newtabfics · 1 year
Could i please get ganondorf overpowering archer y/n in the battle field and she's just completely lost on his cock?
Triggers for noncon to dubcon elements.
She gasped and moaned, back arching off the tower wall as her wrists were pinned over her head.
She was the last soldier in the outpost alive it seemed and this was how the Gerudo King opted to celebrate his victory. Y/N would gladly take it over that brutal blade on his hip. Though the massive weapon pounding into her fluttering hole was making her see stars.
Ganondorf smirked as the Hylian, with tears rolling down her face, moaned out in pleasure as he thrust into her. "Such a small vai. Practically--Nnff! Made to be fucked," he grunted as he thrust, keeping a steady pace. "I think I'll be taking you." He pressed deeper into her as he pressed his entire body against her, watching the bulge in her stomach with a mad grin. "I think I'll make you my wife. Not a chance I'll let such a tight cunt escape me after this. Would you like to be my wife?"
If it meant being ravished like this, she gladly accepted this, rolling her hips.
"Good vai," He groaned, his free hand lifting her leg and hooking her ankle over his shoulder. He watched her choke and scream as her orgasm ripped through her. With a smirk, he drove himself deeper. "I'm going to breed my heir into you."
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kaffkanya · 10 days
mmhm.... bones..nnff..mmffgg... leonard...ngggmmg....mccoy..mffmmmmhhhggggggg....
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 2 months
Think we could get some Revali vore
Love that bird
I can do more for him, he’s a great bird.
The R.ito caws as another thick gulp sucks him in up to his waist, his feet already pushing into the gurgling gut below. His wings are useless as he attempts to flap them and get out. "R-R.evali, please, we can talk about this! You don't have to--" Another gulp sucks him in up to his chest, making him yelp before he can finish pleading.
The great Champion of the R.ito was a cocky bird, but it was well deserved given all he's done and his immense skill. That doesn't stop other R.ito from challenging him near daily--races, archery contests, hunting, and sparring are among some of the things that many R.ito believe they can best their Champion at. They're always wrong, and the R.ito currently armpit-deep in R.evali's gullet is starting to realize why exactly no R.ito ever returns from these contests.
Another gulp sucks his head in, leaving the R.ito's vision framed by that drooling beak, only his arms left outside of the deadly maw. "P-Please! Have mercy, R.evali! I don't want to die over a stupid race! Let me go and I'll tell no one of this, I swear! I'll leave the village! You'll never see me again! Please, let me--" A thick gulp muffles whatever else the R.ito was saying, his head momentarily bulging out R.evali's neck as it sinks down. His arms are slurped up and R.evali lets out a soft sigh as he feels the full weight of one of his kind slosh down into his feathered stomach.
He gives it a few pats as the R.ito inside thrashes around, trying to find a way out or perhaps just get more comfortable. A belch escapes the bird, a few stray feathers fluttering from his beak and floating away in the breeze. "You whine far too much," R.evali comments, casually digging a finger into his stomach. "If you had won, you wouldn't be in this position. It's not my fault your only worth is as my food." Ever since he'd become the Champion of the R.ito tribe, R.evali has been getting all kinds of challenges from overconfident R.ito.
It'd been annoying at first, but when one took the loss particularly hard and practically begged R.evali to devour him...well, suddenly he'd become much more willing to take on any challenge coming his way. So long as they take place in more secluded areas, of course. Already, R.evali's gut is bubbling intensely, the R.ito inside really starting to scream. It makes R.evali groan and clutch his stomach, wanting to feel the process take place.
"Thankfully...all of you lesser R.ito have given my body plenty of time to...nnff...practice. So let me show you how superior I really am!" R.evali's stomach begins to reduced in size rapidly, the screaming R.ito being pumped away at incredible speeds. He couldn't even finish yelling before some thick rumbling cuts him off and R.evali belches up all of that leftover air. More feathers float off in the breeze and he licks along his beak with a content sigh.
His hands gently cup over his belly, now just an unassuming beer gut that stuck out a measly inch or two. "And there you are, put in your rightful place. I'd suggest you enjoy it and settle in...but I'll burn you off before day's end. Your type never sticks around for long." R.evali gives his stomach a few careful pats and then takes to the sky to get some real work done. He'd forget all about the poor challenger by the time the next one is sinking down his gullet.
R.evali frowns to himself as he soars through the sky. He can’t find anything good to eat and it feels like he’s been hunting for hours. Or maybe that’s just what his incessantly growling stomach is leading him to believe. He’s gone out much farther than usual though, and even then, he’s got nothing. He’s about to give up and fly back home when he spots something.
...oh, no, it’s just L.ink, off doing who-knows-what all by himself. R.evali rolls his eyes and is about to go back but his stomach lets out another needy growl and it makes him pause. L.ink is all alone out here. No one really knows that R.evali has come out this way, either. A smirk begins to pull onto R.evali’s beak as his grumbling stomach wins over and he dives downward instead.
L.ink perks up slightly when he hears something coming. He recognizes the sound as a R.ito flying in and looks up to confirm that it’s just R.evali. He smiles and waves to his companion, but instead of receiving a warm welcome in return, R.evali practically dive bombs towards him. The R.ito lands hard on his feet next to L.ink, making the H.ylian step back in surprise. Before he can even ask about what R.evali wants, the R.ito’s wings flap down hard and sends the two of them up into the air with a strong gust.
L.ink cries out in surprise and flails as he’s suddenly airborne. Without his hang glider, he doesn’t go up very high, but it’s just enough that R.evali gets what he wants. L.ink’s eyes widen as he turns in the air and finds himself staring down into R.evali’s wide-open beak. He braces himself with his arms on instinct but all it does is make his descent even easier.
GLLL-MMPH! With a massive, wet gulp, R.evali sends L.ink plummeting straight down his gullet. Flying up while the H.ylian falls down makes sure that it takes nothing else. R.evali is already in the sky again before L.ink has fully disappeared. The Champion falters just slightly in his flight as he feels his gut slosh and sag down, his delicious hunt curled up tight inside now. But with a wet “BRRRAAAAP!” and a smug slurp of his beak, R.evali’s flight smooths out again.
“I’m so lucky to have found you, L.ink!” R.evali comments, though he’s not entirely sure if his voice can be made out by his catch. “I was just starting to think I’d be ending my hunt empty handed. But thanks to you, the great Champion of the R.ito’s has nothing to worry about!” R.evali smiles smugly as his gut sloshes under him. He can feel L.ink starting to kick and shift inside. “I dare say it’s the greatest help you’ve ever been to me. Be proud of that! Anyone would be.”
By the time R.evali lands at the R.ito village, his gut has shrunken down to a much smaller and rounder size. It sloshes around as he settles and what would have been a very loud belch gets muffled into his wing. He pats his gut gently with the other wing and smirks slightly. “Settle down, L.ink.”
The Champion saunters off, eager to rest and let the last bits of his meal digest. One of the R.ito guards catches his eye as he passes him. “Champion R.evali! Another successful hunt, I take it?”
R.evali rubs along his stomach slightly and pushes on it a bit. His wing sinks in, making his gut bubble and churn loudly. “Mm...one of my better ones, in fact. I don’t think I’ll have another quite like it.”
R.evali doesn’t get envious. Envy is for people that don’t have something. R.evali has everything--skill, strength, adoration. There’s nothing for him to be envious of! He does, however, get jealous. Because while he might have something, it’s possible for someone else to come along and take it.
It started with T.eba. He was an up-and-comer among the R.ito. He was faster than most others, a better shot, strong and reliable and a natural leader. Of course, R.evali only considered him second place to the Champion of the R.itos. But then T.eba started to try learning to use R.evali’s Gale. That was a line crossed.
Of course, he did try to learn it from R.evali himself, and spoke with all the humbleness he could muster. But R.evali saw it for what it was--a R.ito that wanted to be top of the pecking order. That wouldn’t stand. R.evali offered T.eba to do some special training, just the two of them, and no one else may know. T.eba agreed enthusiastically, and R.evali could barely contain his smirk.
The next morning, some guards were asking around to see if anyone had seen T.eba recently. Of course, R.evali hadn’t seen him for a while. Not since he went hunting the day before The guards didn’t find the R.ito’s bloated middle suspicious, and they walked off just before a sharp gurgle made R.evali belch up some white feathers. He carefully kicks them off the edge of the walkways and lets the wind carry them off.
Things were fine after that. People murmured about T.eba’s disappearance, but R.evali reassured them all that nothing was wrong and that they still had their Champion to protect them. But a week later...K.ass returned to the village. Everyone was excited for the bard to return. He had new songs to sing and stories to tell. People stopped worrying about T.eba then...they also seemed to lose interest in R.evali. That was a problem. And the Champion’s slightly pudgy belly grumbles out a reminder of how he can handle it.
K.ass left the village as suddenly as he arrived. He’d only been around for two days, and didn’t leave any impression he planned on leaving again. But that’s what everyone had to assume happened when he was simply missing one morning. It just so happened it was also a day that R.evali requested to be left unbothered in his room for a while. A stomachache, apparently. R.evali found out the hard way that accordions don’t agree with his digestive system. Hacking it up over the side of the village eased those troubles eventually.
R.evali’s worries didn’t end there. T.eba and K.ass both going missing wasn’t causing a large panic, but it did get the rumor mill turning. R.evali didn’t mind that at first, but when P.enn suddenly came by to interrogate R.evali on the situation, it caused problems. Especially when the reporter found K.ass’s accordion nearby...and some familiar loose feathers...
R.evali made sure that the cap and goggles he belched up were left farther away from the village this time. The flight to discard them in the river helped him process that annoying reporter as well. He’s getting a lot fatter, though. Three R.ito are clearly a bit hard on one’s waistline. Well, R.evali thinks, it was their fault for being such nuisances. He won’t get any bigger if he doesn’t have any more problems...but he won’t stop it from happening if he does. He feels like some of the guards have been noticing his weight gain. Might need to pay them a visit during dinner...
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sterekchub · 7 months
Valentine’s Day prompt: Derek gets shot with Cupid’s arrow, but because of messed up beacon hills logic, he becomes enamored with greasy burgers instead of a person. Cue stuffing and weight gain.
It's the story of the mice who hit the pleasure button and starve to death....except Derek is hitting the "Burger button" until he's ready to pop (or until he's too fat to lift one more burger to his mouth...) The Sheriff is the first one to find out. He shows up a diner and at first, doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. Derek and a few other people are sitting at their respective booths, all quietly eating, all fully clothed. He starts to think it might be a prank when Derek takes a bite of his burger and lets out the most pornagraphic moan the Sheriff has ever heard. "He's been doing that ALL afternoon," an irritable waitress informs him. "This is his 6th burger." It takes the Sheriff a quick conversation, with Derek groaning "I can't seem to stop," with a wild, lustful look in his eyes before he calls Stiles and for good measure, Deaton. None of them are very helpful or have any answers. Stiles offers to keep an eye on Derek, who ordered another 3 burgers, and werewolf or not, the Sheriff is a little concerned his eyes are bigger than his stomach. **** It only takes a bit of experimenting to realize it doesn't matter if it's a fast food burger, diner burger, gourmet burger. Toppings don't matter. Beef or pork or chicken...Derek eagerly devours them all the same. "Stiles, I don't care blurrrRPPP where it comes from. Just hand it over!" It's also very apparent that werewolves can eat more or less constantly, if they push themselves. "I think you should stop..." "Just need nnff one or two more nnnnghh. Feels so BRRRRPppph fucking good chomp to be this gurrrrPPPP full." Stiles hands over the burgers. The button on Derek's jeans goes flying across the room as he leans forward to take the bag. **** Stiles catches Derek jerking off more than once. Once hand dripping in burger grease and mayo, wrapped around his cock in lieu of lotion, stroking up and down while Derek crams a burger into his mouth with his other hand. He's completely unbothered by Stiles entering the room, barely looking up. "Seriously? Put the burger down, Derek." "Too chomp good." "I can see that." Stiles put a hand on Derek's swollen, basketball sized middle. "Need a hand?" Derek seems indiffferent to the proposal. "Go hunnnngh for it." It's a better arrangement. Stiles gets to appreciate the weight of Derek's gut resting on his head, or gets to admire all the weight settling into his backside...and Derek can double fist burgers while he's being fucked. **** It isn't long before the all-burger diet starts to catch up with Derek- fast. He pushes himself far past the normal limits, eating until he's sweating grease and his stomach is letting out low, rumbling protests and bursts of gas as warning that it's being overworked and overstuffed, but Derek still reaches out his pudgy hand for more. "You're eating bacon burgers now? How many have you had?" "Only Rrrltbllpft a dozen wheeze or two."
"No wonder you look like such a pig, that's a lot of bacon, Der." **** "There's more cheese than meat on that." "It's munch a mac and cheese fffrttt burger. Splrrrpffbllt." Derek would happily betray anyone in his pack for a good, triple-bacon and mac and cheese burger. Except maybe Stiles...who enabled him terrible and always brought over more burgers to Derek when he got too full to lift his heavy mass off the couch. **** Derek's stomach isn't bottomless, as much as he wishes it was, and even with his werewolf stretching stomach abilities, he would hit his limit. There was still a pile of fast food burgers on the table in front of Derek. Stiles had watch him eat an impressive fifteen triple burgers before finally having to admit defeat. Derek would sink back against the couch, both hands massaging his belly, desperate to make more room so he could go back to eating. "I'm a little jealous about the look you've been giving that burger..." "Need...huff...more." "I think you've reached your limit." Derek shook his head. "Just BOOOUARP need a groan prrbt push." Stiles' has the never failing solution. Pulls Derek up with great difficult and a lot of pulling, given that both Derek's belly and his ass were threatening to become wider than he was tall. While Derek slowly waddles his way to the bedroom, Stiles grabs the burgers and follows behind him, lightly smacking his wobbling backside to push him along faster. Their mattress is on the floor, because with Derek's burger-filled belly hanging almost to his knees, the effort or getting into bed proved too much for him most nights Still, Derek gets down on all fours, belly pressing against the mattress and flowing to the sides. The pressure of supporting his weight elicits another thunderous round of gas from him. Stiles sticks the burgers in front of him, within reach, and wastes no time in stripping down and grabbing the bottle of lube on their bedstand. "What are you waiting for, Derek? You're the burger hog, get eating. You're not going to let those go to waste, are you? A greedy fatass like you needs all the burgers he can get." Derek moans and stuffs one into his mouth. "So...mmmppph RRPPPppphH full." "What do you expect when you eat like a pig all day? Just look at all this blubber." He takes huge handfuls of Derek's backrolls as he thrusts into him. Stiles takes his time fucking Derek, knowing it won't be long before Derek is too fat. His dick buried in blubber and impossible to reach, and soon his backside was going to be too fat for Stiles to fuck him. The thought makes Stiles thrust faster. Beneath him, Derek is practically grunting and oinking like his true piggy self to finish off the burgers...
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sandwichsakurauchi · 2 months
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"Share the burden?"
A smug grin spreading through her face, now both hands were rubbing at the pinkette's gut... squeezing, kneading, fondling that soft mound of adipose-
While also bumping the obese girl's back with her own paunch... much harder and firm to the touch unlike Madoka's-
"What do you suggest? I am not sure if that is possible to begin with... but I'm curious now."
She takes a lumbering step back at the sudden forward nature, but didn't let it interrupt her train of thought. Or tried her best not to let it.
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"I-I mean if you're the only one with a connection to that Witch that keeps it under control... a-and it causes strain on you... If you had someone else make that same connection wouldN'T-!!... N-Nnff... wouldn't that make things easier...?"
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devouring-hive · 1 year
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“I-I suppose I’ll be- Nnff... Starting my diet tomorrow, then...”
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swagnant · 2 years
nnff hhff hff iim cccumming again<<33!! fhhhhfuck huff hnmgg,<<333 ffiuck that felt sso good ffuck im close im close im cclose im ccumming ccumming cumming<,,333,,<33 mmnnaa~~<333 hhufff hhhuff iiim im ccummimgggffuucckk,,,<,<,33~~~ ffuck fuck that feels ssoo soo good iim ssso cclose cclose close close chhhhhiii cant hold it im ccumming im cucmmmingg,,<~~333 mnnnfff aghazagain im ccumming im ccumming<,<333 mmmnnn!!!!<333 MFFF CUMMING CUMMINGGGG HHHHFFFffff<333<333<33
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jadipose · 5 months
Hahahaha! I've cursed you to a lifetime of insatiability! No matter how much you eat, you'll never be truly satisfied. Every time you see something edible, you will be supernaturally compelled to consume it! Hahaha! This is your punishment, dearie. Now, why don't you take a look at this pumpkin pie I baked for you?
Porrim clutches at her flat, slender middle, almost doubling over from the hunger pangs. Barely conscious of the effort, she staggers towards the pie, her hands trembling as she reaches out for it.
I... I want it... can I have it? I want it so+ bad...
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blastikmusik · 8 months
sunny side down 652
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O'Keefe Music Foundation - Fade Into You Tremendous Aron - Fakery In The Bakery All The Damn Vampires (featuring. Pensacola Mist & Andy James) - Carolina Lies Stephan Kreussel - Losing Sight GROUPLOVE (feat. PawPaw Rod & Valerie June) - Cheese Slowdive - andalucia plays Day Wave - As You Are Discovery Zone - Mall of Luv Earth Dad - Nnff Bubble Tea and Cigarettes - Emi Cigarettes After Sex - Motion Picture Soundtrack Yune - Cake Slowdive - skin in the game DOLLY ZOOM - Pill PACKS - Paige Machine Headaches & Golden Vessel - Happy Days in Happy Weather
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mojoomojojo · 2 years
nnf nnnf nnff i keep leaking. fuck
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Milo from pokemon pit and pec vore prompts if you havent done them yet? Love your work <3
I’d love to do some more for him! Been a while.
"Like this?" M.ilo asks, folding his massive arms behind his head. He's a little flustered by it, especially with the phone flittering around him, but he had promised R.aihan to help him with one of those 'streams' today. He didn't fully get it--M.ilo had never taken much interest in the Internet and its inner workings--but a promise was a promise. Even if it meant he had to be shirtless...
"Perfect!" R.aihan says with a grin. "Hold that pose, big guy. I'll be right back." With a big grin, the fellow gym leader leaves the locker room. M.ilo was flustered by the phone still capturing his form, but he couldn't think of anything to say to it, so he simply stood there waiting. R.aihan did eventually come back, though. With guests, even!
"These six are today's lucky guests!" R.aihan says to his phone. "So with their help, we'll be giving everyone an exclusive look at how M.ilo gets that big, burly bod of his."
M.ilo's face goes pink. "Huh? What do you mean? What are--nnff!" M.ilo groans and tenses a bit as he feels people on him. Those 'guest stars' had surrounded him while he was distracted. Two had planted their faces right into the man's exposed pits a third was fondling his chest.
"We've got two groups here!" R.aihan goes on. "And they're going to be racing to see who can last longer in M.ilo's body. Looks like group one is already getting acquainted."
"Th-They're what?" M.ilo asks. He's not against free food--what g.ym leader doesn't snack on their opponents from time to time?--but this was a bit sudden for him. He doesn't get to think about it before he feels people pushing into him, a pair of heads sinking into his pits and hands shoving their way between his pecs. He groans and closes his eyes, flexing his muscles and quickly sucking more of his prey in. It only takes three tight flexes to totally put them away.
"Look at that!" R.aihan says, grinning. "Didn't even take a minute for him to pack away some guys. Let's see how long they can last against his grinding muscles."
The answer was--not long. The post R.aihan has M.ilo in doe a good job to show off his bulging pecs and biceps at the same time, so the camera catches each flex and squeeze over the wiggling lumps in the farmer's muscles. The first crunch of bones echoes out from his chest after only a few flexes, and his arms follow suit. Each flex after that comes with a cacophony of cracks and pops and crunches as those massive muscles effortlessly break down live meat into nothing but pure mass. It only takes a couple minutes before M.ilo had broken down all three men, all that remains being a bit of extra swell to his muscle mass.
"And that's time!" R.aihand says. "Now, for group two..." He turns to the last three, who seem a lot more hesitant about what's going to happen to them. They all realized that, even if they did outlast those three, there wouldn't be anything salvageable of them left anyway. But the way out is locked, and with a rather forceful hand, R.aihand forces them into M.ilo's muscles. They squirm a bit more than the first group, but M.ilo puts them away just as easily.
If anything, their struggling only makes the process faster. His pecs flex together, and there's a short scream followed by very noisy crunches. M.ilo's pecs swell a bit and there's nothing left. His arms take a few more flexes, but before long, they've done the same to the feisty meals put in as well. That wasn't even half the time and all three are gone.
"Looks like group one is the winner!" R.aihand says with a grin. "I'm sure they would appreciate that but..." He gives M.ilo's chest a few pats. "...adding to this is reward on its own, right? Maybe we'll see how he does with more meat next time! Just be ready for your chance to get crushed into mass!"
"Next time..?" M.ilo asks, still blushing softly. He's never eaten like this so publicly...but it did feel kind of nice. He wouldn't mind being in more of these 'streams' if this is what he's going to be doing on them. Heck...maybe he'll even get a chance to meet some new fans out and about. He's heard that R.aihan will gulp down anyone who asks, no matter where they are. That doesn't sound so bad to M.ilo anymore.
"Next time!" R.aihan agrees. "We'll put your muscles to the test for everyone to see!"
M.ilo smiles just a bit and he subconsciously flexes again. "Then...I'll be waiting."
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hydration-needed · 4 years
Mic also has a Yagami Yato audio djjakzjdkd
If I die this is what killed me.
Play this at my funeral 😭
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sandwichsakurauchi · 2 months
Madoka-chan is one thing, but... with how everything's turning as of late-
What about her circle of friends? Has she noticed any differences as of late?
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"Mnuurlph... Nnff... N-Now that I know how powerful this witch's influence is, I-I-... I can see how badly we've all gotten... Oumph... Mmff... B-Bonesh breaking... shkin tearing... Ulph... Sayaka-chan, Mami-san, Kyoko-chan... e-even Homura-chan... We really are stuck in a loop that it benefits from... Alina-chan was right..."
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filmosfera · 5 years
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#NNFF https://www.instagram.com/p/BwtSeo9nYVe/?igshid=fkw1s3jyoq9s
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meep9898 · 3 years
This not-so-little story is based around Final Fanatsy VII, specifically the remake of the game. Since the character in this story didn’t have much to say or do in the original game and they fleshed her out more in the remake, i chose to go with that. I took some liberties with the time that goes by in the story and I used some of the game’s dialogue for some parts of the story. 
This is the longest kink-related thing I have ever written. Not sure if it is good and this long-format stories will probably not become a thing around here, but I still hope you enjoy it a ton!
Shoutout to @widestwaistlines​ and @corpulentcarbs​ since they’re the ones that inspired me to write this whole thing.
A couple of months ago, you were hired by an eco-terrorist group known as Avalanche for a one-time deal. As a mercenary it was your job to do as they said. Whatever issue they had against Shinra or whatever self-righteous mission they were on to save the Earth, you didn’t care. They had filled your pockets with gil for assisting them in blowing up that mako reactor. That was all that mattered. And you certainly didn’t care about any of the members in that band of misfits. First, there was their reckless leader, Barret Wallace, a passionate and aggressive man who’d put he’s life in the line for his ridiculous cause. Next, there was Biggs. Unlike Barret, he was a calmer and more rational individual, but he tried too hard to appear cool and collected, and his playfulness could be annoying at times. Then, there was Wedge. The corpulent lad didn’t contribute much to the team and his timid attitude made him insufferable at times. Finally, there was the worst of them all: Jessie Rasberry.
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Jessie was the only female in the group. Her excessively upbeat personality and her fearless nature constantly got her in the way of danger. She had an unmatched ability to get herself trapped under rubble. You must have saved her life at least five times just during that one mission. But what bothered you the most were her attempts to flirt with you. For many, it would have been a no brainer to fall for the slender and spunky girl. Jessie must have been around your age, and it was impossible to deny that her gleamy, brown eyes, her long hair which was neatly tied in a ponytail and her ever-present smile didn’t give her an air of cuteness. However, she lacked any subtlety, and she couldn’t take a hint. You could tell the brunette had her eyes on you since the moment you got off that train. She even tried to get you back for the next bombing mission. But no matter how hard you tried to focus on the job or how rudely you ignored her coquettish comments, she wouldn’t stop making teasing advances towards you. It was irritating! So… Why was it that you couldn’t get her off your mind? More importantly, why was is it that you wished to see her again?
Luckily for you, it wouldn’t be long before your wish became true. After being assaulted by some pesky ruffians who wanted you to spill the beans about Barret’s and the rest of Avalanche’s whereabouts, you decided to head back to your apartment in order to get some shut-eye. To your surprise, someone was already waiting outside for you.
“Welcome home, honey! Took your…urp…sweet time.” It was Jessie!  
“Psych! Are you gonna let me in so we can talk in…bwooorp…nnff…private?”
Was she seriously recurring to stalking you just so she could have another chance at flirting? Still, you let her in. For some reason, there seemed to be something off about her.
Now that you were inside, in the privacy of your home, you could get a better look at your guest, and the thing that was ‘off’ about her suddenly hit you… 
Jessie had gained weight. A lot of weight. At least for what was considered reasonable in a matter of months. Sweat covered what little space could be seen of her brow, the rest dripping and pooling under her red headband. Her face looked rounder, giving her an adorable look that was only accentuated every time her smile showed, emphasizing the acquired puffiness of her cheeks, and revealing hints of a developing second chin whenever she opened her mouth to speak or when she lowered her neck a tad. Broader shoulder pushed the metallic plates that covered them apart, and jigglier arms strained her sleeves, the poor garment pinching their wobbly circumference in order to stay alive. There was no way her breastplate hadn’t been resized. The previous one would have never been able to hold the two cantaloupes that hung from her chest. If it weren’t for it, her breasts would probably be drooping lightly and resting atop her gut. Speaking of said belly, the flabby outline of her midsection could barely be contained, overstretching the black shirt and blue undershirt she regularly wore to their limits, also threatening to pop her belt any second now. The rest of her lower body didn’t fall behind either. Much wider hips were fighting for space inside her green capris, overflowing them and pancaking against her thick love handles, forcing the member of Avalanche to go without her leather holster. Tremendously thick thighs constantly rubbed over each other, with chunky calves smooshed between armored boots and the hems of her pants, only helping to continue showing how desperately Jessie needed a new pair of them. To top it all off, there was her rear. You only saw glimpses of it, but you could clearly tell the two gelatinous orbs were pressed against each other under the skin-tight capris, subtly bouncing from side to side with every motion she made and every belch she let out between words.
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Apparently, the Midgardian wasn’t stalking you. She had visited you in order to request your help for a special task. Jessie had been blaming herself for the size of the reactor’s explosion all this time, and she needed you to help her rob her own house in order to get an ID that would let her acquire a weaker blasting agent for the next raid. You were leaving to the Sector 7 Plate at night. All in exchange for one Ifrit Materia. Without a second thought, you were in.
Nighttime arrived quickly. Just as you were about to take the train, Biggs and Wedge appeared with two motorbikes. Somehow, they had figured out Jessie’s plans, so they decided to offer their aid and a method of transportation that would help you stay hidden. Maybe the two guys weren’t so bad after all.
The instant Jessie got onto the ride, the vehicle creaked, lowering itself towards its wheels. Maybe letting the struggling motorbike hold both of your combined weights wasn’t a good idea, but you had no choice left. If this was an indicator for the rest of the night, then things wouldn’t sail so smoothly for you... and, shortly after, you were proven right. Along your ride, a failed ID check sent your way a bunch of Shinra henchmen and a lousy SOLDIER named Roche in order to catch you, but they would meet your Buster Sword and they would be no match for it. After your victory, Jessie was beyond ecstatic.
“You passed the test!”.  
“What test?”
“Been driving for years”
“So, you…buuurrp…don’t need a reward?”
Before you knew it, the heavy gal leaned onto you and pressed her plump lips on your cheek, delivering an unexpected peck on it. The moment her lips parted from your face, a loud belch escaped her mouth. Right. On. Your. Ear. Jessie giggled and wrapped her meaty arms around your waist, pudgy hands holding you tight, bulky belly and bulbous bust squished against your back, all while you couldn’t stop your cheeks from flushing with a dark shade of red. She was so soft… so warm. Maybe you were proven wrong. The night was going much better than you would have ever imagined.
After that little escapade, you got a hold of the required ID with ease, snuck into the Shinra warehouse with no problem, found the weaker compound in no time, and escaped safely. You even learned about Jessie’s past as an aspiring actress at Gold Saucer, her father’s accident and current condition, and her mother’s ‘Midgar Special’ dinner. Nevertheless, your little adventure wasn’t over just yet. 
Before going back home, Jessie had asked you to visit her in order to ‘pay you in full’. Adequately, she rewarded you with another orb of Materia and with another unforeseen surprise: A heavy hug, with her flab-coated arms firmly placed around your shoulder, and a proposal for a date tomorrow. Embarrassed, you tried to play it cool by calling her ��desperate’ and telling her you wouldn’t promise to be there, but the heavyset woman could read you like an open book and she understood what you really meant in no time.
“Really? You will? I make a…uuraaap…mean pizza, I’ll have you know!” Well, that definitely explained some of her extra weight.
“You just leave everything to me. It’ll be great!”
With that said, she headed back into her home, only to reopen the door seconds later.
Winking and sticking her tongue at you, the hefty girl headed inside for real that time.
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In the following days you would find yourself so busy you wouldn’t be able to go on the arranged pizza date, yet you would also become much closer to Jessie and the rest of Avalanche. Together, you fought off some Whispers, infiltrated another reactor, defeated a war machine, and foiled Shinra’s plans to destroy Sector 7. But not everyone made it in one piece… In the course of the battle to protect Sector 7, Jessie had been badly injured to the point of almost dying. You couldn’t help but feel guilty for the attack and for Jessie’s current condition. Yes, she had solidified her state as ‘out of shape’ a few hundred pounds ago, but your actions had put her at way more risk than her fearless attitude or fat frame could ever do. In order to keep her safe, you had to stay away from her and put an end to Shinra. And that´s exactly what you did…
Many months would go by before you gathered enough courage to do what was needed. You felt more anxious than you ever had, but you decided the right time to make amends and apologize to Jessie for vanishing and not visiting once throughout her recovery process had arrived. Nervously, you knocked her door, waiting for what must have felt like an eternity for a reply. Eventually…
“You…huff…kept me waiting…haah…for too long...nnff…honey…Come in.”
The once svelte and graceful person you knew as Jessie Rasberry was gone, replaced by a ridiculously obese version of herself. The only indication that it truly was the same woman was the recognizable smile that highlighted the roundness of her cheeks, the plumpness of her lips, and the thickness of her pair of chins. The few lumbering, arduous steps she had to take to answer the door left her almost breathless, the poor girl huffing and puffing along the short way in order to keep her composure. She was still wearing a larger version of her trademark outfit in a vain attempt to keep her decency and pride, the only major difference being that there was no belt to be seen, but even those bigger sizes had been effectively outgrown many, many pounds ago. 
Once inside, she led you to her room. Crumpled wrappers, piles of carboard boxes, and dozens of empty plastic bottles filling every single centimeter of the floor.  
“I know what you...oommph…haaah…were up to…and I forgive you…huff huff…Although...You’ll have to make it up to me…So why don’t you…uuuurrp…feed your prized piggy girl?”
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Jessie grabbed a nearby plate toppled with a tower of pizza slices, she handed you one of the calorie-rich pieces, and opened her mouth, her tongue lolling out, eagerly waiting for the first bite of many to come. Inch by inch, you got closer to her grease-stained lips, cheese and sauce painting her chunky cheeks and dribbling down her chins onto her breastplate as she panted and gasped in delight. You dutifully fed the blobby Midgardian piece after piece, until only one was left, and right as you were about to deposit the final mouthful into her greedy gullet, a loud POP and a barely audible CLANK interrupted your task. Jessie’s pants had succumbed to the pressure that was building inside her gargantuan gut, annihilating the button and dragging her zipper all the way down. Jessie let out a pleased groan, staring at you with pleasure-fogged eyes while toying with the hem of her undershirt.
“Would yo-UUUUURP be a dear and… haaaah…help me off these useless clothes?”
Off went her armored boots and socks, revealing that no part of Jessie had been spared by the pounds, with tubby toes twice as thick as yours curling and wiggling with glee. Next, came the turn of the busted capris, sliding them off Jessie’s legs with no difficulties, exposing lard-laden calves and titanic thighs that rolled over each other, accompanied by hips vast enough to overtake the width of any doorframe or seat. The moment her lowest belly roll was set free, it flopped against her padded knees with a resounding slap that echoed through the entire room. With cumbersome steps, Jessie turned to give you a proper view of the full glory of her ass. Two pale, mountainous masses jutted outwards from her backside, their spherical shape slightly deformed by the effects of cellulite, each cheek capable of eclipsing the entirety of your body. Seconds later, the magnificent, couch-crushing globes continued clapping against each other, proudly swaying left to right, up and down.
Then, you removed her shoulder pads, her metal-plated gloves, and her constricting breastplate, ready to move on to her two shirts. You grabbed both garments by their hems and lifted them steadily, slowly letting loose the avalanche of creamy, dripping flesh that Jessie’s upper belly roll was, letting it hang over its pillowy twin. Her uncovered belly-button was a sweaty cavern and the ex-bio-terrorist playfully inserted a doughy digit into it while smiling at you. After that teasing gesture, you overcame your nerves, completely removing her shirts, tossing both undersized garments aside. Breasts bigger than your head were liberated, cascading over the cups of an ill-fitting bra. Raised and lowered with every heavy breath Jessie took, those massive mounds jiggled wildly, ripples spreading all around their globular surface, alarmingly daring to pop out of their lacy confinements at any moment. Buttery biceps smacked against her sides, wobbling uncontrollably, rolling over her flabby forearms, which were simultaneously spilling over pudgy wrists, softened palms, and fat fingers.
Jessie offered you a shy and sincere smile. Immediately, she grabbed you by the wrist, sprawling herself onto her bed, and pulling your thin frame atop her enormous one. The bedframe creaked and shrieked, your partner’s weight being enough to break it in half. Still holding your hand, she guided you to her belly. Now that the only things keeping Jessie’s humungous figure from being totally bare were her oceanic blue, barely-fitting bra and a pair of minuscule, black panties that had vanished between her astounding ass-cheeks ages ago, you were free to fully explore every inch of your lover’s body. 
Timidly, you squeezed one of her belly rolls, forcing a heady moan out of Jessie. It was the softest, warmest, and doughiest thing you had ever had the pleasure of grabbing. Squeezes quickly turned into a full-on massage, with you rubbing, pinching, kneading, and groping every roll you could find.
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“My hero…So…UURRRP...So gentle…”
You grabbed the last slice of pizza and pushed it past Jessie’s oily lips, smearing cheesy-goodness all over her rotund face, letting some of it slide towards her colossal cleavage. 
With rosy cheeks and a goofy smile, Jessie craned her fat neck to properly look at you.
“You know wha-haaah-what? I think I wanna…BWOORRRP…lose the weight.”
Before you could react, Jessie winked at you and stuck her tongue out.
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swagnant · 2 years
hii can if knock you up? like i mean fuck you so that you get pregnant i was thinking like, right now? if thats ok? i mean we can go inside first if you want but like... ok cool cool thanks ohh youre nice and warm im glad.. its really chilly out here lol especially without any clothes... your tits feel nice on mine btw were like kissing boobs on eachother lol idk idk... ahh i love your fuzz... youre soft... i think im gonna ,mnffnnf,,, nnff hhhuff im cumming im cumming fuck,, hhffg sorry i cum a lot let me know if hhff,, you want mme to ff pull out,, mmnfg youre getting kinda filled up hhehee,, just um let me know ok<33? hhffuck i cant stop cumming,, mjh,, ffuck are you leaking mmilk already fuck youre rrreally pregnant,, nhhff kkiss, mkiss me kiss me kiss mmffll<,33 mml<,,33 hhhfuuck,, ffuck ffmmllaah<<33 nhhhf,,<<,33 ffwwah,,<,,33ook oookay ok im ddone<,,33 ccan i just collapse here on you i dont wanna pull out yet,,<33 ook tthank you,, <<,333 hhhufff,, hhuff... ,, i didnt get your name btw. oh, my name is
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