#nano asks
flowercrown-bard · 8 months
4, 6, and 8 for the nano ask game🤗
thank you!
4. Any writing buddies?
yes! My incredibly talented and amazing partner is the one who explained to me what exactly NaNo is and how it works and they encouraged me to join by becoming my writing buddy :D i couldn't do it without them
6.What genre are you writing?
Fantasy (fae, magic, blood curses, blood rituals), political intrigue, lesbian romance, and i don't think it's a genre but fucked up family dynamics
8. Any inspirations?
Wellll the original inspiration for the worldbuilding and magic system comes from E. T. A. Hoffmann and secondary literature about the genre Schwarze Romantik (i think it's called 'dark romanticism' in English), specially the trope of stealing someone's shadow and/or reflection to steal their soul. But uhhh i pretty much scrapped most of that original idea yesterday. So now I'd say the biggest inspiration is @dhwty-writes. The way they talk about worldbuilding and their bravery to write the most fucked up characters (and the inclusion of blood rituals) is teaching me a lot about making my own world and characters less boring and going for a darker vibe than the fairy tale vibe i initially wanted
Nano ask game
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Nano ask: 12, 14, 17, and 20 :D
hello and how are you?
Thank you for stopping by, our beloved Faith! We are very excited to do these, and we are sorry that we took a bit to answer it and all!
The Ask Game In Question! c:
Since these questions are more focused on Characters, than anything else, we will do characters for our Work, The Rapunzel Witch, since they are most applicable, glancing through the questions! (੭ु˙꒳˙)੭ु⁾⁾*✭
Twelve: Who’s your favorite character so far?
Oh gosh, this question is so hard! (ノ>▽<。)ノ
But we think, at the moment, our favorite character to write is the Adored Angelina, Queen in the story, The Rapunzel Witch! :D
She is just great to write, bc she is both regal and demanding of respect, entirely serious and very much a potentially dangerous person. But she is also very funny and lighthearted, and loves to tease her brother, dote on her spouse, and enjoy the banter of the Beloved Knight!
Fourteen: Which of your characters would die first in the zombie apocalypse?
Honestly, ngl, I think it would be a hard match between the Queen or her King? They would be the least prepared for such a thing and I think the Beloved Knight and the Rapunzel Witch are more ready to fight off monsters and the undead. Though we don't think any of them would be quick to die, it would probably be the unfortunate scenario of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Seventeen: If you had to gender swap your MC how much would it affect the story?
If we think about the MC as being the Rapunzel Witch,
Considering the story is kind of a genderbender Rapunzel tale, we think it would probably affect the story quite a bit. We would probably shift a few of the genders, just to help fit things into one another again? Though, if our Rapunzel Witch was the opposite gender, we could totally do a story of platonic love. :D
Twenty: If your MC was in another book, what book would they be in?
If the Rapunzel Witch had to be a part of a different story... we think he would probably be in one of the stories from Mitch's Journals! We think that, even if the Rapunzel Witch never got a story for its own, it would still be a part of a story somewhere! We adore all of these characters and everything so much, we think they would find their way into a different story, if they never got their own. (‐^▽^‐)
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This Ask Led To A 100 Word Drabble! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
Into The Word Box: 14,070
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sonata-in-ink · 2 years
5, 8, 15 and 20 for the Nano, please?! 😁💖
5. What's your personal goal?
To at least finish writing more than just two chapters for any story. Five chapters, even, brain. Please. I beg you. 😂
8. Any inspirations?
Yes! Literary-wise, C.S.Lewis, Tolkien, Austen, Elizabeth Marie Pope and numerous other authors (the list might turn exhaustive lol). Even writer friends I've made here (including you! ) I've found to be inspirational! Music, definitely, has been helping me develop some ideas too. It's been mainly instrumental and folk/country lately.
15. What's your character's favorite memory with another?
Think I'll use Claire and Ezekial (they first turn up in Thistledown!) for this one. She had been demonstrating to Ezekial how she'd fallen in the creek the Sunday before and ended up doing so once again, the exact same way, right before an event. Of course, he laughed.
20. If your MC was in another book, what book would they be in?
Hmm. 🤔 I think they'd vibe well in Little Women - if they were born in that time. Probably The Sherwood Ring, too.
Thank you so much for these questions, friend! I truly appreciate and love answering these! I hope you're doing good & happy writing! 🤗
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Nano Asks: 1, 6, 11
How many times have you done NaNo?
Four times! 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2017. I won in 2017!
What genre are you writing?
I'm just counting whatever I write on Curse The Messenger during the month. So CTM is dark urban fantasy / paranormal horror.
What are your main characters' names?
Eddie Alfaro is the 3rd person limited POV character. Fred Alfaro is the main supporting character. Jessica Hase (debating changing her last name) is the love interest. Lily Lowether is the main antagonist.
Thank you for asking!
NaNoWriMo Asks
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antique-symbolism · 2 years
Nano Asks: 2, 13, 18, 19
Thank you for this blessed distraction from the sensory hell of leftover makeup on my face.
NaNo Asks! And my project summary for context.
2. How did you get into NaNoWriMo?
Some of my friends were talking about it on Facebook way back in 2009. I chose to participate on November 1st itself and got a couple people in our high school writing club to join in.
This was long before I knew there were localized communities for it, but greeting my friends in the hallway by way of shouting word counts and a wealth of time talking on the forums had me immediately hooked on the social aspect, and I loved getting to create every day with the wild abandon of somebody with nothing to lose on a brand new spur-of-the-moment project. I never missed a year after, though 2015 and 2017 were real dud years because of Life Stuff.
13. Who’s your least favorite character so far?
I haven't developed the characters enough to have a least favourite, really! However I know near zero information about Mags' dead girlfriend which is frustrating, since that grief is going to be a big part of the story and her ghost is also going to be a side character.
18. Which of your characters is the smoothest?
Genevieve has a certain laidback charisma that really takes Mags by surprise upon their initial meeting. She expects the con artists she investigates to be smooth - but in a showy, Extra way. Genevieve is the complete opposite of the same trait - very sincere with no need to posture her confidence because it's genuine through and through.
19. Which of your characters swears the most?
Interesting question to tackle, because when I wrote Miniature Roses I specifically decided not to write any swears into the story and I kind of got used to doing that!
For MR I plan to keep that because it just doesn't seem in Ruzena or Minnie's nature to curse much, however Mags from MST does seem the type to swear. So I think how much of that I write in will probably depend on the social conventions around swearing in the time period, which I have not yet looked into.
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rinseveryday · 1 year
The Girls™ putting cat ears on him? + kuro
(Something something he already has a tail)
Best Ask Award Goes to @satansvoluptuousthighs (tho rexil's blue cheese still gets me everytime I think about it)
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He was probably happy to play with them in the beginning but things started getting weird after a while.
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novlr · 8 months
Weird question here: do I need to describe my character's clothes? Obviously I need to if it's important to the story or setting (if they're wearing a beautiful ruby gown at a ball, or maybe dirty and torn to indicate a fight) but just on a normal day? Do readers need to know what characters are wearing?
The issue of whether or not to describe a character’s clothes is a common dilemma faced by many creative writers. The answer to this question, however, is not a simple one. It ultimately depends on the specific context and requirements of your story. Let’s dive into how to strike the right balance in descriptions of clothing, and when it helps or hurts your narrative pacing.
When should you describe a character’s clothes?
Setting the tone and atmosphere
In scenes where the character’s clothes significantly contribute to the setting or atmosphere of the story, a detailed description is good to include. A vivid description can immerse a reader fully in the scene. Examples could include a fancy gown at a ball or an inappropriate costume at a house party.
Defining characters
Clothes have the potential to be a powerful tool in defining your character, as they can reflect their social status, personality traits, and even their current mood or mindset. Whether it’s a sleek suit that exudes sophistication or a colourful ensemble that showcases their vibrant personality, the clothes your character wears can provide valuable insights into who they are when they are first introduced.
Moving the plot forward
The type of clothing a character wears can help to move your plot forward. A character in a magician’s robe, for instance, can spark reader curiosity but also heighten anticipation for the future role they may have in the story. It becomes a visual cue, subtly hinting at the possibility of magic and the potential impact the character might have on the story’s unfolding events.
When should you not describe a character’s clothing?
When it doesn’t add anything to the story
It is important to consider whether a description of a character’s clothing adds crucial information to the story or character development. If it doesn’t serve a purpose in enhancing the plot or providing insights into the character’s traits, it is usually best left out. Instead, focus on elements that truly matter and contribute to the narrative.
When it slows down the story
Detailing every piece of clothing in every scene can result in a slow progression of the story. While it is important to create a vivid and immersive world for your readers, focusing too much on clothing descriptions can detract from the overall pace and flow of your narrative. Instead, prioritize the elements that truly matter to the plot and character development. Choose key moments or scenes where the character’s clothing holds significance, such as pivotal events or instances where what they wear contributes to the atmosphere.
When it distracts from plot development
Detailed descriptions of clothing can sometimes divert readers’ attention away from the main plot and essential details of the story. When the focus on clothing becomes excessive, it can interrupt the flow of the narrative and hinder the development of more crucial elements.
Strike the right balance
It’s all about striking the right balance. Descriptions are necessary when they have a purpose and impact on the story or characters. Consider the following tips to accurately depict your character’s clothing:
Do not overload your description in a single paragraph. Distribute it throughout the story.
Maintain variety. Describe different aspects of clothing in different scenes.
Keep it relevant and contextual.
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bitternace · 5 months
if youre still taking the top 100 song rqs - how about 34 and something kairi related? ❤️ (dont worry about it if you're already swamped with rqs!)
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but i regret just one thing: i never got to change your mind
[ID: a digital drawing of kairi from kingdom hearts. the background is a sketchy rendition of the tunnel in Traverse Town's secret waterway. the shadows are a little chunky, and the circular waterway frames her from the shoulder up.
she is in her kingdom hearts outfit, shown from the thigh up. with her back to the audience, kairi holds her right arm behind her back, shoulders tense. her right hand is curled into a fist. /End ID.]
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can we get more Dean and Jamie?
Here is an cookie if you do.
Cookie :) 🍪
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zaps u
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emry-stars-art · 7 months
i was rereading different parts of the royal au and i got to neil calling andrew "my star" and my mind immediately added north to it and i read it as "my north star" and then i remembered that that's the star people always use to find home. cause andrew is neil's home.
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You 🤝 me, thoughts on Abram calling Andrew his star
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flowercrown-bard · 8 months
NaNoWriMo Ask:
13, 19 and the title one (i think 7?)
thank you <3
7. Do you have a title yet?
Yes! The title is "Simulacrum", because the main character's goal is to steal another person's identity with magic and take over their place
13. Who’s your least favorite character so far?
there are a lot of characters I (love to) hate, but I'd say the one I hate the most is Hemadis. She is a priestess, who is so very kind and caring, when the main character first meets her and she claims to value family above all else, which is something the main character can relate to strongly. But it eventually turns out that the priestess abused/abuses both of her children under the pretense of protecting them and that her way of "caring" for people is incredibly hypocritical and dangerous
19. Which of your characters swears the most?
None of my characters really swear openly a lot, but I feel like Wedernoch (a royal guard, who doesn't show much emotion openly) has a constant inner monologue, mercilessly roasting people and swearing. Other than that, there's the very minor charcter Emmiran. She's an old soldier, who has been working for idiots for so long that she just doesn't give a fuck anymore
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Hello there! I am here for the Nano- ask game! I'd be curious about 1, 4, 10, 15 and 20
hello and how are you?
Thanks for coming by, our beloved Leia! We are definitely happy to answer these for you! We answered a few of them in some other asks, but we will just answer them again, bc why not, always fun to revisit questions! :D
Ask Game In Question! c:
One: How many times have you done NaNo?
We have done NaNoWriMo itself, for six years now, excluding this one coming up, so this will be our seventh year participating! If you look on our profile, you will see a lot of different projects in so many different goal states and everything else, and a lot of them have been more developed, our NaNo profile and stats are just kind of a bit of a mess, that we love and probably should figure out. (੭ु ´͈꒳​`͈)੭ु⁾⁾
Four: Any writing buddies?
Our first and foremost writing buddy will forever and always be our person! He is amazing and wonderful and has given us so much support and love, and he is going into NaNoWriMo to be alongside us and we adore him immensely!
Other than that, we have gained SO MANY writing buddies from the C.A.N.S. Server done by the wonderful and amazing Finch! And of course, the NaNo site has the space for buddies too!
If you ever want to join us and our adventures on the NaNo Site, here is our profile; we would love to be buddies with you! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
Ten: Any romance sub-plots?
Depending on the story, there will definitely be romantic subplots! We do know a few of our stories hold the romance in the background, as they are not the main focus, but we do enjoy having our characters able to connect and love as they want, so the romance tends to slip into the plots, even if we don't plan for it too.
Fifteen: What’s your character’s favorite memory with another?
So, for one of our NaNo Stories, Constellations By Orion, there is a favorite moment between Orion and Bree, that only Orion remembers!
It is when Bree is born, and the memory is very much dear to Orion bc he got to see one of the many miracles of Humanity; the giving and making of Life, in their own way. He was very much enchanted with the child of one of few Beings of Humanity who did not fear him in any aspect.
Twenty: If your MC was in another book, what book would they be in?
Focusing on Constellations By Orion again, we think that if Bree was in anther story, it might be, again, in one of the volumes of Mitch's Journals. She is so vibrant and adventurous, that we would not be surprised if Mitch had met her during his travels, especially bc she lives in the World that holds two Ancients! So if she had to star in a different story, it would definitely be with Mitch and his learning and desire to gather Knowledge!
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This Ask Led To A 100 Word Drabble! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Into The Word Box: 14,370
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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Fernando Alonso × Unconventional Drinking Implements
#if i had a nickel for every time nano drank out of a trophy id have two nickels. that's not a lot but its weird it happened twice#dont ask me if theres more i didnt have the mental capacity to look up all his podium pics...theres 20 years worth#but if you do have more somehow miraculousy do of course hit me up#this is one of these things i think that youd have to experience by watching a lot of races bcs finding it by keywords is impossible imo#though i did look up various trophies and now i want to make a tier list of trophies by drinkablity 😭#but yeah some people in the tags of the pics i posted were like 'he did exactly what i wanted to do![drink from the big cup basically]'#so this is like: hey! not the first time hes done it 🤭#but like if these are the only two times hes done it thats hilarious#bcs its been 18 yrs so was he suddenly like 'oh my god wait i just remembered what i can do with this'#but like the 2005 is the wcc win so it makes sense why he did smth so over the top#but this one i really really feel like he let the impulsive thoughts win and was just 'this looks like a giant cup....'#not pictured: flavio also drinking from the trophy. he was so indulgent of his boy 🥹#also i wonder if theres footage of him pouring in the champagne in 2023 cause i didnt even know he drank from it until i was looking at pic#cause thats my fav thing about the 2005 one is watching him trying to aim and pour it from way too high hahaha#oh also there is the brazil 2005 gp as well but he doesnt directly drink from it so i dont think it fits well here#but at the same time he really is looking at trophies like 'hmmm how well would this work as a cup'#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#2023 dutch gp#2005 chinese gp#fa14#we do a little bit of f1#formula one
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izzyspussy · 2 years
(from @flowerprose)
5, 8, & 20! 🌷
What's your personal goal?
Well. My total goal for the first draft of CTM is 70k. But for the NaNo period specifically, I'd be pretty happy with 20k. Of course I'll do my best to make 50k in the time, but I'm not going to be too disappointed if I don't make it.
Any inspirations?
CTM has some mild inspiration from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, American Gods, and Blue Is For Nightmares. There are other titles that somewhat inspire the other books in the series.
If your main character was in another book, what book would they be in?
Probably a Dark Horse comic book.
Thank you for asking!
NaNoWriMo Asks
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desceros · 8 months
I'm still reeling from that teatime Leo fic. Why is it so fun to make this guy PINE? He'd fantasize about holding hands, touching fingers and kissing wrists for weeks before he figures out he has a thing for someone.
Do you think he'd be into completely releasing control to his partner during the fun times? Or would he eventually snap from too much teasing?
idk man but i can quit anytime, i swear [puts my shaking hands into my pockets to hide them]
assuming you mean bayverse specifically, i think he'd probably snap eventually. it would take a lot, bc he's very meticulous with his emotional control, but he has a way of giving in when the frustration mounts too much. and, once he's frustrated, it takes a bit for him to cool off.
with a partner, i think that would manifest in him being like 'oh, you want to take the reins? ok. let's see what you can do.' and then being like [immediate regret when his partner starts teasing]. he'd be okay in the beginning, not loving it but wanting you to get what you want, but his jaw just gets... tighter and tighter... his hands gripping a little harder and harder... his brow furrowing a little deeper and deeper... until finally he starts being like 'ok. you gotta do something or i might actually snap these handcuffs.' and he's so earnest about it, because he doesn't want to ruin your fun, but no, seriously, he's about to snap the fucking cuffs.
and if you keep going past that, anyone else would be like hm. he looks, uh. a little mad. actually. and you'd just sit on his plastron all smug bc you know what he looks like when he's about to lose his shit and this is it.
(he then proceeds to lose his shit, and a good time is had by all)
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su-revived · 3 months
What happens to enemies Tektite poofs with her scythe?
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They go om nom nom.
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