#my writing: wayhaught
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zipzin · 2 years ago
The Law of Entropy (or Wynonna Earp is Trying to Ruin my Life) - Also on AO3
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: Wynonna Earp (TV) Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Rosita Bustillos/Wynonna Earp, Rosita Bustillos & Waverly Earp, Rosita Bustillos & Jeremy Chetri Characters: Rosita Bustillos, Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Nicole Haught, Jeremy Chetri Additional Tags: Crack, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - No Supernatural, this is overly complicated and ridiculous, rosita just wants to be a good coworker, wynonna wants to join in on the fun, and they were ROOMMATES, extraordinary bad communication by everyon Summary: Rosita honestly had no clue that taking a bartending job at Shorty’s would have her way too invested in her coworker’s nonexistent relationship with her roommate and get embroiled in a scheme that is so stupid but just might work. And that wasn’t even mentioning the hot sister. She just wanted to get through grad school with less debt and entertain herself in this town that is way too small to have enough prospects to even warrant a Tinder.
“Your hot roommate is here.” Rosita said, delighting in the way that Waverly’s eyes narrowed.
“It’s Haught.” Waverly muttered.
Rosita waggled her eyebrows, “I know.”
Waverly rolled her eyes as she walked over to Nicole, who by the looks of it, had just finished a shift. They did this every night that Waverly worked late, where despite the fact Purgatory was smaller than some rest stops, Nicole would double check if she should swing by later and drive Waverly home to their shared apartment. It was cute, if not mind-numbingly nauseating when they stared at each other like they found the meaning of life.��
Rosita watched as Nicole gave Waverly an actual goddamn kiss onto her cheek and walked out the door.
Oh my god.
Waverly bounced back to the bar and Rosita asked, “Is your girlfriend coming back tonight?”
Waverly sputtered and her cheeks turned red, “She’s not my girlfriend!”
Rosita raised an eyebrow, “Are you ever going to ask her out?”
“Of course not! She’s my roommate!”
Rosita rolled her eyes, “So, that just means one of your bedrooms can be converted to an office or something. Extra space for free.”
“That is not how it works!” Waverly's voice grew higher in pitch, “It means it’s messy, especially since she doesn’t like me back.”
Even Jimmy, their most regular regular, chuckled at that. Rosita shot a look at Doc, but he just hid his eyes behind his hat. The coward. “Waverly, anyone can see that she likes you back. Except you.”
“She does not! I would know.”
“Would you? Do you even know what she does when she’s jealous?”
“Why would I know that?”
“Because she does it around you all the time! She tries to hide it, but it’s so obvious.”
“It isn’t! And she doesn’t do it around me!”
Yes,” Rosita sighed, “Basically anytime you get close to a person.” Rosita took a step forward, “She gets all frozen and clenches her fists until her knuckles are white, and only relaxes when you smile at her.”
“No she doesn’t!”
“She really does.” Jimmy piped up from his seat. Waverly glared at him and he held his hands up in mock surrender. “Nevermind.”
Rosita shot him a grateful look.
She had moved to Purgatory at the start of the semester, when her third sublease had been up and she knew she needed to actually find a place to live. Her last place had the worst pink and green decor that made Rosita want to puke every time she saw it. Waverly, one of her few friends at Ghost River University, had mentioned that the rent was cheap in Purgatory and that Rosita could probably get a job at the bar she worked. She had needed something since her position as a TA ended, and she was not doing that again.
Her only real possession was her car, so she had looked at the prices and couldn’t bother to look anywhere else in the city. Was the commute annoying? Yes. The bus that ran from the city and Purgatory never on time? Yes. Did everyone know each other, and the dating pool so small that Rosita had already slept with the one tolerable man? Yes.
But she was saving so much money on rent. And as a grad student in a field destined for research, she took all the savings she could. Plus, working as a bartender made way more than a TA could dream of even with the tuition reimbursements and she didn’t have to grade annoying undergrad’s shitty homework.
The people of Purgatory were certainly an acquired taste, but Rosita found herself enjoying them more every day. And for such a small town, there was a lot of drama. Not that there was anything as interesting as the absolute hopelessness of Waverly and Nicole. It had been funny at first, watching them flit around each other, and allowed her to get to know Waverly’s sister Wynonna, but now it was pathetic. And she couldn’t even imagine how the people who’d watched this from the beginning felt.
She had three more semesters at Ghost River University, and if Waverly and Nicole hadn’t talked about their feelings by then, she’d consider that a worse failure than flunking out of her degree. She didn’t think she was much of a matchmaker, and her subtle prodding hadn’t revealed any results but her mom had always said to leave things better than she’d found them.
Rosita let out a long breath as the last patron left and gave Waverly a weak smile.  Thank god that shift was over, she was pretty sure she was going to keel over and die. The only saving grace was that she didn’t have class tomorrow. Rosita looked at the front door and frowned, “Is Nicole coming back tonight?”
“No,” Waverly said quickly. Too quickly.
“Waverly,” Rosita said, “Why isn’t she coming? She always picks you up on Fridays. And she was smiling when she left.”
Waverly hid her head below the counter. “Why would that matter?”
Rosita sighed, “Waverly, for all the teasing I do I’m not going to tell her.”
“I know.” Waverly whined, “I just, I couldn’t.”
“Couldn’t?” Rosita frowned, “Couldn’t what?”
“Ask her out!”
Rosita blinked a couple times. “I wasn’t going to force you to ask her out. I mean I’d like to know when you will, just for my own peace. And the rest of Purgatory’s.”
“We’re roommates.” Waverly stressed every syllable.
“Again, so? She likes you.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Waverly’s voice was nearing hysterical, “What, she’ll avoid me? Not reup the lease when it expires?”
But Waverly was on a roll, “I don’t want her to avoid me for a few weeks. I want her to never avoid me!”
“Nicole wouldn’t do that.”
“You don’t know that.” Waverly finally looked at Rosita, “It’s not worth the risk.”
Rosita shook her head and began to stack chairs, “Just think, you could have it all, dates, hand-holding, probably mind-blowing sex.” She glanced up to see Waverly began to blush, “You guys would probably get married, have bunch of tiny red-heads running around frockling as you look at each other completely lovesick. Wynonna would be a great aunt-”
“Stop.” Waverly’s face could only be described as wistful.
“Is it worth living with that kind of regret?”
The chairs were stacked and Waverly took the broom out, “Fine, does that sound perfect? Yes!” Rosita gave herself a mental high-five, “But she’s not interested in me.”
Rosita couldn’t help it, she snorted. “Okay, here’s where you’re completely delusional.”
“How could you know?” Waverly demanded, “You’ve talked to her maybe three times.”
“I knew in the first minute.”
The first minute had been particularly memorable, it was one of her first days on the job, and Waverly had been tasked with showing her the ropes. It had gone well, until the beer tap had erupted all over Waverly’s shirt and Nicole, who had just come in, had knocked three bar stools down.
Rosita had just taken a step back and watched the two with unbelieving eyes, and later, when she finally met Wynonna, had inquired what was up.
Wynonna had set down her whiskey and sighed, “When your best friend is in need of a roommate and you recommend your sister, you don’t think they are going to fall in love with each other. Hell, I didn’t even notice until Doc asked me how long they had been dating, and at first I was a little pissed. But then, they do this shit,” She waved to where the two were playing an abysmal round of pool, “And their sexual tension makes me horny.”
“How long has this been happening?”
“Two very long years.” Wynonna sat her glass down with a thud.
“And no one’s?”
“Of course we’ve all tried! They’re the two most stubborn people I’ve ever met, Waverly won’t admit anything’s there and Nicole just stares off into space when it’s mentioned as if she’s gone deaf.” Wynonna leaned in and whispered, “We looked them in a closet one time, you know, to make them fess up, and they managed to get out of it. I still don’t know how.”
Waverly snorted, “It’s not like I haven’t tried to see if she was, you know, I live with her.”
“Okay.” Rosita, “Sure, I know you know like, 5 languages, but I’m pretty sure body isn’t one of them.”
Waverly’s mouth dropped open. “I’ll have you know that I was Head Cheerleader.”
Rosita frowned, not sure how that was relevant, and continued on her point, “I mean, what have you done besides make the poor officer all hot and bothered.”
Waverly stomped her foot like a toddler, “I’ve you know, I’ve-”
“Every time you so much as look at anyone else she gets jealous.” That wasn’t strictly true, probably wasn’t at all, but the reaction was priceless. 
Waverly sputtered, and almost knocked over the stack of chairs, “She doesn’t.”
“I’ll prove it to you.” Waverly’s eyes gleamed and Rosita swallowed, feeling like she’d stepped on a landmine.
“Yeah?” Her dad always said she never knew when to stop.
“Date me.”
“Uh, what?” Rosita blinked and looked around. The voice had not come from somewhere else.
“You say that Nicole gets jealous, pretend to date me.”
“And if she does, I’ll know, and I’ll ask her out.”
“Okay, that is an insane plan,” Rosita said, “And then what, tell her our relationship is just a joke? How would that go over well?”
“Well, no.” Waverly frowned. “We’ll just break up.”
“After a day?”
Rosita sighed as she walked over to Waverly and put her hands on her shoulders. “Waverly, I love you, but I’m not letting anyone think I had a relationship for a day. That’s like a one night stand where the sex is almost good enough you’ll ignore how everything else is horrible.”
“Fine, then we’ll do it for a month.”
“A month?” Rosita choked.
“Are you in?”
Rosita felt frozen as Waverly looked sadly at the bar. She remembered Wynonna’s words, “Two very long years.” If this was going to be the thing to get them together, well.
“And at the end, when Nicole is obviously not heartbroken, you have to drop this. Forever!” Waverly added.
Rosita stared, “Fine, but I get to decide if she’s not heartbroken. You have to actually listen to me about it. Not brush it off like you usually do.”
“Fine.” Waverly grit out.
“And I get to choose my shifts for the next month.”
Waverly narrowed her eyes. “Fine.” She gritted out.
“Perfect.” Rosita grinned. “See you around, darling.”
It was a stupid plan. A horrible one. But if it meant Waverly was doing something about her feelings, then it was better than her lusting and mopeing around.
Rosita awoke to a loud banging on her door and rolled over in bed with a moan. It was Saturday. Her clock flashed 8:12 AM. She didn’t have classes today and her shift didn’t start until the evening, so why was someone interrupting the only time she got to sleep in?  
She padded out of bed as the banging grew faster, and swung open the door, not even caring that she wasn’t wearing pants, “WHAT!”
She wasn’t sure if she was more surprised that Wynonna Earp was up this early or that she was at her apartment. How did Wynonna even get this address? They’d talked like five times, not counting when Wynonna ordered drinks.
“You bitch!” Wynonna took a step forward and the next thing Rosita knew her face hurt. 
She staggered back. “What. The. Fuck.” 
“You’re dating Waverly?!”
“What?” Rosita asked, “God my coffee maker isn’t even on yet.” She whined as she rubbed her face. She couldn’t believe that Wynonna had punched her.
“Talk!” Wynonna growled, “I wake up to nine messages this morning. Nine!”
Wynonna shoved her phone in Rosita’s chest. Rosita barely caught it and she stared at the blank screen. “It’s off.” Wynonna grabbed the phone back and unlocked it and shoved it into Rosita’s face, her hand vibrating.
Rosita blinked a couple times before she could focus on the screen.
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Wynonna?
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Are you up?
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Plzzzzz
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Ok
Haughtstuff (2:45am): You’re not
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Your sister just told me she’s dating Rosita
Haughtstuff (2:45am): The other bartender
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Why didn’t you warn me!!!!
Haughtstuff (2:45am): What the hell dude
Wynonna (7:53am): wut the fuck?
Wynonna (7:53am): she didnt tell me that
“Umm,” Rosita blinked several more times and read the messages again until it faded to black.
“You know. You know that they are in love with each other.”
Wynonna’s jaw dropped, “And what? You think you’ll date Waverly? What kind of masochist are you! Are you just playing with my sister!”
“SHUT UP!” Rosita massaged her temples, “WE AREN’T DATING!”
Rosita sighed and gestured Wynonna inside, “I was baiting Waverly.”
“As we all do.”
“And she was all like Nicole’s never jealous.”
“Maybe she needs glasses?”
“So we’re arguing and she says she’s going to have to prove me wrong. And if Nicole’s jealous, then she’ll ask her out.”
“How are you going to prove it?” Wynonna demanded.
“We’re going to pretend to date,” The answer hung between them. 
“Fuck.” Wynonna said and sat down on a nearby chair. “I should probably get you some ice.”
Rosita’s glare hardened. “Yes, the kitchen’s that way.”
“She swore that she would do something about it then?”
There was just the sound of the freezer being opened. “Really. Huh.”
Wynonna returned and tossed a bag of frozen peas at Rosita. “I’m just kind of amazed.”
“Well, she did. So, now we just have to show Waverly these texts.”
“No.” Wynonna said and then frowned sadly. “I wish, but Nicole would kill me, and I already know that Waverly would say some shit like,” Wynonna flung some hair over her shoulder and made her voice higher, “She was just so surprised and wants to know in case I bring Rosita over.” 
Rosita sighed, “Sounds like Waverly.”
They settled into silence until Wynonna cleared her throat and Rosita looked up to see Wynonna staring at her bare legs.
Rosita stood, “Now leave, next time you’re over here it better be with coffee and donuts.”
“As you wish.” Wynonna mocked. “And sorry, about punching you, I just.”
“Hey,” Rosita smiled, “It would be crazy if Waverly and I started dating. And a little insane. I may deserve a punch for that.”
Wynonna nodded and headed towards her door, “Didn’t think you were the type to sleep in negligee but if you have the assets you should flaunt them.”
The door shut before Rosita could find something suitable to throw.
“What happened to your face?”
Waverly’s exclamation easily cuts over the din of Shorty’s and Rosita blinks for a second before remembering that Wynonna’s punch had left a slowly growing bruise.
Several regulars looked on and Jimmy let out a whistle, “Got you good too.”
Rosita rolled her eyes, “Caught the bad end of a punch.” She answered.
Waverly looked like she was about to ask more questions, but Rosita gave her a pointed glare and she returned to stacking glasses. Rosita shrugged off her coat and stepped behind the bar.
“So?” Waverly questioned.
Rosita rolled her eyes. How was she a graduate student? “So, how did telling Nicole go?”
“Oh.” Waverly’s voice was flatter than the guitar one of Rosita’s ex’s had left three years ago.
“She, well, she just said congratulations and then she went to her room.”
“Okay!” Rosita said. “She probably went to cry or something.”
“What?! No she didn’t. She didn’t care at all.”
Rosita sighed. “Remember when I said you’d have to listen to me? To at least acknowledge what I said?” 
Waverly just crossed her arms, “How many times have you even talked to Nicole?”
Rosita sighed, “Fine, whatever,  have you thought about how we’re going to sell this?”
A look passed on Waverly’s face, but Rosita had no idea how to read it. “We can figure that out later, it’s not like we’re going to have to face her together yet.”
The door slammed open, “Hellloooo!” Wynonna called with a grin. Behind her a slumping Nicole walked in.
“Hi.” Waverly said faintly.
Rosita rolled her eyes and then kissed Waverly’s forehead and turned to greet the duo. Wynonna was grinning like a mad woman and Nicole just had a faint frown etched onto her face. “What can I get you two?”
“Whiskey.” Wynonna smiled. “Doubles.”
“Wynonna.” Nicole said warningly.
“Oh, Haughtshot wants triples.”
“Do not Rosita,” Nicole sighed as she looked at Wynonna’s face, “We’ll have doubles.” She mumbled out.
“And this is why you’re my best friend.” Wynonna said. “I’m telling you, the only way is to drink away the sorrows.”
“Sorrows?” Rosita said as she gave them their drinks, curling her toes to keep from laughing at Wynonna’s exaggerated wink.
“Um, it was a hard, a really hard day at work.” Nicole mumbled out and then drank half the glass in one go.
Rosita and Wynonna shared a look that had Rosita turning away before Nicole saw her grin. “Hey, Waverly.” Rosita called, “Keep an eye on Nicole and Wynonna.”
Waverly frowned at her, but wandered over. “Fine.”
As she passed, Rosita whispered in her ear, “Nicole’s having a bad day.”
Waverly transformed instantly and booked it towards the pair.
Hopeless. The pair of them. 
Why did she even try? How could Waverly not see the longing in Nicole’s eyes? Or how she looked torn between punching Rosita or crying? Or the sheer happenstance that her bad day is the day that Waverly is suddenly not single?
“Hi.” Nicole said faintly. “So that’s Rosita.”
“You remember her. You see her all the time when you pick me up.” Waverly said and pushed Nicole’s shoulder carefully.
Rosita turned around and saw Nicole looking down her body and then immediately shifting back to Rosita’s eyes, swallowing nervously. Waverly was on the side, watching Nicole carefully, while Wynonna was chuckling.
Nicole’s eyes lingered on the bruise adorning Rosita’s face, but she didn’t say anything, just took another long sip. “I’m not cleaning up after you.” Wynonna said, staring at Nicole pointedly, “You have to hold your liquor just fine.”
Rosita watched for a moment until Jimmy waved for another beer and left to the other end of the bar. They’d be fine. Probably.
Throughout the night, Rosita watched Nicole and Waverly carefully. Waverly was a little jumpy, nervous enough that she spilled a tray of drinks. Luckily, onto the floor and not someone else, but it was still ridiculous. Rosita wasn’t sure if she’d ever see Waverly spill a whole tray before. Even when she was bumped around at the height of hockey season. 
Nicole kept up at a rate faster than Wynonna, and alternated between studying Rosita and staring forlornly at Waverly. Rosita began to give Waverly little touches, a caress of her arm, brushing her hair behind her ear, and silently thanked god that they were at work and nothing more would be acceptable. Waverly seemed too skittish to even notice it was happening. Nicole stared until she was far past buzzed and then started talking loudly to Wynonna. Who was much too amused by the whole thing. 
“I’ll have another.” Nicole slurred leaning over the bar, “Actually, no I can get it myself.”
“I’m cutting you off.” Rosita said and batted away Nicole’s arms.
“Noooo.” Nicole whined. “Wynonna tell her no.”
Wynonna waved her arms, “You can trust us. I mean her. She’s the responsible one.”
“Don’t you have work tomorrow?” Rosita hoped.
“No. I’ll just be sad and hungover.”
Rosita looked around, but Waverly was on the other side of the room getting people’s orders. “Well, no more for you.”
“Rosita, you’re beautiful you know that?” Nicole said. “So damn beautiful.”
Rosita hesitated, “Um thanks.”
“You better.” Nicole waved a finger in the air, “You better treat Waverly right, okay?” Rosita nodded. “Good. Man, I wish I could hate you.” Nicole mumbled.
Rosita glared at Wynonna who wasn’t even hiding the fact that she was laughing.
“At least you’re beautiful though.” Nicole said. “Waverly!” Nicole brightened. “I was just saying that Rosita’s hot.” Nicole frowned at herself.
Rosita pointed to Wynonna, “Get her out.” And Wynonna didn’t hesitate, leaning Nicole’s arm on her shoulder and practically carrying her on the bar.
Waverly sat down on the sink, the fact that her pants were getting wet not even registering, “She likes you.”
“No,” Rosita said, “you should have heard what she said beforehand.”
“This is over.” Waverly said. “I figured it out.” Her eyes were filled with tears.
“No.” Rosita said desperately, “no.”
“You heard her!” A tear ran down her face.
“She was saying that because she felt she can’t compete.”
“Stop it!” Waverly almost shouted and Rosita was grateful that there were enough people that it was loud enough to bury their voices. “Don’t try to make me feel better.”
Rosita grabbed Waverly’s arm to prevent her from turning away. “Waverly, tell me that you aren’t this stupid.”
“I’m, I’m, not.” Waverly stuttered.
“Give this more time. She was drunk and heartbroken.”
“Yeah, for you.” Waverly’s lip trembled.
“I’ll prove that she doesn’t like me.” Rosita said, “I swear it.”
Waverly wrapped her arms around her and nodded, “Please.”
“I know when a woman is flirting with me, and that was not it.”
Waverly gave a watery chuckle, “Ok.”
“You understand, Nicole’s a lesbian, just because she’s in love with you doesn’t mean she’s blind.”
Waverly lifted her head up and stepped back, her arms dropping. “You’re sure?”
“Yes,” Rosita put her arms on either shoulder. “Now, are you ready to ask her out?”
“What?” Waverly said, “No.”
“Waverly, she got drunk, she obviously isn’t thrilled about the development. How often does she get drunk?”
Waverly ignored her question, “I’m sure she’s just worried how intrusive we’ll be and doesn’t want to worry about feeling unwelcome at her apartment.”
“Oh my god,” Rosita said, “You’re hopeless.”
“What!” Waverly cried.
“She’s obviously completely gone for you.”
“No,” Waverly straightened her spine. “It wouldn’t make sense for her to be calling you hot if I was the one she was interested in.”
“So, no, I’m definitely not asking her out.”
“You can’t quit now.”
Waverly hesitated, and then spotted someone, “We are at work, we need to work.”
Rosita watched her walk away and bit down a groan. Next to her Jimmy raised his hand, eyes sparkling with amusement, “I could use another glass.”
Rosita filled it and pushed it down with more force than strictly necessary. She crossed her arms as she waited for Waverly to return. But Waverly ignored her and started to organize glasses.
Rosita marched over, “We are not ending this on the first night, okay. This is going to work.”
“Nicole isn’t interested, we found out, it’s over.”
“No, I know that Nicole is, you’re just too blind to see it, and some little comment when she’s drunk and heartbroken means nothing.”
“She isn’t heartbroken.”
“God, how did you graduate college?”
“With honors!”
“We aren’t ending this.”
“She loves you.”
“She really doesn’t.”
“Wanna bet?”
Waverly stopped and blinked a couple times. “What?”
“I can’t have you skipping out because Nicole isn’t pulling out a sword and dueling for your hand.”
“Nicole would never do that.” Waverly scoffed and Rosita raised an eyebrow.
“So, $100 that she’ll tell you to break up with me by the end of the month.”
“$100!” Waverly gaped.
“It has to be worth it.” Rosita shrugged.
“Fine.” Waverly said. “This will be the saddest $100 I’ve ever made.”
“I’ll put $15 in that she does something by the end of the week,” Jimmy called.
“Shut up Jimmy!” They both yelled, still staring at each other. Rosita held out her hand and Waverly furiously shook it.
“It’s a deal,” Waverly said.
“I can’t wait.” Rosita flounced away, “$100 and my friend’s undying happiness.”
“Ughh,” Waverly groaned, “I wish.”
“This is going to be the happiest $100 you give away.” Rosita reminded and then turned to some customers. This was going to work. It had too. She could barely deal with fifteen minutes of sad Waverly.
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roguetiger-ao3 · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Wynonna Earp (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught Characters: Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Doc Holliday (Wynonna Earp), Xavier Dolls, Randy Nedley, Jeremy Chetri, Jeannie Lucado, Rosita Bustillos, Shae Pressman Additional Tags: Musicians, Alternate Universe - Rock Band Summary:
After years of hard work, Posse of Dipshits had finally made it. They had gone from talented dropouts and rejects, to selling out arenas.
Life was good...
Until the moment it wasn't.
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absoluteham · 1 year ago
Welcome Home (Wynonna)
Alright, I couldn't resist-- new fic to celebrate the return of our beautiful shitshow!
After two weeks that felt an awful lot like two years, Waverly and Wynonna return to the Homestead.
Waverly has never been away from home for so long, and both she and Nicole have been eager for her homecoming... but also neither of them have been sleeping well, so both of them are completely exhausted. Nicole wants them to stay awake to reset their sleep schedules, but Waverly has other plans in mind. Who will win?
Technically a sequel to "Transatlanticism," though it can be read as a standalone. (But I mean, also, why not read "Transatlanticism" if you haven't already?)
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pelorsdyke · 7 months ago
making a new pinned post to neaten up my fic links! my name is k, i love writing wlw ships, and ill be so real with you rn a lot of them are rarepairs. find me here on ao3. my tumblr fic tag is here, and I often post wip peeks for tag games.
some ships I’ve written once or twice include: spemily (pll), buffy x tara (btvs), jackienat (yellowjackets), donnajoey (the west wing), dyke bi4bi madney (911 abc), maggie x sophie (leverage), and wayhaught (wynonna earp). I also write gen severance fic about/from the pov of devon, and I wrote a lot of ronance (stranger things) during the s4 era.
marjan marwani & nancy gillian (911 lone star):
who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me (test kitchen au)
and love isn’t a fact, it’s a hunch at first. (paul helps marjan come to terms with her feelings for nancy)
and your keys, your ring of keys (marjan starts to realize some things about herself, with the help of an oc. lesbian marjan)
underneath your hands I become poetry (some celebratory sex after tommy announces nancy will take over as interim captain while she’s away. inspired by the bts pic where nancy appears to be wearing a name tag that says captain gillian)
your essence is the ink in the word forever (nancy has tattoos. marjan notices.)
so swing your hips and do a little dip (nancy, marjan, and tarlos go to a gay bar)
I will do my best to get it right (nancy and marjan’s first anniversary plans go awry)
I’m gonna love you for a long time (marjan’s lesbian flag hijab, but also just like. 1k words of established fluff)
I’ve been under scrutiny (you handle it beautifully) (marjan and nancy are actors on the firefighter show austin 126. nancy may have a tiny baby crush)
everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it (post-canon, nancy thinks about moving on. it’s kind of terrifying.)
speed queen marj versus the big tortoise (a coda to 5x01 wherein nancy & marjan continue their banter and kiss a little bit. a secret relationship fic)
when we’re cheek to cheek, I feel it in my teeth (nancy & marjan go to the carnival together. tooth-rotting fluff.)
lucy tara & kate whistler (ncis: hawai’i):
the room is empty, and the window is open (a spiderwoman lucy au, the tumblr tag for the series is here)
february, the thirteenth (kacy celebrates valentines day early, as per lucy’s way of handling holidays)
blue scooby-doo fruit snacks and unrequited love, probably (high school au kacy flirting)
sit down, breathe, and just listen (post-3.04, kacy talks about marriage and promises)
in response, your glorious laughter (a snapshot of a sweet married kacy early morning)
hear the desert wind roll by (kacy first meeting cowboy au, pwp)
one single thread of gold tied me to you (kai buys lucy a virtual meet-and-greet with her celebrity crush, kate whistler. it turns out they may be a little more familiar with each other than lucy’s remembering.)
hen wilson & karen wilson (911 abc):
I did think, let’s go about this slowly (karen and her instinct to let insecurity drive her decision-making.)
I wanna get stuck in your head (some soft henren fluff about parenting, flirting, and finding the time to talk to your wife.)
mari ibarra & akilah (yellowjackets):
the end is near (s3 trailer spec centering around mari.)
is this okay, or does it make me weak? (akilah is the wilderness’s newest prophet, and mari is totally normal about it. really.)
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girl4music · 10 months ago
GABRIELLE: “I never thought I’d see this.”
XENA: “What?”
GABRIELLE: “You washing blood off my hands.”
XENA: “I never thought I’d see it either.”
The inclination for Xena to lie and fashion fantasies to save Gabrielle in ‘Legacy’ is something I could spend hours on thinking and writing about. Of course she won’t let Gabrielle near her if that’s what she plans to do because Gabrielle would outright refuse to lie. Her actions and choices - she knows she must own up to them. But Xena… Xena would spend eternity and the next serving the greater good in retribution for all her past sins… but not when it’s Gabrielle that has to pay for her own crimes. In that case she’ll go against the grain. She’ll even go against it if Gabrielle didn’t do it.
Because as she said… Gabrielle is more important to her than the greater good. Than her own moral code.
Mostly because she’s HER greater good. But also because she believes she doesn’t deserve to face any consequences to actions - even if they are her own.
And it wouldn’t make much sense for Gabrielle to be the opposite. To put Xena second. Only if it’s herself - which is something I feel like ‘Fallen Angel’ got wrong.
But this is it though. This is what it comes down to. This is why these final Season 6 episodes make sense.
The greater good is only put first if it’s themselves. Each other? Not a chance. Not even if it’s just once. You can’t make them pay for their crimes with each other. That’s something they will not allow to happen.
I’ve wrote about this extensively before but it bears repeating again. Xena and Gabrielle were true heroes. Meaning they weren’t about self-gain at any point. But first and foremost, they were heroes to each other and if for any reason one of them made a mistake or had a misstep somewhere in their actions, the other will do anything possible - regardless of how dangerous or even morally wrong it might be - just to save them.
Now ‘Legacy’ is interesting because obviously the audience is going to be on Gabrielle’s side just as Xena is. Not just out of bias but because they’ve seen the full picture of what happened. They see how much of an accident it was. But nevertheless, it was still going to be murder in the eyes of everyone else - even those that worshipped them and would be biased based on that alone - because they didn’t see the full picture.
They didn’t see that it was an accident and they wouldn’t take Gabrielle’s word for it that it was. So Xena feels she has to lie because how else could she ensure Gabrielle’s survival? And once Gabrielle tells them the truth, she feels she has to betray them all to the Romans. She doesn’t care about what’s morally right because it’s Gabrielle that’s caught in the fire.
Not her.
Then theres ‘AFIN’ where even though we, as the audience, know Gabrielle would do the same - it’s still shocking to actually hear her say it. That she doesn’t care about what’s morally right. Different situations and circumstances aside - it ultimately doesn’t matter about that because it’s Xena that’s caught in the fire.
Not her.
It’s like what I explained in that post talking about WayHaught and the trope of doing crazy things for love or doing the selfish or immoral things for love.
When you’re more important to each other than the greater good - you’re going to go against the greater good to save one another or to keep one another alive.
UNLESS the other requests or pleads for you to not to.
And this is the major striking difference with Xena.
Xena’s only stipulation to the moral code of serving the greater good is Gabrielle. That would be true even if Gabrielle herself requested it the way Xena did in ‘AFIN’. Not even Gabrielle’s choice would deter her from saving her or keeping her alive. From protecting her. Keeping her safe. And it’s up to you whether you consider that to be a good thing or not. I find it quite selfish because it makes Gabrielle seem more like a possession to Xena than regarded as an equal to her.
But that’s Xena. That’s how she operates. You see, she gives up her happiness in ‘AFIN’ in that she lets her go on without her. But only because she’s the dead one.
Were it Gabrielle that had to make that sacrifice.
Nope. It wouldn’t happen. And ‘Legacy’ proved it.
So ‘Legacy’ is interesting because it’s a compelling confliction they face and would own up to the consequences of - of which we know would only be true if it was themselves rather than each other. But even more so on behalf of their own request - of which Gabrielle acquiesced to. Xena did and would not have.
Was the show about the greater good? Mostly…
I’d rather put it as it was about the greater sacrifice because what’s good about sacrificing with your own end? And if there’s someone that goes beyond or above that for you,… how do you deal? Because you’re not sacrificing with YOUR end. You’re sacrificing with THEIRS. What if they specifically ask you to let them?
Do you ignore it? Or do you respect it? COMPELLING.
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lonewolfwriter94 · 4 months ago
It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything or even read fanfic. When the show ended, so didn’t my muse and it drove me crazy. Anything I wrote felt forced and I hated that. My readers deserved more than mediocre chapters that I myself, wasn’t proud of.
Now, after two years of blank pages and a spark to light my muse, I have started writing again!!
Here’s the idea that came to mind Sunday.
In honor of Veteran’s Day, my muse decided to have me write WayHaught letters. So far:
Waverly is a teacher who started a program in her school called ‘Pen-Pal a Soldier,’ and got suckered into writing a letter by her students.
Nicole is in the army serving overseas during a time of war, who just happens to be the lucky soldier whose name Ms.Earp picked out of a hat.
Here is a paragraph that I wrote this morning… just know, my muse is an ass and wanted pain and suffering.
P.S: to those who don’t know who I am, my AO3 handle is LoneWolfWriter.
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theveganearper · 5 months ago
Canon Wayhaught Fics
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If I’m being totally honest, these can be hit or miss for me. Because the characters are written in such a specific way, if anything feels out of character when reading these then it can cause me to kind of shake out of the little bubble I’m in reading them. Now that I’ve finally written my own canon fic, even though it’s only a one-shot, I understand the importance of trying to make sure the what you’re writing aligns with the actual characters.
There’s some that are written so well and it’s not coming to me right now but it’s a fill in the gap fic and explores what Wayhaught might have been doing in between the episodes they showed on TV and I loved it.
Others, it just feels like the characters are making decisions that they just wouldn’t make and it pulls me out of the moment while reading it.
How do you feel about canon fics? Are they a hit or miss for you too? Do you prefer non-canon fics opposed to canon? Lemme know. I’d love to hear other thoughts.
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piratekane · 6 months ago
Have you watched the WEarp movie special? Your fics are the best of the fandom so curious on your thoughts.
Man, I watched the hell out of that. And it was good. Earp sisters back together, Wayhaught, WYNONNA AND NICOLE, Deputy Earp, Good Dad Nedley, a Chrissy cameo, Wynonna and Doc despite it all, DID I MENTION WYNONNA AND NICOLE BEING BEST FRIENDS?! (BECAUSE THAT WAS MY FAVORITE PART!)
I wish we had seen Rachel. I wish I had watched it with Smurf. I had always said I didn't want the show to come back in any capacity because she wasn't here to see it, but I think it was beautiful. I think she would have watched it and loved it. We would have been comparing it to all our Mixtape headcanons. Nicole's opening scene, in particular, would have been her favorite part. I'm 185306% sure of it.
I really appreciate the compliment. I had the time of my life writing for that fandom and it will always, always hold a special Africa-sized place in my heart.
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wayhaughtrp · 16 days ago
currently on my mind? wayhaught. always wayhaught. someone gibe me a nicole to write wayhaught with pls i cri
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haught0pocket · 5 months ago
Feelin nostalgic. I miss my writing buddies. I miss fanfic. Want to dive back in to do something for myself. Giant fan of wayhaught if that's your ish. Wanting to do something with enemies to lovers? Any prompts/ideas welcome...
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wayhaughtficrec · 2 years ago
Okay okay. Somebody PLEASE. I’m in a millennial, early-to-mid-2000’s rock mood, so somebody please write some prompts based on these songs:
“Lips of an angel”- Hinder (wayhaught)
“How you remind me”- Nickelback (Wynonna/Doc)
“Incomplete”-Backstreet Boys (wayhaught)
“Decode”- Paramore (wayhaught)
“Someday”- Nickelback (wayhaught)
I’m feeling angsty and yeah, I like Nickelback. So sue me. THANK YOU.
Hey hey, no legal action required.
This prompt though, I support this!
Also - hit me up if you want the link to my Spotify playlist that literally already has all these songs on it.
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zipzin · 2 years ago
The Law of Entropy - Chapter 6: The Devil Works Hard, but I Work Harder (Also on Ao3)
A/N: And here's the conclusion, thanks for reading :)
On the last day of finals, an hour before her last, Rosita found herself across from Jeremy in a coffee shop less than a block from campus. She had dragged him here, tired of his jittery nerves for their last test and needing a change of space. Any more studying would be useless, and after the last final that fried her brain, she needed a break.
“So,” Jeremy said, as he took a sip of his latte and winced at the temperature, “You and Waverly.”
“There is no me and Waverly,” Rosita rolled her eyes, “You know that.”
“I also heard that she laid a fat one on you.” He chuckled.
“Is she a terrible kisser?”
“Jeremy.” Rosita kicked him. She wondered if he had a permanent bruise on his shin.
He winced, “I couldn’t believe you gave up.”
“By less than a week,” Rosita rolled her eyes, “And getting her with Nicole is a lost cause.”
“Are you serious?”
“You were in the library.”
He sighed. “Yeah, okay.”
“I know when to stop meddling. And give up.” Rosita stared down at her own latte. At this rate, Nicole and Waverly would live together forever and sabotage all their relationships, and well, a lot of people aren’t even that lucky.
He snorted. “And,” He stared into his coffee, “Now you and Wynonna can finally figure things out.”
“There’s nothing to figure out,” Rosita stated, “We are just hooking up, having a good time, and,” It sounded unconvincing even in her ears.
“Rosita,” Jeremy said, “It’s okay to have feelings.”
Rosita just sighed, “Okay, fine, I like her?” She shrugged, “Is that so bad? No, except that this is Wynonna who doesn’t do relationships. So where does that leave me?”
Jeremy waited, “Have you talked to her?”
“Obviously not.” Rosita rolled her eyes, “What point is there to end it earlier?”
“So how do you know that she doesn’t like you either?”
“I’m right!” He laughed, “Rosita, I may have never met Wynonna, and I might be exclusively into men, but you are a catch! And if I learned anything from Waverly about Wynonna is that she has a big heart.”
“A big heart?” Rosita felt like throwing up in her mouth.
He rolled his eyes, “Wynonna clearly loves Waverly a lot. And from what you’ve said, she likes hanging out with you too. I just don’t think it would be that crazy that maybe she’d be interested in something other than a hookup. Like, she could be you know. Interested in you.
“You don’t have to take my advice,” He continued, “So maybe take your own. Haven’t you been complaining for so long that Nicole and Waverly just need to talk to each other?”
“Jeremy,” She sighed.
He held out his hands, “Okay, fine, but just think about it. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot because you just assumed and never talked about it.”
Rosita didn’t look up until Jeremy changed the subject, “Are you excited about the next test?”
“Is anyone excited by a test?”
“Okay, fair, but,” And he launched into a string of hero worship for the TA. She was going to miss this little nerd. At least it wasn’t the last semester.
On the way home, and it would be a month before she had to do the drive again, Rosita couldn’t do much but replay Jeremy’s words in her head. She could be you know. Interested in you.
She hated that it caused a flutter in her chest. That even the mere possibility of it made her smile and ache with want for it to be true. And now, she didn’t even have finals to distract her from the very large mess that she was in. Hell, would she still be able to live in Purgatory after she broke Waverly’s heart? (She just knew no one would believe that it would be a mutual breakup, even if everyone knew that Waverly was totally gone for Nicole. It would still somehow be her fault.)
After this fake dating thing ended, and Waverly and Nicole continued their normal pathetic dance around each other, she would end it. “Like ripping off a bandaid.” Rosita muttered to herself. And now, great, she was talking to herself.
Jeremy might think there’s a chance, but she knew there wasn’t. And the longer she let this go on, the worse she’d feel when it finally ended. Better to end it herself and she could avoid looking like a blubbering idiot when Wynonna decided to. Just she needed to figure out when, she wasn’t ready to walk away from the great sex and conversation yet.
She wasn’t sure she could keep her sanity in this whole situation without it. But once everything died down, she would do it.
And hey, Wynonna still hung out with Doc, so she probably wasn’t going to lose everything. It would be fine. Totally fine.
Rosita gave a determined nod. She would be chill and fine and this was all going to work out. And next semester, she’d find someone emotionally available. Or, as emotionally available as she was.
Wynonna: waves
Wynonna: hey
Wynonna: hi
Wynonna: you there?????
Waverly: wyn i have finals can this wait????
Wynonna: ummmm
Wynonna: i need ur help
Waverly: my help???
Waverly: what for
Wynonna: how do you woo a woman?
Waverly: are you seriously asking me how to WOO NICOLE
Wynonna: what?
Wynonna: nicole?
Waverly: she’s your girlfriend??? and your best friend????
Wynonna: oh right, yeah, i meant generally tho
Waverly: you’ve dated
Wynonna: yeah but i don’t woo
Wynonna: i am wooed
Waverly: ok
Waverly: i mean what do you like?
Waverly: that people do for you
Waverly: general rule of thumb that will work
Wynonna: you really are the genius of the family
Waverly: do you need a doctor? this is common sense
Wynonna: bye luv u
Wynonna: good luck on your final
She’s about to enter the only grocery store in Purgatory when a loud honk startled her and she whipped around. She swore to God if this is Champ or one of his…
Wynonna leaned out of the window of her truck, “Bus-tits-los, what are you doing tonight?”
I will be chill, Rosita thought, I will be very chill, there’s no reason to not be chill. “I was just going to grab things for dinner.”
“Would you be opposed to having company for dinner?”
“Um, that’d be great!” It came out slightly too high for Rosita to feel good about, and then she remembered the absolute mess of her apartment from multiple nights of panic induced study sessions. “Could we go to yours?”
Wynonna navigated into a tight parking space with an ease that Rosita envied. “Sure,” She said as she joined her at the curb, “We can go hang at the ole Homestead, but you’re cooking.”
“I can handle that. Does pasta sound good?”
“Rosita, you never have to ask whether carbs sound good. They always do.”
Rosita rolled her eyes and walked into the store, not minding Wynonna trailing behind her. She grabbed some pasta and tomato paste, and tried to ignore the warm, fluttery feeling in her chest as they continued to traipse through the aisles.
That feeling is decidedly not chill.
And her brain is caught up in this version of domestic bliss, calculating future chores that would be better if they just did them together. Rosita tried to hate the bellows out of her mouth at the story Wynonna is telling about Dolls. She cannot convince herself that this will be the first and last time they are in these aisles together.
So enjoy it, her brain whispered, grinning as Wynonna picked up a bottle of red wine, “Some classy alcohol for a classy dinner.” She grinned as she added it into the basket, and Rosita felt herself swoon. Pasta is hardly classy, usually a quick 15 minute dinner she’ll make when any other effort is too hard, but a smile bloomed onto her face.
Fine, she’ll enjoy this.
She’d never been happier that she lived within walking distance of everything in Purgatory when Wynonna goddamn opened the truck door for her, and they take off through the sparse roads out to the Homestead.
She’d been there once, when Waverly dragged her to a terribly awkward dinner party ages ago. She’d thought it was the loneliest place she’d ever been, but now, as they wade through the snow to the front door, it just feels romantic.
Rosita located a knife, cutting board, and pan and started on cutting the onion and peeling the garlic, humming to the music that Wynonna put on. She grinned at the woman across the kitchen who started to pour the wine.
“To let it breathe,” Wynonna  explained.
Rosita smiled as she added the onions to the pan, “Well aren’t you a perfect gentlewoman.”
Wynonna preened and came up beside her, giving Rosita plenty of room to work. “You’re making it from scratch?”
“Not really,” Rosita laughed, “I hate canned sauce, but I’m using tomato paste so I don’t have to process all the tomatoes. Here, I’ll show you.”
Wynonna is suddenly the best student, attentively following Rosita’s directions and carefully stirring on her commands. They grow closer as Rosita showed Wynonna how to pull the noodles into the sauce, their elbows bumping, and all Rosita wanted to do is to pull her into a kiss until dinner is burned.
She doesn’t. She made their plates instead, topping the pasta with some parmesan and brought them to the table, only to falter as she took it in. It is set with placemats and cloth napkins, a candle lit at the center, with Wynonna nervously wringing her hands beside it.
“I just thought, it would be nice to set it and stuff. I never make food at home.” Wynonna explained as she took one of the plates.
“Right,” Rosita nodded as she sat down, her heart thundering even more.
She watched as Wynonna took a bite and moaned, “This is so good. What the fuck, you’re a chef too?”
“You helped too,” Rosita reminded her, “I bet you could make it here.”
“Or,” Wynonna waved her fork around, “I could have you come over for dinner more often?”
“That could work,” Rosita felt a laugh bubble out of her and stared down at her plate. Wynonna is trying to kill her.
That’s the only explanation.
Wynonna gave her a soft smile back as they continued to eat and drink the wine. 
It was a lovely evening, as they chatted and smiled and ate. Wynonna pulled out some ice cream when they finished with dinner, and Rosita just ignored the little warning bell in her head that’s been telling her to not enjoy it too much because it will have to end. Every bit of it.
That’s for sometime in the future.
Wynonna cleaned the kitchen, all but forcing Rosita to sit down and admire the view, and when she finished, they stared at each other.
“I, um, I guess I should head home.” Rosita sighed. “Thank you for having me.” 
She stood.
“Or you could stay here?” Wynonna strode to her,  “The night?” She pressed a gentle kiss to Rosita’s jaw. 
Rosita let out a shaky breath, “Or I could stay the night.”
There is a mumbling of voices as Rosita came to and she pulled the blanket over her head before a bolt of fear lanced through her. Is she really getting robbed in Purgatory?! She opened her eyes and blinked at the white wooden walls. 
She wasn’t at home.
Wynonna is still in bed with her, her hair shining auburn in a dappling of morning sunlight that warmed the sheets.
“Wynonna.” She murmured and kicked the body next to her. She wasn’t dealing with whoever the hell it was alone.
Wynonna whined, “What?”
“Wynonna, there’s people here,” Rosita said, as she blinked and rubbed at her eyes to wake up. “Why are there people here?”
“I don’t know.” Wynonna shifted and pressed a pillow onto her head. “Maybe they’ll leave.”
“What time is it?” Rosita muttered after she realized that she couldn’t find her phone.
“I don’t know, too early.” Wynonna muttered, “Come here.” Wynonna’s hands wrapped around Rosita and pulled her closer. “It’s probably just Waverly.”
“Why is Waverly here?” Rosita grumbled.
Wynonna bolted up. “Oh god.”
Oh shit.
Waverly. Brunch. Breaking up.
The door burst open and Rosita can only stare in horror as Waverly began to talk, “Is Rosita-” 
Waverly's words died on her lips and Nicole’s jaw dropped open.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuckiting fuck.
Waverly and Nicole’s voices are in unison, both of them striding into the room, “HOW COULD YOU!”
“Okay calm down!” Wynonna’s voice is husky from sleep. This is the wrong moment for Rosita to find that sexy.
The room erupted in cacophony and Rosita wished that she had kept her head under the sheets.
Waverly stormed inside, “WYNONNA! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO NICOLE?!”
Nicole’s eyes are flashing, and Rosita knew she’d be dead if Nicole was in uniform, “I can’t believe this! You, oh I knew you were a problem!”
She deserves this, right? This is her divine punishment for starting this scheme in the first place.
“THEN WHAT IS IT?” Waverly demanded.
Nicole took several steps toward Rosita’s side and Rosita clutched the sheets to her chest and finally had enough.  
The room stilled as Rosita took a deep breath and sighed. This is her divine damnation.
“There’s no cheating because there couldn’t be. Waverly and I aren’t in a real relationship. Wynonna and Nicole aren’t either.”
“WHAT?!” Two loud shouts echoed through the house.
“Waverly and I don’t even like each other. We’re just friends. And we only did it, Nicole, to make you jealous.”
“Make me jealous?”
“Rosita! No!”
“Waverly, Wynonna knew basically from the start and almost told Nicole. To save face she suggested the same thing because she’s a drunk idiot and Nicole’s madly in love with you. So nothing’s going on. I mean, besides Wynonna and I, but I happen to actually really like Wynonna.” Oh no. “But no one is cheating on anyone!” She added at the last second.
There was silence for a second, and then another cacophony of sound.
“You faked a relationship with my sister to make me jealous?”
“Wait, you wanted to date me?”
“You like me?” Wynonna asked, her eyes widening.
“Wynonna.” Rosita pleaded. 
“I just want to make sure,” Wynonna said, “That I heard that along with what we should have done in the beginning and just tell the two idiots. Because, the thing is,” Wynonna looked down at her hands, “I like this girl. And I was hoping she liked me too, but we both play the aloof thing really well. And don’t get me wrong, the sex is absolutely great and a part of me thinks I could be happy with just that, but I know that I’ll always be wanting something more.” 
“Wynonna.” Rosita was suddenly breathless and reached out and cradled Wynonna’s cheek in her hand and guided her eyes back to hers. “I like you.”
Wynonna unabashedly grinned, lifting worry lines Rosita hadn’t even realized were there. It’s shocking how Wynonna can change from hot to beautiful in a single instant and completely light up the room.
“I like you too.” Wynonna said.
They both drift together, the kiss soft in a way that Rosita has never experienced with Wynonna before, and never appreciated with anyone else.
Wynonna looked back to the doorway, “Oi Haughshot!” She chucked a pillow at the two making out in her doorway, “That’s my sister! And I’m sitting right here!”
“Right.” Nicole nodded and then tugged Waverly out of the room.
Wynonna grinned and pulled her in for another kiss, and Rosita can’t think of anything but how perfect it felt. They get to do this. For real.
There was a sudden thump from upstairs and Wynonna sighed.
“Goddamnit. This was why I didn’t do anything.” She hopped out of bed and threw open the door. “GO TO YOUR OWN FUCKING APARTMENT IF YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE SEX OR I WILL COME IN AT THE WORST MOMENT AND SCAR YOU BOTH FOR LIFE!” She slammed the door behind her, “Now,” Wynonna said, “Where were we?”
Rosita laughed.
Many months later
The clinking of glasses fills the room and there’s a squeal as Nicole and Waverly kiss, eyes only for each other. “Yes, yes, very sweet.” Wynonna stood and addressed the crowd. “My sister and my best friend.” She waved the champagne flute that she was holding. “The cutest couple and the most beautiful brides.”
There were some cheers in the crowd, and Wynonna smiled, “All sarcasm aside, I am very happy for them. This day couldn’t come soon enough, I’m pretty sure that half the town was betting on when they’d get together.”
Rosita smiled into her own flute as she heard Waverly’s offended, “Hey!”
“And I think, on this wonderful day, it would be remiss to go without addressing the mastermind who finally got them to get their act together, and that is the lovely, beautiful, love of my life, Rosita.” Wynonna grinned at her with a wink and Rosita could only grin back, her cheeks heating at the sudden attention.
“She concocted the scheme to pretend to date Waverly to show her how Nicole was jealous. Of course, Waverly insisted at every possible moment that everything was just proof that Nicole was a good friend.” Wynonna finished the sentence with a mocking tone, “And it took Rosita and I falling for each other for Nicole and Waverly to realize that we had zero romantic interest in either of them and finally figured out their hopeless crushes on each other were reciprocated.
“I love both of you so much, and I’m so happy that you are finally together and married. To your future happiness, Nicole and Waverly!” She raised her glass for a drink as the room followed and Wynonna sat down and smiled at Rosita.
“I’m the love of your life?” Rosita grinned.
“Yeah,” Wynonna’s voice goes soft, a dopey grin on her face, “You are.”
Rosita gave her a kiss, “You’re the love of my life too.”
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snowtrova · 2 years ago
Jade/Josie Saltzman(Legacies)
Even witches get sick sometimes
Thank the bonfire
To Kai, too late
A whole lotta sandclock
Vamp match
I remember when I lost my mind (writing)
Hope Mikaelson/Lizzie Saltzman(Legacies)
Hizzie childhood friends
Rosita Bustillos/Waverly Earp(Wynonna Earp)
Still friends
Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught(Wynonna Earp)
Wayhaught break-in
Taylor Bloom/Franki Murray(Love Classified)
Another hike
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commanderbuffy · 2 years ago
I'm hoping everyone likes this next one. We are checking off a few things from the requests. And by a few, I could list them....
As for the topic of the day; I'm someone in my early 30s. I spend time, I think equally, on Twitter and Tumblr but I find its vastly different fandoms that you interact with. I'm mostly on Twitter cause I'm a streamer and that's how we network. Tumblr is a love re-found since Willow which has also got me out of writing retirement. I hadn't written fic since Wayhaught so this has been an exciting time.
YESSSS A LIST!!! When might we be expecting this new piece of glorious ff? (No pressure on timing though, seriously)
Willow brought me out of fanfic writing retirement as well! I hadn’t written since Clexa. Tanthamore just really hits, doesn’t it???
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pelorsdyke · 11 months ago
making a new pinned post to say hi! if you like my writing or me and want to read more of what I do, you can find me here on ao3. I most often write for queer wlw ships, including:
robin buckley & nancy wheeler (stranger things): there’s so many of these I haven’t listed them all, but here are some of my favorites
until what I love misses me, and calls me in. (nye! nancy’s birthday! a proposal!)
see you soon (ronance’s time-traveling child! mindflayer!robin! both old married ronance and first kiss ronance!)
heartstrings (a three part celeb!robin au. long distance, secret identities, phone sex!)
me and my girlfriend playing dress up at my house (robin dresses nancy up in her clothes as revenge for her gf making her wear frilly high necked dresses)
in the cold clear light of day down here, everyone’s a monster (werewolf pack of robin, max, chrissy, and vickie. featuring nancy identifying werewolf robin on sight!)
my heart was irrevocably gone (regency ronance)
i will love you with too many commas, but never any asterisks (a lot of domestic fluff for established ronance)
but the cold light of stars (my alien movies au! one of the crowning gems of my ronance stuff)
marjan marwani & nancy gillian (911 lone star):
who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me (test kitchen au)
and love isn’t a fact, it’s a hunch at first. (paul helps marjan come to terms with her feelings for nancy)
and your keys, your ring of keys (marjan starts to realize some things about herself, with the help of an oc. lesbian marjan)
underneath your hands I become poetry (some celebratory sex after tommy announces nancy will take over as interim captain while she’s away. inspired by the bts pic where nancy appears to be wearing a name tag that says captain gillian)
your essence is the ink in the word forever (nancy has tattoos. marjan notices.)
so swing your hips and do a little dip (nancy, marjan, and tarlos go to a gay bar)
I will do my best to get it right (nancy and marjan’s first anniversary plans go awry)
I’m gonna love you for a long time (marjan’s lesbian flag hijab, but also just like. 1k words of established fluff)
I’ve been under scrutiny (you handle it beautifully) (marjan and nancy are actors on the firefighter show austin 126. nancy may have a tiny baby crush)
lucy tara & kate whistler (ncis: hawai’i):
the room is empty, and the window is open (a spiderwoman lucy au, six parts up so far)
february, the thirteenth (kacy celebrates valentines day early, as per lucy’s way of handling holidays)
blue scooby-doo fruit snacks and unrequited love, probably (high school au kacy flirting)
sit down, breathe, and just listen (post-3.04, kacy talks about marriage and promises)
in response, your glorious laughter (a snapshot of a sweet married kacy early morning)
hear the desert wind roll by (kacy first meeting cowboy au, pwp)
one single thread of gold tied me to you (kai buys lucy a virtual meet-and-greet with her celebrity crush, kate whistler. it turns out they may be a little more familiar with each other than lucy’s remembering.)
as well as spemily (pll) and buffy x tara and jackienat (yellowjackets) and donnajoey (tww) and maggie x sophie (leverage) and henren and wayhaught (wynonna earp) and more!
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girl4music · 8 months ago
KAT: “I’ve always been such a fan of domestic WayHaught. I just think there’s something almost more beautiful about seeing a couple that has been in love and grown together and fought for that relationship over and over and over again. As I get older I become more obsessed with people that are like ‘We’ve been married for 35 years’ - that’s the thing, you know? And that’s beautiful. And I’m so happy because I don’t think we’ve - well just because we’ve been around for a decade now - oh my god, that’s crazy - but you know we don’t get to see that on TV. How many shows do we have where we get to follow characters for that long and especially having this amazing queer relationship? Like, that’s really important. I think we’ve now stepped into a space of representation that like just by virtue of being around for that long is so special and unique and needed.”
I love you Kat. I love your passion and I love that you understand what true representation is and what it means to all of us to see that in Waverly and Nicole and that what we really want to see is partnership and that WLW couple validating each other for who they are because you’re absolutely right - we don’t get to see it anywhere near as much as we should in TV art/entertainment due to those WLW couples not lasting long enough because the network wants to axe them.
WayHaught truly are such groundbreaking WLW representation for that reason alone - never mind everything else that makes them an amazing ship - which I could write an entire 10 page essay about.
Just the fact that they got a happily ever after and now they get to have an after a happily ever after…
It’s something I don’t think I’ve ever seen for WLW before in TV art/entertainment. I can’t think of a single WLW ship that was around that long. That even got the long game enough to represent WLW domesticity. And it’s groundbreaking but also very sad to think that WayHaught may be the first ever WLW ship to have it because every other in TV art/entertainment has either gotten killed off or cancelled or separated or man-inserted or queerbaited or just no screen-time.
Just the very fact WayHaught have been around for almost a fucking decade makes them a level of WLW representation that’s just far beyond the standard and it just makes you realize that the standard is really low if you don’t ever get WLW to the point of domesticity and I know you see tidbits of it in the TV show but I am really looking forward to seeing it more in ‘Vengeance’.
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