ashen--dreams · 1 year
i wonder if ive ever turned anyone away bcs of my neoprounouns 💀
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i guess 0uijas validity was never s0mething i questi0ned what with my latent psychic p0wers
there was never a juvenile bulbr0ll at the th0ught 0f talking with dead pe0ple because they always were talking with me
theyre talking t0 every0ne actually
but y0u kn0w
i c0nnect in a m0re living way with them
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mahoushitai · 7 months
its q_ick its easy and its free: thr0wing a chair directly at y0_r ass0ciated player as hard as physically p0ssible
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nx42 · 6 months
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23 Candles
You're part dragon, right? This would be a real bad time for any breath weapon to suddenly develop... For N0nsense and Nasso
Posted using PostyBirb
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ygriegamx · 1 year
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 5 months
this is s0me serious g0urmet meowbeast n0nsense.
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chiligerlofe · 7 months
hey just wanted to warn you n0nsense/ofyesteryear seems to be a zionist
Thanks for letting me know. I wasn’t following them to being with and only reblogged the one post just today. Went ahead and deleted it after checking out their posts.
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francoisgodbout · 7 years
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A little halloween special starring:
Lulla (my OC)
Quillow and Tally Marx (@lethecreator)
and Floppy (@n0nrealist)
Happy halloween! (i know its a day early but eh...)
support me on KOFI
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atomi-cat · 5 years
me: *inhale* please change your profile picture it is just unsettling*walks away*
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darkomond · 5 years
could you draw demon boi that I gave ya?
Of course! (Sorry for dont answer before, i have a lot of homework)
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Here are Kathe (my oc ) and Daniel (im still thinking in a name for this demon boi >:( )
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Reader x A sick spamton neo? Where when ever spamton sneezes his abilities happen randomly
"Seems even the power of your suit doesn't make you immune to Virovirokun viruses."
A loud glitchy sneeze sent bullets from Spamton's nose and mouth shooting in all directions. You had to throw up your defenses so they didn't hurt your SOUL.
Not that those attacks didn't already hurt your SOUL several times back in the mansion basement.
Whatever virus he caught seemed to have hacked into his weapon systems, deploying them anytime he had a cough or sneezing fit. Unlike before you had no idea where they were gonna go, but at least most of those avoided you.
With such erratic patterns, however, he was too dangerous to be in Castle Town. Poor Darkners would be fleeing for their lives. So you had no choice but to take him far from civilization, in the woods of red trees until this sickness passed.
All of the sudden Heartbreaker burst from his chest, springing at you like some giant jack-in-the-box, stopping mere inches away from you before collapsing to the ground, the chain still attached to him.
You looked down at it. The poor thing seemed a lot worse for wear considering how much your SOUL's "big shots" damaged it. Not to mention its sickly appearance, with the dim flickering lights of its fluorescent yellow eyes.
This thing killed you several times with its diamond attacks, and now...it was at your feet in such a sorry state.
Given how Spamton shivered and hid himself behind his wings, this seemed to be the virus' source, having taken advantage of its damaged form.
"A-A-AAANY CHANCE YOU CAN [Heal] A [[Broken Heart]]?" The massive puppet inquired, his voice slightly muffled.
"I can try." You chuckled, your outfit magically changing into a doctor's outfit. Although you still didn't understand the physics behind this ACT, nor how you could use it on a non-Virovirokun, you just shrugged and knelt down in front of Heartbreaker.
Spamton unfurled his wings a little and watched with surprise as you held the heart-shaped object between your hands. It was heavy, but you managed and just wiped its nose with the tissue, before feeding it a hot plate of spaghetti code, occasionally petting its "head".
"There you go, this is my way of apologizing for hurting you. I promise it won't happen again."
Its light shone brighter as it stared at you, its signature toothy grin returning. Even some of the cracks seem to have repaired themselves. You just smiled back to say "you're welcome", gently setting it on the ground as it swiftly retracted back into Spamton's chest.
"...DID...DID YOU JUST..."
"Huh..I guess I literally healed your broken heart." You gazed up at your friend. "How do you feel?"
His lenses glowed just as much as Heartbreaker did as he smiled and laughed.
"LIKE A [Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner]!!"
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Life is a game, life is a dance, Life is a nice pair of corduroy pants, So when you’re in trouble, keep this in mind: Never stop trying, and watch your behind.
sorry but i actually do have a limit for requests--20 words. but if u wanna buy me something on my wishlist or buy me a coffee i’ll write something up to 150 words of your choice!
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tinknevertalks · 2 years
Tag nine people you want to get to know better
So I got tagged by @tvshowsaremylife to answer questions
Favorite color: Oooosh, either pink or purple, but like a proper rich purple. The pink is better if it's closer to fluorescent than bridesmaid-dress-blush-pink, but all pinks are equal in my eye(s).
Currently reading: I'm not reading much for myself at the moment - I've not got time. 😂 Just started Ratburger by David Walliams with Charlie (yes, it is exactly as it sounds); we finished The Secret Garden the night before last. Last fic was… Well, I'm partway through Everyone Sings Queen in the Car by obscureenthusiast. Very much worth the read.
Last song: Sad Girl Summer by Cassyette
Last series: The Sandman (only just finished ep 2 so shush!)
Last movie: Oh god, now you're asking. I can clearly remember both Encanto and The Suicide Squad but can't remember if I've watched a film since then. I am very bad at watching films atm.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweeeeeeeeeet, but with a sprinkle of savory (like salt flakes with caramel, peanuts and chocolate - lush!). Spicy just hurts my tummy.
Currently working on: The Helen/Abby after The Depths but before Sanctuary for None smutty smut, and the Teslen roommates AU. There might be more… Oh yeah, the diva/PA Teslen fic I may or may not have started since @ladyelysandra pointed out the prompt. XD
Thank you for tagging me lovely! I tag anyone who wants to play, and the following peeps: @stuff-n-n0nsense @offworld-lamb (I wanna know what you're working on!), @electricrogue, @fangirlltrash, @captainbookwyrm, @captain-sassy-socks, @hellow-there-jellyfish and @monkeymeghan... If y'all wanna play, that is. No worries if not. XD
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mahoushitai · 7 months
welc0me t0 eeby deeby
zanami, jade, 9-ish, he/him, mage 0f time, f_t_resprite. like kagamine rin if she was a b0y. and als0 depressed
i _sed t0 have a different bl0g f0r ages b_t ive made a new 0ne d_e t0 exten_ating circ_mstances. n0t dead this is j_st my q_irk.
f_ckers i kn0w:
p0sitive: abstract n0nsense aman0jak_ _miy_ri kaiteitan alien alien _nhappy refrain mkdr
ne_tral/c0mplicated/what f_cking ever: death 0f the law t0ky0 teddy bear
negative: y_mek_i shir0k_r0 bak_ nem_ri hime
tag system: t_ning - 0riginal p0sts c0vers - rebl0gs ft: [name] - p0sts ab0_t s0me0ne c0mms - answered asks
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likeawildthing · 7 years
I made it through college even though I was fighting four different chronic illnesses and start student teaching next week! I also am 20 chapters into my fanfic, which is pretty much the first time I have shown my writing to anyone so I am pretty proud of that!
like, that’s amazing on so many levels. you’re doing such great things. you’re on Good paths. keep writing for fun, rock it out with those kids. you’ve got this!!
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akhuna · 7 years
6, 10, and 19 for the knitting ask meme 😊
With pleasure! Sorry it took me so long to reply. Here we go! :)
6 How many WIPs do you have?… we’re talking WIPs, right? ;) One - I’m currently knitting a pair of socks for myself. There are a lot of UFOs sitting around, though, I’ll work on them during the next few months.
10 Do you like to knit/crochet in public?YES! I love to KIP (knit in public)! I always have a project with me (usually a sock) for commute or waiting somewhere, and it’s great. I don’t mind folks asking questions about it, too. :)
19 Do you prefer printed or PDF patterns?That actually depends - I have used both, and sometimes it’s easier to print a pattern out, for example if there is an intricate chart (for socks or a lace shawl). If it’s an easy pattern, I keep it on my drive or jot down some notes (or a small chart) in a notebook I keep. :)
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