#nador x nadja x laszlo
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What we do in the shadows, except instead of Nandor, Laszlo, Nadja, and Collin Robinson, we have Price, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost.
Instead of Nandor, we have Price- who’s some old soldier who’s made it a point to fight in every war since being turned. Still head of the household, but likely not as old as Nandor would be, and no where near as crass and lewd. The 37 wives are still cannon, although the 37 wives weren’t acquired in the same way as Nador’s were.
Instead of Laszlo and Nadja, we have Soap and Gaz, who both end up just as lewd and crass as Laszlo and Nadja are. Specifically, I think Soap would better fill the role of Laszlo, since out of all of them, he is by far the most likely to start a pornography career- which has been one of Laszlo’s many jobs.
And finally, instead of Collin Robinson (my favorite character in the show), we have Ghost- who is still and energy vampire like Collin is, but is not rejected by Price, Soap, and Gaz like Collin is by Nadja, Laszlo, and Nandor. I can’t even begin how perfect of an energy vampire Ghost makes.
If you want to make this x reader, obviously the solution is to make reader take Guillermo’s place as the groups familiar (well technically Price’s familiar, but whatever). The shenanigans the will ensue will be priceless.
(Also, Shepherd is Baron Afanas, aka that one freak that lives in the attic, because I think it would be funny)
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sweetdollfromhell · 4 years
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sweeney-bell · 3 years
Nadja & Laszlo x Familiar Reader
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After knowing Guillermo for a couple days he invited you over for some dinner saying he'd love for you to meet his roommates gushing on and on about how you'd love them and about how you and them have so much in common.
You happily agreed much to his delight. All he had to do now was make sure the gang did not eat you.
Surprisingly the night was a hit! Which really shocked Guillermo, he was expecting everyone to jump you as soon as you walked in trying to drink your blood and whatnot. But no one did, after he introduced you to everyone they all seemed to instantly like you. (You pretty much became their Stu)
After you came home from dinner you were surprised to see Nadja and Laszlo standing in your apartment's living room. As you opened your mouth to say something Nadja ran across the room lightly cupping your face in her hands "Little one Laszlo and I have an announcement for you". Laszlo walked over with his hands in his pocket " You see my darling wife Nadja and I have decided you'd be our next familiar!" and with that, he threw confetti from his pockets all over you.
You soon moved into the house. Expecting a small closest you were thrown off guard as the duo wanted you to move into their room with them instead.
At first, you were under the impression you'd be doing all sorts of house chores for them but that's not what happened. If anything you became their human partner or maybe a pet? Its hard to describe. All that matter's is that care deeply about you.
Oh, you wanted to help Guillermo clean the house? Nonsense! Here come listen to them play their music and dance. You don't want to sing or dance? That sucks for you cause you'd be force to write a whole song with Laszlo and sing it while making up a whole new dance with Nadja
Of course, you thought you were being slick since once they fell asleep you'd help clean up the house and get rid of the leftovers. But a month later Nadja woke up seeing you were gone and came up with a new sleeping arrangement. Now the lovers switch who gets to cuddle with you all-day long. (You feel awful about leaving all the chores for Guillermo so you gladly buy him all the coffee the guy could want)
The couple are possessive as fuuuucccccckk. You are their little human. You can die so, unfortunately, you get cut out of a lot of group activities. Werewolves, witches, necromancer, the baren; you are staying home! Nadja and Laszlo don't want to hear about it. To them you are defenseless. Even after a couple training sessions with Guillermo still not happening.
That being said the moment you show any interest in becoming a vampire. Nadja will not hide her excitement. This woman will make lists about why you should do it. "You could be with Laszlo's and I's little baby bat.". Every conversation if there was an opening she'd mention it trying to get you to agree.
Laszlo on the other hand claims he really doesn't care and its your choice. But behind the scenes; he's helping Nadja write the lists and even a song here and there. This man has grown so attached.
If you end up agreeing, Nadja gets to work planning the perfect party. She is going above and beyond to make it as magical as possible. Inviting everyone! Laszlo is running after his wife making sure she doesn't stress out too much and double-checks with you making sure you really want this. Nadja of course is the one who gets to turn you but Laszlo gets to hold you the entire time.
If you end up deciding being turned into a vampire isn't what you want. Laszlo respects your choice while Nadja, unfortunately, starts putting distance between the two of you. Give her a couple days then she's back to trying to convince you that you should let her turn you but shes not as intense as before. Thinking you just need time and you'd eventually agree to be turned
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lairink · 4 years
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Look out for those easter eggs.
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beeesworld · 4 years
Puta madre.
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beeesworld · 4 years
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