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cosmetic-store · 2 years ago
Purchase Well in Shape Crystal Filer at 20% Off
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Shop crystal filer to get beautiful and healthy nails. Limited period offer.
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tamapalace · 1 year ago
Thank You Mart Tamagotchi Nail File
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Get those nails did. Thank You Mart has been releasing some new Tamagotchi merchandise lately, and we’re here for it. Looks like there’s now a Tamagotchi nail file which is perfect for your next manicure. Priced at ¥429 and available nationwide in Japan.
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hibiscuswolverine · 10 months ago
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I don’t think I’ve ever cut my nails down this short haha
Apres nails almond long :3
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chaomaosupply · 23 days ago
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✨Get salon-quality manicures with our nail files! Whether you're shaping, buffing, or smoothing your nails, these files are a must-have. Our files are made with high-quality materials, ensuring long-lasting use and precise results. For a smooth edge and a perfect nail shape, our fine - grit nail files are the answer. Combine them with our cuticle oils and nail buffers for a complete nail care routine. 💅
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eccedeus · 3 months ago
I have the amazing ability to sleep on top of things (<- uses her bed as a nightstand)
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pinksweetsartisan · 4 months ago
Matte Yellow Acrylic Nails
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However, opinions on matte yellow acrylic nails may vary depending on personal taste and style preferences. Some people may find them eye-catching and unique, appreciating the boldness and creativity they convey. Others may prefer more subtle or neutral colors and find matte yellow nails too loud or attention-grabbing.
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nailcarelook · 6 months ago
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farooq22777 · 9 months ago
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Gel x Nail Kit
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frikatilhi · 4 months ago
trick or treat :3
You get... the only sentences in my ideas file that I wrote for Bojan/Kiki! You'll recognize the ig story (or was it a discord video?) that inspired this. Feel free to continue.
Kiki takes care of him. Them! Them, of course. On stage. Right.
Except when he does it off stage too. Like when Bojan complains idly that he chipped a nail, and a pair of clippers and a nailfile magically appear in Kiki’s hands and suddenly Bojan finds himself the recipient of a makeshift manicure.
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st4bb1ng-y0u-w1th-my-p3nc1l · 2 months ago
diabetes will lead the charge, agriculture will flank the guards, missisippi will lead our mates throigh the gates and take the whole city at large, typhoid will shoot any ambush attack and little arschgesicht will stay wack, nailfile, secure heather and protect her, novel avenge your father kill the brothers of hooker <3
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lady-lycany · 1 year ago
When it comes to imagining how my life would be as a werewolf, what I love to go through the most is the thought of the hygiene process. I know I talked about it a while ago already but like,
I first would shower as a human to get the skin clean, then transform and put shampoo all over the fur. I would also use like a brush for the back to massage it all better into the mane and the backfur, scrunch the tail up n everything, then rinse the shampoo out completely and then do the same process with conditioner to get the fur soft and shiny ✨ Then follows a biiig shake off and most of the rest water, I would try to scrub out with a big towel. And then,- what I imagine to take the longest is to dry most of the coat with a hairdryer. It's probably impossible to get the fur completely dry with it, but at least most of it. Then the whole body will be brushed out, to get out the rest of the lose fur and to untangle everything and yea... Maybe cut some parts that grew too long already. Then all four pawpads will be vaselined, ears cleaned, claws clipped or rather trimmed with an electric nailfile cuz no clipper is probably strong and big enough for these claws lol. Also, not to forget to take care of the fangs and yea... That's about it.
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I think that for the whole process I'd probably need 4-5 hours in total... Ye c:
Idk why but I love to think myself through that process over and over again every once in a while, because I would love to take care of my fur like that. I always would love to have the softest fur and I would smell fresh like "wet dog" and ugh,
The way I think about all this, feels already weird again cuz I don't have to go through that process. Ever. :( *sigh* I miss my fur..
That's the reason why I love the yt channel "Girl with the Dogs" because it helps me to cope with it :']
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ladystardustinblackjeans · 2 months ago
i looked it up and xfiles started airing in '93. and its far enough away for me that the technology is familiar but absolutely ancient to me. and i am sure it was cutting edge back then (they had a voice analyser they borrowed from a different department!).
there was the episode (5 or so in s1) where they were dealing with a sentient super computer, and first of all shout out for taking an anti ai stand lol, and second they were woefully unprepared for dealing with it. compare it to leverage and they were trying to fell a tree with a nailfile, so they could get to the operating room and destroy it. i kept thinking of the sterenko in leverage and how different the writers were treating and dealing with a computer system that controls a whole building.
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ceruleanmusings · 9 months ago
Big Time Reality - Big Time Rush & Mason
this is a rewrite in the true sense that i'd re-write the ending of the episode to fit a different plot since the masons are included. it involves the palm woods potentially getting bad press for a "murder" that takes place on reality cameras that forces the reality show to shut down. anyway, here's the scene that leads to that plan!
@partiallypearl @raging-violets @witchofinterest
The door swung open with so much force it slammed against the trashcan on the other side. The clamor elicited a loud shriek from Carlos, catapulting him off the floor and into James’ arms. James caught him in midair, holding onto his friend with little effort as if he weighed the same as a sack of feathers. All their heads swiveled to Mickey’s still form. The door eased shut behind her, contrasting the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the red tinge to her cheeks, the malice in her eyes, and the sparks dripping from her nose.
“Where…is he?” she demanded, her question coming out as a guttural growl. Everyone’s eyes widened, her question hanging in the following silence. It broke at the low pop sound coming from Jazz’s mouth as she pulled out the lollipop she’d been sucking on. A smirk of approval sat on her lips as she surveyed her sister.
“…I think this is the most I’ve ever heard her talk,” Kendall said, words tinged in awe. Jazz laughed at him taking a step back when a growl sounded in Mickey’s chest. He couldn’t go far, not with Logan near him and the paper towel dispenser hanging on the wall.
“I…have no idea if I should be terrified or intrigued right now,” Logan commented, inching his way behind Kendall.
“I’m both,” James and Carlos said in unison. They both flinched when Mickey’s arm shot up, her finger jabbing in their direction, eyes wide and wild.
“Don’t! You two are the reason we’re in this mess!” Her finger alternated between pointing at James’ face and Carlos’s face so fast she could have created a draft. “You and your stupid fighting!”
“Calm down, Mick,” Jazz said, crossing her arms. “They’re just as innocent as you are.”
“Calm down? Calm down? Do you know what Snake did? Besides mess up my reputation?”
“He ruined my vanilla beans!”
Jazz closed her eyes in a slow blink. “…Come again?”
“My vanilla beans!” Mickey’s voice bounced around the tight quarters of the women’s bathroom. “I was going to make a dessert after recording today and, lo and behold, what do I find? An empty jar and my beans burnt to a crisp in the kitchen.”
“Relax,” Sammi said. She sat atop the counter, leaning back against the mirror, one glossy leg crossed over the other. The buffing scrape of her nailfile against her mint green acrylics sawed into the space between their words. “They’re just vanilla beans.”
“No, they’re not! They’re Tahitian vanilla beans!”
Sammi’s eyes flicked upwards, nose wrinkling. “…Does that make them warmer or something?”
Mickey’s heaving breath could’ve knocked down one of the Three Little Pigs’ houses. “No. They’re the most expensive vanilla beans in the world and I was saving them to use for a special dessert.”
“How expensive are these beans?” Mel asked. She twirled a drumstick around her fingers as she spoke, elbows resting on the counter behind her. Her relaxed posture made her appear as if she were having a normal conversation by the watercooler rather than them all being stuffed in the women’s bathroom at Rocque Records.
Mickey’s eyes turned to the ceiling as she began to rock back and forth on her feet. “Like, $400.”
Kendall, Logan, and Carlos appeared indifferent compared to Sammi, Mel, and Jazz who all spluttered, “You spent four hundered dollars on beans!?” James, on the other hand, looked offended, as if they’d pushed their incredulous outburst in his direction.
“…They’re Tahitian!” Mickey repeated, as if more emphasis would help them understand.
“That’s still stupid!” Jazz said back, wiggling her lollipop in Mickey’s direction.
“Oh that’s not that bad,” Kendall cut in. “James once called emergency services because he ran out of hairspray.”
“Hey!” James’ exclamation was almost drowned out by Carlo’s yelp at falling to the floor when James let him go. James didn’t bother looking at him as he continued, “That was my good hairspray.”
“It was $50 for a 5oz bottle,” Logan supplied.
Mel wheeled around to look at James, her braids whipping around her head like the ribbons on a maypole. “Seriously?” she asked, deadpan, eyelids drooping.
“The price means it’s worth it!” Mickey and James all but shouted in unison, simultaneously throwing their arms in the air and rolling their eyes.
“How’d you know it was Snake?” Logan asked Mickey.
“It had to be him! Earlier, Snake and his camera crew popped out of nowhere giving me a note from ‘Carlos’ suggesting that he was ‘jealous’ that I played foosball with James and was ‘making eyes at him’.” Her finger quotes could’ve clawed holes in reality with the ferocity behind the gesture.
“You kind of were,” James said.
“No I wasn’t,” Mickey replied. James lifted his hand, holding his finger and thumb a few inches apart while mouthing “little bit”. She closed her eyes in a slow blink, pushing a few fingers against the side of her head. “Look, it’s one thing to mess with me. I can take that, but you don’t mess with my friends, you don’t mess with my family, and you don’t mess with my food!”
“Regardless of that insanity”—Sammi used her nailfile to motion in Mickey’s and James’ direction—“they have a point. This Snake guy is barkin’ up the wrong tree. He tried to mess with my relationship and I don’t play that.”
“Yeah, that’s why we’re here. For your help,” Kendall said.
“Wait. Kendall Knight doesn’t have a plan?” Mel asked.
Kendall shoveled a hand through his hair. “I’m all out of ideas. And if we don’t do something soon, the whole world is going to get a shot of my butt!”
“Ooh, that’s gotta suck.”
“Thank you!”
“I mean I’d be embarrassed too if that was shown.” Mel gestured at him with her drumstrick. “It’s flat as a pancake.”
“What?” Kendall recoiled, face swiftly switching between bewilderment to offense. Exchanging quick looks, Sammi, Mickey, and Jazz all leaned over, head tilting to look past Kendall. Holding his arms behind him, he backed up against the wall, cheeks blazing. “Not the point! Katie hasn’t come up with anything either so you’re our last hope.”
“Hmm. I’m almost insulted,” Jazz said. She slowly pulled the bright red lollipop out of her mouth and spun it between her fingers. Her lips pursed, red and shiny, as her wrist fell limp, tilting her lollipop backwards. “They’re just going to keep filming everything right?”
“So, why don’t you just give them something to film?”
“Look, I’m getting really tired of fighting with James all the time,” Carlos whined. They whipped around to see Carlos lounging on the couch by the door, hands clasped beneath his helmet. “My bruises are getting bruises.”
“Yeah, and my lips are getting really chapped,” Logan added, rubbing his fingers against his mouth. Sammi dug into the pocket on her romper and handed over a stick of lipbalm.
“I don’t mean that.” Jazz waved away their concerns. “If they want to film something good, make sure they film something good. But I mean something bigger.” A spark caught in her eye and she briefly bit down on her tongue out the side of her mouth. “Something that will put their name in the headlines, but maybe not for the most ethical reasons.”
“I’m not showing them the front,” Kendall insisted, eyebrows furrowing.
“We want them to change their minds, not be scarred for life,” Mel said. Kendall shot her a look and she wiggled her eyebrows.
“No one has to drop trou…any more than you already have, anyway,” Jazz said to him. “But we will need to get a little sneaky. Sam.” Sammi lifted her head, the large hoops in her ears swinging beneath her nestle of curls. “Do you have any makeup on you?”
Sammi placed a hand to her chest, affronted. “Of course! You can’t leave home without your makeup!”
“Great. I need you to get in touch with Camille. Tell her we need some of her prosthetics.” Sammi nodded. “Mel. How about you? Still got those frequency jammers?”
“I think so. Should be with my other surveillance stuff.”
“Great. Call Katie, we’re gonna need her to wiggle into some tight spaces. Mick, what about that fake blood recipe?”
Mickey shrugged. “I can whip up as much as you need.”
“Can you do enough to make it look like a crime scene?” Jazz asked, grin getting bigger if possible.
“You got it. But I will need some help carrying the pots.”
“Well, you got two boyfriends now, just put them to work,” Sammi said with a teasing grin,
Mickey glared. “Still not funny.”
“As for you,” Jazz said, addressing the boys, “for now just keep doing what you’re doing. We don’t want Snake thinking anything’s up. We’ll let you know when we’re moving onto part two of the plan.”
“We don’t get to know anything else?” James asked.
Sucking air in through her teeth, Jazz reached out and slapped her hand down on James’ shoulder, giving it a little shake. “You just stay pretty and leave the rest to us. The less you know, the better.”
“And yet he doesn’t know much and things aren’t that much better,” Logan commented.
“Don’t make me punch you!” James threatened.
“Save that energy for the cameras, Diamond. We still need to put on a good show.” Jazz tossed her lollipop into the trashcan and let out a long sigh. “All this goes to show, never let a man do a woman’s job.”
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habitual-creatures · 5 months ago
Doyouneedsandpaper? Nailfile?
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zetsu--bou · 9 months ago
a short aoaka fic (it was supposed to be a crackfic but I'm not funny)
Deja vu
Winter Cup. Third year. Deja vu, everyone thought, as Touou and Rakuzan stood against each other in finals... And another deja vu, as neither Akashi nor Aomine could be found. This time, however, no one was injured, so there was no reason for them to be absent, like in the first year Inter High. Unless it was another one of those moments where the author made two characters so overpowered they can never face each other because it's impossible to decide who would win.
Rakuzan and Touou coaches were standing in front of each other, wondering about the absence of two Aces.
"I have an idea", Satsuki sighed, after yet another failed try to call Aomine. "But I'm unsure it would work."
"The match starts in ten minutes, I guess we will take every option we have", Harasawa admitted.
With that, Momoi left the court and ran over to one specific place. Deja vu, she thought as she entered the man's restroom next to the currently unused exit. She walked over to the last stall and pulled out a thin nailfile and unlocked the door from outside.
"Dai-chan, Akashi-kun", she looked at the two boys in the stall. "I understand you felt the need for some physical contact after not seeing each other for so long, but I'd say that doing it five minutes before the match is quite a bold move."
Aomine quickly swallowed and stood up from his knees while Akashi pulled his pants back up. "Uhh, Satsuki, I can explain—"
"I don't care", she closed the stall door. "You have one minute to get ready and still make it to the court."
Deja vu, she sighed as she left the restroom. Except, in the first year Inter High, they weren't playing, and when she entered, they were kissing. Deja vu, she had thought as she had seen their face expressions.
Two minutes later, both boys were at the court, panting from running across the entire stadium. And after the match, Momoi dragged both of them out and sat them on the floor, while she scolded them. Deja vu, they both thought.
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oddyssey77 · 11 months ago
The Festival Part 2 - Nico
POV Nico Di Angelo
I had been looking forward to the festival for weeks. And no, not because Will Solace is going to be there. Ok maybe a little. I have been pining over Will for weeks and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get over him. Somehow though, every step toward the camp that I took, I became less and less sure that I was doing the right thing by coming to this.
I am now questioning whether I should've come at all. I hang at the back of the crowd as I normally do in situations like this. Children of Hades were never truly welcome amongst other half bloods and I have gotten well used to it. The dirty scowls, the nervous glances, the trying and failing to ignore him, it all builds up. And it always hurts. I wasn't even sure I'd be welcomed back at camp after the what happened last year.
It took over 45 minutes for Camp Jupiter and the huntresses to get themselves organised and for the rest of us to get in line. I spent most of my time leaning against a tree picking at my nails, but I also talked to Grover for a bit.
"You know, you couldn't look any broodier over there," Grover notes to me jokingly
"Yep," I say, "I am meticulously planning my operation to bring Kronos back to power and bring on the fall of Olympus all while staring deeply into a nailfile."
Grover laughs, which helps me loosen up a bit.
"So how are things going with Juniper?" I ask him. He shifts uncomfortably
"Gods man, I haven't seen you in forever." he says completely skipping over the question as if he hadn't heard me. I decide not to push it and help him change the subject.
"Well while you go around restoring the land of life, I reside in the land of the dead helping to assure people get fair judgement of their lives. So it's not like our to jobs cross paths all that much."
Grover laughed again, but had a pained look in his eyes.
"You haven't seen, umm..." He mumbles shyly. He looks like he is about to cry.
"Who?" I ask him, "I haven't seen who?"
"Never mind, its nothing" He states. I was about to press him on the matter a bit more but Grover isn't looking at me anymore. He is staring out into the field trying to make out a large figure with one eye.
"Is that..?" he begins "Tyson!" Grover leaps forward to greet Tyson while I hang back 
"Goat Boy!!!" Tyson yells as they run towards each other and meet in the middle for a hug like something out of a movie. They confer for a few minutes until Tyson looks over Grover's shoulder and notices me.
"Ahhhh!!!" he yells, still looking at me "ITS SCARY EMO DEATH BOY!!!" Tyson runs away from me while Grover chases after him.
"Alone again." I mutter to myself grumpily.
"Not for long..." a voice whispers in my ear. I look around but can't see anyone. "I've been looking forward to our reunion, Ghost King." I know he is talking to me even though no one ever really addresses me as Ghost King. "See you soon." I knew I recognised the voice from somewhere in my past but I just couldn't remember what it was. I wait for the voice to speak again but it doesn't.
~30 Minutes Later~
As the march up the hill begins I very much consider leaving and pretending that I had never been here. It would be easier that way. I didn't want to have to go up to Chiron on this day of joy and tell him about a spooky ghost speaking in my ear and telling me something's coming. Something bad. On the other hand though, this doesn't concern the rest of the camp and bringing my trouble here is only going to mess things up for everyone like it did last time. I finally make a decision and turn to leave when someone taps me on the shoulder. I pounce back from the jump scare. Human contact can catch me off guard sometimes seeing as I spend most of my time with floating, transparent souls.
"Hey, Nico," I finally pay attention to the person who was trying not to giggle at the fact that I jumped 5ft from being tapped on the shoulder. It was Percy, Percy Jackson.
"Are you coming in or are you just going to stand there?" I was going to tell Percy the truth about how unwelcome I felt but I didn't really want to share my feelings with someone who I only see a few times a year. Although, a few times a year is a lot more of me than people see of me nowadays. I also realise that now I have been greeted by Percy there was no way I could get away with disappearing.
Percy is walking me through the camp when I see my cabin. Cabin 13. I hadn't even thought about having to stay in my cabin. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to face being in there again since the incident. I try to find an excuse to turn around and go somewhere else but nothing comes to mind. Every step closer to the cabin, my lungs get tighter. Percy starts to notice.
"Are you alright?" Percy asks clearly worried for me. I can tell he's being nice to me mainly because we were both besties of Jason
"I don't think this was a good idea," I tell him, turning away from the cabin.
"Listen to me Nico. Everyone has forgiven you for what happened. Even Travis."
"And Connor?" I ask him already knowing the answer.
"Just go into the cabin Nico, I promise you will love it."
Hesitantly, I make my way to the front door. Everything looked the same as before I wasn't sure what Percy meant when he told me I would love it but so far I was definitely not loving it. I reach my trembling hand for the door knob when Percy stops me.
"Wrong door Nico," he says to me as he turns the corner around to the side of the cabin. I walk around the side and realise that the whole thing has gotten an extension. There was now a new room attached to it, one that wasn't quite as black as the rest of the building and had instead took on a more dark grey color. Painted on a plank of wood were two words NICO'S ROOM.
I couldn't believe it. They cared the other campers cared about making things better for me after what happened. When I walk into the room I notice that I am smiling for the first time in months. I look around see a classic teenager's bedroom that still retains my whole darkness theme.
There is a desk with a load of notebooks and sketchbooks ready for usage. There is a framed photograph of me and friends on the bedside table. Oh, and the bed, the bed is a incredible. It was soft and comfy, with black silk covers. It has a dark wooden frame with a large bedhead with an odd array of buttons. I decide not to ask about them and instead think about how much comfier this bed is than the one on the other side of the Hades cabin which was made of hallowed obsidian from the underworld. 
"It's beautiful," I tell Percy, still in shock.
"You have to do one more thing," Percy says, "Close your eyes and lie down on the bed." I do as I am told, trusting Percy to safely direct me to my bed without bumping into anything on the way. I lay down, face up and Percy tells me to open my eyes. I am staring directly at a mural on the ceiling and I am shocked. A tear streaks down my cheek. 
I was looking at a navy ceiling with a ton of painted white stars and in the center, painted skillfully was my sister, Bianca. She isn't dressed in her hunter's outfit or a camp half blood tee, instead she is simply wearing casual, human clothes. Her hair is tied in a singular braid that was hanging down the front of her left shoulder. She was leaning in with a kind smile and an outreached hand as if to help someone up after falling down. 
I hadn't realised just how much I was crying. I didn't like how vulnerable it made me feel but I couldn't seem to stop myself.
"Who painted this?" I croaked
"I did," but it wasn't Percy who had responded to me. I turned around and saw Will Solace smiling at me. I put my feelings aside and hugged him.
"Thank you," I sob, "That's the first time anyone has recognized Bianca as anything other than a huntress or a daughter of Hades. That's the real her, that is my sister."
~4 Hours Later~
It is 5 o' clock and I am on my way to see if I can help prepare the Dining Pavilion for dinner. On my way, I decide to visit Cabin Eleven to talk with Travis Stoll. I slowly make my way to the cabin door trying to find the right words to say to him. I knock on the door, even though it wasn't much of a knock, more like a nervous tap. The door is opened by a tall figure with slick, black hair. It was Connor Stoll.
"You," He grumbles malevolently, looking like he wants to punch me. I couldn't really blame him though could I, "What do you want."
"I want to talk with Travis." The other Hermes campers notice me standing on their porch and start whispering frantically with each other.
"Why, so you can break his arms too!" he is furious now and I begin to think this wasn't so great an idea and step back to leave
"Connor, who's at the door?" a voice speaks from the back of the room and I know its Travis. But before anyone could say anything else the door slams shut in my face and I think I hear Connor telling Travis that it was nobody.
~1 Hour Later~
When everyone arrived at the dining pavilion for dinner, I was taken aback by the sheer amount of people standing there waiting for Chiron to speak. Mr. D commanded the group to....
"SHUT THE F$*k UP!!!" Everyone fell silent. "Thank you all for coming to this event and stuff. To the parents, can I just say that your kids are a joy, and it has been a pleasure to teach and train them everything I know over the last years. So if anyone would be kind enough to write a recommendation letter to Zeus about how my punishment deserves to be expedited a few decades please see to the pen and paper I have placed on that table."
"Alright, that's enough Mr D," Chiron managed to interrupt him before Mr D got the chance to convince people to get him some wine. Chiron continued with a much longer and more boring speech so I decide to step away for a few minutes. I see three people over by the Athena cabin. It is Annabeth and a short, middle-aged man with glasses who I assume is her father. They seem to be in a three-way argument with a Korean woman who looked like she could be Annabeth's step-mom. It ends with Annabeth storming into the woods and Dr. Chase trying to go after her but the woman holds him back. They turn toward the big house and make to leave the camp. I spot Percy look in Annabeth's direction trying to figure out what happened.
"Now let's eat!" I hear Chiron shout. Behind him is a large array of tables all in one line. No one was separated by Cabin like things usually are. Instead Anyone sits down anywhere. I am invited by Will, Leo and Percy to sit with them and shyly make my way over there. The tables were adorned with all kinds of meat, vegetables, sauces, stuffings and soups. I pick a small piece of chicken onto my plate alongside some carrots and peas. 
"That's all your getting?" Will asks me curiously.
"For now, I'll grab some more later," I tell him through my teeth. Will nods his head but didn't really look like he was paying attention to me anymore. He is staring into the distance as if he's dreaming. It takes a few seconds but he eventually snaps out of it with a look of shock on his face
"We have to go, They're coming," he says looking more terrified than I'd ever seen anyone in my life.
"Who?" Leo asks urgently.
"My father sent me a vision. It was an army of stone warriors, marching up the hill," he is shaking now "they are on there way and... they just killed Annabeth's parents"
This Chapter is dedicated to Ella
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