#na dokyun
j-a-nuary · 8 months
History (히스토리) masterlist
Break You Down ���� (oneshot, 6.7k)
Summary: 🔞 Dokyun is new to being a sub, Yijeong is too curious for his own good, Jaeho is somewhat scandalized. D/s, bdsm elements, femdom, sex toys, lots of cuddly aftercare.
The French Connection (BYD spinoff, only two chapters)
Part One - Summary: 🔞 Dokyun's gf has free reign of her parent's house in France for the week, and the boys have enough time off to make a group vacation of it. Everyone goes clubbing, Yijeong and Dokyun both act up. Yijeong disappears once they get back to the house. Exhibition.
Part Two - Summary: 🔞 Dokyun's gf tracks down Yijeong. Everyone goes to bed. Yijeong whines his way into bed with Dokyun and his gf. Exhibition, getting caught, less of a threesome and more of just fucking in front of a friend.
Watching Movies With Kyungil (microfic, fluff)
Main Masterlist
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mokycn · 6 months
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o apartamento f2 da torre twilight não está mais vago. quem se mudou para lá foi moon dokyun, que tem vinte e seis anos e, aparentemente, trabalha como professor de libras. estão dizendo que se parece muito com kim mingyu, mas é bobagem. não esqueça de dar as boas vindas!
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dokyun sempre foi lido como uma pessoa fiel e a maior prova disso foi ter aberto mão de parte de sua vida quando a tia ficou doente. na época, ainda estava na faculdade e se mudou parcialmente para o lugar onde a outra morava, esperando que a ajuda não fosse durar tanto tempo assim. hoje, três anos depois, ainda mora em haneul complex e dobra as horas de trabalho para ter como comprar os remédios necessários e pagar o aluguel. está sobrecarregado, mas não consegue se ver fazendo menos que isso por alguém da família.
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theblackcatenby · 3 years
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히스토리 - Psycho, 2014
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[INSTAGRAM]  210129 Na Dokyun
“날 거부하지 말아죠 뚜루야..😔"
"Don’t reject me, Dduru..😔"
Trans CR: history-translations
Take out with full credits! No exceptions please!
We are learning Korean - we are NOT fluent! Things may not be translated 100% correctly, and we apologize, but we are trying.
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twoofstuff · 4 years
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*∘✧ If you used, reblog or like ✧∘*
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phukao · 4 years
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na dokyun // 9.01.2020
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thatmpdblog · 5 years
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Merman!Dokyun Moodboard
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kunderdogs · 5 years
History / Kyungil’s S/O Is Older
Anonymous asked: History's reaction when they find out that Kyungil's S/O is older than them when they thought she was younger than them and had been using informal speech with her.
Even though History has disbanded, I’ll be completing the request I have for them. I still love them and will support their individual activities! I’m sorry this is so late.
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Dokyun: Completely embarrassed. He doesn’t even know what to say when Kyungil corrected him saying that his s/o was his age. Immediately changes his speech to proper and formal, causing laughs all around. He’ll probably be awkward for a few days. “Noona...I’m so sorry.” His face will be red for a few hours even though he says things like “Well, if you didn’t look so young…”
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Sihyoung: He will think Kyungil is joking and won’t take it seriously until she confirms it. “Wah...Omg.” He’ll apologize but definitely blame Kyungil for not correcting him sooner. He’ll ask what her skincare routine is and will not let up until she gives him detailed, step by step routine. Honestly, he’ll think they were still playing with him until her birthday comes around months later.
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Jaeho: Nope, doesn’t believe it at all. Will probably laugh it off until days later when he hears one of the other members call her “noona”, then he starts to rethink his entire life at that point. He’ll probably stalk her IG or facebook to find her birthday year and when he finds the truth, he’s big time shook. No one will notice the subtle way he changes how he talks/interacts with her besides Kyungil and he’ll blush every time he gets teased for thinking she was younger than him.
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Yijeong: The last of anyone to know, yet the most apologetic. Blushing, tripping over his “Noona, forgive me!”, and bowing deep as fuck. He’s the cheekiest member but he is not disrespectful by any means so he’s really embarrassed when he realizes how casual he was with her. Lowkey offended that she looks way younger than him and she didn’t bother to correct him when he was being casual with her. “Aish...why did you not say anything sooner? Now I look like some disrespectful punk…”
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Kyungil: This is pure comedic gold to him. He’s been in this situation before, when you first started dating, so he had to ask to find out how old you were. To say he was shook when he found out y’all were the same age is an understatement. So he finds the embarrassment his members are going through the best thing ever. He doesn’t even bother to tell them, but let them all find out themselves. There’s no fun in ruining it early on.
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history-network · 5 years
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190427 - skehrbs: God bless🙏
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kpopuserboxes · 6 years
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naughtynanzhu · 5 years
my boy is free
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his-torybegins · 6 years
Hey all,
We’re sorry HB has been slacking last few weeks, but after a lot of discussion and attempts at keeping going we’ve collectively decided to close for the time being. We’d love other Storia to take over (if interested, send us a note!), but after 4 years and HISTORY disbanding we just don’t have the time or help to continue updating. This blog and all its information will still always be here for Storia to enjoy!
Thank you all for the support and kind words over the years! Please continue supporting HISTORY members in their individual activities. 
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fy-kyungil · 6 years
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180818 -  na__dokyun: 남은 군생활 몸건강히 🙏 항상 감사합니다 (Thank you for always staying healthy)
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
[INSTAGRAM] 180819 Na Dokyun | @na__dokyun
남은 군생활 몸건강히 🙏 항상 감사합니다 
Staying in good health in the army 🙏 Thank you always
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[INSTAGRAM]  210126 Na Dokyun
“구스타브 신메뉴☺️"
"A new item on Gustav’s menu☺️”
Trans CR: history-translations
Take out with full credits! No exceptions please!
We are learning Korean - we are NOT fluent! Things may not be translated 100% correctly, and we apologize, but we are trying.
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