Tired of Sand in Your Eyes? Then pull your Dang Head out and be a True entre-FEM-eur
Time to pull your head out!
Listen to this sentence – FOR YOU TO SUCCEED, YOU HAVE TO FULLY BE IN REALITY. Delicate gals with blinders on don’t run big businesses! That means you have to know what is going on around you…your numbers, your allies/enemies, your assets/liabilities – LITERALLY EVERYTHING…everything to do with your business must be crystal clear TO YOU. If you are ignoring something because it is so uncomfortable it stings – you’re not behaving like a business owner. You are acting like a scared child. There are times –oh boy many times – when crawling into a closet and closing the door sounds awesome BUT it won’t make you a winner. You will be living a mediocre, frail existence and that just isn’t good enough for an entre-FEM-eur.
Here are some of the outrageous things that I’ve witnessed firsthand - my clients have ignored and it has come back to bite them in their pockets $$$
A worker that causes strife amongst the other workers – then 6 good workers quit in one day
An unsafe work environment because they didn’t want to mess with the maintenance – then someone fell and broke their back
No diversity and everybody agrees with everything – then there were never any new ideas and the company was stagnant
The spouse of the boss is grossly flirting with the employees – workers don’t feel OK about telling their boss so the culture became so terrible the $3million dollar business closed
The 3 things I would advise a business owner to never ignore is their cash flow - (ALL THOSE FREAKING NUMBERS!), their customer service (NO PERSONALITY AND FOLLOW THROUGH – NO CUSTOMERS TO SERVICE) and their character (STAND UP FOR PETE’S SAKE AND BE REAL). I recommend paying attention to your cash flow because that is where a lot of businesses die. They don’t notice where money is going or where it is coming from – significant for the survival of your company, duh!. Customer service is often an area in which people assume is OK but in reality they stink. Just because you make a sale does not mean you are treating your clients well. It means you made a sale, period. Now let’s ask if you will get another sale from that person….if not, I’d bet your customer service is run-of-the-mill. And finally, your character – it is soooooo vital to be a person of high charisma and respectability when in business. Think about it entre-FEM-eur, who really wants to hang out with a boring low life person?  NOBODY!
Chin up girlfriend and run that business like a boss! You’ll intimidate the heck out of your competitors with your bad self
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Push the Self-Destruct Button and Lead Your Business!
Sometimes ya just come to a point in your business where ya need to start over…this could be one of those times. Yep – it is scary to start over but when you are dying in the business arena you need a way out and the SELF-DESTRUCT BUTTON may be your only option. Do not think of it as giving up because that’s not what you are doing. You are actually taking control of a bad situation and that my dear is being an entre-FEM-eur because we pay attention to reality and do what we must to survive.
When we push the self-destruct button, it doesn’t mean that we are throwing in the towel and hiding in the corner. It means that the way we are doing things right now is not working – we are owning it – and we are preparing ourselves to move in a better direction. We recognize that some of our processes, actions and business ways are not jiving with our goals…so we are dealing with that realization head on by stopping our current mannerisms and depleting the awful and keeping the magnificent. This behavior supports our future better than our present performance – we are smart enough to see this and brave enough to act on it. That’s right it takes great bravery to push the self-destruct button.
Ask yourself – IF I STOP DOING THIS, WILL MY BUSINESS GROW? If you answer YES – then you may want to consider clicking that self-destruct button. You may not need to completely start over…you may only need to destruct specific parts of your business.
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Your Business Like Nobody's Business
That’s right – YOUR BUSINESS, THE ONE YOU OWN – is like nobody else’s business.
AND THAT IS EXCITING! Why? Because YOU get to decide how it is going to expand – YOUR way! Think about it…allow yourself to dream about it…YOU are the leader in this scenario and your gut can tell you a lot. I guarantee you that you will find somebody that will tell you that you are doing something wrong with every single decision you have to make. Hey, be honest with your entre-FEM-eur self, sometimes they will be right. We all fail at stuff so that means you are incorrect how to proceed at times…IT IS OK! Move on and learn from it – I bet you will never do it again. BUT there will also be times that YOU WILL WIN. RIGHT…YOUR decision is the veraciously correct choice and your business will grow. THAT IS REMARKABLE!! YOU BUSINESS LIKE NOBODY!
According to psychologists, we make 35,000 decisions a day – umm, so stop feeling bad if you don’t make them all perfect
4 steps to being more deliciously decisive:
Above all you MUST KNOW YOUR BUSINESS! You never have the OK to just float around and ignore YOUR NUMBERS – this is NOT a behavior of a business woman …this is a child playing a grownup game.
Be RESULT DRIVEN! This is the job of any leader in the world…they must work towards reaching specific results that grow the business (large or small) and ensures it a long life.
Never ignore YOUR FAILURES! These are awesome and priceless and are probably the best way to succeed. Sound weird? Sometimes it feels weird to be so happy to discover your failures and cheer, ha. Here is the great news – you probably won’t do it again & now you know what you need to do to succeed. $$$$
Lastly – KEEP ON CHUGGING FORWARD NO MATTER WHAT! People say this all the time but they don’t really do it. YOU do it! You’ve got stuff to get done, you have goals like nobody else and DANG’IT YOU ARE FREAKING AWESOME…the world needs you!
Now with this in mind – YOU are the boss and you need to allow yourself to grow that company in your exquisite way. Understand that you are different and it is that difference that will bring new clients to you. They have probably been looking for you for a long time because the rest of the world is mediocre.
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Hideous – Revolting – Gruesome...
I don’t know, sometimes business just requires you to be downright raw! Being an entre-FEM-eur  isn’t always pretty and sweet and covered in sprinkles…there are times you are bare for the world to see. A thought has popped into your head and now you have taken that innocent little thought and turned it into a company. From point A to point B there’s a lot of push-and-pull going on and it can take you to places that you have never imagined. Building an empire reveals a lot about the world and more importantly about yourself. The world is full of saints and sinners and business will show you every crevice of the good and bad. These experiences can turn you into something you didn’t know was lurking in you – you can become hideous.
I hope you have figured out that I am not talking about looking hideous (but trust me when you work gobs of tough hours…that can happen too, ha). No I am talking about you being so vulnerable that it seems like your dang body parts don’t seem to fit anymore. Don’t fret my dear – it is all of those new experiences taking a toll on your mind and body. Honestly, my most successful clients have all experienced this type of chaos within at some time. Maybe it is a rite of passage in business – who knows. But if you are finding yourself off kilter and wonder why you are so hideous – remember this – that thing you call hideousness might just be “adjustments” and to you those mental alterations currently feel uncomfortable but in reality, YOU ARE ON THE RISE!
So, don’t you dare stop because you think you’re ugly, nauseating, and disgusting…because you are just experiencing growing pains…trust me girlfriend it happens. Pay attention, you will notice inch by inch of you will start connecting again and sparking with a vibration never experienced by you before. Everything is new territory – you are an explorer. Eventually entre-FEM-eur – just wait – the final result is STUNNING
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I’m a Boss Giant Among Boss Giants – Squeak
Seriously, until you view yourself as something BIG – you won’t be considered big. I am not talking arrogance here…I’m talking about understanding your worth and where you should be. An entre-FEM-eur that sees herself as a Lady Boss Giant will tackle things that nobody else will. Even if you are a newbie, you can be superwoman in your mind and eventually in the outside world. THAT IS EXCITING NEWS! Now, what the heck do you do with this information because you don’t just POOF into Boss Giant – you create, develop, cultivate, educate, construct, produce, and manipulate yourself into it. It is work – not a magic potion. Everybody starts out as an invisible being and then we work really hard to become that Boss Giant…and only then do we deserve it.
Listen up – BEWARE the loose privileges you get when you become the Boss Giant too fast because for some reason it doesn’t stick unless if you work hard for it. You do not want a high-speed propulsion into Boss Giant status because you won’t handle it appropriately and you will probably lose it. Nothing is more confusing than a failure that you experience from ignorance on your part. So embrace the process and let it all happen naturally – only then will you be able to stand next to other entre-FEM-eur Boss Giants with you head held up in confidence.
This BLOG should make your day – you know that you are putting in the time, you comprehend the efforts being made by you and you understand there are steps to “Giant Bossing”. YOU will get to the table of entre-FEM-eurs and they will hear your squeak and respect it because you my dear are a badass.
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“Stop Giving up on Yourself, Its Getting Boring – GOALS!”
Just so you know, the world isn’t sitting still waiting for you to accomplish things. If you want to do stuff with your life then you need to get up and do it. Another revelation – there probably won’t be any cheering going on while you do what you need to do. When you get to that point where you are crushing it left and right – people might do some cheering – but the road getting there…CRICKETS! You are alone, a 100% all by yourself and that is how most of your goal-achieving time will be. You will probably have support – that is awesome – but we are talking about your dreams being met alllllll by yourself…the end. If you give up on yourself then that is the end of your potential being met and it is nobody’s problem other than yours. All of this sounds harsh but the reality is when you give up – ya give up. We can’t put a pretty spin on this because it isn’t pretty, it is boring to the rest of the world. This will never excite your possible clients. Get up and get it done! Whatever that goal is – get it checked off.
                If you are waiting for the world to become obsessed with what you are doing before you stay on track and live your dreams – not happening people. Even the best of the best of support teams cannot focus on you every day. Why? Well, they have lives and hopefully you surround yourself with achievers that need to work on making it to their vision. If “boring people” isn’t your gig and you want to be that gal entrepreneur that you visualize in your head what you need to do to own those goals – then suck it up and get to that crazy finish line. Embrace that you’ll probably be alone and most certainly without a cheering squad to boost you up every second of the day. Those 5AM mornings are quiet but enough of them will definitely create a life that the others will never live. Bigger applause comes from the deeper quiet!
                How do we get our stuff done without boring the world? Find yourself a group that promotes boundaries of steel and keeps you on track. According to science, you can’t achieve a dang thing without putting up those borders. Let that marinate awhile – nothing, notta, zilch, zero goals reached if you do not secure yourself with some guidelines against others shoving out your objectives.
                Know these 4 things!
                Female entrepreneurs will not be successful without boundaries…even the researchers agree:
You will not reach your goals without putting up stiff boundaries
IF you do not set boundaries – you do NOT care about yourself
Having boundaries means that you know where you want to go
It is IMPOSSIBLE to stick to a goal without boundaries in place
So there ya are, being honest with yourself and the people around you. You basically train the others around you to either believe what you are saying or never trust your word. Be the maven that says credible things – your words mean something. When you say you are going to do something, make sure the world listens and awaits your victory with expectation to see the boss babe conquer all kinds of stuff. You be the one that the competitors talk about with wonderment on how you get it all done in your silent world
Don’t bore the world, instead leave it in bewilderment from your constant achievements.
Business Women-Join FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3799421566734627
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