tomaslacika · 6 years
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❄ ❄ ❄ COLD This shot was taken during one of the coldest hikes I've done over past few years (-20°C). Usually when is so freezing cold, I can see very far away. . One of national symbols - Krivan, was perfectly visible despite being at least 100km away. . #velkafatra #mysmeles_official #krivan #vysoketatry #slovakia #nizketatry #cestujemczsk #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #praveslovenske #beautifulslovakia #pureslovakia #puresvk #slovakwild #slovakia_mountains #slovakiaday #dnescestujem #tomaslacika #slovakphotographer #whitedogsk #theworldshotz #naturegeography #naturegramy #hikingculture #hikingram #hikinglocations #exceptional_pictures #lost_world_treasures #donovaly . . Recommended  hubs: @longexpo_addiction @splendid_earth @worldprime @world_shotz @exceptional_pictures @got__greatshots @planet_earth_shots @lost_world_treasures @igworld_global @hubs_united @beautifulslovakia.sk @praveslovenske @naseslovenske @pure.slovakia @horyapriroda (at Veľká Fatra National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNGJZ2Amlk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ss96w8orxjs0
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tinaminor · 5 years
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Chlapci zo @the_zurnal prišli s pekným nápadom vytvoriť ilustrácie našich národných parkov v štýle retro plagátov. Tak vznikol The Pouster, poctivý slovenský plagát, ktorý spája tvorbu lokálnych ilustrátorov s krásou našej prírody. A zároveň napomáha jej ochrane. Pretože z každého predaného kusu idú 4€ na podporu združenia @mysmeles_official Ozaj uhádnete, ktorý národný park som nakreslila?☺️💛 . . . . . . #retro #poster #posterdesign #print #printing #sietotlac #digitalversion #slovakia #ig_slovakia #slovak #wild #nature #praveslovenske #nationalpark #art #artist #digital #digitaldrawing #procreate #ipadpro #illustration #tinaminorillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/B57HsKAnFrB/?igshid=mkkedlmjon3f
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praveslovenske · 7 years
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UVARILI SME PIVO Z HOLORUBU🌲🔥 @ciernediery majú opäť vlastné pivo! Cestou cez Nízke Tatry sme zobrali drevo z vyrúbaného lesa. Poslali sme ho poštou do Myjavy do pivovaru Hellstork, v ktorom sú tiež pankáči ako my. Tí pridali borievku a uvarili pivo, ktoré je naozaj VÝBORNÉ. Je to len pár kusov. Smutné pivo pre radosť. Ochutnať môžete túto sobotu na Dobrom trhu v Bratislave. Prinesieme aj grafiky pamiatok, mapy, časopisy - a ďalšie nové prekvapenie. ✊Tešíme sa. → Díky @hellstork → Čau @mysmeles_official #praveslovenske http://ift.tt/2C7kCi4
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tomaslacika · 4 years
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As the day was becoming stronger than night, views were changing. And the weather as well - Winds were stronger and colder. I could smell the rain approaching from the other side of the mountain. . I think that sun was already up, but hidden behind clouds. No sunrise for that day, but still being outside, with these amazing and magnificient views, was absolutely worth it. . Descent back to the accomodation was pretty quick, accompanied by sun and occasional mist. And I almost forgot - by tourists as well. As I was already coming back from hike, they were only starting theirs. . One more thing I remember when going up in the dark - massive roaring of a deer who had to be just few hundread meters away from me. Amazing and chilly at the same time! . These days I am waiting for heavy snowfall so my skiis would be used finally after last year's poor winter. . . #hiking #hikingslovakia #naturephotography #natute #slovakadventures #slovakia #slovensko #slovenskehory #slovenskonafotke #mountains #forests #mysmeles_official #vysoketatry #vysoketatryhoryzazitkov #hightatras #hightatrasmountains #tatry_official #tatry #tatrymountains #krizna #velkafatramountains #velkafatra #insta_svk #autumn #autumnvibes🍁 #nationalgeographic #natgeolandscape #longexposure_shots #longexpohunter #longexposure . . @slovakwild @vylet_slovenskom (at Veľká Fatra National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJUYdkIr9RU/?igshid=3bz6q6awrz01
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tomaslacika · 4 years
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W I L D L I F E I N S L O V A K I A . Is an animal commonly known from Northern America. There are two more locations where these huge animals live freely. The first is in a forest at borders of Poland and Belaurus, second deep in Carpathian forests near Slovak/Polish/Ukrainian borders. . #bison #zubor #slovenskonafotke #karpaty #carpathian #animalovers #animals #slovakia #poland #ukraine #europe #northamerica #hikingslovakia #natureloversgallery #naturephotography #wildlifeprotection #mysmeles_official #wildlifephotography #wildlife #wildlifeplanet #canon_photos #canonphotography #topolcianky #zubriaobora #belarus #mammals #cestujemczsk #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #praveslovenske . @mysmeles_official @hdwildlover @slovakia.travel @pure.slovakia @beautifulslovakia.sk (at Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB7_X4YnG8v/?igshid=pw3bjoj8bl8m
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tomaslacika · 6 years
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MYSTIC FOREST . High Tatras are magnificient and spectacular, especially during autumn, or winter. This one is from the most untouched part, Belianske Tatry, on the east of the mountain range. . It was so beautiful up there that I forgot it is getting late and I am still very high. I had to rush down to valley... . #vysoketatry #hightatras #hohetatra #beliansketatry #monkovadolina #sirokesedlo #kopskesedlo #les #mysmeles #mysmeles_official #forest #naturalbeauty #naturephotography #nature #hikingtrail #hikinglocations #hiking #cestujemczsk #goodideaslovakia #tomaslacika #slovakphotographer #slovakia #pureslovakia #puresvk #whitedogsk #theworldshotz #naturegeography #naturegramy . Recommended  hubs: @longexpo_addiction @splendid_earth @worldprime @world_shotz @exceptional_pictures @got__greatshots @planet_earth_shots @lost_world_treasures @igworld_global @hubs_united @beautifulslovakia.sk @praveslovenske @naseslovenske @pure.slovakia @horyapriroda (at Belianske Tatras) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpqh28vgY1X/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kf4kw0pujer3
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tomaslacika · 4 years
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⛰ SO FRESH ⛰ . This was the view from cottage in Zazriva. I remember winter of 2017 during which I was trying to find cool views of Rozsutec mountain and valleys beneath the hill. At that time unsuccessfull. I remember how challenging it was to roam in these snowy hills without snowshoes, being always in such deep snow my knees were barely above it. . . . #hikingslovakia #hiking #malafatramountains #malafatra #osnica #velkyrozsutec #rozsutec #slovakia #slovensko #slovenskonafotke #slovakiatravel #slovakia_mountains #slovakianaturehd #zazriva #orava #natureloversgallery #rainyday #horyapriroda #naturephotography #nature #photooftheday #goodvibes #happiness #amazing #bergwelten #feelgoodvibes #summervibes #summertime #praveslovenske #mysmeles_official . . @horyapriroda @slovenskonafotke @hiking.sk @slovakia.travel @thisisslovakia @mysmeles_official (at Zázrivá) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC9LYUGnAGa/?igshid=em1r8smfxpe8
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tomaslacika · 4 years
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⛰ MISTY FOREST ⛰ . The weather was ideal for hiking actually. It was below 20°C and sun was hidden above several layers of clouds and mist. Of course, at least half of the time it was raining. Mostly it was only mild rain, but few minutes it appeared to be heavy rain. The good thing was that we were in the forest. . There was also mud. A lot of it. But we weren't that much muddy because of wet tall grass everywhere which was constantly cleaning us 🤡 . Our shoes are chapter itself. Totally wet from inside after an hour of walking. Having back-up socks wasn't doing the job. Feet were just soaking wet and we had to live with that. . Despite all of this, feeling after hiking was positive. It is great to be in a forest, in all kinds of weather. . . . #hikingslovakia #hiking #malafatramountains #malafatra #osnica #velkyrozsutec #rozsutec #slovakia #slovensko #slovenskonafotke #slovakiatravel #slovakia_mountains #slovakianaturehd #zazriva #orava #natureloversgallery #rainyday #horyapriroda #naturephotography #nature #photooftheday #goodvibes #happiness #amazing #bergwelten #feelgoodvibes #summervibes #summertime #praveslovenske #mysmeles_official . . @horyapriroda @slovenskonafotke @hiking.sk @slovakia.travel @thisisslovakia @mysmeles_official (at Malá Fatra National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC5KEBAJ-cs/?igshid=1do30dfrqlcyq
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tomaslacika · 5 years
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I am always looking forward to visit mountain huts, this one especially. I love traditional cuisine they serve. Tea which they serve is very sweet and makes me remember old school times. Horec liqueur tastes always better after excercise. . They offer traditional soups, sausages or goulash... . . #horyzazitkov #pureslovakia #puresvk #kazdystromsapocita #insta_svk #slovakwild #praveslovenske #cestakzazitkom #cestujemczsk #slovenskonafotke #dobrodruznecesty #hikingslovakia #thisisslovakia #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #wheretogoslovakia #slovakiaday #dnescestujem #vysoketatry #hightatras #tatry #velkafatra #rakytov #smrekovica #hiking #canon_photos #slovakia🇸🇰 #nature_perfection #naturelover_gr #mysmeles_official . . @vysoketatry_horyzazitkov @vysoke.tatry @lomnicak_sk @vysoketatry.travel @vysoketatrysk @horska_sluzba_velka_fatra @slovenskonafotke @insta_svk @dobrodruzne_cesty @wheretogoslovakia @mysmeles_official @pure.slovakia @slovakiaday @slovakwild @refreshersk @tatry_official (at Chata pod Borišovom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6q7oZNpaCt/?igshid=1iib36p20mqor
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tomaslacika · 5 years
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Picture before this one was taken from the hill seen in this one. That hill is Ploska and this photo is from meadows in between the cottage under Borisov hill and Ploska. . Even though temperature was very pleasant that day, winds were so strong that people who are under 50kg would struggle to walk there 😊😁 . . #horyzazitkov #pureslovakia #puresvk #kazdystromsapocita #insta_svk #slovakwild #praveslovenske #cestakzazitkom #cestujemczsk #slovenskonafotke #dobrodruznecesty #hikingslovakia #thisisslovakia #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #wheretogoslovakia #slovakiaday #dnescestujem #vysoketatry #hightatras #tatry #velkafatra #rakytov #smrekovica #hiking #canon_photos #slovakia🇸🇰 #nature_perfection #naturelover_gr #mysmeles_official . . @vysoketatry_horyzazitkov @vysoke.tatry @lomnicak_sk @vysoketatry.travel @vysoketatrysk @horska_sluzba_velka_fatra @slovenskonafotke @insta_svk @dobrodruzne_cesty @wheretogoslovakia @mysmeles_official @pure.slovakia @slovakiaday @slovakwild @refreshersk @tatry_official (at Chata pod Borišovom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lIyh9HzVh/?igshid=1bz16gos4kh8e
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tomaslacika · 5 years
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I can't wait until there is snow in my favourite location - B O R I S O V. It is steep hill under which a small cottage is lying. The cottage offers 365/24 service - food and accomodation. There is no electricity, no phone signal. . Last time I wanted to go tgere in winter time I wasn't able. I was standing third time on my new backcountry skiis, wanting to go down from Ploska hill to the cottage. But there is pretty steep hill and covered in ice. That would have been suicide. . This winter I am all prepared with new crampoons... ❤⛷⛰ . . #horyzazitkov #pureslovakia #puresvk #kazdystromsapocita #insta_svk #slovakwild #praveslovenske #cestakzazitkom #cestujemczsk #slovenskonafotke #dobrodruznecesty #hikingslovakia #thisisslovakia #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #wheretogoslovakia #slovakiaday #dnescestujem #vysoketatry #hightatras #tatry #velkafatra #rakytov #smrekovica #hiking #canon_photos #slovakia🇸🇰 #nature_perfection #naturelover_gr #mysmeles_official . . @vysoketatry_horyzazitkov @vysoke.tatry @lomnicak_sk @vysoketatry.travel @vysoketatrysk @horska_sluzba_velka_fatra @slovenskonafotke @insta_svk @dobrodruzne_cesty @wheretogoslovakia @mysmeles_official @pure.slovakia @slovakiaday @slovakwild @refreshersk @tatry_official (at Chata pod Borišovom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6hvgHMH6NS/?igshid=unumrlo4tczk
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tomaslacika · 5 years
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One closeup towards the same hill Rakytov and Vysoke Tatry in the background. I think it was in October, and the first snow was late. . Hiking around hill Ploska is known for strong winds present there almost every day, including this one. . #horyzazitkov #pureslovakia #puresvk #kazdystromsapocita #insta_svk #slovakwild #praveslovenske #cestakzazitkom #cestujemczsk #slovenskonafotke #dobrodruznecesty #hikingslovakia #thisisslovakia #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #wheretogoslovakia #slovakiaday #dnescestujem #vysoketatry #hightatras #tatry #velkafatra #rakytov #smrekovica #hiking #canon_photos #slovakia🇸🇰 #nature_perfection #naturelover_gr #mysmeles_official . . @vysoketatry_horyzazitkov @vysoke.tatry @lomnicak_sk @vysoketatry.travel @vysoketatrysk @horska_sluzba_velka_fatra @slovenskonafotke @insta_svk @dobrodruzne_cesty @wheretogoslovakia @mysmeles_official @pure.slovakia @slovakiaday @slovakwild @refreshersk @tatry_official (at Veľká Fatra National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gzg2YnWjD/?igshid=sohy6y7tbzdh
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tomaslacika · 5 years
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I think I already wrote it somewhere. The hill Ploska was one of last sanctuaries of Slovak Uprising against nazi Germany occupying Slovakia in 1944. . Shortly after the hill Ploska fell, the whole uprising ceased to exist. But even though some people may diminish the uprising as start of soviet occupation, majority of defenders of Slovakia were ordinary men and women who hated the nazi regime. And thanks for them, Slovakia was recognized as one of countries which won the WWII. . Btw, Ploska could be translated as "flat" to english. It it is really flat hill, yet offering 360° views. . #horyzazitkov #pureslovakia #puresvk #kazdystromsapocita #insta_svk #slovakwild #praveslovenske #cestakzazitkom #cestujemczsk #slovenskonafotke #dobrodruznecesty #hikingslovakia #thisisslovakia #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #wheretogoslovakia #slovakiaday #dnescestujem #vysoketatry #hightatras #tatry #velkafatra #rakytov #smrekovica #hiking #canon_photos #slovakia🇸🇰 #nature_perfection #naturelover_gr #mysmeles_official . . @vysoketatry_horyzazitkov @vysoke.tatry @lomnicak_sk @vysoketatry.travel @vysoketatrysk @horska_sluzba_velka_fatra @slovenskonafotke @insta_svk @dobrodruzne_cesty @wheretogoslovakia @mysmeles_official @pure.slovakia @slovakiaday @slovakwild @refreshersk @tatry_official (at Ploská 1533nm.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6bhU0InxWv/?igshid=acvjcittdy4j
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tomaslacika · 5 years
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R A K Y T O V . Once I was hiking with my friend through the whole Velka Fatra National Park from south to north. It took us around 23 hours, we were having these huge backpacks and we were pretty tired as it was during extremely hot summer days... . That is why we decided to avoid mountain Rakytov (on the photo) and sent around it. . Later on as we were deep in the forest and heading to Smrekovica (mountain hotel), I was hearing deep breath coming from behind me, and footsteps as if my friend is running. I thought he is crazy and without even looking I cursed if he's crazy 😁 . He wasn't there. There was very old man running, he smiled and said "don't worry, when you'll be 75, you will be able to run so good as I do". He smiled and disappeared in the forests. I was astonished 😊 . #horyzazitkov #pureslovakia #puresvk #kazdystromsapocita #insta_svk #slovakwild #praveslovenske #cestakzazitkom #cestujemczsk #slovenskonafotke #dobrodruznecesty #hikingslovakia #thisisslovakia #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #wheretogoslovakia #slovakiaday #dnescestujem #vysoketatry #hightatras #tatry #velkafatra #rakytov #smrekovica #hiking #canon_photos #slovakia🇸🇰 #nature_perfection #naturelover_gr #mysmeles_official . . @vysoketatry_horyzazitkov @vysoke.tatry @lomnicak_sk @vysoketatry.travel @vysoketatrysk @horska_sluzba_velka_fatra @slovenskonafotke @insta_svk @dobrodruzne_cesty @wheretogoslovakia @mysmeles_official @pure.slovakia @slovakiaday @slovakwild @refreshersk (at Rakytov) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6XgtrvHFf4/?igshid=1a0orovjsx9v1
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tomaslacika · 5 years
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O C T O B E R I N S L O V A K I A . . Back in Slovakia, finally ❤ 🇸🇰 . Today is almost Christmas and the weather is much more hot than it was in October 😔 . Look at the Tatra mountains in the back, covered in snow. Meteorologists said that this year's first snow was pretty late comparing the other years. On the contrary, no one remembers such warm start of winter.... . #velkafatra #slovakia #slovensko #vysoketatry #tatry #horyzazitkov #pureslovakia #puresvk #kazdystromsapocita #insta_svk #slovakwild #praveslovenske #cestakzazitkom #cestujemczsk #slovenskonafotke #dobrodruznecesty #hikingslovakia #tatryofficial #hiking #naturephotography #thisisslovakia #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #wheretogoslovakia #chatapodborisovom #rohace #praveslovenske #slovakiaday #dnescestujem . . @vysoke.tatry @slovenskonafotke @dobrodruzne_cesty @wheretogoslovakia @horska_sluzba_velka_fatra @mysmeles_official (at Veľká Fatra National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6WVOJWnN7g/?igshid=yq6ikkd5ylc9
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tomaslacika · 5 years
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O C T O B E R I N S L O V A K I A . . Back in Slovakia, finally ❤ 🇸🇰 . Today is almost Christmas and the weather is much more hot than it was in October 😔 . Look at the Tatra mountains in the back, covered in snow. Meteorologists said that this year's first snow was pretty late comparing the other years. On the contrary, no one remembers such warm start of winter.... . #velkafatra #slovakia #slovensko #vysoketatry #tatry #horyzazitkov #pureslovakia #puresvk #kazdystromsapocita #insta_svk #slovakwild #praveslovenske #cestakzazitkom #cestujemczsk #slovenskonafotke #dobrodruznecesty #hikingslovakia #tatryofficial #hiking #naturephotography #thisisslovakia #goodideaslovakia #spoznavamslovensko #wheretogoslovakia #chatapodborisovom #rohace #praveslovenske #slovakiaday #dnescestujem . . @vysoke.tatry @slovenskonafotke @dobrodruzne_cesty @wheretogoslovakia @horska_sluzba_velka_fatra @mysmeles_official (at Veľká Fatra National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6WTcDHH5l7/?igshid=idv37jk6otm7
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