#my weekly schedule is all effed up this week
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blatterpussbunnyfromhell · 12 days ago
uh oh the autism meltdown isn't over
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What is Downshifting?
TLDR; You are allowed not to work at 100% capacity all the time.  Make sure to figure out what recovery and emergency states mean for you and your executive functioning.  (Reach out to an EF tutor if you need help!)
The basic premise of downshifting follows pretty closely to its name.  When you want to go faster, you shift your car into a higher gear; when you want to go slower or especially if you fear slipping on ice or snow, you shift into a lower gear.  Organizing your life can work in a similar way.  When you feel confident and stable, you can live your life in high gear, but when you feel yourself wobbling, it’s time to shift into a lower gear for your own safety.  
Downshifting different for everyone, but usually the concepts centers around understanding your limits.  If I didn’t have depression and anxiety and gender dysphoria at my heels, I would always be a morning person who reads lots of books and goes out with my friends on a Saturday night.  So, when I have my depression, anxiety, and gender dysphoria pretty under control with the help of chemicals, therapists, and an amazing support system I have grown over the years, I live like that guy.  I wake up at 7am every morning and meditate for 30 minutes before having a large breakfast of yogurt, granola, and fresh berries.  And I love it.  
But I’m not always going to be able to be that guy.  I’ve struggled with this a lot as I think anyone with a chronic illness has.  I used to beat myself up about ruining my own happiness and how I “always do this.” The various commitments I had made before my inevitable spiral – birthday parties, work hours, meetings – became reasons that I was a terrible friend, employee, person.  I had no way to handle the always-unexpected dissolution of my perfect, stable happiness.  
Now-a-days if I notice I am feeling low or if I recognize a trigger or if an upsetting family matter suddenly becomes my whole brain-space, I simply downshift.
Level 3 (Ideal): Wake up at 7am.  Meditate for 30 minutes every morning.  Wholesome breakfast.  Read the paper.  Attend every class.  Gym 4 times a week.  Ask someone to go to lunch with you at least once a week.  Have all readings and assignments completed before the class they’re due.  Go to bed at 10:30pm.  You are killing it.  
Level 2 (Recovery): Wake up at 9am.  Meditate at least every other day, probably before bed.  Chunk homework and assignments into small tasks. Ask a friend to sit with you while you work.  Explain to someone that you’re having a rough time.  Gym at least 2 times a week.  Attend what classes you can.  Email the professors of the classes you miss.  Get someone’s notes for those classes. Call your mom.   Get to sleep before 1am.  You are making progress.    
Level 1 (Emergency): Wake up when you can.  Email your professors that you are sick and will likely miss class this week.  Reach out to someone on your support system to explain what’s going on.  Ask a friend to sit with you while you watch TV.  Go to walk-in hours at the Counseling Center. Call your sister.  Make a list of the tasks that are due/coming up and circle anything that you think you can do this week.  Be honest.  Ask for an extension on the rest.  Let go of non-essential readings.  Shower at least 4 times a week.  Clean your space.  Get to sleep when you can.  You will get through this.  
What I gain by defining the different levels I can live in is a sense of control in the chaos.  This system means that even in my darkest hours, I still have a structure that makes me feel grounded.  And suddenly, my rules don’t suddenly disappear but simply adjust for what I need at that moment.  I see my limits, and I move with them.  It isn’t a matter of failure; it’s a matter of resilience. Bad stuff happens and good weeks get ruined, but you can get through it because you have a plan that prioritizes what you need.  
There are two key parts of implementing downshifting for yourself. It’s not the system for everyone but I have found it to be very helpful for myself and recommend it to anyone dealing with a chronic illness especially.  
The first thing you need to do is figure out what these levels look like to you.  No one has the same goals and no one has the same inclinations.  My sister, for example, would never choose to get up early in the morning no matter what her emotional state was.  I have a friend who goes to the gym more when he needs recovery, not less, because he finds it soothing and energizing.  The most important part of implementing any structure to your life is to understand what you need.  This is the longest, hardest, most crucial aspect of wellness and self-organization.
Don’t worry if you don’t know right now what exactly works for you, either.  You can start by estimating roughly what might help you, what you might need, based on reflections on past experiences.  Then, gradually, you can start ruling out what doesn’t work for your and trying new ways to be.  The important part is to get started because you will never know what will help you until you first try to help yourself.  You are in progress and that is okay.  So is everyone else! Even if you have been a long-time wellness junkie like me, you will still learn new things about yourself along the way and your rules and your structures will change.  That is totally normal and good.  
The second thing you need to do to learn how to downshift is almost as slippery as the first, but again, it gets easier with practice.  You need to learn how to gauge your emotional state. Some people are already great at this. Myself, I tried a lot of different techniques to get this one right.  One way to determine how you are feeling that many people swear by is the simple method of rating yourself on a mood chart.  Angry, sad, meh, content, happy, etc.  Lots of people love to track their moods on paper or in an app by assigning each emotion a color and giving a color to each day, which is really great! Unfortunately, this does not work for me.  My emotions are so messy all the time that choosing just one for each day always feels wrong, and anyway I am just not good at daily tracking tasks. Instead, I use my internal map of Oberlin as my check-in (I know it’s kinda weird, but it works okay?) I have identified several places across campus that I know I am likely to pass at least one of in a day and I have made those check-in spots.  Passing by the Rat, walking up the ramp to Mudd. These are triggers for my brain to ask me about my emotional state.  Here’s how it usually goes:
Evan.  You’re walking up to Mudd.  Probably here to study, huh? How do you feel about that? Are you scared you won’t finish your work on time? Have you made yourself small enough tasks? Remember to go to the bathroom before you sit down somewhere and get all your stuff out because you know how annoying it is to pack everything up just to bring with you into the bathroom because you are nervous about thieves. Fill your water bottle, too.  Do you have a snack?
Evan.  You’re walking past the Rat.  Are you on the way to Decafe? Have you eaten today? When have you last eaten? Was it enough? There’s a good water fountain coming up so make sure to refill your water bottle if it’s low.  Do you feel dizzy? Tired? Think about whether you need a break soon because you don’t want to burn out.  Have you called your mom?
These moments along with my meditation practice, therapy, and speaking to friends and family are how I know whether it’s time to upshift or downshift. I always make sure that I have different and varied methods of evaluating my status because none of these are rules.  I have a hard time making “How are you doing?” into a task.  Asking myself how I’m doing is a habit, and it’s a good one. Any wellness system should have built-in reflection strategies because looking at your progress and your current well-being is a huge part of keeping yourself well.
By now, you might be thinking that downshifting seems like a lot of work.  The reason for this is that downshifting is sort of Life Organizing 301.  Before downshifting comes 1. Prioritization, 2. Goal-making, 3. Reflection and Evaluation, 4. Daily and Weekly Scheduling, and 5. Self-Care.  There are each big skills in their own right and worth investigating on their own.  If you feel like you might need to do some work on any of these topics before you even think about downshifting, that’s okay! You can still come away with the key ideas of downshifting which are
1.     Sometimes you have to take a break from your rules, but you don’t have to throw them away entirely.  If you find yourself needing a break, you have not failed.  
2.     Recovery is a state of being that all of us fall into sometimes and is totally normal.  You are allowed to be in recovery or in emergency for any reason.  You are valid.  You can get through it.  
3.     Even if you don’t live the way you want to every day, you can still live the way you want to some days or half the days or even most of the days. Nothing in your life has to be absolute.
If you do think you might want to try downshifting, that’s great! Make sure to grab a trusted friend or family member to help keep you accountable, especially as you adjust to a new system.  Let that person know what the rules are for each of your levels and contact them when you feel like you should downshift or upshift.  Having this anchor will help you stay aware of your progress and committed to letting yourself be wherever you need to be.  You can do it!
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makatang-iska · 2 years ago
My socially battery is at 20%, almost drained. I need to have my quiet time. I feel like I'm spreading myself too thin. I know I need to rest but every time there's a window period to do so, something will come up.
I've started dating again. The person is from work. I swore I would never date someone from work but here we are. M is nice and I would like to get to know her more. We aren't hiding the fact that we are dating, but man, some people in our institution are way too much when it comes to gossiping about other people's lives. It would be damn nice if they stop doing that, like for real, what is it to them that two people decide to go on dates? We aren't disturbing our work space. We're both productive.
I've joined the BLD community as per the invite of my aunts and some friends. It's nice to like widen your circle, but damn the schedule--weekly meetings/reunions plus so many events? Can we keep up with that? Thinking of all the prep and socializing is making me tired already. Can we like hit the breaks? Let us breathe.
I've been holding synchronous classes for the past 3 weeks and boyyyy it's effing exhausting. Sure, it's fun to hold classes but it's freaking draining too. Every time I come home, I want to sleep already--that's how tired I am.
Ah, Lord. I know that it's only by your grace that I'm able to pull this off--juggling different responsibilities. I ask for your continuous grace and guidance. Let us rest [not eternal rest just yet, still want to reach a century].
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nonameisrequired12344 · 3 years ago
Hey omorfe, Before I share today’s concept, it would be best if you spend 2–3 minutes to read the following chapter of One Punch Man: https://www4.mymangalist.org/chapter-onepunch-man-144 It doesn’t matter if you have no Earthly idea what this is all about. I want you to just read it and come back. Done? Alright. So, the most cool thing in this chapter is what Silver Fang (the elderly moustached guy) does with Fuhrer Ugly (the ginormous, ugly creature) and its powerful blows: He takes them as they are and redirects them elsewhere. As he says: For me, your punches would be no more than leaves floating in a raging river Essentially, he takes the energy thrown at him and does as he pleases with it. If you’ve watched any of the great, great, GREAT Ip Man (the most famous practitioner of Wing Chun in the world) movies, you know that he does the same thing — takes the energy of his opponents and uses it against them. If you’re paying attention, you already noticed the aspect I want to talk about: Energy. More specifically, taking already existing energy and using it to your advantage. This is something I talk about in my book, Sculpted Grecian Body, regarding how many meals you should eat: My suggestion is to keep your current meal schedule. So, if you eat 4 times per day, keep eating so many times. But, you have to adjust your meals based on what you’ve learned so far. Why do I suggest this? Energy. You already eat X times per day. Asking you to eat X-1 or X+1 times, will affect the way you’re using your energy and can throw you off balance. For example, if you were eating 3 times per day and I now asked you to eat 4, this will create a few problems in your day to day schedule. You invest a certain amount of energy to eat 3 times. Asking you to eat 4, is essentially asking you to block the energy you invest elsewhere. Same with training. Suppose you’re working out 4 times per week and have built some momentum with this frequency. Asking you to train 5, will gloriously f**k up your weekly schedule. Every time you ef up your schedule, you fight against your habits (aka existing energy) Anytime you fight against existing energy, is as if Silver Fang tried to block Fuhrer Ugly’s punches. He’d be mincemeat. since he’s not as strong as the vicious creature. It’s also why, quite frankly, I prefer working with guys who are already doing a few things right. Taking someone who has no eating or training schedule is a huge challenge that it’s hard to overcome. Why? Again, because this guy’s energy is not in line with his goals. If however someone is already training and eats like a sensible adult? His energy is already in line with his goals. My job as a coach is to fine tune what he’s doing and help him experience even greater results. I can’t put gazoline to a non-existent fire and expect it to go from 0 to 1. But I can pour gazoline in the tinniest of sparks, and take it from 1 to over 8,000 So, my suggestion to you is to always look at where you’re directing energy, and improve what you’re already doing. It might be something as simple as improving the quality of the meals you’re already eating or squeezing more “oomph” from your workouts with proper exercise sequencing (for example super sets will be more time efficient than straight sets) Your Greek buddy, Fotis Chatzinicolaou
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livixbobbiex · 8 years ago
YOI Fic Rec Masterlist!
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Other lists: 
My fics: http://livixbobbiex.tumblr.com/post/163907091107/list-of-my-yoi-fanfics Mpreg: http://livixbobbiex.tumblr.com/post/163715334512/viktuuri-mpreg-fic-rec-list   Lesser known fics: http://livixbobbiex.tumblr.com/post/162548629092/lesser-known-fanfic-rec-list 
Unwritten – Kaizuka
Soulmates AU where whatever you write on your own skin appears on your soulmate, but when there is a language barrier, meeting becomes just a little more difficult than it should be.
Until My Feet Bleed And My Heart Aches – Reiya
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.
Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
Of Bright Stars And Burning Hearts – Reiya
Viktor doesn’t remember the first time he met Yuuri Katsuki.
This however, is what Viktor does remember…
 Part 2 of the Rivals series and companion fic to ‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’. One small change alters the course of both Viktor and Yuuri’s entire lives, throwing them into a bitter rivalry that spans across many years and creates a world where they both tell a very different side to the story.
You Can’t Plan For Everything – RivDeV
Yuuri forgets that he has a scheduled heat coming up until it's just a couple weeks away. He scrambles to get everything ready in time, including deciding whether he'll spend it alone or with someone. Victor only wants to help.
On My Love – RikoJasmine
For the second time, the Sochi Grand Prix Finals arrive, and with it a reborn Yuuri Katsuki. “Viktor,” Yuuri thinks over the pounding of his heart, the crowd going silent as the music begins. “I’ll show the world what you meant to me.”
Yuuri often thinks of his life as Before and After Viktor Nikiforov, the marking point being the day Viktor swept into his life and turned his world upside-down. After many years together, an accident leads to Yuuri suddenly waking up in the Before—back in Detroit, before the GPF, before he ever knew Viktor as anything other than his childhood idol.
As if it had all been just a dream.
 Winter Song – Proantagonist
The set of Yuuri’s mouth softened into a private smile as Victor squeezed his knee beneath the table. His hands were bare, free from the gloves he so often wore when they were together on the rink, and the heat of his palm burned straight through the denim of Yuuri’s jeans. He slipped his own hand beneath the table and found Victor’s. Hidden from sight, their fingers began to flirt and play. A secret conversation all their own that needed no words.
Yuuri was aware that at some point—a moment in time he couldn’t quite place—Victor had become his boyfriend.
There wasn’t a single instant when it happened. It was a slow awareness, as if Victor had silently been asking the question for months now, and Yuuri had been giving him the answer a little more with each passing day.
Victor Effing Nikiforov –shysweetthing
AU in which Yuuri still doesn’t remember the banquet, somehow doesn’t blow Japanese Nationals, runs into Victor at the World Championships, and has absolutely no idea why his idol is suddenly friendly and incredibly handsy.
Does Yuuri care about his reasons? No. It’s Victor Effing Nikiforov.
Basically this is an excuse for total fluff. And porn. And shit-talking with bonus smut. (Edited for accuracy.) Happy birthday, Victor.
Victor turned back to him, supernova smile in place once more. “I really, really like you. Promise you’ll still dance with me at the banquet if you take gold this time around.”
Yuuri stared at the man. He looked at their entwined hands—he hadn’t wanted to pull away—and their thighs, pressed together despite there being plenty of room in the backseat of the cab. That scent of Victor’s cologne—just a dab, lightly applied somewhere on his neck—swirled around him. This was too real to be a dream, too physical for him to have imagined it.
“I’m sorry,” Yuuri said slowly. “But…have we talked before?”
I know my madness – astoryaboutwar
It's hardly a secret that Victor Nikiforov is a massive player.
(In which Yuuri doesn't blow the Grand Prix Finals the first time round, does blow Victor, and everything changes but ends up the same.)
Katsuki_fc Wrote – tetsurashian
Just because Yuuri isn't big on social media, doesn't mean his fans aren't.
(aka a social media fic)
Centripetal Force – Braveten
Victor speaks seven languages.
(Physics isn't one of them.)
Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
Maelstorm – Feelslikefire
Victor Nikiforov is poised to win gold in his fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final. He has the world at his feet, is unparalleled in the sport--right up until a snowstorm blows into Sochi, and he finds himself repeating the same day over and over and over. He stumbles over Yuuri Katsuki, and everything changes.
(Or, the time loop au. Loosely based on Groundhog Day.)
Omerta – Kashoku
Minako had said he was a blessing - that his pockets were deep and Yuuri was lucky to have caught his eye.
But Viktor Nikiforov was a curse, and Yuuri finds himself trapped in a world of blood and death where it takes violence to mend what is broken.
Shared Gravity –Phoenixwaller
Yuri Katsuki doesn't advertise his alpha status, in fact he'd rather it be relatively unknown. He feels that he's never fit the stereotype, and is much happier blending into the background. However, much to his dismay, his alpha instincts are awakened one summer morning.
At first he's angry, believing that his new coach, Victor Nikiforov, has brought back an omega in heat for a day of passion. But when he intrudes to order the couple to a safer location he learns the truth. Victor, the most decorated male figure skater ever, has his own secret.
From there an inexplicable gravity grows between them, their shared secrets pulling them together in ways that both learn to cherish.
Nerve Endings – Phyona
When Yuuri moves in with Victor in St. Petersburg, they have to work through Yuuri's anxiety and Victor's secrets to find their balance.
Call Everything On The Ice… - shysweetthing
Victor learns Japanese while in Hasetsu. He doesn't tell Yuuri, and things get dicey when he overhears Yuuri and Mari talking about him in Japanese. Repeatedly.
(The subtitle of this fic should be: Victor Nikiforov really needs a hug. Luckily, he gets one. Eventually.)
“No,” Victor says, skating up to Yuuri on the ice, “you have to push all the way from here, or you’ll never get the height you need for that axel.” He sets his hand on Yuuri’s ass, tracing the muscle group he’s referring to. “Not here.” He taps Yuuri’s thigh. He doesn’t know the words for the muscles in English, only knows how to show him.
Yes, technically he’s grabbing Yuuri’s ass, but how else is he to communicate?
When ice melts in the snow (that’s when you’ll love me) – lilithiumwords
Katsuki Yuuri is the worst incubus in the Underworld. Viktor Nikiforov is his human target.
Please Have Mercy On Me – all_those_big_ass_trees
Viktor's been living with Yuuri for a month now, but Yuuri is still not used to him. But Viktor is a good teacher, and Yuuri is a good student. *This fic is basically about the development of their relationship with each other which begins as a crazy crush then turns into something serious, something real. Sooner or later, they have to deal with problems as well. Angst, fluff, and porn... lot of porn.
My Name On Your Lips – Feelslikefire
Yuuri Katsuki has been betrothed to the High King's son, Victor, since he was just a child; furthermore, as an omega, he's forbidden from practicing magic in combat. For years, he's been able to put off the former because the Prince was traveling abroad, and gotten around the latter by practicing with his mentor in secret.
Now Victor Nikiforov has finally returned home, and Yuuri is being summoned to the capital for their wedding. He needs a plan to put off marriage long enough to find a way to break the betrothal, while keeping his practicing from being discovered.
If only the Prince didn't have other ideas.
(Or, the swords-and-sorcery arranged marriage AU. Updates weekly.)
Twenty-Five Hours - olizzybenneto 
In which Yuuri spends a 25 hour flight next to Victor Nikiforov, skating legend, and feels it might simultaneously be the best and worst thing that has ever happened to him.
All Eyes on Me - Kizuna_Auri 
Yuuri, under the username of Eros, is a size queen omega who most certainly does not have an obsession with fellow camboy and legendary silver-haired alpha Aria. Just like Phichit is not the most meddlesome roommate known to man.
The Boyfriend Experience - Cryingoverspilledvodka 
Katsuki Yuuri is an accomplished escort at 23, operating under the pseudonym Eros, in Detroit. When one of his favourite clients sets him up with none other than world-renowned figure skater Victor Nikiforov, the delicate balance between Yuuri's personal and professional life teeters ever closer towards ruin.
For The Camera - Noon30ish 
In which Yuuri becomes a pornstar and is 'training' under the one and only, the Living Legend, Vitya.
Or the fic where, for Yuuri, sex comes first and love comes after.
The “Real” Viktor Nikiforov - thishasbeencary 
So, fine, maybe Yuuri's a little bored and lonely when he likes a dating profile claiming to be Viktor Nikiforov. And, maybe, he's a little pathetic when he gets excited when the account messages him almost immediately after. And, he's definitely stupid for falling in love with someone pretending to be his idol, but he can't help it. It's not like it's the real Viktor Nikiforov, anyway. He knows someone is catfishing him, but he still falls ridiculously in love.
Shape Of You - ViktorBunny 
Yuri is moving to St. Petersburg and Victor is far too excited to show him everything and spoil his Katsudon on his home turf.
An Intangible Force of Motion - doeinstinct 
The new season is in full-swing, and Viktor is realizing just how much work it is to coach and compete, but the exhilaration is worth it. The pain in his leg is probably just from overworking. Probably. (Or the post-season one continuation fic no one really asked for.)
Beyond The Blue Horizon - HikarisDream
It was perfect. There was no music, no sound whatsoever, only Yuuri, dancing in front of him, toes sinking into the deliciously soft carpet, his movements fluent even off the ice and his eyes sparkling while he tried to show to Victor what his words had lacked to convey, making him hear the melody with his eyes while he watched every small gesture, every delicate step. It was all there on open display; their love unfolding for everyone to see.
Victor Nikiforov is back in competitive skating with Yuuri finally meeting him on the same ice. Victuuri. Post-Canon. BoyxBoy Rated M for smut. Lots of Fluff
Like A Fairytale - lucycamui 
In which Prince Victor gets swept off his feet at a royal banquet and will go to any length to find his 'Cinderella' Yuuri. (And Phichit is the fairy godmother who has no idea what he's doing).
“The crown prince of the Nikiforov kingdom, infatuated with a mystery pastry chef he’s only just met. This is exactly the kind of scandalous love story my life has been missing… So, what’s he look like? What exactly is Prince Victor’s type?”
“Well, he does make pastries."
Update: 12th May 2017
No Less Unthinkable - rageprufrock 
In which Katsuki Yuuri fights a losing battle with chronic anxiety, the quadruple Salchow, and his own judgment four drinks in — but wins the war.
The Next Level - Azriona
So this is being engaged to a fellow skater: it’s trying to figure out whose sweats are whose, writing competition dates on the calendar in different colored pens, late-night arguments over sequins versus feathers, running out of the really good foot plasters after the shops have closed for the night.
The skating season continues (as skating seasons are wont to do), while Victor and Yuuri negotiate the shifts in their relationship, their careers, and their home rink.
Sometimes, things even go as planned.
blood is thicker than - icanhinatashouyoutheworld 
“You might be Yuri’s biological parent, Mr. Nikiforov. But I’m his father. If Yuri wants to go with you, that’s one thing,” Yuuri Katsuki’s voice flows quiet and dangerous into the room “but if he doesn’t, don’t think that you’re taking my child away from home,”
Or: Victor Nikiforov finds out he has a son. He wants full custody.
Katsuki Yuuri isn't going to give up his child that easily.
Or: Victor and Yuuri fight a custody battle for Yurio. Shit happens.
Or: Yuri Plisetsky starts with one parent, and ends up with two.
Stimulating Conversation - threerings
Yuuri is determined to get to the bottom of why Victor keeps flirting with him. This leads to a conversation. With alcohol.
“Besides,” said Victor. “Maybe if I get you drunk I can learn some of your secrets.” Yuuri coughed as he swallowed. “My secrets?”
 “Yes. The secrets of the mysterious Katsuki Yuuri, enigma of the figure skating world.” Yuuri nearly choked again at that.
He laughed and shook his head. “You don’t need to make fun of me.”
 “What? You are an enigma.”
 “I’m not joking,” Victor assured. “No one really knows what to make of you, Yuuri. You’re so quiet most of the time and then other times...” Yuuri just looked at the other man as he trailed off. He shook his head and reached to pour them both more sake.
empty spaces between stars - astudyinrose
Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids... but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals...
Baby Blue Prince - Daughter of Vayu 
When Viktor Nikiforov met Yuuri, he didn't know that cute guy with awful baby blue tie was actually a real life prince. The one with titles and such.
The Modern Royalty AU with Yuuri as Prince Cinnamon Roll.
Update: 3rd September 2017
Not Alone - DazzledGhosts
Katsuki Yuuri has been training alongside Victor in St. Petersburg for a while. He has been so careful for no one to know that he's an omega. But while skating one day, Victor notices something different. What's that smell coming from Yuuri's neck? Without realizing it, he finds a scent suppressant patch on Yuuri's neck and curiosity wins the better of him. He tugs and is hit directly with that smell of cardamom and honeysuckle.
Victor falls into his first ever rut. But not because Yuuri is an omega. But because the omega he is smelling is Yuuri. A story where secondary genders do not define you. Where Yuuri is strong despite everything that comes his way as a result of his omeganess. Where Victor strives to be the best alpha he can, but all he wants is to be Victor and Yuuri. Not Alpha and Omega.
"Be My Sex Coach, Victor!" - lucycamui
Yuuri Katsuki has always been his own worst critic, and a series of unfortunate short-lived relationships has him convinced that he flubs things more in the bedroom than out on the ice. So, of course it would turn out that the ridiculously charming Russian he's matched with online is a pornstar.
But perhaps, a 'professional opinion' is exactly what Yuuri needs...
'Cause I'm a Taker, 'Cause I'm a Giver, It's Only Nature - ken_ichijouji 
The story of how Yuuri Katsuki slept with, dated, fell in love with, and married Victor Nikiforov. Yes, in that order.
A Stranger's Groom - SophiaFrederica
Viktor has always felt a strange connection to Bridget Jones, something that Yuri will never understand. Sure, there are quite a few differences between them: first, Viktor doesn’t feel very insecure about his looks (apart from his thinning hairline) and second, he doesn’t embarrass himself regularly. He has also made an amazing career and with his status as a high-class celebrity, he probably won’t need to worry too much about money for the rest of his life. But there’s something in Bridget that Viktor understands better than anyone, the fear of never finding your true love and spending your whole life all alone.
Aka "Married at First Sight" AU where both Yuuri and Viktor apply for the said reality television show, become a match and spend 5 weeks together as a married couple.
Not Alone - DazzledGhosts
Katsuki Yuuri has been training alongside Victor in St. Petersburg for a while. He has been so careful for no one to know that he's an omega. But while skating one day, Victor notices something different. What's that smell coming from Yuuri's neck? Without realizing it, he finds a scent suppressant patch on Yuuri's neck and curiosity wins the better of him. He tugs and is hit directly with that smell of cardamom and honeysuckle.
Victor falls into his first ever rut. But not because Yuuri is an omega. But because the omega he is smelling is Yuuri. A story where secondary genders do not define you. Where Yuuri is strong despite everything that comes his way as a result of his omeganess. Where Victor strives to be the best alpha he can, but all he wants is to be Victor and Yuuri. Not Alpha and Omega.
Dance of the Red Death - Strange and Intoxicating
Find something to live for.
Viktor Nikiforov loved too much. What begins as a cough morphs into something that takes the shape of an unseen monster hiding in his very blood. With the Russian government scrambling to sweep under the rug the worst of a crisis that's been thirty-five years in the making and a society that sees his disease as a death sentence, Viktor is left with figuring out his own way to survive.
It starts as a way to escape— a youtube video of music and color and light, but quickly becomes something he never expected when Yuri Katsuki teaches him that surviving is not living. Yuri teaches him that living is taking the jump into unknown and accepting all that comes with it.
This is not a story of anger. This is not a story of fear. This is not even a story of pain.
This is a 21st Century love overcoming the obstacles of the 20th Century's politics of fear.
This is a story of life.
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computerguideworld-blog · 6 years ago
Make Extra Money By Learning How To Teach English Online
New Post has been published on https://computerguideto.com/awesome/make-extra-money-by-learning-how-to-teach-english-online/
Make Extra Money By Learning How To Teach English Online
Learning how to teach English online has become extremely popular these days and for many good reasons- it’s flexible, there’s a high need, and it pays pretty well.
You may have even heard me talk about it before here on Making Sense of Cents. I have even had one of my readers talk about online English teaching tasks with VIPKID- Janice Cook talked about how she teaches English online from home and earns around $1,000 a month doing it part-time.
Surprisingly, you don’t need to be a educator taught to teach English online. You also don’t need to speak more than one language – you only need to speak English.
Those things build teaching English online a really great side hustle or online task for almost anyone.
So today, to help you get started, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about how to teach English online so that you can take advantage of this great new side hustle opportunity. I know that many of my readers are already use some of the companies I’m going to talk about, so you know they are 100% legitimate.
If you’re looking for a way to stimulate extra money, want to work from home, or want to work while traveling, then learning how to teach English online can be a fun way to do so.
Also, making extra money can totally change your life.
Learning how to make money on the side of my day job helped me pay off $38,000 in student loans within 7 months. I eventually turned my side hustle into a full-time task, and I can now travel full-time, pursue my passions, and more!
Finding ways to induce extra money, like learning how to teach English online, can change your life in some really great ways, such as helping you with :P TAGEND
Paying off your indebtednes. Saving up for big purchases, like vacations. Get out of a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. Retiring earlier than you had originally planned. Realizing that your job isn’t the only alternative out there, especially if you are currently feeling stuck. Help you to become more diversified and make money in more routes. Travel more, or even full-time!
As you can tell, I am a big disciple that learning to find new ways to make money can altogether change your future for the better.
Related articles on how to make extra money :P TAGEND
12 Work From Home Jobs That Can Earn You $1,000+ Each Month 30+ Ways To Save Money Each Month How I Successfully Constructed A $1,000, 000+ Blog How to Construct Extra Money with a Flea Market Booth
Here is what you need to know about learning how to teach English online.
How much fund can you induce by teaching English online?
The amount of money you will earn once you learn how to teach English online will vary, but it’s typically around $14 to $22 per hour.
If you worked this side hustle just six hours per week, you could earn an extra $84 – $132 per week, or $336 – $528 per month! That’s extra money to pay down your indebtednes, put towards retirement, and more.
Online English teaching jobs are a great route to earn more income, because you can do it from home, while you travel( because you just need your laptop and an internet connect !), outside of your regular job, etc.
I know people who teach English online full-time, and others who do it as a style to build extra money. The options are there – you get to choose how you work it!
Can anyone teach English online? What are the requirements?
This is a great question, and likely what you’re wondering first! Now , not anyone can teach English online, but there’s a good chance that you fit the bill.
Most of the online teaching job companies have the following requirements :P TAGEND
Native English speaker. Experience with children such as: teaching, mentoring, coaching, tutoring, babysitting, a parent, etc. Internet with a webcam and microphone( which most computers and laptops have ). Bachelor’s degree from a U.S. or Canadian university( it does not have to be in teaching- it can be on any subject ).
The other thing you need to know about the kinds of online English teaching tasks I’m talking about is that you do not need to speak the language of the children you are teaching. You are merely required to speak English! I know I’ve already said that, but because this is a common misunderstanding, I wanted to say it again.
Also, the companies I’m focusing on today are all for students in China, but there are many other companies that help students in Korea, Taiwan, etc. learn how to speak English. The same runs for most of those companies too – you only need to speak English.
How flexible is teaching English online?
The companies I’m talking about today are ones that have you teaching English to children in China, and because of the time change, this side hustle is great for working outside of “normal” work hours.
Some of the methods of teaching English online offer early morning teaching slots or weekend hours. However, VIPKID gives you a little more flexibility with the schedule you create.
There really aren’t minimum teach hours either, and that entails learning how to teach English online can pretty much be as flexible as you need it to be. The lessons you will be teaching are typically around 30 minutes each. Here are a few routes you can fit this side hustle into your schedule :P TAGEND
Wake up an hour earlier than normal. Side hustle on your lunch hour. For an hour when you are get home from run. After your kids have gone to bed.
Recommend companies for teaching English online.
Because this side hustle is becoming popular, there are several great companies that allow you to teach English online. These are ones my readers have recommended and ones I have personally looked into.
The top 3 that I recommend include :P TAGEND
VIPKID Qkids Education First
Read on for more on each company.
VIPKID- Teach English online with VIPKID
VIPKID is the# 1 platform for teaching English online in China. They also recently ranked# 1 on Forbes magazine’s” Top 100 Remote Work Companies Report” for 2018, and they have won many other awards as well.
VIPKID is a company that connects native English speaking educators with students in China aged 4-12, and you are able to earn up to $22 an hour teaching English online with VIPKID.
Because VIPKID is becoming more and more popular in China, they need more English speaking educators to work for them.
VIPKID develops a curriculum for you. And, their teachers work from wherever they want, defined their own schedules, and take home competitive pay. Again, there’s no need to speak Chinese.
The requirements for teaching with VIPKID are :P TAGEND
Bachelor’s degree from a U.S. or Canadian university. Experience with children in areas such as: teaching, mentoring, coaching, tutoring, babysitting, etc. High-speed internet, computer, and webcam/ microphone.
Please click here to sign up with VIPKID .
Qkids- Teach English online with Qkids
Qkids is another top run from home company that connects native English speakers with over half a million children aged 4-12 who are in need to English lessons. This is a great job for college students, stay-at-home parents, and those looking to earn more money.
You can earn up to $20 an hour by teaching English online with Qkids. The lessons are already developed for you, and Qkids focuses on game based learning.
To teach English online with Qkids, you will need :P TAGEND
A bachelor’s degree from a U.S. or Canadian University. Experience working with children, like teach, mentoring, coaching, tutoring, babysitting, etc. High-speed internet, computer, and webcam/ microphone.
With Qkids :P TAGEND
You teach English to young learners between the ages of 4-12 years through their online platform. Teachers teach classrooms with up to four students. Their Class Coordination Team will handle scheduling and student assignment. Each in-lesson time is 30 minutes. You can work up to 19 hours available weekly. Educate and supporting is provided for you. The curriculum is preset, entailing lesson planning is not required.
Please click here to sign up with Qkids .
Education First- Teach English online with Education First
Education First( EF) is another top run from home company that allows you to learn how to teach English online, and you can earn up to $16 an hour teaching English online with Education First.
Of the companies I’ve listed today, EF is the oldest and most respected brand in private language teaching. They also have a long history and reputation. They have been around for over 50 years, and EF has been helping people around the world learn English. They are also one of the only U.S. based online English teaching companies. They may not pay the highest, but they are still a great company to work for.
Teaching with Education First requires :P TAGEND
A bachelor’s degree from a U.S. or U.K. university, and you will be required to currently reside in the U.S. or U.K. Prior teaching experience or equivalent in education, tutoring, mentoring, or homeschooling. High-speed internet, computer, and webcam/ microphone
Please click here to sign up with Education First .
Are you interested in learning how to teach English online?
The post Make Extra Money By Learning How To Teach English Online seemed first on Making Sense Of Cents.
Read more: makingsenseofcents.com
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brendajhensonblog · 7 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187
Click on the video above to watch Episode 187 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey, everybody! We are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 187. Before we get started today, we got a couple of short announcements, but as always we want to go and say hi to the guys and see how everyone’s doing. We’ll start in order on my screen and, Chris, you’re first up. How are you doing, man?
Chris: Been good. How are you doing?
Adam: Good deal. So, are you traveling? Where in the world is Chris located this week?
Chris: I’m in the secret spot in Scandinavia.
Adam: Awesome. It sounds like it’s some Dr. Evil hideout or something.
Chris: Pretty much.
Adam: Good deal. Hernan, how you are doing?
Hernan: That sounded so James Bond. It’s funny because we’re going through the time zones, like Chris is later, then I am in, and then think that Marco, and then Bradley, and you. Right, time zone? I know depending on how … Hey, guys! What’s up? I’m really good. I’m excited to be here.
Adam: Good deal. Good deal. Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m working on the first Google My Business webinar. I’m deep in the lab trying to get it ready. I got some good stuff planned for our first webinar.
Adam: Would you say that this is only for people who are members of Local GMB Pro?
Marco: I would say not only should they be members of Local GMB Pro, they better be in the Facebook group so they can get the link, because that’s the only place it’s going to be shared.
Adam: Awesome. You guys heard it. If want it, if you haven’t joined, go check out Local GMB Pro. If you’re dealing with anything local, this is an awesome addition. If you are already a member, I know we’re still missing a few members, we opened up as a bonus the Facebook group, so check your emails, we sent out a notification about that to members only.
Bradley, how are you doing today on this fine day?
Bradley: Pretty effing stoked about the GMB Pro stuff that’s going on because I’ve been adding additional training to that the last couple days. I’ve added several, stuff today. I’m actually out on my own experimenting a bit now. I’ve been just following Robin and Marco’s instructions really because they’ve been in the lab testing and tinkering and trying to blow shit up and all that, and I’ve just been applying what they’ve been teaching. But I’ve been kind of tinkering around on my own now a little bit too and finding some really cool stuff to do.
It’s just amazing. GMB, the Google My business dashboard, they’re rolling out new features. Apparently, the new Google My Business Agency dashboard has just launched. There’s a post on Bright Local about it and something I’m really stoked about. I posted the link on the event page guys. But the post on Bright Local is … Any of you that aren’t using Bright Local, I’ve been talking about them for years. That’s the local tracking solution for citations and ranking and all that rank tracking and all that stuff. I’ve been using Bright Locals since I opened my agency in 2012. I speak very highly of it because I think it’s awesome. It’s very inexpensive and the reports are great. That’s what I do all my client reporting with.
Well, in the article about the GMB Agency dashboard today, Bright Local is working on a tool to be able to schedule posts and everything GMB posts right from within the Bright Local dashboard. Very similar to our own GMB auto-poster or from Sendible, for example. You’re going to be able to do this directly in Bright Local, too. So, those of you that are already managing your clients reporting through Bright Local, this is just one additional thing, that one additional place or tool that you’ll be able to use right from within Bright Local. So, that’s pretty exciting news.
Then, as Marco said, we’ve got the webinar coming up in a couple of weeks, I guess, for the first webinar for Local GMB Pro. Some of the stuff that he’s been sharing with me is just, it’s freakin’ killer, man. So, I’m really excited about it.
But that’s not the only thing, I’ve also been adding training to the MasterMind. Guys, those of you that are in the MasterMind, keep going back into the prospecting module and checking often. I’ve been adding a lot of additional training in there. I just hired a VA full time to do video, or excuse me, email prospecting and so I’ve added a lot of additional process docs in there for the same training that I’m using to train my VA with. Guys, I told you in the MasterMind I was going to give you the exact same docs and process training that I personally train my virtual assistants with, so that you guys don’t have to do it yourself. All of that is being added to the MasterMind website as well.
I’m excited to be here. Lots of good stuff coming up.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: Real quick, sorry, Adam. Guess what guys? We used the Outsource Kingpin process to actually get these amazing VAs which we are hiring.
Bradley: Yep.
Hernan: I just wanna mention that.
Adam: Yeah. We’ve now gone levels deep. I have my personal assistant, actually that I used hiring funnel to find to then use the hiring funnel to hire additional VAs. I love it. It’s like hiring inception.
Bradley: That’s an outsource stack.
Adam: Yeah. Oh, man, it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Well, we talked about it briefly, but I just want to remind people too about Local GMB Pro and some of the services that are coming out that we want people to be aware about. Just real quick, Marco, can you tell people or remind people about what’s going on with that? Because I honestly don’t have in front of me and I’ll probably lose track, but there’s some really cool stuff coming up soon.
Marco: Yeah. We’ve got our auto-poster and it’s in beta right now. People are testing it out. We’re trying to work out some of the issues that always arise with coding. Chris Dylan, our partner, I know that he’ll back me up 100% on this. You cannot write code that’s 100%. But there’s always going to be something that’s out of whack, something that clashes, just whatever, and so you just have to work it out. But it’s awesome. Yeah. Because we’re going to be able to feed a feed, if that makes sense. Feed an RSS feed into the Google My Business listing.
So you post on your website guys, that you’re active there. That’s going to become a post in Google My Business and you can then export an RSS feed to trigger additional IFTTT. It’s gonna be a like a hydra, that you can plug in anywhere you want to add relevance to everything that you’re doing. Right now, there’s no better entity anywhere, there’s no better seed, that I’m always talking about seed sites and seed sets, nothing than Google My Business. It’s verified. It’s validated. You’re solidifying it through all of the activity and Google is really paying attention to this and rewarding people for being active in it.
People go in and I know that they say it can’t be this easy, because if it had been this easy, then why didn’t I think of it? But sometimes as SEOs, as coders, as marketers, we tend to complicate things because we’ve been taught that this is complicated, that not anyone, not everyone can do this, especially if you don’t have the, and I’m doing air quotes, the knowledge. Right? I don’t have the knowledge. I don’t have the proper knowledge. I have to go listen to this guru, and this expert, and this ninja, hell, I’m not gonna go there, but they over-complicate shit.
We boiled it down, and once again we’d turn SEO on it’s ear, but you don’t need to be an SEO now to do this. You just have to have just follow simple instruction. You follow them, you do what you’re supposed to do, and then let us show you how to build a power from within and just use the power of Google against Google. It’s been the way that I’ve been doing things, at least, what, four or five years now. We’re coming up on the anniversary of RYS Academy, August. It’ll be three years.
So all of this, it just keeping keeps coming together, it keeps coming back to the same principle. You use Google to rank Google to get traffic from Google and it becomes a self-feeding monster. That’s what we’re onto right now. So it’s that, it’s the poster. It’s a done-for-you services, right? We’re going to have people who will know how to properly optimize a Google My Business listing, how to do the posts, how to do the images, how to work with the images so that you can concentrate really on building your business and getting more clients for your business and making more money.
Adam: Nice. I like it. And as someone, I’m not just saying this as someone who’s part of the business, I look forward to actually using the done-for-you services. So looking forward to this and hopefully everyone else is too. Last, but certainly not least, just want to tell you if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re just watching us, first of all, thanks for coming to Hump Day Hangouts. I put a link on the page, check out the Battle Plan. If you’re watching it later, you can’t find the link, it’s battleplan.semanticmastery.com. It’s like your SEO blueprint. It’s the fastest, best way to get started whether you’re just entering or you’ve been in the game for a while. It’s a great place to get started with us and with having a blueprint for your SEO.
Also, we have decided and we’re looking forward to meeting up with a small group, hopefully, about 20 to 25 people, this fall. We’re gonna announce dates later. It’s gonna be in the October, November timeframe. We’re still working that out. We’ve had a lot of really good feedback. As usual, it’s gonna be offered first to our MasterMind members, but we are looking forward to doing a one to two-and-a-half day training event and networking where we can get together and just do some awesome knowledge transfer, training, and just some awesome good stuff. I don’t know if you guys want to add on to that. We’re definitely gonna have some more information coming out later about that, but I wanna let you guys know that’s coming.
Hernan: Yeah. I’m super excited for that. I’m super, super, super pumped. I’ll put my camera around so that you can see how pumped I am. Not bad for sure. No. I’m really pumped about that because we can meet online and I think that the magic happens when we meet offline, like we actually get together. Semantic Mastery, it’s the testimony and the testimony of that. Every time we get together we get so much stuff done. When you go to events you get relationships, you start doing networking, and we got to be there. So I’m super pumped for that, super excited. It’s gonna be really good. We’re gonna get some hot seats doing so that we can advise you on your business, how to grow it. It’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s not gonna be super expensive either, guys. This is our gonna be our first live event so we’re gonna keep it relatively inexpensive and small too. We’re only gonna to, I think we agreed on no more than 25 people. Correct?
Hernan: Yep.
Bradley: Yeah. There’s only 25 seats available, basically. We want to keep it small intentionally because it’s our first one. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves, to be honest, but I think this would be good. I’ve been wanting to do it for a couple of years. I’ve been to some really amazing events in the past. Last year, I went to a great one, the SEO Rockstars event. It’s a great event and so that’s kind of inspired us to do it as well.
Like Hernan just mentioned, it’s more about, it’s not a money-making thing really, it’s just about being able to kind of build more of a culture. Right? That’s what if anybody’s followed ClickFunnels, they call it Cult-ure, but it’s very similar to that. It’s just to try to create some goodwill and kind of create some stronger bonds between us and our best or most avid followers or members or whatever you want to call it. So we certainly hope that some of you guys will come out and join us.
Adam: Definitely. Yeah. What you can accomplish in a day or two there, if you haven’t been to an event, is definitely amazing. For me, a lot of you brought … I know you have been, I’ve either seen you at events by this point in time or you have been going for years. It’s something I avoided for a long time, being something of an introvert, and it’s really an eye opener several years ago to finally go and just meet people and be like, oh, damn, these are my people. So, good stuff.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right. Well, unless you guys know anything else, I think we should jump into it.
Bradley: Yeah. Let’s do it. I do want to mention one thing though because Marco was mentioning RYS Academy three years. It’s three year anniversary’s coming up since the original launch and so I had to pull this up just because guys this is so incredible, I applied the RYS Academy methods before they were even fully developed in May of 2015. Let me zoom in on this so you can see it.
May 2015. So, that’s been over three years, guys, and I still rank, look at this, Virginia SEO, that’s the Google site. This is all RYS tactics, guys. Nothing else. Ranked number one in Maps. I got a WordPress.com site ranked or post ranked with a video image. What? For SEO Virginia as well. Also, SEO Agency Virginia, same thing. They’ve been marketing number one in Maps, Google Site, WordPress.com. Virginia SEO, that’s actually a company’s name. It’s Virginia SEO. I’ve got number one above Maps, I’m in the 3-pack, and I’m also got the WordPress.com.
Guys, again, this was, I mean, look at this, May 16th is when these were published. See that? May 16th, 2015. I said May 16th and then stopped, 2016 May 5th, excuse me, May 5-16th 2015. That’s a big deal, guys. Three years and I don’t do link building to this.
I haven’t added any additional posts to this site. I haven’t done anything. In fact, my own main website, I reduced from an old blog, a WordPress site that I had built into 2012 when I first launched, I’d never updated the site. I added a couple posts over the years, literally, a couple of posts over the years and that was it. Never updated the site. And I went ahead and re-did the site about a year ago now when I joined the Chamber of Commerce, my local Chamber of Commerce, just because I wanted to have an updated website.
So it’s a one-page website now, no blog posts, no internal pages, and I’m ranking number one in Maps. Anyways, and it’s all 100% RYS tactics, guys. That’s just incredible. Three years, nothing else has been done and I’m still outranking all the other SEO agencies in Virginia, which is insane.
This stuff works, man. That’s Local GMB Pro. That’s kind of why we’ve been pimping that for the last few weeks, guys, because it just works really well at generating leads, which brings us to the first question for today.
How Does GMB Posting Help In Lead Generation For Local Clients?
Aditya. I know I destroyed your name, so I apologize. He says, “How’s posting in GMB helps in lead generation for local clients?” Because it’s more of a mobile, it kind of speaks directly to the mobile search algorithm, and so you’ll find that the vast majority of traffic and leads that come from the GMB posting and the stuff that we’re doing inside the GMB dashboard is going to be mobile traffic. We’ve talked about this in the past.
In fact, do we still have the original webinar that we did, when we kind of pitch this, that we can drive people to? Because if so, I’ll just drop the link to that webinar and tag him on this, have him go watch the webinar because we discuss how we think it’s working. We don’t work for Google so we don’t know for sure, but we think we know how it works. Do we have that link guys by chance?
Adam: Yeah, sorry. One more time, which link?
Bradley: The link to the webinar for the GMB Pro-?
Hernan: Was it the launch?
Bradley: The launch webinar, yeah.
Adam: Yeah, we can grab that.
Bradley: Okay. Again, guys, we talked about it, whatever pricing was listed in that webinar we will not honor that now. It’s launched, so it’s at the launch price, whatever the full price. So just be aware that if you’re gonna watch the replay from the launch webinar that price is no longer valid. We stated very clearly that it was a very limited offer. But the course nonetheless is, it’s worth every freaking penny regardless. Okay?
What Are Best Practices In Optimizing A Photo For Local Business?
All right. Quit This House, I always forget your name, sorry, buddy. But anyways, he says, “Good day, gents. Thanks for the weekly sharing. I appreciate it so very much.” You’re welcome. “How do you tag photos with the area of the business etc? What are other ways to optimize a photo for best SEO practices?”
Okay. Well, it’s funny because I was actually recording training today. I added several videos to the GMB Pro course today specifically for that, so I certainly can’t reveal it all. But I can give kind of a high-level conceptual overview of some of the things that you can do. Okay. So one of the things you can do is just use photos from the area … First of all, the best thing to do is get original photos. Let me just start off with that. If you can get original photos that are taken on location for the areas that your business covers. Right?
If it’s a service-area business, which means the business goes to the customer’s location, not the other way around. A storefront or point-of-sale business is a type of business where the customers come to the business location, right? So that would be like a store. But a service-area business would be like contractors or kind of like for the case study I’m dealing with a taxi service. Right?
So those are called service-area businesses. So for those, the best thing to do is to go out in various locations within the service-area and take photos from a phone with the GPS enabled so that you get the EXIF data, the geodata literally stamped or embedded directly into the metadata of the file of the photo. Okay? That’s the best. However, as I have experienced as in the recent weeks with my clients that I’m doing this for, many of my clients have promised me that they were going to get me photos, because most of my current clients are contractors so they have technicians to go out and do jobs and such, and I tell them, all I need you to do is just take photos when you go to a new job.
Take two or three photos, drop em into a folder that I’ve set up for each one of my clients, and none of them have given … Let me take that back, I’ve got one client that has given me about six photos. In about a month, and that’s it. All the other clients, they keep saying “Oh yeah, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it” and they never do it.
So I gave up, I quit trying to bug them, now I’m just going the route of using stock images that I purchase licenses to, okay. And then you know, credits or whatever from … So I have an account for that, I download the stock photos, and then I upload them, or excuse me, I append a bunch of metadata to them, so you can do that, that’s the next best thing.
And that’s something you can do using Exif data tools, such as … I use GeoSetter, it’s a windows software that you download for windows, its called geosetter, its free. Geosetter.de I think is the domain, if you wanna go download it.
And I optimize my images using that. And so essentially, you can go grab geodata, latitude, longitude, you can also grab … Where do you get that? Well just go to city center, go to Google for example, and search for each one of the locations that are within your service area.
Let’s just say your business covers one county, okay? Then you can go to like, zip-codes.com type in the county and the state, and it will pull up all of the zip codes, and locations that are contained within the county. So extract those location names, extract those zip codes, and then go do a latitude-longitude finder, so again, go to Google and type latitude longitude finder, and then just type in the city name right, the location name, and hit search. And it’ll give you the city center of whatever that location name is, and it’ll give you latitude and longitude.
Now you can just put all of that into a spreadsheet, and now you have all the data that you need to go start optimizing images with specific location data. right, and then uploading those to GMB. So that’s how you do it, you can also … You can hyper-optimize the images by squeezing in a bunch of keywords and all kinds of other stuff, I pretty much stick to the basics of just location information, and then the latitude and longitude, and then I’ll also insert contact information and URL’s in a couple spots. And again, I cover all that stuff in great detail, in the course.
Does anybody wanna comment on that before I move on?
Hernan: Yeah, the webinar is all about this. And I would get unlimited images, unlimited local as a matter of fact.
Bradley: Yeah the stuff that you were telling me about today I’m not gonna reveal here, but some real ninja stuff guys, some great great ideas for generating pretty much-unlimited content for images and videos too. So, we’ll talk about that in the webinar.
What Is The Secret To Ranking YouTube Videos On the First Page of Google?
Mark Goodman, what’s up mark? I met Mark down at the SEO Rockstars event that I was just mentioning. Anyways, he said, “I have no problem ranking videos at the top of YouTube, what is the secret to ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google?”
That’s a good one Mark, there’s really no secret, it’s work, right. The secret is some keywords just, are basically like having a version to ranking videos for them. What I mean by that is there are certain categories of search queries or terms, Google categorizes certain searches right? There’s commercial intent, there’s informational intent, various types of search categories. And some categories, Google just does not like to display videos for.
And I found that for a lot of competitive local terms guys, a lot of the times it’s difficult to rank videos for them, so the key, the trick is to find longer tail versions, or start hitting some of the suburb areas, I’m just assuming you’re talking about local mark, I don’t know that that’s the case, but for local specifically, it’s targeting some of the locations like, instead of the broad metropolitan area, target some of the suburbs, or some of the boroughs or districts or whatever. If you’re talking about a county like I just mentioned previously you can go in and gather all the different locations contained within that county, and optimize the video, the same video, that keyword plus each one of those locations if you want right.
And find out some of them are gonna rank easy, some of them won’t. That’s just the nature of the game, but as far as ranking a broader term and again I’m speaking about local just because that’s … Guys, you know that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local. You can build a silo Mark, if you’re not familiar with the YouTube Silo Academy, you’ve bought some of our products, you should have access to it already, you should have access to our bonus site which is included in there, go through the YouTube Silo Academy training, it’s old but it still works. The principles are still the same, that hasn’t changed at all, but take the broadest erm that you’re trying to rank for, put that at the top of a playlist, and then start building, just like you would be siloing a website, you would take keywords that are longer tailed that are supporting-type keywords, and create videos or use the same video, optimized for those various supporting keywords, put them all in the same playlist, with the internal link from the description up to that top level, the top of the silo. Also link to the playlist, because the playlist is nothing more than a container right? It’s a container that contains videos. So you want a link to the container, to juice up the entire container, but also link up to the top level, the top of a silo, which is your broadest terms.
One more thing, once you’ve published the video, go in and comment underneath, the first comment on the video, as soon as its published go in and comment, and drop a link to the top video that you want to rank. Okay, and then pin that comment, to where it’s the pinned comment at the top, like it’s the first comment, and it will stay the first comment underneath the video.
Okay, so now you’ve got an internal link form the YouTube description, going to the top level video in the silo, which is the one you wanna rank, then you’ve also got an internal link pointing to the playlist, which powers up the entire container, then you’ve got a comment link which is, I believe, a do-follow link, as long as it’s an internal link, from the video up to your top-level term. The top-level video essentially.
Right? And now you’ve got basically every single one of your video URLs, are target URLs for link building, and your playlist URL is a target URL. For link building. Does that make sense? And so you’ve got literally a bunch of URLs now, and by the way, in case you guys weren’t aware of this, and this is covered in YouTube Silo Academy, but for each … Whenever you put a video in a playlist, you have the original video URL, but then once it’s added to a playlist, and you play the video from the playlist, now it has it’s own unique playlist URL for that specific video.
So think about how many URLs you can extract from this. And we’re not even talking about all the variations of YouTube URLs either, I’m talking about just the straight YouTube URL and playlist URL, you can get a bunch of variations from those and now you’ve got … You can just do a ton of link building.
One other thing Mark, the last thing I’m gonna say about this before moving on, is engagement. Engagement is one of the most primary ranking factors for YouTube videos now, not just on YouTube but also on Google. And so, I’ve talked about this many times but how to use YouTube ads to rank local videos. In Google search right? Let me repeat that, how do you use YouTube or Google AdWords to buy views and clicks that are locally relevant, cause you can set all this up through targeting, we’ve covered this in great detail in the past, you can go to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/semanticmastery, click the channel search function, and type in YouTube ads for ranking local videos, or something like that, and just start perusing through.
You’ll see within the last two months or so we did an extended answer on this, on how to do that in Hump Day Hangouts. Okay but it’s really, really a great way to do it, pretty much almost standard operating procedure for all videos that I try to rank for local terms, I go in and set up an AdWords campaign now for it. A dollar a day to start with guys, it’s 30 bucks a month. And once I start getting the traction or I get ranked I back it down to about 50 cents a day, which costs 15 dollars per month to maintain, okay. It’s totally worth it. So, we’re going to move on.
Hernan: I would just add to what you just said, video powerhouse, to get in bed, and then we also have our own YouTube views platform, but that’s in beta testing, also it’s about to be released, so I would say next couple of weeks it’ll be ready, and then you could buy views from us, you know. You don’t have to go and learn how to [inaudible 00:26:35] YouTube ads and all that stuff if you don’t want to, you could just get ‘em from us. It’ll be cheaper than buying from you YouTube.
Bradley: Yeah, and forgive me for not mentioning video powerhouse but yeah, that’s certainly part of it, that’s part of the whole Silo Academy stuff, or excuse me, YouTube silo stuff that I do, includes embedding because you can … Think about it guys, if you’ve created a YouTube silo, you’ve got all these other supporting YouTube videos right? Each time you do an embed blast with those, is very similar to doing link building to any of the URLs, in that your powering up that specific video, but that video has a link both in the video description, and the comment area, that links up to the top level video that you’re trying to rank, as well as the playlist which powers up everything contained within it. So my point is, is that the embeds plus the backlinks, plus the engagement. All of those combined if what you need Mark, to get ranked. Okay.
How To Schedule Post In WordPress Using RSS Masher?
Arpiet says “How to schedule a post in WordPress using RSS masher?”
Ah that sounds like a really good question to ask Damon Nelson, the developer of RSS Masher, again I don’t support his product, I know we have promoted it, and it’s a great product, don’t get me wrong its just I don’t support it so I don’t, I really can’t tell you, there may be a scheduling option inside of RSS masher, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t.
I haven’t been in RSS masher in about a year, and it’s not because it’s not a good tool, it’s a great tool, it’s just I haven’t been using it. Because I have my VA’s and all of our processes that they, they do everything basically manually. RSS Masher’s a great tool, guys, for doing feed splicing, and doing some really cool stuff cause you can embed, like inject content into the RSS feed, if you splice feeds you can add HTML links, I think you can even embed stuff in there now, it’s crazy. It’s a great tool, there’s a lot of really cool stuff that you can do with RSS masher.
There’s also another great RSS SEO tool, that’s Lisa Allen’s, it’s called Rank Feeder. And Rank Sniper, or RSS Sniper I think it’s called, or something like that. I don’t use that, I just use the rank feeder side of it, which is like, you create these co-citation feeds, which is incredibly powerful. It’s strictly an SEO tool though, where RSS masher, Damon nelson’s tool can be used for affiliate stuff, for content marketing, for splicing feeds, there’s a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it, okay. Both of them are great tools by the way.
When you trying to publish many posts… Again, I would direct you to ask a question specifically about the functionality of RSS masher to Damon.
“Is it still helpful to ranking in 2018?” Yeah, it can be, again I don’t look at RSS masher as strictly a ranking tool, I look at it as a marketing tool. Rank Feeder is an SEO tool. Okay, so yeah, you can still use it to help rank as well, but again I think it’s more functional than just for ranking purposes. So is it still relevant or valid? Yes. Absolutely, for more than just ranking. If you’re looking for just a ranking solution rank feeders a better bed in my opinion. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Find The Best VA To Do Keyword Research?
Next Scott says, “I’m having a” … What’s up Scott, he says “I’m having a tough time finding a keyword VA to do the keywords for GMB accounts like your keyword research girl, did you find your keyword vs through Upwork, OnlineJobs.ph, or somewhere else?” Probably OnlineJobs.ph, where’d you find her Marco?
Marco: Yeah actually it’s Hernan fires up the [crosstalk 00:30:08] our outsource Kingpin hiring funnel and then he does the preliminaries, and then I just get the cream of the crop. And then I do an interview, we found Joel that way, Joel is awesome.
Bradley: Yep
Marco: And then we found that keyword research girl, the exact same way, just fired up the funnel. And maybe, or it could be Scott, if you’re advertising for a keyword VA your target is wrong. And I always tell Hernan, just get me someone who can follow direction.
Bradley: That’s it.
Marco: That’s all I want, if they can watch a video and understand that all they have to do, they don’t have to think, they just have to do what the video tells them to do, and that’s all I want because then she went through Jeffrey Smith’s SEO ultimate Bootcamp, the keyword training in there, then that work empire ultimate keyword tool, Bradley Benner’s keyword training, keyword training RYS reloaded style, and then that all gets put together into actionable silos. So that all you … Then you take those keywords and apply them into the silo that the VA sets up. But I mean that’s all the process. But the original processes is, Hernan, just get me someone who can follow directions.
Hernan: Yeah. And sorry if I can add real quick, that’s the whole thing. It doesn’t really matter what kind of paths they’re gonna be doing, of course it helps, if they’re in a customer service position they need to have really good English right? Written and … Written mostly. If they’re into the SEO virtual assistant side of things, so they need to follow instructions, it might help, or it might not help that they have some experience. We sometimes check that out, sometimes we don’t, but I think Scott, that it doesn’t have to do specifically with where, but what’s the process that you put them through.
So again, it has to … You can get people from Upwork, Freelancer, OnlineJobs.ph, now we hire … The hiring funnels for some Spanish VAs we’re looking for, bilingual VAs. So, it’s not a matter of where it’s a matter of how you’re getting them. And again, it all comes down so that they can follow instructions number one, that they are motivated to work with you. That’s the whole process hiring funnel. And I would say that yeah, that would be pretty much it.
If I may add Scott, some people in the MasterMind they will fire up the hiring funnel, and they will end up with an excess of applicants that are really good, so you can go ahead and ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, that’s one of the things that I love by the way, but you can ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, who has some applicants that they thought were really good, that but you can not just take them because of the bandwidth of your process, and your project. I think that there are some people that are, ended up with five or seven or even ten applicants that they found that they were really good but they cannot hire. So go ahead and ask on the MasterMind group because I’m pretty sure that there are some people in there that are willing to help you.
Bradley: And I think Daryl Dressel had some the last time he, it might have not of been Daryl, but I think it was, I seem to remember a thread in the MasterMind just recently where he had fired up the hiring funnel and had like six really qualified candidates, but we only wanted to hire two or something like that, so there was like four available candidates, and so as Hernan just mentioned guy, that’s … Scott, you should have access to Outsource Kingpin, at least as far as I’m aware right? You’re a MasterMind member, go through it man, I’m telling you, it’s incredible.
As Hernan just found out, cause he fired it up for trying to find some bilingual VAs, it was a little bit more difficult looking for Spanish VAs than it was for Philippines VAs, but it works like magic for Philippines VAs, we have found, I mean, shit, I think between all of us now we’ve got 30-35 VAs maybe, maybe even more than that. Its crazy, and all of them have been basically all found and hired through the Outsource Kingpin hiring funnel.
Hernan: Yes. If I may add, I think It has to do with the specific … Because it’s the first time that we have had some issues hiring people. Not some issues, but some delays. I think it has to do with the websites not being ready to take on this kind of funnel. We managed to work it out but it took us a little bit longer. I think that the people in the Philippines, they are so used to work remotely, and the websites are making that easier, it works like crazy. Works like magic anyway.
Bradley: Yep and just, to mention real quick, what’s so good about it guys is that fact that as Marco just said, most of the time were not looking to hire skilled help right, because we’re going to train them in the exact processes that we want, in the exact way that we want them done, right. And that’s the key to it guys because of the problem with hiring skilled … Now don’t get me wrong, there are times when you’re gonna need to hire skilled help, like a coder for example or a programmer or something like that, which I’ll do. And typically when I’m going to look for skilled help, skilled labor, I’ll go to Upwork. And I will post a job that is only viewable by invitation. In other words, it’s not a publicly posted job, I will go … I will screen candidates that have profiles in Upwork, I’ll go hand select a handful of them, and then send them an invitation to bid on the job or to review the job right. For skilled work.
But for the most part, our VAs that we hire on salary, which is full-time positions, we’re gonna train them. So we don’t look for skilled help, and so again most of the posts that I do whenever I need to hire another vs is I’ll post, SEO virtual assistant. Seeking SEO virtual assistant, or seeking virtual assistant, or seeking administrative help, or something like that so I’m not talking about, need a keyword research person. You know what I mean? Because I’m gonna train them, with processes which again, all this is taught in Outsource Kingpin, but exactly how I produced the training.
Any of you guys that have ever seen my process docs, they all look the exact same. There’s no difference, all I do is record the training in a video, and then I go back and I basically transcribe the training, the video into a Google doc. That’s a bulleted Google doc, like a list basically. Numbered and bullets. And that’s how all of my process docs look. And it works really well. Because now anything that I can do, I can train somebody to do, using that exact same method.
So anybody that says that they don’t have time because they’re overwhelmed with work, or they can’t outsource because nobody can do it as good as them, no. It’s because you just haven’t taken the time to document how you do it. That it okay.
And guys, I don’t always drink my own Kool-Aid right, there are times, there are certain functions of my job that I just have not ever outsourced because I did not want to relinquish control. It was just the first of this year, January of this year, that I finally outsourced client reporting. I had been doing that myself, throughout my entire digital marketing career. And it was just eating up two to three days at the beginning of every month for me, and I just continued to do it, and I finally outsourced that in January and what a load off. Cause I got two and a half, three days back every single month now.
So again, it’s something that I highly recommend you guys get into doing Scott.
Sam, it’s funny, Scott and Sam, we met both of them in Portland, at the same event. [inaudible 00:38:07] hang out in Portland.
Would A Narrow Niche Site Ranks With Only The Homepage And 3 Category Pages?
Sam says “For a niche site with a very narrow focus, rather than building multiple silos, could I get away with putting my main 2,000+ word article on a static homepage and try to rank the homepage? And having two to three category home pages with supporting blog posts?”
Yeah absolutely Sam, if it’s a narrow focus why not, right? Absolutely. By the way guys, anybody that says, you know, I know there’s been training that … There are so many different thoughts out there about silos and, you have to have four or five silos on a site for it to be a properly siloed site and all that, that’s bullshit. I mean, maybe there’s some data to back some of that stuff up, or maybe in some really competitive terms and stuff that may be the case, but I know I’ve got sites that are just mono silos. Essentially it’s one singular silo of the site, and that’s it. And so there’s more depth to the silo but not width right. Width would be additional categories, depth is additional supporting posts within one silo.
And so we’ve got one of the case study sites that I built for Masterclass when we were doing the masterclass, is still ranking number one in maps now. And it’s a mono silo site, it’s one singular silo site with I think five pages which are subcategories and then one or two posts for each subcategory, and that’s it. And it’s been ranking number one in maps for shit, over two years now. And I haven’t some a damn thing to it.
What Website Service Would You Recommend For Real Estate Agents?
Anyways, next would be Ajay, he says “Which website service do you recommend for real estate agents? Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built?”
Okay, I can’t answer website platforms for real estate agents, I couldn’t tell you because I don’t deal with them, we have plenty of members though that do work in real estate that could probably comment on this even page. So those of you, Greg, Damon, you know a number of you, [Tahla 00:40:03], if you’re on, any of you guys that are watching that are in the MasterMind that I know are in real estate, if you guys wanna jump in and help Ajay with some recommendations, that would be great. Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built? Well, if some of these guys can recommend website platforms for real estate that have RSS feeds and a blog, you could just use that right, if not, then what I recommend doing, and typically whenever we run across any type of site for clients or whatever, any projects that aren’t on … The primary site or the blog is not held on WordPress, then our go to method is to install WordPress on a subdomain of the root domain.
So in other words, if you’re gonna go with a real estate website platform solution, that does not have a blog and an RSS feed function, then I would recommend that on a subdomain of that, the domain that you build the website on, so whatever it may be, I would put a blog.subdomain on it, and install WordPress and use that subdomain and the WordPress installation as your content distribution engine. Cause you can still accomplish the same stuff having the blog on a subdomain. And that give you all of the functionality of WordPress, without having to try to integrate the real estate website platform into syndication network and all of that, because sometimes that can be difficult if it doesn’t have an RSS feed.
So again, just install WordPress on a subdomain, good to go.
Alright, Kraig says … The GMB Pro Facebook group’s live, and wow, and there’s activity in there already, a lot of activity already, it’s been kind of a whirlwind of activity for the last couple of days so Kraig, reach out to support if you haven’t got access already.
What Deficiencies Should You Point Out To A Prospect To Sell The Value Of Local GMB Strategy To Them?
Nigel says “Good day gents”, what’s up Nigel. He says “What’s a good pitch to sell the value of local GMB strategy? For instance, what deficiencies can/should you point out to help close prospect? Can you review an example of and how do you address any metrics or proof?
Yeah Nigel, all I’m doing for proof is just showing GMB insights of accounts that we’ve applied this method to, that’s it. That’s it. That’s all the proof I need. So keep it simple, not talking to you directly Nigel, but keep it simple stupid. So KISS, the Keep It Simple Strategy, how do you show proof? Well, you just show Google insights where this method has, it worked really well. And just show hey, here’s the number of times you’ve been given impressions, this is how many times people hae engaged, they’ve clicked through your website or clicked through to a website, or phone calls, or driving directions if it’s a storefront, you can show all of that. And insights guys, as GMB continues to evolve, which they’re adding new shit all the time, insights is becoming more … There’s more data now. And they’re gonna be rolling out new metrics and KPIs and things like that, we’ll be able to measure or monitor within GMB insights as well.
Some really cool stuff we just saw this week, in fact in the GMB pro I think it was Greg, Greg [inaudible 00:43:12] who posted some insights reporting, showing the questions and answers. Those of you that are local guides, you guys know, if you’re a local guide, you know you’re probably getting prompted on your phone, often, whenever you’re out and about in town, to answer questions about locations that you’re next to, or hat your visiting right?
Well, those are now questions and answers, the results of those questions that GMB is asking are now being displayed in insights too. To the business owner. So the business owner can get a better idea of, what kinda sentiment is coming from people answering questions about their business.
So it’s, I forget I think maybe it was Marco that mentioned it in the thread that Greg started about this in the GMB Pro Facebook. This is Google crowdsourcing data for GMB. [Marc 00:44:05] you wanna comment on that?
Marco still here?
Marco: I was talking into a muted mike, sorry.
As far as how you sell this, I’m sorry, that’s the question right?
Bradley: Yep. Well, I wanna talk about also the crowdsourcing, Google crowdsourcing for data right now.
Marco: Yeah, but the … I was kinda talking about that while you were talking to me. And I really wanna focus on that, but we tend to complicate things when we pitch it. And simple really works, you show as Bradley said, results. And if someone can’t react to them, what was it you said? If someone seeds them and they don’t get excited [crosstalk 00:44:58]
Bradley: They’re likely dead.
Marco: Yeah. I think, please. And you just move on, because there’s someone there goes “Oh okay, I want that for me”. Most people react that way.
Bradley: That’s how I sold it to three of my client just, sorry Marco, but just real quick, the first three that I pitched, clients of mine that were already existing clients, that’s all I did, as I just showed GMB insights screenshots and I said: look at this, I can absolutely quantify the results of this service within 30 days, try it out” and two out of three of them jumped on it.
The only reason why the third one didn’t, is because he’s overwhelmed with calls right now, he literally asked me to help him throttle his call volume down. I’m not kidding you. But anyways, go ahead Marco.
Marco: No I mean, the training is simple, because it’s a simple concept. The pitch should be just as simple because again, what you’re selling them it’s so simple. This is what you get. If I do this, this is what happens. And so it’s cause and effect relationship, and it’s really on a pay … You’re going to produce, or you don’t get paid right? And you keep it that simple.
Bradley: Yep. That’s the other thing Nigel remember, keep it that way. Say look no contract … I like the no contract idea, although I may have to start using some contracts for some stuff that I’m doing, I pretty much always run my agency without any contracts, I have on occasion used contracts when it was required by the client, usually for bigger companies, but most of the smaller companies that I work with I just tell them to flat out “Look, there’s no contract, you can cancel at any time. If I’m producing results for you, you should want to continue paying me so that you can continue getting those results. If I’m not producing, you shouldn’t be committed or obligated to continue paying me. You should be able to just you know, part”.
So anyway, “Example of how to set up a G site landing page quickly for conversions, and can you show an example?”
Well, first of all, I can’t show an example, not sure what you mean about a G site landing page? If you’re talking about just setting up a Google site to act as a landing page, really that’s just design element stuff and Nigel honestly, all you need to do is just go do some Google searches for high converting local landing pages type stuff, and you can look … There’s been a lot of research done on this stuff guys.
So just go look at some of the research and you’ll see that there’s pretty much only a handful of basic elements that should be on a landing page, that is set up for conversions. And a lot of times you can mimic an AdWords landing page. Like what they consider to be the best type of landing page for lead generation, for local businesses that are running AdWords. Just mimic something like that. Excuse me, model something like that. That’s all that you need to do.
I mean there’s a reason why most landing pages look very similar guys because they work, they have been tested to death okay.
What Is The Impact Of Removing The Street Address From The NAP On The Effectiveness Of The Local GMB Strategy?
Alright, we’re gonna keep on moving. Don says “With the new local GMB strategy I have been acquiring more and more addresses to verify”, very good Don “From an SEO point of view have you noticed any difference in effectiveness when you remove the street address from the NAP service-area of business?”, well see, as per Googles terms of service, or their recommendations for service-area businesses you should not display the address. It should always be checked or, the box unchecked or whatever to display the business address, and again that’s per Googles own terms of service for service-area businesses.
So, I’ve just about, I don’t know I might have one or two that are actually displaying the address, but they were projects that I’ve never followed through with, so pretty much all of my [inaudible 00:48:46] properties for clients that are service-area businesses, I basically right off the bat, just so you know typically when I register the business, if I’m setting up the GMB listing for the first time, and I have to get it verified, then I will make sure the address is displayed when I first set up the listing, to request the postcard. But then once the postcard and the verification occurs, once I have that pin number or the pin or whatever, and I entered that and verified it, it becomes a published listing, then the first thing I do is uncheck that box to display the address. Because that’s again, per their recommendations.
I know some people have experimented with that, and even for service-area businesses they’ll show the address, and it will get better results for ranking, but I don’t wanna lose … I also, remember, a lot of these are spammed addresses. In other words, they’re P.O. boxes, and I don’t want a competitor looking at Google maps and seeing very quickly by just clicking the satellite button, that it’s a post office. Or even if it’s got a map pin basically sitting right on top of my pin, and it shows as a US post office. So I want to hide that address so that that doesn’t occur.
I mean, a competitor could go do a quick Google search for the business name plus the phone number and find other citations that are gonna list the address, but I don’t wanna make it stupid easy for them, right? Make them work for it at least.
So Don I really can’t answer that, maybe somebody else can tell you, I wouldn’t mess with it, I would not show the street address for service-area businesses. Unless customers also come to that location. Which that is an exception, and that’s also covered in the Google help files.
Marco: For SEO, if he’s doing RYS Reloaded he needs to display the address so that our builders can find the address and build the stack, and hook everything up to the address, once that process is done then he can hide it, but once he’s done building the drive stack he can hide the address. But you need that drive stack, and you need it for a very specific purpose. If you’re in RYS reloaded, read the black book, it’ll tell you why you need to display the address, it’s all explained in there. But yes, there is an SEO point of view on this, once that’s done and taken care of, you can go ahead and hide it, and you should be okay.
What Are Your Thoughts On The GMB Agency Dashboard?
Bradley: Yep. James says “I have yet to take local GMB pro course, but I gather what I can from Hump Day Hangouts” that’s what a lot of people do James, and we encourage that guys, we talk about that a lot, I mean Mohammed Maki, one of our star members right now of the MasterMind, has been amazing. He came and just asked questions every single week, Nigel’s another one, Nigel’s in our MasterMind, we were just talking to Nigel. The same thing, he came and asked questions every week, and applied what he learned, and took action, and both Mohammed and Nigel. And got their business generating enough revenue to where they came and joined the MasterMind. That awesome. So again James, keep doing what you’re doing man, you’ll get there. We encourage you to do that.
He says “I came across GMB agency dashboard in my Reddit newsfeed a couple of hours ago, I know it has just been released, but I was curious to know what your thoughts are on it, will it benefit SEOs doing local GMB, or will it give Google another footprint to observe?”.
No, look I haven’t had, again, this was just announced today, I just posted this link right here, just below your comment James, about bright locals post on it as well, so none of us have had time to play with it yet, we will be talking about it more once we have a little bit more experience with it, but I, look I don’t see it as being a trap of any sort, I see it as being a useful tool. Okay, if you’re gonna be managing peoples Google My Businesses for them, and they give you an agency, it’s kind of like having an AdWords manager account. I have an AdWords manager account because I manage multiple AdWords accounts. So it just makes it a lot easier, it’s not, I don’t think it’s a trap of any sort, or anything like that, they’re just trying to improve their processes right?
Again, I know Marco doesn’t think the same way I do, but I’ve always looked at Google as my business partner and not my enemy, Marco’s like, “Fuck Google” all the time. But I personally, I’ve never felt that way. So honestly, I would use the tool if it … I just haven’t, I have not tried it out yet, but I will be over the coming weeks.
What Percentage Of The Sites Are Placed In Your Main Google/GSuite Account To Boost Lead Generation Or Client Sites?
Jim says “When using Google sites for lead generation and/or boosting client sites, what percentage of the sites are placed in your main Google G Suite account? Are you spreading them across many accounts?”
For Google sites, yeah I do, I would create the main Google site, which will be the branded Google site, under the main account, but everything else that I’m using specifically just for link building purposes, I do all those under persona accounts guys. Keep your accounts separate, okay. Keep your accounts separate guys. Remember you wanna keep your branded properties, the profiles that own the branded properties, you wanna keep them as clean as possible. So do all your other activities, spammy or nonspammy, any time you’re building Google sites for the specific purpose, the sole purpose of ranking, using for link building and to help rank other properties right? That spam guys. I don’t care whether you like that word or not, it’s spam. So keep your spammy activity outside of your main Google branded profiles. You’d definitely want to keep that out, keen them separate. Guys you can buy, phone verified Google accounts for dirt cheap. You can use those accounts to set up Google sites and do all the spammy stuff that you wanna do. Okay.
Marco: My answer to this is none. I get them from our own builders, and what they turn over is the Gmail account, and we have a specific way. We make our main account the manager of that drive stack and the G site and whatever. So that we never again have to go in there and touch that drive stack. It doesn’t need to. If it does, then I just turn it back to the builders, and I say just give me more folders and files, and whatever. And the main purpose for that, is not only to protect the account, but also you don’t wanna overburden the one Gmail account, of the one drive account with the script that we run. And if you run multiple scripts inside one account, you are going to get banned. You’re going to wake up and everything gonna be gone. Googles going to tell you, we don’t appreciate you using our resources like that.
Bradley: Yep. Yes, spread your eggs across many baskets, let’s put it that way. I will create a branded Google site underneath the main profile for that business, but like Marco said, when I order a drive stack for that business, that’s a separate Google site that gets built. That’s not the … I’m not, I will include the branded Google site that I created under the branded profile, I’ll include that URL as one of the target URLs for the drive stack, but that’s not the drive stack Google site, that Google site for the drive stack is created underneath the persona profile that was used when the entire drive stack was created. So again, keep those things separate, there’s a reason for it, and it’s to eliminate any potential spammy penalties from Google. For your business profile.
Is There A Difference In Terms Of Ranking A Blog In The Same Domain And On A Separate Domain?
Dan, what’s up Dan, he says “Is there a difference in effectiveness as far as rankings go for having the blog page and the website vs having the blog page link out to an established blog website the business has had for years?”
Okay so basically, your blog is on an external domain right, a separate domain. Blog page on the website vs having a blog page link out.
Okay, I think I know what you mean. So if you’ve got a money site, and for example in the navigation menu on the money site, you’ve got a blog button or a blog link, that would typically go to the blog roll within the same domain right? The blog index page, however you’re saying, could it link to an external blog?
Yeah I’ve got a couple of clients where that’s the case, and so there’s a few things that you can do, you can do[inaudible 00:57:13] tags from the blog which is on another domain, to point back to the main money site, you can do that, you can also use the other blog to certainly just do contextual links like you typically would for normal link voting purposed back to the money site. So there’s a number of things you can do for that, if it’s an established blog though, as long the brands are associated, as long as those two domains are associated with that brand, which you can do a lot of that stuff with structure data too, it should be okay.
Obviously it would be better to have the blog on the domain itself, but I know in some situations, there’s some unique I have where it’s very similar, the blog has been on an external domain, and we’ve still been able to make it work, okay.
“The real question is where will the relevance go, I’m thinking the GMB site and the blog site? Thanks” yeah, I would just make sure everything is really branded well, everything is interlinked well do that Google understand that those two domains are both part of that entity. And again, you can accomplish a lot of that with structured data. Something else you may want to do, is remember in GMB guys, you have the website and then you have the appointment setter URL, you might be able to squeeze that one in there too. The blog URL. Try that and see, it might work.
Okay were almost done, sett, were almost out of time too, this has worked out.
Thanks for the information about VAs I will fire up an outsource funnel asap, yeah Scott, remember you’re in the MasterMinds, so if you have any questions about that, please feel free, we’ll be happy to … And again, a lot of our members in the MasterMind have used it very successfully, so there will be of plenty of people to jump in and help you out if you need it.
Hernan: Yes and Scott, if you need any kind of walk through or any kind of specific advice, just make a post on the Facebook group, tag me, and I’ll tell you what we do, I’ll tell you what I do, what I’m looking for when I’m interviewing these folks and whatnot, so that you can have a better understanding but yeah, you should have plenty of results like, plenty of pre screened VAs in the MasterMind group itself. So.
Bradley: Yeah so, you might not even have to go through that process. It would be good for you, Scott if you were gonna be building your team, to go through that process and learn it and set it up for your own business anyways, but my point is if you just need a quick, if you just need to hire a VA right away because you’re overwhelmed or whatever, again, there’s probably gonna be people that already have screened very qualified candidates and they’ll have some that they could direct your way. Okay.
Okay Don, apparently we answered your questions so good, well thanks everybody for being here, this worked out, on the money, 5pm. Wow. So we don’t have any other webinars this week do we guys?
Adam: I think that is it.
Hernan: Yes,
Bradley: Alright everybody, well thanks everybody for being here, well see you all next week.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: See all you guys.
Marco: Bye everybody.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187 posted first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 7 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187
Click on the video above to watch Episode 187 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey, everybody! We are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 187. Before we get started today, we got a couple of short announcements, but as always we want to go and say hi to the guys and see how everyone’s doing. We’ll start in order on my screen and, Chris, you’re first up. How are you doing, man?
Chris: Been good. How are you doing?
Adam: Good deal. So, are you traveling? Where in the world is Chris located this week?
Chris: I’m in the secret spot in Scandinavia.
Adam: Awesome. It sounds like it’s some Dr. Evil hideout or something.
Chris: Pretty much.
Adam: Good deal. Hernan, how you are doing?
Hernan: That sounded so James Bond. It’s funny because we’re going through the time zones, like Chris is later, then I am in, and then think that Marco, and then Bradley, and you. Right, time zone? I know depending on how … Hey, guys! What’s up? I’m really good. I’m excited to be here.
Adam: Good deal. Good deal. Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m working on the first Google My Business webinar. I’m deep in the lab trying to get it ready. I got some good stuff planned for our first webinar.
Adam: Would you say that this is only for people who are members of Local GMB Pro?
Marco: I would say not only should they be members of Local GMB Pro, they better be in the Facebook group so they can get the link, because that’s the only place it’s going to be shared.
Adam: Awesome. You guys heard it. If want it, if you haven’t joined, go check out Local GMB Pro. If you’re dealing with anything local, this is an awesome addition. If you are already a member, I know we’re still missing a few members, we opened up as a bonus the Facebook group, so check your emails, we sent out a notification about that to members only.
Bradley, how are you doing today on this fine day?
Bradley: Pretty effing stoked about the GMB Pro stuff that’s going on because I’ve been adding additional training to that the last couple days. I’ve added several, stuff today. I’m actually out on my own experimenting a bit now. I’ve been just following Robin and Marco’s instructions really because they’ve been in the lab testing and tinkering and trying to blow shit up and all that, and I’ve just been applying what they’ve been teaching. But I’ve been kind of tinkering around on my own now a little bit too and finding some really cool stuff to do.
It’s just amazing. GMB, the Google My business dashboard, they’re rolling out new features. Apparently, the new Google My Business Agency dashboard has just launched. There’s a post on Bright Local about it and something I’m really stoked about. I posted the link on the event page guys. But the post on Bright Local is … Any of you that aren’t using Bright Local, I’ve been talking about them for years. That’s the local tracking solution for citations and ranking and all that rank tracking and all that stuff. I’ve been using Bright Locals since I opened my agency in 2012. I speak very highly of it because I think it’s awesome. It’s very inexpensive and the reports are great. That’s what I do all my client reporting with.
Well, in the article about the GMB Agency dashboard today, Bright Local is working on a tool to be able to schedule posts and everything GMB posts right from within the Bright Local dashboard. Very similar to our own GMB auto-poster or from Sendible, for example. You’re going to be able to do this directly in Bright Local, too. So, those of you that are already managing your clients reporting through Bright Local, this is just one additional thing, that one additional place or tool that you’ll be able to use right from within Bright Local. So, that’s pretty exciting news.
Then, as Marco said, we’ve got the webinar coming up in a couple of weeks, I guess, for the first webinar for Local GMB Pro. Some of the stuff that he’s been sharing with me is just, it’s freakin’ killer, man. So, I’m really excited about it.
But that’s not the only thing, I’ve also been adding training to the MasterMind. Guys, those of you that are in the MasterMind, keep going back into the prospecting module and checking often. I’ve been adding a lot of additional training in there. I just hired a VA full time to do video, or excuse me, email prospecting and so I’ve added a lot of additional process docs in there for the same training that I’m using to train my VA with. Guys, I told you in the MasterMind I was going to give you the exact same docs and process training that I personally train my virtual assistants with, so that you guys don’t have to do it yourself. All of that is being added to the MasterMind website as well.
I’m excited to be here. Lots of good stuff coming up.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: Real quick, sorry, Adam. Guess what guys? We used the Outsource Kingpin process to actually get these amazing VAs which we are hiring.
Bradley: Yep.
Hernan: I just wanna mention that.
Adam: Yeah. We’ve now gone levels deep. I have my personal assistant, actually that I used hiring funnel to find to then use the hiring funnel to hire additional VAs. I love it. It’s like hiring inception.
Bradley: That’s an outsource stack.
Adam: Yeah. Oh, man, it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Well, we talked about it briefly, but I just want to remind people too about Local GMB Pro and some of the services that are coming out that we want people to be aware about. Just real quick, Marco, can you tell people or remind people about what’s going on with that? Because I honestly don’t have in front of me and I’ll probably lose track, but there’s some really cool stuff coming up soon.
Marco: Yeah. We’ve got our auto-poster and it’s in beta right now. People are testing it out. We’re trying to work out some of the issues that always arise with coding. Chris Dylan, our partner, I know that he’ll back me up 100% on this. You cannot write code that’s 100%. But there’s always going to be something that’s out of whack, something that clashes, just whatever, and so you just have to work it out. But it’s awesome. Yeah. Because we’re going to be able to feed a feed, if that makes sense. Feed an RSS feed into the Google My Business listing.
So you post on your website guys, that you’re active there. That’s going to become a post in Google My Business and you can then export an RSS feed to trigger additional IFTTT. It’s gonna be a like a hydra, that you can plug in anywhere you want to add relevance to everything that you’re doing. Right now, there’s no better entity anywhere, there’s no better seed, that I’m always talking about seed sites and seed sets, nothing than Google My Business. It’s verified. It’s validated. You’re solidifying it through all of the activity and Google is really paying attention to this and rewarding people for being active in it.
People go in and I know that they say it can’t be this easy, because if it had been this easy, then why didn’t I think of it? But sometimes as SEOs, as coders, as marketers, we tend to complicate things because we’ve been taught that this is complicated, that not anyone, not everyone can do this, especially if you don’t have the, and I’m doing air quotes, the knowledge. Right? I don’t have the knowledge. I don’t have the proper knowledge. I have to go listen to this guru, and this expert, and this ninja, hell, I’m not gonna go there, but they over-complicate shit.
We boiled it down, and once again we’d turn SEO on it’s ear, but you don’t need to be an SEO now to do this. You just have to have just follow simple instruction. You follow them, you do what you’re supposed to do, and then let us show you how to build a power from within and just use the power of Google against Google. It’s been the way that I’ve been doing things, at least, what, four or five years now. We’re coming up on the anniversary of RYS Academy, August. It’ll be three years.
So all of this, it just keeping keeps coming together, it keeps coming back to the same principle. You use Google to rank Google to get traffic from Google and it becomes a self-feeding monster. That’s what we’re onto right now. So it’s that, it’s the poster. It’s a done-for-you services, right? We’re going to have people who will know how to properly optimize a Google My Business listing, how to do the posts, how to do the images, how to work with the images so that you can concentrate really on building your business and getting more clients for your business and making more money.
Adam: Nice. I like it. And as someone, I’m not just saying this as someone who’s part of the business, I look forward to actually using the done-for-you services. So looking forward to this and hopefully everyone else is too. Last, but certainly not least, just want to tell you if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re just watching us, first of all, thanks for coming to Hump Day Hangouts. I put a link on the page, check out the Battle Plan. If you’re watching it later, you can’t find the link, it’s battleplan.semanticmastery.com. It’s like your SEO blueprint. It’s the fastest, best way to get started whether you’re just entering or you’ve been in the game for a while. It’s a great place to get started with us and with having a blueprint for your SEO.
Also, we have decided and we’re looking forward to meeting up with a small group, hopefully, about 20 to 25 people, this fall. We’re gonna announce dates later. It’s gonna be in the October, November timeframe. We’re still working that out. We’ve had a lot of really good feedback. As usual, it’s gonna be offered first to our MasterMind members, but we are looking forward to doing a one to two-and-a-half day training event and networking where we can get together and just do some awesome knowledge transfer, training, and just some awesome good stuff. I don’t know if you guys want to add on to that. We’re definitely gonna have some more information coming out later about that, but I wanna let you guys know that’s coming.
Hernan: Yeah. I’m super excited for that. I’m super, super, super pumped. I’ll put my camera around so that you can see how pumped I am. Not bad for sure. No. I’m really pumped about that because we can meet online and I think that the magic happens when we meet offline, like we actually get together. Semantic Mastery, it’s the testimony and the testimony of that. Every time we get together we get so much stuff done. When you go to events you get relationships, you start doing networking, and we got to be there. So I’m super pumped for that, super excited. It’s gonna be really good. We’re gonna get some hot seats doing so that we can advise you on your business, how to grow it. It’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s not gonna be super expensive either, guys. This is our gonna be our first live event so we’re gonna keep it relatively inexpensive and small too. We’re only gonna to, I think we agreed on no more than 25 people. Correct?
Hernan: Yep.
Bradley: Yeah. There’s only 25 seats available, basically. We want to keep it small intentionally because it’s our first one. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves, to be honest, but I think this would be good. I’ve been wanting to do it for a couple of years. I’ve been to some really amazing events in the past. Last year, I went to a great one, the SEO Rockstars event. It’s a great event and so that’s kind of inspired us to do it as well.
Like Hernan just mentioned, it’s more about, it’s not a money-making thing really, it’s just about being able to kind of build more of a culture. Right? That’s what if anybody’s followed ClickFunnels, they call it Cult-ure, but it’s very similar to that. It’s just to try to create some goodwill and kind of create some stronger bonds between us and our best or most avid followers or members or whatever you want to call it. So we certainly hope that some of you guys will come out and join us.
Adam: Definitely. Yeah. What you can accomplish in a day or two there, if you haven’t been to an event, is definitely amazing. For me, a lot of you brought … I know you have been, I’ve either seen you at events by this point in time or you have been going for years. It’s something I avoided for a long time, being something of an introvert, and it’s really an eye opener several years ago to finally go and just meet people and be like, oh, damn, these are my people. So, good stuff.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right. Well, unless you guys know anything else, I think we should jump into it.
Bradley: Yeah. Let’s do it. I do want to mention one thing though because Marco was mentioning RYS Academy three years. It’s three year anniversary’s coming up since the original launch and so I had to pull this up just because guys this is so incredible, I applied the RYS Academy methods before they were even fully developed in May of 2015. Let me zoom in on this so you can see it.
May 2015. So, that’s been over three years, guys, and I still rank, look at this, Virginia SEO, that’s the Google site. This is all RYS tactics, guys. Nothing else. Ranked number one in Maps. I got a WordPress.com site ranked or post ranked with a video image. What? For SEO Virginia as well. Also, SEO Agency Virginia, same thing. They’ve been marketing number one in Maps, Google Site, WordPress.com. Virginia SEO, that’s actually a company’s name. It’s Virginia SEO. I’ve got number one above Maps, I’m in the 3-pack, and I’m also got the WordPress.com.
Guys, again, this was, I mean, look at this, May 16th is when these were published. See that? May 16th, 2015. I said May 16th and then stopped, 2016 May 5th, excuse me, May 5-16th 2015. That’s a big deal, guys. Three years and I don’t do link building to this.
I haven’t added any additional posts to this site. I haven’t done anything. In fact, my own main website, I reduced from an old blog, a WordPress site that I had built into 2012 when I first launched, I’d never updated the site. I added a couple posts over the years, literally, a couple of posts over the years and that was it. Never updated the site. And I went ahead and re-did the site about a year ago now when I joined the Chamber of Commerce, my local Chamber of Commerce, just because I wanted to have an updated website.
So it’s a one-page website now, no blog posts, no internal pages, and I’m ranking number one in Maps. Anyways, and it’s all 100% RYS tactics, guys. That’s just incredible. Three years, nothing else has been done and I’m still outranking all the other SEO agencies in Virginia, which is insane.
This stuff works, man. That’s Local GMB Pro. That’s kind of why we’ve been pimping that for the last few weeks, guys, because it just works really well at generating leads, which brings us to the first question for today.
How Does GMB Posting Help In Lead Generation For Local Clients?
Aditya. I know I destroyed your name, so I apologize. He says, “How’s posting in GMB helps in lead generation for local clients?” Because it’s more of a mobile, it kind of speaks directly to the mobile search algorithm, and so you’ll find that the vast majority of traffic and leads that come from the GMB posting and the stuff that we’re doing inside the GMB dashboard is going to be mobile traffic. We’ve talked about this in the past.
In fact, do we still have the original webinar that we did, when we kind of pitch this, that we can drive people to? Because if so, I’ll just drop the link to that webinar and tag him on this, have him go watch the webinar because we discuss how we think it’s working. We don’t work for Google so we don’t know for sure, but we think we know how it works. Do we have that link guys by chance?
Adam: Yeah, sorry. One more time, which link?
Bradley: The link to the webinar for the GMB Pro-?
Hernan: Was it the launch?
Bradley: The launch webinar, yeah.
Adam: Yeah, we can grab that.
Bradley: Okay. Again, guys, we talked about it, whatever pricing was listed in that webinar we will not honor that now. It’s launched, so it’s at the launch price, whatever the full price. So just be aware that if you’re gonna watch the replay from the launch webinar that price is no longer valid. We stated very clearly that it was a very limited offer. But the course nonetheless is, it’s worth every freaking penny regardless. Okay?
What Are Best Practices In Optimizing A Photo For Local Business?
All right. Quit This House, I always forget your name, sorry, buddy. But anyways, he says, “Good day, gents. Thanks for the weekly sharing. I appreciate it so very much.” You’re welcome. “How do you tag photos with the area of the business etc? What are other ways to optimize a photo for best SEO practices?”
Okay. Well, it’s funny because I was actually recording training today. I added several videos to the GMB Pro course today specifically for that, so I certainly can’t reveal it all. But I can give kind of a high-level conceptual overview of some of the things that you can do. Okay. So one of the things you can do is just use photos from the area … First of all, the best thing to do is get original photos. Let me just start off with that. If you can get original photos that are taken on location for the areas that your business covers. Right?
If it’s a service-area business, which means the business goes to the customer’s location, not the other way around. A storefront or point-of-sale business is a type of business where the customers come to the business location, right? So that would be like a store. But a service-area business would be like contractors or kind of like for the case study I’m dealing with a taxi service. Right?
So those are called service-area businesses. So for those, the best thing to do is to go out in various locations within the service-area and take photos from a phone with the GPS enabled so that you get the EXIF data, the geodata literally stamped or embedded directly into the metadata of the file of the photo. Okay? That’s the best. However, as I have experienced as in the recent weeks with my clients that I’m doing this for, many of my clients have promised me that they were going to get me photos, because most of my current clients are contractors so they have technicians to go out and do jobs and such, and I tell them, all I need you to do is just take photos when you go to a new job.
Take two or three photos, drop em into a folder that I’ve set up for each one of my clients, and none of them have given … Let me take that back, I’ve got one client that has given me about six photos. In about a month, and that’s it. All the other clients, they keep saying “Oh yeah, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it” and they never do it.
So I gave up, I quit trying to bug them, now I’m just going the route of using stock images that I purchase licenses to, okay. And then you know, credits or whatever from … So I have an account for that, I download the stock photos, and then I upload them, or excuse me, I append a bunch of metadata to them, so you can do that, that’s the next best thing.
And that’s something you can do using Exif data tools, such as … I use GeoSetter, it’s a windows software that you download for windows, its called geosetter, its free. Geosetter.de I think is the domain, if you wanna go download it.
And I optimize my images using that. And so essentially, you can go grab geodata, latitude, longitude, you can also grab … Where do you get that? Well just go to city center, go to Google for example, and search for each one of the locations that are within your service area.
Let’s just say your business covers one county, okay? Then you can go to like, zip-codes.com type in the county and the state, and it will pull up all of the zip codes, and locations that are contained within the county. So extract those location names, extract those zip codes, and then go do a latitude-longitude finder, so again, go to Google and type latitude longitude finder, and then just type in the city name right, the location name, and hit search. And it’ll give you the city center of whatever that location name is, and it’ll give you latitude and longitude.
Now you can just put all of that into a spreadsheet, and now you have all the data that you need to go start optimizing images with specific location data. right, and then uploading those to GMB. So that’s how you do it, you can also … You can hyper-optimize the images by squeezing in a bunch of keywords and all kinds of other stuff, I pretty much stick to the basics of just location information, and then the latitude and longitude, and then I’ll also insert contact information and URL’s in a couple spots. And again, I cover all that stuff in great detail, in the course.
Does anybody wanna comment on that before I move on?
Hernan: Yeah, the webinar is all about this. And I would get unlimited images, unlimited local as a matter of fact.
Bradley: Yeah the stuff that you were telling me about today I’m not gonna reveal here, but some real ninja stuff guys, some great great ideas for generating pretty much-unlimited content for images and videos too. So, we’ll talk about that in the webinar.
What Is The Secret To Ranking YouTube Videos On the First Page of Google?
Mark Goodman, what’s up mark? I met Mark down at the SEO Rockstars event that I was just mentioning. Anyways, he said, “I have no problem ranking videos at the top of YouTube, what is the secret to ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google?”
That’s a good one Mark, there’s really no secret, it’s work, right. The secret is some keywords just, are basically like having a version to ranking videos for them. What I mean by that is there are certain categories of search queries or terms, Google categorizes certain searches right? There’s commercial intent, there’s informational intent, various types of search categories. And some categories, Google just does not like to display videos for.
And I found that for a lot of competitive local terms guys, a lot of the times it’s difficult to rank videos for them, so the key, the trick is to find longer tail versions, or start hitting some of the suburb areas, I’m just assuming you’re talking about local mark, I don’t know that that’s the case, but for local specifically, it’s targeting some of the locations like, instead of the broad metropolitan area, target some of the suburbs, or some of the boroughs or districts or whatever. If you’re talking about a county like I just mentioned previously you can go in and gather all the different locations contained within that county, and optimize the video, the same video, that keyword plus each one of those locations if you want right.
And find out some of them are gonna rank easy, some of them won’t. That’s just the nature of the game, but as far as ranking a broader term and again I’m speaking about local just because that’s … Guys, you know that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local. You can build a silo Mark, if you’re not familiar with the YouTube Silo Academy, you’ve bought some of our products, you should have access to it already, you should have access to our bonus site which is included in there, go through the YouTube Silo Academy training, it’s old but it still works. The principles are still the same, that hasn’t changed at all, but take the broadest erm that you’re trying to rank for, put that at the top of a playlist, and then start building, just like you would be siloing a website, you would take keywords that are longer tailed that are supporting-type keywords, and create videos or use the same video, optimized for those various supporting keywords, put them all in the same playlist, with the internal link from the description up to that top level, the top of the silo. Also link to the playlist, because the playlist is nothing more than a container right? It’s a container that contains videos. So you want a link to the container, to juice up the entire container, but also link up to the top level, the top of a silo, which is your broadest terms.
One more thing, once you’ve published the video, go in and comment underneath, the first comment on the video, as soon as its published go in and comment, and drop a link to the top video that you want to rank. Okay, and then pin that comment, to where it’s the pinned comment at the top, like it’s the first comment, and it will stay the first comment underneath the video.
Okay, so now you’ve got an internal link form the YouTube description, going to the top level video in the silo, which is the one you wanna rank, then you’ve also got an internal link pointing to the playlist, which powers up the entire container, then you’ve got a comment link which is, I believe, a do-follow link, as long as it’s an internal link, from the video up to your top-level term. The top-level video essentially.
Right? And now you’ve got basically every single one of your video URLs, are target URLs for link building, and your playlist URL is a target URL. For link building. Does that make sense? And so you’ve got literally a bunch of URLs now, and by the way, in case you guys weren’t aware of this, and this is covered in YouTube Silo Academy, but for each … Whenever you put a video in a playlist, you have the original video URL, but then once it’s added to a playlist, and you play the video from the playlist, now it has it’s own unique playlist URL for that specific video.
So think about how many URLs you can extract from this. And we’re not even talking about all the variations of YouTube URLs either, I’m talking about just the straight YouTube URL and playlist URL, you can get a bunch of variations from those and now you’ve got … You can just do a ton of link building.
One other thing Mark, the last thing I’m gonna say about this before moving on, is engagement. Engagement is one of the most primary ranking factors for YouTube videos now, not just on YouTube but also on Google. And so, I’ve talked about this many times but how to use YouTube ads to rank local videos. In Google search right? Let me repeat that, how do you use YouTube or Google AdWords to buy views and clicks that are locally relevant, cause you can set all this up through targeting, we’ve covered this in great detail in the past, you can go to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/semanticmastery, click the channel search function, and type in YouTube ads for ranking local videos, or something like that, and just start perusing through.
You’ll see within the last two months or so we did an extended answer on this, on how to do that in Hump Day Hangouts. Okay but it’s really, really a great way to do it, pretty much almost standard operating procedure for all videos that I try to rank for local terms, I go in and set up an AdWords campaign now for it. A dollar a day to start with guys, it’s 30 bucks a month. And once I start getting the traction or I get ranked I back it down to about 50 cents a day, which costs 15 dollars per month to maintain, okay. It’s totally worth it. So, we’re going to move on.
Hernan: I would just add to what you just said, video powerhouse, to get in bed, and then we also have our own YouTube views platform, but that’s in beta testing, also it’s about to be released, so I would say next couple of weeks it’ll be ready, and then you could buy views from us, you know. You don’t have to go and learn how to [inaudible 00:26:35] YouTube ads and all that stuff if you don’t want to, you could just get ‘em from us. It’ll be cheaper than buying from you YouTube.
Bradley: Yeah, and forgive me for not mentioning video powerhouse but yeah, that’s certainly part of it, that’s part of the whole Silo Academy stuff, or excuse me, YouTube silo stuff that I do, includes embedding because you can … Think about it guys, if you’ve created a YouTube silo, you’ve got all these other supporting YouTube videos right? Each time you do an embed blast with those, is very similar to doing link building to any of the URLs, in that your powering up that specific video, but that video has a link both in the video description, and the comment area, that links up to the top level video that you’re trying to rank, as well as the playlist which powers up everything contained within it. So my point is, is that the embeds plus the backlinks, plus the engagement. All of those combined if what you need Mark, to get ranked. Okay.
How To Schedule Post In WordPress Using RSS Masher?
Arpiet says “How to schedule a post in WordPress using RSS masher?”
Ah that sounds like a really good question to ask Damon Nelson, the developer of RSS Masher, again I don’t support his product, I know we have promoted it, and it’s a great product, don’t get me wrong its just I don’t support it so I don’t, I really can’t tell you, there may be a scheduling option inside of RSS masher, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t.
I haven’t been in RSS masher in about a year, and it’s not because it’s not a good tool, it’s a great tool, it’s just I haven’t been using it. Because I have my VA’s and all of our processes that they, they do everything basically manually. RSS Masher’s a great tool, guys, for doing feed splicing, and doing some really cool stuff cause you can embed, like inject content into the RSS feed, if you splice feeds you can add HTML links, I think you can even embed stuff in there now, it’s crazy. It’s a great tool, there’s a lot of really cool stuff that you can do with RSS masher.
There’s also another great RSS SEO tool, that’s Lisa Allen’s, it’s called Rank Feeder. And Rank Sniper, or RSS Sniper I think it’s called, or something like that. I don’t use that, I just use the rank feeder side of it, which is like, you create these co-citation feeds, which is incredibly powerful. It’s strictly an SEO tool though, where RSS masher, Damon nelson’s tool can be used for affiliate stuff, for content marketing, for splicing feeds, there’s a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it, okay. Both of them are great tools by the way.
When you trying to publish many posts… Again, I would direct you to ask a question specifically about the functionality of RSS masher to Damon.
“Is it still helpful to ranking in 2018?” Yeah, it can be, again I don’t look at RSS masher as strictly a ranking tool, I look at it as a marketing tool. Rank Feeder is an SEO tool. Okay, so yeah, you can still use it to help rank as well, but again I think it’s more functional than just for ranking purposes. So is it still relevant or valid? Yes. Absolutely, for more than just ranking. If you’re looking for just a ranking solution rank feeders a better bed in my opinion. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Find The Best VA To Do Keyword Research?
Next Scott says, “I’m having a” … What’s up Scott, he says “I’m having a tough time finding a keyword VA to do the keywords for GMB accounts like your keyword research girl, did you find your keyword vs through Upwork, OnlineJobs.ph, or somewhere else?” Probably OnlineJobs.ph, where’d you find her Marco?
Marco: Yeah actually it’s Hernan fires up the [crosstalk 00:30:08] our outsource Kingpin hiring funnel and then he does the preliminaries, and then I just get the cream of the crop. And then I do an interview, we found Joel that way, Joel is awesome.
Bradley: Yep
Marco: And then we found that keyword research girl, the exact same way, just fired up the funnel. And maybe, or it could be Scott, if you’re advertising for a keyword VA your target is wrong. And I always tell Hernan, just get me someone who can follow direction.
Bradley: That’s it.
Marco: That’s all I want, if they can watch a video and understand that all they have to do, they don’t have to think, they just have to do what the video tells them to do, and that’s all I want because then she went through Jeffrey Smith’s SEO ultimate Bootcamp, the keyword training in there, then that work empire ultimate keyword tool, Bradley Benner’s keyword training, keyword training RYS reloaded style, and then that all gets put together into actionable silos. So that all you … Then you take those keywords and apply them into the silo that the VA sets up. But I mean that’s all the process. But the original processes is, Hernan, just get me someone who can follow directions.
Hernan: Yeah. And sorry if I can add real quick, that’s the whole thing. It doesn’t really matter what kind of paths they’re gonna be doing, of course it helps, if they’re in a customer service position they need to have really good English right? Written and … Written mostly. If they’re into the SEO virtual assistant side of things, so they need to follow instructions, it might help, or it might not help that they have some experience. We sometimes check that out, sometimes we don’t, but I think Scott, that it doesn’t have to do specifically with where, but what’s the process that you put them through.
So again, it has to … You can get people from Upwork, Freelancer, OnlineJobs.ph, now we hire … The hiring funnels for some Spanish VAs we’re looking for, bilingual VAs. So, it’s not a matter of where it’s a matter of how you’re getting them. And again, it all comes down so that they can follow instructions number one, that they are motivated to work with you. That’s the whole process hiring funnel. And I would say that yeah, that would be pretty much it.
If I may add Scott, some people in the MasterMind they will fire up the hiring funnel, and they will end up with an excess of applicants that are really good, so you can go ahead and ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, that’s one of the things that I love by the way, but you can ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, who has some applicants that they thought were really good, that but you can not just take them because of the bandwidth of your process, and your project. I think that there are some people that are, ended up with five or seven or even ten applicants that they found that they were really good but they cannot hire. So go ahead and ask on the MasterMind group because I’m pretty sure that there are some people in there that are willing to help you.
Bradley: And I think Daryl Dressel had some the last time he, it might have not of been Daryl, but I think it was, I seem to remember a thread in the MasterMind just recently where he had fired up the hiring funnel and had like six really qualified candidates, but we only wanted to hire two or something like that, so there was like four available candidates, and so as Hernan just mentioned guy, that’s … Scott, you should have access to Outsource Kingpin, at least as far as I’m aware right? You’re a MasterMind member, go through it man, I’m telling you, it’s incredible.
As Hernan just found out, cause he fired it up for trying to find some bilingual VAs, it was a little bit more difficult looking for Spanish VAs than it was for Philippines VAs, but it works like magic for Philippines VAs, we have found, I mean, shit, I think between all of us now we’ve got 30-35 VAs maybe, maybe even more than that. Its crazy, and all of them have been basically all found and hired through the Outsource Kingpin hiring funnel.
Hernan: Yes. If I may add, I think It has to do with the specific … Because it’s the first time that we have had some issues hiring people. Not some issues, but some delays. I think it has to do with the websites not being ready to take on this kind of funnel. We managed to work it out but it took us a little bit longer. I think that the people in the Philippines, they are so used to work remotely, and the websites are making that easier, it works like crazy. Works like magic anyway.
Bradley: Yep and just, to mention real quick, what’s so good about it guys is that fact that as Marco just said, most of the time were not looking to hire skilled help right, because we’re going to train them in the exact processes that we want, in the exact way that we want them done, right. And that’s the key to it guys because of the problem with hiring skilled … Now don’t get me wrong, there are times when you’re gonna need to hire skilled help, like a coder for example or a programmer or something like that, which I’ll do. And typically when I’m going to look for skilled help, skilled labor, I’ll go to Upwork. And I will post a job that is only viewable by invitation. In other words, it’s not a publicly posted job, I will go … I will screen candidates that have profiles in Upwork, I’ll go hand select a handful of them, and then send them an invitation to bid on the job or to review the job right. For skilled work.
But for the most part, our VAs that we hire on salary, which is full-time positions, we’re gonna train them. So we don’t look for skilled help, and so again most of the posts that I do whenever I need to hire another vs is I’ll post, SEO virtual assistant. Seeking SEO virtual assistant, or seeking virtual assistant, or seeking administrative help, or something like that so I’m not talking about, need a keyword research person. You know what I mean? Because I’m gonna train them, with processes which again, all this is taught in Outsource Kingpin, but exactly how I produced the training.
Any of you guys that have ever seen my process docs, they all look the exact same. There’s no difference, all I do is record the training in a video, and then I go back and I basically transcribe the training, the video into a Google doc. That’s a bulleted Google doc, like a list basically. Numbered and bullets. And that’s how all of my process docs look. And it works really well. Because now anything that I can do, I can train somebody to do, using that exact same method.
So anybody that says that they don’t have time because they’re overwhelmed with work, or they can’t outsource because nobody can do it as good as them, no. It’s because you just haven’t taken the time to document how you do it. That it okay.
And guys, I don’t always drink my own Kool-Aid right, there are times, there are certain functions of my job that I just have not ever outsourced because I did not want to relinquish control. It was just the first of this year, January of this year, that I finally outsourced client reporting. I had been doing that myself, throughout my entire digital marketing career. And it was just eating up two to three days at the beginning of every month for me, and I just continued to do it, and I finally outsourced that in January and what a load off. Cause I got two and a half, three days back every single month now.
So again, it’s something that I highly recommend you guys get into doing Scott.
Sam, it’s funny, Scott and Sam, we met both of them in Portland, at the same event. [inaudible 00:38:07] hang out in Portland.
Would A Narrow Niche Site Ranks With Only The Homepage And 3 Category Pages?
Sam says “For a niche site with a very narrow focus, rather than building multiple silos, could I get away with putting my main 2,000+ word article on a static homepage and try to rank the homepage? And having two to three category home pages with supporting blog posts?”
Yeah absolutely Sam, if it’s a narrow focus why not, right? Absolutely. By the way guys, anybody that says, you know, I know there’s been training that … There are so many different thoughts out there about silos and, you have to have four or five silos on a site for it to be a properly siloed site and all that, that’s bullshit. I mean, maybe there’s some data to back some of that stuff up, or maybe in some really competitive terms and stuff that may be the case, but I know I’ve got sites that are just mono silos. Essentially it’s one singular silo of the site, and that’s it. And so there’s more depth to the silo but not width right. Width would be additional categories, depth is additional supporting posts within one silo.
And so we’ve got one of the case study sites that I built for Masterclass when we were doing the masterclass, is still ranking number one in maps now. And it’s a mono silo site, it’s one singular silo site with I think five pages which are subcategories and then one or two posts for each subcategory, and that’s it. And it’s been ranking number one in maps for shit, over two years now. And I haven’t some a damn thing to it.
What Website Service Would You Recommend For Real Estate Agents?
Anyways, next would be Ajay, he says “Which website service do you recommend for real estate agents? Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built?”
Okay, I can’t answer website platforms for real estate agents, I couldn’t tell you because I don’t deal with them, we have plenty of members though that do work in real estate that could probably comment on this even page. So those of you, Greg, Damon, you know a number of you, [Tahla 00:40:03], if you’re on, any of you guys that are watching that are in the MasterMind that I know are in real estate, if you guys wanna jump in and help Ajay with some recommendations, that would be great. Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built? Well, if some of these guys can recommend website platforms for real estate that have RSS feeds and a blog, you could just use that right, if not, then what I recommend doing, and typically whenever we run across any type of site for clients or whatever, any projects that aren’t on … The primary site or the blog is not held on WordPress, then our go to method is to install WordPress on a subdomain of the root domain.
So in other words, if you’re gonna go with a real estate website platform solution, that does not have a blog and an RSS feed function, then I would recommend that on a subdomain of that, the domain that you build the website on, so whatever it may be, I would put a blog.subdomain on it, and install WordPress and use that subdomain and the WordPress installation as your content distribution engine. Cause you can still accomplish the same stuff having the blog on a subdomain. And that give you all of the functionality of WordPress, without having to try to integrate the real estate website platform into syndication network and all of that, because sometimes that can be difficult if it doesn’t have an RSS feed.
So again, just install WordPress on a subdomain, good to go.
Alright, Kraig says … The GMB Pro Facebook group’s live, and wow, and there’s activity in there already, a lot of activity already, it’s been kind of a whirlwind of activity for the last couple of days so Kraig, reach out to support if you haven’t got access already.
What Deficiencies Should You Point Out To A Prospect To Sell The Value Of Local GMB Strategy To Them?
Nigel says “Good day gents”, what’s up Nigel. He says “What’s a good pitch to sell the value of local GMB strategy? For instance, what deficiencies can/should you point out to help close prospect? Can you review an example of and how do you address any metrics or proof?
Yeah Nigel, all I’m doing for proof is just showing GMB insights of accounts that we’ve applied this method to, that’s it. That’s it. That’s all the proof I need. So keep it simple, not talking to you directly Nigel, but keep it simple stupid. So KISS, the Keep It Simple Strategy, how do you show proof? Well, you just show Google insights where this method has, it worked really well. And just show hey, here’s the number of times you’ve been given impressions, this is how many times people hae engaged, they’ve clicked through your website or clicked through to a website, or phone calls, or driving directions if it’s a storefront, you can show all of that. And insights guys, as GMB continues to evolve, which they’re adding new shit all the time, insights is becoming more … There’s more data now. And they’re gonna be rolling out new metrics and KPIs and things like that, we’ll be able to measure or monitor within GMB insights as well.
Some really cool stuff we just saw this week, in fact in the GMB pro I think it was Greg, Greg [inaudible 00:43:12] who posted some insights reporting, showing the questions and answers. Those of you that are local guides, you guys know, if you’re a local guide, you know you’re probably getting prompted on your phone, often, whenever you’re out and about in town, to answer questions about locations that you’re next to, or hat your visiting right?
Well, those are now questions and answers, the results of those questions that GMB is asking are now being displayed in insights too. To the business owner. So the business owner can get a better idea of, what kinda sentiment is coming from people answering questions about their business.
So it’s, I forget I think maybe it was Marco that mentioned it in the thread that Greg started about this in the GMB Pro Facebook. This is Google crowdsourcing data for GMB. [Marc 00:44:05] you wanna comment on that?
Marco still here?
Marco: I was talking into a muted mike, sorry.
As far as how you sell this, I’m sorry, that’s the question right?
Bradley: Yep. Well, I wanna talk about also the crowdsourcing, Google crowdsourcing for data right now.
Marco: Yeah, but the … I was kinda talking about that while you were talking to me. And I really wanna focus on that, but we tend to complicate things when we pitch it. And simple really works, you show as Bradley said, results. And if someone can’t react to them, what was it you said? If someone seeds them and they don’t get excited [crosstalk 00:44:58]
Bradley: They’re likely dead.
Marco: Yeah. I think, please. And you just move on, because there’s someone there goes “Oh okay, I want that for me”. Most people react that way.
Bradley: That’s how I sold it to three of my client just, sorry Marco, but just real quick, the first three that I pitched, clients of mine that were already existing clients, that’s all I did, as I just showed GMB insights screenshots and I said: look at this, I can absolutely quantify the results of this service within 30 days, try it out” and two out of three of them jumped on it.
The only reason why the third one didn’t, is because he’s overwhelmed with calls right now, he literally asked me to help him throttle his call volume down. I’m not kidding you. But anyways, go ahead Marco.
Marco: No I mean, the training is simple, because it’s a simple concept. The pitch should be just as simple because again, what you’re selling them it’s so simple. This is what you get. If I do this, this is what happens. And so it’s cause and effect relationship, and it’s really on a pay … You’re going to produce, or you don’t get paid right? And you keep it that simple.
Bradley: Yep. That’s the other thing Nigel remember, keep it that way. Say look no contract … I like the no contract idea, although I may have to start using some contracts for some stuff that I’m doing, I pretty much always run my agency without any contracts, I have on occasion used contracts when it was required by the client, usually for bigger companies, but most of the smaller companies that I work with I just tell them to flat out “Look, there’s no contract, you can cancel at any time. If I’m producing results for you, you should want to continue paying me so that you can continue getting those results. If I’m not producing, you shouldn’t be committed or obligated to continue paying me. You should be able to just you know, part”.
So anyway, “Example of how to set up a G site landing page quickly for conversions, and can you show an example?”
Well, first of all, I can’t show an example, not sure what you mean about a G site landing page? If you’re talking about just setting up a Google site to act as a landing page, really that’s just design element stuff and Nigel honestly, all you need to do is just go do some Google searches for high converting local landing pages type stuff, and you can look … There’s been a lot of research done on this stuff guys.
So just go look at some of the research and you’ll see that there’s pretty much only a handful of basic elements that should be on a landing page, that is set up for conversions. And a lot of times you can mimic an AdWords landing page. Like what they consider to be the best type of landing page for lead generation, for local businesses that are running AdWords. Just mimic something like that. Excuse me, model something like that. That’s all that you need to do.
I mean there’s a reason why most landing pages look very similar guys because they work, they have been tested to death okay.
What Is The Impact Of Removing The Street Address From The NAP On The Effectiveness Of The Local GMB Strategy?
Alright, we’re gonna keep on moving. Don says “With the new local GMB strategy I have been acquiring more and more addresses to verify”, very good Don “From an SEO point of view have you noticed any difference in effectiveness when you remove the street address from the NAP service-area of business?”, well see, as per Googles terms of service, or their recommendations for service-area businesses you should not display the address. It should always be checked or, the box unchecked or whatever to display the business address, and again that’s per Googles own terms of service for service-area businesses.
So, I’ve just about, I don’t know I might have one or two that are actually displaying the address, but they were projects that I’ve never followed through with, so pretty much all of my [inaudible 00:48:46] properties for clients that are service-area businesses, I basically right off the bat, just so you know typically when I register the business, if I’m setting up the GMB listing for the first time, and I have to get it verified, then I will make sure the address is displayed when I first set up the listing, to request the postcard. But then once the postcard and the verification occurs, once I have that pin number or the pin or whatever, and I entered that and verified it, it becomes a published listing, then the first thing I do is uncheck that box to display the address. Because that’s again, per their recommendations.
I know some people have experimented with that, and even for service-area businesses they’ll show the address, and it will get better results for ranking, but I don’t wanna lose … I also, remember, a lot of these are spammed addresses. In other words, they’re P.O. boxes, and I don’t want a competitor looking at Google maps and seeing very quickly by just clicking the satellite button, that it’s a post office. Or even if it’s got a map pin basically sitting right on top of my pin, and it shows as a US post office. So I want to hide that address so that that doesn’t occur.
I mean, a competitor could go do a quick Google search for the business name plus the phone number and find other citations that are gonna list the address, but I don’t wanna make it stupid easy for them, right? Make them work for it at least.
So Don I really can’t answer that, maybe somebody else can tell you, I wouldn’t mess with it, I would not show the street address for service-area businesses. Unless customers also come to that location. Which that is an exception, and that’s also covered in the Google help files.
Marco: For SEO, if he’s doing RYS Reloaded he needs to display the address so that our builders can find the address and build the stack, and hook everything up to the address, once that process is done then he can hide it, but once he’s done building the drive stack he can hide the address. But you need that drive stack, and you need it for a very specific purpose. If you’re in RYS reloaded, read the black book, it’ll tell you why you need to display the address, it’s all explained in there. But yes, there is an SEO point of view on this, once that’s done and taken care of, you can go ahead and hide it, and you should be okay.
What Are Your Thoughts On The GMB Agency Dashboard?
Bradley: Yep. James says “I have yet to take local GMB pro course, but I gather what I can from Hump Day Hangouts” that’s what a lot of people do James, and we encourage that guys, we talk about that a lot, I mean Mohammed Maki, one of our star members right now of the MasterMind, has been amazing. He came and just asked questions every single week, Nigel’s another one, Nigel’s in our MasterMind, we were just talking to Nigel. The same thing, he came and asked questions every week, and applied what he learned, and took action, and both Mohammed and Nigel. And got their business generating enough revenue to where they came and joined the MasterMind. That awesome. So again James, keep doing what you’re doing man, you’ll get there. We encourage you to do that.
He says “I came across GMB agency dashboard in my Reddit newsfeed a couple of hours ago, I know it has just been released, but I was curious to know what your thoughts are on it, will it benefit SEOs doing local GMB, or will it give Google another footprint to observe?”.
No, look I haven’t had, again, this was just announced today, I just posted this link right here, just below your comment James, about bright locals post on it as well, so none of us have had time to play with it yet, we will be talking about it more once we have a little bit more experience with it, but I, look I don’t see it as being a trap of any sort, I see it as being a useful tool. Okay, if you’re gonna be managing peoples Google My Businesses for them, and they give you an agency, it’s kind of like having an AdWords manager account. I have an AdWords manager account because I manage multiple AdWords accounts. So it just makes it a lot easier, it’s not, I don’t think it’s a trap of any sort, or anything like that, they’re just trying to improve their processes right?
Again, I know Marco doesn’t think the same way I do, but I’ve always looked at Google as my business partner and not my enemy, Marco’s like, “Fuck Google” all the time. But I personally, I’ve never felt that way. So honestly, I would use the tool if it … I just haven’t, I have not tried it out yet, but I will be over the coming weeks.
What Percentage Of The Sites Are Placed In Your Main Google/GSuite Account To Boost Lead Generation Or Client Sites?
Jim says “When using Google sites for lead generation and/or boosting client sites, what percentage of the sites are placed in your main Google G Suite account? Are you spreading them across many accounts?”
For Google sites, yeah I do, I would create the main Google site, which will be the branded Google site, under the main account, but everything else that I’m using specifically just for link building purposes, I do all those under persona accounts guys. Keep your accounts separate, okay. Keep your accounts separate guys. Remember you wanna keep your branded properties, the profiles that own the branded properties, you wanna keep them as clean as possible. So do all your other activities, spammy or nonspammy, any time you’re building Google sites for the specific purpose, the sole purpose of ranking, using for link building and to help rank other properties right? That spam guys. I don’t care whether you like that word or not, it’s spam. So keep your spammy activity outside of your main Google branded profiles. You’d definitely want to keep that out, keen them separate. Guys you can buy, phone verified Google accounts for dirt cheap. You can use those accounts to set up Google sites and do all the spammy stuff that you wanna do. Okay.
Marco: My answer to this is none. I get them from our own builders, and what they turn over is the Gmail account, and we have a specific way. We make our main account the manager of that drive stack and the G site and whatever. So that we never again have to go in there and touch that drive stack. It doesn’t need to. If it does, then I just turn it back to the builders, and I say just give me more folders and files, and whatever. And the main purpose for that, is not only to protect the account, but also you don’t wanna overburden the one Gmail account, of the one drive account with the script that we run. And if you run multiple scripts inside one account, you are going to get banned. You’re going to wake up and everything gonna be gone. Googles going to tell you, we don’t appreciate you using our resources like that.
Bradley: Yep. Yes, spread your eggs across many baskets, let’s put it that way. I will create a branded Google site underneath the main profile for that business, but like Marco said, when I order a drive stack for that business, that’s a separate Google site that gets built. That’s not the … I’m not, I will include the branded Google site that I created under the branded profile, I’ll include that URL as one of the target URLs for the drive stack, but that’s not the drive stack Google site, that Google site for the drive stack is created underneath the persona profile that was used when the entire drive stack was created. So again, keep those things separate, there’s a reason for it, and it’s to eliminate any potential spammy penalties from Google. For your business profile.
Is There A Difference In Terms Of Ranking A Blog In The Same Domain And On A Separate Domain?
Dan, what’s up Dan, he says “Is there a difference in effectiveness as far as rankings go for having the blog page and the website vs having the blog page link out to an established blog website the business has had for years?”
Okay so basically, your blog is on an external domain right, a separate domain. Blog page on the website vs having a blog page link out.
Okay, I think I know what you mean. So if you’ve got a money site, and for example in the navigation menu on the money site, you’ve got a blog button or a blog link, that would typically go to the blog roll within the same domain right? The blog index page, however you’re saying, could it link to an external blog?
Yeah I’ve got a couple of clients where that’s the case, and so there’s a few things that you can do, you can do[inaudible 00:57:13] tags from the blog which is on another domain, to point back to the main money site, you can do that, you can also use the other blog to certainly just do contextual links like you typically would for normal link voting purposed back to the money site. So there’s a number of things you can do for that, if it’s an established blog though, as long the brands are associated, as long as those two domains are associated with that brand, which you can do a lot of that stuff with structure data too, it should be okay.
Obviously it would be better to have the blog on the domain itself, but I know in some situations, there’s some unique I have where it’s very similar, the blog has been on an external domain, and we’ve still been able to make it work, okay.
“The real question is where will the relevance go, I’m thinking the GMB site and the blog site? Thanks” yeah, I would just make sure everything is really branded well, everything is interlinked well do that Google understand that those two domains are both part of that entity. And again, you can accomplish a lot of that with structured data. Something else you may want to do, is remember in GMB guys, you have the website and then you have the appointment setter URL, you might be able to squeeze that one in there too. The blog URL. Try that and see, it might work.
Okay were almost done, sett, were almost out of time too, this has worked out.
Thanks for the information about VAs I will fire up an outsource funnel asap, yeah Scott, remember you’re in the MasterMinds, so if you have any questions about that, please feel free, we’ll be happy to … And again, a lot of our members in the MasterMind have used it very successfully, so there will be of plenty of people to jump in and help you out if you need it.
Hernan: Yes and Scott, if you need any kind of walk through or any kind of specific advice, just make a post on the Facebook group, tag me, and I’ll tell you what we do, I’ll tell you what I do, what I’m looking for when I’m interviewing these folks and whatnot, so that you can have a better understanding but yeah, you should have plenty of results like, plenty of pre screened VAs in the MasterMind group itself. So.
Bradley: Yeah so, you might not even have to go through that process. It would be good for you, Scott if you were gonna be building your team, to go through that process and learn it and set it up for your own business anyways, but my point is if you just need a quick, if you just need to hire a VA right away because you’re overwhelmed or whatever, again, there’s probably gonna be people that already have screened very qualified candidates and they’ll have some that they could direct your way. Okay.
Okay Don, apparently we answered your questions so good, well thanks everybody for being here, this worked out, on the money, 5pm. Wow. So we don’t have any other webinars this week do we guys?
Adam: I think that is it.
Hernan: Yes,
Bradley: Alright everybody, well thanks everybody for being here, well see you all next week.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: See all you guys.
Marco: Bye everybody.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
0 notes
Executive Function at the Gym
So full disclosure I am a converted exercise fan.  I used to hate exercise.  I was overweight and depressed and every time I went to the gym, I felt like a blob, had no idea what I was doing, and could only do so much before I felt like my lungs were burning out of my chest.  And it felt like I had done so little.  It hasn’t been a smooth or even complete journey towards enjoying myself at the gym, but more often than not the thing keeping me from exercising these days is my lack of EF proficiency.  More and more, I’m noticing that going to the gym takes a whole bundle of EF skills! Here are some ways I’ve been training my EF skills along with my body:
I found a reason to go.  Starting, for me at least, is always always always the hardest part.  It took me a lot of reflection and patience with myself before I could get to a place where I wanted to go to the gym.  I think this is different for everyone, but for me, I wanted to reconnect with my body.  For too long, I had felt that my body was completely alien to me, a weight that kept me from doing things and being things that I wanted to do and be.  Going to the gym, for me, started with simple walking meditations around my block at home.  I wasn’t trying to lose weight or get strong.  I just wanted to feel at home in my body.  After three years, I have slowly become a person who genuinely enjoys pushing my body and testing my physicality.  Find what you want out of the gym, not what you think you should want out of the gym.  That’s the first step.  
I rented a locker at the gym.  It took me ages to find out that you could rent a locker at Philips! Just go to the equipment room with 15 dollars and ask for one.  Super painless, and the lock is included.  Keeping all your gym stuff at the actual location of exercise means that you’re cutting out the “gather all the gym stuff in a bag and bring it with you” or “get changed into gym clothes” tasks, and you can also go straight to the gym from class instead of having to return home for your stuff.  I always get stuck procrastinating at home if I go back during the school day, so this works well for me! (Note: Make sure to indicate when you ask for your locker which locker room you want to be in.  I’m in the women’s locker room even tho I’m a man because I’m a soft trans boy who is afraid of cis men.  Also, because the very nice woman the equipment room very much misgendered me.  Do what’s right for you.  There’s always the gender neutral shower/changing rooms.)
I scheduled consistent gym times into my google calendar.  This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s actually a pretty hard thing to do sometimes.  Making a daily/weekly schedule is not a task to be taken lightly.  For me, the key is daily consistency.  The best thing about my gym schedule this semester is that I worked it in to mirror my class schedule.  I have class at 10am MWF and 3pm TR, so I scheduled myself for 3pm gym time MW and 10am gym time TR.  That way, I know that I always have somewhere to be at 10am and at 3pm every weekday.  
I developed an exercise routine.  This was the hardest part of the gym for me.  I would walk in and see all the weights and machines and have no clue how to decide what to do first.  The idea of keeping track of arm days and leg days and what to do if you miss a day seemed like a LOT of work to me.  Instead, I have a consistent exercise plan where I go on the elliptical for 20 minutes and then do a set strength training routine for 20 minutes.  Every person has a different routine that works for them, but make sure you know what you’re going to do before you get to the gym to avoid getting EF overwhelmed.
I gave myself a task buffer. For any task that repeats weekly, I like to give myself a graded scale of acceptable, good, and great.  For going to the gym, one day a week is acceptable.  As long as I’m going one day a week, I know that I am exercising somewhat consistently.  Two or three days a week is good for me.  I might miss one or two scheduled sessions but at least I’m going.  Four is my great.  That’s 100% of scheduled gym time used.  If I don’t make this sliding scale, I tend to shame spiral or feel like a failure just for missing one session.  This way, I know that even if I go once I am doing okay.  (I have separate but related advice about how to know that you’re not doing okay and what to do about it, coming soon.)
I stocked my bag with protein bars and snacks.  I dunno about y’all but I need to eat right after the gym.  The EF struggle around eating is real though.  Even though it’s not actually a meal, a protein bar can provide a really good snack for after the gym, since it supports growth of muscles.  With this in mind, I always keep a couple in my gym locker and a couple in my backpack so no matter what I can always have a post-gym snack.  
I gave myself an incentive to go.  Already, I have an incentive to go to the gym because I know that my muscles will start hurting and my attention will begin to wander and I’ll have trouble sleeping if I don’t keep up my gym habits.  There are serious benefits for me that I see nearly immediately (at least within two weeks, but usually faster).  Still, it isn’t usually enough to make me get sweaty.  As an added incentive, I’ve started putting aside certain audiobooks/television shows that I am NOT allowed to watch if I am not at the gym.  As soon as I enter Phillips, they’re fair game.  As soon as I step out of the building, they don’t exist.  If you don’t listen to audiobooks/watch tv at the gym, you might consider something like treating yourself to a decafe smoothie after a workout or allowing yourself an extra $5 spending money in a week for every time you work out.  Just remember to reward going, not any other goal.  The important thing is getting there.  Don’t rate your workouts too strongly! That brings me to the next thing.
I learned to brush off bad workout sessions.  Sometimes, a gym visit just isn’t fun.  You’re too tired, your legs hurt, you’re in a bad mood, your favorite machine is broken.  Whatever it is, you might leave the gym wishing you had never taken the time out of your day to go in the first place.  But please remember, even bad sessions are not a waste of your time! You succeeded simply because you tried.  You showed up.  Next time you come across “gym” on your to-do list, try not to grimace at the memory of the last time you went.  Try to remember all of the ways you can enjoy the gym.  Remember the first step, finding a reason to go, and hold tight to that reason.  The next session will be better.  
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pinnacledigitalmedia · 7 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187
Click on the video above to watch Episode 187 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey, everybody! We are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 187. Before we get started today, we got a couple of short announcements, but as always we want to go and say hi to the guys and see how everyone’s doing. We’ll start in order on my screen and, Chris, you’re first up. How are you doing, man?
Chris: Been good. How are you doing?
Adam: Good deal. So, are you traveling? Where in the world is Chris located this week?
Chris: I’m in the secret spot in Scandinavia.
Adam: Awesome. It sounds like it’s some Dr. Evil hideout or something.
Chris: Pretty much.
Adam: Good deal. Hernan, how you are doing?
Hernan: That sounded so James Bond. It’s funny because we’re going through the time zones, like Chris is later, then I am in, and then think that Marco, and then Bradley, and you. Right, time zone? I know depending on how … Hey, guys! What’s up? I’m really good. I’m excited to be here.
Adam: Good deal. Good deal. Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m working on the first Google My Business webinar. I’m deep in the lab trying to get it ready. I got some good stuff planned for our first webinar.
Adam: Would you say that this is only for people who are members of Local GMB Pro?
Marco: I would say not only should they be members of Local GMB Pro, they better be in the Facebook group so they can get the link, because that’s the only place it’s going to be shared.
Adam: Awesome. You guys heard it. If want it, if you haven’t joined, go check out Local GMB Pro. If you’re dealing with anything local, this is an awesome addition. If you are already a member, I know we’re still missing a few members, we opened up as a bonus the Facebook group, so check your emails, we sent out a notification about that to members only.
Bradley, how are you doing today on this fine day?
Bradley: Pretty effing stoked about the GMB Pro stuff that’s going on because I’ve been adding additional training to that the last couple days. I’ve added several, stuff today. I’m actually out on my own experimenting a bit now. I’ve been just following Robin and Marco’s instructions really because they’ve been in the lab testing and tinkering and trying to blow shit up and all that, and I’ve just been applying what they’ve been teaching. But I’ve been kind of tinkering around on my own now a little bit too and finding some really cool stuff to do.
It’s just amazing. GMB, the Google My business dashboard, they’re rolling out new features. Apparently, the new Google My Business Agency dashboard has just launched. There’s a post on Bright Local about it and something I’m really stoked about. I posted the link on the event page guys. But the post on Bright Local is … Any of you that aren’t using Bright Local, I’ve been talking about them for years. That’s the local tracking solution for citations and ranking and all that rank tracking and all that stuff. I’ve been using Bright Locals since I opened my agency in 2012. I speak very highly of it because I think it’s awesome. It’s very inexpensive and the reports are great. That’s what I do all my client reporting with.
Well, in the article about the GMB Agency dashboard today, Bright Local is working on a tool to be able to schedule posts and everything GMB posts right from within the Bright Local dashboard. Very similar to our own GMB auto-poster or from Sendible, for example. You’re going to be able to do this directly in Bright Local, too. So, those of you that are already managing your clients reporting through Bright Local, this is just one additional thing, that one additional place or tool that you’ll be able to use right from within Bright Local. So, that’s pretty exciting news.
Then, as Marco said, we’ve got the webinar coming up in a couple of weeks, I guess, for the first webinar for Local GMB Pro. Some of the stuff that he’s been sharing with me is just, it’s freakin’ killer, man. So, I’m really excited about it.
But that’s not the only thing, I’ve also been adding training to the MasterMind. Guys, those of you that are in the MasterMind, keep going back into the prospecting module and checking often. I’ve been adding a lot of additional training in there. I just hired a VA full time to do video, or excuse me, email prospecting and so I’ve added a lot of additional process docs in there for the same training that I’m using to train my VA with. Guys, I told you in the MasterMind I was going to give you the exact same docs and process training that I personally train my virtual assistants with, so that you guys don’t have to do it yourself. All of that is being added to the MasterMind website as well.
I’m excited to be here. Lots of good stuff coming up.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: Real quick, sorry, Adam. Guess what guys? We used the Outsource Kingpin process to actually get these amazing VAs which we are hiring.
Bradley: Yep.
Hernan: I just wanna mention that.
Adam: Yeah. We’ve now gone levels deep. I have my personal assistant, actually that I used hiring funnel to find to then use the hiring funnel to hire additional VAs. I love it. It’s like hiring inception.
Bradley: That’s an outsource stack.
Adam: Yeah. Oh, man, it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Well, we talked about it briefly, but I just want to remind people too about Local GMB Pro and some of the services that are coming out that we want people to be aware about. Just real quick, Marco, can you tell people or remind people about what’s going on with that? Because I honestly don’t have in front of me and I’ll probably lose track, but there’s some really cool stuff coming up soon.
Marco: Yeah. We’ve got our auto-poster and it’s in beta right now. People are testing it out. We’re trying to work out some of the issues that always arise with coding. Chris Dylan, our partner, I know that he’ll back me up 100% on this. You cannot write code that’s 100%. But there’s always going to be something that’s out of whack, something that clashes, just whatever, and so you just have to work it out. But it’s awesome. Yeah. Because we’re going to be able to feed a feed, if that makes sense. Feed an RSS feed into the Google My Business listing.
So you post on your website guys, that you’re active there. That’s going to become a post in Google My Business and you can then export an RSS feed to trigger additional IFTTT. It’s gonna be a like a hydra, that you can plug in anywhere you want to add relevance to everything that you’re doing. Right now, there’s no better entity anywhere, there’s no better seed, that I’m always talking about seed sites and seed sets, nothing than Google My Business. It’s verified. It’s validated. You’re solidifying it through all of the activity and Google is really paying attention to this and rewarding people for being active in it.
People go in and I know that they say it can’t be this easy, because if it had been this easy, then why didn’t I think of it? But sometimes as SEOs, as coders, as marketers, we tend to complicate things because we’ve been taught that this is complicated, that not anyone, not everyone can do this, especially if you don’t have the, and I’m doing air quotes, the knowledge. Right? I don’t have the knowledge. I don’t have the proper knowledge. I have to go listen to this guru, and this expert, and this ninja, hell, I’m not gonna go there, but they over-complicate shit.
We boiled it down, and once again we’d turn SEO on it’s ear, but you don’t need to be an SEO now to do this. You just have to have just follow simple instruction. You follow them, you do what you’re supposed to do, and then let us show you how to build a power from within and just use the power of Google against Google. It’s been the way that I’ve been doing things, at least, what, four or five years now. We’re coming up on the anniversary of RYS Academy, August. It’ll be three years.
So all of this, it just keeping keeps coming together, it keeps coming back to the same principle. You use Google to rank Google to get traffic from Google and it becomes a self-feeding monster. That’s what we’re onto right now. So it’s that, it’s the poster. It’s a done-for-you services, right? We’re going to have people who will know how to properly optimize a Google My Business listing, how to do the posts, how to do the images, how to work with the images so that you can concentrate really on building your business and getting more clients for your business and making more money.
Adam: Nice. I like it. And as someone, I’m not just saying this as someone who’s part of the business, I look forward to actually using the done-for-you services. So looking forward to this and hopefully everyone else is too. Last, but certainly not least, just want to tell you if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re just watching us, first of all, thanks for coming to Hump Day Hangouts. I put a link on the page, check out the Battle Plan. If you’re watching it later, you can’t find the link, it’s battleplan.semanticmastery.com. It’s like your SEO blueprint. It’s the fastest, best way to get started whether you’re just entering or you’ve been in the game for a while. It’s a great place to get started with us and with having a blueprint for your SEO.
Also, we have decided and we’re looking forward to meeting up with a small group, hopefully, about 20 to 25 people, this fall. We’re gonna announce dates later. It’s gonna be in the October, November timeframe. We’re still working that out. We’ve had a lot of really good feedback. As usual, it’s gonna be offered first to our MasterMind members, but we are looking forward to doing a one to two-and-a-half day training event and networking where we can get together and just do some awesome knowledge transfer, training, and just some awesome good stuff. I don’t know if you guys want to add on to that. We’re definitely gonna have some more information coming out later about that, but I wanna let you guys know that’s coming.
Hernan: Yeah. I’m super excited for that. I’m super, super, super pumped. I’ll put my camera around so that you can see how pumped I am. Not bad for sure. No. I’m really pumped about that because we can meet online and I think that the magic happens when we meet offline, like we actually get together. Semantic Mastery, it’s the testimony and the testimony of that. Every time we get together we get so much stuff done. When you go to events you get relationships, you start doing networking, and we got to be there. So I’m super pumped for that, super excited. It’s gonna be really good. We’re gonna get some hot seats doing so that we can advise you on your business, how to grow it. It’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s not gonna be super expensive either, guys. This is our gonna be our first live event so we’re gonna keep it relatively inexpensive and small too. We’re only gonna to, I think we agreed on no more than 25 people. Correct?
Hernan: Yep.
Bradley: Yeah. There’s only 25 seats available, basically. We want to keep it small intentionally because it’s our first one. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves, to be honest, but I think this would be good. I’ve been wanting to do it for a couple of years. I’ve been to some really amazing events in the past. Last year, I went to a great one, the SEO Rockstars event. It’s a great event and so that’s kind of inspired us to do it as well.
Like Hernan just mentioned, it’s more about, it’s not a money-making thing really, it’s just about being able to kind of build more of a culture. Right? That’s what if anybody’s followed ClickFunnels, they call it Cult-ure, but it’s very similar to that. It’s just to try to create some goodwill and kind of create some stronger bonds between us and our best or most avid followers or members or whatever you want to call it. So we certainly hope that some of you guys will come out and join us.
Adam: Definitely. Yeah. What you can accomplish in a day or two there, if you haven’t been to an event, is definitely amazing. For me, a lot of you brought … I know you have been, I’ve either seen you at events by this point in time or you have been going for years. It’s something I avoided for a long time, being something of an introvert, and it’s really an eye opener several years ago to finally go and just meet people and be like, oh, damn, these are my people. So, good stuff.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right. Well, unless you guys know anything else, I think we should jump into it.
Bradley: Yeah. Let’s do it. I do want to mention one thing though because Marco was mentioning RYS Academy three years. It’s three year anniversary’s coming up since the original launch and so I had to pull this up just because guys this is so incredible, I applied the RYS Academy methods before they were even fully developed in May of 2015. Let me zoom in on this so you can see it.
May 2015. So, that’s been over three years, guys, and I still rank, look at this, Virginia SEO, that’s the Google site. This is all RYS tactics, guys. Nothing else. Ranked number one in Maps. I got a WordPress.com site ranked or post ranked with a video image. What? For SEO Virginia as well. Also, SEO Agency Virginia, same thing. They’ve been marketing number one in Maps, Google Site, WordPress.com. Virginia SEO, that’s actually a company’s name. It’s Virginia SEO. I’ve got number one above Maps, I’m in the 3-pack, and I’m also got the WordPress.com.
Guys, again, this was, I mean, look at this, May 16th is when these were published. See that? May 16th, 2015. I said May 16th and then stopped, 2016 May 5th, excuse me, May 5-16th 2015. That’s a big deal, guys. Three years and I don’t do link building to this.
I haven’t added any additional posts to this site. I haven’t done anything. In fact, my own main website, I reduced from an old blog, a WordPress site that I had built into 2012 when I first launched, I’d never updated the site. I added a couple posts over the years, literally, a couple of posts over the years and that was it. Never updated the site. And I went ahead and re-did the site about a year ago now when I joined the Chamber of Commerce, my local Chamber of Commerce, just because I wanted to have an updated website.
So it’s a one-page website now, no blog posts, no internal pages, and I’m ranking number one in Maps. Anyways, and it’s all 100% RYS tactics, guys. That’s just incredible. Three years, nothing else has been done and I’m still outranking all the other SEO agencies in Virginia, which is insane.
This stuff works, man. That’s Local GMB Pro. That’s kind of why we’ve been pimping that for the last few weeks, guys, because it just works really well at generating leads, which brings us to the first question for today.
How Does GMB Posting Help In Lead Generation For Local Clients?
Aditya. I know I destroyed your name, so I apologize. He says, “How’s posting in GMB helps in lead generation for local clients?” Because it’s more of a mobile, it kind of speaks directly to the mobile search algorithm, and so you’ll find that the vast majority of traffic and leads that come from the GMB posting and the stuff that we’re doing inside the GMB dashboard is going to be mobile traffic. We’ve talked about this in the past.
In fact, do we still have the original webinar that we did, when we kind of pitch this, that we can drive people to? Because if so, I’ll just drop the link to that webinar and tag him on this, have him go watch the webinar because we discuss how we think it’s working. We don’t work for Google so we don’t know for sure, but we think we know how it works. Do we have that link guys by chance?
Adam: Yeah, sorry. One more time, which link?
Bradley: The link to the webinar for the GMB Pro-?
Hernan: Was it the launch?
Bradley: The launch webinar, yeah.
Adam: Yeah, we can grab that.
Bradley: Okay. Again, guys, we talked about it, whatever pricing was listed in that webinar we will not honor that now. It’s launched, so it’s at the launch price, whatever the full price. So just be aware that if you’re gonna watch the replay from the launch webinar that price is no longer valid. We stated very clearly that it was a very limited offer. But the course nonetheless is, it’s worth every freaking penny regardless. Okay?
What Are Best Practices In Optimizing A Photo For Local Business?
All right. Quit This House, I always forget your name, sorry, buddy. But anyways, he says, “Good day, gents. Thanks for the weekly sharing. I appreciate it so very much.” You’re welcome. “How do you tag photos with the area of the business etc? What are other ways to optimize a photo for best SEO practices?”
Okay. Well, it’s funny because I was actually recording training today. I added several videos to the GMB Pro course today specifically for that, so I certainly can’t reveal it all. But I can give kind of a high-level conceptual overview of some of the things that you can do. Okay. So one of the things you can do is just use photos from the area … First of all, the best thing to do is get original photos. Let me just start off with that. If you can get original photos that are taken on location for the areas that your business covers. Right?
If it’s a service-area business, which means the business goes to the customer’s location, not the other way around. A storefront or point-of-sale business is a type of business where the customers come to the business location, right? So that would be like a store. But a service-area business would be like contractors or kind of like for the case study I’m dealing with a taxi service. Right?
So those are called service-area businesses. So for those, the best thing to do is to go out in various locations within the service-area and take photos from a phone with the GPS enabled so that you get the EXIF data, the geodata literally stamped or embedded directly into the metadata of the file of the photo. Okay? That’s the best. However, as I have experienced as in the recent weeks with my clients that I’m doing this for, many of my clients have promised me that they were going to get me photos, because most of my current clients are contractors so they have technicians to go out and do jobs and such, and I tell them, all I need you to do is just take photos when you go to a new job.
Take two or three photos, drop em into a folder that I’ve set up for each one of my clients, and none of them have given … Let me take that back, I’ve got one client that has given me about six photos. In about a month, and that’s it. All the other clients, they keep saying “Oh yeah, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it” and they never do it.
So I gave up, I quit trying to bug them, now I’m just going the route of using stock images that I purchase licenses to, okay. And then you know, credits or whatever from … So I have an account for that, I download the stock photos, and then I upload them, or excuse me, I append a bunch of metadata to them, so you can do that, that’s the next best thing.
And that’s something you can do using Exif data tools, such as … I use GeoSetter, it’s a windows software that you download for windows, its called geosetter, its free. Geosetter.de I think is the domain, if you wanna go download it.
And I optimize my images using that. And so essentially, you can go grab geodata, latitude, longitude, you can also grab … Where do you get that? Well just go to city center, go to Google for example, and search for each one of the locations that are within your service area.
Let’s just say your business covers one county, okay? Then you can go to like, zip-codes.com type in the county and the state, and it will pull up all of the zip codes, and locations that are contained within the county. So extract those location names, extract those zip codes, and then go do a latitude-longitude finder, so again, go to Google and type latitude longitude finder, and then just type in the city name right, the location name, and hit search. And it’ll give you the city center of whatever that location name is, and it’ll give you latitude and longitude.
Now you can just put all of that into a spreadsheet, and now you have all the data that you need to go start optimizing images with specific location data. right, and then uploading those to GMB. So that’s how you do it, you can also … You can hyper-optimize the images by squeezing in a bunch of keywords and all kinds of other stuff, I pretty much stick to the basics of just location information, and then the latitude and longitude, and then I’ll also insert contact information and URL’s in a couple spots. And again, I cover all that stuff in great detail, in the course.
Does anybody wanna comment on that before I move on?
Hernan: Yeah, the webinar is all about this. And I would get unlimited images, unlimited local as a matter of fact.
Bradley: Yeah the stuff that you were telling me about today I’m not gonna reveal here, but some real ninja stuff guys, some great great ideas for generating pretty much-unlimited content for images and videos too. So, we’ll talk about that in the webinar.
What Is The Secret To Ranking YouTube Videos On the First Page of Google?
Mark Goodman, what’s up mark? I met Mark down at the SEO Rockstars event that I was just mentioning. Anyways, he said, “I have no problem ranking videos at the top of YouTube, what is the secret to ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google?”
That’s a good one Mark, there’s really no secret, it’s work, right. The secret is some keywords just, are basically like having a version to ranking videos for them. What I mean by that is there are certain categories of search queries or terms, Google categorizes certain searches right? There’s commercial intent, there’s informational intent, various types of search categories. And some categories, Google just does not like to display videos for.
And I found that for a lot of competitive local terms guys, a lot of the times it’s difficult to rank videos for them, so the key, the trick is to find longer tail versions, or start hitting some of the suburb areas, I’m just assuming you’re talking about local mark, I don’t know that that’s the case, but for local specifically, it’s targeting some of the locations like, instead of the broad metropolitan area, target some of the suburbs, or some of the boroughs or districts or whatever. If you’re talking about a county like I just mentioned previously you can go in and gather all the different locations contained within that county, and optimize the video, the same video, that keyword plus each one of those locations if you want right.
And find out some of them are gonna rank easy, some of them won’t. That’s just the nature of the game, but as far as ranking a broader term and again I’m speaking about local just because that’s … Guys, you know that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local. You can build a silo Mark, if you’re not familiar with the YouTube Silo Academy, you’ve bought some of our products, you should have access to it already, you should have access to our bonus site which is included in there, go through the YouTube Silo Academy training, it’s old but it still works. The principles are still the same, that hasn’t changed at all, but take the broadest erm that you’re trying to rank for, put that at the top of a playlist, and then start building, just like you would be siloing a website, you would take keywords that are longer tailed that are supporting-type keywords, and create videos or use the same video, optimized for those various supporting keywords, put them all in the same playlist, with the internal link from the description up to that top level, the top of the silo. Also link to the playlist, because the playlist is nothing more than a container right? It’s a container that contains videos. So you want a link to the container, to juice up the entire container, but also link up to the top level, the top of a silo, which is your broadest terms.
One more thing, once you’ve published the video, go in and comment underneath, the first comment on the video, as soon as its published go in and comment, and drop a link to the top video that you want to rank. Okay, and then pin that comment, to where it’s the pinned comment at the top, like it’s the first comment, and it will stay the first comment underneath the video.
Okay, so now you’ve got an internal link form the YouTube description, going to the top level video in the silo, which is the one you wanna rank, then you’ve also got an internal link pointing to the playlist, which powers up the entire container, then you’ve got a comment link which is, I believe, a do-follow link, as long as it’s an internal link, from the video up to your top-level term. The top-level video essentially.
Right? And now you’ve got basically every single one of your video URLs, are target URLs for link building, and your playlist URL is a target URL. For link building. Does that make sense? And so you’ve got literally a bunch of URLs now, and by the way, in case you guys weren’t aware of this, and this is covered in YouTube Silo Academy, but for each … Whenever you put a video in a playlist, you have the original video URL, but then once it’s added to a playlist, and you play the video from the playlist, now it has it’s own unique playlist URL for that specific video.
So think about how many URLs you can extract from this. And we’re not even talking about all the variations of YouTube URLs either, I’m talking about just the straight YouTube URL and playlist URL, you can get a bunch of variations from those and now you’ve got … You can just do a ton of link building.
One other thing Mark, the last thing I’m gonna say about this before moving on, is engagement. Engagement is one of the most primary ranking factors for YouTube videos now, not just on YouTube but also on Google. And so, I’ve talked about this many times but how to use YouTube ads to rank local videos. In Google search right? Let me repeat that, how do you use YouTube or Google AdWords to buy views and clicks that are locally relevant, cause you can set all this up through targeting, we’ve covered this in great detail in the past, you can go to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/semanticmastery, click the channel search function, and type in YouTube ads for ranking local videos, or something like that, and just start perusing through.
You’ll see within the last two months or so we did an extended answer on this, on how to do that in Hump Day Hangouts. Okay but it’s really, really a great way to do it, pretty much almost standard operating procedure for all videos that I try to rank for local terms, I go in and set up an AdWords campaign now for it. A dollar a day to start with guys, it’s 30 bucks a month. And once I start getting the traction or I get ranked I back it down to about 50 cents a day, which costs 15 dollars per month to maintain, okay. It’s totally worth it. So, we’re going to move on.
Hernan: I would just add to what you just said, video powerhouse, to get in bed, and then we also have our own YouTube views platform, but that’s in beta testing, also it’s about to be released, so I would say next couple of weeks it’ll be ready, and then you could buy views from us, you know. You don’t have to go and learn how to [inaudible 00:26:35] YouTube ads and all that stuff if you don’t want to, you could just get ‘em from us. It’ll be cheaper than buying from you YouTube.
Bradley: Yeah, and forgive me for not mentioning video powerhouse but yeah, that’s certainly part of it, that’s part of the whole Silo Academy stuff, or excuse me, YouTube silo stuff that I do, includes embedding because you can … Think about it guys, if you’ve created a YouTube silo, you’ve got all these other supporting YouTube videos right? Each time you do an embed blast with those, is very similar to doing link building to any of the URLs, in that your powering up that specific video, but that video has a link both in the video description, and the comment area, that links up to the top level video that you’re trying to rank, as well as the playlist which powers up everything contained within it. So my point is, is that the embeds plus the backlinks, plus the engagement. All of those combined if what you need Mark, to get ranked. Okay.
How To Schedule Post In WordPress Using RSS Masher?
Arpiet says “How to schedule a post in WordPress using RSS masher?”
Ah that sounds like a really good question to ask Damon Nelson, the developer of RSS Masher, again I don’t support his product, I know we have promoted it, and it’s a great product, don’t get me wrong its just I don’t support it so I don’t, I really can’t tell you, there may be a scheduling option inside of RSS masher, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t.
I haven’t been in RSS masher in about a year, and it’s not because it’s not a good tool, it’s a great tool, it’s just I haven’t been using it. Because I have my VA’s and all of our processes that they, they do everything basically manually. RSS Masher’s a great tool, guys, for doing feed splicing, and doing some really cool stuff cause you can embed, like inject content into the RSS feed, if you splice feeds you can add HTML links, I think you can even embed stuff in there now, it’s crazy. It’s a great tool, there’s a lot of really cool stuff that you can do with RSS masher.
There’s also another great RSS SEO tool, that’s Lisa Allen’s, it’s called Rank Feeder. And Rank Sniper, or RSS Sniper I think it’s called, or something like that. I don’t use that, I just use the rank feeder side of it, which is like, you create these co-citation feeds, which is incredibly powerful. It’s strictly an SEO tool though, where RSS masher, Damon nelson’s tool can be used for affiliate stuff, for content marketing, for splicing feeds, there’s a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it, okay. Both of them are great tools by the way.
When you trying to publish many posts… Again, I would direct you to ask a question specifically about the functionality of RSS masher to Damon.
“Is it still helpful to ranking in 2018?” Yeah, it can be, again I don’t look at RSS masher as strictly a ranking tool, I look at it as a marketing tool. Rank Feeder is an SEO tool. Okay, so yeah, you can still use it to help rank as well, but again I think it’s more functional than just for ranking purposes. So is it still relevant or valid? Yes. Absolutely, for more than just ranking. If you’re looking for just a ranking solution rank feeders a better bed in my opinion. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Find The Best VA To Do Keyword Research?
Next Scott says, “I’m having a” … What’s up Scott, he says “I’m having a tough time finding a keyword VA to do the keywords for GMB accounts like your keyword research girl, did you find your keyword vs through Upwork, OnlineJobs.ph, or somewhere else?” Probably OnlineJobs.ph, where’d you find her Marco?
Marco: Yeah actually it’s Hernan fires up the [crosstalk 00:30:08] our outsource Kingpin hiring funnel and then he does the preliminaries, and then I just get the cream of the crop. And then I do an interview, we found Joel that way, Joel is awesome.
Bradley: Yep
Marco: And then we found that keyword research girl, the exact same way, just fired up the funnel. And maybe, or it could be Scott, if you’re advertising for a keyword VA your target is wrong. And I always tell Hernan, just get me someone who can follow direction.
Bradley: That’s it.
Marco: That’s all I want, if they can watch a video and understand that all they have to do, they don’t have to think, they just have to do what the video tells them to do, and that’s all I want because then she went through Jeffrey Smith’s SEO ultimate Bootcamp, the keyword training in there, then that work empire ultimate keyword tool, Bradley Benner’s keyword training, keyword training RYS reloaded style, and then that all gets put together into actionable silos. So that all you … Then you take those keywords and apply them into the silo that the VA sets up. But I mean that’s all the process. But the original processes is, Hernan, just get me someone who can follow directions.
Hernan: Yeah. And sorry if I can add real quick, that’s the whole thing. It doesn’t really matter what kind of paths they’re gonna be doing, of course it helps, if they’re in a customer service position they need to have really good English right? Written and … Written mostly. If they’re into the SEO virtual assistant side of things, so they need to follow instructions, it might help, or it might not help that they have some experience. We sometimes check that out, sometimes we don’t, but I think Scott, that it doesn’t have to do specifically with where, but what’s the process that you put them through.
So again, it has to … You can get people from Upwork, Freelancer, OnlineJobs.ph, now we hire … The hiring funnels for some Spanish VAs we’re looking for, bilingual VAs. So, it’s not a matter of where it’s a matter of how you’re getting them. And again, it all comes down so that they can follow instructions number one, that they are motivated to work with you. That’s the whole process hiring funnel. And I would say that yeah, that would be pretty much it.
If I may add Scott, some people in the MasterMind they will fire up the hiring funnel, and they will end up with an excess of applicants that are really good, so you can go ahead and ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, that’s one of the things that I love by the way, but you can ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, who has some applicants that they thought were really good, that but you can not just take them because of the bandwidth of your process, and your project. I think that there are some people that are, ended up with five or seven or even ten applicants that they found that they were really good but they cannot hire. So go ahead and ask on the MasterMind group because I’m pretty sure that there are some people in there that are willing to help you.
Bradley: And I think Daryl Dressel had some the last time he, it might have not of been Daryl, but I think it was, I seem to remember a thread in the MasterMind just recently where he had fired up the hiring funnel and had like six really qualified candidates, but we only wanted to hire two or something like that, so there was like four available candidates, and so as Hernan just mentioned guy, that’s … Scott, you should have access to Outsource Kingpin, at least as far as I’m aware right? You’re a MasterMind member, go through it man, I’m telling you, it’s incredible.
As Hernan just found out, cause he fired it up for trying to find some bilingual VAs, it was a little bit more difficult looking for Spanish VAs than it was for Philippines VAs, but it works like magic for Philippines VAs, we have found, I mean, shit, I think between all of us now we’ve got 30-35 VAs maybe, maybe even more than that. Its crazy, and all of them have been basically all found and hired through the Outsource Kingpin hiring funnel.
Hernan: Yes. If I may add, I think It has to do with the specific … Because it’s the first time that we have had some issues hiring people. Not some issues, but some delays. I think it has to do with the websites not being ready to take on this kind of funnel. We managed to work it out but it took us a little bit longer. I think that the people in the Philippines, they are so used to work remotely, and the websites are making that easier, it works like crazy. Works like magic anyway.
Bradley: Yep and just, to mention real quick, what’s so good about it guys is that fact that as Marco just said, most of the time were not looking to hire skilled help right, because we’re going to train them in the exact processes that we want, in the exact way that we want them done, right. And that’s the key to it guys because of the problem with hiring skilled … Now don’t get me wrong, there are times when you’re gonna need to hire skilled help, like a coder for example or a programmer or something like that, which I’ll do. And typically when I’m going to look for skilled help, skilled labor, I’ll go to Upwork. And I will post a job that is only viewable by invitation. In other words, it’s not a publicly posted job, I will go … I will screen candidates that have profiles in Upwork, I’ll go hand select a handful of them, and then send them an invitation to bid on the job or to review the job right. For skilled work.
But for the most part, our VAs that we hire on salary, which is full-time positions, we’re gonna train them. So we don’t look for skilled help, and so again most of the posts that I do whenever I need to hire another vs is I’ll post, SEO virtual assistant. Seeking SEO virtual assistant, or seeking virtual assistant, or seeking administrative help, or something like that so I’m not talking about, need a keyword research person. You know what I mean? Because I’m gonna train them, with processes which again, all this is taught in Outsource Kingpin, but exactly how I produced the training.
Any of you guys that have ever seen my process docs, they all look the exact same. There’s no difference, all I do is record the training in a video, and then I go back and I basically transcribe the training, the video into a Google doc. That’s a bulleted Google doc, like a list basically. Numbered and bullets. And that’s how all of my process docs look. And it works really well. Because now anything that I can do, I can train somebody to do, using that exact same method.
So anybody that says that they don’t have time because they’re overwhelmed with work, or they can’t outsource because nobody can do it as good as them, no. It’s because you just haven’t taken the time to document how you do it. That it okay.
And guys, I don’t always drink my own Kool-Aid right, there are times, there are certain functions of my job that I just have not ever outsourced because I did not want to relinquish control. It was just the first of this year, January of this year, that I finally outsourced client reporting. I had been doing that myself, throughout my entire digital marketing career. And it was just eating up two to three days at the beginning of every month for me, and I just continued to do it, and I finally outsourced that in January and what a load off. Cause I got two and a half, three days back every single month now.
So again, it’s something that I highly recommend you guys get into doing Scott.
Sam, it’s funny, Scott and Sam, we met both of them in Portland, at the same event. [inaudible 00:38:07] hang out in Portland.
Would A Narrow Niche Site Ranks With Only The Homepage And 3 Category Pages?
Sam says “For a niche site with a very narrow focus, rather than building multiple silos, could I get away with putting my main 2,000+ word article on a static homepage and try to rank the homepage? And having two to three category home pages with supporting blog posts?”
Yeah absolutely Sam, if it’s a narrow focus why not, right? Absolutely. By the way guys, anybody that says, you know, I know there’s been training that … There are so many different thoughts out there about silos and, you have to have four or five silos on a site for it to be a properly siloed site and all that, that’s bullshit. I mean, maybe there’s some data to back some of that stuff up, or maybe in some really competitive terms and stuff that may be the case, but I know I’ve got sites that are just mono silos. Essentially it’s one singular silo of the site, and that’s it. And so there’s more depth to the silo but not width right. Width would be additional categories, depth is additional supporting posts within one silo.
And so we’ve got one of the case study sites that I built for Masterclass when we were doing the masterclass, is still ranking number one in maps now. And it’s a mono silo site, it’s one singular silo site with I think five pages which are subcategories and then one or two posts for each subcategory, and that’s it. And it’s been ranking number one in maps for shit, over two years now. And I haven’t some a damn thing to it.
What Website Service Would You Recommend For Real Estate Agents?
Anyways, next would be Ajay, he says “Which website service do you recommend for real estate agents? Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built?”
Okay, I can’t answer website platforms for real estate agents, I couldn’t tell you because I don’t deal with them, we have plenty of members though that do work in real estate that could probably comment on this even page. So those of you, Greg, Damon, you know a number of you, [Tahla 00:40:03], if you’re on, any of you guys that are watching that are in the MasterMind that I know are in real estate, if you guys wanna jump in and help Ajay with some recommendations, that would be great. Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built? Well, if some of these guys can recommend website platforms for real estate that have RSS feeds and a blog, you could just use that right, if not, then what I recommend doing, and typically whenever we run across any type of site for clients or whatever, any projects that aren’t on … The primary site or the blog is not held on WordPress, then our go to method is to install WordPress on a subdomain of the root domain.
So in other words, if you’re gonna go with a real estate website platform solution, that does not have a blog and an RSS feed function, then I would recommend that on a subdomain of that, the domain that you build the website on, so whatever it may be, I would put a blog.subdomain on it, and install WordPress and use that subdomain and the WordPress installation as your content distribution engine. Cause you can still accomplish the same stuff having the blog on a subdomain. And that give you all of the functionality of WordPress, without having to try to integrate the real estate website platform into syndication network and all of that, because sometimes that can be difficult if it doesn’t have an RSS feed.
So again, just install WordPress on a subdomain, good to go.
Alright, Kraig says … The GMB Pro Facebook group’s live, and wow, and there’s activity in there already, a lot of activity already, it’s been kind of a whirlwind of activity for the last couple of days so Kraig, reach out to support if you haven’t got access already.
What Deficiencies Should You Point Out To A Prospect To Sell The Value Of Local GMB Strategy To Them?
Nigel says “Good day gents”, what’s up Nigel. He says “What’s a good pitch to sell the value of local GMB strategy? For instance, what deficiencies can/should you point out to help close prospect? Can you review an example of and how do you address any metrics or proof?
Yeah Nigel, all I’m doing for proof is just showing GMB insights of accounts that we’ve applied this method to, that’s it. That’s it. That’s all the proof I need. So keep it simple, not talking to you directly Nigel, but keep it simple stupid. So KISS, the Keep It Simple Strategy, how do you show proof? Well, you just show Google insights where this method has, it worked really well. And just show hey, here’s the number of times you’ve been given impressions, this is how many times people hae engaged, they’ve clicked through your website or clicked through to a website, or phone calls, or driving directions if it’s a storefront, you can show all of that. And insights guys, as GMB continues to evolve, which they’re adding new shit all the time, insights is becoming more … There’s more data now. And they’re gonna be rolling out new metrics and KPIs and things like that, we’ll be able to measure or monitor within GMB insights as well.
Some really cool stuff we just saw this week, in fact in the GMB pro I think it was Greg, Greg [inaudible 00:43:12] who posted some insights reporting, showing the questions and answers. Those of you that are local guides, you guys know, if you’re a local guide, you know you’re probably getting prompted on your phone, often, whenever you’re out and about in town, to answer questions about locations that you’re next to, or hat your visiting right?
Well, those are now questions and answers, the results of those questions that GMB is asking are now being displayed in insights too. To the business owner. So the business owner can get a better idea of, what kinda sentiment is coming from people answering questions about their business.
So it’s, I forget I think maybe it was Marco that mentioned it in the thread that Greg started about this in the GMB Pro Facebook. This is Google crowdsourcing data for GMB. [Marc 00:44:05] you wanna comment on that?
Marco still here?
Marco: I was talking into a muted mike, sorry.
As far as how you sell this, I’m sorry, that’s the question right?
Bradley: Yep. Well, I wanna talk about also the crowdsourcing, Google crowdsourcing for data right now.
Marco: Yeah, but the … I was kinda talking about that while you were talking to me. And I really wanna focus on that, but we tend to complicate things when we pitch it. And simple really works, you show as Bradley said, results. And if someone can’t react to them, what was it you said? If someone seeds them and they don’t get excited [crosstalk 00:44:58]
Bradley: They’re likely dead.
Marco: Yeah. I think, please. And you just move on, because there’s someone there goes “Oh okay, I want that for me”. Most people react that way.
Bradley: That’s how I sold it to three of my client just, sorry Marco, but just real quick, the first three that I pitched, clients of mine that were already existing clients, that’s all I did, as I just showed GMB insights screenshots and I said: look at this, I can absolutely quantify the results of this service within 30 days, try it out” and two out of three of them jumped on it.
The only reason why the third one didn’t, is because he’s overwhelmed with calls right now, he literally asked me to help him throttle his call volume down. I’m not kidding you. But anyways, go ahead Marco.
Marco: No I mean, the training is simple, because it’s a simple concept. The pitch should be just as simple because again, what you’re selling them it’s so simple. This is what you get. If I do this, this is what happens. And so it’s cause and effect relationship, and it’s really on a pay … You’re going to produce, or you don’t get paid right? And you keep it that simple.
Bradley: Yep. That’s the other thing Nigel remember, keep it that way. Say look no contract … I like the no contract idea, although I may have to start using some contracts for some stuff that I’m doing, I pretty much always run my agency without any contracts, I have on occasion used contracts when it was required by the client, usually for bigger companies, but most of the smaller companies that I work with I just tell them to flat out “Look, there’s no contract, you can cancel at any time. If I’m producing results for you, you should want to continue paying me so that you can continue getting those results. If I’m not producing, you shouldn’t be committed or obligated to continue paying me. You should be able to just you know, part”.
So anyway, “Example of how to set up a G site landing page quickly for conversions, and can you show an example?”
Well, first of all, I can’t show an example, not sure what you mean about a G site landing page? If you’re talking about just setting up a Google site to act as a landing page, really that’s just design element stuff and Nigel honestly, all you need to do is just go do some Google searches for high converting local landing pages type stuff, and you can look … There’s been a lot of research done on this stuff guys.
So just go look at some of the research and you’ll see that there’s pretty much only a handful of basic elements that should be on a landing page, that is set up for conversions. And a lot of times you can mimic an AdWords landing page. Like what they consider to be the best type of landing page for lead generation, for local businesses that are running AdWords. Just mimic something like that. Excuse me, model something like that. That’s all that you need to do.
I mean there’s a reason why most landing pages look very similar guys because they work, they have been tested to death okay.
What Is The Impact Of Removing The Street Address From The NAP On The Effectiveness Of The Local GMB Strategy?
Alright, we’re gonna keep on moving. Don says “With the new local GMB strategy I have been acquiring more and more addresses to verify”, very good Don “From an SEO point of view have you noticed any difference in effectiveness when you remove the street address from the NAP service-area of business?”, well see, as per Googles terms of service, or their recommendations for service-area businesses you should not display the address. It should always be checked or, the box unchecked or whatever to display the business address, and again that’s per Googles own terms of service for service-area businesses.
So, I’ve just about, I don’t know I might have one or two that are actually displaying the address, but they were projects that I’ve never followed through with, so pretty much all of my [inaudible 00:48:46] properties for clients that are service-area businesses, I basically right off the bat, just so you know typically when I register the business, if I’m setting up the GMB listing for the first time, and I have to get it verified, then I will make sure the address is displayed when I first set up the listing, to request the postcard. But then once the postcard and the verification occurs, once I have that pin number or the pin or whatever, and I entered that and verified it, it becomes a published listing, then the first thing I do is uncheck that box to display the address. Because that’s again, per their recommendations.
I know some people have experimented with that, and even for service-area businesses they’ll show the address, and it will get better results for ranking, but I don’t wanna lose … I also, remember, a lot of these are spammed addresses. In other words, they’re P.O. boxes, and I don’t want a competitor looking at Google maps and seeing very quickly by just clicking the satellite button, that it’s a post office. Or even if it’s got a map pin basically sitting right on top of my pin, and it shows as a US post office. So I want to hide that address so that that doesn’t occur.
I mean, a competitor could go do a quick Google search for the business name plus the phone number and find other citations that are gonna list the address, but I don’t wanna make it stupid easy for them, right? Make them work for it at least.
So Don I really can’t answer that, maybe somebody else can tell you, I wouldn’t mess with it, I would not show the street address for service-area businesses. Unless customers also come to that location. Which that is an exception, and that’s also covered in the Google help files.
Marco: For SEO, if he’s doing RYS Reloaded he needs to display the address so that our builders can find the address and build the stack, and hook everything up to the address, once that process is done then he can hide it, but once he’s done building the drive stack he can hide the address. But you need that drive stack, and you need it for a very specific purpose. If you’re in RYS reloaded, read the black book, it’ll tell you why you need to display the address, it’s all explained in there. But yes, there is an SEO point of view on this, once that’s done and taken care of, you can go ahead and hide it, and you should be okay.
What Are Your Thoughts On The GMB Agency Dashboard?
Bradley: Yep. James says “I have yet to take local GMB pro course, but I gather what I can from Hump Day Hangouts” that’s what a lot of people do James, and we encourage that guys, we talk about that a lot, I mean Mohammed Maki, one of our star members right now of the MasterMind, has been amazing. He came and just asked questions every single week, Nigel’s another one, Nigel’s in our MasterMind, we were just talking to Nigel. The same thing, he came and asked questions every week, and applied what he learned, and took action, and both Mohammed and Nigel. And got their business generating enough revenue to where they came and joined the MasterMind. That awesome. So again James, keep doing what you’re doing man, you’ll get there. We encourage you to do that.
He says “I came across GMB agency dashboard in my Reddit newsfeed a couple of hours ago, I know it has just been released, but I was curious to know what your thoughts are on it, will it benefit SEOs doing local GMB, or will it give Google another footprint to observe?”.
No, look I haven’t had, again, this was just announced today, I just posted this link right here, just below your comment James, about bright locals post on it as well, so none of us have had time to play with it yet, we will be talking about it more once we have a little bit more experience with it, but I, look I don’t see it as being a trap of any sort, I see it as being a useful tool. Okay, if you’re gonna be managing peoples Google My Businesses for them, and they give you an agency, it’s kind of like having an AdWords manager account. I have an AdWords manager account because I manage multiple AdWords accounts. So it just makes it a lot easier, it’s not, I don’t think it’s a trap of any sort, or anything like that, they’re just trying to improve their processes right?
Again, I know Marco doesn’t think the same way I do, but I’ve always looked at Google as my business partner and not my enemy, Marco’s like, “Fuck Google” all the time. But I personally, I’ve never felt that way. So honestly, I would use the tool if it … I just haven’t, I have not tried it out yet, but I will be over the coming weeks.
What Percentage Of The Sites Are Placed In Your Main Google/GSuite Account To Boost Lead Generation Or Client Sites?
Jim says “When using Google sites for lead generation and/or boosting client sites, what percentage of the sites are placed in your main Google G Suite account? Are you spreading them across many accounts?”
For Google sites, yeah I do, I would create the main Google site, which will be the branded Google site, under the main account, but everything else that I’m using specifically just for link building purposes, I do all those under persona accounts guys. Keep your accounts separate, okay. Keep your accounts separate guys. Remember you wanna keep your branded properties, the profiles that own the branded properties, you wanna keep them as clean as possible. So do all your other activities, spammy or nonspammy, any time you’re building Google sites for the specific purpose, the sole purpose of ranking, using for link building and to help rank other properties right? That spam guys. I don’t care whether you like that word or not, it’s spam. So keep your spammy activity outside of your main Google branded profiles. You’d definitely want to keep that out, keen them separate. Guys you can buy, phone verified Google accounts for dirt cheap. You can use those accounts to set up Google sites and do all the spammy stuff that you wanna do. Okay.
Marco: My answer to this is none. I get them from our own builders, and what they turn over is the Gmail account, and we have a specific way. We make our main account the manager of that drive stack and the G site and whatever. So that we never again have to go in there and touch that drive stack. It doesn’t need to. If it does, then I just turn it back to the builders, and I say just give me more folders and files, and whatever. And the main purpose for that, is not only to protect the account, but also you don’t wanna overburden the one Gmail account, of the one drive account with the script that we run. And if you run multiple scripts inside one account, you are going to get banned. You’re going to wake up and everything gonna be gone. Googles going to tell you, we don’t appreciate you using our resources like that.
Bradley: Yep. Yes, spread your eggs across many baskets, let’s put it that way. I will create a branded Google site underneath the main profile for that business, but like Marco said, when I order a drive stack for that business, that’s a separate Google site that gets built. That’s not the … I’m not, I will include the branded Google site that I created under the branded profile, I’ll include that URL as one of the target URLs for the drive stack, but that’s not the drive stack Google site, that Google site for the drive stack is created underneath the persona profile that was used when the entire drive stack was created. So again, keep those things separate, there’s a reason for it, and it’s to eliminate any potential spammy penalties from Google. For your business profile.
Is There A Difference In Terms Of Ranking A Blog In The Same Domain And On A Separate Domain?
Dan, what’s up Dan, he says “Is there a difference in effectiveness as far as rankings go for having the blog page and the website vs having the blog page link out to an established blog website the business has had for years?”
Okay so basically, your blog is on an external domain right, a separate domain. Blog page on the website vs having a blog page link out.
Okay, I think I know what you mean. So if you’ve got a money site, and for example in the navigation menu on the money site, you’ve got a blog button or a blog link, that would typically go to the blog roll within the same domain right? The blog index page, however you’re saying, could it link to an external blog?
Yeah I’ve got a couple of clients where that’s the case, and so there’s a few things that you can do, you can do[inaudible 00:57:13] tags from the blog which is on another domain, to point back to the main money site, you can do that, you can also use the other blog to certainly just do contextual links like you typically would for normal link voting purposed back to the money site. So there’s a number of things you can do for that, if it’s an established blog though, as long the brands are associated, as long as those two domains are associated with that brand, which you can do a lot of that stuff with structure data too, it should be okay.
Obviously it would be better to have the blog on the domain itself, but I know in some situations, there’s some unique I have where it’s very similar, the blog has been on an external domain, and we’ve still been able to make it work, okay.
“The real question is where will the relevance go, I’m thinking the GMB site and the blog site? Thanks” yeah, I would just make sure everything is really branded well, everything is interlinked well do that Google understand that those two domains are both part of that entity. And again, you can accomplish a lot of that with structured data. Something else you may want to do, is remember in GMB guys, you have the website and then you have the appointment setter URL, you might be able to squeeze that one in there too. The blog URL. Try that and see, it might work.
Okay were almost done, sett, were almost out of time too, this has worked out.
Thanks for the information about VAs I will fire up an outsource funnel asap, yeah Scott, remember you’re in the MasterMinds, so if you have any questions about that, please feel free, we’ll be happy to … And again, a lot of our members in the MasterMind have used it very successfully, so there will be of plenty of people to jump in and help you out if you need it.
Hernan: Yes and Scott, if you need any kind of walk through or any kind of specific advice, just make a post on the Facebook group, tag me, and I’ll tell you what we do, I’ll tell you what I do, what I’m looking for when I’m interviewing these folks and whatnot, so that you can have a better understanding but yeah, you should have plenty of results like, plenty of pre screened VAs in the MasterMind group itself. So.
Bradley: Yeah so, you might not even have to go through that process. It would be good for you, Scott if you were gonna be building your team, to go through that process and learn it and set it up for your own business anyways, but my point is if you just need a quick, if you just need to hire a VA right away because you’re overwhelmed or whatever, again, there’s probably gonna be people that already have screened very qualified candidates and they’ll have some that they could direct your way. Okay.
Okay Don, apparently we answered your questions so good, well thanks everybody for being here, this worked out, on the money, 5pm. Wow. So we don’t have any other webinars this week do we guys?
Adam: I think that is it.
Hernan: Yes,
Bradley: Alright everybody, well thanks everybody for being here, well see you all next week.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: See all you guys.
Marco: Bye everybody.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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qxcel1 · 7 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187
Click on the video above to watch Episode 187 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey, everybody! We are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 187. Before we get started today, we got a couple of short announcements, but as always we want to go and say hi to the guys and see how everyone’s doing. We’ll start in order on my screen and, Chris, you’re first up. How are you doing, man?
Chris: Been good. How are you doing?
Adam: Good deal. So, are you traveling? Where in the world is Chris located this week?
Chris: I’m in the secret spot in Scandinavia.
Adam: Awesome. It sounds like it’s some Dr. Evil hideout or something.
Chris: Pretty much.
Adam: Good deal. Hernan, how you are doing?
Hernan: That sounded so James Bond. It’s funny because we’re going through the time zones, like Chris is later, then I am in, and then think that Marco, and then Bradley, and you. Right, time zone? I know depending on how … Hey, guys! What’s up? I’m really good. I’m excited to be here.
Adam: Good deal. Good deal. Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m working on the first Google My Business webinar. I’m deep in the lab trying to get it ready. I got some good stuff planned for our first webinar.
Adam: Would you say that this is only for people who are members of Local GMB Pro?
Marco: I would say not only should they be members of Local GMB Pro, they better be in the Facebook group so they can get the link, because that’s the only place it’s going to be shared.
Adam: Awesome. You guys heard it. If want it, if you haven’t joined, go check out Local GMB Pro. If you’re dealing with anything local, this is an awesome addition. If you are already a member, I know we’re still missing a few members, we opened up as a bonus the Facebook group, so check your emails, we sent out a notification about that to members only.
Bradley, how are you doing today on this fine day?
Bradley: Pretty effing stoked about the GMB Pro stuff that’s going on because I’ve been adding additional training to that the last couple days. I’ve added several, stuff today. I’m actually out on my own experimenting a bit now. I’ve been just following Robin and Marco’s instructions really because they’ve been in the lab testing and tinkering and trying to blow shit up and all that, and I’ve just been applying what they’ve been teaching. But I’ve been kind of tinkering around on my own now a little bit too and finding some really cool stuff to do.
It’s just amazing. GMB, the Google My business dashboard, they’re rolling out new features. Apparently, the new Google My Business Agency dashboard has just launched. There’s a post on Bright Local about it and something I’m really stoked about. I posted the link on the event page guys. But the post on Bright Local is … Any of you that aren’t using Bright Local, I’ve been talking about them for years. That’s the local tracking solution for citations and ranking and all that rank tracking and all that stuff. I’ve been using Bright Locals since I opened my agency in 2012. I speak very highly of it because I think it’s awesome. It’s very inexpensive and the reports are great. That’s what I do all my client reporting with.
Well, in the article about the GMB Agency dashboard today, Bright Local is working on a tool to be able to schedule posts and everything GMB posts right from within the Bright Local dashboard. Very similar to our own GMB auto-poster or from Sendible, for example. You’re going to be able to do this directly in Bright Local, too. So, those of you that are already managing your clients reporting through Bright Local, this is just one additional thing, that one additional place or tool that you’ll be able to use right from within Bright Local. So, that’s pretty exciting news.
Then, as Marco said, we’ve got the webinar coming up in a couple of weeks, I guess, for the first webinar for Local GMB Pro. Some of the stuff that he’s been sharing with me is just, it’s freakin’ killer, man. So, I’m really excited about it.
But that’s not the only thing, I’ve also been adding training to the MasterMind. Guys, those of you that are in the MasterMind, keep going back into the prospecting module and checking often. I’ve been adding a lot of additional training in there. I just hired a VA full time to do video, or excuse me, email prospecting and so I’ve added a lot of additional process docs in there for the same training that I’m using to train my VA with. Guys, I told you in the MasterMind I was going to give you the exact same docs and process training that I personally train my virtual assistants with, so that you guys don’t have to do it yourself. All of that is being added to the MasterMind website as well.
I’m excited to be here. Lots of good stuff coming up.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: Real quick, sorry, Adam. Guess what guys? We used the Outsource Kingpin process to actually get these amazing VAs which we are hiring.
Bradley: Yep.
Hernan: I just wanna mention that.
Adam: Yeah. We’ve now gone levels deep. I have my personal assistant, actually that I used hiring funnel to find to then use the hiring funnel to hire additional VAs. I love it. It’s like hiring inception.
Bradley: That’s an outsource stack.
Adam: Yeah. Oh, man, it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Well, we talked about it briefly, but I just want to remind people too about Local GMB Pro and some of the services that are coming out that we want people to be aware about. Just real quick, Marco, can you tell people or remind people about what’s going on with that? Because I honestly don’t have in front of me and I’ll probably lose track, but there’s some really cool stuff coming up soon.
Marco: Yeah. We’ve got our auto-poster and it’s in beta right now. People are testing it out. We’re trying to work out some of the issues that always arise with coding. Chris Dylan, our partner, I know that he’ll back me up 100% on this. You cannot write code that’s 100%. But there’s always going to be something that’s out of whack, something that clashes, just whatever, and so you just have to work it out. But it’s awesome. Yeah. Because we’re going to be able to feed a feed, if that makes sense. Feed an RSS feed into the Google My Business listing.
So you post on your website guys, that you’re active there. That’s going to become a post in Google My Business and you can then export an RSS feed to trigger additional IFTTT. It’s gonna be a like a hydra, that you can plug in anywhere you want to add relevance to everything that you’re doing. Right now, there’s no better entity anywhere, there’s no better seed, that I’m always talking about seed sites and seed sets, nothing than Google My Business. It’s verified. It’s validated. You’re solidifying it through all of the activity and Google is really paying attention to this and rewarding people for being active in it.
People go in and I know that they say it can’t be this easy, because if it had been this easy, then why didn’t I think of it? But sometimes as SEOs, as coders, as marketers, we tend to complicate things because we’ve been taught that this is complicated, that not anyone, not everyone can do this, especially if you don’t have the, and I’m doing air quotes, the knowledge. Right? I don’t have the knowledge. I don’t have the proper knowledge. I have to go listen to this guru, and this expert, and this ninja, hell, I’m not gonna go there, but they over-complicate shit.
We boiled it down, and once again we’d turn SEO on it’s ear, but you don’t need to be an SEO now to do this. You just have to have just follow simple instruction. You follow them, you do what you’re supposed to do, and then let us show you how to build a power from within and just use the power of Google against Google. It’s been the way that I’ve been doing things, at least, what, four or five years now. We’re coming up on the anniversary of RYS Academy, August. It’ll be three years.
So all of this, it just keeping keeps coming together, it keeps coming back to the same principle. You use Google to rank Google to get traffic from Google and it becomes a self-feeding monster. That’s what we’re onto right now. So it’s that, it’s the poster. It’s a done-for-you services, right? We’re going to have people who will know how to properly optimize a Google My Business listing, how to do the posts, how to do the images, how to work with the images so that you can concentrate really on building your business and getting more clients for your business and making more money.
Adam: Nice. I like it. And as someone, I’m not just saying this as someone who’s part of the business, I look forward to actually using the done-for-you services. So looking forward to this and hopefully everyone else is too. Last, but certainly not least, just want to tell you if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re just watching us, first of all, thanks for coming to Hump Day Hangouts. I put a link on the page, check out the Battle Plan. If you’re watching it later, you can’t find the link, it’s battleplan.semanticmastery.com. It’s like your SEO blueprint. It’s the fastest, best way to get started whether you’re just entering or you’ve been in the game for a while. It’s a great place to get started with us and with having a blueprint for your SEO.
Also, we have decided and we’re looking forward to meeting up with a small group, hopefully, about 20 to 25 people, this fall. We’re gonna announce dates later. It’s gonna be in the October, November timeframe. We’re still working that out. We’ve had a lot of really good feedback. As usual, it’s gonna be offered first to our MasterMind members, but we are looking forward to doing a one to two-and-a-half day training event and networking where we can get together and just do some awesome knowledge transfer, training, and just some awesome good stuff. I don’t know if you guys want to add on to that. We’re definitely gonna have some more information coming out later about that, but I wanna let you guys know that’s coming.
Hernan: Yeah. I’m super excited for that. I’m super, super, super pumped. I’ll put my camera around so that you can see how pumped I am. Not bad for sure. No. I’m really pumped about that because we can meet online and I think that the magic happens when we meet offline, like we actually get together. Semantic Mastery, it’s the testimony and the testimony of that. Every time we get together we get so much stuff done. When you go to events you get relationships, you start doing networking, and we got to be there. So I’m super pumped for that, super excited. It’s gonna be really good. We’re gonna get some hot seats doing so that we can advise you on your business, how to grow it. It’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s not gonna be super expensive either, guys. This is our gonna be our first live event so we’re gonna keep it relatively inexpensive and small too. We’re only gonna to, I think we agreed on no more than 25 people. Correct?
Hernan: Yep.
Bradley: Yeah. There’s only 25 seats available, basically. We want to keep it small intentionally because it’s our first one. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves, to be honest, but I think this would be good. I’ve been wanting to do it for a couple of years. I’ve been to some really amazing events in the past. Last year, I went to a great one, the SEO Rockstars event. It’s a great event and so that’s kind of inspired us to do it as well.
Like Hernan just mentioned, it’s more about, it’s not a money-making thing really, it’s just about being able to kind of build more of a culture. Right? That’s what if anybody’s followed ClickFunnels, they call it Cult-ure, but it’s very similar to that. It’s just to try to create some goodwill and kind of create some stronger bonds between us and our best or most avid followers or members or whatever you want to call it. So we certainly hope that some of you guys will come out and join us.
Adam: Definitely. Yeah. What you can accomplish in a day or two there, if you haven’t been to an event, is definitely amazing. For me, a lot of you brought … I know you have been, I’ve either seen you at events by this point in time or you have been going for years. It’s something I avoided for a long time, being something of an introvert, and it’s really an eye opener several years ago to finally go and just meet people and be like, oh, damn, these are my people. So, good stuff.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right. Well, unless you guys know anything else, I think we should jump into it.
Bradley: Yeah. Let’s do it. I do want to mention one thing though because Marco was mentioning RYS Academy three years. It’s three year anniversary’s coming up since the original launch and so I had to pull this up just because guys this is so incredible, I applied the RYS Academy methods before they were even fully developed in May of 2015. Let me zoom in on this so you can see it.
May 2015. So, that’s been over three years, guys, and I still rank, look at this, Virginia SEO, that’s the Google site. This is all RYS tactics, guys. Nothing else. Ranked number one in Maps. I got a WordPress.com site ranked or post ranked with a video image. What? For SEO Virginia as well. Also, SEO Agency Virginia, same thing. They’ve been marketing number one in Maps, Google Site, WordPress.com. Virginia SEO, that’s actually a company’s name. It’s Virginia SEO. I’ve got number one above Maps, I’m in the 3-pack, and I’m also got the WordPress.com.
Guys, again, this was, I mean, look at this, May 16th is when these were published. See that? May 16th, 2015. I said May 16th and then stopped, 2016 May 5th, excuse me, May 5-16th 2015. That’s a big deal, guys. Three years and I don’t do link building to this.
I haven’t added any additional posts to this site. I haven’t done anything. In fact, my own main website, I reduced from an old blog, a WordPress site that I had built into 2012 when I first launched, I’d never updated the site. I added a couple posts over the years, literally, a couple of posts over the years and that was it. Never updated the site. And I went ahead and re-did the site about a year ago now when I joined the Chamber of Commerce, my local Chamber of Commerce, just because I wanted to have an updated website.
So it’s a one-page website now, no blog posts, no internal pages, and I’m ranking number one in Maps. Anyways, and it’s all 100% RYS tactics, guys. That’s just incredible. Three years, nothing else has been done and I’m still outranking all the other SEO agencies in Virginia, which is insane.
This stuff works, man. That’s Local GMB Pro. That’s kind of why we’ve been pimping that for the last few weeks, guys, because it just works really well at generating leads, which brings us to the first question for today.
How Does GMB Posting Help In Lead Generation For Local Clients?
Aditya. I know I destroyed your name, so I apologize. He says, “How’s posting in GMB helps in lead generation for local clients?” Because it’s more of a mobile, it kind of speaks directly to the mobile search algorithm, and so you’ll find that the vast majority of traffic and leads that come from the GMB posting and the stuff that we’re doing inside the GMB dashboard is going to be mobile traffic. We’ve talked about this in the past.
In fact, do we still have the original webinar that we did, when we kind of pitch this, that we can drive people to? Because if so, I’ll just drop the link to that webinar and tag him on this, have him go watch the webinar because we discuss how we think it’s working. We don’t work for Google so we don’t know for sure, but we think we know how it works. Do we have that link guys by chance?
Adam: Yeah, sorry. One more time, which link?
Bradley: The link to the webinar for the GMB Pro-?
Hernan: Was it the launch?
Bradley: The launch webinar, yeah.
Adam: Yeah, we can grab that.
Bradley: Okay. Again, guys, we talked about it, whatever pricing was listed in that webinar we will not honor that now. It’s launched, so it’s at the launch price, whatever the full price. So just be aware that if you’re gonna watch the replay from the launch webinar that price is no longer valid. We stated very clearly that it was a very limited offer. But the course nonetheless is, it’s worth every freaking penny regardless. Okay?
What Are Best Practices In Optimizing A Photo For Local Business?
All right. Quit This House, I always forget your name, sorry, buddy. But anyways, he says, “Good day, gents. Thanks for the weekly sharing. I appreciate it so very much.” You’re welcome. “How do you tag photos with the area of the business etc? What are other ways to optimize a photo for best SEO practices?”
Okay. Well, it’s funny because I was actually recording training today. I added several videos to the GMB Pro course today specifically for that, so I certainly can’t reveal it all. But I can give kind of a high-level conceptual overview of some of the things that you can do. Okay. So one of the things you can do is just use photos from the area … First of all, the best thing to do is get original photos. Let me just start off with that. If you can get original photos that are taken on location for the areas that your business covers. Right?
If it’s a service-area business, which means the business goes to the customer’s location, not the other way around. A storefront or point-of-sale business is a type of business where the customers come to the business location, right? So that would be like a store. But a service-area business would be like contractors or kind of like for the case study I’m dealing with a taxi service. Right?
So those are called service-area businesses. So for those, the best thing to do is to go out in various locations within the service-area and take photos from a phone with the GPS enabled so that you get the EXIF data, the geodata literally stamped or embedded directly into the metadata of the file of the photo. Okay? That’s the best. However, as I have experienced as in the recent weeks with my clients that I’m doing this for, many of my clients have promised me that they were going to get me photos, because most of my current clients are contractors so they have technicians to go out and do jobs and such, and I tell them, all I need you to do is just take photos when you go to a new job.
Take two or three photos, drop em into a folder that I’ve set up for each one of my clients, and none of them have given … Let me take that back, I’ve got one client that has given me about six photos. In about a month, and that’s it. All the other clients, they keep saying “Oh yeah, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it” and they never do it.
So I gave up, I quit trying to bug them, now I’m just going the route of using stock images that I purchase licenses to, okay. And then you know, credits or whatever from … So I have an account for that, I download the stock photos, and then I upload them, or excuse me, I append a bunch of metadata to them, so you can do that, that’s the next best thing.
And that’s something you can do using Exif data tools, such as … I use GeoSetter, it’s a windows software that you download for windows, its called geosetter, its free. Geosetter.de I think is the domain, if you wanna go download it.
And I optimize my images using that. And so essentially, you can go grab geodata, latitude, longitude, you can also grab … Where do you get that? Well just go to city center, go to Google for example, and search for each one of the locations that are within your service area.
Let’s just say your business covers one county, okay? Then you can go to like, zip-codes.com type in the county and the state, and it will pull up all of the zip codes, and locations that are contained within the county. So extract those location names, extract those zip codes, and then go do a latitude-longitude finder, so again, go to Google and type latitude longitude finder, and then just type in the city name right, the location name, and hit search. And it’ll give you the city center of whatever that location name is, and it’ll give you latitude and longitude.
Now you can just put all of that into a spreadsheet, and now you have all the data that you need to go start optimizing images with specific location data. right, and then uploading those to GMB. So that’s how you do it, you can also … You can hyper-optimize the images by squeezing in a bunch of keywords and all kinds of other stuff, I pretty much stick to the basics of just location information, and then the latitude and longitude, and then I’ll also insert contact information and URL’s in a couple spots. And again, I cover all that stuff in great detail, in the course.
Does anybody wanna comment on that before I move on?
Hernan: Yeah, the webinar is all about this. And I would get unlimited images, unlimited local as a matter of fact.
Bradley: Yeah the stuff that you were telling me about today I’m not gonna reveal here, but some real ninja stuff guys, some great great ideas for generating pretty much-unlimited content for images and videos too. So, we’ll talk about that in the webinar.
What Is The Secret To Ranking YouTube Videos On the First Page of Google?
Mark Goodman, what’s up mark? I met Mark down at the SEO Rockstars event that I was just mentioning. Anyways, he said, “I have no problem ranking videos at the top of YouTube, what is the secret to ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google?”
That’s a good one Mark, there’s really no secret, it’s work, right. The secret is some keywords just, are basically like having a version to ranking videos for them. What I mean by that is there are certain categories of search queries or terms, Google categorizes certain searches right? There’s commercial intent, there’s informational intent, various types of search categories. And some categories, Google just does not like to display videos for.
And I found that for a lot of competitive local terms guys, a lot of the times it’s difficult to rank videos for them, so the key, the trick is to find longer tail versions, or start hitting some of the suburb areas, I’m just assuming you’re talking about local mark, I don’t know that that’s the case, but for local specifically, it’s targeting some of the locations like, instead of the broad metropolitan area, target some of the suburbs, or some of the boroughs or districts or whatever. If you’re talking about a county like I just mentioned previously you can go in and gather all the different locations contained within that county, and optimize the video, the same video, that keyword plus each one of those locations if you want right.
And find out some of them are gonna rank easy, some of them won’t. That’s just the nature of the game, but as far as ranking a broader term and again I’m speaking about local just because that’s … Guys, you know that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local. You can build a silo Mark, if you’re not familiar with the YouTube Silo Academy, you’ve bought some of our products, you should have access to it already, you should have access to our bonus site which is included in there, go through the YouTube Silo Academy training, it’s old but it still works. The principles are still the same, that hasn’t changed at all, but take the broadest erm that you’re trying to rank for, put that at the top of a playlist, and then start building, just like you would be siloing a website, you would take keywords that are longer tailed that are supporting-type keywords, and create videos or use the same video, optimized for those various supporting keywords, put them all in the same playlist, with the internal link from the description up to that top level, the top of the silo. Also link to the playlist, because the playlist is nothing more than a container right? It’s a container that contains videos. So you want a link to the container, to juice up the entire container, but also link up to the top level, the top of a silo, which is your broadest terms.
One more thing, once you’ve published the video, go in and comment underneath, the first comment on the video, as soon as its published go in and comment, and drop a link to the top video that you want to rank. Okay, and then pin that comment, to where it’s the pinned comment at the top, like it’s the first comment, and it will stay the first comment underneath the video.
Okay, so now you’ve got an internal link form the YouTube description, going to the top level video in the silo, which is the one you wanna rank, then you’ve also got an internal link pointing to the playlist, which powers up the entire container, then you’ve got a comment link which is, I believe, a do-follow link, as long as it’s an internal link, from the video up to your top-level term. The top-level video essentially.
Right? And now you’ve got basically every single one of your video URLs, are target URLs for link building, and your playlist URL is a target URL. For link building. Does that make sense? And so you’ve got literally a bunch of URLs now, and by the way, in case you guys weren’t aware of this, and this is covered in YouTube Silo Academy, but for each … Whenever you put a video in a playlist, you have the original video URL, but then once it’s added to a playlist, and you play the video from the playlist, now it has it’s own unique playlist URL for that specific video.
So think about how many URLs you can extract from this. And we’re not even talking about all the variations of YouTube URLs either, I’m talking about just the straight YouTube URL and playlist URL, you can get a bunch of variations from those and now you’ve got … You can just do a ton of link building.
One other thing Mark, the last thing I’m gonna say about this before moving on, is engagement. Engagement is one of the most primary ranking factors for YouTube videos now, not just on YouTube but also on Google. And so, I’ve talked about this many times but how to use YouTube ads to rank local videos. In Google search right? Let me repeat that, how do you use YouTube or Google AdWords to buy views and clicks that are locally relevant, cause you can set all this up through targeting, we’ve covered this in great detail in the past, you can go to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/semanticmastery, click the channel search function, and type in YouTube ads for ranking local videos, or something like that, and just start perusing through.
You’ll see within the last two months or so we did an extended answer on this, on how to do that in Hump Day Hangouts. Okay but it’s really, really a great way to do it, pretty much almost standard operating procedure for all videos that I try to rank for local terms, I go in and set up an AdWords campaign now for it. A dollar a day to start with guys, it’s 30 bucks a month. And once I start getting the traction or I get ranked I back it down to about 50 cents a day, which costs 15 dollars per month to maintain, okay. It’s totally worth it. So, we’re going to move on.
Hernan: I would just add to what you just said, video powerhouse, to get in bed, and then we also have our own YouTube views platform, but that’s in beta testing, also it’s about to be released, so I would say next couple of weeks it’ll be ready, and then you could buy views from us, you know. You don’t have to go and learn how to [inaudible 00:26:35] YouTube ads and all that stuff if you don’t want to, you could just get ‘em from us. It’ll be cheaper than buying from you YouTube.
Bradley: Yeah, and forgive me for not mentioning video powerhouse but yeah, that’s certainly part of it, that’s part of the whole Silo Academy stuff, or excuse me, YouTube silo stuff that I do, includes embedding because you can … Think about it guys, if you’ve created a YouTube silo, you’ve got all these other supporting YouTube videos right? Each time you do an embed blast with those, is very similar to doing link building to any of the URLs, in that your powering up that specific video, but that video has a link both in the video description, and the comment area, that links up to the top level video that you’re trying to rank, as well as the playlist which powers up everything contained within it. So my point is, is that the embeds plus the backlinks, plus the engagement. All of those combined if what you need Mark, to get ranked. Okay.
How To Schedule Post In WordPress Using RSS Masher?
Arpiet says “How to schedule a post in WordPress using RSS masher?”
Ah that sounds like a really good question to ask Damon Nelson, the developer of RSS Masher, again I don’t support his product, I know we have promoted it, and it’s a great product, don’t get me wrong its just I don’t support it so I don’t, I really can’t tell you, there may be a scheduling option inside of RSS masher, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t.
I haven’t been in RSS masher in about a year, and it’s not because it’s not a good tool, it’s a great tool, it’s just I haven’t been using it. Because I have my VA’s and all of our processes that they, they do everything basically manually. RSS Masher’s a great tool, guys, for doing feed splicing, and doing some really cool stuff cause you can embed, like inject content into the RSS feed, if you splice feeds you can add HTML links, I think you can even embed stuff in there now, it’s crazy. It’s a great tool, there’s a lot of really cool stuff that you can do with RSS masher.
There’s also another great RSS SEO tool, that’s Lisa Allen’s, it’s called Rank Feeder. And Rank Sniper, or RSS Sniper I think it’s called, or something like that. I don’t use that, I just use the rank feeder side of it, which is like, you create these co-citation feeds, which is incredibly powerful. It’s strictly an SEO tool though, where RSS masher, Damon nelson’s tool can be used for affiliate stuff, for content marketing, for splicing feeds, there’s a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it, okay. Both of them are great tools by the way.
When you trying to publish many posts… Again, I would direct you to ask a question specifically about the functionality of RSS masher to Damon.
“Is it still helpful to ranking in 2018?” Yeah, it can be, again I don’t look at RSS masher as strictly a ranking tool, I look at it as a marketing tool. Rank Feeder is an SEO tool. Okay, so yeah, you can still use it to help rank as well, but again I think it’s more functional than just for ranking purposes. So is it still relevant or valid? Yes. Absolutely, for more than just ranking. If you’re looking for just a ranking solution rank feeders a better bed in my opinion. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Find The Best VA To Do Keyword Research?
Next Scott says, “I’m having a” … What’s up Scott, he says “I’m having a tough time finding a keyword VA to do the keywords for GMB accounts like your keyword research girl, did you find your keyword vs through Upwork, OnlineJobs.ph, or somewhere else?” Probably OnlineJobs.ph, where’d you find her Marco?
Marco: Yeah actually it’s Hernan fires up the [crosstalk 00:30:08] our outsource Kingpin hiring funnel and then he does the preliminaries, and then I just get the cream of the crop. And then I do an interview, we found Joel that way, Joel is awesome.
Bradley: Yep
Marco: And then we found that keyword research girl, the exact same way, just fired up the funnel. And maybe, or it could be Scott, if you’re advertising for a keyword VA your target is wrong. And I always tell Hernan, just get me someone who can follow direction.
Bradley: That’s it.
Marco: That’s all I want, if they can watch a video and understand that all they have to do, they don’t have to think, they just have to do what the video tells them to do, and that’s all I want because then she went through Jeffrey Smith’s SEO ultimate Bootcamp, the keyword training in there, then that work empire ultimate keyword tool, Bradley Benner’s keyword training, keyword training RYS reloaded style, and then that all gets put together into actionable silos. So that all you … Then you take those keywords and apply them into the silo that the VA sets up. But I mean that’s all the process. But the original processes is, Hernan, just get me someone who can follow directions.
Hernan: Yeah. And sorry if I can add real quick, that’s the whole thing. It doesn’t really matter what kind of paths they’re gonna be doing, of course it helps, if they’re in a customer service position they need to have really good English right? Written and … Written mostly. If they’re into the SEO virtual assistant side of things, so they need to follow instructions, it might help, or it might not help that they have some experience. We sometimes check that out, sometimes we don’t, but I think Scott, that it doesn’t have to do specifically with where, but what’s the process that you put them through.
So again, it has to … You can get people from Upwork, Freelancer, OnlineJobs.ph, now we hire … The hiring funnels for some Spanish VAs we’re looking for, bilingual VAs. So, it’s not a matter of where it’s a matter of how you’re getting them. And again, it all comes down so that they can follow instructions number one, that they are motivated to work with you. That’s the whole process hiring funnel. And I would say that yeah, that would be pretty much it.
If I may add Scott, some people in the MasterMind they will fire up the hiring funnel, and they will end up with an excess of applicants that are really good, so you can go ahead and ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, that’s one of the things that I love by the way, but you can ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, who has some applicants that they thought were really good, that but you can not just take them because of the bandwidth of your process, and your project. I think that there are some people that are, ended up with five or seven or even ten applicants that they found that they were really good but they cannot hire. So go ahead and ask on the MasterMind group because I’m pretty sure that there are some people in there that are willing to help you.
Bradley: And I think Daryl Dressel had some the last time he, it might have not of been Daryl, but I think it was, I seem to remember a thread in the MasterMind just recently where he had fired up the hiring funnel and had like six really qualified candidates, but we only wanted to hire two or something like that, so there was like four available candidates, and so as Hernan just mentioned guy, that’s … Scott, you should have access to Outsource Kingpin, at least as far as I’m aware right? You’re a MasterMind member, go through it man, I’m telling you, it’s incredible.
As Hernan just found out, cause he fired it up for trying to find some bilingual VAs, it was a little bit more difficult looking for Spanish VAs than it was for Philippines VAs, but it works like magic for Philippines VAs, we have found, I mean, shit, I think between all of us now we’ve got 30-35 VAs maybe, maybe even more than that. Its crazy, and all of them have been basically all found and hired through the Outsource Kingpin hiring funnel.
Hernan: Yes. If I may add, I think It has to do with the specific … Because it’s the first time that we have had some issues hiring people. Not some issues, but some delays. I think it has to do with the websites not being ready to take on this kind of funnel. We managed to work it out but it took us a little bit longer. I think that the people in the Philippines, they are so used to work remotely, and the websites are making that easier, it works like crazy. Works like magic anyway.
Bradley: Yep and just, to mention real quick, what’s so good about it guys is that fact that as Marco just said, most of the time were not looking to hire skilled help right, because we’re going to train them in the exact processes that we want, in the exact way that we want them done, right. And that’s the key to it guys because of the problem with hiring skilled … Now don’t get me wrong, there are times when you’re gonna need to hire skilled help, like a coder for example or a programmer or something like that, which I’ll do. And typically when I’m going to look for skilled help, skilled labor, I’ll go to Upwork. And I will post a job that is only viewable by invitation. In other words, it’s not a publicly posted job, I will go … I will screen candidates that have profiles in Upwork, I’ll go hand select a handful of them, and then send them an invitation to bid on the job or to review the job right. For skilled work.
But for the most part, our VAs that we hire on salary, which is full-time positions, we’re gonna train them. So we don’t look for skilled help, and so again most of the posts that I do whenever I need to hire another vs is I’ll post, SEO virtual assistant. Seeking SEO virtual assistant, or seeking virtual assistant, or seeking administrative help, or something like that so I’m not talking about, need a keyword research person. You know what I mean? Because I’m gonna train them, with processes which again, all this is taught in Outsource Kingpin, but exactly how I produced the training.
Any of you guys that have ever seen my process docs, they all look the exact same. There’s no difference, all I do is record the training in a video, and then I go back and I basically transcribe the training, the video into a Google doc. That’s a bulleted Google doc, like a list basically. Numbered and bullets. And that’s how all of my process docs look. And it works really well. Because now anything that I can do, I can train somebody to do, using that exact same method.
So anybody that says that they don’t have time because they’re overwhelmed with work, or they can’t outsource because nobody can do it as good as them, no. It’s because you just haven’t taken the time to document how you do it. That it okay.
And guys, I don’t always drink my own Kool-Aid right, there are times, there are certain functions of my job that I just have not ever outsourced because I did not want to relinquish control. It was just the first of this year, January of this year, that I finally outsourced client reporting. I had been doing that myself, throughout my entire digital marketing career. And it was just eating up two to three days at the beginning of every month for me, and I just continued to do it, and I finally outsourced that in January and what a load off. Cause I got two and a half, three days back every single month now.
So again, it’s something that I highly recommend you guys get into doing Scott.
Sam, it’s funny, Scott and Sam, we met both of them in Portland, at the same event. [inaudible 00:38:07] hang out in Portland.
Would A Narrow Niche Site Ranks With Only The Homepage And 3 Category Pages?
Sam says “For a niche site with a very narrow focus, rather than building multiple silos, could I get away with putting my main 2,000+ word article on a static homepage and try to rank the homepage? And having two to three category home pages with supporting blog posts?”
Yeah absolutely Sam, if it’s a narrow focus why not, right? Absolutely. By the way guys, anybody that says, you know, I know there’s been training that … There are so many different thoughts out there about silos and, you have to have four or five silos on a site for it to be a properly siloed site and all that, that’s bullshit. I mean, maybe there’s some data to back some of that stuff up, or maybe in some really competitive terms and stuff that may be the case, but I know I’ve got sites that are just mono silos. Essentially it’s one singular silo of the site, and that’s it. And so there’s more depth to the silo but not width right. Width would be additional categories, depth is additional supporting posts within one silo.
And so we’ve got one of the case study sites that I built for Masterclass when we were doing the masterclass, is still ranking number one in maps now. And it’s a mono silo site, it’s one singular silo site with I think five pages which are subcategories and then one or two posts for each subcategory, and that’s it. And it’s been ranking number one in maps for shit, over two years now. And I haven’t some a damn thing to it.
What Website Service Would You Recommend For Real Estate Agents?
Anyways, next would be Ajay, he says “Which website service do you recommend for real estate agents? Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built?”
Okay, I can’t answer website platforms for real estate agents, I couldn’t tell you because I don’t deal with them, we have plenty of members though that do work in real estate that could probably comment on this even page. So those of you, Greg, Damon, you know a number of you, [Tahla 00:40:03], if you’re on, any of you guys that are watching that are in the MasterMind that I know are in real estate, if you guys wanna jump in and help Ajay with some recommendations, that would be great. Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built? Well, if some of these guys can recommend website platforms for real estate that have RSS feeds and a blog, you could just use that right, if not, then what I recommend doing, and typically whenever we run across any type of site for clients or whatever, any projects that aren’t on … The primary site or the blog is not held on WordPress, then our go to method is to install WordPress on a subdomain of the root domain.
So in other words, if you’re gonna go with a real estate website platform solution, that does not have a blog and an RSS feed function, then I would recommend that on a subdomain of that, the domain that you build the website on, so whatever it may be, I would put a blog.subdomain on it, and install WordPress and use that subdomain and the WordPress installation as your content distribution engine. Cause you can still accomplish the same stuff having the blog on a subdomain. And that give you all of the functionality of WordPress, without having to try to integrate the real estate website platform into syndication network and all of that, because sometimes that can be difficult if it doesn’t have an RSS feed.
So again, just install WordPress on a subdomain, good to go.
Alright, Kraig says … The GMB Pro Facebook group’s live, and wow, and there’s activity in there already, a lot of activity already, it’s been kind of a whirlwind of activity for the last couple of days so Kraig, reach out to support if you haven’t got access already.
What Deficiencies Should You Point Out To A Prospect To Sell The Value Of Local GMB Strategy To Them?
Nigel says “Good day gents”, what’s up Nigel. He says “What’s a good pitch to sell the value of local GMB strategy? For instance, what deficiencies can/should you point out to help close prospect? Can you review an example of and how do you address any metrics or proof?
Yeah Nigel, all I’m doing for proof is just showing GMB insights of accounts that we’ve applied this method to, that’s it. That’s it. That’s all the proof I need. So keep it simple, not talking to you directly Nigel, but keep it simple stupid. So KISS, the Keep It Simple Strategy, how do you show proof? Well, you just show Google insights where this method has, it worked really well. And just show hey, here’s the number of times you’ve been given impressions, this is how many times people hae engaged, they’ve clicked through your website or clicked through to a website, or phone calls, or driving directions if it’s a storefront, you can show all of that. And insights guys, as GMB continues to evolve, which they’re adding new shit all the time, insights is becoming more … There’s more data now. And they’re gonna be rolling out new metrics and KPIs and things like that, we’ll be able to measure or monitor within GMB insights as well.
Some really cool stuff we just saw this week, in fact in the GMB pro I think it was Greg, Greg [inaudible 00:43:12] who posted some insights reporting, showing the questions and answers. Those of you that are local guides, you guys know, if you’re a local guide, you know you’re probably getting prompted on your phone, often, whenever you’re out and about in town, to answer questions about locations that you’re next to, or hat your visiting right?
Well, those are now questions and answers, the results of those questions that GMB is asking are now being displayed in insights too. To the business owner. So the business owner can get a better idea of, what kinda sentiment is coming from people answering questions about their business.
So it’s, I forget I think maybe it was Marco that mentioned it in the thread that Greg started about this in the GMB Pro Facebook. This is Google crowdsourcing data for GMB. [Marc 00:44:05] you wanna comment on that?
Marco still here?
Marco: I was talking into a muted mike, sorry.
As far as how you sell this, I’m sorry, that’s the question right?
Bradley: Yep. Well, I wanna talk about also the crowdsourcing, Google crowdsourcing for data right now.
Marco: Yeah, but the … I was kinda talking about that while you were talking to me. And I really wanna focus on that, but we tend to complicate things when we pitch it. And simple really works, you show as Bradley said, results. And if someone can’t react to them, what was it you said? If someone seeds them and they don’t get excited [crosstalk 00:44:58]
Bradley: They’re likely dead.
Marco: Yeah. I think, please. And you just move on, because there’s someone there goes “Oh okay, I want that for me”. Most people react that way.
Bradley: That’s how I sold it to three of my client just, sorry Marco, but just real quick, the first three that I pitched, clients of mine that were already existing clients, that’s all I did, as I just showed GMB insights screenshots and I said: look at this, I can absolutely quantify the results of this service within 30 days, try it out” and two out of three of them jumped on it.
The only reason why the third one didn’t, is because he’s overwhelmed with calls right now, he literally asked me to help him throttle his call volume down. I’m not kidding you. But anyways, go ahead Marco.
Marco: No I mean, the training is simple, because it’s a simple concept. The pitch should be just as simple because again, what you’re selling them it’s so simple. This is what you get. If I do this, this is what happens. And so it’s cause and effect relationship, and it’s really on a pay … You’re going to produce, or you don’t get paid right? And you keep it that simple.
Bradley: Yep. That’s the other thing Nigel remember, keep it that way. Say look no contract … I like the no contract idea, although I may have to start using some contracts for some stuff that I’m doing, I pretty much always run my agency without any contracts, I have on occasion used contracts when it was required by the client, usually for bigger companies, but most of the smaller companies that I work with I just tell them to flat out “Look, there’s no contract, you can cancel at any time. If I’m producing results for you, you should want to continue paying me so that you can continue getting those results. If I’m not producing, you shouldn’t be committed or obligated to continue paying me. You should be able to just you know, part”.
So anyway, “Example of how to set up a G site landing page quickly for conversions, and can you show an example?”
Well, first of all, I can’t show an example, not sure what you mean about a G site landing page? If you’re talking about just setting up a Google site to act as a landing page, really that’s just design element stuff and Nigel honestly, all you need to do is just go do some Google searches for high converting local landing pages type stuff, and you can look … There’s been a lot of research done on this stuff guys.
So just go look at some of the research and you’ll see that there’s pretty much only a handful of basic elements that should be on a landing page, that is set up for conversions. And a lot of times you can mimic an AdWords landing page. Like what they consider to be the best type of landing page for lead generation, for local businesses that are running AdWords. Just mimic something like that. Excuse me, model something like that. That’s all that you need to do.
I mean there’s a reason why most landing pages look very similar guys because they work, they have been tested to death okay.
What Is The Impact Of Removing The Street Address From The NAP On The Effectiveness Of The Local GMB Strategy?
Alright, we’re gonna keep on moving. Don says “With the new local GMB strategy I have been acquiring more and more addresses to verify”, very good Don “From an SEO point of view have you noticed any difference in effectiveness when you remove the street address from the NAP service-area of business?”, well see, as per Googles terms of service, or their recommendations for service-area businesses you should not display the address. It should always be checked or, the box unchecked or whatever to display the business address, and again that’s per Googles own terms of service for service-area businesses.
So, I’ve just about, I don’t know I might have one or two that are actually displaying the address, but they were projects that I’ve never followed through with, so pretty much all of my [inaudible 00:48:46] properties for clients that are service-area businesses, I basically right off the bat, just so you know typically when I register the business, if I’m setting up the GMB listing for the first time, and I have to get it verified, then I will make sure the address is displayed when I first set up the listing, to request the postcard. But then once the postcard and the verification occurs, once I have that pin number or the pin or whatever, and I entered that and verified it, it becomes a published listing, then the first thing I do is uncheck that box to display the address. Because that’s again, per their recommendations.
I know some people have experimented with that, and even for service-area businesses they’ll show the address, and it will get better results for ranking, but I don’t wanna lose … I also, remember, a lot of these are spammed addresses. In other words, they’re P.O. boxes, and I don’t want a competitor looking at Google maps and seeing very quickly by just clicking the satellite button, that it’s a post office. Or even if it’s got a map pin basically sitting right on top of my pin, and it shows as a US post office. So I want to hide that address so that that doesn’t occur.
I mean, a competitor could go do a quick Google search for the business name plus the phone number and find other citations that are gonna list the address, but I don’t wanna make it stupid easy for them, right? Make them work for it at least.
So Don I really can’t answer that, maybe somebody else can tell you, I wouldn’t mess with it, I would not show the street address for service-area businesses. Unless customers also come to that location. Which that is an exception, and that’s also covered in the Google help files.
Marco: For SEO, if he’s doing RYS Reloaded he needs to display the address so that our builders can find the address and build the stack, and hook everything up to the address, once that process is done then he can hide it, but once he’s done building the drive stack he can hide the address. But you need that drive stack, and you need it for a very specific purpose. If you’re in RYS reloaded, read the black book, it’ll tell you why you need to display the address, it’s all explained in there. But yes, there is an SEO point of view on this, once that’s done and taken care of, you can go ahead and hide it, and you should be okay.
What Are Your Thoughts On The GMB Agency Dashboard?
Bradley: Yep. James says “I have yet to take local GMB pro course, but I gather what I can from Hump Day Hangouts” that’s what a lot of people do James, and we encourage that guys, we talk about that a lot, I mean Mohammed Maki, one of our star members right now of the MasterMind, has been amazing. He came and just asked questions every single week, Nigel’s another one, Nigel’s in our MasterMind, we were just talking to Nigel. The same thing, he came and asked questions every week, and applied what he learned, and took action, and both Mohammed and Nigel. And got their business generating enough revenue to where they came and joined the MasterMind. That awesome. So again James, keep doing what you’re doing man, you’ll get there. We encourage you to do that.
He says “I came across GMB agency dashboard in my Reddit newsfeed a couple of hours ago, I know it has just been released, but I was curious to know what your thoughts are on it, will it benefit SEOs doing local GMB, or will it give Google another footprint to observe?”.
No, look I haven’t had, again, this was just announced today, I just posted this link right here, just below your comment James, about bright locals post on it as well, so none of us have had time to play with it yet, we will be talking about it more once we have a little bit more experience with it, but I, look I don’t see it as being a trap of any sort, I see it as being a useful tool. Okay, if you’re gonna be managing peoples Google My Businesses for them, and they give you an agency, it’s kind of like having an AdWords manager account. I have an AdWords manager account because I manage multiple AdWords accounts. So it just makes it a lot easier, it’s not, I don’t think it’s a trap of any sort, or anything like that, they’re just trying to improve their processes right?
Again, I know Marco doesn’t think the same way I do, but I’ve always looked at Google as my business partner and not my enemy, Marco’s like, “Fuck Google” all the time. But I personally, I’ve never felt that way. So honestly, I would use the tool if it … I just haven’t, I have not tried it out yet, but I will be over the coming weeks.
What Percentage Of The Sites Are Placed In Your Main Google/GSuite Account To Boost Lead Generation Or Client Sites?
Jim says “When using Google sites for lead generation and/or boosting client sites, what percentage of the sites are placed in your main Google G Suite account? Are you spreading them across many accounts?”
For Google sites, yeah I do, I would create the main Google site, which will be the branded Google site, under the main account, but everything else that I’m using specifically just for link building purposes, I do all those under persona accounts guys. Keep your accounts separate, okay. Keep your accounts separate guys. Remember you wanna keep your branded properties, the profiles that own the branded properties, you wanna keep them as clean as possible. So do all your other activities, spammy or nonspammy, any time you’re building Google sites for the specific purpose, the sole purpose of ranking, using for link building and to help rank other properties right? That spam guys. I don’t care whether you like that word or not, it’s spam. So keep your spammy activity outside of your main Google branded profiles. You’d definitely want to keep that out, keen them separate. Guys you can buy, phone verified Google accounts for dirt cheap. You can use those accounts to set up Google sites and do all the spammy stuff that you wanna do. Okay.
Marco: My answer to this is none. I get them from our own builders, and what they turn over is the Gmail account, and we have a specific way. We make our main account the manager of that drive stack and the G site and whatever. So that we never again have to go in there and touch that drive stack. It doesn’t need to. If it does, then I just turn it back to the builders, and I say just give me more folders and files, and whatever. And the main purpose for that, is not only to protect the account, but also you don’t wanna overburden the one Gmail account, of the one drive account with the script that we run. And if you run multiple scripts inside one account, you are going to get banned. You’re going to wake up and everything gonna be gone. Googles going to tell you, we don’t appreciate you using our resources like that.
Bradley: Yep. Yes, spread your eggs across many baskets, let’s put it that way. I will create a branded Google site underneath the main profile for that business, but like Marco said, when I order a drive stack for that business, that’s a separate Google site that gets built. That’s not the … I’m not, I will include the branded Google site that I created under the branded profile, I’ll include that URL as one of the target URLs for the drive stack, but that’s not the drive stack Google site, that Google site for the drive stack is created underneath the persona profile that was used when the entire drive stack was created. So again, keep those things separate, there’s a reason for it, and it’s to eliminate any potential spammy penalties from Google. For your business profile.
Is There A Difference In Terms Of Ranking A Blog In The Same Domain And On A Separate Domain?
Dan, what’s up Dan, he says “Is there a difference in effectiveness as far as rankings go for having the blog page and the website vs having the blog page link out to an established blog website the business has had for years?”
Okay so basically, your blog is on an external domain right, a separate domain. Blog page on the website vs having a blog page link out.
Okay, I think I know what you mean. So if you’ve got a money site, and for example in the navigation menu on the money site, you’ve got a blog button or a blog link, that would typically go to the blog roll within the same domain right? The blog index page, however you’re saying, could it link to an external blog?
Yeah I’ve got a couple of clients where that’s the case, and so there’s a few things that you can do, you can do[inaudible 00:57:13] tags from the blog which is on another domain, to point back to the main money site, you can do that, you can also use the other blog to certainly just do contextual links like you typically would for normal link voting purposed back to the money site. So there’s a number of things you can do for that, if it’s an established blog though, as long the brands are associated, as long as those two domains are associated with that brand, which you can do a lot of that stuff with structure data too, it should be okay.
Obviously it would be better to have the blog on the domain itself, but I know in some situations, there’s some unique I have where it’s very similar, the blog has been on an external domain, and we’ve still been able to make it work, okay.
“The real question is where will the relevance go, I’m thinking the GMB site and the blog site? Thanks” yeah, I would just make sure everything is really branded well, everything is interlinked well do that Google understand that those two domains are both part of that entity. And again, you can accomplish a lot of that with structured data. Something else you may want to do, is remember in GMB guys, you have the website and then you have the appointment setter URL, you might be able to squeeze that one in there too. The blog URL. Try that and see, it might work.
Okay were almost done, sett, were almost out of time too, this has worked out.
Thanks for the information about VAs I will fire up an outsource funnel asap, yeah Scott, remember you’re in the MasterMinds, so if you have any questions about that, please feel free, we’ll be happy to … And again, a lot of our members in the MasterMind have used it very successfully, so there will be of plenty of people to jump in and help you out if you need it.
Hernan: Yes and Scott, if you need any kind of walk through or any kind of specific advice, just make a post on the Facebook group, tag me, and I’ll tell you what we do, I’ll tell you what I do, what I’m looking for when I’m interviewing these folks and whatnot, so that you can have a better understanding but yeah, you should have plenty of results like, plenty of pre screened VAs in the MasterMind group itself. So.
Bradley: Yeah so, you might not even have to go through that process. It would be good for you, Scott if you were gonna be building your team, to go through that process and learn it and set it up for your own business anyways, but my point is if you just need a quick, if you just need to hire a VA right away because you’re overwhelmed or whatever, again, there’s probably gonna be people that already have screened very qualified candidates and they’ll have some that they could direct your way. Okay.
Okay Don, apparently we answered your questions so good, well thanks everybody for being here, this worked out, on the money, 5pm. Wow. So we don’t have any other webinars this week do we guys?
Adam: I think that is it.
Hernan: Yes,
Bradley: Alright everybody, well thanks everybody for being here, well see you all next week.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: See all you guys.
Marco: Bye everybody.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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nonameisrequired12344 · 3 years ago
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charllieeldridge · 5 years ago
15 Pros and Cons Of Being An Online English Teacher
When I started teaching English online over two years ago, I thought it would be a fun side hustle and a way to travel more. I quickly learned that the perks of teaching online go way beyond a bit of extra cash and more vacation days. 
Online teaching gave me more flexibility with my time than I expected. I’ve gained new skills as a virtual tutor and connect with students from around the world. I save hours every week by not having to commute to work and I’m able to visit loved ones without having to request any time off. 
There are numerous perks of teaching online, but there are some downsides as well. And with so many online English teaching jobs available, you’ll want to make sure you do your research and choose a reputable company.
In this post, I’ll list 15 pros and cons of being an online English teacher so that you can decide if this remote career is right for you.
What is Teaching English Online?
Now more than ever, industries are taking advantage of the internet to connect people around the world. Teaching is no exception. 
With the rise of specialty online courses and remote higher education programs, it’s no surprise that online language companies are also becoming popular. 
Online English companies hire native or fluent English speakers to teach language lessons on their platforms. Some companies attract students from all over the world but many companies focus on the high-demand Chinese market. 
These companies often provide their own English curriculum and teaching website. Teachers and students log in to a “virtual classroom” where they can have a lesson over video chat. 
With most companies, teachers see dozens of different students. Students usually work with several teachers. You might have some recurring students who you teach often, or you might work with all new students each time you open your schedule. 
As an online English teacher, you will work for one of these companies. Your primary responsibility is teaching English classes to the students on the platform. The position is fully remote and you’ll likely be hired as an independent contractor, which means you have more flexibility than you would have with a traditional teaching job. 
Who Can Teach Online?
Since there are so many online English companies out there, most native English speakers can find a job that matches their credentials. In general, online English teachers must meet the following requirements: 
Native English speaker (though some companies will hire fluent speakers as well)
BA Degree or higher (there are some exceptions to this rule)
TEFL certificate (again, there are some exceptions to this)
Love working with people, especially children
Patient and understanding when speaking to a new English learner
Regular access to high-speed internet and a teaching device such as a laptop or tablet. 
If you’re not a native English speaker or if English isn’t your strong suit, there are also options to teach other languages online on platforms like iTalki or Teachable. With these learning platforms, you can teach any language you’re fluent in. You make your own lessons, set your own rates, and attract your own clients on the websites.
How Do I Get Started?
The quickest and easiest way to get started is to apply with a trustworthy online English company. Consider your qualifications and the individual company requirements to find a few options that are a good fit for you.
Here are a few well-known companies to start your research:
VIPKID: VIPKID is one of the oldest and most established online teaching companies — they also pay the highest salary as well. Requirements: Native English Speaker from USA or Canada, BA Degree or Higher, 1+ Year experience working with children, TEFL certification preferred. The best part about VIPKID is that you can work from anywhere in the world. Click here to read our VIPKID review.
Qkids: Qkids is similar to VIPKID in terms of the requirements and qualifications you must meet. Plus, they pay a similar wage to their teachers. One distinct difference is that you must actually be living in the USA or Canada in order to work with Qkids — making it not the best option for Digital Nomads (unless you want to travel around those two countries). Click here to read our review of Qkids.
EF Education First Online: EF Online is the best option for teachers from the UK. Not only is the pay high at £12.50/$19 per hour, but there are lots of perks as well. US citizens can also apply for EF. As with Qkids, you must be physically living in the UK in order to work for EF Education First Online. Click here to read our review of the company.
10 Perks of Teaching English Online For a Living
Life is good as an online English teacher. Teaching online is a great way to make decent money while working remotely with tons of schedule flexibility. Online teachers often have very little prep work outside of actually teaching and area able to work with small groups of students from all around the world. This is one of the best travel jobs out there! Here are some of the top perks.
1. You Get to Work From Home With No Commute
When I first made the switch from teaching in a traditional classroom to teaching online, one of the biggest perks was simply not having to commute anywhere.
My mornings used to begin with a 30-minute drive. Now, they begin with a three-minute journey to the kitchen for coffee, then to my desk.
In addition to not having to commute anywhere, I quickly fell in love with the work-from-home life. I was saving at least an hour every day not sitting in traffic and I loved having the little comforts of home during my work mornings — namely my favourite coffee mug and comfy desk chair.
2. Flexibility to Work While Travelling or Visiting Loved Ones
Working from home was a dream, but teaching online allowed me to go a step further. It allowed me to make money while travelling.
Whether I was teaching from a tropical beach – ok, well not literally from a tropical beach, more like from a hotel near a tropical beach – or from my friend’s house in another state, I loved being location independent.
Teaching online let me explore the world unrestricted. I could work from a fun new travel destination, or I could work while visiting with a loved one — without having to ask permission from anyone to take time off work.
3. Most Companies Have No Minimum or Maximum Working Hours
This is a big one if flexibility is your objective! Most online teaching companies do not have a weekly minimum or maximum amount of hours you must teach.
This means that, depending on your financial needs and schedule, your working hours could look very different week to week. You could work forty hours one week and zero-hours the next.
This also means that you usually won’t have to ask for time off — you simply won’t open classes on the days you can’t teach. Compared to many jobs where you have to request for time off in advance and get approved, this is a huge perk!
4. You Can Create Your Own Schedule.
On the same note as above, you also get to make your own schedule with most companies.
Some will require that you commit to the same hours each week, but many have a very open-ended system where you simply select the days and times you want to teach and your students can book you. 
Have a big event coming up? No problem, don’t open classes that day and you’ll be good to go!
Need to get up early for an appointment? That’s fine, just don’t schedule classes that morning.
Whether you’re jet-setting around the world or just looking for extra income that folds into your daily life, being able to make your own schedule is a huge win.
5. Lesson Plans and Teaching Materials Are Usually Provided.
As a former science teacher who used to make all my own lessons, I can’t tell you how nice this one is. With most online teaching companies, they’ll provide the lesson materials and objectives for each lesson.
The company will assign each student materials that match their ability level and all you need to do is teach. This saves tons of time and creative energy — allowing you to focus on implementing the material. 
6. No Formal Education Experience is Required 
While you’ll likely need to have some experience with kids to teach online, you don’t need any formal teaching training to get started.
You won’t need a teaching degree or teaching license as you do for in-person teaching jobs.
For this reason, teaching online is a great way to build teaching experience and learn a new skill. If you plan to teach abroad or have always wanted to work in education but didn’t know where to start, teaching online could be a place to gain meaningful experience.
7. Class Sizes Are Small
Anyone who has taught in a traditional classroom or tried to manage a room full of kids will feel me on this one! Most online English classes use a small group format or are one-on-one. As a teacher, this is absolutely lovely.
Your students get individualized attention and you can adapt your lesson to meet their specific needs and interests. With one-on-one or small group lessons, you can build stronger connections and offer a more custom learning experience.
You also won’t have to worry about things like classroom management the way you would in a traditional classroom.
8. Online ESL Teachers Are Paid Well
You don’t have to commute to work or wear typical professional attire. Your lesson planning is done for you, and you get to totally create your own schedule — considering all of this, teaching online pays exceptionally well.
Most companies pay around $20/hour which means you can make a solid income working fewer hours than you would in many traditional jobs.
I also really like how I’m paid to teach, and only teach. There isn’t a lot of fluff in my workday like meetings or lunch duty. I’m paid for the time I teach and that’s it. This frees me up to pursue other hobbies and interests, like writing these blog posts!
9. Online Teachers Meet Students From Around the World
When you become a virtual English tutor, you’re able to teach students from all over the world. This means you’ll get to meet people from new places and learn about different cultures.
Most of my students are in China and I’ve learned so much about their family traditions, holidays, and customs.
It’s also fascinating to get a glimpse into the day to day life of my students and connect with them. Since most students take lessons at home, you get to interact with them in a place where they’re most comfortable. They’ll show you their toys, pets, and siblings.
You’ll often get to chat with their parents and see what kinds of things they do around the house. I know it’s a cliche, but my students are pretty good teachers.
10. Online Teachers Get to Wear Pajama Pants to Work!
I couldn’t make a list of working online perks without including this one. In the last two years of teaching English online, I’ve worn pajama pants to work. Every. Single. Day.
Let that sink in for a minute. 
I love being comfortable while working and being able to teach in sweat pants was one of the things that sealed the deal for me. No more business casual slacks for this gal!
Granted, the parts of you that can be seen on the camera (your face and shirt) should be professional and appropriate for class, but otherwise, you’re free to be as comfy cozy as you like.
The Downsides of Teaching Online
I’m a bit skeptical of articles that only share the glorious highlights, so it’s only fair to talk about some of the downsides to teaching online as well. Teaching online has some major perks, but keep in mind the following drawbacks.
1. Relying On The Internet Can Be Stressful at Times
We all know how stressful slow internet can be in day-to-day life. It’s even more stressful when your job depends on it.
Having to obsess about internet speeds can be annoying. Even after over two years of online teaching, I still have a mini-meltdown every time there is a flicker in the WiFi connection. Stressing about the internet isn’t the best feeling.
If you plan to work online while travelling, you might be limited in the places you can stay. Only accommodations with good enough WiFi should be considered, which might limit your options.
To remove stress, online teachers should always make sure they have a source of backup WiFi like a hot spot in case there is a connection problem.
2. Most Companies Have Strict Cancellation Policies
If you open a class, you’ll be expected to teach it. It can be difficult to cancel classes, even for medical reasons. 
This is the flip side of making your own schedule — since you choose when you work, you have to stick to it. While you can open any time slots you want, once those slots get booked you usually can’t get out of them easily.
If you cancel an already-booked class, you might face a penalty and have trouble getting future bookings.
Even for sickness, a class will likely only be excused if you have a note from a doctor. In the event of another emergency, you’ll need to provide documentation to get it removed.
3. Time Zones Can Be Challenging 
Many of the bigger online English companies focus on teaching students in China. If you live in North America, the time zones aren’t ideal.
In China, the demand for classes is highest in the late afternoon and evening when the children are home from school. Because China is almost the opposite time zone from North America, this means the highest demand for classes is in the very early morning. This is something to think about if you’re considering working with Qkids, but with VIPKID, since you can work from anywhere in the world, you could be in the same time zone as China and have no issues. 
Depending on where you live, you might be teaching late nights or early mornings. While you’ll get a lot of freedom with your online schedule, you’ll only be able to book classes when there are actually students willing to take them.
Be prepared for some very early mornings!
4. Online English Teachers Often Don’t Get Benefits
At this time, I don’t know of any online English companies that offer benefits like healthcare or retirement contributions.
You’ll likely be hired as an independent contractor which means that you will be paid your hourly rate and that’s it.
If you have another job or another way to get benefits, this isn’t a problem. But this can be challenging for people who want to teach online full time because you’ll have a lot of expenses you’ll need to cover yourself.
While it’s possible to make good money, remember that you’ll have to buy your own health insurance, set aside money for taxes, and handle any retirement savings independently.
5. Online Teaching Can Be Physically Demanding
At first, I didn’t think that teaching online would be tough on my body. Boy, did I learn quickly.
Sitting on the computer for several hours is taxing on the back and shoulders. My eyes got tired and I felt stiff if I taught more than a few hours at a time.
To improve my comfort during teaching, I made sure to always have the following:
Blue light blocking glasses (you can get them on Amazon or ask your eye doctor to put blue light blocking lenses in your normal prescription)
A laptop stand to elevate my computer so I’m not hunching so bad
A comfortable desk chair to give my shoulders and back support
I also try to schedule a maximum of three teaching hours at a time. I take breaks between so that I can stretch and move around a bit.
  Is Online Teaching Worth It?
For me, the perks of teaching online definitely outweigh the downsides. To sum up, here are the pros and cons.
Online Teaching Pros:
Work from home with no commute
Can work online while traveling or visiting loved ones
Good pay rate
Most companies have no minimum or maximum work hours
You can create your own schedule
Lessons are usually provided
No formal education experience required so it’s a great way to learn a new skill
Class sizes are one-on-one or smaller
Meet students from around the world
Wear pajama pants to work
Online Teaching Cons:
Relying on the internet can be stressful at times
Most companies have strict cancelation policies and it can be difficult to get out of classes, even for medical reasons
Time zones often can be challenging if you’re teaching students in China from North America
Teachers don’t get healthcare or retirement benefits
Online teaching can be physically demanding
The pros far outweigh the cons because I have the freedom and flexibility to travel. I have enough time to pursue other hobbies while still making a reasonable income. I love working with children one-on-one and getting to learn about other cultures. Oh, and I get to wear pajama pants to work, which is perhaps the most important perk of all!
Ready to Become an Online English Teacher?!
Click here to sign up with VIPKID and earn $22/hour, from anywhere in the world. If you’re based in the USA or Canada, check out Qkids that also pay well. For our friends in the UK and USA, check out the reputable EF Education First. 
Start earning money from home, or abroad, on your terms. Teaching online while creating your own hours is one of the best online jobs available. 
What do you think? What is the most enticing perk of online teaching?
Images in this article are courtesy of Shutterstock.com. 
The post 15 Pros and Cons Of Being An Online English Teacher appeared first on Goats On The Road.
15 Pros and Cons Of Being An Online English Teacher published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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greaterhoustonleaders · 7 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187
Click on the video above to watch Episode 187 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey, everybody! We are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 187. Before we get started today, we got a couple of short announcements, but as always we want to go and say hi to the guys and see how everyone’s doing. We’ll start in order on my screen and, Chris, you’re first up. How are you doing, man?
Chris: Been good. How are you doing?
Adam: Good deal. So, are you traveling? Where in the world is Chris located this week?
Chris: I’m in the secret spot in Scandinavia.
Adam: Awesome. It sounds like it’s some Dr. Evil hideout or something.
Chris: Pretty much.
Adam: Good deal. Hernan, how you are doing?
Hernan: That sounded so James Bond. It’s funny because we’re going through the time zones, like Chris is later, then I am in, and then think that Marco, and then Bradley, and you. Right, time zone? I know depending on how … Hey, guys! What’s up? I’m really good. I’m excited to be here.
Adam: Good deal. Good deal. Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m working on the first Google My Business webinar. I’m deep in the lab trying to get it ready. I got some good stuff planned for our first webinar.
Adam: Would you say that this is only for people who are members of Local GMB Pro?
Marco: I would say not only should they be members of Local GMB Pro, they better be in the Facebook group so they can get the link, because that’s the only place it’s going to be shared.
Adam: Awesome. You guys heard it. If want it, if you haven’t joined, go check out Local GMB Pro. If you’re dealing with anything local, this is an awesome addition. If you are already a member, I know we’re still missing a few members, we opened up as a bonus the Facebook group, so check your emails, we sent out a notification about that to members only.
Bradley, how are you doing today on this fine day?
Bradley: Pretty effing stoked about the GMB Pro stuff that’s going on because I’ve been adding additional training to that the last couple days. I’ve added several, stuff today. I’m actually out on my own experimenting a bit now. I’ve been just following Robin and Marco’s instructions really because they’ve been in the lab testing and tinkering and trying to blow shit up and all that, and I’ve just been applying what they’ve been teaching. But I’ve been kind of tinkering around on my own now a little bit too and finding some really cool stuff to do.
It’s just amazing. GMB, the Google My business dashboard, they’re rolling out new features. Apparently, the new Google My Business Agency dashboard has just launched. There’s a post on Bright Local about it and something I’m really stoked about. I posted the link on the event page guys. But the post on Bright Local is … Any of you that aren’t using Bright Local, I’ve been talking about them for years. That’s the local tracking solution for citations and ranking and all that rank tracking and all that stuff. I’ve been using Bright Locals since I opened my agency in 2012. I speak very highly of it because I think it’s awesome. It’s very inexpensive and the reports are great. That’s what I do all my client reporting with.
Well, in the article about the GMB Agency dashboard today, Bright Local is working on a tool to be able to schedule posts and everything GMB posts right from within the Bright Local dashboard. Very similar to our own GMB auto-poster or from Sendible, for example. You’re going to be able to do this directly in Bright Local, too. So, those of you that are already managing your clients reporting through Bright Local, this is just one additional thing, that one additional place or tool that you’ll be able to use right from within Bright Local. So, that’s pretty exciting news.
Then, as Marco said, we’ve got the webinar coming up in a couple of weeks, I guess, for the first webinar for Local GMB Pro. Some of the stuff that he’s been sharing with me is just, it’s freakin’ killer, man. So, I’m really excited about it.
But that’s not the only thing, I’ve also been adding training to the MasterMind. Guys, those of you that are in the MasterMind, keep going back into the prospecting module and checking often. I’ve been adding a lot of additional training in there. I just hired a VA full time to do video, or excuse me, email prospecting and so I’ve added a lot of additional process docs in there for the same training that I’m using to train my VA with. Guys, I told you in the MasterMind I was going to give you the exact same docs and process training that I personally train my virtual assistants with, so that you guys don’t have to do it yourself. All of that is being added to the MasterMind website as well.
I’m excited to be here. Lots of good stuff coming up.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: Real quick, sorry, Adam. Guess what guys? We used the Outsource Kingpin process to actually get these amazing VAs which we are hiring.
Bradley: Yep.
Hernan: I just wanna mention that.
Adam: Yeah. We’ve now gone levels deep. I have my personal assistant, actually that I used hiring funnel to find to then use the hiring funnel to hire additional VAs. I love it. It’s like hiring inception.
Bradley: That’s an outsource stack.
Adam: Yeah. Oh, man, it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Well, we talked about it briefly, but I just want to remind people too about Local GMB Pro and some of the services that are coming out that we want people to be aware about. Just real quick, Marco, can you tell people or remind people about what’s going on with that? Because I honestly don’t have in front of me and I’ll probably lose track, but there’s some really cool stuff coming up soon.
Marco: Yeah. We’ve got our auto-poster and it’s in beta right now. People are testing it out. We’re trying to work out some of the issues that always arise with coding. Chris Dylan, our partner, I know that he’ll back me up 100% on this. You cannot write code that’s 100%. But there’s always going to be something that’s out of whack, something that clashes, just whatever, and so you just have to work it out. But it’s awesome. Yeah. Because we’re going to be able to feed a feed, if that makes sense. Feed an RSS feed into the Google My Business listing.
So you post on your website guys, that you’re active there. That’s going to become a post in Google My Business and you can then export an RSS feed to trigger additional IFTTT. It’s gonna be a like a hydra, that you can plug in anywhere you want to add relevance to everything that you’re doing. Right now, there’s no better entity anywhere, there’s no better seed, that I’m always talking about seed sites and seed sets, nothing than Google My Business. It’s verified. It’s validated. You’re solidifying it through all of the activity and Google is really paying attention to this and rewarding people for being active in it.
People go in and I know that they say it can’t be this easy, because if it had been this easy, then why didn’t I think of it? But sometimes as SEOs, as coders, as marketers, we tend to complicate things because we’ve been taught that this is complicated, that not anyone, not everyone can do this, especially if you don’t have the, and I’m doing air quotes, the knowledge. Right? I don’t have the knowledge. I don’t have the proper knowledge. I have to go listen to this guru, and this expert, and this ninja, hell, I’m not gonna go there, but they over-complicate shit.
We boiled it down, and once again we’d turn SEO on it’s ear, but you don’t need to be an SEO now to do this. You just have to have just follow simple instruction. You follow them, you do what you’re supposed to do, and then let us show you how to build a power from within and just use the power of Google against Google. It’s been the way that I’ve been doing things, at least, what, four or five years now. We’re coming up on the anniversary of RYS Academy, August. It’ll be three years.
So all of this, it just keeping keeps coming together, it keeps coming back to the same principle. You use Google to rank Google to get traffic from Google and it becomes a self-feeding monster. That’s what we’re onto right now. So it’s that, it’s the poster. It’s a done-for-you services, right? We’re going to have people who will know how to properly optimize a Google My Business listing, how to do the posts, how to do the images, how to work with the images so that you can concentrate really on building your business and getting more clients for your business and making more money.
Adam: Nice. I like it. And as someone, I’m not just saying this as someone who’s part of the business, I look forward to actually using the done-for-you services. So looking forward to this and hopefully everyone else is too. Last, but certainly not least, just want to tell you if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re just watching us, first of all, thanks for coming to Hump Day Hangouts. I put a link on the page, check out the Battle Plan. If you’re watching it later, you can’t find the link, it’s battleplan.semanticmastery.com. It’s like your SEO blueprint. It’s the fastest, best way to get started whether you’re just entering or you’ve been in the game for a while. It’s a great place to get started with us and with having a blueprint for your SEO.
Also, we have decided and we’re looking forward to meeting up with a small group, hopefully, about 20 to 25 people, this fall. We’re gonna announce dates later. It’s gonna be in the October, November timeframe. We’re still working that out. We’ve had a lot of really good feedback. As usual, it’s gonna be offered first to our MasterMind members, but we are looking forward to doing a one to two-and-a-half day training event and networking where we can get together and just do some awesome knowledge transfer, training, and just some awesome good stuff. I don’t know if you guys want to add on to that. We’re definitely gonna have some more information coming out later about that, but I wanna let you guys know that’s coming.
Hernan: Yeah. I’m super excited for that. I’m super, super, super pumped. I’ll put my camera around so that you can see how pumped I am. Not bad for sure. No. I’m really pumped about that because we can meet online and I think that the magic happens when we meet offline, like we actually get together. Semantic Mastery, it’s the testimony and the testimony of that. Every time we get together we get so much stuff done. When you go to events you get relationships, you start doing networking, and we got to be there. So I’m super pumped for that, super excited. It’s gonna be really good. We’re gonna get some hot seats doing so that we can advise you on your business, how to grow it. It’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s not gonna be super expensive either, guys. This is our gonna be our first live event so we’re gonna keep it relatively inexpensive and small too. We’re only gonna to, I think we agreed on no more than 25 people. Correct?
Hernan: Yep.
Bradley: Yeah. There’s only 25 seats available, basically. We want to keep it small intentionally because it’s our first one. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves, to be honest, but I think this would be good. I’ve been wanting to do it for a couple of years. I’ve been to some really amazing events in the past. Last year, I went to a great one, the SEO Rockstars event. It’s a great event and so that’s kind of inspired us to do it as well.
Like Hernan just mentioned, it’s more about, it’s not a money-making thing really, it’s just about being able to kind of build more of a culture. Right? That’s what if anybody’s followed ClickFunnels, they call it Cult-ure, but it’s very similar to that. It’s just to try to create some goodwill and kind of create some stronger bonds between us and our best or most avid followers or members or whatever you want to call it. So we certainly hope that some of you guys will come out and join us.
Adam: Definitely. Yeah. What you can accomplish in a day or two there, if you haven’t been to an event, is definitely amazing. For me, a lot of you brought … I know you have been, I’ve either seen you at events by this point in time or you have been going for years. It’s something I avoided for a long time, being something of an introvert, and it’s really an eye opener several years ago to finally go and just meet people and be like, oh, damn, these are my people. So, good stuff.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right. Well, unless you guys know anything else, I think we should jump into it.
Bradley: Yeah. Let’s do it. I do want to mention one thing though because Marco was mentioning RYS Academy three years. It’s three year anniversary’s coming up since the original launch and so I had to pull this up just because guys this is so incredible, I applied the RYS Academy methods before they were even fully developed in May of 2015. Let me zoom in on this so you can see it.
May 2015. So, that’s been over three years, guys, and I still rank, look at this, Virginia SEO, that’s the Google site. This is all RYS tactics, guys. Nothing else. Ranked number one in Maps. I got a WordPress.com site ranked or post ranked with a video image. What? For SEO Virginia as well. Also, SEO Agency Virginia, same thing. They’ve been marketing number one in Maps, Google Site, WordPress.com. Virginia SEO, that’s actually a company’s name. It’s Virginia SEO. I’ve got number one above Maps, I’m in the 3-pack, and I’m also got the WordPress.com.
Guys, again, this was, I mean, look at this, May 16th is when these were published. See that? May 16th, 2015. I said May 16th and then stopped, 2016 May 5th, excuse me, May 5-16th 2015. That’s a big deal, guys. Three years and I don’t do link building to this.
I haven’t added any additional posts to this site. I haven’t done anything. In fact, my own main website, I reduced from an old blog, a WordPress site that I had built into 2012 when I first launched, I’d never updated the site. I added a couple posts over the years, literally, a couple of posts over the years and that was it. Never updated the site. And I went ahead and re-did the site about a year ago now when I joined the Chamber of Commerce, my local Chamber of Commerce, just because I wanted to have an updated website.
So it’s a one-page website now, no blog posts, no internal pages, and I’m ranking number one in Maps. Anyways, and it’s all 100% RYS tactics, guys. That’s just incredible. Three years, nothing else has been done and I’m still outranking all the other SEO agencies in Virginia, which is insane.
This stuff works, man. That’s Local GMB Pro. That’s kind of why we’ve been pimping that for the last few weeks, guys, because it just works really well at generating leads, which brings us to the first question for today.
How Does GMB Posting Help In Lead Generation For Local Clients?
Aditya. I know I destroyed your name, so I apologize. He says, “How’s posting in GMB helps in lead generation for local clients?” Because it’s more of a mobile, it kind of speaks directly to the mobile search algorithm, and so you’ll find that the vast majority of traffic and leads that come from the GMB posting and the stuff that we’re doing inside the GMB dashboard is going to be mobile traffic. We’ve talked about this in the past.
In fact, do we still have the original webinar that we did, when we kind of pitch this, that we can drive people to? Because if so, I’ll just drop the link to that webinar and tag him on this, have him go watch the webinar because we discuss how we think it’s working. We don’t work for Google so we don’t know for sure, but we think we know how it works. Do we have that link guys by chance?
Adam: Yeah, sorry. One more time, which link?
Bradley: The link to the webinar for the GMB Pro-?
Hernan: Was it the launch?
Bradley: The launch webinar, yeah.
Adam: Yeah, we can grab that.
Bradley: Okay. Again, guys, we talked about it, whatever pricing was listed in that webinar we will not honor that now. It’s launched, so it’s at the launch price, whatever the full price. So just be aware that if you’re gonna watch the replay from the launch webinar that price is no longer valid. We stated very clearly that it was a very limited offer. But the course nonetheless is, it’s worth every freaking penny regardless. Okay?
What Are Best Practices In Optimizing A Photo For Local Business?
All right. Quit This House, I always forget your name, sorry, buddy. But anyways, he says, “Good day, gents. Thanks for the weekly sharing. I appreciate it so very much.” You’re welcome. “How do you tag photos with the area of the business etc? What are other ways to optimize a photo for best SEO practices?”
Okay. Well, it’s funny because I was actually recording training today. I added several videos to the GMB Pro course today specifically for that, so I certainly can’t reveal it all. But I can give kind of a high-level conceptual overview of some of the things that you can do. Okay. So one of the things you can do is just use photos from the area … First of all, the best thing to do is get original photos. Let me just start off with that. If you can get original photos that are taken on location for the areas that your business covers. Right?
If it’s a service-area business, which means the business goes to the customer’s location, not the other way around. A storefront or point-of-sale business is a type of business where the customers come to the business location, right? So that would be like a store. But a service-area business would be like contractors or kind of like for the case study I’m dealing with a taxi service. Right?
So those are called service-area businesses. So for those, the best thing to do is to go out in various locations within the service-area and take photos from a phone with the GPS enabled so that you get the EXIF data, the geodata literally stamped or embedded directly into the metadata of the file of the photo. Okay? That’s the best. However, as I have experienced as in the recent weeks with my clients that I’m doing this for, many of my clients have promised me that they were going to get me photos, because most of my current clients are contractors so they have technicians to go out and do jobs and such, and I tell them, all I need you to do is just take photos when you go to a new job.
Take two or three photos, drop em into a folder that I’ve set up for each one of my clients, and none of them have given … Let me take that back, I’ve got one client that has given me about six photos. In about a month, and that’s it. All the other clients, they keep saying “Oh yeah, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it” and they never do it.
So I gave up, I quit trying to bug them, now I’m just going the route of using stock images that I purchase licenses to, okay. And then you know, credits or whatever from … So I have an account for that, I download the stock photos, and then I upload them, or excuse me, I append a bunch of metadata to them, so you can do that, that’s the next best thing.
And that’s something you can do using Exif data tools, such as … I use GeoSetter, it’s a windows software that you download for windows, its called geosetter, its free. Geosetter.de I think is the domain, if you wanna go download it.
And I optimize my images using that. And so essentially, you can go grab geodata, latitude, longitude, you can also grab … Where do you get that? Well just go to city center, go to Google for example, and search for each one of the locations that are within your service area.
Let’s just say your business covers one county, okay? Then you can go to like, zip-codes.com type in the county and the state, and it will pull up all of the zip codes, and locations that are contained within the county. So extract those location names, extract those zip codes, and then go do a latitude-longitude finder, so again, go to Google and type latitude longitude finder, and then just type in the city name right, the location name, and hit search. And it’ll give you the city center of whatever that location name is, and it’ll give you latitude and longitude.
Now you can just put all of that into a spreadsheet, and now you have all the data that you need to go start optimizing images with specific location data. right, and then uploading those to GMB. So that’s how you do it, you can also … You can hyper-optimize the images by squeezing in a bunch of keywords and all kinds of other stuff, I pretty much stick to the basics of just location information, and then the latitude and longitude, and then I’ll also insert contact information and URL’s in a couple spots. And again, I cover all that stuff in great detail, in the course.
Does anybody wanna comment on that before I move on?
Hernan: Yeah, the webinar is all about this. And I would get unlimited images, unlimited local as a matter of fact.
Bradley: Yeah the stuff that you were telling me about today I’m not gonna reveal here, but some real ninja stuff guys, some great great ideas for generating pretty much-unlimited content for images and videos too. So, we’ll talk about that in the webinar.
What Is The Secret To Ranking YouTube Videos On the First Page of Google?
Mark Goodman, what’s up mark? I met Mark down at the SEO Rockstars event that I was just mentioning. Anyways, he said, “I have no problem ranking videos at the top of YouTube, what is the secret to ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google?”
That’s a good one Mark, there’s really no secret, it’s work, right. The secret is some keywords just, are basically like having a version to ranking videos for them. What I mean by that is there are certain categories of search queries or terms, Google categorizes certain searches right? There’s commercial intent, there’s informational intent, various types of search categories. And some categories, Google just does not like to display videos for.
And I found that for a lot of competitive local terms guys, a lot of the times it’s difficult to rank videos for them, so the key, the trick is to find longer tail versions, or start hitting some of the suburb areas, I’m just assuming you’re talking about local mark, I don’t know that that’s the case, but for local specifically, it’s targeting some of the locations like, instead of the broad metropolitan area, target some of the suburbs, or some of the boroughs or districts or whatever. If you’re talking about a county like I just mentioned previously you can go in and gather all the different locations contained within that county, and optimize the video, the same video, that keyword plus each one of those locations if you want right.
And find out some of them are gonna rank easy, some of them won’t. That’s just the nature of the game, but as far as ranking a broader term and again I’m speaking about local just because that’s … Guys, you know that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local. You can build a silo Mark, if you’re not familiar with the YouTube Silo Academy, you’ve bought some of our products, you should have access to it already, you should have access to our bonus site which is included in there, go through the YouTube Silo Academy training, it’s old but it still works. The principles are still the same, that hasn’t changed at all, but take the broadest erm that you’re trying to rank for, put that at the top of a playlist, and then start building, just like you would be siloing a website, you would take keywords that are longer tailed that are supporting-type keywords, and create videos or use the same video, optimized for those various supporting keywords, put them all in the same playlist, with the internal link from the description up to that top level, the top of the silo. Also link to the playlist, because the playlist is nothing more than a container right? It’s a container that contains videos. So you want a link to the container, to juice up the entire container, but also link up to the top level, the top of a silo, which is your broadest terms.
One more thing, once you’ve published the video, go in and comment underneath, the first comment on the video, as soon as its published go in and comment, and drop a link to the top video that you want to rank. Okay, and then pin that comment, to where it’s the pinned comment at the top, like it’s the first comment, and it will stay the first comment underneath the video.
Okay, so now you’ve got an internal link form the YouTube description, going to the top level video in the silo, which is the one you wanna rank, then you’ve also got an internal link pointing to the playlist, which powers up the entire container, then you’ve got a comment link which is, I believe, a do-follow link, as long as it’s an internal link, from the video up to your top-level term. The top-level video essentially.
Right? And now you’ve got basically every single one of your video URLs, are target URLs for link building, and your playlist URL is a target URL. For link building. Does that make sense? And so you’ve got literally a bunch of URLs now, and by the way, in case you guys weren’t aware of this, and this is covered in YouTube Silo Academy, but for each … Whenever you put a video in a playlist, you have the original video URL, but then once it’s added to a playlist, and you play the video from the playlist, now it has it’s own unique playlist URL for that specific video.
So think about how many URLs you can extract from this. And we’re not even talking about all the variations of YouTube URLs either, I’m talking about just the straight YouTube URL and playlist URL, you can get a bunch of variations from those and now you’ve got … You can just do a ton of link building.
One other thing Mark, the last thing I’m gonna say about this before moving on, is engagement. Engagement is one of the most primary ranking factors for YouTube videos now, not just on YouTube but also on Google. And so, I’ve talked about this many times but how to use YouTube ads to rank local videos. In Google search right? Let me repeat that, how do you use YouTube or Google AdWords to buy views and clicks that are locally relevant, cause you can set all this up through targeting, we’ve covered this in great detail in the past, you can go to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/semanticmastery, click the channel search function, and type in YouTube ads for ranking local videos, or something like that, and just start perusing through.
You’ll see within the last two months or so we did an extended answer on this, on how to do that in Hump Day Hangouts. Okay but it’s really, really a great way to do it, pretty much almost standard operating procedure for all videos that I try to rank for local terms, I go in and set up an AdWords campaign now for it. A dollar a day to start with guys, it’s 30 bucks a month. And once I start getting the traction or I get ranked I back it down to about 50 cents a day, which costs 15 dollars per month to maintain, okay. It’s totally worth it. So, we’re going to move on.
Hernan: I would just add to what you just said, video powerhouse, to get in bed, and then we also have our own YouTube views platform, but that’s in beta testing, also it’s about to be released, so I would say next couple of weeks it’ll be ready, and then you could buy views from us, you know. You don’t have to go and learn how to [inaudible 00:26:35] YouTube ads and all that stuff if you don’t want to, you could just get ‘em from us. It’ll be cheaper than buying from you YouTube.
Bradley: Yeah, and forgive me for not mentioning video powerhouse but yeah, that’s certainly part of it, that’s part of the whole Silo Academy stuff, or excuse me, YouTube silo stuff that I do, includes embedding because you can … Think about it guys, if you’ve created a YouTube silo, you’ve got all these other supporting YouTube videos right? Each time you do an embed blast with those, is very similar to doing link building to any of the URLs, in that your powering up that specific video, but that video has a link both in the video description, and the comment area, that links up to the top level video that you’re trying to rank, as well as the playlist which powers up everything contained within it. So my point is, is that the embeds plus the backlinks, plus the engagement. All of those combined if what you need Mark, to get ranked. Okay.
How To Schedule Post In WordPress Using RSS Masher?
Arpiet says “How to schedule a post in WordPress using RSS masher?”
Ah that sounds like a really good question to ask Damon Nelson, the developer of RSS Masher, again I don’t support his product, I know we have promoted it, and it’s a great product, don’t get me wrong its just I don’t support it so I don’t, I really can’t tell you, there may be a scheduling option inside of RSS masher, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t.
I haven’t been in RSS masher in about a year, and it’s not because it’s not a good tool, it’s a great tool, it’s just I haven’t been using it. Because I have my VA’s and all of our processes that they, they do everything basically manually. RSS Masher’s a great tool, guys, for doing feed splicing, and doing some really cool stuff cause you can embed, like inject content into the RSS feed, if you splice feeds you can add HTML links, I think you can even embed stuff in there now, it’s crazy. It’s a great tool, there’s a lot of really cool stuff that you can do with RSS masher.
There’s also another great RSS SEO tool, that’s Lisa Allen’s, it’s called Rank Feeder. And Rank Sniper, or RSS Sniper I think it’s called, or something like that. I don’t use that, I just use the rank feeder side of it, which is like, you create these co-citation feeds, which is incredibly powerful. It’s strictly an SEO tool though, where RSS masher, Damon nelson’s tool can be used for affiliate stuff, for content marketing, for splicing feeds, there’s a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it, okay. Both of them are great tools by the way.
When you trying to publish many posts… Again, I would direct you to ask a question specifically about the functionality of RSS masher to Damon.
“Is it still helpful to ranking in 2018?” Yeah, it can be, again I don’t look at RSS masher as strictly a ranking tool, I look at it as a marketing tool. Rank Feeder is an SEO tool. Okay, so yeah, you can still use it to help rank as well, but again I think it’s more functional than just for ranking purposes. So is it still relevant or valid? Yes. Absolutely, for more than just ranking. If you’re looking for just a ranking solution rank feeders a better bed in my opinion. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Find The Best VA To Do Keyword Research?
Next Scott says, “I’m having a” … What’s up Scott, he says “I’m having a tough time finding a keyword VA to do the keywords for GMB accounts like your keyword research girl, did you find your keyword vs through Upwork, OnlineJobs.ph, or somewhere else?” Probably OnlineJobs.ph, where’d you find her Marco?
Marco: Yeah actually it’s Hernan fires up the [crosstalk 00:30:08] our outsource Kingpin hiring funnel and then he does the preliminaries, and then I just get the cream of the crop. And then I do an interview, we found Joel that way, Joel is awesome.
Bradley: Yep
Marco: And then we found that keyword research girl, the exact same way, just fired up the funnel. And maybe, or it could be Scott, if you’re advertising for a keyword VA your target is wrong. And I always tell Hernan, just get me someone who can follow direction.
Bradley: That’s it.
Marco: That’s all I want, if they can watch a video and understand that all they have to do, they don’t have to think, they just have to do what the video tells them to do, and that’s all I want because then she went through Jeffrey Smith’s SEO ultimate Bootcamp, the keyword training in there, then that work empire ultimate keyword tool, Bradley Benner’s keyword training, keyword training RYS reloaded style, and then that all gets put together into actionable silos. So that all you … Then you take those keywords and apply them into the silo that the VA sets up. But I mean that’s all the process. But the original processes is, Hernan, just get me someone who can follow directions.
Hernan: Yeah. And sorry if I can add real quick, that’s the whole thing. It doesn’t really matter what kind of paths they’re gonna be doing, of course it helps, if they’re in a customer service position they need to have really good English right? Written and … Written mostly. If they’re into the SEO virtual assistant side of things, so they need to follow instructions, it might help, or it might not help that they have some experience. We sometimes check that out, sometimes we don’t, but I think Scott, that it doesn’t have to do specifically with where, but what’s the process that you put them through.
So again, it has to … You can get people from Upwork, Freelancer, OnlineJobs.ph, now we hire … The hiring funnels for some Spanish VAs we’re looking for, bilingual VAs. So, it’s not a matter of where it’s a matter of how you’re getting them. And again, it all comes down so that they can follow instructions number one, that they are motivated to work with you. That’s the whole process hiring funnel. And I would say that yeah, that would be pretty much it.
If I may add Scott, some people in the MasterMind they will fire up the hiring funnel, and they will end up with an excess of applicants that are really good, so you can go ahead and ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, that’s one of the things that I love by the way, but you can ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, who has some applicants that they thought were really good, that but you can not just take them because of the bandwidth of your process, and your project. I think that there are some people that are, ended up with five or seven or even ten applicants that they found that they were really good but they cannot hire. So go ahead and ask on the MasterMind group because I’m pretty sure that there are some people in there that are willing to help you.
Bradley: And I think Daryl Dressel had some the last time he, it might have not of been Daryl, but I think it was, I seem to remember a thread in the MasterMind just recently where he had fired up the hiring funnel and had like six really qualified candidates, but we only wanted to hire two or something like that, so there was like four available candidates, and so as Hernan just mentioned guy, that’s … Scott, you should have access to Outsource Kingpin, at least as far as I’m aware right? You’re a MasterMind member, go through it man, I’m telling you, it’s incredible.
As Hernan just found out, cause he fired it up for trying to find some bilingual VAs, it was a little bit more difficult looking for Spanish VAs than it was for Philippines VAs, but it works like magic for Philippines VAs, we have found, I mean, shit, I think between all of us now we’ve got 30-35 VAs maybe, maybe even more than that. Its crazy, and all of them have been basically all found and hired through the Outsource Kingpin hiring funnel.
Hernan: Yes. If I may add, I think It has to do with the specific … Because it’s the first time that we have had some issues hiring people. Not some issues, but some delays. I think it has to do with the websites not being ready to take on this kind of funnel. We managed to work it out but it took us a little bit longer. I think that the people in the Philippines, they are so used to work remotely, and the websites are making that easier, it works like crazy. Works like magic anyway.
Bradley: Yep and just, to mention real quick, what’s so good about it guys is that fact that as Marco just said, most of the time were not looking to hire skilled help right, because we’re going to train them in the exact processes that we want, in the exact way that we want them done, right. And that’s the key to it guys because of the problem with hiring skilled … Now don’t get me wrong, there are times when you’re gonna need to hire skilled help, like a coder for example or a programmer or something like that, which I’ll do. And typically when I’m going to look for skilled help, skilled labor, I’ll go to Upwork. And I will post a job that is only viewable by invitation. In other words, it’s not a publicly posted job, I will go … I will screen candidates that have profiles in Upwork, I’ll go hand select a handful of them, and then send them an invitation to bid on the job or to review the job right. For skilled work.
But for the most part, our VAs that we hire on salary, which is full-time positions, we’re gonna train them. So we don’t look for skilled help, and so again most of the posts that I do whenever I need to hire another vs is I’ll post, SEO virtual assistant. Seeking SEO virtual assistant, or seeking virtual assistant, or seeking administrative help, or something like that so I’m not talking about, need a keyword research person. You know what I mean? Because I’m gonna train them, with processes which again, all this is taught in Outsource Kingpin, but exactly how I produced the training.
Any of you guys that have ever seen my process docs, they all look the exact same. There’s no difference, all I do is record the training in a video, and then I go back and I basically transcribe the training, the video into a Google doc. That’s a bulleted Google doc, like a list basically. Numbered and bullets. And that’s how all of my process docs look. And it works really well. Because now anything that I can do, I can train somebody to do, using that exact same method.
So anybody that says that they don’t have time because they’re overwhelmed with work, or they can’t outsource because nobody can do it as good as them, no. It’s because you just haven’t taken the time to document how you do it. That it okay.
And guys, I don’t always drink my own Kool-Aid right, there are times, there are certain functions of my job that I just have not ever outsourced because I did not want to relinquish control. It was just the first of this year, January of this year, that I finally outsourced client reporting. I had been doing that myself, throughout my entire digital marketing career. And it was just eating up two to three days at the beginning of every month for me, and I just continued to do it, and I finally outsourced that in January and what a load off. Cause I got two and a half, three days back every single month now.
So again, it’s something that I highly recommend you guys get into doing Scott.
Sam, it’s funny, Scott and Sam, we met both of them in Portland, at the same event. [inaudible 00:38:07] hang out in Portland.
Would A Narrow Niche Site Ranks With Only The Homepage And 3 Category Pages?
Sam says “For a niche site with a very narrow focus, rather than building multiple silos, could I get away with putting my main 2,000+ word article on a static homepage and try to rank the homepage? And having two to three category home pages with supporting blog posts?”
Yeah absolutely Sam, if it’s a narrow focus why not, right? Absolutely. By the way guys, anybody that says, you know, I know there’s been training that … There are so many different thoughts out there about silos and, you have to have four or five silos on a site for it to be a properly siloed site and all that, that’s bullshit. I mean, maybe there’s some data to back some of that stuff up, or maybe in some really competitive terms and stuff that may be the case, but I know I’ve got sites that are just mono silos. Essentially it’s one singular silo of the site, and that’s it. And so there’s more depth to the silo but not width right. Width would be additional categories, depth is additional supporting posts within one silo.
And so we’ve got one of the case study sites that I built for Masterclass when we were doing the masterclass, is still ranking number one in maps now. And it’s a mono silo site, it’s one singular silo site with I think five pages which are subcategories and then one or two posts for each subcategory, and that’s it. And it’s been ranking number one in maps for shit, over two years now. And I haven’t some a damn thing to it.
What Website Service Would You Recommend For Real Estate Agents?
Anyways, next would be Ajay, he says “Which website service do you recommend for real estate agents? Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built?”
Okay, I can’t answer website platforms for real estate agents, I couldn’t tell you because I don’t deal with them, we have plenty of members though that do work in real estate that could probably comment on this even page. So those of you, Greg, Damon, you know a number of you, [Tahla 00:40:03], if you’re on, any of you guys that are watching that are in the MasterMind that I know are in real estate, if you guys wanna jump in and help Ajay with some recommendations, that would be great. Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built? Well, if some of these guys can recommend website platforms for real estate that have RSS feeds and a blog, you could just use that right, if not, then what I recommend doing, and typically whenever we run across any type of site for clients or whatever, any projects that aren’t on … The primary site or the blog is not held on WordPress, then our go to method is to install WordPress on a subdomain of the root domain.
So in other words, if you’re gonna go with a real estate website platform solution, that does not have a blog and an RSS feed function, then I would recommend that on a subdomain of that, the domain that you build the website on, so whatever it may be, I would put a blog.subdomain on it, and install WordPress and use that subdomain and the WordPress installation as your content distribution engine. Cause you can still accomplish the same stuff having the blog on a subdomain. And that give you all of the functionality of WordPress, without having to try to integrate the real estate website platform into syndication network and all of that, because sometimes that can be difficult if it doesn’t have an RSS feed.
So again, just install WordPress on a subdomain, good to go.
Alright, Kraig says … The GMB Pro Facebook group’s live, and wow, and there’s activity in there already, a lot of activity already, it’s been kind of a whirlwind of activity for the last couple of days so Kraig, reach out to support if you haven’t got access already.
What Deficiencies Should You Point Out To A Prospect To Sell The Value Of Local GMB Strategy To Them?
Nigel says “Good day gents”, what’s up Nigel. He says “What’s a good pitch to sell the value of local GMB strategy? For instance, what deficiencies can/should you point out to help close prospect? Can you review an example of and how do you address any metrics or proof?
Yeah Nigel, all I’m doing for proof is just showing GMB insights of accounts that we’ve applied this method to, that’s it. That’s it. That’s all the proof I need. So keep it simple, not talking to you directly Nigel, but keep it simple stupid. So KISS, the Keep It Simple Strategy, how do you show proof? Well, you just show Google insights where this method has, it worked really well. And just show hey, here’s the number of times you’ve been given impressions, this is how many times people hae engaged, they’ve clicked through your website or clicked through to a website, or phone calls, or driving directions if it’s a storefront, you can show all of that. And insights guys, as GMB continues to evolve, which they’re adding new shit all the time, insights is becoming more … There’s more data now. And they’re gonna be rolling out new metrics and KPIs and things like that, we’ll be able to measure or monitor within GMB insights as well.
Some really cool stuff we just saw this week, in fact in the GMB pro I think it was Greg, Greg [inaudible 00:43:12] who posted some insights reporting, showing the questions and answers. Those of you that are local guides, you guys know, if you’re a local guide, you know you’re probably getting prompted on your phone, often, whenever you’re out and about in town, to answer questions about locations that you’re next to, or hat your visiting right?
Well, those are now questions and answers, the results of those questions that GMB is asking are now being displayed in insights too. To the business owner. So the business owner can get a better idea of, what kinda sentiment is coming from people answering questions about their business.
So it’s, I forget I think maybe it was Marco that mentioned it in the thread that Greg started about this in the GMB Pro Facebook. This is Google crowdsourcing data for GMB. [Marc 00:44:05] you wanna comment on that?
Marco still here?
Marco: I was talking into a muted mike, sorry.
As far as how you sell this, I’m sorry, that’s the question right?
Bradley: Yep. Well, I wanna talk about also the crowdsourcing, Google crowdsourcing for data right now.
Marco: Yeah, but the … I was kinda talking about that while you were talking to me. And I really wanna focus on that, but we tend to complicate things when we pitch it. And simple really works, you show as Bradley said, results. And if someone can’t react to them, what was it you said? If someone seeds them and they don’t get excited [crosstalk 00:44:58]
Bradley: They’re likely dead.
Marco: Yeah. I think, please. And you just move on, because there’s someone there goes “Oh okay, I want that for me”. Most people react that way.
Bradley: That’s how I sold it to three of my client just, sorry Marco, but just real quick, the first three that I pitched, clients of mine that were already existing clients, that’s all I did, as I just showed GMB insights screenshots and I said: look at this, I can absolutely quantify the results of this service within 30 days, try it out” and two out of three of them jumped on it.
The only reason why the third one didn’t, is because he’s overwhelmed with calls right now, he literally asked me to help him throttle his call volume down. I’m not kidding you. But anyways, go ahead Marco.
Marco: No I mean, the training is simple, because it’s a simple concept. The pitch should be just as simple because again, what you’re selling them it’s so simple. This is what you get. If I do this, this is what happens. And so it’s cause and effect relationship, and it’s really on a pay … You’re going to produce, or you don’t get paid right? And you keep it that simple.
Bradley: Yep. That’s the other thing Nigel remember, keep it that way. Say look no contract … I like the no contract idea, although I may have to start using some contracts for some stuff that I’m doing, I pretty much always run my agency without any contracts, I have on occasion used contracts when it was required by the client, usually for bigger companies, but most of the smaller companies that I work with I just tell them to flat out “Look, there’s no contract, you can cancel at any time. If I’m producing results for you, you should want to continue paying me so that you can continue getting those results. If I’m not producing, you shouldn’t be committed or obligated to continue paying me. You should be able to just you know, part”.
So anyway, “Example of how to set up a G site landing page quickly for conversions, and can you show an example?”
Well, first of all, I can’t show an example, not sure what you mean about a G site landing page? If you’re talking about just setting up a Google site to act as a landing page, really that’s just design element stuff and Nigel honestly, all you need to do is just go do some Google searches for high converting local landing pages type stuff, and you can look … There’s been a lot of research done on this stuff guys.
So just go look at some of the research and you’ll see that there’s pretty much only a handful of basic elements that should be on a landing page, that is set up for conversions. And a lot of times you can mimic an AdWords landing page. Like what they consider to be the best type of landing page for lead generation, for local businesses that are running AdWords. Just mimic something like that. Excuse me, model something like that. That’s all that you need to do.
I mean there’s a reason why most landing pages look very similar guys because they work, they have been tested to death okay.
What Is The Impact Of Removing The Street Address From The NAP On The Effectiveness Of The Local GMB Strategy?
Alright, we’re gonna keep on moving. Don says “With the new local GMB strategy I have been acquiring more and more addresses to verify”, very good Don “From an SEO point of view have you noticed any difference in effectiveness when you remove the street address from the NAP service-area of business?”, well see, as per Googles terms of service, or their recommendations for service-area businesses you should not display the address. It should always be checked or, the box unchecked or whatever to display the business address, and again that’s per Googles own terms of service for service-area businesses.
So, I’ve just about, I don’t know I might have one or two that are actually displaying the address, but they were projects that I’ve never followed through with, so pretty much all of my [inaudible 00:48:46] properties for clients that are service-area businesses, I basically right off the bat, just so you know typically when I register the business, if I’m setting up the GMB listing for the first time, and I have to get it verified, then I will make sure the address is displayed when I first set up the listing, to request the postcard. But then once the postcard and the verification occurs, once I have that pin number or the pin or whatever, and I entered that and verified it, it becomes a published listing, then the first thing I do is uncheck that box to display the address. Because that’s again, per their recommendations.
I know some people have experimented with that, and even for service-area businesses they’ll show the address, and it will get better results for ranking, but I don’t wanna lose … I also, remember, a lot of these are spammed addresses. In other words, they’re P.O. boxes, and I don’t want a competitor looking at Google maps and seeing very quickly by just clicking the satellite button, that it’s a post office. Or even if it’s got a map pin basically sitting right on top of my pin, and it shows as a US post office. So I want to hide that address so that that doesn’t occur.
I mean, a competitor could go do a quick Google search for the business name plus the phone number and find other citations that are gonna list the address, but I don’t wanna make it stupid easy for them, right? Make them work for it at least.
So Don I really can’t answer that, maybe somebody else can tell you, I wouldn’t mess with it, I would not show the street address for service-area businesses. Unless customers also come to that location. Which that is an exception, and that’s also covered in the Google help files.
Marco: For SEO, if he’s doing RYS Reloaded he needs to display the address so that our builders can find the address and build the stack, and hook everything up to the address, once that process is done then he can hide it, but once he’s done building the drive stack he can hide the address. But you need that drive stack, and you need it for a very specific purpose. If you’re in RYS reloaded, read the black book, it’ll tell you why you need to display the address, it’s all explained in there. But yes, there is an SEO point of view on this, once that’s done and taken care of, you can go ahead and hide it, and you should be okay.
What Are Your Thoughts On The GMB Agency Dashboard?
Bradley: Yep. James says “I have yet to take local GMB pro course, but I gather what I can from Hump Day Hangouts” that’s what a lot of people do James, and we encourage that guys, we talk about that a lot, I mean Mohammed Maki, one of our star members right now of the MasterMind, has been amazing. He came and just asked questions every single week, Nigel’s another one, Nigel’s in our MasterMind, we were just talking to Nigel. The same thing, he came and asked questions every week, and applied what he learned, and took action, and both Mohammed and Nigel. And got their business generating enough revenue to where they came and joined the MasterMind. That awesome. So again James, keep doing what you’re doing man, you’ll get there. We encourage you to do that.
He says “I came across GMB agency dashboard in my Reddit newsfeed a couple of hours ago, I know it has just been released, but I was curious to know what your thoughts are on it, will it benefit SEOs doing local GMB, or will it give Google another footprint to observe?”.
No, look I haven’t had, again, this was just announced today, I just posted this link right here, just below your comment James, about bright locals post on it as well, so none of us have had time to play with it yet, we will be talking about it more once we have a little bit more experience with it, but I, look I don’t see it as being a trap of any sort, I see it as being a useful tool. Okay, if you’re gonna be managing peoples Google My Businesses for them, and they give you an agency, it’s kind of like having an AdWords manager account. I have an AdWords manager account because I manage multiple AdWords accounts. So it just makes it a lot easier, it’s not, I don’t think it’s a trap of any sort, or anything like that, they’re just trying to improve their processes right?
Again, I know Marco doesn’t think the same way I do, but I’ve always looked at Google as my business partner and not my enemy, Marco’s like, “Fuck Google” all the time. But I personally, I’ve never felt that way. So honestly, I would use the tool if it … I just haven’t, I have not tried it out yet, but I will be over the coming weeks.
What Percentage Of The Sites Are Placed In Your Main Google/GSuite Account To Boost Lead Generation Or Client Sites?
Jim says “When using Google sites for lead generation and/or boosting client sites, what percentage of the sites are placed in your main Google G Suite account? Are you spreading them across many accounts?”
For Google sites, yeah I do, I would create the main Google site, which will be the branded Google site, under the main account, but everything else that I’m using specifically just for link building purposes, I do all those under persona accounts guys. Keep your accounts separate, okay. Keep your accounts separate guys. Remember you wanna keep your branded properties, the profiles that own the branded properties, you wanna keep them as clean as possible. So do all your other activities, spammy or nonspammy, any time you’re building Google sites for the specific purpose, the sole purpose of ranking, using for link building and to help rank other properties right? That spam guys. I don’t care whether you like that word or not, it’s spam. So keep your spammy activity outside of your main Google branded profiles. You’d definitely want to keep that out, keen them separate. Guys you can buy, phone verified Google accounts for dirt cheap. You can use those accounts to set up Google sites and do all the spammy stuff that you wanna do. Okay.
Marco: My answer to this is none. I get them from our own builders, and what they turn over is the Gmail account, and we have a specific way. We make our main account the manager of that drive stack and the G site and whatever. So that we never again have to go in there and touch that drive stack. It doesn’t need to. If it does, then I just turn it back to the builders, and I say just give me more folders and files, and whatever. And the main purpose for that, is not only to protect the account, but also you don’t wanna overburden the one Gmail account, of the one drive account with the script that we run. And if you run multiple scripts inside one account, you are going to get banned. You’re going to wake up and everything gonna be gone. Googles going to tell you, we don’t appreciate you using our resources like that.
Bradley: Yep. Yes, spread your eggs across many baskets, let’s put it that way. I will create a branded Google site underneath the main profile for that business, but like Marco said, when I order a drive stack for that business, that’s a separate Google site that gets built. That’s not the … I’m not, I will include the branded Google site that I created under the branded profile, I’ll include that URL as one of the target URLs for the drive stack, but that’s not the drive stack Google site, that Google site for the drive stack is created underneath the persona profile that was used when the entire drive stack was created. So again, keep those things separate, there’s a reason for it, and it’s to eliminate any potential spammy penalties from Google. For your business profile.
Is There A Difference In Terms Of Ranking A Blog In The Same Domain And On A Separate Domain?
Dan, what’s up Dan, he says “Is there a difference in effectiveness as far as rankings go for having the blog page and the website vs having the blog page link out to an established blog website the business has had for years?”
Okay so basically, your blog is on an external domain right, a separate domain. Blog page on the website vs having a blog page link out.
Okay, I think I know what you mean. So if you’ve got a money site, and for example in the navigation menu on the money site, you’ve got a blog button or a blog link, that would typically go to the blog roll within the same domain right? The blog index page, however you’re saying, could it link to an external blog?
Yeah I’ve got a couple of clients where that’s the case, and so there’s a few things that you can do, you can do[inaudible 00:57:13] tags from the blog which is on another domain, to point back to the main money site, you can do that, you can also use the other blog to certainly just do contextual links like you typically would for normal link voting purposed back to the money site. So there’s a number of things you can do for that, if it’s an established blog though, as long the brands are associated, as long as those two domains are associated with that brand, which you can do a lot of that stuff with structure data too, it should be okay.
Obviously it would be better to have the blog on the domain itself, but I know in some situations, there’s some unique I have where it’s very similar, the blog has been on an external domain, and we’ve still been able to make it work, okay.
“The real question is where will the relevance go, I’m thinking the GMB site and the blog site? Thanks” yeah, I would just make sure everything is really branded well, everything is interlinked well do that Google understand that those two domains are both part of that entity. And again, you can accomplish a lot of that with structured data. Something else you may want to do, is remember in GMB guys, you have the website and then you have the appointment setter URL, you might be able to squeeze that one in there too. The blog URL. Try that and see, it might work.
Okay were almost done, sett, were almost out of time too, this has worked out.
Thanks for the information about VAs I will fire up an outsource funnel asap, yeah Scott, remember you’re in the MasterMinds, so if you have any questions about that, please feel free, we’ll be happy to … And again, a lot of our members in the MasterMind have used it very successfully, so there will be of plenty of people to jump in and help you out if you need it.
Hernan: Yes and Scott, if you need any kind of walk through or any kind of specific advice, just make a post on the Facebook group, tag me, and I’ll tell you what we do, I’ll tell you what I do, what I’m looking for when I’m interviewing these folks and whatnot, so that you can have a better understanding but yeah, you should have plenty of results like, plenty of pre screened VAs in the MasterMind group itself. So.
Bradley: Yeah so, you might not even have to go through that process. It would be good for you, Scott if you were gonna be building your team, to go through that process and learn it and set it up for your own business anyways, but my point is if you just need a quick, if you just need to hire a VA right away because you’re overwhelmed or whatever, again, there’s probably gonna be people that already have screened very qualified candidates and they’ll have some that they could direct your way. Okay.
Okay Don, apparently we answered your questions so good, well thanks everybody for being here, this worked out, on the money, 5pm. Wow. So we don’t have any other webinars this week do we guys?
Adam: I think that is it.
Hernan: Yes,
Bradley: Alright everybody, well thanks everybody for being here, well see you all next week.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: See all you guys.
Marco: Bye everybody.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187 this post was syndicated
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lawrenceseitz22 · 7 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187
Click on the video above to watch Episode 187 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey, everybody! We are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 187. Before we get started today, we got a couple of short announcements, but as always we want to go and say hi to the guys and see how everyone’s doing. We’ll start in order on my screen and, Chris, you’re first up. How are you doing, man?
Chris: Been good. How are you doing?
Adam: Good deal. So, are you traveling? Where in the world is Chris located this week?
Chris: I’m in the secret spot in Scandinavia.
Adam: Awesome. It sounds like it’s some Dr. Evil hideout or something.
Chris: Pretty much.
Adam: Good deal. Hernan, how you are doing?
Hernan: That sounded so James Bond. It’s funny because we’re going through the time zones, like Chris is later, then I am in, and then think that Marco, and then Bradley, and you. Right, time zone? I know depending on how … Hey, guys! What’s up? I’m really good. I’m excited to be here.
Adam: Good deal. Good deal. Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m working on the first Google My Business webinar. I’m deep in the lab trying to get it ready. I got some good stuff planned for our first webinar.
Adam: Would you say that this is only for people who are members of Local GMB Pro?
Marco: I would say not only should they be members of Local GMB Pro, they better be in the Facebook group so they can get the link, because that’s the only place it’s going to be shared.
Adam: Awesome. You guys heard it. If want it, if you haven’t joined, go check out Local GMB Pro. If you’re dealing with anything local, this is an awesome addition. If you are already a member, I know we’re still missing a few members, we opened up as a bonus the Facebook group, so check your emails, we sent out a notification about that to members only.
Bradley, how are you doing today on this fine day?
Bradley: Pretty effing stoked about the GMB Pro stuff that’s going on because I’ve been adding additional training to that the last couple days. I’ve added several, stuff today. I’m actually out on my own experimenting a bit now. I’ve been just following Robin and Marco’s instructions really because they’ve been in the lab testing and tinkering and trying to blow shit up and all that, and I’ve just been applying what they’ve been teaching. But I’ve been kind of tinkering around on my own now a little bit too and finding some really cool stuff to do.
It’s just amazing. GMB, the Google My business dashboard, they’re rolling out new features. Apparently, the new Google My Business Agency dashboard has just launched. There’s a post on Bright Local about it and something I’m really stoked about. I posted the link on the event page guys. But the post on Bright Local is … Any of you that aren’t using Bright Local, I’ve been talking about them for years. That’s the local tracking solution for citations and ranking and all that rank tracking and all that stuff. I’ve been using Bright Locals since I opened my agency in 2012. I speak very highly of it because I think it’s awesome. It’s very inexpensive and the reports are great. That’s what I do all my client reporting with.
Well, in the article about the GMB Agency dashboard today, Bright Local is working on a tool to be able to schedule posts and everything GMB posts right from within the Bright Local dashboard. Very similar to our own GMB auto-poster or from Sendible, for example. You’re going to be able to do this directly in Bright Local, too. So, those of you that are already managing your clients reporting through Bright Local, this is just one additional thing, that one additional place or tool that you’ll be able to use right from within Bright Local. So, that’s pretty exciting news.
Then, as Marco said, we’ve got the webinar coming up in a couple of weeks, I guess, for the first webinar for Local GMB Pro. Some of the stuff that he’s been sharing with me is just, it’s freakin’ killer, man. So, I’m really excited about it.
But that’s not the only thing, I’ve also been adding training to the MasterMind. Guys, those of you that are in the MasterMind, keep going back into the prospecting module and checking often. I’ve been adding a lot of additional training in there. I just hired a VA full time to do video, or excuse me, email prospecting and so I’ve added a lot of additional process docs in there for the same training that I’m using to train my VA with. Guys, I told you in the MasterMind I was going to give you the exact same docs and process training that I personally train my virtual assistants with, so that you guys don’t have to do it yourself. All of that is being added to the MasterMind website as well.
I’m excited to be here. Lots of good stuff coming up.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: Real quick, sorry, Adam. Guess what guys? We used the Outsource Kingpin process to actually get these amazing VAs which we are hiring.
Bradley: Yep.
Hernan: I just wanna mention that.
Adam: Yeah. We’ve now gone levels deep. I have my personal assistant, actually that I used hiring funnel to find to then use the hiring funnel to hire additional VAs. I love it. It’s like hiring inception.
Bradley: That’s an outsource stack.
Adam: Yeah. Oh, man, it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Well, we talked about it briefly, but I just want to remind people too about Local GMB Pro and some of the services that are coming out that we want people to be aware about. Just real quick, Marco, can you tell people or remind people about what’s going on with that? Because I honestly don’t have in front of me and I’ll probably lose track, but there’s some really cool stuff coming up soon.
Marco: Yeah. We’ve got our auto-poster and it’s in beta right now. People are testing it out. We’re trying to work out some of the issues that always arise with coding. Chris Dylan, our partner, I know that he’ll back me up 100% on this. You cannot write code that’s 100%. But there’s always going to be something that’s out of whack, something that clashes, just whatever, and so you just have to work it out. But it’s awesome. Yeah. Because we’re going to be able to feed a feed, if that makes sense. Feed an RSS feed into the Google My Business listing.
So you post on your website guys, that you’re active there. That’s going to become a post in Google My Business and you can then export an RSS feed to trigger additional IFTTT. It’s gonna be a like a hydra, that you can plug in anywhere you want to add relevance to everything that you’re doing. Right now, there’s no better entity anywhere, there’s no better seed, that I’m always talking about seed sites and seed sets, nothing than Google My Business. It’s verified. It’s validated. You’re solidifying it through all of the activity and Google is really paying attention to this and rewarding people for being active in it.
People go in and I know that they say it can’t be this easy, because if it had been this easy, then why didn’t I think of it? But sometimes as SEOs, as coders, as marketers, we tend to complicate things because we’ve been taught that this is complicated, that not anyone, not everyone can do this, especially if you don’t have the, and I’m doing air quotes, the knowledge. Right? I don’t have the knowledge. I don’t have the proper knowledge. I have to go listen to this guru, and this expert, and this ninja, hell, I’m not gonna go there, but they over-complicate shit.
We boiled it down, and once again we’d turn SEO on it’s ear, but you don’t need to be an SEO now to do this. You just have to have just follow simple instruction. You follow them, you do what you’re supposed to do, and then let us show you how to build a power from within and just use the power of Google against Google. It’s been the way that I’ve been doing things, at least, what, four or five years now. We’re coming up on the anniversary of RYS Academy, August. It’ll be three years.
So all of this, it just keeping keeps coming together, it keeps coming back to the same principle. You use Google to rank Google to get traffic from Google and it becomes a self-feeding monster. That’s what we’re onto right now. So it’s that, it’s the poster. It’s a done-for-you services, right? We’re going to have people who will know how to properly optimize a Google My Business listing, how to do the posts, how to do the images, how to work with the images so that you can concentrate really on building your business and getting more clients for your business and making more money.
Adam: Nice. I like it. And as someone, I’m not just saying this as someone who’s part of the business, I look forward to actually using the done-for-you services. So looking forward to this and hopefully everyone else is too. Last, but certainly not least, just want to tell you if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re just watching us, first of all, thanks for coming to Hump Day Hangouts. I put a link on the page, check out the Battle Plan. If you’re watching it later, you can’t find the link, it’s battleplan.semanticmastery.com. It’s like your SEO blueprint. It’s the fastest, best way to get started whether you’re just entering or you’ve been in the game for a while. It’s a great place to get started with us and with having a blueprint for your SEO.
Also, we have decided and we’re looking forward to meeting up with a small group, hopefully, about 20 to 25 people, this fall. We’re gonna announce dates later. It’s gonna be in the October, November timeframe. We’re still working that out. We’ve had a lot of really good feedback. As usual, it’s gonna be offered first to our MasterMind members, but we are looking forward to doing a one to two-and-a-half day training event and networking where we can get together and just do some awesome knowledge transfer, training, and just some awesome good stuff. I don’t know if you guys want to add on to that. We’re definitely gonna have some more information coming out later about that, but I wanna let you guys know that’s coming.
Hernan: Yeah. I’m super excited for that. I’m super, super, super pumped. I’ll put my camera around so that you can see how pumped I am. Not bad for sure. No. I’m really pumped about that because we can meet online and I think that the magic happens when we meet offline, like we actually get together. Semantic Mastery, it’s the testimony and the testimony of that. Every time we get together we get so much stuff done. When you go to events you get relationships, you start doing networking, and we got to be there. So I’m super pumped for that, super excited. It’s gonna be really good. We’re gonna get some hot seats doing so that we can advise you on your business, how to grow it. It’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s not gonna be super expensive either, guys. This is our gonna be our first live event so we’re gonna keep it relatively inexpensive and small too. We’re only gonna to, I think we agreed on no more than 25 people. Correct?
Hernan: Yep.
Bradley: Yeah. There’s only 25 seats available, basically. We want to keep it small intentionally because it’s our first one. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves, to be honest, but I think this would be good. I’ve been wanting to do it for a couple of years. I’ve been to some really amazing events in the past. Last year, I went to a great one, the SEO Rockstars event. It’s a great event and so that’s kind of inspired us to do it as well.
Like Hernan just mentioned, it’s more about, it’s not a money-making thing really, it’s just about being able to kind of build more of a culture. Right? That’s what if anybody’s followed ClickFunnels, they call it Cult-ure, but it’s very similar to that. It’s just to try to create some goodwill and kind of create some stronger bonds between us and our best or most avid followers or members or whatever you want to call it. So we certainly hope that some of you guys will come out and join us.
Adam: Definitely. Yeah. What you can accomplish in a day or two there, if you haven’t been to an event, is definitely amazing. For me, a lot of you brought … I know you have been, I’ve either seen you at events by this point in time or you have been going for years. It’s something I avoided for a long time, being something of an introvert, and it’s really an eye opener several years ago to finally go and just meet people and be like, oh, damn, these are my people. So, good stuff.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right. Well, unless you guys know anything else, I think we should jump into it.
Bradley: Yeah. Let’s do it. I do want to mention one thing though because Marco was mentioning RYS Academy three years. It’s three year anniversary’s coming up since the original launch and so I had to pull this up just because guys this is so incredible, I applied the RYS Academy methods before they were even fully developed in May of 2015. Let me zoom in on this so you can see it.
May 2015. So, that’s been over three years, guys, and I still rank, look at this, Virginia SEO, that’s the Google site. This is all RYS tactics, guys. Nothing else. Ranked number one in Maps. I got a WordPress.com site ranked or post ranked with a video image. What? For SEO Virginia as well. Also, SEO Agency Virginia, same thing. They’ve been marketing number one in Maps, Google Site, WordPress.com. Virginia SEO, that’s actually a company’s name. It’s Virginia SEO. I’ve got number one above Maps, I’m in the 3-pack, and I’m also got the WordPress.com.
Guys, again, this was, I mean, look at this, May 16th is when these were published. See that? May 16th, 2015. I said May 16th and then stopped, 2016 May 5th, excuse me, May 5-16th 2015. That’s a big deal, guys. Three years and I don’t do link building to this.
I haven’t added any additional posts to this site. I haven’t done anything. In fact, my own main website, I reduced from an old blog, a WordPress site that I had built into 2012 when I first launched, I’d never updated the site. I added a couple posts over the years, literally, a couple of posts over the years and that was it. Never updated the site. And I went ahead and re-did the site about a year ago now when I joined the Chamber of Commerce, my local Chamber of Commerce, just because I wanted to have an updated website.
So it’s a one-page website now, no blog posts, no internal pages, and I’m ranking number one in Maps. Anyways, and it’s all 100% RYS tactics, guys. That’s just incredible. Three years, nothing else has been done and I’m still outranking all the other SEO agencies in Virginia, which is insane.
This stuff works, man. That’s Local GMB Pro. That’s kind of why we’ve been pimping that for the last few weeks, guys, because it just works really well at generating leads, which brings us to the first question for today.
How Does GMB Posting Help In Lead Generation For Local Clients?
Aditya. I know I destroyed your name, so I apologize. He says, “How’s posting in GMB helps in lead generation for local clients?” Because it’s more of a mobile, it kind of speaks directly to the mobile search algorithm, and so you’ll find that the vast majority of traffic and leads that come from the GMB posting and the stuff that we’re doing inside the GMB dashboard is going to be mobile traffic. We’ve talked about this in the past.
In fact, do we still have the original webinar that we did, when we kind of pitch this, that we can drive people to? Because if so, I’ll just drop the link to that webinar and tag him on this, have him go watch the webinar because we discuss how we think it’s working. We don’t work for Google so we don’t know for sure, but we think we know how it works. Do we have that link guys by chance?
Adam: Yeah, sorry. One more time, which link?
Bradley: The link to the webinar for the GMB Pro-?
Hernan: Was it the launch?
Bradley: The launch webinar, yeah.
Adam: Yeah, we can grab that.
Bradley: Okay. Again, guys, we talked about it, whatever pricing was listed in that webinar we will not honor that now. It’s launched, so it’s at the launch price, whatever the full price. So just be aware that if you’re gonna watch the replay from the launch webinar that price is no longer valid. We stated very clearly that it was a very limited offer. But the course nonetheless is, it’s worth every freaking penny regardless. Okay?
What Are Best Practices In Optimizing A Photo For Local Business?
All right. Quit This House, I always forget your name, sorry, buddy. But anyways, he says, “Good day, gents. Thanks for the weekly sharing. I appreciate it so very much.” You’re welcome. “How do you tag photos with the area of the business etc? What are other ways to optimize a photo for best SEO practices?”
Okay. Well, it’s funny because I was actually recording training today. I added several videos to the GMB Pro course today specifically for that, so I certainly can’t reveal it all. But I can give kind of a high-level conceptual overview of some of the things that you can do. Okay. So one of the things you can do is just use photos from the area … First of all, the best thing to do is get original photos. Let me just start off with that. If you can get original photos that are taken on location for the areas that your business covers. Right?
If it’s a service-area business, which means the business goes to the customer’s location, not the other way around. A storefront or point-of-sale business is a type of business where the customers come to the business location, right? So that would be like a store. But a service-area business would be like contractors or kind of like for the case study I’m dealing with a taxi service. Right?
So those are called service-area businesses. So for those, the best thing to do is to go out in various locations within the service-area and take photos from a phone with the GPS enabled so that you get the EXIF data, the geodata literally stamped or embedded directly into the metadata of the file of the photo. Okay? That’s the best. However, as I have experienced as in the recent weeks with my clients that I’m doing this for, many of my clients have promised me that they were going to get me photos, because most of my current clients are contractors so they have technicians to go out and do jobs and such, and I tell them, all I need you to do is just take photos when you go to a new job.
Take two or three photos, drop em into a folder that I’ve set up for each one of my clients, and none of them have given … Let me take that back, I’ve got one client that has given me about six photos. In about a month, and that’s it. All the other clients, they keep saying “Oh yeah, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it” and they never do it.
So I gave up, I quit trying to bug them, now I’m just going the route of using stock images that I purchase licenses to, okay. And then you know, credits or whatever from … So I have an account for that, I download the stock photos, and then I upload them, or excuse me, I append a bunch of metadata to them, so you can do that, that’s the next best thing.
And that’s something you can do using Exif data tools, such as … I use GeoSetter, it’s a windows software that you download for windows, its called geosetter, its free. Geosetter.de I think is the domain, if you wanna go download it.
And I optimize my images using that. And so essentially, you can go grab geodata, latitude, longitude, you can also grab … Where do you get that? Well just go to city center, go to Google for example, and search for each one of the locations that are within your service area.
Let’s just say your business covers one county, okay? Then you can go to like, zip-codes.com type in the county and the state, and it will pull up all of the zip codes, and locations that are contained within the county. So extract those location names, extract those zip codes, and then go do a latitude-longitude finder, so again, go to Google and type latitude longitude finder, and then just type in the city name right, the location name, and hit search. And it’ll give you the city center of whatever that location name is, and it’ll give you latitude and longitude.
Now you can just put all of that into a spreadsheet, and now you have all the data that you need to go start optimizing images with specific location data. right, and then uploading those to GMB. So that’s how you do it, you can also … You can hyper-optimize the images by squeezing in a bunch of keywords and all kinds of other stuff, I pretty much stick to the basics of just location information, and then the latitude and longitude, and then I’ll also insert contact information and URL’s in a couple spots. And again, I cover all that stuff in great detail, in the course.
Does anybody wanna comment on that before I move on?
Hernan: Yeah, the webinar is all about this. And I would get unlimited images, unlimited local as a matter of fact.
Bradley: Yeah the stuff that you were telling me about today I’m not gonna reveal here, but some real ninja stuff guys, some great great ideas for generating pretty much-unlimited content for images and videos too. So, we’ll talk about that in the webinar.
What Is The Secret To Ranking YouTube Videos On the First Page of Google?
Mark Goodman, what’s up mark? I met Mark down at the SEO Rockstars event that I was just mentioning. Anyways, he said, “I have no problem ranking videos at the top of YouTube, what is the secret to ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google?”
That’s a good one Mark, there’s really no secret, it’s work, right. The secret is some keywords just, are basically like having a version to ranking videos for them. What I mean by that is there are certain categories of search queries or terms, Google categorizes certain searches right? There’s commercial intent, there’s informational intent, various types of search categories. And some categories, Google just does not like to display videos for.
And I found that for a lot of competitive local terms guys, a lot of the times it’s difficult to rank videos for them, so the key, the trick is to find longer tail versions, or start hitting some of the suburb areas, I’m just assuming you’re talking about local mark, I don’t know that that’s the case, but for local specifically, it’s targeting some of the locations like, instead of the broad metropolitan area, target some of the suburbs, or some of the boroughs or districts or whatever. If you’re talking about a county like I just mentioned previously you can go in and gather all the different locations contained within that county, and optimize the video, the same video, that keyword plus each one of those locations if you want right.
And find out some of them are gonna rank easy, some of them won’t. That’s just the nature of the game, but as far as ranking a broader term and again I’m speaking about local just because that’s … Guys, you know that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local. You can build a silo Mark, if you’re not familiar with the YouTube Silo Academy, you’ve bought some of our products, you should have access to it already, you should have access to our bonus site which is included in there, go through the YouTube Silo Academy training, it’s old but it still works. The principles are still the same, that hasn’t changed at all, but take the broadest erm that you’re trying to rank for, put that at the top of a playlist, and then start building, just like you would be siloing a website, you would take keywords that are longer tailed that are supporting-type keywords, and create videos or use the same video, optimized for those various supporting keywords, put them all in the same playlist, with the internal link from the description up to that top level, the top of the silo. Also link to the playlist, because the playlist is nothing more than a container right? It’s a container that contains videos. So you want a link to the container, to juice up the entire container, but also link up to the top level, the top of a silo, which is your broadest terms.
One more thing, once you’ve published the video, go in and comment underneath, the first comment on the video, as soon as its published go in and comment, and drop a link to the top video that you want to rank. Okay, and then pin that comment, to where it’s the pinned comment at the top, like it’s the first comment, and it will stay the first comment underneath the video.
Okay, so now you’ve got an internal link form the YouTube description, going to the top level video in the silo, which is the one you wanna rank, then you’ve also got an internal link pointing to the playlist, which powers up the entire container, then you’ve got a comment link which is, I believe, a do-follow link, as long as it’s an internal link, from the video up to your top-level term. The top-level video essentially.
Right? And now you’ve got basically every single one of your video URLs, are target URLs for link building, and your playlist URL is a target URL. For link building. Does that make sense? And so you’ve got literally a bunch of URLs now, and by the way, in case you guys weren’t aware of this, and this is covered in YouTube Silo Academy, but for each … Whenever you put a video in a playlist, you have the original video URL, but then once it’s added to a playlist, and you play the video from the playlist, now it has it’s own unique playlist URL for that specific video.
So think about how many URLs you can extract from this. And we’re not even talking about all the variations of YouTube URLs either, I’m talking about just the straight YouTube URL and playlist URL, you can get a bunch of variations from those and now you’ve got … You can just do a ton of link building.
One other thing Mark, the last thing I’m gonna say about this before moving on, is engagement. Engagement is one of the most primary ranking factors for YouTube videos now, not just on YouTube but also on Google. And so, I’ve talked about this many times but how to use YouTube ads to rank local videos. In Google search right? Let me repeat that, how do you use YouTube or Google AdWords to buy views and clicks that are locally relevant, cause you can set all this up through targeting, we’ve covered this in great detail in the past, you can go to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/semanticmastery, click the channel search function, and type in YouTube ads for ranking local videos, or something like that, and just start perusing through.
You’ll see within the last two months or so we did an extended answer on this, on how to do that in Hump Day Hangouts. Okay but it’s really, really a great way to do it, pretty much almost standard operating procedure for all videos that I try to rank for local terms, I go in and set up an AdWords campaign now for it. A dollar a day to start with guys, it’s 30 bucks a month. And once I start getting the traction or I get ranked I back it down to about 50 cents a day, which costs 15 dollars per month to maintain, okay. It’s totally worth it. So, we’re going to move on.
Hernan: I would just add to what you just said, video powerhouse, to get in bed, and then we also have our own YouTube views platform, but that’s in beta testing, also it’s about to be released, so I would say next couple of weeks it’ll be ready, and then you could buy views from us, you know. You don’t have to go and learn how to [inaudible 00:26:35] YouTube ads and all that stuff if you don’t want to, you could just get ‘em from us. It’ll be cheaper than buying from you YouTube.
Bradley: Yeah, and forgive me for not mentioning video powerhouse but yeah, that’s certainly part of it, that’s part of the whole Silo Academy stuff, or excuse me, YouTube silo stuff that I do, includes embedding because you can … Think about it guys, if you’ve created a YouTube silo, you’ve got all these other supporting YouTube videos right? Each time you do an embed blast with those, is very similar to doing link building to any of the URLs, in that your powering up that specific video, but that video has a link both in the video description, and the comment area, that links up to the top level video that you’re trying to rank, as well as the playlist which powers up everything contained within it. So my point is, is that the embeds plus the backlinks, plus the engagement. All of those combined if what you need Mark, to get ranked. Okay.
How To Schedule Post In WordPress Using RSS Masher?
Arpiet says “How to schedule a post in WordPress using RSS masher?”
Ah that sounds like a really good question to ask Damon Nelson, the developer of RSS Masher, again I don’t support his product, I know we have promoted it, and it’s a great product, don’t get me wrong its just I don’t support it so I don’t, I really can’t tell you, there may be a scheduling option inside of RSS masher, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t.
I haven’t been in RSS masher in about a year, and it’s not because it’s not a good tool, it’s a great tool, it’s just I haven’t been using it. Because I have my VA’s and all of our processes that they, they do everything basically manually. RSS Masher’s a great tool, guys, for doing feed splicing, and doing some really cool stuff cause you can embed, like inject content into the RSS feed, if you splice feeds you can add HTML links, I think you can even embed stuff in there now, it’s crazy. It’s a great tool, there’s a lot of really cool stuff that you can do with RSS masher.
There’s also another great RSS SEO tool, that’s Lisa Allen’s, it’s called Rank Feeder. And Rank Sniper, or RSS Sniper I think it’s called, or something like that. I don’t use that, I just use the rank feeder side of it, which is like, you create these co-citation feeds, which is incredibly powerful. It’s strictly an SEO tool though, where RSS masher, Damon nelson’s tool can be used for affiliate stuff, for content marketing, for splicing feeds, there’s a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it, okay. Both of them are great tools by the way.
When you trying to publish many posts… Again, I would direct you to ask a question specifically about the functionality of RSS masher to Damon.
“Is it still helpful to ranking in 2018?” Yeah, it can be, again I don’t look at RSS masher as strictly a ranking tool, I look at it as a marketing tool. Rank Feeder is an SEO tool. Okay, so yeah, you can still use it to help rank as well, but again I think it’s more functional than just for ranking purposes. So is it still relevant or valid? Yes. Absolutely, for more than just ranking. If you’re looking for just a ranking solution rank feeders a better bed in my opinion. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Find The Best VA To Do Keyword Research?
Next Scott says, “I’m having a” … What’s up Scott, he says “I’m having a tough time finding a keyword VA to do the keywords for GMB accounts like your keyword research girl, did you find your keyword vs through Upwork, OnlineJobs.ph, or somewhere else?” Probably OnlineJobs.ph, where’d you find her Marco?
Marco: Yeah actually it’s Hernan fires up the [crosstalk 00:30:08] our outsource Kingpin hiring funnel and then he does the preliminaries, and then I just get the cream of the crop. And then I do an interview, we found Joel that way, Joel is awesome.
Bradley: Yep
Marco: And then we found that keyword research girl, the exact same way, just fired up the funnel. And maybe, or it could be Scott, if you’re advertising for a keyword VA your target is wrong. And I always tell Hernan, just get me someone who can follow direction.
Bradley: That’s it.
Marco: That’s all I want, if they can watch a video and understand that all they have to do, they don’t have to think, they just have to do what the video tells them to do, and that’s all I want because then she went through Jeffrey Smith’s SEO ultimate Bootcamp, the keyword training in there, then that work empire ultimate keyword tool, Bradley Benner’s keyword training, keyword training RYS reloaded style, and then that all gets put together into actionable silos. So that all you … Then you take those keywords and apply them into the silo that the VA sets up. But I mean that’s all the process. But the original processes is, Hernan, just get me someone who can follow directions.
Hernan: Yeah. And sorry if I can add real quick, that’s the whole thing. It doesn’t really matter what kind of paths they’re gonna be doing, of course it helps, if they’re in a customer service position they need to have really good English right? Written and … Written mostly. If they’re into the SEO virtual assistant side of things, so they need to follow instructions, it might help, or it might not help that they have some experience. We sometimes check that out, sometimes we don’t, but I think Scott, that it doesn’t have to do specifically with where, but what’s the process that you put them through.
So again, it has to … You can get people from Upwork, Freelancer, OnlineJobs.ph, now we hire … The hiring funnels for some Spanish VAs we’re looking for, bilingual VAs. So, it’s not a matter of where it’s a matter of how you’re getting them. And again, it all comes down so that they can follow instructions number one, that they are motivated to work with you. That’s the whole process hiring funnel. And I would say that yeah, that would be pretty much it.
If I may add Scott, some people in the MasterMind they will fire up the hiring funnel, and they will end up with an excess of applicants that are really good, so you can go ahead and ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, that’s one of the things that I love by the way, but you can ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, who has some applicants that they thought were really good, that but you can not just take them because of the bandwidth of your process, and your project. I think that there are some people that are, ended up with five or seven or even ten applicants that they found that they were really good but they cannot hire. So go ahead and ask on the MasterMind group because I’m pretty sure that there are some people in there that are willing to help you.
Bradley: And I think Daryl Dressel had some the last time he, it might have not of been Daryl, but I think it was, I seem to remember a thread in the MasterMind just recently where he had fired up the hiring funnel and had like six really qualified candidates, but we only wanted to hire two or something like that, so there was like four available candidates, and so as Hernan just mentioned guy, that’s … Scott, you should have access to Outsource Kingpin, at least as far as I’m aware right? You’re a MasterMind member, go through it man, I’m telling you, it’s incredible.
As Hernan just found out, cause he fired it up for trying to find some bilingual VAs, it was a little bit more difficult looking for Spanish VAs than it was for Philippines VAs, but it works like magic for Philippines VAs, we have found, I mean, shit, I think between all of us now we’ve got 30-35 VAs maybe, maybe even more than that. Its crazy, and all of them have been basically all found and hired through the Outsource Kingpin hiring funnel.
Hernan: Yes. If I may add, I think It has to do with the specific … Because it’s the first time that we have had some issues hiring people. Not some issues, but some delays. I think it has to do with the websites not being ready to take on this kind of funnel. We managed to work it out but it took us a little bit longer. I think that the people in the Philippines, they are so used to work remotely, and the websites are making that easier, it works like crazy. Works like magic anyway.
Bradley: Yep and just, to mention real quick, what’s so good about it guys is that fact that as Marco just said, most of the time were not looking to hire skilled help right, because we’re going to train them in the exact processes that we want, in the exact way that we want them done, right. And that’s the key to it guys because of the problem with hiring skilled … Now don’t get me wrong, there are times when you’re gonna need to hire skilled help, like a coder for example or a programmer or something like that, which I’ll do. And typically when I’m going to look for skilled help, skilled labor, I’ll go to Upwork. And I will post a job that is only viewable by invitation. In other words, it’s not a publicly posted job, I will go … I will screen candidates that have profiles in Upwork, I’ll go hand select a handful of them, and then send them an invitation to bid on the job or to review the job right. For skilled work.
But for the most part, our VAs that we hire on salary, which is full-time positions, we’re gonna train them. So we don’t look for skilled help, and so again most of the posts that I do whenever I need to hire another vs is I’ll post, SEO virtual assistant. Seeking SEO virtual assistant, or seeking virtual assistant, or seeking administrative help, or something like that so I’m not talking about, need a keyword research person. You know what I mean? Because I’m gonna train them, with processes which again, all this is taught in Outsource Kingpin, but exactly how I produced the training.
Any of you guys that have ever seen my process docs, they all look the exact same. There’s no difference, all I do is record the training in a video, and then I go back and I basically transcribe the training, the video into a Google doc. That’s a bulleted Google doc, like a list basically. Numbered and bullets. And that’s how all of my process docs look. And it works really well. Because now anything that I can do, I can train somebody to do, using that exact same method.
So anybody that says that they don’t have time because they’re overwhelmed with work, or they can’t outsource because nobody can do it as good as them, no. It’s because you just haven’t taken the time to document how you do it. That it okay.
And guys, I don’t always drink my own Kool-Aid right, there are times, there are certain functions of my job that I just have not ever outsourced because I did not want to relinquish control. It was just the first of this year, January of this year, that I finally outsourced client reporting. I had been doing that myself, throughout my entire digital marketing career. And it was just eating up two to three days at the beginning of every month for me, and I just continued to do it, and I finally outsourced that in January and what a load off. Cause I got two and a half, three days back every single month now.
So again, it’s something that I highly recommend you guys get into doing Scott.
Sam, it’s funny, Scott and Sam, we met both of them in Portland, at the same event. [inaudible 00:38:07] hang out in Portland.
Would A Narrow Niche Site Ranks With Only The Homepage And 3 Category Pages?
Sam says “For a niche site with a very narrow focus, rather than building multiple silos, could I get away with putting my main 2,000+ word article on a static homepage and try to rank the homepage? And having two to three category home pages with supporting blog posts?”
Yeah absolutely Sam, if it’s a narrow focus why not, right? Absolutely. By the way guys, anybody that says, you know, I know there’s been training that … There are so many different thoughts out there about silos and, you have to have four or five silos on a site for it to be a properly siloed site and all that, that’s bullshit. I mean, maybe there’s some data to back some of that stuff up, or maybe in some really competitive terms and stuff that may be the case, but I know I’ve got sites that are just mono silos. Essentially it’s one singular silo of the site, and that’s it. And so there’s more depth to the silo but not width right. Width would be additional categories, depth is additional supporting posts within one silo.
And so we’ve got one of the case study sites that I built for Masterclass when we were doing the masterclass, is still ranking number one in maps now. And it’s a mono silo site, it’s one singular silo site with I think five pages which are subcategories and then one or two posts for each subcategory, and that’s it. And it’s been ranking number one in maps for shit, over two years now. And I haven’t some a damn thing to it.
What Website Service Would You Recommend For Real Estate Agents?
Anyways, next would be Ajay, he says “Which website service do you recommend for real estate agents? Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built?”
Okay, I can’t answer website platforms for real estate agents, I couldn’t tell you because I don’t deal with them, we have plenty of members though that do work in real estate that could probably comment on this even page. So those of you, Greg, Damon, you know a number of you, [Tahla 00:40:03], if you’re on, any of you guys that are watching that are in the MasterMind that I know are in real estate, if you guys wanna jump in and help Ajay with some recommendations, that would be great. Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built? Well, if some of these guys can recommend website platforms for real estate that have RSS feeds and a blog, you could just use that right, if not, then what I recommend doing, and typically whenever we run across any type of site for clients or whatever, any projects that aren’t on … The primary site or the blog is not held on WordPress, then our go to method is to install WordPress on a subdomain of the root domain.
So in other words, if you’re gonna go with a real estate website platform solution, that does not have a blog and an RSS feed function, then I would recommend that on a subdomain of that, the domain that you build the website on, so whatever it may be, I would put a blog.subdomain on it, and install WordPress and use that subdomain and the WordPress installation as your content distribution engine. Cause you can still accomplish the same stuff having the blog on a subdomain. And that give you all of the functionality of WordPress, without having to try to integrate the real estate website platform into syndication network and all of that, because sometimes that can be difficult if it doesn’t have an RSS feed.
So again, just install WordPress on a subdomain, good to go.
Alright, Kraig says … The GMB Pro Facebook group’s live, and wow, and there’s activity in there already, a lot of activity already, it’s been kind of a whirlwind of activity for the last couple of days so Kraig, reach out to support if you haven’t got access already.
What Deficiencies Should You Point Out To A Prospect To Sell The Value Of Local GMB Strategy To Them?
Nigel says “Good day gents”, what’s up Nigel. He says “What’s a good pitch to sell the value of local GMB strategy? For instance, what deficiencies can/should you point out to help close prospect? Can you review an example of and how do you address any metrics or proof?
Yeah Nigel, all I’m doing for proof is just showing GMB insights of accounts that we’ve applied this method to, that’s it. That’s it. That’s all the proof I need. So keep it simple, not talking to you directly Nigel, but keep it simple stupid. So KISS, the Keep It Simple Strategy, how do you show proof? Well, you just show Google insights where this method has, it worked really well. And just show hey, here’s the number of times you’ve been given impressions, this is how many times people hae engaged, they’ve clicked through your website or clicked through to a website, or phone calls, or driving directions if it’s a storefront, you can show all of that. And insights guys, as GMB continues to evolve, which they’re adding new shit all the time, insights is becoming more … There’s more data now. And they’re gonna be rolling out new metrics and KPIs and things like that, we’ll be able to measure or monitor within GMB insights as well.
Some really cool stuff we just saw this week, in fact in the GMB pro I think it was Greg, Greg [inaudible 00:43:12] who posted some insights reporting, showing the questions and answers. Those of you that are local guides, you guys know, if you’re a local guide, you know you’re probably getting prompted on your phone, often, whenever you’re out and about in town, to answer questions about locations that you’re next to, or hat your visiting right?
Well, those are now questions and answers, the results of those questions that GMB is asking are now being displayed in insights too. To the business owner. So the business owner can get a better idea of, what kinda sentiment is coming from people answering questions about their business.
So it’s, I forget I think maybe it was Marco that mentioned it in the thread that Greg started about this in the GMB Pro Facebook. This is Google crowdsourcing data for GMB. [Marc 00:44:05] you wanna comment on that?
Marco still here?
Marco: I was talking into a muted mike, sorry.
As far as how you sell this, I’m sorry, that’s the question right?
Bradley: Yep. Well, I wanna talk about also the crowdsourcing, Google crowdsourcing for data right now.
Marco: Yeah, but the … I was kinda talking about that while you were talking to me. And I really wanna focus on that, but we tend to complicate things when we pitch it. And simple really works, you show as Bradley said, results. And if someone can’t react to them, what was it you said? If someone seeds them and they don’t get excited [crosstalk 00:44:58]
Bradley: They’re likely dead.
Marco: Yeah. I think, please. And you just move on, because there’s someone there goes “Oh okay, I want that for me”. Most people react that way.
Bradley: That’s how I sold it to three of my client just, sorry Marco, but just real quick, the first three that I pitched, clients of mine that were already existing clients, that’s all I did, as I just showed GMB insights screenshots and I said: look at this, I can absolutely quantify the results of this service within 30 days, try it out” and two out of three of them jumped on it.
The only reason why the third one didn’t, is because he’s overwhelmed with calls right now, he literally asked me to help him throttle his call volume down. I’m not kidding you. But anyways, go ahead Marco.
Marco: No I mean, the training is simple, because it’s a simple concept. The pitch should be just as simple because again, what you’re selling them it’s so simple. This is what you get. If I do this, this is what happens. And so it’s cause and effect relationship, and it’s really on a pay … You’re going to produce, or you don’t get paid right? And you keep it that simple.
Bradley: Yep. That’s the other thing Nigel remember, keep it that way. Say look no contract … I like the no contract idea, although I may have to start using some contracts for some stuff that I’m doing, I pretty much always run my agency without any contracts, I have on occasion used contracts when it was required by the client, usually for bigger companies, but most of the smaller companies that I work with I just tell them to flat out “Look, there’s no contract, you can cancel at any time. If I’m producing results for you, you should want to continue paying me so that you can continue getting those results. If I’m not producing, you shouldn’t be committed or obligated to continue paying me. You should be able to just you know, part”.
So anyway, “Example of how to set up a G site landing page quickly for conversions, and can you show an example?”
Well, first of all, I can’t show an example, not sure what you mean about a G site landing page? If you’re talking about just setting up a Google site to act as a landing page, really that’s just design element stuff and Nigel honestly, all you need to do is just go do some Google searches for high converting local landing pages type stuff, and you can look … There’s been a lot of research done on this stuff guys.
So just go look at some of the research and you’ll see that there’s pretty much only a handful of basic elements that should be on a landing page, that is set up for conversions. And a lot of times you can mimic an AdWords landing page. Like what they consider to be the best type of landing page for lead generation, for local businesses that are running AdWords. Just mimic something like that. Excuse me, model something like that. That’s all that you need to do.
I mean there’s a reason why most landing pages look very similar guys because they work, they have been tested to death okay.
What Is The Impact Of Removing The Street Address From The NAP On The Effectiveness Of The Local GMB Strategy?
Alright, we’re gonna keep on moving. Don says “With the new local GMB strategy I have been acquiring more and more addresses to verify”, very good Don “From an SEO point of view have you noticed any difference in effectiveness when you remove the street address from the NAP service-area of business?”, well see, as per Googles terms of service, or their recommendations for service-area businesses you should not display the address. It should always be checked or, the box unchecked or whatever to display the business address, and again that’s per Googles own terms of service for service-area businesses.
So, I’ve just about, I don’t know I might have one or two that are actually displaying the address, but they were projects that I’ve never followed through with, so pretty much all of my [inaudible 00:48:46] properties for clients that are service-area businesses, I basically right off the bat, just so you know typically when I register the business, if I’m setting up the GMB listing for the first time, and I have to get it verified, then I will make sure the address is displayed when I first set up the listing, to request the postcard. But then once the postcard and the verification occurs, once I have that pin number or the pin or whatever, and I entered that and verified it, it becomes a published listing, then the first thing I do is uncheck that box to display the address. Because that’s again, per their recommendations.
I know some people have experimented with that, and even for service-area businesses they’ll show the address, and it will get better results for ranking, but I don’t wanna lose … I also, remember, a lot of these are spammed addresses. In other words, they’re P.O. boxes, and I don’t want a competitor looking at Google maps and seeing very quickly by just clicking the satellite button, that it’s a post office. Or even if it’s got a map pin basically sitting right on top of my pin, and it shows as a US post office. So I want to hide that address so that that doesn’t occur.
I mean, a competitor could go do a quick Google search for the business name plus the phone number and find other citations that are gonna list the address, but I don’t wanna make it stupid easy for them, right? Make them work for it at least.
So Don I really can’t answer that, maybe somebody else can tell you, I wouldn’t mess with it, I would not show the street address for service-area businesses. Unless customers also come to that location. Which that is an exception, and that’s also covered in the Google help files.
Marco: For SEO, if he’s doing RYS Reloaded he needs to display the address so that our builders can find the address and build the stack, and hook everything up to the address, once that process is done then he can hide it, but once he’s done building the drive stack he can hide the address. But you need that drive stack, and you need it for a very specific purpose. If you’re in RYS reloaded, read the black book, it’ll tell you why you need to display the address, it’s all explained in there. But yes, there is an SEO point of view on this, once that’s done and taken care of, you can go ahead and hide it, and you should be okay.
What Are Your Thoughts On The GMB Agency Dashboard?
Bradley: Yep. James says “I have yet to take local GMB pro course, but I gather what I can from Hump Day Hangouts” that’s what a lot of people do James, and we encourage that guys, we talk about that a lot, I mean Mohammed Maki, one of our star members right now of the MasterMind, has been amazing. He came and just asked questions every single week, Nigel’s another one, Nigel’s in our MasterMind, we were just talking to Nigel. The same thing, he came and asked questions every week, and applied what he learned, and took action, and both Mohammed and Nigel. And got their business generating enough revenue to where they came and joined the MasterMind. That awesome. So again James, keep doing what you’re doing man, you’ll get there. We encourage you to do that.
He says “I came across GMB agency dashboard in my Reddit newsfeed a couple of hours ago, I know it has just been released, but I was curious to know what your thoughts are on it, will it benefit SEOs doing local GMB, or will it give Google another footprint to observe?”.
No, look I haven’t had, again, this was just announced today, I just posted this link right here, just below your comment James, about bright locals post on it as well, so none of us have had time to play with it yet, we will be talking about it more once we have a little bit more experience with it, but I, look I don’t see it as being a trap of any sort, I see it as being a useful tool. Okay, if you’re gonna be managing peoples Google My Businesses for them, and they give you an agency, it’s kind of like having an AdWords manager account. I have an AdWords manager account because I manage multiple AdWords accounts. So it just makes it a lot easier, it’s not, I don’t think it’s a trap of any sort, or anything like that, they’re just trying to improve their processes right?
Again, I know Marco doesn’t think the same way I do, but I’ve always looked at Google as my business partner and not my enemy, Marco’s like, “Fuck Google” all the time. But I personally, I’ve never felt that way. So honestly, I would use the tool if it … I just haven’t, I have not tried it out yet, but I will be over the coming weeks.
What Percentage Of The Sites Are Placed In Your Main Google/GSuite Account To Boost Lead Generation Or Client Sites?
Jim says “When using Google sites for lead generation and/or boosting client sites, what percentage of the sites are placed in your main Google G Suite account? Are you spreading them across many accounts?”
For Google sites, yeah I do, I would create the main Google site, which will be the branded Google site, under the main account, but everything else that I’m using specifically just for link building purposes, I do all those under persona accounts guys. Keep your accounts separate, okay. Keep your accounts separate guys. Remember you wanna keep your branded properties, the profiles that own the branded properties, you wanna keep them as clean as possible. So do all your other activities, spammy or nonspammy, any time you’re building Google sites for the specific purpose, the sole purpose of ranking, using for link building and to help rank other properties right? That spam guys. I don’t care whether you like that word or not, it’s spam. So keep your spammy activity outside of your main Google branded profiles. You’d definitely want to keep that out, keen them separate. Guys you can buy, phone verified Google accounts for dirt cheap. You can use those accounts to set up Google sites and do all the spammy stuff that you wanna do. Okay.
Marco: My answer to this is none. I get them from our own builders, and what they turn over is the Gmail account, and we have a specific way. We make our main account the manager of that drive stack and the G site and whatever. So that we never again have to go in there and touch that drive stack. It doesn’t need to. If it does, then I just turn it back to the builders, and I say just give me more folders and files, and whatever. And the main purpose for that, is not only to protect the account, but also you don’t wanna overburden the one Gmail account, of the one drive account with the script that we run. And if you run multiple scripts inside one account, you are going to get banned. You’re going to wake up and everything gonna be gone. Googles going to tell you, we don’t appreciate you using our resources like that.
Bradley: Yep. Yes, spread your eggs across many baskets, let’s put it that way. I will create a branded Google site underneath the main profile for that business, but like Marco said, when I order a drive stack for that business, that’s a separate Google site that gets built. That’s not the … I’m not, I will include the branded Google site that I created under the branded profile, I’ll include that URL as one of the target URLs for the drive stack, but that’s not the drive stack Google site, that Google site for the drive stack is created underneath the persona profile that was used when the entire drive stack was created. So again, keep those things separate, there’s a reason for it, and it’s to eliminate any potential spammy penalties from Google. For your business profile.
Is There A Difference In Terms Of Ranking A Blog In The Same Domain And On A Separate Domain?
Dan, what’s up Dan, he says “Is there a difference in effectiveness as far as rankings go for having the blog page and the website vs having the blog page link out to an established blog website the business has had for years?”
Okay so basically, your blog is on an external domain right, a separate domain. Blog page on the website vs having a blog page link out.
Okay, I think I know what you mean. So if you’ve got a money site, and for example in the navigation menu on the money site, you’ve got a blog button or a blog link, that would typically go to the blog roll within the same domain right? The blog index page, however you’re saying, could it link to an external blog?
Yeah I’ve got a couple of clients where that’s the case, and so there’s a few things that you can do, you can do[inaudible 00:57:13] tags from the blog which is on another domain, to point back to the main money site, you can do that, you can also use the other blog to certainly just do contextual links like you typically would for normal link voting purposed back to the money site. So there’s a number of things you can do for that, if it’s an established blog though, as long the brands are associated, as long as those two domains are associated with that brand, which you can do a lot of that stuff with structure data too, it should be okay.
Obviously it would be better to have the blog on the domain itself, but I know in some situations, there’s some unique I have where it’s very similar, the blog has been on an external domain, and we’ve still been able to make it work, okay.
“The real question is where will the relevance go, I’m thinking the GMB site and the blog site? Thanks” yeah, I would just make sure everything is really branded well, everything is interlinked well do that Google understand that those two domains are both part of that entity. And again, you can accomplish a lot of that with structured data. Something else you may want to do, is remember in GMB guys, you have the website and then you have the appointment setter URL, you might be able to squeeze that one in there too. The blog URL. Try that and see, it might work.
Okay were almost done, sett, were almost out of time too, this has worked out.
Thanks for the information about VAs I will fire up an outsource funnel asap, yeah Scott, remember you’re in the MasterMinds, so if you have any questions about that, please feel free, we’ll be happy to … And again, a lot of our members in the MasterMind have used it very successfully, so there will be of plenty of people to jump in and help you out if you need it.
Hernan: Yes and Scott, if you need any kind of walk through or any kind of specific advice, just make a post on the Facebook group, tag me, and I’ll tell you what we do, I’ll tell you what I do, what I’m looking for when I’m interviewing these folks and whatnot, so that you can have a better understanding but yeah, you should have plenty of results like, plenty of pre screened VAs in the MasterMind group itself. So.
Bradley: Yeah so, you might not even have to go through that process. It would be good for you, Scott if you were gonna be building your team, to go through that process and learn it and set it up for your own business anyways, but my point is if you just need a quick, if you just need to hire a VA right away because you’re overwhelmed or whatever, again, there’s probably gonna be people that already have screened very qualified candidates and they’ll have some that they could direct your way. Okay.
Okay Don, apparently we answered your questions so good, well thanks everybody for being here, this worked out, on the money, 5pm. Wow. So we don’t have any other webinars this week do we guys?
Adam: I think that is it.
Hernan: Yes,
Bradley: Alright everybody, well thanks everybody for being here, well see you all next week.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: See all you guys.
Marco: Bye everybody.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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charlesswink19 · 7 years ago
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187
Click on the video above to watch Episode 187 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hey, everybody! We are live. Welcome to Hump Day Hangout, Episode 187. Before we get started today, we got a couple of short announcements, but as always we want to go and say hi to the guys and see how everyone’s doing. We’ll start in order on my screen and, Chris, you’re first up. How are you doing, man?
Chris: Been good. How are you doing?
Adam: Good deal. So, are you traveling? Where in the world is Chris located this week?
Chris: I’m in the secret spot in Scandinavia.
Adam: Awesome. It sounds like it’s some Dr. Evil hideout or something.
Chris: Pretty much.
Adam: Good deal. Hernan, how you are doing?
Hernan: That sounded so James Bond. It’s funny because we’re going through the time zones, like Chris is later, then I am in, and then think that Marco, and then Bradley, and you. Right, time zone? I know depending on how … Hey, guys! What’s up? I’m really good. I’m excited to be here.
Adam: Good deal. Good deal. Marco, how are you doing?
Marco: What’s up, dude? I’m working on the first Google My Business webinar. I’m deep in the lab trying to get it ready. I got some good stuff planned for our first webinar.
Adam: Would you say that this is only for people who are members of Local GMB Pro?
Marco: I would say not only should they be members of Local GMB Pro, they better be in the Facebook group so they can get the link, because that’s the only place it’s going to be shared.
Adam: Awesome. You guys heard it. If want it, if you haven’t joined, go check out Local GMB Pro. If you’re dealing with anything local, this is an awesome addition. If you are already a member, I know we’re still missing a few members, we opened up as a bonus the Facebook group, so check your emails, we sent out a notification about that to members only.
Bradley, how are you doing today on this fine day?
Bradley: Pretty effing stoked about the GMB Pro stuff that’s going on because I’ve been adding additional training to that the last couple days. I’ve added several, stuff today. I’m actually out on my own experimenting a bit now. I’ve been just following Robin and Marco’s instructions really because they’ve been in the lab testing and tinkering and trying to blow shit up and all that, and I’ve just been applying what they’ve been teaching. But I’ve been kind of tinkering around on my own now a little bit too and finding some really cool stuff to do.
It’s just amazing. GMB, the Google My business dashboard, they’re rolling out new features. Apparently, the new Google My Business Agency dashboard has just launched. There’s a post on Bright Local about it and something I’m really stoked about. I posted the link on the event page guys. But the post on Bright Local is … Any of you that aren’t using Bright Local, I’ve been talking about them for years. That’s the local tracking solution for citations and ranking and all that rank tracking and all that stuff. I’ve been using Bright Locals since I opened my agency in 2012. I speak very highly of it because I think it’s awesome. It’s very inexpensive and the reports are great. That’s what I do all my client reporting with.
Well, in the article about the GMB Agency dashboard today, Bright Local is working on a tool to be able to schedule posts and everything GMB posts right from within the Bright Local dashboard. Very similar to our own GMB auto-poster or from Sendible, for example. You’re going to be able to do this directly in Bright Local, too. So, those of you that are already managing your clients reporting through Bright Local, this is just one additional thing, that one additional place or tool that you’ll be able to use right from within Bright Local. So, that’s pretty exciting news.
Then, as Marco said, we’ve got the webinar coming up in a couple of weeks, I guess, for the first webinar for Local GMB Pro. Some of the stuff that he’s been sharing with me is just, it’s freakin’ killer, man. So, I’m really excited about it.
But that’s not the only thing, I’ve also been adding training to the MasterMind. Guys, those of you that are in the MasterMind, keep going back into the prospecting module and checking often. I’ve been adding a lot of additional training in there. I just hired a VA full time to do video, or excuse me, email prospecting and so I’ve added a lot of additional process docs in there for the same training that I’m using to train my VA with. Guys, I told you in the MasterMind I was going to give you the exact same docs and process training that I personally train my virtual assistants with, so that you guys don’t have to do it yourself. All of that is being added to the MasterMind website as well.
I’m excited to be here. Lots of good stuff coming up.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: Real quick, sorry, Adam. Guess what guys? We used the Outsource Kingpin process to actually get these amazing VAs which we are hiring.
Bradley: Yep.
Hernan: I just wanna mention that.
Adam: Yeah. We’ve now gone levels deep. I have my personal assistant, actually that I used hiring funnel to find to then use the hiring funnel to hire additional VAs. I love it. It’s like hiring inception.
Bradley: That’s an outsource stack.
Adam: Yeah. Oh, man, it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Well, we talked about it briefly, but I just want to remind people too about Local GMB Pro and some of the services that are coming out that we want people to be aware about. Just real quick, Marco, can you tell people or remind people about what’s going on with that? Because I honestly don’t have in front of me and I’ll probably lose track, but there’s some really cool stuff coming up soon.
Marco: Yeah. We’ve got our auto-poster and it’s in beta right now. People are testing it out. We’re trying to work out some of the issues that always arise with coding. Chris Dylan, our partner, I know that he’ll back me up 100% on this. You cannot write code that’s 100%. But there’s always going to be something that’s out of whack, something that clashes, just whatever, and so you just have to work it out. But it’s awesome. Yeah. Because we’re going to be able to feed a feed, if that makes sense. Feed an RSS feed into the Google My Business listing.
So you post on your website guys, that you’re active there. That’s going to become a post in Google My Business and you can then export an RSS feed to trigger additional IFTTT. It’s gonna be a like a hydra, that you can plug in anywhere you want to add relevance to everything that you’re doing. Right now, there’s no better entity anywhere, there’s no better seed, that I’m always talking about seed sites and seed sets, nothing than Google My Business. It’s verified. It’s validated. You’re solidifying it through all of the activity and Google is really paying attention to this and rewarding people for being active in it.
People go in and I know that they say it can’t be this easy, because if it had been this easy, then why didn’t I think of it? But sometimes as SEOs, as coders, as marketers, we tend to complicate things because we’ve been taught that this is complicated, that not anyone, not everyone can do this, especially if you don’t have the, and I’m doing air quotes, the knowledge. Right? I don’t have the knowledge. I don’t have the proper knowledge. I have to go listen to this guru, and this expert, and this ninja, hell, I’m not gonna go there, but they over-complicate shit.
We boiled it down, and once again we’d turn SEO on it’s ear, but you don’t need to be an SEO now to do this. You just have to have just follow simple instruction. You follow them, you do what you’re supposed to do, and then let us show you how to build a power from within and just use the power of Google against Google. It’s been the way that I’ve been doing things, at least, what, four or five years now. We’re coming up on the anniversary of RYS Academy, August. It’ll be three years.
So all of this, it just keeping keeps coming together, it keeps coming back to the same principle. You use Google to rank Google to get traffic from Google and it becomes a self-feeding monster. That’s what we’re onto right now. So it’s that, it’s the poster. It’s a done-for-you services, right? We’re going to have people who will know how to properly optimize a Google My Business listing, how to do the posts, how to do the images, how to work with the images so that you can concentrate really on building your business and getting more clients for your business and making more money.
Adam: Nice. I like it. And as someone, I’m not just saying this as someone who’s part of the business, I look forward to actually using the done-for-you services. So looking forward to this and hopefully everyone else is too. Last, but certainly not least, just want to tell you if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re just watching us, first of all, thanks for coming to Hump Day Hangouts. I put a link on the page, check out the Battle Plan. If you’re watching it later, you can’t find the link, it’s battleplan.semanticmastery.com. It’s like your SEO blueprint. It’s the fastest, best way to get started whether you’re just entering or you’ve been in the game for a while. It’s a great place to get started with us and with having a blueprint for your SEO.
Also, we have decided and we’re looking forward to meeting up with a small group, hopefully, about 20 to 25 people, this fall. We’re gonna announce dates later. It’s gonna be in the October, November timeframe. We’re still working that out. We’ve had a lot of really good feedback. As usual, it’s gonna be offered first to our MasterMind members, but we are looking forward to doing a one to two-and-a-half day training event and networking where we can get together and just do some awesome knowledge transfer, training, and just some awesome good stuff. I don’t know if you guys want to add on to that. We’re definitely gonna have some more information coming out later about that, but I wanna let you guys know that’s coming.
Hernan: Yeah. I’m super excited for that. I’m super, super, super pumped. I’ll put my camera around so that you can see how pumped I am. Not bad for sure. No. I’m really pumped about that because we can meet online and I think that the magic happens when we meet offline, like we actually get together. Semantic Mastery, it’s the testimony and the testimony of that. Every time we get together we get so much stuff done. When you go to events you get relationships, you start doing networking, and we got to be there. So I’m super pumped for that, super excited. It’s gonna be really good. We’re gonna get some hot seats doing so that we can advise you on your business, how to grow it. It’s gonna be pretty, pretty cool.
Bradley: Yeah. It’s not gonna be super expensive either, guys. This is our gonna be our first live event so we’re gonna keep it relatively inexpensive and small too. We’re only gonna to, I think we agreed on no more than 25 people. Correct?
Hernan: Yep.
Bradley: Yeah. There’s only 25 seats available, basically. We want to keep it small intentionally because it’s our first one. We don’t want to overwhelm ourselves, to be honest, but I think this would be good. I’ve been wanting to do it for a couple of years. I’ve been to some really amazing events in the past. Last year, I went to a great one, the SEO Rockstars event. It’s a great event and so that’s kind of inspired us to do it as well.
Like Hernan just mentioned, it’s more about, it’s not a money-making thing really, it’s just about being able to kind of build more of a culture. Right? That’s what if anybody’s followed ClickFunnels, they call it Cult-ure, but it’s very similar to that. It’s just to try to create some goodwill and kind of create some stronger bonds between us and our best or most avid followers or members or whatever you want to call it. So we certainly hope that some of you guys will come out and join us.
Adam: Definitely. Yeah. What you can accomplish in a day or two there, if you haven’t been to an event, is definitely amazing. For me, a lot of you brought … I know you have been, I’ve either seen you at events by this point in time or you have been going for years. It’s something I avoided for a long time, being something of an introvert, and it’s really an eye opener several years ago to finally go and just meet people and be like, oh, damn, these are my people. So, good stuff.
Bradley: Awesome.
Adam: All right. Well, unless you guys know anything else, I think we should jump into it.
Bradley: Yeah. Let’s do it. I do want to mention one thing though because Marco was mentioning RYS Academy three years. It’s three year anniversary’s coming up since the original launch and so I had to pull this up just because guys this is so incredible, I applied the RYS Academy methods before they were even fully developed in May of 2015. Let me zoom in on this so you can see it.
May 2015. So, that’s been over three years, guys, and I still rank, look at this, Virginia SEO, that’s the Google site. This is all RYS tactics, guys. Nothing else. Ranked number one in Maps. I got a WordPress.com site ranked or post ranked with a video image. What? For SEO Virginia as well. Also, SEO Agency Virginia, same thing. They’ve been marketing number one in Maps, Google Site, WordPress.com. Virginia SEO, that’s actually a company’s name. It’s Virginia SEO. I’ve got number one above Maps, I’m in the 3-pack, and I’m also got the WordPress.com.
Guys, again, this was, I mean, look at this, May 16th is when these were published. See that? May 16th, 2015. I said May 16th and then stopped, 2016 May 5th, excuse me, May 5-16th 2015. That’s a big deal, guys. Three years and I don’t do link building to this.
I haven’t added any additional posts to this site. I haven’t done anything. In fact, my own main website, I reduced from an old blog, a WordPress site that I had built into 2012 when I first launched, I’d never updated the site. I added a couple posts over the years, literally, a couple of posts over the years and that was it. Never updated the site. And I went ahead and re-did the site about a year ago now when I joined the Chamber of Commerce, my local Chamber of Commerce, just because I wanted to have an updated website.
So it’s a one-page website now, no blog posts, no internal pages, and I’m ranking number one in Maps. Anyways, and it’s all 100% RYS tactics, guys. That’s just incredible. Three years, nothing else has been done and I’m still outranking all the other SEO agencies in Virginia, which is insane.
This stuff works, man. That’s Local GMB Pro. That’s kind of why we’ve been pimping that for the last few weeks, guys, because it just works really well at generating leads, which brings us to the first question for today.
How Does GMB Posting Help In Lead Generation For Local Clients?
Aditya. I know I destroyed your name, so I apologize. He says, “How’s posting in GMB helps in lead generation for local clients?” Because it’s more of a mobile, it kind of speaks directly to the mobile search algorithm, and so you’ll find that the vast majority of traffic and leads that come from the GMB posting and the stuff that we’re doing inside the GMB dashboard is going to be mobile traffic. We’ve talked about this in the past.
In fact, do we still have the original webinar that we did, when we kind of pitch this, that we can drive people to? Because if so, I’ll just drop the link to that webinar and tag him on this, have him go watch the webinar because we discuss how we think it’s working. We don’t work for Google so we don’t know for sure, but we think we know how it works. Do we have that link guys by chance?
Adam: Yeah, sorry. One more time, which link?
Bradley: The link to the webinar for the GMB Pro-?
Hernan: Was it the launch?
Bradley: The launch webinar, yeah.
Adam: Yeah, we can grab that.
Bradley: Okay. Again, guys, we talked about it, whatever pricing was listed in that webinar we will not honor that now. It’s launched, so it’s at the launch price, whatever the full price. So just be aware that if you’re gonna watch the replay from the launch webinar that price is no longer valid. We stated very clearly that it was a very limited offer. But the course nonetheless is, it’s worth every freaking penny regardless. Okay?
What Are Best Practices In Optimizing A Photo For Local Business?
All right. Quit This House, I always forget your name, sorry, buddy. But anyways, he says, “Good day, gents. Thanks for the weekly sharing. I appreciate it so very much.” You’re welcome. “How do you tag photos with the area of the business etc? What are other ways to optimize a photo for best SEO practices?”
Okay. Well, it’s funny because I was actually recording training today. I added several videos to the GMB Pro course today specifically for that, so I certainly can’t reveal it all. But I can give kind of a high-level conceptual overview of some of the things that you can do. Okay. So one of the things you can do is just use photos from the area … First of all, the best thing to do is get original photos. Let me just start off with that. If you can get original photos that are taken on location for the areas that your business covers. Right?
If it’s a service-area business, which means the business goes to the customer’s location, not the other way around. A storefront or point-of-sale business is a type of business where the customers come to the business location, right? So that would be like a store. But a service-area business would be like contractors or kind of like for the case study I’m dealing with a taxi service. Right?
So those are called service-area businesses. So for those, the best thing to do is to go out in various locations within the service-area and take photos from a phone with the GPS enabled so that you get the EXIF data, the geodata literally stamped or embedded directly into the metadata of the file of the photo. Okay? That’s the best. However, as I have experienced as in the recent weeks with my clients that I’m doing this for, many of my clients have promised me that they were going to get me photos, because most of my current clients are contractors so they have technicians to go out and do jobs and such, and I tell them, all I need you to do is just take photos when you go to a new job.
Take two or three photos, drop em into a folder that I’ve set up for each one of my clients, and none of them have given … Let me take that back, I’ve got one client that has given me about six photos. In about a month, and that’s it. All the other clients, they keep saying “Oh yeah, we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it” and they never do it.
So I gave up, I quit trying to bug them, now I’m just going the route of using stock images that I purchase licenses to, okay. And then you know, credits or whatever from … So I have an account for that, I download the stock photos, and then I upload them, or excuse me, I append a bunch of metadata to them, so you can do that, that’s the next best thing.
And that’s something you can do using Exif data tools, such as … I use GeoSetter, it’s a windows software that you download for windows, its called geosetter, its free. Geosetter.de I think is the domain, if you wanna go download it.
And I optimize my images using that. And so essentially, you can go grab geodata, latitude, longitude, you can also grab … Where do you get that? Well just go to city center, go to Google for example, and search for each one of the locations that are within your service area.
Let’s just say your business covers one county, okay? Then you can go to like, zip-codes.com type in the county and the state, and it will pull up all of the zip codes, and locations that are contained within the county. So extract those location names, extract those zip codes, and then go do a latitude-longitude finder, so again, go to Google and type latitude longitude finder, and then just type in the city name right, the location name, and hit search. And it’ll give you the city center of whatever that location name is, and it’ll give you latitude and longitude.
Now you can just put all of that into a spreadsheet, and now you have all the data that you need to go start optimizing images with specific location data. right, and then uploading those to GMB. So that’s how you do it, you can also … You can hyper-optimize the images by squeezing in a bunch of keywords and all kinds of other stuff, I pretty much stick to the basics of just location information, and then the latitude and longitude, and then I’ll also insert contact information and URL’s in a couple spots. And again, I cover all that stuff in great detail, in the course.
Does anybody wanna comment on that before I move on?
Hernan: Yeah, the webinar is all about this. And I would get unlimited images, unlimited local as a matter of fact.
Bradley: Yeah the stuff that you were telling me about today I’m not gonna reveal here, but some real ninja stuff guys, some great great ideas for generating pretty much-unlimited content for images and videos too. So, we’ll talk about that in the webinar.
What Is The Secret To Ranking YouTube Videos On the First Page of Google?
Mark Goodman, what’s up mark? I met Mark down at the SEO Rockstars event that I was just mentioning. Anyways, he said, “I have no problem ranking videos at the top of YouTube, what is the secret to ranking YouTube videos on the first page of Google?”
That’s a good one Mark, there’s really no secret, it’s work, right. The secret is some keywords just, are basically like having a version to ranking videos for them. What I mean by that is there are certain categories of search queries or terms, Google categorizes certain searches right? There’s commercial intent, there’s informational intent, various types of search categories. And some categories, Google just does not like to display videos for.
And I found that for a lot of competitive local terms guys, a lot of the times it’s difficult to rank videos for them, so the key, the trick is to find longer tail versions, or start hitting some of the suburb areas, I’m just assuming you’re talking about local mark, I don’t know that that’s the case, but for local specifically, it’s targeting some of the locations like, instead of the broad metropolitan area, target some of the suburbs, or some of the boroughs or districts or whatever. If you’re talking about a county like I just mentioned previously you can go in and gather all the different locations contained within that county, and optimize the video, the same video, that keyword plus each one of those locations if you want right.
And find out some of them are gonna rank easy, some of them won’t. That’s just the nature of the game, but as far as ranking a broader term and again I’m speaking about local just because that’s … Guys, you know that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local. You can build a silo Mark, if you’re not familiar with the YouTube Silo Academy, you’ve bought some of our products, you should have access to it already, you should have access to our bonus site which is included in there, go through the YouTube Silo Academy training, it’s old but it still works. The principles are still the same, that hasn’t changed at all, but take the broadest erm that you’re trying to rank for, put that at the top of a playlist, and then start building, just like you would be siloing a website, you would take keywords that are longer tailed that are supporting-type keywords, and create videos or use the same video, optimized for those various supporting keywords, put them all in the same playlist, with the internal link from the description up to that top level, the top of the silo. Also link to the playlist, because the playlist is nothing more than a container right? It’s a container that contains videos. So you want a link to the container, to juice up the entire container, but also link up to the top level, the top of a silo, which is your broadest terms.
One more thing, once you’ve published the video, go in and comment underneath, the first comment on the video, as soon as its published go in and comment, and drop a link to the top video that you want to rank. Okay, and then pin that comment, to where it’s the pinned comment at the top, like it’s the first comment, and it will stay the first comment underneath the video.
Okay, so now you’ve got an internal link form the YouTube description, going to the top level video in the silo, which is the one you wanna rank, then you’ve also got an internal link pointing to the playlist, which powers up the entire container, then you’ve got a comment link which is, I believe, a do-follow link, as long as it’s an internal link, from the video up to your top-level term. The top-level video essentially.
Right? And now you’ve got basically every single one of your video URLs, are target URLs for link building, and your playlist URL is a target URL. For link building. Does that make sense? And so you’ve got literally a bunch of URLs now, and by the way, in case you guys weren’t aware of this, and this is covered in YouTube Silo Academy, but for each … Whenever you put a video in a playlist, you have the original video URL, but then once it’s added to a playlist, and you play the video from the playlist, now it has it’s own unique playlist URL for that specific video.
So think about how many URLs you can extract from this. And we’re not even talking about all the variations of YouTube URLs either, I’m talking about just the straight YouTube URL and playlist URL, you can get a bunch of variations from those and now you’ve got … You can just do a ton of link building.
One other thing Mark, the last thing I’m gonna say about this before moving on, is engagement. Engagement is one of the most primary ranking factors for YouTube videos now, not just on YouTube but also on Google. And so, I’ve talked about this many times but how to use YouTube ads to rank local videos. In Google search right? Let me repeat that, how do you use YouTube or Google AdWords to buy views and clicks that are locally relevant, cause you can set all this up through targeting, we’ve covered this in great detail in the past, you can go to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/semanticmastery, click the channel search function, and type in YouTube ads for ranking local videos, or something like that, and just start perusing through.
You’ll see within the last two months or so we did an extended answer on this, on how to do that in Hump Day Hangouts. Okay but it’s really, really a great way to do it, pretty much almost standard operating procedure for all videos that I try to rank for local terms, I go in and set up an AdWords campaign now for it. A dollar a day to start with guys, it’s 30 bucks a month. And once I start getting the traction or I get ranked I back it down to about 50 cents a day, which costs 15 dollars per month to maintain, okay. It’s totally worth it. So, we’re going to move on.
Hernan: I would just add to what you just said, video powerhouse, to get in bed, and then we also have our own YouTube views platform, but that’s in beta testing, also it’s about to be released, so I would say next couple of weeks it’ll be ready, and then you could buy views from us, you know. You don’t have to go and learn how to [inaudible 00:26:35] YouTube ads and all that stuff if you don’t want to, you could just get ‘em from us. It’ll be cheaper than buying from you YouTube.
Bradley: Yeah, and forgive me for not mentioning video powerhouse but yeah, that’s certainly part of it, that’s part of the whole Silo Academy stuff, or excuse me, YouTube silo stuff that I do, includes embedding because you can … Think about it guys, if you’ve created a YouTube silo, you’ve got all these other supporting YouTube videos right? Each time you do an embed blast with those, is very similar to doing link building to any of the URLs, in that your powering up that specific video, but that video has a link both in the video description, and the comment area, that links up to the top level video that you’re trying to rank, as well as the playlist which powers up everything contained within it. So my point is, is that the embeds plus the backlinks, plus the engagement. All of those combined if what you need Mark, to get ranked. Okay.
How To Schedule Post In WordPress Using RSS Masher?
Arpiet says “How to schedule a post in WordPress using RSS masher?”
Ah that sounds like a really good question to ask Damon Nelson, the developer of RSS Masher, again I don’t support his product, I know we have promoted it, and it’s a great product, don’t get me wrong its just I don’t support it so I don’t, I really can’t tell you, there may be a scheduling option inside of RSS masher, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t.
I haven’t been in RSS masher in about a year, and it’s not because it’s not a good tool, it’s a great tool, it’s just I haven’t been using it. Because I have my VA’s and all of our processes that they, they do everything basically manually. RSS Masher’s a great tool, guys, for doing feed splicing, and doing some really cool stuff cause you can embed, like inject content into the RSS feed, if you splice feeds you can add HTML links, I think you can even embed stuff in there now, it’s crazy. It’s a great tool, there’s a lot of really cool stuff that you can do with RSS masher.
There’s also another great RSS SEO tool, that’s Lisa Allen’s, it’s called Rank Feeder. And Rank Sniper, or RSS Sniper I think it’s called, or something like that. I don’t use that, I just use the rank feeder side of it, which is like, you create these co-citation feeds, which is incredibly powerful. It’s strictly an SEO tool though, where RSS masher, Damon nelson’s tool can be used for affiliate stuff, for content marketing, for splicing feeds, there’s a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it, okay. Both of them are great tools by the way.
When you trying to publish many posts… Again, I would direct you to ask a question specifically about the functionality of RSS masher to Damon.
“Is it still helpful to ranking in 2018?” Yeah, it can be, again I don’t look at RSS masher as strictly a ranking tool, I look at it as a marketing tool. Rank Feeder is an SEO tool. Okay, so yeah, you can still use it to help rank as well, but again I think it’s more functional than just for ranking purposes. So is it still relevant or valid? Yes. Absolutely, for more than just ranking. If you’re looking for just a ranking solution rank feeders a better bed in my opinion. Okay. Good question though.
How Do You Find The Best VA To Do Keyword Research?
Next Scott says, “I’m having a” … What’s up Scott, he says “I’m having a tough time finding a keyword VA to do the keywords for GMB accounts like your keyword research girl, did you find your keyword vs through Upwork, OnlineJobs.ph, or somewhere else?” Probably OnlineJobs.ph, where’d you find her Marco?
Marco: Yeah actually it’s Hernan fires up the [crosstalk 00:30:08] our outsource Kingpin hiring funnel and then he does the preliminaries, and then I just get the cream of the crop. And then I do an interview, we found Joel that way, Joel is awesome.
Bradley: Yep
Marco: And then we found that keyword research girl, the exact same way, just fired up the funnel. And maybe, or it could be Scott, if you’re advertising for a keyword VA your target is wrong. And I always tell Hernan, just get me someone who can follow direction.
Bradley: That’s it.
Marco: That’s all I want, if they can watch a video and understand that all they have to do, they don’t have to think, they just have to do what the video tells them to do, and that’s all I want because then she went through Jeffrey Smith’s SEO ultimate Bootcamp, the keyword training in there, then that work empire ultimate keyword tool, Bradley Benner’s keyword training, keyword training RYS reloaded style, and then that all gets put together into actionable silos. So that all you … Then you take those keywords and apply them into the silo that the VA sets up. But I mean that’s all the process. But the original processes is, Hernan, just get me someone who can follow directions.
Hernan: Yeah. And sorry if I can add real quick, that’s the whole thing. It doesn’t really matter what kind of paths they’re gonna be doing, of course it helps, if they’re in a customer service position they need to have really good English right? Written and … Written mostly. If they’re into the SEO virtual assistant side of things, so they need to follow instructions, it might help, or it might not help that they have some experience. We sometimes check that out, sometimes we don’t, but I think Scott, that it doesn’t have to do specifically with where, but what’s the process that you put them through.
So again, it has to … You can get people from Upwork, Freelancer, OnlineJobs.ph, now we hire … The hiring funnels for some Spanish VAs we’re looking for, bilingual VAs. So, it’s not a matter of where it’s a matter of how you’re getting them. And again, it all comes down so that they can follow instructions number one, that they are motivated to work with you. That’s the whole process hiring funnel. And I would say that yeah, that would be pretty much it.
If I may add Scott, some people in the MasterMind they will fire up the hiring funnel, and they will end up with an excess of applicants that are really good, so you can go ahead and ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, that’s one of the things that I love by the way, but you can ask in the MasterMind Facebook group, who has some applicants that they thought were really good, that but you can not just take them because of the bandwidth of your process, and your project. I think that there are some people that are, ended up with five or seven or even ten applicants that they found that they were really good but they cannot hire. So go ahead and ask on the MasterMind group because I’m pretty sure that there are some people in there that are willing to help you.
Bradley: And I think Daryl Dressel had some the last time he, it might have not of been Daryl, but I think it was, I seem to remember a thread in the MasterMind just recently where he had fired up the hiring funnel and had like six really qualified candidates, but we only wanted to hire two or something like that, so there was like four available candidates, and so as Hernan just mentioned guy, that’s … Scott, you should have access to Outsource Kingpin, at least as far as I’m aware right? You’re a MasterMind member, go through it man, I’m telling you, it’s incredible.
As Hernan just found out, cause he fired it up for trying to find some bilingual VAs, it was a little bit more difficult looking for Spanish VAs than it was for Philippines VAs, but it works like magic for Philippines VAs, we have found, I mean, shit, I think between all of us now we’ve got 30-35 VAs maybe, maybe even more than that. Its crazy, and all of them have been basically all found and hired through the Outsource Kingpin hiring funnel.
Hernan: Yes. If I may add, I think It has to do with the specific … Because it’s the first time that we have had some issues hiring people. Not some issues, but some delays. I think it has to do with the websites not being ready to take on this kind of funnel. We managed to work it out but it took us a little bit longer. I think that the people in the Philippines, they are so used to work remotely, and the websites are making that easier, it works like crazy. Works like magic anyway.
Bradley: Yep and just, to mention real quick, what’s so good about it guys is that fact that as Marco just said, most of the time were not looking to hire skilled help right, because we’re going to train them in the exact processes that we want, in the exact way that we want them done, right. And that’s the key to it guys because of the problem with hiring skilled … Now don’t get me wrong, there are times when you’re gonna need to hire skilled help, like a coder for example or a programmer or something like that, which I’ll do. And typically when I’m going to look for skilled help, skilled labor, I’ll go to Upwork. And I will post a job that is only viewable by invitation. In other words, it’s not a publicly posted job, I will go … I will screen candidates that have profiles in Upwork, I’ll go hand select a handful of them, and then send them an invitation to bid on the job or to review the job right. For skilled work.
But for the most part, our VAs that we hire on salary, which is full-time positions, we’re gonna train them. So we don’t look for skilled help, and so again most of the posts that I do whenever I need to hire another vs is I’ll post, SEO virtual assistant. Seeking SEO virtual assistant, or seeking virtual assistant, or seeking administrative help, or something like that so I’m not talking about, need a keyword research person. You know what I mean? Because I’m gonna train them, with processes which again, all this is taught in Outsource Kingpin, but exactly how I produced the training.
Any of you guys that have ever seen my process docs, they all look the exact same. There’s no difference, all I do is record the training in a video, and then I go back and I basically transcribe the training, the video into a Google doc. That’s a bulleted Google doc, like a list basically. Numbered and bullets. And that’s how all of my process docs look. And it works really well. Because now anything that I can do, I can train somebody to do, using that exact same method.
So anybody that says that they don’t have time because they’re overwhelmed with work, or they can’t outsource because nobody can do it as good as them, no. It’s because you just haven’t taken the time to document how you do it. That it okay.
And guys, I don’t always drink my own Kool-Aid right, there are times, there are certain functions of my job that I just have not ever outsourced because I did not want to relinquish control. It was just the first of this year, January of this year, that I finally outsourced client reporting. I had been doing that myself, throughout my entire digital marketing career. And it was just eating up two to three days at the beginning of every month for me, and I just continued to do it, and I finally outsourced that in January and what a load off. Cause I got two and a half, three days back every single month now.
So again, it’s something that I highly recommend you guys get into doing Scott.
Sam, it’s funny, Scott and Sam, we met both of them in Portland, at the same event. [inaudible 00:38:07] hang out in Portland.
Would A Narrow Niche Site Ranks With Only The Homepage And 3 Category Pages?
Sam says “For a niche site with a very narrow focus, rather than building multiple silos, could I get away with putting my main 2,000+ word article on a static homepage and try to rank the homepage? And having two to three category home pages with supporting blog posts?”
Yeah absolutely Sam, if it’s a narrow focus why not, right? Absolutely. By the way guys, anybody that says, you know, I know there’s been training that … There are so many different thoughts out there about silos and, you have to have four or five silos on a site for it to be a properly siloed site and all that, that’s bullshit. I mean, maybe there’s some data to back some of that stuff up, or maybe in some really competitive terms and stuff that may be the case, but I know I’ve got sites that are just mono silos. Essentially it’s one singular silo of the site, and that’s it. And so there’s more depth to the silo but not width right. Width would be additional categories, depth is additional supporting posts within one silo.
And so we’ve got one of the case study sites that I built for Masterclass when we were doing the masterclass, is still ranking number one in maps now. And it’s a mono silo site, it’s one singular silo site with I think five pages which are subcategories and then one or two posts for each subcategory, and that’s it. And it’s been ranking number one in maps for shit, over two years now. And I haven’t some a damn thing to it.
What Website Service Would You Recommend For Real Estate Agents?
Anyways, next would be Ajay, he says “Which website service do you recommend for real estate agents? Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built?”
Okay, I can’t answer website platforms for real estate agents, I couldn’t tell you because I don’t deal with them, we have plenty of members though that do work in real estate that could probably comment on this even page. So those of you, Greg, Damon, you know a number of you, [Tahla 00:40:03], if you’re on, any of you guys that are watching that are in the MasterMind that I know are in real estate, if you guys wanna jump in and help Ajay with some recommendations, that would be great. Also, what features should we look for or ask to allow a syndication network to be built? Well, if some of these guys can recommend website platforms for real estate that have RSS feeds and a blog, you could just use that right, if not, then what I recommend doing, and typically whenever we run across any type of site for clients or whatever, any projects that aren’t on … The primary site or the blog is not held on WordPress, then our go to method is to install WordPress on a subdomain of the root domain.
So in other words, if you’re gonna go with a real estate website platform solution, that does not have a blog and an RSS feed function, then I would recommend that on a subdomain of that, the domain that you build the website on, so whatever it may be, I would put a blog.subdomain on it, and install WordPress and use that subdomain and the WordPress installation as your content distribution engine. Cause you can still accomplish the same stuff having the blog on a subdomain. And that give you all of the functionality of WordPress, without having to try to integrate the real estate website platform into syndication network and all of that, because sometimes that can be difficult if it doesn’t have an RSS feed.
So again, just install WordPress on a subdomain, good to go.
Alright, Kraig says … The GMB Pro Facebook group’s live, and wow, and there’s activity in there already, a lot of activity already, it’s been kind of a whirlwind of activity for the last couple of days so Kraig, reach out to support if you haven’t got access already.
What Deficiencies Should You Point Out To A Prospect To Sell The Value Of Local GMB Strategy To Them?
Nigel says “Good day gents”, what’s up Nigel. He says “What’s a good pitch to sell the value of local GMB strategy? For instance, what deficiencies can/should you point out to help close prospect? Can you review an example of and how do you address any metrics or proof?
Yeah Nigel, all I’m doing for proof is just showing GMB insights of accounts that we’ve applied this method to, that’s it. That’s it. That’s all the proof I need. So keep it simple, not talking to you directly Nigel, but keep it simple stupid. So KISS, the Keep It Simple Strategy, how do you show proof? Well, you just show Google insights where this method has, it worked really well. And just show hey, here’s the number of times you’ve been given impressions, this is how many times people hae engaged, they’ve clicked through your website or clicked through to a website, or phone calls, or driving directions if it’s a storefront, you can show all of that. And insights guys, as GMB continues to evolve, which they’re adding new shit all the time, insights is becoming more … There’s more data now. And they’re gonna be rolling out new metrics and KPIs and things like that, we’ll be able to measure or monitor within GMB insights as well.
Some really cool stuff we just saw this week, in fact in the GMB pro I think it was Greg, Greg [inaudible 00:43:12] who posted some insights reporting, showing the questions and answers. Those of you that are local guides, you guys know, if you’re a local guide, you know you’re probably getting prompted on your phone, often, whenever you’re out and about in town, to answer questions about locations that you’re next to, or hat your visiting right?
Well, those are now questions and answers, the results of those questions that GMB is asking are now being displayed in insights too. To the business owner. So the business owner can get a better idea of, what kinda sentiment is coming from people answering questions about their business.
So it’s, I forget I think maybe it was Marco that mentioned it in the thread that Greg started about this in the GMB Pro Facebook. This is Google crowdsourcing data for GMB. [Marc 00:44:05] you wanna comment on that?
Marco still here?
Marco: I was talking into a muted mike, sorry.
As far as how you sell this, I’m sorry, that’s the question right?
Bradley: Yep. Well, I wanna talk about also the crowdsourcing, Google crowdsourcing for data right now.
Marco: Yeah, but the … I was kinda talking about that while you were talking to me. And I really wanna focus on that, but we tend to complicate things when we pitch it. And simple really works, you show as Bradley said, results. And if someone can’t react to them, what was it you said? If someone seeds them and they don’t get excited [crosstalk 00:44:58]
Bradley: They’re likely dead.
Marco: Yeah. I think, please. And you just move on, because there’s someone there goes “Oh okay, I want that for me”. Most people react that way.
Bradley: That’s how I sold it to three of my client just, sorry Marco, but just real quick, the first three that I pitched, clients of mine that were already existing clients, that’s all I did, as I just showed GMB insights screenshots and I said: look at this, I can absolutely quantify the results of this service within 30 days, try it out” and two out of three of them jumped on it.
The only reason why the third one didn’t, is because he’s overwhelmed with calls right now, he literally asked me to help him throttle his call volume down. I’m not kidding you. But anyways, go ahead Marco.
Marco: No I mean, the training is simple, because it’s a simple concept. The pitch should be just as simple because again, what you’re selling them it’s so simple. This is what you get. If I do this, this is what happens. And so it’s cause and effect relationship, and it’s really on a pay … You’re going to produce, or you don’t get paid right? And you keep it that simple.
Bradley: Yep. That’s the other thing Nigel remember, keep it that way. Say look no contract … I like the no contract idea, although I may have to start using some contracts for some stuff that I’m doing, I pretty much always run my agency without any contracts, I have on occasion used contracts when it was required by the client, usually for bigger companies, but most of the smaller companies that I work with I just tell them to flat out “Look, there’s no contract, you can cancel at any time. If I’m producing results for you, you should want to continue paying me so that you can continue getting those results. If I’m not producing, you shouldn’t be committed or obligated to continue paying me. You should be able to just you know, part”.
So anyway, “Example of how to set up a G site landing page quickly for conversions, and can you show an example?”
Well, first of all, I can’t show an example, not sure what you mean about a G site landing page? If you’re talking about just setting up a Google site to act as a landing page, really that’s just design element stuff and Nigel honestly, all you need to do is just go do some Google searches for high converting local landing pages type stuff, and you can look … There’s been a lot of research done on this stuff guys.
So just go look at some of the research and you’ll see that there’s pretty much only a handful of basic elements that should be on a landing page, that is set up for conversions. And a lot of times you can mimic an AdWords landing page. Like what they consider to be the best type of landing page for lead generation, for local businesses that are running AdWords. Just mimic something like that. Excuse me, model something like that. That’s all that you need to do.
I mean there’s a reason why most landing pages look very similar guys because they work, they have been tested to death okay.
What Is The Impact Of Removing The Street Address From The NAP On The Effectiveness Of The Local GMB Strategy?
Alright, we’re gonna keep on moving. Don says “With the new local GMB strategy I have been acquiring more and more addresses to verify”, very good Don “From an SEO point of view have you noticed any difference in effectiveness when you remove the street address from the NAP service-area of business?”, well see, as per Googles terms of service, or their recommendations for service-area businesses you should not display the address. It should always be checked or, the box unchecked or whatever to display the business address, and again that’s per Googles own terms of service for service-area businesses.
So, I’ve just about, I don’t know I might have one or two that are actually displaying the address, but they were projects that I’ve never followed through with, so pretty much all of my [inaudible 00:48:46] properties for clients that are service-area businesses, I basically right off the bat, just so you know typically when I register the business, if I’m setting up the GMB listing for the first time, and I have to get it verified, then I will make sure the address is displayed when I first set up the listing, to request the postcard. But then once the postcard and the verification occurs, once I have that pin number or the pin or whatever, and I entered that and verified it, it becomes a published listing, then the first thing I do is uncheck that box to display the address. Because that’s again, per their recommendations.
I know some people have experimented with that, and even for service-area businesses they’ll show the address, and it will get better results for ranking, but I don’t wanna lose … I also, remember, a lot of these are spammed addresses. In other words, they’re P.O. boxes, and I don’t want a competitor looking at Google maps and seeing very quickly by just clicking the satellite button, that it’s a post office. Or even if it’s got a map pin basically sitting right on top of my pin, and it shows as a US post office. So I want to hide that address so that that doesn’t occur.
I mean, a competitor could go do a quick Google search for the business name plus the phone number and find other citations that are gonna list the address, but I don’t wanna make it stupid easy for them, right? Make them work for it at least.
So Don I really can’t answer that, maybe somebody else can tell you, I wouldn’t mess with it, I would not show the street address for service-area businesses. Unless customers also come to that location. Which that is an exception, and that’s also covered in the Google help files.
Marco: For SEO, if he’s doing RYS Reloaded he needs to display the address so that our builders can find the address and build the stack, and hook everything up to the address, once that process is done then he can hide it, but once he’s done building the drive stack he can hide the address. But you need that drive stack, and you need it for a very specific purpose. If you’re in RYS reloaded, read the black book, it’ll tell you why you need to display the address, it’s all explained in there. But yes, there is an SEO point of view on this, once that’s done and taken care of, you can go ahead and hide it, and you should be okay.
What Are Your Thoughts On The GMB Agency Dashboard?
Bradley: Yep. James says “I have yet to take local GMB pro course, but I gather what I can from Hump Day Hangouts” that’s what a lot of people do James, and we encourage that guys, we talk about that a lot, I mean Mohammed Maki, one of our star members right now of the MasterMind, has been amazing. He came and just asked questions every single week, Nigel’s another one, Nigel’s in our MasterMind, we were just talking to Nigel. The same thing, he came and asked questions every week, and applied what he learned, and took action, and both Mohammed and Nigel. And got their business generating enough revenue to where they came and joined the MasterMind. That awesome. So again James, keep doing what you’re doing man, you’ll get there. We encourage you to do that.
He says “I came across GMB agency dashboard in my Reddit newsfeed a couple of hours ago, I know it has just been released, but I was curious to know what your thoughts are on it, will it benefit SEOs doing local GMB, or will it give Google another footprint to observe?”.
No, look I haven’t had, again, this was just announced today, I just posted this link right here, just below your comment James, about bright locals post on it as well, so none of us have had time to play with it yet, we will be talking about it more once we have a little bit more experience with it, but I, look I don’t see it as being a trap of any sort, I see it as being a useful tool. Okay, if you’re gonna be managing peoples Google My Businesses for them, and they give you an agency, it’s kind of like having an AdWords manager account. I have an AdWords manager account because I manage multiple AdWords accounts. So it just makes it a lot easier, it’s not, I don’t think it’s a trap of any sort, or anything like that, they’re just trying to improve their processes right?
Again, I know Marco doesn’t think the same way I do, but I’ve always looked at Google as my business partner and not my enemy, Marco’s like, “Fuck Google” all the time. But I personally, I’ve never felt that way. So honestly, I would use the tool if it … I just haven’t, I have not tried it out yet, but I will be over the coming weeks.
What Percentage Of The Sites Are Placed In Your Main Google/GSuite Account To Boost Lead Generation Or Client Sites?
Jim says “When using Google sites for lead generation and/or boosting client sites, what percentage of the sites are placed in your main Google G Suite account? Are you spreading them across many accounts?”
For Google sites, yeah I do, I would create the main Google site, which will be the branded Google site, under the main account, but everything else that I’m using specifically just for link building purposes, I do all those under persona accounts guys. Keep your accounts separate, okay. Keep your accounts separate guys. Remember you wanna keep your branded properties, the profiles that own the branded properties, you wanna keep them as clean as possible. So do all your other activities, spammy or nonspammy, any time you’re building Google sites for the specific purpose, the sole purpose of ranking, using for link building and to help rank other properties right? That spam guys. I don’t care whether you like that word or not, it’s spam. So keep your spammy activity outside of your main Google branded profiles. You’d definitely want to keep that out, keen them separate. Guys you can buy, phone verified Google accounts for dirt cheap. You can use those accounts to set up Google sites and do all the spammy stuff that you wanna do. Okay.
Marco: My answer to this is none. I get them from our own builders, and what they turn over is the Gmail account, and we have a specific way. We make our main account the manager of that drive stack and the G site and whatever. So that we never again have to go in there and touch that drive stack. It doesn’t need to. If it does, then I just turn it back to the builders, and I say just give me more folders and files, and whatever. And the main purpose for that, is not only to protect the account, but also you don’t wanna overburden the one Gmail account, of the one drive account with the script that we run. And if you run multiple scripts inside one account, you are going to get banned. You’re going to wake up and everything gonna be gone. Googles going to tell you, we don’t appreciate you using our resources like that.
Bradley: Yep. Yes, spread your eggs across many baskets, let’s put it that way. I will create a branded Google site underneath the main profile for that business, but like Marco said, when I order a drive stack for that business, that’s a separate Google site that gets built. That’s not the … I’m not, I will include the branded Google site that I created under the branded profile, I’ll include that URL as one of the target URLs for the drive stack, but that’s not the drive stack Google site, that Google site for the drive stack is created underneath the persona profile that was used when the entire drive stack was created. So again, keep those things separate, there’s a reason for it, and it’s to eliminate any potential spammy penalties from Google. For your business profile.
Is There A Difference In Terms Of Ranking A Blog In The Same Domain And On A Separate Domain?
Dan, what’s up Dan, he says “Is there a difference in effectiveness as far as rankings go for having the blog page and the website vs having the blog page link out to an established blog website the business has had for years?”
Okay so basically, your blog is on an external domain right, a separate domain. Blog page on the website vs having a blog page link out.
Okay, I think I know what you mean. So if you’ve got a money site, and for example in the navigation menu on the money site, you’ve got a blog button or a blog link, that would typically go to the blog roll within the same domain right? The blog index page, however you’re saying, could it link to an external blog?
Yeah I’ve got a couple of clients where that’s the case, and so there’s a few things that you can do, you can do[inaudible 00:57:13] tags from the blog which is on another domain, to point back to the main money site, you can do that, you can also use the other blog to certainly just do contextual links like you typically would for normal link voting purposed back to the money site. So there’s a number of things you can do for that, if it’s an established blog though, as long the brands are associated, as long as those two domains are associated with that brand, which you can do a lot of that stuff with structure data too, it should be okay.
Obviously it would be better to have the blog on the domain itself, but I know in some situations, there’s some unique I have where it’s very similar, the blog has been on an external domain, and we’ve still been able to make it work, okay.
“The real question is where will the relevance go, I’m thinking the GMB site and the blog site? Thanks” yeah, I would just make sure everything is really branded well, everything is interlinked well do that Google understand that those two domains are both part of that entity. And again, you can accomplish a lot of that with structured data. Something else you may want to do, is remember in GMB guys, you have the website and then you have the appointment setter URL, you might be able to squeeze that one in there too. The blog URL. Try that and see, it might work.
Okay were almost done, sett, were almost out of time too, this has worked out.
Thanks for the information about VAs I will fire up an outsource funnel asap, yeah Scott, remember you’re in the MasterMinds, so if you have any questions about that, please feel free, we’ll be happy to … And again, a lot of our members in the MasterMind have used it very successfully, so there will be of plenty of people to jump in and help you out if you need it.
Hernan: Yes and Scott, if you need any kind of walk through or any kind of specific advice, just make a post on the Facebook group, tag me, and I’ll tell you what we do, I’ll tell you what I do, what I’m looking for when I’m interviewing these folks and whatnot, so that you can have a better understanding but yeah, you should have plenty of results like, plenty of pre screened VAs in the MasterMind group itself. So.
Bradley: Yeah so, you might not even have to go through that process. It would be good for you, Scott if you were gonna be building your team, to go through that process and learn it and set it up for your own business anyways, but my point is if you just need a quick, if you just need to hire a VA right away because you’re overwhelmed or whatever, again, there’s probably gonna be people that already have screened very qualified candidates and they’ll have some that they could direct your way. Okay.
Okay Don, apparently we answered your questions so good, well thanks everybody for being here, this worked out, on the money, 5pm. Wow. So we don’t have any other webinars this week do we guys?
Adam: I think that is it.
Hernan: Yes,
Bradley: Alright everybody, well thanks everybody for being here, well see you all next week.
Adam: Awesome.
Hernan: See all you guys.
Marco: Bye everybody.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 187 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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