#my top ten list
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starscream-is-my-wife · 3 months ago
Some Bumblebee and mother Ratchet :)
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I dont know if that's the artstyle but is Ratchet crying?? That's kinda sweet if he is 😭
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Here's some G1 shots where it's just them cause I'm a sucker for these 3
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artsekey · 7 months ago
Woof! Netflix's Pluto is really, really good. I had no idea it was an adaptation of Astro Boy (though I did 100% clock the design as Astro-Boy adjacent when Atom showed up on screen). Definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it feels like an eight hour long movie.
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The animation is absolutely top-tier-- as in I did not think Netflix would produce something so high-quality in animation-- and while the pacing may be slow for some, I feel like every beat is getting plenty of comfortable coverage. I'd say if you're a Sci-Fi fan, it's a total must watch!
[Also, despite being written in 2003, the deeper themes of the story are still... unfortunately... very topical.]
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queenlucythevaliant · 7 months ago
Honesty hours: I've been working a summer job at a bookstore for almost two months now. Here are the books I will discreetly shake my head at customers for buying. My literary red flags, if you will.
Anything tarot
Particular romance and romantasy novels that I've been told are basically just soft erotica (ACOTAR being the most popular)
Harlequins, which apparently still exist
Colleen Hoover
The Colleen Hoover merch we sell for some godforsaken reason
Heaven is For Real, When God Winks at You, and other theologically sketchy but inexplicably popular books. I'm always internally thinking, "oh honey, no!"
Giant stack of self help books combined with books from the business section. This suggests a very particular type of person. This type of person scares me.
Especially that one book we have about how to become a "superior man" (??)
More than one book by James Patterson. One book is forgivable; multiple suggests you follow him as an author
More than one book by Danielle Steel (same reason)
Parents buying their kids books that are just "Adult Thing: For Kids!" Like we have a picture book that's called "A Day at Dunder Mifflin" or the one adapted from the Dumb and Dumber movies and I'm like. Don't you think your kid would prefer something that's actually for them??
That guy who bought the collected writings of Lenin, the poetic writings of Mao, and a giant, thousand-page biography of Che Guevara all in one go. You okay there buddy?
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finelythreadedsky · 1 year ago
JSTOR Wrapped: top ten JSTOR articles of 2023
Coo, Lyndsay. “A Tale of Two Sisters: Studies in Sophocles’ Tereus.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 143, no. 2 (2013): 349–84.
Finglass, P. J. “A New Fragment of Sophocles’ ‘Tereus.’” Zeitschrift Für Papyrologie Und Epigraphik 200 (2016): 61–85.
Foxhall, Lin. “Pandora Unbound: A Feminist Critique of Foucault’s History of Sexuality.” In Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, 167–82. Edinburgh University Press, 2003.
Garrison, Elise P. “Eurydice’s Final Exit to Suicide in the ‘Antigone.’” The Classical World 82, no. 6 (1989): 431–35.
Grethlein, Jonas. “Eine Anthropologie Des Essens: Der Essensstreit in Der ‘Ilias’ Und Die Erntemetapher in Il. 19, 221-224.” Hermes 133, no. 3 (2005): 257–79.
McClure, Laura. “Tokens of Identity: Gender and Recognition in Greek Tragedy.” Illinois Classical Studies 40, no. 2 (2015): 219–36.
Purves, Alex C.  “Wind and Time in Homeric Epic.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 140, no. 2 (2010): 323–50.
Richlin, Amy. “Gender and Rhetoric: Producing Manhood in the Schools.” In Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by Mark Golden and Peter Toohey, 202–20. Edinburgh University Press, 2003.
Rood, Naomi. “Four Silences in Sophocles’ ‘Trachiniae.’” Arethusa 43, no. 3 (2010): 345–64.
Zeitlin, Froma I. “The Dynamics of Misogyny: Myth and Mythmaking in the Oresteia.” Arethusa 11, no. 1/2 (1978): 149–84.
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hotasfahrenheit · 1 month ago
my top 10 ql shows of 2024
we're a week into the new year already so i guess i should finally get this list posted 👀👀👀
to make this list, i kept an ongoing note in my phone all year of all the ql shows i watched, and then i sat down a couple days ago (*cough*a week ago*cough) and rearranged them to figure out which ones were my favourites. i didn't have any kind of ranking system going through the year (besides being very sure by the beginning of february what was going to be my absolute favourite of the year- and i was right) so this was all based on the vibes i was feeling about all these shows as i made the list, thinking back on them over the year.
i had JUST finished one of these shows so that's part of why i wanted to let it sit for a few days- make sure my ranking wasn't skewed by the feeling of having finished a show then immediately making the list right after while it was fresher than anything else. a week on, i'm still solid on these. i think. i keep looking at this list and being like "wait, did i really love that show more than this other one? did i? how is that one not in the top 10? wait but the ones above it are also just so good" and if i don't just post a list then i'll never stop fidgeting with it, so here we go!
10 - 4Minutes
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was 4Minutes perfect? no, but i enjoyed the twisting layers of narrative and the speculation and discussion around this show so much. there were multiple times i thought i had things about the story figured out, and i kept being close to correct, but it kept finding ways to surprise me anyway.
9 - Love Is A Poison
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this show was an unexpected delight in so many ways. it was funny, it was smart, it was wild, it was bonkers, i hope they get to make more of it.
8 - Jack & Joker
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the longing, the heists, the shenanigans, the friendships, the everything about this show. it got a lil shaky towards the end but on the whole it was such a fun time, and it's still so incredible and such a triumph that they even got this show made, and i love it forever.
7 - Meet You At The Blossom
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ANOTHER TRIUMPH OF A SHOW. so pretty. so splendid. so many long sleeves being waved around. so much nonsense and adventure. a fantastic pairing of characters, a fun side couple, just all around perfection.
6 - Love Sea
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does this show get a biased boost in the ranking because i love Fort and Peat so much and even an imperfect show with them in it was going to be something i loved? maybe. possibly. probably. Peat spent the whole time looking expensive and pretty, and Fort spent the whole time looking like he was going to devour him, and they're just so good together. sorry not sorry.
5 - 1000 Years Old
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this show gets two gifs, because they're my gifs, and i loved it SO MUCH. definitely a weird little show, but it had so much heart, and the way the story built was incredible, and it was just such a warm, beautiful show about found family and embracing your weirdness and being yourself and also love. all about love. the deepest love, and patience, and being willing to try again no matter how many times it takes. also soup, and so many umbrellas.
4 - My Stand-In
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(this gif is from this set i made)
this show. THIS SHOW. the acting, the story, everything about it was absolutely insane and was all-consuming especially towards the ending of it. i love stories with complex, nuanced characters, and i love actors who can make you angry with how good they are at playing terrible people. this show had me shouting in the group chat all the time and it was just such a wild ride. an EXPERIENCE from start to finish.
3 - Love In The Big City
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an absolutely stunning work of art. i watched the first two episodes with @poetry-protest-pornography when it first released then we both got busy with life for a bit; i listened to the audiobook at work the last week of December and immediately slammed through the rest of the episodes compulsively. i couldn't stay away. i had to inject it into my being. i'm aware that i interacted with and experienced this story differently than a lot of people i've seen talk about it on here because it didn't resonate with me in all the exact same ways as i am a straight person, and i saw a lot of people talking about how deeply it spoke to them about the queer experience, but the themes of loss and loneliness and searching for purpose and meaning and love were universal enough that this show did a number on my heart and soul and still is echoing in me now.
2 - Let Free The Curse of Taekwondo
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another stunning, emotional show. this story had me in its GRIP from the first episode and has still not let me go. it was a rollercoaster and was such a deep tale about forgiveness and finding ways to just live life and how it's never too late for a new beginning. about how sometimes you can't let go of people, and you shouldn't. about being able to find and keep love and joy even through the darkest times and places.
1 - Love For Love's Sake
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aslkdfjhalsfkdjhafd obviously. obviously this was my number one. an absolute powerhouse of a story about love and acceptance and being willing to not only help other people take second chances on life, but allowing yourself to as well. about being willing and open to loving and caring for others, and loving and caring for yourself. about taking control of your situation and writing your own future. about love, for love's sake.
everything here is obviously my opinion, if there's a show you're curious about that you loved that you don't see here, comment and i'll tell you where it ended up in my longer list (unless it's something i didn't get to this year!) and let me know how my list compares to your faves!
Bonus round: honorouble mention - Knock, Knock, Boys!
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listen, as much as i loved all the other shows here, i considered making this a top 15 list instead of 10 because i loved this show so much and it didn't feel fair that it wasn't included. it was goofy, it was heartfelt, it was fun the whole way through and i really loved it a whole lot. 15 would have been too many tho, so this just gets an honourable mention at the end instead.
any gifs in this post that don't have credit under them are ones i made! i don't have the time or energy to make new gifs for every show so i just pulled from things i'd already made and had on my hard drive, or used ones made by others where needed. thanks to the other gif makers whose stuff i used!
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rarepair-haven · 1 month ago
♡, ❥, or 💓 for star sans poly (dream x ink x swap)?
who is the bigger romantic openly? secretly?
Ink’s very loud and open about how much he enjoys the concept of romance and love in general but doesn’t direct it at anyone specific-he prefers it when blue and dream initiate more romantic actions simply because he forgets sometimes he can be that affectionate with them, Blue’s just as open but not as loud and tends to actually direct his enjoyment of love towards his partners instead of just rambling about the concept, Dream’s the most private about it but also is near constantly showering the other two in affection whenever they’re alone.
who is more likely to plan something big for valentine's day?
The one and ONLY headcanon I have for Blue is that he’s super into holidays in general but especially “human” holidays. Halloween, Christmas, and yes Valentine’s Day. He pulls out little heart shaped cards and pink streamers with little flirty messages on candies to hand out
who initiates most physical contact?
It’s a miracle ink isn’t on a child harness at this point and I choose to believe it’s because he has on the most visible part of his scarf a reminder to give his boyfriends kisses so every five minuets or so he’s wildly looking around for them so he can try to sneak attack via forehead kisses. It never works but it does guarantee he’s at least in the same world as them
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power-chords · 29 days ago
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Erkunden Neubauten.
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stingrayextraordinaire · 20 days ago
Thank you so much for the tag, @valiantarcher! I'm posting a gif from each of my top 10 movies without saying what they are and then tagging 10 people.
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I’m tagging @moonlightandstarshimmer, @daisyejones, @effulgentpoet, @amiablesummer, @cozy-possum, @ladyrock18, and anyone else who would like to participate! :)
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fakeasmr · 1 month ago
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hey youtube wtf is this slop
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leonardcohenofficial · 13 days ago
literally not being even remotely hyperbolic when i say this is one of the most perfect jazz albums of all time
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astro-can · 3 months ago
"wow MHA isn't all that bad!" immediately remembers how horribly written and designed most of the female characters are. "never fucking mind!"
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dwarfsized · 2 months ago
my beautiful and precious @aevallare tagged me in this poast about movies <3
rules: without naming them, post a gif from ten of your favourite films, then tag ten people to do the same.
NOT in order.
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sorry if you've been double tagged but i tag @lyzelky @mutualcombat @ghouliar0berts and @rainbowslinkyy
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sirhinkjinks · 2 years ago
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aw, bats!
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wreedenthusiast · 5 months ago
My top ten favorite JJK characters!
10. Megumi Fushiguro
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9. The School Shooter
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8. Ryomen Sukuna
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7. Kento Nanami
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6. Aoi Todo
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5. Zenin Maki
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4. Wide Anti-Semitist
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3. Itadori Yuji
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2. Kugisaki Nobara
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Gojo Satoru (The Highest in the Room)
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bloodydeanwinchester · 1 year ago
question ive been wanting to ask for quite a while, bc of your url: top three bloody dean scenes/episodes?
[also your pfp and header are so pretty]
ohhh first of all THANK YOU second of all this my favorite kind of question<33 my top two are sooooo easy but picking my third favorite was actually really hard so i cheated and picked a tie for third<3
3. 3x16 no rest for the wicked (if i'm picking purely for angst and bloody content this one would probably win) and 11x03 the bad seed (if i'm picking for bloody destiel content then this one would win)
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2. 11x04 baby (j-turn scene my beloved. this is absolutely the fucking sexiest bloody dean scene of all time<3)
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1. 8x17 goodbye stranger (the crypt scene has EVERYTHING i love...he's soooo fucking bloody and fucked up and on his knees and he's telling cas that he NEEDS him!!!! truly nothing could be better than this)
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kennyomegasweave · 3 months ago
Save tried so hard to protect Hope and now they're both worse off. Like Hope's offering to pay off Save's debt so he can run away, as if Save would ever leave him, which Save pointed out, and just. The fact that they both only want the other safe at any cost, while not being able to actually do a damn thing to really protect the other because neither of them has any actual power here, is just breaking my heart.
And Hope saying "it's okay, you have me, everything will be alright" has now made me V V Concerned that everything will, in fact, not be alright.
They just have me so fucked up.
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