#myles munroe praying in the name of jesus
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wisdomchronicles · 5 months ago
Zeus is TERRIFIED of His Own Kids...the Prophecy is Coming
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worddonor · 6 years ago
Purpose, part 1.
My search for purpose began with my search for truth.
I've always been asking why for as long as I can remember. Being pre-occupied with those around me has been a chink in my armour, one of many indeed, but one that has caused me to dig deep into finding a reason for my existence as I've always felt ill-at-ease on this planet (as if there's another planet I'd be better suited to be on, lol) that and years of inner turmoil, has led me back to the only place that could provide me with what I believe are the answers that align with the principles of the universe.
The owners manual for my life produced by the manufacturer of me.
The new revelations began slowly revealing themselves in earnest after having miraculously made it through varsity and attaining my diploma (taking an extra year to finish). I knew I had given as much as I could, but deep down wasn't completely sure I would make it even on the second go around - I had ticked all the boxes and showed up despite wanting to throw in the towel many times on projects (which is more than I could say for the previous year in which I had failed the core module). I was offered a room in a spacious apartment really close to campus with two other roommates attending classes at other campuses close by which I nervously took (I had been driving through to campus from home about 60-odd km's one way [around 39 miles] for the first 3 years).
In that time I had my Bible with me, received as a gift two years prior, which I read occasionally. What I did that I still remember now was giving thanks everyday in the morning when I woke up. It was the first time living on my own away from my family - I missed them terribly. When you're at the point of not knowing where to turn you tend to cry out to whatever's out there, if anything and for me that was God (the previous year I had been wondering if what I was raised to believe was complete b-s, reading alternative material and questioning life).
Always questioning.
What I believe made all the difference were the prayers I said every morning waking up there, the prayers of gratitude. I would wake up with knots in my belly, but after eventually wrestling my body out of bed, making myself some oats and coffee and while watching the morning breakfast show on the blurry box TV, I'd give thanks to the Lord for all I was grateful for. I truly believe it made the biggest difference, I made it through by the skin of my teeth in the core module that year (literally a pass on the dot) and did well with the other subjects.
After that my faith was bolstered, even if ever so slightly. The following year I took off having made the decision at the end of the previous year to donate a kidney to my older sister (she fell ill when I was in second year and spent the next three years on various forms of dialysis [there was a time we weren't sure she'd make it as a result of bleeding on the brain with the strokes she suffered that possibly caused the kidney failure]). A battery of tests were done to ensure I was healthy and met the criteria. When the operation was carried out I had just turned 25 the previous month, the minimum age recommended at that time.
The operation was a success, the organ was accepted which was another incredible faith booster though even after that immense blessing I found myself questioning who I was aside from an auxiliary being. I fantasized on the darker days about what it would've been like had I given up the ghost on the operating table and what a grand exit that would've been had I left then. I know, pretty gloomy.
To counter that: on an incredibly upbeat side note, my sister is doing so well six years on and the little organ is too - she is back to her bubbly self and her recovery: a true miracle from where she was and a testament to excellent doctors (of course), but even more so: the wonders of 'ridiculous' faith by her and all those praying for her. How could it not be the creator's hand?
Towards the end of that year after my recovery period the job hunt began that lead me to my first job the following year. The doubting surfaced again and I wondered if anyone would ever hire me after a couple of months of searching (self-doubt bru, avoid like the plague), I initially tried for an internship outside of my field of study (in something I researched briefly in high school that I wanted to try then), but wasn't accepted after the second interview round. I always seemed to get through when my writing was doing the convincing, but as soon as I was face-to-face: that's usually when the wheels fell off. I made it through the initial screening, got given a test project which they were satisfied with (which I believe was the main selling point), I made it to the interview proper (I left a tad early on the day [distance to site coincidentally 60-odd km's one way from home], followed the directions given to me, but stopped on the side of the road not far from my destination thinking I was lost [doubting again] when all I had to do was continue on the path I was on which I did and arrived on time) despite feeling like I had fluffed that too (and secretly wondering if I was the only one that pitched for an interview if they were offering ME the job), was offered the job so I took it. I was even offered more than I asked for.
Before the initial screening I prayed like a mad man and got to that venue on time, no issues and the lady was really friendly. While doing the project, I battled inner demons, but sent the project through with a few more prayers for good measure and got to the interview stage. Before the interview I said a few more prayers and even though my voice might've let me down - my work spoke for me and the Lord I'm sure worked His magic too.
My faith bolstered again as I, honest to Jesus, was literally doubting if anyone would hire me for any job after interviewing me.
Can you see a pattern forming? Lol.
Over the years I've been searching my soul pretty deeply (as the earlier posts and poetry in this blog can attest) while on this job and have discovered the things about it I enjoy and the things I don't. The lightbulb moments relating to my search for purpose started going off when I accidentally stumbled upon the teachings of a certain preacher and teacher by the name of Dr Myles Munroe. My father showed me a video clip of an interview conducted with him after it appeared on the news that he had passed away along with his wife in a freak plane crash, this was in November 2014. I researched him further and he revealed scripture in a new light to me in a way I had never heard before through his teachings, suddenly here I knew deep down were the answers to truth and purpose I had been yearning for and praying about for ages before I had listened to them. Revealing the analogies of an acorn and an oak tree relating to the Lord having created you with everything you'd ever need in your life to flourish already contained within you. And about the most valuable place on earth being the graveyard: the place where all the unfulfilled dreams and incompleted projects lie. To think all this wisdom came from a man I had never known about before hearing first of his death.
So strange, but in that the clues to what legacy is truly about - what will you leave behind when you die?
I digress.
The Lord's gentle coaxing and the events that followed thereafter over time led to me getting baptised on the 20th of March 2016.
2015 was a tumultuous year, with two people leaving in my department in the first half of the year, though saved by the arrival of what I believe to have been an undercover angel in the second half.
I must admit after coming back from an epic holiday at the top end of 2016, my interest in drawing closer to Jesus was further spurred on by my sister asking if I wanted to join her in becoming an official member of our church by taking weekly classes which we then completed.
This led me to make that official commitment that would kill all the doubt in my heart and mind I held for years prior about whether I was or wasn't truly a saved follower of Christ. I had always been so afraid before to do it, of making that public declaration, I wanted to, but kept delaying and used to beat myself up when I didn't act. The night before I decided and the following morning I felt a peace in my heart so I stuck to my decision through the service and asked my mother if she'd be willing to join me: it was only her and a few others also getting baptised present that day. She was in tears after. It's also a date I remember easily as it is an old varsity friend's birthday (she's a believer too, though I've lost contact with her and we haven't spoken since maybe 2012 - we were close for the time we were studying together - hope she's good wherever she is...).
That was a good year and got me bold enough to begin planning an overseas trip to see my cousin in 2017 in Vegas which I did (woohoo!). I even explored my writing more in 2016 and attended a creative writing course over a number of weeks offered at our church which got the writing bug going in earnest in me thereafter.
2017 wasn't without its hills and valleys with more deep conversations on lift club trips and more goodbyes as seasons ended and new ones began, some new faces descended on the scene. The year ended off on a high and my faith was built up even more as my prayers for each step of my planning for my trip took shape and I was blessed with smooth sailing there and back after numerous prayers thrown up, naturally.
The lingering questions and doubts were always there and still are. I never let my faith go despite its smallness and my church attendance became something I found hard to let slide and I became a regular after taking that big step two years back.
This year began with a few heavy knocks in quick succession though and these changes hit the hardest as the preceding months were some of the best I had ever enjoyed on the job since the boys club months of early 2014 (lol) after the first few lonely months of being the first person in the new department years ago. The best and most productive times were when there was a team. This seemingly long winter period since the mass exodus (it's a story, it could do with a touch of drama man) has brought with it some intense introspection and greater prayer and even fasting which I had never attempted before over the period of one month (initiated about 5 months back). When the awesome people left, I wondered what was left for me where I was - I agonised and still do question where to next for me. This time has brought me even closer to Jesus than ever before - I have found myself yearning so much I have even begun listening to only worship music and just a certain radio station and only listening to YouTube sermons (OK and some car vids - forgive me, those are still my secret passion). I've started to lean so heavily on the Lord I believe it's stretched my faith to the greatest degree it's ever been stretched as we haven't been able to attract new talent to the office until I got some news about a new person and some new ways of approaching our situation this last Friday.
All this leads me to some books I purchased a week ago today: first - Dr Caroline Leaf's "Think, Learn, Succeed" and another book I've had on my online store wishlist for a long time that my sister wanted to buy for me so I ended up getting it as well: Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life" which is the new expanded edition.
These books bring me to part 2 of this story...
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bbj672 · 4 years ago
The Principle & Power Of Praying In The Name Of Jesus | Dr. Myles Munroe
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prekese1spiritum · 8 years ago
Joel Francis Tatu
Born in Kinshasa in the DRC, the so-called prophet Joel Francis Tatu is one of the most infamous false prophets in Africa of the end of time with all sorts of pompous titles such as composer, cantor, lecturer and mentor. Under a seemingly jovial boil and a captivating presence, although visibly effeminate, its physique being sanded and illuminated by excessive cosmetic body care (to the point of making jealous women) and by an accentuated taste for the suits and other clothes of the last cry , Hides an abominable sorcerer, expert in magical arts (more precisely the demonic energies of the martial art  Tai Chi-Chuan )  by which he simulates pseudo cures and deliverances .
One of his very recent spiritual hobbies is to amaze the crowds with magic tricks that demons help it operate, including the miraculous appearance of the banknotes in the portfolios, the supernatural download units in mobile phones or the Mystical transfer of money into bank accounts .
Title: Prophet Church: Founder of the Apostolic and Prophetic Mission for Revival (MAPR) Headquarters : Kinshasa Subsidiaries: Cape Town in South Africa and London in Great Britain Related pastors:  Uebert Angel  (spiritual father), Myles Munroe, Prophet Djimi Mbaya of the MAPR - his accolite (spiritual son)
Former musician rapper, he would have received his first name Joel in his room during a visit by an "angel" (fallen).
He was born and formed "spiritually" under the apostolic authority of the couple Mwamba Mbuyi and Marcel Bbopeya within the International Ministry Deborah Kinshasa DRC. He would have received the call to the ministry by a prophetic word and by imposition of the hands of the apostle Freddy Decoster (who is an abominable false wizard sorcerer, crook and impostor) of the Protestant Baptist Church of Honfleur in France.
It was through the visit of an "angel" (of darkness), that he would have received the revelation of his ministry in 2004.
He is currently president of evangelical fraud organizations such as Joel Francis TATU Ministries, namely JFTMinistries and Apostolic and Prophetic Mission for Revival or MAPR, which take many in perdition and captivate and misappropriate unsettled people. This individual who pretends to be the only true prophet, and denounces the "others" as false pastors, is actually a true Satanist, blinded and possessed by the love of money and the glory of the world. He is one of the pastors who use occult powers, magnetism to simulate miracles, deliverances and healings.
Showing a narcissism (deep love for his own person) exacerbated, this apostle of Mamon has a pronounced taste for body care with suitcases custom-made and costing excessively expensive. He does not skimp on the means (the tithes of his flock) to look after his appearance and his image.
Tatu currently resides in Bujumbura, where he is the assistant pastor of "Apostle" Paul Gitwaza at the Zion Temple Celebration Center in Bujumbura.
His own words
"Preaching the gospel does not mean preaching Jesus, it means preaching the word of Jesus. I can connect to your mind and prophesy about you. (This is a direct admission on his part of the practice of telepathy and mental control). "
"I was in Bujumbura, I came to Kinshasa without taking the plane! Where is the problem ? I go out a lot, I go out all the time, I go out easily this is not a problem. Where is the problem? Is that the expression out of his body? Have you never prayed and seen that you are somewhere? I do not speak of astral travel, I was an occultist and I know these things well, I have already done these things. (This is proof that we are dealing with a sorcerer who subtly and maliciously introduces the theories of astral travel to get out of the body)
His words (continued)
"Our goal is to enable Christians to reach another spiritual dimension than they are today.
We want to show you (Christians) how you can activate the ministry of angels with you, how you can put the angels in motion around you (the abominable cult of angels, see the show on William Branham).
We are spirit, we have a soul and we are in a body, you can not understand the spiritual world if you do not understand that you are initially spiritual, as much as you know your body, your soul you must also know Your spirit. (He says who he really is: a spirit).
When I preach the message on the 7 mountains, on the 7 strategic sectors of society that Christians must influence: the mountain of education to be influenced, the mountain of the media, the mountain of celebration, the mountain of The economy, the mountain of the family and so many others; When we prepare Christians to say today that you are going to be leading the government, we prepare you to be good politicians and good citizens, there you will influence politics with the values ​​of the kingdom (which disciple of Jesus Christ preached such a gospel in the Bible?).
We Christians are beyond spirituality, we are of divinity, it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth: the earth is for men, the heavens are for those who sail in the heavens, But we are of the dimension of divinity.
Christians must be taught to develop their minds and to know how to work with the spiritual world that is at their disposal.
If we want to see the revival, there are several principles ... we must learn to recognize the instruments of revival, whenever God sends a movement, a reform, a change, a revival, God always arouses the instruments of awakening. There is no awakening without waking instruments, if you want to live the awakening, you must recognize the instruments that God wants to use for this awakening. If you accept these instruments, you will see this awakening manifested, if you reject these instruments, you may be waiting for another cycle of 7 years, for some they waited 20 years later for God to raise men of the Same breed. If you accept your David, you will see your Goliath fall, but if you master and reject your David, you will be influenced by Goliath. If you accept the young Joseph, tomorrow beyond the temple you will not die of starvation, but if you kill your Jospeh you will die of hunger tomorrow. Why does God like to choose someone? Because God is sovereign his choice is his choice, he asks no one's advice when he wants to choose someone. When you accept these instruments, you accept the alarm clock, when you reject these instruments, you reject your alarm clock.
All souls have the same value before God, but not all souls have the same strategic value, we are all redeemed by God, but we do not have the same look of God because there are people In whom God is very much invested, because he knows that by them the others will be saved; And when God begins to raise them to send an awakening, the people around them must have sensitivity to recognize that this man, this woman is an instrument of revival.
In an interview:
Q - When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror? R-This morning.
Q - What happened? A - This morning I wanted to get out of the house I looked at myself, I think I did "WAOUH" (with a laugh); I bless God to be such a beautiful creature.
Q - Your dream destination? A - The Seychelles Islands.
Q. - What do you think the aid of the government should be to the church, the body of Christ? THE MINISTER - I think the church is the ally of the government to work together for the good of the people. The government should also be involved in palpable and tangible aids to the church which also works hand in hand with it to advance the welfare of the population.
Q - Tell us about your mission. THE MINISTER - My mission is summed up in one sentence: to influence the earth by the awakening of the church.
Q - True or false: Joël Francis Tatu is afraid to be vigilant? A - True!
Q - Your dream for a while is to own a TV channel. A - True!
It pleased god as a prophet and apostle that I could father spiritual daughters and sons who have continued to direct the ministry as much in the Congo as in Cap-town and everywhere else.
The holy spirit is much more than a doctrine for me, the very object of pneumatology in theology, in which one studies the person of the mind, the work of the mind, the nature of the mind, Fruit of the spirit, the characters of the spirit, for me the holy spirit is a person, a friend, is someone very close to me, whom I consult at all stages of life (what blasphemy Holy Spirit! It is rather a familiar spirit that accompanies Tatu in his occult adventures).
By the grace of God, I will have the Lord Jesus more than five times in front, as far as I see you like this. (The same spirit familiar in manifestation) ".
Gospel of Prosperity
Ministry received from fallen angels
Practice the voodoo, magic
Practice the Tai Chi-Chuan
Personality cult
According to him, he would regularly leave his body (Practice of the astral projection)
Connect to your mind and prophesy on you ... (Practice of sorcery, magic, divination, ...)
Joel Francis Tatu is for the ministry of angels (He operates with the ministry of angels, which is idolatry)
Talk about the person of the Holy Spirit
A satan instrument to simulate reform and drive crowds into hell
Preacher and singer of so-called Christian Congolese music
Message that God would have given him: Awakening of the end time to the church
Strange delivery sessions with the use of occult powers (It should be noted that no one in the Bible made deliverances with the laying on of hands. Whenever there was imposition of hands it was for healing and not for Of deliveries (Deliveries with the imposition of hands are demonic)
Joël Francis Tatu in pictures
Important note: These pictures are real revelations about the true nature of these false pastors as well as a collective exercise of spiritual discernment to which we strongly invite you. Click on the "i" symbol appearing below each photo to read our comments.
JEREMIAH 21: 8 And thou shalt say unto this people, Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death.
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blogprincessofpeacepop · 8 years ago
PENIEL---Your Annual Devotional.
What Do You See(Vision)?
“The Lord said to Abraham after Lot had parted from him, “Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land that you see, I will give to you and your offspring forever” Genesis 13:14-16(NIV).
Bread for Today.
What you see determines what God brings about in your life.
Beloved reader, have you asked yourself these questions?
·        What is the essence of life?
·        Why am I doing what I am doing?
·        Where will I be in the next five years?
·        What is the reason behind my existence?
Beloved, you should be answer these questions because
·        Your generation is waiting for you.
·        God will ask you at the end of the day what you did with the excellent talents He graciously deposited in you.
Vision is defined as the mental picture of a preferable future. Myles Munroe said “when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable”. Dr. Paul Enenche said “whatever is not your vision can never be your portion in life”.
·        Refuse to live without vision.
·        The place of prayer is the birthing place of vision, settle it with God in your closet. Closet is not just a physical place but a mindset. You can be in church and your mind is somewhere else. Be a person of prayer.
·        Position yourself to receiving God’s vision for your life. Maintain a steadfast relationship with God. Do not be a Sunday-Sunday worshipper of God. It should be your lifestyle.
·        If you don’t know the way, open the word of God because Jesus is the way, truth and life. Read the Bible for transformation and not for information. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see, your ears to listen and your heart to understand and behold glorious and wondrous things out of His word before you ever study the Bible.
By the prophetic and evangelistic mantle of God upon my life, I decree the outpour of God’s vision for your life upon you as you seek Him first in Jesus Name, Amen!
Dear father in heaven, thank you for your word for me today. I refuse to live without vision in Jesus Name, please help me to realize my reason for existence in Jesus Name, Amen!(pray in tongues for 15minutes).
Luke 7:18-50, Genesis 11, Psalm 5
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asegbolu · 8 years ago
The Journey Is So Short
*THE JOURNEY IS SO SHORT !* A young lady sat in public transport: an elderly grumpy lady came and sat by her as she bumped into her with her numerous bags, the other neighbor got upset, asking the young lady why she did not protest and insist on her rights: she responded with a smile: " It is not necessary to be rude or argue over something so insignificant! " I ll alight at the next stop, our journey together is so short, replied the young Lady " Here's a response which deserves to be written in Golden letters in our daily behaviours and everywhere:
*It is not necessary to argue over something so insignificant, our journey together is so short !* This keeps touching my heart and sets me thinking. If everyone would realize that our passage down here has such a short duration and; to darken it with quarrels, futile arguments, unforgiveness, ungratefulness and bad attitudes would be a waste of time and energy. Did someone break ur heart? Be calm, the journey is so short !! Did someone betray, bully, cheat or humiliate you? Be calm, forgive, the journey is so short !! Whatever penalty anyone serves us, let's remember that the journey TOGETHER is so short... Let us therefore be filled with Gratitude and Sweetness. Sweetness is a virtue never likened to bad character nor cowardice, but better likened to greatness! Our journey together down here is really short and cannot be reversed... No one knows the duration of his/her journey !! Even Methuselah, the longest lived man got to his bus stop and alighted from d bus Two years ago, a well known Minister of God, Dr Myles Munroe and his wife Ruth Munroe, together with Pastor Richard Pinder, Pastors Lavard and Rudel Parks and their two children took off from Bahamas going for a crusade; none of them got to the crusade ground. They all got to their last bus stops and all alighted with a plane crash! As we wake up to see each daylight, millions of people: young, old, mid-age somehow get to their respective bus stops and must alight.
We all pray to live long. And I pray for you reading this post; that you shall live Long and fulfill God's purpose for you on earth in Jesus name, Amen But REMEMBER, the journey is so short. No one knows when they will get to their last bus stop where they will have to alight !! Meditate on this my brethren. The journey is so short, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, or 150 years all start with one day. We surely know how many years we have spent, but do u know how many more you have to spend? 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 99 yr(s), months, weeks or days, hours, minutes or seconds. The journey is so short. *Therefore, cherish and hold on to Friends, Family and the People around you! Be calm, be respectful, be kind, n be thankful. Love God; hold no offence.!! Be Forgiving !! The journey is so short! No matter what anyone has done to hurt you, always remember that: " it is so insignificant." Be quick to forgive. Hold no grudge; the journey is so short. Never forget that however long we pray to live ; The journey down here is so so short !! Everyone will account one day therefore make each day count. God bless us all! With all my love Copied.......
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