#mystical mallard oneshot
mysticalmallard · 2 months
Good weird
Description: Ghost girlfriend comes over to stay the night for the first time
Wordcount: 705
Warnings: none I think
CoD Masterlist 💀 Main Masterlist
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Ghost's normally dark and sparsely decorated apartment looked decidedly more lived-in that night as he waited for his girlfriend to arrive. He'd tidied up the place, made the bed, and even bought a vase of fresh flowers for the coffee table.
As the doorbell rang, he took a deep breath, feeling uncharacteristically nervous.
Opening the door, he saw his girlfriend standing there, a mixture of excitement and nerves on her face, with her bag on her shoulder. It was the first time she was spending the night at his place, and they both knew it was a significant step in their relationship.
Ghost stepped aside, allowing her to enter. The two of them stood awkwardly for a moment, both unsure how to break the silence.
His girlfriend smiled at him, her eyes taking in the small but clean apartment."I like your place," she said, her fingers tracing the edge of a chair. "It's very... you."
Ghost chuckled, a rare sound coming from him. "I try to keep things simple," he replied. "Less chance of making a mess."
She walked over to the vase of flowers on the coffee table, admiring them. "These are beautiful," she said, her fingers grazing the soft petals.
Ghost watched her, feeling a warmth bloom in his chest as he saw her enjoying his space.
"I wanted everything to be perfect," he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "It's the first time you're spending the night here, I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable."
She turned to look at him, a soft smile on her face. "You don't need to try so hard, you know," she said, her voice full of affection. "I'm comfortable as long as I'm with you."
Ghost felt the weight of her words, the honesty and vulnerability in them soothing his nerves. He stepped closer to her, close enough that he could smell the sweetness of her shampoo.
"I'm not used to this," he said quietly, his hand coming up to brush a strand of hair from her face. "Having someone else in my space... It makes me feel...weird."
She placed her hand on his chest, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through him. "Good weird or bad weird?" she asked, her eyes searching his face.
He took a breath, the feel of her hand on his chest anchoring him. "Good weird," he replied, his voice low. He brought his hand up, covering hers with his own. "Just... uncharted territory for me."
They stood there for a moment, the silence between them now comfortable rather than awkward. Then, a flicker of mischief flashed in his girlfriend's eyes.
"You know, now that I'm here..." she drawled, stepping even closer to him, "there are some things we could... explore."
The implication hung in the air like a promise, and Ghost felt his heart rate pick up.
"Is that so?" he said, his voice going lower, huskier. He leaned in, his lips almost touching hers.
"Very much so," she replied, her breath ghosting over his skin. His hand came up to cup her cheek, his thumb tracing softly over her bottom lip.
She smiled against his touch, then spoke, her voice laced with mischief. "Hey, you know what we should do?"
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Enlighten me."
Her eyes lit up, an idea forming. She placed her hands on his waist, looking up at him with a cheeky grin.
"How about this," she suggested, "we have ourselves a little pampering day. I'll give you a massage, and we can watch some trashy TV. How does that sound?"
His eyes widened in surprise, not anticipating such a suggestion. But the idea of having her hands on him, taking care of him, was definitely appealing.
"A massage, huh?" he said, feigning nonchalance. "And what's in it for you?"
She moved even closer, her hands slipping under his shirt and trailing lightly across his bare skin. "Oh, I get the pleasure of seeing you all relaxed and blissed out. Trust me, it's a win-win."
Ghost fought to keep his cool, the shivers her touch was sending down his spine betraying his nonchalance. "You're lucky you're cute," he said, his hands snaking around her waist to pull her closer.
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
I got two days off work, so I'm gonna open up my requests for SoA Drabbles!!!
I took requests until 7th August 11pm (central Europe time)
Event Now Closed to requests follow me for when I start a new drabble event
Scroll to the bottom to see completed requests
SoA Masterlist ♥︎ Main Masterlist
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Rules for making a request:
★ Send me one mood & a character from the lists below.
☆ And 3 words of your choice that I must include in the drabble
★ Be following me.
♥︎ These gifts are only for my followers ♥︎
☆ please like, comment, and reblog your completed submission or future requests may be denied.
★ Only submissions sent as an ask will be accepted.
I do NOT accept anonymous requests
☆ One request at a time, please.
♥︎ As soon as it's done & you reblog, you can send in another request ♥︎
Moods to choose from:
■ Fluffy
□ Suggestive
■ Goofy
□ Angst
■ Random (I will choose the mood for you)
Characters to choose from:
🩷 Happy Lowman
💜 Juice Ortiz
🩷 Jax Teller
💜 Opie Winston
🩷 Tig Trager
💜 Chibs Telford
Example Request:
Hello I would like to make a Fluffy drabble request for Chibs Telford using the words: Drink, Harley and Ring
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Completed requests
🌸 Tig Trager, Suggestive (dark, crazy, sexy)
🌸 Happy Lowman, Goofy (burger, movie, blanket)
🌸 Juice Ortiz, Goofy (pink, hot, splash)
🌸 Juice Ortiz, Fluffy (cat, bed, movie)
🌸 Jax Teller, Random (forever, ride, love)
🌸 Chibs Telford, Random (iPhone, sun, water)
🌸 Opie Winston, Suggestive (red, light, floor)
🌸 Happy Lowman, Goofy (water, balloons, summer)
🌸 Happy Lowman, Goofy (ice cream, bed, movie)
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SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016 @meera10
♥︎ If you wish to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
♥︎ Defending Their Girlfriend ♥︎
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🦆:These were all supposed to be drabbles, but I got a bit carried away, so they are more like oneshots and I didn't want to edit any of them down. Because they all came out so long I've only done Jax, Juice, Kozik, Tig and Chibs. I may do a separate one another time for Happy and Opie if that is something you guys want ♥︎
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016 @meera10
♥︎ If you wish to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ : VIOLENCE, ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR, SEXUAL ASSAULT, CREEPY MAN, SEXIST men, swearing and other general SoA Warnings there is nothing too graphic but if you don't like reading about any of the topics listed please DO NOT read the rest of this post!!!, ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for your OWN media consumption!!! ⚠️
SoA Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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On a hot summer night, Jax and his girlfriend were out for a night walk, enjoying the quiet streets of Charming together.
As they walked, a group of young men, all of them a little tipsy on alcohol, passed by. One of the men catcalled Jax's girlfriend as they walked by, making a crude and sexist comment.
Jax took immediate offense, gritting his teeth in anger. He stepped up to the man, who looked startled by the tall, furious biker suddenly in his face.
"Excuse me?" Jax growled, his eyes locking onto the man who had made the inappropriate comment.
The man took a step back when he spots the club patches, suddenly realizing who Jax was.
"N-nothing, man, it's cool," the man stuttered out, trying to backpedal. But Jax wasn't satisfied he was already too angry. The other guys had stopped and were starting to circle, realizing the situation was getting heated.
"Oh, it's *not cool*, man," Jax said in a dangerous tone, his eyes flickering to the other guys slowly surrounding them. Jax wasn't worried, though - he lived for this. The tension in his body made it clear he was ready to defend his girlfriend, his pride at stake.
His girlfriend tugs at his sleeve worried "Jax it's okay...let's just go"
"Nah, this isn't okay, babe," Jax responds, his voice firm but gentle. He turns his head to look at his girlfriend, seeing the hint of worry in her eyes. He softens slightly. "He's disrespecting you. Me. *Us*."Jax turns his attention back to the man who started this whole thing. "You need to apologize. Now," he demands, his voice a low rumble, his eyes fixated firmly on the guy.
The man, still looking nervous but a little bolder behind his friends, scoffs and throws a cocky grin. "And if I don't?" He asks in a mocking tone.
Jax's eyes narrow, anger flaring again. He closes the space between them, getting right in the man's face. "Then you're gonna have a huge problem on your hands." The threat in Jax's voice is clear.
The man shoves Jax back when he gets in his face Jax stumbles back, but catches himself quickly, the shove only adding more fuel to his anger. He takes a step forward again, his shoulders squared swinging at him connecting with the man's jaw.
The man falls backward, clearly not expecting Jax to strike so quickly. The other men hesitate, not expecting to deal with a fight.
Jax stands over the man, glaring down at him. "Don't ever disrespect my girlfriend again," he snarls.
The man is clutching his face, a look of fear in his eyes as he looks up at Jax. He nods shakily. "S-sorry, man," he stutters out, clearly intimidated.
"Now apologize to my girlfriend," Jax's tone is firm. He's not backing down until the guy apologizes properly.
The man looks up at Jax's girlfriend, shame on his face. He mutters a quick, "Sorry, ma'am."
Jax's girlfriend looks relieved, but she's clings onto Jax's arm standing close to his side, clearly still feeling uncertain about the situation.
Jax looks down at her, silently asking if she's okay with the half-apology. She nods slowly, looking somewhat reassured.
Then, Jax looks back at the man on the ground, eyeing the other men who are still standing around, ready to step in if necessary.
"This is your only warning. Don't say that kind of shit again." Jax's voice is cold and firm. The message is clear - he won't tolerate anyone disrespecting his girlfriend like that again.
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Juice and his girlfriend were sitting on the couch in his living room watching tv, when suddenly, she received a phone call from her parents. She reluctantly answers already knowing what they were gonna say. They were trying to convince her to end her relationship with Juice. Juice overheard bits of the conversation and could feel the tension in the room. He knew that they disapproved of their relationship.
Juice squeezed a pillow in frustration, but he couldn't just sit there and let her parents talk her out of their relationship without a fight.
He took the phone from her hand and took a deep breath before speaking. "Hey, I know you don't approve of this relationship, but I love her and I'm not going to let you talk her out of being with me without giving me a fair shot."
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, but he could hear her parents murmuring in the background. They clearly didn't like his interruption.
"Listen I am sure you have some good qualities or our daughter wouldn't date you, but we don't want her dating some criminal thug from a motorcycle gang," her father said, his voice filled with disapproval.
Juice clenched his jaw, stung by the man's words. He couldn't help but feel the anger rising within him, but he tried to keep his cool.
"I may be in a motorcycle club, but I am not some mindless thug. I have a brain, I have a heart, and I have feelings just like anyone else, and i love your daughter sir...I don't know what she sees in me to be honest with you...she could have anyone she wants and she chose me...but I am going to stay with her as long as she wants me to be" he said with clenched teeth.
There was another moment of silence on the other end of the phone as her parents continued to murmur in the background.
Juice could feel the tension building up inside him, but he was determined to prove that he was worthy of her love. He glanced back at his girlfriend, who was sitting on the couch beside him, her eyes watching him intently. She gave him a small smile, knowing that he was defending their relationship fiercely. He smiled back at her before turning his attention back to the phone.
Her father spoke up again, his voice now filled with a hint of annoyance. "Look kid, we just don't want our daughter mixed up in some dangerous lifestyle. Motorcycle clubs are not known for their stability or their law-abiding ways, and we don't want her getting hurt or in trouble."
Juice took a deep breath before responding, his voice firm and steady. "I understand your concerns, sir, but my club is not like that. We have rules and structure and we take care of our own. We don't just go around causing trouble for the hell of it."
"But you DO cause trouble, don't you?...you say you love our daughter, but you can't, not if you want her involved in that lifestyle," her father says matter-of-factly.
Juice closes his eyes and sighs, stung by her father's words. He knew that her father had a point. His life in the club was dangerous, and he had seen firsthand how it could cause harm to those he cared about. But he couldn't deny his love for her. He couldn't just easily walk away from her.
" I know the life isn't perfect, sir, and yes, sometimes there is trouble, but I promise you I would never let anything happen to your daughter. I would protect her with my life. And as far as loving your daughter...I do, I love her more than I could even explain to her...but i am gonna try my best to show her every damn day"
Her father was silent for a moment, as if contemplating his words. Juice could hear him talking to his wife in the background, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. He waited anxiously for his response, his heart beating faster in his chest.
Finally, her father spoke up, his voice slightly more compassionate than before. "Look son, we love our daughter and we just want what's best for her. We want her to be happy and safe, and we're afraid this life you're involved in will only bring her pain."
"Come visit let me show you, meet me atleast before jumping to conclusions with gossip you hear from people who don't know me or the club....your daughter loves you guys so much and I don't want us being together creating tension in your relationship with her" he sighs down the phone trying to find someway of fixing things.
Her father was silent for a moment, mulling over Juice's invitation. He could hear him speaking to his wife in the background, and Juice could only hope that he was coming around.
Finally, her father spoke up again, his voice filled with resignation. " Fine, we'll come meet you. But we're only doing this for our daughter's sake, not yours."
"Fine with me, sir," is all he says before hanging up.
His girlfriend scoots over to him. "What did they say? They weren't rude were they? I swear I've told them so many times the club isn't a gang but they don't listen" She rattles off nervous to what was said.
He gently holds her face, looking in her eyes to get her to stop rambling. "Hey, hey, don't worry about it," he says, trying to soothe her. "It was a little rough at first, but I managed to calm them down. They agreed to come meet me."
"They did?" She asks in disbelief. "How did you manage that? I've asked before, but they said they were too busy"
He laughs softly, amused by her surprise. "I can be pretty convincing when I want to be," he jokes. "I just spoke my mind and made it clear I was serious about you. And I guess your dad didn't want to stand in the way of his baby girl's happiness."
He tightens his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. He can feel the warmth of her body against his and the softness of her hair against his cheek. He nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her familiar scent.
"I'm here for you," he whispers, his voice low and intense. "I'll always have your back."
Herman Kozik
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Kozik pulled up to his girlfriend's house but as he pulled up he saw her standing outside with her ex. The ex was yelling and she was crying, with tears streaming down her face. Kozik gets off his bike and could immediately sense the tension in the air.
The ex, noticing Kozik's presence, turned and scowled at him. "Who the fuck are you?" he spat.
"I'm her boyfriend," Kozik replied, trying to keep his cool. "And you need to back off from her, man."
The ex's face contorted into a sneer. "Boyfriend?" he said, his voice dripping with venom. He turns back to her "are fucking kidding me with this shit?...huh? we were just having a little spat and you go and sleep with some biker dickhead..huh? I always thought you were a bit of a whore but really? I give you your space and you treat me like this?.." With every word the ex steps closer to her, she steps back as best she can away from him until she's against the building.
"w-we broke up. You kept cheating on me so I ended it. Its been 5 months...please just leave" she says shaking.
The ex lets out a scoff as he continues his advancement on her, he's just a few steps from her now. Kozik doesn't like the look on her face and steps between the two of them putting himself in front of her. "Back off man, I'm not going to tell you again." Kozik's tone is firm as he shoves him.
The ex stumbles back, a look of anger and disbelief on his face. "Who do you think you are, you biker trash?! You think you can come here and take my girl? She's mine!"
Kozik stands his ground, not backing down. "She's not your girl anymore, she's mine and she asked you to leave, so do it."
The ex takes a step forward, his hands balling into fists, "Or what, you're going to kick my ass? I'd like to see you try biker boy"
Kozik keeps his cool, staring the ex down. "I don't want to fight you man, but I will if you don't leave. She doesn't want you here."
Kozik looks over his shoulder at his girlfriend she looks terrified.
His voice softens, "Go inside love, i'll be in after" he says not wanting her nearby should things get violent.
She shakes her head softly glancing between them "n-no...please I don't want you to get hurt"
"I'll be fine baby please go inside" he pleads with her and she relents slowly walking around, the ex hurling insults at her as she goes when she goes to move past him he lunges forward grabbing her wrist causing her to scream.
The moment he touches her Kozik tackles him to the ground. He was caught off guard as Kozik takes him down. The Ex landed hard on the gravel, his back hitting the ground with an "oof". He tried to get up but Kozik was already on top of him, pinning him down.
"YOU DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER!" He screams in his face. The Ex tries to struggle against Kozik's hold, but it's no use. Kozik's grip is tight and strong.
"Get off me!" the Ex snarls, but Kozik just presses down harder, his face inches away from the Ex's. The ex turns his head to the girlfriend "you fucking see what you've done huh? You little whor-" Kozik doesn't let him finish punching him in the jaw.
The ex let out a groan as Kozik punched him. His head slumped back into the gravel, reeling from the impact.
"You bastard!" he groaned, but Kozik didn't let up. He leaned forward, his face just inches away from the Ex's.
"You listen to me and you listen well," Kozik growls. "You're going to leave her alone. You're not going to speak to her, you're not going to call her names, and you're sure as hell not going to touch her again. Do. You. Understand?"
The Ex nods, his expression a mix of anger and fear. Kozik lets go of him and stands, taking a step back. The Ex sits up, his jaw sore, and glares up at her.
Kozik blocks his view standing in front of his trembling girlfriend.
The Ex gets to his feet, his hand rubbing his bruised jaw. "You think this is over?" he spits.
"It's over when she says it's over," Kozik replies, his voice hard and determined. "And she's already made it clear she doesn't want anything to do with you."
The Ex opens his mouth to reply but stops himself, his eyes darting between Kozik and his girlfriend. He clearly wants to say more, but he knows he's out matched.
"You're done here," Kozik says firmly. "So do yourself a favor and save yourself the beating and leave. Don't come back." Kozik stares him down, daring him to do something after a long while the ex stalks off back to his car across the street.
Kozik stays in a protective stance in front of her until the car disappears around the corner.
The moment he is out of sight he turn back to her. She's shaking, her eyes wide and tear-streaked. Kozik gently cups her face with his large, calloused hands, his expression softening.
"Baby, it's okay," he says soothingly. "He's gone. I'm here. You're safe now."
Kozik wraps his arms around her, holding her tight against him. He rubs soothing circles on her back, trying to calm her down.
"Shhh, it's alright love," he murmurs into her hair. "I got you. I got you."
They stand like that for a few moments, her clinging to him like a lifeline, him holding her close and protective. Finally, she pulls back a bit, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. Kozik brushes the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs, his touch gentle and caring. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, alright?"
Tig Trager
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Tig was at her place when the doorbell rang. Tig, being the gentleman he is, answered it for her.
"May I help you, ma'am?" Tig inquired to the older woman waiting outside.
The old woman glares at him, her eyes narrowing as she looks him up and down. “You’re making too much noise! Always driving that loud motorcycle, playing music late at night. It’s completely disrespectful!”
Hearing the womans shrill voice his girlfriend comes up behind him knowing he has a short fuse with these kinds of things. "I'm sorry, we'll try to keep it down from now on" she says not wanting to cause any issues with her neighbour.
The old woman huffs, clearly not satisfied with the response. “You young people have no respect these days. In my day, we knew how to behave properly. But I guess your generation doesn’t care about how your actions affect others, do you?”
Tig’s temper is reaching its boiling point, but he manages to keep his cool for now. "Respect goes both ways, lady," he says, his tone cold and calculated. "We’ve been keeping the noise down as much as we can. Maybe you should try investing in some earplugs or something."
The old woman looks affronted by Tig’s response. “How dare you speak to me like that! I have lived here for years before she even considered buying that house, and I will not be disrespected by some biker thug!”
Tig’s temper ignites at her words. “Biker thug? You call me a thug?” he scoffs, his voice rising in anger. “I was a Marine. I fought for this country. What have you done besides sit in your rocking chair and complain?“
The old woman looks taken aback by his words, her eyes narrowing further. “I don’t care what you’ve done. You’re still making too much noise and disturbing the peace. Maybe she should consider moving if you can’t handle living in a civilized neighborhood.”
Tig’s fists clench at his sides as he struggles to keep his composure. "Civilized neighborhood? You call this place civilized when all you do is nag and complain? Maybe you should learn to mind your own damn business and stop worrying about how loud we are."
"You watch your tone, young man! I have the right to live in peace and quiet, and I will not let some criminal with a bad attitude tell me otherwise." The old lady’s eyes flash with anger.
Tig is on the verge of losing his temper completely. "Criminal? I’m not a criminal," he says through gritted teeth. "And you don’t have the right to tell her what she can do in her own home. We’ll keep the noise down as much as we can, but we won’t be silenced just because you don’t like how we live."
The old woman huffs again, clearly not satisfied with Tig’s response. "I’ll be watching you. One more loud noise and I’ll call the police and repor-."
Tig doesn't let her finish and just slams the door in her face mumbling under his breath "Damn old lady." He huffs, turning to face his girlfriend. "Can’t she mind her own damn business? People these days, I swear. I bet shes just all pissy cause she ain't getting any... do you think Piney would take one for the team?" he asks jokingly pulling a giggle from her. "But seriously," he continues, his expression turning serious. "Don’t let her give you any grief....but you know you would have any issues if you just live with me....we can be as loud as we want there." He says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively putting his hands on her hips.
"I know, I know," she says, giggling again as she rolls her eyes at his antics. "And as tempting as that offer is... Its a little too soon for us baby...besides I dont think you can handle all this every day...do you think you could keep up old man." she says, running her hand over his chest.
He chuckles, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, I can definitely handle it baby doll." He says, his hands moving up her sides. "I can keep up just fine. In fact, I could probably wear you out before you could wear me out." He grins, pulling her closer to him.
"Wanna prove it, Trager?" She challenges peering up at him through her lashes.
A sly smirk spreads across his face as he eyes her up and down, taking in her seductive curves. "You bet your sweet ass I do," he growls, his hand moving to her hip, pulling her flush against his body. He cups her chin, lifting her face up to meet his gaze. His eyes darken with desire as he leans down to her ear, his breath hot on her skin. "You're playing with fire, darlin'," he whispers, his voice low and rough. His arms snake around her waist, pulling her closer still. His hands wander down to her ass, giving a firm squeeze. "You sure you can handle it?"
She gasps softly as he touches her, her body responding to his touch. "I can handle anything you throw at me, Trager," she whispers back, her eyes locking with his.
"Is that so?" He grins, nipping at her ear. "We'll see about that."
He scoops her up into his arms, holding her against his chest with ease. He strides over to the couch, setting her down on it before crawling over her, his body covering hers. He takes her wrists in his hands, pinning them above her head. He gazes down at her, his eyes filled with hunger and desire. "You still think you can handle it, doll?" She shivers as he holds her pinned beneath him, his body pressed against hers. She can feel his heat, his strength, the hardness of his muscles.
She meets his gaze boldly, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, I know I can handle it. But can you handle me, old man?"
He chuckles moving his lips hovering over hers but a loud knocking comes from the door once more causing them both to groan
"I CAN STILL HEAR YOU" The voice of the woman breaks through ruining the moment.
Tig growls in frustration, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Damn it," he mutters. He sits back on his heels, running a hand through his hair "Let's just ignore her hmm? she has to leave eventually"
She sighs "Tiggy, baby, we are not having sex in earshot of that woman total mood killer"
He sighs heavily "I could kill her if you want.. I'm sure no one would miss the old hag" he offers only half joking.
She swats his chest laughing "Don't you dare, she'll end up haunting me forever" she pouts.
Tig laughs, amused by her playful swat. "Okay, no killing the old bat," he agrees reluctantly holding his hands up.
"But seriously, how do we shut her up? You deserve to be able to make as much noise as you want in here without being hassled by some nosy neighbor."
She pauses, thinking for a moment. "I don't know... maybe I could talk to her again and try to reason with her. Or we could get some soundproofing for the walls."
He frowns thinking for a moment "...or you could just move in with me...you could sell this place or rent it out...I have a spare room you could turn into your own space if you want...I dont think it's too soon" he asks again completely sincere.
She looks at him, surprised by his proposal. "Move in with you? But... are you sure? I mean, it's a big step."
She can see the sincerity in his eyes, and a part of her is intrigued by the idea. Living with Tig would certainly be different than living alone, but the thought of waking up next to him every morning is pretty appealing...
"I'm sure," he says firmly. "I want you closer to me, and it would solve the nosy neighbor problem. Plus, I could keep you safe easier."
He reaches out and gently tucks a strand of her hair out of her face. "Besides, I like the thought of waking up with you every morning."
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Chibs and his girl were at the mall, walking up to the escalator hand in hand. While going up, Chibs' sharp eyes caught sight of something unpleasant. He saw a man standing a step bellow them discreetly aiming his phone under his girl's dress, attempting to take a picture.
Without skipping a beat, Chibs snatches the phone out of his hand. He holds it firmly, staring the man down. The creep froze, realizing he'd been caught, his eyes darting around nervously.
Chibs' grip on the phone tightened. He glanced at his girl who was visibly uncomfortable and quickly caught onto the situation, her cheeks flushing with anger.
"Ye thought ye could just take pictures of my girl without being seen, eh? Not on my watch," Chibs growled, his voice low and dangerous.
He opens the phone Chibs flicks through the images on the man's phone, each one more sickening than the last. His anger mounts as he realizes this creep has been a repeat offender, taking pictures of alot of unsuspecting women at the mall.
His jaw clenches tightly as his eyes narrow on the man, his voice dropping dangerously low. "Ye got quite the habit, don't ye? Takin' pictures up lassies' skirts without their knowledge," he seethes.
He hands the phone to his girl, making sure she sees the evidence. She looks at the pictures, her expression a mix of disgust and anger.
"I'll take care of this, don't ye worry," Chibs reassures her, turning his undivided attention back to the guy. His voice is firm and commanding, "Ye've got some explainin' to do, laddie. What's yer name?"
But they've reached the top now the man quickly trys to scramble past wanting to get away. Despite the man's attempt to flee, Chibs' reflexes are lightning fast. Before the guy can take 2 steps away, Chibs seizes him by the collar, yanking him firmly back.
"Nah, ye ain't goin' anywhere," Chibs hisses, his grip like iron, effectively boxing him in.
A small group has gathered around seeing the commotion his girlfriend quickly explains what's going on with a shaky voice so they don't get the wrong idea about what Chibs was doing handing the phone to a dad wearing dog tags with his two teen daughters so he can see for himself. The dad looks at the phone, his expression hardening as he sees the pictures. He passes the phone to one of the older girls, who also peeks at the images. She gasps, her hand flying to her mouth.
"Oh my God," she whispers.
The crowd surrounding them grows, with murmurs of disgust and outrage. Chibs holds the man firmly, his eyes scanning the gathering crowd.
The dad and few other men from the crowd help him hold the man down on the ground, none of them caring if they hurt him or not.
The man squirms in the grip of Chibs and the other men, but it's useless against their combined strength. Chibs holds him tight, his eyes narrowing angrily.
"Nuh-uh, laddie. Ye ain't gettin' away from this," he growls.
One guy in the crowd heads off to fetch mall security, and they arrive within a few minutes, taking the situation in.
The security guard approaches Chibs and the rest of the men holding the man prisoner. "What's going on here?" he asks, a sense of authority in his voice.
"This creep was takin' pictures up my girl's skirt on the escalator," Chibs explains, his voice a dangerous rumble.The security guard's eyes widen slightly as he nods in understanding, he then turns to address the man. "Is this true?"
"I... um... I...," the man stutters, his protests falling flat under the intense gazes of Chibs and the others.
"Save yer excuses, laddie," Chibs interrupts, his tone firm. "We all know what ye were doin'. There's the proof, right in yer damn phone."
The security guard nods, taking the phone from from her to have a look. His expression hardens as he goes through the images. The man's face is a mask of shame and fear as he's cornered.
"Alright, we'll be taking him into custody, and call the police" the security guard says to the crowd around them. "You can all return to your day now."
The people gradually disperse, the thrill of the spectacle wearing off. Chibs nods at the security guard. "Make sure he pays the price for what he's done," he adds, his voice hard and unforgiving.The man is taken away by the security guard, struggling but ultimately unable to escape.
Chibs turns to his girlfriend who still looks shaken. He puts his arm around her, pulling her close.
"Are ye alright, love?" he asks gently, his voice softer now the immediate threat is gone."I... I think so," she says quietly, her hand clinging to his. "I just can't believe someone would actually do that."
Chibs tightens his grip on her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Aye, it's sick. But ye don's have to worry about him no more. He's goin' to get just what he deserves."
Chibs gently kisses the side of her head, his lips lingering against her hair. He draws her closer to him, his strong arms wrapping around her protectively.
"I'm sorry ye had to go through all that, lass," he murmurs, his voice soothing. "Don't worry, I'm here for ye."
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261 notes · View notes
mysticalmallard · 2 months
♥︎ Spending the night for the first time ♥︎
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SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
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🦆: This is a new thing I'm trying, group drabbles, so I can write for more characters at once with the same scenario to challenge myself to make each drabble unique from the others....let me know if you want more like this and what scenario you want next ♥︎
♡ This one includes: Tig Trager, Herman Kozik, Jax Teller, Opie Winston, Chibs Telford, Juice Ortiz, Happy Lowman ♡
-> MainMasterlist <- ♡ -> SoA Masterlist <-
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Tig Trager
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He yawns as he looks at the clock on the wall, noticing the time.
"Damn, it's late. You can take the bed, darlin'. I'll just crash on the couch."
He heads over to the couch and falls, landing on his back. He kicks his legs back and forth dramatically, getting comfortable.
"You don't have to do that Tiggy, is your bed not big enough for two?" She giggles
He smiles and sighs.
"Oh no, it is. I just didn't want you to feel awkward or nothin'. But if you don't mind sharing the bed, I don't mind at all."
He stands and walks into the bedroom, flopping down on the bed.
"But I do wanna warn you. Snorings a huge problem of mine."
He grins, looking up at her.
"And I'm a bit of a cuddler, too."
she laughs, joining him in bed
Tig lays down, pulling her to him. He sighs, resting his chin on top of her head.
Herman Kozik
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Koziks girlfriend was spending the night at his place for the first time, and she was both excited and nervous. As she got ready for bed, she couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious in just a oversized T-shirt and panties. "Do I look okay like this?" she asked Kozi, who was already in bed.
Kozi looked up from his phone and smiled warmly. "You look perfect," he reassured her. "I like seeing you in my clothes." He patted the bed next to him. "C'mere."
She smiled back and climbed into bed next to him, snuggling up against his side. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
"Relax," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You being here is all I care about."
Kozik chuckled and gave her a playful nudge. "You're so tense. What are you worried about? we've shared a bed before and you know i don't bite... unless you ask me to." His eyes glinted with mischief as he gave her a wink.
She laughed, some of the tension in her body easing at his joke. "I don't know," she admitted, pressing her face into his shoulder. "I guess I just want everything to be perfect. I don't want to mess this up."
Kozi's expression softened. He stroked her hair gently and said, "Hey, there's no such thing as perfect. And you're not gonna mess anything up. I want you here with me, that's all. Just be yourself, and we'll figure it out together, okay?"
Jax Teller
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Jax had been seeing his new girlfriend for a few weeks now, and he was falling for her hard. But he was a man who was used to living a certain way, and he knew that spending the night together would change things.
He had a rule - he never let women stay over. But he wanted her to, this time.
He watched her as she got ready to leave, his eyes roaming appreciatively over her body. She looked so beautiful, her hair down and cascading down her back, but there was something deeper than just physical desire.
As she looked up at him, he saw a vulnerability in her expression that tugged at his heartstrings. He wanted to have her close, to protect her, to wake up with her in his arms.
"Stay tonight. Stay with me." His voice was soft and low, the words coming out more like a plea than a demand. Jax knew he was taking a chance by breaking his own rule, but it felt right. The connection he had with her was different from anything he'd ever experienced before.
She looked slightly taken aback by his suggestion. She hadn't expected him to ask her to stay, but now that he had, she found herself contemplating the idea. Staying the night seemed like a big step, a move that would bring them closer together. She knew that if she agreed, things would never be the same between them.
She looked back and forth between his eyes, her expression a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. She had never seen this more vulnerable side of Jax before. For a long moment, it seemed like she was contemplating what to do.
Then, slowly, she nodded her head, her mouth curving up into a small smile. "Okay. I'll stay."
Opie Winston
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Opie had never been one for emotional attachments they just didn't seem like a good investment anymore. But then she walked into his life. He hadn't been expecting it, but he found himself drawn to her, the way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she carried herself.
And now, after weeks of dating, he felt something shift. He found himself wanting her to stay the night. It was a big step for him. It would be the first time sleeping next to someone since Donna.
He nervously cleared his throat, looking down at his hands as he spoke. "So, I know we've been dating for a while now, and things are going pretty well, right? And I was thinking... well, I don't know, maybe you could stay the night? Tonight?"
The words came out more like a question than a statement, and he didn't look up to meet her eye. He was feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable, and he didn't know how she would react.
The silence that hung in the air between them felt like an eternity, and Opie couldn't bear to look up. He braced himself for rejection, ready to laugh it off and brush it off as a joke. But just as he was about to speak, he heard her voice.
"I'd like that."
The words were simple, but they were like a breath of fresh air to him. He looked up, surprise written on his face, as if he hadn't really expected her to say yes. But there she was, smiling at him, her eyes warm and gentle.
"Really?" he asked, still a hint of disbelief in his tone. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling a mix of relief and excitement wash over him.
"Yeah." She confirmed with a laugh. "I'd love to spend the night here with you. I just wasn't sure if you were ready for something like that."
Opie exhaled a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "To be honest, I wasn't sure either," he admitted with a sheepish grin.
He reached out and took her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. "But i'm ready now. I want you to stay. I want to wake up next to you."
Chibs Telford
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The evening had drawn to a close and it was well after midnight. Chibs was sat on his couch with his lass, wrapped in his arms and cuddled under a blanket, the two of them watching a random movie on TV. Chibs was slowly tracing patterns on her hip with his thumb as they both stared at the screen in front of them.
“Ye staying over tonight?” He asks in a low voice, glancing down at her.
“Yeah, if that’s alright with you.” She responds, tilting her head up to look into his eyes.
Chibs smiles and nods, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Absolutely.” He says, shifting to pull her tighter against his chest. “That’s fine with me.”
The movie continued on, though Chibs was more focused on his girlfriend than the plot unfolding in front of them. Every now and then, he’d place a soft kiss on her forehead or the top of her head and rub small circles on her hip.
Once the movie finally came to an end, he grabbed for the remote and shut off the TV before shifting to look down at her again. “Ready for bed, darlin’?” He asks in a low voice.
Chibs chuckles softly under his breath as he looks down at her already fast asleep, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He reaches out to brush a few strands of hair out of her face before carefully maneuvering around her to pick her up in his arms bridal style.
She stirs slightly, burying her face into his chest and wrapping her arm around his neck. He carries her towards his bedroom, kicking the door open with his foot and entering the room. He sets her down on the bed carefully before going around to the other side to lay down next to her.
Chibs wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her closer towards him, her back pressing against his chest. He nuzzles his face into her hair, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.
As he pulls the covers up over them, he can’t help but think about how nice it was to have her there with him. It had been a while since he’d had a woman spend the night with him and he found himself getting comfortable with the idea. He places a soft kiss on the top of her head before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep with her in his arms.
Juice Ortiz
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Juice laid in bed, shirtless with his boxers on. Rubbing his eyes he looked over at his phone and read the time, 10:46pm. He heard the water running in bathroom, he knew his girlfriend was taking a shower.
He groaned and tossed his phone down on the bed, he laid there staring at the ceiling patiently waiting for her to come out the bathroom.
The water finally turned off, he turned to glance at the bathroom door. He heard her humming. He rolled on his back and groaned impatiently. After 10 more minutes of waiting she came out the bathroom, with her hair in a towel already dressed Juice frowned realising he wanted her to stay.
"What are you doing?" Juice mumbled, she glanced over at him smiling. "Getting ready to go home." She stated.
Juice grabbed her wrist and tugged her back down towards him. "Stay." He mumbled with a pout.
"I can't, i have work in the morning" she pouted back, but Juice tugged her until her back was against his chest and his arm was wrapped around her waist.
"Stay the night." He mumbled into her ear.
"Juice" she whined.
"Just this once?" Juice pleaded.
She was about to protest again but his pout and puppy dog eyes made her melt. "Fine" she mumbled, rolling her eyes and juice smirked.
He kissed her shoulder and tightened his grip on her waist. "Good." He mumbled into her skin. He shifted them so they were both laying down and he was spooning her.
"Juice, you got to let me up so I can change again. I'm not sleeping in jeans," she laughs.
Juice groaned and tightened his grip. "No, stay like this." He mumbled, and she laughed some more.
"Come on, I'll be quick." She said while trying to move. Juice gripped her hips and pulled her back to his chest, wrapping his arms around her torso.
Juice buried his face in the back of her neck, inhaling her scent. He kissed a few spots and then planted one final kiss on her shoulder before mumbling against her skin. "You're not going anywhere."
Happy Lowman
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Happy was in his apartment on the couch waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. It was the first time she was staying overnight, and he had spent the evening tidying the place up and making sure everything was perfect.
As the clock ticked on as he sat in silence watching it, there was a knock on the door. Happy jumped up from the couch and went to answer it. Standing on the porch was his girlfriend, drenched from the rain.
"Hey Hap, thanks again for letting me crash here I didn't wanna deal with my roommates drama tonight" she says backpack on her damp sholder.
Happy grins, admiring her wet appearance before pulling her inside and closing the door behind her. "It's no problem. I'm glad you're here."
She shivers, and he wraps his arms around her, drawing her close to him."Cold?" he asks, rubbing his hands up and down her back.
She nods, leaning into him, her body still shivering. "Freezing."
Happy smirks and leads her further into the apartment, towards the bedroom. "Let's get you out of these wet clothes then."
They enter his bedroom and he reaches out to unzip her jacket, his hands skimming over her curves as he helps her out of it. Her shirt is next, and he pulls it off over her head, exposing her bare skin to his gaze.
He tosses her one of his shirts from his draws as she pulls her jeans off. She slips the large shirt over her head and onto her body, the soft material falling down to cover her thighs.
He watches her admiringly, his eyes tracing over her figure. "You look better in my shirt than I do," he says with a smirk.
She smiles and rolls her eyes as she playfully swats at him. "Shut up."
He chuckles and pulls her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist. "I mean it, you look good in anything - or nothing."
"Come on we agreed, no more fun stuff until we figure us out" she pouts looking up at him.
Happy sighs and rests his forehead against hers, knowing she's right. "Fine, no fun stuff. But that rule doesn't stop me from being able to admire you." He runs his fingers through her damp hair, his touch gentle as his hands trail down her neck and settle at her hips. He pulls her closer against him, their bodies pressing together.
"I'm still gonna enjoy having you here though," he murmurs, his voice low and gravelly as he pulls her towards the bed.
They crawl into bed together, under the covers. He wraps himself around her, his strong arms enclosing her in a protective embrace. She snuggles into his chest, feeling warm and safe in his arms.
"Mmm, this is nice," she sighs, her breath fanning across his skin.
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188 notes · View notes
mysticalmallard · 2 months
Jealousy and Violence
Description: The party is in full swing when she arrives with her roommate. The night ends with Opie pissed and looking for violence.
Word Count: 3,035
Warnings: normal SoA warnings, and mentions of attempted SA nothing graphic or detailed
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016
♥︎ If you wish to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 •
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Opie stands near the entrance of the clubhouse, his mind a swarm of different emotions. He's nervous, excited, and a bit worried about how the night is going to go.
As he waits he sees a car pull up, and his heart skips a beat as he sees Jessica stepping out. His excitement quickly turns to a wave of disappointment as he notices she has a guy with her.
He watches as she talks to the guy, clearly having a conversation with him. Opie scowls at the sight of them together, the guy's hand on her shoulder. He can't hear what they're saying, but the sight of Jessica with another man bothers him more than he cares to admit.
He clenches his fists as they make his way over to him, feeling a pang of jealousy. He's already mentally preparing himself to play nice, even if he's less than thrilled about this new development.
As they approach, Opie tries to school his expression into something more neutral. He gives them a fake smile, his eyes lingering on the guy's hand still on her shoulder.
"Hey, you made it," he greets them casually, stuffing his hands into his pockets to hide his clenched fists.
Jessica smiles back at him, oblivious to his inner turmoil. "Yeah, we almost got lost trying to find this place," she says with a laugh, gesturing at the guy beside her. The tall, muscular guy standing next to her smiles as well, his eyes running over Opie.
"Yeah, it's a bit tucked away," Opie mutters, his gaze flitting between the guy and Jessica. "So this is your roommate?" he asks her, trying to sound nonchalant. In the back of his mind, he can't quell the flicker of jealousy.
"Yeah, this is Michael," Jessica introduces them, gesturing at the guy standing beside her.
The guy gives Opie a friendly smile, extending his hand. "Hey, nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you."
Opie eyes the guy warily, taking his hand in a firm handshake. "Yeah, same here," he mutters, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice. He glances at Jessica, hoping she hasn’t noticed his unfriendly demeanor.
Jessica, being her sweet self, doesn't seem to pick up on the tension. She smiles at both of them, oblivious to the undercurrents.
"C'mon, let's head inside," Opie suggests, trying to break the awkward tension. "It's a bit rowdy inside, but it'll be fun." he mutters, holding the door open for them.
"Good, this one could really use a drink, with the day she had" Michael sighed, walking Jessica inside.
Opie raises an eyebrow at Michael's comment. "A bad day, huh?" he asks, trying not to sound too eager for details. He follows them inside, his mind still fixated on the fact that she has a guy with her.
Jessica groans, her shoulders dropping. "Ugh, yeah. The places I went didn't have any positions available, and the interview I had this afternoon..." She pauses, shaking her head. "Ugh, total disaster...but i dont wanna talk about all that right now" she sighs waving her hand dismissively.
The mention of the interview piques Opie's interest. He glances at her, intrigued. "What happened at the interview?" he asks, genuine concern in his voice.
Michael grumbles upset beside her at Opies question. She lightly swats him to shut him up "..I'd really rather not talk about it" she answers Opie while giving Michael a look.
Opie's curiosity is heightened by her vague response. He can tell there's more to the story, and he wants to know what happened. But he can also see that she's not keen on discussing it further, and he doesn't want to push her.
He shoots a curious glance at Michael, wondering what he knows that he doesn't.Micheal makes another disapproving noise making Jessica glare at him.
"Welp...since I'm not wanted in conversation here I'm gonna head to the pool table...I just got paid and I'm feeling lucky" Michael mutters ruffling Jessica's head, messing up her hair and making her swat at him again laughing.
"Hey, not the hair!" she protests, trying to fix her messy hair. Opie watches their playful interaction with a mix of emotions. He can't help but feel slightly annoyed, noticing the ease and familiarity between the two.
Michael chuckles at her protest, his hand moving to ruffle her hair once more. Opie clenches his jaw, having to forcibly resist the urge to pull her away from him. He's never felt this possessive over anyone before and it's unnerving.
Michael heads off towards the pool table, leaving Opie and Jessica alone. Opie glances at her, watching her smooth down her hair. "You two seem close" he says, unable to keep the hint of jealousy out of his voice.
Jessica finishes fixing her hair, oblivious to the edge in Opie’s voice. "Yeah, Michael’s my best friend," she replies with a fond smile that causes a pang in Opie’s chest.
"Best friend, huh?" Opie mutters, the word feeling bitter on his tongue. He knows he's being ridiculous. Jealous over a simple friendship. But he can't help the feeling of resentment towards this Michael guy.
Jessica hums thoughtfully "Yeah, he and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember, basically grew up together" she replies not seeing why he's so interested.
She glances at him, noticing his scowl. "What’s with that face?"
Opie realizes he's scowling and quickly changes his expression. "Nothing," he grunts, not wanting to admit the truth. He knows he has no right to feel this protective over her, but he can't shake off the jealousy.
Jessica doesn't buy it, but she doesn't press him. Instead, she glances around the room, her eyes resting on the dancing people and the crowd. "Is it always like this?" she asks, watching the chaos.
Opie follows her gaze, taking in the rowdy atmosphere of the party. "Yeah, pretty much," he mutters, "This is a regular SAMCRO party. Things can get a little wild."
She hums as she takes in her surroundings, her eyes still scanning the room.
Opie watches her, studying her face. He wonders what she's thinking, if she's enjoying this chaos or if she's overwhelmed. He hesitates for a moment before finally speaking. "You, uh, want something to drink?" he asks, shoving his hands into his pockets awkwardly.
Jessica nods, her eyes finally focusing back on him. "Yeah, I could use a drink," she replies. "Nothing strong though...I guess im driving tonight." she says gesturing over to Michael taking multiple shots surrounded by a crowd of people cheering feeling quite comfortable in his surroundings.
Opie nods in understanding, his eyes flickering to Michael and the crowd around him. He feels another pang of jealousy, seeing the ease with which the man is fitting in. He swallows it back though, focusing on Jessica. "Alright, I'll get you something light." he says, leading her over to the bar.
The bar is packed with bikers and women, and they have to squeeze their way through the crowd. Opie keeps his hand on the small of Jessica's back, guiding her through the crowd of people. He can feel the heat from her body, and he has to resist the urge to pull her closer.
When they got to the bar he place an arm either side next to her on the bar, effectively creating a cage around stopping anyone from bumping into her while also not touching her himself.
The closeness of her body, the way she fits perfectly in the space he’s made for her, it’s almost too much for him. He can smell her perfume, a light floral scent, and it’s taking all his willpower not to bury his face into her hair.
He signals to the bartender, a pretty brunette in a tight top, who looks like part of the “entertainment” that Jax arranged earlier. The bartender gives him a sultry smile, her eyes lingering on him for a moment longer than necessary. Opie grits his teeth, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze, but he pushes it aside and orders two beers.
The bartender turns to look at Jessica, giving her a not so subtle once-over. Opie bristles at the way the woman glances at Jessica, taking in her pretty face and flattering outfit. He can see the bartender mentally comparing herself to Jessica and finding herself lacking.
The bartender hands them their beers, her gaze flickering back to Opie. She leans over closer to him, showing an ample amount of cleavage. "If you need anything else, you let me know, okay?" she purrs, her voice dripping with suggestive undertones.
Opie thanks the bartender, gritting his teeth at her blatant flirting. He can feel Jessica tense up in front of him. He quickly grabs the beers, steering Jessica away from the bar.
They find a small table in a quieter corner and sit down. The music is still loud, but they can at least hear each other talk. Opie watches as Jessica takes a sip of her beer. Her fingers around the glass are slender and delicate, and for a moment he imagines what they would feel like on his skin. He chases away the thought and takes a gulp of his own beer.
The silence between them is awkward. Opie doesn't know what to say. He's not a conversationalist on a normal day, and right now he's too busy trying to keep his jealousy in check.
Jessica breaks the silence. "So...how long have you been part of the club?" she asks, taking another sip of her beer.
Opie shrugs, fiddling with the label on his beer bottle. "Since high school. Jax and I have been friends forever. Both of our dads were founding members, so i guess we always have been apart of it in some way....we became prospects at the same time." He glances at Jessica, noting the curiosity on her face.
She hums in understanding, her gaze drifting over the room before returning to Opie. "So, it's like a family thing then?" she inquires, genuinely interested. Despite the noisy and rowdy atmosphere, Opie feels himself relaxing a bit, his shoulders untensing.
"Yeah, you could say that," he replies, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile. "It's more than just a club. It's our brotherhood. Each and every member looks out for one another. It's...it's hard to explain." He takes another sip of his beer, watching her intently.
The hours fly by as they talk. Opie finds himself opening up more than he usually does. There's something about Jessica that makes it easy to talk to her, she listens intently and doesn't judge, offering advice and witty comments that make him chuckle. It's easy, comfortable and Opie finds himself growing more fond of her with each passing minute.
The longer they talk, the more Opie forgets about the party happening around them. The chaos, the music, the shouting, even the other members fade into the background. He's too fixated on her, her smile, her laugh, the way she tilts her head to the side when she's listening. He's drawn to her in a way he's never experienced before.
The two of them are in a comfortable bubble, immersed in conversation, when suddenly they are interrupted by Michael stumbling back to the table, swaying slightly. He slings an arm around Jessica's shoulders and grins at Opie.
"There you are!" he exclaims, his voice slightly slurred. His face is rosy, and he's obviously had a few drinks. He grins at Opie, then turns to Jessica. "I've been looking all over for you, Jessssiee...do you still feel upset that the guy tried to make you blow him for a job??."
Jessica's face flushes with embarrassment, her expression immediately going from relaxed to mortified in seconds. She shoves at Michael's chest, trying to push him away. "Michael!!" she hisses in a voice between a whisper and a yell, "Shut up!!"
Michael cackles, clearly enjoying himself. He turns to Opie and leers, a dopey grin plastered on his face. "Yeah, she was not happy about that, man...not at all."
Opie's eyes narrow at Michael's words. "What the hell are you going on about, man?" he snaps, feeling his irritation rising.
"Ignore him...It's nothing really, just a sleezy guy at the job interview I had" Jessica says, shrugging, pulling out a bottle of water from her purse handing it to Michael.
The mention of a sleazy guy makes Opie's blood boil a bit. He clenches his jaw, his protective instincts kicking in. "What do you mean 'sleazy'? What the hell did he do?" he asks, fixing his gaze on Jessica, his eyes suddenly intense.
Jessica avoids Opie's gaze, busying herself by fussing with the hem of her top. "He just made some inappropriate comments, that's all" she replies, her voice nonchalant.
Michael scoffs, opening the water bottle and chugging it. "Yeah right he told you that you would only get the job if you blew him then he tried to stop you from leaving....that's a little more than inappropriate Jessie" Michael pouts up at her still pissed that she wouldn't let him do anything about it when he first found out.
Opie feels a surge of anger at Michael's words. Someone had made a pass at her, tried to manipulate her into something like that? He feels a possessive need to protect her, to make sure no one ever puts her in that position again. "Who the hell was this guy?" he growls, his voice dangerously low.
Michael shrugs "she wouldn't tell me who but I know the bar....Real dodgy looking shack on the outside of Charming heading north.." Michael mumbles ignoring the look Jessica was giving him.
Opie absorbs the information, immediately recognizing the bar Michael is talking about. He's been there before, on club business, and it's definitely a seedy place. Thinking about Jessica being in that environment, being propositioned like that, makes his blood boil.
"I know that place," he mutters, still clenched jaw. He turns his gaze back to Jessica, his expression stormy. "You're not going back there, understood?" he says firmly. It's not a request.
Opie marches away from the table, his mind churning. He spots a group of members near the pool table and heads over to them. They greet him with nods and smiles, but he's not interested in pleasantries right now. "Jax, need to talk to you," he says gruffly, his tone making it clear it's important. Jax, sensing the seriousness in Opie's voice, straightens up. "What's up, brother?" he asks.
Opie leans in, his voice low so only Jax can hear. "Jessica had an incident at a bar downtown," he starts, "Some sleazeball tried to make her blow him for a job and would let her leave."
Jax's brows furrow, his protective instincts kicking in as well. "Who was it?" he asks, already starting to feel angry for Jessica's sake.
"Don't know yet," Opie replies, frustration seeping into his voice. "But we're gonna find out....do you think some of the guys are sober enough for some shit kicking?"
Jax chuckles at that, a dangerous smile forming on his face. "Oh, there's at least a few of us left who can still walk without stumbling over our own two feet." He glances around the room, sizing up a few of the other members who seemed relatively sober.
Jax grins, slapping Opie on the shoulder. He turns to the other members, yelling for their attention. "Hey, we got a situation needs taking care of, who's sober enough to ride?"
A few of the members perk up at that, the excitement of a possible confrontation overriding their inebriation. They stumble over to Jax and Opie, some more steadier on their feet than others.
"Alright," Jax barks, "We gotta go teach some bastard a lesson about treating women with respect. You in?"
The members nod, eager to get on their bikes and cause some damage. They all love a good fight.
"Then let's get moving," Jax says, turning to Opie. "Lead the way, man." Opie nods, already heading for the door.
Jessica watches as they all storm pass her heading outside "Opie...what's going on?" She asks him as he stomps by.
He stops, looking at her for a moment before answering. "stay here I'll be back in awhile," he says bluntly.
His tone is gruff and dismissive, but there's a hint of worry in his eyes. Before she can say anything else, he's out the door, leaving her standing there worried and confused.
As Opie steps out into the night, flanked by Jax and the rest of the MC, his mind is already focused on the task at hand. They mount their bikes, the engines roaring to life. The adrenaline is pumping through their veins, fueling their anger and determination. They know they're about to do something illegal, something that could have consequences, but at this moment they don't care. This is about protecting one of their own, about sending a message to any dirt bag who thinks it's okay to treat women with disrespect.
Jessica walks outside followed by Michael still trying to figure out what is going on.
As they step outside, Opie's eyes immediately catch sight of Jessica and Michael. He curses under his breath, not wanting them to be involved in what he's about to do. He glares at both of them, his eyes hardening.
Her eyes widen as she sees the raw anger etched on his face. She tries to call out to him, but the roar of the motorcycles drowns out her voice.
Michael has a neutral look on his face. He understands whats happening and why. he knows its not something the club would stand for.
Glancing from the group of bikers to Jessica he sighs.
"Come on lets go inside and wait for them to come back" he says calmly putting an arm around her to guide her back inside. He looks over his shoulder locking eyes with Opie giving him a short nod.
Opie acknowledges the short nod from Michael with a slight dip of his head. He knows that Michael will look after Jessica while he's gone and it eases his mind a bit.
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
For your Drabble event,
fluff, Happy Lowman and ♥︎ 8. "For some reason, I'm attracted to you."
Thank you for giving your time to do these x
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
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As I sat at the dimly lit bar, I could feel the weight of the world settling on my shoulders. The loud chatter and clinking of glasses did little to ease the tension. Suddenly, a soft voice broke through the noise.
"Excuse me."
I turned to see her standing there, a small smile playing on her lips. She seemed out of place in this rough-around-the-edges crowd.
Her eyes met mine, and I was struck by the warmth in them. It was like a breath of fresh air in a stuffy room.
"Can I join you?" she asked, gesturing to the empty barstool beside me.
I shrugged, trying to maintain my usual demeanor. "Suppose so."
She sat down gracefully, her slender frame contrasting with the worn out stool. We were a study in opposites - me, rough and tough, her soft and delicate.
We sat in silence for awhile , the tension between us undeniable. I tried to focus on my drink, but my eyes kept wandering to her delicate features and the way the light played off her skin.
Finally, she broke the silence. "You don't strike me as the chatty type."
I chuckled. "What makes you say that?"
She smiled, an air of playfulness in her eyes. "Just an observation. You seem like the strong, silent type. Not one for idle chatter. But for some reason, im attracted to you. And i was wondering how much longer we need to sit here in silence before you give me your number?"
I chuckled again, surprised by her forwardness. Most women were intimidated by my size and demeanor, but she seemed unfazed. If anything, she seemed more intrigued.
"Is that right?" I said, trying to maintain my cool. "And why should I give you my number?"
She leaned in a little closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Because I asked nicely. And because i can tell you're intrigued too."
I raised an eyebrow, not denying her statement. I was attracted to her, there was no denying it. But I wasn't one to let a woman take control. "What makes you think I'm intrigued?"
"The way you keep looking at me, for starters." She said, her voice soft but confident. "And the fact that you haven't told me to leave yet."
I couldn't help but laugh at her observation. She had a point. I had been sneaking glances at her since she sat down, unable to keep my eyes off her.
"Maybe I'm just being polite." I teased, a smirk on my face.
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
It’s me again! Can I get one with
♡ 17. "Why would you want to put yourself through something like that?"
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
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It's late out, dark, and yet he can hear her crying. It's quiet, silent, but he can hear it. Soft sniffles and sobs. As he comes to a stop in front of the closed door of his bedroom, he closes his eyes and sighs. He can hear the pain in her sobs, the heartbreak in each sound. He just stands there for a few moments, listening to the sound of her anguish, the sound of her love that's crumbling.
It breaks his heart, but it's all his fault. He's the one who's causing this.He gently pushes open the door and steps into the room. The light from the hall falls upon her face, showing him her red-rimmed eyes staring vacantly at the wall. She's sitting on the edge of the bed, her body shaking from her crying.
Looking at her, his heart clenches. He wants to go to her, to hold her, to wrap her in his arms and soothe her broken heart. But he can’t. He can't touch her. He knows she'd pull away if he did.
He slowly closes the door behind him, plunging the room into darkness. The only light now comes from the full moon outside. He takes a few steps into the room before sitting on the bed a few feet away from her. He can tell she's aware of his presence now. Her body tense, shoulders raised slightly.
"You should go...I'm not good for you, darlin." he sighs out accepting the truth.
He looks at the back of her head, the messy bun still sitting haphazardly on top, strands of hair falling out and framing her face. He wants to reach out, to brush those strands of hair behind her ear and touch her smooth skin. But he doesn't. He's not allowed to touch her right now.
"You're just saying that to get rid of me," she says, her voice softer and quieter than usual, betraying her own pain.
"I-im upset okay, Jax, how could you do that to me? You promised that Tara coming back wouldn't change anything... that I had nothing to worry about"
He knew this was coming. He knew she would question him, knew she would confront him. He just didn't think it would hurt as much as it did. Hearing her voice break, hearing the pain... It cut deeper than he thought possible.
"I know," he murmurs with a nod, his voice heavy with guilt. "I know I said that."
"She left you, she broke your heart and left you without a second thought...and now she's back and you go running to her again?" She says in-between sobs.
"If you didn't want to be with me anymore that's fine I could have handled it, but to go behind my back with HER?" Her voice raises the hurt she feels seeping out. "I just don't understand Jax. Why would you want to put yourself through something like that?"
He winces at her words, the truth in them cutting deep. He runs his hand through his hair, tugging at the strands as he closes his eyes. This is hard for both of them, this conversation, these truths.
"Baby, you know I... Care about you," he says, his voice wavering. It's not enough, he knows it's not. But what else can he say? 'I care about you, but I love her.' How can he hurt her by saying that?
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Hi! Can I request an Opie please? Angst with Prompt 9? Please & thank you! I’d love to see how that plays out.
🦆: This one hurt my soul to write as I only want nothing but happiness for Opie but I did it, I hope you like it.
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
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The argument was over something stupid, one of those petty disagreements that all couples have. But the topic itself didn't matter, it was more about something else that's been bothering her for months.
"You make me feel like I'm not good enough," she says quietly, the hurt clear in her voice.
Opie's expression softens, guilt etched onto his handsome features."That's not true," he says, stepping towards her and gently placing his hands on her hips, trying to pull her closer. "You're amazing. I don't know where this is coming from, babe."
She takes a step back out of his arms "...what about Lyla...and Ida? If I'm good enough for you why did they end up in your bed?"
He hadn't expected her to know about either of them, both casual flings that he had tried to keep a secret.
"...how long have you known?" he asks quietly, his voice carrying a hint of guilt.
"I've known for a while now," she says, trying to keep her voice steady but the hurt and betrayal are evident in her eyes. "It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. Women's intuition, I suppose."
Opie rubs a hand over his face, the guilt weighing heavily on him. He's never felt this kind of shame until this moment. "I don't know what to say..."
He takes a step closer to her, hoping that she can see the sincerity in his eyes. "It didn't mean anything...they didn't mean anything to me."
"They meant nothing?....then why? Why aren't I enough?" She says tears spilling out.
Opie's heart breaks seeing the tears in her eyes, knowing that he's the one that caused them. "It's not that you're not enough, I just...I don't know, the opportunity was there. I guess I wasn't thinking..."
His voice trails off, realizing how that sounds. He reaches out to take her hand. "Please, you have to believe me. Those moments were brief, meaningless, you're the only one that means anything to me."
"You should go...I want you to go"
Opie feels his heart clench and his muscles tense at her words, it's the last thing he wants to hear. "Please, don't do this... we can work it out. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," he pleaded, desperation lacing his voice.
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
‘Cause it’s HIS birthday … 🤭😅
Chibs Telford
3. „ Whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is no! “
Thank you so so much!♥️
🦆: I had a blast writing this for you. I really hope you like it. Sorry you had to wait for ages. Unfortunately, I can't just lock myself away to write and expect the bills be magically paid 😅
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
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⚠️WARNING, this one is a little suggestive, nothing too graphic, but you have been warned MDNI⚠️
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Chibs pulls his bike up in front of her house, he's been away all week on business for the MC, a fact she's not unaware of. He's glad to finally be home, back to where he belongs.... and to be with her.
He strides up the walkway and knocks on the door. After a few moments it opens and there she is, a sight for sore eyes.. "There you are.. You look tired." She says with a sweet smile,.
In a flash Chibs grabs her around the waist and pulls her close to him, a smirk on his lips.
"Missed you." He murmurs, his hands slowly roaming over her body, pulling her against him...
A low rumble in the depths of his throat as his hand grabs a handful of her hair. He tugs on it gently, tilting her head back to look at him, his eyes dark and intense.
"Didn't think I could last much longer without touchin' you..." He leans in, his lips hovering just inches from hers, his breath hot on her skin.
"You have any idea what I've been thinkin' about doin' to you all week..?" He growls, his hands already starting to pull her dress up.
She shudders at the sensation of his calloused hands on her thighs, his touch sending shivers up her spine. He presses her up against the wall, his body trapping her against it, his mouth finding hers in a rough, hungry kiss.
Chibs groans in frustration as the sound of his work phone interrupts their moment. He reluctantly pulls back, his eyes locked on hers. "Stay right there." He orders, his voice gruff as he reluctantly steps away and answers the phone.
"Whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is no!" He snaps into the phone, his eyes still fixed on her.
The muscles in his jaw clench and unclench as he listens, his expression growing increasingly frustrated.
"Seriously? Right now? I'm busy!" He snaps, his hand clenching the phone tightly.
The person on the other end continues to speak, their words seemingly pulling Chibs' attention away.
He listens for a moment longer, his eyes scanning over her body as she leans against the wall, looking every bit as frustrated as he is. He lets out an exasperated sigh and shakes his head. "Fine. Fine. But make it quick." He barks gruffly, ending the call and shoving the phone back in his pocket.
"sorry love"
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
I just read the Opie drabbles you've done and I had to jump back in and request some thing fluffy for him.
♡ 17. "Why would you want to put yourself through something like that?"
Opie Winston and Fluff.
Thank you! 🌟
🦆: Yay! More happy Opie coming right up
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
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As Opie walked into his girlfriend's apartment, he was greeted by the sight of her curled up on the couch, surrounded by a mountain of blankets and pillows. He chuckled and shook his head, amused by her cozy little nest.
He plopped down next to her and immediately, she snuggled into his side, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest. Opie couldn't help but smile as he wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer.
"You look like you could use a little company," he teased, running his fingers through her hair gently. Opie glanced over at the TV and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Ah, a true crime junkie, I see," he said with a chuckle.
As they watched the show, the story of a brutal serial killer played out, with every gruesome detail being presented on screen. Opie couldn't help but feel a ripple of unease pass through him. He had his own fair share of dangerous experiences, but serial killers were a whole different breed.
"How can you watch this stuff? Why would you want to put yourself through something like that?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
His girlfriend let out a sigh and shrugged, still curled up against his side. "I guess I just find it interesting," she said, her voice a little sheepish.
Opie chuckled and shook his head. "I don't know about interesting. More like terrifying," he replied, wrapping his arm around her a little tighter.
"How can I get scared when I have you?" She replies looking up at him.
Opie's heart melted as he looked down at her. Her sparkling eyes and soft smile always had a way of making him feel like a million bucks. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
"I'll always protect you," he said sincerely, his voice gruff and earnest. "But seriously, how can you watch this stuff without having nightmares?"
"Oh, please," she replied with a scoff, rolling her eyes. "I'm tough. I can handle a little true crime."
Opie chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, tough as a marshmallow," he teased, poking her in the side playfully.
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
I would like suggestive with tig, dark, crazy and sexy 😳🥵
🦆: Thankyou for being my first request for this 2 day SoA Drabble request event. I really hope you like it 🩷
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SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016
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As the party goes on, Tig sneaks away with you into the dark empty hallway and pins you against a wall, his body pressing against yours.
He whispers in your ear, "You look so sexy tonight."
He leans in and kisses you deeply, his hands running down your sides. You can feel his body trembling against yours. He's crazy about you, and it shows.
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
Good morning!!! How about another Tiggy drabble!!!!
13. "I'm ready to try again, if you are?"
Thank you!!!
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog
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Tig and his girl lay on the couch. The lights are dim, the TV set is on in the background but neither of them are even remotely pay attention to what is on screen. Tig's hand trails up and over her body.
"I think I'm ready to try again, if you are," he whispered in the night.
she giggles "come on Tiggy be serious, we agreed just friends, We weren't good together."
"Come on, It'll be a night to remember," he said nuzzling to her neck.
She sighs heavily, Tig's hand continuing to trail over her body, now sliding under her shirt, touching her skin causing her to shiver. "I don't think its a good idea, Tiggy" she mumbles feeling herself giving into his advances.
"Your body says something else," he whispered in her ear, his hand now fully underneath her shirt, trailing up and down her stomach.
She let out a barely audible gasp as his hand moved all over her stomach. He gently pulled her shirt off in a fluid motion. "You know you want me." he teased with a smirk.
Her heart was beating out of control now, her chest rising and falling in a way it only did for him. He placed his hand up to her chest feeling her beating heart under his palm.
"Soooo," he said, bringing his lips very close to her ear, "what's it gonna be beautiful?" he whispered with a hint of a smile.
She bit her lip to hold back the gasp that was waiting to come out. She tried to fight back the moan clawing at her throat as he began to kiss her neck.
"God damn it Tiggy," she mumbled as he found her sweet spot on.
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
Hiiii lovey!!💖 Can I get a random with Jax with the words forever, ride and love?? Thank youuu!!!
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Jax and his girlfriend are riding on his motorcycle, the wind in their hair and the adrenaline pounding through their veins.
As they ride through the countryside, Jax's hand finds its way to his girlfriend's, intertwining their fingers. The sun is setting, casting a warm golden glow over everything.
"You and me" he says, looking over his shoulder to meet her gaze his eyes filled with love.
"Ride with me forever?"
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Hey! 💜 so excited for your SOA drabble event!
Could I please get one with
Mood: goofy
My love Juice Ortiz💜
And the prompt below.
♥︎ 18. "Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?"
🦆: had soo much fun writing this i got a little carried away so its longer than i wanted it but i couldnt bring myself to edit it down 😂😂 I hope you like it too
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
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"Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?" she asked, eyeing a suspicious mound of earth.
"Oh, don't worry about that," Juice replied with a sly grin, trying to keep a straight face.
"Oh really? Mind if I take a look then?" she teased, taking a step closer to the spot.
"Uh, well... you see, it's just a little surprise for you," he stumbled, shifting awkwardly on his feet.
"A surprise? For me? Really?" she responded, pretending to be completely convinced as she continued to advance towards the mysterious mound.
"Yeah, yeah, it's uh... for your birthday," he quickly lied, trying to keep the surprise from being revealed prematurely.
"Uh-huh, sure. Then you won't mind if I dig it up?" she smirked, knowing she had him cornered.
Juice's heart sank as his girlfriend pulled out the magazines, his eyes widening in shock.
"Sweetheart, those are... um... just, uh... research materials," he stammered, trying to come up with a believable excuse.
"Research materials, huh?" she teased, flipping through the pages with an amused smile.
"Yeah, yeah, you know, for... club business," he mumbled, his cheeks growing hot from embarrassment.
His girlfriend let out a playful scoff. "Club business, sure. That explains why they’re all marked up with sticky notes."
"I panicked okay....I never brought a girl here...to my home insted of the club...I just didn't want you to see them" Juice confesses.
His girlfriend's expression softens upon hearing his confession. "Aww, Juice, you don't have to be embarrassed."
She sets the magazines aside and takes a step closer, putting her arms around his neck. "It's kind of cute, actually. You were worried I'd judge you, huh?"
He sighed, feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment. "Yeah, I guess. I just didn't want you to think I'm some kind of perv or something."
She chuckled softly. "You're not a perv. You're just a guy, and guys have their stuff. But next time, maybe don't bury them in the garden, huh?"
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Hello! Let’s give this Drabble thing a try if that’s cool (had a rough week)
“For some reason I’m attracted to you” (I forgot the dang number)
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🦆: I'm sorry you are having such a bad week 😔 hopfully it will get better soon
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz
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Chibs leans over the pool table, taking his shot and knocking a ball into a pocket. Juice leans against the wall, tapping the cue against his palm.
"You’re just lucky tonight." He teases.
Chibs rolls his eyes, moving around the table to line up his next shot.
"Just can’t handle losing, can ya, Juicy Boy?"
Across the room, Chibs’ girlfriend is watching them play, unable to contain her amusement at her boyfriend’s competitive banter.
As Chibs lines up his shot, he glances over at her briefly, a small smirk playing on his lips. He knows she’s watching him, and he can’t help but feel a warm flutter in his chest.
After he takes his shot, Chibs returns to her, taking a seat next to her on the couch.
"Like what ye see?" He teases, leaning back and slinging an arm around her shoulders. She rolls her eyes, playfully pushing his arm.
"I don’t know why but for some reason I’m attracted to you." She teases back, a small smile on her lips.
Chibs laughs and pulls her in closer. "It’s the accent, lass. Can’t resist this smooth Scottish charm, can ya?"
She smacks his shoulder, feigning annoyance.
"Oh, shut up. It’s not just the accent, you know."
Chibs smirks, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Then what is it? My rugged good looks? My charming personality?"
"No, definitely not your charming personality." She quips, sticking her tongue out at him.
Chibs pretends to be wounded, clutching his chest dramatically.
"Och, lass, you wound me. And here I thought you found me unbelievably charming."
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mysticalmallard · 3 months
Hiiiyyiieee! Here to request a drabble please! Let's try......
8. "For some reason, I'm attracted to you."
💜💜Thank youuuuuuu💜💜
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I love his big dumb butt🤣🤣🤣
🦆: Hiya Lovely, so glad you sent in a request!! Opie deserves more love ❤️
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As the rain batters the windows, Opie and his girlfriend lay together on the couch watching old reruns on cable. she is half-asleep leaning against him, her head resting on his chest, and his arms wrapped around her, one hand tracing patterns up and down her back.
After a particularly loud clap of thunder she jolts awake, lifting her head up to look at Opie who gives her a playful smirk.
"Frightened of storms?"
she wrinkles her nose "Not a fan."
He chuckles, grabbing her chin to pull her up for a soft kiss. Pulling back, she smiles and snuggles further into him. They lay silently, comfortably. It takes a moment before he speaks again, voice deep and filled with amusement.
"I have an awkward question"
She looks up at him, head tilted in curiosity, "Sure. What is it?"
"Why are you with me?" He asks looking at the ceiling.
She is momentarily surprised by the shift in tone of the conversation. she thinks of a reply before finally speaking, "What do you mean?"
He continues to stare at the ceiling, avoiding looking at her, "You're beautiful, smart, kind. Hell, you could have any guy you wanted. Yet you're with me. I don't get it."
She gently pushes herself off of him to sit up and look at his face. She studies him for a moment, trying to get a read on his expression.
Then she starts speaking. "You're smart. More than you give yourself credit for. And you always make me feel safe. You're loyal, brave. You're a gentleman when you want to be and a real pain in the ass the rest of the time." She grins at him, her eyes shining. "And for some reason, I'm attracted to you"
Opie's eyebrows go up at her words. He was expecting some sarcastic or deflecting comment, not a genuine answer.
He turns his head to look at her and is surprised to see the sincere look on her face. "Really?" he asks cautiously.
She rolls her eyes at his disbelief. "Yes, really. Why is that so hard to believe?"
He lets out a huff, "Because I'm not exactly a catch."
She laughs and gives him a light smack on the chest. "Stop that. You're good looking and funny and can be really sweet when you want to be, even if you act like a grumpy old man most of the time."
A small smile grows on his face as he hears her compliments. He reaches out to grab her legs, gently pulling her so she's straddling him.
"Grumpy old man, huh?"
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