hangsabove · 4 months
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Young and Wild, 05.23.2024
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kirathehyrulian · 2 years
Congrats all round 9 spn masquerade creators! The fill period is over with. We made it!!! 🙌🙌🙌 Now everybody can sit back and enjoy all the fills.
I believe creators can now post their works elsewhere now if they choose to. I’ll be posting all my fills to ao3 sooner or later. (I got to make five this round. 💪)
But in the meantime, I definitely encourage everyone reading this to go to the masquerade’s pinboard and enjoy and make a comment about your enjoyment, anon or not, on the fills that speak to you. There’s a lot of great works this round.
There’s also previous round works to look at. Unfortunately you can’t comment on previous rounds because each round only allows a limited window to get feedback (and not all creators post their work elsewhere, so you might never get a chance to tell them how you feel about a piece if you miss that window)  There’s a variety of really great kinky creations that came out of the masquerade. It’s worth your time if you haven’t already checked it out (remember to kink and let kink and no judgement if you’re going in):
•Personal masquerade ramblings below the cut•
I believe my best so far for the masquerade was seven fills for a round, but tbf that round was extended due to covid iirc. That spring, round 6, (my first round) was a record setter for art fills in the masquerade. It was somewhere in the twenties? Yeah, 21 fills that round. The previous record for art was seventeen fills in a round. I was super determine to contribute towards the masquerade passing over that number that spring. I’m very proud of that number all the artists were able to achieve that round. I could have helped towards round 7 possibly breaking the record again, but I didn’t join in that year for some reason? I think I was busy, iirc? And I didn’t even entertain joining in round 8.
Round 1- 13    Round 4- 17     Round 7- 14 Round 2- 17    Round 5- 17     Round 8- 5 Round 3- 5      Round 6- 21     Round 9- 9
I was debating on whether to join round 9. I wanted to, but I was hesitating. Luckily, Mystifiedgal sent me an ask about it. After that I decided to make a commitment and pour myself into it this time. I had to push myself, cut corners, swallow my pride, and let the awkward parts in the art go to finish anything. If I arted under the normal steps I undergo to complete works, I probably would have not have completed 1, let alone 5.
I decided I wasn’t going too be hard on myself. My main priority was to try and fill as many prompts that interested me that I could do easily in the time allotted and to make the prompt ideas into a reality through the skills and resources I had. I chose not to be too precious about my process to make that happen.
I wanted to try to fill more, but some of the ideas I had were too complicated to figure out in a short time frame. Or alternatively, I wasn’t knowledgeable/skilled enough to full realize them with the constraints I had. I’m in this odd space of wishing I could do more and the event was still going on, to feeling like “There’s no way I could draw another thing for a while. Thank god, it ended.”
Some of the works I did are probably a little too spicy for tumblr, so I might not share any here. Or if I do, only the Gen ones way later on when I feel like it. Tumblr is weird in how it sometimes hides posts from everybody, even followers and mutuals, regardless of it being sfw or not. Sometimes it’ll hide responses from people that I haven’t blocked or haven’t blocked me. And I’m not in the mood right now to entertain and second guess why a post isn’t getting or getting spotty interaction on this hellsite. At least if it doesn’t get much of a response on ao3 I’ll know it’s just because what I’ve made is more of a niche interest rather than the platform working against me.
Anyways, I haven’t made the post yet but it’ll be up sometime soon. I have the same name on ao3 as here but if you need a link here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/kirathehyrulian
Anyways I think that’s it for now. I’ll go more in the actual art notes on the individual pieces on the ao3 art notes.
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foolscapper · 2 years
Could I get a sam and dean hug?
I bet you thought I forgot about this ask! Surprise, I have not!! 😊
Here's some brudders.
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strelles-universe · 2 years
I wonder how that conversation between tallstar and leopardfur went?
Stormstar ended up delivering the message to Leopardfur/Leopardshine and a few cats who had similar builds e.g. Goldfin.
Leopardshine is actually incredibly uncomfortable with the realization of what could've happened to her and sometimes wonders if it was what killed her siblings despite them being too young for it to present.
Leopardshine intends to ask Fireheart more about this during the next Gathering after she rounds up everyone with similar pelts.
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years
How are you doing? What did you think about the final?
fam, I’m doing fuckin great.
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Like-- okay, I’m just gonna ramble.
A while back I made a really bitter post about how, for me, Supernatural was already over. It’s no secret I think that I’ve found the Dabb years... trying. Individual things were fine but it seemed like the grasp of how stories are built and arcs handled and themes threaded through all of that had completely gone out the window. That, to be clear, I still think is true--there’s a way in which the thing that made SPN itself cracked in two, maybe somewhere in like... s12 or s13, and it never really recovered. I was so eager/relieved when they announced that they were ending with s15 because I thought -- oh, thank god, at least they’ll have a real endpoint to work towards. Then, s15 started happening, and it was so amateurish and terrible that I just stopped watching because frankly it was just a form of self-harm. I kept up with gifs, but that’s about it.
Last night, I went and dug up something I’d said a while back in our discord:
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I was right about the first part -- and I’m so, so happy to have been wrong about the last part.
The thing about writing is that you have to make choices. A lot of what the Dabb Era has been is a lack of choices. Kill someone off but immediately bring them back; strip sacrifice of meaning; try to have your cake and eat it too. I’ve gotten actually-angry about it, to the point that I had to like step back and regain perspective about how this is a low-rent sci-fi show on the CW. But writing’s important to me, as a craft, and I couldn’t understand how it was going so badly.
The best thing about finales is that those choices are real. No matter what--there’s an ending, and this is the only ending it’s gonna be. With most shows/movies, this is fine--you watch it, you’re done, you move on. With rabid fanbases this can go very badly, because the various too-invested factions have been writing the ending in their head for so long that the choice the writer makes--no matter what choice it is--will be wrong and bad and evil, because in contradicts their expectations. (Here I remember the phrase: those are very nice receipts, but you wrote them yourself.)
What was totally shocking to me last night, as I was watching live (for the first time ever, with SPN), was how strongly and clearly and completely Dabb was managing to nail this landing. He made a choice and he stuck to it, and it turned out that here was the show I’d been missing, all this time. Here was the SPN I thought about when I remembered Dark Side of the Moon, or All Hell Breaks Loose, or Head of a Pin. It was fully invested in the two main characters, and it was generous to them, and it was generous to us, all at the same time. And all those actual decisions were backed up with the most skill the crew has shown in yeeeeeaaaars -- from editing to camerawork to acting to lighting, everyone brought their absolute A-game, when it seemed like they’d been phoning it in all year. (Except The Wig. I feel like I could write a full essay about The Wig, but you know what, I love that wacky thing too.)
What’s further shocking to me, and absolutely kind, is how open the ending is, too. We have an unspecified length of time between 5.19 and 5.20, and we have no idea how many mornings might’ve been just like that one we got in their sweet domestic montage. Look at all the story you can fit into there. Dean got to be purely happy, before the end. Sam was, too. Everything about the barn scene, which is fodder for a billion fics. That kind, kind heaven, where you can make it what you need it to be to feel right. The opportunity for those who need it for Castiel to be free; the opportunity for those who need it to let Sam have another life. Hell, Sam basically had a reader-insert fic delivered in 5 minutes, and you can fit any interpretation at all into that. For a season about stories, it was pretty shittily delivered, but somehow the endcap was exactly what it needed to be: a gentle, kind way to say hey: this is our story, but you can make it what you need it to be. Like that line in Fan Fiction, all over again.
And then--that ending. All I needed. A bittersweet singing joy to it. I’m just being hammered all over again by--yeah. It was just kind. For that, it was just about perfect. I’m not interested in quibbling over details or fandomite wars, and tbh it’s been depressing as I find out who I need to unfollow or even block, but I’m glad. My show pulled it off, inexplicably, right at the end. Very Winchester of them. :)
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quickreaver · 4 years
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A long-awaited commission for the wonderfully patient Mystifiedgal. Thanks so much, Emily, for your great idea! A Dragon and His Treasure... (No reposting, only reblogging. You know the dealio, fam!)
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jackandthesoulmates · 4 years
requested by @mystifiedgal
Wincest cuddling in dean’s room after They get rid of Michael? Maybe Dean needs to be comforted and Sam is desperate to get to hold him again? Please ?
word count: ~500
read on AO3
It’s been a dark time, these past months. Dean feels shattered, broken, something essential is missing from him. And the only one who’d understand is Sam. 
Dean’s curled up in Dean’s bed, still gleaming from an amazing afterglow, the weird scar that Michael is responsible for is throbbing and feels warm. Dean tries to ignore it, but the physical mark is bugging him. Sam is beside him, body humming in heavy satisfaction. He notices Dean’s look across his own body and smiles. 
“Hey, it’s just a scar.” he says. 
But Dean knows he only tries to comfort his brother about this. Dean’s memories are blurry and Cas’ try to bring some of them back hurt so much he won’t go snooping for others again. But this scar is a monument of Michael’s brutality and he was fighting something from the Bad Place. 
“This son of a bitch is up to some very bad things, Sammy”, he replies. Eyes clouded with worry. 
Sam lays his hand of Dean’s chest, and beds his head on it. He’s still smiling, but a little less optimistic, a bit more sad. 
“I know. They always are.” 
Sam references maybe to Lucifer, maybe to Michael, the other Michael, and… Gadreel. Dean still feels guilty about this. 
“But you know what, I’m just happy you’re back. I’ve missed you so much, I thought I’d go crazy.”
Dean scoffs. “Yeah, you didn’t eat properly, your clothes look two sizes too big on you and you’ve grown a beard. Are ants already livin’ in there?”
“Very funny.” Sam bites Dean’s arm. Just a little. Playful. 
“I’ve missed you, too.” Dean is actually happy he doesn’t remember if Michael had sex using his body while possessed him. 
 Because everything Dean wants is Sam and no one else. And being the puppet of an omnipotent being makes Dean angry. Michael would’ve hurt Sam if he was in the way, definitely. And now Dean is back, the Angel has left him, but why? And would Dean be able to save the people he loves and cares about?
Even Jack?
He sighs silently and pulls Sam closer. “I’m glad you’re alive, Sammy. I really feared Michael would… you know. Attack the bunker. And then he just wooshes out. We need to be careful.”
Sam leans in, kisses Dean’s thoughts away. All the worries, all the doubts, they weigh less on Dean’s soul when Sam’s around him. When Sam’s inside him. When they do what they’re really, really good at, when talking isn’t enough. If talking’s insufficient. They still have this. It’s like a straw they can cling on to and wait for the flood to pass and then, after they’ve calmed down, start talking again.
Sams hands are warm, his kisses are even warmer and Dean lets the moment carry him away. 
“We will beat him. Like we beat everything threatening us.” Sam sounds so confident, Dean wishes to feel the same sometimes. Deep inside he’s scared as hell. But he can’t tell. 
People mark him fearless. Except Sam maybe. 
“But not now, okay? I’m not done reuniting with you.” Dean smirks.
Sam gives him another bite.
“That’s how you call it these days, huh?” 
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asksamstuff · 5 years
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Sure, yeah. I can hug Dean... for you. For you! Not for any other reason.
Yes, um. All for you. Specifically. 
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thefriendlypigeon · 4 years
I mean I liked the domestic stuff and angsty wincest feels but it also killed me.
Yes. For me it was a 30/70% feels/CRINGE ratio 
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Sam/Dean/Eileen yay or nay?
mayyyyyyyyybe? like sam/eileen happens and poor heartbroken dean makes dumb jokes to cover his desperate pining and longing for sam, but becomes increasingly reckless and fucked up? and sam’s so fucking miserable about that but also super clueless, and then of course eileen like figures it out kinda and is shocked/skeeved out for like 0.2 seconds but then she’s like wow yeah that’s super obvious how did i not notice this years ago. and then she shrugs and is like hells yeah might as well and makes it happen.
not my favorite but i can work with it!
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tonystarktogo · 5 years
Happy Birthday!🎂
Thanks, love!!
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talesofshance · 5 years
Does the full bundle come with the digital version and extra content or is it separate?
The full bundle does come with the main PDF. But the bonus PDF isn’t included in any of the bundles except for the digital bundle!
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Is whitethroat in this au?
He still has a minor role yes - he might get upgraded because Fireheart is far more wise to Tigerclaw's bs this time around - but yeah he's here as Duskrattle now,
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years
Number 25?
I already did #25 so instead I’ll do --
24. What would you tell each member of Team Free Will if you had the chance to speak to them?
Sam: stop fronting, man. It’s okay if you’re not interested in any relationship that’s not Dean. You’ll be happier if you stop striving for connection that you don’t actually want. Treat your mother and your friends like good acquaintances and relax already. And eat some bacon, christ. You’ll be fine.
Dean: He loves you. He loves you. He literally can’t form relationships that aren’t with you. He’s not going to leave unless you literally force him and even then it’ll take a permanent death. There is no world you can both live in where you’re happy and apart, so don’t worry every time he’s gone for more than ten minutes. He’s coming back to you. He always comes back.
Cas: just... stop having ideas. It generally doesn’t work out. Spend more time with random humans like you wanted to in s8. Enjoy the light glinting off dew. Hang out with your adopted kid. I know that the warmth of a reflected sun still kind of counts as warmth but it’s never going to actually shine for you---try to find some happy in other things, dude.
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dickbaggins · 6 years
You have a back up plan since tumblr is burning?
I’m going to be staying here for as long as inhumanly possible because I love a good garbage fire
BUT if we all really do go to hell you can find me:
pillowfort: rainsoakedsam
twitter: dickholebaggins
ao3: dickbaggins
discord: carl rhymes #0376
kik: stainedsnow
patreon: janiswrites
and literally anyone can dm me for my phone number so we can text properly
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jackandthesoulmates · 4 years
Wincest cuddling in dean’s room after They get rid of Michael? Maybe Dean needs to be comforted and Sam is desperate to get to hold him again? Please ?
Hi there 😘
After Michael fics are ❤️❤️✨ coming Wednesday!!!
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