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skurfiez · 10 years ago
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This is the amazing saltstainedplaid who competed in the Master category in Närcon's Cosplay Competition.  She placed third :D 
Photograph & editing: me Iorveth from the Witcher : Saltstainedplaid
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epke · 11 years ago
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From the photoshoot we had at Närcon:2014. The results were extraordinary. Thank you radioactive-kaiju for being a flawless photographer.<3
Raleigh: themooseinplaid Mako: epke
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chopythes · 11 years ago
HEY! LOOK AT ME FAILING THE COSPLAY COMPETITION MISERABLY! (at 9:28) (I actually DROPPED EVERYTHING at the beginning, but the one filming didn't pick that up xD) Which also is where this image of me is from!
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http://nellyonly.tumblr.com/image/93390652763 And you can see me dropping the bomb too...
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snowflyer-archive · 11 years ago
i wrote this on sunday, but because the world is evil our wifi doesn't work, so i never posted it. but i'm going to do it now because i do what i want and post-conventuon posts are pretty much mandatory. so ~ i'm home from NärCon with sunburned skin, a variety of experiences, a lot of new knowledge and memories to keep me warm for the rest of the summer ♥♥♥♥ this has been the most wonderul of times and i'm so happy i got to do all of these amazing things and meet so many people now i am desperate for a shower, sleep in a read bed and an actuall meal, one without noodles
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lainl · 10 years ago
Närcon's Artist Alley Fiasco Continues
Disclaimer: I have nothing against Närcon as a place of social activities where wonderful people assist and have a great time. It´s the people that make the convention fun and attractive, but it's the organization that makes it a nightmare.
Recap: Närcon summer 2014. The organization moved 7 artist out of 50 into a rather hidden room with no proper signs or indications that any activity was being held, directly damaging our sales. When we requested to be moved to the main area of the AA as they had advertised, they denied. I then requested via e-mail to have my pass money back for that day and they refused in all possible (ridiculous) ways. I then sent a complaint to the National Board for Consumer Complaints because I perceived this as deceptive advertisement. So far there is no resolution but I read the letter Närcon sent to the board. It says as follows (in Swedish):
"Hej, Vi skulle vilja bemöta målsägandens första krav och ge henne tillbaka 150 kr för Artist Alley-passetskostnad."
This is what I asked them for from the very beginning and they denied every single time with different, invalid and vague arguments. Now it turns they do want to pay me.
"Vi motsätter oss kravet i grund av att målsägandes förväntningar är orimliga."
I got advised to ask for 3 different compensations so that they could chose the one that seemed most reasonable. I assume that when they say my expectations are unreasonable they mean the one where I ask for the pass to the AA, half the price for the ticket to the convention and my hotel room. I made the arrangements based on the information that was given and advertised, if they change it and that generates issues, they should be ready to fix it. I don't find it unreasonable. 
"Kartor ändras och olika arrangemang flyttas under eventets gång. Det är en helt naturlig del av att göra den här typen av event."
That is normal doesn't mean that it is a good practice, were they better at organizing their conventions then it wouldn't be normal.
"Att det hände målsäganden är så klart tråkigt men för oss är omplanering på plats något som händer flera gånger varje år, eftersom omständigheterna alltid ändras på plats."
Key word is "for us". I do not work there, I do not know how they work and how many times they change things. But I feel that if I have already paid for a service and they change it last minute they could at least inform me, and offer a solution from the very beginning. A convention that is aiming for having 10.000 visitors should have a protocol for such issues and should be open to inform when they could potentially cause detriment.
NärCon ser Artist Alley som vilket annat arrangemang som helst. Vi har butiker som betalar för att komma till oss och sälja saker och prissättningen startar på 6000 kr. Målsäganden betalade 150 kr, men förväntar sig enligt oss samma behandling som en butik som betalar många gånger mer.
This is probably the point that upsets me the most and that shows the kind of person who works for Närcon is. So basically because I paid 150 I don't get the same treatment as others? That I am not important because I am not giving them enough money?. This is Närcon as a company, prioritizing those who pay more money. He forgets that I paid for 2 days, which is 300 for the AA passes and also about 300 for getting into the convention, so that sums up to 600. I should get a slightly better treatment than if I paid 150, according to that logic, but not as good as if I paid 6000 or more, right? To me that sounds discriminating and a way of making it seem like people who don't pay a lot of money don't matter. Needless to say some of the stores that paid 6000 to be there were selling illegal prints from artists, but that doesn't matter, because they make Närcon good money.
Vi vill så klart inte att någon av våra besökare ska vara missnöjda med NärCon. Därför vill vi bemöta detta delvis och ge målsäganden priset för hennes Artist Alley-pass tillbaka. Vår uppfattning av händelseförloppet är som följer: Målsäganden upplever på plats på eventet att hon får en dålig plats. Hon pratar med våra ansvariga (mail nr 1) som förklarade att principen som gällde på plats är "first come, first serve". Målsäganden ifrågasätter det i mailet eftersom de som köpt pass för flera dagar fått behålla sina bord. Vår princip är att de som har ett bord en dag får behålla det nästa."
They omit the fact that I am not complaining about not liking my place, but complaining about being placed somewhere entirely different from what they advertised. When they then said "come earlier tomorrow so you can get a better place" and I then did, I noticed all these tables with things on, not available for the "first come, first serve" rule they had. It was then they explained that those who were there the day before can keep their places. Misinformation.
Efter att eventet är slut så hör målsäganden av sig till oss via mail och ber om pengarna tillbaka. Hon hänvisar till våra köpvillkor och vi bemöter samtliga av hennes frågor och kommentarer (mail Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 11:49 AM). Vi förklarar att vi ser det som att tjänsten är förbrukad och att det är orimligt att hon ska kunna använda tjänsten fullt ut för att sedan be om pengarna tillbaka. Detta är fortfarande vår ståndpunkt. Vi är trots detta villiga att återbetala de 149 kronorna och sen låta saker vara ur världen. MVH Daniel Ullenius NärCon Eventbyrå AB 2014-07656
The fact that they cannot admit that they did something wrong is absurd.They did not give me what I paid for which is why I want the money back, and I don´t even care about the money, I care about being treated with respect and not just let a company do whatever they want, affecting people's sales and feelings! (there were a couple of 12 year old girls who where selling in an AA for the first time in their lives, they looked so depressed and sad that nobody was coming in, AND NÄRCON DOESN'T CARE").
So people in charge of the Artist Alley and answering e-mails? Shame on you. 
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atotallyseriousperson · 11 years ago
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BAck from Närcon!!
I had an awesome time, met some new people who I hope to keep in touch with! I entered my first cosplay competition, I wasn’t as nervous to get up on the stage as I thought I would be, I was most nervous of posing since I didn’t have a pose planned..so I made a fool of myself, But with my shyness etc I’m so happy that I got up on stage! And I think I did good for being the first time ever cx I’m proud of how much I’ve grown in only one year of cosplay!  THANK YOU NÄRCON! <3 Also If you’ve got any pics of me in my morrigan or Pixie/Megan Gwynn then feel free to share! Tag Cosplayfrost or nossbornart so that I may find them easier! :D Me as Morrigan felixphoenixx as Fenris  Shinoisadragon as Anders
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freakingteatime-blog · 11 years ago
Glad and Sad
Närcon is sadly done for this year. It was an experience to say the least. Had a pain in the arse time with my cosplay so -and I say this with great sadness- I did not have the chance to cosplay Wiccan in uniform this Närcon! I was devastated the whole day before and during my trip to the convention. But the convention was great! I met my amazing friends, got to know new one and cosplayed casual Billy with my Teddy :D NEXT YEAR I will be cosplaying Wiccan with my uniform for the whole convention no matter what and I will be in the contest as well. I am so ready for this challenge this time and I will make it! :DDD A big hug and thank you to all the people that helped me and made the convention amazing!!!! For you guys I would change reality ;D
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chopythes · 11 years ago
About NärCon, In swedish.
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kyuurichandesu · 11 years ago
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I got the pics of my Creepypasta cosplays I wore during Närcon 2014! There will probably be more pictures coming up as I find them online, but these are the ones I took in the Photostudio
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lainl · 11 years ago
Complaint about the Artist Alley at Närcon 2014
This is the mail I just sent to customer service. Several of us at the AA talked about these issues and about sending mails complaining, so here is mine! "Last year was my first Närcon and I had a great experience taking part in the Artist Alley, this year, however, the experience wasn’t as nice. First of all, the location in the Key-house with the videogame area was definitely not good for us artists. We are not the biggest attraction, but when people do see us, they start considering buying something or getting a portrait done. Last year we were in the same building as the stores and towards an exit to the yard where plenty of activities were happening, like the pools, the stage, some food, etc. This made for a very nice flow of people which allowed us to do what we pay to be able to do at conventions: Show our art to many people and get to sell something. This year the flow of people in the Key-house was underwhelming. Gamers usually sit around a lot, so we didn’t get many people to wander around and look at our art. This was already bad for us, but it got worse for a few of us. I arrived a little passed 10 and was told to go to a different room, which was sort of behind the BFB room and main room, and choose a place. I didn’t understand what that meant until, while I was sitting in this empty room, they came with a table and told me that that was going to be my spot. We were about 7 artists in that room, while all the rest (20+) artists were in the main room. There were no signs indicating the public that we were there. Several of us went to talk to the AA-coordinator and they told us that they’d set up signs, which were poorly handmade and barely visible. During the whole day only a few people walked in, not at all the same volume of people from the main room. When it was an hour left to close I asked the AA-coordinator if I could use a table in the main room since some people had left. She said that if there weren’t enough tables for all 7 that were in the small room then she couldn’t allow me to move because the others could complain. Honestly, I didn’t see the logic in that, we should be considered as individuals and not as groups, so if I seek to find a solution for what I experience as a problem, the coordinator should take my case and help me with it, instead of denying it based on “in case that the others complain”. In the end, there were enough tables, but only 4 of use wanted to move. It was here I managed to finally sell a little! During the day I asked them what would happen the next day, if I could change location and they said that the system was “first come first serve” so if I came early, I could choose my place, but then when people were wrapping up I noticed that many were leaving their tablecloths and some signs, so I asked another of the coordinators and she said “those who are staying for two days get to keep their tables”. So it was not first come first serve after all. There was clearly a lack of communication between the coordinators here. Another issue was that many artists want to sit together because they are friends and in that way we can help each other. A friend sent a request to sit next to me and they said it was possible, but then on the day itself they gave us the excuse that “they couldn’t find a system that worked to get people to sit where they wanted”. I cannot really understand how last year there was no problem with this and this year they cannot use the same system as the previous year. Last year I made a little over 3000 crowns in sales, this year I barely made 1000, and the first day, due to the location, only gave me about 200 crowns in sales. I know you cannot ensure how our sales will go, but I blame the organization directly for the lack of sales on the first day due to positioning us completely hidden from the public, with no real signs, not allowing us to get that many clients nor that many people to see our art and meet us. I would, in fact, like the money I paid for my table that day back. I really hope that you look into this, because it is really surprising that the AA went from being well located, well organized and a place where you could expose to large crowds and sell a lot to being severely unorganized, excluding and a big loss for many of us artists. It feels like we are not taken seriously, even when we paid to be there! I really wish to return to Närcon because it is a big event and a big market for me as an artist, but if the AA will be any similar to what it was this year, I will be very reluctant. I think it is a shame to have to think this way, but I really hope it improves! Looking forward to an explanation
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phil-sama · 11 years ago
Waiting for the free! Iwatobi swim club panel to open! ^^ gaaah
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mocking-turtles · 11 years ago
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Wohoo cosplay! :D #närcon #närcon2014 #wintersoldier #cosplay
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ournarconchallenges · 11 years ago
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Godmorgon NärCon
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mosslingss · 11 years ago
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Super cool rose cosplayer! #närcon2014
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