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basmathgirl · 9 years ago
You can learn a lot about people based on what music    they listen to. Hit ‘Shuffle’ on whatever music platform you have your    music on and list the first ten songs that play. Rules: no skipping and tag    ten people.
I was tagged by the gorgeous that-brunette-in-the-tardis (and I adore your new icon! I forgot to say that to you). Thank you. :D I used the Amazon Music App, as usual.
1.       The Great Beyond by R.E.M.
2.       Stars by Kylie Minogue
3.       Waiting For A Girl Like You by Foreigner
4.       This Thing About You by Miracle Fortress
5.       Living In The Sky With Diamonds by Cobra Starship
6.       Jealous Guy by John Lennon
7.       California King Bed by Rhianna
8.       Least You can Do by Phil Collins
9.       Kids by MGMT
10.   Have A Talk With God by Stevie Wonder
Blimey! That was weird, to say the least.
I’m going to tag: catvampcrazines, doctadonner, of--roses--and--words, liteangirl, allons-y--spaceman, dreamerbee, childoftheages, nmimind, tobimonkee, and svlover
IF you fancy doing this, of course.
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definitelynotindecisive · 10 years ago
doctadonner replied to your post “What do you guys think of my Slytherin scarf? I knitted it myself! :D”
well done :)
Thank you! I worked pretty hard on it. :D
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holtzism · 10 years ago
nursepuppyface replied to your post: Who wants to start a Delia Busby Defe…
p. sure this already exists yep
patsymountpls replied to your post: Who wants to start a Delia Busby Defe…
I’m in.
maddie647 reblogged your post Who wants to start a Delia Busby Defe… and added:
I’m in!
patsypatsymount replied to your post: Who wants to start a Delia Busby Defe…
200% in
doctadonner replied to your post: Who wants to start a Delia Busby Defe…
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liteangirl · 10 years ago
11 Question Meme
I was tagged by the lovely basmathgirl :) Thank you! I'm sorry about the delay *bows head in shame*
What is your favourite sea creature? Can I say a mermaid? I truly believe they exist (yeah judge me all you want). Or else if you want a real (documented one) I’ll say a seahorse.
Where is your favourite store to shop? There’s this store in Copenhagen called “Notre Dame” and it has all these vintage things which I can spend an entire day looking at. It can be quite expensive but I can always find something I really want; even if I didn’t know it before I saw it!
Are you allergic to anything? I’m allergic to walnuts and mosquito bites. And lately I been having reactions to peanuts as well so I’ve tried taking  a break from them. The other day I ate a leftover chocolate from christmas which apparently had peanuts in it and my throat started itching and closing up, so I guess I have to say peanuts too *sigh* :(
Have you ever bought an item of clothing with the intention of fitting into it later? I am afraid I have. That was a big mistake. I ended up not reaching my goal it didn’t fit which only made me more sad and made me eat my feelings…. yeah. They joy of living in a society built on “the right ideals” *goes into long feminist rant* !! I’m never doing that again.
Which charities do you donate to? I’m donating to a danish charity; the danish folk church’s refugee help. Unicef and then when there’s a big disaster somewhere in the world I (usually) donate to them too.
How many pairs of shoes do you own? *goes to count…… gives up because they are in a box on top of a closet and I can’t reach right now. 10 plus that’s for sure!
PC or Mac? PC
How do you feel about zombies? I don’t care for them. I think they’re gross (they’re corpses for christ sake!) and I’ve never enjoyed a zombie film. Though I have come to like “Walking dead” but that’s because of the characters and their stories.
Do you plan out your day precisely? I wish I could say YEAH. I really should. I have plans every single day. Sometimes I do...
What would you say is your best feature? My eyes and smile :) (we are talking about appearance here, right?) or else I just seem extremely superficial!
If we were to meet, where exactly would you like that to be? I would like it to be in a cafe in London on a rainy afternoon where we would have tea or coffee or that delicious ice blend nobody can resist and maybe a piece of cake and we would talk about all the things we love (read; david tennant, catherine tate, teaching, fanfiction etc) :D I'm tagging: doctadonner faunlikeschocolate alpa-capaldi garethdavidlloyd becky9100 drjohnwatsn  you-sick-fuckers and slightlyintimidating My questions:
If you were to be famous. What would you like to be the reason
Favourite and least favourite film of all time?
Would you prefer a cultural big city vacation or a lie-by-the pool vacation?
Silver or gold?
What’s an earlier dream you wouldn’t mind dreaming again?
Are you a dog or cat person?
Straight or curly hair?
Favourite thing to do in winter time?
If you could visit any film set and the actors; which one would it be?
Why did you join tumblr?
Have you met people on tumblr that you would call friends?
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valkhyun04 · 10 years ago
"Band aids" are called plasters in England :)
huh that's interesting haha
Thanks for sharing XD
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holtzism · 10 years ago
doctadonner replied to your post: “Getting caught having sex in the cricket pavilion" is actually the...”:
I really can't decide how I feel about it???
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liteangirl · 10 years ago
Once you get this, share 5 random facts about yourself. Then, pass it on to your 10 favourite followers
I was tagged by the oh so lovely basmathgirl. I hope you had an amazing New Year's Eve and I made sure to have a (twenty) drink on your behalf! I hope 2015 is the year where I can finally read your Donald Duck fic! ;) Five random facts about me!
1. My friends call me “the history buff” because I always have some kind of historic fact no matter what topic of conversation we are on.
2. I am a huge potterhead (though my tumblr doesn’t show it) and j.k. rowling is my idol. She has inspired me to write and the day I met her was the best day of my life. I cried for several hours afterwards.
3. I spent New Year’s Eve with two friends and the gave me three wishes/goals for 2015. They decided it themselves and I think I’ll try to succeed. The three wishes were: be able to run 5 km without pause// write a new story during three months// and meet a tumblr friend.
4. I get incredibly invested in fictional characters and after a specific episode of Torchwood I thought about it for a long time and had to excuse myself in school because I cried during lessons.
5. When I was fourteen I had a massive crush on Mads Mikkelsen and I came up with a plan on how to meet him and get him to fall in love with me. It had four stages and involved me being arrested. The plan didn’t work.
I tag: doctadonner alpa-capaldi caitlinmooreisafreak faunlikeschocolate ilovecathtates2 becky9100 (although you're not my follower but I promised to tag you in everything ;)) youwerefntastic sarahpostern theclevertimelord @malumnox
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silence-falls-in-the-end · 11 years ago
I've been tagged!
Rule one: Always post the rules Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones Rule three: Tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule four: Actually tell them you linked them
I was tagged by soaked-fallen-angel
1. Guilty pleasure ship? Sterick
2. Play any sports? Volleyball! (used to play basketball but i. hate. doing. it.)
3. Rain or snow? Snooooow
4. Do you enjoy blanket forts? HECK YEAH WHO DOESN'T?
5. Musical instruments? Piano and guitar
6. What talent do you want that you don’t have? (ie drawing, singing, etc) Drawing....i can't draw to save my life. (one day i'll post my bad drawings so you can see for yourself)
7. What is your view on lamps? (I swear if any of you say they’re enlightening) (darn, there goes my answer) They're fine, but they aren't my favorite light fixture
8. Favorite song? World on Fire by Les Friction
9. Favorite band? Skillet
10. Movie that made you cry? Phantom of the Opera
11. Significant other? No....forever alone.....
My questions are...
What's your favorite holiday?
Do you consider yourself a sarcastic person?
When was the last time you were sick?
Least favorite color?
Least favorite vegetable?
Last book you read?
Do you like iced tea?
What was your first job?
Can you imagine how is touch the sky?
What's the first thing to your left?
Do you like having your picture taken?
I tag: poppin--ch4mpagne doctadonner supernatural-bby assbuts-in-221b 404url-not-found that-other-fangirl-i-am samandiriel-angelofthelord queenof-letters kindhearted-fallen-angel  i-believe-in-castiel  getthepie
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basmathgirl · 10 years ago
doctadonner replied to your post: orchidsslayer replied to your post: Wh...
It was quite clear here ��. Obviously once the sentiment wore off Brian Cox made it much more interesting ;)
Ooh, that’s fantastic to know; and I’m slightly more than envious of your good luck up there. 
But I agree about Brian Cox *nods fervently* He could make putting your shoes on more interesting. 
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valkhyun04 · 10 years ago
doctadonner replied to your post “So, future warning… my Torchood, I guess you can say, live blogging...”
Well I, for one, enjoy watching your reactions ;)
Bahahahaha well I'm glad XP
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ghostskarth · 11 years ago
Questions Tag
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and then write your own 10 questions.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Actually tell the people you tagged that you tagged them
I’ve been tagged by youarefuckingirrelevant 
1. Favourite one-liner from a Disney movie? 
     "ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them!"
2. What are some things that make you happy?
     being with friends, good songs, nice sunny and warm  weather
     idk i like sour cream and onion and the cool ranch doritos so
4. What is your favourite fandom, and why? 
     i like the orphan black fandom just cause its pretty small and theres        never any fights and everyone just seems really happy u feel???
5. Your favourite TV series is filming in your city and they need extras fitting your description, but they’re filming during school/work hours. What do you do? 
     oh god, id cry, but i rarely miss school so i guess id miss it if it was          just one day id go to film??
6. One ship you can’t stand, but everyone seems to like?
    idrk, ive seen people shipping helena/sarah but i just dont..??
7. Reason why you joined tumblr? 
    id seen lots of screenshots of funny posts on websites like ifunny and     i finally decided to join
8. Last book you read? rating?
    the fault in our stars; it was good, but it felt like a poorly written fanfic?     everything seemed so rushed and they had just met but he was like         "babe, come over and see a movie. no babe, im not really smoking, its     a metaphor babe" idk it was wierd
9. Anything exciting happening soon?
    in about a month or so im going on a trip to costa rica with my friends       and im super pumped
10. Talk about your best friend! 
    oh my god my friends are amazing but i think my best friend is emily??     she watched orphan black and lost girl and oitnb and weve been             friends for a year or so and she always makes me happy and makes       me feel important and i feel really cool around her so yeah
my questions:
1. How did you start listening to your favorite band?
2. Last movie you watched and rating?
3. What is you favorite kind of flower and why?
4. Who is your favorite superhero?
5. Are you procrastinating right now and what should you be doing?
6. If your best friend was moving and wanted you to go with them, would you go?
7. Favorite pizza toppings?
8. Favorite memory?
9. Weird obsessions?
10. Do you like where you live?
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parktatefangirl · 11 years ago
I was tagged by the lovely petercapaldass :)
Question time!!!
Rule One: always post the rules. Rule Two: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones. Rule Three: tag 11 people and link them to the post. Rule Four: actually tell them you tagged them.
1. Favourite type of drink:
Iced tea.
2. Limb you would most hate to lose 
3. Cats or dogs?
4. Favourite smell 
5. Person you would like to meet. 
Catherine Tate and Lana Parrilla.
6. Would you change something about a person you love?
7. IOS or Andriod?
8. Fight cybermen or Daleks?
9. Do you watch the Queen’s speech at Christmas?
10. What’s one thing you enjoy but can rarely partake in?
Dance clases.
11. What do you do to pass the time?
When I don´t have class, I write a lot, listen to music and be on tumblr. 
I tag.
1. Favourite Book?
2. Who��s the most important person in your life?
3. If you could live the life of any character of Doctor Who, who would it be and why?
4. if you´d be trapped in a island, who would you take with you and what three objects would you have?
5. What do you do in your free time?
6. If you had the chance to meet a celebrity who would it be?
7. Favourite place in the world?
8. Favourite food?
9. Favourite artist and song?
10. Favourite subject in school?
11: Name 3 celebrity crushes. 
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stfu-moffat · 11 years ago
doctadonner asked stfu-moffat:
I don't see how Sherlock's mother leaving work to look after her children is sexist? That's what many women do. I'm not attacking at all, I just don't think that it's sexist to say that women leave work to look after children when it's an accurate portrayal.
In this case, it was because of Moffat's history of idolising mothers while reducing women with children solely to their motherhood. If Sherlock's mother gave up work to look after children*, but there were other examples of mothers who weren't defined by their children (or, in Amy's case, having their plot reduced entirely to their womb for a season), it wouldn't matter as much, because she would be a single example of a mother who (in this case) chooses to focus on her children instead of her career. But Moffat routinely reduces his female characters with children to their motherhood (most obviously Nancy and the mother from the Christmas special), which is a sexist pattern.
- C
*Although there's no reason why she could never, ever do anything else again. Sherlock and Mycroft are adult men, and it's very common for women to return to work once their children need less constant care. Mrs Holmes could have written books or started her own business, for example, and it doesn't seem like Sherlock's father wants or needs to have someone looking after him. Leaving work to look after children isn't a binary state.
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liteangirl · 10 years ago
Team I'm just this unpopular amateur tumblr but I'm friends with this popular amazing tumblr and therefore I feel like a special one bc my friend's posts get all the reblogs but I'm tagged in a lot of them
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jooohoneybee · 11 years ago
Are you ok?
no, im kinda sad about a few things, and i think everyone thinks ive lost my mind. 
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tpols · 11 years ago
Tumblr media
Ugh I know!!! We could definitely use a bit more.
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