#namjoon romcom
mae-gi-writes · 1 year
It’s (just so) awkward | jungkook (bts) - part two
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No way. We’re too different and he’s so—so black and white. A straight-up yes-or-no kind of guy. And I’m not.”
Genre: nerd! Jungkook x outspoken! Reader, university! Au, idiots to lovers au, kim changbin cameo (skz)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
"It's just you and me, and the song on repeat in my head." — Fall Into Me, Forest Blakk
“Do you think that there are people out there looking at the sky and wondering what we are?”
Jungkook tore his gaze off from his phone long enough to raise a brow at you, the kind of look he gave you whenever you asked something out of the blue. You sat there, head tilted back and legs dangling from the edge as your eyes trailed through eh throng of stars dotting the sky.
“Scientifically speaking, no planet can inhabit human life like earth does,” he answered as he went back to his phone, fingers flying away on the keyboard, “so your point is invalid.”
You sighed, then looked at him, “do you have to keep looking at your phone? I thought you were the one who told me phones weren’t allowed when we’re talking.”
He had the decency to look guilty as he gently pushed his phone back into his pocket, “sorry,” he mumbled, “but I stand by my theory. Your assumptions are too far fetched to be reality. There’s no oxygen up there, so it’d be pretty much impossible for planets to have any signs of life—“
“But what if they adapted to something else? What if they didn’t need oxygen to live?”
“They wouldn’t be called humans then.”
“Exactly my point.” You looked back up to the starry night, admired the glittering stars filled with the entirety of humanity’s wishes, “you really like her, huh?”
the question threw him off guard. He blinked at you like a deer in the headlights, “who?”
“Sara,” you tried to smile, though it felt as though your face was cracking in two, “you like her, don’t you? Isn’t that who you were texting up to this point?”
“Yes, because she takes good notes and I would benefit from them,” he pulled his knees up to his chest before leaning upon your shoulder, hair tickling the side of your face as he did so, “why are you asking so many questions about Sara? You keep bringing her up every time.”
In the darkness that surrounded your figures, your lips trembled with the desire to spill out the thoughts that had been roaming in your head rent-free for the past few weeks. As you’d watched him and the said girl get closer with each passing day, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were being left behind, which was absurd, considering that you were always the one dragging Jungkook along to all kinds of parties or events because he was just so awkward and blunt that no one dared to approach him.
Yet, this situation seemed to be reversed now, and you wondered briefly whether Jungkook could feel your absence as much as you felt his.
“Sorry, I guess I was just curious,” you finally said to break the silence buzzing with growing awkwardness, “would that be such a bad thing though? To spend more time with her?”
“Is that what you want me to do?”
“It depends whether that’s what you want to do.”
“Why would I want to spend more time with her?”
“Because you—I don’t know,” you tried to chuckle, “because maybe you might like her?”
Jungkook went silent at that and something in your heart punctured in two. Jesus Christ, Y/N! You screamed at your brain, get a hold of yourself! What was wrong with you? You didn’t own him, nor did you care about who he fell in love with!
“You’re not going crazy,” Yoona spoke when you finally decided to spill the beans the day after. It was clear from your face that very morning that you were up all night tossing and turning about whether you actually held feelings for the said young man, “I think you’re jealous because he’s spending more time with Sara than he is with you.”
“I’m not jealous,” you snapped despite the flaming red heating up your cheeks, “I’m just…worried.”
“Sure, and you’re in denial.”
Denial? We’re you in denial? You kept on thinking about what that meant to you, which did not go unnoticed by Changbin a few days afterwards when he strolled into the art lab to find you pulling out strands of your hair in frustration.
He nudged your shoulder with his arm as he took a seat next to you, flashing you a charming yet mischievous grin as he took in your face, “what’s got your panties in a twist?”
“Nothing,” you grumbled. But it was clearly not nothing, and as he pushed at you to confess, you did reluctantly, hating the fact that you were weak enough to crumble under his hard stare. When you were done talking, Changbin merely threw his head back in laughter and caused a few people from the lab to glance his way in half curiosity and concern.
You swatted at his arm, “stop laughing!” You hissed with narrowed eyes, “it’s not funny—stop Changbin!”
“Sorry sorry,” he wiped at the stray tears dotting the corner of his eyes, “I just—I knew it. You fucking like him, huh? And now you’re being a jealous little bitch about it.”
“I’m not—“ anger flared through you, “—I’m not a jealous little bitch!”
“And I’m not an asshole,” he rolled his eyes, “get over it. You’re jealous. It’s crystal clear why. Loser boy stops paying attention to you and suddenly there’s a new girl in his life. Coincidence? I don’t think so.”
You hated the fact that he was right, “I hate you.”
“I know,” his grin widened, “but you know what? At least I’m honest. Why don’t you try it sometime with loser boy? I’m sure he’ll find it pretty fucking amusing.”
“I don’t—I don’t like him, and I’m not jealous.”
“Then would you accept to go on a date with me?”
“What?” Your mind went blank. You stared at him, wondering whether he was being serious.
“I’m asking you to go on a date with me, idiot.”
You felt your neck flush with embarrassment. Was he being serious right now?
“Because for one; you can make him jealous. And two; because you’re kinda cute and I think I’ll have a good time,” he winked at you then, causing you to flush even redder.
“Uhm—“ this was too much information to take in at once and you excused yourself in haste, surprised that Changbin let you go freely without expecting any response. You managed to get out of the lab and into the right bus, and it was only then that you tried to mull over everything that had just happened. Changbin asking you out was the most shocking turn of events, but maybe he was right. Maybe you needed to know whether Jungkook would react just as you did. Maybe you needed to give Jungkook a taste of his own medicine.
Which was why you agreed to the date.
“With who?”
Jungkook was looking at you with wide eyes behind his spectacles. He’d been working on his architecture assignment while keeping you company in a nearby campus cafe when you dropped the bomb.
“Changbin,” even the words sounded forced coming from your mouth, but you keep going, “I thought it’d be fun to give it a try…I’m single, anyway. So why not?”
“Changbin.” Jungkook’s eyes were darting right, left and center, “you’re going to go on a date with Changbin,” he repeated.
“Do you like him?”
“Hm, kinda. Yeah.”
“What do you like about him?”
“I—“ you pressed your lips together, “—he’s funny. And…kind. When you get to know him,” you hurriedly add when confusion breaks across his face, “we get along well.”
Jungkook didn’t look convinced, “but he doesn’t like me.”
“Don’t say that,” you huffed, “and plus, does it matter?”
“Yes. Because I’m your friend,” he paused, “your good friend.”
“Well does Sara like me?” You shot back.
“Have you asked her?”
“Then that doesn’t count,” you shook your head before leaning back against the library couch.
He finally stopped typing to look at you, a frown furrowing his eyebrows, “why wouldn’t she like you?”
“Because girls don’t like it when other girls are around their potential boyfriends.”
“But I’m not her boyfriend.”
“Do you want to be?”
He shrugged, “what does that mean?”
“Well…kinda like, you know, doing stuff together. Holding hands, spending time together, hugging each other on your bad days—“
“Then doesn’t that make you my girlfriend?”
You almost choked on your own spit, “uhm—“
He paused for a second, “we already do all these things.”
“Well yeah, but you do other stuff too. Like, kissing and making out and going on dates and stuff…” you trailed off without knowing how to continue the conversation so that it wouldn’t turn awkward.
Jungkook’s wide eyes turned to give you a look filled with both shock and worry, “Is that what you’re going to be doing with Changbin?”
“Wha—no! It’s just a date! A friendly one, we’re getting to know each other,” you were quick to swat away his accusations.
“Well I do not approve,” Jungkook stated, “but it seems you’ve already made up your mind.”
“I have, and I’m going to have fun.”
In all honesty, Changbin’s suggestion was a welcome distraction for you to push back all those weird thoughts you’d been having about Jungkook lately. It happened sometimes, right? You were friends, so of course you would feel a little weird and awkward about his newly piqued interest in other girls.
And plus, Changbin was kind of cute. In that rugged, dishevelled manner. As cute as a sulky dog.
Which was why you were more than a little surprised to find Jungkook beside Changbin when you arrived to your desired destination. Your jaw dropped, eyes going wide as they flitted between one and the other.
“What are you doing here?” You screeched, wanting to bang your head against something. You had agrees to this to make you forget all about Jungkook. So what were you supposed to do now?!
“Changbin thought it would be fun to invite Sara and I,” Jungkook said, “I thought you would be happy.”
Your eyes narrowed into slits, “what is wrong with you?” You hissed at him, “that wasn’t part of the plan.”
“Hey, the more the merrier right?” Changbin grinned mischievously, the kind of grin that made you want to slap it right off.
In a desperate attempt to set things straight, you turned back to Jungkook, “I thought you didn’t like arcades—“
“Oh relax Y/N, why are you so stiff?” Changbin cut you off, “it’s a double date. I’m sure Jungkook will love it just as much as you will.”
You opened your mouth to protest only to find none other than Sara bounding up to tour group with the biggest smile on her face, “I’m so ready for this!” She squealed, “I haven’t been to the arcade in so long!”
If you were feeling bad about yourself initially, it was nothing compared to how you felt now seeing her all dressed up in a cute outfit while you had just opted for jeans and a simple t-shirt. This feeling merely grew like a weed spreading through your body as the group decided to tackle the racing games first.
“Y/N hates racing games,” Jungkook said as they approached the arena already filled with people. It seemed as though there was already an ongoing race, with two boys neck to neck for the first place, “maybe we should start with something else.”
“But I like racing games,” Sara whined with a pout, causing you to roll your eyes inwardly. There was a whoop as the winner jumped up and ran out, followed by the loser grumbling under his breath.
“It’s fine,” you said to Jungkook before gesturing towards the now vacant seat, “I’ll sit out on this one.”
On and on it went, the torture of having to restrain yourself from pulling Sara’s hair out despite the fact that she wasn’t even all that bad to begin with. Actually, she was quite a nice girl and you could even enjoy her presence, if not for the fact that it was clear as day she was smitten with your best friend.
And it didn’t seem like your best friend minded either, from the looks of it. They spent the entire afternoon glued to each other’s side and it took everything in you not to smash something when you spotted a plushie cradled under Sara’s arm when they found their way back to you and Changbin who were currently indulging in a zombie fight. Or rather, you were indulging and he was making fun of you for it.
“Well, seems like you two had some fun,” Changbin said cheerfully.
“Shut up Changbin,” you muttered before turning away. This whole afternoon was starting to make your head hurt, “I’m going home.“
“Y/N—“ you ignored Jungkook’s call in favour of walking away as something snapped off between your heartstrings. You bit down onto your lower lip, restraining it from trembling as you focused on getting as far away as fast as you possibly could.
But a voice pierced through the cacophony of sounds to call your name and though you wished to ignore it, you had no other choice but to turn around when it seemed to get closer to you— to be faced with none other than a dishevelled Jungkook.
“Why are you upset?”
You almost laughed at his question. Indeed, no one was more blunt than Jungkook. The back of your throat tightened.
“I’m not upset.” You managed to answer.
“Then why are you looking at me like that? Like you’re angry at me or something. It’s scaring me a little.”
“I—“ you pressed your lips together, “can’t you just drop it this one time? I’m tired and I want to go home.”
“I’ll come with you—“
“No,” you cut him off more firmly than was necessary, “you stay with Sara. She needs you.”
“See you around, Jungkook.”
And before he could say anything else, you were walking down the pavement like there was fire at your heels, glad that you didn’t turn back to watch Jungkoo gaze at you until you disappeared around the block.
I don’t like him.
I don’t like him, you kept chanting. I don’t like him.
what was there to like? Not his stuck-up fashion sense that made as if he’d stepped out of a 90’s movie, not the unflattering way his hair was glued to the sides of his face, and definitely not the way he chortled whenever he found something really funny, an ungrateful act at its best, surely.
But dear god you would’ve been lying to say that you hadn’t been thinking of Jungkook for this past week.
Midterms were coming up and winter was making its arrival known, the smell of pumpkin spice lattes and hot cocoa drifting through the food hall campus as groups of students scattered around with textbooks perched precariously atop tables to cram everything they could last minute.
To distract yourself from those weird, alienating thoughts about your best friend, you decided to do the same. Unfortunately for you, Yoona and Jimin thought you were being utterly and unbelievably stupid.
“Why can’t you two just make up and then everyone can be happy?” Jimin asked in exasperation one day when he stumbled in on you and Jungkook exchanging stiff greetings (mostly you though) before parting ways.
You glared at him, “he’s the one hanging out with Lee Sara, not me.”
“Well he says that you seeing Sara makes you mad, so obviously he’s going to try to steer her away from you,” Jimin explained as he flipped open his computer science textbook, “you know how his brain works, Y/N. Don’t tell me you didn’t realize his intentions.”
You grumbled out an agreement between sips of your too-strong coffee and had to admit to yourself that Jimin was right. Jungkook had been doing it with all the right intentions. He never did understand the concept of jealousy and envy and the horrible desire to have someone to yourself. And that was exactly what you felt.
So it didn’t take you by surprise when the said young man turned up Friday night with a bag of donuts in hand and some hot chocolate in the other, claiming that you two had made plans for the evening. Something about a study session that you yourself had forgotten about until you checked your phone calendar.
“You didn’t have to,” was what you grumbled out as you let him in and flopping down onto your couch as he proceeded to pull off his shoes by your doorway, “that was a long time ago. It’s not like I was prepared to expect you.”
“That’s quite alright. I’ve seen your place in worse shape,” Jungkook replied. He placed the food on your coffee table before pulling out his textbook and you watched him, wondering why in the world did he make your heart twist and turn and snap with endless turns of emotions when there were so many other men out there who at least understood the concepts of relationships.
No. I don’t like him, you chanted, I’m just being jealous. A jealous best friend.
“Why did you come?” The words blurted out of your mouth before you could stop them. You quickly averted your eyes when his flickered up in curiosity.
“Because we agreed to have a study session at your house,” he said simply, as logical as ever, “we agreed on it a few weeks ago.”
“Right, forgive me for not remembering,” you said through clenched teeth, “but you didn’t have to ditch Sara for me—“
“Do you not like Sara?”
“Do you not like her? You keep mentioning her every time we’re together. And then Jimin said something weird to me last week,” Jungkook shifted to face you better and that made you notice that for the first time, he was in sweatpants and a normal hoodie, and his hair —his hair was down and freshly washed, hanging over his face.
You were so distracted by his appearance that you almost missed his little speech, “what did Jimin say?”
“That I wasn’t giving you enough of my time and attention, which is why you keep being mad.”
That little fucker. You were going to kill this man. You swallowed and leaned back against the couch, “that’s not true.”
“Then you’re not mad at me?”
You didn’t know how to answer his question without lying and knowing Jungkook, he was good at sniffing that out. So you changed the subject instead, “hey, I think we should order some chicken. Do you want some?”
Jungkook’s eyebrows dipped into a frown, but he didn’t push it and agreed on ordering some takeout before you both settled into comfortable silence. Snow drifted down outside your window pane as the night wore on and the more you focused on anything that wasn’t Jungkook, the easier it was to fill the sudden awkward silence that prevailed, merely broken by the shuffling of papers and the scrape of pen marks.
“You’re not in your Jungkook clothes,” you suddenly asked out of the blue, almost regretting it when Jungkook’s curious gaze searched your face.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed his eyebrows furrowing together, “Jungkook clothes?”
“Yeah, clothes that you always wear. Aka your shirt tucked into pants. And what’s up with your hair? It’s all like—casual.”
He touched his tuft of hair self-consciously, “I just took a shower. I can’t put gel in it right after showering.”
You crossed your arms over your chest before you leaned back against the edge of the couch, your knee brushing his as you crossed your legs, “so you do know how to dress like a normal human being.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jungkook flipped through his physics workbook as he spoke, “I don’t think t-shirts are appropriate to attend lectures. They’re not flattering at all and show lack of respect.”
“Oh because you think tucking your shirt into your pants shows respect?” You snickered impulsively, causing Jungkook to scowl at you as he said, “well I never complained about your lack of clothes.”
“Sorry sorry,” you tried toning down on the laughter, “it’s just—my bad Jungkook. I didn’t mean to offend you and your…casual clothes.” Your voice broke into another round of laughter at that and Jungkook’s ears reddened before he flung a pillow at your face.
“Ouch,” you groaned, rubbing your nose from where it had bounced off, “that was a bit brutal.”
“I don’t recall you deserving any type of gentle treatment,” he retorted, “now let me finish my physics assignment otherwise we’ll be here all night.”
Truth to be told, you both finished around midnight and agreed on going out for some late midnight snack, quickly zipping up your coat and boots before shoving a beanie on your head.
“Wait,” Jungkook said just as you were about to open the door, and you felt his hand — it was warm and big, bigger than you thought it was — at your cheek, pushing a few strands of hair under your beanie.
The action caught you off-guard and you blinked, noticing just how close Jungkook was. So close that if you moved, your nose would brush against the nape of his neck.
“There,” Jungkook leaned back and all the warmth was gone, leaving only your reddened cheeks in its place.
No ice cream parlor seemed to be open at this time, forcing you to settle on some ice cream sticks from the convenience store. You sat outside on the freezing steps, butts going numb as you indulged in the sweet treat.
“That’s so good,” you mumbled through a mouthful of chocolate ice, “it’s been a while since I’ve had ice cream.”
“I’m not particularly a fan,” Jungkook ate his own stick of vanilla cone, “but this one is not bad.”
“Not bad, but you’re still eating it.”
“Mostly to accompany you.”
“Oh I’m touched,” your tone dripped with sarcasm, “you do that a lot with Sara too? Accompany her because she likes doing things that you necessarily don’t?”
“Y/N,” the way Jungkook said your name had you pause, eyes flickering over to his face only to see that he was already watching you, dark orbs swirling with something you couldn’t quite place.
When he spoke next, his voice was soft, yet firm:
“I don’t really appreciate you talking about Sara this way.”
Your throat went dry, “i—I didn’t—“
“You might be a little envious that I spend time with her, but she is my friend. As you are. You do not have to feel the need to bring her down just because you are a bit envious—“
“I am not envious,” you snapped back automatically, anger curling though your stomach like a rising flame, “I just—I’m just trying to say that people aren’t necessarily who you think they are, Jungkook. You should know that.”
Jungkook looked at you for a long, drawn-out moment, “I appreciate your concern, but not this way Y/N.”
It broke something inside your heart, the way he kept on tugging down your pride and your walls like he’s having the time of his life ripping it apart at the seams, and you couldn’t help feeling the sudden clog of emotion at the base of your throat at how serious he was being about this. He’d never spoken this way to you before, this was a first.
And it hurt.
“Fine then,” you murmured out. You had finished the ice cream by then and wrapped it back up in its package before tossing it into the trash with more force than necessary, “I won’t do that anymore. And I’m sorry if that upset you.”
“Y/N,” Jungkook called as you turned your back on him, “what is it that you’re not telling me? You have that face again.”
“What face?” You play dumb. Since when was Jungkook so invested in knowing every facial expression you possessed?
He pointed at you, “that. You look mad at me, but not quite mad. There’s something else that you’re not telling me.”
“I’ve already told you everything,” you tried to laugh, “it’s just how my face is—“
Jungkook suddenly leaned in close. Too close. So close you saw the sparkles in his doe eyes and a yelp died in the back of your throat, “that’s not true and you know it.” He murmured, sounding so much more like a man rather than himself that it caused goosebumps to rise along the back of your arms.
“Fine,” you quickly scrambled for some space, hating the way your heart seemed to beat out of your chest and you wondered briefly whether he could hear it too, “I just feel like you’re not the same anymore. We barely hang out and—and I just don’t like sharing you. I’m a jealous bitch, alright? That’s it. Are we done now?”
“So you were angry at me for spending too much time with Sara.”
“Well—yes, but—“
“Why?” He cut you off, dark eyes so intense on your face that it made you want to squirm. You held your ground though, biting down on your lower lip and curling your fingers into your sweater sleeves.
“Why…what?” Again, you played dumb even though something in your heart resonated at that. Realization washed over you like a tidal wave the more Jungkook kept on gazing at you, and you back at him.
There was something. Of course there was something. You were an idiot all along to not have listened to Changbin in the first place.
You were an idiot. In love.
“I need to go,” you scrambled back too quickly for him to grasp your arm and said without looking at him, “I’ll see you around Jungkook. No need to walk me back.”
You didn’t wait to hear Jungkook’s protest as your feet took off on the pavement, legs pumping with adrenaline and panic until you reached the confines of your flat. Only then did you slide down to the floor and lean your head back against the door, wondering when you had signed up for such an ordeal.
And why, out of all people, was it Jungkook?
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namuwithhoneybee · 4 months
I am wondering if there are people in BTS or multi-stan fanfic community who read fluff or romcom.
My J-hope fanfic won the 2023 Ambys Awards on Wattpad, yet i have been wondering why isn't it getting enough attention. Is it because of the algorithm or the lacking in my writing?
If you are interested in letting me know your thoughts or interested in sharing me your feedback on my fanfic, lmk in the comments.
I don't want to post the links too early or else I'll look like promoting my fanfic instead of asking for help.
4 notes · View notes
btscontentenjoyer · 1 year
BTS Summer Fic Recs
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Here are some summer fanfic recommendations if you need something to read on the beach, by the pool, or just in your room while you're trying to escape the heat! If you enjoy any of these stories, please don't forget to let the author know by reblogging and leaving feedback. Most of these stories contain smut or other mature themes so MINORS DNI!
kim namjoon
solace by @m-yg93 (13.5k) fluff/smut
[roommates to lovers]
summary: Namjoon thought getting used to a new roommate would take time and adaptation but you fit yourself into his apartment with ease. He swears he only landed in your bed to keep you safe in his arms when you get spooked by the storm. Surely he can blame the eventual lack of clothing on the summer’s heat stroke.
kim seokjin
all you’re giving me is friction by @hot-soop (28.3k) angst/smut/fluff
[surfer!seokjin x lifeguard!f.reader, lovers to enemies (lite) to lovers]
summary: You’ve graduated! Congratulations - you’ve got one thing checked off your parents ten year plan! Now all that’s left to do is start your dreary office job, drag yourself up the ladder to CEO, marry your (as yet unknown) dream guy, and carve out some time to pop out a few kids before your ovaries shrivel up… Except all of that sounds horrendous, and you’d much rather spend the next three months at Hoseok’s beach house with your closest friends - relaxing, partying, and sleeping late while you still can. And it would be your last perfect summer break, if it weren’t for the most irritating man on the planet (and his chickens) living next door.
min yoongi
the landlord by @ppersonna (4.3k) smut/light crack/pwp
summary: your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave.  good thing your hot landlord, yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have.
watermelon sugar by @yoonjinkooked (23k) smut/romcom
[strangers to lovers, vacation au]
summary: Travelling alone to your dream destination had sounded like a good idea at the time. And you don’t regret doing it, of course not - you’re in Greece! The food! The sun! The smell of the sea! The white walls and blue chairs, the hills, the warm days and colder nights. A little company wouldn’t hurt, though. That’s how you end up talking to Min Yoongi, your next door neighbour with whom you practically share a balcony. He’s quiet, he barely leaves his room but when you reach out, he doesn’t push you away. That’s how your Greek adventure begins.
jung hoseok
strawberry sundae by @youtifulhobi (6k) fluff
[lifeguard!hoseok x olympian swimmer!reader, meet cute]
summary: A few years after you begin dating Jung Hoseok, the two of you reminisce about how you met when he was a lifeguard and saved you from drowning, when in reality you had just fell off your strawberry floatie and he just wanted to talk to you.
a taste of paradise by @theharrowing (8k) light angst/smut
[strangers to lovers, chance encounters]
summary: A handsome stranger helps take your mind off of all of the drama that awaits you back home. It is bittersweet, isn’t it, how a chance encounter that makes you feel so good can also just leave you craving more.
park jimin
i need you tonight by @minisugakoobies (1.5k) smut/slight angst?
[pool boy!jimin]
summary: You’re tired of watching your evil stepmom waste your father’s money. So you steal one of her toys.
you dtf? by @sailoryooons (10.2k) smut/pwp
[strangers to one-night stand]
summary:  You’ve never had a one night stand. Jimin has had countless. You’re trying to experience new things. Jimin loves doing the same old shit. So when you meet the man going around the club inviting people to touch his ripped abs, you think perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to try new things. It’s Labor Day weekend at the shore - what can go wrong?
into the wilderness by @gukyi (27k) angst/fluff/comedy
[friends to lovers, camp counsellor au, unrequited love]
summary: alright, so last summer’s camp was… disastrous. from the murky green showers to the wasps nests, it was all-around a bad time. but none of those things could be quite as catastrophic as the end-of-camp counselor campfire, when you told park jimin that you were in love with him. and if telling him was terrible, then seeing him again this summer, one year after your fruitless confession, just might be the death of you.
kim taehyung
summer feelings by @jjkeverlast (558) fluff/crack
[childhood best friends to lovers]
summary: taehyung catches you off guard during your first trip to the beach.
himbo hours by @gimmethatagustd (7k) pwp/smut/humor
[himbo!taehyung x reader, strangers to lovers]
summary: Trouble always seems to follow Taehyung. An innocent night of finding new friends to share his alcohol, drugs, and boxy smiles quickly turns into a mess when he accidentally punches you, a poor, unsuspecting clubgoer, right in the face. Whoops!
trip by @daechwitatamic (22k) fluff
[friends to lovers, camping au]
summary: Your gigantic crush on Kim Taehyung is so bad that you drop whatever you’re holding every time he speaks to you. Your dirty liar of a best friend SWORE to you he wouldn’t be on this camping trip, but he is. Luckily, the trip gives Taehyung the chance to see you in a new light, admittedly with some help from his best friend (and definitely hired spy) Park Jimin.
jeon jungkook
in which sour and salt could be so sweet when jungkook’s existence reminds you that there is still good in the world. by @onlyswan (3.1k) fluff/a pinch of angst/suggestive
[established relationship]
baecation by @1kook (5.9k) smut
[richboy!jungkook, vacation au]
summary: “Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.” He truly knew the way to your heart.
heartless by @here2bbtstrash (7.4k) pwp/smut
[exes hooking up]
summary: after a wild summer at the shore where he made more than a few mistakes, jungkook is ready to remind you why you always take him back.
no longer strangers by @soft4gguk (9.4k) fluff/smut
[jungkook x inexperienced!reader, strangers to lovers, summer love au]
at the end of the day by @starshapedkookie (13.3k) fluff/smut/a little angst
[ex-baseball player!jungkook, high school friends to lovers, beach/vacation au]
summary: You and Jungkook have been best friends for 8 years, going through absolute hell and back together. After senior year of high school, you and Jungkook began a tradition of taking annual vacations together during the summer months. This summer is no different, with you and Jungkook celebrating graduating college just a couple months prior. You're set to move to NYC after the summer, with you and Jungkook soaking in the sun and as many moments as you can together. You'd think nothing could ever tear your friendship apart with him, but when you've sat on the beach for too many days in a row watching him surf, you can't help but wonder - when did your best friend get so hot?
lemon sherbet by @extravaguk (15k) fluff/smut/angst
[tattoo artist!&piercing artist!jungkook x popular!reader, ex high school classmates, kinda frenemies to lovers, summer au]
summary: But above all things, the last thing you expected to happen when you came back was to show your tits and get pierced by none other than motherfucking Jeon Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. Guk. Gukkie. Jeongukkie.
concrete king by @bratkook (16.7k) fluff/smut
[skaterboy!jungkook x reader, himbo energy]
summary: when a cute boy in a tacky hawaiian shirt lands a trick in your honor there’s no way you could ever say no to him
ex on the beach by @beahae (mini-series, 18.2k) fluff/light angst/smut
[exes to lovers]
summary: You and Jungkook broke up. But it would be very silly of you to let the fancy beach vacation you both won go to waste, right?
stars behind waves by @taegularities (22.7k) angst/fluff/smut
[estranged childhood best friends to lovers, beach/vacation au]
summary: With a decade’s distance between Jungkook and you, your paths cross on the same island you deemed your second home years ago. And you realise once again – the ocean can never compare to the twinkle in his starry eyes.
paddle with me by @yoongsgguktae (two-shot, 30k) angst/smut
[enemies to lovers, camp counsellor au]
summary: when your camp leader forces you and jeongguk as partners in a team building activity. with frustrations and anger flaring during your journey down the river, how will all this pent-up emotion get released?
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my list! I read some of these stories while on vacation this year, and some have stayed with me for a while since I read them last summer. If anyone has more summery recommendations, I'd love to hear them, so don't be afraid to put them in the comments or send me an ask <3
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kingofbodyrolls · 4 months
The Library of BTS fic recs - Vibes & pairings
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I love to read, and I love making lists and putting this into order/systems, so here comes my list of all my readings (does include fics of my own in there too). 
These detailed sorted lists are all the BTS fics that I have recommended/reblogged— I hope you find something that you like in there, and please, if you do, don’t hesitate to let the author know, okay? 🥹🥰
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Navigation → By AU (pt1 & pt 2) | By theme/vibe/pairing/reader (thank you tumblr for being a inline links limit dick)
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By member
Kim Namjoon
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Park Jimin 
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
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By Pairings/Reader
Female reader
Male reader
Gender neutral reader
Member x member
OT7 // polyam
Threesome // Foursome
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By Theme or vibes
Winter // Christmas // Summer // Valentine
Cute // Fluffy // Soft // Dark
Angst // Comfort // Grief // Sad
Romcom // Comedy
Horror // Thriller // Halloween
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Interested in my own personal favorites? Find them in my Hall of Fame 🥰
Interested in reading my own fics? Find them in my Masterlist ✨
*I’ll add more as I read, so you can save this and always come back to it, use it like you would a regular library!
Borahae— You nice, keep going ✨
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eleni-cherie · 2 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 1.1
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
14th February
Barcelona, Spain
Cassandra never had a reason to pay attention to any holidays or celebrations which didn't concern her. Valentine's Day being one of them. She was so used not to pay attention to it or not think too deeply about all the commercials, that when she spotted a package at her return from work, her first thought was that it was for her next door neighbour. Mistakenly placed at her doormat instead. Only when reading her name in a familiar messy handwriting, she realised it was for her. Excitement filling every fibre of her as she carried it to her living room.
Inside, the package contained a blue rose along with a velvet box and a card.
"For my favourite sweet tooth :) 
Wished I could be there.
- Love, T"
Giggling softly, she opened her locket. Eyes lingering on his photo smiling back at her. She made a mental note to text him later, letting him know it'd arrived before proceeding with opening the box. Finding it filled to the brim with different kinds of chocolate. Her eyes instantly lit up and she tried one. And another. And another. Happily humming and smiling to herself while losing count of how many pieces she ate that evening.
For the first time, she cared about this day.
28 // 4th year - assistant physician
13th June
interpol branch office Madrid, Spain
"So Miss -"
"Cassandra is enough."
The interpol agent arched a brow at her before laughing under his breath.
"Sure, Cassandra then," he nodded with a bright grin, "I'm agent Kim Seokjin. These are agents Kim Namjoon and Jeon Jungkook." He gestured to his colleagues.
"Should I get a lawyer?" she asked. Her tone flat and nonchalant.
"Do you need one?" the other Kim shot with a curious brow to which she straightened again. Her inner tension returning.
"I haven't done anything illegal, if that's what you imply."
The tall man gave her a dimpled smile at that, holding some kind of irony which only hightened her suspicion. "Good. You know why we wanted to talk to you then?"
With a quick shrug of her shoulders, she sat back in her uncomfortable chair. "I can think of a reason or two.."
"Or three?" Namjoon countered, making her fold her lips.
"Or three."
"Very well then," Seokjin nodded, taking the lead back in the questioning, "Makes it easier for us, right, JK?"
Her eyes followed his gaze that was directed to the young colleague who had remained quiet all this time, currently busy browsing through a file. Hearing his nickname, however, he stirred and looked up like a deer caught in headlights. "Huh? Uh, yeah, yes." His round eyes found hers and she mimicked them.
Her tense shoulders relaxed at their subtle but warm demeanor. Frankly, she couldn't imagine those three in intimidating situations despite their profession. Perhaps that was their secrete though, lulling suspects into comfort to get them spilling all their secrets. So Cassandra stayed on guard, not falling for their friendly eyes. Even if many years had passed, she did recognise Seokjin and Namjoon from that night back in Cologne after all. Despite not catching any glimpse of their faces, she was certain from their tall statures and voices that it'd been them at the reception the night she'd met Taehyung and the guys. 
"So-" agent Jeon - or otherwise known as 'JK' - cleared his throat, "You know you're here for your connections to Park Jimin and his gang."
The young physician sighed, gathering an attitude of calm. "Yeah, wasn't hard to guess since my only other illegal activity would be downloading mp3's as a teenager. And I doubt interpol cares about that."
At this Seokjin bursted out laughing, being genuinely amused by her put-on confidence. He could tell she was nervous, of course she was. Everyone who wasn't used to getting interrogated by police let alone interpol, would be - whether innocent or guilty. However, he definitely had to give her credit for not only acting confident, like many others did as well, but also being comedic while doing so.
"You're right, we don't," he grinned then, folding his hands in front of him on the cold table top, "We'd much rather want to know what exactly is going on between you and the guys."
Her brows rose. "What do you mean?"
Namjoon flashed her a sarcastic grin. "I think you know what he means."
"No, please enlighten me," she retorted instead with her most innocent smile.
Seokjin scoffed, nudging Jungkook then. "Yah, we got a sneaky one here."
The younger agent only hummed with a light scowl, visibly less entertained by Cassandra acting dumb than his older colleagues.
The file in front of him contained photos collected from around the world over the years. While majority were grainy and shot from further away with less quality, taken by some cheap security cameras of neighbouring buildings or traffic cameras, one was clearly showing Cassandra and Taehyung together. And considering the gunman and / or his accomplices had been identified on majority of the others, it wasn't unreasonable to assume the photos with the shorter feminine figure that wasn't Arabella Valentine, was her. Perhaps not in all situations, but at some at least.
"You and Kim Taehyung.. He spends an awful lot time with you," Seokjin pointed out then. But Cassandra remained unimpressed.
"Oh really, is that so?"
Jungkook frowned beside him. "You're together, aren't you?"
The two older agents shot him a surprised glance at his unexpected conclusion.
"And if so?" she deadpanned, feeling their eyes shifting to her now. It felt like watching a tennis match.
"You know he's a criminal."
"His friend is a thief and he helps him."
"That still makes him a criminal though."
Cassandra, however, remained quite unfazed by that, much to Jungkook's lasting irritation. 
"I'm not willing to discuss my personal or love life with you," she countered then. A bit of an edge in her voice and Seokjin felt the need to quickly step in before they upset her and she closed off completely.
"That's understandable and we don't want that either," he assured her with a cheery smile, "We're just here to do our job, you know? Our job is to catch these guys and to do so, we also need to gather information and follow every clue. And, unfortunately, that involves having to talk to you as a person so close them."
Folding her lips, she nodded. She knew she had to remain calm and collected in order not to mess anything up and get her boyfriend in any trouble. So she swallowed down her ego.
"I understand," she slowly said.
"Look," Namjoon spoke up then, trying a more diplomatic stance, "We get it. They're not crude jackasses like other offenders. We know that ourselves. And certainly, they're not as bad as drug dealers or commit atrocious crimes. But, they're armed criminals, nonetheless. The number of crimes go from robbery on a grand scale, to identity theft, to unauthorised hacking, to-" His listing of criminal records was abruptly interrupted by the pen he was holding, slipping from his fingers due to his animated hand gestures. Flying across the table to which Cassandra flinched in fright, causing her knee to hit the table. And she winced in pain. 
"Oh, no - Sorry, I'm sorry," he was fast to reach out with an apologetic look, only to hit his elbow against the table and wince as well. Both sitting there groaning in unison. She surely hadn't expected to meet someone as clumsy as her there.
"It's alright. Co-continue," she assured eventually, the short pain having subdued by now. 
And Namjoon cleared his throat with burning cheeks, pretending as nothing had happened and continued. "Like.. like I said, they've committed numerous crimes all over the world. As well-behaved and genteel they might be to you, they need to face consequences for their actions."
Jungkook stared at him in complete awe and Cassandra was certain they all agreed with him. Catching Seokjin also adding a quick nod.
She was the only unimpressed one.
"I genuinely don't believe I could be of much help though," she simply countered, seeing them perk up and facing the person of interest in front of them again. "See, Tae would never tell me any details of their heists or any plans. Purposely so for, I guess, situations like this one right now. He -" She abruptly paused, realising that mentioning her not even knowing when he'd visit her next would be too much information. They might not even know that he kept visiting her regularly. "He really doesn't tell me anything," she finished instead, not to raise any suspicion of her cut off sentence, "So if you hoped for any insider info, I must disappoint you."
Three pairs of bewildered eyes stared back at her and she purposely held their gazes to ensure they would believe her. She wasn't lying after all, it was facts but she couldn't risk her nervousness making her look like a storyteller. Because in a sense, she was guilty after all. 
And if she wasn't guilty of committing a crime, she was guilty of loving a criminal at least.
"So you don't know where exactly they're located right now or what their next coup is," Jungkook confirmed, even more taken aback when seeing her shake her head. His lips shaping a small 'o' when mumbling something inaudible and taking notes before raising another suspecting brow at her. "And you're not lying?" he pressed, just to be sure.
"Nope," she confidently said, "You can search my apartment or wire me to a polygraph or whatever. I don't know anything about what they're up to."
"That's fine," Seokjin ensured, looking way more perky than Jungkook or Namjoon. Latter hiding his pensiveness behind his folded hands. "Never had Taehyung for a big secrets-spiller anyway. Although.. quite disappointing that he won't even tell you, his girlfriend, where in the world he is right now. Isn't it?" He paused for dramatic effects, eyebrows furrowing in fake empathy. "Must be.. sad, I imagine. Are you never worried?" 
Her jaw clenched unintentionally. She instantly knew what the lead agent was trying to do and she wouldn't let him succeed. "N-no." Dammit, she stuttered. She swallowed, her voice becoming firmer. "No. It's okay, he only does it to keep me safe."
He nodded and his lips pressed into a straight line, pondering. "Is he though?"
Taken aback by his rhetorical question, she blinked. Unsure of what he was implying. "What do you mean?"
"Oh nothing, nothing. Forget it," he only waved her off and Cassandra felt validating in her gut-feeling of not underestimating their friendly nature because right now, she could feel their interrogative glares piercing through her soul.
After a dragged out moment of silence, Seokjin averted his eyes from hers to take out a note and Cassandra unintentionally exhaled in relief. "Could you perhaps do us a favour then?" He eyed her briefly before scribbling down on the note with a shiny pen.
"If you want me to rat them out, no."
"Hmpf, please," he said dismissingly with an offended huff, "I'd never try such cheap tricks." He held the piece of paper out for her then, a wide smile returning to his attractive features, "I just want you to hand this to Taehyung the next time you see him. That's all."
Her eyes narrowed at his request, eyeing the note for a second before accepting it and shoving it into her bag.
"You're free to go."
After hesitating for a moment, she eventually stood up. Bidding goodbye to the three agents and walked out.
A tired sigh left Seokjin's lips then when facing Namjoon. "I believe her, she doesn't know. None of them is the type to drag an innocent person into it by letting them know too much."
Namjoon hummed. He might've been eyeing the position for department manager of special victims, but after spending years chasing after those thieves alongside Seokjin and Jungkook's predecessor, Hoseok, it had become a personal matter in some sense. 
"Perhaps, but he already got her more involved than he should have."
"Mh, let's hope we'll be the only ones she'll meet from this part of his life."
"Aish," Jungkook exclaimed then when abruptly snapping the file shut, catching their attention, "But we know she must've been involved more, don't we? Even if we can't proof anything besides that she knows Taehyung."
"Yah, Jungkookie, don't be mad." Seokjin nudged his younger colleague who was pulling a harried face. "Just keep an eye on her from now on. Okay?"
To this, Jungkook's face instantly found its colour back. Giving his supervisor a confident nod. "Will do."
Cassandra wasn't naive, she always knew there was a risk when being around people like Taehyung. Even if he tried his best to shield her from his world, she knew something like that interrogation would inevitably happen sooner or later. Still, she wanted to believe she'd managed going through with it quite gracefully. As gracefully as she was able to for an unexperienced person.
Leaving the airconditioned interpol offices and entering the afternoon heat, she made her way towards the bus stop. Ensuring to walk down the street as casual and nonchalant as possible, while occasionally looking behing her in case someone was following. She couldn't let her guard down just because she left.
The bus ride didn't last long before she got off and took a look around again. The streets were empty except for two teenagers sitting at a kerbside outside of a convenience store. The sun standing high, the concrete burning. When deaming the coast clear, she walked straight to the car with the tinted windows parked away under an oak three. Sliding into the passenger's seat, she dragged out a breath when feeling the soothing coolness inside. A smirk spreading onto her lips then at the sight of the mop of honey-coloured waves beside her.
"This long hair suits you." Her delicate fingers lightly tugged at the strands at the back of his neck then and leaned in, pecking Taehyung's cheek. She'd only seen him with blond hair once, years back, but it was a different shade back then - cool ash-blond, if she remembered correctly. Quite different from the warm brown-blond that adored his head now. "Makes you look quite dangerous and wild."
His lips parted with an amused scoff. "Am I not dangerous and wild enough for being a criminal?" And the way his almond eyes went round made her stifle a laugh.
"Mh, maybe a little," she smiled and planted another peck on his cheek before sitting back. Recalling the piece of paper Seokjin gave her then, he observed her rummaging it out of her handbag.
"What's this?" Arching a brow when she held it out for him, he took it from her grip and began reading it carefully. His fingers unintentionally crumbling its edges. He didn't even notice how his jaw briefly clenched, before loosening again as he mused over the handwriting with a hum.
It was a riddle clearly meant for Jimin.
With a sigh, he folded the note and stoved it into his pocket. He sat there in silence then, causing Cassandra to wonder why he wouldn't drive off. She could tell by the way his bottom lip was slightly pulled out and his brows set in a mild frown that something was occupying his mind. And she was about to inquire when his lips eventually parted.
"Cas, what are we doing?"
His voice was unusually hoarse. His throat felt dry. 
"What do you mean?" she asked confused.
Heaving a sigh, he locked gazes with her. "You just came back from an interpol interrogation. Because of me," he began, shaking his head. And she started to understand what he meant. "Tae-" 
"I should've known you'd get on their radar sooner or later," he interrupted her, his palm hitting the steering wheel in sudden frustration, "I should've known.. No matter how hard I try to keep you away from it all, it'd never be enough." 
The last sentence breaking by his cracking voice and Cassandra couldn't help but swallow. She hated how he blamed himself. Always blaming himself. She touched the heart-shaped pendant around her neck, a habit she'd picked up over the months, before her hand embraced his. And she intervined their fingers, squeezing it.
"I'm not naive," she quietly began, her voice gaining confidence then,"I knew what I was getting myself into when letting you into my life. And I don't regret it."
The ghost of a smile crossed his lips when he glanced at her fierce eyes, only to shake his head. "Not yet," he breathed then with a sad smile.
However, Cassandra only scoffed. "Why would I? And as long as I don't do anything illegal myself, they can't do anything anyway. Because as far as I know, it's not against the law to be in love with a thief."
The corner of his lip twisted into a cheeky smirk. "In love, huh?"
Her eyes widened for a moment before laughing. "Don't act like you didn't know."
"I just like hearing you say it." His fingers squeezed her hand back and he placed them both in his lap. Looking at them quietly while deliberating before speaking up again. "But you forget you helped us. Helping a criminal is against the law just as much as breaking it yourself is."
Cassandra contemplated his words. It was true, she hadn't thought about her assistance in some cases. And Jungkook had implied something like that. She sat up straighter. "But if they could prove that, they'd have said or done something by now, right? And if it comes to the worst, I could still say you coerced me and I didn't have a choice. They can't prove me otherwise." 
She was grinning smugly and Taehyung laughed under his breath, stunned by her unshakable and almost cocky faith and confidence. It seemed like her guilty plessure of being a fan of the crime genre was paying off, she'd picked up a thing or two. Still, he wasn't convinced it was indeed so easily. He decided to know better and not argue with her about it though. At least not now.
"You know I love you, Cas. That's why I'm worried and regretting getting you in this situation."
"I know," she eventually sighed, "But you need to accept that it was also my decision. You didn't force me to be with you. I'm here because I want to."
"And I don't get why, " he mumbled. Brown irises wandering out at the sunlit buildings. He knew he didn't deserve someone like Cassandra in any way, she was way too good for his sorry self. And he knew bubbles were meant to burst sooner or later.
An annoyed groan left her lips and she frowned at him. "I told you to stop that. I'm not a saint. And you're not a demon."
He smiled. "You're an angel to me, though."
She huffed and looked away, masking her blushing cheeks. "S-still," she mumbled bashfully.
"But even if my profession wasn't the problem, I'm not a great boyfriend anyway.."
At this she shot him a puzzled glare. "How so?"
"I mean.." he swallowed. "I'm never there when you need me, am I? I'm all around the globe. You could've someone better, someone who can always be there for you. You'd deserve that."
He felt her fingers clutching more around his hand, nails digging harshly into his skin before unclenching. "You are there for me though, despite travelling the word you're always there for me." Her hand let go and she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "And I don't want anyone else but you. So why do you make everything we have sound bad and meaningless now?" 
Her sudden change of tone startled him and he looked at her with wide eyes. "Cas-"
"No, I won't just sit here and let you talk about yourself or our relationship like this." She was clearly upset now. "It hurts me hearing you say all this, don't you get it? It sounds like you're questioning my judgement. Like I was a naive kid."
"You're the smartest person I know, you know that," he said calmly, "I just fear.. your love for me might blind you."
She pressed her jaw together. Cassandra was too agitated to even form any more coherent sentences in her mind. Seconds passed before she calmed herself enough not to snap at him. "Look," she began slowly, "If you're willing to just throw everything between us away because of a simple questioning - then fine. Go ahead. But stop saying you'd be doing it for my sake. I can make my own decisions."
Silence settled between them once again. Taehyung was unsure what to counter to her words.
Part of him, the rational one, warned him not to become the one blinded by love and reminded him that he was just endangering her. That interpol might not be a threat right now, but they could turn into one later, along with other things. The part which always kept telling him that a criminal and a doctor could simply never work out on the long run, got louder. They were both just deluding themselves.
However, the other part in him, the selfish part, agreed with her. Of course he'd never want to lose her. He was too madly in love with her to imagine a life without her. And he knew if Seokjin had anything against her, they wouldn't have waited for so long and already arrested her. No, they didn't need to be concerned about interpol. For now at least. Maybe she was right, maybe he was just looking for excuses because he was scared. Even though, if he was scared, it was for her.
He knew, though, that she was stubborn. More than anything else. No one could force her into doing something she didn't want to. She always stood her ground, which was one of the things he loved about her. She'd always call him out, whether it was him being a coward or him patronising her.
"You're right," he eventually said then and leaned towards her. Gently capturing her chin between his thumb and index finger, urging her to look at him. "You're more than capable of making decisions yourself. And I trust your decisions, I always do. So if.. if you're certain -"
"I am," she said. And Taehyung nodded when seeing the determination and certainty in her lovely brown eyes. 
He wanted to believe her. He needed to believe her. He wasn't ready yet. His selfish side wasn't ready to give up on her or their relationship. She was the only good thing in his life besides his friends and he wanted to cling to her as much as he could.
"If you are, then so am I."
next chapter: 1.2 here
Don't forget to like, comment & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame
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bts-hyperfixation · 11 months
Outside of the Fox
Chapter 25 of 30
2350 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she’d been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
Airports are weird places. That's the only thing you can conclude as you try to navigate your way through the crowd. They never looked this way in the films. 
You'd watched countless romcoms where people had just run freely all the way through the vast empty spaces. The reality is something much closer to one of the seven circles of hell.  There are people everywhere, some sitting in seats, others on the floor, many just walking around getting in the way. It seems like a truly lawless environment, with many of society's rules abandoned in favour of self-preservation. 
Poor Kookie looks like he is about to faint. The youngest member was hanging from Namjoon's back, having decided a piggyback would be the easiest way for him to get through this. Jimin checked in with him regularly, pulling faces and making jokes to try and keep him distracted. You can't help but feel overwhelmed by the atmosphere yourself. 
Hoseok holds tightly onto your hand as he bobs and weaves through the crowd following after Jin and Taehyung as they lead your group to your departure gate. You had been promised that the gate would be much calmer than the main areas as they dragged you through as quickly as possible. 
And they were right. With more than an hour to go until your flight, there were only a few other passengers milling around so you were all able to grab seats together in the corner. Jungkook physically decompresses as Namjoon sets him on the ground, although his eyes stay wide and vigilant as he appraises his surroundings. Yoongi pulls out his switch from his backpack and hands it across to Jungkook before cuddling into the chair next to him, looking about ready to take a nap. 
You contemplate sitting on Jungkook's other side but Taehyung pulls you to him instead. 
"Let me take you shopping in duty-free,"  He says
"I think Jungkook used your card to buy enough stuff this week." You point out.
"But I didn't buy you those things, not really." He pouts. 
You roll your eyes and he takes this as an acceptance, linking his arm through yours and taking you off back in the direction of the crowds.
You peruse through the make-up sections, taking the brightest blushes you can find and dotting them onto his cheeks leaving him a mismatched mosaic of pinks. In return, he swatches random eyeshadows and wipes them onto your forearms. The attendants give you both dirty looks when neither of you actually select any products to buy, but none of them seem brave enough to actually interject.
Eventually, Tae takes pity on them, picking up some expensive skincare and makeup wipes to purchase. He ensures he has enough face masks and steam masks for the entire group and convinces you to pick out something extra for yourself. Even though you want to protest, you settle on a cute headband to make him happy. 
He takes the bag of goodies from the saleswoman once he has paid and fishes the headband out in order to place it in your hair. His fingers brush tenderly through your hair as he places the little trinket carefully above your ear. His eyes lock with yours and he leans in like he is going to kiss you, but as his eyes close you can't help but giggle. 
"I'm trying to charm you and you are giggling at me?" He asks, mock offended.
"Sorry... I couldn't help it, that patchy blush looks even worse close up." You shrug. 
He swipes at his face with the back of his hand, succeeding only in making it much worse as the colours intermingle. 
"Well if you closed your eyes to kiss like a normal person you wouldn't have seen it." He grumbles.
"Well, if I'd known you were about to kiss me maybe I would've." You say
"Well then, close your eyes," He tries again reaching out to tuck your hair as he had before. 
Unfortunately, this time he is cut off by the tannoy system calling out for your boarding numbers. You take his hand in yours and hurry away from the store back to where you left the others. 
"I'm never going to get my kiss." He pouts.
The others have gathered all the hand luggage and are waiting for you when you arrive. Turns out Taehyung had taken all of the tickets with you so they couldn't board. However, it seems to be by design when Taehyung reveals that you are all sitting in first class. The eight of you fill-up the double centre isle 
Namjoon sits at the back, harrumphing to himself about how Taehyung has spent far too much money on this trip. Yoongi sits next to him to try and shut him up (He ends up just raising the centre wall to give himself some peace and quiet). 
Hoseok parks himself in front of Yoongi, often kneeling up on his seat to talk with Yoongi over the top. Taehyung sits next to him, mostly because Jimin insisted he needed to spend the flight with Jungkook but also because they wanted to watch the same movies and they could talk about them. 
And so you sat with Jin, working out nicely in your favour as both of you really just wanted to nap. You settled in quickly for the long flight, unravelling the provided blanket and draping it over your and Jin's laps. When Taehyung had suggested going to the beach you had thought he meant somewhere nearby, not a long-haul flight to the other hemisphere.
"You realise they give each of us our own blankets right?" He points out. 
"Yeah, but this thing is massive." You say shaking the fabric. "Unless you want to put up the divider?" 
"No, no this is fine. Once we've taken off the stewardesses can turn our two seats into one bed if you like, give us a more comfortable space?" He suggests.
It's clear he doesn't mean anything by it, but a blush creeps up your cheeks anyway. You don't get a chance to reply before the stewards are handing you a mimosa each and directing your attention towards a safety briefing. You watch intently as they go through the motions of showing you emergency procedures. 
The aeroplane roars to life around you as it comes to the end of the taxi, you can hear the turbines wiring and your heart speeds up at the same pace. Jungkook whimpers behind you and Jimin tries to whisper words of encouragement to the man. You want to turn around and help but the seat backs are too high and you fear your face looks too concerned to provide any comfort anyway. 
Jin glances over at you and takes in the way your knuckles are turning white from clasping onto the arms of your chair. He places his hand on top of yours, curling his fingers underneath your palm so you can hold onto him instead. He offers you a reassuring smile and you try to reciprocate. 
"First flight?" He asks.
You nod in response, unable to speak as you feel the wheels lift from the floor.
"This is the worst part, after this you can barely feel that you're moving," He assures you. "Here, take this, it'll stop your ears from popping." 
He fishes out a packet of gum and offers you a piece then takes one himself. 
Eventually, the plane levels out as he promises and it is smooth sailing for a while. The stewardesses are quick to deliver meals to each of you and even quicker to take them away when you've finished. You are lying down in a nicely sized bed within an hour of take-off ready to sleep through as much of the flight as possible. Jin has himself propped up a little to read his book as you snuggle down and close your eyes. 
"Sleep well Y/N," He says as you drift off. 
You are rudely awoken a few hours later to the violent shaking of the plane. You try to shoot up straight into a sitting position but find yourself restricted by an arm across your waist. Jin pulls you closer to him.
"Don't panic, it's just turbulence," He whispers into your ear sleepily "It'll be over in a couple of minutes."
"Are you sure?" You ask.
"Of course I'm sure."
The plane dips dramatically and you find yourself clinging to Jin. He folds both arms around you and holds you as close as he can. Your stomach flips with each judder of the plane around you but Jin's arms remain firmly in place and his lips press to your forehead as he whispers nonsense to you as a distraction. 
He is right of course, the turbulence is over as quickly as it began and the Pilots voice sounds over the P.A
"Sorry about that folks, it looks like we could be in for a few bumpy rides throughout the journey as we hit some particularly rough patches of weather. We should be over the worst of it for now though so please relax and we will let you know if we expect any further issues throughout the flight." 
You lean back and look up at Jin finding his face mere centimetres from your own.
"Are you okay?" He asks,
"I think so."
"I'm glad, but know that you can cling to me any time turbulence or not," He winks.
"Good to know." You swallow thickly. 
He holds you close for a moment longer and then releases you back to your side of the bed. You sit up and peer over the back of your chair to check on the others. Namjoon is standing up looking over everyone in the same way you are.  Yoongi is watching him carefully. Taehyung and Hobi don't seem to have even paused their movies. And most surprisingly Jungkook doesn't seem to have even stirred as he holds Jimin close in their own little bed.
Namjoon catches your eye and you reassure him you are okay. He nods and settles back into his own chair and picks his book up where he left off. You lie back down and turn onto your side looking at Jin, his eyes already reclosed as he drifts off once more. You realise as your eyes drift towards the plumpness of his lips that your mind is drifting towards how they might feel against your skin. 
It's been such a long time since you've been intimate with anyone and the kisses you'd been going a little stir-crazy with impure thoughts of late, so who could blame you for looking at any of the attractive men around you? Although some might call you greedy for staring at the only one not actively openly courting you.
"Can I help you?" He asks cracking one eye open when he feels your gaze.
"I was wondering..." He opens both eyes and waits for you to ask what's on your mind.
"I was wondering if you planned on pursuing a relationship with more than just Namjoon within the group." 
He smiles in a way that suggests he knows what you are getting at but the answer he gives doesn't reflect that.
"Well I think it's obvious I have my eye on Kookie, or should I say he has his eye on me."
"Is that all?" You ask.
You move a little bit closer to him, hoping to get a much more pleasing answer.
"Well... I suppose I quite enjoy looking at Hoseok, and Taehyung is so charming. And I guess you aren't terrible to spend time with." He teases.
A hand reaches up to cup your cheek and he leans in towards you. 
"Is this what you wanted," His breath ghosts against your lips.
 Then the minuscule gap is closed. His kisses are lazy, although that could be the lingering edge of sleep. He sucks your lower lip between his, nibbling a little before releasing it and kissing you properly again. He repeats this over again until your lips feel bruised. 
"That is exactly what I wanted." You say as he finally pulls away.
"Well, now do you want more? Because I think I want more." 
He leans across you and presses a button you hadn't seen before. It raises a barrier between you and the aisle, just high enough for those passing not to look in and lights a do not disturb sign above you. He then presses the same control on his own side. 
"Well that doesn't look at all suspicious to the outside," You comment.
"They'll just think we are sleeping,"
He doesn't give you a chance to reconsider before he starts mouthing at your neck, his body hovering over yours as bites tiny little bruises into your delicate skin. You place your hands on his shoulders feeling the way his muscles tense through his thin T-shirt. He rolls his hips against your side, his sweatpants seeming even thinner than the shirt, leaving very little to the imagination. 
His lips find their way back to yours and your mind goes completely blank. One of his hands lifts the bottom of your shirt and begins to explore the bare expanse of skin until he reaches just underneath your breast. He cups your bare chest, his thumb running gently over your nipple making you shiver. You whine against his touch. 
"If you can't be quiet we can't go any further." He chuckles.
"We probably shouldn't get any further than this anyway..." You point out.
"You're right, I haven't even gotten much further than this with Joonie yet... But this just feels so nice," He says, making a point of flicking your nipple with his thumb again. 
"Maybe we should go back to sleeping,"
"If that's what you really want," He shrugs. "But I'm not removing my hand." 
"I'm not asking you to." 
He smiles contently and settles back onto his pillow, you wriggle in close and true to his word, and his hand remains firmly under your shirt for the remainder of the sleeping portion of the flight.
Send me asks - doesn’t have to be fic related. Can be smutty, thirsty, fluffy, angsty, whatever you’re feeling regarding BTS. Can be literally anything doesn’t have to be BTS
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floralseokjin · 2 years
⤑ 9 months to fall in love 16.
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It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
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pairing; kim seokjin x f reader au/genre; unplanned pregnancy, strangers to lovers, slow burn, romance (dare I say romcom in places), smut, angst, (melo)drama, dual pov words; 7,234
warnings/includes (!) I’m sorry, but we’re back in angstville for this one, be strong, everything will be ok!!!! There’s like 10% fluff, then 90% angst, conflict, they tell Oc’s family and it couldn’t go any worse if they tried tbh, Oc’s dad is not happy to put it lightly, he goes OFF, mentions of parent death, prepare to feel really sorry for Seokjin lmao, but he also gives the dad what for, our man needs a hug, but also Oc deserves one too! 
⟶ ao3 link
*inspired by the manhwa ‘Positively Yours.’
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↪︎ series index
SEASON TWO ⇤ previous | next ⇥
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Yesterday had been a busy day altogether, because after your appointment with Dr. Choi, you’d visited Yuna and Jimin to share the news, then three (unplanned) hours later, you had to whisk off to meet up with Hoseok, Kang and Jungkook, the latter making reservations for dinner. You’d thought about gathering all your friends together to tell them, but you’d both decided quite resolutely, that you weren’t ready for Yuna and Jungkook to meet just yet. You would save that for the baby shower Yuna kept going on (and on) about. 
You’d texted Namjoon to tell him he’d lost the betting pool, and also Yoongi to let him know he was on the winner’s team, who floated the idea of Globbina for a name – which had made Seokjin laugh a lot when you’d told him, followed by a ‘please, God no.’ You’d also let Yuna’s parents know the news, feeling guilty you’d managed to forget about them when Boyoung’s text had come through politely asking if she could find out. In the general scheme of things, you probably didn’t have that many people to tell, but to you it seemed like hundreds. 
The day after, you both made the drive down to visit Seokjin’s parents again, his brother and Seohyun already there with Taeoh and Jiu, all of them excitedly waiting to find out whether Glob was a girl or boy – well, maybe minus Jiu, who didn’t understand what was going on (but, was successfully warming to you more!) Mikyung teared up as soon as you told her the news and showed her the sonograms. She couldn’t wait to meet her second baby granddaughter. Sangwoo smiled and clasped Seokjin’s shoulder proudly, Seokwon brought him into a hug, just as Seohyun did the same to you, which should have felt awkward, but you were just so happy to share the news, so happy everyone was happy too, you didn’t bat an eyelid. Taeoh squealed and wrapped his arms around the tops of your thighs, happily yelling HI GIRL GLOB COUSIN to your bump, while Jiu looked at him oddly. 
(Deciding to tell him that nickname was the best thing you’d ever done. You were pretty sure it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard.)
“Is your brother silly?” you’d asked her, crouching down as much as you could in an attempt to be eye level. You’d been rewarded with your first smile and a shy chuckle. You’d have this whole mother thing down in no time! 
Then on Monday, it was the office’s turn! Two days later they surprised you with a little party and a cake that said: ‘It’s a girl!’ in stereotypical pink icing, not that you didn’t love and appreciate it – cake was cake, and it was a very delicious cake at that! You were further surprised when you saw Seokjin walking through the door, Namjoon having secretly invited him, and your jaw practically dropped when later you saw him having a friendly conversation with Yoongi by the water cooler. 
The only ones you hadn’t told yet, was your family. The guilt had started to creep in when you’d told Seokjin’s, and had gradually, but surely grown worse as the week went by. They didn’t even know you were pregnant! The cruise had been out of your control, however you couldn’t help but wish you’d told them earlier. It had been a mistake to keep it from them this long. 
Thankfully though, your dad and Yeonja were now home, and you were almost certain that as soon as Yeonja had gotten through the front door – no, maybe sooner than that – she had lunged for the phone, calling you to organise lunch for Saturday. Every time you thought about it you felt a little sick. Of course, as it usually seemed to be, Saturday rolled around way too fast, and you had no other option but to put on your big girl pants (which were actually really stretchy ‘granny pants’ as Yuna called them.) You left to make the hour’s drive at half 11, your stomach twisting in anticipation. It was finally happening. 
Seokjin seemed nervous too, which wasn’t a surprise. He’d been quiet ever since he’d gotten a phone call from Hoseok as you were finishing off your makeup. You hadn’t heard the entire conversation because he’d slipped out of your bedroom to continue it, and when you’d asked him if everything was all right, he’d nodded and smiled. Maybe he’d been confiding in his best friend how anxious he was, not wanting to burden you. To show him you were in this together, you reached over to squeeze his thigh every once in a while, earning you a smile each time. 
The car journey too, seemed to go too fast. In no time at all Seokjin was pulling into the familiar driveway. 
“This is a really nice house,” Seokjin awed, as you rounded the car to meet him, a bottle of champagne in one of his hands. 
“My dad built it,” you explained, smiling as he continued to gaze up at it, an almost silent woah, slipping past his throat. 
It wasn’t anything elaborate, your father didn’t like anything over the top, but it was a great looking house. You’d been so jealous of it when you were a kid, although you could never work out why. As you got older it all made sense. You wanted to live in a house your father had built. 
Casting his gaze over to you, Seokjin smiled warmly. “Do you think he can build us a home one day?” 
He was joking, you thought, or maybe not, the glint in his eyes almost hopeful, earnest? It made your insides feel all funny, hard to describe the feeling, but you were grinning, your hand finding his free one, laughing quietly. “Ready?” 
“As I’ll ever be.” 
The sound of the door knocker hitting the wood matched the banging of your heart, and you took a slow, deep breath, psyching yourself up. These past few months had been a series of new and nerve-wracking situations, what was one more to add to the pile? 
Yeonja was on the door like a flash, yanking it open, smile wide. “____, honey.” Her eyes were on your face for a second tops, before they flew to your right, taking in the man wrought with discomfort beside you. “This must be Seokjin. Oh my,” — back at you again, a raised eyebrow of approval. You’d told her his name on the phone and she said it now with a practised ease. 
And then, the moment you’d been waiting for. Her gaze dropped, briefly, to your stomach, barely taking it in before she was directing that smile back to Seokjin, and then…then she had to do a double take. “Oh—” she exclaimed, the sound sharp and cutting off abruptly. 
“Surprise,” you sang, internally cringing at yourself. You might as well have added jazz hands. 
You nodded, pretty sure she had guessed you were pregnant by now. The hug she threw your way confirmed it, but it was over surprisingly quick, and she just stared at you in wild disbelief, her hands gripping your shoulders. You offered her a feeble smile, unsure what else to do, or to actually say. 
Yeonja turned her head, looking behind her, then snapped her neck back to you. She repeated. Then hugged you again. When she pulled back you were afraid she might be malfunctioning. “Minsoo!” she suddenly cried in hysteric excitement. “Look!”  
Your stomach twisted. Yeonja was one person, you still had three more to go, your father being one of them. Your stepmom ushered you both inside just as you heard your dad’s footsteps coming into the hallway. You smiled at him sheepishly when he came into view and stopped by the staircase. Instantly, his eyes found your bump. “What’s this?” 
He said it so quietly, so calmly, you needed a moment to collect yourself and remember how to speak. “Surprise,” you sang once again (WHY), weaker this time. You’d expected him not to have much of a reaction, but the instant disappointment you felt made your heart feel as though it weighed a ton.  
“Minsoo,” Yeonja gushed, “isn’t this amazing news?” 
Before he had a chance to respond, or to grunt his response, your brother appeared from the living room, a baseball cap on his head back to front. “What’s going on?” he asked, brows furrowed, and you noticed the game controller in his hand.
“Your sister is expecting,” Yeonja beamed, the back of her fingers pressed to her mouth in a bid to control her excitement. 
Jihoon’s brow only seemed to crinkle more, obviously confused by the word ‘expecting.’ Expecting what? A delivery? Then, he looked at you, really looked at you, his mouth dropping open. “Holy fuck.” He said each syllable emphatically. He tilted his chin, ignoring his mom’s whispered scolding, and shouted up the stairs. “Joo, get the hell down here now!” There was a pause. “JUEUN!” 
Then just as loud: “I’m still getting ready, asshole!” 
Beside you, Seokjin shifted, but you felt strangely stiff, unable to turn to acknowledge him. Yeonja tutted, no doubt embarrassed. You knew Seokjin wouldn’t bat an eyelid at this kind of behaviour, he and Jungkook often acted in the same way and they were in their thirties, not in their late teens. He was probably just feeling uncomfortable because you father hadn’t taken his eyes off you both since he’d appeared. You chose to pretend you hadn’t noticed. 
“You’re gonna wanna see this,” Jihoon shouted back. 
“See what? Is ____ here?” Ten seconds later you heard a door open and just as quickly, your sister was running down the stairs to greet you, smiling as she did so. She noticed almost immediately, stopping on the second to last step. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “You’re pregnant?!” With a squeal, she was launching herself into your arms. 
“Jueun, not too hard. You might hurt her,” Yeonja warned, but it didn’t stop her from joining in. A laugh bubbled from your throat as you wrapped your arms around each of their waists, making the three-way hug work. “Jihoon,” Yeonja beckoned, pulling away. “Congratulate your sister.” 
He reluctantly made his way over, obviously embarrassed, because you guessed showing a little sibling affection was mortifying for an 18-year-old. Still, he gave you a short hug, mumbling, “Congrats, ____.” 
As he stepped back, you realised Jueun had belatedly taken note of Seokjin’s presence, her face a little flushed as she pushed some hair behind her ear and smiled up at him shyly. “Joo, Ji, this is Seokjin,” you introduced, trying to control your amused smile. 
Seokjin raised a hand adorably. “Nice to meet you guys.” He seemed a little overwhelmed, but kept a smile on his face, glancing at your father. “You too, sir.” 
Yikes, probably a little too formal for your father’s liking. Not that he said. Well, not that he responded at all, actually.
Yeonja cleared her throat before it could get anymore awkward, probably picking up on the atmosphere. “Let’s all sit down. Lunch is almost ready and you need to be off your feet as much as possible, ____, standing in the doorway like this.” She shook her head, as if chiding herself. “Jihoon, set the table.” 
“Why me?” he whined. “I was in the middle of a game.” 
“Just do it,” she said forcibly, no room for argument, before beaming over at Seokjin. “Let me take this off you, Seokjin.” She reached for the champagne, pausing to read the label. “Oh, how lovely. Thank you. Very fancy,” she giggled. Giggled. 
Of course. You should have known Seokjin could win her over with only his face. 
“Jueun, go help your brother,” she directed at your sister, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to lead you inside the front room – the room that was reserved for guests. “I have so many questions.” 
“I want to hear the answers as well,” Jueun grumbled, looking put out. 
“Well, make it snappy then,” Yeonja suggested primly, before laughing so loudly it pierced your ears. 
Yeonja kept you talking well into lunch, it was a wonder you managed to eat at all. You filled her and Jueun in on all the little details of your pregnancy so far. How many months you were, that you were having a girl, what symptoms you had been, and were, suffering with. Even Jihoon listened with interest (until the symptoms part, that was.) Your father on the other hand stayed practically silent, sitting to your left at the top of the table. Any words he did say were few and far between, and always (reluctantly) prompted by Yeonja. A little voice in your head told you this was more than just being uninterested. He hadn’t cracked a smile once, his jaw set firmly. He was mad, everyone at the table knew that, but you couldn’t for the life of you understand why. 
“I wanted to tell you sooner,” you were telling Yeonja now, who was sat the opposite end of your dad. “But then I found out you and dad were going on that cruise and telling you on the phone seemed…” You trailed off guiltily, offering an apologetic smile. 
“That’s no problem, darling” Yeonja said with a smile. “How long have you known? Not long?” 
“Um. Actually, we’ve known quite early on,” you said awkwardly, now feeling even guiltier. “We didn’t want to say anything until it was safe, I guess. I didn’t want to jinx anything.” 
“Oh, ____, of course. We understand,” Yeonja replied, even if she did look a little shocked by your revelation. She turned her attention to Seokjin who was beside you. “And your parents, Seokjin, do they know yet?” 
“We told them around a month ago.” 
Yeonja shook her head. “That stupid cruise. I mean, it was a great cruise – We had a great time, didn’t we, honey?” Your dad grunted in response. “But I could have found out the news sooner!” 
“I can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt!” Jueun exploded, seated in front of you, making everyone laugh – sans one person. 
“What is it your parents do?” Yeonja asked Seokjin. 
“They’re retired actually,” he replied, wiping his mouth with his napkin. (A napkin?? Yeonja had really pulled out all the stops.) “Um. I own my own company, so I’m able to help out and provide for them. When they need it, of course,” he added awkwardly. He rarely liked talking about himself or his accomplishments, you’d long realised. 
“Oh. So filial,” Yeonja beamed, looking impressed. “Jihoon, are you taking note?” Jueun snicked beside him. “Are you going to own a company in the future and look after us?” 
Ignoring her, Jihoon asked Seokjin: “What’s the company?” 
“It’s a gaming company. You may have heard of it…Alpaca Gaming Studios?” 
Jihoon’s jaw dropped. “No fucking way!” 
“Language!” Yeonja clipped. 
“Mom, he owns one of the best gaming companies in the world,” Jihoon cried. Swearing was justified. 
“That might be a bit of an over exaggeration,” Seokjin chuckled. 
“This is fu—I mean, this is freaking crazy!” 
“So you’re famous?” Jueun asked, eyes wide. 
Seokjin full on laughed now. “Not quite. The games I helped create, maybe.” 
“They’re next level, dude,” Jihoon gushed. “I’ve been playing your games for years. Ever since I was a kid!” 
“They’re not just my games,” Seokjin stated modestly, but your brother was too far gone in his excitement to hear. 
“I’m googling you right now!”
“Let me seeeee,” Jueun whined, trying to look over his shoulder. 
“Get lost.” Jihoon nudged her away. “Woah. It really is you!” Holding up his phone, Seokjin’s face filled the screen. The same image you’d been met with when you too had googled his name all those months ago. 
“Oh, I should have my glasses…” Yeonja muttered. “Hold it closer, darling.” Yeonja practically leaned over the table. “A headshot! How handsome!” She glanced over at your dad. “Minsoo, are you seeing this? Your daughter’s boyfriend is a CEO.” 
“I see it.” 
Your stomach dropped at your dad’s tone, and you shared a surreptitious look with Jueun, who looked as unsure as you felt. Your dad seemed to have a problem with Seokjin? How and why? Seokjin shifted uncomfortably beside you, picking up on the vibe too, and you felt a twinge of embarrassment. How could your dad act this rude? 
“Jihoon, if you want, I can show you around the AGS building some time?” Seokjin suggested, trying his best to carry on as normal. 
“Foreal, dude?” Jihoon’s eyes were wide. 
Seokjin grinned. “Foreal.” 
“Can I come too?” Jeuen asked. 
“You don’t even play video games,” Jihoon shot, pulling a face. 
“I do!” 
“The Sims doesn’t count.” 
“Oh, come on,” Seokjin laughed. “It does. It’s a simulation game, just like BT21.” 
Despite the animosity radiating off your father in waves, it was nice to see Seokjin getting along with your siblings. You caught Yeonja’s eye and smiled. 
“BT21? That’s one of your games?” Jeuen asked. “Maybe I’ll buy it.” 
Seokjin shook his head. “No need to spend your money.” 
“She doesn’t have any money,” Jihoon scoffed. 
Seokjin chuckled. “I mean, I’ll get you a copy.” 
Jeuen beamed over at him. “Thank you, Seokjin.” 
You all managed to finish your meal, but conversation animatedly started back again halfway through dessert. This time however, it seemed your father wanted to join in… 
“Tell me more about your relationship,” Yeonja urged Seokjin. “How did you guys meet? When was it?” 
Jihoon groaned; the topic not nearly as interesting as AGS. 
“Oh,” Seokjin guffawed, put on the spot. He wasn’t the best at this, as you’d already established. Ten seconds of questions from Yeonja and he’d end up spilling all the sordid details. “We met at a bar.” 
“____ is always so secretive,” Yeonja joked. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been hiding you away for years.”
“Hah, not quite.” 
“How long?” 
You were so surprised to finally hear your dad’s voice unprompted, it didn’t register at first. Seokjin’s eyes were slightly rounded when he met his gaze, swallowing before he replied. “Well…” 
“How long have you been together?” your dad repeated flatly. 
“Minsoo,” Yeonja said, the smile on her face painful looking. 
“I just want to know how long he’s been dating my daughter.” 
Jihoon fidgeted in his seat, sensing the atmosphere immediately. Jueun looked at you, wincing. 
“It’s more than dating, dad,” you said as casually as you could manage. Practically the first words you’d uttered to him all afternoon.  
When his palm hit the table, you jumped. It hadn’t been loud, but it took you by surprise anyway. “Will someone just answer my question, please. How long has it been?” 
Frustrated and growing angry, you knew you needed to at least leak some of the truth. Your father wasn’t like Yeonja, happily blinded by the news of your relationship. He’d already guessed the answer. “A couple of months. Okay?” You hadn’t meant to raise your voice, but you were suddenly feeling defensive. “I got pregnant when we weren’t together. Not that it matters, because now we are and are very happy.” It felt as though you had to justify yourself, and you hated it. It felt forced. 
“Oh, well,” Yeonja started, trying for damage control. “That doesn’t matter at all—”
“I can’t believe this has happened. How could you let this happen, ____?” 
Your father’s words burned shame across your face, your skin prickling. Or maybe it was anger. Red hot anger. He sounded so disappointed in you. 
“Minsoo,” Yeonja warned lowly, no longer smiling. Beside you, Seokjin was stiff. 
“No, Yeonja. I’m sorry for doing this, but do you really expect me to just sit here and listen to all this nonsense?” 
Seokjin cleared his throat, speaking respectfully. “I know it’s a shock but—” 
“I don’t need you to tell me what’s a shock.” 
“Dad!” you cried, incredulous. How dare he speak to Seokjin like that. 
“How, ____?” he demanded again. “How could you have a baby with a stranger?” 
“Seokjin is not a stranger!” you shouted. You looked around the table, your siblings silent and nervous. Yeonja was glowering at your father. “This is ridiculous. I’m nearly thirty years old!” 
“You are still my daughter!” 
“Minsoo, please. This is not the time and place,” Yeonja hissed. 
“Then what is? After she’s had the baby?!” your dad yelled. “After this man has grown bored of her, moved onto the next woman who catches his eye, gets them pregnant too, maybe?!”
Too stunned, too hurt, you didn’t know what to say to that, you could only stare at him open mouthed.
“That is never going to happen,” Seokjin said beside you, addressing your father’s ridiculous claims. Despite everything, he still spoke diplomatically. “I understand I’m a stranger to you right now, but you have this situation all wrong. I care about ____ and our baby very much.” 
“I have nothing wrong, believe you me. I know your type. You think you can come inside my home and charm my entire family right in front of me? All while I’ve been oblivious to the charming you’ve been doing to my pregnant daughter this whole time. Do you think I’m a joke?” 
You realised then that your eyes were stinging with tears, but you held them back with all your might. 
“That’s enough!” Yeonja yelled, standing up. “Jihoon, Jueun, get upstairs. I need to talk to your father.”
For once, neither put up a fight, standing quickly and leaving the dining room in silence. As you heard them walk upstairs, Yeonja came over to you and put her arm around your shoulders. One hot tear slid down your cheek, and you wiped it away quickly. “Look what you’ve done. This is so embarrassing, Minsoo!” Yeonja cried. “Would it kill you to be happy for her? For them?!” 
“Happy?” he roared. “Happy for what? That some rich, pompous ‘CEO’ has impregnated my daughter?! Oh yeah, I’m over the fucking moon, Yeonja.”
When you sniffed, Seokjin turned to look at your face, realising that you were crying. “Maybe we should talk alone?” he suggested to your father calmly. “You’re upsetting your daughter.” 
Your father’s eyes flashed with anger, before softening briefly when they found yours. He looked down at the table and snarled. “Fine.” 
Before Yeonja could help you up, Seokjin reached over and rubbed your back. “You’re okay.” You tried to let his soothing voice reassure you. “It’s all right, I promise.”  
A few moments later you were sat on the couch with Yeonja, a protective arm still around you as your tears fell silently. “Oh, ____, honey. Don’t cry. It’s all okay.” 
“How is it okay?” Your voice broke at the end of your question. “Dad is so angry.” ‘
She squeezed your shoulder. “Not at you.”
“Being angry at Seokjin doesn’t make it any better,” you sniffed, and just thinking of him made your heart clenched. This was so unfair to him. You wiped your eyes defiantly. “I need to go back in there.” 
“Just leave them for a moment. It’ll be fine.” 
The sick feeling in your gut didn’t tell you the same, but you knew that your father wasn’t an aggressive man. Then again, you’d never seen him this angry before. His reaction was still shocking, you hadn’t processed it. He was usually quiet, even when furious. When you were a child, one stern look from him had you instantly behaving. He had never even raised his voice at you, and even when arguing with your mom, he chose to leave and cool off instead of continuing the verbal confrontation. 
Yeonja brought you into a hug, and you let yourself close your eyes. You could smell her familiar powdery perfume. Ever since you’d known her, twenty-two years, it had always been the same one. It made you feel comforted, even if just for a moment. 
“Your emotions must be all over the place with all the pregnancy hormones,” she murmured. “Mine went haywire with Jihoon and Jueun, your dad didn’t know what to do.” 
It’s not really the same though, you wanted to reply, but stopped yourself. Your emotions had been perfectly fine until you’d shown up here today, but you knew that wasn’t Yeonja’s fault. Right now, she was only trying to make you feel better. To distract you, even. So you just let her. 
Seokjin took a deep breath, trying to be as discreet as possible. He wasn’t afraid, but he still needed to steel himself. If he was being honest, he’d expected a not so warm welcome from your father, call it intuition, despite how much you’d believed he would be indifferent. Still, he hadn’t imagined such anger. Seokjin couldn’t recall a time he’d been so unfairly judged, couldn’t recall someone being this incensed with him. He had never been in a physical altercation in his life, and while he didn’t actually believe your father would hit him, this day had been full of surprises. So, his default was to diffuse the situation. 
“I understand why you’re so angry, I would be too if I was in your shoes.” 
It wasn’t exactly the news every dad wanted to hear, was it? Their daughter pregnant by a man they hardly knew at the time. By a stranger. He’d said so himself. How could you have a baby with a stranger? You’d long stopped feeling like strangers, but at the time, it was the truth. Seokjin tried to envision the same thing happening to him in the future. His daughter, all grown up, telling him an identical story. Minsoo’s reaction wasn’t unjustified. He too, would be furious. 
Minsoo stayed silent, regarding him stonily from the other side of the table, so Seokjin continued uneasily. It was up to him to sort this out, to make your father see he had nothing to worry about. “I get it, I really do, but… What can I do to make you see it’s not like that at all?” 
In all honesty, he wasn’t so confident this approach would work, according to Minsoo, he was a master manipulator… 
“Nothing,” he replied gruffly, and Seokjin let out a frustrated breath. That was it? This man wasn’t going to give him a single chance to change his mind? 
“Then that’s a shame, because I plan on being in your daughter’s life for a very long time,” Seokjin said as effortlessly as he could manage. It didn’t matter if Minsoo didn’t like him, didn’t want to accept him. Yet even as Seokjin thought that, he felt uncomfortable. Seokjin liked being liked. Many a therapy session had made that clear. 
More silence followed, and while Seokjin was sure it wasn’t a good silence, at least your father didn’t seem as heated anymore. Seokjin followed him with his eyes when Minsoo suddenly stood up, making his way over to a wooden mini bar. He reached out for a bottle of whisky, but didn’t open it, only stared down at it. 
“How well do you know ____?” 
Seokjin swallowed, unable to tell if that was a dig at him because he hadn’t known you very long, or if it was a genuine question. Before he could reply, your father continued. 
“When she was six, me and her mother got divorced.” Seokjin nodded, showing he knew this already. Not that Minsoo could see him, his back still turned. “We weren’t together very long before we found out Hyesoo was pregnant, we rushed things, thought it was the right thing to do. It wasn’t.” 
Seokjin’s eyebrows pinched together in realisation. Minsoo was telling him the same would happen to you and him. 
“____ didn’t take it very well. She didn’t take my second marriage very well either,” Minsoo continued. “She never said anything, that’s not her style. But I knew… She wanted to be there for her mom, be on her side. I understood that. I still do.” 
“Her and her mom seemed very close,” Seokjin offered, trying to show how engaged he was in this conversation. 
“They were,” Minsoo nodded, finally turning around. “Like two peas in a pod. ____ even stayed at home for university, just so she didn’t have to leave her. They had a close relationship, but it was also very…dependant.” Minsoo paused, thinking how to continue. 
“I don’t know if ____ sees it like that.” 
“No, she doesn’t,” Minsoo agreed. “____ was all Hyesoo had, and I think that made ____ feel as if Hyesoo had to be all she had too. Or maybe I’ve had it wrong all these years.” He chuckled dryly, shaking his head. “Maybe my own daughter just really can’t stand to be near me too long.” 
Seokjin frowned, he didn’t think that was the case, remembering back to the semi-fond way you’d spoken about your father the morning after you’d finally slept together again. But was it his place to say? Your relationship seemed complicated, both you and your father under false presumptions. 
“My daughter is admirably independent and so emotionally strong. Just like…” Minsoo trailed off, starting again. “But that doesn’t mean she’s not sensitive, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t hurt. After Hyesoo’s death, she wasn’t right for a long time, had to get counselling.” 
Seokjin’s eyebrows lifted in surprise; he hadn’t known that. Although, what happened after your mother’s passing didn’t exactly come up in conversation very much. 
“Even then, she withdrew from me even more. I let it slide because I knew she had her friends, Yuna mostly and her family. She was doing well again, but…” Minsoo stared at him, warning written all over his face. “She doesn’t deserve anymore heartbreak. She’s already had enough of it to last a lifetime. No child should lose a parent that young, but she came out the other side. Always does, because she’s incredible like that.” 
The corner of Seokjin’s mouth lifted, a sad smile. “Have you ever told ____ all those things? I think she would like to hear them.” Everybody craved and enjoyed being praised by a parent, no matter how old they were. 
Minsoo shook his head and turned towards the mini bar again. 
Seokjin opened his mouth hesitantly. He didn’t want to speak for you, but some things needed to be said. “She wasn’t expecting your reaction today.” 
He could tell it had taken you by surprise and upset you greatly. Just seeing you cry had physically hurt him, as it always did, and he knew it had hurt your father too. Your family dynamic wasn’t at all what he’d imagined. It was normal, and loud, and…fun. (Minus the angry father part, but Seokjin knew that was all because of himself.) It was obvious Yeonja adored you and you seemed to have a good relationship with your siblings. Maybe you weren’t so close with Jihoon, but with Jueun, he’d felt that sisterly bond, noticed your shared glances, doing that telepathy thing you and Yuna did, the kind he wanted with you. It didn’t matter if you didn’t see them all that often, they loved you all the same, and you loved them too, and it was so glaringly obvious now, that Minsoo loved and cared about you deeply. He showed it in the wrong way, anger never got a person anywhere, but Seokjin could see it. He wanted you to see it too… 
When Minsoo didn’t reply, Seokjin tried again. “She was so certain you’d be unbothered by the news.” Seokjin didn’t want to overstep, but he thought you were under that impression because your father showed no active interest in your life. 
Minsoo whirled around incredulously. “Unbothered?!” He was angry again. “Why would I ever accept this? I’m not my wife who romanticises everything! This wasn’t how I wanted things for her.” 
Seokjin looked down at the table, the sight of dessert making him feel sick. He’d been doing so well, getting somewhere possibly, and now he was back at square one. 
“I don’t want to watch a repeat of everything that went wrong with me and her mother.” 
Seokjin’s eyes flew up, just like the anger that suddenly collected in his chest. “I’m not going to hurt her.” 
“How do I know that?” 
‘She knows that.” That was all that mattered. He had to keep reminding himself. 
“Why does she think she knows that?” Minsoo countered. “What did you promise her? All that money… You think you can just buy her affections? Fuck, I thought she was smarter than that.” 
Seokjin tried to get a hold of himself. It would do him no favours if he started raising his voice too, but he hated hearing what your dad was saying. You were smart. Getting pregnant didn’t erase that. He took a deep breath. 
“I don’t think that at all. I don’t need to buy anything, and ____ would never let me.” He chuckled humourlessly. “How well do you think you know your daughter?” The question rushed from his mouth before he could stop it, but he didn’t feel regret. Instead, anger spurred him on. “Five months. That’s how long I’ve known her, and in that time, I’ve never once seen you call her, text her, anything.” 
All the fight seemed to zap right out of Minsoo, shoulders hunching. When he spoke, he sounded embarrassed. “We don’t have that kind of relationship. We don’t do talking on the phone, messaging… I can just about use a phone.” 
His excuses made Seokjin’s nostrils flare. “All ____ wants is a family. Me, her and our daughter. I want that just as much.” If not more, at one point, Seokjin thought privately. He had hoped for this, wished, for this outcome. How dare this man assume otherwise. “Maybe if you had done more, you’d know that all already.” 
Seokjin was playing with fire, he knew that, but he was glad he’d said it. It was how he felt, how he’d silently perceived the situation for weeks now. How were you supposed to know how your father really felt when he never told you a thing? Yes, maybe you had always been distant, taking your mother’s side, but you had been a child. You were his child. He was the adult. He should have made more of an effort, instead of letting his daughter think he didn’t care about her life all that much. He would say this too, if he had bigger balls. 
Big balls have nothing to do with it, he heard Jungkook’s voice say, but it did little to lighten the mood. 
Minsoo narrowed his eyes accusingly. “Who are you to tell me what I should have done? Are you an expert on our life? You’ve known her five minutes, not thirty years.” 
“I may have only known her for a short amount of time, but it doesn’t feel like that. We, she—we talk to each other a lot. I know things. We’ve really gotten to know one another.” You opened up to him. It had taken a while, but you trusted him now. “It’s been intense,” Seokjin continued, less defensive now, “with the pregnancy, but it’s made it better, it’s worked out. It’s continuing to work out.” He held Minsoo’s gaze, expression severe. “I care about your daughter a lot—more than a lot. She’s strong, so clever, admirable. I don’t…maybe I don’t deserve her, she’s amazing, but I want to try, I want this. So maybe it doesn’t matter if you don’t accept us.” 
If you don’t accept me, he thought. 
He didn’t need it, he tried to remind himself. He was thirty-four years old, and he didn’t need everyone to like him. He didn’t need to be accepted by everyone. Other people’s acknowledgement wasn’t everything. But it was hard to believe when the one person he needed that approval from was unwilling to give it. This was your father. However, because of that fact, he wasn’t going to let Minsoo see how much being liked by him mattered. It would do him no good to come across as desperate. He’d said his piece, and he’d lick his wounds when he was alone. 
He'd have plenty of time to be alone next week, he remembered glumly, his phone call with Hoseok this morning yet another issue in now a sea of many… 
The car ride home was made in silence. You leaned your head against the window and closed your eyes almost immediately, but you weren’t really asleep, just mentally exhausted. Seokjin only concentrated on the road, his jaw set tight and visibly tense. 
After Seokjin reappeared, Yeonja had apologised profusely. He’d assured her it was fine and wasn’t her fault, but he seemed subdued, and wouldn’t look you in the eyes properly when you told him you wanted to leave. He was upset, and that just made this entire situation worse and hurt you even more. Yeonja tried to persuade you to stay and talk to your dad, but you refused. He hadn’t even left the dining room, which told you all you needed to know. Telling Yeonja there was no need for her to call you tonight because you didn’t feel like talking, you asked her to say goodbye to Jueun and Jihoon for you. You couldn’t face doing it in person right now. 
When you finally arrived outside your house, you tugged the door handle, unsure what you would do when you got inside, but needing it all the same. You needed the comfort of your own home, the familiar smell, the furniture that had always been there. You realised then that Seokjin hadn’t moved at all, even though he’d switched the engine off. You turned to look at him quizzically. 
“Hey, I think I might head back to my apartment.” His voice was hoarse, not having spoken for over an hour. 
“Oh,” you managed. Rejection hit you, but you tried really hard to ignore it. You forced yourself to smile reassuringly. “That’s okay.” Seokjin didn’t respond. “Listen Seokjin, I am so sorry about what happened.” 
He finally looked over at you, disbelief on his face. “It’s not your fault.” 
It felt like it was. “I was the one who told you he wouldn’t care. I thought it would be fine.” 
“Why did you think that, ____?” he asked softly. “Because you don’t realise how much your father loves you?” 
Frowning, you didn’t understand what he was getting at. “What?” For some incomprehensible reason, your first instinct was anger. “I know my dad loves me, Seokjin. He’s just—I thought he’d be okay with it.” 
You thought he’d be happy with the news, in his own roundabout way. How wrong you were… That’s why you were so upset. His reaction had been the complete opposite of what you’d imagined. Indifference was so much better than rage. 
Seokjin said nothing, so you asked: “What did he say? When you were alone?” 
Seokjin bowed his head and shook it slowly, both hands gripping the wheel. He was reluctant to tell you, and all you could do was worry about all the things that had been said. 
“I think maybe he should be the one to tell you,” Seokjin said finally, glancing at you. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You didn’t want to take your frustration out on Seokjin, but he was the one you trusted, the one you felt comfortable with, like you could share anything with him. So why couldn’t he tell you what had happened when he and your father were alone? Unless… 
Maybe Seokjin was too hurt and embarrassed to repeat their conversation. You reached over, a reassuring hand on his knee. “I don’t care what my dad thinks. You understand that, right?” you told him gently. 
Seokjin stared down at your hand, looking visibly exhausted. “I’m just feeling very overwhelmed right now. I need to be alone, to sort through everything.” 
You tried not to feel hurt by what he was telling you, you tried to understand, but right now he wanted to be on his own, and you didn’t. You had become used to being your own support over the years, but Seokjin by your side had helped reinforce you. You wanted to be with him, so it was painful to know he didn’t want your support right now. 
“Will I see you tomorrow?” you asked. 
You watched him shake his head, your mouth parting in shock, and you removed your hand from his knee. “I mean,” he rushed, noticing and sounding remorseful. “I mean, shit, that phone call I had with Hoseok this morning? I need to leave for Japan tomorrow afternoon.” 
“What?” Surely he was playing a joke on you. 
He closed his eyes. “There’s a gaming convention next week. I was due to appear by video, but there was a change of plan this morning. They need me there.” 
“You’re leaving for an entire week?” you asked in disbelief. 
“I was going to tell you as soon as we got back. I didn’t want to ruin today…” 
You both lapsed into silence hearing the irony of that now. 
“So you’re just going to leave,” you whispered after a few moments. “Without talking about this? Jump on a plane tomorrow, and then what?” 
You’d act as if nothing had happened when he got back? Or worse, what if your father’s behaviour scared him off? As soon as you thought that, you shook it away. You were being ridiculous. That would never happen. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologised. “I’ll message you every day, check in. I don’t know how often I’ll be able to phone, but I’ll try to—,” 
“It’s fine,” you interrupted, trying to be understanding. “Messaging is enough if you’re very busy—Well, of course you’ll be very busy.” 
He nodded, not meeting your eyes, and you were suddenly overcome with a feeling of hopelessness. You were usually the closed off one, not Seokjin. Seeing him like this was disconcerting. You felt sick with unease. How had this day turned out so terrible? Yeonja had been happy for you, your brother and sister had been happy for you. Everyone you knew was happy for you. So why couldn’t your own father be? 
“Seokjin, talk to me,” you pleaded, trying once again and taking one of his hands. “I don’t care what my dad thinks,” you repeated slowly. 
“But I do,” he said with a resigned sigh. 
You wanted to tell him he didn’t have to. You wanted to feel frustrated, but you couldn’t, because if things had been the opposite way around, his family not accepting you, you would have felt the same way too. Those few scary moments when his mom had found out, they were nothing compared to your dad’s reaction today. 
“I’ll see you in a week then?” You wanted it to be an assertion, but it came out more like a question. Seokjin nodded. “Message me before your flight takes off?” 
“I will,” he replied, managing a small smile. 
You hesitated, wanting to reach over and hug him more than anything, but you settled on a quick kiss to his cheek and slowly got out of the car. You hadn’t missed the way he’d sadly closed his eyes as he felt your lips on his skin, as though attempting to savour the feeling. 
Your legs felt wobbly as you walked to your door. 
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Written 2022. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2022
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kiestrokes · 1 year
goodsoop's couch and ramen recs: BTS
🗝️note: oh look, it's the list I started before manic deactivating back in march. rip to my og rec tag and all those lovely fics. Sadly, this is only new fics from my tbr and not my full collection 🥲 BUT this is for the fluff, slice of life and sfw readers! personally for the acespec babes who sometimes get icked out by smut.
my plus one by @btsgotjams27 🍜This is kicking the blankets, cuddled up on the couch, eating snacks with your girlfriends watching a new elite romcom worthy. I love this Jin so very much.
the one with seokjin, soju, and all the stars in the sky by @eoieopda 🍜 "Sojin has entered the chat," - when I tell you I screamed in laughter at this cuteness. You really nailed how a Sagittarius remembers the little things too.
the one with yoongi, netflix and zero chill by @eoieopda 🍜 “cum over?” - JADE 😂 omg, why is the embodiment of every casual relationship I have been in. The way that I felt every awkward and soft moment, deep in the crevice of my bones.
Just Between Us by @herecomesjoon 🍜 “I figured he would be safe with the bookshelf.” - Saturn nooo! You should have seen my look of alarm. We cannot trust Joon to build anything. The gathering of little moments in this is my favorite thing ever!
And on the seventh day... by @moni-logues 🍜 it’s giving lazy Sundays, cuddled up with our own personal sunshine.
We'll Never Have Sex by @eoieopda 🍜 You were already melting into a puddle under that sunshine in his eyes - how this entire fic and your writing made me feel.
Hungry (For Your Love) by @minisugakoobies 🍜The way that this gives me reversed Spike x Buffy roles, the setting immediately putting me in Sunnydale and with Namjoon of all people 🫠
just like riding a bike by @effortandmore 🍜 Listen...this is like walking through an OST music video, so colorful and whimsical.
pork belly by @yoongiphoria 🍜I love love love this, it's so realistic and Jimin's personality traits were captured beautifully. Have thought about this many times while I was away.
adonis by @xjoonchildx 🍜 if you love Ana’s provocative humor this is a must read, obviously I came for Jimin but I stayed for Mrs. Yun.
Swoon by @minisugakoobies 🍜I'm pretty sure I blacked out after that description of THE Park Jimin dressed as Harley Quinn, and my jaw on the desk at Tony Stark JJK. Please this is every army x comic nerds wet dream.
Maybe by @leviackermanscleaningbuddy 🍜 Elite F2L, unrealized mutual pining and a little angsty, just how I like it.
T-Shirt by @still-with-koo
🍜 “You trying to make me throw up or something?” - LO I laughed so hard at this that my eyes hurt from them crinkling. Oh, I adore this couple and their witty teasing.
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bangtanwritershq · 9 months
BangtanWritersHQ Presents: “A Gift From Me To You" Masterlist
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For December 2023, we assembled a masterlist collection of fics to celebrate gift-giving. Whether that’s an actual present wrapped up nicely or a decadent orgasm delivered with care (or not)! There are many different AUs, genres, and pairings featured! So, if you're in the mood for all things gift-giving, this is the right place for you!
Browse at your leisure and ENJOY!
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🔞 - nsfw (mature themes) ✅ - sfw (no warnings) 💖 - smut ⚠️ - other warnings
SET UP - emojis: Title (if link is to another platform) | Author [parts] pairings, genre/aus, rating, word count
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🔞💖 A Christmas Favor | @moonleeai [1/1] Pairing: Seokjin x f.Reader x Taehyung AU Type: Cabin Getaway, Holiday Traditions | smut Rating: MA WC: 3,395
✅ The Perfect Gift | @moonleeai [1/1] Pairing: Park Jimin x Named Reader Taylynn AU Type: Fake Dating, F2L, Romcom | fluff Rating: PG WC: 6,346
🔞💖⚠️ Till Death Do Us Part | @colormepurplex2 [4/4] Pairing: Hitman Yoongi x Kidnapped f.Reader AU Type: Mafia/Arranged Marriage, E2L | angst,smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 41,132
🔞💖⚠️ Play With Fire | @colormepurplex2 [2/2] Pairing: Arsonist!Hoseok x Criminal!f.Reader AU Type: Crime, Infatuated Lovers | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 8,170
🔞💖⚠️ Flowers of Fate | @colormepurplex2 [4/4] Pairing: UnseeliePrince!Yoongi x Human!f.Reader (ft. x UnseelieGuard!Jungkook x SeeliePrince!Jimin x WoodNymph!Namjoon) AU Type: Fantasy/Magick, Strangers to Bonded Mates | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 56,072
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All stories copywritten of the specified author. The authors provided consent for their stories to the network to be shared by submitting their stories. Stories posted in the order of submission to the event.
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concealedrecs · 1 year
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This month I reread a lot of deepslowpanic, and it felt like a good rec from them would be a Namgi fic.
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Fic: You’re One in a Melon
Author: deepslowpanic
Fandom: BTS
Pairing: Kim Namjoon/Min Yoongi
Rating: Explicit
Length: 20165
Recommendation: This is a really good romcom namgi premise - frankly one of the things deepslowpanic does best. Yoongi gets on Farmers Only and accidentally seduces hot farmer Kim Namjoon. This fic has an equally delightful Christmas add on, and generally was an enjoyable experience.
Previous months can be found here.
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kpopfanfictrash · 2 years
Not Another Holiday Romance (Teaser)
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Posting Date: Saturday, December 24th at 6:00 PM EST
Part of: the Snow Falls Collaboration with @underthejoon and @suga-kookiemonster
Genre: Director!Y/N, Town Historian!Namjoon, One Night Stand!AU
Author's Note: This story will be told in alternating viewpoints between Y/N and Namjoon.
Synopsis: You, a perpetually alone (and utterly cynical) movie director, are sent to the town of Snow Falls, Middle-of-Nowhere for your latest film assignment. Stuck in holiday hell until the new year, you’re determined to get in and get out with minimal damage to your Grinch reputation. That is, until a ridiculously gorgeous (and young?!) town historian is assigned to help with your film. Suddenly, you find yourself the heroine of one of those corny romances you direct – and are discovering they might not be so corny after all.
Estimated WC (Total): 30K
Rating: 18+
Preview WC: 2,021
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“But I don’t care what they think,” insists Matt, stepping closer. “I’ve spent my entire life hearing about what I should and shouldn’t do and right now, I don’t care about any of it. I care about you. On Easter,” he adds, blonde hair shining underneath the bright lights.
Bunny – because yes, the character’s real name is Bunny – smiles up at Matt, blinking away tears. Except – hang on. No. Bunny is actually crying, which isn’t in the script.
Exhaling loudly, you push yourself to stand. “CUT!” you call, ignoring the groans from the crew. “Amber, the script says, ‘eyes glistening,’ not full-on waterfalls. Matt’s telling you he wants you, not going off to war. Let’s do it again!”
Dropping her dewy expression, Amber Carmichael (the actress cast as Bunny) turns, squinting against the lights. “You sure?” she calls, raising a hand to her brow. “I thought it added something to the moment! You know, like catharsis.”
“The only thing it added,” grumbles Matt – both the name of the actor and character, “was confusion.”
Ignoring him, Amber flips long, dark hair over one shoulder. “Alright,” she says, unconcerned. “Let’s go again!”
Trying not to sigh, you sit down in your chair. Hiding laughter, your assistant director, Abby, ducks behind her green binder.
“This is gold,” she murmurs as the crew resets. “If this movie weren’t already terrible, Amber’s acting would get it there.”
“And why does that make you cheerful?” you ask. “I’m the director and you’re the assistant director. Our names are tied to this.”
Shrugging, Abby flips a few pages. “Hey, I enjoy my job. We’re making content for people who just want to relax after dinner. An important job which keeps 74.6% of bored housewives from killing their husbands. It’s true – look it up.”
You, of course, do not bother to look it up because Abby is known for making up statistics to suit her purpose. Most are rooted in a semblance of truth though, and you know that people watch Mallhark – your employer – for a reason. Basic escapism if nothing else.
You just aren’t sure an Easter romcom was what they had in mind.
Matt and Amber are currently acting before a greenscreen, the rolling green hills to be added in later. Abby might see this as glass half-full but from where you’re sitting, things look pretty dismal. The main character of your movie is named Bunny, for crying out loud.
Once upon a time, when you were first promoted to director and tasked by Mallhark to make the holidays magical, you took great pride in your work. You stayed up until morning making edits, pouring over screen tests, and searching for locations but lately, you can barely drag yourself to set. Lately, everything has felt stale, and you aren’t sure how to recapture the magic for yourself, let alone someone else.
Pulling your lower lip between teeth, you shove this aside to concentrate on the moment. Magic or not, you need to finish this film today. Your flight out of here is tonight and Mallhark doesn’t take kindly to schedule delays.
“All set?” you yell, waiting for the crew to respond. Once they do, you nod. “Okay. Three… two… one…” You signal to start, settling back in your seat.
Brian, your main camera operator, zooms in to frame the shot. A second operator, Siying, works a hand-held for close-ups. Everyone on set feeds off one another – one of the few things you still appreciate about movie making. Even the cheesiest, cheapest films necessitate a tremendous crew.
Amber and Matt start their scene from the top, with Amber perched on a rock to stare at the (fake) sunset.
Matt runs into frame, startling Bunny into falling sideways, nearly into his lap. The two confess, laying their insecurities out between them. Like a grocery list, Bunny rattles off her fear of commitment, of abandonment and Matt wholeheartedly accepts her as her leading man.
Watching this, you feel a slight twinge in your chest. It’d be nice if real life could be that simple. In your experience though, men tend to run the moment flaws are unearthed.
“I care about you. On Easter,” Matt blurts, ending his monologue.
Bunny stares up at him, starry-eyed. You have to hand it to Matt – as a Mallhark veteran, he really knows his stuff. Cheating his angles, he gives the camera crew the shot they need while continuing to gaze into Bunny’s eyes.
Amber isn’t quite as good, staring back with her lips parted. Maybe it wouldn’t seem so provocative if she hadn’t just come from amateur porn. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the angles and facial expressions are wildly different here on Mallhark.
Abby must be thinking the same since you catch her scribbling a note in her binder. Possibly edit out porn sigh during ending?
“Oh, Matt,” Bunny says. “I love you.”
“And I love you, Bunny.” Matt gathers her to him, and you close your eyes to brace yourself for the next bit of dialogue. “I’m hop-lessly in love with you.”
The two of them laugh, only sounding slightly strained, which is the best you can hope for. Matt presses his lips to Bunny’s, and you wait an appropriate time before you yell cut.
“That’s it!” you call, standing from your chair. “Thanks, folks!”
Amber and Matt break apart, the crew loudly applauding the successful take. Sagging in your seat, you hear Abby close her binder with a snap.
“So,” she declares. “That was fun.”
Rather than respond, you lower your head and start to rub your temples.
Abby makes a tsking noise. “You’re becoming cynical, Y/N. How can you not love this channel? Come on, think about it – the meet cutes! The banter! The romance! The bunnies!”
“I’m allergic to rabbits,” you mutter.
“Huh.” Abby tilts her head. “Well, bad luck getting assigned to the Easter movie, then.”
“And besides,” you exhale, looking up. “Let’s call a spade a spade, Abby. We’re not solving world hunger. These movies are thinly veiled Christian propaganda that’s being spoon-fed to the viewer. I’m surprised we don’t do blatant product placement, too. Really lean into the consumerist angle.”
“Damn.” Abby snorts. “Who spit in your peppermint mocha this morning?”
“And that’s another thing,” you gripe, jiggling your empty cup. “This mocha was terrible! I should be at least able to taste coffee, right?”
“Depends. Most people who order peppermint mochas just want the chocolate.”
“Ugh. I’m sorry,” you sigh, knowing you’re being unfair. “I’m just in a crappy mood today.”
“You’ve been in a crappy mood for a week,” Abby says, standing from her chair. Stretching both arms overhead, she leans side to side. “Don’t shoot the messenger, but as your best friend I feel obligated to let you know.”
Stomach sinking, you follow her lead and stand. Abby is right. You’ve been generally terrible to be around, and it isn’t her fault. Trailing her throughout the set, you wave goodbye to the crew on your way to the door.
Normally, you’d stay and help clean, but time is of the essence if you want to make your flight. Mallhark, in true capitalist fashion, has scheduled your films back-to-back. You’re even missing the wrap party, which tends to be a trainwreck but in the fun kind of way.
“I know,” you sigh, pushing open a door. “The worst part is I don’t have any right to be a grump. I mean, I have a good job. I’m directing, which is what I want to do. I have a nice place to live. I have food on the table, I have friends –”
“Friend,” Abby corrects, then waves a hand. “Continue.”
Your glare at her is half hearted because once again, she’s correct. “Anyways,” you say, pushing through a second set of doors. “I have everything I need, so I don’t know why I’m in such a funk.”
“Hm,” Abby says in a tone which says incoming monologue.
Stopping at your trailer, you turn around to face her. “Come on,” you say, gesturing with one hand. “Out with it.”
Abby innocently blinks. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Tell me the thing you want to say.”
“It’s just.” She shrugs. “It’s basic science.”
You stare at her for a moment. “Okay, I’ll bite. How is this science?”
“95% of people aren’t happy with what they have.”
“Is that so?”
“Yep.” Abby nods, dark hair flying. “Okay, so I may have made up that number, but it sounds right, doesn’t it? What I mean is – it’s all Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Sure, all your physical and safety needs are met but what about the rest? Are you satisfied and proud of your work? Does having only one friend” – Abby gives you a long look – “fulfill your quota on love and belonging?”
Whatever retort you had dies in your throat, unable to suitably respond. Abby has a point. True, you have it better than some, but it doesn’t mean things in your life are that great. Especially given the email you received last week.
Exhaling slowly, you stare at a point above Abby’s head. “I got the casting list for our next movie,” you mutter.
“O-kay.” She frowns. “Not sure how this ties into our conversation, but okay.”
Dropping your gaze, you look at her. “Nico was cast as the male lead.”
Her eyes widen. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.”
Abby falls silent, clearly struggling to come up with a positive response. You should tell her there isn’t one – you’ve been sitting with this for over a week and have nothing.
Nico Taylor, aka The Ex. Also known as Mallhark’s leading man/heartthrob from many a 00’s movie. He had a brief action career before stepping from the spotlight to ‘sort things out,’ or attend serious therapy to undo the effects of childhood stardom. Now, he’s reemerged on the Mallhark scene.
You met him last fall, had a whirlwind romance where you experienced love for the first time and then, come January 1st, you found yourself dumped. It was brutal, fast, and made all the worse by the fact that you both work for Mallhark.
Thus far, you’ve been able to avoid working with Nico, but it seems your good luck has run out. Typically, directors are involved with casting decisions. Your next film though, is a Christmas movie being shot on location. That means permits, logistics and specific timelines. Because of this, your film schedule changed abruptly and overlapped with your current film. Casting was delegated and now, look where you are.
On the one hand, it’s a sign of Mallhark’s faith in the script to assign such a big star. On the other hand, you’ll be trapped in a remote location with your ex-boyfriend for a month.
Abby slowly shakes her head, her mouth a round o. “Well.” She pauses. “Shit, Y/N. I don’t even know what to say. Let’s go and get drunk at the airport?”
You can’t help but laugh; it’s such an Abby response but for once, you agree. “I mean, yeah. Let’s do it,” you say, pulling open your door. “I’ll grab my bags and meet you out front? We can call an Uber.”
Abby nods, waving goodbye as she heads for her trailer. You’re halfway inside before realizing something and poking your head back out.
“Abby?” you call.
She stops, jogging in place as she turns around. “Yeah?”
“Where are we headed?”
A delighted grin spreads across Abby’s face, which should be your first warning. Stomach sinking, you deduce it’s somewhere suitably cheesy.
“Snow Falls,” she says, clapping both hands together. “Isn’t that adorable? Sounds like something out of a Christmas story!”
“Dear god,” you groan, pulling your head back inside. “I’m going to need more than the in-flight wine to get me through this.”
Zipping up your bag, you place this on the ground and look around your trailer. No personal effects, which is just how you like it. Fewer things to pack means fewer things to repack when the stint inevitably ends.
Five weeks, you remind yourself. Only five weeks until you can repack again.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2022. Do not copy or repost without permission.
Teaser #2: definitive ranking of sluttiest male sweaters
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yoonia · 1 year
UHHH THE SINGLE MOM FIREFIGHTER NAMJOON WIP?? Please I wanna know everything you wanna say about it omfg😭
Okay, here we go *rolls sleeves, cracks fingers*
untitled #4 (knj; firefighter joon; single mom au) (side note, I do have a title in mind but nothing is definite yet)
Premise: a very busy and tired and super clumsy single mom of two girls meets a super kind man (Joon) during one of her most stressful days where he ends up helping her get out of a bind. Joon manages to swoon not only the mom but the little girls too but in her hurry, she fails to know more about him (not even his name). Due to a mishap at her workplace and then a clumsy dare on her night out with friends, they end up meeting a couple more times which later ends up with her taking him home while the kids aren't with her. Let's just say the mom gets lucky with the hunk that night lol
I'm planning this story to be a super cute romcom, (hopefully) a short one-shot fic with sweet smut and instant romance featuring firefighter Joon :')
'WIP ask meme: let's talk about my WIP :)'
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here4kpopfics · 1 year
Works In Progress and Ideas
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This is listed in no particular order. I'm working on each one as I feel like it. With work, a social life, and so many other real life shenanigans getting in the way, I'm trying my best to get these out there.
Piece of Greece - Namjoon x reader x Seokjin
Namjoon plans another getaway, and after what happened in the Swiss mountains, you’re both eager and nervous about what, or who, will be there.
Show You - Taehyung x reader
After teaching your bestfriend how to deepthroat and confessing to him, you two decide to stay friends. But he still needs help figuring himself out, and who are you to deny him?
For Us - Taekook
Taehyung comes home to a note from Jungkook saying he's at a hotel and to come by before nine if he wants to fix things...again. But it's two in the morning, he couldn't have left yet, right?
Friends - Seokmin x reader
Your childhood best friend turned college fuck buddy of three years, Seokmin, wants to end your situationship and wants to go back to just friends. But how do you go back after all that time together?
Wooyoung Comfort Fluff (title TBD) - Wooyoung
You’ve been planning this day for weeks with your boyfriend. But today is one of those days when you can’t face yourself in the mirror. Wooyoung is determined to make you see how beautiful you are
Here In My Car - Jungkook x waitress reader
After a day of bad luck and a miserable shift, your favorite customer offers you a ride home.
Ian - Jungkook x twitch streamer reader
You have a relatively moderate size following on twitch and TikTok, making it easier for you to interact with everyone. What you weren’t expecting, however, was one of them being Jeon Jungkook of BTS under the guise of Ian.
Needy - Bang Chan x reader
You pick up your boyfriend after a night out with his friends. The only issue is he becomes very needy after drinking. Not that you’re complaining.
Just Like Magic - Yeonjun x reader
Your best friend ditches your night out once again, and you’re just about ready to give up and go home. That is until a tall cotton candy haired boy comes up to you with an adventure book.
Feeling in Chaos: Fall pt. 3 - Jungkook x reader
Ryujin's POV leading up to the crash as well as the aftermath. Pumpkin patch, fights, feelings.
Sweet Ink - Baker!Yoongi x tattoo artist reader
The shop next you just got leased out to a cupcake shop and immediately, you and the owner hate each other.
Not Like The Movies - Jungkook x reader
The biggest mistake you ever made was in college when you hooked up with the one and only Jeon Jungkook at a graduation party. You two had a falling out in high school when he betrayed you, and sleeping with him was a moment of weakness. Fast forward five years later, you’re a successful screenwriter, mainly for romcoms, and you just got an amazing opportunity to help write for a movie for a major production company. The only problem? Jungkook was signed onto the project as well and you two have to work together without fighting with him over the past.
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suga-kookiemonster · 2 years
Ooo fic recs! I really enjoyed The Misadventures List by @kimvvante, a legit funny Jimin/Reader romcom fic. I also was enthralled by Guardian by ALESS97 (on AO3), an introspective Wolf Hybrid!Namjoon/Human!Reader fic that is a beautiful slow burn.
I always feel a bit…odd about recommending my own fics because I feel like some hawker at a carnival or a pushy salesperson, but you did mention that if we want to recommend our own fics you might check them out. And you know what? I’m quite proud of these two 🤣:
(Blank) For The Holidays - Yoongi/Reader Christmas fic
Microcosmos - Jungkook/Reader (which I know I linked in an ask to you eons ago but dammit, I still like it haha)
i actually started the misadventures list a while ago and life got in the way so i lost track of it. but thanks for the reminder 😊 will also check out the others you've mentioned, because they sound interesting 👀👀 hope you're doing well~
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kimchokejin · 2 years
Tag game - bts this or that
Tagged by @blueside-hobi thank you I've secretly always wanted to do one of these because I have OPINIONS. This isn't normal but I'm explaining my rationale for all of them because I need you to know why I chose what I chose
Idk how to insert a read more on mobile sorry
bubble tea with namjoon OR smoothies with jin
1. I love bubble tea
2. Maybe I'm drinking my tea and I accidentally suck up a boba and I start choking and then he tries to give me the heimlich and it's not like it's gonna work but I don't think I'm gonna die choking on a boba. But it's like one of those cute romcom moments where after you just kinda look at each other and get embarrassed but it builds the romantic tension? It's cute okay
3. If I choked on a piece of frozen fruit jin would just laugh at me
play among us with yoongi OR play minecraft with hoseok
1. Among us is fun
2. Yoongi would be a GREAT opponent
3. Idk how to play minecraft that would be a disaster
learn all the BTS dances OR learn all the BTS song lyrics
1. I'm not a good dancer
2. I like to sing and attempt to rap and if I don't learn the lyrics to bts songs I'm still gonna try and sing along except its more like I just make sounds with the right melody and rhythm and some of the right vowels and that's just not great for anyone
3. There are more opportunities to sing along to bts songs than there are to dance along to bts songs. And you need a group of people to learn the dance with you or else you're gonna look stupid
hang out with bts backstage after a show OR have BTS perform a private gig for you and your friends
1. Both of these sound horrible tbh but if bts were performing a private gig for me and my friends (a VERY small group of people) that would be the most uncomfortable experience ever. They would just be looking at me and I would be looking at them and they would be singing. That's just so weird
2. Maybe I would get free drinks backstage and I can just sit with yoongi in the corner on my phone
meet taehyung dressed as a cucumber OR meet jungkook with food spilled down your shirt
1. Who's the cucumber? Is it me or taehyung? I love the english language
2. Either way it's just funny
3. I don't want food on my shirt! That's my shirt!
hang out with BTS or have BTS want to hang out with you
1. What if I'm hanging out with bts and they don't want to hang out with me? I would peel my skin off
2. I like to appear cool and unattainable 😎
cuddle with hoseok OR work out with jungkook
1. I'm nervous
2. I literally...I had a phase where I was like, I want to build up my upper body strength because I wanna be able to pick people up like it was nothing. And I started doing pushups to daechwita every day. It didn't last but I do still want to do that so who better to learn from???
cook with jin OR cook with yoongi
1. Jin can't eat garlic. Who wants to eat food without garlic
2. Jin would probably get so impatient with me I am so slow when I cook
3. Yoongi would be really patient and if he got impatient he would take over but not give me the "do I have to do everything around this house" spiel and I wouldn't actually have to cook that much which is probably for the best
get singing lessons from vocal line OR get rapping lessons from rap line
1. I have vocal lesson trauma
2. I wanna learn how to rap so bad!!!
visit paris with taehyung OR visit greece with namjoon
1. I've been to athens before and the vibes were immaculate
2. It's warmer there and I'm a chilly little baby
3. Namjoon would want to go to all the museums
have jimin's fashion style or have jungkook's fashion style
Why can't I do both 😭
spill a drink on namjoon OR spill a drink on jimin
1. He's either gonna have a wet t shirt or he's gonna have to take off his shirt. Its a win win
2. They're both gonna spill drinks on themselves anyway so I don't feel bad
look after min holly OR look after kim yeontan
1. I've heard yeontan has some health problems and I just don't trust myself to be able to take care of him properly
2. If I take good care of yoongi's favorite dog maybe I'll be his favorite girl 😏
Tell BTS your most embarrassing confession (about them) OR tell Jimin he’s short
1. I don't even know which embarrassing confession to CHOOSE
2. Jimin knows he's short it's fine
go to the amusement park with hoseok OR go to the movie theatre with jungkook
1. We would both be babies about the scary rides together
2. He would probably buy me a souvenir
3. I don't like amusement parks tbh but I wanna hang out with hobi 😊
accidentally wake up yoongi OR mess up a dance move in front of hoseok
1. I have no idea what yoongi would do if he was woken up suddenly. I fear for my life
2. If I mess up a dance move in front of hobi he would probably give me a disappointed look and that's kinda hot
squish jimin's mochi cheeks OR touch jin's WWH face OR poke namjoon's dimples
1. Why would you say that
2. Poking is just a little bit annoying. Squishing is VERY annoying. Touching is just mortifying
3. I would sing dimple in my head while I was doing it. I love that song
I'm embarrassed to tag anyone but if you see this and wanna do it say I tagged you!!! These games are so funny to me I would love to see your choices
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foxymoxynoona · 2 months
Just for fun, since you said you considered converting some stories of yours to be published, what names would you give each of the members for their romcom debuts? 🤭
SO actually converting stories will probably include a lot of "de-Korean-ifying them" because let's imagine a world where I convert multiple of my stories... it would be super weird if I seem to only write about Korean men LOL. So I've been doing a thought exercise of which stories is keeping the Korean factor most important in, and so far I *think* it's Meadow and maybe Tell Me What Changed. I think Sea of Indigo and Amended would need to retain an Asian male lead but I could rework them to create a man from another Asian country...
But just for fun, I did start to defanfic Sea of Indigo but kept in Korea a couple years ago and I just looked up what names I had given everyone for that:
Sanghoon - Namjoon Daeyun - Jungkook Minhae - Jimin Kyong - Taehyung Hak-kun -Hoseok Eugene - Yoongi Sam - Seokjin
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