#my teacher made me take it again and explain to her my process.
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kaurwreck · 5 months ago
y'all stop saying fyodor has never looked so sincerely angry before. he has.
I know this because, and this is not an exaggeration, the vast majority of my manga revisits are to enjoy his expressions of anger, disdain, and malcontent. i shit you not, several of my bsd meta posts wholly unrelated to fyodor were written because I happened to notice something else while flipping through to imbibe fedya's hissy fits. I don't reread the manga when I do this, just those scenes, unless something else catches my attention.
anyway, stop disrespecting my beloved pastime.
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justabigassnerd · 4 months ago
New Relationships
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Word count - 13.2K
Warnings - angst, arguing, swearing, fluff
Summary - you meet someone new, and while at first you don't get on... you soon change your tune
A/N - it's time for the return of Hangman Junior y'all! it's certainly been a long time coming and it's been so fun getting back into this universe! I do apologise if this fic isn't great I was trying my best lol. but I hope y'all enjoy (and don't worry I'm planning a follow up fic that'll go more into the stuff that happened at the end). as per y'all please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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Growing up, Javy had always been a staple in your life. He was your dad’s best friend and he had played a huge part in your upbringing. You had even regularly spent nights at Javy’s house when your dad was away. With all the time you had spent with Javy, you thought you knew him better than most.
But you didn’t know that he had concealed a secret no one other than Jake knew about.
One day while Bradley was up in the air, training some of the newest recruits that had joined Top Gun, Jake was lounging in the rec room, listening to all the conversations happening up in the air on the small radio. Javy had been in the room but had to step out of the room when his phone began to ring.
“You got this, Bradley,” Jake muttered with a small smile as he listened to his husband explaining what flight exercise he and the other recruits would be doing. Jake had loved seeing how much Bradley’s confidence had grown since the uranium mission. He had stopped hesitating so much up in the air and had truly become a fighter pilot others would fear when in a dogfight.
As Jake listens carefully to the radio, chuckling to himself when he hears the cocky remarks from the new trainees who reminded him of himself, Javy comes back into the rec room, visibly shaken as he moves to sit down, collapsing on the couch opposite Jake who is instantly concerned about his best friend.
“Whoa, Coyote, what’s up man?” Jake asks worriedly, now distracted from listening to the radio and giving his best friend his full attention.
“I just got a call from CPS. Iris has been caught drunk and high in her house. They’re removing Mateo from her care and wanting him to move in with me.” Javy explains, propping his elbows on his lap and burying his face in his hands as he lets out a sigh.
“She what?” Jake asks, eyes wide in shock as he processes what Javy has just said to him.
“Apparently some teachers at school were concerned about Mateo and called CPS to investigate the house and they found Iris high as a kite with some random guy in the house while Mateo was nowhere to be found and Iris sure as hell had no idea where he was.” Javy elaborates, dropping his hands and looking at Jake who softens in sympathy for his best friend, getting up from where he was sitting and moving to sit next to Javy.
“Well, he’s gotta come out here, right? He shouldn’t be shoved into the system.” Jake says as if it was the most obvious answer.
“I know. They’ve said they want to call again later to figure out when will be best for him to fly out here. I just don’t know how to tell anyone about this.” Javy says quietly as he glances over at Jake, his eyes displaying every ounce of emotion he is feeling.
Javy had never been as open about his private life. He told the Daggers bits and pieces but he had closely guarded secrets that only Jake knew about. The biggest one of those secrets is his son Mateo.
Mateo was not much younger than you, only a few months give or take. Javy had been in college and met a pretty girl at a party. The alcohol in his system definitely helped aid the decision he made to sleep with her that night. A couple of weeks down the line, Iris discovered that she was pregnant and both she and Javy had made the joint decision to keep and raise their baby together as they continued their college journey. By the time they graduated, Mateo had been born and was a couple of months old. Iris was well aware of Javy’s intentions to join the Naval Academy and train to become an aviator but just as he began his training, they had a huge argument which led to Iris moving away and taking Mateo with her. It broke Javy’s heart to watch her take his son and leave, so much so that he opted to keep Mateo’s entire existence a secret to hide his heartbreak from everyone around him. After meeting Jake and discovering that Jake had a daughter of his own, he found himself inclined to open up about his son but made sure that Jake promised to keep this information a secret. And true to his word, Jake kept it a secret, even from Bradley and from you.
Javy had always made attempts to visit Mateo as he grew up. Every Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthday he’d travel to Utah in an attempt to spend some time with his son. Yet no matter how much he tried, Iris would refuse to let him spend a decent amount of time with Mateo, and he was never allowed to invite Mateo to spend time with him once he settled in Miramar. Javy just couldn’t make any sense of it. Half the time he was sure she didn’t care for their son but the moment Javy would mention visiting or paying for a flight so that Mateo could come to Miramar, she’d start claiming that she didn’t want her son to get hurt by Javy, seemingly ignoring the amount of effort Javy was willing to put in just for a short visit.
“Hey, we’ll figure it out together, okay? They already love y/n, so I can’t imagine any reason why they’d not love Mateo too.” Jake’s gentle voice shakes Javy from his thoughts, causing him to look over at Jake and offer him a soft smile.
“I don’t feel like I’m prepared for this,” Javy whispers, worry in his voice as Jake offers his friend a supportive smile moving to rest a hand on his shoulder.
“Nothing could prepare you for this, but I’m going to help. Go and tell Maverick you’ve had a family emergency and that you need to head home, he’ll understand. Then go home and check out your spare room, text me a list of things you think you’ll need for the room for when Mateo arrives. And while you call CPS to organise Mateo moving out here, I’ll run by the store and then meet you at your house.” Jake says, explaining his thought-out plan as Javy nods, inhaling sharply before standing up and moving to exit the room. Upon realising that Jake wasn’t following him, Javy turned to look over at Jake.
“Are you not coming?” He asks, confused as to why Jake wasn’t coming when he had made it clear that he intended to join him.
“I’ll come along later. Bradley’s awful at checking his phone at work so I need to tell him what I’m doing face to face otherwise he’ll damn near have an aneurysm when he realises I’m not around. Just make sure Maverick knows I’ll be leaving too.” Jake says with a chuckle, waving his hand to dismiss Javy who nods before rushing out of the rec room in search of Maverick.
When Bradley had landed, Jake had rushed out to meet him on the tarmac, with Bradley beaming as Jake approached.
“It’s not often my husband meets me out on the tarmac. What’s up?” Bradley says as the two reach each other.
“Coyote’s had a last-minute family emergency so I’ve offered to help him out. I just wanted to let you know before I went off to help. I don’t need you panicking when you can’t find me.” Jake explains, watching as Bradley’s smile fades slightly in worry.
“Is everything okay?” He asks, concerned about Javy.
“I’ll explain everything when we’re both home, okay? I promise.” Jake says, keeping a small smile on his face to try to keep Bradley from worrying too much about what could be happening.
“Okay. I’ll see you later.” Bradley says with a sigh before leaning in to press a quick kiss to Jake’s lips to bid him a silent goodbye. After they break apart, Jake whispers a quiet goodbye before backing away and heading back into the building to gather up his things before heading out to his truck so he can head to the nearest store.
As Jake pulls into a parking spot, his phone buzzes with a message from Javy consisting of a list of things he needs Jake to buy in anticipation of Mateo’s arrival. As Jake enters the store, he begins to come up with a game plan to get in and out in as little time as possible so he can get back to Javy as quickly as possible. Jake went up and down each aisle, grabbing the things Javy needed, doing his best to pick things he thought a teenage boy would like. Jake picked up a couple of various plain coloured covers for the spare bed in Javy’s spare room, he grabbed some snacks he thought Mateo might like to try and make everything seem a little more homely. When Jake had finished shopping, he loaded all the bags into the backseats of his truck before getting behind the wheel and driving to Javy’s house.
Upon arriving at Javy’s house, he unloads the shopping and approaches the front door, knocking on the wooden door and waiting patiently for Javy to let him in.
“Thank you for doing this,” Javy says gratefully the moment he opens the door and sees Jake on the other side, stepping aside to allow him into the house.
“It’s no problem,” Jake says with a friendly smile as he follows Javy into the living room, both men unpacking the bags and sorting things while making quiet conversation.
“How much do I owe you?” Javy asks, reaching for the receipt he found at the bottom of one of the bags, stopping only when Jake snatches the piece of paper from the bag before Javy can reach it himself.
“You don’t owe me anything,” Jake says, beginning to fold the receipt up and holding it away from Javy as he attempts to reach out for it.
“Come on, man. You just went to the store and spent however much money on stuff for my son when you didn’t have to. I owe you.” Javy says, letting out a frustrated huff when Jake continues to hold the receipt out of reach and eventually tucking it into his pocket to conceal it from Javy as he softens.
“You’ll never owe me anything. You’ve looked after y/n more times than I can count. The least I can do is help you organise everything for when Mateo arrives.” Jake says gently, a supportive smile on his face as Javy smiles back, overwhelmed with gratefulness towards his friend.
“We should probably take all this stuff upstairs and start setting up his room. I called CPS and they told me he’d be flying out within the next couple of days, they’re just in the process of getting flights and sorting out everything he wants to bring with him.” Javy explains as the two men begin to head upstairs with some of the newly bought items.
“Whenever he flies out, I’m more than happy to help however you want me to. Give me a call and I’ll be there.” Jake promises as they reach the spare room, entering the room as Javy smiles appreciatively.
“Thank you, Jake,” Javy says, as he approaches the bed both men beginning to strip the old bedding off and replace it with the new things Jake had bought.
“Maybe when Mateo arrives you can take him to Home Depot or something and do up this room with colours and decorations that he’d want. That might help him settle in a little better.” Jake suggests as he puts a new cover on one of the pillows, fluffing it as he goes.
“That’s a good idea. I’ll offer it to him as an option when he arrives. I’ve taken a few days off work to make sure everything’s ready and to help Mateo settle in.” Javy says as he unfolds the new bedspread.
“Good plan. Having one-on-one time with you will surely help him settle in.” Jake agrees, taking the other half of the bedspread and helping Javy make the bed.
“Obviously I have to enrol him at a high school, y/n’s school should take him, right?” Javy asks, looking over at Jake who nods.
“They’ll be considerate of your circumstances I’m sure. They’re pretty used to accepting new students during the year. I’ll vouch for you if needed.” Jake says, confident that your high school would accept Mateo with little to no questions asked. The two men continue to finish setting up the room, making sure it’s clean and tidy in anticipation of Mateo’s upcoming arrival.
“Hey, maybe we could have a get-together when Mateo’s settled? Maybe a barbeque on the beach or something so he can get to know the Daggers.” Javy proposes, receiving an enthusiastic nod from Jake.
“That sounds good. It’ll give him a chance to get to know y/n as well before he’s tossed into school. He can at least then know one person when he starts school.” Jake says in agreement, focusing on making sure everything looks neat. When they finished preparing the room, they headed downstairs and Jake helped Javy organise the newly bought snacks, arranging them neatly in a basket to act as a warm welcome. Once everything is prepared, Javy walks Jake to the front door, thanking him with a large hug.
“I have no idea how to thank you, Jake.” Javy mumbles as the two men embrace.
“You don’t need to. You’ve been there for me more times than I can count. It’s my turn to be there for you.” Jake says softly, pulling away from the hug and squeezing Javy’s shoulder slightly with a supportive smile before they both bid each other goodbye and Jake makes his way out to his truck to head home.
When Jake gets home, he unlocks the door and is greeted by an enthusiastic Moose who bounds around Jake’s feet, whining for attention until Jake begins to pet him. After Moose begins to quiet down, Jake hears footsteps approaching and looks up to see Bradley entering the hall. Jake hadn’t anticipated Bradley being home already but he also knew he hadn’t been keeping track of time while at Javy’s.
“Hey,” Jake says softly, skirting around Moose and approaching Bradley to press a soft kiss on his lips.
“Hey. How’s Coyote?” Bradley asks after pulling away from the kiss, immediately wanting to know what was up and whether Javy is okay.
“Come on, let’s sit down and I’ll tell you everything. y/n’s out isn’t she?” Jake says, following Bradley into the living room with Moose on their heels, both men settling down on the couch as Moose hops up alongside them, laying his head in Jake’s lap.
“y/n said she was going to Lily’s house after school today, she won’t be back for a while I know she’s excited to see her again after so long,” Bradley confirms, remembering how you had told him that your friend Lily had been someone you knew when you were younger and had moved away from due to Jake’s job, as he focuses solely on Jake as he waits patiently for an explanation. As Jake talks, Bradley has his full attention on him, hanging on to his every word. He was shocked at the revelation that Javy had a son, but he could also understand why he had kept it a secret. After all, he’d kept his broken relationship with Maverick a secret from everyone when they all came back to Top Gun. Once Jake has finished talking, Bradley nods slightly in understanding.
“I get why Javy kept it a secret from everyone. And I’m more than willing to help out in any way I can when Mateo moves here. I’m sure y/n will be the same.” Bradley says, smiling supportively at Jake who nods.
“We’re trying to figure out when will be the best time to tell y/n. She’s known Javy all her life and this is a big piece of information to find out days away from Mateo’s arrival.” Jake explains, guilt written all over his face as he talks.
“Hey, she’ll understand. It might take a little while to come to terms with it but she’ll be there for Javy when it counts.” Bradley says reassuringly, reaching to squeeze Jake’s hand, both men smiling softly at the comfort of the contact.
By Friday afternoon, Mateo was due to fly to San Diego, Javy, Jake, and Bradley had come to the conclusion that it would be best that you knew about Mateo before he arrived so you’d have time to process the news.
“Dad, Uncle Javy is here!” You call through the house, after opening the door, smiling at Javy as Moose nudges the man, desperate for attention.
“Hey, Kit-Kat.” Javy greets, reaching out to ruffle your hair as you lightly grumble, swatting at his hand as he enters the house. Javy follows you into the living room where Jake and Bradley are just walking through the living room from the kitchen to meet Javy, all of the men smiling as they greet each other.
“Let’s sit down, shall we?” Bradley says, gesturing towards the couch as you sit down on the couch, your dads sitting on either side of you while Javy opts to sit on the armchair.
“What did you guys need to talk about? It’s not bad is it?” You ask worriedly, eyes flicking between each man as if you could tell what they might talk about judging by their reactions.
“It’s not bad, promise,” Jake says softly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and tugging you into his side to comfort you.
“Well, what is it then?” You ask, looking over at Javy who sighs lightly, resting his arms on his legs and squeezing his hands together as he prepares himself to speak.
“This might be a shock to hear but… I have a son.” Javy says quickly, looking up at you as your eyebrows furrowed, trying to make sense of what you just heard.
“What? Since when?” You ask, confused at the news.
“Since before I met your dad. We had Mateo while I was in my last year of college, and just as I was preparing to go to the Naval Academy, his mother and I got into a pretty nasty argument to the point she took Mateo and left. I tried my best to visit him on holidays or just whenever I could but let’s just say Iris wasn’t very welcoming. But long story short, Iris has been caught being an inappropriate guardian for Mateo and I’ve offered to be his guardian. He’s flying out here tomorrow.” Javy explains, studying your reaction carefully as you finally look at him.
“Why didn’t I know?” You ask quietly. Deep down you knew it was unreasonable to ask, but you had known Javy for so long that you were shocked that you had never known.
“How long have you two known?” You ask, turning on Jake and Bradley who exchange sad glances.
“I’ve known since Javy and I became friends. Bradley only found out a couple of days ago.” Jake explains softly, his heart breaking at the look on your face.
“So you said he’s flying out tomorrow?” You ask, steeling your expression and turning back to Javy who nods.
“Yeah, we were thinking on Sunday we’d have a barbeque or something on the beach as a welcome party so he could get to know everyone.” Javy then says, continuing to watch your reactions as you nod, your mood significantly dampened even as you try to hide it.
“That sounds like a good idea.” You say, a forced smile on your face as you nod before getting to your feet and heading up to your room with a quiet goodbye. The moment you’re out of the room, Javy’s head drops, a sigh escaping his lips.
“She hates me,” Javy says quietly, his heart hurting that he had upset you.
“She doesn’t hate you. It’s just a big piece of news to process. I bet you any money that by Sunday she’ll have come around. She just needs a little bit of time.” Jake assures Javy softly, both he and Bradley watching Javy carefully as he nods quietly.
“I should probably head home. Mateo flies in pretty early tomorrow and I want to make sure everything’s all ready for him. Some stuff has already been shipped over so I want to make sure things are organised.” Javy says, lifting his head and rising to his feet, Jake and Bradley mirroring his actions.
“Do you need any help with anything?” Bradley asks, watching Javy carefully as he shakes his head.
“No. Thank you, though. It’s just the last few things I need to sort out before tomorrow. Then we’ll meet up on Sunday, okay?” Javy says before he heads over to the door, both men following behind him.
“We’ll see you on Sunday. Give us a call if you need anything.” Jake says, both he and Bradley bidding Javy goodbye with friendly hugs, watching him make his way down the driveway and walk in the direction of his house with sad smiles on their faces, only hoping that you’d processed the news and be back to normal, and that you’d get on with Mateo when he arrived.
The next day, you decided to head down to the beach, wanting to take advantage of the sunny weather so you could spend time with Lily. You had been overjoyed when she walked into your classroom, indicating that she had moved to San Diego and after a catch-up, the two of you were acting like you’d never been apart.
“So, beach day?” Lily asks, getting in the passenger seat of your car, your Honda Fit had been fixed up after the rear ending accident and you were back to driving around like nothing had happened.
“Beach day.” You confirm with a smile, driving off from where you had parked just outside Lily’s house to pick her up.
“It’s definitely the perfect day to tan. Ooh, and I bet there will be some hot guys there too.” Lily grins, glancing over at you as you roll your eyes.
“Seriously? Is that all you care about? Boys?” You tease, your focus never shifting from the road as you drive, the journey to the beach one you had memorised quickly and easily.
“I mean it’s the weekend. Everyone will want to be at the beach over the weekend.” Lily then says, wiggling her eyebrows as you sigh with a laugh. When you find a place to park, you and Lily get out of your car, grab your beach gear and head down to the beach.
The two of you lounge on beach towels, chatting to each other, continuing to catch each other up on what you have missed in each other’s lives. You even dared to head into the ocean and splash around before heading to one of the nearby diners to have something to eat. After eating you and Lily head back outside to spend a couple more hours sunbathing before heading home.
When the two of you finally called it quits and decided to head home after spending a good few hours at the beach, you and Lily began to make your way back to your car, smiles on your faces as you talked.
“So, did you have a good time?” You query as the two of you near the small parking lot.
“The best. The beach is gorgeous, and there were loads of cute guys.” Lily gushes, clinging to your arm as you laugh.
“Glad you were impressed.” You say as you roll your eyes, already digging into your bag to grab your car keys.
“I’m easily impressed and that hasn’t changed, okay?” Lily giggles as the two of you round the corner to enter the parking lot a roar of a motorbike engine entering the parking lot, stopping dead in front of your car, making your jaw drop slightly when they don’t move, even when you make it obvious that you needed to get out.
“Hey, Asshat! I need to get out so you need to move.” You demand firmly as the biker turns their head to look at you lifting their hands to pull off their helmet.
“I’m sorry, Darling. Did you say something?” The mystery biker says, a shit-eating grin on his face as he places his helmet in front of him, resting his arms on it and leaning forward slightly.
“I did, Asshat. You’re parked right in front of my car and I need to get out. There are spots for motorbikes right over there.” You say firmly, glaring at the biker, studying him as he scoffs. He had dark skin, brown eyes, and short-cropped hair on the sides as the hair on top was beginning to grow out, the tight curls becoming obvious. You honestly might’ve found him attractive had he not been a massive asshole.
“It’s a free country is it not?” He then says, raising an eyebrow as he smirks at how easily you were getting riled up.
“Not when it comes to blocking me in. Just move your bike five feet to the right so I can get out. It’s hardly a big deal.” You say, exasperated by his attitude.
“I don’t know, Darling. I’m quite happy parking my bike here. If you were a good driver you could get around me.” He says, patting his helmet lightly, his smirk widening when he sees you huff. You then see Lily step forward to try to calm things down but you hold a hand up to stop her before focusing back on the guy in front of you.
“This is literally the quietest parking lot, find any spot that’s not you parking directly in front of my car and blocking me in.” You say, your frustration growing as he refuses to move.
“What’s in it for me?” He says teasingly, making you clench your jaw in an attempt to hold yourself back from punching him in the face.
“What’s in it for you? I won’t punch you in the face, how about that?” You offer, raising an eyebrow as you fold your arms across your chest.
“Threatening assault? Didn’t know you had that in you, Darling.” The biker grins, unfazed by your threats.
“Will you stop calling me that?” You say, your eyes narrowing as you glare at him, your anger continuing to bubble within you.
“What, you don’t like it when I call you Darling? I’m just trying to be nice.” He says with a light shrug, his clear mocking of you driving you more insane.
“Last chance, Asshat. Move the bike. We just want to leave, you can have the spot, or you can park where you are right now again. Frankly, I don’t care, just let us out.” You say, your patience wearing incredibly thin as you continue to glare, neither you nor the biker before you were willing to back down. Before another word could be spoken, you hear someone come up behind you.
“Is everything okay, here?” You hear someone ask, and you turn to see a middle-aged woman looking between you and the boy in front of you.
“Everything’s fine, thank you. This guy was just moving his bike out of the way so we could leave.” You say quickly before the guy has a chance to speak, grinning as you look over at him, challenging him to go against you now that there is a witness.
“If it pleases you, Darling. I’ll move the damn bike.” The guy says, eyes narrowed as he glares, his voice almost a spiteful hiss as he starts the engine of his bike up, putting his helmet on before roaring out of the parking lot, finally giving you the peace you had been craving.
“He wasn’t bothering you girls, was he?” The woman asks worriedly as you turn to face her.
“It was nothing we couldn’t handle.” You say with a laugh, waving your hand dismissively as the woman visibly relaxes at your words.
“Well, good on you. Take care of yourselves, girls.” The woman says softly, receiving a nod in response from both you and Lily before she turns to leave as you and Lily move to get into your car to head home.
“Man, he was such an ass.” You complain the moment your car door is closed, leaning back against your chair and letting out a sigh.
“Try not to let him get to you. You’re probably never going to see him again.” Lily offers softly, smiling as you nod, reaching to turn your key in the ignition.
“Good point. I’m not going to think about him any more.” You say, looking over at Lily with a smile, preparing to drive off.
However, despite your words. You had forgotten all about your promise to not think of him again.
“Hey, Sweetheart! How was the beach?” Jake asks with a large smile as you enter the living room, petting Moose who demands your attention.
“It was great until some asshat with a bike blocked me in and refused to move.” You say, already beginning to launch into a tangent about the events that had happened.
“He didn’t move?” Bradley asks, entering the living room from the kitchen, and handing Jake a coffee as he sits down with a drink of his own.
“Nope. I asked multiple times and he refused to move. He only moved when a woman showed up and asked if everything was okay. I think having an audience spooked him, but I’m not going to complain.” You say with a shrug, settling down on the armchair as Moose tries to force his way up onto the chair with you, ignoring your joking groans as he settles onto your lap.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about him, anymore. You won’t see him again and you have other things you can focus on.” Jake says with a supportive smile as you nod.
“Lily said the same thing.” You agree with a smile.
“She’s a smart girl,” Bradley says with a smile.
“She always has been. I need to focus on tomorrow. We’re meeting Javy’s son, right?” You say, looking from Bradley to your dad as they both nod.
“That’s right. We’re having a get-together just outside the Hard Deck to welcome Mateo.” Jake confirms as you fight the urge to frown slightly.
“I owe Javy an apology for the way I reacted yesterday. That wasn’t fair on him.” You mumble, feeling embarrassed for the way you had acted.
“Hey, it was a big piece of news. Javy knows you weren’t being malicious in your reaction yesterday. Talk to him tomorrow and I’m sure the two of you will be fine.” Bradley then says, both he and Jake smiling softly as you nod.
“I agree with Bradley. You can talk to Javy and I’m sure the two of you will be back to normal in no time.” Jake agrees, getting nods from both you and Bradley.
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow after I’ve met Mateo. I owe him an introduction since he’s new to town.” You say as you lean back against the armchair cushions, absentmindedly petting Moose.
“I can’t wait to meet Mateo. Him moving here means so much to Javy.” Jake says, thinking of all the times Javy had forlornly told him about Mateo and how he wanted to visit desperately.
“Well, if he’s anything like Javy. We’ll get along just fine.” You muse softly, exchanging soft smiles with your dads.
But when the next day came. You found yourself eating your previous words.
You, Jake, and Bradley arrived at the beach just outside the Hard Deck, jumping out of the truck with Moose alongside you and approaching where the Daggers had gathered outside.
“Do you see Javy?” You ask as you approach the group, searching for him so you can talk to him.
“He’s just over there, and that must be Mateo nearby,” Jake says, pointing out where Javy is before pointing at someone sitting at a nearby table with their back to you.
“I’m going to go and introduce myself.” You say with a smile, handing Moose’s leash to Jake and beginning to make your way across to where Mateo is sitting.
“Hey, you must be Mateo, I’m y/n.” You introduce yourself with a smile as Mateo turns to face you, your smile dropping the instant you realise that the guy sitting before you was the same biker from yesterday who had refused to move after blocking you in.
“I must admit I wasn’t expecting to see you around here again, Darling. I thought you’d be licking your wounds after you needed a grownup to fight your battle for you.” Mateo says snarkily, turning around to face you fully and leaning his back against the wooden table as he smirks.
“I didn’t need a grownup’s help, Asshat. I was doing perfectly fine without her.” You say angrily, silently wondering how someone as lovely as Javy had a son who acted like this.
“So you’re the daughter my dad kept raving about? Seems like his breath was wasted on your praises.” Mateo says, barely glancing over at Javy as he speaks before focusing back on you.
“You don’t know anything about me, Asshat.” You say, eyes narrowing into a lethal glare.
“I know you’re my dad’s best friend’s kid. You’re going to the same school I’m being forced to go to, and my dad practically kisses the ground you walk upon. Anyone would think you’re his kid with the way he talks about you.” Mateo says with a roll of his eyes, his frustration evident in his voice.
“I forget, those little bits of information ensure you know absolutely everything about me.” You say sarcastically, rolling your eyes in response as you fold your arms across your chest.
“I know more than you think, Darling. I’m not stupid, you know.” Mateo says, making you grit your teeth.
“You could’ve fooled me.” You say, your irritation reaching a breaking point. You then look around, locking eyes with Javy. You smile softly and take the opportunity to move away from Mateo to talk to Javy finally.
“Hey, Kit-Kat,” Javy says quietly as you approach him, his smile small yet genuine.
“Hey, Uncle Javy. I wanted to apologise for how I reacted the other day.” You say, fiddling with your fingers to try and calm yourself.
“You don’t need to apologise, y/n. I had kept a pretty big secret for a long time and it makes sense for you to need time to process the news.” Javy says with a gentle smile, reaching up to rest a hand on your shoulder, making your smile widen before you move to hug him an action Javy reciprocates in seconds.
“I do need to apologise. It wasn’t fair of me to act like I was entitled to that information. And I’m sorry for that.” You apologise as you hug Javy tightly.
“If anything I should apologise. I could see the way you and Mateo were interacting just a minute ago.” Javy mumbles embarrassed at his son's attitude that he had been on the receiving end of since Mateo arrived the day before.
“I thought he’d be a bit more like you in personality.” You admit with a chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood.
“I did too. Unfortunately, it seems he has a problem with me and no matter what I try, he won’t talk to me.” Javy admits softly, disappointed that Mateo won’t even give him the time of day.
“Maybe he needs some time. It’s been a big change for him and maybe he’s just lashing out because of it?” You offer as you pull away from the embrace slightly so you can look up at Javy.
“We’ll have to see,” Javy says softly, seemingly unconvinced by your words of support. Not knowing how to respond, you offer Javy one last hug before heading back over to Jake and Bradley.
“It looked like you and Mateo were getting into it. Is everything okay?” Jake asks the moment you reach their side.
“Turns out Mateo is the guy who blocked me in yesterday.” You say with a shrug, crouching down to pet Moose who greets you happily, tail swishing excitedly.
“That was Mateo?” Bradley asks, shocked as he looks across to where Mateo is sitting, unable to believe that Javy’s son would act in such a way.
“I think Javy needs someone to talk to, Dad. It seems Mateo is giving him some attitude and he might need someone to talk to about it.” You say, glancing over at Jake who nods, giving you Moose’s leash so he can cross to Javy.
“Hey, let’s hang out with the others, if Mateo doesn’t want to get involved then that’s his loss.” Bradley offers as you stand up, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and leading you to where Mickey and Bob are standing nearby, drinks in hand as they converse.
“Hey, Hangman Junior!” Mickey greets you happily with a hug which you reciprocate quickly before moving to hug Bob.
“Hey, Mickey. Hey Bob. Have you guys met Mateo yet?” You greet the two men, looking between them as they nod slowly.
“He’s a bit… different to what I was expecting,” Mickey says awkwardly, eyes flicking across to where Mateo was sitting before looking back at you.
“Phoenix and I tried to introduce ourselves to him but we got the cold shoulder. It seemed like you managed to have a conversation with him though.” Bob says before taking a sip from his water, watching you carefully.
“Oh, that? No, it turns out Mateo was the ass who blocked me in at the beach yesterday and he decided to keep picking a fight with me. I don’t think we’re going to get on at all. He’s nothing like Javy.” You explain, shaking your head as you tell the story, making sure the men know that you’re not going to get along with him like you had previously thought.
“We can agree with you there. He is nothing like Coyote.” Mickey agrees as both he and Bob nod, everyone glancing over at Mateo and watching him curiously for a moment before turning back to each other to continue your conversations.
By the end of the get-together, Mateo had ended up disappearing much to everyone’s shock. The only person who wasn’t panicked at the revelation was Javy, who had dealt with him disappearing the day before and just defeatedly told everyone to head home, apologising for the way Mateo had been acting and for wasting everyone’s day. You had given Javy a big hug after hearing him say that, feeling bad that his own son wasn’t putting in the same effort he was to forge a relationship.
“Hey, would you like to come to ours for dinner? We could order some takeout or something?” Jake offers his friend softly, fighting back a frown as Javy shakes his head.
“Nah, it’s best I stay at home in case Mateo comes back. He may not want much to do with me but I don’t want him locked outside without any keys.” Javy says, his smile sad as he attempts to wave you and your dads off.
“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call us.” Bradley then says, reaching out to pat Javy’s shoulder lightly.
“Thank you,” Javy says softly before allowing you and your dads to make your way over to Jake’s truck so you can head home for the day. As your dad’s truck pulled away from the Hard Deck, all you could think about was how much Mateo was going to be a pain in your ass when he started at your school.
It turned out that your prediction had been correct, Mateo had joined your high school halfway through the week after the beach get-together and much to your dismay he had been put in most of your classes. You and Lily had tried your best to avoid him, and you constantly found yourself biting your tongue when he decided to bother you both during and in between classes.
“Hey, Darling. I thought I could feel a chill in the air.” Mateo teases from where he is leaning against a locker, a smirk on his lips as you glare at him.
“Do you ever get tired of the sound of your own voice, Asshat?” You say, not even stopping as you walk down the corridor, causing Mateo to push himself away from the locker and trail along behind you.
“I could ask you the same question. You’re the damn teacher's pet, not me.” Mateo says with a shrug as he continues to follow you.
“Maybe it’s a good thing you don’t participate in class. I’d hate to have to prove you wrong in front of everyone.” You say, raising an eyebrow as you briefly glance his way, smirking to yourself.
“If that helps you sleep at night, Darling. You can think whatever you want.” Mateo says.
“How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?” You say lowly, stopping short in your tracks so you can turn to face Mateo who mimics your actions.
“I thought you liked it,” Mateo says, a fake pout on his face to irritate you further before breaking out into a smile when he achieves his goal.
“We don’t even have the same class now, can you just leave me alone?” You say, your irritation quickly reaching its peak as you begin to walk away.
“You’re no fun,” Mateo says before walking off, not noticing how you roll your eyes at his words.
“Why does he constantly bother me?” You complain to Lily as she joins you from her class.
“It’s because you argue back. You’re giving him what he wants.” Lily says with a shrug, ignoring how you huff in annoyance.
“If he stopped bothering me I wouldn’t need to fight back. He could make life easier for the both of us if he just shut up.” You say, turning to head into your next class with Lily following behind you, hoping that Mateo will stop bothering you.
When lunchtime arrived, you entered the cafeteria with Lily, chatting with her as you discussed your plans for next weekend. After you had grabbed a tray, you surveyed the busy cafeteria, you noticed Mateo sitting by himself and felt your heart sink slightly. Despite your frustration and lack of friendship with Mateo, you found yourself sympathetic to the fact that he had clearly been spending his time alone without anyone to talk to. Walking away from Lily, you make your way across the cafeteria towards the table Mateo is sitting at, placing your tray down and easing down into your chair.
“What are you doing here?” Mateo asks as soon as he looks up and realises it was you sitting opposite him.
“I saw you were sat alone and I thought I’d-”
“You thought you’d play the sympathetic hero and sit with the new kid, huh? Well, I haven’t got time to deal with you trying to make yourself feel better.” Mateo snaps accusingly, glaring at you with a ferocity you hadn’t seen from him since you had spoken at the beach.
“I wasn’t doing that-”
“I know exactly what you’re doing. You don’t give a shit about me. You just want to make yourself look good in front of everyone else. Just leave me the fuck alone.” Mateo growls angrily, making you grow angry, grabbing your tray and raising from your seat.
“Fine, have it your way. You’re never going to make friends with that shitty attitude of yours.” You say angrily, unable to believe the attitude you were getting for a kind gesture.
“I don’t need friends. I’m fine on my own.” Mateo says as you begin to walk away, not able to see how you roll your eyes, finding Lily sitting with some other girls in your grade and joining them instead.
“Did you really just try and sit with Mateo?” Lily asks as you settle in the seat opposite her, beginning to dig into your food.
“I thought I’d try and be nice. I know if I were sitting alone I’d want someone to take the step to sit with me. Turns out he didn’t want anything to do with me.” You say in between mouthfuls, glancing around at the girls around you who watch you sympathetically.
“I heard Zack tried to sit with him on his first day and he got cursed out pretty quickly. It’s clear he’s a loner and doesn’t like people.” Marcy says, recalling what a boy had told her before and frowning. Unable to voice the thoughts you had regarding Mateo’s outbursts, you found yourself nodding along to Marcy’s theory, glancing over your shoulder to where Mateo was sitting, watching as he ate his meal alone.
Over the next few days, Mateo started to be less annoying towards you and more standoffish. He didn’t bother you in classes or in the corridor. He’d barely spare you a glance if you and your dads were over at his house to check in on him and Javy. You had longed for the day when Mateo stopped bothering you but now that he had stopped, you found yourself missing his presence, no matter how much you complained about it. You also longed to learn what his problem with you was, you admitted that you hadn’t gotten off on the right foot with him but you had made an effort at school and he had brushed you off. Javy had told you to not worry about it, since he had been treating everyone around him like that no matter how hard he tried to forge a relationship with his son.
One day after school, you had been promised by your dad that he’d pick you up after school since your car had gone in for a service so you found yourself waiting outside your high school, alone as more and more people began to disappear home. It wasn’t until nearly everyone had left that you realised that Mateo was still around.
“I thought you would’ve hopped on your little bike and ridden off home by now.” You say, barely sparing Mateo a glance as you notice him sidling up alongside you.
“I could say the same for you. You haven’t driven home to daddy, yet?” Mateo says teasingly, his snark matching yours with practised ease.
“My car’s being serviced, what’s your excuse, Asshat? Or have you decided to start bugging me again?” You retort, glaring over at him briefly before focusing back on the road ahead of you, hoping that by some miracle your dad’s truck will pull up in front of you.
“That dad of mine confiscated my bike keys. Damn asshole said I apparently can’t be trusted so he told me I have to wait to be picked up like I’m a kid.” Mateo complains, making you grit your teeth at his words, enraged that he could speak in such a way about Javy.
“He has every right to treat you that way because quite frankly you are acting like a child and it’s ridiculous.” You say firmly, checking the time on your phone one more time and sighing at the time. Coming to the assumption that your dad had forgotten to pick you up, you made the executive decision to begin to walk home with Mateo beginning to trail after you.
“Why are you following me?” You complain, quickly noticing that Mateo is following you along the path.
“I’m walking home I’m not following you. It’s just unfortunate that we live so close together so I’m stuck walking with you.” Mateo says, an almost offended tone to his voice at your accusation.
“Well, if you could keep your mouth shut that would be great and maybe I won’t kill you on the way home.” You say, your grip tightening on your bag as you continue to walk, hoping that Mateo will get the hint.
“Again with the threats but no follow through. You’re all bark and no bite aren’t you, Darling?” Mateo says with a whistle, raising an eyebrow as you scoff.
“I can fight back if I need to. I just won’t stoop to that if I can help it.” You say, your eyes focused on where you are going so you wouldn’t give Mateo the satisfaction of looking at him as you begin to head through the park, grateful that if you continue to argue, people won’t be around to witness it.
“You’re just trying to sound tough. We all know you’d hide behind your daddy at any confrontation.” Mateo says, enjoying how quickly he is getting under your skin as you stop in your tracks, turning to face him.
“What exactly is your problem with me? I’ve tried to be nice and you keep pushing me away and acting like an asshole.” You ask, genuinely wanting an answer from him but not attempting to mask your anger in any way.
“It’s none of your business.” Mateo retorts, snapping quickly as you only grow angrier.
“It is my business. You have some sort of problem with me, and even more so, you have a problem with Javy who doesn’t deserve that treatment from you.” You say angrily, your voice raising.
“Of course, you’d defend him. You know, he was never around when I was younger. I was that kid who grew up with no dad and pretty much never had a mom either. You have no idea what it was like to go through that.” Mateo says angrily, taking a step closer to you as he talks.
“You’re not even giving him a chance. He’s really trying to make a bond with you. At least meet him halfway. You can hate me all you like but don’t hate Javy.” You say, fighting the urge to plead with the stubborn teen who stood before you.
“I never said I hated either of you,” Mateo said exasperated, running a hand through his short curls in his frustration.
“You’ve made it pretty clear that you hate everyone around you.” You say, not believing Mateo’s recently spoken words for a second.
“Now you’re just putting words into my mouth. I never said that.” Mateo says, rolling his eyes.
“Then why are you acting like you do? I’ve heard Javy telling my dad about how you treat him and it’s ruining him. You truly cannot see a good thing even if it’s standing right in front of you.” You say bitterly.
“Fuck it,” Mateo whispers before launching towards you, capturing your lips with his, taking you by surprise. Once the shock had worn off, you found yourself kissing him back, your hands reaching up to pull him closer as Mateo pushed you back until your back met a tree. You continued to kiss until the need for air got too much and you forced yourself to pull away, both you and Mateo panting slightly as you gazed into each other’s eyes, neither one of you knowing what to say.
“What was that?” You ask quietly, unable to remove your gaze from Mateo’s eyes.
“Proof I never hated you,” Mateo responds, swallowing thickly as he awaits your reaction. You remain standing in place, unable to form any coherent thoughts as you stare at the boy standing before you.
“I don’t know what to say…” You force out, your brain scrambling to make sense of the thousands of thoughts swimming around in your head.
“You hated it.” Mateo mumbles, beginning to pull away from you but you act quicker, cupping his face and pulling his lips back to yours. Much like you previously, Mateo was soon kissing you back once the shock wore off, forcing you back against the tree once more. This time when you pull apart, you manage to muster a smile.
“I can’t believe we just did that. Twice.” You admit with a laugh, getting the courage to briefly brush your thumb over the apple of Mateo’s cheek before dropping your hands.
“So you didn’t hate it?” Mateo asks, a small attempt at a smile gracing his lips.
“Do you need me to kiss you again to get the answer through your head?” You ask with a light laugh.
“Maybe.” Mateo muses, placing his hands on your middle to pull you into a third kiss, this time you are both prepared and able to enjoy the moment.
“Did that give you your answer?” You tease with a smile as you pull away enough to speak, your lips barely brushing up against his.
“It sure does, Darling,” Mateo says, his smile growing. Seeing his natural smile, one that wasn’t forced or teasing, made you realise just how pretty Mateo was. He looked so much more himself when he smiled and you wanted to see that smile from him even more.
“So, you never really hated me?” You ask, your eyes searching Mateo’s for an answer, in response, Mateo takes your hand softly and leads you to a nearby bench, both of you easing yourself down onto it.
“I never hated you. I mean sure, I thought you were annoying the first time you met, but I also loved how you weren’t afraid to back down against me. Finding out you were the one my dad talked about hurt, I won’t lie. He spoke about you like you were the greatest gift to mankind.” Mateo finds himself uncharacteristically willing to open up to you.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t exactly make you feel welcome. I was just so angry that you spoke in such a way about Javy.” You apologise, watching Mateo as he shakes his head.
“I was so jealous of you. You knew my dad better than I do. You got your whole life with him around and I didn’t get to see him at all.” Mateo continues, having to look away from you to conceal the threatening building tears.
“It’s not too late to get to know him.” You offer, your voice soft as you reach out to take Mateo’s hand in your own, causing him to turn and look at you.
“I knew if I let myself fall for you I’d have a problem.” Mateo manages to say, a teary laugh escaping him.
“A problem? That’s a bold thing to say after three kisses. What problem?” You ask with a light roll of your eyes.
“You’re too soft for your own good, Darling. I knew if I fell for you I’d get soft too. I’ve worked so hard to protect myself my whole life that I never thought I’d fall for someone. Trust you to swoop in and mess up my plans.” Mateo admits, blinking furiously to try and rid himself of his tears.
“There’s nothing wrong with letting people in. It took my dad a long time to learn that one and now he’s happier than ever.” You say softly, squeezing Mateo’s hand as you talk to offer him support.
“It’s just… scary. I’ve relied on myself for so long.” Mateo admits, the embarrassment covering his features as he reveals something he’d kept hidden for his whole life.
“Well, let’s take it slow, shall we? There’s no rush.” You offer quietly, doing your best to sound confident for Mateo’s sake. Slightly comforted by your words, Mateo carefully moves his hand so that he was now holding yours.
You and Mateo then decide to sit together on the bench for a little while, both still trying to wrap your heads around the sudden large advancement you had made in your dynamic. Neither of you felt the need to talk, you opted to spend your time getting used to each others presence more. After spending twenty minutes together in the park, you both decide to continue to make your way home, knowing that if you stay out too long you’ll be on the receiving end of multiple worried texts from your dad.
As you approach your house, you find yourself slowing down to try and spend even more time with Mateo, something he picks up on almost instantly.
“You okay?” Mateo asks with a concern you hadn’t heard from him before.
“I’m fine. I just want to do this before we get to my house. Can’t risk my dad’s seeing this.” You say quickly, turning to face Mateo and before he can even question you, you pull him into another quick kiss, both of you smiling softly as you pull away.
“Keeping this a secret, huh Darling?” Mateo teases, raising an eyebrow as you nod.
“If that’s okay with you. Just for now.” You say, studying Mateo’s reaction carefully, relaxing slightly when he nods in understanding.
“That’s fine. I don’t really think I’m on good enough terms with my dad to open up to him about anything like this just yet.” Mateo says, his voice soft as he watches you softly.
“Maybe you could try talking to Javy? Not about this of course but about everything else. Maybe you two will be able to have a fresh start and create a bond?” You suggest, watching as Mateo nods, albeit hesitantly.
“I’ll try, but I’m not making any promises,” Mateo says as you offer him a small nod and smile before you whisper a quiet goodbye to Mateo which he returns before you go your separate ways.
You make your way into your house, noticing how your dad’s truck is still absent from the driveway and rolling your eyes. While you were glad you and Mateo were able to make something good out of being left behind, you couldn’t deny that it didn’t annoy you that your dad had forgotten to pick you up from school, especially after he promised he’d do so. When you enter the house, you’re greeted by Moose who excitedly whines in greeting as you reach down to pet him.
“Hey y/n/n. Where’s Jake?” Bradley makes his way into the hall to greet you with a hug, quickly noticing his husband’s absence.
“You tell me. He never showed up so I had to walk home.” You grumble, your mood now significantly soured as you remember that your dad had forgotten you entirely.
“He what?” Bradley asks, eyes widening in shock at the mere thought of Jake forgetting to pick you up from school.
“Yeah, his promise meant absolutely nothing to him, didn’t it?” You say, beginning to beeline for the stairs with Moose following along behind you as Bradley watches you sadly.
By the time Jake had come home, you and Bradley had sat down for dinner and the smile that Bradley had managed to bring onto your face vanished the second you noticed your dad’s presence.
“Hey guys, what’s on the menu?” Jake asks with a large smile, completely ignorant of your lack of acknowledgement as he enters the kitchen.
“I put a plate for you in the oven to keep warm,” Bradley says, glancing over his shoulder to watch Jake who nods, thanking Bradley as he opens the oven and removes the dish.
“Have you had a good day at school, y/n/n?” Jake then says after placing his plate on the table, and ruffling your hair, missing the way you scowled at him as you fixed your hair while he settled in his seat.
“It was fine.” You mumble, stabbing at your food without removing your gaze from your plate.
“Are you sure? You sound a little annoyed. Was it Mateo again?” Jake asks, watching you carefully.
“Jake.” Bradley attempts to interject before you speak up.
“No, it wasn’t Mateo.” You say quickly, finding yourself leaping to Mateo’s defence, much to Jake’s surprise.
“Then what’s bothering you? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?” Jake offers, his voice soft as he watches you.
“Can I say you? You’re bothering me right now.” You say firmly, finally lifting your gaze from your plate to glare at your dad whose eyes widen slightly at your snappy tone.
“y/n.” Bradley then says, sensing the rising tension and trying to calm everything before an argument kicks off.
“What do you mean by this? Where has this attitude come from?” Jake asks, his voice raising as he grows angry at your attitude.
“It doesn’t matter.” You say dismissively, returning your focus to your plate, fighting the urge to stab your food more aggressively than you had been previously.
“It does matter when you’re giving me an attitude. I’ve had a long day at work and the last thing I need is my kid giving me an unwarranted attitude.” Jake says, putting his cutlery down as he addresses you. His eyes narrow as he glares at you, ignoring how Moose whimpered and lay down from his position near the table.
“I don’t think the attitude is unwarranted. You promised me that you’d pick me up from school today. You know the walk is long and my car is in for a service. You let me down and you come waltzing in acting like nothing is wrong.” You say bitterly, now rapidly losing your appetite and so putting your cutlery down and pushing your chair back, getting to your feet and leaving the table so you could head to your room with Moose rushing after you. After hearing your footsteps grow quieter, Bradley turns to look at Jake who is now sitting with a shocked expression.
“You couldn’t just leave it could you?” Bradley says, a disappointed tone to his voice as he talks, lifting his fork to his mouth to take a bite.
“She could’ve texted me. I would’ve dropped everything to pick her up.” Jake says, annoyed that you’d snapped at him over something you could’ve resolved in a simple text.
“She shouldn’t have had to, Jake. You had promised her that you were going to be there. You were the one worrying about the walk home in the first place. But you decided that going to the beach was more important, huh?” Bradley mutters, his irritation obvious, revealing that he had checked Jake’s location as he gets up from his seat, picking up both his plate and yours before putting the plates in the dishwasher.
“That’s not fair, Bradley. Javy needed someone to talk to and I stepped up.” Jake says, watching as his husband shakes his head softly.
“But you couldn’t offer your daughter the decency to tell her that you wouldn’t be coming? Jake, if you couldn’t pick her up I’m sure she would’ve been fine with it if you had just told her. She could’ve gotten a ride with a friend or taken the bus if you had given her a heads-up.” Bradley says, understanding why Jake had been unable to pick you up but disappointed that he couldn’t even tell you that he wasn’t coming.
“Bradley...” Jake says, now unable to formulate a response.
“Whatever apology you want to say. I’m not the person you should be saying it to.” Bradley says with a shake of his head as he makes his way out to the living room, leaving Jake alone to think over his words.
While Jake mulls over the words spoken to him, you’re curled up in your bed with Moose by your side, snuggling close to you as you stroke him softly, appreciating the dog’s comfort. As you mindlessly watch a random show on your laptop, you find your eyes being drawn towards your phone. You longed to text Mateo, to ask him if he wanted to meet up with you so you could get out of the house just ot get your mind off everything. But you didn’t have his number and you doubted that any of your friends would have his number. With no way to contact Mateo, you debate sneaking out to see him, thinking about whether it would be worth being questioned by Javy if you showed up at his door. Eventually, as you conclude that it wouldn’t be worth sneaking out, knowing that Javy would’ve more than likely informed your dad about you showing up at his house, the door to your room opens and you look up to see Bradley sticking his head in.
“Hey, Kid. Are you okay?” Bradley asks quietly, his smile gentle as ever as he watches you.
“I’m fine.” You mumble, returning your attention to the laptop in front of you as Moose whines softly, sensing your mood.
“I know you don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to but, I am here if you need someone to talk to.” Bradley offers, not daring to cross the threshold into your room without permission.
“I’m not really in the mood to talk to anyone, but thank you, Bradley.” You say, lifting your head to look at Bradley with a small smile, making sure you let Bradley know that you were appreciative of his efforts.
“Well, you know where to find me if you need me,” Bradley says with a nod and a smile before leaving and closing the door behind him, allowing you to settle back into the pillow. Secretly, you did long to speak to someone, it’s just that Bradley wasn’t that someone right now.
By the time it grew dark and everyone was beginning to go to bed. Jake hadn’t made an effort to come to talk to you and in your stubbornness, you refused to be the one to give in so you remained in your room, listening with bated breath as Jake passed your room, hesitating for a brief second before continuing down the corridor to his bedroom. As you hear your dad walk away, you let out a small sigh of relief before curling up under your covers, closing your eyes and willing tomorrow to come faster.
The next morning, you managed to get up and out of the house without crossing paths with Jake, leaving you to walk once again to school since you weren’t scheduled to get your car back until the afternoon but after talking with Bradley, he had promised to swing by the garage to pick up your car, you had the confidence that he’d stick to his word and pick up your car before picking you up from school. By the time you arrived at school, you were searching for Mateo the moment you joined the crowds swarming the halls.
“Hey, Darling,” Mateo says as he sidles up alongside you, keeping his smile as suppressed as possible to avoid attracting attention.
“It’s good to see you.” You say softly, fighting the urge to reach out and pull him into a kiss.
“Getting soft on me already? Didn’t think it was possible.” Mateo teases, winking subtly as the two of you continue to make your way down the hall.
“Bring your ego back down to Earth I’m not getting soft.” You say with a roll of your eyes, shaking your head with a laugh as Mateo smirks.
“You say that now but I give you a few days before you soften up,” Mateo says, nudging you with a smirk.
“Nah, it’ll be you going soft first.” You insist, laughing softly as you walk side-by-side. As you reach your homeroom, you take your seat next to Lily while Mateo takes his seat at the back of the class.
“Were you talking with Mateo?” Lily asks, shocked as you settle into your seat.
“He was just asking some questions about something.” You say with a shrug, trying to deflect her question as she watches you suspiciously.
“And you gave him the time of day? You never do that.” Lily asks, confused as you lean back in your chair.
“I’m making an effort to be nice. He’s Javy’s son and I can’t exactly get rid of him since my dad is literally his best friend.” You say, hoping your explanation is enough to get her to back off. Thankfully, she hesitantly nods and focuses back on the schoolwork she was hurriedly trying to finish before classes started.
As the day progresses, you and Mateo continue to interact as subtly as possible, exchanging small smiles across rooms, and when walking in the corridors, Mateo’s hand brushes up against yours, neither one of you making the jump to hold each other’s hand, desperate to maintain the secrecy of your relationship. You were aware of the side-eyed stares you were both getting from other people in the halls, but you didn’t let them bother you. At the back of your mind, you were still dwelling on the argument you had with your dad the evening before, still wondering how you had been forgotten about so easily, and it was obvious that Mateo had picked up on your mood and decided to question you about it over lunch.
“So, what’s got you all gloomy. You’ve been trying to smile all day and it’s not convincing anyone.” Mateo asks, fork in hand as he watches your reaction.
“I’m fine. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You attempt to brush off his attempts to question you as you take a sip from your drink.
“You can lie to yourself but not to me, Darling. You think I don’t know what your real smile looks like? I’m an asshole, not stupid. So what’s up?” Mateo answers as if he was answering the easiest question in the world.
“Just a stupid argument I had with Dad last night.” You mumble, poking at your food with your fork, fighting the frown that threatened to tug on your lips.
“Dad’s are dicks, what’s new?” Mateo says, his lips turning up in a small smirk as you glare up at him.
“Not the time, Asshat.” You grumble as Mateo nods slightly, his eyes flicking down to his tray.
“Just trying to make a joke.” He mumbles.
“Dad and I don’t argue often. He forgot to pick me up yesterday and he couldn’t even send me a text to tell me why. He came waltzing in acting like nothing was wrong. It’s just not like him at all.” You say, your focus entirely on your plate as you talk, missing how Mateo rolled his eyes slightly at your words.
“My dad forgot me too. Shit happens, you know?” Mateo says as you glare up at him once more.
“Seriously? You asked what was bothering me and the moment I tell you, you make jokes?” You ask incredulously, shocked by his nonchalance.
“Look. I don’t have a relationship with my dad. You do. If you want to fix it, maybe you should take a page out of your own book and talk to him. You told me to try to talk things out with my old man. If you ask me, you just need to take your own advice.” Mateo replies, watching you as you pause briefly in your movement, looking back up at him with furrowed eyebrows. As you looked at him, Mateo shrugged lightly before continuing to eat his food and his words began to sink in slightly as you watched him.
“Mateo, I’m sorry.” You apologise, nearly missing how quickly Mateo looked at you, a look of slight shock on his face before he forced himself to smile.
“Don’t apologise,” Mateo says with a shake of his head as he focuses back on his food, continuing to eat as you continue to think over his words.
By the time the end of the day had come, you had carefully planned out an apology after thinking about how Mateo talked some sense into you. As you made your way out of the school with Lily by your side after bidding a secret goodbye to Mateo where you both finally exchanged numbers, you saw your car parked outside and assuming Bradley was the one driving it, you walked over with as smile that only faltered slightly when you opened the passenger side door and saw your dad inside instead.
“Hi, Dad.” You mumble quietly as you get into the passenger seat, shoving your backpack into the footwell in front of you.
“Hi, y/n/n,” Jake replies with a small smile, waiting for you to plug in your seatbelt before beginning the drive home.
“I thought Bradley was picking me up after grabbing the car.” You ask, trying to hide any potential attitude in your voice.
“I thought I should do it. I let you down yesterday and I should do something to make up for it.” Jake responds, his eyes fixed firmly on the road as he drives.
“I didn’t mean to get mad last night.” You begin, glancing over at your dad as you talk.
“Sweetheart, you don’t need to apologise. I had promised I’d pick you up and I let you down. If anyone should be apologising here it should be me.” Jake says, looking over at you as he stops in front of a red light.
“I didn’t even stick around to hear if you had a reason for why you hadn’t picked me up.” You say, feeling bad about your treatment towards your dad.
“It’s okay, y/n. I owed you a text at the very least. Javy asked me if we could talk after work and I completely forgot about everything else, I just wanted to make sure Javy was okay.” Jake explains, feeling awful that he had so quickly dropped everything to help his best friend while forgetting about his daughter in the process.
“Is Javy okay?” You ask worriedly, your attention now shifted at the mention of Javy.
“He’s okay. I think Mateo has been giving him a bit of a hard time and he just wanted some support.” Jake explains and you find yourself focusing on the surroundings zipping by you instead of looking at your dad. You had suggested to Mateo that he attempt to form some kind of bond with Javy and you could only hope that you were able to get through to him.
“Sorry. I didn’t realise Javy was struggling. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” You apologise once more, barely able to look over at your dad as he shakes his head.
“Sweetheart, it’s fine. It’s on me for letting you down. I think your anger was warranted.” Jake says with a small smile, briefly glancing over at you as you nod slightly.
“I’m still sorry. I hope Javy is doing okay.” You say softly as Jake turns the car down the road your house is on.
“I spoke to him at work today, he seemed happier. He told me Mateo made the effort to talk to him last night over dinner.” Jake says as you smile lightly, relieved to hear that Mateo has listened to what you said and tried talking to his dad. After Jake had parked on the driveway, you both get out of the car and before Jake could begin to head towards the front door, you round the car quickly and trap your dad in a hug, holding him tightly.
“I love you, Dad.” You say as Jake wraps his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
“I love you too, y/n. Are we good now?” Jake replies softly, pulling away slightly so he can look down at you.
“We’re good now.” You confirm with a smile, hugging your dad one last time before you pull away and head into the house where Bradley is standing in the hall with a smile and folded arms.
“Have you two finally made up now?” Bradley asks, quirking an eyebrow as the two of you nod lightly, smiles gracing all of your faces.
“We have,” Jake says, crossing to Bradley to press a soft kiss to his lips while you take your shoes off and excuse yourself to your room, claiming to want to do homework but all you wanted to do was text Mateo, leaving your dad’s downstairs.
Over time, your relationship with Mateo began to develop. You found it difficult, constantly having to sneak around when you were at school or around your parents. You had decided to make it known that you and Mateo were now on friendlier terms, but you had to keep your PDA on the down low and you often found yourselves having to go around to each other’s houses if you knew you had an empty house.
However, thinking you were alone ended up being the reason you both got caught.
���Hey, Darling.” Mateo greeted you at the door before you even got the chance to knock on the front door.
“Hey, Asshat.” You say teasingly barely stepping through the door before Mateo’s lips connect with yours, his hands reaching for your waist to pull you closer, slamming the door behind you the moment you cross the threshold.
You decided to forgo heading upstairs so you went into the living room, your lips barely pulling apart as the two of you strumbled through the house before you ended up on the couch. The two of you continued to make out, only pulling apart for brief seconds for air before reconnecting your lips, your arms wound around Mateo’s neck, attempting to pull him closer while Mateo’s hands tangled in your hair. The two of you were oblivious to the world around you, in your head it was just you and Mateo and nothing else mattered. What you didn’t acknowledge, was the sound of the keys in the door and the sound of the door opening.
“What the hell is going on here?” You both leap apart at the sound of Javy’s shocked voice, your eyes wide as you look over at him.
“I… we…” you start, glancing from Mateo to Javy and then back again.
“I mean is it not obvious? You do have eyes.” Mateo answers as if he were answering a simple question, leaning back against the couch, one arm lying along the back behind you as if he were waiting for an opportunity to hold you.
“I could do without the attitude, Mateo.” Javy exhales, his hand coming up to rub at his brow, already beginning to feel a headache forming.
“I’m not wrong, am I?” Mateo says with a shrug.
“How long has this been going on?” Javy asks, eyes flicking between the two of you.
“A couple of weeks?” You reply, your answer coming more as a question as you sheepishly watch Javy who sighs.
“You know what? I’m not going to question you any more. I just wanted to come home and grab something. I’ll leave you alone. Just… be safe if you’re going to do anything.” Javy says pointing at the two of you as you feel your face heat up while Mateo rolls his eyes and Javy grabs what he had forgotten and makes his way towards the front door to make his exit.
As Javy exits the house and makes his way towards his car, he pulls his phone out of his pocket, typing a message to Jake.
‘Did you know our kids were dating?’
At the sound of his phone buzzing, Jake grabs his phone off the table, glancing up at Bradley apologetically before looking down at his phone, his eyebrows furrowing before he flipped his phone around to show Bradley.
“What the hell?”
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stormz369 · 3 months ago
☕💖 Can I Get Your Number? ☕💖 Ch 29
Jason Todd x (f)Chubby!Reader
written with a female reader in mind, first person pov, no use of Y/N, NSFW, MDNI, let me know if there's anything else I should tag this with!
warnings/labels: poor parenting discussed, Talia may or may not be ooc (if she is, fear not! I have received 2 separate permits, and have been told I may do as I please!), mild cussing, fluff, angst, a smidge of fear
wc: 2.4k
Chapter Selection
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“... Babe, I know you've described Damian's mom as a ‘real piece of work', and Bruce told me a bit about how she raised him before he came here, so I do know she's not what I would consider a good mom. But that doesn’t explain why her visiting means we can't go to the manor?”
Jason sighed, setting his phone aside. He cupped my cheeks, purring my name; “darling, light of my life. I mean this in the best possible way. … You cannot be trusted to keep your cool with her.”
I blinked several times, frowning; “what on earth does that mean?!”
“You are … passionate. You love fiercely, and I love that about you. Seriously, I don't want you to think this is a bad thing; the way you love us makes me feel so safe, and I know Damian agrees. But … you've already yelled at one of his teachers, his principal, and Bruce. You will not be able to hold your tongue with Talia. And holding our tongues is necessary with her. … If she believes living at Wayne Manor is making Damian weak, she will take him away 'for his own good’.”
“How on earth would I make her think he's weak?”
“Talia is the type of person who believes attachment makes us weak. The things we care about can be used against us, the people we love are the people who will hurt us the worst. She believes it's better to be feared than loved. She's why he's so good at masking his feelings. Why he doesn't always understand his own feelings; his early education did not include processing and recognizing emotions. But she's … incredibly astute. She's analytical, and brilliant, and terrifying, and … she's his mother; she taught him everything he knew before he came here, and now she can read him without trying, even when he tries to hide his feelings from her. So if she sees how you two are around each other, even if neither of you so much as acknowledge each other, she'll know how you feel about him, and how he feels about you, and we'll probably never see him again.”
I growled softly, clenching my jaw. “… Bitch…”
He chuckled softly, holding me close. “I know. Which is why we have to keep our distance. … She doesn't visit often, and when she does she never stays long. She'll probably be here for a week at most, stalking the kid to make sure he's not slipping, and once she's gone I’m certain he'll show up on our doorstep.”
I sighed softly. “... Ok. … If you see him between now and then you have to find a way to tell him that I’m missing him and I love him very much, ok?”
He groaned softly. “Aw, come on, babe. The Red Hood can't lean in to give Robin a hug during patrol!”
“I'm not asking you to hug him - don't hug him! Just make sure he knows that I'm thinking about him. Please?” I pouted, snuggling against his chest; “for me?”
“Ughhhhh …. Fine. For you.” He sighed, running his fingers down my spine.
I grinned, snuggling against him happily. “Thank you~”
“Yeah, yeah …” he chuckled, kissing my temple. We sat on the floor, curled against each other, for a long while before Jason finally moved us to the bed to get some sleep.
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Jay quickly started moving his things into my place. I gave him my spare key and made space in the closet. When I got home from the next girls night some of his clothes were hung up next to mine. The next day there was one of those cheap plastic dressers next to my nice wood one, and sitting on top of it was Jason's cologne, a book, and his deodorant. His shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel joined mine on the side of the tub. We bought more towels and a new set of sheets.
All these little changes made me giddy; his things slotting into position next to mine just felt so right, and I would get used to the weapons that were suddenly stashed all over the apartment. We had a thorough gun-safety presentation that night, and he showed me where everything was. On the next gym-and-range day, we finished training with an exercise where he would, entirely at random, shout “intruder” and time how long it took me to have a weapon trained on him. My best time was two seconds; he had expected me to go for the gun in the drawer, not the knife block in front of me on the counter.
Soon I started packing Jason a lunch for patrol. Mostly because I wanted to take care of him in some way, but a part of me also hoped he'd run into Damian out there and share the cookies I made. He rolled his eyes at me the first time I pressed the insulated bag into his hands, but accepted it anyway. I sent him off with a kiss and a wave, and settled in to wait for him to come home. Hours later I fell asleep on the couch, and when I woke up it was 4:30am and he was unlocking the door. The exhaustion rolled off him as I pulled him into a tight hug, and we collapsed into bed. When I woke up for real around 11 the lunch bag was sitting on the kitchen counter, empty and clean. I grinned, filling it again that night, and Jason didn't offer so much as a token resistance before taking it.
A week and a half passed before he ran into Robin on patrol. Jason assured me that he had passed along my message, Damian was perfectly healthy and definitely missed me too, and he had even been forced to share the brownies I'd packed. I beamed, kissing his cheek in thanks, and we curled up in bed.
The next day, we started looking at houses online. We obviously only looked at what was available in Red Hood's territory; on top of him wanting to stay close to his patrol area, it was on the opposite side of Gotham from the well manicured lawns of Bruce's gated neighborhood and thus the perfect place to set up my clinic. Whether our home or the cave was closer, the bats would never be more than 30 minutes away from medical care. Jason took note of a few addresses he wanted to go check out, promising to swing by during patrol to see if they were securable.
“No reason to arrange a showing if I'm not gonna be able to make it safe for you.” He kissed my forehead, wrapping an arm around my waist. I chuckled softly, leaning against him. I was pretty sure he was the one who would need the most security measures to feel safe in our new home, but I wasn't going to argue. The way he lit up when providing for me was too precious a sight; if I complimented his cooking he turned pink and mumbled it was nothing. I thanked him for switching over the laundry and he sighed happily, nodding. When he saw progress in my training he beamed. And when he came home safe in the early hours of the morning, all anxiety and stress melted off of him the second he was in my arms.
In a lot of ways, life was starting to feel incredibly normal. We were like the picturesque 1950’s family I'd been taught to simultaneously idealize and vilify; until the spring semester at GU started I was free to spend my time how I pleased, and with Damian's mother still in town, that mostly meant finding new ways to feel like I was giving Jason as much as he gave me. I made sure he always had enough treats in his lunches, in case Damian was out too. When Jason returned from patrol I inspected him for any small wounds my first aid knowledge would fix. I doted on him every chance I got, and he doted right back. It was wonderful, truly.
But when he left for work, and I was alone with my thoughts, the stillness in the apartment quickly became overwhelming. At first Damian's sudden absence from my life had been annoying but acceptable. But after the first couple days it started to feel like a rabid dog was using my heart as a chew toy. Why was his mother still here? What was she doing? What was she saying to him? He had been making such incredible progress; he smiled more, he initiated hugs, he accepted them more readily. He was painstakingly tearing down the walls around his feelings brick by brick. It was a difficult process, and he was being so brave, I couldn’t be prouder! But what was she doing to those walls while I was kept away?
It had been two weeks, and I was starting to wonder if she planned to stay for the holidays. I didn't want her to stay for the holidays! I had plans, and I couldn't do my plans if I couldn't go to the manor! Being barred from Wayne Manor meant no Damian, but it also meant no Steph, no Dick, no Tim, none of them! We had decided it would be best if it looked like I was just Jason's girlfriend; as far as Talia knew he was indifferent to the family, if that. So I had to appear indifferent at best as well.
I was still able to go to girls' night, because that was being held at Barbara's home. There was no reason to believe Talia would know or care about that. But I missed training with everyone. I missed finding new ways to tease Tim. I missed Dick's good natured laugh. God help me, I even missed Bruce! He pissed me off, but he was still kind to me for the most part, and he was a good trainer. I wanted things to get better with him, for Jason and Damian's sake. I wanted him to be the dad they deserved, the dad Dick believed he wanted to be. I was pretty sure he had it locked away inside him, he just needed … something. What exactly that was, I wasn't sure; maybe to see how happy Damian was with simple childhood experiences? Or to see the peace on Jason's face when we cooked together. Or maybe he needed to experience some of that for himself. But whatever he needed, I was sure he wasn't getting it, and until Talia al Ghul left I wouldn't find out.
I tried to busy myself with crafting and baking. With the winter holidays on the horizon I really should have started on presents around Halloween, especially considering how many people I was making gifts for this year. But better late than never, so I used the time alone to get started. Jason would be gone for hours, I had plenty of time. Or, I would have if not for the knock at the door.
I jumped, looking up incredulously. I wasn't expecting guests, especially this late at night. Anyone I wanted here had my phone number, and no one had called or texted. I grabbed my phone, just to be sure, but I was right - no unread texts, no missed calls. A moment later there was another knock, this one more insistent.
I grabbed one of Jason's guns and my phone, ready to call him with the push of a button, and looked through the peephole. A beautiful woman was standing at the door, an unamused look on her face. Her clothes were too elegant for this neighborhood, she definitely didn't just wander to the wrong door. I sighed, a sinking sensation in my gut as I cracked the door open just enough to reveal my face.
“... Hello?” I frowned.
She raised an eyebrow; “... is hospitality well and truly dead in this country, or are you going to invite me in?”
“At eleven o'clock at night, in this neighborhood, with an uninvited stranger on the doorstep? It’s dead. Now, would you like to introduce yourself, or should I shut the door?”
She tsked; “I am Talia al Ghul. Why have you been spending time with my son?”
I silently cursed, but forced my expression to remain bored and distrusting; “... Your son?”
“Damian …” she sighed, “I believe he's using his father's last name now, Wayne.”
“Oh, Jason's brother? He's not here.”
“Obviously not.” She snapped; “are you going to let me in?”
“Why? He's not here.”
“I know he's not here! I want to know why you've been spending so much time with him.”
“I dunno about ‘much’. I've met him.”
“You are his emergency contact at that paltry excuse for a school he is enrolled at.”
“Oh, is that what you're so upset about?” I shrugged; “'m just doing a favor for Jay by doing a favor for his dad.”
“... Elaborate.”
“Mr. Wayne is a busy man, I am not a terribly busy woman. Emergency contact at the school was a simple enough thing to take off his plate. Kinda thing that seems bigger than it actually is. He now associates me with his life being ever so slightly easier. He already associates me with Jason, ergo he now associates Jason with his life being slightly easier.”
She frowned deeply. “You are emotionally manipulating Bruce into … what, being kinder to his second son?”
“... I suppose so, yeah. Didn't really think about it that way. 'Manipulation' makes it sound so much more convoluted and … effort-full. All I did was sign a piece of paper.”
Her expression morphed into a small smirk; a very Damian-like expression. “... And you are Jason's … girlfriend?”
“... Hm.” She nodded once. “... Very well then.”
“... Okaaay. … So are you like, sticking around or somethin'? Do you want to be the emergency contact now?”
“No, there is no reason for that…” she pursed her lips; “establishment to have my phone number.”
I shrugged again. “Alright… Anything else?”
“... No, I suppose not.”
“Kay. I'm goin' back to bed then. Goodbye.” I shut the door, locking it, and looked through the peephole again. She glowered at my door, seemingly considering something, and finally left.
I watched her walk away until she was entirely out of sight, then slowly retreated to the couch to text Jay.
Me: Everything is fine, do not panic; but I just met Talia. 11:20pm
Jason: I'm coming home. Don't open the door to anyone. 11:35pm
Me: 👍❤️ 11:36pm
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juyeoz · 3 months ago
010 ┆road to ***** (0.7k words)
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You knocked on the door of classroom 126—the photography class. It was only 3:16 PM, there was no way the teacher had left so quickly, right?
“Hey!” She greeted you once the door was fully opened.
“Hello, sorry to bother you! I was just wondering if I could borrow a camera for the Yearbook club? Just for now.” You explained as she thought for a moment.
“If I’m being honest, we do use these cameras in class… Will it be back by tomorrow morning?”
“Of course! I have my own camera at home, I just forgot to bring it today and these pictures are urgent. I’ll leave it in my club room and bring it back first thing in the morning.” You said.
“Does 8:20 AM sound nice?”
She nodded at your words as a wave of relief washed over you.
“Thank you!” You said as she excused herself and went back into the class to grab the said camera.
“Why are you cheesing right now? You look stupid.”
You turned around in search of the voice and were met with Jungwon.
“First off, be quiet. Second off, what does cheesing even mean?”
“Of course you wouldn’t know.” He insulted as you furrowed your brows.
“Whatever.” You muttered and awaited Ms. A’s return.
Jungwon leaned on the lockers nearby and whipped out his phone. He had to communicate with his teammates to see how long they would take to get there.
“By the way, do you have your schedule for this week and next week yet?” You asked, hoping he wouldn’t argue with you.
“Only this week, so far. Didn’t you see in the yearbook group chat? I mentioned when I would get my schedules.” He replied with a raised brow.
“Okay, good for you! I don’t care.”
“But you just asked?”
You inhaled deeply and exhaled deeply. You couldn’t lose your mind over him—as if you don’t already—but not in front of a teacher’s classroom.
You never knew when she would come out.
“I’ll text you my schedule for practice and games from now on then.” He said while going back onto his phone.
You were glad he worked with you, but he didn’t deserve a thank you. Not at all.
“Here you go.” Ms. A said as the door swung open.
“Thank you, I’ll return it tomorrow morning, I promise.” You said and smiled at her, in which she returned.
“Let’s go.” You said sternly, your smile dropping as you turned around.
Jungwon pushed himself off of the locker he leaned on and followed you. However, he left quite a gap between you two.
He couldn’t be caught lacking.
You turned on the camera and began to adjust its settings. This photo process was supposed to be quick and easy—no complications.
“They should be at the gym by now. Hurry up.” He said from behind you.
“You’re the one falling behind!”
“I don’t want to be seen with you.”
“Neither do I.” You rolled your eyes and opened the doors of the gymnasium.
The sound of volleyballs hitting the ground around you as you continued fixing the settings of the camera.
It was way different than the one you had at home.
“Are you blind?!” Jungwon shouted, now directly behind you with his arm stretched out.
The volleyball that made its way to you was then slapped away by Jungwon’s hand.
“Sorry! I yelled heads but I don’t think you heard me.” Riki said while running up to you.
“Seriously, I’m sorry.” Riki apologized again.
“It’s okay, I didn’t get hit anyways.” You said with a smile.
“Thanks to Jungwon—”
“Absolutely not!” You exclaimed.
“Yeah, I only did that for the camera. If she breaks it, the photography teacher won’t trust her ever again. Hell, she might even make her pay for it.”
“Shut up, would you?! It would be both of us, not just me.”
“I wasn’t the one who asked for the camera. I wasn’t even near you guys at the time either.”
“Yes, you were?”
“Only at the end when she gave it to you.” He said and walked over to the group of boys, dragging Riki with him.
“Don’t talk to her, she’s going to put a spell on you.” Jungwon whispered—or so he thought.
“I can hear you.” You said in annoyance.
“Good for you. Take my words with a grain of salt.”
“Just get into position. Shortest in the front, tallest in the back.” You instructed and followed them from behind.
Seriously, you hated him so much.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 3 months ago
Okay hear me out!
Sanegiyuu, they're dating. Giyuu makes ohagi for Sanemi and they eat it while on a date and it tastes like his mother and that makes Sanemi cry.
i don't wanna talk about this rq being from october
It had taken much effort on Giyuu's part. He'd gone as far as hiring Mitsuri as his teacher (he actually paid her) to learn, taking several days and wasting many ingredients before he perfected it. Sort of. But the lopsided group of ohagi was better than nothing, and Giyuu gratefully thanked Mitsuri before hurrying off with his bundle of sweets. He was late in arriving and Sanemi was evidently impatient, tapping his foot as he waited for Giyuu. He looked slightly relieved when Giyuu appeared, but masked it with his irritation.
"Took your sweet fuckin' time," he grunted, but took Giyuu's outstretched hand so they could start on their way.
Giyuu apologized, tucking the bag of ohagi into his sleeve.
Somewhere during the date, he got tired of trying to hide it and presented it to Sanemi. Sanemi took it curiously, unwrapping the cloth and peeking into the container.
"Ohagi?" he asked, peering at it suspiciously.
Giyuu nodded sheepishly. "I made it," he explained. "Kanroji helped me."
"Oh." Sanemi paused. "Kanroji?"
"I didn't know who else could make it..."
Apparently finding this reasonable, Sanemi opened the container and picked one up, pretending not to cringe when it ungracefully nearly fell apart. But he ate it, finishing the first ohagi and humming to himself. Giyuu waited nervously, watching as Sanemi paused. There seemed to be very little reaction at first, but then Sanemi picked up another ohagi, this time taking longer to eat it. He looked almost lost, a bit in his own world as he chewed.
Unable to wait much longer (and just getting worried it was terrible), Giyuu mumbled, "Is it okay?"
He took the container back, a bit fidgety, and picked one of the not-quite-dense enough mochi balls and bit into it. It seemed fine, really. It seemed a touch too sweet, but it certainly was better than he'd expected it. What with Sanemi's silent reaction.
"I- I like it," Sanemi finally said, swallowing. His voice seemed tense, a bit off. He drank some water quickly and Giyuu brushed it off as the ohagi being too dry, or something.
"You do?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I do." Sanemi ducked his head down, finishing his second ohagi.
Giyuu frowned. "Are you okay?" he fretted, concerned. Was Sanemi sick? Had the ohagi made him sick?? Oh, god, maybe it did. ...could someone get sick that quickly?
Sanemi nodded. "'m fine. Sorry. One moment." He took in a shaky breath. Turning slightly so he was angled subtly away from Giyuu, he swiped at his eyes with the hand he hadn't used for the ohagi, swallowing again.
It took a moment for Giyuu to place that. It hit him as familiar, but he only understood a minute later that—"Are you... crying?" he blurted out, immediately regretting his words. He was such an idiot for just-
Sanemi grumbled. "No. I'm not," he huffed. He looked up then, at least, which only proved Giyuu right. His eyes were vaguely glassed over, and he was blinking quickly. "I'm not," he insisted, when Giyuu couldn't suppress a knowing look.
With the concern for Sanemi and worry that it was his own fault, Giyuu opened his arms. Sanemi hesitated only a moment before sinking into the embrace, burying his head into Giyuu's shoulder so he could hide his head.
"I'm not fucking crying," he grumbled, voice muffled by Giyuu's haori. Still, he clung onto him for several minutes until his breathing seemed to steady out. Then he sat up, pointedly turned away to rub at his eyes, then looked back at Giyuu.
"What happened?" Giyuu asked, forgetting that he should maybe just leave it be. But Sanemi answered, picking up Giyuu's half eaten ohagi and finishing it to busy himself.
"Nothing." Then, only a second later: "My mom used to make ohagi. When I was younger."
Giyuu took a moment to process that. He knew that Sanemi's only living family member was Genya (despite the protests), so that meant that his mother must've died. Which made him feel terrible for making ohagi—although he wondered, briefly, why Sanemi ate it so much if memories rose like that from Giyuu's shitty attempt at ohagi.
Sanemi continued, ignorant of Giyuu's thoughts. "She used to make it real sweet 'cause we couldn't have things like that a lot. Ohagi was always my favorite of the ones she made and she sometimes let us help make it with her," he mumbled. "Some of them were like these—kinda fucked up and distorted. But it just. Reminded me of them. Didn't mean'ta... uh. Yeah."
"'Oh,'" Sanemi mocked, rolling his eyes.
Giyuu pouted. "Sorry, uhm. It's okay. I'm sorry that I made you think of that," he said quickly. "I'm glad you didn't get sick or something, though."
"Sick?" Sanemi scrunched his nose. "From what?"
"The ohagi."
"You can't... get sick that quickly..." he said, raising an eyebrow. Then he grinned. "Fuckin' dumbass."
"Hey! I made you ohagi...!" Giyuu protested, ducking away from Sanemi's playful but dangerous hand.
Sanemi scoffed. "And made me cry, yeah," he grunted. He ignored Giyuu's pointed look at his admission, and went on. "Let's just finish and then go to your house. I bet you made a mess while making this and forgot to clean it up."
Giyuu stayed quiet, knowing full well Sanemi was right. Instead of answering, he helped Sanemi settled back down so they could finish eating. He made a quick, mental note to add extra sugar just for Sanemi, if he ever made ohagi again.
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morgana-larkin · 10 months ago
Ok, as requested, ending to yesterday’s fic, The Vendor, The Teacher and The Roses. And I would also like to thank everyone for putting up and liking my crazy fics, last night I hit 100 followers and I was surprised. 🫶🏻
I love dancing to music, it helps my brain relax and process thoughts, so you’ll likely see it pop up in my fics here and there. Ok, I’ll stop talking cause I know there was people who were wanting to know the ending. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
Part 1 Alt End
The Vendor, The Teacher and The Roses - Ending
Warnings: like one swear word, Mel singing and dancing 😍
Words: 1.14
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She knows if she goes left to her place then that means she’s choosing Gary, and if she goes right that means she’s choosing you.
She then takes a few deep breaths and closes her eyes. She thinks about it for a good minute, weighing the pros and cons, she then turns her brain off and lets her heart decide. Then she opens her eyes again when she made her decision. She flicks the stick to put on her turn signal and turns.
Melisss is wondering the entire ride if she made the right decision. Should she have turned the other way or did she turn the right way? She drives the car in the driveway and gets out. She closes the door and locks the car then walks to the door, keys in hand. Once she gets to the door, she knocks on it and you open the door a few seconds later. She takes a look at you and sees you’ve been crying and her heart breaks a bit.
“Melissa?” you say quietly and she looks at you with a small smile
“Hi hon.” She says.
“Do I even want to know how you got into the building?” You ask her and her smile grew a bit.
“Someone who lives here was entering the same time I was and they let me in.” She says and you nod your head.
“What are you doing here?” You ask her.
“I saw your card, and the flowers.” She tells you and you widen your eyes.
“Melissa, you don’t have to say anything ok. It was a stupid idea and I know you’re with Gary and you love each other ok. I saw when you told each other.” You tell her and she thinks that that explains why the trash can was on the floor and why the flowers were thrown out right outside the break room.
“Y/n, why didn’t you tell me about your feelings before?” She asks and you look at your feet.
“Cause I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, because I value it so much. But then I saw you got mad from Gary ignoring you all day so I decided to go for it.” You tell her and she sighs.
“I should have realised it but I guess I was so blind.” She says and you look at her.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?” You tell her and she looks at you confused.
“Are you saying you want me to leave?” She asks and you tilt your head.
“Well the reason you came here, was it not to ask the questions you asked me already?”
“No, well, not the main reason.” She says. “I have feelings for you too. And I have feelings for Gary as well. When I got in my car I could have gone home or I could have come to see you. And I chose you.” She tells you and you step aside to let her in your apartment. She walks in and you both go sit on the couch.
“You have feelings for me?” You ask and she nods. “Well why didn’t you say anything?” You ask her and she looks at her lap.
“Well like you said, I’m with Gary. I thought my feelings for you might go away if I ignore them but they only grew.”
“What do you mean when you said you chose me?” You ask her.
“I mean if I went home then I would be choosing Gary, and I know I would lose you. If I came here then I would be choosing you and lose Gary.” She tells you. “And I can’t lose you.” She adds on and you look at her shocked.
“But you can lose Gary?” You ask her and she nods.
“He’s not as important as you.” She tells you and you look down at your fingers and twiddle your thumbs. Melissa takes your hand with hers and interlace your fingers and brings her other hand to your chin and gets you to look up at her. “I want to be with you.” She tells you and a tear rolls down your cheek. She wipes the tear and cups your cheek.
“I want to be with you too.” You tell her and you lean forward to kiss her but she puts a hand to your lips to stop you and you open your eyes and look at her confused.
“Believe me, I want to kiss you badly too. But I need to break up with Gary first, I’ll do it tomorrow after school.” She says and you nod.
“Sorry, I got excited.” You say and blush.
“Hey don’t be sorry, like I said, I really want to kiss you too, but I’m not a cheater.” She said and you nod.
“Can we at least hug?” You ask and she giggles. She nods and holds her arms out, and you lean in and put your arms around her. You two stay in the hug for a few minutes.
You then open your eyes when Melissa starts humming a song and you pull away to look at her. “I found myself dreaming in silver and gold, like a scene from a movie that every broken heart knows.” She starts singing and stands up and pulls you with her, she starts walking to the middle of the living room. “We were walking on moonlight, and you pulled me close.” She continues and pulls you close to her then continues it and looks in your eyes. “Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone.” She starts swaying with you slowly. “I woke up in tears, with you by my side, a breath of relief and I realised.” She says and stops swaying to look at you. “No, we’re not promised tomorrow.” and she starts dancing with you as you both sing the chorus.
“So I’m gonna love you like I’m gonna lose you, I’m gonna hold you like I’m saying goodbye, wherever we’re standing, I won’t take you for granted, cause we’ll never know when, when we’ll run out of time, so I’m gonna love you like I’m gonna lose you, I’m gonna love you like I’m gonna lose you.” You end the dancing and singing and look at each other then put your foreheads together. She then pulls away and kisses your forehead.
“Do you want to come over to my place after I break up with Gary? I might need a kiss then.” She tells you and places a lock of hair behind your ear and you nod. She smiles at you then pulls away and leaves your place to go to her house.
You take a deep breath. What the fuck just happened? You think and you have a smile on your face for the rest of the evening.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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joedirtymadre · 10 months ago
Respect - Part 2 (Alt)
Hi 👋 I made an alternative version of part 2. A big more dramatic 👍
You stepped out of the passenger’s side seat of the car. Taking a moment to stare at the place you used to call home. It’s been years since you’ve last visited, but it’s good to be back.
“I’m home,” you said to yourself.
“Yaga, did you really need me to come back? Or did you just miss me?” You smiled. “Please stay professional (Y/N),” your former teacher said. “Ok, ok, I apologize,” you replied. “Now I asked you to stop by because we need you to share some important information to the council back in America,” he explained.
“Important information?” You asked as you followed him to his office. “Yes, and I would explain it… but there’s someone here that could do a better job,” he coughed. “Oh ok, who is it?” You asked. “Well…” he trailed off.
“Oh god, don’t tell me…” you sighed, before Yaga opened the door to his office. You silently walked in and there he was. Sitting in Yaga’s chair with his feet propped up on the desk. “Hey (Y/N)~,” he cooed. “Hello Gojo,” you forced a smile. “Formalities? That’s how you act after coming back from ditching me so long ago?” he asked, with a smug tone.
You rolled your eyes, and sat in a seat across from Yaga’s desk. “After so many years… and still so childish,” you muttered under your breath. “What was that?” He asked as he dropped his feet from the table and scooted closer. “That’s enough Satoru,” Yaga said as he walked over and lifted Gojo up from his collar. He walked Gojo over to the other seat, where he quickly sat down.
“It must be hard, to have to babysit so many sorcerers,” you smiled. “Babysit?!” Gojo shouted. “It is,” Yaga added. “Don’t agree with her,” Gojo groaned. “Alright, enough distractions. Now explain to her the situation,” Yaga said.
“I’m not telling her anything,” he huffed. “Are you serious? Stop pouting and tell me already,” you said, very annoyed. “Why does she have to know anyways? She’s not a part of Jujutsu High… she renounced that the day she left m- us behind…” he frowned as he crossed his arms. “That’s it! Either explain the situation or I’ll just have her meet him!” Yaga boomed as he slammed his fist onto his desk.
Gojo stayed silent as he folded his arms in protest. “This is insane, just show me the damn files that are on your desk. I don’t have time for this!” You yelled as you snatched the folder from the desk. “Hey!” Gojo shouted.
You quickly began scanning the pages. Before he could grab the papers out of your hands, you quickly tossed them back on Yaga’s desk. You turned to look at Gojo, “You're harboring the entity of Sukuna in a teenage boy?” You asked slowly.
“Well we were originally going to kill him, but he agreed to my deal…” he said. “Deal?” You asked. “Either kill him now or later…” he said slowly. “After he’s consumed all of Sukuna’s soul?” You asked. “Bingo,” he sighed as he plopped back onto his seat. “And you’re just going along with this?” I asked Yaga.
“That’s another reason why I asked you to come back…” he responded. You looked at them, confused. “(Y/N), you’re one of the best sorcerers-“ Yaga was cut off by Gojo’s scoff. “But, we’d like to know if you think this is a good idea or not. Restoring Sukuna, we’d need multiple sorcerers who can defeat him, would you assist us in this plan?” Yaga asked. “This is stupid… I can easily stop Sukuna on my own. I did it the other night easily,” he groaned.
“That’s when he was first reinstated, I imagine… stop being difficult. It would take a few of us to stop him at his prime. On your own… you could end up hurt… or worse,” you said as you bit your lip, trying to process the whole situation.
“Take your time, we don’t need an answer now,” Yaga said. “Like I said, her being here was a waste of
time. How do you know she won’t just ditch us again if things get too rough?” Gojo scoffed. “Satoru!” Yaga boomed. “I’m just saying… She left when things became inconvenient to her. It doesn’t matter how much she cares about someone or how nice she pretends to be, underneath she’s just a sad, selfish person who only thinks of themselves,” he spat.
“Is that really what you think happened?” You asked. He completely ignored your question, “Fine then, since there’s no need for me here I’ll be going. No point in wasting my time here any longer…” you said softly as you stood up and left the room. “(Y/N)!” You heard Yaga call out, but you continued down the hallway. “Go get her!” You heard faintly.
You walked out the school doors and down the stairs to the main gate. Before reaching the gate you felt a presence behind you, but you ignored it. Placing your hand on the gate, a hand stopped you. “Wait…” he said.
You stayed put, your eyes not leaving his hand on yours. “Don’t go… I’m… I’m sorry,” he said softly. “You think a little apology is going to make me agree to your plans? Guess you’re the one that never changed,” you said as you tried pushing on the gate.
Before doing so you were spun around, forced to face him. “I said I’m sorry!” He said loudly. “And I don’t give a fuck! I think it’s laughable how you’re the one who’s upset! When you’re the reason why I left!” You shouted. “Why?! I didn’t do anything wrong! You were the one who became so upset over something so stu-“ you cut him off with a slap to his cheek.
“Yes you did! Yes you fucking did! Oh my god, you’d think that after so many years you would finally understand what went wrong between us. You never treated me right, that last incident at the dress store was my last straw! That was one, out of the millions of other bullshit that I had to put up with… because I-I… actually loved you,” you said as you felt hot tears welling up in your eyes.
“So don’t you fucking dare, try to turn this whole ‘us not working out’ on me. When it was you who never learned how to actually care about me,” you glared. “That’s why I left…” you trailed off as you stared at the red mark staining his face. “Tell me then,” he said softly.
“How was I supposed to face someone who never really cared or respected me? If I… if I didn’t leave I would’ve just ended up getting hurt again. So yes, I’m selfish! I left because I never wanted to get hurt again… And today is just another example of how you only think of yourself. After all these years you still think that I just overreacted and ran away… but it was you who pushed me to the edge,” you spat as you hit his chest. You quickly wiped away any fallen tears and looked up to see his blue eyes.
You didn’t notice when he removed his bandana, “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “You’re right… I just… I just didn’t want to accept it. I always knew that I was the one who messed everything up, but when you left I just got so angry because… you left me,” he said as he quickly pulled you into a hug.
“When you left back to the dorms I wanted to make it up to you, so I bought you your favorite dessert and flowers… but when I got back you were already gone… You didn’t even give me a chance to apologize,” he said softly. “I know… I thought about that when I left. I would wonder how it would be if I stayed…” you confessed.
“But seeing you now… I was excited but angry… Angry that you abandoned me and now you’re popping up like nothing happened,” he said as he loosened his grip. He stared into your eyes, “I’m sorry… I know I can’t take back what I did or said, but… I still care about you,” he said as he cupped your face.
“You have a weird way of showing it…” you forced a smile, trying to lighten the mood. “Yeah… guess you were right, I guess I still haven’t changed,” he said, before leaning closer to your lips.
You quickly placed a finger to his lips. “We shouldn’t be doing this… you can’t just…” you trailed off, pulling yourself out of his arms. “What?” He asked as he reached for you. “You can’t just come back into my life again, and try to start over so easily… Even if you do understand your mistakes, I can’t just forgive you,” you explained.
“Besides… you said a lot of crappy things in Yaga’s office, or did you forget? I can’t go back to just forgiving you, and putting up with you again…” you said as you took more steps away from him. “But-“ you cut him off. “No, I’m sorry but I can’t-“ you said as you turned away, pushing on the gates to open. “Goodb-“ you felt a hand grab your arm.
You were pulled back, turned and felt an arm wrap around your lower back. “S-Sato-“ you were cut off by his lips pressing onto yours. You pushed lightly at his chest, but this made him deepen the kiss even further.
You felt your legs becoming unsteady, and your ears burning. He finally pulled away, “Please… you can’t lie to me and say you don’t feel anything anymore!” He pleaded. What should you do?
You stared into his deep blue eyes, perplexed on your feelings for him. “I… I- I can’t. A kiss can’t make me change my mind so easily… I’m sorry, but I can’t do this. I won’t do this…” you said as you pushed him off of you. Racing towards the gate, and shutting them behind you. You turned and noticed him staring at you from behind the gate.
You slowly continued walking away until you heard, “So you’re running away again?” You stopped in your tracks. “I’m not running away,” you said as you turned around to face him. “But you’re not giving me another chance?” He asked as he walked towards the gate. “I never said that…” you trailed off. “Then what are you saying?” He asked.
“I’m saying a kiss doesn’t change anything,” You shook your head. You slowly turned on your heels and began walking away. “(Y/N)!” He called out.
“Tell Yaga to go forward with your plan! And you better not die while you collect the rest of the fragments…” you said as you headed towards your car.
Leaving Satoru once again… but you’ll be back.
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aettuddae · 1 year ago
hole in one. — 141. it'll be heaven.
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⌕ synopsis: at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, where everyone is battling to be the center of attention, yu jimin is just a regular. people want her because of her beauty, but all she cares about is sharing her freaky stuff with her friends and passing her subjects. although there's one thing that might push her out of her comfort zone, revenge. when nakamura kazuha, one of the richest and most well-known students of NCU, starts to spread gossip about her for thousands of followers to see, jimin decides to get back by taking away the thing kazuha cares about the most: her perfect girlfriend, the young golf star, kwon haru.
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masterlist | prev
[written chapter]
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"guys, i ran out of battery on my phone." reported seungkwan from his seat.
"i told you to charge it before you left." reproached yunjin.
"i got distracted by leveling up in candy crush and forgot." defended the boy.
"how many students are there?" questioned minhyuk with an irritated tone. "i'm hungry."
"me too, i didn't have breakfast." shared juyeon.
"why didn't you have breakfast?" asked ningning.
"i didn't have time." explained the older keeping her eyes on the stage where students continued to pass by to receive their graduation diplomas. "minhyuk was supposed to go wake me up, but the bastard showed up fifteen minutes before we had to leave." she reminisced in frustration.
"at least i remembered to come get you." said the jock.
"no, it's okay, i already know you, i should have predicted it." dismissed.
"excuse me? we're all entitled to one last chance." he lashed out with mock offense.
"you never got anywhere early in your whole life, you're not starting now." replied eunseo.
"i can change..."
"... uchinaga aeri." the voice of an older teacher echoed through the auditorium where the graduation ceremony was taking place, grabbing the attention of the entire group of friends and thus interrupting their conversation.
"up, up!" commanded juyeon.
everyone stood up and began to applaud their friend as she was taking her diploma. haru, minhyuk and juyeon with their phones held high recording the whole process as if they were three proud parents, the last two even shouting some chants of pride and love to the japanese girl, who wanted to die of embarrassment and made countenances at them telling them to shut their mouths. they were genuinely happy for their best friend.
aeri received her certificate, had her picture taken with it and then proceeded to walk off the stage towards her spot again and let the event continue with the next students.
haru was in a good mood that day, of course she was. her best friend was graduating, and in the same class was the girl she loved, who she would finally have in the flesh next to her after agreeing that they were going to be fine. it was a good day.
the golfer followed giselle with her eyes until she was in her chair, and then she tried to locate jimin among her classmates, but it was such a large group that even if she tried to look for them alphabetically, she wasn't being able to find her.
as her eyes wandered around the place in search of her favorite human, she came across someone she hadn't expected to see at all,
nakamura kazuha.
the girl was standing next to an empty seat, presumably hers, at the edge of the small aisle that formed between the student area and the guest's, trying to get a better view of the proceedings.
it had been almost as long since she had last seen kazuha as it had been since she had seen karina before the wedding, so the girl was a particular sighting, to say the least.
kazuha was still living in seoul and playing golf at the rottary club, as usual. the last kwon had heard, she had joined a professional team.
kazuha possibly felt the watchful eye on her, as she turned to look for the reason why she felt observed, finding her ex with a dumbfounded and slightly goofy expression. as they made eye contact, they both gave each other a shy smile and the younger girl raised her hand, waving it and greeting haru.
the sudden feeling of familiarity came over her, and the eldest began to walk past her friends until she could step out of the small place where their seats were and approach the girl.
"hey." greeted her, somewhat hesitantly.
"hey." returned the chestnut with a big smile on her face.
"hey." repeated letting out a nervous giggle, then looking to the side and giving a nod to sakura and eunchae, the japanese girl's mates, who were accompanying her.
"i didn't imagine you'd come over." she shrugged.
"how can i not approach when i haven't seen you in years?" she settled in next to her, both of them with their eyes towards the scenario.
"well, it's not like we were splendidly two years ago." she remarked. "how have you been?" she wondered looking sideways at her.
"bad," kwon went silent, contemplating her answer, eliciting a frown of concern from the girl. "but i'm fine now." she assured her.
"are you sure?" she put her hand on her back to show reassurance. "what happened?"
"don't worry, i'm serious." she nodded her head, reinforcing her words. "i don't know if you know i moved..."
"of course i know, haru." she cut in, her tone carrying a hint of sadness.
"well, it was the moving, the new town," it was obvious she wasn't going to mention the main reason for her pain to her former girlfriend. "i couldn't play golf for a long time." she added, downplaying her words. "you know, it was hard." she concluded. "but i'm fine now, really, how have you been?" she rested her gaze on her, expectant for an answer.
"i've been fine." she assured calmly, removing her touch from haru's body. "i'm on a team, my teammates are good, they are talented. we will prepare to participate in the championship next year." she said defiantly.
"oh, then we'll be rivals." she cocked her head confidently and stretched out her hand for kazuha to shake. "may the best one win."
"you say that because you're the best." she narrowed her eyes, judging her. "and aside from golf..." she folded her arms, thinking. "i don't know, not much has happened." she sighed not knowing what to tell. "i graduated last week." she commented. "you didn't come." chastised kazuha, as an innocent comment.
"sorry." haru lowered her head, an ashamed smile on her lips. "you went to mine even when we had been broken up for months, i should have go since i was in town."
"don't worry, haru, just kidding." she gave her a gentle nudge with her elbow. "you didn't have to come." she understood. "it's enough that you came over to talk to me now." she brought her hand to the back of her neck and squeezed from both sides playfully to comfort her, causing them both to laugh. "you came to see aeri?" she changed topics, returning to the situation they were in.
"yes, obviously, we all came." she took a glance at where her friend was sitting. "and well, jimin too." she admitted, feeling out the younger girl's reaction.
"oh." her mouth hung slightly open and her eyebrows raised as she processed what she had just been told. "so, you two...?" she raised her index finger to point at her, then wagged it around as if trying to finish her sentence with her gestures.
"it's complicated." she sentenced. "we met again recently." she didn't want to give away too much information.
"sure." she took a moment. "i hope you two do well." she encouraged, seemingly sincere.
"thank you, zuha."
"tell her that..." she took a big breath of air, gathering courage to let her pride go. "that i'm so sorry."
both pairs of eyes met for the first time in the entire talk, and haru saw in her a glimmer of the kazuha she once loved. a kazuha who could become tender and sensitive, a kazuha only she seemed to have known.
"i know it's not going to change anything." her hands danced in the air illustrating her attempt to explain herself. "or maybe after all this time it doesn't matter anymore." she closed her eyes for a second, recomposing herself. "but if you can, and want, tell her i'm really sorry." she lifted her eyelids, letting her guard down.
"i will."
haru felt something inside her stir, the memories. seeing kazuha in that place felt surreal to her, but apart from that talking to her brought back a feeling that mixed both the familiar and the unfamiliar. she could never hate her, after all, haru had always been one of the few people who couldn't do that at all. seeing her there, being a bit of who she once was, blinded something in her brain, and her first instinct was to lean in and hug her.
"it's good to see you." she whispered, her chin resting lightly on her shoulder. "and it's good to hear you're sorry." she moved her hand along her back.
"i want to apologize to you too, haru." at that moment, she finally dared to raise her arms and reciprocate the woman's gesture. "sorry for ruining that nice thing we had." her voice sounded a little shaky.
"i don't need you to apologize to me." she shook her head even if the girl wouldn't see it. "i chose long ago to keep only the good parts of your time in my life."
the older girl stood up straight, breaking the hold they had on each other. she arranged her locks behind her ears and connected their gazes, which were flooded with nostalgia and affection. between the two of them, there was no more romance, but there would always remain the deep adoration you have for someone who was once your confidante and security.
"... yu jimin." this time it was a female professor's voice that announced the name, interrupting the moment. again kwon had not heard the introduction.
"oh shit." exclaimed kazuha in surprise. "your girlfriend." she centered her focus on the student body area. "go!" she put her hands on her arm and began to push her back into her seat.
"kazuha, it was good to see you-"
"yeah, yeah, we'll meet again when we compete, now go, jimin is graduating." she didn't let her finish, rushing her.
"wow, you've changed."
"go!" she insisted, ending in both of them letting out a few laughs at the interaction and haru returning to her seat.
the athlete took out her cellphone as she had done with aeri, and pointed it at jimin, who was walking up to the stage. with great joy on her face she took a few photos of her as she received her diploma, then locked the device and put it away so she could applaud her and watch her personally.
when karina stood for her picture with the certificate that she had finished her studies, by coincidence, or a bit because she was looking for it, she found haru in the audience, and couldn't help but stop and admire her as she was happy for her. so in the final image she was not even looking at the camera, but to the side, full of love.
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the ceremony was over and the group of friends had ventured out in search of the new graduates, parting in each other's close circle.
minhyuk, eunseo and haru were with giselle and her parents, showering the girl with hugs, affection, congratulations, and taking pictures of her. each one posed with her individually for the camera, and then they did it all together, then with the parents. they would have enough documentation of that moment to fill an album so they would have to forget the picture they had taken of her earlier where she was begging her friends to keep quiet.
minhyuk even cried, claiming he couldn't believe that the youngest of the group had already finished her college years. they had met when they were just teenagers, and now they all had degrees and their futures planned.
jimin was first greeted by her family, who warmly congratulated her on her achievement, and then her friends arrived, who, of course, started a magazine-worthy photo session in the middle of the auditorium. seungkwan even lifted up ningning, who was holding a phone with the flashlight on, in order to properly illuminate the picture that winter was taking of yunjin and jimin.
after, they became involved in a hyped conversation, but the girl could not stop diverting her interest to the group surrounding the uchinagas.
she had already been welcomed and showered with compliments for what she had accomplished, she just wanted to run to haru and have her close finally. but over there, they kept crying and hugging each other sentimentally.
it was while her loved ones were talking about the different job offers karina had on the table for her future, that she turned to see what was going on in the other gathering of people and noticed a bored haru, as they were not doing anything in particular, she was distracted scanning what was going on in her surroundings.
she took the opportunity as her own and excitedly ran towards the oldest, who noticed her approaching her euphorically and opened her arms waiting. jimin's body crashed into haru's, with enough intensity that the latter slightly lost her balance and had to take a few steps backward, dragging yu.
"how is my favorite graduate?"
she wrapped her arms around jimin, with one holding her body tightly and one hand wandering through her hair subtly. the younger clinging to her waist as if there was a hurricane around and the girl was the only thing she could hold on to.
"actually, that offended me." giselle's voice was heard from behind.
"you're my favorite too." she detached her hand from the blackhaired's back to point her finger at her friend.
"you can't have two favorites." aeri held her waist and brought all her weight to one leg as she judged with her gaze.
"later you discuss it." karina made a rambunctious gesture indicating for them to be quiet. "hello." she whispered, as she pressed her forehead together with the haru's.
"hello." she replied in the same volume, just for her to hear, showing all her teeth from the joy she felt. "i'm so proud of you, princess."
"thank you, baby." they stared at each other stupidly for a few moments. "i missed you." she added, finally being able to say it to her face.
"i missed you too." she lifted herself up a little, getting to the height to leave a delicate kiss on her nose. "you look good." she exclaimed in amusement taking a few steps back so she could observe her full body, their hands enlaced.
"don't i?" she took one foot off the ground giving a short hop and cocked her head to one side with a cheeky expression. "i'm the most adorable economist." she ran her hair making it fly back, continuing the joke.
haru's smile spread even wider and her eyes, or what could be seen from between those cavities that formed moons as they narrowed, sparkled as they followed karina. the girl could no longer contain the wave of beautiful emotions beating against her chest, and she walked briskly to catch the younger girl again and lift her into the air, spinning around, accompanied by her giggles.
the golfer slowly stopped, but before she set her down, jimin took the chance to use the hold on her neck and the closeness to her ear to murmur to her, in a tone that mixed melancholy and absolute happiness: "being like this with you seems like a dream."
"don't worry." she released the girl once her feet were on the ground. "it's not." she caressed her cheek tenderly. "i'm really here, and i'm happy to be." she reassured, comforting the girl.
jimin stopped to admire her. even with her words, she found it hard to understand that she was real. she felt like it was an angel in front of her. she loved her, in such an overwhelming way that jimin thought it escaped from her heart and took over her whole body, leaving no room for her blood, organs or veins. she loved her with all that she was.
"come!" the younger girl exclaimed abruptly after remembering something, startling the sportswoman with her sudden change of attitude. she took her hand and then started walking quickly.
they approached where jimin's acquaintances were standing, stopping short in front of them. haru felt a little shy since she had never met the girl's parents. off to the side, her friends watched the scene proudly, after all they had accompanied her through in those two years.
"mom, dad, this is my girlfriend." she held out her hand to the girl, who bowed as a greeting of respect to the elders, but looked a little puzzled. seeing her reaction, yu realized the label she had used and felt nervous. "my thing." that wasn't good either. "my haru." she corrected herself. "this is haru."
"so you are haru..." the man said, taking in the person in front of him.
"the golfer!" the lady recalled.
"that's what people know me for." agreed kwon, extending her hand to the couple.
"jimin used to make us watch your matches when she was at home." commented the father, causing the named one to cover her embarrassed face. "you know, i really like golf too..."
to no one's surprise, everyone got along well. haru was incredibly likeable after all, and it filled jimin's soul to see the most important people in her life excitedly engaged in conversation.
a few minutes later, giselle approached them to remind that they were all going to eat at a restaurant later to celebrate. there was a reception for all the graduates, but they preferred to go with their best friends.
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they had been there for at least two hours, but they had only started eating. although everyone had been drinking and chatting since they arrived.
it was amazing how the two groups had found each other and managed to get along, despite the things that had happened between them.
at one end of the table were seungkwan and minhyuk, the latter had his arm around the back of the other's chair, wrapping it around him. they were distracted in a debate about whether fries tasted better with ketchup or cheese, and it was endearing to see how the chef never stopped laughing at anything that came out of his boyfriend's mouth, while the golfer gets fascinated listening to the things he told. they had a nice relationship, they understood each other in humor, and had similar tastes, they were boyfriends and friends at the same time.
the rest of the girls were sitting one on each side, across the table. it wasn't an abysmal distance, but they were still carrying on an almost shouting conversation, laughing uproariously, with eunseo leading the chatter they were engaged in, which was largely gossip. to one side of the oldest redhead, minjeong was quiet and smiling, drinking her beer and stealing loving glances at her now wife.
and in one corner, haru and karina were in their chairs next to each other. the older one's hand rested comfortably on the graduate's leg, who was brushing her fingers along the other's body in search of contact. both were attentively listening to what the others were saying and would let out a giggle when someone made a funny comment. sometimes starting short exchanges of words only between them, but mostly just enjoying the moment.
juyeon was trying to explain something to yunjin, who was looking at the others with bewilderment as she didn't understand what she was hearing. the girl's expression was funny to her friends, even to jimin, who burst out laughing when she saw her and leaned on haru for support. once it passed, she stayed in that position, with her head on the golfer's shoulder, and after a moment, she wrapped the arm that the girl had holding her with her own, clinging completely to her.
"i love you." said the blackhaired, leaving a kiss on haru's cheek.
"i love you." she reciprocated, turning her head so she could look at her face.
"sorry for introducing you as my girlfriend to my parents today." she casually mentioned.
"no worries, i guess i will be at some point anyway." she shrugged with plenty of attitude.
"oh? so that's how you think..." she gave her a playful pinch. "if so, then why aren't you right now?" she bit her lip expectantly, embarrassed that her heart was pounding at the inquisitions of what she had said.
"you haven't asked me yet." haru explained without giving it much thought and then leaned over to pick up her glass and take a swig of her drink.
"do i have to ask you? i was waiting for you to ask me." she pointed a finger at herself.
"no, clearly you have to ask me." she sipped again, looking defiantly at her over the glass.
"would you be my girlfriend?" karina asked hurriedly, so fast the words were barely understood. her eyes painted with anticipation.
"you're asking me here? with minhyuk present?" she exclaimed ironically.
"what did i do now?" questioned the boy across the table.
"you don't care." the girl dismissed him without even turning to look at him, getting him to throw his hands up in the air in disbelief.
"you must have done something." eunseo accused him, triggering one of their silly arguments.
"come with me." jimin got up from her seat and started walking. haru obeyed and went after her.
"where are you going?" the sportsman vociferated.
"you don't care." repeated her best friend.
"kwon haru, i'm not liking your antics!" he complained offended.
the two girls continued on their way, jimin sure of where she was leading and haru, a little lost, behind her. they arrived at an almost completely unoccupied side of the restaurant, from the main hall of the place you couldn't see clearly and there were few tables, at the end of it, a double glass door that the now economist opened to pass through, the one who was following her also passing by it.
behind it, there was a rather small backyard, which was blocked by trees and bushes. beyond the decorative forestation, there was a concrete wall that could not even be seen among so many leaves and trunks. lights hung from the tops and branches, and there was even a small bench on one side. haru presumed that this place was specially designed for smokers, but at that moment it was empty.
"how did you find this place?" kwon inquired, her eyes on the small lamps above her.
"when i went to the bathroom i got the wrong direction and ended up here." she laughed shyly.
"it's pretty." she lowered her eyes, turning back to jimin.
"like you." she returned witty.
"and you." she added roguishly. "and you brought me here to...?" she raised an eyebrow mischievously.
"kwon haru," she put her hands behind her back, feet together and puffed out her chest, pretending to look like a prince about to make an announcement. "would you do me the honor..."
she paused to search her pockets for something, observe her fingers, and then surveyed her surroundings. she dropped her gaze to the ground, turning only with her upper body so that she could analyze behind her back. she leaned over and held a cigarette butt between her fingers, then extended it toward haru.
"is it antiromantic if i ask you to be my girlfriend with a cigarette butt?" she pouted. "i don't have a ring to give you."
"wait." haru was now the one digging through every crevice of her clothes looking for something that would work. she picked up her wallet and checked it. "is it any use proposing to me with a bill?"
"that's even less romantic than the cigarette." she dropped her arms on either side of her body listlessly.
"a picture of my mom?"
"my id?" she continued without stopping checking.
"put that down, put that down." she approached her and pushed down the girl's hands holding her billfold.
"i didn't find anything either, sorry." she put the object away and made a regretful grimace.
"would you like to be my girlfriend?" she said again, unexpectedly.
"don't you need a ring, then?" the woman caught her face between her palms, creating an eye contact that exuded sweetness.
"i'll buy you one for our first anniversary." she promised, her voice soft, only dedicated to her. "and on the next one, and the one after that, and when i ask you to marry me." she held haru's waist. "although i'm so sure you're the love of my life that i might ask you to marry me before any anniversary."
"one step at a time, princess, we're here now." stopped the older one, laughing adoringly at such ideas.
"be my girlfriend." she asked again. "i love you, i don't want to not have you by my side, and i swear i will never ever again do anything to take you away from me. my place is with you."
"of course i will be your girlfriend." haru accepted.
upon hearing the answer, karina bounced on her feet on the spot because of the exhilaration that exploded inside her. she fleetingly pulled the girl from the back of her neck so they could join in a kiss to seal the pact.
it was the first kiss they had shared in two years that carried no pain behind it. all it brought was new beginnings and love. it was safety, and light. the promise that from now on, they both had a place to return to and a refuge for when everything got rough.
jimin's lips caressed haru's with affability, taking the exchange calmly, wanting to express all the stunning chaos she unleashed within herself through that gesture. the opposite held her figure gently, holding her as close to herself as possible as if trying to keep her from leaving again.
they broke the union carefully, still remaining over each other, their noses touching, their lips no more than an inch apart, "haru, let's move to busan." she suggested suddenly.
"what?" she frowned in surprise after hearing what the younger girl had just said.
"or come back to seoul." she added without thinking about what she was saying. she didn't have to as it had been on her mind for days.
"what are you talking about?" she let the girl go and walked a bit away.
"or i can move to incheon." she continued.
"wow, stop right there." she pointed her finger at her signaling to calm down. "what?" she reiterated.
"is that," she gulped in a breath of air, her grimace turning desperate. "you don't live here." she burst the bubble. "and i know we've been avoiding the subject voluntarily, but in two days you go back home, and then we'll be apart again." she began biting her nails.
haru was silent. she knew that what karina was telling her was the inevitable reality, and that they would soon have to part ways one more time, but she had chosen not to worry about it and somehow managed to forget.
"haru, i love you." she affirmed again. "and i'm tired of losing you, so if you tell me that in incheon you're happy, i wouldn't hesitate for a second to move there so i could be with you." she was sure of what she was saying. "but tell me the truth, is incheon for you? do you live the life you want there?"
the golfer knew she didn't. she had two friends in that city, one of whom was juyeon. she played on a team with people she didn't care about. she didn't feel full on her drive in the mornings to go to her training, she didn't even go for a walk in the streets like she often used to do in seoul.
what was there in Incheon for her? what was there in incheon that was hers?
she left seoul because it generated sadness in her, but if she had to be honest, thinking about incheon also made her feel miserable.
"busan?" she blurted out hesitantly after a moment in silence.
"weren't we happy when we were in busan?"
yes. the answer was clearly yes. depending on how you wanted to look at it, it was the place where it all started. where they admitted they felt things for each other and gave those emotions a place to be explored. despite being surrounded by people, it had felt like only they had been there. together. their own universe.
"just you and me?" she hesitated.
"well, we can take juyeon if you want, but she won't live with us." she said jokingly. "oh, and a cat." she finished seriously.
"you, me and a cat?" a smile began to tug at the corner of her mouth.
"what do you say?" she inquired hopefully, unable to hide that she was already excited.
"busan." she shook her head up and down, saying yes. "you and me."
karina let out the highest pitched squeal she had ever projected in her life, she ran towards haru almost as if flying, not even noticing how she came to be held to her girlfriend like a koala bear, her legs clinging to her waist, haru holding her tightly, contentment present in every part of their beings.
"and a cat." she stated again.
"yes, my princess, us and a cat." she guaranteed.
"and we will never separate again." jimin pulled away a little so she could look into her eyes.
"never." haru backed up her words, then moved closer and joined in a kiss.
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— the end.
[a/n: thanks to everyone who read, 141 chapters wouldn't have happened without the support this story had. ♡]
— taglist: @runawaymazola @chaenniefirst @livelaughchoerry @rinapomu @jeindall777 @petruchiosstuff @sewiouslyz @yvesismywife @vvyuqi @aeriniee @chaewoni3
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bluevelvetjoel · 1 year ago
Dance With You Tonight - Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
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Authors note: Hii besties, sorry this took a while to get out! I will try to get a more consistent writing schedule. Spring semester started last week so I am trying to get a hang of that . Once again thank you to @punkshort for having faith in me and helping me organize this!! Anyways without further ado, enjoy!!
Series Masterlist Previous chapter
Synopsis: You were training and studying to become a professional ballet dancer, until fate had other plans. Leaving you crushed and headed into a new career path. Becoming a dance teacher, a way of keeping dance in your life. Still in the process of healing, you meet Joel Miller. A single dad working as a contractor, trying to make his little girl happy by signing her up for dance lessons. Guarded when you first meet him, he teaches you to love a way you haven't before. 
Chapter summary: you keep running into Joel outside of the dance studio and can’t seem to get away from each other. 
Chapter warnings: Some allusions to trauma and anxiety. Tommy being a forgetful uncle. Joel being a worried mess. Light swearing. Drinking, tipsiness, MDNI (18+), Slow (ish) burn, two pining idiots. No use of Y/N.
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Chapter 2 - Falling Behind (Word count: around 2.5k)
“Please keep practicing those pirouettes, I expect you all to have them perfected by next week!” you say as your students begin walking out of the studio to pack up their things.  Parents were outside waiting and ushering their kids out the door. Finally you were all finished for the day, your last class being with an older group of kids. You walk up to the flight of stairs to your office, but bump into Sarah. She was sitting on the steps near the exit door with her dance bag at her feet. Her class had ended almost two hours ago, so you were a bit concerned as to why she was still at the studio. 
“Sarah, sweetie, what are you still doing here?” you questioned. She shrugged. “My uncle Tommy was supposed to pick me up…and my dad is caught up with a big project at work,” she explains. You sigh and tell her to get up and grab her things. Quickly you take her up to your office so you can grab your car keys and duffel bag. 
Then you both walked to your car, with Sarah sitting in the passenger seat. After asking where she lived, you placed the keys in the ignition and began driving. 
Time passed by, and you found yourself driving into a cul de sac neighborhood. Sarah then pointed out where her house was, a quaint home that looked well taken care of. You notice a pickup truck in the driveway. Someone must be home now. 
You park your car and unbuckle your seatbelt. You then walk with Sarah into the house, to see a very distressed Joel. 
Joel was pacing in the living room, with his phone up to his ear. “Damnit Tommy answer the phone…” he muttered. Quickly Joel turned around as he heard the door open. He certainly wasn't expecting to see walk inside his home with his daughter. You looked at Joel, fresh from work made your heart flutter. His t-shirt is a bit dirty, the fabric of the sleeves hugging perfectly on his biceps. A streak of sweat on his forehead from the Texan sun.  Snap out of it, his daughter was right next to you. 
“Dad? I’m home” Sarah said. “Uncle Tommy never showed up to pick me up from my lesson.” He had a sigh of relief and rubbed his forehead. “Sarah, baby I’m sorry. I had no idea your uncle would do this,” he groaned. “I just got home from work to see that you weren’t in the kitchen doin’ your homework.” Sarah immediately set her things down in the doorway and shrugged. “It's okay dad, really. She was nice enough to drive me here.“ she said as she looked in your direction. You give Sarah a comforting smile in return. “He’ll just have to make it up to me,” she said sincerely. Joel chuckled, knowing that would consist of his brother taking her to the mall. He then told her to head upstairs to her room so he could talk with you. 
“I really ‘preciate you drivin’ Sarah all the way over here, given you probably have plans. I swear this is not a common occurrence. My brother was probably caught up in somethin’ stupid.” he groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sat down on the couch. 
You give him a sympathetic look and cross your arms.  “It's all good, really. I'm just glad I was able to help.” Joel gave you a small smile, “You want coffee or a glass of water?”. you stammer and shake your head. “Thanks for the offer, but I should get home.” he nods, “‘Course… let me at least walk you back to your car.” he said. You couldn't argue with that.  
You sat back down in the driver's seat, the car door still swung open. “I've been meanin’ to call you too….for uh figuring out a payment for classes?” his voice wavers a bit, was he nervous? You nod “Of course, we can do it over a cup of coffee. There’s a nice café a couple blocks from the studio.” you say with a smile. He nods and gives you a bright smile. That damn intoxicating smile. You then wave, shut the door , and drive away. 
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The weekend came sooner than expected. You were sitting at a dimly lit bar across the city, meeting up with your old friend Hailey for your weekly debrief. “So you gave him your number AND made a date to meet for coffee?” Hailey said with a suggestive tone. You roll your eyes and take a sip from your wine glass. “Yes but I give my number to all the parents! And this is definitely not a date. I'm just trying to help, Joel is really in a bind,” you say defensively. Light bar music was playing and sounds of people chatting filled the room. Hailey nods and lets out a sarcastic “Suuuure. Look, you know I’m just looking out for you. Your last relationship was how many months ago? If you'll even consider that one,” she said as she sipped on the straw of her drink. Joel really was handsome. Like really good looking, and you had confessed this to yourself weeks ago. But he was the father of one of your students, a line you never really thought about crossing. 
“I'm just not ready for that…especially with everything that happened….” you took a deep breath and Hailey frowned, reaching her hand over to yours to give it a supportive squeeze. She then looked to the side and waved at the bartender for another round. You readjusted yourself in the booth and straightened your shoulders, plastering on a smile to ask Hailey if she can change the subject.
Another hour had passed and you were snacking on the bar peanuts and giggling, the mood much lighter than it was earlier. The best thing about your friend Hailey is that she never left Texas, either. You’d known her practically since you were both in diapers. Even attending your first ballet class with her all those years ago. You even still had an old picture of the two of you, giving the biggest smile for your mom who took the photo. Backstage at your first recital. Still full of hope and dreams.
A little more tipsy than you’d like to be, you were resting your chin in your hand, trying to give your full attention to Hailey's story about how she ran into her ex’s new girlfriend at the supermarket the other day. “And did you see Nicki’s instagram post about getting engaged? Makes me really want to give up on love.” she grumbles and you shrug and play with the straw wrapper. Then all of the sudden you see a familiar, broad frame enter your peripheral view. 
You immediately notice it was Joel, along with a group of men. You silently curse to yourself, trying not to draw any attention. You were definitely not the most sober. He lets out a laugh and pats the back of another, someone a bit younger but sort of resembles him. Must be the famous Uncle Tommy who forgot to pick up Sarah the past week. Everything seemed to be forgiven between him and Joel. 
Eventually Joel turned his back around to grab his beer and you caught his eye. It was an odd sight for him. It was you, in a bar. He'd never seen you in such a laid back and casual setting, especially with a beer in your hand. Always in your dance attire for when you taught your students. 
Joel then excused himself from the other men and started walking to the booth you and Hailey were sitting at. Next thing you know, he stood above the two of you. You give him a smile and introduce Joel to Hailey. They shake hands and a devilish grin appears on her face. You knew that look all too well. “Awww wow the famous Joel!“ She slurs and a small blush creeps on your cheeks. Hailey then checks her phone and fakes a phone call.  Looks like I have to take this…! I’ll leave you two be.” she said as she scooted out of the chair. You take a deep breath as she walks toward the bathroom.
“She seems like a good time.” he jokes with a grin. You nod and sit up straight. “Oh trust me, she is. I know because I’ve known her for so long.” you say with a smile. Joel nods, clears his throat and takes a swig of his bear. You couldn’t help your eyes linger toward his fingers. The way his hand gripped the neck of the beer bottle. “The other day, I still can't thank you enough for taking care of Sarah,” he said. You shrugged and put your hand on your chest. “Joel again it's not a big deal, really. I was happy to do it.” He nods, “Still made a bad impression on ya. How ‘bout I buy you another drink, on me? Well, on Tommy because he got you into that mess.” he teased as he pointed to his brother, Tommy who’s eyes were focused on the dart board. “I shouldn't…it's getting late even for me.” you say apologetically. You then get up, and grab your purse. Joel unknowingly takes your wrist gently which sends shivers down your spine. “Please, it's the least I can do.” he said with a genuine look.  Another drink wouldn't hurt, right?   
You both sit at the bar, a good distance from Joel’s friends. Joel ordered another round for the two of you. There was a buzz that came from your phone. Your fingers tapped the screen. It shows a text from Hailey that read: “Ur welcome ;))” You knew that by now, she was now long gone from the bar. 
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You had planned to meet Joel at the coffee shop on the following Wednesday. No matter what you did or thought, the butterflies in your stomach would not go away. You have been seeing the man more than you intended.    
Sitting down at the table, coffee already in hand while your fingers anxiously tapped on the glass mug. Your laptop was slightly open, preparing to sort out financials. You couldn’t let Hailey's words get to your head. 
Moments pass and you see Joel walking up to the door through the glass window. The bell on the door chimes and he immediately spots you and gives a smile and a wave. You wave back, he then gets in the short line to order the coffee. You couldn’t tell, but Joel was about to take any opportunity to get to know you better, even if it was for his daughter. 
The barista calls out for his name and he takes the mug, and begins to walk over to the table you’re sitting at.  
“Hey.” he smirks and sits down across from you and you smile and say hello as you tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear. You both were doomed. “How are ya?” Joel asks, trying to make conversation. “Good, It’s one of my easier teaching days.” you say softly. “How about yourself?” you managed to squeak out. Why did Joel always make you feel this way? You barely knew the guy.  He shrugs and takes a deep breath, “Well, the contractin’ company is pretty busy right ‘bout now.. So I'll be honest, a bit exhausted. ” he chuckles and you smile. Then the two of you get to work with figuring out a good payment plan that was reasonable. Showing him the excel sheet you had set up on your laptop screen and making progress. 
You watch him as he slowly sips on his coffee. Then his deep brown eyes caught yours. “Good cup of joe. Don”t think I’ve ever heard of this place before.”  he licks his lips and places the cup back down on the table. “Probably the best place in Austin if you ask me. I probably come here at least 5 times a week.” you giggle and he laughs with you. Getting carried away and focusing back and sending him all the information he needs via email to keep up with the payments. 
“ I can’t thank you enough, Sarah can never stop talkin’ bout how she loves your class. Says you’re the kindest person. When I see the smile on her face after I pick her up I know this is all worth it.” he says as he looks at you. You smile, it was happy for you to hear. “I try my best to support my students any way I can. Sarah seems to have a natural talent. You should be proud.” You say and lightly touch his arm. He smiles at the contact, “Trust me, I am.” then nods.  
You both end up getting carried away in conversation, about the both of you. Joel likes that after you talk about something frustrating you scrunch your nose. Joel talks about how Sarah just wanted to try ballet to see if she would like it, and it’s working out just fine..After hearing you so passionately talking about your students, Joel couldn’t help but say, “If ya dont mind me askin’, what got you into teachin’ dance?”  You freeze for a moment and sigh. Joel notices the switch in your mood. “Well, it’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My mom really encouraged my dream to pursue a career in dance ever since I was seven. She was the first one to really see my talent.” you say with a small smile. “Now I want to be that encouragement for my students.” Joel smiled at that answer and cleared his throat. “And Sarah mentioned you studied at a ballet school in Boston? Pretty damn impressive.” he said. You nod slightly and give him the fakest smile ever. You then turn your head to look out the window that was next to the both of you. 
Joel sensed he struck a nerve, and there was a part of you that was closed off. Especially talking about talking about your own experience with Ballet. He was determined to know what made you like that eventually.  
A few seconds passed and the waitress put the bill on the table. You grab it before Joel can and smile. “It's the least I can do since you bought me a drink last weekend!” you say as you grab your card out of your wallet. Joel huffs and holds his hands up in defeat and smirks. “Whatever you say, Ma’am.” he replies, like a true gentleman. Your legs went weak, you both knew you were in it now. 
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smolmakerel · 2 years ago
"Do you sit down in the shower, Tara?"
Tara blinked in surprised before narrowing her eyes. "What?"
Her new therapist, Abby Turner, was staring at her with a relaxed expression of genuine curiosity. She didn't really look the part of a therapist, sitting there in a yellow cardigan that matched the socks with SpongeBob on them. If anything, she looked a lot like a teacher Tara had in second grade minus the thick rimmed glasses.
"Do you sit down whenever you take a shower?" Abby asked again, shifting to cross her legs. She drew her fingernail over the metal clip of her clipboard.
Still, Tara was taken aback by such a question. She felt oddly seen through.
"Why?" Tara shot back instead.
Abby laughed softly. "There's no need to be defensive. I was going over our notes from last time and thought about what you said."
What she said? What did Tara say, exactly?
"I don't remember saying anything bad," mumbled Tara.
"No, nothing bad. I'm sorry if I made you panic."
At that, Tara hardened her gaze and looked away. Leave it to the therapist to know when her thoughts were spiraling out of control. God, Tara only had 7 sessions with her, and Abby thought she knew everything about Tara.
"It's ok if you do," Abby went on to say. Tara's face soured, and Abby unfortunately caught that. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Another one?" Tara tried to joke, but Abby saw through her facade. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to play 20 questions."
She chuckled awkwardly. "Why do you sit down in the shower?"
"Because... I uh..."
"Take your time."
Tara was at a loss for words. Why did she sit down in the shower? She never really noticed she did it until Abby sent her back with homework to figure out things she noticed about her dailey routine. Which included an hour long shower; Tara would be sitting in the tub allowing the hot water to hit her back. While she sat, tremors would rack her body and her irritation would rise.
"I get in the shower in the morning," Tara explained slowly, still processing her thoughts. "Before class so no one has to see me all... icky."
"And do you think there might be another reason for sitting down?" Abby inquired. "I only ask because of your water bottle comment."
Tara looked unsure at that. She brought her hands to her lap to fidget with her nails. The comfortable gray armchair she sat on never felt more uncomfortable under the watchful eye of her therapist.
"S-Sorry, but I don't remember talking about that."
"That's ok," her therapist assured her. "Last time, you talked about how you needed to clean your room. You have a lot of water bottles on your table and floor, clothes in your bed."
Recognition flashed in Tara's eyes. "Right. Sorry."
"Depression and anxiety after a traumatic event is completely normal, Tara. In fact, I would be surprised if you didn't have one of those with what you've been through."
Tara shrugged. "It's nothing. Other people have been through more than me; I'm just being selfish."
Selfish. She had always been selfish; even her own mother thought so, and she made sure to remind Tara anytime she was in town.
Abby wrote something down, nodding to herself as if all of Tara's issues were understandable now.
"I sit on the floor," Tara suddenly said in the uncomfortable silence. She didn't look at her therapist at all, ashamed. "I get so... tired sometimes. And it isn't because of the metal in my leg! It's me! I wake up tired, go through the day angry because of how tired I am, and go to sleep tired. But then I can't sleep and I just..." She huffed in frustration, nails dug into her palms. "I don't know what to do."
Abby leaned back in her chair and flipped her clipboard over on her lap. Her eyes watched Tara's face closely.
"Is there anything you have that could help you sleep?" Abby asked. "A stuffed animal, a nightlight...?"
Tara's mind immediately drifted to her older sister. Sam was strong enough to keep Tara's night terrors away, yet she's soft enough to wrap Tara in her arms and calm her down. No matter how much Tara yells and sobs in her sleep, no matter the bloody scratch marks on her arms, no matter how Tara dissociates to protect herself. Sam was always there.
"No," Tara claimed instead.
Abby cocked her head. "And your sister isn't willing to help you?"
Tara shook her head. "No, she is but... I don't want to bother her with my problems."
Abby flipped her clipboard back over and wrote something down. Tara wanted to chuck the damn thing out the window. She lowered the clipboard again.
"Based on what you've told me about your sister, she sounds like just the person you need at night," Abby pointed out with a soft smile. "I'm sure she'd be willing to help if you asked."
'But I can't!' The words burn acid on Tara's tongue.
Tara raised her hand at Sam's door and drew it into a fist. It hovered in the air for a long few seconds.
Then she knocked.
The door opened not even a second later, and Sam was standing there rubbing her eyes.
"Tara?" Sam mumbled. She instantly woke up, eyes darting over Tara looking for some sort of injury. "Are you ok? What are you doing up right now?"
"Can... Can I sleep in here with you?" Tara asked and before Sam could respond, she was babbling. "I'm sorry if I woke you up with this. Fuck, I'm so stupid. This was a mistake, I didn't mean to wake you up with my stupid problems. I-I'll go back to my room. Sorry -"
Tara's breathing hitched when Sam gently cupped her face, and - Oh. That was actually kind of nice. She sank into the warmth of Sam's palms.
"Let's go to bed, ok?" Sam whispered.
Tara nodded, throat thick with emotion. "Ok."
It was about 20 minutes later when they were settled in Sam's bed. Tara was dozing off finally, face buried into Sam's chest as her arms wrapped around her.
She stirred slightly when Sam kissed the top of her head. Her fingers tucked a few strands of hair out of Tara's face.
"I love you, Tara," Sam muttered.
Tara, too exhausted to say anything, simply turned her head and kissed Sam on the palm. She settled back down and relaxed into a peaceful sleep.
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explosionkatsu · 2 years ago
“Age doesn't matter,” 19
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
Part 18
Days had gone by since Katsuki last saw you after that incident. He was glad that Mitsuki took care of Kazui for a while since he didn't know where to leave him except for his parents of course.
Katsuki has been arriving at an empty house and he doesn't like it. He doesn't like how it changed drastically all because of what he did.
A stupid shit...
“Bakugo! What happened?!” Eijiro was quick to his side when he saw his friend standing and obviously stunned.
“Katsuki!” Eijiro called out once again, this time shaking the stunned Katsuki who look finally blinked.
Katsuki just slowly turn his head to Eijiro and looked at him. He’s speechless. His breathing is rapid, his face is all sweaty, and his heartbeat is quick but painfully tight.
“Katsuki,” Eijiro called out for the third time. He was worried after he saw Y/n’s teary eyes.
“Kacchan!” Izuku called out running his way to Katsuki along with the others behind him. “Why was Miss Y/n crying?” Izuku asked worriedly.
Katsuki's eyes were blazing as he turn his gaze to Izuku.
“I’m going to sleep,” Katsuki said pushing Eijiro off of him and heading toward his bedroom almost instantly.
As soon as he got in, he slammed the door shut behind him.
What has gotten into him?
Katsuki was still in shock. He couldn't believe what he just said. He couldn't ignore your pained facade. He couldn't disregard your tears.
The happening was replaying over and over in his mind and he couldn't obliterate it making him incline back on his door, slowly gliding down until he was fully seated on the floor.
“Y/n,” he whispered, darkness engulfing him.
“We are glad to inform everyone that the establishment is fully developed. Thanks to the heroes who assisted us in the process. A special thanks to...”
The school was finally constructed as you listen to the news.
How many days has it been? 2? 3? Since that happened.
Eijiro keeps on checking up on her through messages but she was overly tired, exhausted, and drained, to even move an inch.
She never received a message from him though. Not a single note.
You were still bewildered about why he reacted that way. You needed explanations of course, but in this condition, it's better to just mull over it. Confronting him would just be ridiculous at this point.
“I don’t know anymore..” Y/n whispered to herself as she embraced her knees. “Why do things happen like this.”
She even ponders how will Katsuki explain things to Kazui. She just stops coming over. Who was taking care of him? Was it his mom? His friends?
Suddenly, her phone rang for the nth time of the day. Checking the caller ID, it was Eijiro.
The poor guy was extremely worried.
Sighing to yourself, you pick up the call.
“Y/n!! Finally! I was so worried.”
Eijiro’s voice made you smile slightly.
“Look, I don’t know what happened. I tried asking Katsuki but he’s just shoving me away. Not that it's new. But just not in this manner. I don't know what occurred between you two, it's driving me insane just thinking that I couldn’t help you guys. Midoriya and the others are worried as well. They're still hoping I could get at least something out of both of you but I always come out with nothing.”
Y/n was tearing up. Kirishima is a good friend. With all the courage you have, you took a deep breath and speak up.
“I’m sorry we made you worry, Kirishima. Everyone else too. But the incident between Bakugo and I will remain silent, and I wished to not talk about it..” You answered as you wiped a tear away.
“I understand,” Eijiro said sadly. “But if you need someone, you know who to call, okay?”
“Thank you, Kirishima.” You smiled.
“No problem, Miss Y/n. I respect your decision.” Eijiro said.
Y/n ended the call.
“Have you heard anything from them?” Mina asked worriedly while on patrol with Eijiro.
“No.” Eijiro simply said. “But Miss Y/n finally answered my call. She said she doesn’t want to talk about it.” He said, shaking his head slightly.
“Oh, I am positive Bakugo started it!” Mina grunt. That was the second time she get to spend time with you and someone had to ruin it.
“Hey, we don’t know that.” Eijiro's sweat dropped. “You can’t just point a finger at him.”
“Oh yeah? So you think it’s Miss Y/n, hmm??” Mina paused walking and crossed her arms over her chest, foot tapping as she waited for Eijiro’s answer.
“Well. I don’t want to judge.”
Weeks had gone by and you were now back working at school. It’ll be only an hour before students start arriving as well.
What did Katsuki tell Kazui? You keep thinking about this over and over.
“Miss Y/n, have you finished working on your classroom?”
Your co-teacher jolted you, awakening you from your thoughts.
“O-oh! Yes!” You smiled.
“Perfect! Students will arrive with their parents in a bit. The chairman says since it's back to school, teachers must assure the parents of the safety of the students and discuss the school’s new drill in case there's an attack. Well, hopefully, there's none,” Your co-teacher chuckled nervously at the doorway.
“Yeah. Hopefully. I’ll be ready.” You gave her a reassuring smile. “Plus, I have the new guidelines right here.” You showed her the small notebook you were holding confidently. “I’ll be fine. I made this.”
“I believe in you, Miss Y/n. I’ll see you in a bit!” She waves at you and left.
Of course, you can do this.
An hour had gone by, and students and parents started appearing. Some are walking past your classrooms, and others are greeting you before entering yours.
Y/n was terrified. She was scared that Kazui might bring Katsuki. Well, he’s his parent but still.
Just thinking about this makes her nervous. Why was she nervous anyway? She did nothing wrong.
Alright, you can do this.’ Y/n thought to herself before inhaling and exhaling to calm herself. When her eyes darted around her, she saw the familiar blonde in the crowd. Of course, there would be a crowd around him, he’s a hero.
Just seeing his hair makes you anxious. It made you feel like you want to pass out.
Before you could avert your gaze away from him, he manages to catch your eye causing you to look away quickly.
“Miss Y/n! Miss Y/n!” the oh-so-familiar voice called out.
“Kazui-chan!” Y/n excitedly greeted Kazui who was running towards her and giving her a big hug.
“Miss Y/n. Why aren’t you coming over anymore?” Kazui asked innocently while he stare at Y/n.
She couldn’t answer. She doesn’t know what to say. Kazui’s question made her look up at Katsuki who catches her gaze making him look away.
But this didn’t go unnoticed by Kazui.
Something’s wrong. He can feel it.
“W-well. Now that we’re back here at school, I would get very busy.” Y/n said placing a gentle hand on Kazui’s head and stroking him. “I’m sorry, Kazui-chan.”
Kazui pouted at this. “Maybe you can come over when you’re not busy.”
Y/n’s heart aches as she watches Kazui’s eyes turn unhappy. “We’ll see, Kazui-chan.”
The orientation was brief and smooth. Parents were able to comprehend the new drill the school installed and how they will handle the safety of every student. Questions were thrown at Miss Y/n, but she was able to respond to every one of them.
Katsuki was silent throughout the whole orientation. He was observing you, at the same time, listening. But he’s mainly focused on you. He hated the way you smile at other people. He hated that you were laughing at their jokes before proceeding with their questions. He hated that he missed having you around.
As soon as the father and son got home. Kazui stopped in his tracks on his way to his bedroom whilst Katsuki sat on the sofa turning the television on.
“Papa,” Kazui called out.
Katsuki didn't bathe an eye at him though. He simply hummed as his response.
“Is there something wrong between Miss Y/n and you?”
Kazui’s question made Katsuki freeze on his spot. Kazui may be young, but he knows that his kid is smart. Smart enough to read a situation.
“What made you say that?” Katsuki said, eyes not leaving the television.
“I saw the interaction between you two earlier. Normally you’d be teasing her and she would tease you back, but that didn’t happen. Did you do something?”
Wow. Is his son even a child?
Katsuki just tsked. “You shouldn’t be prying in something like this especially if it's my problem. You’re too young. Just go to bed, brat.”
“I'm just saying. If you did something, go apologize to Miss Y/n... I don't want her to disappear just because you two had a disagreement.”
“Yeah yeah.”
Part 20
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kkongdakz · 2 years ago
“ A LOOK AT YOU. ” ft. han yujin
yujin x gn!reader, genre : fluff, warnings : none, wc : 994.
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installed in the back of the classroom, your chin stuck against the palm of your hand, you can't take your eyes off han yujin's angelic face, bathed in sunlight. it's no secret that the teenager makes your heart beat a little too fast, since the first day he entered the class. but despite the fact that you are inevitably remarkable, yujin does not seem to be aware of the signals you are sending him. a sigh leaves your lips almost silently, while a silly little smile spreads across your face.
« hey? earth to y/n, are you listening to me? » your friend's voice slightly wakes you up from your reverie, and takes over your attention for a few seconds. « uh? » you answer her nonchalantly, observing her annoyed look, as she scribbles in her notebook, « so i was saying, you should tell him how you feel. »
a scoff left your lips as you turned your face towards yujin again, shrugging your shoulders in response. « mhh.. maybe one day. » — and even if you didn't believe your own words, you let yourself think that, you never know in advance what the future is made of.
on his side, yujin was fighting the urge to turn his gaze towards you, even for a second, being too afraid to blush hard, if by chance your eyes would cross his. a sigh left his lips as he tried to concentrate on this complicated mathematical formula that the teacher kept explaining, but his head thinks of nothing but you.
twirling his pen between his fingers while bouncing his leg mechanically under his school table, he was surprised to hear the voice of his table neighbor and friend, disturbing his tranquility. « you are absolutely not discreet, » yujin frowned, turning his gaze to the boy next to him, « if you want to look at them so bad, just do it. but stop bouncing your leg, you stress me. »
yujin apologized — but not without gently shoving his friend's shoulder in the process, before biting his lower lip while thinking. a little look at you, couldn't hurt him, right?
but before he could do anything, the bell announcing the end of classes went off in the school, causing students to rush out of class. and when he finally dared to turn towards you, he faced an empty desk, your quick steps having already led you to the school exit. a sigh of despair escaped from his mouth, as he rubbed his face under the amused look of his friend, the latter patting his shoulder as a sign of compassion, before leaving the room in turn.
little did he knows, you were not far from the class, chatting with your friends — when you realized that you had forgotten something in the classroom. « oh wait, i forgot my lunch bag.. » you say as you start to walk back, waving to your friends and smiling, « go ahead without me, see you guys tomorrow! »
as you trotted towards the classroom once again, you didn't expect to run into yujin who was about to leave the room. raising your head towards his face, you plunged your eyes into his for a few seconds — but these simple seconds were enough for your heart to race and suddenly, you didn't know how to speak anymore.
« i- uh.. i.. yujin- » when you said his name, yujin could feel the apples of his cheeks blush instantly. he smiled shyly without moving, not knowing where to put his eyes, his hands became sweaty, and the tips of his ears were burning.
biting your lower lip in nervousness, you suddenly lowered your head to stare at your shoes. maybe it was time to tell him that you like him? after all, the likelihood of you both being alone in the classroom right now, was practically zero. but you were with him, face to face, and your heart was pounding like crazy in your chest.
on the other hand, yujin thought it might be time to invite you to eat waffles with him on a date. so he tried to think as best he could, looking for the perfect words to use to ask you out, and when he finally got an illumination, you finally came to your senses and moved in front of him.
suddenly, you moved away from him to go around him and to your desk, under his disturbed and panicked eyes, thinking that maybe he might have done something wrong. even if it hadn't moved a millimeter.
crabbing a sheet of paper and a pen from your bag, you scribbled a few words on this paper, before timidly offering it to him.
yujin looked at you incredulously, grabbing the pale pink post-it note in the shape of a cherry blossom. he watched you carefully for a few seconds, before reading the words carelessly resigned in black ink, and he swore he heard a sweet spring melody wafting into the classroom through the windows.
it was like an explosion in his heart, as if it was going to escape from his chest, so much it beat. a nervous laugh left his lips as you desperately waited for an answer from him. then, he folded the notepad, carefully placing it in the inside pocket of his jacket, heart side.
then finally, he held out his hand to you, looking at you in the most tender way, that you felt like melting like an ice cream under the sun. shyly slipping your hand into his, yujin slowly intertwined your fingers together, gently pulling you closer to him. and there, without warning, he leaned over to place a shy but warm kiss on your cheek.
« i like you too, y/n. » he whispered, like the most scandalous secret, and you could feel your heart explode with joy.
decidedly, today was really a stroke of fate.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 9 months ago
In Panem AU Fic Masterlist (2)
Part 1 /
Created: June 6th, 2024
Last Checked:---
Golden-JLaLa (ao3)   Summary: A mandatory law brought them together. Four years later, Peeta Mellark comes to District 12 to the daughter he’s never known and the wife he barely met. An In-Panem AU with the marriage law twist. Heart and Soul-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: In Panem AU (No Hunger Games). A Soulmates AU. Two weeks prior to Peeta Mellark’s 18th birthday, his best friend, Delly, notices a bright yellow dandelion adorning his arm and asks about it. He proceeds to tell her about the day it formed on his skin, the day after he tossed a starving Katniss Everdeen some bread. Delly, believing it’s a soul mark, takes Peeta to a mysterious traveler who can explain the concept to him. Turns out, it is a soul mark, and the situation turns dire when Peeta discovers there’s a time limit on making a connection with his soulmate, and he’s fast approaching it. If he doesn’t find a way to talk to Katniss, could it mean the end of his life? Innocence Within-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: Prompt #59 of the Everlark Fic Exchange on Tumblr: Lighthearted Canon-Divergent, Snow's Hijacking backfires, reverting Peeta to a childlike state, where he pulls on Katniss' braids, and draws her pictures to let her know that he Likes-Likes her. By: @elaine-spades. "It hits me immediately, Haymitch and I are the only family Peeta has now, whatever is wrong with him, it'll be up to us to deal with.” Peeta has been rescued from the Capitol, Katniss will do her best to help The Boy with Bread come back to her. Or the one where she stays to help Peeta get better. It's All A Lie-katnissdoesnotfollowback (ao3) Summary: Unrest in District Twelve drives the Everdeen family to make choices they'd once thought would be impossible. Panem AU with no Games. Like The Stars Hold The Moon-VanillaCottonCandy (ao3) Summary: Their eyes full of shock and sympathy and sadness. And maybe a slight hint of relief. And for some reason, it doesn't compute right away. Nothing registers in my mind for a long beat of time. Nothing makes any sense, my thoughts completely frozen, for one long, harrowing moment. Until Effie repeats the name again. The name of the male tribute who will represent District Twelve in the Hunger Games. Who will go against Twelve's female tribute and the career pack and every other wildcard on a nationally televised death brawl. "Peeta Mellark!" / For the Everlark Fic Exchange 2021, Prompt 59, "Katniss' dad is a victor, he won his hunger games and is now a mentor. Peeta is reaped for the games and Katniss begs her dad to help him win the games. [submitted by anonymous]" Missteps-oakfarmer (ao3) Summary: Gale needs to discuss future plans with Katniss. She's been hard to track down this particular Reaping Day. He hasn't even been able to congratulate her yet.
No Reason-katnissdoesnotfollowback (ao3) Summary: It starts when their history teacher talks about ancient holidays and traditions of gift giving. It escalates when Katniss overhears Peeta talking about what would be his idea of a perfect gift for him. But what is she supposed to think when a gift, exactly what she needs, is left on her school desk one day, addressed to her. In Panem AU with no Games but still far too much poverty. Not Just Another Dumb Jock-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: Modern AU (high school). Katniss is fed up with Peeta's brother Rye and vents to Peeta. She might be surprised to learn why Rye is playing pranks on her, and what's more, she might get yet another surprise in the process. One Panem-Alliswell (ao3) Summary: Based on the Prompt: “How about this: Peeta, a capiltolite, is made to marry Katniss, a girl from 12’s Seam, as part of the ‘One Panem’ initiative.” By freddyfreak1999. On the Other Side of the Fence-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: Peeta has always loved Katniss, even though he feels she's way out of his league. Katniss has always loved Peeta, even though she thinks she's not good enough for him, and that he only sees her as a friend. When Katniss is discovered by a modeling agency and whisked away to the Capitol, Peeta feels his whole world crashing down, especially considering he's just worked up the courage to tell her how he's felt all these years, his mother's opinion be damned. What will happen when she comes back as the 'Darling of the Capitol?' Did she mean what she said in her interview? She had to be talking about him, right?
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ateriblewriter · 2 years ago
Family is Everything series
~ Series Masterlist
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February 2033
It was Quinn’s turn to pick up the kids from school that day and he had gotten a phone call shortly before pickup with the message that they needed to talk with him when he came to grab them. There was an incident with Hattie.
“Hattie Beatrix Hughes we will be having a little chat.” Quinn’s tone took on a new level of disappointment and anger that the kids had never heard before. He used her full name, never good sign.
The car ride ride home had to be the quietest it had ever been since the accident a couple of years ago. Once they got home, Hattie to her room slamming the door in the process while the younger two ran to you.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Eden bounded up to you with tears streaming down her face. “Mommy! Daddy’s going to kill Hattie.” She choked out.
“What happened?” You looked to Beck, second eldest, explain as what Eden was crying about. 
“Trix got in a fight again and and punched a kid.” Beck gave you an equally worried look as his little sister. They had never seen Quinn get that angry and it honestly scared them. 
This incident wasn’t isolated and had sort of happened before. When she was a little younger, Quinn would calls about her getting into arguments when other kids said they didn’t like the nucks or devils.
This was the first that she actually got physical with a kid though. It was the first time he had to pick her up for doing something likes this. It had been a while so he wanted to nip this in the bud before it worse.
“Do you mind explaining to me what happened young lady?” Quinn crossed his arms, leaning up against the door frame.
“Not really. But that asshole deserved it.” Hattie rolled her eyes in response, looking away from her father. She knew she messed up again and couldn’t bear any disappointment that might be displayed on his face. 
“Hattie. That wasn’t a question. Tell me what happened.” Quinn gave her a look, that she made the mistake of glancing at. “You got suspended for fighting again.”
“A boy in my class was talking about you, uncle Luke and Jack. Punches were thrown.” She shrugged as if it were no big deal to her and she wasn’t about to let her father know just how much what the kid said actually affected her. 
“The teacher said you were on top of him, punching him repeatedly.” Quinn’s voice was laced with disappointment. This was becoming a habit he didn’t like. “You broke his nose and he had to get stitches above his eye.” 
“Good. Like I said. He deserved it. No one talks about my family.”
“What did he say?” Quinn sighed sitting on the bed next to Hattie. She didn’t want to say it too loud, it hadn’t been very nice, so she whispered it to Quinn. He understood why she did what she did. But at the same time. 
“You don’t need to defend this family’s honor. Your uncles and I have had some pretty terrible things said about us, we can take care of ourselves. But thank you.” Quinn pulled Hattie into a hug, at the end of the day he could never stay mad at her. “With that being said, you still need to apologize to the kid and you're going to be grounded for a while.”
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fainthedcherry · 5 months ago
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IT'S TIME TO FINALLY ABBACCHIO POST. I was spending several weeks just gathering all the times I've drawn Abbi!!! :>
1TL - First time drawing Abbi, just exploring his design basically in my artstyle
2TR - SECOND time drawing Abbi (doodled a bust outta boredom at work again and realised how fun he is to draw from then on)
3MDPPR - Doodle of Abbi and Moody Blues in combat, bc his ASBR hand poses RLLY intrigue me, SLAY ABBI SLAYYY SO I referenced that pose when he URRYA's but FRONT perspective
4MDPPR - I then last second wanted to fill my empty page w/ another doodle of Abbi getting harrassed by the Sex Pistols to wake Mista up midst his makeup routine bc I felt like making a cute doodle ;v
4MDGTL - Drawing a dream I had almost a week ago, I only finished that drawing yesterday bc I was so sleepy the past 2 weeks I didn't pick up the pencil much in result T-T
4MDDGTL - JUST REDRAWN MY FAVOURITE MEME. In case unaware, this is referencing the Samuel Johnson painting. Idk why, but that painting is just so perfect and I've doodled Abbi in response to a message to my friend Hart LMFAO (you got my permission to repost this one btw memes are made for sharing imo so go ahead for that piece in particular)
BTM L & R - 2 more boredom doodles! One at work, one at school when the teacher didn't give us clear instructions on what to do so the entire class including me just sat there and procrastinated bc he's that bad of a teacher 💀
TOP DRAWINGS. I WAS DRAWING ABBI AT WORK BC I WAS BORED AND IT WERE SLOW DAYS W/ NOTHING TO DO IN MY DEPARTMENT THAN SIT AND CHECK INK TANKS. I then realised, how much fkn FUN IT IS TO DRAW HIM. I always loved Abbacchio's design, even 3 years ago, when I was still in high school and freshly watched Golden Wind in its peak popularity smwhr, with an over-active fandom that fed me SO many funny Dio parenting Giorno memes. NOW that like 4 of my friends and apparently EVEN MY BOYFRIEND like Jojo, I'VE BECOME MEGA OBSSESSED AGAIN JUST LIKE 3 YEARS AGO. AND DAMN AM I GLAD I AM BC ABBI IS THE FIRST CHARACTER I PROPERLY AM FINALLY EMBRACING MY CRINGE ERA OVER. Side note but the rhyme actually I came up from the top of my head randomly when I thought abt him (and sobbed over his backstory once more my poor donut victim) I used to be afraid to draw ANY fanart at all, bc I was afraid, people would HATE my takes on characters I love - but now that I'm older and I basically dgaf abt what people have to say abt me and my tastes, I finally dared take a step into fanart territory and braved myself into drawing my fav depressed blorbo.
MIDDLE DRAWING - PAPER DOODLE. AH YES. THE DOODLES THAT TOOK 3 SCHOOL WEEKS NOW BASICALLY, 8HRS OF DRAWING BETWEEN LESSONS EACH. I was shaking SO HARD on a certain week, and the classmate sitting next to me POUNDED THE TABLE A LOT OUT OF BAD HABIT. I SEVERAL times ACCIDENTALLY in panic always yelled "BE CAREFUL!" until I was done re-tracing Moody Blues's sketch to clean it up properly 😭😭😭, ABBI LOOKS OK. NOT PROUD OF ABBI. BUT DAMN MOODY BLUES KINDA SLAYS. (Disregarding its funky gummy hair not connecting back to the shoulders which is somth I only now know after staring at Abbi and MB for HOURS to study how to draw them properly)
MIDDLE DRAWING - THE ONE WHERE ABBACCHIO APPEARED IN MY LORE-HEAVY DREAM. IRL me was in the dream going home from work (late-shift), with a fictional coworker who looked real, but doesn't exist IRL, I forgot her appearance, so she's a grey blob in my doodle of what happened in the dream. BUT as I was walking through a park that VAGUELY, SLIIIGHTLY resemblences my IRL park in my town, suddenly a YU-GI-OH LOOKING FKN PURPLE PORTAL APPEARS. PINK LIGHTNING COMES OUT OF IT. SUDDENLY ANCIENT, BRITISH FKN VICTORIAN GHOSTS EMERGE AND START BALLROOM-DANCING??? <-This was the SECOND TIME. LATELY. I DREAMED OF GHOSTS TRYING TO HURT ME IN MY DREAMS. AND SOMEONE PROTECTING ME FROM THEM IN RESULT TOO THO. BUT. These ghosts were a pretty pastel-pink, tbh they looked rlly cool I might make em world-lore relevant ghosts or something LOL
--"You shouldn't be out at this time. Go home already. It's too dangerous."
--"Why were you surprised that he's real?? Did you NOT see him lurking behind the tree?!"
"NO??? YOU DID????" "
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I denoted, what might've caused Dreambacchio as I call him, to look like THAT. I was playing ASBR the same night I dreamt of this Abbi, but his model had colouration C. That explained, why his 3D ASBR model yelled at me and ONE SPECIFIC FRAME from the anime. Like I kid you not, IT'S THIS FRAME.
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HE YELLED EXACTLY LIKE THIS AT ME. IN THE DREAM. HIS FACE IS ONE-TO-ONE TRANSLATED ONTO A 3D MODEL OF HIM INSTEAD. IN THAT FKN DREAM. I REMEMBER HIS FACE CLEAR AS DAY IN THE DREAM. Like I kid you not, I am so obssessed w/ him lately, that I remembered PARTS OF MY DREAM CRYSTAL-CLEAR. That is something usually I DO NOT remember 100%, to my friends who know me, they know. SO YEAH TESTAMENT OF HOW MUCH I LIKE ABBI IG.
ALSO of note; I accidentally indoctrinated my friend Kobra to ALSO simp him, and now we're BOTH obssessed w/ Abbi. 😭 The catalyst to her liking him so much tho, is bc I apparently draw him hot??? LIKE IDK IF I DO. IF SOME JOJO FAN FINDS MY DRAWINGS OF HIM HOT. I'M GLAD. I TOO, LOVE DRAWING ABBACCHIO'S MAN BIDDIE-WINDOW. /hj
Unironically, the way he dresses I DREAM of dressing tho IRL....Imagine if I owned that 90's gucci coat Abbi's is based on, and fixed it to suit an Abbi cosplay. SOME DAY. I WILL COSPLAY AS HIM. THAT'S A THREAT. IDC IF BIOLOGICALLY I'M A WOMAN. I CAN DREAM TO BE LIKE THIS MAN. HE IS JUST VERY STYLISH AND I LOVE GOTHS.
MIDDLE DRAWING DIGITAL; JUST A MEME I LIKE I'VE REDRAWN TO REPLY TO MY FRIEND. I didn't watermark the panel above bc I traced a few things from the OG portrait here and there. THE PANEL BELOW THO. IS DRAWING WO/ TRACING. That one I watermarked at least bc I HAVE drawn it by myself. Above I was just lazy, sleepy and came freshly home from work, I SLAVE AWAY AFTER WORK, TO DRAW ABBI LATELY OBSSESSIVELY. I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF HIM BLAME MY AUTISM DFKLLSDG
Doodles below - also self-explanatory, done in the span of 15 mins. Since our school-PCs have Adobe programs and APPARENTLY Paint.Net I got DEVIOUS and just..The first file that exists on my school-server drive is THIS doodle of Abbacchio now. Using my German tax euro for the right things, y'all /lh
I PLAN TO DRAW MORE ABBACCHIO....SO STAY TUNED IG IF YOU ALSO LOVE ABBACCHIO!!!! My art request ears are VERY open, if you want me to draw a jojo character next 👀👀👀 (THOUGH keep in mind, they will be minimal doodles, BC I am spending most of my effort on owed art I have to pay off still!!!!!!!)
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luverofralts · 11 months ago
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Theodosius, thank you for joining us. My name is Alys, and I will be part of your welcoming team for your entrance to Shadowvale Academy. Do you have any questions for me?"
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Theo glowered at the woman, who continued to smile politely back at him.
"Can I talk to my boyfriend now? Why are we still in stupid Arkhelios? I want to go back to Pleasantview."
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Alys' serene expression never wavered. She gestured to her right and another adult appeared beside her. Unlike this Alys, he didn't look like a demon, though maybe Theo was being presumptive. It's not like he looked like a demon most of the time either.
"My name is Leofric," the man said, smiling a little too enthusiastically. "I'm going to be your therapeutic guidance counselor. If you ever need to talk about your thoughts or feelings, I'm at your service. You can talk to me about anything, and it will stay between us. It's going to be a difficult transition, and sometimes demons can be a little too, uh, expressive when their emotions bottle up. Part of taking control over your abilities means taking control over your emotions too. I'll help you work through your emotional stumbling blocks, so that you can graduate into a responsible, mature hybrid in complete control of himself."
"No, I'm fine," Theo insisted angrily. "I'm going back to Pleasantview."
The teen snapped his fingers to summon a demonic portal, but none appeared. He tried again and again, but with no result.
"We've been entrusted with your true name, child," Alys stated coldly. "You'll find that many of your abilities may be out of your reach until you learn to master them. Coming with us isn't a choice. I'm afraid Pleasantview will have to wait."
"No! It's not fair! I need to talk to Adam! I'm not going!"
Overwhelmed with fear, anger, and despair, Theo found himself bursting into tears. He tried to stop the tears in order to look intimidating, but he couldn't. All he could feel within him was a cyclone of those emotions, blurring out every rational thought.
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"Change can be difficult, I know," Leofric said soothingly, putting a reassuring arm around the teen. "What you're feeling is natural, especially now that you've realized that your normal means of escape are no longer possible. This is all part of the process; it's only natural. Why don't we continue this conversation inside so that it can remain private?"
"Where are we?" Theo asked through his tears. "I don't even know this part of Arkhelios."
"Because your parents and elected leader are sheltering you," Alys replied. The tone in her voice dashed Theo's hopes of escaping. Hopefully the rest of his so-called team were nicer than she was. Somehow, he didn't think he'd be that lucky.
"This is the former residence of the Chun family and the current residence of the Chun Undead. It is a part of your journey and where we must begin."
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"I don't remember this place," Theo insisted, staring at the walls, hoping something would spark in his mind and trigger a reason why he was being forced to be here. "Those are my parents on the wall, but I've never been here before."
"This is the area where President Bellamy houses the undead," Leofric explained. It's part of a small zoned area for Arkhelios' undead residents to embrace their second chance at life."
"This is the zombie containment area?" Theo gasped. "No one's been here but the president herself! How did you get access here? Aunt Lucy and Grandma petition the government every five years to keep this place sealed. No one is allowed here."
"I think you will find that there are very few places where we don't have access," Alys replied. "We had need of it and it was made available to us. For our purposes, we were also granted the help of the undead. Your president has been very helpful. "
Theo frowned. These weren't the same same kind of teachers the Pleasantview Academy had, and they were well known for their long reach within the country. Wherever he was going, it looked like he would miss the freedom of Pleasantview. Whoever these people were, they were impossibly powerful, both politically and magically.
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"Theo! Theo Dorhack."
"Grandpa? Is that you?" Theo stared at the zombie that was creeping toward him. He certainly looked like Theo's father, and was a zombie, so logically that would make this man his Grandpa Ian.
Theo didn't really know what to expect of his grandfather. From his grandmother's rants, Ian had been a worthless, cheating bum who squandered their money with his whore mistress. There may be some truth to that description, but when Theo thought about how she usually spoke about him, he decided to give his grandfather some grace. Nearly everyone was actually better than how his grandmother described them.
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"Hey, Grandpa," Theo greeted nervously. "How have you been? It's been awhile, huh?"
Theo vaguely recalled his father mentioning that Theo had met his grandfather when he was younger, but Theo had no memory of it. The zombie seemed to understand what Theo was saying, even if he couldn't respond in complete sentences.
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"Sit down, Theodosius," Alys commanded, gesturing to the couch beside her.
Ian seemed to respond to the command, gently pushing his grandson towards the requested seat. Theo grudgingly gave into the command, seeing that he was outnumbered and nearly powerless.
"Now, before we can continue with your admittance, we need to measure the limits of your potential," Alys said. Theo perked up at the thought that he could stall the process, but abandoned all hope when Alys locked her eyes intensely with his. "This is in no way optional. If you refuse to participate willingly, we have your true name already. You will be made to complete the exams."
Theo tried not to show fear, but this woman was a professional. Even when she was merely watching him, flashes of terror flooded Theo, warning him against defying her.
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"O-okay," Theo gulped. "What do I need to do?"
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"We were hoping to chart your natural state to establish an estimate of your abilities," Leofric answered. "Your file indicates that you displayed a large amount of power in this location as an infant. There is a stain of demonic magic in this house that we were hoping to attribute to you, but from seeing you interact with the space, it looks like it belongs to another demon. Perhaps Dorhack, as this was once his domain. It will be added to our measurements, but we need to dig deeper. You will accompany us at dawn to the secondary location. Until that time, you are permitted to sleep. I'd suggest that you take this opportunity. Testing may be...tiring and the chance to sleep may not come again any time soon."
Theo stretched out on the couch he was sitting on, watching his team members watch him coldly. Falling asleep wouldn't be so bad, especially if it meant escaping this nightmare for a few hours. In his dreams, he could return to Pleasantview like he wanted. In his dreams, he could hold Adam again.
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As soon as the sun rose, Theo was rudely awakened when a freezing cup of water was emptied on his head. Alys tried to remain impartial, but Theo swore that there was a devious sparkle in her eye when he woke up sputtering.
"We're leaving. Now."
With sleep still in his eyes, Theo walked through the portal Alys had opened for him. On the other side, he stood in front of a weathered, small house, surrounded by water. Theo recognized the area from his childhood.
"This is still Arkhelios," he stated. "Is this the school? This is down the street from where my dad used to live."
This was much closer to the water than where Roman used to live, but Theo could still see the lights of Arkhelios in the distance. He didn't fully remember the near bunker they had lived in before taking over the Bellamy estate, but he did remember how quiet it was. Very few people came to the island next to Arkhelios due it's size and lack of amenities.
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"This, Theo, is where you were born. Your entrance into the world was here, so it stands to reason that this is the best place to connect with the root of your magic. We have your true name and the location and time of your birth. All we need now is to see how your body reacts to our conditions."
"Conditions?" Theo repeated, but Alys was already climbing the stairs that led to the house.
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"Stand in the magic circle and reach out your hands," the demon commanded. Leofric lingered near her, writing something in a notebook.
Theo did as he was told and immediately felt a rush of energy. His outstretched arm began to waver with the intensity of it all.
Alys nodded her approval and looked over at Leofric.
"Okay, test one, attempt one. And...go."
She snapped her fingers and immediately, all the rush of energy Theo felt exploded, colliding into him at breakneck speed. Energy flooded his mind, and he could feel the weight of the horns on his head, indicating that he'd shifted into his dark form.
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"This feels funny," Theo stated, noticing the energy forming around his hands. He felt the top of his head worriedly. "There's still the extra horns from before. Plus the wings. They're sort of a new thing. Maybe they're part of what's wrong with me?"
"Unlikely." With a snap of her fingers, Theo immediately shifted out of his dark form, hitting the ground as his regular self. The change happened before his body could even register the movement.
"Well, that's what happened the other day with Adam," Theo said, hopeful that the experiment had concluded for the day and that he could go home. "So, since you've got the data, I should probably-"
"Test one, attempt two," Alys replied, snapping her fingers again. Theo swore she looked excited at the opportunity to inflict pain and discomfort on him.
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The rush of energy came faster this time, still nearly knocking Theo to his feet. The transformation felt nearly instantaneous. Theo could feel the power coursing through his veins, energy exploding from his fingers. Every second, he felt as though he was about to burst from the amount of energy coursing through him. This was how he felt with Adam. The wild, unyielding power that threatened to destroy him had taken over his body within seconds.
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"Now hold that position," Alys commanded. "We're getting a good reading. Okay, now try to summon energy to your hand, just what you did with Apprentice Darktide."
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Theo obeyed the order, despite the amount of pain that he felt while doing so. Energy crackled in the air around him. His eyes felt like they were burning in their sockets. The room faded away from his vision, leaving him with nothing but endless darkness. Theo was sinking into darkness as an unnatural light shone within him, destroying his ability to concentrate on what was happening to him. He was going to explode from the magical pressure building inside of him. There was only darkness and pain and fear and....
Theo's mind snapped back to attention the instant it collided with something impossible to ignore. A tiny light in the darkness called to him, offering him shelter from the chaos of his thoughts.
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The more Theo reached for the light, the more familiar it became. He could feel an unmistakable warmth unfurl around him, easing the fury of the energy forcing the shift into a dark form.
Adam, I finally found you.
There could be no mistaking the change in the air. Even Ian could sense that something had changed, despite not having the capacity to voice it in words. Theo didn't appear to be struggling nearly as much as he had before.
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It was impossible for Theo to fight the urge to stay in his dark form, but he was making an incredible effort resisting it. He was no longer breathing heavily and was able to maneuver his hands together to expel whatever he could of the power burning within him.
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"Fascinating," Alys exclaimed, putting away her notes in order to fully observe what she was seeing. "Finally, a reading that makes sense. Leofric, when we get back to the school, please send our gracious sovereign a message. The situation is as she thought it might be. The boy is stable here where he entered the world, while using a secondary source's power."
"That's wonderful," Leofric replied. "He can follow a fairly standardized course of study then. I'll have most of his entrance package ready within an hour of our arrival." He paused for a moment, running different scenarios through his mind. "And the secondary source? Do we need to contact them?"
Alys shook her head, still marveling at the teen in front of her. With every passing second, the boy seemed more calm, more in control of himself. Provided the right elements, this little hybrid was more than capable of growing into the threat the Sovereign envisioned. Once he learned to control his abilities, who knew what he could do, especially when paired with this secondary source?
"Only the Sovereign and Master Maricourt need to be informed," she decided. "They are our employers. The magic that they have said this boy can produce...well, the Ocean never gifts such power to a single person. You remember the stories. How odd to finally see such a thing in person."
Leofric nodded, still unsure of what his opinion on the matter would be.
"I'd be more inclined to believe the boy is the result of blood and contracted magic," he suggested. "This Dorhack and his daughter making contracts with powerful families and performing illegal magic would also explain the boy's abilities."
"No, this has the stink of a deity all over it. Impossible life magic, pairing the boy off to be grounded by another? You're far too young to know this, but our controversial life deity came into being due to circumstances much like this. Maybe this all started with Dorhack, but even he couldn't pull this off."
"I disagree. Blood magic amplified by a broken curse can easily explain this," Leofric replied. "I suppose we'll see when he gets settled in and starts training which one of us is right."
Alys snapped her fingers again, releasing Theo and sending him crashing to the floor, his dark form immediately vanished.
"It's a bet. Take Mr. Bellamy through the portal and get him settled. I'll be along shortly."
She gestured towards a wall, opening a portal that would lead Leofric and his young charge to the school.
"I have a feeling that this will be one of our more memorable students."
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