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proceduralpassion · 3 days ago
Brandon is truly his own enemy, it's crazy. He's incapable of seeing that he's the problem and that's gonna come back and bite him on the ass eventually.
I'm so happy that someone stepped in when things got really tense with McKenzie and Brandon. Often times, you don't see people step in during real-life moments like that, so I appreciate Ezekiel so much for doing what was right.
McKenzie and Jax's moment was so special. I think, underneath all the thoughts running through her mind, she recognized Jax as a safe haven, someone to go to for support. She's got to go on her own healing journey of letting people in and not letting past circumstances define her. I truly hope she learns to take baby steps forward rather than going backwards and pushing people away, whether that's Jax or family/friends.
Thanks so much for the support! I missed my bbs so much and I definitely want to try to write for them more often this year. I've got some fun storylines and moments planned for this fic 😍 Y'all support means everything to me.
I Don't Wanna Be Unfair | Chapter 10
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Pairing: Jax Teller x OC Series Masterlist
Summary/synopsis: Fresh off a broken engagement, McKenzie Gilbert has a one night stand with a random guy she never plans to see again. Soon after, their paths cross, which complicates several situations at hand.
Chapter warning(s): language, implied smut, BRANDON, discussion of cheating/manipulation
WC: 7.1k
McKenzie let out a content sigh as she rolled off of Jax and tucked into his side. She glanced up at him and was met with a playful smirk as the SAMCRO president cuddled even closer to her.
“You really enjoyed that.”
She rolled her eyes and gave him a light shove, “You knew what you were doing.”
As they wrestled their clothes off while stumbling into his bedroom earlier, Jax laid down with that lazy leer of his and had requested, “Sit on my face.” McKenzie didn’t hesitate to oblige and now in the aftermath, she rested in his arms spent and satisfied.
Jax moved from his back over to his stomach and sent her a flirty wink before fluttering his eyes in relaxation. Her eyes roamed over his back and they were drawn to the scarred tissue hidden clandestine within his tattoos. The layered edges of the hole told her it was a gunshot wound. She was too enthralled with their hookup to pay much attention during their first night together, but now it seemed blaringly obvious that the man had a sketchy past. Except for as long as she could remember, her entire life had consisted of morally gray men with hearts of gold. 
In a way, he was the most perfectly fitting guy in terms of potential relationships. Brandon was an MC outlaw, sure, but he had joined the life as a means of escape. Jax had been raised in the culture just like she had.
“So how did you get that?”
Jax glanced at her with a hint of confusion.
“The gunshot wound on your back?” It was genuine curiosity, but she realized that it might not be a comfortable topic for him, “You don’t have to talk about it.”
“Nah, it’s fine,” he said with that easy grin of his, “I was a fucking prospect.”
He laughed at himself, at the memories, before venturing into the story, “Red Woody wasn’t always Red Woody. At first, one of our brother’s wives, Luann, had started the company. It was called Cara Cara back then. The club helped her get the building for it and it definitely wasn’t easy. One time, we were so close to the point where JT, my dad, was going to go co-sign the papers the very next day. Then, the realtor calls and says someone put in a better bid and our deal was off. Turns out it was some loser trying to sell hunting gear. There aren’t even any fucking bears in Charming, much less deer,” Jax and McKenzie chuckled together at the commentary. “Me being the prospect and trying to impress my old man, I grab Ope and say ‘Bro, let’s go mess with him a little, convince him to take his shitty little hunting store outta town.’ We find out where he lives and no one’s home, so we snoop around. Found the sale papers from the realtor deal and decided, shit, if there’s no proof of sale, the deal might as well be off. We were gonna rip up the papers and challenge the realtor.”
McKenzie interrupts, “You know the realtor would’ve had copies of those exact papers, right?”
“Yes, I know that now, smart ass.” Jax pokes at her stomach and enjoys her ticklish grins.
“Anyway, we thought we were home alone. Turns out the fucker was just in his back shed with the doors closed. Sneaky as fuck because I didn’t even hear him come in. I just happened to see him pointing a gun at Ope out of the corner of my eye and I jumped in front of him because I knew he wouldn’t react in time. I don’t really remember much after that except for us getting the fuck out of dodge right after. Ope had to practically hold me up himself until we got to the bikes.”
“Damn,” McKenzie whistled in amazement. Humor danced in her eyes, though, as she continued, “If your dad’s anything like mine, then I know he was not amused.”
“Bro, as soon as he saw it was just a flesh wound, he slapped me so fucking hard, I landed against the pool table.”
McKenzie’s cackles filled the room and they only grew louder as Jax laid out the punishment chores he and Opie got assigned not longer after that ill-fated stunt. 
It was only after her laughter died out did she have the chance to remark, “I’m sorry, Jax, but that was really fucking stupid. You absolutely deserve the punishment you got.”
Jax grinned, “I know.” His sigh is filled with notions of bittersweet. It was a fun, chaotic memory that he and his best friend would always share, but it also was a reminder of how quickly things could go left. “The same way my dad was hard on me, I’m sure that’s why your pops was so hard on Brandon. The look of horror on my pop’s face when I burst in with blood pooling all on my side and back was the same look your dad had when he realized Sweets was shot.”
He pauses for a minute before considering. “Sorry, maybe it’s not the best idea to bring your ex up.”
“It’s fine. He’s not Voldemort,” she shrugs. “Besides, it’s not like he’s going anywhere. If my dad was right about one thing, it’s that I might as well get used to being around him.”
“I don’t know who Voldemort is, but yeah, I agree with your dad, too. I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Well, one: we’re definitely going to have to fix that. And two: thanks. I’m good. Trust me.”
Jax nods, throwing his arm around her waist. “He’s an asshole but that doesn’t mean I want the guy to get killed doing something stupid, y’know?”
“I can definitely get that. Maybe even more than you do. Brandon’s always been an act first, think later type of person. I know he means well in the moment, but sometimes he has a habit of getting himself and others into trouble too.” 
“I feel like there’s a story in there somewhere.”
There is, but McKenzie’s just about reached her Brandon quota for the day. She also hates that Jax and SAMCRO are now caught up in mess caused by her ex-fiance. Even more than that, she hates that she can tell that this is all weighing on Jax.
“I’m sorry.” She strokes his cheek, their eyes locking. “You’re responsible for keeping your men safe and I know that has to be a lot of pressure and stress.”
She sees it every day. The toll it takes when you’re responsible for the lives of others. How it’s even more aggrandized when the people you’re protecting are also people that you deeply care for. She’s watched SAMCRO over the past several weeks, taking note of the close bonds weaved within them. It didn’t take her long to realize the parallels she sees with the Street Wolves. They’re more than just a club. They’re a brotherhood. A family.
Jax gazes at her, wearing a look that she can’t quite interpret. 
“Nothing,” he shakes his head. “It’s just that, I guess you do know. Our lives aren’t quite so different…”
“Maybe not, but then again, being a family member of the club is still different than actually being a member.”
Jax tilts his head, “If you, Lisa, or Sairah are anything like the women affiliated with SAMCRO, you’re a part of the club in your own way.” He pushes himself up off the bed. “Thank you, though. Seriously.”
McKenzie smiles at him, the sheets bunched up over her. 
“You want something to drink?” He asks as he gets up.
“I’m good.” 
Jax nods before disappearing outside his bedroom door with McKenzie shuffling under the covers. She watches the door he just exited from, unable to characterize just how far her empathy goes for him. 
Brandon sat alone outside on the pathway next to the Garden’s parking lot, his eyes glued to Jax’s Dyna amongst the row of bikes near the front of the bar. It’s been two days since he learned about Jax’s past and he’s yet to come to a decision about just what to do about it. He knew he needed to be strategic with the information he’s learned about the SAMCRO president, using it to be its most effectual in getting his way.
The thing is that he’s not sure whether he wants to share what he’s learned of Teller’s past with the rest of the crew yet. Sure, it would be nice to expose the man’s dirty laundry and let his brothers know what kind of grimy man they were doing business with, but it was currently the only card he had to play at the moment. He wondered whether playing it close to the chest was the more clever move to make instead of losing his upper hand so quickly. 
He wasn’t sure yet what to do, but he knew he was going to do something. He can acknowledge that he fucked up, but one would be hard-pressed to convince him that Gil and Rev wouldn’t have chastised him so harshly had it not been for Jax and SAMCRO. And it was pure bullshit. It was one of the Street Wolves after all that got shot, so he didn’t even understand why Gil felt apologetic towards them. They were outlaws, too. They knew the risks. 
Jax wasn’t going to continue walking around like he ran the place. Brandon wouldn’t let him. 
He had every intention of putting the man in his place. Of making sure that he knew that this was still Street Wolves territory and that he wasn’t in charge. 
His goal, for the time being, would be scheming the right way to go about it. And, of course, maybe have some fun at Teller’s expense in the process.
Jax steps into the entertainment area of the Street Wolves’ club house, following the aromatic wafts of hashbrowns, grits, and pancakes. A few of the Wolves, along with Bobby and Juice, were already congregating in the room, watching Lisa and Ace unfold the aluminum sheets over the pans of brunch food. They circled the food like lions do their prey and Jax couldn’t blame them. He could already feel his mouth watering from the aroma alone.
“Mornin’,” he greets Rev who’s closest to the door, leaning against the wall with a book in hand. 
“Hey, man. You doing alright?” 
They dap each other up before Jax mimics his stance, leaning next to him. 
“Yep. You?”
“Good. Went to visit Sweets this morning. He was grouchy because I woke him up, but otherwise doing fine considering.”
“Good, that’s good.” Jax muses. His eyes veer back to the brunch spread when Lisa heads downstairs to get plates and utensils. Brandon is standing next to Ace chatting, but his gaze locks with the SAMCRO president instantly, morphing into a smug smirk. Jax’s eyebrows furrow in response, but Brandon is back to his conversation with Ace before he can dwell on it any further.
“Yeah,” Rev continues, “He’ll probably sit home and recuperate for the rest of the week, but that old dog’ll probably be back in no time.” 
Jax chuckles, “I’d expect nothing less. I think I heard him and Chibs making plans to take a ride out to Fresno.”
They both turn towards the door when Lisa returns with McKenzie and Sairah following closely behind. 
“Morning, guys,” Sairah greets.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Rev brings her in for a one-armed hug before pulling McKenzie in for one as well. 
“I don’t have to go into the office until later. Plus I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a hot meal for breakfast.” Sairah turns to Jax. “You don’t know life until you’ve tried my mom’s pecan pancakes.”  
“Well, then I can’t wait to truly start life,” Jax smirks. He avoids more than a few seconds of eye contact with McKenzie, not intent on Sairah clocking anything between them. 
The brief conversation that carries between them pauses once Gil makes his presence known. He addresses the whole room wishing everyone a good morning. 
“Let’s eat,” he enjoins.
The Street Wolves president led the line to grab food, taking loaded servings of all of his wife’s cooking while simultaneously addressing everybody.
“Rev and I went to go see Sweets this morning. He’s doing well, back to his crabby ass self. Cussed us out for being on his doorstep so early in the morning.” The group laughed, the Street Wolves being all too familiar with how much Sweets prioritized his sleep. “He’ll take it easy for the rest of the week, but I’m sure he'll be back in action not long after. Can’t keep an old dog down.”
He continues, “Otherwise, it’s business as usual. Lisa organized this brunch just to keep everyone’s spirits lifted.”
“And your stomachs full. Lord knows half of y’all can’t cook,” she throws in.
Laughter convenes among the group, a gloomy weight lifted off the room. Everyone sits, enjoying their food and making conversation with each other. Jax, McKenzie, Sairah, and Rev all sit towards the end of the long table, chattering amongst themselves.
“So, Jax, do you have a girlfriend?” 
Jax nearly chokes on his piece of bacon as he registers Sairah’s question. Rev snickers. McKenzie eyes the parsley on her grits with more attention than necessary.
“Uh, no…” he finally answers. 
McKenzie gives a sly grin before taking a sip of her orange juice. 
He continues, “I’m single.”
Sairah hums in response. “Nice to know. Now that you’re in Highwater more often, you’ve got a whole new dating pool to explore. Shoot, I’ve got co-workers who want to take a walk on the wild side who’d probably go a round with you.”
“Why do I feel like this is the beginning of a trap?”
“Oh, no such thing,” she says, sipping on her drink with an air of innocence, “Just know that if you’re ever looking for some potential connects, I’m your girl.”
Rev jumps in, “Don’t fall for it, man. I let her set me up on a date once. Never again.” 
“I warned you ahead of time that Cosette was a stage 5 clinger. Not my fault that you kept messing around with her after I told you she’d get attached.” 
Jax and McKenzie both laughed in amusement watching Sairah and Rev go at it. 
“It’s everyday with those two,” McKenzie remarks.
“Hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
Laughter stops and all four pairs of eyes veer to the source of the new voice in their midst. Brandon approaches them, standing adjacent to where Jax and McKenzie sat. McKenzie leans closer into his sister’s space, a move not lost on Sairah or Jax. 
“First, I just wanted to apologize to you,” his words targeted at Jax. “I put SAMCRO in just as much danger as my fellow Street Wolves with the stunt I pulled. Despite my good intentions, I put everyone’s lives at risk and that wasn’t fair. I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong. It’s not easy for a lot of men, but I don’t want to be that guy.”
Jax would feel appreciative of Brandon’s words if it wasn’t for the smug smirk that colored his face as he finished his spiel. Hearing the words alone, he might’ve paid it no mind, but there was an undertone of arrogance as if Jax was supposed to catch some underlying meaning in his words. 
Still, he stands up and shakes Brandon’s hand, feeling the eyes on him. “I appreciate that, man.”
“Yeah, I just wanted to get that out there. I mean, the last thing I’d want to be is on your bad side, y’know what I mean?” 
Jax’s eyebrows furrow, disquieted by the man’s forced smile. 
“Anyway…” Brandon turns to McKenzie. “You got a minute?”
“Not for you,” Sairah jumps in.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Brandon snaps.
Rev cuts his eyes, “Watch it.” 
Immediately, McKenzie puts her arms up, not intent on another tension-filled encounter between her sister and ex. 
“It’s fine,” she says. Truth be told, she’d rather be anywhere than stuck in a conversation with him, but it’s nowhere near the first time she’s settled to do things she doesn’t want to do in order to keep the peace. 
She leads them out into the hallway and veers towards the end. She glances at the dorm room that her and Jax had had their shower tryst in and feels her cheeks warm at the memory. The idea of being blocked into any space with Brandon in her way sends unease through her, so she aims to lean against the wall that’s still not far from view of anyone eating in the rec room. 
Crossing her arms against her chest, she sighs, “What is it?”
“I wanted to ask if we could go and talk. Somewhere tonight? Or maybe tomorrow?”
McKenzie stares at him, searching for his angle.
“…why?” She finally asks.
He sighs, taking a step closer before halting at the sight of her tensing. He steps back, looking directly at her.
“I just have some things to get off my chest. I’ve had some time to think about things. Reflect.  Pauletta’s been helping me work through some things.”
McKenzie immediately scoffs. 
“I’m just trying to be a better man for her. And she thinks that us moving forward in our relationship would go a lot smoother if we air things out for good.”
She hums, “So you’re doing this for her?” 
“I’m doing this for myself. I have a lot of things I need to get off my chest. About our relationship. About everything that happened. I don’t want to go around carrying all this guilt. We both deserve to move on for good, and in order for that to happen, you need to know the full truth.”
McKenzie stood there, taking in his words. Trying to decipher whether it was genuine or just a bunch of bull. The guy before her sounds a lot more mature and introspective than the man she was in a relationship with for several years. It takes her back to the beginning of their dynamic, when she fell in love with him. The realization leaves a weight tugging in her stomach.
Brandon presses. “I’ll leave you alone after this, I promise.” 
Ultimately, she knew he wouldn’t give in until she gave him the answer she wanted, but it didn’t take long for her to truly consider for herself that she wanted to hear what he had to say. Her confidence was waning, but, on the off chance, that he had a genuine reason behind how he’s treated her, she wants to hear it. 
She finally agrees. “Fine. But we’ll do it somewhere public.”
His smarmy smirk returns. “What? You don’t trust me enough to meet in private?”
No source of humor shows on McKenzie’s face. His smile falls at the seriousness in her eyes. 
“Okay,” he finally says with a nod. “We can meet up at the coffee shop you like on Swan Street? Does tomorrow work for you?”
“Thanks.” He starts to head back to go eat. “I’ll see you then.”
She gives a slight nod before waiting a moment, allowing him to enter first before heading back to where she was sitting. Jax and Rev have just finished with their meals and are catching up with Gil on the opposite end of the room.
Immediately, Sairah pressed her, “What the hell did he want?”
McKenzie gives a light shrug, “He just wants to talk.’’
“About what?”
“I don’t know. I guess he’s looking for closure? He just said he wants us to have it out. Explain things. We’re gonna meet up at the cafe tomorrow.”
Hesitation covers her little sister’s face. Her voice lowers as she asks, “You’re not…you’re not thinking of getting back together with him, are you?” 
“Are you shitting me?” The stark disbelief on McKenzie’s face immediately answers her question. “Hell no! He’s on his ‘better man’ bullshit, apparently. I guess things with him and Pauletta are progressing mighty fine…”
“God, I hate a dumb bitch. Especially when she actually seems sweet.” 
McKenzie sighs, “Well, it’s whatever. He’s not my problem anymore, so hopefully this is the end.”
McKenzie sat at the table set near the window, her anxiety on a ten as she waited for her ex-fiance. He was already ten minutes late and she was beyond ready to get this over with. She’d give him five more minutes before she texted him to fuck off and stop wasting her time. 
“You need anything, sweetheart?” The young, kind waitress approaches her table, having just cleaned the adjacent one. 
“Oh, no thanks. I’m just waiting for someone.”
The woman nods with a smile while heading back to her cashier post towards the back of the coffee shop. The bell above the door jingles and McKenzie’s attention turns towards the figure walking in. Brandon. 
At first, he steps towards the register, but immediately veers towards McKenzie once he spots her. 
“Hey. Thanks for meeting me here,” he greets as he sits. “Sorry I was a little late.”
McKenzie waves her hand in dismissal, sitting up in her chair. “It’s fine.”
“I actually was gonna try and be here earlier but I’m still earning my way back in your dad and Rev’s good graces. They made me clean all the bikes and the last shit I need is them on my ass about a missed spot or something. Plus, Teller was there. Didn’t need him ratting me out to them.”
McKenzie furrows her eyebrows. “What’s your beef with Teller?”
“Nothing. He’s a dick and I don’t think he’s gonna be much of a problem for any longer.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Brandon glares at her, scoffing. “Guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’re kissing his ass like everybody else. You don’t know him as well as you think you do.”
McKenzie swallowed thickly at the comment. It was for her sake that Brandon wasn’t privy to just how well McKenzie knew Jax. Physically, at least.
Whatever was up Brandon’s ass was irrelevant and she didn’t want to venture further into a conversation about Jax, so she switches gears. 
“What did you want to talk about?”
Brandon takes the bait, veering back to the topic at hand. “I don’t really know where to start. I know I put you through a lot. With the cheating and everything… I’ll tell you anything you want to know. But I figured you deserve the full story, so I guess I’ll start from the beginning?”
When they had first broken up, she had wished for this honesty. It was what she was owed in her mind. Now, she’s not sure she even cares. 
Her nod is mechanical as she waits to listen to what she’s not so sure she wants to hear. 
“OK, so the first time I cheated on you, it was a mistake. Truly. I don’t even know if you remember that night but I remember that we had got into that big fight. You got mad because I was working behind the bar and thought I was flirting with one of the customers.”
“I remember.” She interjects.
Brandon nods. “It just spiraled from there. You kept saying that you felt like something was off, that we were distant.” 
“Well, I wasn’t crazy for thinking that,” she mutters.
Brandon hangs his head. “No, I guess you weren’t. I was just so pissed after that argument that I went for a ride. Landed in the town over. No one knew me. Knew that I was in a relationship. It just felt good. Familiar. To not have any responsibilities or someone who people are dependent on. It felt easy. And things with us were the opposite of that, so I chased the feeling. The cheating just… happened.”
McKenzie stared at him, watching him as he explained his inner thoughts at the time. She’d give anything to look away.
The words flow out of her mouth harshly. “It didn’t just happen. You made a deliberate choice. Wanting to escape your responsibilities, I can get that, but there’s a difference between taking some time away and putting your dick in another woman. Multiple, actually.”
Brandon doesn’t even bother denying it. “I get it. At first, drinking was enough for escape. But shit, I drink even when I’m not looking for an escape, so there’s only so much that can help. I needed more. Someone else to distract me from our problems. And then… I mean the more I did it, the better it felt. And I should’ve told you, I know that, but cheating seemed easier and it would only make our issues multiply, had I been honest.”
It’s only with impulse control that she doesn’t slam her fist down on the table to get him to stop talking. 
She takes in a shaky breath before finally asking. “How many women did you bring back to our place?”
“...Do you really want to know?” Brandon fidgets in his seat, rubbing at his mouth first before scratching the back of his head.
McKenzie nods.
“Six times.” Her throat clenches as she repeats him. “And it was six different women?”
She feels her nose burning watching him nod. Her eyes shone with hurt and anger. “What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you have not told me any of this? I don’t get it. I don’t know why you did any of this. Why you asked me to move in with you. Why you asked me to marry you. You’ve been stringing me along for over a year!”
“I just told you why, McKenzie. Because it was easier. I mean, come on,” he sighs exasperatedly. “Did you really think we were gonna make it down the aisle? That we were gonna be together forever? There’s no way you can look me in the eye and tell me that.” 
“I thought things were hard but I think giving me a ring sent a pretty clear signal that you were willing to put in effort to make things work. Supposed to, anyway.” She snapped. “I mean, talk about fucking mixed signals. What kind of logic were you expecting me to have to think that you saying you wanted to marry me meant that you actually wanted to break up? You should’ve just grown a pair and told me the truth.”
Brandon’s eyes narrow in frustration. “You aren’t naive, McKenzie. You knew that I wasn’t happy. And don’t delude yourself into thinking you were happy either. Our relationship was crumbs. Shit, by the end, we were barely sleeping together.” 
“That didn’t fucking stop you from getting it somewhere,” she bit out before releasing a shaky, resigned breath. “I know that things were difficult, but I wasn’t ready to give up, Brandon. You giving me that ring made me think that you weren’t ready to give up, either. Made me think that you still loved me and that we’d get through the rough patch. But you didn’t mean any of that shit and I really, really wish you would’ve just been upfront with me.”
“It’s not like I can go back and change what happened. All I can do is apologize and hope that we can move forward. I fucked up, I know that. All I can do from here is be better and move on.”
“Yeah, with your new girl.”
Brandon scoffs. “So that’s what you’re pissed about? Because I’m with someone new?”
“I’m pissed because I wasted five years of my life fully committed to you, loving you, standing by you when you were off sleeping with God knows how many women. And then what, days after you break up with me, you not only have a new girl, but you’re parading her around me and my family like nothing happened? And now the kicker is that you’re sitting in front of me that you two have gotten so serious to the point where you’ve had this epiphany that now you should be a better man. She means that much to you. But me? Your former fiancee couldn’t have been given enough respect to sit down and have an honest conversation until after the damage is done? I loved you for years and not once did you have the decency to break things off the right way. I don’t mean shit to you, I see that now. I was just a placeholder until something better came along for you.”
Her response is bitter and yet it’s the lightest she’s ever felt now that she’s finally gotten it off her chest. The discomfort and agitation that Brandon displays while clenching his neck means little to her. She just did what she had never gotten to do since everything went to shit: said her piece. 
“McKenzie, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I should’ve broken up with you way before this. There’s a million things I should’ve done. We were never going to work. And you’ve gotta know that. Our relationship wasn’t good for either of us.”
“All the more reason why you should’ve said something. My only fault here is for being stupid enough to believe you or any or your bullshit.”
“No,” she cuts him off. “I don’t need to hear any of your justifications. You want to ‘move on’, then fine, but I’m not absolving you.”
“I wish I had never met you,” McKenzie blurts out, unable to stop in hiding her feelings. She ignores how his expression darkens. “I wish I never fell for you. I wish I never worked so hard to make sure that my dad and family approved of you. And I sure as hell wish I never said yes to you. Every bad thing in my life points back to you.”
Brandon’s voice sharpens even in his low tone. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do. With everything in me. And I don’t even know why you would care since my feelings never mattered to you. All you ever did was hurt me, and I let you. But not anymore.” Her voice gets louder as she continues, filled with more ire as she watches outrage contort his face. “I’m so sick and tired of you blaming me for things that aren’t my fault. I’m not letting you do that to me anymore, either.”
“Keep your voice down,” he hisses. 
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do!” His words that were aimed at getting her to calm down only set her off. “You don’t get to control me.”
“That’s enough.”
“Or what?”
By now, their harsh exchange of words had captured more than a few eyes. 
She didn’t care. She was tired of making herself small for others. Especially him. As far as everyone was concerned, she hoped the unintentional witnesses of their outburst enjoyed the show. She got out practically everything she needed to say to him, so she breathed another heavy sigh before closing what was hopefully their final chapter.
“You’re the worst thing that’s ever happened to me,” she says, her voice lowered but still firm. “You ruined my life, and you’re probably gonna do the same to poor Pauletta but that’s none of my business. You can sit here and try to feel better about yourself, but you’re a pathetic excuse of a man. I don’t know if it’s because you were so miserable with me, or if it’s because you hate yourself and want to make others feel that way, too, but that’s none of my business either. Because I’m done. I don’t care to hear any of your explanations anymore. It doesn’t matter. None of that changes what you did to me. And I can walk around the Garden and pretend you don’t exist, but that doesn’t mean we’re good, because we’re not. Have a nice fucking life.”
McKenzie gets up and grabs her things. She walks past his seat to head for the exit when Brandon grabs her arm tightly. 
Absolute fury shines in his eyes. “You better watch your mouth, McKenzie.”
His intimidation should have brought forth fear, but she can’t help the chuckle that escapes her. 
“You can’t hide it for long, can you? Your anger. You come in here on your ‘better man’ bullshit and the second I piss you off, you resort back to old habits.”
His hold tightens, a now painful grasp. 
“Let me go,” she grits out. 
He holds tight, a nasty snarl on his lips that was unfortunately familiar. She contemplates snatching the chair out from under him with each nanosecond that passes.
“Excuse me,” an unfamiliar figure approaches. “Let her go. Right now.” 
She had no idea who the man was, but watches as he pushes against Brandon’s chest with just enough force to get him to let go. The second she was free, she immediately stepped back, holding her arm to her chest.
Brandon launches out of his seat. “Mind your gaddamn business.” 
The anonymous man still stood in front of McKenzie unflinchingly. 
“Pretty sure half the cafe heard your business, hermano. Sounds like you’ve done enough, so why don’t you take a walk?” The guy spoke roughly, pointing towards the door. McKenzie watches Brandon scoff, measuring up the man. He shakes his head, taking a few steps back before narrowing his eyes at her.
“You’re right about one thing. Being with you was the worst mistake of my life.”
He stormed out of the cafe, the door slamming forcefully after him. McKenzie ran her hand through her hair, letting out a huge breath.
After making sure Brandon is gone for good, the man looks back to McKenzie. She feels her eyes burn again as she realizes that people are only just now resuming their attention to their own tables after the whole fiasco. 
“Are you okay, ma’am?” The man asks softly.
“Yes.” McKenzie swallows, slowly nodding. “Yeah, I’m good, really. Thank you…”
“Ezekiel,” he introduced with a kind smile. 
“Thank you, Ezekiel.” 
She attempts to slide past him, desperate to get out of here, before he asks, “Did you need me to walk you to your car or anything?”
McKenzie shakes her head, “No thanks but I appreciate it. Have a good night.”
She left the coffee shop without another word, her head down until the night air hit her face. Once she settles into her car, her head lolls back on the headrest, her eyes closed. She wasn’t sure what to do now. She didn’t know whether to head home to her sister’s house, stop by her parent’s or drive around with no destination. The encounter she just had is taking up all the space in her mind and she needs it to leave. She finds herself dialing a number, hoping for a response as she listens to it ring.
 She takes a beat before speaking, hoping emotion doesn’t crack in the tenor of her voice.
“Hey, uh, where are you right now?”
“Home. You okay?” Jax asks with mild concern.
“Yeah. Can I come over?”
He answers with zero hesitation, “Of course you can, darlin’.”
“Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit.”
She hangs up the phone, tossing it in the passenger seat before switching gears and heading to Charming. She blinks her eyes several times, unwilling to let tears mask her view of the streets. She meant it with every fiber of her being that she was tired of letting herself be controlled by Brandon. The feelings of loss still ring heavy in the demise of their relationship, but that doesn’t mean she had to let it consume her. The worst was over. Now, it was time to learn how to adjust, pick up the pieces, and continue on. She couldn’t do that with an overstimulated mind so she sought out the first place where she knew she’d be safe to just be. She loves her parents and she loves her sister, but she knows they’ll want answers if they glean how discombobulated she feels right about now. She’d have to talk, she’d have to explain. And then, she’d have to deal with whatever consequences rained Brandon’s way from her family.
With Jax, there were no expectations. 
She pulled up to his house another twenty minutes later and immediately walked up to his front door, not wasting any time. It didn’t take long for her to hear the door become unlocked and for her to be faced with just a handsome, although uncertain, face. 
“Hey…” he ventures, widening the door for her.
She practically leaped onto him, grabbing his face with both hands, and willing their lips to meet. It’s so heated that it has Jax staggering back a step before finding purchase against the open door. He kicks it closed with his foot, an arm around her waist as he carries her further into his living room. 
Their locked embrace only parts when oxygen becomes a requirement, their lips still close in proximity as they catch their breath. He pants, lost in the pout of her lips before focusing on her face as a whole. There’s something he can’t place about her demeanor. It’s laced with the desperation called for in such a steamy moment, but there’s something else slipping from under the heat. 
He doesn’t get a chance to question it before she slips down from his embrace, grabs his hand, and leads him towards his bedroom. He doesn’t resist and his eyes darken, watching her slip her shirt off, met with the sight of her braless. 
She reaches for him, her hands on him in an instant, ridding him of his own shirt before she grabbed at his belt. Her clasps his hands above hers, pausing for just a second.
“Hey…” he gathers her attention. “Before we do this…. Are you okay?”
Now that they’re looking eye to eye, he sees the emotion swimming in hers. 
“I’m fine,” she says.
She plasters on a smile. She’s successful in sliding his belt from between its loops before focusing on her own jeans. Once they’re discarded, she sits on his bed with him towering over her. He lifts her chin.
“Are you sure? Did something happen?” He reaches for her arms, wanting her to stand back up when he notices her subtle wince. His eyes veer over to her arm and he frowns at the sight of discoloration near her wrist. “What’s this?”
“Nothing,” she grabs her arm back from him. “It’s probably from work. Look, are we doing this or not?”
She’s too impatient to wait for an answer before placing a soft kiss on his abs. Her hand slips under his boxers, stroking him with a firmness that juxtaposes the delicateness of her lips on him. It took nothing for them to rid each other of the rest of their clothes, Jax admiring her curvy, regal figure in its most bare form. 
Their bodies moved at an unyielding pace as Jax covered her body with his. 
It was over much too quickly for McKenzie’s liking, despite the fact that he left her panting in satisfaction. He rolls off of her, landing on his back as he, too, catches his breath. 
Now that it’s over, McKenzie’s mind is back to racing and her ex-fiance’s words reappear to the forefront of her mind. Her arm is still tender, more so an annoying reminder that she can’t shake. It’s the gateway portal that flashes her back to the cafe. The harshness with which he spoke to her. The burning sense of worthlessness that it etched into her. The worst part is how he made her feel like she was to blame. Like he had no choice but to cheat and mistreat her and there was something she should’ve done to prevent it. It was all too overwhelming and nothing was alleviating her frazzled head.
Every ounce of concern rushed back to Jax as he looked over and took note of McKenzie’s glassy appearance as she stared up at the ceiling fan.
“Darlin’, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” He reaches for her, sitting up with worry. 
“No,” she reassures. “It’s okay, I’m fine.”
She attempts to shuffle away but Jax has his arms in a hold around her waist. 
“What is it, baby?”
The more that she hears the compassion that fills his voice, the more she wants to push away from him. Because she’s seconds from crumbling with every unsuccessful attempt at blocking her evening out from her mind. It’s a battle she’s losing with tears at the brim, begging to cascade down her cheeks. 
Jax, meanwhile, had no idea what was plaguing her so deeply, but he’d never seen her so hurt before. 
His voice becomes desperate. “You can talk to me. Whatever it is.”
She looks at him, believing the sincerity in his eyes. The mirrored look of distress that distorts his face. It breaks the dam open and her tears fall with reckless abandon. A sob escapes her lips as her hands cover her face. 
Jax shifts, pulling her closer into his chest, rubbing her back. Her heavy cries cause his stomach to sink, the reality of her angst coming back with much more force than the inklings of unease she displayed when she first got here. Her body shakes in rhythm with her weeps and he grips her even closer.
What happened is no longer his concern as much as comforting her. Giving her the safe space to let go of everything she’s been holding in. He’d make it right if she’d let him, but for now, he did what he could in the moment and that was to simply hold her.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he whispers into her ear. He’s not sure if she even registers the soft words he utters under his breath to her, but he continues anyway. Continues until her shaking ceases and she lies still in his arms.
The broken-hearted girl in front of him cried herself to sleep and it wrenched at him. 
He throws a hand into his hair, combing it back from his face. As he rolls onto his back, he takes her with him, clutching her to his side as he shifts into comfort. The lights are already off and darkness covers them as their breathing evens out.
She’s never stayed the night before but he wouldn’t let her leave even if she woke up and insisted. There was no way he was letting her be by herself this upset. Even if it was subconsciously, she sought him out for a reason. 
He just hoped that when the dawn rose in the morning, she’d still let him be there for her. 
A/N: Whewww can't believe it's been 2+ years since I've updated this fic. Thank you to all readers, both new and old. Lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist. Please, of course, leave reblogs and comments if you enjoyed. Love you bbs 🫶🏽
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sirenofthedeepsea · 1 month ago
Uh is it normal for my sister, Naia to have a crush on a computer?
She keeps gushing over P.Ai.nter, she won't stop yapping about him to the sea bunnies or me. She seems amazed by him. I have a feeling that she might have feelings for him.
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dragonologist-phd · 3 months ago
Fic Wrap-Up Meme: 2024
(repurposing an old tag game to yap about fics, and i encourage anyone else who wants to do the same!)
FANDOMS - Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Age, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, Pillars of Eternity
Pagan's Prayer (BG3):
Shadowheart isn't accustomed to placing her trust in other people. Neither is Naia. But these are interesting times, and stranger things have happened. (A loose re-telling of the game, with a focus on Tav/Shadowheart romance)
Songs of Elysium (PWOTR):
A collection of small one-shots and stories woven into the tale of Piper Chanterelle- a tiefling bard who only ever wanted to survive, until she suddenly found the power of Elysium dancing at her fingertips.
Of Diamonds And Dust (DA):
Marja Aeducan and Darvis Brosca lead lives as different as one could possibly imagine. Marja Aeducan, a member of the nobility and second in line for the throne, has spent her life maneuvering the dangerous political machinations of the Diamond Quarter. Meanwhile, Darvis Brosca, a Casteless dwarf rejected by society, does whatever it takes to survive on the streets of Dust Town. When a Grey Warden arrives in Orzammar, the lives of Marja and Darvis are forever changed. Driven from the city by misfortune and betrayal, the two must join the ranks of the Wardens in order to save their own lives. But the surface has far greater dangers than they realize. The noble and the thief will need to stand together if they're going to fight against the oncoming Blight, the brewing civil war, and the strange surface malady called "sunburn".
(limiting this to one-shots for the sake of simplicity! i don't have the patience to sort through one-shot collections and multi-chapters sorry)
Command Me To Be Well (BG3):
Ursa’s mouth is full of copper.
(same rule as above for simplicity!)
Violent Delight (BG3):
It’s a weak barb, but it’s enough to let Naia leave with some small semblance of pride still intact, and to let herself pretend she does not feel Araj’s smug, crimson gaze on her as she goes.
i've answered this before in various asks, but it's a tie between Love & War and Burn Clean (both pwotr fics!)
Love & War grew way beyond what i originally had planned for it, but i love how it turned out and it's one of my favorite longfics that i've written- and it feels so good just to finally have it completed
Burn Clean was just something very different than my usual fics, but i loved putting it together and i'm really happy with how it turned out. i've been working on a follow-up of sorts, which has stalled a bit as i hit an inspiration wall but which i do plan to finish- the whole worldstate her just really gets my wheels turning!
as i said, Burn Clean was a fic where i got to mess around with a different kind of style, and that was very fun! i also wrote my first official fic for Ursa, my BG3 Dark Urge, and i have so many more ideas for her that i hope to add to the collection!
GOALS FOR 2025 -
despite what i just said about new ideas i have so many wips to finish...i do plan to make some progress on those! but i'll still be coming back to new ideas of course, and i do have some one-shots already planned out for femslash feb!
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melioramuses · 3 years ago
A Comprehensive List of Scenarios || CATCH - for one muse to return the other’s pet that escaped. || @bvnnykick
   Naia headed back to her home, hands clasping her dog’s rope leash tightly. She’d been searching for him for hours at that point, only realizing how late it was getting when the streetlights came on. She couldn’t stop berating herself for what happened. If she’d just slowed down and accepted being a few minutes late to class, she would’ve realized the door didn’t lock behind her because it had bounced back open.
   He’d already been gone for god knows how long. It could have been moments after she rushed down the stairs of her apartment complex, or minutes before she got home. Probably the former. As much as she loved him, there was no way that derpy little dog would be able to make it outdoors. What if he got into a fight with another animal, or got hurt on the road, or... She shook her head, trying to keep those thoughts away. She’d just have to call around to shelters in the morning.
   Her head hung, staring at her feet as she walked up the stairs. Then she heard the jingling of dog tags knocking against each other, and soon the familiar raspy yap of her dog filled the air.
  Her head snapped up to see a green-haired boy holding the Boston Terrier, and immediately she ran up, ripped him from the boy’s arms, and hugged him. “Matcha!! I’m so sorry! I missed you, you goofball!”
   She paused, realizing she’d completely ignored the boy. “Oh!! And thank you so much for finding him! He’s my baby, pretty much the only family I have here in town. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I can cover lunch or something for you. Let me grab my wallet real quick and I can give you some cash for it!!”
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sirenofthedeepsea · 14 days ago
"Miche is still deactivated, why? Does Painter know about it?"
{Calypso rubs her neck}
"Probably not since Naia is the third person he yaps too when Sebastian isn't around if I remember correctly."
{June pokes her head out and she points at Chartreuse}
June: "Octo? Octo?"
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thebibliomancer · 4 years ago
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 4
Last time on video games, I got into a lot of bar fights but also beat up the Chamberlain and stole his clothes.
This time on video games, Brea’s subplot isn’t great for this type of game?
Dreamfast Memory: Tomes and Tithing
Oh come on, what possible fighting is Brea going to find in a library? Dangit Brea no roughhousing in the library! Also Boggi the fizzgig is there.
oh my god i have to beat up librarians. Breeeeeeaaaa!!
I guess I don't HAVE to. I just have to collect five tomes while librarians try to beat Brea up for asking questions.
But I beat up everyone anyway.
Brea has an interesting way of reading books, hitting them with a staff and all. So in the end I beat up all the librarians so I could read books by hitting them. Brea might be a bad reader.
Dreamfast Memory: The Order of Lesser Service
I'm starting to think that Brea's side of the story has to be square pegged into a round hole to get it to fit a trpg game. Why on thra is there a mission for giving podlings baths? Am I going to be knocking them unconscious to get them into the baths? I'm not comfortable with this, Brea!
I'm putting Deet and Hup here for true timeline breaking nonsense.
Hup, I hope you're not going to be attacking your fellows just because I put you in this level.
Service Leader: "Cleanse your mistakes by bathing Podlings!" This is so weird. The podlings don't like it. The Gelflings forced to do this doesn't like it. Who actually likes this?
Apparently the mission goal is to capture 4 podlings. By knocking them out?
Also, their unit name is Dirty Podling, which I don't find as delightful as Rude Gelfling.
Also they're throwing rocks at me. Which, fair enough.
Boggi is here too. He's Brea's pet fizzgig. He was in the library mission too. Kind of cool that fizzgigs are units in the game. Wanna see some landstriders tho. Yup. You 'capture' podlings by 'hitting them' enough times that they pass out.
This is just a weird decision all around.
The Service Leader is a playable unit here too. He has the Firemoss ability. He's throwing fireballs at podlings that just want to not take a bath.
So after knocking four podlings unconscious, Brea makes a deal with a fifth one that she won't make him take a bath if he doesn't tell anyone she's ditching this fucked up charity work.
Dreamfast Memory: Thra's True Balance So this is the part where Brea finds the secret room beneath the All-Maudra throne. Again, Brea's part of the story doesn't lend itself to the gameplay we have.
And the mission this time is to activate all the levers by the pillars the represent the clans before a Darkened Nurloc kills us all. Us being an out of place Naia and Kylan. Also Brea and Boggi.
So you can just race around the map activating switches without bothering to fight things. But more creatures spawn as you activate switches. I definitely remember this from the show.
After hitting the switches in random order as convenient, Brea: "Wait, the order doesn't matter! Of course... all the clans are equal!"
And this epiphany unlocks Brea and Boggi for my party. Woo.
And now the story is being told by Brea's journal. Are we still in flashback zone? Are we getting second hand exposition within a flashback? Maybe instead of dreamfast memories the early parts of the game should have been told via Brea's journal. She's actually putting more of a context to things than playing random memories has been.
The transition from Dreamfast memories to the 'present' doesn't have Aughra say anything even though she's the one who was presiding over the dreamfast. The game's story presentation could have used a couple more drafts.
Anyway, Boggi's class is Fizzgig Medic. He doesn't have a class tree so its just that class forever. Also he can't equip much equipmanet as he does not have hands. I love him.
He has moves like Encouraging Yap and Insistent Bark. Insistent Bark revives knocked out allies. Because its so insistent.
Couple more nonrandom encounters for XP and I'm getting my first gelflings able to get tier 2 jobs. Deet is going to be an Adept! And Kylan is going to be a Thief because I might train him to be a grave dancer.
And now everyone is level 10 and get to have cool jobs. Hup is gonna be a Tamer! Cause that way he gets a pet! Sure, his dream was to be a Paladin his whole life and I've kind of steered him by the shoulder to another career path but... pet!
Brea is gonna be a Bramble Sage. She beats up librarians, she's the sort who'd want to set people on fire with her mind.
So at this point in the game, I had to actually go and get back to watching the show cause I was getting to the parts where I left off and I didn't want to experience the plot first through the game.
I’ve been sitting on these notes for a bit!
Some game mechanics stuff. You can rotate the map. It took me way too long to realize that and I was annoyed at things being obstructed by scenery.
Aside from good ol' Boggi the Fizzgig, the characters can have three abilities from a primary job and two from a secondary. Like the job mixing from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance but with more tough choices.
So Brea should have been in an olde Lucasarts style point and click? Solving puzzles and uncovering Lore ha ha
... I’d play the heck out of a Dark Crystal point and click.
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crystalsundered · 5 years ago
random skekMara headcanons ;; 
-- skekMara, like her hero, skekSa, distrusted the castle-dwelling skeksis from the first. she did not appreciate the Emperor’s plans to rule with an iron fist, and, although she occasionally ventured to the castle to keep skekLach and skekLi company, she refused to live there, instead making her home in a major podling village near sami thicket. she despises how most of the skeksis and gelfling treat the pod people and will defiantly speak in her family’s tongue unless given a reason to do otherwise. 
-- she has legitimately called skekSo a ‘lying bitch’ in podling to his face before. skekLach almost had a heart attack. thankfully, the emperor never stooped to learn the language of the ‘slaves’ but she’s exactly that type of person. 
-- as a result of her blatant defiance against the emperor, and the amount of times she’s evaded capture by even skekMal, skekSo instead spread rumors that she has a contagious madness. as such, the more loyal clans like the spriton, stonewood, and vapra won’t dare go near her... at least, not until rian, kylan, and naia help them all see that she was right the entire time. 
-- absolutely hates being called a skeksis. in fact, only the skeksis call her ‘skekMara the Linguist.’ the podlings refer to her as ‘mara’ or ‘aminya mara.’ 
-- although she hates skekSo, skekZok, and skekSil with a fiery passion, the skeksis that she absolutely loathes is skekNa the slave-master. skekMara tried to prevent the podlings from from agreeing to send their own to work at the castle, but as the skeksis had the backing of the gelfling, there was nothing she could do. she did put out one of skekNa’s eyes with a well-aimed dart, however. biggest achievement of her career. 
-- she has a pet fizzgig named ‘yanapa’ for the podling word for ‘speaking,’ as the fizzgig is constantly talking, yapping, or growling at something or other. 
-- may not like the Vapra, but has a huge crush on Brea-- would have loved to have been allowed inside that huge library in ha’rar. 
-- knew hup when he was younger and when she finds out that he decked skekShod in the face? he becomes her hero. 
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boc-naia · 3 years ago
PRESS RELEASE February 14, 2022
BOC-NAIA seized 396 harmful BLACK ANTS Declared as LEGO TOYS
In line with its mandate to prevent the entry and exit of prohibited and restricted commodities, the Bureau of Customs - Port of NAIA seized and turned over 3 export shipments misdeclared as "Lego Toys" and 2 undeclared import shipments containing harmful black ants concealed in 396 specimen tubes to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources on January 24, 2022 and February 04, 2022, respectively.
Like in other countries, the importation and exportation of non-native black ants are strictly prohibited in view of the danger it poses not only to human health but also environment. Studies in China show that non-native black ants are carrier of virus, bacteria and diseases inimical to local ecology, including agriculture and forestry. However, despite common perils and hazards, Black Ants are also beautiful in appearance .
Records show that the 3 intercepted export parcels declared as “Lego Kid’s Toy” bound for France, Singapore and Italy were sent by a certain "Shin Yap". The subject parcels yielded a total of twenty one (21) small cups and twenty one (21) specimen tubes containing assorted black ants concealed in a Lego Box.
On the other hand, the 2 similarly suspicious imported shipments from Poland were also subjected to mandatory non-intrusive inspection and physical Customs examination . The same yielded a total of 375 speciment tubes containing black ants.
The seized black ants were immediately turned over to the DENR and subjected to seizure and forfeiture proceedings for violation of Section 11 and 27 of RA 9147 otherwise known as "Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act", and Section 117 in relation to Section 1113 (f) of RA 10863 also known as the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA).
The Port of NAIA under District Collector Carmelita M. Talusan remain steadfast and committed to support the directives of Commissioner Rey Leonardo B. Guerrero to enhance border security and prevent the entry and/or exit of prohibited, restricted and hazardous goods, including harmful and inimical wildlife species.
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renesf · 5 years ago
Senator Risa Hontiveros’ Counter Proposal To Rename NAIA
Senator Risa Hontiveros’ Counter Proposal To Rename NAIA
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MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) – The proposed bill to rename the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) has received a lot of pushback from many Filipinos.
Representatives Paolo Duterte, Lord Allan Velasco and Eric Yap want NAIA to be renamed Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas.  Many are opposed to the proposed new name because it is difficult to spell, pronounce and…
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phgq · 5 years ago
Palace distances from proposal to rename NAIA
#PHnews: Palace distances from proposal to rename NAIA
MANILA – Malacañang on Monday distanced itself from the lawmakers’ move to rename the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) to Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas.
Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said the Palace will leave it to Congress to file measures they wanted.
“Iniiwan po namin iyan sa Kongreso dahil kinakailangan po ng batas kung kinakailangang baguhin ang pangalan ng NAIA (We leave it to the Congress because there is a need for a law to rename NAIA),” he said in a virtual presser.
Last week, Deputy Speaker Paolo Duterte filed House Bill No. 7031, saying there is a need to identify the country’s largest international airport as belonging to the Philippines by using the Filipino language.
“We need a more representative branding for the international gateway of our country, thus our proposal renaming NAIA to the Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas. Aside from it bearing our country's name, it is in our national language," Duterte said.
The presidential son said he wanted the country’s main gateway to “reflect the legacy of the Filipino people” without bearing any color nor political agenda.
The bill was also authored by Marinduque Rep. and House energy committee chair Lord Allan Jay Velasco and ACT-CIS Rep. and House appropriations committee chair Eric Go Yap.
Velasco said the proposal aims to reposition the Philippines as a choice tourist destination as the country prepares to reopen to travelers once the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic is over.
Yap said the country’s main gateway should reflect the Philippines and the Filipino nation.
It was in 1987 that the original name of the biggest airport in the country, Manila International Airport (MIA), was renamed to Ninoy Aquino International Airport through Republic Act No. 6639 during the administration of then President Corazon Aquino.
The airport was renamed in honor of the late senator, Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. who was assassinated in its tarmac on August 21, 1983.
Vice President Leni Robredo has criticized the lawmakers’ plan to rename the NAIA, questioning their “sense of history”.
She also said renaming NAIA was “ill-timed” amid the Covid-19 pandemic. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Palace distances from proposal to rename NAIA." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1107411 (accessed June 30, 2020 at 04:32AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Palace distances from proposal to rename NAIA." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1107411 (archived).
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componentplanet · 5 years ago
Postponed Detroit Auto Show Now Canceled, With Future in Doubt
It’s been a tough week for Detroit, with the president yapping at US automakers to produce ventilators, shields, and masks faster. Now the date-shifted North American International Auto Show is kaput for 2020. Last held in January 2019 and slated this year for June 2020, the show organizers called it off when it became likely the downtown convention center, TCF Arena, would be requisitioned for use as a FEMA field hospital to support hospitals overtaxed treating coronavirus patients over the summer.
The show has now been reset for June 2021 as a convention-center auto show, plus rites-of-spring outdoor events along the Detroit River.
Detroit’s convention center, Cobo Hall, in 2018, now called TCF Center, after the frozen yogurt company. Sorry, we meant bank. TCF has 300 branches, about 10 times as many as TCBY has flavors.
Auto Shows in Free-Fall Before the Pandemic
It has been a tough year and a half for auto shows. How tough?
Detroit, the North American International Auto Show, was most recently held in January 2018. Where it’s cold and snows. A couple of times in the past two decades, auto execs and press people were stranded in Detroit because Detroit Metro Airport was snowed in. Journos had nothing to do … except write snarky articles. The show was reset for June 2020, a 17-month gap, and now it’s off until 2021.
It is obvious so let’s say it explicitly: The #IAA2019 is a huge fail. It’s just a sad shadow of what it used to be. There will not be an #IAA2021. End of story. KTN
— Karl-Thomas Neumann (@KT_Neumann) September 11, 2019
The world’s most important show, Frankfurt (IAA), saw attendance fall at the odd-years-only  September 2019 show from 931,700 in 2015 to 810,000 in 2017 to just 561,000. Opel board member Karl-Thomas Neumann called it a “huge fail.” (Isn’t it nice when businessmen speak their minds, even if it annoys the Frankfurt Convention Bureau?) Sponsors put the 2021 show’s location out for bid. The commercial vehicles show continues in Hannover in September 2020. For the auto show, Munich won over Berlin, Hamburg, and three others for the next show in the fall of 2021.
The Los Angeles Auto Show went off in November 2019 and generally did well, in part because of its heavy emphasis on alternative-energy vehicles. Also, LA is a nice place for auto execs and the media to be heading into winter. LA is the de facto auto capital of the Americas because of design and tech centers in SoCal and Silicon Valley, plus the number of international automakers with US headquarters there. Unlike in Detroit, there’s no hometown bias in the media coverage. LA took on a life of its own when it gave up its early January date in 2006 for November/December. For now, the 2020 show is still on, Nov. 18-29. LA’s biggest problem is the convention center is small and cut into two halls that are a five-minute walk apart.
The Chicago Auto Show, the fourth of the three major US auto shows, went off Feb. 13-21, 2020 and was the last major or mid-major auto show to be held. For impact, Chicago ranks just behind the three international US shows – Detroit, New York, LA – but is the envy of the others for the best show facility, McCormick Place. It’s the one US site that can handle a million visitors. Should that many people show up for an auto exposition in the near future.
The Geneva International Motor Show (GIMS) was slated for March 2-15, just as the expanse of the coronavirus epidemic in China became evident. Automakers had been pulling their top execs back from the show, and days before the Swiss government banned gatherings of more than 1,000 people, which ended the show. Geneva is considered one of the Big Five auto shows of the world – Frankfurt, Geneva, Detroit, Paris, Tokyo – but its attendance slipped in previous years. Non-participants included Cadillac, Ford, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Land Rover, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Peugeot, Citroen, Opel, Vauxhall, Subaru, Tata, Tesla, and Volvo. But the show went on, online: Virtually every automaker with a major introduction live-streamed the rollout from headquarters.
The New York International Auto Show (NYIAS), scheduled every year starting the Wednesday before Easter (April 8) and running a week and a half, postponed the show to one of the least desirable times of the year, the week and a half leading up to Labor Day weekend. Press days are Aug. 26-27, with public days through Sept. 6. Greater New York is one of three sales hotspots for luxury cars along with SoCal and Miami, but Audi, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz said they’ll skip the show.
The Paris Motor Show, Oct. 1-11, just announced the main part of the show has been canceled. For now, off-site events are planned: Movin’On and Smart City.
The Tokyo Motor Show, Oct. 22-Nov. 2, has made no announcement of plans for this year.
Happier days: Steve McQueen’s exuberant granddaughter Molly McQueen, in 2018 at the rollout of the new Ford Bullitt Mustang, done in the same Dark Highland Green as in the 1968 movie.
Detroit’s Tough-Luck Story Gets Tougher
Detroit 2018 press days: Selfies against the Detroit River next to Cobo Hall with (we’re not sure) clouds reflected in the water. Or ice floes.
It has been a difficult week for the auto show, Michigan-based automakers, and the state’s economy. Detroit will now be going almost two and a half years between shows. More than any other city and show, the automakers and auto dealers have used NAIAS to remind themselves of past glory: when US automakers sold half the cars in the US and when GM alone sold half the cars (1962).
Even as market share shifted away from the Big Three – GM, Ford, and the Chrysler-Ram-Dodge part of FCA – Michigan remains the auto engineering capital of the Americas. When the automakers shed employees in the past 20 years, many of them went to work for big US suppliers such as Magna or Lear, or international suppliers with big presences: Bosch, Denso, Continental, ZF, Aisin, Hyundai and the like. At the same time, the era of Rust Belt assembly line jobs paying $30 an hour is gone and will never come back. Manufacturing growth, with factory workers making $15-$20 an hour to start, is in the new south: the Carolinas, Georgia Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas. Plus Tesla in California using a former Toyota/GM plant to build a small-scale EV company in one with the largest market value outside Toyota.
A GM technician setting up and testing machinery to produce Level 1 face masks in Warren, Michigan. GM will ramp to 50,000 masks per day within two weeks, and later to 100,000 if there’s need. (Probably will be.)
Meanwhile, POTUS Blasts GM
This should have been a good-news story week about automakers pitching in to help fight coronavirus (as have many industries). Ford, GM, and Chrysler (FCA) are recalling employees to build masks, face shields, and even respirators. At the same time, the White House has been praising and then criticizing the automakers for not being in production already.
Friday President Trump castigated GM and CEO Mary Barra for slow-walking production plans to build ventilators. This was the event where the president said both “General Motors” and “General Electric” in the same extended sentence and described the federal relief package as “$2.2 billion …. $2.2 trillion.” GE does make ventilators through its healthcare unit. GM is partnering with Ventec Life Systems. Insiders at GM and Ventec said the past week was not GM stalling, but cutting red tape and expediting parts ordering, finding the best-skilled workers, and getting plants ready. According to a story in Tuesday’s New York Times:
President Trump on Friday accused G.M. and its chief executive, Mary T. Barra, of dragging their feet on the project and directed his administration to force the company to make ventilators under a 1950s law. But accounts from five people with knowledge of the automaker’s plans depict an attempt by G.M. and its partner, Ventec Life Systems, a small maker of ventilators, to accelerate production of the devices.
With deaths surging as cases snowball, the two companies have moved urgently to find parts, place orders and deploy workers, the people said. Tasks that normally would take weeks or months have been completed in days. The companies expect production to begin in three weeks and the first ventilators to ship before the end of April.
Why automakers? They have big assembly lines that are the opposite of clean rooms. But they also have smaller, cleaner prototype rooms and rapid-development assembly areas that can, and will be, repurposed. One of the things automakers do well is source parts from third parties.
In the making of a car, we’re almost a century removed from the Ford River Rouge plant, where freighters docked at the 900-acre factory with iron ore and a finished Model A came out the other end. Instead, an automaker may produce the highest-value items itself, typically engines, and outsource tires, wheels, transmissions, infotainment, and driver-assist electronics, sometimes even body panels.
I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the “borders” from China – against the wishes of almost all. Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 18, 2020
Some outside the administration allege that the executive branch is pressing GM, and many others, to light a fire now in order to make up for lost time responding in January. Multiple reports say the CDC and national security advisors in January described the coronavirus as out of control and on the way to being a pandemic – an epidemic that reaches much of the world.
Regardless, protective equipment and ventilators will begin flowing soon from automaker factories and other sources. At the same time, doctors, nurses, and hospital staff are stuck reusing old masks or creating makeshift protection until the so-called “arsenal of health” starts flowing. And with no end in sight for people suffering from Covid-19, there won’t be many auto shows, large or small, in the near future.
Now read:
Covid-19 ‘Arsenal of Health’: Automakers Are Building Ventilators, Masks
Top Cars of the 2020 Geneva Motor Show That Never Was 
5 Lessons From the Death of Frankfurt Motor Show 
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/308522-postponed-detroit-auto-show-now-canceled-with-future-in-doubt from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/03/postponed-detroit-auto-show-now.html
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universallycrownpirate · 8 years ago
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Flughafen von Manila wurde am 17. August 1987 in Ninoy Aquino International Airport umbenannt.
Benigno Simeon „Ninoy“ Aquino, Jr. (* 27. November 1932 in Concepcion, Provinz Tarlac; † 21. August 1983 in Manila, Philippinen) war ein philippinischer Politiker. Mit 17 Jahren war er der jüngste Reporter, der über den Koreakrieg berichtete. Er studierte freie Künste an der Ateneo de Manila Universität und begann danach ein Jurastudium an der Universität der Philippinen, das er jedoch abbrach, um sich auf seine politische Karriere zu konzentrieren. Im Alter von 21 Jahren war er ein wichtiger Mitarbeiter des damaligen Verteidigungsministers Ramon Magsaysay. Als Magsaysay schließlich Präsident wurde, schickte ihn dieser als persönlichen Gesandten zum Hukbalahap-Führer Luis Taruc. Aquino erreichte nach vier Monaten Verhandlung die bedingungslose Kapitulation von Taruc. 1954 heiratete Ninoy Aquino die gleichaltrige Corazon Cojuangco, und ein Jahr später wurde er mit nur 22 Jahren zum Bürgermeister seiner Heimatstadt gewählt. Politische Karriere Im Alter von 27 Jahren wurde Aquino Vize-Gouverneur und nur zwei Jahre später Gouverneur seiner Provinz Tarlac. 1966 bekam er das Amt des Generalsekretärs der oppositionellen Liberal Party, und im Jahre 1967 wurde er dann mit nur 34 Jahren zum jüngsten Senator der philippinischen Geschichte gewählt. Aufgrund seines schnellen Aufstiegs und seiner Popularität sah ihn Ferdinand Marcos als Rivalen an, auch weil er einer seiner größten Kritiker war. Als Marcos im Jahre 1972 das Kriegsrecht ausrief, wurde Aquino inhaftiert und vor ein Militärgericht gestellt. 1975 trat er in einen 40-tägigen Hungerstreik. 1977 verurteilte ihn ein Militärtribunal zum Tode, jedoch wurde das Urteil nicht vollstreckt. Ninoy Aquino auf der 500-Peso-Note 1980 bekam er seinen ersten Herzinfarkt und durfte deswegen in Begleitung seiner Frau zur medizinischen Behandlung in die USA ausreisen. Nach seiner Genesung setzte er seine politische Arbeit als Oppositionsführer im Exil fort und blieb bis Mitte 1983 in den USA, bevor er schließlich auf seinen eigenen Wunsch hin im August 1983 auf die Philippinen zurückkehrte. Ferdinand Marcos war zu jener Zeit erkrankt und Aquino ging davon aus, dass dies zu dessen baldigem Tode führen würde. Er fürchtete, dass Chaos oder gar ein Bürgerkrieg im Land ausbrechen würden, sofern nach Marcos’ Tod keine starke Persönlichkeit in der Opposition im Land bereitstand. Warnungen von Imelda Marcos, dem Land fernzubleiben, ignorierte er. Unter einer falschen Identität, dem Namen Marcial Bonifacio, reiste er am 21. August 1983 in sein Land zurück und wurde am Flughafen Manila, der heute seinen Namen trägt, beim Verlassen des Flugzeuges erschossen. Durch seine Ermordung wurde Aquino vor allem für die People’s-Power-Bewegung zum Märtyrer. Zwei Millionen Menschen nahmen an seinem Begräbnis teil. Eine Massenbewegung gegen das Marcos-Regime entstand. Seine Witwe Corazon Aquino (1933–2009) wurde zur Leitfigur dieser Bewegung, die schließlich in die EDSA-Revolution im Februar 1986 mündete. Corazon Aquino wurde 1986 nach vorzeitigen Neuwahlen, einer darauf folgenden Meuterei durch Teile des Militärs und Massendemonstrationen zur Präsidentin der Philippinen. Benigno und Corazon Aquino waren Eltern von insgesamt fünf Kindern. Diese sind die vier Töchter Maria Elena Aquino Cruz, Aurora Corazon Abellada, Victoria Eliza Aquino Dee und Kristina Bernadette Aquino Yap, und der einzige Sohn Benigno Simeon III „Noynoy“ Aquino. Vor vielen Jahren, während seiner Inhaftierung, hatte Ninoy seinem Sohn in einem Brief einst geschrieben: „Sohn, der Ball ist nun in deinen Händen“. Diesem Aufruf folgend, ist Noynoy Aquino ebenfalls politisch aktiv, war ab 2007 Senator und wurde bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen im Mai 2010 schließlich zum 15. Präsidenten der Philippinen gewählt. Zu Ehren von Ninoy Aquino trägt die Stadt Sen. Ninoy Aquino seinen Namen und der internationale Flughafen von Manila wurde am 17. August 1987 in Ninoy Aquino International Airport umbenannt. Außerdem ziert das Bildnis des Politikers die Vorderseite der philippinischen 500-Peso-Note und der 21. August ist seit 2004 offizieller Gedenktag "Ninoy Aquino Day". Der Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA; Filipino: Paliparang Pandaigdig na Ninoy Aquino) ist ein 1948 eröffneter internationaler Flughafen in der Metro Manila im südostasiatischen Land Philippinen. Dieser derzeit größte Flughafen des Landes hat den IATA-Code MNL und den ICAO-Code RPLL. Er befindet sich auf dem Stadtgebiet von Pasay City und Parañaque City, und liegt damit 7 km südlich der Hauptstadt Manila. Im Jahr 2013 wurden 32.866.599 Passagiere abgefertigt. Flughafenbetreiber ist die Behörde Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA), die zum Verkehrsministerium DOTC gehört. Bild könnte enthalten: Himmel, Wolken und im Freien
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thebibliomancer · 4 years ago
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 12
I finish up the rest of the Vapra Clan missions.
Things go pretty smoothly without much to say because of all the training last time.
Seladon doesn’t even have the common courtesy to show up as I topple her government but then she has show plot places to be and people to meet.
So its a short post. But on the plus side.... uh... On the plus side, the next one will be longer as I try to do all the Sifa missions in one go?
As a reminder, the context behind these missions is that Seladon has been having her paladins arrest any Vapran with anti-Skeksis sentiments. Rian and co are here to bust out the resistance to join the age of resistance. And also to beat up every one of Seladon’s paladins. Also, the house sitter she got to watch the palace while she’s gone.
Mission: Breaching Security - Citadel Halls
"Seladon has imprisoned the Vapra resistance! The heroes must storm the Citadel to free them."
Since the Vapra clan is already behind me, might as well finish embarrassing Seladon.
Well this is an interestingly shaped level. Since its about storm a citadel, there's a big wall between the enemies and my party and I have to climb the convenient stone steps to charge in through the convenient windows.
Huh! Wait! I wonder whether siege warfare was different in Gelfling history, what with the half the population can fly thing. Or maybe the Gelfling never had full on siege warfare like that because the Skeksis have run the show for so long. The prejudices between clans seem more vaguely racist than will go to war to take their stuff.
Party: Hup, Wukki, Deet, Rek'yr, and Kylan.
The theme is 'lets pretend that this is what the other half of the party was up to while I was beating up SkekVar.' Until I lose, in which case I'll throw my strongest characters at the problem.
So this level is 'on the way to rescue the prisoners' because the prisoners aren't actually here. That's kind of a theme with Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics. You have an objective but then you do a mission on the way to the objective to make things feel less abrupt.
Things went simply enough. Lost the doggo and Deet. Alas.
But even so Deet learned Thorns, Rek'yr learned Reckless Blow, Breg learned Eye Shot, and Hup leveled and didn't learn anything.
Mission: The Cells - Citadel Dungeons
"The heroes must release the imprisoned Vapra and lead them to safety."
So I hit the lever to open the gate which spawns two prisoners and some more guards. Now I just gotta defeat all enemies without letting any of the prisoners die.
And I somehow manage it, even though one of the spawned enemies does nothing but take potshots at one of the prisoners.
Rek'yr leveled up and finally has Paladin available as a job. I'm sticking him right in there. Wukki learns Encouraging Yap. Brea and Rian level up without learning anything. A lot of that going on lately.
Anyway, lets overthrow Seladon.
Mission: Zealot's Rebuke - Citadel Balcony
"The heroes seek to free the Vapra from the misguided Skeksis loyalists. They must confront Seladon's remaining loyal Paldins."
This is feeling awfully like a purge. Good thing we're just knocking people out.
Looking at the level names, we go from the Citadel Halls to the Citadel Dungeons to the Citadel Balcony. It has a nice sense of progression for how we’re rampaging throughout the citadel.
Wow, in addition to the Paladins, there's also the Palace Steward who is a Song Teller. He's lvl 27!
Party: Rian, Gurjin, Naia, Brea, and Rek'yr.
This is my serious face.
Rian: "Paladins, the Skeksis have you deceived! Your prisoners have been freed. Stop this madness!"
Palace Steward: "Seladon warned us about you! You will pay for your heresy!"
Dammit, Seladon!
Seladon's paladins’ fatal flaw is that Naia is also a paladin and she's cooler than they are. She's wearing a ring stolen off the very Chamberlain's finger.
Things went very smoothly compared to the last several missions. I ganged up on each paladin and knocked them out and then worked my way over to the Steward.
I sure kicked the crap out of those Vapra.
Rian: "Pitting Gelfing against Gelfling... This is what the Skeksis want."
We wouldn't have a game if we didn't do that, Rian!
So everyone levels but only Rian learns a thing, Awaken. Also: got the Paladin's Polearm. I don't know why I get new spears faster than new swords but this is probably going right on Naia.
Ok, so the Paladin's Polearm has the same stats as the Sturdy Halberd I decided not to put on Naia earlier but the Polearm also has a 30% chance to inflict Wound. And Naia is a paladin and deserves nice things. So this is going right on Naia.
And that finishes the Vapra missions. I destabilized Seladon and the Skeksis' influence in the Vapra clan and got them to join the resistance. A good day’s work.
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phgq · 5 years ago
Pulong pushes for educ’l grants for public school teachers
#PHnews: Pulong pushes for educ’l grants for public school teachers
DAVAO CITY – House of Representatives deputy speaker, Davao City 1st District Rep. Paolo “Pulong” Duterte, is pushing for the passage of scholarship grants and educational assistance for public school teachers and their children. In a statement on Thursday, the office of Duterte and Anti-Crime and Terrorism Community Involvement and Support (ACT-CIS) Party-list Rep. Eric Go Yap filed House Bill 7012 or “The Scholarship Grants to Public School Teachers and Educational Cash Assistance to their Children in Tertiary Education.” Submitted last week, Duterte said the measure aims to offer scholarship grants to teachers to enroll in graduate and post-graduate studies to improve their craft. “Under the bill, teachers who avail (of) the scholarship may also apply the same for their children in state universities and colleges,” he said. Duterte said he and his colleagues in the House are doing their best to lift the social and economic burden from teachers by granting them opportunities to hone their expertise in a specialized area of study and by providing their children in tertiary education with educational assistance. “Rest assured that we are looking into more ways to uplift the lives of our school teachers to show our gratitude and appreciation for their hard work,” he said. On the other hand, Duterte said he, Lord Allan Jay Velasco (Marinduque), and Yap also filed House Bill 7031, which seeks to change the name of the country's primary airport from the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) to the "Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas" (PPP). According to the three authors, the name seeks to represent the whole nation and bring pride to Filipinos with the use of the national language. After having recovered from its image as one of the worst airports in the world, the NAIA is now poised to change its name to finally get rid of the bad image and start fresh. The three lawmakers said there is a need to identify the airport, being the international gateway of the Philippines, as belonging to the Philippines and not to one person alone. Republic Act 6639, enacted on Dec. 10, 1987, renamed the Manila International Airport into the Ninoy Aquino International Airport during the administration of then-president Corazon C. Aquino. The proposed law will be calendared for first reading where it will be referred to the House Committee on Transportation for deliberation. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Pulong pushes for educ’l grants for public school teachers." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1107030 (accessed June 26, 2020 at 03:48AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Pulong pushes for educ’l grants for public school teachers." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1107030 (archived).
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phgq · 5 years ago
3 solons propose to rename NAIA
#PHnews: 3 solons propose to rename NAIA
MANILA – A bill renaming the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) to Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas has been filed at the House of Representatives.
In filing House Bill No. 7031 on Thursday, Deputy Speaker Paolo Duterte said there is a need to identify the country’s largest international airport as belonging to the Philippines by using the Filipino language.
“We need a more representative branding for the international gateway of our country, thus our proposal renaming NAIA to the Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas. Aside from it bearing our country's name, it is in our national language," Duterte said.
"We want it to reflect the legacy of the Filipino people, our everyday heroes. The name bears no color, no political agenda. It only signifies our warmth as Filipinos in welcoming our own kababayans and foreign visitors," he added.
The bill was also authored by Marinduque Rep. and House energy committee chair Lord Allan Jay Velasco and ACT-CIS Rep. and House appropriations committee chair Eric Go Yap.
Velasco said the proposal aims to reposition the Philippines as a choice tourist destination as the country prepares to reopen to travelers once the pandemic is over.
“Renaming it to Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas will not only benefit and bolster our brand as a destination hub but will also strengthen the country’s identity,” Velasco said.
“Changing the name of NAIA to Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas gives every Filipino a great sense of pride and ownership of the country’s biggest and largest international airport,” Velasco added.
Yap, meanwhile, said while national roads and institutions have been named after notable personalities, the country’s main international gateway should reflect the Philippines and the Filipino nation.
“Gusto natin na paglapag pa lang ng eroplano dito, pangalan na agad ng bansa natin ang bubungad sa ating mga balik-bayan pati sa mga turista mula sa ibang bansa. Ating iparamdam sa kanila na sila ay nakauwi na sa kanilang tahanan (Once the airplane lands here, we want the name of our country to be the first thing to welcome returning Filipinos and foreign tourists. Let us make them feel that they have finally come home)," Yap said.
It was in 1987 that the original name of the biggest airport in the country, Manila International Airport (MIA), was renamed to Ninoy Aquino International Airport through Republic Act No. 6639. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "3 solons propose to rename NAIA." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1107027 (accessed June 26, 2020 at 01:52AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "3 solons propose to rename NAIA." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1107027 (archived).
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sirenofthedeepsea · 14 days ago
"How do they breath?! I thought they were giant Robots looking like those earth movers things I heard Naia yapping about with Painter."
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