto had never cared for Takemichi. He only trusted him because he wanted to save his sister from this bad future possibility. But Takemichi forcing him to talk to you, maybe wasn't all that bad.
"Thank you, Takemichi." Takemichi had finally come back to the present after seeing you and Naotos crown situation. Takemichi looked around the room, seeing a figure by the bed in Naotos office, and someome sitting in Naotos desk chair.
Waking up more, Takemichi realized it was y/n. "I'm sure you're wondering who that is, that's y/n." Naoto looked at Takemichi with a smile. "Y/n won't remember any of the timelines, and hell it took me a long time to convince him in this one, but he will be an amazing asset for saving Hinata."
Yn gave a little wave, standing up to yake his leave so Naoto and Takemichi could talk in private.
"Thank you, Hanagaki. I don't have the words to thank you enough." Naoto grabbed Takemichis' hand and bowed slightly in a way to show his appreciation. "I'm glad you're happy with your new friend Naoto, about time you got one." Takemichi teased, with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Friend? Y/n is my boyfriend." Naoto stood up with a cheery grin, not oaying any mind to Takemichis prior insults.
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pretentiousgayguyidk · 3 months
mf said he knew a spot then took me to the interrogation room
This has been sitting here for a while but it made me giggle again so now here I am.
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(Name) was an idiot, to put it simply. Oblivious, and more brawn than brain; yet he still managed to be a part of Bonten's upper echelon, only due to his impeccable fighting skills. He was often sent out to take care of worms within Bonten, and the others usually had to clean up after him to make sure he didn't get caught. (Name) was an idiot.
Yet, despite his unimpressive intellect, he had been boasting about his cute date for the past week. He's been head over heels because of this guy, and none of the admin could get (Name) to spit out who it was. He'd often say something along the lines of, "hey he's mine, back off" or "what... You jealous?".
They weren't jealous in the slightest, they just wanted to be sure that he didn't end up spilling information... Mikey would hate to put down his second favorite idiot.
Either way, (Name) happily sat at the meeting spot for his date; checking his watch every few minutes till he is eventually approached by his date. Tall slender and handsome, yet visibly tired at all times. That was his date, Naoto Tachibana.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, (Name)." Naoto states with a sheepish smile, offering his hand - which (Name) eagerly takes into his own.
"Oh no, I wasn't waiting long... Don't worry." He chimes with a smile, walking alongside Naoto towards Naoto's car.
Naoto opens the door for (Name), smiling sweetly before shifting over to the other side - sliding into the driver's seat. Once situated, he drums his fingers against the wheel before turning towards (Name).
"I know a place, I'll take you there..."
That's how (Name) ended up handcuffed and in an interrogation room, sulking and pouting at the betrayal. He really thought they'd hit it off, but nope... Naoto was just a really smart cop, and (Name) was just... (Name).
"I already know you work for Bonten, tell me what you know and I'll take you out on an actual date." Naoto bribes... In turn, earning all of the information (Name) had on Bonten - along with complaints about his coworkers.
It really was such a shame, Mikey really did like (Name) - but his latest mess was too much to clean up, and Mikey didn't need a repeat...
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matsunozz · 1 year
“does it hurt bubba…?” you said lowly, pushing your strap/cock even further inside of naoto as his hands gripped his desk. “look at how tight my prince is…so handsome.” he moaned softly, head on your shoulder with his back arched. naoto was stressed from all of the work he’s been doing, and he begged so, so beautifully to be fucked gently.
your strap/cock slid in and out of him so easily and so softly, just as he wanted. “darling, ssso g-good..!” he was now bent over the desk with your chest on his back, keeping him from squirming. “is my good boy close?” he let you know with a nod and he rolled his eyes back, cum becoming a puddle on the floor. he tried to fuck himself back onto your strap/cock but you pulled out of him. “bubba do you wanna keep going?” naoto whimpered as he felt so empty. he nodded like a baby, begging to he fucked more.
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. . . Rei
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malereadermaniac · 2 months
Camp Buddy x Male Reader NSFW alphabets
Top!Characters x Bottom!Reader Characters: Keitaro, Hiro, Yoichi, Natsumi, Taiga, Seto, Aiden, Yoshinori, Naoto, Lloyd, Darius Each character will have 3-4 letters of the alphabet assigned to them (everyone having the letter K, and it being based off of the cannon camp buddy journal) Word count: 9.2k Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI Kind of a 2k special?
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K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Keitaro doesn't have a specific kink that gets him going, if anything, his favourite thing to do during sex is to pleasure you; and if that means participating in any and all of your kinks, he sure as hell will do just that! So really his specialty is having a 'blank slate' or such an open mind - which really is endearing, it makes you feel so comfortable to suggest something new that you'd be into; and it's so hot when Keitaro not only shows interest in your kinks but also clearly enjoys them. This innocent man is willing to go from handcuffing you and fucking you until you're overstimulated to letting you get all dominant and ride him to high heaven! Being so flexible in his power dynamics and his fetishes allows Keitaro to enjoy whatever you throw his way, and it makes the sex so fucking good.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Again, due to the brunette's more flexible nature, he'll enjoy anything to do with cum; but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his favourite scenarios. For example, when it comes to his own orgasms, Keitaro really likes the tightness of cumming inside of you; his moans becoming sluttier and his arms wrapping around you to keep your hot, sweaty body against his as Keitaro shoots his thick, pearly white load inside of you, your warm, tight fucking hole clenching around his perfect dick. When you blow him, Keitaro definitely prefers cumming inside of your mouth; its that warmth and that tightness again that really does it for him, Keitaro is usually unable to let go of your hair as he forces you to take him all the way when he lets his hot jizz flow down your clenching throat. On the other hand, when it comes to your own spunk, Keitaro has such a fixation on tasting you... This man will be fucking you until you shoot your load all over your stomach and chest, then he'll slow his pace down to a soft rut into you as he bends down and runs his warm, wet tongue up your body; lapping up all of your cum onto his tongue and playing with it inside of his mouth, giving you a cute smile as he swallows and mumbles 'tasty as always'. And you can imagine that Keitaro's little fixation on your taste increases ten-fold when he's sucking you off or eating you out~
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Once again his open-mindedness really helps Keitaro and you when it comes to where you both fuck! You both prefer the standard bedroom of course, nothing beats the comfort of messing about in your own sheets knowing that there won't be any interruption and that the two of you can get as messy and as loud as you want. Yet, you and Keitaro aren't opposed to some public play, your boyfriend turning out to be quite the tease when at dinner with friends by running his hand up your thigh and eventually just straight-up using your crotch as a stress-toy! Fucking in public bathrooms isn't uncommon for you two, you just can't help yourselves! Oh and back when you both met at camp? Poor Natsumi caught the two of you fucking IN THE OCEAN after swimming up to you both because he though you two were getting swept away by the tide... BUT IN YOUR DEFENSE- giving a blowjob underwater isn't something you can do everyday, and Keitaro had never felt so fucking good in his life (although the poor man was worried that you wouldn't be able to breathe).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Foodplay is Hiro's main thing. The man's a cook, what else would you expect? The ginger not only likes to cook for you and watch you enjoy his tasty meals, but when it comes to fucking, Hiro is so into getting messy; and you aren't against it as long as he cleans up afterwards! Hiro's favourite thing to do is definitely to whip up some frosting on the more liquid side and use a spatula to drip it up his naked, muscular body - the white cream contrasting your boyfriend's tan skin very nicely. Then the ginger will entice you to come and lick him clean, his dick twitching at every swipe of your tongue across his abs or his biceps, his pits or even his face; Hiro going feral whenever you smoothly go from licking sweet cream off of his cheeks to kissing him. Hiro also gets going from the praises that fall from your mouth as you enjoy the sweet taste of whatever he's glazed his body in, relishing your praise of his cooking or baking skills by calling the food tasty and calling him sexy. This man is also totally into getting you covered in some food too and worshiping your body along the way. Hiro's favourite sexual experience ever being with you one year on his birthday, one of the presents you gave him being the permission for Hiro to decorate you like a cake and do whatever he wanted to; and of course this horny fucker took you up on that! You has dollops of whipped cream on your nipples with candied cherries acting as the buds, chocolote drizzle down your belly and straweberries on either side of your dick n balls - you looked quite pretty, and god damn you tasted good too! Hiro started by plucking a cherry from your nipples with his teeth (looking hot as fuck while doing so) and then licking down your torso for the chocolate and so on - to summaries, that night went on for a while and a lot of whipped cream had been licked off of your body while Hiro was fucking you, so much whipped cream that four canisters were in the bin the next morning!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Let's be real here, of fucking course HIRO AKIBA is a goofy motherfucker in bed! Yeah there are serious moments where the man wants to really prove or show his love for you, and in those moments he'll tone down the giggles and touch you more, softly caressing you or holding onto your body as his pace is more slow and romantic; praise is typical in these moments from Hiro. However, usually, your boyfriend is so unserious during sex, he wants to have fun after all! Enjoy the moment with you ya know? Cracking jokes is typical, always timed perfectly and never made awkward; Hiro can always get a laugh out of you, in fact he's developed the perfect formula to allow him to hear your perfect little giggles and chuckles when he's balls deep! Hiro will start with a compliment of you, and then use some fuckass metaphor or comparison which always makes you laugh: "Your so perfect... ya know... hah.... you're the only thing I ever think about" Hiro would pant in between thrusts "Oh yeah?" you would return, too tired to and horny to match his charisma "Oh for sure... Well maybe I think about food more but Ya know!" "Oh shut up... hah" you would laugh and moan at your stupid boyfriends funny remark
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man needs to chill the hell out... Because the way that Hiro can go, and is willing to go (!), until he physically collapses!?! It's worrisome that your boyfriend's brain gets completely overridden by his libido and all common sense and survival goes out the window... Hiro will be in literal pain, his thighs searing in pain and his dick stinging from cumming so many times and he will STILL go for another round if you're up for it! Typically, the two of you can go for a solid 3 rounds; sometimes 4 because your lovable boyfriend's only shortfall is that he barely lasts 10 minuets once he's inside of you (He can't help it! you just feel too good!). But on nights when the two of you are blind-sighted by your infatuation and desperation for one another, Hiro can make up to 9 rounds (shooting literal blanks) before his body literally gives out - but the sleep afterwards is astronomical, I'm talking 15h of sleep, naked and next to the man he loves. Not exactly healthy but that's why the two of you only do something like that extremely rarely.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As is common knowledge, most guys who display and value their strength during their daily lives usually have the fattest desire to be fucking dominated - and Yoichi is no different! This hunk has a fat bondage kink to begin with (we're talking latex, ballgags, rope, handcuffs, the whole lot) and to mix that with being told what to do and/or being used as some sort of sex toy by his handsome, sexy boyfriend? Yoichi was a) In love & b) Hard as a rock! It's not like the wolfboy wants to participate in shit like this all the time (it's more of a guilty pleasure than his favourite scenario, this man still loves to be in control!) but Yoichi enjoys it when he gets to be more of a subtop and let you put in some of the work for once! Yoichi fucking loves it when you get him naked, handcuff him to a chair and suck his dick until he cries; his begs for you to stop and his slutty whines egging you one and making your dick hard, and the ego boost you get when you follow Yoichi's request to stop, and the man whines 'nooo' from the loss of pleasure, is great too. Your hunky boyfriend is also suuuuper into having you use his dick like a dildo, he gets so hard watching you tie ropes around his wrists and ankles as you tie Yoichi to the bed, and JESUS when you ride him like that? The man finds it so fucking hard not to cum! The way you use him like some sex toy whilst he can't even reach out to touch you? It shoots his puffed up ego down so fucking good. Oh! And when you two get freaky with it in this way, Puppyplay is a big thing for Yoichi! Fucking hell, the way you talk down to him and praise him in a such a patronising manner makes the man leak gallons of precum from his twitching cock! He loves is when you put a whole leash around his neck and a god damn muzzle on him, a fluffly, long wolf tail buttplug in his ass which you tug on as he fucks you roughly - it's the perfect combination, makes Yoichi cum so damn quick!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
As you can expect from your rugged and rough boyfriend, this bitch does not shave. Anywhere. It wasn't until you came along that he even started to put effort into his appearance! The two of you wax together as little evening dates, waxing each other in a very domestic manner - but it really is unfair, cause you only get to wax Yoichi's chest n back and that man gets to see you writhe in pain waxing so much more!! But, unfortunately (so fucking fortunately), Yoichi never dares to touch his armpits or his pride and joy (his cock n balls); which leaves the man with very bushy, dark purple armpits and pubes, and we're talking a fucking forest downstairs... And Yoichi is not one to stray away from any form of dominance, so you best believe that your face is smushed into his hairy, sweaty pits a lot of the time, and that his musky pubes stuff your nose every single time you kindly give your boyfriend a blowjob. Yoichi likes to show this off too! Flexing his big, manly muscles in a tanktop so that his damp pit hair can make a tiny cameo; or even pulling his bottoms and the waistband of his boxers just a tinge lower so his bush n happy trail are on full display. This man loves to tease you with his sexy body hair, you can't complain though, it gets you going every time!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Now whilst Yoichi isn't the most sentimental guy out there, he can't deny the fact that he is absolutely smitten by you; so he does show his romantic side more than his 'though guy' act would like him to. Obviously, when your horny boyfriend wants to either let out some stress or sexual frustration, or he just wants to fuck, you two will be less 'rose petals and wine' about it and just go feral on each other; as in, Yoichi absolutely abuses your prostate with his massive, thick cock as his huge body envelopes yours, his bite marks on your neck and yours on his. But when Yoichi feels the need to express his love for you, he takes it seriously - the man wants you to know that he fuckin adores you! The woldboy would light some candles for mood lighting and spray himself with your favourite cologne of his, he'd be all up on you once you enter the room and immediately talk to you in such a sexy way: "Thought we could take it slower today, what d'ya think, cutie" And when it's a more 'spur of the moment' thing, Yoichi gets more intimate by slowing his pace down and toning down the roughness, lowering down to make out with you passionately as he gently fucks you in deep thrusts, rubbing his dickhead against your prostate and using his six-pack as a fucking washboard as he rubs your dick between your own stomach and his abs.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This horny fucker can't function if he doesn't cum by 10am, and on average Yoichi cums twice a day - so if you aren't around to help him out, or just aren't in the mood, of course Yoichi will have a little time to himself. If you can't be asked to go through all the prep to bottom in the morning, Yoichi usually has to deal with morning wood by himself; which he isn't against, yeah he'd like to have sex with you but this man is surprisingly the king of consent (bare minimum guys don't forget!). Typically, Yoichi's favourite combo during masturbation is watching porn whilst smelling some of your clothing, it helps him to imagine you and him in whatever porno he's jerking it to. But sometimes the man will just go with his imagination, putting you and him the most filthy scenarios in his head as Yoichi closes his eyes and goes to fucking town with a fleshlight. And of course the man will jack off if you are so kind as to send him some certain types of pictures when you two are apart. The amount of times Yoichi has ran to the bathroom when helping out Yoshinori at camp so that he could jerk off to pictures and videos you'd sent him; his favourites being the ones with you in his clothing, using a dildo or just wanking whilst moaning his name, makes this man throb in his jeans within seconds!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Something that really gets Natsumi in the mood, and gives him the confidence to show off, is underwear! With his lean, muscular figure and massive package, your handsome boyfriend is the ideal underwear model; he feels confident when modelling different briefs and boxers and jocks for you, liking the way you eye up his huge bulge and slowly get hard, Natsumi stiffening up himself. On the modelling side, Natsumi likes to try on many different types of underwear! Tight, latex speedos make all of the details of his dick visible, from his head, to his veins and the small size of them even shows off his pubes n happy trail! Jockstraps show off his muscular ass whilst still giving you a nice view of Natsumi's big dick, the fabric nice and loose allowing his balls to sag and make his bulge look even bigger. Your boyfriend's standard briefs fit him so well, the star pattern getting so sexily distorted from the size of his dick and the fabric being short enough to just tease his muscular upper-thighs. Oh and fucking hell when Natsumi models boxers he looks so damn hot, the loose fabric making his muscular body look leaner, and DAMN when he gives you a little peak of his massive cock by slipping it through the front hole?? So hot. This horny man also gets the hots for smelling underwear too! Just cause he seems innocent doesn't mean he can't get perverted! Natsumi gets so fucking turned on when he pushes his nose against your clothed bulge, smelling your natural scent drives him wild as he prepares to blow you. And yes, Natsumi is a little ashamed to admit that he has taken your worn underwear out of the wash basket to hold them to his face whilst jerking off.... A pervert in hiding I tell you!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Oh bless Natsumi's little heart - he's so good at aftercare! This man must be an angle sent from above, because the way he will fuck you silly with that massive dick, temporarily paralyzing you from the waist down, and then immediately run a bath and carry you to the bathroom bridal style? Ugh it just makes you fall even deeper in love with your charming boyfriend! Natsumi's standard routine is very complex and organised; what else would you expect? He starts by letting you both bask in the afterglow and get a breather before reluctantly leaving your side to run a hot bath. Then, you barely even register that Natsumi had left the bed by the time he's wiping your body clean of cum and sweat and then picking you up to take a bath with you; and this adorable man will sit behind you in the tub as he washes your hair and body as he kisses the few hickeys he'd left on you (because this man isn't biting you even if you beg.). By the end of the night, the two of you are in a freshly made bed and cuddling in very comfortable (yet ridiculous looking) positions under the covers.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Oh and after his whole aftercare routine, Natsumi usually falls asleep so quick; but not before he can watch you fall asleep in his arms, not before he can listen to you calmly breathing and take in the beauty you naturally exude as you peacefully sleep. Very rarely does Natsumi fall asleep straight away, but when he does you can't blame him; it's literally coded into his brain that he goes to sleep at 10pm sharp, so staying up till 12am or 1am to put in a lot of energy whilst fucking can get to him! When he wakes up all sticky and sees you in such a disheveled state the next morning, Natsumi can't stop apologising for the whole day, listening to you like a puppy in hopes to not upset you further (even though you weren't upset to begin with).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Your boyfriend has felt very powerless before when the whole camp hated him, so anything that makes him feel dominant and strong really gets Taiga going; and body worship really hits the mark. Taiga prefers you to praise and to focus on his body in the form of massages; your soft hands deeply pressing into your boyfriend's oiled up muscles, your gentle voice spewing out praises of his body being 'strong' and 'perfect', it gets this man hard within a couple of minuets. Taiga likes to have you on his body, your dick rubbing against his as you massage his fat pecs and your face hovering above his as Taiga focuses on your pretty face - lit candles and aphrodisiac body oil really add to the experience too, oh and when you move on to jerking Taiga off? This man is so shocked he doesn't cum instantly; your oiled up, hot hand feeling like heaven around his cock, and the sight of your semi-naked form servicing him is just such a hot view! When Taiga isn't getting a massage from you, he still likes to incorporate some sort of body worship when fucking you, and he even worships your body too! Praises are common from Taiga as he thrusts into you whilst also licking up to your jaw all the way from your abdomen, your muscles covered in bite marks and hickeys as Taiga praises your body and claims you in the process. When it comes to you worshiping Taiga's body during regular old sex, you love to tease your fiery boyfriend with kisses to his thighs as you call his dick massive and tasty while jerking it off with the spit on it from previous activities with your mouth. When he's balls deep inside of you, you like to hold Taiga's body close to yours with such a tight hold, pushing his muscles against your face as you stuff your face into his pecs or his biceps or his pits, praises and moans falling from your lips and into Taiga's ears, egging your boyfriend on to fuck you even harder.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Humiliation. We all know that men who have big egos during regular life really wanna get beaten down during sex. It's not something that Taiga thinks about often, he's very much a big fan of receiving body worship from you, but a small part of him can't help but send blood rushing down to his dick at the idea of you spewing nasty words his way whilst riding him, or whilst playing with his dick and denying Taiga any pleasure at all. Your boyfriend has caught himself masturbating to the thought of kneeling infront of you completely naked, and you sitting on a chair infront of him as you call him a 'gross pervert' or a 'dirty slut' whilst touching his hard, twitching dick with only your feet - giving him a sloppy footjob to tease your boyfriend as all he can do it kneel before you and take what he's given. Taiga would so be into you spitting on his face as you make out with him, or you riding him like some cheap dildo and ignoring his needs, or you just calling him names as your have him kneel above you on your lap - you still fully clothed whilst you jerk off Taiga with an inhumane amount of lube, the man fully naked and whimpering down to you. But he'd never confess any of this to you! Not unless you walk in on him as he jerks off to porn of it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Pretty much just you existing and doing fuck all can get Taiga in the mood to dick you down. This man loves you so much and that love can translate to lust rather quickly! Taiga is down to fuck whenever and where ever with you, and he's got the balls to suggest it too. But specific things which gives Taiga the motivation to bed you may include: You talking to any guy other than Taiga for an extended period of time. This man is jealous, and if you give some other dick more attention than you give your perfect boyfriend, Taiga's gonna want to set you straight - and his way of doing so is via filthy, rough sex. Wearing specific types of clothing can also get Taiga going, such as when you wear any of Taiga's sweatshirts or hoodies, no matter if they're bigger on you or too small, the possessive undertone of the action riles your handsome boyfriend up so damn well! And being nice in general can really turn Taiga on; again, love turns to lust real quick with this man, and he's barely ever had people be nice towards him so if you act domestic with him by cooking him a meal or if you perform acts of basic human decency (like asking if you can make his day better?!) it gets Taiga hard real quick.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Taiga's a little bit of both to be fair! It's more of a 51:49 split for fast and rough:Slow and sensual, because Taiga loves to show off his dominant side during sex - but there's no doubt that this man just wants to communicate his love towards you during sex as well, so Taiga can be very sensual and take things slow if the moment is right. Your boyfriend really likes to wine & dine you on the weekends, so after a couple of glasses of your wine of choice and an expensive meal, Taiga and you can get very romantical with it; we're talking slow and deep thrusts while making out and 'I love you's' being said every second. The usual fast and rough pace is where the two of you fuck like animals; with Taiga absolutely enamoured by the way you look, the sounds you're making, the way you're biting and holding onto him, just you yourself making Taiga want to keep pushing through any exhaustion to keep pounding into you. Your loving boyfriend doesn't just want to feel you tightly and warmly grip around his dick with your hole, but he also wants to ensure that you're feeling immense pleasure too - so he makes sure to thrust his hips so rough and so deep that you can feel his dick make its way to your belly.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Online sex is Seto's biggest turn on, he just has such a thing for feeling as if you're giving him a private cam-show! Your gamer boyfriend loves e-sex with you so much that he's invested in the two of you having separate gaming rooms; just so you both can get a more realistic experience! The brunette loves to hop onto a video chat with you on discord and start dirty talking as you strip for him, and very quickly are sex toys busted out. The call will usually just consist of the two of you watching each other pleasure yourselves with sex toys as you moan and dirty talk to each other; Seto's personal fave being when you use the cockring he'd gifted you as well as a dildo, he loves to be in control of you even if you aren't in the same room, and how better to do that than control your orgasms! Another kink of Seto's is also exhibition, but not in the standard way. This man loves to fuck you whilst he's on call with friends when playing a game, or when he's in a game lobbies voice chat; it gets Seto going so well. Your geeky boyfriend just loves the fact that those on the other end of the line keep asking if he's all good from the grunts and brief moans he accidentally lets out, oh and he loves to threaten you with the idea of his friends finding out that Seto was currently fucking you in a means to shut you up; Seto never actually tries to get you to be quiet though, he just likes to watch you try and keep your moans in as he lazily thrusts up into you!
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
As previously mentioned, when the two of you have online sex, toys are always brought out; Seto being partial to a fleshlight of his, and the man really liking when you use dildos of his size. But during regular sex, Seto is still a big fan of using toys! When it comes to using sex-toys on you, Seto fucking loves to use tiny bullet vibrators; this man will tape them to your nipples and keep them on a low vibe the entire time he's fucking you, oh and you will always have one tapes to your hard, throbbing dick on max speed whilst a cockring keeps you from cumming! Seto just loves to see the desperation on your face as he fucks you silly. By the time Seto has shot a couple of loads inside of you, his next favourite toy to use is a buttplug, a big one too! It doesn't hurt at all after all of Seto's loosening up of your hole, but damn does it press up against your walls so well, keeping your boyfriend's cum inside of you for a while; that is, until he wants to take it out in order to watch his spunk leak out of you. The toys that Seto likes used on himself are also pretty limitless, but he definitely has a fave - fleshlights. Whenever Seto takes on a more submissive role, his favourite thing you do is when you handcuff/tie him to a chair and torture the poor man with a fleshlight; using an ungodly amount of lube as you jerk off his dick with the tight toy, but you don't let your boyfriend until he's literally crying for it - it's just so hot, for the both of you!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This man is so unfair in bed! If you two are fucking whilst he's in a game, Seto will either have you cockwarm him for soooo long, until you're literally trembling with need for him - or (!) your smug boyfriend will fuck you into a pillow and tell you that if his friends can hear you in the game, he'll stop fucking you; evil I tell ya! When you two are going more vanilla, Seto will still tease you like hell; we're talking stopping fucking you if you're about to cum, and using cockrings to make you a cockdrunk mess as you beg to be allowed to cum! But all of that doesn't mean that Seto doesn't like to be teased himself! We've already established that the man likes to sub from time to time, and the way that you don't let that motherfucker cum for hours on end is quite funny; oh and when you finally let Seto cum, you aren't letting him go until he can't speak due to overstimulation.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
It shouldn't come as a shocker that Aiden has a fat exhibitionism kink; the man struts about with only an apron covering his dick and his ass fully out! You and your freaky boyfriend have partaken in public sex quite a lot due to this preference of Aiden's, you have no qualms about this though; as the thrill of there being a chance of being caught at any second in such a moment really gets you going too. The two of you have had sex not only in the camp kitchen (having almost been caught my many campers and scoutmasters), but also at the beach, in the forest, and even behind cabins! Aiden just gets such a thrill out of it, he wants to show off his body, your relationship, and the adrenaline pairs so well with the dopamine from fucking you! Musk n sweat is also something that Aiden is quite partial to - your boyfriend is locked up in that steamy kitchen all day, of course he'll get very sticky and musky real quick! Aiden finds it so hot when you smell his body and lick his tan muscles after a day of work, it's kinda like a body worship kink, but a tad bit more possessive once it comes to Aiden feeling like he's marking you with his scent. This kink goes vice versa too - your sexy man loves to smell your natural musk after a day out in the sun, Aiden fucking lives to press his nose into your crotch during foreplay, so he can fill his nose with your scent.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Aiden's favourite body part of his is either his arms or his ass. The himbo is so proud of his bulging biceps and triceps that he can't help but show them off, he even gets turned on by the way that you eye up his tan, muscular arms - the peak of his armpit hair as he flexes his arms like a gymbro really doing it for ya! Aiden is also incredibly proud of his ass; muscular yet still soft and plush, his tan skin accentuating the curve of his cheeks, it's a damn good ass. And most people can tell that the man likes his ass, cause Aiden is always showing it off! No matter if he's in a speedo or an apron, your boyfriend's cheeks always make a debut somehow. When it comes to Aiden favourite body part of yours, the man can't hide the fact that your thighs are his biggest turn on. Aiden loves the way that your thighs shape your body, he loves biting on the plump flesh between breathes as he blows you, he loves marking them with hickeys, and fuck does Aiden love gripping your thighs or smacking them as he fucks you! Even when you two are just relaxing, your cute boyfriend's head is either laying on your thighs or squished between them (and when the he's giving you such earth-shattering head that your thighs tighten around his head, it turns the green-haired hunk on so fucking much). An honorable mention to Aiden's second most favourite body part of yours: your mouth. He just can't get enough of how your warm, tight mouth feels around his cock, he loves the way your tongue looks and feels running up his body, and Aiden treats your lips like a drug from the way he gets so addicted to them when kissing you - the man usually turning a small peck into a full blown make out!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Come on, Aiden is all about risk! We know that fucking in public is such a turn on for the man, but that doesn't mean any and all other risk is off of the table. Aiden is usually down to try whatever with you, anything new which you throw his way, Aiden will usually agree to; that's how you two figured out you were both soooo into costumes n role play (and yes, his 'Halloween costume' did infact lead to a 'god-worshiper' roleplay). Choking is something that the two of you have played around with, and the way that Aiden's veiny, tan hands felt around your throat was enough to add that kink to your regular repertoire! If Aiden has to set a limit, his usual would be anything that involves hurting you too much; yes, he's into choking if you're into choking, but even if you ask Aiden to slap you around or hit you, he'd say no. The furthest Aiden goes in the realm of impact play is spanking you whilst fucking or biting.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Yoshinori's biggest kink is shit to do with feet; more specifically, his boots. Maybe it's a domination thing, or maybe Yoshi just likes a show, but this man's dick throbs so much when he gets to watch you try to pleasure yourself on his expensive, dirty, leather boots. Yoshinori doesn't even have to move, he gets enough sexual satisfaction from watching you, fully naked, rub your hard, twitching dick against his boot and whine as the friction barely gets you a buzz. That's not to say that Yoshi doesn't like to put effort in himself, this man gets so turned on when he plays with your dick with his boot-covered foot, the rough material making you mewl, your sounds and the view going straight to your boyfriend's stiff cock. Outside of 'boot-play' Yoshi's little kink for feet still runs wild; the muscular scoutmaster getting so riled up whenever you worship his feet, whenever you press your nose against his clothed feet and get drunk off of the scent attached to his steaming socks, whenever you slowly strip his big feet of his damp socks and lick at the sole of his foot and at his toes (Yoshi's veiny, big feet juxtaposing your smaller head cause they're just that big!). Oh and when you two are fucking? Best believe that your hunk of a man has gotten carried away before from the pleasure of fucking you and positioned himself so that his foot was pushing your head into the bed as he kept on fucking you - the feeling of being so dominated sending shivers up your spine. When it comes to his minor foot-fetish towards you, Yoshi has quite the affinity for pushing your feet on either side of his face as he fucks you missionary, your soft soles against his cheeks as he gives you a goofy, satisfied smile with his eyes closed.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Yoshinori will give and take whatever you are happy with; he's got a very open mind when it comes to oral! Your boyfriend is happy to blow you until the cows come home, he gets his pleasure not only physically, but pleasuring you also gets this man going. The dirty blonde likes to start with long, slimy laps at your hard dick, covering your shaft with his warm, thick spit, and then he will take you into his mouth fully and give you some mind blowing head. Surprisingly, this man can take any size dick in that throat of his, and he puts that to good use; Yoshi usually makes you cum at least once during foreplay, and that is usually with you cumming down his throat within minuets! When you're giving your boyfriend head, he's very patient with you; Yoshinori knows that his dick is big and that it can be a lot to take at once, but damn, when you get that veiny, thick dick into your mouth? This man is a moaning mess, his big hands on each side of your head as his thick, manly fingers weave through your hair whilst you slobber all over his dick. Yoshi loves your blowjobs so, so much, and if it weren't so straining on you, he'd have you blow him much more than you already do (which is usually once per day!) Eating you out is another type of oral that Yoshi is super into; he just fucking loves makin you feel good! And the sounds you make whilst his hands are parting your cheeks and his hot, thick, wet tongue is rubbing against your walls, they're divine. Yoshi's oral skills are not to be messed around with, this man will have you whining, moaning and panting just from his tongue, and it gets him going so much - Yoshi just loves to satisfy you!
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Yoshinori is quite experienced; he'd dated a guy back in highschool, and during college he'd had sex with both Aiden and Goro at camp, so it's safe to say that the man knows what he's doing! The muscular man knows that he's quite intimidating due to his size (both body-wise and dick-wise), so when you both got together, he ensured to take his time and take it slow with you so that you don't feel rushed. He taught you and guided you if you were unsure or a little behind on certain positions or kinks; and it's safe to say that Yoshi got you up to speed real quick!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
One of your boyfriend's biggest little quirks is his thing for modeling. Naoto gets really turned on when he gets to model clothing for you, or when you're with him at a shoot in which he wears practically nothing; the hunk gets to show off his killer body and gets to watch your cute reactions to his suggestive poses, the man is winning at life! But when bringing modeling into the bedroom, Naoto likes to merge both worlds and to model whilst fucking you; and by that I mean, the man films it. Naoto gets egged on so, so much during sex with you when he grabs his phone from the nightstand and starts to record the two of you going at it. The muscular man gets so turned on from watching you through the phone as the camera shares its focus between his thick cock plowing into your tight hole, and your sweaty, exhausted body which looks heavenly as you lay on the bed and take your boyfriend's dick like a champ. Of course, Naoto has checked if you're okay with him filming your little escapades and you quickly agreed - not only does it add some more excitement and thrill to the moment, but the both of you then have a spankbank absolutely full of videos of you two. Videos of Naoto moaning your ear how good you feel, videos of the man flexing above you as he thrusts like a maniac, videos of your moans of his name, videos of Naoto's muscles and abs as he gives you a sexy little POV shot, and Naoto's personal favourites: videos of your fucked out body, begging for more as Naoto fucks you, cum oozing out of your soft cock. Those memories will stay with you both forever, and they can get quite cute and wholesome at times; like when Naoto catches the two of you taking a breather and kissing on camera, or brief I love you's or check-ins on how each other are feeling.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
When you proposed the idea of making a pretty penny by selling the aforementioned videos, Naoto definitely wasn't opposed - with the sole condition that the fact that you two are a loving couple being the forefront of your 'account'. Very quickly, the two of you garnered plenty of views and subscribers to your accounts, with most of your viewers being head-over-heels for the adorable, wholesome dynamic that you and Naoto have - and all of your viewers couldn't deny just how fucking hot the two of you were! Separately and together! Your chemistry with Naoto would subconsciously amp up when filming, the two of you would vocalise way more than before; because the camera can't catch the knowing looks that you two give to eachother, the looks which already say 'I love you' without it having to be said a hundred times. And you can't lie, the money which the two of you make is wild.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Other than the standard avoidance of actually hurting you during sex (and just not being a fan of scat), the main thing that Naoto just wouldn't do is anything surrounding his family/Natsumi (NOT IN AN INCEST WAY!). This goes from PDA to anything more risque, Naoto just gets really awkward around his family when it comes to this kind of stuff; he's had to share a room with Natsumi and has given the younger man shit for jerking off in the same room as him, so Naoto just feels weird kissing you infront of his brother. And whilst the two of you have of course visited Naoto's family home and stayed round, that man has never been so frigid than when sharing a bed with you at his parents house; he didn't want ANYTHING even remotely sexual to happen under his parents roof - which you can understand and allocate for, that's why you two fuck like rabbits before a trip to his parents!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Size difference is Darius' main thing; he's just so into the fact that he's so huge to you, that he has the power to just lift you with ease, and that you're also so clearly into the fact that he's so much bigger than you, in all aspects. Ever since he was young, Darius had been tall, and after getting older n thinking of his physique, his massive muscles really added to the fact that he was fucking huge in comparison to almost anyone. Your taller boyfriend just loves the fact that you could literally hang from his dick as he fucks you and your feet would dangle rather than touch the ground. Darius is also super into the fact that he's so fucking built and strong that he can effortlessly hold you in his arms or manhandle you during bed; your poor body having been stretched into many different positions after many nights spent with the muscular man. Your dark-skinned boyfriend is also really into how his frame contrasts yours; how your body is smaller when laying on top of him, how your hands can barely grip his broad, defined shoulders, oh and how his dick is so much bigger than yours when he jerks his dick n yours together. Speaking of his dick, Darius gets such a high when he sees his dick make a fucking bulge in your abdomen when he fucks you, his big hands pressing against the spot to make your writhe in pleasure as you spew out moans; the fact that he's so big that he is visible inside of you just boosts his ego so much. His hands are another contributor towards your boyfriend's size kink - Darius is so into the fact that his hand completely covers your whenever he holds it. The muscular man loves how small your hands are against his when he intertwines your fingers as he fucks into you, and he's so into how much smaller your body looks in comparison to his hands when he holds you; his masculine, large hands making your waist look smaller, or your throat, or your dick, or your arms. And you have absolutely no complaints at how large Darius' hands are, his fingers work literal magic inside of you when he's prepping you for taking his huuuuge dick - his digits pressing against and curling into your prostate, the darker hunk milking your dick with a nonchalant smirk on his face as you moan like a whore infront of him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
In contrast to you, Darius isn't the most vocal lover. It's not that the man doesn't make any noise at all, it's more that he's just a little quiet - or rather he tires to limit himself, hold his noises in. Darius is the kinda guy to grunt n groan your name into your ear, quietly letting you know that he feels good as he focuses on fucking you right, rather than moaning like a pornstar and sloppily fucking you. Small curses in the form of mumbles escape his lips from time to time, usually when he's putting it inside of you for the first time that day; your walls incredibly tight due to the large intrusion. The man's groans also make their way into your mouth when the two of you make out when fucking, Darius' sounds vibrating nicely against your own as your tongues dance together - oh and praises are quite common once the nonchalant hunk loses his little 'idgaf' attitude, his favourite's consisting of "Yeahhh good fuckin boy" and "So good... so pretty". The tables turn once Darius is close to cumming, his efforts to keep quiet getting thrown out the window due to the oncoming waves of pleasure - the red-head's jaw going slack as his hands' grip tightens on your hips, his biceps flexing as his hips thrust into you crazily, vulgar sounds and moans spewing out of his mouth like a tap left running.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It's no secret that Darius is fucking PACKING; we're talkin 11inches long and 6inches thick (cannon btw)! The man also uses his dick skillfully; if he weren't as well endowed as he his, your boyfriend would still be able to rock your world every day n night. His dick is the same, dark colour as his skin, with his tip being slightly reddish - the whole shaft has small veins adorning it and his foreskin covers his whole head, the perfectly tight skin protecting Darius' thick tip, his dickhead resembling a mushroom when he's hard; his glands throbbing and ready to be inside of you. The giant's balls also really add to the appeal of his dick; your boyfriend's saggy, big balls hang beneath his dick like a pair of golfballs, and the sparse pubes which cover his nuts decorate Darius' balls nicely. When it comes to fitting his massive cock inside of you, Darius ensures to take his time with you; the first time you two did anything together resulted in many tears due to Darius' desperation to feel you, and your ability to walk was very much impaired for the next day. After a long time of practice with you, Darius now knows your body like the back of his hand, and ergo he knows how to work your body to take his dick; the man will finger you for ages and make sure to ease in slowly, he knows exactly how deep he gets when he sees the bulge in your belly, and Darius will only push your head when you're sucking him off if you give him the go ahead.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Mating press. Need I say more? Yes I do. Your boyfriend's size kink is reflected in all aspects of his life, mainly in small, subconscious manners, but during sex, he very consciously chooses positions which show off the difference in size between the two of you. The fact that Darius can bend your body over into such a meek position as he drills his dick into you ruthlessly really turns him on; it's such a display of power, and it shows off how fucking massive your muscular, dark-skinned boyfriend is in comparison to you, due to the fact that you're almost bent literally in half. The position also really turns you on as well! The way that Darius' rough hands feel on the back of your thighs as he pushes your knees to your chest, the way that the man's handsome, sharp face dangles above you as he fucks you with a sexy smirk on his face, and the way that his dick reaches so deep inside of you and grazes you prostate every millisecond, it's all just too good!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
CW: piss!!!!
Musk n sweat are definitely some of Lloyd's kinks; the man really gets the hots for when you get high off of his natural, manly scent and worship his body, it makes him feel domianant. He loves it when you sniff his hairy, damp pits after a workout or when you lick his muscles clean of sweat - the man liking the way that your face looks as your tongue rolls over his abs or biceps - and Lloyd gets so fucking turned on when you deepthroat him and all you can inhale is the smell of his musky, thick pubes. Oh and this short-king most certainly enjoys worshiping your body, your natural scent is ingrained into his brain! Lloyd fucking loves to smell you, he finds some weird comfort in the smell that fills the room as the two of you fuck like animals, and he sure as hell gets hard when he sees you after you've gone for a run; your tank top absolutely drenched and your underwear n socks sticking to you uncomfortably. Your boyfriend also most definitely jerks off to the smell of your clothing or your underwear, he loves to fist at his cock whilst the only thing he can smell is his perfect boyfriend! But one Lloyd's biggest kinks ever has to watersports - controversial I know! There's just something about dirtying you, claiming you with his piss that really turns your boyfriend on; the perverted man is soooo into you letting him cover you in his piss, in his scent as you jerk off below him; it makes him feel dominant, it makes him feel possessive, it makes Lloyd want to fuck you so damn bad! And the man very much loves it when you participate too; you don't have anything against Lloyd's thing for watersports, but you rarely piss too. This nasty man fucking loves it when you've been fucking for so long, and you've came so many times that all of your boyfriend's rough thrusts into your prostate force you to piss yourself as he fucks you; it happened on accident once, and Lloyd has never been so turned on (BJ Alex ref lol).
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Surprisingly, Lloyd's libido isn't insanely high! Sure, the man will want to have sex with you at least once a week, but he's not desperate to fuck you every second of every day. The two of you average around three times a week, but Lloyd will almost always ask for a second round; to which you always oblige. If Lloyd is particularly stressed due to work, or if he had a shit day, sex is almost guaranteed; you help the man relax, can ya blame him? And also, if you look especially attractive that day, Lloyd is firstly eating you out like a starved man, and then fucking his dick in between them tight walls.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Lloyd has no opinion on quickies. He's not against them at all, if you're horny but have limited time, Lloyd is happy to suck you off real quick and vice versa! However, the short man can't deny that if you are going to do anything, he prefers to take his time with it; Lloyd just really likes to take things slow and enjoy the time he has with you! This man will slowly trail down your body with kisses and mark you and smell you before even whipping your dick out to give you a bj normally, during a quickie he just sucks you off - your boyfriend likes to cherish you, not rush you!
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PHEW! That was so god damn long wtaf, I didn't expect it to take this long to write but I'm so happy with the way this turned out! Hope you guys enjoyed too!
I'd also like to thank you all for 2000 followers! I have always and will always primarily write for myself (to provide what I can't find), but it means a lot that so many people enjoy my writing as well! Thank you so, so much for all of the engagement, the male reader community on tumblr is so great - love you all!
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kazutora-kurokawa · 7 months
TokRev x Oral Fixated!Reader
♡ NSFW, fem reader, pet names, oral->male receiving, mentions of exhibitionism and cum swallowing ♡
Characters: Kazutora, Mikey, Naoto
note: just some quick thoughts, been thinking about this idea for a minute now
"She got kiddos in her dental, bitch" - ISSBROKIE
Pet Shop Worker!Kazutora
Had a hard time letting you give him head because he wanted to give you head too. 69 (no rapper) was the solution y'all landed on. Loves having your pussy dripping all over his face while his dick is in your pretty mouth. He can't help but shoot his hot load in your mouth, you just seem so desperate for it. If you show up to the pet shop while he's working he'll drag you off to a storage closet to let you suck him off. Begs you to slow down because he doesn't wanna make a lot of noise.
"Fuck princess, please slow down baby. I ain't going nowhere."
Loves how fixated you are on his dick and sucking him off. Doesn't matter where you two are, he'll gladly give himself to you. Out at a nightclub? He'll take you to the bathroom and let you suck him as much as you want. In a meeting? You're under the table with his dick in your mouth. Never satisfied until he sees his cum on your tongue and watches you swallow it.
"You look so damn pretty with my dick in your mouth babygirl, throat feels so fucking tight."
Anticipates coming home to you every night after a long day of work because he knows you're gonna give him immaculate head. As soon as he hits the couch you're unbuckling his belt and pawing at the bulge in his pants. Moans, whimpers, and grips your hair while you suck him off. Begs you not to stop even after he cums, he loves the overstimulation especially when it's from your tongue.
"Shit~ don't stop baby, keep fucking going please. Pretty little mouth feels so good."
Tagging @arlerts-angel and @i-literally-cant-with-this
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loverofhinaandemma · 1 year
ʰᵉˡˡᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ!
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Welcome to my world of love! You may call me Mother, as I have no other name that comes to mind! My siblings all call me mother, as well as my few friends so why not just have it as my second name!
If you are to refer to me using pronouns, please use it/he--or they/them, either is fine!
I am 15-17! Just so you all know :)
(Main Account; @loverofgenya !!)
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The characters with more ✧ by them are the ones I prefer to write for! Well, more of an 'I like them more than the other characters' lolz
Takemichi Hanagaki ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano ✧
Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji ✧✧
Keisuke Baji ✧✧
Chifuyu Matsuno ✧✧✧✧
Takashi Mitsuya ✧✧✧
Hakkai Shiba ✧✧✧
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata ✧
Souta 'Angry' Kawata ✧✧
Kisaki Tetta
Shuji Hanma
Kazutora Hanemiya ✧✧✧
Taiju Shiba
Hajime Kokoni
Seishu Inui
Izana Kurokawa
Kakuchuo ✧✧
Rindo Haitani ✧
Ran Haitani ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Hajime Kokonoi ✧✧
Kawaragi Senju ✧✧✧
Akashi Takeomi
Keizo 'Benkei' Arashi
Wakasa 'Waka' Imaushi
South Terano
Kakuchou ✧✧
Ran Haitani ✧
Rindo Haitani ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano ✧✧✧
Haruchiyo Sanzu ✧✧
Kakuchou ✧✧
Ran Haitani ✧✧✧
Rindo Haitani ✧✧✧
Hajime Kokonoi ✧✧
Hinata Tachibana ✧✧✧✧✧
Naoto Tachibana
Emma Sano ✧✧✧✧✧
Shinichiro Sano ✧✧
Yuzuha Shiba ✧✧✧✧✧
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These are some of my rules! Please make sure you read them before requesting and follow them!
No MinorxAdult, No Nsfw for Naoto (The characters are iffy, but if nsfw is requested for the characters (NOT NAOTO!!) then they will be aged up!), No sexualizing Naoto and the younger characters (characters that arent aged up!) No noncon, nothing thats not consensual
I will do Platonic stuff, Romantic stuff, child reader, male reader, female reader, gn reader, demon reader, immortal reader, heartless reader, character-based reader etc. I love myself a villainous, no mercy or morals reader, as said before I will do Nsfw, but the characters are aged up (Nsfw is a iffy subject for this fandom for me!! However I will do it, just dont expect a lot of serious/detailed shit!), I will do gore, self h/rm, talks of r/pe but not doing it of course, suic/de, major character death, angst, fluff, etc.
When requesting certain cahracters (Ex. Mikey) please state wich 'au'/'ark'/'timeline' theyre from! You can request aus (Ex. flower shop, modern, highschool, office/buisness, etc.)
I will do Poly !(NO FAMILY CHARACTERS X READER THO! (ex. izana x mikey x reader, ran x rin x reader etc.) I just cant bring myself to do it sorry :/) Especially with the females cause yes 🥰 (Especially!! Emma x Hina x Reader <3)
I might add a few ocs here and there, so if you'd like to know about them just ask!
There's a lot I will do but if youre not sure then just ask!
Thats about it, I will add more if something comes up!
Enjoy my Lovelies <3
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katsune-nya · 1 year
♡ Masterlist ♡
Requests: OPEN!
SMAU Masterlist.
Headcanons Masterlist.
One Shots Masterlist.
TR Memes.
Drabbles Masterlist
Tetta Kisaki:
Stressed Tetta.
Shiba Siblings:
Taiju's lil babies are gay.
Hakkai Shiba:
A beast in bed.
Incorrect Quotes:
"Mikey" Sano Manjiro:
Masochist Mikey.
Y/N fell.
Two straws, please.
Mikey is cute and small.
Draken loves Mikey.
Responsible adults.
Anatomy test.
Little brother things.
Third raccoon battalion.
Step on me.
Difficult life.
Takemichi Hanagaki:
Dating advice.
Push and Pull.
"Draken" Ryuguji Ken:
Do you hear something?
Mikey's love advice.
Being that pretty must be tiring.
The clock is ticking. (Ft. Mikey)
Draken, to the front desk. (FT. Y/N and Mikey)
Edgelords. (Ft. Y/N)
Mikey's in trouble. (Ft. Y/N)
Matsuno Chifuyu:
Fuyu loves chaotic Y/N.
Fuyu is in love.
Baji Keisuke:
Kei thinks. (Ft. Fuyu.)
Lying. (Ft. Y/N.)
Hanemiya Kazutora:
Y2K flavored baggage.
Kazu has a very normal crush.
Kawata Twins:
Kawata Twin vibes.
Hanma Shuji:
Lazy Shuji ain't getting any tonight.
Hanma is a Kisaki Simp.
Friends with benefits?
Pick-up lines.
Did it hurt when you fell?
Hanma's motto.
Sapiosexual Shuji.
Give Tetta a break.
Shuji has a crush ♡ (Hankisa).
In love. Ft. Tetta.
Tsundere Y/N. Ft. Tetta.
Kisaki Tetta:
Sapiosexual Shuji.
Stupid Hanma.
You should touch some tits.
Bottoming? (Ft. Hanma)
"When I first met you-" (Ft. Hanma)
Shiba Yuzuha:
Bro, i had a dream...
Down with murder. (Ft. Emma)
Girls like flowers. (Ft. Taiju)
Don't break someone's heart.
Lets tell a secret.
Gay name.
Shiba Hakkai:
Dealing with haters.
Kurokawa Izana:
Sano Emma:
Mikey's grounded.
Climber Y/N.
Mizo Middle Five:
Mizo Five after a fight.
Mizo Five VS big tiddie vampires.
Mizo Five and Joe Mamma jokes.
Mizo Five when Michi and Hina finally do it.
Mizo Mid and the shared braincell.
Mizo Mid under censorship.
Akkun's First Detention.
Mizo Five home alone without Mom Akkun.
Mizo Five playing hide and seek.
What do rainbows mean?
One shared braincell.
It's always Michi's fault.
Mold water.
Would they stab someone?
Platonic pick-up lines.
Friendship is ruined.
"Akkun" Sendo Atsushi:
I'm in love.
Yamamoto Takuya:
You get catcalled.
Suzuki Makoto:
Takemichi VS Draken when their gfs are cold.
Hina is the best wing woman (Drakemma + Takehina).
Girl Talk~ (Emma, Hina, Yuzuha, Senju).
Housewife Emma (Ft. Draken).
Team Park. (Baji, Fuyu, Ken, Mikey, Tora, Y/N)
Point of view. (Mikey, Fuyu, Baji, Ken)
in the works (please tell me if you want 'em so i have pressure to actually finish them):
Keisuke Baji Random Texts 2 and 3.
What the characters smell like (mean).
What the characters smell like (nice).
Akkun x Reader (Mizo Middle Five Six, reader is a fellow friend). Mutual pinning.
Shinichiro's First Kiss. (Shinichiro x GN!Reader. Various alternatives cuz i just have so many ideas.)
Mitsuya x GN!Reader. Slow Burn. Reader is in the home economics club. Mutual Pinning. Idiots in love.
Kokonoi x Male!Reader x Inui.
Ran x Reader x Rindo (x South) Dom!Haitani Sub!Reader (Dom!Cuckhold!South).
Tetta Kisaki x Reader CNC.
Shuji Hanma x Kisaki!Reader (Tetta's older sister).
Sanzu x Haitani!Reader (Sanzu offers drugs to the youngest Haitani in exchange for sex ♡).
Shin-nii x LilSis!Reader (Shinichiro's slightly younger half sister).
Hanma Shuji x Hanma Reader (Yes, siblings again, leave me alone).
Detective!Naoto x Detective!Fem!Reader.
SoftDom!Takuya x GN!Reader.
Pegging Takuya. GN!Reader.
Sub!Mikey x Mommy!Reader.
SoftPleasureDom!Takashi x Reader.
Sanzu x Male!Reader CNC.
Shin x Imaushi!Reader (Waka's sibling).
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writers-reach · 8 months
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(p) - platonic
(x!r) - where x is the specified gender of the reader (i.e. m for male, f for female, nb for non-binary) note: for transgender requests (i.e. ftm, mtf, ftnb, etc), the prefix will change to fit the specification. gender-neutral readers are not labelled, as they are the default.
(au) - alternate universe scenario
(ha) - heavy angst, reader beware! content warnings will be in the notes section and the request will be under a break
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persona 3
minato arisato
general dating headcanons you're so tired... s/o who's one of the boys first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons hiding your relationship on the kyoto trip having a selfless s/o (f!r)
minako arisato
it'll be alright (m!r) general dating headcanons s/o who allies with shadows
yukari takeba
shopping date headcanons
junpei iori (p)
s/o who's one of the boys
akihiko sanada
general fluff headcanons wedding headcanons
mitsuru kirijo
calling her 'mom' saying 'i love you' for the first time lover who plays with her hair
fuuka yamagishi
fluffy relationship headcanons defending your relationship from bullies
adopting cats
shinjiro aragaki
fluffy date headcanons w/ an upbeat male /so (m!r) fluff headcanons with a fem s/o (f!r)
(elizabeth) - fluff headcanons (ryoji mochizuki) - s/o who's one of the boys (ryoji mochizuki) - fluff headcanons (jin shirato) - cuddly male s/o (jin shirato) - painting his nails (nb!r) (p4au!ken) friends since before sees (f!r)
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persona 4
yu narukami
general date headcanons s/o who allies with shadows first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons as an older-brother figure (m!r) (p) dealing with period cramps having a shy s/o
yosuke hanamura
general date headcanons having a shy s/o (f!r) having a sleepy s/o (m!r) dealing with period cramps
chie satonaka
sparring gone wrong! confessing your love!
yukiko amagi
lover who plays with her hair
kanji tatsumi
general date headcanons confessing your love! having a shy s/o
rise kujikawa
s/o who is an idol dancing under the stars and among the fireflies shopping date headcanons trying out lip balm flavours doing her s/o's makeup
teddie (p)
none yet...
naoto shirogane
snowstorm snuggles! fluffy headcanons
(marie, margaret) - fluff headcanons (ryotaro dojima) - having a shy s/o
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persona 5
ren amamiya/akira kurusu
playing with his hair (f!r) first kiss headcanons slow dancing headcanons w/ an s/o who went blind in one eye
ryuji sakamoto
out of commission
ann takamaki
shopping date headcanons
yusuke kitagawa
none yet...
makoto niijima
calling her 'mom'
haru okumura
none yet...
futaba sakura (p)
none yet...
none yet...
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h8ani · 1 year
Updated Rules List
With my new updated list I’m going to be listing all the requests I’ll be accepting, what fandoms I write for and how you should go about requesting them :)
But also if you are an ageless/blank blog or a minor please do not request me, follow me or interact with me as you will be blocked. thank you.
I also write both nsfw & sfw content, I also label it on my writings I post. I don’t shy away from anything really so if you’re unsure just send me a message and I’ll clarify if I do!
Things I’ll write for: yandere, noncon/dubcon, fluff, angst, smut, age gap, stepcest, professor/student, sensei/student, spanking, choking, slapping, torture, abuse, female x male, drug use, use of sex toys, abusive relationships, issues with eating, etc type shit
Things I won’t write for: anal, piss/shit play, boy x boy, girl x girl (I’m not super comfortable in my writing yet to write for same sex couples yet I hope you guys understand!)
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Erwin Smith, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Porco Galliard
Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Ging, Illumi, Wing, Kite, Pokkle
Naruto - Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Gaara, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Deidara, Sasori, Pain/Yahiko, Iruka Umino, Shino Aburame, Hidan, Kankuro, Sai, Genma Shiranui, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Hayate Gekko
Tokyo Revengers - Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Kazutora Hanemiya, Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi Sendo, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Ken Ryuguji, Shinichiro Sano, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Naoto Tachibana, Izana Kurokawa, Inui Seishu
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Uta, Ayato Kirishima, Nishio Nishiki, Koutarou Amon
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru,
Wind Breaker - Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Kyotaro Sugashita, Hayato Suo, Mitsuki Kiryuu, Ren Kaji, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiragi, Choji Tomiyama, Jo Togame, Kota Sako
Haikyuu - Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Yu Nishinoya, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Keishin Ukai, Tooru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Tetsuroo Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Kentaro Kyotani, Kotaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Eita Semi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yuji Terushima, Naoyasu Kuguri, Shinsuke Kita, Atsumu Miya, Rintaro Suna, Osamu Miya
Fruits Basket - Shigure Sohma, Kyo Sohma, Kureno Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Momiji Sohma
Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Muichiro Tokito, Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyu Tomioka, Tengen Uzui, Obanai Iguro, Muzan Kibutsuji, Doma, Akaza
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Prompt Requests/Writing Requests in general:
I will usually have a link of the prompts to request from, from the original post.
If you’d like to request something I wrote just state what content you’d like and who the character is/member he is
I default by writing in fem! reader pov so please state if you’d like gn! reader
Reaction Requests:
State the type of reaction you’d like (example: reaction of them kissing you mid argument)
For any anime reactions just state the anime, boys you’d like the reaction for
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pretentiousgayguyidk · 3 months
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Interrogation -???
❤️- Fluff
🖤- Angst
❤️‍🩹- Slight Angst
💖- Spice
💕- ABO
✨- Fantasy
☢️- Apocalypse
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bayothemayo · 2 years
BayoTheMayo's Masterlist
You Can Request For...
Other Accounts
Note: The W.I.P names may change.
Key: Orange Text = Whumptober
2022 | 2023 |
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Phantom Thieves
"The Don't Care About You." Series (Unfinished)
Synopsis: The Phantom Thieves have been unintentionally pushing you away. Every time you ask to hang out they make excuses. In turn, you develop a palace, showing some of your deeper issues. Part 1: The Don't Care About You (Phantom Thieves x Reader) Part 2: Miscommunication (Phantom Thieves x Reader) Part 3: Suppressed Suffering (Phantom Thieves x Reader)
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya
~ Akira Kurusu with a Reckless S/O ~
Burnt Out (Ren Amamiya x Reader)
💕 Akira Kurusu Relationship Head canons (Female Reader) 💕
💔 Fate is Not With You (Ren Amamiya x Reader)💔
Ren Amamiya with Shy S/O
Akira Kurusu with an S/O who is like Yor from Spy x Family
Wearing His Clothes (Akira Kurusu x Female Reader)
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami, and Minato Arisato Mets Reader Who Summons Their Persona Differently
Akira Kurusu x S.E.E.S! Reader Headcannons
Pain (Ren Amamiya x Reader)
Insomnia (Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya x Reader)
Coming Out As A Transmasculine
Long Day (Akira Kurusu x Fem Reader)
Guardian of the Phantom Thieves (Akira Kurusu x Motherly! Reader)
Crushing More Than Once (Akira Kurusu x Reader x Yusuke Kitagawa)
Goro Akechi
Betrayal + Reluctant Whumper (Goro Akechi x Reader)
Yusuke Kitagawa
Crushing More Than Once (Akira Kurusu x Reader x Yusuke Kitagawa)
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ryuji Sakamoto x Reader Headcannons
Requited Love (Ryuji x Male! Reader)
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The Investigation Team
Yu Narukami
~Too Tired to Study (Yu Narukami x Sleepy! Reader)~
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami, and Minato Arisato Mets Reader Who Summons Their Persona Differently
"Just Hold On." (Yu Narukami x Reader)
Naoto Shirogane
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Panic (Persona 3)
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki
Comfort with the Rain (Minato Arisato x Gender-Neutral Reader)
~Minato Arisato with an Outgoing and Talkative S/O~
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami, and Minato Arisato Mets Reader Who Summons Their Persona Differently
"Can You Hear Me?" (Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki x Reader)
"I Don't Feel So Good." (Minato Arisato/Makoto x Reader)
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki Calming You Down Headcanons (Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki x Jealous!Reader)
Makoto Yuki with a Physically Affectionate S/O (Makoto Yuki x Reader)
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Sora + Child! Reader (WIP)
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Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Mukuro Ikusaba x Reader Romantic Headcanons
Celestia Lundenberg
Should Have Been Me (Celestia Ludenberg x Reader)
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Izuru Kamukura
Need to Sleep (Izuru Kamukura x Sleep Deprived Reader)
Hajime Hinata
Nagito Komaeda
Informed (Nagito Komaeda x Reader)
Affection (Nagito Komaeda x Affectionate Reader) + (Maki Harukawa x Affectionate Reader)
"You're A Liar." (Nagito Komaeda x Reader)
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Kokichi Oma
Maki Harukawa
Affection (Maki Harukawa x Affectionate Reader) + (Nagito Komaeda x Affectionate Reader)
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Kris Dreemurr
A Little Out of The Ordinary: "This wasn't supposed to happen!" (Kris x Reader) (?)
"You in There?" (Kris Dreemurr x Reader)
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The Main Party
Hair's Breadth From Death: Impaled (SMT IV:A x Reader)
Everything Hurts and I am Dying: Back From the Dead (SMT IV:A)
Journal (SMT IV:A x Reader)
"It's All For Nothing." (SMT IV:A x Reader)
Happy Valentine's Day Nanashi! (WIP)
Hero x Villain
Hero x Villain Mini-Series (1)
Part 1: Nowhere to Run: Cornered (Hero x Villain) Part 2: Dead on Your Feet: Waking Up Disoriented (Hero x Villain) Part 3: Proof of Life: "I've got a pulse." (Hero x VIllain)
Original Content/Prompts
The Way You Shake And Shiver: Panic Attack (Orginal Content)
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malereadermaniac · 3 months
Camp Buddy x Male Reader Masterlist
Key: ❤️- Smut 🖤- Angst 🩷- Fluff
Ordered by character then chronologically of when I wrote them
Idk the public stance on camp buddy but i like some of the characters so I'll write for them!
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Keitaro Nagame
Camper busy - come back later!
Yoichi Yukimura
🩷 Bully! - You are constantly bullied by Yoichi, but when you snap back at him, he starts liking you?
❤️You smell good - Yoichi notices you smell really good, then you notice his scent, which leads to hard smut
Natsumi Hamasaki
❤️ Innocent - Longer fic with Natsumi, hot summer days and teaching the inexperienced man filthy things
Hiro Akiba
Camper busy - come back later!
Taiga Akatora
❤️ Fire-crotch - P without plot with Taiga, with a little Fluff in the middle
Aiden Flynn
Camper busy - come back later!
Cross-Cabin (Includes bonus charas e.g. Darius or Seto)
❤️Subtle top/Busy bottom - Headcannons with Aiden & Lloyd (separately) as your tops who seem like they'd be bottoms
❤️ Nsfw Alphabets - 3-4 letters of the alphabet assigned to Keitaro, Hiro, Yoichi, Natsumi, Taiga, Seto, Aiden, Yoshinori, Naoto, Lloyd, and Darius
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loverofgenya · 1 year
ˢᵠᵘᵉᵃˡⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵗ ʰᵒʷ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃˡˡ ᵃʳᵉ
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Welcome to my world of love! You may call me Mother, as I have no other name that comes to mind! My siblings all call me mother, as well as my few friends so why not just have it as my second name!
If you are to refer to me using pronouns, please use it/he--or they/them, either is fine!
I am 15-17! Just so you all know :)
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Other Accounts;
Disney Twisted Wonderland | @loverofazul | I write for all twst boys and staff members over there! Grim and Ortho are strictly platonic when I write for them!
Jujutsu Kaisen | @loverofnobara | I write for most of the jjk characters! From sorcerers to curses and students!! I might add more characters but that is unlikely, sorry!
Genshin Impact | @loverofdiluc | I write for most of the Genshin Characters over there! All children are strictly platonic! Please don’t think/request otherwise!! I might add other characters but not likely, sorry!
Honkai Star Rail | @loverofmarch7th | I write for some of the HSR characters! I haven't gotten too far into the game but am working on it! Hook and other children characters are strictly platonic!! I will write some romantic stuff for Clara (EX. crush, dates, first kisses, etc.), but no make-out things, NSFW and things like that!! I will be adding other characters soon!
Hunter X Hunter | @loverofgon | I write for most of the HXH characters! This does not include Hisoka cause I loath that man with a passion! No NSFW for the children characters at all!! I do write stuff for Zushi, Gon, and Killua, but those are only romantic things (EX. crush, dates, first kisses, etc.), no NSFW at all!! I might be adding some more characters!.
Tokyo Revengers | @loverofhinaandemma | I write for most if not all of the TR characters! From Bonten to Tokyo Manji Gang! I do write for Future!Naoto but no NSFW at all for him! NSFW requests are iffy for this fandom as most, if not all, of the characters are minors! They will be aged up if NSFW is requested for them! Even then it won't be too specific/explicit/detailed/etc.!! I might be adding more characters sooner or later! But that's unlikely as most of them are already on there lol.
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The characters with more ✧ by them are the ones I prefer to write for! Well, more of an 'I like them more than the other characters' lolz
Tomioka Giyu ✧✧
Kanroji Mitsuri ✧✧
Iguro Obani
Shinazugawa Sanemi ✧✧
Himejima Gyomei ✧
Tokito Muichiro
Kocho Shinobu
Rengoku Kyojuro ✧
Uzui Tengen
Tsuyuri Kanao
Kamado Tanjiro ✧
Agatsuma Zenitsu
Hashibira Inosuke
Shinazugawa Genya ✧✧✧✧✧
Kamado Nezuko ✧✧
Kibutsuji Muzan
Kokushibo ✧✧
Akaza ✧✧✧
Rui ✧✧
Hinatsuru ✧
Makio ✧
Suma ✧
Rengoku Senjuro ✧✧
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These are some of my rules! Please make sure you read them before requesting and follow them!
No MinorxAdult, No Nsfw for any characters beside the Hashira and few demons (No Nezuko, Daki, Gyutaro, Yushiro, etc. the ones that are 'children' if you get what I mean), No sexualizing any of the minors (especially Senjuro and Nezuko!! This also includes Rui, Daki, Gyutaro, etc.), No noncon, nothing thats not consensual
I will do Platonic stuff, Romantic stuff, child reader, male reader, female reader, gn reader, demon reader, immortal reader, heartless reader, character-based reader etc. I love myself a villainous, no mercy or morals reader, as said before I will do Nsfw, but only for the Hashiras and few demons, I will do gore, self h/rm, talks of r/pe but not doing it of course, suic/de, major character death, angst, fluff, etc.
I might add a few ocs here and there, so if you'd like to know about them just ask!
There's a lot I will do but if youre not sure then just ask!
Thats about it, I will add more if something comes up!
Enjoy my Lovelies <3
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denjis-chainsaws · 2 years
Sources & Characters
Long list, so it's going under the readmore!! If a source or character is not listed on here, I will NOT write for them! Only because I live under a rock and take forever to get into new stuff and get comfortable with a character enough to write them.
I'm not limited to solely character x reader! I do character headcanons, too!! As long as it's not just canon x canon, I'll try writing any SFW topic. I will NEVER write NSFW, regardless of if the character is an adult or minor. And characters 14 or younger and pet / animal characters will only be written in platonic or familial scenarios.
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
Special Notes:
- Personal character headcanons are allowed to be included in requests. Eg. trans-masc. Yu Narukami from Persona 4, agender + ADHD Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear, autistic Denji from Chainsaw Man, etc.
- For characters with questionable gender representation and/or fanon interpretations, they will be written as gender neutral or genderfluid characters unless requested otherwise. Eg. Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 will be written as genderfluid with any pronouns.
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
Bold = Lots of writing experience / favorite to write
Italics = Little writing experience / not very familiar with
Normal = Decent writing experience / good enough feel to write
Small Text = Platonic / Familial ONLY
- Chainsaw Man
Denji, Power, Aki Hayakawa
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- Guilty Gear
Happy Chaos, Bridget, Sol Badguy/Frederick Bulsara, Jack-O, I-No, Baiken, May, Asuka R. Kreutz/That Man, Nagoriyuki, Giovanna, Goldlewis Dickinson
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- Persona 3
Male Protagonist (any name, defaults to Minato Arisato), Female Protagonist (any name, defaults to Hamuko Arisato), Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori, Fuuka Yamagishi, Mitsuru Kirijo, Akihiko Sanada, Ken Amada, Koromaru, Shinjiro Aragaki
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- Persona 4
Yu Narukami (or Souji Seta), Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Kanji Tatsumi, Rise Kujikawa, Naoto Shirogane, Teddie, Tohru Adachi, Ryotaro Dojima
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- Persona 5
Joker (any name, defaults to Ren Amamiya), Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Goro Akechi, Sojiro Sakura, Tae Takemi, Sae Nijima, Yuuki Mishima
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- Dragon Ball
Son Goku, Son Gohan, Chi-Chi, Vegeta, Bulma, Piccolo, Freiza, Perfect Cell, Raditz, Krillin, Yamcha, the Ginyu Force (all of them), Broly (Super + Original)
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Shotaro Kaneda, Tetsuo Shima, Kai, Yamagata, Kei, Kaori
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- TMNT (2012)
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Splinter
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- Bandori / BanG Dream
Kokoro Tsurumaki, Nanami Hiromachi, Chiyu Tamade (Chu²)
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ymguchis · 2 years
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[ read before request ]
this blog will contain fem reader/gn reader, sfw and nsfw posts.
tokyo revengers — mikey, draken, takemichi hanagaki, baji keisuke, mitsuya takashi, hanma shuji, shinichiro sano, chifuyu matsuno, ran haitani, rindou haitani, kazutora hanemiya, naoto tachibana.
haikyuu!! — asahi azumane, nishinoya yuu, tanaka ryunosuke, daichi sawamura, sugawara koushi, ennoshita chikara, tsukishima kei, yamaguchi tadashi, hinata shoyo, kageyama tobio, ukai keishin, aone takanobu, futakuchi kenji, bokuto kotaro, akaashi keiji, miya atsumu, miya osamu, suna rintarou, kita shinsuke, kozume kenma, kuroo tetsurou, yamamoto taketora, iwaizumi hajime, oikawa tooru, kyoutani kentaro, matsukawa issei, tendo satori, ushijima wakatoshi, sakusa kiyoomi.
death note — light yagami, L, mello, matsuda touta, matt.
please, be specific if you request something (do not put only character x fem!reader) put as many details as you can.
make sure requests are open before sending anything.
do not copy or repost my work anywhere without my permission.
do not interact or follow me if you're a minor (you will be blocked if you're under-age). don't interact if you don't like the content i write or nsfw (just block me). if you are rude, a racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic or anything like that you will be blocked.
non con, sexual assault, rape, incest, stepcest, beastiality, monsterfucking, self harm, daddy kink, mommy kink, pedophilia, omegaverse, BDSM, watersports, male reader, angst.
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nex-ture · 3 years
Hey there!
Could you maybe write Naoto x male reader, how they met as kids and what they did as friends, just some sweet fluff.
And then future! Naoto married to reader, who is a like a Detective or smth just really smart, and him helping takemichi
And maybe then a short takemichi pov where he sees naoto with reader and just gushing over how cute they are
Smth like that, just pure fluff if that would be ok
Anon, You don't understand how excited I was for this request. I ADORE Naoto. I also had a little too much fun with this.
I'm not gay, I promise
Naoto x Male!Reader
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"Hey Naoto, your friends here!" Hina called out from the house as you stood in front of the door. Naoto quickly rushed down the stairs and draged you up to his room. You could hear his parents yelling at him for running in the house.
"I got these new car, you wanna see Y/N!?" A 6 year old Naoto was very excited that you two finally got the chance to hang out at his house. You usually got to play at the park but your guardians decided you two could go to his house for a day.
Naoto pulled out all the toys he could find as you two play. You two quickly got bored when you had played with almost every toy in sight, that's when Naoto got a great idea. He went and grabbed his sister for you two to play games with.
You had somehow settled on playing fantasy. Hina was the beautiful and fair princess, Naoto was the evil man who jad he locked away, and you were the knight in shinning armor that came to save the dear princess.
"Stand down evil man, I have come to rescue the princess" you got in a heroic battle stance, ready to take down Naoto. "You can never defeat me prince!" Naoto pulled out some random staff he had and charged for you. Hinata sat there watching the whole thing unfold, every once in a while she would cheer for you.
"Why are you doing this evil villain!" You shouted at Naoto who was just about to defeat you in this heart wrenching battle! "Because" Naoto started all proudly, but soon dropped as he put his hand to his heart. "I'm in love with you beautiful prince."
Dramatic gasps could be heard throughout the room, even Miss and Mister Tachibana were gasping. A love confession, from a villian!?
Of course that's not what everyone was focused on, but it's what you were. "I love you too evil villain!" You exclaimed back as you shot up and hugged Naoto. Everyone watching was confused and convinced you two had no idea what you were talking about.
"I will let the princess go and our wedding shall be next week!" Naoto than went and let Hinata off his bed as a signal of her freedom. "Alright Y/N, it's already 6:00pm. I think it's time for you to get home." Miss Tachibana said ignoring the two boys disapproving faces.
"Say goodbye you two." You both hugged as Miss Tachibana lead you out of the house and to the car. Naota waved through the window as you drove away and back yo your home.
Naoto was so excited for your next play date, almost too excited.
The week past by so slowly, Naoto was off the wall by the time you came by for the play date. Today was the day you a 6 year old would marry Naoto, also a 6 year old.
Hinata had helped prepare for the wedding all day, Naoto had a blazer with a hot wheels shirt under it. And for when you walk the aisle (Naoto refused to walk the aisle) he bought a container of clingrap for the trail of your suit.
As soon as you walked in through the door Hinata rushed you upstairs to get ready. She got you some of Naoto clothes to wear, it was a hello kitty shirt witha dress shirt over it. Perfect for a wedding
Soon the ceremony started. Miss Tachibana walked you down the aisle as Naoto stood waiting for you. Mister Tachibana was in charge of keeping the trail neat. Once you mad it to the end the people that were there were cheering. The only people there were the Tachibana parents, Hinata, and Takemichi.
Hinata was initiating the wedding, though it was not done very well. "We are all gathered here this fine evening to witness true love sprout between a terrifying monster who once kidnapped me and a beautiful prince who could have been my husband" Hinata spit out insults to her brother during the beginning. "Hinata! Stop it!" Naoto was clearly upset at these claims.
"Fine fine fine, Naoto do you take Y/N to be your woefully wedded husband through holy macaroni?" Hinata said not really remembering what to say twords the end. "It's matrimony, and I do." Naoto corrected his older sister and sent her a glare.
"Do you Y/N take Naoto to be your woefully wedded other husband through holy matrimony?" Hinata finished the line grammatically correct but forgot words. "I do!" You exclaimed excitedly as Hinata handed you and Naoto paper heart rings.
"Than you may now kiss the...groom?" Hinata slowed herself down before she said bride but that's not what they two bots were thinking about. "Ew! We have to kiss!?" Naoto didn't know all that much about weddings, he definitely didn't know they had to kiss. Y/N on the other hand was more intrested in the cake and ice cream waiting to be given after the ceremony.
"Just quickly kiss him, or you two can't be married!" Hinata quickly yelled back at Naoto which got their parents ready to break up the fight. Though Y/N quickly grabbed Naotos cheeks and gave him a quick kiss. Erupting applauds and laughter left from the guest present. Even Hinata was laughing, everyone got up and walked over to the food table except for a very flustered Naoto.
Everyone started eating and enjoying the snacks and food Naoto saved up to buy for this very day. Naoto soon after realized what was happening and rushed over to get his fixing of food.
Who would have thought those same kids would be happily married and saving Tokyo at 25 years old. They both worked at the same job and did almost everything together.
They also still have their paper rings, but those stay in a protective case so they don't get damaged more than they already are. Now they have actual wedding rings. Though I will say Naoto bought You a cheesy heart engagement ring.
To think this whole relationship started with a playground friendship. Rest assured Takemichi was definitely in shock to find out you and Naoto were actually married. Hinata wouldn't stay with him throughout all of Middle school but Naoto kept someone since 5.
Takemichi was definitely going to need some pointers from both of you. Though Takemichi was jealous of your relationship he couldn't help but admit how adorable it was.
He may have not been able to witness your official wedding but he got to see the one that stated all the feelings you two have for each other. What he didn't like was when You and Naoto distracted eachother to the point where you weren't even listening to him anymore.
Maybe when Takemichi finally saves Hinata they can remake your 20 year old wedding. With the same rings, same people, same place, same love.
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