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aurelion-solar · 10 months ago
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Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess - 2XKO Reveal Trailer
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corvid-and-flowers · 7 months ago
didn’t one of the arcane ppl say they were ending at s2 so they could move on to other similar projects? OMG I swear if we get the bilgewater version of arcane???!!!! Or omg the targon version or somthing about the demacia noxus conflict I am going to go insane from joy lol!
Jinx and Nagakabouros
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Now that it looks like we are getting Jinx in a cloak in s2, and speaking of Jinx co-opting deity imagery, I wanted to talk about how the tentacles on her cloak in this concept art very much gives a Nagakabouros vibe.
I hope this design makes it into the show, because while the Janna connection hinted at in the teaser trailer makes sense given that Janna is the patron goddess of Zaun, if I had to pick a patron Runeterra deity for Jinx personally I would definitely say Nagakabouros.
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A monstrous sea serpent who is the goddess of motion just fits Jinx on so many levels, especially with Fishbones' and Silco's connection to sea monsters.
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symbioticnightmareart · 3 months ago
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First actual digital art project bottom is my reference this is all part of a bigger project coming soon
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utsuboh · 2 years ago
wait i take it back
brb while i put my whole ass into making the tweels a league au
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yunalai · 2 years ago
qiyana will be so insufferable when she learns about other regions in runeterra and their religions cuz she will show interest but also be like "your fake gods are so intricate"
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teeto-peteto · 1 year ago
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literally the answer
Tough question imo. But, considering the whole traumatic experience, and the shambly politics in Bilgewater and that almost all the champions in the city kill people in a regular basis. Do you think Pyke is a good or a bad person? Is his path of vengance justified or unjustified?
His path of vengeance, killing captains, from a certain point of view, is justified. They mistreat their crew, kill the beasts of the water. A dead captain can't hurt their crew. But it's not just captains, is it? It's everyone on the list, shipmen, quartermasters, boatswain, Powder monkeys (Yes, that's a crew name.), even people who weren't sailors for years according to RK.
It's messy, but should you blame the captains who earned their fates? The creature who swallowed Pyke? The captain who cut Pyke's line? Gangplank for making Bilgewater into such a dangerous place? Who can say who is at fault?
And like you say, he's hardly the only killer in the city. I hope this answer makes sense instead of just wannabe poetic language?
Answer: It's complicated.
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bathtubbbbbbbbb · 7 months ago
I’m throughly convinced that the next film/television project that Riot is gonna make will take place in Bilgewater & star Miss Fortune.
I’ve had this inclining for a while now as there’s several Miss Fortune cinematics that are in a very similar style to that of Arcane. But I’ve also just been really stewing on it as of late since I saw a post talking about how Arcane Jinx thematically & aesthetically seems related to a god from LoL, Nagakabouros the god of the sea & movement — & then that got me thinking about something I heard or read talking about how the themes & plot & characters & what not present in Arcane intermingle, “they don’t repeat exactly, but they rhyme”. I feel like a lot of the themes & such present in the stories of the characters from Bildgewater ‘rhyme’ with the ones from Piltover & Zaun.
Miss Fortune herself feels sorta like combination of Vi & Jinx — she has red hair like Vi, her weapons of choice are guns like Jinx & she has this long braid similar to Jinx. A character that rhymes with them you could say.
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roninreverie · 3 months ago
Guys... last night, I had the worst crack-theory that I think I've ever had in my life
I am almost too ashamed of it to even post on Tumblr.com, buuut... here goes.
Running on the theory that Steb is only half Fish Person [pending actual species name, but let's run with something vaguely Vasatyan]... I started thinking about his other parent.
I was already looking up League of Legends seafaring lore for fic purposes, but started looking into the champions near Bilgewater specifically.
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Then I learned about her...
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I know next to nothing about Illaoi, haven't even watched a YT breakdown or anything, but I immediately clocked a very familiar hairline and pattern under her eyes.
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She's about the same age as Vander... Her bio says she seems like sort of a free spirit as well, liking what she wants and crushing what she doesn't, and travels the seas in service of her god. She's also had like 2 rumored love interests, and more headcanon ones based on fight skill or muscle alone... so she seems like multi-love interest bait to me, with a motive to start a family but then also leave one behind.
My brain went: Fish Man + Illaoi = Steb?
Please don't block me! I am sleep deprived and diving into Lore I know nothing about, buuuuut....
Imagine latent Vastaya magic Steb tied to the bloodpact sorcery of this kraken goddess, Nagakabouros.
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And the Arcane spin off taking place in a pirating sea-setting since the Hexgates are now broken and travel by sea/airship will be the only ways to transport goods. Goods that specifically get looted on their way to Piltover, prompting a return of the Sheriff and her officers to investigate and face new foes/ allies in a different land.
I'll see myself out now.
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calchexxis · 1 year ago
I realize that since Lightcannon is a lot less rarepair-y post-Arcane, and WenClair and Sylvaina never were, my penchant for rarepairs and crackships is now less well-known so here's some of my more off the wall fics I'm proud of!
Renataphine (Renata/Seraphine) - League of Legends
Cherry Wine
Fresh from her collaboration with K/DA, Seraphine finds herself struggling in the world of music out from under the wings of the breakout idols who found her. Unwilling to allow an investment to fail, her producer brings in a veteran manager to push Seraphine to where she needs to be to succeed. That's assuming Seraphine doesn't kill her first.
One Last Song
Fresh from her collaboration with K/DA, Seraphine finds herself struggling in the world of music out from under the wings of the breakout idols who found her. Unwilling to allow an investment to fail, her producer brings in a veteran manager to push Seraphine to where she needs to be to succeed. That's assuming Seraphine doesn't kill her first.
Lux/Illaoi (feat. Trans Lux) - League of Legends
Test of Spirit (Series)
Eluxar Crownguard has always chosen to present female in his disguises when on-mission for the Radiant. He would never admit how much more comfortable it is to be known as 'Luxanna' to anyone he knows. However, when Eluxar's latest mission brings him face-to-face with the Truthbearer of Nagakabouros, he will be forced to choose. Drown or Swim?
Celestine/Greyfax - Warhammer 40k
Saintsbride (Series)
Following their flight from Holy Terra aboard a warship of the Adeptus Custodes after the destruction of the Cathedral of Saint Thor, and lacking anything productive to occupy her time, Katarinya Greyfax finds herself seeking solace at the bottom of a decanter of amasec until she is interrupted by her companion, the Living Saint Celestine, who is concerned for the Inquisitor's health and stability. Perhaps she shall find a measure of both in the arms of the Saint.
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teeto-peteto · 2 years ago
honestly i really wished for Sentinels Of Light event to be rewritten on a better way without character flanderization and misconception and self awareness of the lore. Being completely honest: it was terrible.
My point specifically is: According to Riot, Ruined King happened by the end of year 996, and Sentinels Of Light happened on the late 997. Theres only one year difference between events. But still, they messed up very poorly.
In Ruined King, Pyke trusts Sarah Fortune, even if she's a captain. And it doesnt take thaat much time for him to do so, i will talk about Pyke trust issues in another post if i have time. Curiously enough, neither of them are present on the Ruined King finale, having both of them a separate post credit scene, but its understandable at this point that Sarah doesnt fear Pyke or at least, shes not worried about what might happend to her, and that Pyke is now targeting Viego or the entities of the Shadow Isles.
In Sentinels Of Light, everything said just flops. Pyke and Sarah were written completely DISREGARDING the fact that they know each other. If they didnt make the event with very poor writing, this could be easily exploitable. Listen, Pyke's trauma makes him target captains, but decides to dismiss Sarah after everything that happened along Ruined King. Imagine how they could have written the Bilgewater chapter on Sentinels Of Light, on wich Sarah finally does fall under Viego's ruination because of her obsession with Gangplank, and tries to kill the team and also Pyke. Imagine how it could be to write how Pyke revives his trauma AGAIN because he was betrayed again by someone he again put his blind trust on. This could be also be a good way to portray how Sarah's trauma also perpetuates after Ruined King when Gangplank escapes, having to start all over again. The moment where Pyke gets rid of Sarah would have been a peak, and he would totally have a reason to become a sentinel of light, instead of the 'hehee funny character he would look cool if he were good'.
The description of Sentinel Pyke skin is the cherry on the top of this mess, where it depicts that Pyke is currently under Nagakabouros influence, hence why he is completely stupid and doesnt hear voices nor kill people... no, im pretty sure it doesnt work that way. Pyke voices were removed by Nagakabouros with Illaoi's help in Ruined King, yes, but during the whole game hes pretty lucid, hes able to kill without trouble, it just looks like Riot teams dont talk to each other.
As a side point, i have a smaaall theory or headcanon that Ruined King Pyke is relatively young or at least 'fresh' being the Bloodharbor ripper, as Sarah does know him as she is a captain, but Illaoi doesnt, and that whole scene is written like 'Oh apparently all these dead bodies have a cause'. I dont know, its very difficult to order the whole lore and theory of it when they dont even know /shrug
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yanlei-a · 2 years ago
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still kinda dying so I'm not managing to elaborate thoughts but this is so interesting actually the student who left to follow nagakabouros and the fact he suggests he wants to go back to show zed a (in his opinion) better path? the lore stuff is neat but right now I'll just say I appreciate his relationship with his students being positive and the fact even someone who left apparently cares about him at some level
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vague-humanoid · 1 month ago
What's the deal with Illaoi? || Character design & lore discussion
Illaoi is an often requested champion for this video series, and certainly one of my favourite designs in the game. Built like a concrete slab and devoted to Nagakabouros, she's a decidedly different design for a game that mostly doesn't use that kind of physicality to express a character. So let's talk about that!
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blackrosesmatron · 8 months ago
"Looks . . . normal- Feels . . . dangerous."
The Matron arched one eyebrow at the figure standing before her.
"We have an ancient one here. Tell me, do you still remember who you are? Did Nagakabouros see you worthy of returning to the surface?"
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utsuboh · 2 years ago
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here's like a,,, short summary on all the verses i have stuff for. i know the majority are not written out but ehhhh? im old and tired, ill get to it eventually. for now i think this will have to do hgfkdjshg...
skeleton key: begins at the end of jade's sophomore year. jade meets a girl named charlotte lark ( @/rebirthee ). also known as the librarian; who is the sole curator of the grimoire's collection. a vast collection of the strange, eldritch, and unknowable- which naturally fascinates jade more than it unnerves him. it is in this verse, charlotte presents jade with a special key. one that allows him to come and go from the grimoire, as well as other place within space and time. he carries this key through the remainder of his time at NRC, and long after.
touchstarved: separated from his brother, jade leaves home to find him. some chalked it up to the hardships of the sea, but jade was dissatisfied with that answer. his search leads him to eridia, where jade is convinced he's been caught, and taken to a place known as the senobium. jade doesn't care who he has to hurt to get what he's after. and uses a unique ability to rip the truth from people.
rsa: somehow, someway-- jade manages to lie his way into rsa. he is by all their accounts a kind, clever, and well meaning individual. if a bit misunderstood by the very nature of what he is. naturally, this is a farce-- as jade is attending rsa entirely for personal gain. manipulating most of his classmates with astonishing ease, as he establishes a rather complicated web within the school. his brother still goes to NRC of course, which might raise some questions. but jade is very good at covering all of his tracks-- and thus, there is never any proof of ill intent or dishonesty. interactions with this are extremely plot dependent.
league: jade is marai, and both his brother and himself have been blessed by nagakabouros herself. this one is pretty plot dependent honestly, but they do essentially act as truth bearers. though they are often prone to drowning careless sailors for simply being at sea. the lessons they dish out in the deity's name can be relatively mild-- while others are infinitely more brutal. the two of them act a lot more independently here, but always keep in touch.
others im working on: hsr, ptn, overblot, and probably more later knowing me.
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a-fantastic-time · 1 year ago
Inter-species Exchange program! (Open RP)
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A knock at the your muse's door was heard, a slight sound of hissing could be made out on the other side. It was then you remembered that you signed up to host an off world species in your home for a year. The incentive was that any bills and or expenses for that year would be completely covered by the government, as long as they related to the alien species that resided at your residence.
The sound of hissing grew louder until you finally walked over and opened the door, a vibrant flash of blue and blacks washed over your eyes, as the reptilian being before you leered into your gaze. "Ah~ Pleasure to meet you. I am Nagakabouros. It is a pleasure to meet you."
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league-of-starlight · 1 year ago
in IOW context, what would be a reason for Sarah, Illaoi, Pyke, Braum, Yasuo and Ahri to be sent to the superior/principal's office.
Oh? Appealing to my tastes? Clever.
Sarah: Instigating a fight with Gangplank outside of Summoner's rift.
Illaoi: Using Nagakabouros tentacles to join in on beating up Gangplank.
Ahri: Charming a summoner to let her skip a ceremony.
Pyke: Helping Sarah instigate a fight with Gangplank. That, or skipping a scheduled match to hang out with Nami in the pol.
Braum: Feeding the deadly reality eating Poro.
Yasuo: Getting drunk and interrupting pre match ceremonies by venting about his guilt.
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