canaanitechristian · 2 years
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janvāra nakti.// A night in January
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veronicawildest · 1 month
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by yours truly, veronicawildest
• Saturnian rashi (Sidereal Capricorn and Aquarius) knows how to handle fame. Yes, there are struggles (just like their mental health), but no matter what they do, people love them, and that will leave a mark on the minds of the audience. They are the type of people who, even though they are dead, are still known. The music they made is still being played, and movies with them in them, etc.
Sidenote: It can also be noticed that usually, when celebrities become famous, based on the mahadasha, no matter what planet is Shravana, as long as your mahadasha is Shravana, there is a high possibility that you will become famous. For example, if your current mahadasha is Shravana (it doesn't matter what the antardasha is), there is a higher chance you will be famous.
Celebrity example: Miley Cyrus (she gained fame when she was in Hannah Montana).
•The former is so ironic that you have acquaintances who are Shatabisha, but you only know them by name. They are secretive (more secretive than other Sidereal Scorpios). They are better known by the rumors about them than by their real identity (what do they really do?). This explanation is the effect of the height of Rahu (this is the final nakshatra of Rahu).
• I just realized that Princess Diana has a lot of similarities with Marilyn Monroe. Both were born on the 1st of the month. They are also in the same nakshatra (Dhanista). They remain famous even though they are deceased. If you notice, their Arudha lagna has Mars influence.
• Sidereal Cancer (Pushya and Ashlesha) is really overhated. I know that some reading this might ask, "Why did you include Pushya?" But there is too! They are definitely included in the hate, not just Ashlesha. Ashlesha is more self-centered compared to Pushya, so people only notice that Ashlesha ends up being hated, which is not the case. Most likely, Pushya Sun (the bashers will really flock to them).
• Saturn nakshatras are not for the weak. Even if it is said that Pushya's deity lord is Brihaspati, the guru will not condone your mistakes. You will truly experience lessons and hardships. Additionally, Saturn rules laziness. I don't know where the "hardworking" stereotype of Saturn comes from, because it's a slow-moving planet.
• Apart from Jyestha, Chitra and Vishakha nakshatras are envied by most. The deities of Vishakha are Indra (lord of Jyestha) and Agni (lord of Krittika).
The difference between Chitra and Jyestha is that Chitra deliberately provokes others (to annoy them), while Jyestha, yes, they also do that, but there is a subconscious factor. It is not their intention to provoke jealousy in others. The Jyestha that I know personally are happy-go-lucky. They even like to joke (heavily into memes) and are also very sociable. They embody typical Western Sagittarius traits like that.
• Most of the Purva Phalguni (including Jyeshthas) like to stay up late; they have big eye bags.
• The pairing I see most is Mars Vimshottari Nakshatra and Bharani (Sun/Moon). For example, Bill Burry and his wife, as well as a classmate who has a girlfriend that is a Bharani Moon. The pattern is also the same: Mrigashira Sun for the guys and Bharani Moon for the girls.
• I just noticed that Uttara Phalguni boys (or any Sun-ruled nakshatra) criticize a lot of women, but they also love attention from women. The best example of this is Rhino from LoveLiveServe.
The positive attributes that I noticed in Sun-ruled nakshatra men are their value for friendship. They value friendship a lot. Boys support boys.
• Krittika is all about survival. What I mean is the type where you are stranded on an island and don't know what is essential to do; Krittika is all about that. The one who can build a house is like a civilization. This is not the type like in Ketu nakshatra that can kill and conquer animals.
• Ardra, Mrigashira, and Hasta are the best proof of the "girl's girl" motto. They really love their friends. Yes, the rest of them have a mean streak, but they are the nakshatras that stand up for being a "girl's girl" and are really into women's empowerment, not just clout. They are the type that will really fight and rally for women's rights and also fight against injustices related to women. Mula women and Krittika nakshatra women too, but in a lesbian way.
• I can say that Rahuvians are romantic, just mixed with an obsession/crazy factor, especially in Arda and Swati nakshatras—especially Swati.
In Swati, it's really an obsession, which is ironic since they are all about freedom. It becomes mixed with craziness when it comes to love.
In Arda nakshatra, they tend to be clingy and always want to be together (this is only based on my acquaintances, and I have noticed this). That's why they are also prone to heartbreaks related to their romantic lives, as they have high expectations when it comes to romantic relationships.
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mercymaker · 3 months
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NAKTIS TYLI ⬩ mephistopheles tiefling ⬩ the archfey(?) warlock ⬩ outlander
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auset66 · 2 months
How to get out of this stuck feeling? 🍓🏡 (tarot)
1. Blue girl 2. Sleeping girl 3. Green girl 4. Cat girl
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2. Sleeping Girl 🛏💤
If you are looking for a sign that if you should go for that obviously very unrealistic goal yes go for it. You do have it in you and you sure can do it. Here it is as simple as to get your routine kicking and do things you are passionate about develop hobbies and just trust yourself. Talk to friends go out and yeah that's it just believe in yourself. I feel you are an ambitious and hardworking person you don't need motivation that much from external sources to go for something you want.
3. Green Girl ☘️🍃
I feel you are just confused jack of all trades. You are confused so that's why you are doing nothing cause what to pursue what to put time and energy then? Yeah so first of all you can actually pursue all these things all at once yes even if they seem obviously clashing one wants medical study and other wants engineering study type of situation, yet you can yes pursue it all (everything's on youtube). Secondly start writing your feelings everyday and re read it everyday even it random shit just write down your feelings everyday like a dairy it will help a lot to give your dreams and hobbies a shape which is what you are lacking right now. Also Pay attention to your dreams they might also help a lot to see what your subconscious really wants.
4. Cat Girl 🐱🥐
So I see you want to talk to either this one person or just want to talk to people be out there but your own thinking about yourself is keeping you from doing it. You are assuming things right now without any proofs. It's kinda sad. So for some it could be that you did something bad in past or it's just your own thinking about yourself that you feel you will just mess up either way or you don't deserved to be talked to all of it is keeping you from people as whole or that one particular person but either way finally doing it will help. Take the lead whatever Will happen atleast you won't feel this stuck up and you know this Choked up guilty feeling so yes first of all just have the courage to speak your truth and follow it like you always do.
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venussaidso · 2 months
Personal notes regarding the Jyestha exploration;
okay FINALLY I have an explanation as to why I was copied by girls specifically back in school. I used to write short stories so much that I'd carry on writing those stories during class time. My peers would get so curious about me, like why did I always look so busy with that big black notebook. One student would read my stuff, then one would turn into two, then two would turn into three. Until my work would be passed around class and I had quite some attention to me. My audience was mainly male classmates and then the girls caught their hands on my content.
And they liked my stories.
Tell me why two of them, at different occasions ofc, brought big black notebooks to class? And started writing the same EXACT stories that I wrote?
The worst part is they'd ask me to read them!! 😭
I have my Ketu in Jyestha.
Another not-so-coincidence is me wearing of an evil eye necklace. If I forget to wear it I panic for some reason lmao I ALWAYS feel safe with it or a talisman near me of some sort. I have the 8H in Jyestha. The 8H rules over fears and traumas. Ketu sitting there could mean living in survival-mode in my past life. Very interesting.
Also I don't find it flattering when people copy me. I actually hate it so much. That's why I don't share my work with people I know. Could be a past life thing.
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d4rkpluto · 6 months
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔬𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔶𝔭𝔢
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↳ the sexual feminine archetype of the mystic archetype.
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♇ when your percentage of the lover percentage is lower than 70%. and when your personal score matches with your percentage goddess the most. [your lover archetype is dominant and the mystic archetype is the second dominant too].
♇ the goddess is one of the sexual feminine archetypes that belong to the feminine archetype the mystic, whereas the other sexual feminine archetype is the enigma.
♇ people who belong to the goddess archetype are perceived to be sultry women, women who have an ethereal and laid-back essence which could be considered hypnotic and mesmerising to those around them. they have a type of emotional manner that keeps the people around them at arms-length.
♇ when developed, those who belong to the goddess archetype have an emotional intelligence that could be considered wise, and due to this, they might appear other-worldly to other people. even if they're people who are emotionally smart, due to them being distant to other people, they come off as aloof, but it is usually because they're focusing on themselves.
♇ as majority of them are naturally introverted, they are people who like solitude and isolation, sometimes like a hermit. and most of the times, they like to tend to hobbies that help them search inward, such as meditation.
♇ though, even though if they're introverted, they still like attention, they like being surrounded by their friends and loved ones.
♇ their appearance can come off as striking and to pair it off, they have a personality which could be perceived as distinct. as i have mentioned, goddess women like inner peace, so they tend to be interested in spirituality, connecting to something that is greater to them helps them feel comfortable, safe and protected.
♇ their most private area, where they feel the most comfortable is their home. it helps them keep a grounded energy. people find their energy to be alluring and pleasant, and even more enchanting and people find them to be at their most magnetic is when they're disappeared from the public, specifically when they're a celebrity. a good example, is alexa demie.
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♇ she is known to hide in the shadows a lot, and sometimes, well actually majority of the times, it has people wondering what she actually wants for her career. an example can be seen in this video.
♇ overall, goddess women are stars, even said by Ayesha her self, they're a star light years away, and only a few people can see their qualities.
♇ when close to their loved ones, they appeal and encourage their dreams and future wants. when they're closed to the people they care about, they're like a warmer version of a siren, which could be considered a "mermaid". a calm mystic essence, an aura that can make people want to be around them more.
♇ the description of a goddess woman can include them having a sultry voice and lush hair. they're women who take care of their appearance as how they look likely matters to them a lot.
♇ on one hand, they can become people too fixated on other things that cut them off from their comfortability. and since they are people who attract all kinds of people, one of them being curious individuals, they sometimes get overwhelmed and get into hiding. underdeveloped goddess women sometimes are not able to express their creative and "erotic" energy.
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♇ majority of the time, goddess women are peaceful and humanitarians. they're likely feminists and stand for a cause. and when speaking to them or hearing them speak, you'd realise they're usually kindly spoken people, very articulate.
♇ other people might see them as a young soul, or someone who brings refreshing energy. artistic energies, when fully developed they can easily bring their ideas to life.
♇ they like things that touch their soul, attracted to things that help them understand their roots and are not afraid to face their inner-depths. sometimes underdeveloped goddess women might fear to face their inner-depths to please other people in their life, to be a walking matt for them.
♇ as i did more research about goddess women, i understood that they can be deeply in touch with spirituality, and like to be very private. other people around them could sometimes feel like they cannot or dont live up to their potential. and sometimes this could lead people into thinking that they're stupid.
♇ they have a dreamy way of speaking, and even sometimes drag out their words. when they dont see themselves as the high value they are, they could get into relationships with people that dont really fit with their political views, specifically feminism.
♇ when it comes to their clothing, they like to wear garments that define their personality. could like aesthetics that are dark or portrays their femininity in a "broken" way. specifically lana del rey. most of them are into the vintage aesthetic, and have a style that other people want to replicate. [gabriette and alexa demie specifically].
♇ they're very expressive about their likes and dislikes, and most of the people i've watched are into getting tattoos, or are interested in having things that make their physique stand out.
♇ most of them have a strong connection with their mother and make-up, and sometimes they might allow make-up to help value themselves.
♇ goddess women understand that women can be many things, and can express themselves in ways the patriarchy dont want them to be elevated in. as they're seen as glamorous, they like to look good as they're usually under the spotlight. many goddess women have a popular partner, or even if their partner is unknown, they could be a respected person with an authoritative position. sometimes their partners could be their complete opposite.
♇ whenever goddess women are under the spotlight, the usually get meme'd a lot, or just whenever they do anything people speak about it. they could sometime feel suffocated by fame.
♇ as goddess usually represents fertility, it's not a surprise that most goddess women are into having a family of their own. but even if they want a family of their own, it doesnt mean they dont want to work, as i did research, i realised most goddess women were/are into modelling.
♇ they like to pursue a route that gives them happiness, so people in their social circle could think of them to be stubborn. they're usually questioned for their ideas and how they embrace their heritage and roots, and since they're usually questioned a lot, goddess women step into a role of being self-aware.
♇ some goddess women could be into cosmetic surgery, and can be a bit [but almost too much] into heteronrimity.
♇ their intelligence and beauty could be envied, they're open about their sexuality and most people look up to them for guidance. when doing research about them, i realised that a lot of them have been victim of sexual shaming, [even though many people have been in general, this has also happen to some of my friends who do belong to this archetype].
♇ when it comes to their appearance, a lot of them have doe/bug eyes, have luscious hair, they also have an earthly and natural type of beauty, which can make them be deemed as elegant and graceful.
♇ they like to be prepared for anything, especially career wise. and women who belong to the goddess archetype like to experience almost everything with their partner. sometimes might be seen as someone who is smothering. on the other hand, even though they like to be around their partners a lot, they also like to be private.
♇ and in a friendship group, they might be seen as the mother of the group, or you could say leader of the group. can be into making food, and also specifically the art of it. unlike the mother archetype, they dont only/mainly do it for their partner, they do it for themselves, their friends and the people they care about.
other goddesses ↴
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♇ goddesses i put above are eva peron, cindy crawford, dita von teese, jisoo, grace kelly and melania trump.
♇ understanding the goddesses archetype, is that it shows that they are women who are usually do focus on themselves, and can be so to themselves to the point that other people might feel like they do not know them at all.
♇ and to make the goddesses archetype easier to comprehend i gathered characters from different tv shows or films that come under the archetype.
♇ from yellow jackets - lottie matthews, lottie. is a big example of an underdeveloped goddess archetype, though it isnt necessarily her fault due to the trauma she has gone through while stuck in the wilds. she is a very spiritual person, and even isolates herself with other people to find herself. but due to her spiritual nature, people easily found way to see her as a leader and was advised for her guidance, during the time the team were stuck in the woods, lottie was seen as somewhat as a mother [not to be confused as the mother archetype as they are striking differences between the two]. she helps other people express their emotions and speaks about spirituality that could make other people uncomfortable.
♇ from the maden men franchise - betty draper, her character strengthens my idea that a lot of goddess archetypes are models, as she was a model for a print ad. she is a character who gets with a romantic partner that has authority, her romantic partner, don who is a completely different person to her, made betty express versions of herself that she disliked and wanted to change for the better.
♇ we have the addams family - morticia addams, for the fictional goddess women, morticia addams is a patron saint of what a goddess archetype is. her husband, gomez kisses the floor she walks on, morticia is a seductress and has a striking appearance that fascinates other people and makes other want to replicate her style, in real life [like vanessa hudgens] and in the show, wednesday. she is soft spoken, almost dreamy like and could be considered as laid-back and ethereal.
♇ from the postman always rings twice - cora smith, a mysterious woman who is married to someone who has authority, [an older man]. is perceived as a character that can also be deemed as an underdeveloped goddess archetype, who uses the love a man has for her to aid her to kill her husband.
♇ the fall of house usher - verna, another mysterious woman who does keep people at arms length, people come to her to have once in a life time deal, she uses her erotic energy to lure people in and capture them. she is wise, and has a calm essence that makes people comfortable around her. verna is prepared for everything and knows how to handle obstacles like how the two siblings, specifically the man went against her deal and hunted everyone in the usher family down.
♇ we have from the infernal devices and shadow hunter chronicles - tessa gray/herondale, like the other goddess archetype, tessa gray has a romantic partner who has high authority from the novel she is from. will herondale is the leader of the clave and is well respected. aside from that, tessa is usually under the spotlight because of what she is, and is seen to be someone who is serene, wise and has a warm energy that has many people want to be around her, but as she gets older, she does keep people at an arms length. in the early books, fertility was a big theme for her, as she was unsure if she could have children because of her being a half-demon. like a goddess archetype, tessa herondale has a grounded energy and has a striking beautiful appearance that other say is unconventional.
♇ from lore olympus/greek lore - selene, being a goddess herself, selene is someone who is respected and under the spotlight as she is a prominent and important figure for those who worship her, and like most women from the goddess archetype, she is someone who wants to have many moments with her loved ones, like endymion. a deity of fertility, she is someone who likes to keep in the shadows unlike her brother, helios who is considered to be flashy. selene has a personality that could be deemed as peaceful and timid like most women under this personality type.
♇ from the witcher franchise - yennefer of vengerberg, fertility was a big element to her character, as having a child was something she was not able to do, but with geralt, ciri was able to be her child surprise. and like the other goddess archetypes, yennefer is seen with a partner of authority/power, and it being geralt. her beauty is perceived as other-worldly, and becoming [beautiful], and powerful was so important to her that she constructed herself to become a better version of herself in a painful manner. there was a moment of the show, [i'll play the games later], that there had to be much internal search because she had lost her powers for a brief moment.
♇ next from legacies, there is josie saltzman - looking within herself was a big theme for her character, because she was known to be a character who was in her twin sister's shadow, lizzie for a long time; to the point that other characters had almost forced her to become a better version of herself, and even stand up for josie to her sister. josie was almost like a glass child. her main relationship, or most known one, is with someone who is the opposite of her, penelope, someone who had high authority within the boarding school she was in. even though josie is timid and shy, she is very emotionally intelligent, which is why people like to be around her a lot. she is understanding and empathetic.
♇ lastly, there is a character from winx club, aisha - in the show aisha is one of the main characters who gave advice to other people, sometimes she can be perceived as the mother of the group, [once again, to not be thought as the mother archetype]. when aisha was younger, aisha was isolated, which kind of made her into someone who is explosive and has a strong temper. and when. the series began, aisha was seen as anti-social, but when she is gotten to know more, the people around her are more aware of her open-minded traits.
♇ as i have done my research, i gathered that a lot of enigmas are are likely going to have capricorn, taurus and scorpio in their big six; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ they are also going to have leo, aries and taurus appear in their dominant signs; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ the planets sun, saturn and moon appeared in their dominant planets the most; in order of how much they appeared.
♇ the element that appeared the most was fire, second was earth.
♇ lastly, when it comes to the modality, what appeared the most was fixed.
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♇ feminine archetype masterlist
to find out what feminine archetype and sexual feminine archetype you are
buy a natal chart reading from me
♇ pluto
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chitra111goddess · 6 months
This is a mini observation since ive been Watching avatar the last airbednder and tell me why most of the cast are hasta natives 👁👄👁
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It makes sense cuz hasta's symbol is the hand, it's how we harness and channel that Chi energy
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"The Sacred Hand
The traditions of Tantra and Hatha Yoga, Buddhism and Taoism, agree that the palms of the hand contain energy vortices (chakras or power-points) that connect the physical body (brain, organs, glands, veins, tendons) with the subtle or energetic body (chakras, nadis, meridians)."
Hasta being in Virgo is all about mastery of one's craft but the moon influence def adds that spiritual mystical element, bending and manipulating energy with our hands is where the mercury influence comes in
This also includes Reiki healing which is channeled by the hands , Virgo is related to Chiron known as the wounded healer.
Hasta natives.. the magic is at ur fingertips ✨️
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mayatheserpent · 2 months
Jyestha-the nakshatra of jealousy🧿🔥
On a recent study done regarding themes of jealous friends, obsessive enemies and psychosexual attraction (where your enemy literally tries to be you and remove your existence- to exist as uni), the name of Jyestha kept coming up. This research was done by Claire Nakti (check out her YouTube) and I wanted to summarize the points she made. I hope you like it 💖 (my instagram: keyakks)
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Jyestha nakshatra (Indra- the king of heaven)✨
1. constant mode in life: attack, win and defend.
2. high material success, never in a peaceful state of mind.
3. as they grow to be more successful, they also become lonelier.
4. ability to separate from the mass, be distinct. this will attract copycats who want to become exactly the Jyestha native.
5. same sex relationships - the copycat (or Jyestha's enemy that often pretends being a friend) has intense sexual desires for the Jyestha native, and also wanting to become a twin of the Jyestha native. this fuels competition to be the "one". 👯‍♀️
6.The Jyestha native pushes away the obsessed copycat- provoking them to become more sinister. The creepy copycat tries to remove everyone from the Jyestha's life to become the only remaining person. Thus, the Jyestha native has no option but to rely on the copycat.
7. The other option the copycat may take is to steal the Jyeshta native's social position, friends, family and/or love interest to have a constant presence in their life.
8. Jyestha's ability to dwell in solitude and individuality attracts people who are unstable. The admiration turns into the evil eye.
9. Trusted friends may betray the Jyestha native which arises from envy.
10. Every extremely famous person has a prominent Jyestha placement. (Taylor swift, Elvis Presley, Donald trump, Kim Kardashian, etc. in their top 3 placements)
17. Jyestha- dry, empty, angry and mentally irritated. (These natives claim that jealousy and anger is what fueled them to achieve their goals completely)
18. Jyestha ends STAGE 2 of the nakshatra list, which signifies the height of material power and success. They realize their purpose in this incarnation is to conquer the physical realm. 🤑
19. This desire for power may result in two faiths; one being successful in this lifetime or two, obsessing over someone else's achievements and becoming mentally unstable.
20. When the Jyestha native fails to garner attention or wealth, they fall into delusions of the evil eye where they believe that everyone else is jealous of them.
21. Jyeshta is the epitome of conquest, life being a battlefield instead of being sucked into the collective mass.
22. Jyestha naturally brings an obsession over their own achievements; self-proclaims and talents. (Andrew Tate and Donald trump claiming that they have mastered their realms) .
23. When Jyestha fails to evolve through self-discipline, they try to tear others down being consumed by jealousy and instability.
24. Jyestha (Alakshmi) has an inseparable connection to Rohini nakshatra (Lakshmi), who are sisters. Jyestha being the eldest, lacking juices and containing loneliness, Rohini represents being the youngest, in a state of plumpness.
25. Rohini, which is so internally and energetically abundant and satisfied, is only fixated on union with others. Distracting and teasing others to pour their energy into energetic exchange, is what they truly enjoy. This may be harmful to Jyestha since Rohini will tempt Jyestha to lose energy through interactions and stop the Jyestha native from seperation and self improvement.
If you enjoyed my post/s and want me to discuss CERTAIN topics Ur interested in (suggestions for my next post) feel free to say so! I'm accepting offers to research on for like 5 dollars 🤪❤️
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leaderofthepack22 · 9 months
I have some things to say about claire nakti
I know she is your favourite nakshatra girlie, I like the information she puts out as well (I do not like her as a person), as it is original STATISTICAL research (rare in astrology) and extremely affirming to the reality i went through as a 14 year old girl encountering Ketu MahaDasha, having Jyeshtha Moon (I have jyeshtha ketu conjunct jyeshtha moon). She talked about Ketu, and Mula Lunar mansion in a way that i could confirm the stuff she says has a solid backing of truth in it.
I am extremely concerned for women who take her misogynistic and patriarchal teachings to heart, worship her, create a cult around her, and think letting yourself “go” and submitting yourself to a man will liberate you (no it will not). She clearly has said that women are the inferior gender. You cannot debate me on that.
Then, claire nakti is baby-like extremely feminine (annoying high pitched voice) & extremely mysterious w/ the way she jots information together. She definitely is moon dominant as she looks like adison rae (hasta sun & shravana moon) after her nose job 😂🫵🏻 who is moon dominant. Since she is into traditional gender roles, & is extremely "traditionally" feminine, that clearly adds up to her "female path course" & how she suggests hasta as a key nakshatra in the female path according to "HER"
And, the VERY nature of Moon, the feminine planet she relegates herself, & all other women to, being like a conduit for a force bigger than you (she makes it very clear in her shravana video), channeling information FROM them rather than being the originator of light, you essentially reflecting and channeling a worthy ascended master's light;
This doesn't help with the fact that she came outta NOWHERE with that EAGLE symbolism in the jyeshtha shorts, because I have seen no Vedic scripture ever mention eagle for the Scorpio rashi (or a "3rd symbol" of jyeshtha, like she mentioned)
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And she has admitted that she has a "guru", AND she made a video about “sleeping with your guru”.
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Combined with her misogynistic portrayals of women, her being equally ’feminine’, her admitting she has a guru, her making a video on having sex with gurus which is VERY odd to me. Her looking like Addison rae, a moon dominant woman, her saying that "copying" someone else's light is le bad UNLESS.... you're a ""woman"" because you're ""lunar"" so it's OK. Her looking like another hasta moon singer Grace Kinstler and a YouTuber called Elizabeth filips with hasta moon, this just affirms to me claire being moon dominant, and simply reflecting and communicating another MAN's teachings. Why don't we let claire nakti's misogyny backfire on her????????? Why are we not questioning her extremely unhinged slut behaviour online and her saying that women are yin so therefore can't originate something with so much fucking confidence. Why don't we boldly say she fucked some guru and is now acting like she did all the research by herself and how is SHE the sole instigator OF HER EXTREMELY pioneering work as a Vedic astrologer with so much original content, as this ditzy blonde who came out of absolutely nowhere.
She lied about the fact that she isn't the only person behind her research, she clearly admitted she met her guru few decades ago and she started compiling physiognomy data with him(???)
I will never worship claire nakti. I hate the "nakshatra bad bitches" that orbit her. I am extremely suspicious and strict with claire nakti and her content and i most CERTAINLY separate ""HER"" from the information she channels. She is nothing to me.
Get your fucking shit together and question claire nakti a bit harder. Certainly don't worship her. Anyone with more than 2 braincells can sense she is not the originator of the information she puts out, and is a patriarchal princess dickwhipped out of her mind by her """guru""". Don't let yourself go and embrace ditziness and thinking it will make you this “Yoni Shakti divine feminine tantra goddess consort bhairavi sacred prostitute🤪🤪🤪✨✨”
She also claims to have been this once in a generation talent but couldn't rectify the ayanamsha mistake in Lahiri. The fact that she thinks lahiri ayanamsha is OK (the default ayanamsha indians chose in a hurry so they can go on celebrating their festivals in 1900 and is actually in need of SEVERE updating) and has used wrong people who don't even have the nakshatra she has talked about in her video concerning a particular nakshatra, was the nail in the coffin for me, confirming claire nakti is moon dominant, has a guru she is parroting etc. Being a STEM person, keeping Astrophysics in mind, i have delved into Indian Ephemeris vs Swiss Ephemeris, the whole ayanamsha discourse and I can easily tell lahiri and the vimshottari dashas from lahiri are 3 years off and ALL the antar-dashas are EXTREMELY off, (this will make 90% of the people in Vedic community look like absolute fools and this should induce a BOILING rage in you, how easily people have the audacity to open their mouth and spread wrong information that will NOT stand the test of time.) Lahiri ayanamsha is astronomically incorrect. The fact that Ernst Wilhelm also felt this exact way was affirming to my own discoveries, just like claire nakti affirming the inhaling and uprooting nature of ketu to me as a young teenager.
No YouTube guru is going to save you (certainly not a "woman", i mean, claire nakti said it) There are many things to rectify, perfect and question.
Good luck.
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starzalign · 2 months
Claire has to have heavy mercury naks in her chart somewhere bc I’ve only seen mercury women create such a divide in both genders lol.
Like her jyestha video is manifesting in real time on twitter
She could also very well be a mars nak woman bc this happens often w them as well.
Its just fun to see everything unravel, I’ll give my thought’s when I watch her video again but it was an amazing analysis that I can connect w the Jyestha’s in my life.
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bambinambi · 1 month
The cost of betraying oneself
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For the last three years, I've felt like I had to relearn who I was, relearn lessons that were imbued upon me from childhood (through self-reflection as an adult), I've had to relearn societal rules (through awkwardly fumbling through social interactions), and whether I even want to abide by these social rules or not. More and more, I started understanding my past self and accepting her after years of rejecting and being embarrassed of her as I came back into myself. But I feel like I began navigating this rebirth in the wrong manner.
I approached it in a manner in which I believed there were objectively a right and wrong way of doing "life", in part due to having befriended certain people that thought that who I was, how I thought and how I sought to navigate the world were wrong because it did not make sense to them, but also by accepting and internalising their critiques instead of recognising them as very strong subjective opinions. While I could be very stubborn, I also had a porous mind. I feel like it is in my nature to be attracted to anyone who wants to bestow me with any new knowledge or different perspectives that I can mull over, being a mrigashira native. The only issue was that instead of giving me new perspectives, they belittled and ridiculed my thought processes. And I knew that they were opinions to begin with, but the more I recognised that the world around me agreed with them, the more I started to question whether how I perceived the world around me was "correct".
I watched a video by Claire Nakti that spoke about people copying you/stealing your destiny, and she gave an analogy that went along the lines of, "when you decide to take in information that someone else has discovered, instead of eating the fruits of knowledge that they consumed, you end up eating the excrement of the people who ate the fruit" (I said it in a far my crass manner but you get the gist of what I'm saying). Not only do you not take in the full knowledge or wisdom, but you will also often misinterpret what you are hearing and seeing, and subsequently impose these incorrectly understood lessons and ideas onto your life, and potentially others, because you have not made sense of these lessons from your own point of view, nor attained the wisdom, through experience, attached to these lessons. But not only that, you end up not living out your own destiny by attempting to steal another's. This is probably why incredibly wise people are usually portrayed as very old in media. Someone who has lived that long has had many many experiences but also the time to learn and wisen due to them.
I'm not going to speak on this too much because ultimately, you could always just go watch Claire's video for more information on Ketu and Rahu, and its relation to making sense of the world with the knowledge you came into the world with, and also your own acquired wisdom that one gains as you navigate the world. Going back to my own personal story, I will not say whether my friends’ interpretations of the world were "correct" or "incorrect", or whether now that I'm in a different state of mind, I agree with them. What I will speak on is the danger of betraying oneself in the pursuit of really anything. For me, it was the pursuit of social acceptance and assimilation into spaces that may not have been for me and in spaces, that I myself may not have wanted to be in, if I were being honest with myself.
We all likely have friendships in which we have much in common with our friends and also differ in many ways. I've always wondered why I had friendship groups in which we differed in many ways, and this always fascinated me, and I could never make sense as to why our friendships worked. Maybe I enjoyed these friendships because they always had people with differing ideas to that of my own that made me really "think" and question my own viewpoints, that's these friendships were stimulating, as I am a person that loves to question. My friendship with these two particular friends hinged on a shared love of similar music and interests as most friendships do but differed in how we perceived the world greatly. Instead of agreeing to disagree, my friends sought to change my perspective through belittling, triangulation, and bullying. I recognised that I wasn't happy in the friendship, but I stayed in that relationship, longer than I should have, due to fear of being alone. COVID came around, and I thought I would spend the year 2020 "fixing" myself, as many other people sought to do. I threw myself into a ton of psychology content so I could psycho-analyse myself and effectively learn where I needed to improve in myself and my approach to my interpersonal relationships. What made the whole process near impossible, is that I was dealing with a severe case of moral perfectionism, in which I thought that the times in my past in which I had caused harm to people, were like blemishes on my being that I could never get rid of, like they would haunt me for my entire life, and would never be able to separate myself from having been that person. You can't move on from past versions of yourself if you think you'll always be tethered to them. Also, trying to take in all this knowledge, that didn't resonate with me at the time, was also incredibly overwhelming, but also useless, and I could never incorporate what I learnt effectively into my life, because it did not come naturally to me. I honestly blame myself for having bought into the ideas surrounding cancel culture, because if you're not willing to forgive and allow someone to move on with their lives after having made past mistakes, how can you do that for yourself?
I also really got into astrology, so I could learn how to read my birth chart with the sole purpose of understanding what my flaws and shortcomings were in this lifetime so I could correct them. I had spent a great deal of my adolescence being bullied by age-mates and even past friends and I think these experiences also informed this idea that there had to be something fundamentally wrong with me to have experienced all of it, and that if I could dig into myself and expel it from my being, I could subsequently be treated better by the world.
Slight sedge way from the story, but I want to say that once, I was speaking to my mom, and I asked her if I should change my approach on a specific situation I was experiencing, and she told me not to allow people to change who I am, meaning don't allow other people's behaviour towards you change who you are, and how you would react to a situation. By allowing someone to influence your behaviour, or "matching their energy", you're giving someone else power over yourself, and how you would actually react to a situation if you were being your authentic self, which could be a big price to pay for simply wanting to stroke your ego. Also, when you have to answer for your behaviour or words, you'd feel a lot more confident in your past actions by actually believing in what you've done and said, instead of it coming from a place of fear, in some cases, or ego.
So, getting back to trying "to fix" myself; in trying to do so, I think I experienced the actual death of my mind and soul. I should mention that I have always had a habit of ridding myself of the past to make way for who I want to be in the present (I'm not sure if this is due in part to my heavy pluto influence in my chart), example, I always liked getting rid of old art because I had discovered a different art style. And so, my nature of always wanting to start completely anew or on a clean slate had ultimately bit me in the ass, because in my bid to "fix myself", I found that I had rid myself of everything about my being; my personality, my opinions, my temperaments, the things I cared about, the things that drive me.
I really didn't know who I was or what I believed in. I had no idea what kind of person I was even trying to work towards being because I sought to destroy the foundations, that I had taken years, leaving me with no real basis to start with but also leaving me an empty shell or husk.
I spent a year and a half in a state of derealisation and depersonalisation. I existed in a state of limbo. When you experience depersonalisation and derealisation, it's like being underwater. You can't process information as well. I honestly don't know how I got through my third year in that state. You're never really present, and even when you perceive things going on around you, you sense these things, but sometimes you don't really process them in your mind. It's like the saying, "going through one ear and out the other." I think it's relevant to mention that I had no hobbies and I found that I struggled listening to new music, in fact I found myself wanting to listen to music that my dad would play when we were children, almost as a form of comfort, but also (and this ties back to the whole premise of this post) as if I had regressed to being a child again. When I came out of that state, I found that I had to relearn a lot of things, that I most likely knew before but just couldn't remember, almost like I was starting over again, from the beginning.
And by the way, this is not a sob story. I knowingly betrayed myself by being in a relationship with people who I knew did not truly like or accept me for who I was but I unknowingly betrayed my soul by completely destroying the growth that I had made up until I would said my 19th year. And why I mentioned Claire Nakti's video earlier is because ultimately, what I would like you take away from this message, is that on the one side, there is a lot to learn from others, but in your pursuit of knowledge, make sure that even when you seek to learn from others, that their messages resonate with you, so as not to be led astray. Also, become comfortable with walking the path less travelled, especially when it resonates with you. I was so set on being accepted that I completely neglected the voice that told me that the ideas being imposed onto me didn't resonate with me, that I didn't actually like the people I desperately wanted to approve of me, that who they were was not who I wanted to be, nor wanted to be associated with anyway. Essentially, if you've ever been through what I've been through, my advice to all of us, actually really for anyone, is to worry less about whether you're getting it "right", and to worry more about whether it feels right to you.
Subsequently, making this discovery also made me wonder how I would raise my children, like would I act as a guide or assistant. Growing up, my parents furiously imposed their beliefs onto us as children, which I subsequently rejected, not only because it didn't make sense to me at the time, but also because I needed to gain my own understanding to really develop these beliefs for myself. And so the way I think I'll go about parenting my children, is to gently advise them, so they would be more accepting of the advice but also try to ensure that I'm giving them these lessons in a manner that they can understand and make sense of for themselves, and not be frustrated when they decide to make decisions that go against my advice because ultimately, people learn better from experience than being told what to do, especially children. Life isn't a test, it's an experience, you're allowed to fuck up, you're allowed to become a different person overnight, don't rush the process, because ultimately, the destination will be there when you finally get there.
It almost feels like I am having a similar experience to Bella Baxter from 'Poor Things', in the sense of discovering the world, one' s self, how the world reacts to me and how I subsequently react to the world, anew. The only difference being that I had a detailed understanding of my past self, that made my relearning of myself and the world staggered, as I desperately attempted to cling onto who I once was, once I realised that I had completely destroyed the version of myself that I loved and respected. In pursuit of social acceptance and really, self-acceptance, I had completely forgotten how much had gone into me being who I was and how hard I had worked to become that person. Bella Baxter had the advantage of not having any reference for who she was "meant" to be. The friends she met on the boat and in France liked her for her uniqueness. It makes me very cognisant of the saying, "When you attempt to be like someone else, you're robbing the world of yourself." It's very true. So, while I would never advocate for complete isolation, I would say, try to process things on your own, without outside opinions or potential influences.
- 5 May 2024
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veronicawildest · 2 months
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disclaimer: all of my observations comes from my observations on celebrities and my social circle who has this nakshatras. if you're offended just block me mwah 💋💋💋
One of the most intelligent nakshatras that I know. Some would say that Saturn-ruled nakshatra comes from hard work, but may I add the intelligence in that.
Most of the time, I see this as an academically intelligent nakshatra for me.
(Unevolved) Anuradha women that I know are "pick me" girls. The Pick me definition of "they're like no other girls" and would do anything for men's attention.
Out of all the Saturn Vimshottari ruled nakshatras, this one has light-hearted vibes compared to Pushya and Uttara Bhadrapada, despite being the debilitation of the moon.
They hold grudges just like the sidereal waters would do, but the reason why Mars is debilitated in Cancer is that the anger that Cancer harbors is more detrimental to them, unlike in Scorpio. Yes, they will harbor anger, but they use that as motivation, and they are not "stuck" towards the past. Also, their approach to the problem is better than that of Cancer, which is passive aggressiveness.
They're more into connections and friends really. If you have an Anuradha friend, They're really great and loyal.
The characteristics I notice of Jyestha are strategic in life and their goals. Most of them have it.
When you're literally in a competition and your opponent is Jyestha. (ANY COMPETITION)
The deity of this nakshatra is Indra. No wonder they're literally on the top (besides Magha).
Weakness of this nakshatra? Ego and pride. To a certain extent, they're literally prone to sabotaging because of arrogance and being boastful. Most of us would agree that they're on the top, but they can attract enemies more than anyone.
f you want a guru/mentor about life (or skills in general), go to Jyestha!!!! They're literally OVERACHIEVERS!!
Jyestha natives, how can you all be so mature and childish at the same time?? I can't explain it, but you can observe this with your Jyestha friends/family
They have ties with the organ/piano instrument. Like the actor who played Davy Jones, who is a Jyestha sun.
You know how some nakshatras are so different yet also alike at the same time? Yes, I'm talking about Gandanta nakshatras (Revati - Ashwini, Ashlesha - Magha, and Jyestha - Mula).
Jyestha and Mula share characteristics that are the same for me: - The females I know are into spirituality (astrology, tarot, etc.). - They're both BLUNT and CUTTHROAT, especially the men with this nakshatra. - The billionaire nakshatras. Many rich people have Jyestha and/or Mula nakshatra. The difference is Mula is preachy (tied to Sagittarius rashi) while Jyestha is more factual or shares trivia.
Fun fact, Pope Francis has Mula sun. You know? Jupiter (Sagittarius ruled planet) tied to religion, beliefs, teaching, etc.
Ironically, Mula nakshatra (UNEVOLVED) are some of the unethical people that I know (personally and celebrity-wise). Jupiter + Ketu correlation. (Mastery towards wealth and expansion (Jupiter) and detachment of ethics/unhinged beliefs (Ketu))
In terms of animals, they really are the true animal lovers out there.
I've seen many Mula and Krittika nakshatra couples lately. I wonder why, and I haven't really an explanation for this.
Out of all the Ketu-ruled nakshatras, this one is consistent for portraying gay people, even though they're straight (Billie Eilish, Maya Hawk), especially women with this placement.
Purva Ashadha
Sidereal Sagittarius are preachy including this nakshatra!!!!!!
They're using humour to teach (just like common gurus do)
They're really great in color red (Purva ashadha looks great at color red because the birth nakshatra of Mars is Purva Ashadha)
Conflict between their philosophical beliefs about material world is a common problem
This nakshatra really great for standing up for yourself.
Ironically, Even though this nakshatra is Venus ruled vimshottari nakshatra, The Men who has this nakshatras are some of the worst misogynistic people that exist!
Great at arts especially drawing, painting things like related to visual.
Men with this nakshatra are WOMANIZER
Women with this nakshatra are intimidating compared to other Venus vimshottari ruled nakshatra.
Uttara Ashadha
Women with this nakshatra often have nude scenes in movie. Ex: Angeli Khang, Sydney Sweeney (both have uttara ashadha moons)
Uttara ashadha means latter victory, but it doesn't mean "late success". Ishowspeed has this sun and at the young age, as i was typing this, he's streaming and travelling different countries.
Uttara ashadha are common for gay people. (Looking directly for Caitlyn Jenner and Lil Nas X) If that makes sense.
They're also coquette pink and very girlish. If "sun" nakshatra comes to mind people would think "masculinity, strongest, fierest" but then you see the actual people who has this and very FEMININE AESTHETIC.
The stereotype that i find true to this nakshatra is they're independent and successful. If you're Uttara ashadha native and you feel you are not that successful, trust me it will happen!!
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mercymaker · 3 months
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auset66 · 1 month
Mercury is hobbies. Moon is where your heart is. There is a subtle yet deep difference.
Most of the time I have seen people pursue studies according to their Mercury sign. 💪
However Mercury just as our hobbies is quick moving with constant change. 🪄
Yes I know moon Is technically the "quickest" yet (according to my interpretation) moon is the most stable too being the natural 4th house, the home, the mother. The home the heart in which your comfort resides your sense of peace your home unmoving. 🏡
Mercury (again according to my interpretation) is your logical need your need to dopamine needs that are more leaning towards on "conscious mind" that feeds your hunger for adventure livelihood being human as a whole. The hobbies that makes you uniquely you. That sets you apart from rest of general people. What makes you go out and pursue it you do it even without need for motivation. It is what your mind developed into after being Born from the same source (womb). 🤑👩‍🎤🧑‍🎨👩‍🚀🕵‍♀️
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Moon on the other hand (again according to my interpretation) is your "subconscious need" the need to settle down, the nostalgic home cooked food, the mothers embrace you want to lay down on after conquering the world. The need for home the peace. It is what make you one with the world. The subconcious needs most of the time general though. The stage before developing into yourself.🧚‍♂️🧝‍♀️🧜‍♀️
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Why am I even writing this? ✍️
Because I think there is this "general perception" where one side says you should follow moon to see which field to work while other says you should follow Mercury to see which field to work. The misunderstanding between actual Mind and Heart. The misunderstanding (again according to me) of moon and Mercury. So I want to add my side of understanding to this ongoing debate.
So I don't know...🤷‍♀️😉
you tell me what are you pursing? Constant moving hobbies Mercury 📖🧠 that deals with real world, finances, the thing which you can touch feel with your senses (ashlesha, jyestha, revati) the thing that comes naturally to you, that makes you feel validated in yourself, you don't fear it you pursue it, it is always with you, you are always doing it even without knowing with ease
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Sable home Moon. ☘️🫀 that deals with the imaginative world the, daydreams, the candy world and immense creativity of childhood, the comfort place that even though you can't see and feel through your five sense is still there always in the back of your mind. (Rohini, hasta, Sharvana)
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You want to pursue it go after it so bad yet you fear it too. You want to go there to feel the peace but it's always out of reach due to (most of the time) psychological barries that comes with logic, growing up and facing the real world (Mercury).
Mercury the "mind" 🧠 or Moon the "heart" ❤️ (not the actual ones the metaphorical ones)
Moon is manifestation Mercury is real world.
Moon is inner child the suppressed cringe uncomfortable part of you. That knows just about itself.👼 THE RAW PART 🤸‍♂️
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Mercury is mature adult the cool understanding and looked upon part of you. That knows about the world. 🙇‍♀️ THE REFINED PART. ✨️
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If you want to reach your moon your home you have to work with Mercury your adult self that protects it from everyone and yourself. Work with the parent (Mercury) and you will be able to open up see and understand the hidden part (moon). 🧚‍♀️✨️✍️🧠🤸‍♂️
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[I know according to mythology moon is the parent and Mercury is your hidden self but all of this is my interpretation with my understanding of world and people I saw around myself. Even though I mentioned it above yes Mercury is unique you while moon is same as everyone but yet again it does contradict the part of the perception of Mercury being the hidden part. Yet again this is my understanding of this complex subject this complex debate about mind and heart. So I am not saying it is the ultimate truth and follow it. No, add your understanding to it add your own Flavour of truth to it and follow yourself. Offcourse if you want to. 😉]
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venussaidso · 2 months
Ketu nakshatras being associated with the taming of beasts is so true, to extend this established study an inch further, I had two more examples in mind (albeit fiction again).
Ashwini Sun Channing Tatum in "Dog"
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Magha Moon Kate Mara in "Meagan Leavy"
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Both given responsibility to train very aggressive military dogs who eventually win their love and respect.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
u guysss should I start a vedic astrology/spirituality/occult related YouTube channel??
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