sansxfuckyou · 4 months
shit is once again hitting the fan for the mcyt fans
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swanpit · 1 year
so i kinda have minor rant about fairytale au with pib2 in general: hot take : funny thing i just realized that in terms of old disney fairytale aus, the one who actually fits to be in the princesses' spot more without tweaks is PERRITO (but your romance route will be blocked, not that it's a bad thing) like puss doesn’t have quite similar problem a lot of these princesses did- so most of the time peeps just insert him in the princess' spot and i was like...how is this even gonna work? imo it all feels ooc for him tbh puss had good family right? good mom, perrito is the one with shitty and abusive owner/family but is the sweet and nice and kind friend to all living things and death as the straight up villain doesnt feel right either, (but if you make it more composite i find that can work better, make more sense, make their character matters more than their au roles so to speak? make it actually them than just name/faceswap them into their role that doesnt always gonna fit because obviously even sometimes there’s similarities, it’s different characters....) maybe i was already spoiled with shrekverse's way of deconstructing fairytale tropes at this point but yeah. like they already did a good job bringing something new and fresh to the table why do you want to go back to the old cliche ways that feels so boxing? when sometimes the character doesnt fit the box but is then forced to? so i dont want to do it that way, it doesnt quite make sense to me
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bloodswapkinfessions · 4 months
watching a vod of someone criticizing lily orchard and i got a june crocker memory where we watched the video and was booing(at lily orchard) and cheering(at the youtuber bringing up good points). that was our superbowl it was awesome there was lots of shouting
i have no idea who lily orchard is but we love a group bonding activity!!!
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soubiapologist · 2 months
wondering if like. mimuro always had a thing for nisei or if he started having a thing for him after nisei started being IN HIS WORDS NOT MINE "seductive" and if so was nisei just being himself and mimuro was like wuoagh or was nisei intentionally manipulating him. like they're been friends since middle school iirc so like around 13 years old and nisei probably wasn't THAT bad back then so like. what happened in the interim like where did this start and where is this going..........
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i promise i'm not insane, i promise okay, but-
the fact that el is lying in her letters to mike to make herself seem more appealing is one of the verrrrry first things they set up in the whole season. that she is lying is an unquestionable fact, even if you're GA. it's so canon it's a key plotpoint in three characters' arcs.
but mike??? we don't know what he was writing in his letters to her, only that he signed them all "from, mike." but considering how he reacted to the revalation that she had been lying, i don't think he was also actively lying to her. he wouldn't have any real reason to anyway; el already knows firsthand what his life is like.
so el is shown to be lying about nearly everything she says in her letters. el is shown to be, specifically, telling mike the complete opposite of the truth and to be doing her best to keep those lies up even in person. el is the one signing her letters "love, el."
another interesting detail about el's lies is the fact that they aren't just minor alterations of the truth. she's failing math, but rather than telling mike she's better at something else she says it's her favourite. she's relentlessly bullied and ostracized, rather than saying she's met a couple of friends she says she has a lot. she's bullied by ANGELA, in particular, but in the world she creates in her letters to mike angela is a close friend!!! it's not just an escapist fantasy, it's a complete inversion of the truth. flipping it upside down.
mike isn't shown to be lying to her at all in his letters. in fact, the only thing he's indisputably confirmed to lie to her about in this season, so canonically that it's the basis of a whole scene, is that he's been saying he loves her. mike is the one signing his letters "from, mike."
el only tells mike she loves him through the lens of her letters and their fabricated dreamworld tailored to seem as appealing as possible. mike only tells her he loves her through the lens of will's painting and nameswapped confession.
the things el says in the voiceover of her letter go against the truth of the footage of her lenora life being shown onscreen at the same time. mike's claim that he loved her from the moment he saw her goes against the truth of the flashback that plays, of a scene where he was searching for will but stumbled across el instead.
'The First I love You' and 'The First Lie'. the correlation is so strong it seeps into the fucking soundtrack.
it can't even be brushed off as subtext!!! not when the tangled relationships between mike and el and love and lies were the entire focus of their relationship this season!!! denying the evidence would mean quite literally denying that the plot of the show is canon!!!
el lies about her life and feelings to seem more desirable. she signs every letter with "love, el."
mike lies about how he's proven he loves her in the past. when he tries to enforce the fact that he loves her in the present, he focuses on the past, trying to impress on her that "and i knew, right then and there, in that moment, that i loved you."
el wants to live a perfect, happy life, opposite to what she goes through in the real world. a life where she goes to parties at the roller rink. a life where her grades are good. a life where she's best friends with her popular bullies. a life where she has a boyfriend, and they're in love. she does whatever she can to maintain that fantasy, even trying to rope angela into it, but mike doesn't keep it up on his part. when he comes to visit, the dream world she's built is shattered. mike still can't say he loves her to her face, and she can't keep pretending. she signs her note to him "from, el."
mike has always been the guy with the plan. he knows love makes el's powers stronger. he's the leader, he's the heart, and when things go bad the only way they can still beat vecna is if el truly believes she's loved. she confronted him with how he's failed at proving it in the past, so he does her one better. he tells el he's loved her since the very beginning. it doesn't matter how he's failed to show it, because it's been true all along.
it's too late. the fantasy is broken, and el is done lying. max still dies, the gates still open, and days after his grand confession, el will barely look at him.
boyfriends lie, but friends don't.
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peachgoosy · 2 months
professor layton in zero escape au... we are putting them in saw traps (spoiler warning for professor layton azran legacy and all of zero escape) (also tw for extremely cartoonish and poorly drawn gore)
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this situation kind of makes desmond a mix of santa and akane and makes hershel a mix of junpei and akane , it is also kind of dumb in any context outside of a silly au but yknow whatever
as im making this i realise the nameswap would probably work really well in this au bevause it symbolises their connection... connection... morphogenetic resonance... but also why would they do that here. whatever just walk with me
anyway now we've got 999 out of the way we get to put them in the saw traps for real
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eepersdoesthings · 1 year
owl house empires au masterpost - this will be edited and updated with new ideas!
hello! i am currently in progress of writing an empires owl house au fic, and i am currently in the planning stage! ive decided to show this off to the hellsite because why not
spoilers to the owl house under the cut so dont read this if u havent finished
the plot will be similar to the main series, with some tweaks and extra adventures to add something to it and not just make it a nameswap fic
the characters!
shelby - luz - 15, lives with her gran (camila noceda character)
katherine - amity - 15 and in the plant track at hexside,
gem - eda - the deer lady
sausage - basically just king but he can speak spanish because gem has some spanish books from the human realm
jimmy - willow - healing track, younger but more mature brother to lizzie, romantic interest is scott
lizzie - gus - oracle (and later potions) track, jimmy's older yet less mature sister, tries scamming people occasionally
mattholomule - joel - construction, rivals with jimmy, tries to help with new hexside during the collector's reign, but joey shuts him down.
emperor xornoth - belos - formerly a full human, now half demonic with the palisman curse, who was transported to the boiling isles with his older twin brother, scott. scott found love in a witch in the isles and xornoth murdered scott after finding out
the golden guard, scott - a grimwalker of the original older twin of xornoth, about the age of 16
fwhip - lilith - the older twin brother to gem, cursed her when they were children so he could enter the emperors coven. is the head of the emperors coven. attains half of gem's curse at the end of arc 1, where he becomes a
pearl - raine - beastkeeping coven head, gem's (former) best friend
joey - boscha - oracle (and later beastkeeping) track, katherine's friend(?)
pix - oracle coven head - a part of the rebellion
false - construction coven head - a part of the rebellion
(false and pix take the place of darius and eber, but would have vastly different personalities and motives from the original characters)
oli - steve - bard oriented emperors coven member who doesnt care anymore, is tasked with scott a lot on missions
i have another post in which i am asking for some help on the cast, but if any of yall have ideas, i will gladly take suggestions for chapters in this series! hopefully i can fully flesh out the story, otherwise i might just do one shots, but nonetheless i hope you enjoyed the idea!
(also all of my posts will have the "owl house empires au" tag so hopefully you can find them easily)
edit: new idea from @litteralflower17: gonna have the original xornoth and scott go by cohnal and alinar when they originally come to the boiling isles (like how philip went by belos and named caleb's clones hunter) so the original brothers would be cohnal major (sounds silly but whatever) and alinar major
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sprinklewinkles · 8 months
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open my tumblr to come in and post this.. bc i am desperate LOL. PLease RB
UFT faithful_neo_heart UC RB Kougra T8
Seeking nameswaps only. Open to any format, as long as it fits with my chara idea, which im picky for, apologies in advance!
DM/Pings welcome!
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anew-jackson · 6 months
joke: not taking anyone’s last name broke: her taking his last name woke: him taking her last name bespoke: both people take each others last name in a nameswap
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I've seen most people with nameswaps just. not change jade's name since it can be used more neutrally than Jane (very girl name).
John -> june
rose: I haven't ever actually seen anybody change rose's name either
Dave -> dove
jade -> jade. I suggest Joel as a possible name though anon's suggestion of Josh is also good
Jane -> jace or jaye
Roxy -> I have seen Ross but I think most people don't change Roxy's name
Jake -> I see Lara most often like Lara croft
dirk -> mostly I see Dash like rainbow dash
I'm answering this one because why not. Breath can add if they want. My personal suggestions as far as the list goes is,
John -> June (Obvs.)
Rose -> Roan
Dave -> Liza (Short for Elizabeth, since that's a popular fanon middle name for him. David then becomes the middle name. You understand.)
Jade -> Josh (Crow Strider AU was right about this one, idc idc.)
Jane -> Jaye is pretty damn good, but I'm a fan of calling him Dick like the old picture books, plus "Dick" is an old word for a detective. Also, his friends tease him endlessly about it.
Roxy -> I'm not sure on this one. Roye, maybe. The 4-letter constraint is unfortunate.
Jake -> I do love Lara, I'll have to keep that in mind. It's usually Jenn for me, though.
Dirk -> Kris (short sword and dagger, respectively. You're welcome.)
-- Mod Mage 🕶️
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twilightknight17 · 9 months
Heyo, everyone! The last major part of Hours is being worked on (yes, I know, I've said that before, please point and laugh while I'm not looking), despite my inability to focus for longer than a paragraph at a time right now. So on that note, I have a question for you all.
For purposes of [spoilers redacted], does anyone want their username included in the next bit?
Just reply with what you'd like to be called, or tell me to just use your blog name, or whatever. My only rules are "nothing vulgar" and "no canon Persona names."
(Other fandoms might get nameswapped to something silly.)
I'll reblog this again when I'm no longer taking names, but for now, you have plenty of time.
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razistoricharka · 9 months
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Hard to explain but these guys got nameswapped. First one is definitely a Srećko and the second is a Tomislav. The two Croatypes.
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moltara · 1 month
fun facts about my neopets!
mostly like, how i got them! bc idk why but i keep all this information tucked in my brain all the time
weetjetokje was My Very First Ever Xweetok rescued from an 18 year old account that i thought was lost to time until i submitted a ticket and was able to get it back! as soon as i got her, i vowed that she'd never leave my side again and painted her starry! i believe i rescued her from the pound shortly after creating my account, since she's around a week older than the account itself.
bliaz was a gift from someone i can only imagine was a former unconverted trader who just wanted their former UC plushie cybunny to go to a good home. they randomly messaged me after seeing my board post looking for one and just offered to adopt her out to me 😭 she was born in 2001!! she is my oldest neopet
on the subject of gifts, the following other pets were random gifts:
Northdawn - the thing that sold me on keeping her was the fact that she's a royalboy grarrl, but her gender is female. i LOVE royal pets with funky genders, this is a thing with me (Jittomiru is also a female royalboy pet!!)
i gained a reputation for being a Xweetok Fanatic on the neoboards, and thus quite a few people just Gave Me their painted xweeetoks bc they knew i'd give them a good home. this includes:
who were both given to me/traded to me by the same person! she wanted Snomad to go to a good home so she struck me a good trade deal, but she just gave Soahpe to me! :3
Mortanio has a similar origin story in which another person on the boards who LOVES xweetoks had him, but wasn't feeling inspired by his character. so they agreed to trade him to me on the premise that i keep him as a permie since i was looking for a halloween xweetok at the time!
Lilovia also was obtained like this!! she was technically my third robot xweetok i owned, and her previous owner agreed to do a robot xweetok nameswap with me bc i told them i'd keep Lilovia as a permie!
star_saver was a pound rescue who i saw was stuck in there since 2015 on lost and pound. it made my heart hurt bc his name was so sweet, so i exchanged one of my pets so that someone would rescue him from the pound, paint him relic, then trade him to me. (this is a weird arbitrary rule neopets has regarding trading pets for customs. don't worry about it)
i got InfernalCreature and Muimie from the same pet auction house last fall! this is a recurring bit where i will walk into a random pet auction house (or pah for short) and leave with one or two permies i didn't intend on getting.....i don't know why but these are the ones i usually end up latching onto the strongest too????!
i spent like a week THROWING all the fodder i found at FireEmblem's former owner before something struck their fancy and they agreed to trade him. i then rejoiced for like a month afterwards. he was the reason i got into neocash trading! bc i kNEW he needed to have a kickass custom to match his name.
prince_curse was another pound rescue who i had painted darigan then traded to me. i actually did trade him once in a pah, but i immediately regretted it and traded him BACK when i saw him listed in another pah :'3
Yhgo was obtained through a giveaway from a little group called "Second Chance Robotics" on the boards! they zap pets robot and then adopt them out to people! they were celebrating a milestone in their group, so they were giving away a robot draik to celebrate. robot draiks are notoriously tricky to obtain, as you can ONLY get them via the secret lab ray. i ended up applying and i wasn't chosen. BUT! the people in the group loved my application so much, they agreed to send me a completely DIFFERENT robot draik! and that's how i got Yhgo! :D
i think i might have rescued TroubledAngel from the pound bc i really wanted a stealthy gelert and that name just SCREAMED edgy guy to me. i used my premium perk to paint him stealthy bc this was back when stealthy paintbrushes were REALLY expensive
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bwugh dave lalonde [roxyways] here and i miss my stupid heart galsses!! i miss my cat!! i miss my sister/brother [rose got fun w zer gender love that for xem]!!! graghggh i want my guys back. my stupid awful friends. rose strider im shaking you around in my head rn. junebug. mx english. you horrible beast /aff. JADE. I MISS YOUR BAKING. RAGH.
YEAHHH HEART GLASSES REAL i hope you find everybody :D also if you ever wanna post a real canon call in my inbox go ahead!!!!
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soubiapologist · 4 months
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(this is kind of a long post that somehow turned into lowkey a conspiracy theory but i don’t want to rewrite the start bc it was written pretty much stream of consciousness and that amuses me)
maybe this is an unpopular opinion but i don’t want byler to be spoiled lol
crumbs, sure, little things that keep us invested, but i want to go into s5 completely unawares of how it’s gonna play out. i don’t want the cast or the official socials or some random leaker to tell me what’s gonna happen beforehand.
honestly the fact that so many people involved with the show have acknowledged byler yet none of them have shot it down as a possibility is a big enough crumb for me. or the way official netflix accounts have posted promotional things with byler since s4 dropped. yeah, they don’t have any involvement with the production of the show, but if the ship is being used for marketing then it’s considered a possible sales point.
actually now that i think of it, does anybody remember the june advent calendar??? when, immediately after v1 dropped, the official netflix accounts started posting pro-byler stuff damn near every day, to the point where we made an event out of it???
at the time we all got super hyped over it and then figured it was queerbait when they didn’t get together in v2, but isn’t it mighty fuckin convenient that the netflix accounts just “coincidentally” happened to start posting pro-byler stuff as soon as v1 dropped??? because yeah, byler started picking up traction immediately after it aired, but it took a while to really get the ball rolling. they started cashing in on the byler hyper train when it was only just beginning to grow from its tiny pre-s4 presence. seeing official accounts mentioning byler probably helped to cement it in a lot of people’s radar in the gap between the volumes. and didn’t noah also start saying he shipped byler around then??? 
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POSTED ON JUNE THIRD??? only a week after v1 aired??? and ppl were so surprised by this tweet that when he was on a panel somebody asked him if he got hacked 😭😭
back then it really seemed like “oh the official accounts are queerbaiting during pride month” but A: we know noah wasn’t just saying this for nothing,he’s made it very clear that he believes it and B: why the hell would they be queerbaiting the tiny fledgling post-v1 byler audience when it was only just coming together??!?
hindsight says something was afoot here actually. they started releasing the pro-byler agenda from its tightly locked enclosure AFTER the volume where mike tells will hawkins isn’t the same without him and will brings the painting “for somebody he likes” when they go to pick mike up, IN PREPARATION for the volume where will gives said painting to mike along with an extremely emotional nameswapped love confession and mike turns around and gives a stilted and phony confession to his girlfriend. why the hell was attention being drawn to byler outside of the show itself in that interval if not to make people recontextualize what they just saw in v1??? and then when they see v2 have that recontextualization validated when will is confirmed to be both gay and in love with mike??? and to pick up on the fact that mike and el’s relationship is on more rocks than your average pile of gravel???
we know that they’ve had actors straight up lie to the audience before, too, because even if u just take noah as an example he said in a JUNE interview that will’s sexuality was up to interpretation, and then not that long at all after v2 dropped he did the iconic “will is gay and in love with mike” interview!!! and obviously he knew that will was confirmed gay when he did the first interview bc they had filmed that scene like a year earlier. so the fact that he never rlly mentioned byler, except for vaguely negatively when he was a kid, until v1 comes out and “SUDDENLY” he’s byler’s biggest warrior doesn’t mean he randomly changed his mind, it means he hadn’t been allowed to talk about it until after volume 1. after the first half of the season that made the majority of byler shippers see it as a genuine possibility and even the most likely outcome.
sorry i have no idea how much sense this makes and i’ve completely derailed whatever i was talking about at the top of this post. has anybody pointed this out??? have i pointed this out and i just forgot??? help?!!?!??
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