raptorjesus-mf · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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crownico · 11 years
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nailosand replied to your post: Does anyone want to be my...
I wanna, I only have one Line friend and am always looking for more.
ahaha i'm in the same boat uwu! my user ID is tanukisoup
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cramdaniel · 11 years
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These people are raddddd as fuck
- divinedorothy
- madameterralupus
- impalamoose
- lutecee
- barleytea
- nailosand
- happilymourning
- thegayraptor
- ameatyourservice
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maternalcube · 11 years
nailosand replied to your post: nailosand replied to your post: nailosand...
Well I’m sure you’ll look good no matter what you choose. If you’re stuck on which one just flip a coin. Pretty much the second before it hits the table or floor your brain will know which it wants. And if you end up not liking it, it grows back.
yes that's true
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® ✖
® - Favorite foods?Either Sushi or mushroom pirogi
✖ - Age you get mistaken forWhen I was like 15 I would be mistaken for a 20something because I had boobs and dyed hair. I don't know what age people take me for now... still a 20something though. Probably.
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a-p-moved · 11 years
nailosand replied to your post: nailosand answered your question: Okay here’s the...
Hm..well that actually sucks cause I’m sure she would have loved it. Would changing the pitch of the song help in any way? I know it helps other singers sometimes when they do that
I would, but if I take it down or up a whole step, it will still be out of my comfortable range because my voice is a piece of shit. If I take it down or up a half step, it'll sound like I'm seducing satan. Plus I can't do the style without it sounding embarassingly corny, ahah...
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raptorjesus-mf · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
gummy-be-airs (15%)
nailosand (12%)
walking-smiling-travesty (9%)
spicy-vagina-tacos (7%)
tigerlily264 (5%)
music-is-all-we-have (5%)
gemmpage (4%)
aerumnous (4%)
boldbruises (3%)
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totallytrailbreaker · 11 years
Have I ever told you guys how much I really care about Nailo?
She makes my heart sing. She soothes my tears. She's there for me when I need to rant and scream and cry and just let everything out.
She puts up with me, when I wouldn't even put up with me.
She's my best friend. She's my moirail. She's so important to me.
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yanderection · 12 years
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buncha trickster designs i owed people before my computer charger died on me otl
sorry it took so long and i hope you all enjoy them uvu
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homestucksinabq · 12 years
It looks like you guys have been a bit on the unactive side for a while, but this is the only place I can ask. Do any of you know of any meetups happening anywhere near the Hobbs area anytime?
our apologies! we havent been together long enough to talk about any meetups we could do lately, and it hasnt come to mind besides cons, though thanks for reminding me! 
im sorry but im not too sure about that, since both us mods are in albuquerque and dont have much contact with homestucks out of town i wouldnt know
but now that its been brought to my attention, look forward to a big meetup from us coming soon! one where hopefully more of us can make it, and its filled with lots of cosplaying and pictures and games and shit, interesting things! 
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maternalcube · 11 years
nailosand replied to your post: nailosand replied to your post: part of me wants...
My advice would be to go with a pixie or modified pixie cut then. It can still be feminine and cute, but it’s still styleable. I had my hair cut that way for years, and I loved it. Only had to get it trimmed 1-2 times a month, but my hair grows fast
yeah that's more or less what i have now (except i haven't gotten it trimmed in months so it's looking like the beginnings of a mullet haha)
it's just what i have now is i guess a really short asymmetrical bob? so i'm thinking either go the more extreme asymmetrical route (the undercut) or make it symmetrical (the modified pixie)
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janaxiv · 12 years
I did a thing
I have no idea how to introduce this, so yeah have a fluffy Eritav AU. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.
Your name is Tavros Nitram and right now you are either the most blessed, or the most cursed troll on Alternia.
You´re not quite sure, how you got into this predicament, but one way or the other you found yourself attending a dance for Highbloods, wearing a dress Kanaya made for you. It´s hard to fit into the mass of blue, purple, violet and fuchsia with a color as low as bronze and your symbol, which covers the whole expanse of the skirt, isn´t helping. You stick out like a sore thumb and already got a few pinches, one person even going as far as asking you out for the night.
You flee the room and take refuge on one of the giant balconies, wondering why your moirail would take you to an event like this. Leaning on the railing you smile, remembering how happy Gamzee was, when you agreed to accompany him. He probably didn´t want to go with his Ancestors alone, he is like this.
You get startled, when you feel a heavy cloth around your shoulders and turn around to see the person next to you. The sight makes your breath stop and you can´t help but stare. It´s Eridan, dressed in something akin to a uniform, adorned with small golden chains. He swapped his normal rings with far more valuable ones and even added earrings on his fins.
'You looked cold.' You nod, shaken from your thoughts and stutter a shaking 'Thank you.' He stands beside you, calmer than you ever saw him before. 'Why are you out here? How comes you´re here at all?' Pulling the coat around your shoulders you look down and smile. 'W-well...Gamzee asked me to come along, but I felt a bit misplaced so I went here.'
A short nod before he holds out his hand to you. 'You shouldn´t stay out here, you´ll catch a cold.' You take his hand, blushing, and follow him into a separate wing of the Peixes-palace.
'What is this?' 'The Condescencion had this made for the Moirails of herself and her heiresses, so that they can stay here when necessary.' He leads you into a giant room with a king-sized recupercoon and decoration where one piece is worth more then your entire hive plus what´s inside. You´ve never seen something so fitting for a royal and it makes you feel small, worthless even. Noticing your distress he turns around to pet your hair, smiling. 'Completely new to you, isn´t it?'
You nod and he walks over to an old vinyl-player, letting a slow tune float through the room. Stepping up in front of you, he extends his hand and bows slightly. 'Would you let me have this dance, beautiful darling?'
You do, blushing and shaking slightly, while he slowly leads the dance, careful, gentle, all the time smiling at you and only you. When the song comes to an end leans down to you and you reciprocate, basking in the great feeling. When you both pull back for air, he gets out a small box, which you know all to well.
It contains rings, one for every quadrant in the color of the owner. You already carry a purple diamond on your right pinky, just like Eridan has one in fuchsia together with a cobalt spade on his middle-finger. Now he holds out a violet heart to you, looking about as nervous as you feel. 'W-would you be my matesprit?' Your blush intensifies, when you put the ring onto your ring-finger and you pull him into another deep kiss. 'I uhh...I don´t have mine with me right now...' He silences you by kissing you again, before he leads you back into the great hall, where both your moirails are already looking for you. When they spot the two of you so close together they show signs of concern and Gamzee even frowns a bit upon seeing the ring. 'I swear, if you dare to motherfucking hurt my Tavbro, you´re done for.' 'No need to worry. I would never hurt someone so precious.'
Your Name is Tavros Nitram and this is probably the best day of your life.
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a-p-moved · 11 years
nailosand answered your question: Okay here’s the song list so far… I Want To Know...
Back at One by Brian McKnight, pretty romantic song, full of love, and I think it would fit what you’re doing
I would, I totally would, but the only problem here is that my voice is really incompatible with that song's style, plus it happens to be at a pitch that I really can't do anything with. It's such a great song, but there's no way I could make that quality. :(
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raptorjesus-mf · 11 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
weaselette-regeneration (16%)
l0stkeys (6%)
andyglassoftears (4%)
dandili0n-in-the-spring (4%)
nailosand (4%)
umbra-l (4%)
kellic-is-forever (3%)
theghiblistudio (3%)
gummy-be-airs (3%)
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totallytrailbreaker · 12 years
Watched ParaNorman with Cricket
It was a really good movie
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squishy-and-soft · 12 years
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Tumblr Crushes:
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