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rodolfoparras · 7 months ago
Because i see you online and because i know you like shmexi men here is Jacob Hendricks :
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cocoonhome · 7 years ago
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Bespoke colour samples of 'Wildwood', design by @izzywilliamsonprints, being sent off to a possible customer. Send us a sample of the colour you want and we will colour match it as close as we can. We make sure you receive several samples before finalising your choice, so you're absolutely happy. Let us know your favourite colour or colour combination for interiors. We'd love to hear! - - - - - - - - - #interiors #interiordesign #interiordecor #interiorinspo #homeinspo #myhomestyle #cornersofmyhome #nestandthrive #britishmade #homedecor #myroost #homeiswheretheheartis #homestyling #designerhome #decorating #eclecticinteriors #fearlesshome #colourpop #mycolourfulhome #linocut #britishdesign #britishmade #bespokeinteriors
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homesteadwishing · 5 years ago
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Big red has lost the fight to be top dog to his brother Hawkeye. It's hard to believe because Hawkeye is much smaller than him. I'll try to find a picture of him and post it soon. #roostersofinstagram #myrooster https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5ZldmgpGy/?igshid=wx97nzo0agz8
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sarquisarko · 5 years ago
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#RoosterRojo #MyRooster
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pitolok0 · 7 years ago
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#myrooster #migallo #itzelsaldaña #juaritos #jrz #656
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lavitaebellaaaaaaa · 4 years ago
I miss my chicken 🥺🐓 #floppy #poppop #myrooster #raisedhimsincehewasachick #poppy #mine
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antoineduanel · 5 years ago
Justino Lourenço Simeão Camacho,
Com timbre possante domina o beco,
Ritmado bem mais do que um reco-reco,
Galinho fino, comilão, também macho.
Amigo de inúmeras madrugadas,
Anunciador de doces presságios,
Me deleita com seus tempos adagios,
As penas da plumagem são arrumadas.
Marido fiel de "Jade, a galinha",
Ao recebê-la já deu um baculejo,
Bem estava parecendo uma rinha.
Surra faz parte do chamado cortejo,
Depois de moída virou a rainha,
Só dormem juntinhos, já vi dar um beijo.
#galo #rooster #meugalo #myrooster #poema #poem #singingrooster #galocantando #soneto #justintherooster #campinagrande #paraíba #antoineduanelfilmes #kenjiwatanabephotographyandpoetry #borislavdimitrovphotographyandpoetry #riccardomigliorefilmesefotografia #tudopossonaquelequemefortalece
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rfsak2 · 8 years ago
Sorry this took an extra day to come out! I just recently got busier and as of this Sunday, I doubt I’ll have much time to write for about a week! My parents, uncle and aunt are coming to visit me.
I’ve got a few more ideas but please do send in any imagines or such that you have!
Summary: A wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover but the love of the giver. Jack Lowden/Reader
Warnings: Teeth-rotting fluff…
“Jack Jack.”
Jack smiled and turned. “Aye, hennie?”
She paused, looking vaguely like she was melting, before smiling, hands behind her back. “Why is saying ‘aye’ so sexy?”
He laughed. “Ah dinnae ken.”
She pouted. “Now you’re just doing it on purpose.”
He leaned over and kissed her, arching to try and see behind her back. “Wha’ ye go’ there, lovie?”
“A gift…”
He grinned. “Ye are a gift. No need to buy me anythin’…”
She made a face. “You are so corny! But if you don’t want your gift then I suppose I can return it.”
“No’ so fast, love. Always rushin’ off t’conclusions an’ such…” He arched over her again and she stepped back so he couldn’t see. “Hennie… don’t tease.”
She pulled her hands out from behind her and held them up, revealing two tickets to a nearby football match. “I seem to remember my gorgeous boyfriend saying something about this-”
Jack stared and she had a moment of panic.
Maybe he didn't… maybe I misunder-
“Ye didn't…” He still wasn’t smiling, but his baby blues had gone wide and he looked about twenty years younger. “M’love, ye didn't…”
“I did.” She winced. “Shouldn’t I have?”
His hands were on her face a moment later and she was suddenly overwhelmed by him. He guided her, ever so gently, back against the wall behind her.
“Ye’re amazin’, lass. Jus’ bloody fantastic.”
She smiled into his next kiss, moaning softly as he slowly grinded against her. “I’m glad you like them-” gasp “-Jack.” She managed to blindly set the tickets down on the armoire to her side, before sliding her hands up under his shirt. “I am so glad you like them..”
He grinned against her skin, head dipping to mouth at her neck. He grunted and pulled back quickly. “Yer so small.” He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her and lifted her, with seemingly little effort, holding her against his body.
She laughed throatily and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Am I so small or are you so big?”
He returned to leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses on her neck, detouring to nip at her collarbone. He pulled back and caught her eye. “Ah dinnae ken.”
She groaned. “Why is that so hot?”
She snapped a picture of the pitch and started typing up a message.
“Do you not like football, Y/N?”
She looked up and leaned forward to see pass Jack. “Hmm?”
Tom smiled. “You look bored.”
Jack glanced at her. “Are you bored, lovie?”
She shook her head. “Nope, I’m sending a photo to my cousin.”
“So you like football then?”
“Yeah.” She shrugged. “I prefer basketball, but I like sport in general.” She sipped her Guinness.
“Does your cousin like football?”
“Well he plays for Galaxy.” She smirked. “I assume he likes football.”
Harry gaped. “Your cousin plays for the LA Galaxy?”
She nodded.
“With David Beckham?”
“Jack, did you know this?” Harry turned to Jack.
“O’course.” He nodded, eyes on the game, and sipped his beer.
“Oh.. ‘O’course.’ As if it were obvious.”
“How do you reckon I got my hands on so many tickets?” Y/N shrugged and leaned on Jack’s shoulder. “I think it’s obvious.”
Jack chuckled and kissed her forehead, setting his hand on her knee.
“Thanks for all this, hennie.”
She smiled against his shoulder. “Anytime, pretty boy. Wanna take a selfie?”
He grinned and leaned down to her. “Always, hennie.”
She smiled and pulled up instagram when the pictures had been taken. Choosing her favorite photo, she typed out a quick caption.
Took Pretty Boy to a match. #thankscuz #footiematch #myrooster
She set her bags in the foyer of her new London flat-
Shit I moved to London!
-and jumped out of Jack’s way as he followed her in.
She didn’t move here for Jack-
I totally did…
-but as the Director of Photography for Chris Nolan’s new project, it just made sense.
It does make sense.. but also Jack is here. At least we’re not cohabitating… that would be moving too fast.
“Where d’ye want these, hennie?”
She glanced at the bags in Jack’s hands. “Just stick them in the bedroom, baby.”
He nodded, spared a couple seconds to study her face. “Ye okay, m’love?”
She sucked in a breath and nodded.
She looked up and smiled. This was Jack, she could always be honest with him. “This isn’t too fast, right? I mean I know I moving here for work too-”
He kissed her. “If ye hadn’t moved ‘ere, I woulda moved there.”
She shook her head, trying to smile. “Don’t be silly.. you’d melt.”
He set the bags down and framed her face in his hands. “If ye hadn’t moved ‘ere, Y/N, I would’ve followed ye te wherever ye were.”
“Why? We’ve only been dating for three months, Jack… only three months. This is craziness.”
He shrugged and kissed her. “So what? I want te be where ye are as often as possible.”
She stepped fully against him and buried her face in his chest. “I want to be where you are too.”
She felt his chin on the top of her head and felt more than heard the answering rumble in his chest. “Yeah? Then who cares what anyone has te say about it, eh, hennie?”
She nodded. “Right, rooster.”
Y/N opened the door and stopped in her tracks. Sitting just a few feet from her was a little, blond puppy. The puppy’s little tail was going a mile a minute against her wood floor and suddenly he barked and she jumped.
“Jack?” She called and the puppy stood and moved closer to her, stopping just by her feet and rolling over.
She melted and scooped the little guy up. “Oh, hello! You’re so cute! But where did you come from?”
The puppy licked at her chin.
Jack leaned against the foyer door. “I don’t want ye here alone when I’m gone. S’not safe, love.”
She shook her head and rested her cheek in the puppy’s fur. “I practically live in Mayfair, rooster.”
He shrugged. “I also though’ ye might like a friend. Te help with th’homesickness.”
“What about my landlord?”
“Already checked wit’ him an’ paid the pet deposit. Ye’re free an’ clear. Only th’best for my hennie.”
Her eyes misted and she sniffled, holding out her free arm to him.
He grinned and gathered his girl and the new puppy against his chest. “I’m glad ye like him, hennie.” She nodded against his shoulder and the puppy licked at her wet cheeks. “He doesn’t like t’ see ye cry. Tha’ makes two of us, eh, bloke?”
She laughed and wiped at her face. “What’s his name?”
Jack looked aghast. “I wouldn’t name yer dog fer ye, Y/N!”
She leaned up and kissed him. “Then help me come up with a name. I don’t know what to call him.”
He nodded. “Alright then, hennie.”
Clues Up Next: Jealousy
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redmack66 · 7 years ago
Our lot sure do like a good scratch around in a leaf pile. #countryboy #countrylife #countryfarm #mylove #mylife #myfarm #myphotography #myinstagram #mychooks #mychickens #myrooster #rooster #chickens #chicken
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homesteadwishing · 5 years ago
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Man on a mission, I'm a man on a mission. I've got bugs to hunt and ladies to chase. Going to be a busy day on the homestead! #myroo #myrooster https://www.instagram.com/p/B_aEFWtgTPW/?igshid=1i5bfx2105ndf
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homesteadwishing · 5 years ago
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Oh these boys! They are beautiful but a bunch of trouble... #myroosters #myroos #roostersofinstagram #backyardchickens https://www.instagram.com/p/B7i1QPiARBk/?igshid=1ly2xs1972i
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cocoonhome · 7 years ago
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I never thought I'd be grateful for dreadful weather on a bank holiday, but it has made all the priming and painting of MDF for our fabric shoots all the more bearable. Two wall colours down, two to go! My home is utter chaos right now. I rent a live-work studio, and apart from being filled with huge pieces of MDF, I also have several eBay furniture buys that I need to cover. I quite often hate the fact that I am totally on my own financially and emotionally with Cocoon Home, but it does make you enormously practical and very good at working on teeny tiny budgets. And I cannot wait to see the magic that stylist, @nancy_straughan will conjure up for us! - - - - - - - - - #interiors #interiordesign #interiordecor #interiorinspo #homeinspo #myhomestyle #cornersofmyhome #nestandthrive #britishmade #homedecor #myroost #homeiswheretheheartis #homestyling #designerhome #decorating #eclecticinteriors #fearlesshome #colourpop #mycolourfulhome #linocut #britishdesign #britishmade #bespokeinteriors #eclectichome #vintagehome #vintagedecor
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cocoonhome · 7 years ago
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Bespoke colour samples of 'Wildwood', designed by @izzywilliamsonprints, being sent off. Send us a sample of the colour you want and we will colour match it as close as we can. We make sure you receive several choices before finalising your decision, so you're absolutely happy. What are your favourite colour or colour combination for interiors? We'd love to hear! - - - - - - - - #interiors #interiordesign #interiordecor #interiorinspo #homeinspo #myhomestyle #cornersofmyhome #nestandthrive #britishmade #homedecor #myroost #homeiswheretheheartis #homestyling #designerhome #decorating #eclecticinteriors #fearlesshome #colourpop #mycolourfulhome #linocut #britishdesign #britishmade #bespokeinteriors
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cocoonhome · 7 years ago
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Bespoke colour samples of 'Wildwood', designed by @izzywilliamsonprints, being sent off. Send us a sample of the colour you want and we will colour match it as close as we can. We make sure you receive several choices before finalising your decision, so you're absolutely happy. What are your favourite colour or colour combination for interiors? We'd love to hear! - - - - - - - - #interiors #interiordesign #interiordecor #interiorinspo #homeinspo #myhomestyle #cornersofmyhome #nestandthrive #britishmade #homedecor #myroost #homeiswheretheheartis #homestyling #designerhome #decorating #eclecticinteriors #fearlesshome #colourpop #mycolourfulhome #linocut #britishdesign #britishmade #bespokeinteriors
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cocoonhome · 7 years ago
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Procrastinate in useful ways! I wanted to escape the anxiety and doubt of running a new business, but knew I would feel so awful if I just sacked off the day. So one of my all time besties, @duncan__wright, shot a few of my cushions for me. These will be available on our website in the near future, but if you'd like to grab yourself one early, drop me a line. The RRP, inc a feather pad, is £60 each, with 20% off for our followers for a limited time. Size is 45cm x 45cm of the pad. The cover is a little smaller to make sure it is plump. See our website for our full fabric range. - - - - - - - - #interiors #interiordesign #interiordecor #interiorinspo #homeinspo #myhomestyle #cornersofmyhome #nestandthrive #britishmade #homedecor #myroost #homeiswheretheheartis #homestyling #designerhome #decorating #eclecticinteriors #fearlesshome #
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cocoonhome · 7 years ago
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It wasn't easy choosing artists to design for Cocoon Home. There is so much talent out there. One of the main things I looked for were designers rooted in tradition but with a little twist in their work. This is 'Wildwood' by @izzyrosewilliamson. This picture was taken when I received the fabric for the very first time. It's a beauty. - - - - - - - - #cocoonhome #vintagepattern #vintagestyle #vintagehome #vintagehomestyle #artsandcrafts #British #britishmade #handandhustle #colourmyhome #interiormilk #styleithappy #interiorstyling #smallbusiness #nestandthrive #cornersofmyhome #mydomaine #interiorboom #interiordesign #interiordecor #homedecor #currentdesignsituation #fabric #textiles #myroost #fearlesshome #homestyling #myhome
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