#nanobomb angst
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yukasyukasyukasyukas · 4 months ago
I love your nanobomb hcs so much they need more recognition!!!!😤😤 Do you happen to have anymore? Maybe a bit of angst?
✨Angsty nanobomb✨
This one is a fanfic though, Idk what name to give
This fanfic takes place soon after Clove's arrival to the VP
My native language is not English so I used Google translator for lots of words, therefore, they might be incredibly misused (also, I can't put sentences on their proper order)
I will also post this on AO3, profile is yukasyukas, I'm still thinking about the title
Tayane had just came back from a mission in Icebox. The Brazilian had always had a hard time in missions there, mostly because of the weather, going from tropical country weather to cold, snowy was NOT easy, she had almost died while trying to get the omega Deadlock, who, according to her, had the weather advantage. Now she just wanted to take a warm bath and cuddle with her lovely girlfriend under the blankets, possibly while watching a movie and eating some snacks.
The girlfriend, though, had other plans.
When the duelist looked for Killjoy at the sentinels section, Chamber informed her that she was at the lab fixing something on her lockdown. She, then, proceeded to look in the engineering lab, where she found the German.
“Not now, Raze, maybe later?”
“There's nothing wrong with the lockdown, it was working perfectly the last time you used it”
“I know, but it can be better” the girl didn't look at the other's face while saying so
“Can't you do this tomorrow? I really missed you during the mission, poxa” (Brazilian slang for disappointment, discontent)
“Not now, Raze, I’ll go see you when I finish this, I promise”
“There’s nothing to finish if it's working fine!”
“Can you two please stop shouting? I'm working with a very delicate gadget right now” Raze hadn't noticed Deadlock until the woman talked. She seemed stressed
“Sorry, Iselin. Raze, can you please wait? I’ll talk to you, I promise” asked Killjoy finally looking at Raze
“Hm, sure” mumbled
“Thank you”
And with that, not really wanting to get the alpha Deadlock angry as well as the omega, Raze left and went to the duelist section. Maybe they’d want to watch a movie? Sunwoo would probably be down for it.
On the next day Tayane looked for Klara at the canteen. Nothing. ‘Maybe she's still sleeping?’ she thought to herself.
“Bom dia, Tayane” (good morning, Tayane) greeted a deep voice with a Norse accent from the nearest table
“Erik, hi” responded her as she sat down beside him “Kirra”
“Did something happen? You seem worried, mate” asked the second.
“Have you seen Klara? She doesn't want to talk to me since… well, since I left for mission three days ago”
“No, not at all, and I’ve been awake since 4 am, have you checked the sentinels section?”
“Not yet, I was expecting to see her here”
“Honestly, it seems like she's avoiding you. Hella toxic”
“I’m not breaking up just because she's stressed, Breach”
“I was just making an observation”
“Did anything happen that may have got her angry?” Asked Skye
After thinking for a while, Raze responded “We argued before I left… You know, all that Kingdom stuff. A friend of mine in Brazil said they've been trying to get access to Salvador again since I left and I was asking if KJ could do something about that… Do you think I went too far?”
“Honestly, kingdom has to go to hell, as well as all their workers”
“Breach, shut up” retorted both the women
“But he isn't completely wrong though, Kingdom has done damage in so many areas” continued Kirra
“I know, but talking about it with Klara, who's in such a high position there… She might've felt attacked? I mean, I was kinda attacking her. But I wasn't wrong.”
“I don't know, maybe you should ask someone closer to her, Cypher or Neon maybe?”
“Yeah, sure, thanks” thanked her as she got up
After talking to Neon, Cypher and Chamber, they confirmed Tayane's thoughts. Klara was angry and offended by what the other said.
“Do you want me to talk to her?” Offered Tala
“No, I'm good. I'm gonna talk to her later… as soon as I figure out where she is”
“Maybe on the lab?”
“Nope. Already checked there when I talked to Cypher”
“Well, then I don't know… the sentinels’ section maybe?”
“Still looking for KJ?” Asked Jett, who was on the couch right next to them
“She said she'd talk to me today, is she too mad?”
“Look…” a pause “I don't know”
“Wow, Sunwoo, very helpful” picked Neon
“At least I'm trying to help!”
“I'm gonna try the sentinels' section” sighted Raze “Hopefully she won't be able to dodge me if there's more people there”
The sentinels' section was on the other side of the floor, which meant Raze would have to walk all the way across the living room, where Killjoy and KAY/O were talking about some projects.
“It would indeed be ‘cool’, but it doesn't make my style, Killjoy, I'm sorry”
“Oh, c’mon, some fire could make you so much stronger! You could easily beat the shit out of Phoenix”
They didn't seem to have noticed the duelist arriving.
“Killjoy, can I talk to you?” asked Raze as she approached
The other ignored.
“Klara, can I talk to you?” Asked again
KAY/O was awkwardly looking at both while Raze tried to get Klara's attention
“I mean, sure you can take him on a fight but-”
“KLARA BÖHRINGER, CAN YOU PLEASE LISTEN TO ME?” shouted Tayane for everyone in the room to hear
“Jeez, there's no need to scream, Alves” complained Killjoy as she finally looked at Raze “I'm right beside you”
“Oh, really? It didn't seem like it a few moments ago. Why am I only relevant if I'm being loud? If I'm drawing attention to you?”
“That's not true Raze, you know you're always-”
“Then why have you been ignoring me?!” spitted her
“I haven't” replied her carefully choosing her words
At this moment, Raze was consumed by anger.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN, ‘I HAVEN'T’? I tried to talk to you before I went out to the mission four days ago, I tried again yesterday and you barely even looked at my face.” She spat “Why is it? Are you angry with what I said about Kingdom? Are you so arrogant you can't realize the damage they’ve done even conviving with people who are miserable because of them?!”
Killjoy was crying. Raze had never talked like that to her, she had never even shouted at her. They did argue, and a lot, in the past, but never to the point where Raze visibly showed her rage.
“Oh, crying are we?” Continued her “Why? Because your family was killed for Kingdom's interests? Because your sister is dying because of your work? Huh? Why?”
“Raze, I'm sorry!” She cried “I didn't… I don't…”
“Seriously, Klara, breaking down over things that don't affect you at all? Why just now? Why not five years ago, when Amir’s family all died? Why not when Kingdom took over Ryo’s home neighborhood and made all locals’ lives miserable? You had all the time in the world to cry, why only now?” at this point, Killjoy was begging Raze to listen to her “I'm gonna tell you why; you're not crying because you have sympathy for them, you're crying because I'm angry at you, because you fear you’ll lose someone you love. You ignored me for days after I told you some things that were true and now you think you deserve pardon for being careless about people's lives”
“Raze, I’m sorry, I didn't know any of that happened when it happened, I-”
“But you don't want to do anything to stop that from happening again either!”
“It's my job, Raze! I can't just turn my back from myself”
“Then die, Böhringer, die!” Shouted Raze as she slapped Killjoy’s face.
And with that, the woman walked back to the duelist section.
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zaewriteshere · 8 months ago
New Beginnings
AO3 Link
“I never wanted it to go like this.”
Killjoy repeated herself like a prayer, as she could only stare in a mix of disbelief and horror at the scene before her.
Bodies upon bodies of her fallen comrades, friends, and lover.
Just how did it come to this ?
Their mission went well.
Killjoy and her team had successfully prevented the spike from going off once again, and were now preparing to leave the premises.
On her way out of the field, she noticed something on the ground.
It was inconspicuous, really.
The german thought it’d be a good piece of evidence to study to figure out the enemy’s pattern and especially technology.
The answers to those questions were scarce, after all.
Her teammates thought nothing of it, as well.
Barely sparing her a glance as they walked towards the Falcon.
She kept toying with the small object on her way back – barely bigger than her palm – by turning it around and trying to figure out how the small piece of tech worked.
She was even tinkering with it during the debrief, much to the curiosity of Cypher, but he didn’t pipe a single word towards the younger agent.
Once done with the meeting, she headed straight towards her and Raze’s lab, making a bee line for her desk and immediately sitting down.
Pulling out her Radianite levels detector, she soon found out that the object had abnormally high concentrations to said element.
There was also some kind of mechanism to release that amount of energy outward.
Kind of like….
“A bomb,” She muttered, her heart going straight to her stomach.
She felt herself panic, but she forced herself to calm down.
Losing her shit would not help anybody.
She could disarm it, but she didn’t possess any of the right tools in her lab, all of them being over in Germany.
Killjoy then made a decision right then and there.
There was no need to alert everybody.
Or anyone.
No-one had to know.
She would just go out, head to Germany and then come back to fix her newfound problem.
That felt like a sound plan.
Nodding to herself, she went ahead and left the device on her desk.
Surely, nobody would mess with it.
The chances of it going off unprompted were also very low.
“Klara !” Her girlfriend called out to her.
She froze, tensing as her eyes went wide.
“What’s up, Tayane ?” She turned around to face her lover.
“We wanted to watch some series after your mission, remember ?” The Mexican reminded her, and the brunette had a strained smile.
“Oh yeah ! In a bit though, I need to get something in Germany really fast, I promise I’ll be right back !” She replied, trying her best not to appear suspicious to her girlfriend.
After a moment of holding each other’s gaze, the chaotic techie nodded, although visibly bummed.
Killjoy’s smile turned sheepish and apologetic.
“I’m sorry my little mouse, I promise I’ll make it up to you,” She promised as she took her partner’s hands into hers.
Raze had a small smile, nodding in understanding.
“See you in a bit then,” She announced, stepping away. “I’ll be in the lab when you come back,” She said, smiling from ear to ear.
The German softened.
God, did she love that woman.
Now boarding one of the many planes, she directed the pilot to Germany.
Napping during the flight, she only awoke when the plane landed in Frankfurt, and drove the rest of the way to her place.
It didn’t take her very long to get what she needed and wanted to mitigate the situation back at HQ.
She may have driven a bit too fast on her way back, and might have gotten a ticket…
But at least, it would’ve been worth it.
She considered getting her girlfriend a gift from Germany, but the matter was too urgent.
She’ll find another way to make her forgive her over her lateness.
The ride back home was uneventful.
The pilot offhandedly mentioned that he couldn’t establish a connection to HQ, but they both weren’t worried.
The landing was smooth, though she had to manually open the doors for the small Falcon to enter.
This should’ve been her warning sign.
Something was off, and she knew it.
She just didn’t realise just how wrong.
When the door opened, she at least expected to be welcomed by her girlfriend or hear the chatter of her colleagues.
Instead, silence greeted her..
Killjoy had to admit, the absence of… Everything was off putting.
She didn’t have the gut to step outside of the aircraft.
The pilot, noticing her uneasiness, walked up to her.
“Is it always this quiet ?” He asked, shifting from side to side.
She shook her head.
“Not this quiet, and especially not around this time,” She answered, an awkward smile gracing her lips.
The man nodded, getting his guard up.
“Be weary, then,” He announced, walking out of the vehicle.
She followed his steps, looking around.
The air also felt different.
As if it was… Missing something.
When she walked into the lounge, she audibly gasped.
Bodies were laying on the ground, unmoving.
She immediately went to investigate the cause of death.
From a quick look, it was as if…
Their life has been drained from them.
However, Reyna was among the victims, so it couldn’t have been her…
Unless it was Omega Earth’s.
But there were no intruder alerts…
The German was soon joined by the man, who stayed silent behind her.
She was too distressed to notice him at first.
When she did, she sniffled and wiped the small tears as she took a deep breath, before focusing on the task at hand.
She needed to figure out what had happened here.
As she moved around the HQ, the pilot – that she realised she didn’t know the name of – followed her like a quiet shadow.
She assumed he was looking out for her, making sure she wouldn’t die like the others she has found so far.
She hoped there were at least survivors to whatever had happened here.
Klara audibly gasped when she found Cypher’s lifeless form in the kitchen.
She choked out a few sobs, and couldn't fathom the doom that had happened in her short absence.
Gently, she took the Moroccan's hand and held it, crying quietly.
She was sorry she couldn’t help him – or any of them – in their time of need.
Drying her cheeks as she stood up, she quietly bid her goodbyes.
“Is anyone here ? Can you hear me ?” She called out, desperation clear in her tone.
She just wished that there were survivors.
She did not know what she would do if there were none.
She made her way to her and Raze’s lab, barely containing her whimpers.
She broke down when she saw her lover on the floor, unmoving.
“Tayane ?” She softly called out, feeling her hope dying as reality dawned on her.
No answer.
She made a cautious step towards her girlfriend, her trembling hands reaching out for her.
“Ma’am,” The pilot called out. “Look at what she’s holding,” He indicated, nodding towards said limb.
The German did as told, and she saw the little trinket she picked up during the mission.
It was opened.
Blood left her face.
Suddenly, it all made sense.
The HQ being littered with bodies, them being drained of all life…
It was due to the bomb.
The bomb that she brought here.
It was her fault.
“I never wanted it to go like this.”
She started repeating herself, sensing herself spiralling.
“I’m sorry, I’m s-sorry, I’m so-so sorry-'' She started sobbing uncontrollably, curling on herself.
A voice called out to her.
She barely registered it.
Killjoy jumped however when a hand gently landed on her shoulder.
Turning around, the man that had been silently following her was holding her gaze firmly.
“Their lives might be lost, but not the Protocol. Their lives shall not be taken away in vain,” He announced, his warm hand squeezing her trembling shoulder.
She took a moment to take his words in.
Nodding, she slowly got up on her feet.
“Yeah, you’re right…” She paused, realising she still hadn’t enquired him about his name. “How can I call you ?”
He had a small smile.
“Luke, ma’am,” Luke answered, nodding.
“Klara,” She said, forcing herself to smile back.
“Is there anybody that might have survived this ?” The pilot questioned, tilting his head.
She didn’t answer immediately.
“Maybe Clove ? They are immortal, after all…” She replied thoughtfully.
“Do you know where they are ?” He retorted, looking around.
“We can try to find them,” She said, sniffling.
And so, they explored the rest of the place.
Soon enough, they both found their body lying down in the training room, and Luke deflated.
“I guess we’re the only survivors…” He announced.
“Clove ? Clove, wake up,” The German agent said, ignoring the pilot as she nudged their form.
“Klara, it’s no use-” He cut himself as the Scottish person stirred.
“Few more minutes…” They mumbled, frowning.
“Clove, we need you. Everyone died,” She chose to ignore how her voice cracked at the end.
To that announcement, the sleepy agent immediately got up.
“What ??” They shouted, frantically looking around.
At the scene around them, their shoulders slumped.
“I thought this wouldn’t happen here…” They whispered, sounding defeated.
“I’m sorry,” Killjoy apologised, feeling herself tear up.
“What happened ?” They questioned. “I remember training, then a flash of white, and then… Nothing,” They recounted, seemingly genuinely confused.
“There was a bomb in here. Much like the spike of Omega Earth.” She started, not meeting their eyes.
“How did it even get here ?” Luke rightfully questioned.
“I… I brought it here. I didn’t know at first, I honestly thought it’d be good for us to know more about Omega’s technologies…” Klara started, and they both listened intensely. “When I figured it out, I thought I didn’t need to alert anyone, because it didn’t seem like a major threat. I thought I could just… Get it defused without anybody knowing,” She continued, playing with her fingers.
None of them answered her at first, processing the new information.
She didn’t disturb the silence, too anxious to think of anything to say.
It was her fault.
Nothing would change that.
“You tried to right your wrongs, and are doing so even now,” Announced Luke, as if reading her thoughts.
“Yeah. I am upset, but I don’t think I would’ve done a better job in your situation…” Confirmed Clove, nodding alongside the pilot.
She felt herself tear up.
“I am so sorry…” She apologised, immediately starting to sob uncontrollably.
She repeated herself between whimpers.
She felt gentle arms wrapping around her, and a hand on her head, softly patting her.
It only made her cry harder.
They all stayed this way, silent and comforting, until her sobs quieted down to hiccups.
Slowly, Clove separated themselves from her and Luke retracted his hand.
She sniffled, her lips perking up just a bit when she met eyes with each of them.
“Thank you, thank you for everything…” She said, drying her cheeks.
Suddenly, the Scottish agent perked up, as if they had remembered something.
“Omen is also still alive,” They announced, matter of factly.
Right, the agent was away to… Find himself.
Figure out who he was.
Breaking the news to him would be more than complex in a lot of ways.
“Do you have any ways to contact him ?” Luke asked, bringing the German out of her thoughts.
“I can try, yeah…” They answered, seemingly hesitant.
The hooded agent didn’t want to be contacted, she remembered.
“We need him,” She retorted, hoping to sound convincing.
“Right. I’ll call him,” They complied, getting up and walking away.
Klara and the pilot both waited in a comfortable silence while the younger agent made the attempt.
When Clove came back, they nodded towards the duo, the smallest of smiles gracing their features.
“He’s going to be here as soon as possible,” They said.
“What does he know ?” She anxiously enquired.
“What you told me,” They replied, shrugging.
Nodding solemnly, she felt the knot in her stomach tighten.
She hoped he could forgive her.
It didn’t take him very long to come back to HQ.
When he did, he looked more than distraught…
… And she wasn’t known to be able to read him well.
“Where is Cypher ?” He questioned, worry bleeding through his voice as he frantically looked around him.
“He… He died like the rest of them. We’re all that’s left,” Killjoy announced, not looking at him.
When she did finally glance in his direction, he was unmoving.
Taking it in.
“Can I… See him ?” He hesitantly asked, clearly unsure if he wanted to see the sentinel’s lifeless body.
“Yeah,” She agreed, guiding him to the kitchen.
Omen froze at the sight.
“I’ll leave you two alone, come back when you are ready for it,” She said as she turned around.
When she came back to the remainder of the small group, she realised that she hadn’t offered Clove to say their goodbyes to the agents.
“I can guide you to everybody, if you’d like me to,” She offered to the agent.
“Where is Gekko ?” They questioned after a moment of silence.
Guiding them towards the American, Killjoy then left them to be alone in their mourning and goodbyes.
She heard a choked sob as she stepped away.
Sighing, she sat down next to Luke, who was quietly looking at her.
She sent him a questioning glance.
“And you ?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. At the lack of answers, he explained himself further ; “Have you said your goodbyes ?”
She didn’t say anything at first, thinking about how to word it.
“No, but I will do so when we have time for it,” She replied truthfully.
“And when will that be ?” He pressed, arching an eyebrow.
She sighed.
“I don’t really know.”
They both fell silent after that.
“And you ?” She wondered, locking eyes with his. “Do you have anyone you want to say goodbye to ?” She continued, studying his reaction.
His face became unreadable, and he didn’t answer immediately.
“I’ll be fine,” He finally announced, breaking eye contact.
For once, Klara knew better than to push it.
“Are we… Going to be okay ?” She asked, resisting the urge to curl on herself.
“… Yeah,” The pilot answered, his gaze locking into something in the distance.
She nodded her head absentmindedly.
She felt like she was slowly losing her mind as the silence kept going on.
She missed Phoenix’s and Yoru’s banter.
She wanted to hear Raze’s never ending music.
She craved to listen to Cypher and Omen’s idle chatter.
She wanted to give her two cents to Gekko and Deadlock’s many fights.
The more time passed, the more she realised she couldn’t have that anymore.
“Killjoy ?” Omen called out, bringing her back to reality.
Snapping her head towards the agent, her eyes questioning.
He stared back, silent.
He ended up clearing his throat, breaking eye contact.
“You are crying,” He simply said, still not looking at her.
Was she ?…
She brought fingertips to her cheek, realising that he was right as they felt wet.
“Oh, sorry,” She muttered an apology, sniffling loudly.
If he heard her was unknown to her, since he didn’t acknowledge her words.
She knew he wasn’t good with emotions, so she didn’t comment on it.
Even though she really, really wanted to.
A few weeks had passed since that day.
Slowly, everybody was recovering and mourning the loss of their friends and partners.
Even though it was quiet in the HQ, Killjoy felt like nobody was really lonely or even fully alone.
Omen even spent time with all of them, quietly knitting while her and Clove nerded out about their hobbies.
Luke, while being more to himself, still spent time with the group, being a nice addition to the small list of agents.
Nobody felt like sleeping alone, and she agreed.
Being surrounded by silence, her thoughts being the only sounds she heard, didn’t seem like a great time or even like a good idea.
That was why she was surrounded by her friends, all sleeping peacefully on the floor in the lounge.
Well, all but her and Omen.
He was quietly watching over the ones who were knocked out, sometimes locking eyes with the sentinel.
She couldn’t sleep, her mind for some reason running a thousand miles an hour.
She couldn’t even keep track of all of her thoughts, a cacophony of sounds, noises, and words.
She had attempted to sleep it off, to no avail.
She glanced at the remainder of the group, all untroubled by her woes.
Even though she hated this current predicament, it didn’t really matter to her that much.
She thought back about the past few weeks.
The first few were miserable for everybody, and they were isolating themselves from one another.
Klara didn’t really know when they started all hanging out together.
But once they did, she immediately felt the switch in everyone’s mood.
Everyone was happier, more at peace.
Clove once offered to do a movie night, and at first, only she wanted to join them.
But as the preparations went on, Luke decided to help out.
By the time the movie had started, Omen was found silently knitting while it was playing.
She didn’t remember the film.
If she were honest, she couldn’t even remember its title.
What she could recall however, were the feelings.
She made sure to memorialise every single one of them.
The way Clove was fast asleep, their head resting on her laps, Luke not far from being in the same state on her shoulder.
The quiet tinkering of Omen knitting on his chair, her and him both knowing they weren’t paying that much attention to the story that was playing for them.
Ever since that night, it became a ritual.
It became apparent to her that each of her friends had a preference for preparing what.
Clove adored setting the ambiance with decorations and narrations, always hyping up each movie they were going to watch.
Omen was clearly working on a gigantic blanket for all of them, if she could trust the dimensions of what he was knitting.
Luke was the one always responsible for snacks and keeping track of everyone’s favourites ; sometimes even bringing new ones for everyone to try out.
The German hadn’t talked about expanding the team back then.
She had thought it was too early.
Right now, she still thought the same.
The wounds were too fresh ; the fear was still too present.
Maybe one day, they’ll be able to accept new members.
That would be nice.
She nodded to herself as she felt her eyes heavy with tiredness.
She fell into dreamless slumber.
Dear Tayane,
I know it has been a few months since your passing, but I only now found the courage and mentality to write to you.
I first want to say I miss you oh so very much.
The Valorant Protocol is now back on its feet, and now works like a well oil machine.
Everybody gets along…
Relatively well together.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it had always been this way.
… I still remember you and everybody else, though.
It really all started when Clove met a radiant woman when they were outside of HQ.
She obviously needed help, and was a war veteran.
After an in-depth look at her profile, she was deemed fit to join the protocol.
Following that, other agents quickly found their way in, one way or another.
Everybody is just so… Different. In a good way, of course !
I love every single one of them, and will protect them no matter the cost.
The VP is back to normal…
… But the only thing missing is you.
I love you, my little mouse.
Always did, always will.
See you soon.
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morriiee · 2 years ago
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Angst :(
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adrialae · 7 months ago
VALORANT AO3 Stats 2: Ships
(Part 1: Popularity)
I lost my motivation to make graphs for the top ships/tags like I was planning to, but I did notice some interesting things I thought were worth pointing out. (I'll also link the spreadsheet for anyone who wants to see the numbers.)
Interesting Thing 1: This actually wasn't included in the spreadsheet, but I was quite surprised the F/F fics outnumbered every other category considering... the general state of AO3. I think this is the only video game fandom I've been in where that's true, including the game in which 80% of the main cast is female.
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2: Considering the top 10 relationship tags for each character (platonic relationships included), Brimstone and Astra* had exactly zero relationships in which they themselves were involved. To me, this seems to indicate that they mainly appear in the background of fics that focus on other characters, so they might actually be less popular than the fic counts alone indicate.
*I think Harbor/Astra should have shown up on Astra's list, tied for sixth, but it didn't and I'm not sure why. (details)
3: Nanobomb (Killjoy/Raze) was in the top 3 ship tags for every character except Deadlock, for whom they were fourth.
4: Remember when I said y'all were horny for Chamber? The top "additional tags" weren't super interesting because they were quite similar across the board, but I did notice that he had Smut in fourth (it was usually in spot 6-8). He was the only character who had more Smut than Hurt/Comfort or Fluff and Angst, and three of his top ten tags were sex-related.
5: Relatedly, /reader ships showed up for five characters. Four of them were Chamber, Sova, Harbor, and Iso. The last one was KAY/O - Chamber/Reader made it onto his list too, probably because there weren't that many KAY/O-centric fics.
6: Fade had the highest proportion of fics tagged with one specific relationship, with 42.5% of her fics featuring Fade/Neon. Iso and Raze were a close second and third. Additionally, Fade's second most popular relationship tag was Fade & Neon.
I think I've reached the limit of things other people might possibly find interesting, but here's the spreadsheet if anyone would like to take a look at it! (No promises about readability, though.)
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thedeepstate69 · 2 years ago
Rating Val ships simply because i can
I stared at my laptop for like 10 mins figuring out how i was gonna order this
Glalaxsea (Astra x Harbor)
A solid 9/10 overall
10/10 ship name
Very simple and very sweet
Nothing too interesting
forget the moon and the sun its moon and sea no i will not be told otherwise
(the moon and the sea fell in love but were separated and now the sea tries to reach for the moon and thats why we have waves is the story behind it btw)
Reyge (Reyna x Sage)
An easy 10/10
7/10 ship name
its good but theres better ya know
The fluff and angst potential is so good
Bitemark (Viper x Chamber)
7/10 ship
oh my god 10/10 ship name
the amount of angst that drips from this ship is delicious
viper falling hard only to find out abt everett lind nd what chambers done
fuck buddies but viper falls in love only to get her heart broken
i like them sad
Fadeshock (Fade x Neon)
10/10 ship imo
ship name is mid im so sorry 2/10
gf's who are afraid of their radiance learning control and acceptance from each other
yes pls
i think they take naps together
Yorunix (Yoru x Pheonix)
a healthy 9/10 ship
yorunix is 1/10 riftfire is 6/10 firewalker (which is what i call them) 10/10
Yoru is so in love with Phoenix and he is very mad about it
Phoenix is oblivious
I just think they love each other
Cyberowl (Sova/Cypher)
7/10 imo but its also one of my favs
8/10 ship name since i think it's pretty dope
*quietly chants in your ear* rivals to lovers rivals to lover rivals to-
Cypher had a wife but still has negative rizz and Sova is a useless homosexual
you know im right
Yokye (Yoru x Skye)
pls don't hurt me for this but 2/10
pretty good ship name tho 8/10
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh i just don't really like it at all as a ship
i can see why it's just....
Nanobomb (Raze x Killjoy)
10/10 and i will not be taking critism
10/10 ship name
adhd x autism
both of them aggressively pined for ages
useless lesbians fr
nothin more to say rlly
Viper x Reyna (I have no idea what their ship name is i'm sorry)
8/10 overall
i dont know what they're ship name is but i'm assuming it's good
get outa here with your enemies to lovers they're enemies and lovers
A lot of hatefucking im not gonna lie to you
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basalt-deltas · 2 years ago
Requests are OPEN!
Fandoms I write for — Spiderverse, Valorant, Life Series, Hermitcraft, Critical Role, Hazbin Hotel
Spiderverse — Miguel O’Hara, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar, Gwen Stacy, any of the live action Spidermen, Peter B. Parker, Spiderman Noir, MJ (Zendaya version only SORRY), Miles Morales (both of em) Valorant — Phoenix, Yoru, Cypher, Jett, Gekko, Omen, Skye, Nanobomb, KAY/O Vox Machina — Percy De Rolo, Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Grog Mighty Nein — Caleb Widogast, Mollymauk Tealeaf, Jester Lavorre, Yasha Nydoorin, Beauregard Lionett, Fjord, Nott the Brave, Caduceus Clay, etc Hermitcraft — Just ask, I'm too tired to put all the sillies in here Life series — Again, just ask :thumbs up: Hazbin Hotel — Angel Dust, Alastor, Lucifer, Charlie, Vaggie, Adam, basically the whole cast
Reader — I’m best at male!reader, but I’ll also do fem!reader, gnc!reader, and trans!reader! Fear not, I am trans also!
Usual Genres — Angst, fluff, idk what does genres even mean. Punk Rock???
What I will write!!
⇨ character x reader (2nd person, you/yours, no y/n) ⇨ character x character (I won’t do certain ships, ask me first!!) ⇨ canon or canon-divergent ⇨ headcanon scenarios ⇨ character headcanons ⇨ oneshots ⇨ platonic, romantic, or familial ⇨ multiple requests from the same person ⇨ poly relationships ⇨ make canon cis/het characters queer ! ⇨ reader/characters with mental illness as long as it’s not romanticising or Weird about it (??) ⇨ Suggestive / 16+
What I will NOT write!!
⇨ NSFW / 18+ ⇨ other people’s ocs (SORRY) ⇨ yandere or other kinds of abusive/toxic relationships ⇨ anything with substance abuse as the main theme ⇨ child!reader in fics, mentioning it in familial fics/hcs is okay though ⇨ suicide, self/harm. severe depression, or similar topics as the main focus ⇨ anything proship or illegal ⇨ anything disregarding canon LGBTQ identities (making a gay character straight, a trans character cis, etc)
When requesting…
PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!! Tell me everything you want, specify if you want me to take some creative liberties, please I am so bad with unspecific directions!!! I will not dm to clarify if you’re not on anon
You can specify if you want me to post your request anonymously or with your ask attached !! If you don’t specify, I’ll just assume yes and I’ll attach your ask
I will answer whatever question you have!! About pretty much anything :D
PLEASE just. Don’t be a dick. I am not being paid to write for you!!! And I do this on my own time!!!
To check if your request is being written/worked on, check my works in progress!!
Everything above applies to requests!! If I write something by myself that breaks the rules, it’s because I want to and I can
masterlist (none yet) | pinned post | works in progress (none yet)
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mangdreams · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
lazy to finish ,, i thought it fit them :,]
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brewing-radianite · 3 years ago
Parent trio tremorheal and nanobomb for the ship meme
(thanks to you im having a brainrot about them)
Tired parent trio:
Tumblr media
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slowly worming its way to otp category but not quite there yet
Tumblr media
half lines for things that kind of apply?? but im also neutral on idk
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honestlyitsjustsam · 3 years ago
headcanons of val
agents in general:
deadeye and chamber being twins
despising french
summer activities
brimstone and sova
fades dolls
fade sensing dreams
breach and brim
cypher and kj being bros
being Muslim
cyfade angst
omega vs alpha angst
cypher and killjoy
cyphmen fluff
cyphmenfade angst fluff
cysova rant
his collar
real name
blue eyes
taking off his mask
alarm sound
keeping toys of his kid
cyphmenfade dynamics
body pillow
cysova fluff
cyphmenfade domestic
stealing hat
cyphmenfade tv
cyfade canım
cyphmenfade hands
random guy
good boy
fluff cy
cyphmenfade height
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raincxtter · 3 years ago
nanobomb....but it's angst....
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