fyeah-dokyun · 5 years
I miss History :( I miss Dokyun. I want to update this blog soon... I’m sorry for being inactive.
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
[INSTAGRAM] 180819 Na Dokyun | @na__dokyun
남은 군생활 몸건강히 🙏 항상 감사합니다 
Staying in good health in the army 🙏 Thank you always
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180630 Na Dokyun | @na__dokyun
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180611 Na Dokyun | @na__dokyun
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180609 Na Dokyun | @na__dokyun
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180506 Na Dokyun
👋 편지들 잘받아서 잘읽고있어요 감사해요~^^
👋 I’m getting and reading your letters well, thank you~
trans cr: his-torybegins please take out with full credits
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180312 Na Dokyun from @brown_melo_
#브라운멜로#brownmelo 잘갔다와라 동생 !!!^^
#BrownMelo #brownmelo Come back soon dongsaeng !!!^^
trans cr: his-torybegins please take out with full credits
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180312 Na Dokyun
안녕하세요!! 🤗 첫 휴가를 좋은사람들과 만나고 또 오랜만에 여러분들과 소통도 하고 너무 좋은 휴가를 보낸것같아 기분이 좋습니다^^ 저는 오늘 복귀를합니다 군복무중이다보니 자주 소통하지못해 항상 죄송할 따름이네요ㅜ ㅜ 여러분들께 새로운 소식 하나가 있는데요 이번 휴가 기간에 저를 항상 챙겨주고 생각해주는 정말 너무너무 소중한 형과 함께 새로운 브랜드를 만들어 디저트 사업을 구상하고 준비하며 많은 시간을보냈습니다 오랜 준비 및 상의끝에 BROWN MELO 라는 브랜드명이 정해졌습니다^^ 제가현재군복무중이다보니 전역하는날까지 준비기간도 길고 힘든점도있지만 열정을다해 연구하고 계속해서 노력할테니 여러분들이 많이 응원해주시고 관심가져주셨으면 좋겠습니다! 😚 BROWN MELO (@brown_melo_ ) 계정에서 준비하는 과정에대한 사진 및 정보들 많이많이 올릴테니깐 관심갖고 많이많이 봐주시구 공유해주세여!! 좋아요도 마늬마늬 눌러주세요😍 더 좋은모습, 멋진모습으로 무사히 군복무를 마치고 다시 여러분들앞에 나타나기위해 더 열심히 노력하고 구상할테니 잘기다려주세요🙏 항상 감사하고 여러분들이 주신 사랑 잊지않고 좋은 모습으로 꼭 보답하겠습니다. #BROWN MELO #티라미수 #티라미수전문점 #케이크 #케이크맛집 #기대해주세요 #기대 #맛스타그램 #먹스타그램
Hello!! 🤗 During my first break, I got to meet good people and talk to you guys for the first time in a long time, so it was a really great break and I feel good^^ I’m heading back right now. Since I can’t talk with you much during my military service, I only ever feel sorryㅜㅜ But I have some news to tell all of you. During this break, I’ve made a new brand with a very very good hyung who always takes care of me and thinks of me, and we’re going to start a dessert business. We’ve spent a lot of time preparing, and after a lot of prep and consultation, we’ve decided to call the brand BROWN MELO^^ I’m still doing my military service, and until I’m out, the preparation time will be long and difficult, but we’ll do our best and research and keep working hard, so everyone I hope you’ll support us and give us a lot of attention! 😚 At BROWN MELO’s account (@brown_melo_ ) you’ll be able to see many many pictures and get information about our progress, so everyone please give us support and help us get the word out!! Please also like our post a lot a lot😍 I’ll work really hard to come back from my military service to show you all a better image, a more amazing image of myself, so please wait for me🙏 As always, thank you and I’ll never forget the love you all give me and I’ll definitely be back even cooler than before.
#BROWN MELO #Tiramisu #TiramisuShop #Cake #DeliciousCakeShop #PleaseAnticipate #Anticipate #Yumstagram #Eatstagram
trans cr: his-torybegins please take out with full credits
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180310 Na Dokyun
시형이한테 들었어요 모르시는 분들이 많다해서😅
I heard from Sihyoung that there were a lot of people who didn’t know😅
[Note: These are mailing addresses for Dokyun, one for his military address and one for FAVE Ent. The English Addresses are on the bottom~]
trans cr: his-torybegins please take out with full credits
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180310 Na Dokyun
우리 구태규태 응원할게
Let’s cheer for Gu Taegyutae
[T/N: Not sure if that name is right >.<]
trans cr: his-torybegins please take out with full credits
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
[IG LIVE[ 180310 Na Dokyun
Src: @dokyunpics
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180310 Na Dokyun
[Note: Dokyun has also changed his IG handle to na__dokyun]
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
♡ Happy Birthday Dokyun ♡
I’m so happy to know that you are doing well. I’m so proud of you. We love you so much, and we’re waiting for you! I will always support you!
#HappyDokyunDay #Happy27thDokyunDay ♡
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180211 Kim Sihyoung
어 그래 나일병. 쉬어.
Alright, Private Na. At ease.
trans cr: his-torybegins please take out with full credits
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fyeah-dokyun · 6 years
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[INSTAGRAM] 180211 Na Dokyun
생일축하해주셔서 감사합니다. 몸건강히전역하겠습니다. 감기조심하세요~“
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I’ll come back with good health. Don’t catch a cold.
trans cr: his-torybegins please take out with full credits
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fyeah-dokyun · 7 years
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[PREVIEW] 171226 Training Center Graduation Ceremony
cr. me2balance
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fyeah-dokyun · 7 years
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[PREVIEW] 171226 Training Center Graduation Ceremony
cr. me2balance
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