hyperdramas · 11 days
amore miu aiutami | lee seokmin
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Waking up in Milan, Italy, was something you still had a hard time believing: Seokmin had made a way for you to come to his fashion week in Milan against all odds, and it was still a fever dream for you to look outside and see vineyards and winding dirt roads stretching for miles out. Tossing in your bed a bit more, your face was squished against the silk pillows, basking in the comfort of the heavy sheet before heeled footsteps brought you out of your turmoil.
A hand flew to your head, dusting the extra strands of hair from your eyes as the hand began to trace your features, slender fingers dancing across your dewy skin as a sigh caused you to open your tired eyes.
Seokmin's eyes greeted yours for the first time this morning, and you swore you were in a dream when he smiled: his skin was tanned and clear, and the foundation only added to his beautiful natural skin tone. His deep brown eyes were highlighted by a small gradient of shocking highlighter and darker eyeshadow under his eyes, making them seem clear and sparkly, and his soft pink lipstick made you want to kiss him more than you were probably allowed.
"Seokmin..." You trailed off, voice still groggy from just now waking up. You wanted to say so much to him at this moment, but staff members were busy in the other room, and you couldn't risk getting you or Seokmin scolded for loving on each other when he had an event to go to in an hour. It was a miracle Seokmin got the staff to let you go with him to Milan, and share the same room with him. You weren't about to mess that all up just to kiss your boyfriend and tell him how good he looks.
"Shh, just go back to sleep. I'll be back later, and then we can talk all you want." His smile was just as sweet as it looked when he was barefaced, and you couldn't seem to understand how he looked so soft and humble, even with the sharp makeup and expensive velvet suit that made you feel like a commoner compared to a prince. 
Stretching, you reached for Seokmin anyways, hands up in the air as you grabbed for him. He chuckled, obviously finding you amusing before he grabs your arms, bringing them down to your side as he plants a quick, chaste kiss to your cheek, glancing back at the staff currently cleaning up the bathroom of hair and makeup products as he smiles.
"You are just too cute in the morning. I hate to leave you here." Seokmin's face practically glows as the Italian morning sun dances across his skin, and you look up at him, starstruck as if you've been visited by an angel. "You look so pretty."
He smiles at your words, cheeks turning red even with all the foundation he has on. Seokmin just shakes his head, bringing your fingertips to his painted lips as he kisses them, soft lips sending butterflies straight to your stomach. His red hair is slightly curled, falling into his face strategically as you push a curl from his eyes, earning a dreamy sigh from Seokmin as he locks eyes with you. "I want to kiss you."
"So do I, Min." You stare up at him with lovestruck eyes, head over heels as your gaze trails over his familiar features. You've memorized every part of his face, from how his eyes disappear into pretty slits when he smiles, to the slope of his nose, and the pretty shape of his lips when he smiles. Sure, you could think about him all you want, but it was nothing like having him here in front of you, tangible as your fingertips snaked up his neck and traced the shell of his ear, bringing a shaky breath from Seokmin as he smiled.
"Please kiss me." Seokmin never demands anything from you, but the slight whisper in his voice is telling you that he needs this, just as much as you do, and you can't help but agree. Nodding, you bring your hand to the back of his head, fingers trailing through his curls as you lock eyes with him and softly push his head down to yours, lips finally brushing his in an act of love as the two of you close your eyes.
You take mental screenshots of this moment, remembering everything from the way Seokmin breathes against your lips to the way his nose presses against yours, tickling it. You remember the way he smells, light cologne melting in the space you share as you kiss him again, silence filling your bedroom as the two of you pull away, breathless and confused from kissing each other for so long. Seokmin's lipstick was still intact, which you were grateful for, but you could see the stained pink on your lips, causing you to laugh as Seokmin used his thumb to wipe it off for you.
"I'm sorry. I got carried away," He apologizes, even if it was your fault for laying down and holding him at such an awkward angle. Laughing, you finally sit up, still a bit dizzy from the kissing as you shake your head.
"Seokmin, don't apologize. It was my fault for holding you at such an uncomfortable angle." Now extremely shy from kissing Seokmin, you pull the blanket over your warm body, looking out of the window as a soft breeze comes and runs through your hair. Seokmin watches you with sweet eyes, smiling at you as he looks down at his phone on the bedside table, glancing up at you before a knock at the door disturbs your moment with each other. Sighing, Seokmin stands up, grabbing his phone as he looks at you.
"Well, that's my cue to get going. I love you." Seokmin squats down to kiss you yet again, smiling against your lips as he pulls the blankets back over you. "Get some more sleep. We'll eat dinner together when I come back."
Nodding, you kiss his pinky finger, dusting the curls from his eyes once more as you fix his suit's collar, brushing it off as you pat his chest. "Good luck, Seok. I'll be cheering you on from bed." Smiling, Seokmin nods, standing up as he gives you one last kiss on the forehead.
"I feel your love already." 
Smiling one more time, Seokmin leaves the condo, the quietness of the small apartment teasing you as you continue to look out of the window, admiring the rising sun as you think back to the kisses you and Seokmin shared moments earlier. You'd miss him badly─you always did when he went to long fashion shows and events without you─but with memories like that, you had hope that you'd make it through the day without him.
Plus, you'd see him again soon. You'd just have to wait it out.
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2023 bally dk is an aesthetic that needs to be created (i'll make it if no one else will)....anyways this is another repost of another oneshot i've written before!! i promise i'll give you some fresh content soon...i just have to get in the mood to write *sobs and cries*
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