#n it makes me kind of sad ๐Ÿคฅ
hoshologies ยท 1 year
not to constantly be like "my asks and requests are open โ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ธ" but ......... i'm currently bedbound bc of bad period cramps so like . please do feel free to send in asks, requests, whatever ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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musicthatyoucandanceto ยท 9 months
robin's opinions about sparks albums 1980-1988
this is part two! I posted a 70s version recently
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Terminal Jive (1980) or what I call a sparks slay moment
Bops: When I'm With You (duh), Stereo, The Greatest Show on Earth (those last two are controversial apparently but I like them!!)
Flops: When I'm With You Instrumental (not interesting), Rock N' Roll People in a Disco World (my least favorite but still not bad at all)
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WHOMP! THAT! SUCKER! 1981! love love love
Bops: Tips For Teens. I haven't heard anything like it ever in my whole life and I'm SO serious. Also Upstairs, and I Married A Martian, and The Willys, and underrated CLASSIC Wacky Woman. (I try to keep the bops to around 3 songs but as you can see I am failing.)
Flops, or two songs that get on my nerves for some reason: That's Not Nastassia and Don't Shoot Me. The rest of the album is soooo delicious so it's ok
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Angst In My Pants (1982): this is a popular one and honestly I'm just starting to warm up to it
Bops: Sextown USA, Moustache, The Decline and Fall of Me (it gets stuck in my head while I'm at work), and oops a bonus one, Eaten By The Monster of Love
Flops: Instant Weight Loss (I just don't like it), and Sherlock Holmes if I'm not in the right mood for it. sometimes I am and sometimes I'm not
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In Outer Space (1983) !! I forgot about this one when posting this initially and Iโ€™m sad about it!!
Bops: Cool Places, I Wish I Looked A Little Better, All You Ever Think About Is Sex (yes, the basic choices, but they carry the whole album and make it one of my favorites. Plus I loooooove Jane Weidlin in this <3)
Flops: Dance Goddammit? I guess? My least favorite on the album and itโ€™s still excellent!!!
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Pulling Rabbits Out Of A Hat (1984) ... not my favorite sparks album tbh
Bops: A Song That Sings Itself, With All My Might sometimes, and... Progress?? idk
Flops: Everybody Move (haha it's spelled as 'Everbody Move' on Spotify which is wrong!), Sparks in the Dark pts 1 and 2? but that feels like cheating
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Music That You Can Dance To (1986): thatโ€™s my username tee hee
Bops: MODESTY PLAYS !!! fuck yeah dude she sure does, Rosebud, Change if you include that on this album and Music That You Can Dance To if you don't
Flops: Fingertips, Armies of the Night (๐Ÿคฅ), Let's Get Funky
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Interior Design (1988): kind of fond of this one bc everyone seems to hate it and I like to be contrary sometimes
Bops: So Important, Madonna, The Toughest Girl in Town
Flops: You Got a Hold of My Heart, The Big Brass Ring (but I'm sure everyone says they don't like that one)
I wasnโ€™t sure where to put A Walk Down Memory Lane but Iโ€™m listening to it now and itโ€™s actually pretty cool!! thatโ€™s an extra bop baby
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brw ยท 11 months
hi i want to know more about ur guys... if you're up to it, the people asks for any of potentates... (also i just want 2 hear more about all of them [esp the imperators and potentates bc !!!!] in general, PLS tell me more about them the names Fascinate me)
OUAGH THANNK UUUU.... ok SO. the Potentates are the ruling class of Bronze Eden, a theocracy where they have near total power. They used to be very active in the lives of the citizens of Bronze Eden but after Potentate Magnus' third wife Gloriana almost succeeded in a coup to overthrow the throne, they have become much more secluded, with Magnus haven't been seen directly for many years. This got worse after his eldest son Augustus was assassinated. Even his own children see him rarely, and his grandchildren almost never. I'll do the person asks, and descriptions for each of his kids and what sector they've inherited is under the cut!
๐Ÿ‘๏ธ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Magnus - light pale blue, often unfocused but once very intense. Very lidded and heavy, he's 105 years old. A bit too small for his face.
Augustus - light reddish brown. Not as intense as Magnus, but certainly not soothing either. Erratic, anxious.
Boris - dark brown, slightly downturned, warmer but always kind of sad like a cow about to be slaughtered
Salvatore - lighter brown, also a bit small for his face, noticably large pupils, missing eyelashes.
Felipe - light pale blue, large, wide, with a few flecks of brown. Intense, often darting all over the place, not knowing but confident.
Clymene - slate grey, downturned, calculating, sort of humourous, like she's laughing at you.
Zephyr - slate grey, downturned, hazy, uncomprehending, almost innocent. Still childlike despite being middleaged.
๐Ÿคฅ LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Magnus - very good liar, because I think he himself believes everything he says. His main tell is that everyone close to him knows he got to where he is by lying and manipulating, but you wouldn't know that without direct contact with the man.
Augustus - Bad, relies on the idea that a man of faith wouldn't lie, otherwise gets very figity with his hands and licks his lips too much.
Boris - Pretty good, just because he always looked so sad and wet that nobody really had it in him to doubt his word, which to be fair was true most of the time. probably why he did what he did.
Salvatore - Good in the sense that you always think he's lying so you never know when he's ACTUALLY lying, because he's so exaggerated and over the top already that he kind of constantly sounds like a used car salesman.
Felipe - Bad, blinks too much, always avoids saying things directly so he has plausible deniability when he eventually gets caught out because he's so accustomed to being caught in a lie.
Clymene - Alright at lying, but isnt good at practicing lies and excuses because she makes too much eye contact always.
Zephyr - good. everyone believes the baby.
๐Ÿ‘ป GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
N/A they're all haunted by the spectre of holiness and of Boris' suicide and the deaths of Magnus' many wives.
๐Ÿ’ฅ COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Magnus - problems with every big emotion and he will make it your problem.
Augustus - couldn't handle feeling powerless ever, which being a religious figurehead helped with. Needed to feel like people were hanging onto his every word to have self worth etc. He also needed to be watched and seen and paid attention to at all times.
Boris - uhm. he couldn't deal with them unfortunately.
Salvatore - blows up very easily if he feels his opinions or his ideas are being challenged in any way, sort of like a fascist Walt Disney
Felipe - similarly to Augustus powerlessness is something he doesn't know how to deal with. Gets violent if he thinks someone thinks he's stupid, which he is.
Clymene - probably has the best handle of her emotions of any of them because she's always been taught from a young age as a woman if she gets too emotional she's hysterical so she has a very stiff upper lip. Plus the whole thing with her mother. Gets angry though when people act like she's stupid and doesn't understand the division she's in charge of.
Zephyr - Never quite figured out to deal with the grief of his mother being executed and is very sensitive over that. Disappears around the week of her death without fail.
๐Ÿ˜ญ CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
None of them cry easily but Salvatore.
๐Ÿ‘Š PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
Magnus - yes and his family live in fear of his
Augustus - no
Boris - no
Salvatore - yes
Felipe - yes
Clymene - more than you would think
Zephyr - yes but he throws a weak punch
๐Ÿ’ข ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Magnus - his uhhhh everything.
Augustus - pauses many conversations to write down a speech, basically treats every conversation in fact as an opportunity to try out a new line or snappy dialogue
Boris - first thing he did after waking up and last thing he did before going to sleep was look at the stock market and latest bank figures.
Salvatore - Covered in pieces of paper and ink and leaves smudges everywhere because he's constantly thinking about and updating his most recent project
Felipe - very paranoid about assassination attempts so has a very methodical routine every morning and evening
Clymene - extremely anal about her schedules and her appearances at events
Zephyr - sometimes just disappears for a bit without saying anything
๐Ÿ‘ช FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
these guys r all family
๐Ÿ˜จ FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Magnus - fight
Augustus - flight
Boris - flight
Salvatore - fight
Felipe - flight
Clymene - fight
Zephyr - flight
๐Ÿ’ค SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
I don't think any of them ever sleep easily except for Felipe, who is always very assured of himself. The rest always have memories and things that haunt them to some extent even if they pretend otherwise; Magnus is always thinking about his glory days. Augustus thought always about his next big speech his next move his next fight for political and religious power. Boris was chronically depressed and never slept well. Salvatore was only 4 years younger than Boris and remembers him a lot I think, when he's alone with his own thoughts. Felipe as I said sleeps well because he regrets nothing. Clymene is always thinking about her next scientific project and sometimes is working on it into the night. Zephyr only sleeps with the aid of whiskey.
emoji ask game
Potentate Augustus was in charge of overseeing the church, as the oldest child. One of the main things he did was create small splinter groups in different areas of Bronze Eden to better represent the different ways people in the fields and at the coast worship compared to those in the city. The biggest of these is the Brothers of the Magpie, the only one to survive after his assassination as many of these groups were cut down. There are rumours his assassination was an inside job by the Potentates as these splinter groups arguably endangered the Empyrean Temple's power.
Potentate Boris was set to take over the business sector, and killed himself at a very young age, only 22. He's become canonised as a saint, as he was known as a very kind, very comforting individual before his death. He had dark hair but it's depicted as blonde in portraits of him to further give him the angelic cherub vibe.
Potentate Salvatore is in charge of arts and education. He's kind of seen as more harmless/fun-loving, and has built up an exaggerated, campy persona, in spite of all the agiprop he has invested and prioritised, and the heavily segregated rich / poor education system that's grown under his eye. He funded various theatres over Bronze Eden, including the People's Theatre and was deeply saddened when it closed, not because of all the people that died but because he had a personal hand in the way it was built and designed and wants more people to recognise his genius in architecture.
Potentate Felipe is in charge of military and internal security, and is currently staging a mini war against anything to do with Nod or Nod culture or what he percieves as Nod culture. There's a slight sexaul fixitation? to his fascination with Nod and his hatred of it, something he's definitely tried to pass down to his children and neices and nephews. There's something comedic about his outbursts and hatred, until you remember he is actively getting people killed over it. I imagine him if Boris Johnson was like the head of the CIA.
Potentate Clymene is in charge of sciences, but was initially set to take over the healthcare. She switched with her younger brother, Zephyr. She and Zephyr are the only children of Gloriana, the failed coup queenie. They're so close and look so similar they're often mistaken for twins. Clymene is the most nonreligious, least interested in the power struggle of the family's internal politics, but obviously presents as religious to save face. Probably the most actually involved in her sector than anyone else, attending various events and keeping updated with all the latest advancements and fledging bright minds in Bronze Eden.
Potentate Zephyr is the youngest, in charge of healthcare. Neither ambitious, power hungry or particularly intelligent he has been forgotten largely by his family and is mostly considered a forgotten grandchild by Magnus as opposed to his youngest son. He was set to take sciences but freely admits that Clymene is more intelligent than him and cites that as why he traded so easily. Very close with his big sister.
And that's the main family! there's more grandkids and stuff but these are the main people the citizens of Bronze Eden know and who's names they remember! thank you so much for sending this i love talking about my guys very much hope this wasnt too much text!!!
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staysuki ยท 3 years
"jisung being a criminal makes him more attractive" DUDE Y/N IS LITERALLY ME WATDAFUQ (yes this is a reader insert but i m sure you get my point) me to felix <333 (IN THE PAST OKAY) seungmin s โœจ hwaiting โœจ is adorable bye. i love how he straight up replied with an "idk" lol poor kid wanting to cheer his friendfriend up but got thought as weird instead. hyunjin s "what" hurts me ๐Ÿ‘ i feel like y/n spilling info to jake will lead to bad shit. not necessarily because of him tattling but ig jisung and felix will know their plan by hacking jake s phone or smth. IDK , I JUST FEEL LIKE JAKE S THE CARELESS TYPE YA KNOW. aaa i feel so bad for hyunjin like, his father dislikes him, his grama hates him :<<
wait so you basically confirmed that felix doesn t have and sad story background ๐Ÿ˜” SOOO WHAT ABT THE "need money bc don t have part-time job" EMENE? it seems like jisung has an almost unlimited supply of money so sussy ๐Ÿ‘€ damn, kinda sad that slc is almost ending :<< i m an optimist what can i say ๐Ÿ˜Œ I KNOW THAT YOU WATCH ANIME but have you seen my hero academia? you know like how every villain had a back story that s sad af, it messed with me big time. i m now always trying to think outside of the box. horikoshi did this.
i love the jyp oppar meme ๐Ÿ˜—
lovegame anon dw that happens to me all the time ~.~ #canceltumblr ๐Ÿคฅ for some reason, tumblr keeps on messing up with my asks :<< like, the last paragraph would surprisingly get placed in the middle of the 1st sentence IN the first paragraph after the author replies to it. so weird. IKR LIKE ash deserves this. she s amazing, my role model, my ult, our queen <333 i m really happy that she gets the recognition she deserves. all her works are ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ damn, i feel like you lovegame anon, will do a great job writing song fics ๐Ÿคฉ btw, good luck to you <3333
๐Ÿ• it s fine, we all simp for lovegame anon ๐Ÿ˜Ž i m still the one who got your exclusive love poem *instense lip biting* LMAO TRUE. your (๐Ÿ• anon) skills in flirting are getting better and better ๐Ÿ‘Œ BROOO AGREED, SEUNGMIN IS LIFE โœจ
changing the question a bit, which y/n do you perceive each of your anons as?
if ever a zombie apocalypse arises in ash ville, i feel like i d be the first to get bitten ๐Ÿ’€ mainly because i d give up on running
lovegame anon, i feel like you unconsciously drifted to a parallel universe. i wish i could dream about kpop idols lol ACTUALLY, i did dream about stray kids for like 3 consecutive nights but i don t remember the details :">> i wish i could. the most i could remember was a hogwarts au with hyunjin, and 2 other dreams with seungmin and minho but yeah, i can t remember what happened after ~.~
- โˆ
y'all gotta stop falling in love with the criminals istgโ€”
seungmin is a doer not a talker ๐Ÿ˜ญ well, i'm sure hyunjin got the sentiment of whatever seungmin was trying to say lmfao.
and some jake theories huh ๐Ÿ’€. that's really funny though. imagine they don't even have to hack into jake's phone, he just ends up talking too loud on the phone while in the bathroom while felix is there. or maybe he's the kind to not even have a password protected phone. he just lives a flowery life like that.
and naur ๐Ÿ˜ญ i didn't confirm anything about felix. all i said was that whatever felix's backstory is (whether sad or not) it will not be revealed ๐Ÿฅด. he's forever a secret. he doesn't get any arcs or any spotlights. his personality will never be explained ๐ŸคŒโœจ. also the one who said the thing about needing money without a part time job was seungmin (in reference to his drug dealing gig). and dw, we still have 10-20 more chapters of SLC ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐ŸคŒ. i've seen my hero academia yes uwu. but i kinda stopped na midway cuz i got bored ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
the compliments pls ๐Ÿ˜ญ i appreciate it ๐Ÿ’‹. but yeah, pls just resend asks if ever it gets bugged out. dont worry about it~
well that's a hard question since i don't think i have enough y/ns for each anon but ig i'll try ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
๐Ÿ•anon is def PP heart y/n. just because she said that she works as a secretary of sorts JHSHWJSHE
โˆanon (you) would probably be SLC y/n ๐Ÿธโœจ
LG anon would probably be hey! hey! golden boy y/n
๐ŸŒบanon and ๐Ÿง€anon are 100% my sunshine y/n
๐Ÿ—ฝanon (bless their heart, i miss them already) would be YHAM y/n
<3anon would probably be secret idol boyfriend y/n
๐Ÿฆ„anon and ๐ŸŒ–anon would be ehaloj y/n~
then ๐Ÿณanon would be bff code y/n
then there's ๐Ÿ’™anon and ๐Ÿ‰anon that i have not yet interacted with too much ๐Ÿคง๐Ÿ’” so i can't judge. though i honestly already had a hard time halfway thru cuz my y/ns aren't that diverse ๐Ÿ’
i hope i didn't miss anyone ๐Ÿ™ˆ
ashville though, i like it ๐Ÿฃ new tag mayhaps
and ofc! take your time. room 404 won't be a heavy read though. it's just a feel-good episodic series so there won't even be a lot of updates all the time. each episode is it's own story/arc! i made it for those that just wanna sit back and relax here in town ๐Ÿคง no need to dwell into heavy conspiracies and whatnot.
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