lellarps · 3 years
based on ‘the marriage’ from HERE
closed starter to @myuuzupunk​
Alexander was KING and, therefore, the one to approve the treaty that preceded all that CIRCUS  he was in right now; which was laughable to think about, as it was his own life he had signed off to an unknown person right there and then. What a situation. What a nightmare. He'd wed a weak one, nonetheless, a noble from a young neighbor, with close to no military to offer. Nowadays, though, as he tried to prevent his citizens from going to a civil war, even a vulnerable neighbor was a THREAT TO BE NEUTRALIZED, and that's why he was in this situation now.
Most people would think that being the King was something comfortable: giving orders away, eating generously, riding horses, signing contracts they hadn't even read. But it was quite the opposite. His life wasn't indeed his, and, today, his marriage day, was one in which the CROWN RESTED TO HEAVY ON HIS HEAD.
As he heard the bishop speak, he could only think about this marriage thing as a huge sacrifice. He had always thought that, from all the things he had to give away to reign properly, he'd manage to keep marriage away from it. That he'd find.. well... not love, but companionship at the very least. Someone that would be by his side and support him with all the burdens the crown would bring. That they could make each other's life easier. Yet, here he was. With someone that was probably as willing as he was. And as DAMNED as he was, anyway.
The ‘I DO’ part had been so unemotional, he barely registered it. Only when he turned around to lift their white veil, did he think about how sad he felt. And how badly he wanted to leave that church. Yet he did neither. He simply touched the other with his right hand, caressing their cheek, as a SILENT APOLOGY, before leaning forward to offer the other a chaste, cold kiss. 
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fxreverfame · 3 years
@myuuzupunk || DEMON AU
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He peered over her shoulder, watching and waiting for the proper words to flow from her lips. It was simple enough, I wish and please. That’s all he needed. She had it all prepared....waiting for him to dare to come forth. A hum leaves his lips, though the sound inaudible to the other’s ears. 
And there it was....
I wish.....
A smirk graces his features, allowing himself to shift and become visible from the shadows. He leans over to her ear, voice low and like velvet. “Well it took you long enough.”
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theghost1989-arc · 3 years
continued / @myuuzupunk​
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          “ oh , do you have a better suggestion ? did you want me to sit down and have a cup of coffee with him and maybe tuck him before he goes to sleep ? because you could’ve made that a little clearer once i went ahead and — ” poppy pauses and raises an eyebrow . they think for a solid second . they could’ve at least offered him a piece of gum . “ — did this . ”           poppy hunkers down and pokes his lifeless face a few times , and they leave a few sanguine finger prints behind . maybe decking the shit out of someone and then plunging your hand into someone’s chest upon first impulse isn’t a great way to solve an altercation .           “ you have to admit it though , ” poppy adds . “ he was kind of an asshole . ”
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heamatic-archive · 4 years
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Send me what you want to see more of on my blog!
🍀 you’re doing great, don’t change!
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😭😭😭😭😭 WHY ARE Y’ALL LIKE THIS. Thank you that means a lot to me ;; @umbral-knight / @umbrclflame  || @sanguisfulgur || @myuuzupunk​
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shotones-archive · 4 years
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                                 @myuuzupunk​   ||| :   cont.
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“I umm. . . I just figured i’d hurry up for once,” Jay stammers. They’re lying big time. Instead they saw their stalker on the streets and panicked. Of all the places they ended up, they ended up here at Jonathan’s office. “Better to be early than late? Right? Can i um. . . Can i come in?”
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if he seems a bit taken off-guard      it’s because he is. he didn’t expect jay to show up for at least another... forty minutes, as a quick glance down at his watch informs him. there’s a reason he makes sure to keep a fair portion of time in between each of his patient’s appointments, after all.      ❛❛   well, you must’ve been in quite a hurry, then. there’s still over half an hour left until your appointment,   ❜❜      he notes with some attempted humor, though his words leave him in a slight hurry.
❛❛   um... actually, i’ve got another patient with me right now who’s not doing too good.   ❜❜      as if on cue, a heartbreaking whimper could be heard from within his office.      ❛❛   we were supposed to end our session ten minutes ago, but, um... as you can hear, i’m afraid i’m going to need just a few more minutes while i wait for someone to come transfer him to the mental hospital. i’ve already called someone, so it shouldn’t take too long. you’re free to wait here in the waiting room in the meanwhile if you want,   ❜❜      he offered, gesturing towards one of the seats.      ❛❛   and i’ll see if we can’t start our session earlier, since you’re already here.   ❜❜
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maskedbaron · 3 years
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@myuuzupunk​​ sent: 👔 // from hermine :3 → AGGRESSION   //   SEXUAL  TENSION 
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She’d disarmed him early in the fight, forcing Zemo to go on the defensive. Thus far he’d managed to evade her blows, but she was faster and stronger than him by far. There was no way to outrun a super soldier and no way to overpower her. That left very few options.
Zemo ducked under a punch, darting past her and making a leap for the gun where it had fallen. He was too slow—she slammed into his side, sending him crashing down just out of reach of the weapon. Just as quickly she was on top of him, grabbing his coat collar with both hands and dragging him roughly forward. He grasped her wrists, attempting to remove her grip, but it was futile.
This close, he could clearly see her dark eyes behind the black and red mask. He expected the anger he saw there, but there was something else in her gaze—a tightness at the corners of her eyes that belonged to an emotion he couldn’t place. He braced himself, ready for the blow that was sure to follow.
But it didn’t come, and her hesitation was enough time for him realize exactly why she seemed so familiar. He didn’t know what she was doing with the Flag Smashers, but there was no denying he knew who she was. He was slightly out of breath when he said, “Hermine. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”
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chokethelight · 3 years
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 “Look, I get it. I’m fine, we’re all fine - nothing to worry about.”
( @myuuzupunk​ - to anyone )
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thelastgrandadmiral · 3 years
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  “The Empire itself is at a crossroads,” Thrawn says, arms slipping behind his back, “it’s at these moments we find out who truly is loyal or otherwise.”
  ( @myuuzupunk​  For Kanya Wattana )
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smalltownbeans · 4 years
@myuuzupunk​ | Joey
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“You know the thing I hate the most about the days after Christmas?” Joey started, despite the fact that, clearly, the other wasn’t going to know whatever was going on in her head. Hell, she barely knew what was going on in her head most days. As her elbow came down onto the counter with a thud, her chin followed to rest on the hand of the same arm, her eyes fixed onto the other opposite her. Joey wasn’t even supposed to be working today, but she’d been so bored alone at home that this had seemed the best option. 
“The thing I hate the most, is that there’s nothing to do. The one big day you’ve been working towards for weeks is over, and then suddenly there’s this... limbo. Even New Year seems like a waste of time.”
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paramounticebound · 3 years
|| @myuuzupunk (for Nari? or whomever!) / verse roulette SC. : Sailor/Mermaid Hunter
It started like this: it burned. Fire in the chest; white, hot agony illuminating the space behind his rib cage. Elasticity of lungs trying desperately to expel the water that invaded them. Every remaining nerve left to scream steadily at overwhelmed synapses did so until the symphony was deafening. Icy waters caressed him with long fingers down the throat. He expected to die at sea, he expected the water to take him, but he never imagined that it would be like flames deconstructing the innermost parts of him, he never thought that drowning could ever hurt so much.
An inherent need to survive had already compelled him to begin treading water, yet even his seasoned searfarer’s mind was susceptible to panic. Like breaking apart at the seams, one stitch at a time, until something vital snapped. Focus was fleeting, but he grasped on to it, a death-grip of his own making, and willed himself to give in to the need to survive. Each time that Khan’s head broke the surface, he forced himself to cough, slowly draining the salty sting from his chest. It took far too long and far too much out of him, but his heart rate begin to slow and he began to breath oxygen in lieu of the ocean.
Eventually, he’d found the remains of the hull floating nearby, just buoyant enough to keep him from fall to the depths. Drenched fingernails dug into the wood with any remaining strength, and when he was atop the makeshift lifeboat, he collapsed. Weariness took him, his body screamed, and he wouldn’t have noticed the incoming presence even if he’d had the mind to look for it.
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fxreverfame · 3 years
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“you alright babe? Been a bit spaced out lately.” A hum leaves his lips, posture nonthreatening thought a hint of concern might be present. “Do we need to talk about anything?”
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tangleweave · 3 years
Jay stands at the doors to the Sanctum, nervous with their hand wrapped tight around Serenity's leash. "Well girl," they say to the service dog. "He's gotta help us with this magic shit, right? Right. Okay. We're doing this." With that they knock on the door. - to strange
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The door to the Sanctum Sanctorum swings open, permitting them entry into the expansive and intricately decorated atrium. For several long moments, the immediate area appears to be deserted, but soon a man clad in a blue Nepalese wraparound tunic and black slacks descends the split-level stairs from the second floor.
He inspects both owner and pet for a long moment. “Hello,” he says neutrally. “Welcome to the Sanctum Sanctorum. I’m Doctor Stephen Strange. May I help you?”
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shotones-archive · 3 years
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                            @myuuzupunk​​​   /   random muse sc.                       random number generated: 7   muse: jackson rippner.
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❛❛   nope.   ❜❜      he shook his head      in response, a small smile on his lips as he narrowed his eyes in thought for a moment, seemingly recollecting something.      ❛❛   no, i haven’t gone by ‘jack’ since i was ten years old. last name’s rippner...   ❜❜      he figured since they would likely find out his full name eventually, anyway, he might as well get ahead of the jokes that always followed.
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presudeos · 4 years
@myuuzupunk​ liked for a starter
           ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ 🌌┇    The cyborg offers nothing short of a strange gaze, something that could pass as indifferent yet with a hint of genuine curiosity. The dice roll between her robotic fingers, click clacking like teeth — looks at them as though they are an artifact of great value — then returns her attention to Nori, whose enthusiasm would be contagious if she was not in the presence of Fiona.
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            ❝I don’t understand — ❞, she finally speaks, with that same soft yet flat tone she always speaks with, ❝— why would you want to act like someone else when you are — you?❞
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astwisted · 4 years
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@myuuzupunk​ //
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“that doesn’t sound like everything is fine...”
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theghost1989-arc · 3 years
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an incorrect quote for @myuuzupunk .
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