#my writnig
blarfkey · 3 months
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Solas/Ellana Lavellan, background Krem/Jospehine, Varric/Cassandra, Bull/Dorian
Rating: E (for one chapter) and T for all other chapters
Tags: Solavellan, College AU, Dear Daddy Long Legs AU
Description: It sounds way too good to be true.
A fellow library patron– and total stranger – just happens to notice her pathetic attempts of self-education in between the three jobs it takes to afford rent in Orlais? And then just so happens to be both kind and disgustingly rich enough to offer to pay for her entire ride to any university she wants? And the only thing he wants in return is total anonymity and a pen-pal?It sounds like something straight out of a hidden camera show.
What kind of desperate idiot would fall for a scam like that?
Ellana. Ellana Lavellan is that desperate idiot
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aliasalias · 17 days
send help why is the line between genuine and painfully edgy so Thin
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mesmir-ized · 2 years
HI MIR !!!!!!!!! <3
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hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^7^🌼
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
everything is goingto be okay 👍 because the alternative would wreck me 👍
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rusted-phone-calls · 1 year
got my eng composition back and ohhhh god there are only so many teacher's comments that motivate me to write
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Smut requests?
Currently thinking about writnig smut pretty much idk why though, so here are some phrases you can request me writing them with.
Also, I want some of them to be fun, it could start suggestive and end in crack, so request however you guys like.
Enemies/Haters to lovers
"These shoes are adjustable?" "Yes, and I wish your dick was too." ...
"I don't like how you're looking at my dick..." "Well, I'm trying to find it." ...
"You said that dicks were dissappointing, so what is that?" "Not your dick, that much is clear!"
Top towards their sub
"Aw, look at that sweet, angel-like body of yours...mind if I break it?" "Wh-what?!" ...
"Huh, and here I thought I was the first one to enter you...look at all these dildos!" "I-I said don't look at them!!" ...
*Top works at a club for service, looks at sub seductively.* "So, doll, what will it be today? Bondage, butt plugs, roleplay?" "I-I'm a virgin...?" "OH SHIT-- I'm so sorry love, here, let's start with some kissing first, alright? I'll also get the lube!"
"So...you're a virgin?" "Yeah...?" "Me too! But I call dibs on being top." *messes it up and becomes a pathetic bottom* ...
"Heh, just so you know, I can be anything you want." *looks at their partner seductively.* "Order me some pizza." *seductive gaze falls.* ...
"Well, I don't mean to say, but I'd make a pretty good top." "Eh, I like 'em more ...submissive and breedable-" "I can be that too."
I had a few laughing fits when writing these, so yeah. If you have something else in mind, just request it and I'll see if I can write it or not.
Read you guys in the next post!
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toomuchracket · 29 days
i actually hate you for writnig office nerd like hes always in my brain what did you PUT IN IT oh my god like hes juts rattling around in there im typing frantically trying t orxpress the chaos of OFICIENEFERDOFFINCEDEDDEROENJGNERJGNJKWDWIGIBERG because thats ehat its like up there. NO MORE this is so bad like im actually going insane i think im sleep deprived I Just remembedr taht post where u said im thr most interesting person u know....THATS RIGHT. no im genuinely i think i need to sleep and (someones lighting a fag outside my window) i hope i dream of office nerd. anyway
love u g this made me giggle. i love office nerd too that's baba <3
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sttoru · 6 months
Hi i'm velvetcrimsonkisses. i think you blocked me and i really loved reading your stories. I was informed that it might be about my p-links and tags. I just decided to do some and used the tags i would use on my writings. if you'd like to talk it out im always happy to talk just dm. Ive only been writnig for less than a month on here and im still confused on tags and all. I am so sorry.
hi, no thanks, my boundaries are my boundaries. i don’t like porn links and that’s that, it’s not about the abuse of tags since i understand that beginners can’t quite understand the tag system yet. i block all porn link posters i see, because i hate to see them on my dash or in tags. i hate the trend because it’s just straight up porn brainrot.
i’m not gonna bend my rules because i’m genuinely uncomfortable with it. bye 🦦
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thebestofoneshots · 9 months
Hi I would like for you to read some of the stuff to my book to see if you think I should make more and maybe give me some advice, I feel like my writnig is not the best bc English is not my first language.
You were sitting on your sofa in your house looking at some random shit on your phone. "Hi, I'm home!” says Paul as he opens the door to your house. you stand up and walk out to him “hi” He puts his hands on your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. “hi” he smiled down at you “how was the filming?” "awful Tyrese and I couldn't make one of the scenes we kept laughing” you stood on your tip toes and kissed his cheek. “Are you ready for the Italian Grand Prix in a few days?” “mhm, Charles is coming over to get me thursday, tomorrow so I won't be home. Also, do you want to come with me?” you ask him “I would love to come but am Im allowed to be there not many people know our thing.” “you will be if you walk in with me and Frédéric knows..” “Did you tell him?” “no, he saw you called me after a race. He could see your name with a heart on my phone.” “okay.. so I'm flying with you and Charles?” “yeah he will be okay with it, he had his gf with him once” “I will go up and pack then” he smiled at you as he took his shoes off.  He then stood up “did you have a good day?” “yes but it’s much better now that you're here” He chuckles and looks down at you, he then takes you up and puts you over his shoulder ”HEY!”   
I really like it myself but dont know if it is actually good..
Hey babe! I've taken some time to answer this one because I wanted to dedicate the proper time to it. I must say, your story is pretty interesting, and you should definitely write more. In fact, even if some asshole ever told you that you shouldn't, you should continue to write if it's what you enjoy doing.
Now, where I do think I could give you some advice is regarding the formatting. This one is crucial because different languages have different formatting for writing and English has a lot of tricky ones, and it takes a lot of attention to get them right but I think I can sum them up for you.
Now the lack of spacing might be because of the limited amount of space in asks, but just in case it isn't, it's important to remember that you must switch paragraphs every time:
A different character speaks
You change a scene, time or location
You start a new topic
Another interesting one that even I didn't know until way deep into writing fanfiction is the punctuation marks after your characters speak and before you add the quotation marks. Allow me to elaborate.
This is a super detailed article about it, but basically, a dialogue should look something like this.
"If your dialogue follows a dialogue tag, you must use a coma in the end," she said.
She said, "On the other hand, if it's at the beginning, then instead of a coma you would use a dot."
"If it's obvious who the speaker is and you don't want to add a dialogue tag, then you also use a dot."
"And it's the same if you're breaking a paragraph after your dialogue."
"You are also meant to use dots if the dialogue is followed by an action and not a dialogue tag." She moved to the other side of the room to continue explaining.
"And if you have either a question mark or an exclamation one, then you continue your without capitalizing, the same as if it were a coma!" she said.
"If you are breaking paragraph after it, you don't need to add a for though!"
So with proper formatting, the little excerpt you've sent would look somewhat like this:
You were sitting on the sofa in your house looking at some random shit on your phone. "Hi, I'm home!” said Paul as he opened the door to your house. You stood up and walked up to him (tense change) “Hi.” He put his hands on your waist and pulled you in for a kiss, (tense change) “Hi,” he smiled down at you. “How was the filming?” "Awful Tyrese and I couldn't make one of the scenes, we kept laughing.” You stood on your tip toes and kissed his cheek. “Are you ready for the Italian Grand Prix in a few days?” “Mhm, Charles is coming over to get me Thursday, so I won't be home. Want to come with me?” you asked him. “I would love to come but... Am I allowed to be there? Not many people know our thing.” “You will be if you walk in with me and... Frédéric knows–” "You told him?” (sounds a bit more natural) “No, he saw you called me after a race. He saw your name with a heart on my phone.” “Okay.. so I'm flying with you and Charles?” “Yeah he will be okay with it, he had his girlfriend with him once.” “I'll go up and pack then,” (also the contraction makes it a bit more natural) he smiled at you as he took his shoes off,  he then stood up. “Did you have a good day?” “Yes but it’s much better now that you're here.” He chuckled (tense change) and looked down at you, he then grabbed onto your waist and put you over his shoulder. ”HEY!”  you complained. 
Also, I'd also add that you must be careful with your tenses, you start in past and then you switch to present, while this can happen in English when you are in conversation, it's not very common when you're telling a story. If you'll be talking in present, stick to the present (It's not vert common on formal books but I've seen it often in fanfiction), if you'll be talking in past, stick to the past.
I hope you find this useful darling, I tried to be as concise as possible while explaining all these little grammar rules, and I hope I didn't come as harsh. Took me long to figure them out and I suppose someone detailing them to me would have been pretty useful. I think your writing is great and I reiterate the fact that you should definitely continue. Sending all the love in the world!
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roscvcins · 19 days
also i just want y'all to know if ever my writnig looks absolutely batshit it's prolly cause i wrote it at 3 am barely awake
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hirokiyuu · 2 months
2, 5, 8?
2. Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to?
i feel like this is kinda my standard theres a lot of good fic ideas w/nsfw in them but i get too shy abt it. honestly tho i feel like i have the potential to write some really good nsfw bc everyone says theyre just like fight scenes and i write good fight scenes so i gotta just get over it
oh i do have some good fic ideas for fandoms im not really in but unfortunately the way my fic writnig works requires me to be at least a little bit Insane over things so idk if ill ever be able to go back and do them.............. aksh asoue au u will always live in my heart
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
honestly i tag really conservatively already WWWWWW i definitely undertag in general bc its hard for me bc im always like "ok but does htis COUNT as xyz........." lol
oh but i hate the "out of character" tag. if it's out of character why are you writnig fanfiction. cmon. at least Try to make it ic or argue that its in character for how things would be in an au. come On.
8. How slow is a slow burn?
(guy who is 70k+ into a ship fic and htey literally havent even done anything more romantic than stand next to each other) oh,, u kno,
realtalk im like........ not Crazy picky over this bc i do think its possible to depict a long time of yearning in just a few words (thinking abt how one of my fave slowburns is not even 10k and i do really consider it that) but i do htink its harder to show that in few words. really depends on the authors skills. extremely hard for me to imagine it being less than 5k frankly if you want something thats a Slow burn slow burn u kno. if you have something thats a snapshot from the middle of a slow burn thats just piningfic. which is fine i love pining but like .cmon
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czesca · 1 year
what if. instead of writnig my assignment. i got suuuuuch a restless night of sleep
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Ahem. your strength as a roleplayer!!! the way you structure your sentences has me (the reader) hanging off of every word. The way you describe the way a character feels always makes me feel insane (positive) and in general just. the way you pull entire threads together so eloquently always floors me!!!!!! SHAKES YOU AROUND AFFECTIONATELY
Strengths as a Roleplayer
Alfio I honeslty have no words to express how brightly this made me smile. I always am questioning my prose, unsure if its too much or too little - but knowing you think my writnig is eloquent is enough to make me smile stupid. Especially coming from you who's writing I absolutely LOVE.
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
hi foxy - Lone Blue Egg is so funny! I think it’s maybe the most comedic of all your works. The side characters are so quirky and funny too. And I like that’s it’s not quite a hybrid story, but the universe still has these, I don’t know, “dormant hybrid” personalities floating around. Very clever. Loved it.
Oh I definitely leaned into my comedy writing for that story. It was a really fun experience to try to write a funny story in which the characters themselves are not aware they are in a comedy (well, Rana is semi-aware). I really enjoy this style of writnig and hope to keep practicing with it more in this Birdtan Universe so I can keep getting better!
Thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was genuinely not sure how it would go over --too hybrid for mainstream, not hybrid enough for hybrid-readers.
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belethlegwen · 2 years
I don't want to just say it in case it spoils some kinda game buuuuuuttt...
I read your tags and followed the clues. I hope there's cake. Thanks for the writnig!
[+] Anon
!!!! We thank you for following the breadcrumbs, hahaha <3 It's not a game! I just thought it would be silly. Thank you so much. And for silly reasons not entirely related to it, there's a strawberry cheesecake in my fridge, so we can pretend ;)
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maaaxx · 1 year
11 & 19 for the ask game ❤
ask game :)
11 has already been answered here
19. "Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?":
Short answer:
From the time I could vaguely write I was writing "books" (or as much of a book a child that young can make)
I entered my first writing contest when I was 9 or 10 and I got 5th place in my school
A year later I started my first major wip that got me invested into writing as a hobby
A year after that I started another wip that most of my current wips are branches off of and also started posting bits and pieces on wattpad
When I was 14 I had my writing skills tested for early college admission and scored in the top 5 percent in my state (still very proud of this)
Entered and won a couple writing competitions besides that stopped writnig
Then a couple years later I started writing fanfiction
Currently pondering working towards actually publishing some books one day.
Long answer under the cut :)
I remember making "books" since I could write. Like I would staple paper together and I remember one specifically that had something to do with sea horses but i dont remember the plot.
My mom has boxes filled of these "books" with all of the words and even my name misspelled and poorly illustrated characters and stuff.
When I was in like 4th grade (9-10 years old) my teacher had an assignment to where we made up a story and applied whatever type of literary technique we were learning about that week to it. So like if we were learning about similes the assignment would be come up with 5 sentences that include similes that pertain to your story and include one or something like that. At the end of the year we were supposed to have 4-5 pages of this story. I think I finished with like 10-12 or something like that. She made me summarize it 💀
If I remember right I think that my story was about this set of twins where one was born with some type of super power that only the other twin knew about and the superpowered twin got kidnapped by some scientists that wanted to expirement on her and my story followed the other twin and this like 12 year old girl dedicating her teenagehood to finding the lost twin. I think I made it so the dad actually ended up hiring the kidnapper and the dad and kidnapper both got arrested. I want to find this again because I dont remember a lot about it.
That same year my teacher ended up having me enter a poetry contest and I think it was a tri-county thing. I didn;t like poetry (I still hate writing it, love reading it though) so I half assed it and I think I got within the top 5 (??) of my school. (just elementary school) so that was neat.
(This specific teacher was one of those really strict teachers that no one else liked but my little undiagnosed autistic self LOVED her because i always knew what to expect yk?? but is also the one who really got me into reading and writing and stuff and I dont think I'll ever not me extremely grateful for her)
The next year I started forming this one wip. Its definetly my longest and most elaborate and sentimental one because it opened so many different doors for me.
There was no plot but it pretty much followed this group of like 20 teenagers that had very different lives and were all really traumatized and during the "story" they're all like 15-18 trying to figure out how to move on from their childhoods and maintain healthy relationships with eachother and their individual support systems.
Some of them are neurodivergent and some of their stories are centered around that.
One of the characters name is Jack. Jack is bipolar and so is his mom and so because of his moms mental illnesses and stuff he was in and out of fostercare from like 5-13. Hes probably the 'main' character in this.
Hes also went deaf from a tmi from when he was like 9.
Then theres Allison who is autistic and she is your stereotypical 'gifted kid burnout' 'graduated at like 15' type of autistic. but this leads to a lot of issues with her and her main thing is kind of working through that.
Travis comes from a VERY religious (almost cultish) family and is develops schizophrenia at like 16 I think and he's also pansexual and his parents go through his phone and find some texts from his partner and kick him out so hes homeless and has to deal with that.
But like I said theres like 17 more of these characters and its very elaborate. It goes into the parents childhoods and deals with generational trauma and how mental illness can affect parenting.
The 'story' mostly follows Jack and Allison (theyre love interests) and everything is kind of through their pov and their relationships with the other characters and stuff.
But like 11 year old me started writing this out in composition books and between then and when I turned 15 ish and got a computer, I filled I think close to 30 composition books with this story.
But I started researching mental disorders and stuff for this story so I could make their stuff as realistic as possible and that kickstarted my spin on psychology, which led to me wanting to be a social worker which is my major. It also meant that I was really ahead in also my psyche classes. Im *technically* going into my 5th year of college and I started taking psyche classes my second year and I didnt start getting into stuff that I didn't know until the year that just ended so 11 year old me really knew what she was doing.
I remember making my mom buy me textbooks and those articles that are behind a paywall for birthdays and Christmas's
I'm getting off track
A year or two after that I started developing this other wip with kids with superpowers and there was a whole lot of worldbuilding and stuff to this one and its what got me into fantasy which is the main genre I write outside of fanfic. (my hecles wip is loosely based on this one)
(part of this one is on wattpad somewhere)
When I was 14 I took a test that determined whether or not I would be able to start college early and part of this test was writing skills. There was a fiction and a nonfiction portion and then they combined those two scores and averaged them out and my score was in the 95th percentile (top 5 percent) of everyone who takes the test (so on average like 17-19 year olds usually and then some outliers) so I see that as one of my biggest writing achievments.
(i scored shit on the math and reading comprehension portions though)
I stopped writing and stuff for like two years besides entering writing contests.
I've entered like 5 and won 2. One was tri-county and I got first place and the other one was a little bigger but it wasnt a state contest, I think it might have been regional but I got third place. I consider those both big accomplishments too.
And then when I was 17 I started writing fanfiction.
I think fanfiction is what actually got it in my head that maybe I could write an actual book one day. Like before I just saw it as like a hobby because I was scared of the commitment of writing a whole book but ive written almost 200,000 words of one of my fanfics and it wasn't that overwhelming and I think that usually a decent sized novel so why not give it a try?
Idk if that answered the question or if I got TOO off track but oh well :)
#you can tell when i start mildly bragging#im sorry im just proud of myself💀#I think I mentioned before that everytime I get really into writing its to cope with something.#so that like 11-15 era and then when I was 17 I had a lot going on and thats always when i started really getting back into it#i also consider getting involved in fandom (aside from just writing) something like a milestone to my writing timeline thing#because its the first time I had a community around it#and that I can talk to other people who are passionate about their wips and works and whatnot#and compare writing styles and stuff#i also really enjoy getting immediate feedback#also being able to read stuff by people who dont get paid for it and who dont have to worry about writing trends and stuff is really nice#i think its really neat how much of my life stems from writing#like idk how to explain how different my life would be if this wasnt my primary hobby.#me choosing my career directly stems from a story i made when i was 11#writing is also how i taught myself empathy#because i mention a lot that im a really low empathy autistic#and id always have trouble not being cold with people because i cant force myself to feel bad for them#so id make like side stories of my characters going through things people in my life went through#and if base what i say and do for them on what would help my chatacter#which i based on reading psyche textbooks#that sounds really weird now that im typing it out but oh well#im not saying im good at relationships but id be a lot worse at them if i didnt start writing#i liked this ask thank you anon <3#idk if i actually answered it though 💀#max thinks shes relevant#asks
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