#nabla rambles
I really need to turn of the notifications for my news app but is infinitely funnier when I’m mid conversation with a friend and they see me pick up my phone and yell “I DONT FUCKING CARE” and then put it back down and proceed the conversation
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motherforthefamicom · 2 years
hate how every time i try to put my thoughts on nabla and alef into words it jsut devolves into nonsense rambling and oversharing
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edibleartsncraftz · 2 years
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kprciffdw · 2 years
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chroncles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 19
As soon as they entered the battle arena, they were put through several tough challenges, each one more difficult then the previous one. The Agorians, themselves, hardly went easy on them. Regardless of the difficulties of the matches or how many of them there were, they were able to really handle themselves just fine. Kim's Centurion Armor played a huge role in making her formidable against the Agorians. Even more so than that, it helped to protect her against any dangerous hazards within the arena, aside from any attacks brought forth by the Agorians.
Within a massive amount of time of fighting, all of the battles were done, or so they thought. Kim: "Great, we fought through battle after battle on this death platform and there's still no sign of Qwark." Ratchet: "(sigh) Where could that guy be?" Announcer: "And now, it is time for a 4 way team co-op battle. Please welcome, all the way from the Solona Galaxy. Mister Copernicus Qwark."
Qwark arrived via a rising platform; he was in hand cuffs. Along side him was an Agorian handler. The handler removed his hand cuffs. Qwark: "That's Captain Qwark. I mean, geez, I didn't take a 3 week hero correspondence course to be called "Mister"." Announcer: "And please give a round of applause for our other challenger, the genetically modified, blue, fuzzy beast of destruction: Stitch!"
Stitch arrived in the arena in a very acrobatic style. He growled viciously Stitch: "Naga fuzzy! I'm fluffy!" Announcer: "Let the 4 way team co-op battle begin!"
And so, the 4 way team battle commenced accordingly. Each of the 4 fighters battled against one onslaught after another. Even Qwark fought along aside them, if you could believe that, but only a little. Stitch, however, was really ferocious as he was bringing out his extra limbs and barely holding back. Kim and Ratchet indeed had a few helping hands within this fight, with Stitch providing a few more than Qwark in more ways than one.
After a while, the fights were done. Ratchet was exhausted but Stitch was still raring to continue fighting. Stitch: "Acha booka moopa? Stitch can do this all day!" Ratchet: "Please! (pant) No more! (pant) I can't…handle…another one!" Announcer: "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!" Ratchet: "Aw, come on! Can't these people just cut me some slack!?" Stitch: "Feeboogoon!" Announcer: "It's time for the War Grok!"
The War Grok was brought up via a rising platform. It was a massive and vicious looking beast. It snapped off its own chain and tossed its handler a great distance. The group stood by, greatly stunned. Qwark ran off screaming again. Stitch: "Blitznak! Looks like trouble…" Kim: "You can say that again, Stitch."
Kim, Ratchet and Stitch fought against the War Grok while Qwark ran off, trying to avoid the massive beast by any means necessary. The beast itself was just as extremely vicious as it was massive and terrifying, but the trio persisted against it. Kim's Centurion Armor was really helping to protect her from the beast's might as well as assisted her in combat. They came at the beast with everything they've got. Stitch managed to fight the beast by ripping out any objects that he could get his claws on, all 4 of them and tossed them at the beast. After a long battle and nearly getting killed several times, they were able to subdue the beast.
The 3 of them stood before the beast as it lied on the ground, beaten. Announcer: "And now, Gladiators! You must kill the War Grok!" Stitch: "Gaba chitchu?" Kim: "Um…I'm not doing it." Qwark: "Nooooooo!"
Qwark then came running through. He stopped and did a heroic stance. Qwark: "Honorable lizard things, I understand your proud warrior ways."
As Qwark rambled on, the War Grok was able to get itself back up. It came after the trio as they ran from it. Qwark: "The Nabla tribe of Florana once referred to me as…"
He made a few strange noise as he made a few flapping gestures. Qwark: "Or "He With Mighty Pecks Who Hath Delivered Us Serenity". But we can not kill this creature." Announcer: "What do you think you're doing? You must kill the War Grok or die!" Ratchet: "Qwark! This thing's trying to eat me!" Stitch: "Ah-qa Jihad!" Kim: "This thing won't let up!" Stitch: "Batooga! Oh, no! Not good enough!" Qwark: "These kids are still young. They don't understand that being a hero is 45% strength, 60% bravery and 10% raw intelligence." Ratchet: "That's 115%!" Qwark: "You're welcome." Kim: "What an idiot." Stitch: "Crabba no pugy." Qwark: "Please take me, instead. All I ask is that you name something impressive in my honor. Perhaps a school or a food court."
The audience was silent for a brief moment. Suddenly, there was one applaud being heard, followed by a few more then it grew into several and then much more until the entire crowd was applauding. Stitch: "Aga paba taka?" Announcer: "By the blade of Argos, you have honored us. You are a true hero."
Ratchet was thrown a good distance. Kim and Stitch rushed over towards him and tended to him. Kim: "Are you OK?" Ratchet: "Yeah, just peachy."
He lifted himself off of the ground while being helped by Kim and Stitch. Ratchet: "Nearly eaten by that thing, but other than that, never better." Kim: "Well, at least it's over." Stitch: "Kadoonboon."
They looked over and noticed Qwark rubbing the War Grok's belly as though it was some sort of massive dog. He then proceeded to name it Snowball. Ridiculous, I know. Ratchet, despite being spared, seemed very much annoyed by this. Ratchet: "You've gotta be kidding me." Stitch: "Enjibida?"
Qwark, having got on the War Grok, or Snowball, as he named it, rode off on it like some massive stallion. Kim and Ratchet, although still seeing this as awkward, both smiled. Kim: "I…have to admit, I'm kind of impressed." Ratchet: "Yeah…so am I."
Later on, they met back with Lilo within the lobby. Lilo: "Ratchet! Kim! Stitch!" Ratchet: "Hey, Lilo. What's happening?" Lilo: "I just watched you guys fight in all of those matches. You were great!" Kim: "Well, it was no big. The Centurion Armor has really made me rock out harder out there." Ratchet: "Really? Because I was thinking that it was the other way around."
Kim looked at Ratchet with a sweet and tender smile on her face. Lilo: "Well, either way, you guys were awesome." Kim: "Aw, thanks, Lilo. Although, I have to say that the last part with the War Grok was…quite an adventure to say the least." Stitch: "Ih! Battle was brutal, but last part was, uh, really bizarre." Ratchet: "You said it, Stitch." Kim: "Well, now that we've managed to finish that up, we need to get going." Ratchet: "Oh, right! We have to get to Zanifar and find that time portal." Lilo: "OK, then, you guys get going; Stitch and I will stay here and continue to browse through these fights. It was great seeing you guys again." Kim: "Same here. Let's meet again sometime." Ratchet: "Yeah and hopefully not too long after this time." Lilo: "Certainly. See ya." Stitch: "Bachooga."
Kim and Ratchet made their way back towards the landing bay, returned to their ship and left the Battleplex.
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 19
As soon as they entered the battle arena, they were put through several tough challenges, each one more difficult then the previous one. The Agorians, themselves, hardly went easy on them. Regardless of the difficulties of the matches or how many of them there were, they were able to really handle themselves just fine. Kim's Centurion Armor played a huge role in making her formidable against the Agorians. Even more so than that, it helped to protect her against any dangerous hazards within the arena, aside from any attacks brought forth by the Agorians.
Within a massive amount of time of fighting, all of the battles were done, or so they thought. Kim: "Great, we fought through battle after battle on this death platform and there's still no sign of Qwark." Ratchet: "(sigh) Where could that guy be?" Announcer: "And now, it is time for a 4 way team co-op battle. Please welcome, all the way from the Solona Galaxy. Mister Copernicus Qwark."
Qwark arrived via a rising platform; he was in hand cuffs. Along side him was an Agorian handler. The handler removed his hand cuffs. Qwark: "That's Captain Qwark. I mean, geez, I didn't take a 3 week hero correspondence course to be called "Mister"." Announcer: "And please give a round of applause for our other challenger, the genetically modified, blue, fuzzy beast of destruction: Stitch!"
Stitch arrived in the arena in a very acrobatic style. He growled viciously Stitch: "Naga fuzzy! I'm fluffy!" Announcer: "Let the 4 way team co-op battle begin!"
And so, the 4 way team battle commenced accordingly. Each of the 4 fighters battled against one onslaught after another. Even Qwark fought along aside them, if you could believe that, but only a little. Stitch, however, was really ferocious as he was bringing out his extra limbs and barely holding back. Kim and Ratchet indeed had a few helping hands within this fight, with Stitch providing a few more than Qwark in more ways than one.
After a while, the fights were done. Ratchet was exhausted but Stitch was still raring to continue fighting. Stitch: "Acha booka moopa? Stitch can do this all day!" Ratchet: "Please! (pant) No more! (pant) I can't…handle…another one!" Announcer: "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!" Ratchet: "Aw, come on! Can't these people just cut me some slack!?" Stitch: "Feeboogoon!" Announcer: "It's time for the War Grok!"
The War Grok was brought up via a rising platform. It was a massive and vicious looking beast. It snapped off its own chain and tossed its handler a great distance. The group stood by, greatly stunned. Qwark ran off screaming again. Stitch: "Blitznak! Looks like trouble…" Kim: "You can say that again, Stitch."
Kim, Ratchet and Stitch fought against the War Grok while Qwark ran off, trying to avoid the massive beast by any means necessary. The beast itself was just as extremely vicious as it was massive and terrifying, but the trio persisted against it. Kim's Centurion Armor was really helping to protect her from the beast's might as well as assisted her in combat. They came at the beast with everything they've got. Stitch managed to fight the beast by ripping out any objects that he could get his claws on, all 4 of them and tossed them at the beast. After a long battle and nearly getting killed several times, they were able to subdue the beast.
The 3 of them stood before the beast as it lied on the ground, beaten. Announcer: "And now, Gladiators! You must kill the War Grok!" Stitch: "Gaba chitchu?" Kim: "Um…I'm not doing it." Qwark: "Nooooooo!"
Qwark then came running through. He stopped and did a heroic stance. Qwark: "Honorable lizard things, I understand your proud warrior ways."
As Qwark rambled on, the War Grok was able to get itself back up. It came after the trio as they ran from it. Qwark: "The Nabla tribe of Florana once referred to me as…"
He made a few strange noise as he made a few flapping gestures. Qwark: "Or "He With Mighty Pecks Who Hath Delivered Us Serenity". But we can not kill this creature." Announcer: "What do you think you're doing? You must kill the War Grok or die!" Ratchet: "Qwark! This thing's trying to eat me!" Stitch: "Ah-qa Jihad!" Kim: "This thing won't let up!" Stitch: "Batooga! Oh, no! Not good enough!" Qwark: "These kids are still young. They don't understand that being a hero is 45% strength, 60% bravery and 10% raw intelligence." Ratchet: "That's 115%!" Qwark: "You're welcome." Kim: "What an idiot." Stitch: "Crabba no pugy." Qwark: "Please take me, instead. All I ask is that you name something impressive in my honor. Perhaps a school or a food court."
The audience was silent for a brief moment. Suddenly, there was one applaud being heard, followed by a few more then it grew into several and then much more until the entire crowd was applauding. Stitch: "Aga paba taka?" Announcer: "By the blade of Argos, you have honored us. You are a true hero."
Ratchet was thrown a good distance. Kim and Stitch rushed over towards him and tended to him. Kim: "Are you OK?" Ratchet: "Yeah, just peachy."
He lifted himself off of the ground while being helped by Kim and Stitch. Ratchet: "Nearly eaten by that thing, but other than that, never better." Kim: "Well, at least it's over." Stitch: "Kadoonboon."
They looked over and noticed Qwark rubbing the War Grok's belly as though it was some sort of massive dog. He then proceeded to name it Snowball. Ridiculous, I know. Ratchet, despite being spared, seemed very much annoyed by this. Ratchet: "You've gotta be kidding me." Stitch: "Enjibida?"
Qwark, having got on the War Grok, or Snowball, as he named it, rode off on it like some massive stallion. Kim and Ratchet, although still seeing this as awkward, both smiled. Kim: "I…have to admit, I'm kind of impressed." Ratchet: "Yeah…so am I."
Later on, they met back with Lilo within the lobby. Lilo: "Ratchet! Kim! Stitch!" Ratchet: "Hey, Lilo. What's happening?" Lilo: "I just watched you guys fight in all of those matches. You were great!" Kim: "Well, it was no big. The Centurion Armor has really made me rock out harder out there." Ratchet: "Really? Because I was thinking that it was the other way around."
Kim looked at Ratchet with a sweet and tender smile on her face. Lilo: "Well, either way, you guys were awesome." Kim: "Aw, thanks, Lilo. Although, I have to say that the last part with the War Grok was…quite an adventure to say the least." Stitch: "Ih! Battle was brutal, but last part was, uh, really bizarre." Ratchet: "You said it, Stitch." Kim: "Well, now that we've managed to finish that up, we need to get going." Ratchet: "Oh, right! We have to get to Zanifar and find that time portal." Lilo: "OK, then, you guys get going; Stitch and I will stay here and continue to browse through these fights. It was great seeing you guys again." Kim: "Same here. Let's meet again sometime." Ratchet: "Yeah and hopefully not too long after this time." Lilo: "Certainly. See ya." Stitch: "Bachooga."
Kim and Ratchet made their way back towards the landing bay, returned to their ship and left the Battleplex.
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Everytime I see this text message I think about them.
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Same energy
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I love my cell phone. All my blorbos are inside it
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being mutuals with one person but nobody else in their little mutual/friend circle is like being invited to a party and then standing next to that one mutual and saying nothing and just observing their other friends talk.
Only it’s Tumblr so they are talking about the weirdest shit ever /silly.
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sorry for going insane it’s the music.
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Gay as hell to be in an alliance. Why do you want to be allies with him? So you can stick together late into the game and promise to have each others backs and never vote each other out? Kinda gay.
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The neurodivergent urge to add “if that makes sense” after everything I say ever
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My mutuals watching me post the dumbest shit imaginable but still liking and reblogging it anyways
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Nickel why does this keep happening to you
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