#nadia mahariel
galpalaven · 2 years
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Dragon Age OCs in this picrew!
DA:O -> Kira Cousland | Theodora Tabris | Isra Mahariel
DA:2 -> Kohava Hawke | Angharad
DA:O + DA:I -> Nadia Surana
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bearsizedant · 3 months
okay hold on. did the math wrong for inq characters. anyway i have 8 million of them so here are the ages of all of my dragon age characters at the start of veilguard:
Jada- 42
Oldina- 51
Taros- 46
Opal- 41
Ursula- 51
Seòras- 41
Tahriel- 44
Felora- 29
Hralyn- 67
Nadia- 45
Athene- 49
Merin- 38
Nenna- 39
Dierdre and Senden- 34
Twiggy- 37
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ghostwise · 3 hours
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Matacuervos, ch. 6 - The friend at midnight 3.3k words - cw: death, canon-typical violence, discussion of childhood trauma, slavery, and child abuse Zevran reels from a revelation about his past. Things do not go according to plan. The night ends with an unexpected visit. Read update on AO3 - Read from ch. 1 on AO3
It was in the Brecilian Forest where Zevran first told Hamal about his parents. 
All of it. The whole sordid story. The dead whore mom with her Dalish gloves. The unfaithful father. A childhood of lice, abuse, and malnourishment at the hands of the Crows. But the telling felt right somehow, there in those groves where Clan Sabrae had brought up young Mahariel. 
If Hamal’s own troubled past was in that frigid landscape, Zevran’s legacy of sorrow could come and intertwine with it. Perhaps both would find some measure of comfort then. 
And so the pines caught up every secret in their needles. The story sank into the damp and mossy earth.
Zevran had not thought of his past since, and he didn’t plan to start now.
The payment that undid your father. 
Over the course of an hour, Gloria Amilcar betrayed every single thing she knew about El milagro’s business with the Crows, including the contract that had led to Zevran’s orphaning. It turned out that his mother needn’t have been a widow. His father had been, contrary to what he’d always believed, a good man.
Or had he?
More than likely the words were just a ploy the woman was using to throw Zevran off his guard. That wasn’t hard to believe; it had worked so well, after all, as he worried and plucked at her story over and over again in his mind.
The payment that undid your father. 
Had his past all been a lie? 
It made no difference. He shut his eyes and pushed the question away.
Sra. Amilcar sat at her desk all the while. It was not just about his parents; with a dagger at her throat, Zevran had cajoled a wealth of information from her, including Crow contracts dating back thirty years, not to mention plenty of material he could use as blackmail against powerful men throughout the country, if the need ever arose.
She looked up at Zevran, her eyes wide.
“So now I’ve told you everything I know. You won’t kill me?”
“I haven’t decided.” Zevran aimed a half-hearted glare at her. “Do as I’ve asked, then we’ll see.”
She nodded grimly and got up.
It was late, and the brothel sang with activity. Sra. Amilcar’s absence had not been noticed, for the hosts were busy collecting payment and escorting guests up to dingy rooms. Bawdy lyrics resonated as she and Zevran exited down the hall, past all the revelry. The back door was through the washroom, which was cramped, hot, and muggy even with the windows open.
The light that spilled out onto the street was golden, but the air outside was all silver, and clouds had rolled in from the east.
Zevran marched the woman towards the apartments. An uncharacteristic silence struck him as they approached. The lively voices from before were gone. Where was everyone?
“Stay here,” he said, slowing to a stop. “Don’t move. If you run, I will catch you within ten paces.”
Warning issued, he crept forward, scanning the nearby alley. There were several sets of footprints in the dirt, leading away from the apartment. An uneasy feeling gripped him. But before he could investigate, the door to the apartment opened to a darkness from which a slight figure stepped out.
“Help!” Gloria shouted, and she stumbled forward as if pulled in by the sight of that figure. “Nadia! Help me! He aims to kill me!”
Zevran whirled around. Sra. Amilcar’s voice cut off in a muffled scream, as Hamal had snuck up beside her, and clamped his hand over her mouth, silencing her. 
“Now, now,” Zevran scolded. “I thought we had an understanding.”
Nadia made no move to reach for Sra. Amilcar, nor did she run for help. Instead she regarded the older woman with a loaded gaze, her eyes carrying something deeper than betrayal.
“Is it true, Gloria?” she asked softly.
Zevran looked at her.
Just a hundred yards away, El milagro stood apart, humble and self-contained, floating in a world where pain and sorrow could be vanquished—albeit, temporarily, and for a set price. But here, in the moonless night, Gloria Amilcar stood face to face with every sin she’d ever committed against her fellows in exchange for a comfortable wage. 
“How many?” Nadia asked. “How long?”
It was too much. Amilcar went limp in Hamal’s arms. 
“Shit! Did I suffocate her?”
“She’s just fainted. Perhaps she finally felt something for the children she’s delivered to their deaths over the years,” Zevran said without any sympathy. More importantly, he was surprised by Nadia; by both her unexpected appearance and her help.
“Bring her inside,” Nadia said in Antivan. “We’re not on a busy street exactly, but we are hardly away from prying eyes.”
Zevran raised a brow, looking at Hamal for some guidance.
“Long story, but I had to tell her the truth,” Hamal explained hurriedly. “Took a bit of luck and a fucking complicated game of charades, but I think I explained the situation. She made sure the children were safe. They’re not here, Zevran,” he added, as he carried Sra. Amilcar into the building. “Nadia took them away. She will be contacting the guard.”
Zevran blinked. That had not been the plan.
“Then I can only be thankful,” he said in Antivan. “To you both.”
What a mess this all was. As they entered the building, Zevran wished he could confer with Hamal in private; tell him what he had learned, plan what they should do next. He had hoped to compel Sra. Amilcar into luring the slaver into an ambush. That was becoming more difficult by the minute.
As for the apartment, it still smelled familiar, like dust and mold and absence, like the black spot in the corner of the room, which had grown in size since he’d lived here as a boy. Zevran cast a quick glance around, noting the toys strewn on the floor, and a pile of books on the table, with titles like El gato con botas and El flautista de Hamelin. The windows hosted a pair of floral curtains.
Hamal laid Sra. Amilcar on the floor, resting her head on one of the soft plush toys.
“My husband tells me you orchestrated an evacuation,” Zevran said, turning to face Nadia. He gave a curt nod, feeling strangely awkward and unlike himself. “Thank you. We… could not have done it on our own. However, I cannot help but wonder… my husband is a stranger to you. Yet, you agreed to help so readily. Why?”
“It must seem odd,” Nadia admitted. “But I suppose… it’s because I remembered the day you went away, Zevran.”
She paused to give him a proper look, curious and lingering. “Yes. It never sat right with me, you know. Even though we were told the orphaned children were going somewhere better—it never sat right with me! Children should not be sent off without a goodbye or a kind word! And knowing what I know now…” She sighed. “Adelmar was heartbroken. We found out you and the others were gone only when we came to read to you the next day. So what if you were orphans? You were—in a small way, you still are—ours.”
“Ah,” Zevran said, struck by the idea that he had ever been anyone’s. 
“Do you remember Adelmar?” Nadia asked.
Zevran thought about it. Nadia and Adelmar had been so kind to him and to the others—of course he remembered. Their visits were one of the few good things he experienced in those years. It hadn’t all been cruel.
“Of course I remember her,” Zevran answered. “I remember you, too.”
“That’s why I helped. Because we loved you. And you love him.” She looked at Hamal with certainty. “So we’ve never met. But we’re still kin. Of a sort.”
Such sweetness seemed out of place here. Zevran glanced up at the molded corner of the ceiling.
“I’m glad,” he said softly. “Because someone is going to knock at that door any minute now. And I need you to do something for me.”
“Anything!” Nadia said earnestly.
“I need you to leave.”
She hesitated. Zevran could see her deliberate over her situation, before speaking. 
“I know what I am getting into,” she said carefully. “I know we are talking about slavers here. You think me naive? In my line of work? Violence and abuse are no strangers to me. I face danger often. And forgive me, but this very much involves me. It involved me even before I knew what was happening, right under our noses.”
“Crows,” Gloria croaked out, half-conscious, from her spot on the floor.
“Gag her,” Zevran snapped at the interruption, and Hamal pulled off one of his gloves to do so—but Sra. Amilcar spat the words as quickly as she could with all her meek strength.
“He’s a Crow, Nadia! I will not help them! He’s the dangerous one-!”
And now came a litmus test Zevran knew well. Though he wished he didn’t.
In the past, revealing his status as a Crow had been an occasional risk he dealt with by killing a person or buying their silence. Now it was a half-truth that could only hurt an already delicate situation. His shoulders tensed, and Hamal exchanged a frantic look with him—he’d do whatever he was told, this Zevran knew. But he really hoped they would not have to restrain Nadia too.
“Is that true?” Nadia asked.
Zevran looked at her evenly. “We haven’t lied to you.”
Nadia’s eyes darted low, then back to him, but each look was tenuous, as if she was struggling to keep him in her view. As if she were reconsidering all those words about kin and memories.
“You are a Crow?” she asked again.
“No! Not anymore, I swear it! And the less you know, the better, believe me.” Zevran urged her further, “But it is all the more reason you must leave! Forget you saw us! Tell no one!”
Nadia shut her eyes.
All too quickly, their time was up. Three heavy knocks sounded at the door. 
“Please,” Zevran whispered. “Run. Hide upstairs. Do anything else. You took the children to safety, you’ve already done your part.”
Zevran grit his teeth. At this rate, he would lose his chance.
“Fuck it,” Nadia said at last with a sigh. “I believe you, Zevran. But I will not leave, and you haven’t the time to argue. Let me help! At the very least we owe each other that!”
Fuck it was right.
Despite his best efforts here Zevran was again, helpless against the whims of fate. It wasn’t what he’d planned. But he was flexible.
He wore a placid smile as he stepped through the door to meet the man.
“Good evening, serah. You were expected.”
It was a Crow talent to read your target as quickly as possible in just a few seconds. A cursory glance told Zevran a lot already. The man at the door hesitated. He didn’t answer right away, so it was likely had had been expecting to meet Sra. Amilcar, which meant he was already on the defensive. And he was dressed in comfortable, common clothing, covered with a shawl, so it was likely he was armed.
There was no mistaking it. This was the man who’d taken him and the other children, all those years ago. 
Older and greyer, but it was him.
And he didn’t recognize Zevran.
“Good evening,” the man returned, and he eyed Zevran briefly before glancing away. “I’ve a meeting with the lady of the house.”
“She is otherwise disposed,” Zevran said warmly, knowing very well that in that moment Hamal had restrained her, and was bringing her upstairs. He would be at one of the upstairs windows in probably two minutes’ time. A lot could happen in two minutes. “I will be helping you tonight. Won’t you come in?”
“I only meet with her,” the man said, painting the words with an apologetic gesture. “I’m sorry to hear she’s not available. Perhaps it’s best I come back another day. You her secretary or something?”
“That’s right,” Zevran said. “I am Amrit, her secretary. Surely she informed you of my recent hiring? She is ill, and she apologizes, but I assure you there is no need to reschedule. I am more than capable of managing our business, despite appearances. Won’t you come in?”
The man regarded him, unconvinced, but not threatened yet.
“I really do regret hearing of her illness,” he said at last. “Have her send word when she is better. I will return then.” He turned and began walking back towards the carriage.
“But our agreement!” Zevran hurried after him in the unguarded fashion of an angry man who had very little understanding of his circumstance. “Please! Sr. Rossi will have my head!”
“That so?” The man grunted, pausing at the front of the carriage. “Not my business. Anyway, I’m not walking back the deal. Just waiting to talk to the lady in charge. You understand. Delicate business, this is.”
“What does it matter who you deal with, so long as you get what you need?”
“I suppose you want me to hand all that money straight to your hands, elf?” He gave a dry chuckle. “But do not worry! If what you say is true, then we’ll talk again soon.” He paused and gave him what was no doubt meant to be a lecherous smile. “Maybe we could talk alone then, you and I. Being as you are such an enterprising young man we could work out an agreement of our own. What do you say?”
The suggestion did not escape Zevran, and he nearly bristled; once he would have leaned into it, using it to manipulate his target, but it was all too crass in these circumstances.
“Unfortunately,” he said, “that won’t work for me.” 
It was time for a more direct approach. Not willing to let his target escape, Zevran drew his dagger and aimed a kick at the back of the man’s knee, knocking him down. The man fell against the carriage and steadied himself against one of the wheels. Regaining his balance and drawing a shortsword from beneath his shawl, he stepped towards him.
“You little elven whore!” he spat.
“You say it like it’s a bad thing,” Zevran returned, easily parrying a strike from the man’s blade. He had the advantage as far as his eyesight was concerned; every small detail of his enemy was clear as day to him. But he had no idea what Hamal or Nadia were up to. Only that Hamal would be upstairs any moment now, and Nadia, Maker willing, was flanking their position to get to the carriage unnoticed.
It was clear that the man was familiar with his weapon, but not often called upon to use it. Each strike was just ever so slightly unpracticed. He tried again and again to land a blow upon Zevran, without success, and as he was an older man, having been in this cruel business for over thirty years, he tired quickly.
After trying and failing to disarm Zevran, he made a sudden dash onto the carriage, and took the reins into his hands. But Nadia had done her part with shocking efficiency; they hung from his grip uselessly, and he looked at Zevran with wide-eyed fury.
“You’re dead, Amrit. I’ll gut you quick!”
“Don’t touch him!” Nadia hissed.
The rest of the pieces fell into place. Nadia appeared from the opposite side of the carriage, having climbed up to ambush the man after cutting the horse’s reins. She grabbed her enemy with surprising efficacy—clearly she knew how to incapacitate a violent man—and as Zevran disarmed him, she pinned his arms from behind, and pressed a borrowed dagger against his throat.
The man stood stock still, glaring up at Zevran.
The scuffle had been short, but not effortless. Zevran’s wrists ached from the strength he’d needed to deflect each attack. He climbed up onto the carriage in order to regard the man more closely.
Here was the beast who’d stolen so many of Rialto’s children, who had been selling them for decades, to the Crows and who knows what else.
“Clever. What now?” the man asked. “You cut my throat and rob me?”
“Ah-ah,” Zevran said. “Not so easy, I’m afraid.”
The man spat at him. Saliva landed on his cheek, and though Nadia tightened her hold on the dagger, Zevran retorted with a calm smile.
“Let’s get you inside,” he said, grabbing the cut reins so as to bind his hands together. “We have much to discuss.”
He hadn’t taken him for a mage.
A blast of energy exuded from the man, briefly occluding Zevran’s senses; in that moment he couldn’t see, speak, or hear, and he certainly couldn’t move or react. 
He’d experienced something similar before, in Ferelden, only that time it had been Morrigan unleashing her magic upon their enemies, stunning them. Maker, he missed having a mage on his side.
The mage leapt off the carriage, pushing Nadia off and onto the ground on the way. He’d incapacitated his own horse in the attempt to escape, so he made a run for it, boots striking the cobblestones in a relentless pace.
Zevran came to his senses with a throbbing headache. He let out a shout as he saw the man already far down the street, headed towards the brothel. 
Nadia whimpered from where she had fallen. Hamal must have made it to the window, for an arrow zipped overhead with a characteristic whistle. Zevran did not doubt Hamal’s aim; he was a gifted archer, but that was the problem. The arrow struck with enough force to knock the man off his feet. Zevran cursed.
It gave him a feeling that the whole situation was unraveling. An ugly pit grew in his stomach—fear of retribution, perhaps an old response from growing up in the Crows—and worse still, as Zevran ran after the man, another figure rounded the corner, limping along with her cane.
“Amrit?” Rocio asked, seeing him. 
Where had she come from? She must have followed them, Zevran realized. In fact, she must have had hurried all the way across Rialto to get here. She had come, not knowing how fate had worked its mysteries in order to bring them all here: Zevran, Hamal, Rocio, Nadia, Gloria, and this loathsome man at the center of the web. But Rocio was so much like him, after all, so how could Zevran truly be surprised?
Her eyes traveled to the injured slaver, now at her feet. Her expression shifted to one of horrified recognition.
“It’s you.”
“Get away from him, Rocio!”
“I remember you,” Rocio said. “Do you remember me?”
The man looked up at her, bleeding. He didn’t have a chance to answer before she swung her cane in a shining arc, and struck him on his skull. The man cried out in pain.
Zevran urged his stunned body to carry him closer to the scene. 
Rocio had stumbled onto the ground, thrown off balance by the ferocity of her own attack. She struck the slaver again and again with her cane. The blood pooling around him did not deter her in the slightest. 
Zevran had underestimated her. He’d left a crucial clue, by omission, tipping her off to the exact location where he suspected the next group of children would be taken from.
“Bastard!” Rocio cried. She seemed to only grow angrier with each blow. “Son of a bitch! You will never—take another one—again!” 
Finally, Zevran knelt before her, watching his chance of getting answers vanish. But he could hardly be upset about it. 
Somehow in the gleaming moonlight, the sight of Rocio’s vengeance was too stark and beautiful. A well deserved victory, and a catharsis that brought tears to Zevran’s burning eyes. 
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ninapedia · 2 years
Codex entry: Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale
Fun writing / OC exorcise - making a Conscription Ale name/profile for all my canon wardens.
Vintage: Warden Viera. Sweet Dreams. | Surana
The thick build up of honey at the bottom of the bottle ensures whatever goes in is tasting of it. Don’t know why it smells vaguely of lavender though.
Vintage: Warden Ny’ari. Mythal’s Mercy. | Mahariel
More of a remedy than a spirit. Tasting largely of mint and elfroot - which is obvious by the plants stuffed within the bottle.
Vintage: Warden Nadia. Feels like falling. | Brosca
If you’re able to taste the notes of cinnamon before passing out you have a stronger constitution than most.
Vintage: Warden Varryn. Still better than what Ohgren’s drinking. | Aeducan
Whoever this Oghren is should be arrested if this is better than they were drinking. It’s brown.
Vintage: Warden Cyril. Drink when desperate. | Tabris
It’s not a title, it’s a warning. The first sip is the worst, after that your taste buds are all seared off anyways.
Vintage: Warden Odile. Swan noir. | Adras
It was probably wine at some point. It’s so red it’s black. And somehow smoother than a rose’s petals.
Vintage: Warden Nika. Furnace fuel. | Kader
Somehow so clear the bottle looks empty. Not much of a fragrance yet singes the inside of your nose anyways.
Vintage: Warden Pierrot. Curtain call. | Caron
How this wine still sparkles is a mystery for the ages. A pleasant pink colour and an al together not unpleasant bitter sweet taste.
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creamecream · 6 years
F!warden tho.
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mmimilin · 3 years
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all of them i guess.
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morganlefaye79 · 3 years
OC Height Chart
I got tagged by @noire-pandora and @cleverblackcat​ to use this this height chart maker.
I had already figured out how tall or short my OC are but I never made a chart for them, this was a good opportunity to do so.
Heroes of Ferelden:
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Champions and Inquisitors:
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I am tagging:
@silvanils | @nivenor-krosis​ | @inquisitoracorn​ | @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold​ | @musetta3​ | @wardenrainwall​ | @melisusthewee​ | @cleverblackcat​ | @rosella-writes​ | @darethshirl​ | @lorkaji-writes​
I know that you don’t have as much OC as I do but it might be fun anyway! 
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silvanils · 5 years
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Some edited screencaps featuring my Dragon Age: Origins characters! Only Lyanna, Dirk, and Fahren actually become Grey Wardens, but the rest of them help defeat the Blight, too. (Inquisition set can be found here!)
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caed-nuas · 5 years
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Wasn’t Tagged by anyone but I saw @develop-your-oc post this chart and well I had to do this!! Kinda very crowded but they’re all here!! This was so fun Tagging: @red-wardens, @daydreamingdragonage, @cloaked-blog-of-ocs, @gay-dragon-age and @moonlacer, and really everyone because this is fun. No obligation of course! (also I used an pixlr online if anyone wanted to do this but wasn’t sure a program to use :3)
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spratwurst · 6 years
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Was looking for something else when I found this, and I think I never shared it? I’m not sure, but anyway, here’s my canon Warden and her parents. 
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sinizade · 2 years
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Grey Warden
Vidalenos Mahariel - Morrigan
My heart
Bow and daggers
Best friend: Sten / Leliana
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Brianna Tabris - Zevran
Mi Amor
Crossbow and Sword
Best friend: Alistair / Leliana
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Elisa Cousland - Alistair
My Beloved
Shield and Sword
Best friend: Wyne / Leliana
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Isla Amell - Leliana
My soul
Blood Magic and Daggers
Best friend: Morrigan / Oghren / Zevran
Champion of Kirkwall
Caleb Hawke - Blue Hawke - Merrill (She said he look cute with a flower in his hair)
Best friend: Varric / Aveline
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Daniela Hawke - Purple Hawke- Anders
Best friend: Isabela / Varric / Tallis
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Lilian Hawke - Red Hawke - Isabela
Great Sword
Best friend: Sebastian / Fenris
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Nadia Hawke - Blue Hawke - Fenris
My love
Spirit Magic / Entropy
Best friend: Merrill / Varric / Sebastian / Aveline
Yavanna Lavellan - Iron Bull
Best friend: Sera / Varric / Blackwall
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Serina Adaar - Sera
Best friend: Solas / Vivienne / Cassandra
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Jonathan Trevelyan - Dorian
Sword and shield
Best Friend: The Iron Bull / Blackwall / Sera
-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-
Bellus Lavellan - Solas
Elemental Mage
Best Friend: Cole / Cassandra / Josephine
I finally managed to create four saves for each romance I like the most (excluding DAO because it really only has four romances)
I intend to post more drawings of the novels and my characters
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galpalaven · 2 years
im trying to control myself fjklds here are refs of each of the ladies in sims
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bearsizedant · 3 years
my dragon age ocs <3
(putting this in its own post to link to my pinned post bc i forget how to add it to my blog theme but anyway—)
(ages for the Wardens are listed as their ages during the Battle of Denerim, ages for the Inquisition Agents are listed as immediately post-Trespasser, and Hawke is listed as her age during the Battle of Kirkwall in Act 3)
Wardens (lineup)
Jada Brosca (Warden-Commander of Ferelden, Arlessa of Amaranthine, Champion of Redcliffe)
20, she/her
romances Alistair
dual-wielding rogue (ranger spec)
Oldina Aeducan (Hero of Ferelden, Paragon, Senior Warden of Ferelden)
29, she/her
romances Gorim (fuck you bioware)
2-handed warrior (berserker+reaver spec)
Taros Mahariel (Warden-Constable of Ferelden, The Dark Wolf, Advisor the the Arlessa, Dalish Representative to the Throne of Ferelden)
24, he/they
romances Zevran
dual-wielding rogue (assassin+bard spec)
Opal Tabris (Senior Warden of Ferelden, Advisor to the Arlessa)
19, she/he/they
no romance
warrior archer (champion spec)
Kirkwallers and the Champion
Ursula Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall)
35, she/her
romances Anders
dual-wielding rogue (assassin spec)
Seòras Ceadic (Lowtown resident??)
29, he/him
(in theory) romances Dorian
no combat specs
The Agents of the Inquisition (lineup)
Tahriel Lavellan (Inquisitor, the Herald of Andraste, First to Clan Lavellan)
35, he/him
romances Varric
force mage/rift mage
Hralyn (Agent of the Inquisition)
58, she/her
unknown ;)
necromancer/entropic mage
Felora Lavellan (Agent of the Inquisition, Inquisition Scout in-Training)
20, she/they
no romance
rogue archer (assassin spec)
Athene Veloranis (Agent of the Inquisition)
40, she/her
romances Solas
2-handed warrior (champion spec)
Nadia Casca (Inquisition Seamstress)
34, she/her
married to Sascha Dumot
no combat specs
Merin Dumot (Agent of the Inquisition, Assistant to the Seamstress)
29, he/him
romances Nenna
rogue archer (spec tbd)
Nenna (Agent of the Inquisition, Member of the College of Mages, (formerly) Enchanter of the Cumberland Circle)
30, she/her
romances Merin
elemental/creation mage
Dierdre Cadash (Agent of the Inquisition, Heiress to Clan Cadash, Member of the Bull's Chargers)
25, she/her
romances The Iron Bull
2-handed warrior (champion/reaver spec because I can't decide)
Senden Cadash (Agent of the Inquisition, Heir to Clan Cadash, Red Jenny)
25, they/them
no romance
dual-wielding rogue (artificer/assassin spec because I still can't decide)
"Twiggy" Adaar (Researcher Mad Scientist of the Inquisition, (formerly) Member of the Valo-Kas Mercenaries)
28, he/him
no romance
no combat specs but will throw homemade grenades at you if it comes to it
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valerie-royeaux · 7 years
OC Kiss Week - Plan List
So, I’m excited and a bit baffled that I did this, but here is what you can expect for OC Kiss Week next January 8th - 14th. I have all these already sketched in “pencil”, so I know that if I run out of time, at least I will be able to deliver something!
The idea is that the kiss should make sense - it should be to happen in the hypothetical AU where the OCs meet. So, here is what I have so far to propose:
Day 1 - Spirits are high at the Herald’s Rest, and Zevran teases Junia and Frey Mahariel to kiss. She does have a weak spot for Wardens (or ex-Wardens, for that matter). 
Frey belongs to @crashed-down-in-a-hurricane
Day 2 - Inquisitor Izzalea Trevelyan and Warden-Commander Cousland seal their Orders’ alliance in the best way possible. 
Izzy belongs to @ladydracarysao3
Day 3 - In the years following the Blight, Paragon Nadia Brosca finds succor from her arranged marriage in the hands of Carta member Junia Cadash. 
Nadia belongs to @vixilancia
Day 4 - Peace filled the years in Highever before the 5th Blight. And love filled the hearts of a young John Cousland and the kitchen girl Anya. 
Anya belongs to the wonderful and our constant supporter @gugle1980. I strongly suggest all you content creators kiss the hell out of her OCs for all the support she gives us!
Day 5 - Only one thing can happen when Evelia Trevelyan and Junia Cadash meet. 
Evelia belongs to @fereldenpeach.
Day 6 - Isobel Diantha Trevelyan knows blood is not needed to subject the Wardens to the Inquisition. 
Trev the Queen belongs to @captainceranna.
Day 7 - This is not hypothetical. A bittersweet reunion, ten years later, in a cave in Crestwood. A weak breeze which may - or may not - fan the flame of the old love between Warden-Commander John Cousland and Junia Cadash, Grand Mistress of the Inquisition. 
Feel free to use my OCs whoever you see fit if you’d like to get some smooches from John or Junia! I’m excited for the OC Kiss Week!
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jb-nonsense · 3 years
This is a blog formerly known as jbnonsense! I tend to post screencaps and gifs from games I enjoy as well as fanart and fanfic from games and media I enjoy. Games I play are SWTOR and Dragon Age, and I’m hoping to stream my playthrough of Mass Effect on twitch depending on technical aspects.
For Writing Info, click here
SWTOR Masterlist (WIP)
For Ship info, click on the fandom you’re interested in: Dragon Age, SWTOR
Below cut are my mains for SWTOR and Dragon Age for those curious and their companion romances (if they have one). Feel free to ask any questions about any of them or others you see!
Leeloa Ke’Ta - Jedi Knight/Outlander/Commander - Doc
Ashmodei - The Emperor’s Wrath - Vette
Bralov Itera - The Grand Champion of the Great Hunt - None yet
Brinus Dubslayn - Darth Nox - Lana Beniko
Jarkiv Itera - The Voidhound - Risha Drayen (formerly)
Praz Toth - Barsen’thor - Nadia Grell
Shejek’Ayre’Etth - Cipher Nine - None
Solvi Itera - Commander of Havoc - Aric Jorgan
Dragon Age
Eliana Mahariel - The Hero of Ferelden - Alistair Theirin
Atena Hawke - The Champion of Kirkwall - Anders
Rajmahel Lavellan - The Inquisitor - Dorian Pavus
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creamecream · 6 years
Tumblr media
*Comfortable and cuddly.*
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