#mysterious character: a bouquet of black-eyed susan-orange - lily - amaryllis - canna - black petunia - purple hyacinth
A bouquet of black-eyed susan, orange lily, amaryllis, canna, black petunia and purple hyacinth
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Black-eyed Susan: Justice
Orange lily: Disdain, contempt, hatred
Amaryllis: Pride, strength, determination
Canna: Passion, pride, honor, glory
Black petunia: Anger, resentment
Purple hyacinth: Sorrow, regret, forgiveness
Description: He acts out of a distorted sense of justice, trying to condemn anyone he deems a wrongdoer (in the form of him cancelling them on Twitter), genuinely believing himself to be a hero of sorts. At first, all he wanted was apologies, just to make people feel like they couldn't get away with it. He believes people should be punished for misdeeds, and thought he should be in charge of administering it.
Over time, however, it wasn't for justice anymore. After a while, he started going after people for small, insignificant "crimes", simply trying to feed his own ego, living for the glory of it all.
Still, though, he wanted to do the right thing. Until one day, a girl he had condemned was either doxxed and killed by one of his friends, or perhaps committed suicide (it's unclear which, but either way, she died as an indirect result of his actions). He's absolutely HORRIFIED with himself over the incident. He's arrested, but still in denial, insisting he didn't kill anyone. That it wasn't his fault. He knows it was, deep down, but he's so disgusted with what he had done, he refuses to admit it. He frequently lashes out at the prison guard, insisting he doesn't belong there, that they should let him go, that he's not a murderer. But he is. He knows he is. He's condemned for his crime, and beaten half to death by a different prisoner. He hates the prison guard. He's so angry with them for letting this happen to him. But his denial has cracked. He finally shows his guilt, his remorse for his crime, and he BEGS. He begs for forgiveness. For just one more chance. A desperate plea for the guard to forgive him. An apology. Saying that he would never do it again. That he'd take it all back if he could. He finally understands what he had been doing to people. Sorry for how long this is, but this guy means a whole lot to me.
The TLDR is: he's so complex. He acted for justice but was misguided. A horrible accident happens, and he regrets it. Then when he's condemned, eventually he understood what he was doing to people, and he's desperate for forgiveness. Overall he's just my poor little meow meow...
(The picture was taken from these sites: black eyed susan, orange lily, amaryllis, canna, black petunia and purple hyacinth!)
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Yellow Rose VS A bouquet of black-eyed susan, orange lily, amaryllis, canna, black petunia and purple hyacinth
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First, let's talk about the Yellow Rose
Meaning: in flower language they symbolize friendship and cheerfulness... but also jealousy. Why this flower was chosen: this flower is canonically associated with her, and the themes of jealousy and bitterness fit her character as well Description: — Well… Like her father, she seems to have an artistic streak- She has a lot of drawings, and is implied to have some knowledge on sewing as well. She's spent her life isolated from the outside world, and it's had effects on her personality. (As well as her knowledge base for how the world works.) She's generally cheerful, but she's quick to turn on those that upset her, and she latches onto those she *does** like with an intensity only lonely little girls can reach. — A scared, lost, and lonely child desperate to find connection with people. She developed sentience but were not created with it, and since she was not born into the world through "normal" means, she's not entitled to their existence, and deeply envy humans who were just born into life and take it for granted. All she wants is to get to the Real World and live out her life as a human child with friends and family.
Check her post here
Now, let's see the bouquet of black-eyed susan, orange lily, amaryllis, canna, black petunia and purple hyacinth
Meaning – Black-eyed Susan: Justice | Orange lily: Disdain, contempt, hatred | Amaryllis: Pride, strength, determination | Canna: Passion, pride, honor, glory | Black petunia: Anger, resentment | Purple hyacinth: Sorrow, regret, forgiveness Description: He acts out of a distorted sense of justice, trying to condemn anyone he deems a wrongdoer (in the form of him cancelling them on Twitter), genuinely believing himself to be a hero of sorts. [...] Over time, however, it wasn't for justice anymore. After a while, he started going after people for small, insignificant "crimes", simply trying to feed his own ego, living for the glory of it all. [...] Until one day, a girl he had condemned was either doxxed and killed by one of his friends, or perhaps committed suicide [...] He's absolutely HORRIFIED with himself over the incident. He's arrested, but still in denial, insisting he didn't kill anyone. That it wasn't his fault. He knows it was, deep down, but he's so disgusted with what he had done, he refuses to admit it. He frequently lashes out at the prison guard, insisting he doesn't belong there, that they should let him go, that he's not a murderer. But he is. He knows he is. [...]. He hates the prison guard.[...] But his denial has cracked. He finally shows his guilt, his remorse for his crime, and he BEGS. He begs for forgiveness. For just one more chance. A desperate plea for the guard to forgive him. An apology. Saying that he would never do it again. That he'd take it all back if he could. He finally understands what he had been doing to people. [...] The TLDR is: he's so complex. He acted for justice but was misguided. A horrible accident happens, and he regrets it. Then when he's condemned, eventually he understood what he was doing to people, and he's desperate for forgiveness. Overall he's just my poor little meow meow...
Check his post here to see the full description
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Welcome, the tournament starts!
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The polls will start being posted today, July 9, at 3 pm BRT, they will be posted every 15 minutes, they will finish being posted at July 10 at 6:45 am!
• All matches were randomized, this gave some interesting matches (insert the illusion of free choice meme here)
• All polls have the the tag #round 1
• I can't check if all things people said about all the 129 characters are true, so if someone lied on their submission that's on them
• If you see any mistakes (wrong pictures, misspelling, etc) please tell me ^-^
• I tried my best to short long descriptions, key word tried
• If you see sentences in first person in the posts, remember it's not me (the mod of this blog), it's the submitter talking!
• All submissions (except one) made it to the tournament, I didn't take a submission away if the content/media was problematic, I just put almost all the submissions in the tournament
• Some posts don't use the characters canonical pronouns, some of them use they/them for extra mystery
• You can guess who the characters are, but if you are 100% certain please don't tell. I wanna maintain the mystery ^-^;
• I won't reblog any propaganda (but like try to do propaganda only if you are really sure of the character, or you might give a wrong propaganda to a character ^-^;)
• The [...] means that this part of the description was shortened!
• Also there's OCs here!
• When a character loses, the reveal will be tagged as #reveals and there will be a #[insert media name here] spoilers
• If you want to talk more about the character after they lose, you can talk in the reblog of the reveal, and I will reblof it with the tag #flowers for the fallen (because I wanted to it be related to flowers but I didn't know how)
• If you want me to tag post as something, to like put a tw, please tell me ^-^
• I will reblog the polls 4 hours before they end!
• If a tie happens, a tie breaker polls will happen. If they also tie in the tie breaker, a polls with 3 characters (the 2 that are tied + the one the winner would fight) will happen
The matches are under the cut!
Side A
Gladiolus 3 VS Blue rose 3
Yellow Rose VS A bouquet of black-eyed susan, orange lily, amaryllis, canna, black petunia and purple hyacinth
Marigold VS Hibiscus
Rose 1 VS A bouquet of lily and sunflower
A bouquet of aloe, fern, blue iris and sage VS Blue Rose 2
Roses 4 VS Nasturtiums
Violet 1 VS Sunflower 4
Amorphophallus titanum VS Ceropegia Adrianae
Spider Lily VS Himalayan blue poppies
A bouquet of bittersweet and rhododendron VS Wisterias
Fire Poppy VS Butterfly weed
A bouquet of forget-me-nots, dill, purple hyacinth, hyssop, thyme, lotus flower and marjoram VS Lily of the valley
Sunflower 2 VS Lotus 1
Daffodil 1 VS White Lily
Baby's breath VS Clematis 2
Acanthum VS Red Geranium
Side B
Daffodil 2 VS Lavender VS A bouquet of coral bells, caladium and carnations
Bluebonnet VS A bouquet with love-lies-bleeding, forget-me-nots and sunflowers
Gum cistus VS A bouquet of white orchids and purple hyacinths
A bouquet of yellow foxglove and snapdragon VS A bouquet of gladiolus flowers and lilies, with spiky knautia, shield, dogwood, iris, lotus, lily of the valley, foxglove, rock rose, water lily, daffodil, green and black roses, sunflower, poppy, crystanthenum, wolfsbane, liatris, buttercup, and bleeding heart flowers. There's a sole kadupul flower in the middle of it.
Blue rose 1 VS Snapdragons 2
[A bouquet of azalea, red calla lily, thistle and amaranthus (love-lies-bleeding) VS Tartarian Aster](https://www.tumblr.com/mysterycharacterflowers/722410802542428160/a-bouquet-of-azalea-red-calla-lily-thistle-and?source=share(
A bouquet of coreopsis and columbine VS A bouquet of columbine and geranium
A pair of two desert petunias VS Black rose
Amaranth VS A bouquet of 3 lupins
A bouquet of red spider lillies, forget-me-nots, purple hyacinth, deadly nightshades and white lillies VS Ornithogalum
Clematis 3 VS Lilac
Orange blossom VS Red spider lilies
Forget-me-not 2 VS Black Dahlia
A bouquet of purple hyacinths, a oleander, a few rhododendron, some belladonna and a hollyhock VS Plastic/fake strawberry flowers
A bouquet of black dahlia and red spider lily VS Violet 2
Forget-me-nots 3 VS White Egret Orchid
Side C
A bouquet of yellow rose, plantain lily, amaranth, heather and sunflower VS Sunflower 3
Daisy 2 VS Red daylily
Yellow carnations VS Iris florentina
A bouquet of rue, tansy, monkhood, milkweed and dame's rocket VS A bouquet of blue roses, edelweisses and yellow azaleas
A bouquet of lotuses, dandelions, sunflower, gerberas, forget me nots, nemophilas, narcissus, lilies, purple and light blue hydrangeas, leaved corepsis, yellow cosmos, roses, peonies, periwinkles, bellflowers, white paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlias and carnations VS Buttercups
Thistle VS A bouquet of dandelions, buttercups, roses, both black and yellow and sunflowers
Gladiolus 2 VS Crimson rose
A bouquet of ginger torch lilies and blue carnations VS Vanilla Orchid
A bouquet of fern and forget me nots VS A bouquet of daffodil, yellow roses, sycamore, purple hyacinths, irises and poppy
A bouquet of sunflowers, dandelions, ferns, foxglove, hollyhock, lotus, balsamine, green carnation, fennel, black eyed susan and queen of night VS Forget-me-not 4
A bouquet of poppies and opium flowers VS Chrysanthemum
A bouquet with blue morning glories and saxifrage/rockfoils VS Gloriosa Genus
Rose 2 VS Love-lies-bleeding
Begonias VS A bouquet of red balsam, cockscomb amaranth, scarlet auricula, wheat stalks and dead leaves
A bouquet of star magnolia, lavender, dark crimson rose, white carnations, sweet pea and forget me nots VS Lotus 2
Snapdragon 1 VS A bouquet of belladonna, cyclamen and iris
Side D
Rose 3 VS Gladiolus 1
A bouquet of purple hyacinth, purple columbine and hellebore VS Bittersweet nightshade
Forget-me-not 1 VS A bouquet with begonia, carnations, anemones and snowdrops
Tamarisk VS White crocuses
Sunflower 1 VS Clematis 1
White Alyssum VS A bouquet of sunflowers, geraniums and hollyhock
Catnip VS Valerian
A bouquet of lavender, gardenias and limelight hydrangeas VS Sakura
A bouquet of purple hyacinth, hydrangea, acanthus and purple columbine VS Carnations
Blue roses 4 VS Sage
A bouquet of buttercups, yellow hyacinths and cyclamens VS A bouquet of cockscomb, white poppy, white acacia and pink chrysanthemum
Firecracker plant VS Red Rose
Oleander/Nerium/Dogsbane VS Geranium
Rainflower/Rain lily VS Mountain Laurel
Pistachio Flower VS Daisies 3
Cherry Blossom VS Daisy 1
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