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baashirdayne · 2 years ago
“because you are the sword of the morning.” she spoke, a certain brightness emitting from the dimples upon her cheeks as she muttered the words that seemed as though they were the most natural explanation in the world. her spare hand remaining upon the archway of the threshold they both stood upon, almost as though she were playfully continuing to bar him entrance to her chambers; despite being within the fortress on the island of starfall, glistening white against the glimmering blue of the water that surrounded them. “why would they not notice where you are?”
his hand slipped in her own, one which he had brought to his lips softly; and it was enough to cause her stomach to begin to glow in a way that none other ever had managed. the other hand remained against the frame of the mosaic tiled archway, praying he did not hear the sound of her own heart seemingly ready to betray her and leap from the very inside of her chest. “because things are different here.” in truth, she wanted to say that she felt different here; as much as starfall was beautiful, there were times where she found herself feeling entirely out of place. as though their poise and their grace was a whole different world to the way she seemed to have everything upon her face, everything upon her sleeve. 
“and they wish to ensure i do not entrap you into the currents of the greenblood.”
her tone became teasing now, watching the way he seemed to look around the hallway, praying that someone would not stumble across him. a servant would be enough to ensure one of his sisters would soon coincidentally find herself within this chamber, no doubt sat between the two of them with a quiet level of awkwardness that would threaten to make her end up laughing. she did not enjoy watching him squirm, but perhaps she enjoyed seeing this side to him; where the mould seemed to break just slightly, and she realised that even a dayne’s laugh could be one of the most beautiful sounds to be graced with. 
“will we?” she asked, sticking her own head out into the hallway, looking at the look of exasperation across his own face before she moved backward into her chambers, letting him cross the threshold.
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her attire was simple, a white blouse and skirts; she briefly wondered whether he would consider her improper in such clothing. her kohl lined orbs flickered downwards; truthfully, she did not think so - there was nothing on display. she held no dupatta around her though, no shawl, which could have been the issue. “can i write to my parents now?” she asked, her tone glimmering with a sense of hope as she closed the door behind him. whilst none seemed to know of the soft tryst the two had found themselves entangled in, she wished to inform the allyrions for she did not wish for them to find out in some other way that was not of her own volition. 
“i don’t like lying to them.”
“We will have our answer soon, I promise. I’ve cornered father a number of times to demand an answer and while mother has been more evasive with me, father seems to be on our side.” And h is father wouldn’t lie to him about these things, he told Baashir he thought her a lovely girl and agreed she would make a fine wife. Yes, they were not same in many ways, in ways he used to care about but she opened his eyes, she showed him what it was to feel something other the pride of caste or name. At 7 and 10, he was the youngest Dayne, so far, to be named the Sword of the Morning. The title was his pride, it defined him, and as such he was a proud warrior of the Gods and Starfall. In his mind, his place was enough to over look everything his mother once worried about. She didn’t send his sister to him with complaints disguised as someone’s thoughts other than her own, instead she smiled. And the woman rarely smiled, if ever. She allowed Myriam to help alongside his sisters and aunties, allowed her to move in their space. It was progress and progress mattered.
“Pull me in your currents, the water waits for us, yes? We can swim together and fall our castles in the sea.” He moved his thumb over her hand, raising it up to his lips once more. The Sword of the Morning could hardly stop himself from holding her hands or, when he felt bold enough, his arm around her or when she hugged his arm and he felt they were floating above the cobbles around the pale, moonstone castle.
“It’s not lying, My. It’s just … preparing to surprise them as we will everyone else.” Baashir smiled, looking around her room and then back at her. “For now, we have something better to do that sit in here all day. I grow tired of my mother and her knitting, and tea slurping hens making noises all around me.” And he didn’t even stay in the room long. He certainly wasn’t invited after his last time when he opened his mouth and said he found none of their daughters comely and would much rather take vows of celibacy in service to dragons. That was the end of those silly conversations.
From the moment he heard Myriam laugh and saw her smile at him he knew that he would marry her and then, to fall in love with her, it was expected and wonderful and everything in between. Everything about her said to him they would have a life one would have to live seven times and then seven more were the Gods generous with him, would they be generous with them? Baashir didn’t like to speak for the Gods, even in his thoughts he was careful to not test them and what they said or wanted.
“I’ve planned a spectacular day for the two of us, My. This city is ours and it’s important the future lady of Starfall sees all her home. We might even go where the untouchables live. Maybe not, my father has always said that when one travels through these parts of the city you must … ride a horse and it will take too much attention to get our horses from here.” Again, he smiled and with reluctance he let go of her hand and dragged his fingers over his dark hair as he took a seat.
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“There is so much happening on this day.” Baashir had a surprise for her, it would make sense once they were outside of the walls and he knew exactly how to sneak out. It was something he learned when his brother came to the castle and couldn’t handle being watched by guards. It was in the room next to hers, through the side door, down some stairs, behind a shelf and then a quick walk in the dark to the outside of the walls and they would be in the Pale Town where they could venture out into the depths of the city they would only see in passing.
“Hurry, gather your things.”
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harrypuzzle · 3 years ago
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The story takes place on a peaceful Moon. The astronaut is held hostage by a monster and cannot perform the mission, so he sends a distress signal to the Earth headquarters. So the headquarters sent Taurus Berserker mecha and Hunter mecha to rescue him. This plan was called MY001.
Taurus Berserker is known for being smart, reliable, hardworking, dedicated, and stubborn. Equipped with 2 rifles, he is good at attacking the enemy at close range and giving the enemy a fatal blow. Once provoked, he will be terrible and continue to fight for hours and hours, using powerful weapons. He inspires others to be more independent and fearless in everything they do. HUNTER is very smart, good at collecting information and planning the latest combat routes, which can help the Taurus Berserker win this mecha battle in the fastest time.
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hiibuycom1121 · 3 years ago
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takujava · 6 years ago
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YU-ZEN(遊然)レーベルからJTTの第二弾のEPがMonkey Chop RecordのJig n' Hugとのスプリットでリリースされました! B面の2曲がJTTとなります。 今回も鳴りの良い音にマスタリングしてくれているのはKuniyuki Takahashiさんです。 プロモの段階からForce of NatureのKZAさんもDJプレイくれています。 JTTは今回もらしい抑えの利いた内容ですのでそういうのをお探しの方にはぜひ聴いて貰いたい仕上りです。 レコードショップのテクニークさんのランキングでは3位にランクインしています。 サマーアンセムには程遠い内容ですが10年後の夏も聴いていられるクオリティと自負しておりますので、見かけた方はどうぞよろしくお願いしますっ! JIG N' HUG / JTT TWO FACES EP [Monkey Chop Record / YU-ZEN(遊然)] https://www.technique.co.jp/item/184270,MY001.html ↓1stも好評発売中ですので併せて宜しくお願いします!!↓ JTT YU-ZEN EP 001 [YU-ZEN(遊然)] https://www.technique.co.jp/item/166959,YZ001.html #vinyl #record #jtt #yuzen #house #techno #deephouse (Technique Tokyo - テクニーク) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzXqDGmDU1-/?igshid=1un48syci469g
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uptodrivers · 5 years ago
Miyu MY001-B USB Driver Free Download
Miyu MY001-B USB Driver Free Download
In this article, you will find out the Miyu USB Drivers? Don’t worry about it, we are here to give you the latest officially released drivers for your Miyu MY001-B smartphone or tablet and check for the USB driver for your device? If yes are you checking out an easy way to connect your deviceto a PC or Laptop? You’ve come to the right place! Here we’ve provided free download Miyu MY001-B USB…
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bellannisastore-blog · 6 years ago
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princesssbride-blog · 7 years ago
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r551177 · 8 years ago
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baashirdayne · 2 years ago
who: @baashirdayne / surprise flashback thread. when and where: starfall, 124ac. both myriam allyrion and baashir dayne are seventeen years old
she had not been expecting for the future ruling lord of starfall to come to her chambers this evening; meaning she was entirely in a state of relaxation both in appearance and nerves when the ladies informed her that she had a visitor. as beautiful as every corner of starfall truly remained, perhaps the most beautiful she had seen in all of dorne, she found their ways different to the ways of home where the greenblood delivered her.
“coming!!!” she called, her voice echoing around the chambers, the sounds of her anklets jingling loudly as she picked up the pace into a light run.
the people of starfall were more traditional thinking, more rigid in their approach to matters: and so, she had slipped on a simple orange lehengha when she came to the door, thick dark hair remaining slightly unkempt. “one moment!” she found herself particularly on edge around lord and lady dayne, feeling as though there was something in their gaze, even in their kindness to her. even in the way lady dayne would fix her stance, or where her foot had landed. the door opened, and her mouth opened slightly in surprise to find him stood there.
“arey, you could have said something, na?” she asked, a slight laugh slipping from her lips as she looked upon him. how she looked at him like it was the first and last time she ever would, every time she did look at him.
and it was him. it seemed as though they would cross paths within the keep, whether she found herself by the shore surrounding the island or along the multitude of courtyards; she saw him, perfecting stance after stance, swing after swing. there had been a moment where she had watched with curious observation, what it was the sword of the morning done: mythical, the name sounded. and he would be hers, as she would be his. of all the mornings, she had decided she wanted to spend hers with him; mornings and evenings. beginnings and ends.
“do they know you are here?” she asked, her tone lowering as her eyes glanced around the hallway.
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a small smile came over her features as her head remained poking from the door, head resting against the wooden frame. a part of her wondered quietly whether he had come to speak to her of something, something serious; another part of her hoped that the sword of the morning had come to see his own sunrise. “a password for entrance is required. my lord.”
“how many chances should i give you?”
It wasn’t usual for him to come and see her without sending someone before to let her know he was arriving. It was proper, the way they did things in Starfall always included one of his parents, usually his mother, following them around but this day, this day he wanted to surprise and so he made plans, distractions, and routes for them to take. He wished to spend his day with her, his day away from them all. Baashir Dayne would never dishonor her; her honor was as precious as every other part of her. He wanted her company above all else, his mind swimming as love seemed to wrap him up and put him in a state where he only wanted to dance with her and hear her voice. As he did while she rushed around her room, certain to be dressing further and panicking because his mother made everyone uncomfortable under her gaze.
“That would ruin the surprise.” Bash smiled at her, it was if he hadn’t seen her for days any time he was away from her and her it proper he would have pulled her into his arms right then. Instead he lightly, and carefully took her hand in his and looked around the hallway with her and then bac at her with a smile.
“No one knows where I am and why should they even notice?” And sure, someone would notice at some point, but it mattered not at all. There were people coming to visit and he didn’t need to be there for this visit, discussions about things he wouldn’t have to worry about for years. A man was only young once and youth shouldn’t be spent spending so much time seriously. What a dull life that would be.
“A password? You should give me many chance, My.” He raised her hand and kissed the back of it lightly. “For if we wait too long someone may see me standing here and then we’ll have guest.”
He looked at her, he drank her in and he hoped she couldn’t hear the sound of his heart pounding his chest as he looked back down the hall and then at her.
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uptodrivers · 5 years ago
Miyu MY001 USB Driver Free Download
Miyu MY001 USB Driver Free Download
In this article, you will find out the Miyu USB Drivers? Don’t worry about it, we are here to give you the latest officially released drivers for your Miyu MY001 smartphone or tablet and check for the USB driver for your device? If yes are you checking out an easy way to connect your deviceto a PC or Laptop? You’ve come to the right place! Here we’ve provided free download Miyu MY001 USB drivers…
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