kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Kissmas 2018
This is just a friendly little post to let everyone know that Kissmas 2018 starts TOMORROW (December 1)! This little ficathon will last ALL of December. Fic lengths definitely vary as much as the ships that are featured. Below are the people that have requested to be tagged. If you are in the ALL category it means that you will be tagged in all 31 fics. If you wish to be tagged on a certain ship instead let me know! I will be more than happy to make a change. 
Ships being written for are:
Hamilton x Eliza
Laurens x Eliza
Lafayette x Peggy
Jefferson x Peggy
Daveed x my OC Kat
Fiyero x my OC Addelaide
Enjolras x my OC Lizzie
Aaron x my OC Riley
Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter
Frank Adler x my OC Ryn
Being tagged for all Hamilton fic: @lilsephie
Being tagged for Frank Adler: @princess-evans-addict
Being tagged for ALL fics: @a-dream-of-shadows   @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @cinnamon-toast-warlock   @blackcatlnightady   @crescentcrown   @aphnatasha   @melody-love-sketch   @beldam-witch   @chaiioyotea
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Don’t worry it’s me, MysticFandom1985. I just have an announcement.
Okay, just in case if anyone is wondering about the sudden change in profile, let me explain. I’m kind getting tired of just reblogging stuff so I’m going to give attention to an underrated ship in the Hamilton fandom as you can see in my profile name. I really hope this is okay for you guys in case you follow me for Star Wars or Marvel, but I will still reblog some stuff. Posting will begin tomorrow, until then I’ll see you later. :)
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Shiver | Steggy
AN: Day 5 of Kissmas! Well I thought I would be nicer than my previous steggy fic. So I hope this one makes up for it. If you missed it go back and look through the kissmas 2018 tag! Hope you enjoy.
Tags: @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @cinnamon-toast-warlock   @melody-love-sketch   @beldam-witch   @aphnatasha   @chaiioyotea
She wasn’t going to admit defeat. She had a sweater on and a scarf. The chilly night air of New York was not going to break her down to admit that Steve had been right. He had told her to bring a coat but much like a child who doesn’t take the same advice from their mother, she told him that she would be fine. And she had been until the sun set and the wind picked up.
Peggy was quite sure that Steve was purposefully taking the long way home after dinner. Her hands were stuffed in her pant pockets. She kept her face ducked down in her scarf, speaking loud enough so Steve could hear her through the fabric.
Then it happened. A particularly strong gust cut through her. She tried so hard to keep it together but that was the final blow she needed to admit defeat. A shiver ran through her entire body and her teeth began to chatter.
Steve, who had been watching her the entire time, had to keep a smirk from showing on his face. “Are you cole, Pegs?”
“N-n-n-no.” She said through her chattering teeth.
“You sure? Because you look rather cold. You know they make these things called coats. I know we’re in the 21st century now but I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of them.” He teased her, earning himself a glare.
“Shut up, Rogers.” She said through gritted teeth, hating the sound of him gloating.
“Would you like my coat Peggy? We’re still a few blocks away from home?”
“Wouldn’t you be cold then?”
Steve shook his head. “I can make it. You on the other hand might catch frostbite. Did they not teach proper winter fashion in London?” He had to get at least one more jab in because he knew he wouldn’t be able to for much longer.
“Are you quite done?” Peggy asked him with a raised eyebrow to emphasize her annoyance.
He chuckled as he shrugged off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. “This was all so you could steal my jacket, wasn’t it?”
“You caught me,” Peggy rolled her eyes as she snuggled into the warmth the new layer offered.
Steve just smiled and placed a kiss on top of her head.
“If you think that, that forgives you for being a sore winner,” she started out with that same annoyed tone he had grown used to, “you’d be absolutely correct.” She finished her sentence a little quieter with a small smile on her lips.
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Hope | Steggy
AN: Day Two of Kissmas 2018! All fics for this ficathon will be tagged as kissmas 2018 if you happen to miss a day. I will get a masterlist up for this eventually and add it to my current masterlist more likely towards the end of it so until then I’m gonna try my best to reblog at various times of the day to make sure that everyone sees the new post. 
Tags: @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @cinnamon-toast-warlock   @melody-love-sketch   @beldam-witch   @aphnatasha   @chaiioyotea
She felt frozen to her spot. Agents zoomed around around her as they prepared the room for their VIP visitor. She really couldn’t believe it. She had finally come to terms with the fact that she needed to move on and then he decided to come back into her life. She took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She needed to see this for herself.
When Howard noticed her, he hurried over to her side. “Peggy, there’s really not much you can do. Why don’t you go get something to eat, sit down? It’s a lot to take in.”
Peggy raised an eyebrow towards him. “Don’t patronize me, Howard. I’m perfectly capable of watching as we unthaw Captain Rogers after he so blatantly disobeyed orders to give his coordinates so it took us far longer than necessary to actually find him.”
“You know I’d never dream of it.” He sighed, knowing that Peggy wasn’t going to leave this room unless something forced her to. “If you’re here to stay, you can at least help. Plug in those heat lamps over there.” He motioned to where there were lamps still needing to be plugged in.
She gave a curt nod before making her way over to where he pointed. Hours passed and it was well beyond midnight. Both Peggy and Howard made their rounds of watching the ice thaw, using a new invention that Peggy called a heating wand, and performing SHIELD director duties.
Once Howard and the others left, Peggy stayed behind for a few moments more. They had at least gotten his head out of the block of ice he had been brought in. An old feeling began to stir inside her as she watched the ice melt away. She hadn’t felt it since Jarvis had given her the vial filled with Steve’s blood.
She stepped closer to the table, almost scared to get too close in fear this was all a hope filled dream. She reached out to move some hair from his forehead. It was still cold to the touch and barely moved it was so stiff. He didn’t disappear though, which was a good sign. It meant that this indeed was all real.
Peggy bent down and placed a kiss to his forehead. His skin was cold and damp to the touch. “Always one for the dramatics but once we thaw you out, you better not make me wait much longer for you to wake.”
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Shopping | Frank x Ryn
AN: Day 3 of Kissmas! For those of you who don’t know who Frank Adler is, he is Chris Evans’ character in the movie Gifted. I highly recommend it. Ryn is not a character in the movie. She’s actually an original character I created for my Frank Adler fic called Wasted if you want some more of this couple after reading this little drabble. 
Tags: @princess-evans-addict   @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @cinnamon-toast-warlock   @melody-love-sketch   @beldam-witch   @aphnatasha   @chaiioyotea
“Ryn, I thought we agreed on a math free Christmas.” Frank said as he followed Ryn through the aisles of Barnes and Noble.
“I know, I know. It’s just we were in here the other day and her eyes just lit up at this book and she would not stop talking about it so I’ve got to get this for her. Then that’s it. I promise.” Ryn flashed him a smile over her shoulder.
The pair had been walking around the mall for a couple of hours shopping for gifts for Mary. Both were carrying multiple bags filled with new clothes, toys, and even toys for Fred. “You know I’m surprised you didn’t get her a camera. She’s always following you around when you go on shoots.” Frank said, stopping next to Ryn as she looked for the book.
“I don’t have to get her a camera. I’ve got an old camera I’m giving her.” She shrugged, as she pulled the book from the shelf.
“Well, excuse me for not realizing you were already on top of everything.” He raised his hands up in surrender chuckling a bit.
She placed a kiss to his cheek as she walked passed him. “I know it’s been awhile since we’ve done this together so I’ll forgive you for forgetting how amazing I am.” She laughed as she continued to the checkout line.
Frank watched her walk away for a moment. He just chuckled and shook his head before following her. It felt so good to have her back in their life.
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Candles | Lafayette x Peggy
AN: Well this one is fitting. While I’m scheduling this I have the potential to be essentially snowed in as well. Too bad I don’t have my own frenchman to keep me warm haha.
Tags: @lilsephie   @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @cinnamon-toast-warlock   @melody-love-sketch   @beldam-witch   @aphnatasha   @chaiioyotea   @anathenarnian
Something was stirring outside. The temperature was far too cold for anytime outside to be enjoyable. Snow had already begun to fall but the trees showed how the wind began to pick up speed.
Inside, Lafayette and Peggy were curled up on the couch, sharing a blanket. The popcorn bowl sat in between them as they watched the latest Christmas movie. The lights began to flicker and the sound of the wind could be heard howling outside. The couple sat up a little straighter and looked towards each other.
That’s when Peggy noticed the weather outside. All that could be seen was white as a snow storm rolled through the city. “Oh, shit.” Peggy whispered but before Lafayette could even turn to look at what caused Peggy to react in the way she did, the lights went out.
“Oh, that’s why.” Lafayette said once he saw the blizzard that was happening outside.
The two gathered as many candles as they could before it got too dark in the apartment. “Looks like you could be staying a little longer than planned.” Lafayette commented as they placed candles on the coffee table.
“I don’t mind it, if you don’t.” Peggy said, looking over at him.
Lafayette shook his head. “Not at all, mon cheri. There is no one else I would rather wait out a snow storm with.”
Peggy smiled, placing a kiss to his cheek. “Me either.”
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Snowball Fight | Hamliza
AN: Welcome to Kissmas 2018! Maybe I’ll make this an annual thing but let’s see how this year goes first. So here’s all that you need to know: every fic’s title will be the word that the fic is based off of. There will then be a line and the ship that is featured in said fic. I will then say a little something in an author’s note and tag everyone. Then we’ll get to what you guys truly want, the actual fic! Easy enough, right? I hope everyone enjoys and I can’t wait to hear what you all think!
Tags: @lilsephie   @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @cinnamon-toast-warlock   @melody-love-sketch   @beldam-witch   @aphnatasha   @chaiioyotea
Everyone was out in the front yard of the Schuyler’s. The fresh snow was now filled with footprints and lines where hands scooped up the icy powder to form snowballs. Shouts filled the otherwise quiet scene as snowballs whizzed through the air. Alexander, John, and Lafayette were on a team against the Schuyler Sisters. Hercules decided to be referee in order to make the teams even.
“Eliza, watch out!” Peggy warned as she noticed that her older sister had gotten in the path of her most recent snowball.
Eliza spun around to face Peggy, about to ask what her younger sister had said when she was met with a face full of snow. She fell to the ground and with a shout, Hercules stopped the game. Peggy ran over to her sister and began to wipe away the snow from her sister’s face. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Please don’t tell dad.”
Alexander had been behind one of the rose bushes when he heard Hercules stop the game. He had been hiding to make an armful of snowballs so he wouldn’t have to waste time in stopping to make more. He stood to look out on the yard to see what had happened, eyes widening when he saw Eliza on the ground and Peggy hunched over her. The others had crowded around to make sure that Eliza was okay.
He ran over, pushing his friends aside until he got to Eliza’s side. He plopped down in the snow next to Peggy and took Eliza’s hand. “Betsey, are you okay? Can you hear me? What happened?”
Eliza groaned and nodded her head. She was just glad that the snowball wasn’t mostly ice. “Yeah, I’m fine. Peggy just needs better aim. Help me up, please?”
“Hey! I said that I was sorry!” Peggy exclaimed as she stood up, offering her hands out to her sister.
“I think you’ve done enough damage, Pegs.” Alexander teased her as he nudged her out of the way. He took Eliza’s hands and eased her up. “Can you stand?”
Eliza chuckled a bit, leaning into Alexander to try and get some warmth back. “I’m fine, Alex, I promise.” She placed a kiss to his cheek.
That made him smile as he wiped the snow from her hair. “I gotta make sure my Betsey’s okay since my Peggy wants to be mean to her.” He placed a kiss to her forehead, chuckling as he noticed Peggy roll her eyes, before making their way back inside.
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Lights | Laurliza
AN: Day 4 of Kissmas! I hope you all are enjoying yourselves with these stories. I’m thinking of adding these to my AO3 maybe even my Wattpad too?? We’ll see I guess. Better figure it out before I get too far along though. Enjoy!
Tags: @lilsephie   @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @cinnamon-toast-warlock    @melody-love-sketch   @beldam-witch    @aphnatasha   @chaiioyotea
Bundled up underneath their jackets and scarves, John and Eliza walked along the path towards the stage. Eliza had done this countless of times with her sisters but this time it was different. As if being with her boyfriend at Rockefeller Plaza made the tree lighting more magical than when she shared it with her family.
Still making sure her hand was wrapped around John’s, she maneuvered them to her usual spot. It was off to the side, close to the event tents, and up front. They had a great view and were able to stay a little warmer thanks to the heaters under the tents.
As the musical acts performed, Eliza leaned against John, who had his arms wrapped around her. His head rested against her shoulder as they swayed together to the music. “You really come to this every year?” He asked her.
Eliza nodded. “Well, I’ve missed some years but I do try to come each year. There’s just something about not only sharing this with New York but the millions that watch from home that truly kicks off the Christmas season for me. It’s like my Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.”
He smiled at her. He always loved how she viewed the world. It reminded him to pause and look around at the present every once in awhile. “Then thank you for sharing this moment with me.”
“Of course.” She smiled up at him just as the host announced that it was the time they had all been waiting for.
The mayor walked out on the stage, gave a small speech about the meaning of this time of year, and finally pushed the lever that turned on the lights. Eliza gasped; a grin as bright as the freshly lit tree made its way across her features as she watched the lights spiral up the tree until the star on top lit up, casting its glow on the audience. “It’s beautiful.” She whispered.
“But not as beautiful as you.” John whispered, looking at Eliza, having paid more attention to her reaction than the actual tree lighting.
Eliza looked up to John, her smile never wavering before she placed a kiss to her boyfriend’s lips.
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Sleigh | Fiyero x Addelaide
AN: Day 6 of Kissmas! Any Wicked fans out there?? This features Fiyero and my OC Addelaide from my story Because I Knew You. I personally imagined Aaron Tveit’s Fiyero but feel free to picture who you want. Also if you enjoy this little drabble for these two go check out Because I Knew You!
Tags: @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @cinnamon-toast-warlock   @melody-love-sketch   @beldam-witch   @aphnatasha   @chaiioyotea
A box filled with supplies sat across from them as the horses pulled their sleigh up to Kiamo Ko. While Elphaba was able to get supplies from the small village below the castle that was now her home, Fiyero and Addelaid would periodically bring her goodies that she couldn’t get in the Vinkus.
Addelaide was curled up against Fiyero’s side while snuggled up under the large blanket they brought for the trip. Fiyero chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his wife. “You used to live in the Quells and yet it’s like you’ve never been to the mountains before.” He teased her.
“I was in the valley, not at the tops of them. Even back home, I hated the cold.” She defended.
“Well it’s a good thing I’m so warm then, isn’t it?”
Addelaide glared up at him. “I just don’t understand why we have to ride in an open sleigh instead of a carriage.”
“Because a carriage can’t make it over the snow and ice.”
“I could make it sunny, you know.”
Fiyero shook his head. “The last time you manipulated the weather a girl from the land of Kansa appeared.”
“That’s not fair! I didn’t even realize I had done that.”
“Regardless, no more weather manipulation for you.”
Addelaide rolled her eyes with a small humph. “Fine.”
She brought the blanket closer to her as she snuggled back into Fiyero’s side. Fiyero placed a kiss on top of her head. “We’re almost there. I’ll make sure you stay warm until then.”
“Yeah, you better.”
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kimmyiewrites · 6 years
Bows | Enjolras x Lizzie
AN: Any Les Mis fans out there? This one features Enjolras and my OC Lizzie. I once again have pictured Enjolras as Aaron Tveit from the 2012 movie. Of course you can picture any of the various actors who have played the fearless leader of les amis. If you want more they can be found in my story Until the Earth is Free. 
Tags: @thejourneyneverendsx   @ilovehamilton15   @mysticfandom1985   @beldam-witch   @cinnamon-toast-warlock   @melody-love-sketch   @aphnatasha   @chaiioyotea   @anathenarnian
Christmas had arrived in Paris, yet no miracle came with it. People still lived on the street, the king still lived in ignorant bliss of what his people were really going through, and one certain revolution leader didn’t feel right celebrating when so many suffered.
A knock on the door, brought him out of his writing. The others were with their families while he locked himself away in his flat to work on plans for the revolution. He wasn’t expecting any visitors and he certainly wasn’t expecting Lizzie to be on the other side of the door, arm full of blankets.
“You can follow me.” Lizzie called out and soon his flat was filled with blankets, ribbon and small cards. Once everything was brought in, Lizzie thanked her helpers and sent them back to the Pontmercy manor.
“What’s going on Lizzie?” Enjolras asked as he slowly closed the door, still trying to process everything.
“We’re wrapping presents.” Lizzie said matter of factly as she sat down and began to roll up a blanket.
“Lizzie, I know you disagreed with my thoughts on the matter…” Enjolras trailed off when Lizzie looked up at him with a look that threw daggers.
“I understood your stance just fine, but sometimes Christmas miracles need a little help. Now sit down and help me roll these blankets. We have Christmas cheer to spread.” She explained, patting the spot next to her.
Catching onto what she was doing, he smiled and sat down next to her. He kissed her cheek before he began copying her motions. “You’re magnifique.”
Lizzie just smiled. “I know.”
After the blankets were rolled, they tied the ribbon around the middle the simple bows were able to keep not only the blanket wrapped but the small card wishing the recipients a Happy Christmas. Gathering the blankets into boxes, Lizzie and Enjolras set out on the square wishing those calling the streets home a Happy Christmas as they gifted them with the blanket. Both wished they could do so much more but a revolution was brewing and soon the people would rise freeing France once more.
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