#my tablet is still broken and I don't know when I'll have a new one
platykool · 1 year
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lazycats-stuff · 28 days
I wanted to know if you could make another request for the Bat Brother that was created to be a weapon when the Black Canary said he was ready to go to school, Bruce put him in one, but a boy tried to intimidate him and the Bat Brother broke his arm. He still couldn't understand what he did wrong because of his training.
I sure can. I love that idea. Also, this gif is Bruce explaining to the Bat Bro, that no, you can't go break people's arms.
Summary: (Y/N) doesn't understand that intimidation doesn't require broken bones.
Warnings: Bruce is a tired dad, (Y/N) is a weapon, but nothing specific about training, mentions of attacking, but nothing specific
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Bruce sighed as he got a call from the Justice League. Another child that was created to be a weapon. Why? And why is he the first person they call? Damian was with him, since he was on patrol with him since they got the call.
" Father, why are we here? " Damian asked as the two used the Zeta tubes. Bruce sighed yet again.
" Because they think I'm an expert when it comes to children who are murderous. Just because I made sure you are tame I presume, " Bruce replied and Damian scoffed and rolled his eyes.
" Oh please. I'm not murderous. "
" Should I start talking about shrubbery? My beloved animal statues are still recovering. You started at what, 5 am? I did eradicate that habit of yours, didn't I? "
Damian huffed again, crossing his arms.
And yes, if you somewhat managed to tame Damian, a child murderous as him if you don't have Damian, you are officially an expert. That's why everyone turns to him when there is a murderous child. Bruce should start teaching them how to deal with such children.
" Superman. " Bruce nodded in his direction and Superman nodded back.
" Evening you two. We've managed to get the boy's name. His name is (Y/N), last name still unknown. We found him in one of Lex's labs. Under some nth alias. " Superman crossed his arms and Bruce scoffed.
Of course. When in doubt who else could be creating clones? Lex Luthor.
" Why isn't he thrown in prison when there is overwhelming amount of evidence against him? " Damian questioned and Bruce more often than not wondered the exact same thing.
The answer?
" Connections Damian, connections. " Bruce rubbed his chin and Damian scoffed, muttering an of course underneath his breath.
" But don't worry. He'll fall down eventually. If my hunch is right, he is probably messing with taxes. And if there's one thing that America doesn't like, is when you mess with taxes. That's how they took down Al Capone, " Bruce said to Damian, who nodded.
" We'll be waiting for a while then. " Damian crossed his arms now and Bruce chuckled.
" Don't worry Damian. IRS will take care of him. And once he's down, we'll strike as well and put him away for life. Don't worry about it. And how is (Y/N) doing? " Bruce asked, turning back to look at Clark.
" He's... Well, he had to be sedated. He broke Flash's nose. And we checked on him via cameras and he seems... Calm, but I've known you long enough to know that he is simmering deep down inside. " Clark chuckled and Bruce smirked.
" So you called me because the boy is mini me? " Bruce mused and Clark chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.
" Yup. I wouldn't recommend meeting him now though. He is pissed off. Black Canary will come by in the afternoon so she can talk to him. I know that she can take care of herself, but you should be here, just in case. " Clark scratched the back of his head, yawning.
" Tired already Superman? " Bruce teased and Clark chuckled.
" I'm going back to the cave father. Should I tell the others about (Y/N)? "
" Please do Damian. Warn them about the new addition that is going to come. I'll be back in about 20 minutes. Tell the others to sleep as well, " Bruce told Damian and the Robin nodded, disappearing through the Zeta tubes.
Bruce turned back to Clark, who offered him a tablet with the information that Bruce was interesting in. They both knew each other so well.
" Everything here is an estimate, besides the physical appearance. The age and all that stuff, " Clark explained and Bruce nodded as he read over everything. " He's a mini you Bruce, " Clark added and Bruce rolled his eyes underneath the mask.
" Alright. I'll transfer these to the Batcave and just text me the time when Black Canary is coming so I can ditch work. I'm pretty sure I can ditch a boring meeting. " Bruce smirked to himself as he started the transfer.
" Ah yes, the infinite meetings of a CEO. " Clark chuckled and Bruce handed him the tablet back.
" The boy will be fine, I'm sure of it. With some therapy and stability, he'll be good, " Bruce said and Clark nodded.
" I can only hope so. "
Months went by since that last conversation. (Y/N) was aggressive at first and outright refused to talk to Black Canary, who had Bruce behind her, just in case. And yes, Bruce had to restrain (Y/N) to make sure that he didn't hurt himself or Black Canary when he has decided to attack.
And attacks were frequent at first. More often than not, Bruce had to restrain him just so that they could get through a single session. And slowly but surely, therapy has started to work. (Y/N) was slowly but surely starting to opening up and became less and less hostile. Of course, there was a long way to go still, but he was making decent progress.
Bruce brought his boys to socialize with (Y/N). The boys are all trained and if (Y/N) does get hostile, they can take care of themselves. Bruce has warned them about it, so they were all prepared.
And (Y/N) seemed to appreciate the gesture, although distrusting of them at first. So, the boys have decided to take a different approach. Dick has decided to bring some books to (Y/N), some of his own favorites, so that he wouldn't be left to his own devices, aka, his mind and be pissed.
So Dick brought a lot of books. (Y/N) liked them all and Dick was proud to say that he had a great taste in books.
Jason has simply decided to talk to (Y/N) about stupid things he could think of. (Y/N) had a lot of questions for him and Jason was more than happy to answer them. He found (Y/N) nice, but too similar to Damian when he first joined.
So Damian and (Y/N) bonded quickly over their experiences. Damian opened up about his own experiences, sharing techniques on how to remain calm in certain situations. Offered meditation techniques as well and gave him advice on how to accept certain things.
And Tim brought him a tablet where he could watch cartoons, movies, whatever he wanted to get familiar with the world outside of fighting. Essentially, it felt like they were socializing a little puppy. (Y/N) really liked the tablet and took great care of it.
Black Canary also like the approach that the boys were taking and (Y/N) has been even less hostile in their sessions and has actually started to open up to Black Canary. Bruce was also a constant in their sessions, and while he may have looked like a brooding figure, he actually helped (Y/N) be calm.
Soon enough, (Y/N) went to school since Black Canary deemed him ready enough. Was Bruce nervous beyond belief for the first time in a long time? Yes. Damian might have been raised to be a weapon in some sort of capacity, but he was raised as an assassin and assassins are to supposed to blend in. And be somewhat sociable.
(Y/N) was not really raised to fit in. He was raised to be a weapon. Not to fit in. Only to kill. So was Bruce nervous beyond belief during the first week. He has hoped he wouldn't get called in to the principal's office.
But hope doesn't last forever.
Bruce was in Wayne Enterprises, in his office, doing some paperwork when the phone rang and Bruce recognized the number. It was the principal of the school. Bruce knows that number since he used to get a lot of calls from the same man while Jason was still going there.
It's burned into his memory.
He had a feeling it was about (Y/N) and was proven right. He muttered a simple ' I'm coming.' Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. This was going to be one rather uncomfortable conversation.
(Y/N) got suspended for 2 weeks. Bruce was not happy in the slightest. (Y/N) broke the poor boy's arm just because the boy decided to intimidate him. Was intimidating (Y/N) fair? No. But was breaking someone's arm just because of that justified?
Absolutely not.
Bruce sat (Y/N) down in the kitchen, thinking that the others wouldn't be home. Oh he was very wrong. They boys were back earlier since they had heard what happened. How? Bruce can't exactly know, but he knows that he has trained those boys. So somehow, they all found out and were ready to listen in.
" (Y/N)... We've talked about what to do when someone is intimidating you. You can't put your hands on them. " Bruce put his hands on his hips and (Y/N) crossed his arms.
The four boys were enjoying this. Jason snickered to himself and Damian smirked.
" I mean, (Y/N) isn't technically in the wrong. Why was the kid intimidating him in the first place? " Jason muttered to himself and Damian nodded, agreeing with Jason.
" It was a form of self defense. "
Tim shook his head and Dick chuckled to himself.
" No, self defense would mean that he put his hands on you first. But he didn't. You did. Which is assault. Thank God that by paying the medical bills would keep them off our back. " Bruce now crossed his arms, trying to be calm and patient. " I know it's not easy to live a normal life when you weren't raised like that, but you have to adapt. Black Canary and myself have taught you that. Where is the disconnect? " Bruce inquired.
" Well, he threatened me. Soon enough, he would turn into a real threat, " (Y/N) defended himself and Bruce swore that (Y/N) was like an another version of Damian.
" It doesn't matter. It's not self defense. I've texted Black Canary and you are going to have your sessions double during these 2 weeks, " Bruce declared and (Y/N) scoffed, showing some sort of sass.
Bruce wanted to rip his hair out.
" Go to your room and reflect on what I told you. I'll call you down when dinner is done, " Bruce sighed, rubbing his forehead. (Y/N) clenched his jaw as he walked upstairs.
Damian and Jason were smirking, knowing exactly how he felt. Tim and Dick sighed to themselves. They knew that (Y/N) felt frustrated and angry. They had another version of Damian on their hands. Maybe an even more difficult version.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I had a rather angst idea for a Good Dad Bruce au. One where he actually loves his kids and Jason never died (they still took Tim in because they found him taking pictures of them on patrol) and everyone is a lot healthier. The family spends time together and while they do squabble, like all families, they don't fight like they do in canon.
Then one day, they get an alert that the cave has been broken into and when they rush to check it out, they find.... Tim? Which shouldn't be possible as Tim is following behind Bruce and was literally at breakfast with everyone else. The new Tim's head snaps up when they enter and he just sighs, "Damn it, I was hoping to avoid you guys. Well, Multiversal Code Lima Omega Sigma Tango. Is that still the code here?" Which is the Bat code for "someone fucked up and sent me through a multiverse portal and now I gotta get home". Before anyone can fully comprehend what's going on with New Tim, he turns back to the Batcomputer, where he's currently pulling up information on Zatanna and Constantine.
Bruce walks over to the computer, worried about this version of his son being lost so far from home and says, "well help you get home. Do you know what world you're from?" And Tim simply raises an eyebrow and says, "oh. Is this one of *those* dimensions? How annoying. You can help by getting me some coffee, keeping Bat Brat and Hood away from me, and I'll be out of your hair soon enough. I won't even be here long enough to make your paranoia to bad if things go right."
All that is. Rather concerning. Especially because none if them have Hood in their names. Of course these Healthy Bats insist on helping New Tim out for as much as he will let them. It can be noted that he only accepts food from Alfred, Steph, and Cass and only drink from them and Dick. Anything Jason, Bruce, or Damian tries to give him is completely ignored, Tim acting like it isn't even there. He also is isn't refusing to interact with Damian and Jason but unlike the others, he won't say anything to them until they say something first.
Eventually Damian snaps and says, "Drake, why are you ignoring myself and Jason?!" Tim simply slowly places the tablet he was typing on down and turns to Damian and Jason who are a little pissed and also worried about Tim and why he's acting the way he is. After a deep breath, Tim says, "simply by observing I can tell that our families are extremely different. For example, both of you get along very well with your Tim. It is not so on my world. I will not go into details for all of our sakes, but both of you have made *multiple* attempts on my life. I don't blame either of you and things have been almost peaceful recently. I don't blame either of them, it's simply instinct for them. But that doesn't erase the fact that someone with each of your faces has nearly killed me at least 5 times *each*. I understand that it wasn't you two who did it, but I would still rather not become complacent around any version of either of you to avoid becoming complacent around them. So just. Stay away from me." Tim then turns back to what he was doing and resumes research on how to get back to his own world.
Jason is shocked and horrified that any version of himself would make any attempt on Tim's life, let alone almost half a dozen! He snarls, "what do you mean it's *instinct* for them? What, is only one person allowed to be in the family at a time or some bullshit?!"
Tim and Jason go back and forth a few times with Tim refusing to explain fully, simply calling it Instincts and everyone calling bullshit on that until Tim snaps, scales spreading across his hands and face as his pupils become slits and a hood flares out of his neck that was previously hidden. In a blink, Tim has become some kind of human animal hybrid as he hisses, "because I'm a Viper, Jason is a Hawk, and Damian is a Mongoose!! They naturally hunt my kind, I don't blame them for not trusting me or attacking me if I don't warn them that I'm there! I don't blame either of them for trying to kill me on sight the first two times each of them met because I'm a Cobra!" Once Tim settles down he pinches the bridge of his nose and deshifts back to fully human as he grumbles, "I apologize. I shouldn't have snapped like that just. Just leave it."
Jason and Damian attacking him on instinct is all a lie. They just don't want to accept Tim into the family and this is an easy way to excuse any murder attempts. If Bruce or Dick catches them, they just lie through their teeth that Thr Pit makes it harder to control the more instinct driven side of them, or its lingering effects from whatever Rouge they got Poisoned by last, or Tim was shifted and didn't warn them when he walked up. Sure it's fine for everyone else in the family, hell in 99% of the world its considered perfectly OK to be shifted at all times, or at least it is for animal hybrids like mice and birds and dogs, but not as much for Spiders, Snakes, and Pathners.
As for what the rest of Snake Tim's family is, Bruce is some kind of Fancy Dog (as was his mother) and when he's Batman he fluffy up and puts temporary dye in his fur to look like a Rottweiler or Doberman, Dick is a Swan who used basically spray on hair dye that Bruce made special for his feathers so people thought he was a Robin Shifter, Jason is a Hawk who's wings got the same treatment, Tim is a King Cobra like his mom but when on patrol he keeps the hood hidden and chews black gum so the inside of his mouth looks black like a Mamba's, and Damian is a Mongoose like Ras and Talia but the public thinks he's a ferret. Steph is either a Possum or a Raccoon and makes jokes about having switched animals with Tim as birth. Cass is a black panther who loves the groom her family.
Shifter AU!!!!!!
I was not expecting that, so I was pleasantly surprised ^^
Snake comparisons for Tim are underutilized and beloved. I'd be down to see way more of them. As for this AU, I'm curious about what seems to be Shifter-ism (not sure if there's a better word for that), their instincts, and how often Jason and Damian get away with attacking Tim. Are they at least doing better now? It seems that Tim is weary of them, that they attacked him even with full control of their actions, but that he doesn't blame them.
Also, is one of Tim's instincts to take naps in sunny spots? Is he slower when he's cold?
For the cover-up that Tim did, it was brilliant. He crafted a perfectly logical reason for why they would attack him (especially for Bats who are presumably unfamiliar with shifter instincts and thus unable to call him out).
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kapitein-oranghien-29 · 6 months
Hello dear followers! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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My tablet's glass has broken, and the frame slightly dented when it fell off my bureau. I've been to the repair store, and it will indeed cost 578 euros to fix the screen of my broken ipad, the one I draw on. Since it's a model from 2017, there's just less out there to fix it. But there's also the fact that it might not work when I do get it fixed. Or that it will die and slow in the coming years by its age, making fixing it an expensive band-aid. So the opinion of the ones around me is that I would be better off buying a new tablet. And as you know, that is a quite expensive ordeal, looking at the prices around 1000 euro (*ノヮノ)
I just have no choice, and after a few tears and a night of sleep, I decided that I still want to continue doing (digital) art. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
But with the costs of the tablets, I will be forced to at least wait till my payday to even think of buying one. This means comms will have about a 3 week delay. Rn, I'm trying to hold my tablet together with tape, so at least I won't be cut by the splinters. For the comms that I've already started I will finish them on my tablet to the best of my abilities, but for the ones I've only made a sketch for or yet to start, I will feel more secure if I start them on my new coming tablet.
So, I'll be scraping together some money for the new one, and maybe will do doodles for a buck or something to try and raise a little buffer? If you want to support me, I'd appreciate it so much! But don't feel obliged! I have a savings account I can dip into a little bit. ^^’
You can sun to my patreon and see spicy doodles and past comms! It's a euro per month, and you can cancel whenever too! (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
There is nothing posted on there, butt you can drop me a kofi (・ω<)
Any help, including just, sending positive thoughts is appreciated, and I take that all to heart. After all, you guys liking my art spurs me on to make more!
🧡 kap
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residualprism · 1 year
Tablet's wire is still broken, have yet to buy a new one T-T I'm still doing traditional art but I'm not really happy with how some of the stuff is coming out. Then the book got wet so that's now messed up lmao. I still have a few pages left to fill up, once its done I'll move on to a new book. I'm trying to not be on the internet as much anymore, so I've taken up crochet and my little sister is trying to teaching me. We've started on a duck, got some of the body done but had to stop as I've messed up somehow and my sister doesn't know how we did n how to fix it lmao. I think I'm a lost cause lol. All of my stitching stuff is at my grandmothers, so until I can go get it I cant stitch. I'm also working out as I'm over 200 lbs. and I'm not happy about it. I've stopped over eating, once I have finished one plate I'm done. Which is working good I had been down to 201, but gained 5 lbs. which is my fault I was out with my grandfather for 2 days and I just overate. I found a workout plan which I will get started on soon. I'm starting with small weight goals to not unmotivated myself when I see that I'm not making the progress I want, I don't know how much I want to loose, in general I just know I want to be under 190 lbs.
Durnehviir now has a bioactive cage! I'm currently saving money for a bigger cage for him, I'm thinking a 75 gallon will be good for him idk yet. I just know the 40 gallon is going to be to small for him when he is fully grown.
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First Diary Entry!
this is my first actual diary entry! exciting!
today was a pretty okay day, I was productive in cleaning and going to the store. I moved back home on Monday so that I can start college next week and have been unpacking and cleaning my room since. I even got myself a few snacks from the store!
last night however my tablet decided to go kaput in a way, my pen's pressure is broken and I have no clue how to fix it. I tried for 2 and a half hours last night! I even tried a bit today but it quickly grew exhausting and I somehow made it worse so I decided to just get a new tablet. it arrives on Saturday! I won't be here to be able to use it and test it out but I'll at least still have it and be able to practice with it on Sunday! I'm excited for that!
going back to the college topic, I'm kinda anxious for it. and yeah, I know anytime school starts there's anxiety, but it's different. people are going to expect so much of me and my mom already does, I mean she wants me to get a job and pay rent on top of going to college. while I only go to school 2 days a week with the rest being online it'll still be a lot with a job and then trying to balance work, school, and my actual life it's going to be really stressful. I know she wants me to get ready for full on adulthood but I'm just not ready for that, I know no one ever is but I'm expected to do so much in such a little amount of time it sucks. on the bright side however! I kinda feel like my life is starting to be my life and not what others say I should do/be! I don't have to worry about taking care of my nephew 24/7 anymore and can do things I want to, like I got to choose what I wanted to do in college! I get to choose my classes! and don't get me wrong I love my nephew and I loved watching him and seeing him grow, I just wasn't able to live my life and spend time with friends or make dumb decisions or go to college when I wanted to, I wasn't living the life I wanted. I was living the life someone asked me to and one that I never planned on staying like that for as long as I did. it'll just be... really nice to live *my* life and be me!
I think that'll be all for tonight, I should get to bed, good night friend! stay safe! <3
~Robyn 8/8/24
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threenorth · 1 year
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Today, is just another day for some, for me on this day that means so much to us... I'll write it all again and some more...
I think I was blind until I met you.
I've said it all before but it's romantic.
I never use to believe in love at first sight.. I remember being behind the door, I remember ringing the door bell, I wanted to surprise you so I hide where you couldn't see me, I could hear you but I just had to wait for the right moment... then I popped out and you hugged me, so tight it felt like all the broken voids were full...
I opened my eyes from that tight hug and, you looked into my eyes and that's when I knew,... I wanted to be with you forever and that day forth I believed in love at first sight... Until my tale didn't go the way I expected...I know... As you know... And got worse as time went on... My mental health hasn't been in the best of shape... Now more than ever... Probably stuck mentally for quite awhile suffering in and out levels of severity... It's been a hard few years on both of us and I take blame for most of it...especially because I caused most of the current one... And I can't blame you for anything I've had to battle alone for so long and believe the people around me, and it's hard to fight for yourself...
But I wanted to know that I still had feelings for you, somethings that you said they still are stuck with me...
This year I'm back in treeament, it feels good to be back in the recharge center, I don't think I'll ever get out of therphay but at least this time is longer then I've had well second longest soon to be longest... and seeing the people I've wanted to see for years never had the money for... But that's an interesting topic especially now with rising costs and God knows what else I could say about not being able to with my past jobs etc... Anyway... I really wanted to but the private and public system during covid made that difficult let alone work, oh work.. Don't start me... Anyway....
Seeing those special folk, it's alot easier given 'covid' lock downs aren't in effect to actually see them but I hear mumors it's still around the place.
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Here's a small tablet it may take 4 weeks to work but here's to trying something new...
On what I'd hope I thought today would make a good day to start my adhd med trial of a non stimulant, as another first day of my life.
I told you that I owe you my life so, as much as I shouldn't say it but this pill is only because you gave me a reason to stay, a reason to keep breathing and keep fighting through my battles that I've tried to face years alone.
Trying to be everything I wasn't... and Every battle I'm doing now it's longoverdue, thank you for breaking me a bit, saying somethings to get the help I need...I've been learning a bit about things that I assume they told you all the same.
The lorzopam has really helped my axenity, like fuck me and peace of mind... God it's been... Well....I can't even recall when my mind was this quite, and sleep in a deeper level then I've felt in years... Often feeling shallow, I for one hate my parents now more then ever... especially my mom everytime I had guts to try say something is wrong she'd shut me down and tell me to keep doing what I'm doing and now I can see how wrong she was, and how much I know she worrys about me but it's truly insane some things she totally... Ughh... I don't like my parents at all either of them for different reasons,
It's felt like I've Always being on the edge of a constant mental breakdown, some how surviving through it all until now every 2-3 years having a major breakdown or autisc meltdown.
Mayne now they can try give me some of those coping mechanisms people get... You said you have to be brave for a diagnosis to get the treatment you deserve, I think I'm learning the strength to humble yourself and speak your truths you did not know you had but have taught me.
But this recent meltdown one, was really helped me to get treatment, because it got out of my head... I thank you for breaking me, you know how to shoot me in all the wrong best places and it hurt hearing what you said but it's to help me get help I need... and especially after my last actions got..... Let's use awful and Bad, as an understatement.
I just wanted some comfort while I felt like I was soon to die, or loosing my mind to the insainty....it seems whenever I'm in a good headspace it seems I'm not to far off to be having a mental breakdown... I don't know how to, Describe my state of mind given I'm just learning feelings...but it's like the whole world just hates me and triggers and beats me down, and for years I've often found it easier to depress myself by repressing my feelings... Whitch is bad.
My twin flame, my soulmate mirror other, I wanted to say Thank you for pushing me to the places I need to be, into the light. It hurts but it's a good hurt... So it can hurt less right?
I hope you know even on the good days I can feel your aura coming through my broken voids.
I hope my posts keep you company, when you feel sad or down but don't feel sad for me my dear, I'm doing better and I'm it's been getting better now everyday slowly, the past 3 weeks, maybe soon my smile will return from its place of hiding behind my lips.
Pystrist Still gotta get some meds for axiety or depression but we're currently doing testing and assemsnts and the non stimulant adhd med seen above.
it's like so nice to have a clear head for once... It's been quite a long time... I think.. It's been since that awful day... But God knows I've battled mental health so long it's all. Being a blur, it I'm doing okay but I really have started to notice how toxic my. Mom is and my mom probably just keeps pushing me into shit when I didn't good and bad just wanted to try sort things out and I could never find out all the things just a break, God knows I hate my family just as much as before and even more the more I learn about them and what they did.
I wishikw you I could live outside their roof.. Maybe soon if that pay bump comes seening I need it now more than ever..
Anyway... my psychtraist might want to change the benso to a long term one but I can't tell yet were redoing a test for adhd/add at the moment as his last test he said wasn't so concrete enough as it was within normal range.
I don't know where I am.
I don't know where I've been..
But I know where I want to be...
I know we've had a bit of a rough time in recent times... I think I've been in many states for far to long, maybe I've been in a constant state of anxiety for a few to many long years... Even my battles inside for mental health for the past 20 years...
At least this year, as we mark the occasion, I'm getting a step closer to being able to afford some kind of log cabin a writer shack, a little place in the woods, still doing an MBA to try get some more cash so I can buy myself a peaceful place away from all the noise of the world, as long as there's internet I can work from home and have my own little shire with tea on the kettle and go in for town once a month like a doomsday prepaor.
On my good days Getting back to my spiritual and mental strength. It's hard work, you were right. But it's rewarding it's on way... I hope again your spirit vists me as one sleeps and one awakens.
As it rains tonight I'm not crying in pain for the first time in awhile as we mark this day, but reflecting remembering the good times we had in breif... Watching some of my favorite movies with new eyes... It really does wake you up to all the things you were missing.
In my memory I see your laughter you hate, in my minds eye, it's so beautiful your smile, I when I told you stories of stupid things I've done on Skype.
I see you listening to me, I remember the time I sung to you even if now I find out I've had half a nostril maybe I'll take some lessons on that next when my ent says okay and I can go back to strength my diagafram whitch I thought was expensive until you added a dietain and psychologist and psychtraist... No money at all on anything and now reduced hours for the month while I try recoup mentally.
Hopefully again sometime soon, I'll start applying for roles out of Seattle, my MBA program should finish July 2024 I'd hope I'll be hoping you'll be able to find me easily enough if that's what you want to do but don't be surprised if you have to use some tricks on the internet, I hope they might help you and until me have to forget the ways of my well that side of me, I never want to see again.
My parcel hasn't arrived to my mail box but I'll tell you by giving you a clue that I'll be wearing it along with my medical alert dogtag, I hope I bless it with your strength and your aura incase I need it in the times I need your spritual presense hopefully soon you'll be seeing me wear it.
And I'm sure you already have done it but I give you the pecice of me to help keep you strong when you need it.
I didn't get a photo Friday but tomorrow if I go to the gym, I hit a few 33kg's sets and two on the 40kg on the lat pull down,
so that seemed to be my next weight target, so I think I'm almost reday to hit that number my muscles look so tiny here's to seeing them double in size maybe within the next few weeks?
Now that I'm in a better mental space, and hopefully my brain isn't eating my mucules I can start doing my protein shakes In between meals.
Still trying to correct my awful diet but I made four sets of almost *reday* overnight oats
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Just add almoulmd milk and coconut yourgurt and it should be good I'm trialing four batches 2 tablespoons or one of coca powder, before trying to dial in my mixed berry toppings.
These little cups are great as the first you cant see indent is 250ml/250grams add 250ml mills of alomuld milk and it's good to go, expect I need to add some hemp protein and pumpkin seeds (whitch work better on my peanut butter toast...) but for now I added black chia and some seseme seeds until I can get more money again to go back out to getting them at the bulk place... Anyway back to gym stuff
I hope you'll enjoy the mucules when I'm ready to show them off, I'll warn you that I can't tell if it's my axenity but woman at the gym are looking at me either like damn e I'm so skinny hitting okay numbers, or they are looking like he's fucking crazy giving how skinny I am isn't to far off *lol*
But I'm not looking for a girlfreind like that I don't need casual sex, that's distraction from my goals, I am looking for my friend and companion to come back though... But I'll wait for her as she needs to be in the right place, because I got alot of catchup to do... Mentally and physically.
I hope today for you, you do something like a hike, you always liked hikes, or I herd there was hot pools but I didn't get out that way, Take a raincoat and a warm layer, Oh and I saw the news watchout for that collsum golf ball sized hail yeeeesh, that looked crazy... People these days underestimate mother nature is getting angry at us, I hope you weren't caught in it... then again I don't think you like Louie your more Harry but what do I know 😂
& Ben and Jerry's-make a good vegan ice cream.
0 notes
jupiter-moonchild · 1 year
If my brain was in a fish, it would drown.
Here's a life update, seeing as I've been away for ... years.
I just logged out one day and didn't come back. No idea why. I did the same with Twitter, but I've hopped back on there over the last few months.
I don't even know where to start so it's going to be a ramble.
15th Dec 2017 my mum died, then 15 April 2018 my dad followed her. Dad died of a broken heart. And I'm not being romantic about it, his heart had some weird fault that caused a valve or a vein or something to burst, and nothing could save him. He was in the icu for almost 24 hrs before he finally died. I saw him before he lost consciousness, I told him I loved him, he said "I love you too, baby."
What followed was a shit show.
Family members (dad's side) who I will not name were awful to me, while I was still scrambling from the financial hit of two funerals on top of each other.
Other family members (mum's side) were left reeling from the loss and again, like when my brother died, I was in charge of holding it all together. I was literally falling apart while keeping them together.
Grief is a weird thing. I was already diagnosed with clinical depression back in 2003, and stupidly they thought they could just throw some tablets at me and make it go away. It made things worse. I stopped taking them.
For me, depression feels like standing on a flat shore with a rising tide. I can't move and sometimes the depression is only ankle deep, which I can deal with it.
Sometimes it's up to my waist and I still deal with it but with less confidence.
Then there's the times it goes over my head and I can't even swim.
Add in the grief of losing both parents just 4 months apart, and you have a fucking tsunami that I have no way of swimming away from.
Go me, drowning like Alice in Wonderland in her own fucking tears.
I didn't even get any ruby slippers out of it. I feel swindled but I don't know who by.
In other news, I have to move house. My landlord (long time friend) has had a financial hit himself and has to sell the house I've been renting from him for the last 19 years.
So, I've had strangers walking around in my home, measuring walls, talking to the estate agent, all while I sit on my sofa freaking out because "Ew, people".
I literally can't think of anything worse when you're a house bound hermit. Oh wait, maybe a mariachi band when you're trying to sleep is worse, but only a smidge.
On the upside, I'll be moving in with my boyfriend, in Hastings.
The downside is I'll be many miles away from my son and my best friend. Like, hundreds of miles.
Thankfully they have cars but it's going to be a wrench for me.
Also, wifi is a bit ropey down there, I can see me going to a lot of the internet cafes just to get a decent signal.
It's not all doom and gloom, at least I will be with my boyfriend, and his mum and his brother and his niece.... they live on a farm with alpacas. I've already decided I'll be making videos of the alpacas and how nuts they are. Also, I'll be near the sea.
When my depression was bad, my boyfriend would take me to see the sea, because he knew it was the only thing that seemed to help.
It's going to be a while before I move, as I still have to pack and I've not been given a date to vacate yet, so I'm in limbo, only packing the things I don't need straight away.
Boxes are all over the places and I keep putting throws over them to make them less annoying.
I really hope this is the last time I have to move.
In my life I have moved 13 times, this will be move number 14. Most places, I didn't stay for longer then a few years.
This has been the longest I have stayed in one place.
So yeah, It's been a rollercoaster without the fun and without the candy floss. Today I managed to get febreeze in my eye, so that was fun, Not!
I also dropped my Bobble-off on my foot and now I have a massive bruise. Go me, let's see if I can manage to yeet myself off the bed again because that's also become a regular thing thanks to my spine being a bunch of dried spaghetti.
Did I also mention I'm disabled, so the shit I have to deal with when I go to the shop can vary from someone calling me a 'dirty cripple' all the way to someone trying to steal my walking stick.
Thankfully, the people in Hastings are nothing like that, so that's another thing to look forward to.
To save myself from going completely nuts during lockdown, I logged back into youtube, then last year, I made a new channel for gaming.
I joined a minecraft smp and we make stupid minecraft videos.
My old 2006 account had a hideous name, which I have now been able to change to something less stupid. I have three channels. One is archive films, one is gaming and the other one is just general day to day weirdness.
Last year I stepped outside my comfort zone and went with my boyfriend to see Aurora. She is truly amazing. We saw her at the Brixton Academy, which is now under threat of closure.
I remember the first time I saw Muse, it was at Earl's Court, and that venue no longer exists.
Oh, almost forgot. 2017 I smacked my head on a doorframe and had to have my eyebrow glued back together at the hospital. I got a concussion from the impact which they said should go away after a few weeks, but it never did. Post concussion syndrome. Basically I have brain damage, and someone could show me a photo of me in some random place and I'll have absolutely no recollection of where it was taken. I have DVDs on my shelves that I have no memory of even buying let alone watching, so that's gonna be fun to watch.
To top it off, menopause came along and slapped my ovaries into the back of the net. "Here, you're having memory trouble, have a dose of this malarky to fuck you up as well." Why not?
If you thought puberty was bad, wait until you get the old menopause boot to the arse. One minute you're like "Aww pretty flowers" the next you're "I WILL FUCK YOUR ANCESTORS UP!" There's no in between.
Well, that's that for now, I'll be popping back in here again to vent spleen about the shit that's going on in my awkward life.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Residency - 1 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
"What's up, second year? This is a step up, right?" Leah grinned, waving to Ross as he walked in.
"Are these assigned?" Ross asked, glancing around as you were busy pulling your new lab coat on.
"Yes, there's a lab coat with your name!" Leah cheered, leaving you to zone out until you heard Leah's question.
"Why are there no doors on these?"
"I know right, like 'hello tampons, meet everyone!'" Steph remarked before what Leah said next had you letting out a sad sigh.
"You guys, there's a coat here for Heather Brooks."
Shane was already running out whilst you walked over to the coat, picking it up.
"I'd rather it be sent to her mother than it end up in the bins or something." You explained whilst Jo walked out to get coffee and ring Karev.
"Does she even live with you still or has she moved in with Karev?" Leah asked, watching as you swallowed the piece of granola bar nervously.
"She's been at his more and more. She's also stopped asking me if I'll be okay being alone in the apartment all the time, so, I have no idea what's going on." You admitted, throwing the granola bar wrapper in the bin as Leah almost looked concerned for a moment.
"Anyway, I have to go... later Leah." You mumbled, completely unaware that Jo had been waking up alone the last three nights in a row at Karev's, and he hadn't even acknowledged her passing her intern exam.
You knew Jo was assigned to Webber however you were at the other end of the hospital working in the pit.
"Braces, I need a differential opinion for Webber's shoulder pain!"
"Work backwards with the chart!" You called out as you ran past, leaving Jo to pause, wondering what the hell that meant.
You were in the ER, treating a patient with a broken arm when you overheard it.
"I need an ultrasound!" Jo announced, leaving Doctor Grey to look her up and down in panic.
"Are you pregnant? Does Alex know?" Doctor Grey asked, pausing as you ran over.
"No, no, I'm not pregnant, Braces, calm down, I need an ultrasound machine for my patient... does Alex think I'm pregnant?" Jo began to panic but you just stared at her for a moment.
"I'm going back to my patient... Joey, use condoms, I swear to god-"
"Oh my god!" Jo groaned as you gave her a warning look.
You were lying in bed, reading one of the books that Brooks had put on the list when you heard the footsteps outside the door and a key in the lock.
"Joey? What are you doing here?" You stood up, walking across the room to move the couch from where it was blocking the door.
"Alex." was all Jo said before she headed to the bathroom to change clothes.
You were laying in bed again when she walked out of the bathroom, slipping into bed next to you. You were holding your book with one hand as you hesitantly put your arm around Jo with the other. Jo let out a sigh as she curled up, resting her head on your chest as her arm laid over your stomach.
"I'm sorry about whatever happened with Karev." You whispered into the crown of Jo's head.
"Are you okay? With me always being at Alex's-"
"I'm not, but I have to be. You're happier with him, I'm second choice." You murmured, turning off the light before Jo could process what you just said.
/// 4 Months Later ///
"Y/n, you got your halloween costume for tonight?" Steph asked as she and Doctor Avery entered the elevator.
"I had mine sorted on October 1st. What about you?" You asked, nodding in greeting to Doctor Avery in the process.
"How many fingers?" Jo called out as you exited the lift with Steph and Doctor Avery.
"Three and a hangnail on the index finger!" Steph called out, making you laugh as you grabbed a tablet from the dock.
You were zoned out on the tablet before Jo nudged you to follow her and Steph.
"How's it going with Alex?" Steph tentatively asked, leaving you to stand awkwardly and figure out something to say that wasn't insulting about Karev.
"Radio silence. I think it's over." Jo admitted, sadness laced in her voice whilst Steph frowned.
"Well, I don't believe that, and I have extraordinary vision, literally and figuratively. Come on, time to go round on Webber." Steph stated, dragging Jo away as she gave you a confused look on why you didn't say anything.
But what were you supposed to say when you hadn't had a relationship that lasted longer than two weeks?
You were snapped out of your thoughts as Steph walked into a wall on the way out of the room.
"Doctor Webber is going to let one of us operate on him."
"Not you, no offense, but I heard you walked into a wall this morning."
You had already zoned out by the time that Bailey had been told to figure out with second year surgical resident deserved to be in the surgery.
"S/n, you're awfully quiet about this surgery." Webber realised, leaving you to glance up from the tablet you were reading.
"Bailey is really against any of us doing it, but a pancreatic cystogastrostomy is..."
Leah's screaming caught your attention from the other end of the ER, leaving you to gulp before turning to your patient. Your patient had a superficial head injury due to falling off their skateboard.
"So, your head injury is seems to only be superficial but I'd like to get a CT just to be safe, your wrist, however, was broken in the fall. I'm going to send for some x-rays to see but I don't think it will require surgery." You explained to the nineteen year old before your eyes landed on the facial scarring.
"Yeah, I know, it looks bad but it's not from falling off my skateboard. Too bad I can't say it was a crocodile that got us both, happy freaking Halloween." Your patient grumbled whilst you stared at the name on the chart.
"Grayson Bellwether, born in 1994... you were bitten by a dog when you were four, your foster sister was bitten too, in the leg, the two of you were separated not long after because she was sent to another foster home in another state. Your foster parents blamed her."
"It wasn't her fault, nobody knew that dog would bite us, not even the owners... wait, how did you know that? That's not in my chart." Grayson stared at you before his eyes landed on the name on your lab coat.
"Y/n? Wait, are you her?"
"You were only four years old, I don't expect you to recognise me-" You mumbled, tapping away on the chart to order the CT and x-rays.
"Your eyes didn't change, even though it's been fifteen years." Grayson pointed out, leaving you to sigh.
"I've ordered the CT scan and x-rays, someone will take you up but I'll update you when I get the results." You explained, about to step away from Grayson's bed when he reached for your wrist.
"So, you're a doctor now?"
"Second year surgical resident." You gave him a weak smile, stepping away as a nurse walked over to talk to Grayson.
Jo was too pre-occupied with another patient to spot that you were walking away with tears in your eyes.
You were looking over Grayson's charts when Doctor Robbins walked over.
"S/n, are you alright?"
"Uh, one of my ex-foster brothers is in the ER, the CT scan is clear and I'm going to put a cast on his wrist but, it's the memories I'm trying to ignore. Fifteen years..." You grumbled, wiping at your eyes before clearing your throat.
"Sorry, uh, I need to go-"
"S/n, you know you can talk to me right? I know you said you were a good listener, but maybe you need one of those this time?" Doctor Robbins suggested, watching you hesitate for a moment.
"Can I get back to you on that?" You asked, watching how Doctor Robbins nodded before letting you go.
"So, you will be in a cast for six weeks then it'll take at least another 6 weeks to regain the strength back." You explained as Grayson's plaster cast was set and plastics had sorted out his superficial head injury.
"What about you?"
"What about me?" You replied, raising an eyebrow at Grayson.
"It's been fifteen years-" Grayson began but you just passed him a card.
"You have business cards now? You're a doctor-"
"They are useful, okay... and I was bored. It was nice to see you again, Grayson." You smiled, noticing how Doctor Grey was walking away with Jo.
"Who's that you're staring at?" Grayson murmured, leaving you to chuckle.
"That's my sister." You explained, providing the least amount of detail possible but Grayson just nodded, understanding immediately.
"Braces, have you seen my wings?" Jo called from the bathroom as you laid on the couch in your halloween costume.
"They're next to me, Tinkerbell! I do believe in fairies, I do, I do, I do believe in fairies!" You laughed as Jo exited the bathroom in her costume.
"Oh shush you, what are you supposed to be anyway, you just look like a skeleton?" Jo asked, raising an eyebrow as you stood up, passing her her Tinkerbell wings in the process.
"Look and see." You grinned, pulling your mask on as you turned the lights off.
"Glow in the dark skeleton? You really are an ortho prodigy." Jo laughed as you turned the lights back on.
"Yeah, well, what's going on with this party thing-"
"Um, actually, I need to talk to Alex..." Jo cut you off, leaving you to pause.
"Right... well, I am going to the bar. Something I should have mentioned earlier, I have no idea how to help you with your Alex stuff, I have no idea how long-term relationships work, Joey. I'm sorry." You replied, grabbing your stuff to head out.
You were sat at the bar at Joe's when she approached.
"And what are you supposed to be?" She asked as you glanced over her costume.
"I could ask you the same thing, can't a girl be a glow-in-the-dark skeleton for one halloween?"
"Depends, does the skeleton like angels?" The girl smirked, tilting her head to the side.
"Does your underwear glow in the dark too?" She asked, watching you down your drink instead of replying.
"You really want to know?" You raised an eyebrow, but the angel just smiled.
"Do you want to go somewhere?"
"Sure, Tinkerbell ditched me for Peter Pan anyway." You mumbled under your breath, following the angel from the bar as Leah watched with an unreadable look on her face.
Tags: @nnightskiess
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hoaqins-funk-house · 4 years
Male Reader
Part 1
Sitting in the black swivel chair, you spin once or twice before coming to a stop, grimacing at the feeling of sticky floors beneath your shoes. This place is brand new, how the hell are the floors sticky? 
Actually, on that note, how is everything so covered in dust?
Sighing, your mindless fidgeting comes to a stop as the phone, just as dinky as the walls around you, begins to ring. You pick it up but put it back on the table, eyes drifting to the laptop and swing-out tablet. When you flip the former open, you note the four buttons, each relating to something you would have to reset when it comes time to. The latter has cameras that are scattered around, including a separate tab for vents. There’s an option to block off vents, which sends a chill up your spine as you glance to the big ass one at your side.
You decide to block that one off for now.
Humming, you familiarize yourself with the layout of the place, deciding to ignore the shadows that crept through your vision.
Your unenthused eyes scan and take in everything. The replicas (you had seen the originals, and they were permanently stained with both the smell and color of pizza sauce and lawsuits) that were in and around the office, as well as the little bobbleheads that sat on your desk of the animatronics, which were, for some reason, human? You boop the one who you assume to be Freddy, hearing the familiar squeak. 
A small smile comes to your lips.
It was at this time that you realized you had completely ignored the man on the phone, but you couldn't really bring yourself to care. 
The little drawings that were put up were authentic; not just anyone could recreate what a child's mind spits out and decides to draw. 
That Freddy looks a bit fucked up.
The posters were cutely designed, and after getting the gist of what everything was and how everything works, you were on your phone the rest of the night.
When six strikes, you casually leave, giving the building a quick once over as you leave the doors, locking them behind you.
If every night is going to be like that, this is going to get boring.
He’s stuck.
This suit traps him like a rabid dog, eager to stay gripped onto his neck.
Still, things would be changing soon.
He can feel it.
He can feel it as a fresh breeze, the first in many years, hits his nostrils, sending a wave of euphoria through his system. The bloodied musk that hung in the dank room was not a pleasant one.
He can feel it as his body accepts this new host, more and more, until soon, quite soon, he will become one with his vessel. 
Just as the animatronics before him did.
He ponders. 
Why was he being freed from this prison of his own design?
Is he being taken somewhere?
Will there be a night guard to terrorize?
A grin takes to his broken lips as he ignores the pain and blood that comes from them. Oh, a night guard! Truly, that will be a sight!
He can't wait. 
For now, however, he must play dead.
My, that voice that shouts with excitement from behind him…
It sounds so familiar.
"Bring the truck around!" He calls. "I found one, a real one! It's got the rips, the weird colors, and what I am going to assume is pizza sauce! Ohohoh man, I hit the jackpot with this one! Fazbear's Fright needed something, and here it is!" 
His congratulatory tone made the man within the suit want to throw up. Finding him was nothing to be happy about; he is despicable, incapable of redemption, and an awful being. 
And you know what? 
That's just the way he likes it.
So to have someone happy to find him, especially for their own purposes?
He won't let it stand. 
Yeah, if this place has a nightguard, he'll kill them without mercy before burning the entire thing to the ground.
Might as well make it fun for himself.
As light peeks through, clearly originating from a flashlight, he feels his pupils shrink, resisting the urge to let out a groan as his weak eyes ache from their decades of being in the dark.
"Whoahoh! This one looks gnarly!" The same man as before speaks, probably referencing the organs and tendons that were showing. "C'mon, let's get it up!"
His grin only grows as two people lift him onto a dolly, beginning the move.
Goodbye, saferoom.
And hello, Fazbear's Fright.
Humming, you walk into the building, skimming over the decorations once more before noticing something.
The papers that had fallen onto the ground from before, they had dirt on them. Not surprising on its own, but when they were in the shape of tire tracks? 
You decide to follow them, using your memory of the cameras to guide you through the building, which was already rather linear anyway.
Entering the last area, you could see a rather dilapidated animatronic suit, with organs visible and its fur matted with blood. Real blood. The old Springbonnie suit was nearly green from how old and dirty it was.
Your eyebrows raise. "Is that guy just stupid or did he knowingly bring in a suit that has a dead body in it?"
Honestly, you didn't care. "Eh, whatever. It'll probably start moving when I start my shift… I've heard those rumors about the other locations." You turn, stretching, unaware of the eyes that followed you or the head that turned your way.
Damn, does he want to kill this one?
Well, he can think it over more soon. After the merge.
He grins again, feeling his uneven, gouged skin begin to flare with pain.
You exit the room fully, making your way back to the office with all the urgency of an ADHD-riddled person doing laundry.
Which is to say… not much.
You fall into the chair, cursing as the thin mesh cushion does nothing to protect your tailbone from the metal frame of the chair. The phone rings not a moment later, you picking it up and laying it on the table again, eager to ignore it just as you had done before. You stretch again, arms raising above your head as you begin to flip through cameras, finding the rabbit in the same spot it was in before. 
You yawn.
Hopefully it starts moving soon, or else the entire reason you took this job would be unfulfilled. 
You were bored, and you remembered this place from the times you had gone with your younger brother, who was now in his early twenties. You, however, were 28 years of age, with nothing better to do than 'investigate' the Fazbear's Fright that opened up. Still, if that rabbit has a corpse in it, it should make things more fun.
As you lazily flip through your cameras, you set it down and look to the side, seeing a rather dirty looking man with an eyepatch and fox ears. To his confusion, before he could lunge at you, you reach out and swipe a hand through his chest. You continue to swipe forwards and backwards, the incorporeal man stuck standing there until you leaned back.
"So, you're a ghost."
His mouth opens as if to retort, but he just gives up and leaps at you, you not even looking at him anymore. He closes his mouth halfway through the jump, and with an unsatisfied sigh, he disappears.
You continue flipping through the cameras, checking in on the rabbit a couple of times before shoving the tablet out of the way, opening the laptop to have it ready and sitting back in your chair.
You glance towards a shifting figure in front of the window, the hat and bear ears telling of who it is. He limps along, eventually falling beneath your view before seemingly phasing through the wall and leaping at you. You stare passively as he does so, him not completing the jump to instead stand in front of you, confused. 
For shits and giggles, you wave your hand through his chest once or twice.
"Why… aren't you… scared?" He croaks, voice ruined from years of no use.
"Oh, was I supposed to be scared?" You genuinely ask. "Uh, sorry. If you do it again I promise I'll hyperventilate."
"Don't try to… lessen your survival chances…"
"Okay. My bad." 
He sighs, and after annoyedly rubbing his face, he disappears.
You flip out your cameras once more, finding the screen obscured by static and a small error in the center. Lazily, you reset cams.
When your screen clears, you check the rabbit. He looks… strange. Like his body is evolving in front of your eyes. 
To be honest, you don't give enough of a shit to watch a potentially world-changing discovery if it looks that gross. You aren't paid enough to, anyway.
At this pay grade, you even coming into the damn building is volunteer work.
You check your phone for the time, seeing a cool time of one in the morning. 
"Aside from that science experiment gone wrong happening in the back room, it's still really damn boring."
However, it's still not boring enough to watch that transformation or whatever. That corpse (well, at this point, you kinda doubt it's dead) can do whatever the hell he wants with that suit. It's his body, not your business.
After another fifteen minutes of staring at a wall, you check the cameras to the sound of loud clicks and pops, now seeing a heavily scarred man with 1.5 rabbit ears in place of the suit. He takes one step out from his original spot, body heaving forward before he lifts himself up, looking up at the camera with a grin.
"Huh. That's new." You say, watching him jolt forward, continuing to take steps before relearning how to walk smoothly.
It only takes him a moment to rocket off.
"I doubt that's good." You mumble, beginning to flip through the cameras to follow him before playing a sound in the room behind him, making him pause. He turns, walking back with a confused expression.
Continuing to flip through cameras, you watch as the man, who you'll dub Rabbit Guy, wanders, seemingly having lost his focus. Hearing a sound to your left, you pay no heed to whoever it is, instead waggling your hand in what you would assume to be their torso.
"You're strange…" They say.
"Uh-huh. If you'd excuse me, I am currently working on keeping Rabbit Guy the hell away from me." Your voice is monotonous but sincere; you aren't trying to be sarcastic or mean, just trying to tell them the facts.
Glancing to the side, you see that it was a child, so you were waving your hand in his collar. "Oh, my bad. Does that… make you guys uncomfortable?" You ask, retracting your hand.
"No, we can't feel it." 
"Huh." You blandly respond, playing the sounds to lead Rabbit Guy back to where he started, before resetting sounds as you weren't able to play them anymore.
It seems like Rabbit Guy is getting progressively more and more annoyed at being led back, if his attempts to move fast enough to avoid the sounds or block out his ears meant anything. 
His body was responding to the sounds, not him.
It was then that he disappeared, so you check vents, finding him in one that led directly to the room beside your office.
You block it off, much to his annoyance, before yawning and sitting back as any thumps you hear from inside the vents come to a stop. 
You find him standing in the room where he had entered the vent, irritated as he glares at the camera. Preemptively, you reset all, thankfully right as cams and sound go out. 
Sighing, you lazily check through cameras, brows slightly furrowing as you look for him. He was completely gone, not in vents or in rooms. It really is unfortunate how many blind spots and shadowed areas there are.
When you hear the thumping of the vents, you search through them, only finding a stupid knick-knack laying on its side halfway in your sight.
Looking to your side, you peek into the vent, leaning down to see if anything was there. Your gaze meets Rabbit Guy's. 
"Shit." You say, quickly switching cams over to this one and holding down the seal button. 
Your eyes shift back to him, finding him way too close for comfort. As you lift your finger to let the gate close on the vent, the man (who was crouch walking) catches it, forcing it back up. You hear something grind that definitely shouldn't be grinding, and you have a feeling that that vent cover just might be broken.
Getting out of the vent, he stands over you, waiting for some sort of plea or… literally any response at all.
"So, you, uh… come here often?" You ask, leaving him genuinely at a loss. 
"Wh- was that a pickup line?" His rough, baritone voice catches you slightly off-guard. 
You weren't expecting something that was pretty much a zombie to have such a good voice, or a slight british accent for that matter. "Was it? Shit, more people've flirted with me than I thought."
"Really? That's all you can come up with before your death? I'd hate for those to be your final words." He lightly teases, leaning against the wall with a mean grin. 
You look up at the ceiling with a vague smile, his eyes widening momentarily. "To be honest, of any place to die, I'd much rather have it be in a place where I know I'll reach the front pages than in some random alley."
His grin falls into a frown as he watches you turn to him, the smile still on your face. It feels strange.
He feels strange. 
Why does a random night guard make him feel so…
So… comfortable?
You were calm, collected, not making any sudden moves or even attempting to exit the chair. Theoretically, the perfect prey, but not a satisfying kill. 
If he even wants to kill you, that is.
“What’s your name?” He asks, watching as you spin to face him in your chair. You would be taller if you stood, but he would still have a few inches on you.
“Y/N. You?” 
“I’m… William. Or, rather, I was, when I was well and truly human.”
“And now?” You ask.
“I don’t exactly have a name.”
“Can I still call you William, then? Well, if I live long enough to do so?” You ask, eyes moving up to meet his. Looking up at him like that… He wishes the hot feeling in the pit of his stomach would go away.
“I mean… are you going to kill me?” You ask, face not shifting as he glares down at you. 
“I won’t kill you on the first night, you need to give me more entertainment.” At least, that’s what he told himself.
“Oh, so we’re both here for the same reason.” You blankly say, his face contorting from a glare to confusion once more.
���You’re here… for entertainment?” He slowly asks, answered by your nod.
“I’m certainly not here for the pay. This place gives like half of minimum wage but I can’t complain about it because the other part is supposed to come from tips. Somehow.”
“How do you even live?” 
“Well, right now I’m on an paid leave due to some unfortunate deaths in my family. To be honest, I never really cared for any of them, but hey. I’ll take any chance for a break I can. Then I got bored.”
He huffs out a laugh. “So you went to another job on your break?”
“Listen, getting a month off leaves a man with little to do when capitalism has left me with no hobbies. Besides, this gives me a great excuse to continue avoiding people.”
His lips curl into an amused grin as he leans forward, lowering his head to be eye level with yours. "Well, you won't be avoiding me." He practically purrs, you averting your eyes at the tone he uses. 
Why would he say it like that?! 
His golden eyes follow you as you close the laptop's screen, enjoying your reaction. You…
He'll keep you around. 
You're entertaining and friendly. Open, and… warm.
He wonders. 
You're human, and fully alive. He's a revived corpse who merged with his vessel. You probably are very warm compared to him.
When he comes back to his senses, he notices you slowly raising out of your seat, hand outstretched towards him. 
Well, might as well take the chance.
He grabs your wrist, looking down at you unimpressed. You quietly huff, falling back into your chair and forcing him to move away from the wall in order to not dislocate your wrist.
Well, his hypothesis is correct. You are very warm. 
He feels the tightening in his gut, not wanting to let go but knowing that he will have to.
You, however, don't actually care either way. You begin your attempt again, this time with your left hand. Slowly raising out of your seat, you actually manage to stand fully up before he notices again, grabbing your other wrist. 
"What are you even trying to do?" He asks, a light sneer on his lips.
"Well... uh, I was trying to… boop your nose? If you're bonded with one of the original suits, then I figured either you or Fredbear would have the sound effect."
He lets out a few short laughs, his sneer replaced with the same amused grin as before.
"I'm afraid neither of us have the sound effect. That only came about with the second and third generations of animatronics."
You hum, interested.
His eyes quickly scan over you, taking in your form. This position, practically holding you hostage… Needless to say, he didn't dislike it.
Still, he releases you as he catches you glancing at what he assumes to be a phone. Things have advanced quite far since he was trapped. 
You turn it on quickly, checking the time. “Well, we have around an hour and a half before my shift ends, so…” Pausing, you check the time again. An hour and a half?
He steps closer, you glancing back up at him before leaning back as he leans forward, looming over you. “Tomorrow, you best make this more fun for me. I’ll greet you, but then I’ll head to the back. Try and stop me from getting in.”
“Uh, sure. Are you still planning on making the punishment for loss, uh, death?”
His eyes narrow in coordination with a widening grin. “That’s for me to know. You either figure it out, or you don’t. It all depends how well you play.” His gruff voice slightly echoes in the mostly empty building, you nodding in response. 
“Oh, cool. Can I tell my brother about you?” You ask suddenly, him quirking a brow as he stares down at you, easily at least half a foot taller than you. He was always tall, but now that he’s in this new form, he grew to be somewhere from 6’6 to 6’8. You sit down once more, exacerbating the height difference.
“Feel free to. Just know that if he ever comes around here, he won’t be alive for very long.”
“I doubt he will. He’s always preferred Foxy the most because he has taste, but-”
“Taste? For liking that liability-strewn fox? You like him as well?”
“To be honest, I never really liked any of them more than the other. I was in my emo phase when I went to see them, so it was practically illegal for me to like anything. But Foxy had sharp teeth and a wicked lookin’ hook, so… I guess I did.”
He hums, clearly slightly annoyed.
“Are you jealous that I liked the fox more than the rabbit that isn’t even the same generation as you?”
“I really should kill you.” His irritated expression shows the truth to your statement.
“It’s okay, I’m willing to call Springbonnie my favorite.”
Now, William was confused. Your tone… you weren’t joking. You were being genuine about something as stupid as this? What is with you?
“You’re very confusing. I think you joke, and then I listen to your tone and you’re genuine. But still, I wouldn’t mind if you did so.”
“It’s not nearly as confusing as how time passes in this place. It’s been like ten minutes since I met you but the clock says like three or four hours have passed.”
“What? Really?” His brows furrow as he steps closer, finding another excuse to close the distance between you both as he leans over the chair, seeing you pointing to the screen. “How strange…”
“Yeah. It doesn’t seem like tomorrow’s hunt will last for six hours, then. Thankfully.” You sigh.
“What, do you not want to feel like my prey for six hours straight?” He grins, leaning over further until his arm rests on your shoulder.
You shiver. “Why do you have to say it like that?”
“Because it makes you react, obviously. It’s entertaining to watch you squirm from something as simple as... the tone of my voice.” Of course, in order to prove his point, he does exactly what he did before, lowering his voice a few pitches and upping the growliness of it.
In covering your eyes, you also cover your cheeks, which have gained a slight flush. “William, I am begging you. Please, please, please, stop talking like that.”
And, naturally progressing, he was left somewhat stunned by the sound of your pleading tone. There’s just something about it, especially as you say his name, that makes him want to…
...makes him want to chase, and capture, and possess forever.
You as his prized prey, and him as the hunter.
“I’ll use it when necessary.” He vaguely answers, watching your head droop.
“I’ll take what I can get.” You concede breathily. 
He chuckles, hearing the chime of a bell, signifying 6 in the morning. "Well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow, then. Don't keep me waiting."
"Asshole. I won't." You turn your head away from him, hiding the flush on your face, and stand up, stretching. "See ya, William."
He hums, eyes tracing your form as you stretch. It was a nice view, watching the button up shirt crease around your back as you stretch, clearly hinting at the muscle beneath. His eyes did drift lower once or twice, and that's how he figures out that damn, you have a really nice ass!
You begin to walk out, and he follows you with his eyes, watching you turn past the replica Freddy husk and unlock the door, exiting into the fresh morning. His eyelids droop, gaze slipping up as his lips curl into a wide grin.
“Y/N… I won’t kill you. Especially not when I’m presented with such an ample opportunity to make this into something so entertaining.” 
Is that the only reason?
Of course, he knows it isn’t.
His grin falls, leaving him coldly leering at the aged panels above him before his sight shifts back to the room around him. As he exits the office, he glances at the stained and shaded glass of the door, not allowing much, if any, light in. He turns away, heading back to where he was originally.
As he walks, he lets his form shift, feeling his body grow to his previous monster rabbit self, the creaks of his metal joints loud in the silent building. 
He ignores any shadows that creep in the edges of his vision, the specters traversing without sound. 
“This is going to be… boring.” His voice, far rougher than before, comes out unfeeling and croaky. As he returns to his previous position, slouching over once more, he decides to use his old tactic to pass time; inflicting enough pain on himself to fall unconscious. It doesn’t matter if his dreams are infested with darkness, nor how much he suffers in them. 
It was better than the boredom of sitting in one position with an unchanging environment.
He begins forcing his muscles to flex and strain within the suit and pull against the beams they have welded to, making him grit his teeth before the searing pain fades away, along with his vision.
Goodnight, Y/N.
“Yo.” You greet your brother, the man tiredly yawning as he ruffles his hair.
“Heya, Y/N. What’re you up so early for?” 
“Well, I got bored and got a night shift job at this dinky little horror attraction opening up next week. I decided to tell you about what happened there before I head off to sleep.”
“You got bored during a break from your job so you… got another job?”
“Y’know, William said the same thing.” You say, your brother narrowing his eyes at you.
“A coworker?” He asks. 
“Eh, not quite… he is the reason I stayed up to talk to you, though.”
He hums, walking around the couch you were splayed on with your shirt half unbuttoned. 
“So, to begin my tale, you remember Freddy’s? The pizzeria with the animatronics?” You question.
“Well the horror place I went to is based off of that; it’s filled with replicas and a few actual things from the pizzerias of the past, but something came in tonight that was… different.”
“Which was?”
“An animatronic. One of the originals, Springbonnie. Granted, the suit was ripped to shit and covered in enough dirt to be green, but it was authentic. It even has the dead body! Well - not so dead body, but still visible.”
“Did you call the cops?” He asks, worried.
“Hell no! I’m not paid enough to give a shit about what could-or-could-not-be a dead body. Either way, he transformed into a human, which was rather odd, but-”
“Just to be clear, this rabbit had a dead body inside and transformed into a human, and you don’t question it?”
“No. Continuing on, he got into my office and then we talked for a bit, I learned that his name is William, time passed really weirdly, and then we struck a deal where I have to keep him out of my office or I'll maybe die.”
“You’re still going back there?! And ‘maybe die?!’”
“Yeah, he said the knowledge about whether or not I die from losing the hunt was ‘for him to know.’ I didn’t question it further.” 
“You know, Y/N, sometimes it feels like I’m the older sibling. You’re fucking stupid.”
“I’m well aware.”
He leans over the couch, glaring down at you. “Then wisen up and quit that damn job.”
“I’m good. William is good company.”
“He threatened to kill you!”
“And? He hasn’t. Yet.”
“You infuriate me, gayboy.” He says, stepping away from the couch.
“Cool. I’ll sleep here for now, when you get back from work I’ll definitely be up.”
“Whatever.” He waves his hand at you, ignoring the middle finger pointing his direction from behind the couch’s back.
Part 2
also a lot of the stuff i write from now on may be male reader inserts lol
heres my springtrap design
here's the updated design lol
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helloalycia · 4 years
alex WILL kick my arse // supergirl
summary: you learn that being supergirl's doctor came with its challenges
warning/s: none.
author's note: i’m lowkey posting a bunch of stuff that i posted on my wattpad a while ago lol
masterlist | wattpad
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I was sat in the medical unit of the DEO, reading through some medical reports from the past few months. I had just transferred from the DEO's desert facility, where I was one of the doctors there to help with any of the agents' injuries. After a long time there, I decided to transfer here when there was an opening for the lead doctor.
I thought it would be best to settle in by having a look at what severe cases had been dealt with recently. It was usually the same stuff – agents injured on field missions. Bullet wounds, broken bones, sprained muscles, thankfully nothing too severe. There hadn't been many major alien attacks which meant less risky field operations.
I was pulled from the reports when the red alarm light began to flash for a few seconds, accompanied by a siren, before turning off.
"Agent Y/L/N, Supergirl is incoming with J'onn," my radio went off – it was Director Danvers. "She's had a solar flare and got a gunshot wound."
I recalled what a solar flare was from research I'd done in Supergirl's medical records. That was something I prioritised when coming here, since we didn't have Supergirl at the other facility.
"I'm prepping a bed and equipment now," I replied through the radio, before hurrying to do that. J'onn could literally fly, he'd be here any minute.
With the help of some nurses who were around, I prepped a bed and had the solar energy panels on standby for when/if her powers came back sooner than we thought. I had the tools ready to bandage up her gunshot wound temporarily when both heroes appeared beside me.
J'onn was stood there, holding Supergirl bridal style and lowering her onto the bed.
"Still getting used to that," I mumbled, surprised at how he just sped in here.
"I said I'm– agh, I'm fine," Supergirl complained, clutching her bloody wound and trying to sit up. "My powers will come back."
I stepped by her bedside and pushed her back down gently, moving closer to inspect her wound. "Please stay still for a second."
"Listen to the doctor," J'onn teased to lighten the mood.
Supergirl rolled her eyes and stayed still. I removed her hand and noticed it was covered in blood.
"Can somebody come clean this up?" I called out to one of the nurses, motioning to her hand.
One of the nurses did as I asked as I took a look at her wound. The bullet was still in there by the looks of it.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to overwork yourself?!" Director Danvers' voice called out as she walked in.
She was glaring at Supergirl, though the worry in her eyes was evident as she took in the hero's appearance.
"It's barely a scratch, Alex, it'll heal," Supergirl said dismissively, but as I cleaned up the blood with a cloth, I saw her clench her jaw a little.
"You need to be careful, you're not indestructible," Alex reminded her, before looking to J'onn. "Can you believe her?"
J'onn chuckled. "I'll leave you both to it. I should get back." He glanced at me. "Good luck."
I nodded his way, offering a small smile as he walked away.
"As fun as it is watching you both glare at each other, I do need to remove the bullet," I spoke up, interrupting both girls' staring contest.
"Go for it," Supergirl said, her eyes meeting mine.
"With anaesthetic," Alex added, shooting another glare towards the blonde.
"I don't need anaesthetic," Supergirl countered with an eye-roll and scoff.
"You're human for the time being, remember?" Alex reminded her before looking to me. "Anaesthetic, please."
I bit my lower lip as they erupted into another argument about how I should proceed. I didn't know either of them well enough to cut in, so I stood there awkwardly, trying to stop the blood loss and planning out how I could temporarily bandage her up so it could heal itself when she gets her powers back.
"I have to go," Alex finally said, pulling me back into reality. "I have to check on the bank robbery." She didn't seem too happy leaving Supergirl here, but she gave her a knowing look before looking to me. "Please make sure she stays put?"
"You got it, Director," I said with a playful salute. How hard could it be to keep her here?
Alex gave Supergirl one last warning look before leaving us be. I looked to the blonde who was finally breathing out, letting her guard down a little now that it was just us.
"The anaesthetic will make it bearable, just so I can remove the bullet," I spoke, causing her to open her eyes and look at me. "I'm just gonna bandage you up temporarily and you'll heal yourself when you get your powers back. Shouldn't be more than a few days, according to your medical history."
She swallowed hard before shaking her head. "I've been through much worse. It's okay. Just remove it and bandage me up. The sooner I'm out of here, the better."
I was ready to argue, but she gave me a convincing look and I couldn't help but give in.
"Fine, but you stay here and rest," I reasoned, to which she gave me a small, cute smile.
I got to work and surprisingly, she managed. It went well and I managed to bandage her up quite quickly, though it did mean I had to cut into her suit a little. Better safe than sorry though.
"Okay, you're all done," I said, patting her arm supportively, before packing away the gauze. "I'm gonna go get you some water and then you should take it easy, stay here maybe until you get your powers back. That alright?"
She gave me a thumbs up and a promising smile. "You got it, doc."
I was fairly confident that she would listen to me, since she seemed polite and was a trooper throughout the whole thing. However, I soon realised how naive I had been when I returned and her bed was empty.
I facepalmed and shook my head, realising she'd definitely played along the whole time.
The first thing I did was look around the DEO, asking around if anyone had seen Supergirl. I eventually followed the commotion coming from the main hall and spotted both Supergirl and Director Danvers having an argument.
"...stay and rest! You can't keep ignoring simple instructions, Kara!" Alex shouted around her.
Supergirl rolled her eyes and continued to look at the tablet in her hand. I approached the two and cleared my throat loudly to get the blonde's attention.
When she noticed me, she gave me a sheepish smile. "Doctor Y/L/N. Heeeeeeey."
"One job, literally," Alex mumbled, giving me a knowing look, before storming off.
I breathed out and glared at Supergirl. "Are you serious? I asked you to stay put!"
She straightened up and spread her arms out for emphasis. "But I'm fine! See? Nothing hurts, I'm walking, it's all good! Job well done, I must say. You're new, right? Well, I know why you got the job!"
She avoided my glare as she walked around me to get to the other side of the desk.
"You've heard of the term 'first impressions count', haven't you?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.
She gave me a knowing look. "C'mon. You can't hate me for this."
I sighed. "I've got work to do. Call me if you tear your stitches."
Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I turned around and began to leave.
"I'm not gonna tear them!" I heard her call out from behind me, but I didn't care. I wasn't her parent, she could do what she wanted.
I wish I'd known I was dealing with a stubborn Super before accepting this job though.
"What a surprise," I said sarcastically.
A few hours later, I'd been called into one of the medical rooms because apparently, Supergirl had collapsed from blood loss and tore her stitches. Shocker.
"Is she going to be okay?" Alex asked as I got to work for the second time that day.
"Yeah, if she decides to listen to me this time," I said, sighing. "Is she always this stubborn?"
Alex clenched her jaw. "Unfortunately, yes... you think you can keep her here next time?"
"I'll give it my best shot," I promised her. "I'll call you when she's up?"
Alex nodded, patting me on the shoulder. "Thanks."
She left me to do my thing and this time I did things my way, the right way, with anaesthetic and IV fluid. I managed to sort out Supergirl's mess before going back to my office to fill out some more paperwork.
Some time passed when I found myself going back to check on Supergirl and see if she was awake. I was cleaning up a little around her side table when I heard her stir awake. She seemed confused at first, as she looked around and saw the tube coming from her arm. Eventually, realisation set in and she sank into her pillow.
I decided to stay quiet as I finished up, about to leave, but she stopped me.
"Wait," she called out. I paused as she continued, "I'm sorry."
I turned around and waited, watching as, unlike before, she wasn't joking or being unserious.
"I should have stayed put before. And listened to you. I didn't mean to offend you or come across as rude," she continued genuinely.
I crossed my arms and straightened up. "Well, Supergirl–"
"Kara," she interrupted. "It's Kara."
I nodded. "Okay, Kara. Yes, you probably should have listened. I redid your stitches and I'm asking you to stay put again. You're human for now and you need to act like one."
"You're right," she agreed, breathing out. "Sorry."
I realised that she seemed to mean it and at the end of the day, I was her doctor, so I couldn't hold a grudge. Instead, I went to her bedside and checked her monitors to see how she was doing.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, glancing at her.
"Tired. Achey. But better than before."
"That'll be the meds kicking in," I said, giving her a reassuring smile. "I did have to get in there twice."
Her cheeks went pink as she smiled with embarrassment. "I'm not used to being so..."
"Fragile?" I finished for her.
"Exactly," she said, nodding. "I'm not used to it and staying put isn't exactly my forte."
"I could tell," I joked, making her laugh a little. She had a nice laugh.
"About that first impressions thing..." she began, blue eyes holding mine nervously.
"It's nice to meet you for the first time, Kara," I said, holding out my hand. "I'm Y/N. Your doctor."
She cracked a smile, realising what I was doing. She shook my hand and said, "Nice to meet you, too, Y/N."
"Okay, I should go and get Alex," I said, backing up to leave. "Now please don't leave because Alex will kick my arse if you're not here when she comes back."
She laughed again. "I promise I'll be here when you return."
"Fingers crossed you're not playing me again," I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.
Her laughter seemed to follow me out the room, leaving me smiling to myself.
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 13 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 1.7 K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
<- Previous part (12)
{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
“Bruce! I'm back!” You yell as you push the door closed with your back, carrying the two bags from the supermarket. Alfred is driving the car to the garage. Today was the fourth time you went out all by yourself. Alfred has to drive since you still can't take your license, but you feel like you're doing well. He stays in the car while you buy the stuff you want, and it's actually good to be out there, with the people. “I met this sweet lady on the line and she was so cute. She told me about her grandson who's starting in the kinder garden this year.” You follow the sound of his voice coming from the living room, leaving the bags on the table at the main hall and making your way there. “She–”
The words get stuck on your throat when you see he's not alone. Amanda Waller and the other five people responsible for Belle Reve are here. You're frozen, busted because you don't know if they should know about all the freedom you're having. You look at Bruce, searching for any signs of what to do. His expression is calm, light, and he reaches out his hand. “Come here, sweetheart.” He says, and you take a few seconds to find your legs, making your way over him, taking his hand, noticing how yours are shaking.
“Is everything alright?” You whisper to him.
“I see Havoc is already allowed out. And apparently without your supervision.” One of the men speaks, his angry eyes on you. This one wants you back in your cell, being beaten up.
“She is. (Y/N) is adapting wonderfully well.” Bruce says. “This is not the first time she goes out without me, and there hasn't been any kind of incident.”
“I couldn't help but notice you engaged in a romantic relationship with her,” Amanda states, reading something on her tablet. “The rest of the world didn't recognize her, but we did. You've been seen with her in... Three different galas.”
“I'm well aware of the contract we both signed, Amanda. I made it. And a romantic relationship wasn't mentioned, which means it wasn't forbidden.” You hold tight on his arm as he speaks. “And yes, I've been to some parties with her, I believe you saw us on the news.”
“I don't need you to tell me about the contract, Bruce. I read it. And honestly, I couldn't care less about who you want to put in your bed.” She mumbles, typing something down. “Let's make it quick, Bruce. We're here for a reason, but Havoc isn't the only criminal we have to deal with.”
“Her name is (Y/N). And soon enough you won't have to deal with her anymore.” Bruce turns to you, placing a kiss on your lips. “I need you to wait upstairs, my love. You can't be present while we discuss this.”
Nodding, you give them one last look before walking away.
But you can't go to your room. You're too scared now. What if you lose what you have here? Your life with Bruce... If you're thrown back in Belle Reve... You can't handle it anymore, you'll die. Inside first, until your body gives up. So you move downstairs, a few steps so the wall is hiding you, sitting down and paying attention, trying to bring sense to their words.
“Mr. Wayne, eight months ago you took in one of Belle Reve's intern, (Y/N) Quinzel, also known as Havoc, to test a project of your creation. In which you tried to rehabilitate her, so that she could have a life out of her criminal actions, being able to be fully reintroduced into life in society.” The man speaks slow, and by the looks of it, they must be recording it. “Do you believe your project succeded?”
“Yes.” Bruce answers.
“Do you believe (Y/N) could be released to live among other people without causing any kind of harm, stealing, killing, torturing, or any other dangerous behavior?”
“Are you aware that the condition for her release is you being completely responsible for her actions from now on?”
“Yes, I am.”
“It will be like a damn marriage, Wayne.” Someone says, and your heart stops. “Anything she does, she steals a freaking pencil, you'll have to answer for it. You'll be bound for life.”
“Good,” Bruce mumbles, and you hear some laughs.
“For goodness sake, Wayne. I get that you want to have fun with her. The girl is insane but pretty, I'm not blind. But–”
“I'm not having fun with her. And you will watch your tongue before talking about (Y/N) again.” A smile comes to your lips, and you cover your mouth with a hand. Every passing day you're more and more sure that Bruce is going serious with you. That he has a goal with your relationship, but it still warms your heart when he says something like that.
“Whatever you want, Bruce Wayne,” Amanda mutters. “I will need you to sign here. And your fingerprints.”
A silence falls, and everything you hear is your heartbeat. Bruce told you he was starting the last procedures to set you free once and for all, but you didn't think it would happen so fast. Guess he did had everything under control after all.
Your mind suddenly floats back to when you first got here, when you tried to run, when you attacked him so brutally. Back then, on the first days, you never thought you'd fall for him. And it took a while for you to even allow yourself to. Bruce, being Batman, the hero, could never have feelings for you. And it's true that the signs where there, when he touched you, or when he went to your room to dance with you, leaving the party behind... But you were so scared back then... That you'd have your heart broken for the very first time.
But it had a happy ending. An ending you know you don't deserve. You want to be with Bruce, you want the life you have now, to go to college next month, study and become a nurse. Find a job and... The rest you don't know. But you know it'll be good.
“Go get the girl. I need her fingerprints too.” Amanda speaks up.
You hear his footsteps as they grow closer. You stand up when you see him on the bottom of the stairs, waiting until he reaches you.
“Did you hear it?”
You nod, letting yourself fall into his embrace when he opens his arms. “I don't want to see any of them ever again.”
“You won't, I promise.”
“Bruce... A-are you sure you'll sign that thing? I heard what they said.”
“Hey...” He pulls away, just enough to look into your eyes. “I already signed and I don't regret it. This is the last step, (Y/N), don't let them get to your head.”
“Okay,” you mumble, tiptoeing to kiss him.
Bruce guides you back to the living room, and you try to keep your head up, fearless.
“Havoc. Put both your hands here.” Amanda says, her voice filled with anger and disgust. She doesn't want to release you, but she has no choice. Nodding, you place both hands on her tablet. You watch as the screen reads all your ten fingerprints, and your picture appears on the top. Then, a green X covers it, blinking, and then everything is gone. And now, with your hand still on it, the screen shows up a few dots, and the word ‘searching’. “It's done, Havoc. But don't you ever come back under my jurisdiction again... I won't give you any other chance. Even if another Kryptonian comes from the sky demanding for it.”
“(Y/N).” you simply say, stepping back until you're by Bruce's side.
“Of course.” She mutters. “Well, I believe this is it. Mr. Wayne, I believe we're done here.”
“You may now kiss the bride, Wayne.” A man says, and two others laugh with him. You sink a little, stepping back, letting Bruce's shoulder hide you.
“You won't get an invitation Mr. Rochford, but I'm sure you'll know about it on the news,” Bruce says and the men immediately shut up. “I must ask you to leave now. Our business is over. For good.”
“I wish you luck, Mr. Wayne.” Amanda Waller reaches out her hand and Bruce shakes it.
You stand there, watching them leave. It's ridiculous, but you feel like your chains are falling off. All the terror, the infinite days and neverending nights in that hell are over. You still don't like thinking about it, and remembering is painful, but you're glad that's what it is now: a memory. A distant, faded memory. Some scars will accompany you for the rest of your life, even though Bruce has you under some esthetic treatments to get rid of most of them. But you're ok with that, with the ones that will stick around. They'll be a different kind of badge now, a prove that you crawled out of that nightmare, and despite needing a little push, you did some of the work too.
“Why are you crying, my love?” Bruce asks when he comes back, but you haven't noticed the tears rolling down.
“It's nothing, I just... I'm happy. Truly, wholeheartedly happy, I...” He pulls you into his arms, holding you tight. “I love you so damn much, Bruce, but... I guess I love me too. Who I am now, who I want to become.”
“Whatever happens now, (Y/N), it's up to us. To you. You can make your own decisions, and I'll be here to support you.”
“I know, babe.” Pulling away, you jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Life starts now, and... I want you in it.”
“Me too, sweetheart. That's why I had no trouble sighing that contract.” His eyes get darker, and you furrow your eyebrows.
“What is it, Bruce?” He's dead serious, bouncing you up to have a better grip.
“Marry me.”
Your heart stops, as the answer slides down your tongue. Enough with the nightmares. This life is way better than any dream you couldbever have.
@fionanovasleftnut @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony @chipster-21 @agustdpeach @yaakimoon2 @chloe-skywalker @rosalynshields
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cherryblossomstars · 4 years
II. Navy (W. Ushijima)
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Taken from my AO3 series of one-shots & reposted here
Pairing: Ushijima x F!Reader
Word count: 1,446
Genre: Fluff, birthday fic
Summary: Aoba Johsai's volleyball team has never been able to defeat the Great Ushiwaka of Shiratorizawa. Their manager, however? She can bring him to his knees in mere seconds.
Or, Ushijima Wakatoshi is helplessly in love with Seijoh's Ace's twin sister, and the Aoba Johsai VBC is not appreciative of it.
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It's no secret that Ushijima Wakatoshi is a baby when it comes to matters of love or any emotion that comes with showing affection. His movements on the court are lithe, careful, and precise. Mistakes rarely happen when he's playing his beloved sport, and errors will almost certainly never happen if he's at his peak concentration- then he's at a completely different and untouchable level. He has a degree of grace and beauty on the court that a professional figure skater would be jealous of (not to mention his incredible stamina).
And yet, when it comes to you, he may as well be an infant struggling to walk. It's messy, he's not sure what he's doing, and sometimes he gets hurt trying to figure it out. He knows you, that much he's sure about. You've both known each other for years now. So why, why is it so hard to figure out something to do for you on your birthday?
Around the holidays and on his birthday, he would always tell you not to get him something. He's not a big fan of presents. If he needed something, he'd simply ask his family and then in 1-2 business days, bam. The item in question would be at his front door. And yet, every time, you've still found a way to give him something meaningful.
In the three years he's known you, you've given him a scrapbook, a jar of reasons you love him, and, his most favorite gift of all, a volleyball with everyone's signatures on it. Not just his team's, but other teams as well. People from the Fukurodani, Johzenji, Nekoma, Itachiyama, hell, even Karasuno and Aoba Johsai. You'd somehow managed to coerce Oikawa into signing it. When he'd asked about Oikawa, you'd simply shrug and say "he owed me one". He decided not to press any further. While some people opted to simply write their name on the ball, others wrote little messages too. Iwaizumi Hajime had written a simple happy birthday, while Tendou had to be stopped by you from practically taking up the entire damn ball, a story told to him by his teammates later on. He even cracked a small chuckle imagining your small figure trying to restrain Tendou Satori of all people. He also learned that Oikawa likes to sign his name with a star next to his signature. Ushijima thought it was tacky, but it fit his personality well. Every year you didn't have a physical present for him, you'd take him out on a date or give him one of your homemade bentos.
He was not a fan of presents, but he's certainly grown to look forward to receiving yours.
Yet, every year, he struggles to figure out what to get you. In the past years, he'd given you something simple, but nice or something you just happened to need at the time. One year it was a phone, since Oikawa had accidentally broken yours that year. Ushijima had to visit Oikawa himself and convince him not to buy you a new phone, since Ushijima would be the one handling it. After some debate, Oikawa finally gave in. Another year he'd gotten you a simple silver band, one that you keep on your index finger. He rarely sees you go out without it on, something he's found very pleasing. It brings a sense of satisfaction to his mind when he sees it on you.
Perhaps it was the weather, he rationalized, that was getting in the way of his ideas. Or maybe it was the fact that he had another practice match coming up soon, so he was also coming up with game plans in the back of his mind. He needed to focus. Ushijima was normally ahead of things when it came to plans with you, but he's been so busy with volleyball these past few weeks that he hasn't been able to buy you your gift yet. And now it was six in the evening on a Friday, and he still wasn't sure what to get you for your birthday tomorrow.
He grumbled under his breath, he'd just have to swallow his pride and ask for help. He took out his phone and called the first person he could think of- Tendou. You two were good friends, after all.
"Helloooo? What's up Wakatoshi?" Tendou sang.
"[Name]." He said.
"You're gonna have to give me more context than that." His friend pointed out.
"We're celebrating her birthday tomorrow and I'm unsure of what to get her."
"Something sweet. She's got a pretty awful sweet tooth after all."
"I want something she can keep. Something that will last."
"Oh wow. What a doting boyfriend. Hmm... Well I don't think she needs anything right now... Oh! Why don't you just give that ace from Seijoh a call?"
"...I do not have his number."
"I'll text it to you. Later." And with that, the line went dead.
Damn. He had to ignore his pride just to call Tendou, but Iwaizumi? That was a different level. He'd do it, though, because it's for you.
Tendou: It's +81-XXX-XXXX-XXX
Tendou: good luck~ (*´ I `)ノ゚(ノД`゚)゚。
Ushijima: Thank you.
Should he call or text? Maybe texting would be the better option. You never answered any unknown numbers, who's to say your twin wasn't the same way? He gave your brother a contact before sending a text.
Ushijima: Hello, Iwaizumi. It's Ushijima. Do you have any good gift ideas for [Name]?
Iwaizumi: dude how'd you get my number?
Ushijima: Tendou had it.
Iwaizumi: cool. follow up question: why does he have it?
Iwaizumi: nevermind. not sure I wanna know.
Ushijima couldn't help but think about how you and your brother text the same way.
Iwaizumi: dunno. she likes meaningful gifts i guess. maybe an album? or a scr:"//ad39E
He furrowed his brows in confusion. A what?
Iwaizumi: sorry. oikawa made a grab for my phone. i was gonna say maybe a scrapbook.
Ushijima: I don't know how to make those.
Iwaizumi: painting?
Ushijima: I am bad at art. What are other people getting her?
Iwaizumi: im getting her a new video game for her switch. oikawa's getting her concert tickets to that band she likes so much. yahaba and kyoutani pooled their money together and got her a bunch of new clothes. kunimi's giving her $20. the rest of team pooled their money together and got her a new tablet. i know the players from fukurodani, karasuno, johzenji, nekoma, itachiyama, and inarizaki got her stuff but i dont know what.
Iwaizumi: wait actually those twins from inarizaki got her a stuffed animal and a box of cookies from a bakery she likes
Yahaba and Kyoutani got her clothes... A lightbulb lights up in his mind.
Ushijima: Thank you. I know what to give her.
Iwaizumi: yea no problem
Ushijima went to the shopping district for no reason, then. He went back to his dorm, stepping inside and immediately opening his closet.
"Figured something out?" Tendou greeted from his bunk.
"Yes." He responded, taking one of his sweaters off from a hanger and holding it out in front of him.
Tendou raises his eyebrows in shock, "she's gonna be swimming in that."
"Yes, but she likes to take my volleyball jacket all the time. She says it smells like me, so I may as well give her this one since she can't keep the volleyball jacket." Ushijima holds in front of him a large maroon sweater with the word Shiratorizawa printed in white on it. It was bought to fit him and all his 189 centimeter glory.
"She'll love it."
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"Why are you giving this back to me? I gave it to you." Ushijima tilts his head slightly.
You stood in front of him holding out the sweater he had given you for your birthday a few weeks ago, neatly folded in your hands. You felt your face grow hot in embarrassment. "It... Doesn't smell like you anymore. There's no point if it doesn't feel like I'm close to you."
He's quiet for a moment before taking the sweater from your hands. "So you are returning it?"
You can't look at him in the eye, "for now. I want it back, of course. Just... wash it or something with whatever laundry soap you use and give it back so it smells like you."
He smiles softly at you and presses a light kiss to your forehead. He doesn't look like someone who could be soft. His sheer strength on the court and his powerful spikes on the court can attest to that, but he can't help it when it came to you.
"I love you."
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kannra21 · 4 years
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@owishi Asdfghjkhgfds I want to write sum HCs rn! 😆✨✨
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After a successful photoshoot the MCPTF duo took for a detective magazine, Haru bashfuly thanked the camera crew for their work and started to gather his belongings. After a couple of seconds he didn't see Daisuke moving much from his spot at the studio backdrop so he decided to check on him.
Daisuke was still standing there, petting a beautiful cat on his shoulders. He was smiling for the first time in a long time and Haru couldn't help himself but to tease him a little.
"You have a soft spot for kittens, huh Kambe?" "Huh?" "You love animals don't you?" "Don't get the wrong idea. Just because I helped that little boy with a dog back the-" "I get it, no need to get so self-defensive." Haru approached the two and pet the cat as well. Daisuke continued "We had a family cat back in the days but she died from a kidney failure." "I'm sorry to hear that." "Pedigree cats are always difficult to maintain."
He then approached the studio producer and asked "What's the name?" while pointing at the purring ball of fluff. "Oh the name's Kumo-" "No, I meant the name of the breed." "It's a Maine Coon my good sir."
Daisuke took his phone, dialed a number and a lovely lady could be heard on the opposite line "Yes, Daisuke-sama?" "Suzue, do we have all the predispositions that satisfy the adoption of a cat?" "I mean yes but we can't charge a butler to take responsibility for everything. Consider chipping, regular visits to the vet, special shampoos, nail clippers, toothbrushes, specialized treats, eye drops, litter box, toys, climbing frames, there are many factors which need to be taken care of Daisuke-sama. Besides, it's been such a long tim-" "Alright"
Daisuke ended the phone call with a dissatisfied sigh before asking quietly "How much?" to which Haru needed to interfere. "Didn't Suzue-san just tell you not to take a cat home?" and Daisuke gave him an annoyed side-glance "I'll figure something out."
When he arrived to the mansion in his Bentley Continental GT, he glanced at the backseat to address the feline comfortably lying in the fancy pet carrier. "You better not make a sound, understood?" to which the cat just purred in satisfaction. Daisuke felt so silly at this moment, like a little boy hiding a broken vase from his mother.
When he was about to enter the mansion, he accidentally walked on Suzue typing something on her tablet. She looked up and was delighted to see Daisuke coming home safe and sound. Daisuke stood at the doors, one side of his body peering from the corner while the other with a cat was hidden behind the wall. "Welcome back Daisuke-sama, the crack-open naengmyeon is already served on the table, you can take your seat." "Actually, I was planning on doing something else beforehand. Would you please excuse me for a moment?" "Of course." Suzue turned around and waited for him in the dining room. And although Daisuke was very good at keeping his serious demeanor, Suzue still noticed that something was off, with the tone of his voice for instance. It was very faint but Suzue was able to recognize things like this since she knew him so well. Still, she decided not to question him about it.
Daisuke entered his room and laid the pet carrier on the floor. Opening the zipper, the cat jumped out and rolled cozily on his bed. Daisuke held his phone and took a picture. He decided that he couldn't leave it by itself so he went downstairs to the storeroom where he took a litter box and filled it with old newspapers just in case.
After that he joined Suzue for lunch, they talked about Daisuke's photoshoot and Suzue's data she collected on certain people regarding a case. Daisuke told her that the magazine will be published in three weeks or so and Suzue was so happy she promised that she'll be the first costumer to buy it. Daisuke smiled more around Suzue after he let go of his past and threw his father into the jail. Now that all the bad things are behind him, he can finally indulge in his life and pay more attention to Suzue to whom he has yet to make up for all she has done for him over the years. He's thinking about marrying her soon.
While they were eating and pleasantly chatting, a high pitched "mrow" could be heard from the upper floor.
"What was that?" Daisuke let out a dry cough and said "My apologies. It seems that I needed to take a thicker coat before leaving for an appointment." "But.. you always pay attention to things like this." "It's true, but today I was a little late, had other things to do." "Don't overwork yourself, you need to think about your health." "Seems like you need to take better care of me.", he said with a smirk plastered on his lips to which Suzue just laughed and replied "You're so spoiled." and he scooted closer to her whispering "But I like it better when you do it.", and almost kissed her before the two heard a soft thud coming from the above.
"Excuse me for a moment, I need to check what's happening up there. Will be right back.", maybe the moment was ruined but he kissed her forehead nonetheless and went upstairs, leaving her full-hearted and all mushy inside. Her mind was so hazed from the thought of Daisuke kissing her forehead and almost kissing her lips that she didn't register the cause of his concern.
When he arrived to his room he had things to behold; scattered papers and documents all over the floor and the ashtray he typically used after his "adventurous nights with Suzue" was lying on the ground right next to the nightstand. The cat was sitting on his working table licking her paw as if nothing of this concerned her in the slightest. Daisuke sighed in disappointment and put her back in her "baby jail". She already gave him such a hard time but he couldn't be angry with her, she was his baby (yes he already considered himself a dad for god's sake).
Since they already finished with their meals, Suzue went back to her tech room to finish her work and Daisuke took the opportunity to place some meat and water on small plates and bring it to his naughty little friend.
The cat calmed down instantly after she ate and went straight to sleep. Daisuke couldn't believe his own eyes, the audacity, the sheer amount of spoilage this creature showed was unreal. It reminded him so much of himself and he smiled a little. He really missed having a cat.
After he cleaned up and finished his other tasks, he laid on the bed next to her and pet her soft white fur, making her purr louder and snuggle up beside him. Daisuke knows that Suzue is not stupid and that she'll eventually catch up on him sneaking behind her back to give Furry Elise treats (yes her name is Furry Elise, "Für Elise" might be one of Beethoven’s best-known piano pieces and Daisuke knows how to play it too).
And it actually happened that same night. Daisuke was about to fill her small plate with more meat when he met Suzue in the kitchen and she asked him what he was doing. He instantly gave up because it would be so blatantly obvious and incredibly stupid of him to say that he was trying out a new weight-losing tip when no one in this god-forsaken world ate raw chicken.
So he took her to his room and showed her Furry Elise. And although the cat purred really loudly upon seeing them, Suzue wasn't happy about it. In fact, she looked really disappointed and Daisuke needed to apologize. He explained her how it happened and how he wished to have a pet after a really long time. He thought she liked cats as well and therefore concluded that it wouldn't be such a big deal to adopt this cute little feline she loved so much, but apparently it was, so he asked her one more time why she was so reluctant to the whole idea of owning a cat again.
Suzue now shredded a couple of tears and Daisuke was seriously alarmed upon seeing her like this so he carefully cupped her with his hand behind her back and hugged her, asking why she was crying all of a sudden.
"It's just.. I don't want to go though this all over again." "What are you talking about?" "You see, my parents died, your parent died, our previous cat died so soon. I'm living in fear every day and asking myself if something's going to happen to you as well, that's why I'm so excessively worrying about you. And everything I need right now is another sweet creature that I love so much leaving us again. I don't think I'd be able to handle it anymore."
"Suzue.. I never thought..", Daisuke kissed her head and felt a big amount of guilt dawning on him. He was so selfish for only thinking about what made him happy without considering Suzue's emotions. But then he reclaimed his mind and tried to concentrate on saying the right thing. Hopefully he can make her feel better again.
"Suzue, my dear, you shouldn't limit yourself to things that make you happy. It's not healthy. You see, none of us is eternal; neither you, nor me, nor this kitten down there looking at you with so much love in her eyes. But for that very reason that none of us is eternal, we should dedicate our time to one another and make most of it. So please don't deny yourself or your feelings. Instead of dwelling on the sad things, we should concentrate more on our time spent together and be happy, okay?"
Even Daisuke didn't know how he managed to word it this nicely but he did and he realized that both of them were crying by now. They shared a passionate kiss but got interrupted by a small furball rubbing on their feet like it wanted to share a hug as well and Suzue smiled through tears.
She squatted and carefully took the cat in her hands. "What's her name?" "Furry Elise." Suzue now needed to laugh so much and she hadn't even recovered from her previous emotional outburst.
"I love it, you're really good at this.. it's.. the song you used to play for me all the time before you went studying overseas."
He looked at her with so much love and adoration at this exact moment.
"Know what? I think I'm falling for you all over again, Mr. Millionaire." Daisuke swore, his heart was full that night and no money could ever compare to this feeling.
@daisuzuship @innovativestruggles @narcopharmacist @unholysoggytea @riaymei @ieatcrumbs @cow-goes-oof @matchabucks @bluegleeful @levi-is-heicho @kakooshi @kokorokai @darknessrxse @fluffyyagiza @geniusmeemee @sungmnnnn @koalarin @alstroemerie @petiamaximoff38 @hellohellokookie @marialenikiforov
It's daisuzu stuff so I hope you enjoy. If you want me to delete your tag you're free to tell me. 👍
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goldenavenger02 · 4 years
Peter Parker's Day Off
This story is for the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange and my giftee is @avengersincamphalfbloodstardis so I hope you like it!
Before anyone draws comparisons between this and the fic @marvelous-writer posted a few weeks ago, we've already gotten it worked out, so go read her fic after mine!
Editing and cover credits go to @clover-roseee!
And now, on with the story!
Peter groaned as he woke up, and tried to force himself awake as Morgan jumped the end of his bed again. "I'm up, Morg, I'm up," he replied as rubbed his eyes, forcing himself to sit up. His body and head felt heavy, and he had that general sick feeling, so despite how much Morgan's excitement tended to rub off on him, it didn't this time. In fact, Peter wasn't even sure how he could be excited when his chest was tight and his nose was so stuffed up.
Morgan didn't seem to pick up on how he was feeling, though. "Come on, Petey!" she instead insisted, before hopping off his bed and running out of his room. "Daddy's making blueberry pancakes before we go to the zoo!"
The trip to the zoo had been planned for weeks, and Pepper had even taken a day off to come with (which was a rarity in itself). May had gotten held up at the hospital, too, so it was perfect timing that he stayed with the Starks for the first week of spring break; but while he really wanted to see Morgan lose her mind over lions, tigers, and birds, he still couldn't shake the sick feeling from his body.
"Come on, Petey! Daddy's making blueberry pancakes before we go to the zoo!" She insisted before running out of his room, singing about the trip.
Grabbing his bathrobe off of his closet door, Peter wrapped it around his shoulders and tried to regain some body heat before shuffling down the stairs. The smell of pancakes hit him as he went into the hall, and he knew immediately that his senses were in overdrive.
When he finally made it to the dining room, Morgan was going over some facts she had learned about lions for a school project and Pepper was looking at the news on her phone, but looked up when she saw Peter sit at the table. "Are you alright, sweetheart?" she asked, upon seeing his pale face, and the thin layer of sweat on his forehead.
Peter started to respond, but instead let out a harsh cough into his elbow. That was enough of a reason for Pepper to get up from the table in search of the thermometer. Meanwhile, Morgan got up from her chair and ran into the kitchen area. "Daddy!" she exclaimed, "Petey's sick!"
Flipping the last few pancakes on to the large serving plate, Tony cleaned his hands with a dry washcloth and turned the stove off. Then, once that was done, he turned his attention to Peter and, with Morgan tagging along behind him, made his way over. "See!" Morgan repeated. "He's sick!"
"Yeah, I definitely see what you're talking about." Tony ruffled Morgan's hair before placing a hand against Peter's forehead. "And that's definitely a fever." He sighed before looking down at his daughter. "Sorry, Morguna. Looks like the zoo is gonna have to wait for a few days."
"But we have to go, Daddy!" Morgan fought back. "Mommy took the day off and everything!" Just as it looked like that Tony would have to deal with a tantrum at eight thirty in the morning, Pepper came back in the room with the ear thermometer and gently inserted it into Peter's ear. "Mommy, we have to go to the zoo!"
"Morgan's right," Peter agreed, receiving an enthusiastic grin from her. "I mean, you did take the day off to go with her to the zoo…"
Pepper looked skeptical. "I don't know. I don't feel comfortable leaving you here by yourself."
"Then how about Mr. Stark stays with me?" Peter proposed, taking a moment to cough into his elbow. Pepper, in return, placed a hand on his back. "You guys can send us pictures, and it'll feel like we're right there with you."
Pepper looked to her husband. "Tony? Are you okay with this?" she asked, as the thermometer beeped. She took it out and sighed when the reading revealed Peter had a temperature of 101.8. "Staying here with Peter?"
"'Course. I've got the spider kid, you two go have fun," Tony insisted, before leaning forward and kissing his wife's cheek. "Like he said, just send us lots of photos. Maybe let Morgan feed a giraffe while you're there, too."
Pepper broke apart from the kiss, and went over to grab her tote bag with her sunglasses, camera and Morgan's change purse full of nickels and pennies. "Alright, try and have a good day," she said, after slipping her shoes on. "Feel better, Peter."
Morgan ran up and hugged Tony tightly, and did the same to Peter before heading outside to the car, with Pepper following closely behind. When the car pulled out of the driveway, Tony turned to the resident sick kid. "So, how does crashing on the couch and watching some Star Wars sound?"
"Can we watch something else? I'm regretting getting Morgan obsessed with it," Peter spoke as he stood up from the table, trying to force the sudden headache that was building behind his eyes.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want," Tony insisted as Peter shuffled over to the couch and grabbed the remote. "We should probably get you some Tylenol, though."
Peter nodded, starting to scroll through Netflix. Since Morgan preferred Disney+, he knew he would probably find something he wasn't sick of on there. But his vision was going in in and out, and starting to get spotty, and he was fighting every bone in his body in order to stay awake.
Suddenly Tony appeared beside him, and Peter distantly wondered how he did it. "Here," he said, pouring three white tablets into Peter's right hand, and swapping the remote for a bottle of blue Gatorade with the other. "Take that, and go to bed, kid. I'll find something to watch, you look exhausted."
Dropping the pills into his mouth and washing it down with a swig of Gatorade, Peter wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his bathrobe before doing what he was told. Tony's taste in movies was often better than Morgan's or Pepper's anyway, so he let himself relax and, feeling a blanket being draped over him, allowed the music of whatever Tony had picked lull him to sleep.
"So, what do you wanna see first?" Pepper asked her daughter, as the two climbed out of the car doors. They had spent a little over half an hour driving, and Pepper already had the online map on her phone all ready and set-up. Knowing her daughter, though, she'd probably want to see more of the cuddly animals first, before going to see the creepier ones.
"Hmm…" Morgan hummed and tilted her head as she thought. She definitely wanted to go see the lions, but she was also wondering if they had a penguin exhibit, and maybe a snake one, too. "I dont know! Can we go see the dolphins? Please?"
"Sure." Pepper smiled and gently grasped her daughter's hand in hers, before they made their way inside. "And then we'll go feed the giraffe, like your dad wanted to. Sound good?" She verbalized the plan, trying to make it stick in Morgan's head, but, in reality, she was just wanting to spend some much needed time with her daughter. It was always a rarity when she was able to take time off, and she wanted to make the most of it.
Morgan nodded, but the period of silence was broken by her stopping in front of the snake exhibit. "Mommy, look!" she shouted, bouncing on her heels giddily. "Can we look at these first? Please?"
"Of course." Pepper nodded, took her camera out of her bag, and watched as one of the exhibit employees, per Morgan's request, placed a boa constrictor around her shoulders. "Say cheese on three, sweetie!"
When Peter woke up on the couch, he felt like he could barely breathe through his nose, and could feel the intensity of the pressure in his head. Then, sitting up, he glanced around the room, before trying to peer into the kitchen. "Mr. Stark?" he asked, the stuffiness having apparently spread to his voice with how nasally he sounded. "Are you here?"
"In the kitchen!" the stay at home dad called back. Sighing and flopping back on to the couch, Peter re-covered himself with the blanket Tony draped over him, before he heard a "Shit, that's hot!" and the man himself appeared in the doorway. "Okay," he announced, as he walked over to his sick kid, "I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"
Peter smirked. "What's the bad news?"
"Bad news," Tony explained, as he set a plate of soggy charcoal-coloured toast on the table, "is that I burnt your toast, and put too much butter on; so, it's kinda ruined now, kid."
Peter chuckled, as he sat up and, despite how terrible the toast looked, took a bite from it. 'At least Tony tried,' he thought. "And the good news?" he asked.
"The good news is that I ordered soup for later—don't look at me like that!—and that I did manage to make sure your Gatorade stayed cold," Tony said, as he set the half-full Gatorade on the coffee table, right beside where the plate previously was. Then, he had taken a seat near the sick teen's feet and patted his knee. "But, it doesn't matter now. How're you feeling, Pete?"
Peter sat up a bit to place the soggy toast beside the Gatorade, and laid back down against his pillows. "My head still hurts," he muttered, trying to warm himself up as he buried himself beneath the blanket, "'nd I've been kinda feeling sick. There's no other medicine I can take, right?"
Tony shook his head. "'Fraid not, kiddo. And, even if there was, I don't wanna give you mixed medications and have to take you to a hospital, so it's not gonna happen."
Peter groaned.
"But, what I can do is let you see all the pictures Pepper sent me of Morgan." Tony smiled as he pulled out his phone, and swiped on over to his 'Messages' section. "There's even one of her holding a boa constrictor, if you wanna see it."
Peter shook his head, remembering his very bad experience with a snake from years ago. "I think I'll pass on that," he said, before sitting up and glancing over Tony's shoulder. "But is there one of her with a penguin? Or a giraffe?"
Tony nodded, as he passed the phone over, and adjusted the two of them, so Peter was leaning against his side, with his head on his chest. "Oh, yeah," he replied. "Third and fifth one in. My personal favourites, though, are the ones with the sloths and otters."
In response, Peter yawned, and, after scrolling through all the photos, gave the phone back to Tony. He was getting exhausted again, and assumed, as he buried his head into his mentor's chest, that Tony had moved on to watching the videos Pepper had sent him, so he shut his eyes and allowed Morgan's excited squeals to lull him back into a peaceful sleep.
"Alright, honey," Pepper said, smiling, as she fished Morgan's change purse out of her tote bag, "you can pick one thing out from the gift shop, and then we're going to head home." She held her daughter's hand as they approached the small gift shop, located back at the entrance. She was thankful she hadn't lost her daughter when they were visiting the exhibits, but if there was one place where she would lose her, then it was definitely the gift shop.
Morgan took her change purse from her mother's hand, and looked up at her, pleadingly. "Can I get something for Petey, too?" she asked with her adorable, wide eyes. "He's sick and we can get something to make him feel better!"
"Nothing fragile," Pepper negotiated, "and nothing made of glass. Otherwise, you can go nuts and get whatever you want. Deal?" She held her hand up for a high five.
"Deal!" Morgan exclaimed excitedly, as she returned the high-five. Unfortunately, Morgan was five, and that meant she was still rather small, so the high-five ended up being one of those off-beat ones, where they missed each other and ended up mostly slapping the air instead. Pepper still smiled, though, and watched as Morgan made a B-line for the stuffed animals.
'That's a good idea,' she thought to herself. 'Peter would probably prefer cuddling one of those instead of a rubber snake, anyway.'
"Daddy, Daddy, we're home!" Morgan announced, a little over forty-five minutes later, before she slipped off her shoes and bright yellow leather rainjacket at the door. Then, she had resumed running into the kitchen, where she wrapped her arms around her dad's legs. "Mommy and I saw penguins, and sloths, I got to hold a snake!"
Setting down the knife he was using to chop up the peppers and celery, Tony had then dried his hands with a washcloth, before turning and giving his full attention to his daughter. "That's great, Morguna," he replied, as he kneeled down to her level and planted a small kiss atop her head. "But you'll have to tell me everything when Peter wakes up, okay? He still doesn't feel so good, and he needs a lot of rest to get better."
"Okay!" Morgan agreed, happily, before she pulled a grey and white ovaloid object out of her little purse. "We got him a penguin!" She exclaimed, enthusiastically bouncing on her heels once more. "Do you think he'll like it? I hope he likes it!"
Tony nodded, as he ran his hand through his daughter's messy brown hair. "I'm sure he'll love it, Morguna."
"Now, go wash your hands, okay?" Pepper said, as she came up behind her daughter and gently nudged her towards the bathroom. In response, Morgan did as she was told, and Pepper took that chance to heave the groceries up on to the counter, and started putting them away. "Morgan insisted we get juice pops for Peter," she explained, as she opened the freezer and stuffed the box of popsicles inside. "How did things go at home today?"
"Pretty good. He's gotten a bit better since you guys left, but he told me he was feeling sick, so we'll have to keep an eye on him tonight."
"Alright." Pepper smiled and put up the last of the groceries before turning to her husband. "I'm gonna sit in there till dinner is ready." She planted a quick kiss against Tony's cheek before sitting in the armchair that was beside the couch Peter was asleep on, and started to go through some files on her laptop. Days off were always a rarity for her, so she wanted to transfer the photos to her phone, so she could look at them while she was at work.
She looked up when she heard a rustling noise, only to see Morgan come in with the stuffed penguin and put it under Peter's right arm before climbing on the couch and curling up next to him. Watching as Peter unconsciously wrapped his left arm around Morgan, Pepper smiled and waited until her daughter's eyes closed to take a picture.
She'd be thanked, later.
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moniekillz · 6 years
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Hello new. Goodbye old.
If you're wondering, which many of you are, what happened to me last year, I'll be glad to be openly honest with you. I'll tell you what i overcame, and I'll tell you what took over me. I allowed myself to become consume with doubt, hate,misery, and a substantial amount of lost self love. I did not love myself last year. I forgot who i was last year. Yes, i established some new business endeavors and yes i took a few steps forward. Nevertheless, i was knocked more steps back. I brought in 2018 depressed, longing for the first guy ever to have every ounce of me to take me back, little did i know, i wasn't his fully. See, i can read and write about a Man day in and day out. BUT, until the same things happen to me, in my own manner, i cannot speak on it how i am about to now, as you would see how another woman would when it happens to her. I was stepped out on, and the hardest question i had to ask my own soul was "how did i not know?" "How did i let this happen to me?" "Am i going to stay?".
I fought with myself for weeks about losing myself over a human being that would still remain every bit of himself once time passed over. I was sold a dream that... was obvious that couldn't be bought. Meaning, i was sold a dream car, but by a nightmare salesman. Last year, i cried almost ...just almost every day of my life. Many times you may have saw the laughter more than anything. But, if you know Symone, you know she will laugh to keep from crying.
I lost, literally, every single person i could count on. It's not a matter of being alone that's a problem for me. It's the matter of being lonely when you're told you're surrounded by "love". I've been put last by the Man i loved first. I've been left behind and lied to so bad, if the truth was standing in front of me, I'd be a blind woman.
I need my readers (i would never label you as my fans) to understand why i couldn't provide genuine content. Why i couldn't give you the reads you were so supportive of for years. I wasn't myself. I wasn't the writer "Killz". I had no passion or desire to pick up a pen and paper or grab a tablet or my laptop and just express what i was going through.
I gave you guys MAYBE a good 5 reads in the last year, and y'all know damn well i be writing my ass off.
Don't think of it as me bullshitting because i got hurt by a guy. It's so much more to that.
Love, Friendship, Trust, and Family have all developed new definitions in my terminology. I can't look at anything the same.
As i prepare for the 26th round of life, I'm thinking to myself "what am i gonna do different? How am i going make this my winning year?"
For the first time in twenty-five years of breathing life on this earth, i drove myself crazy over a man. A man who remained sane through every single selfish act he committed against me. And i broke myself down, made myself sick, and couldn't even tell who i was anymore even when i looked in the mirror. Every woman who entertained him, knew about me. They knew exactly who i was. And even though he told one story, my actions told a different one. But here i am, the Only one that remained broken, lost, and damaged. I didn't know if i was really mentally ready to write this one out because i know many questions will be asked. But this is the only answer I'm going to give. To anyone and everyone.
It's hard to move on when you're in the shared space that you're hurting in that you're given to heal. It's hard to rebuild yourself back up in front of the audience that played a role in witnessing you break that leg on stage. I'll never be the same girl ever again. I'll never be who i used to be. Why? Because you cannot go back to a life or identity once it has been tainted with and broken. Can you look through a broken a window the same way as one that is whole? Exactly. This write up is not about who did what to me. It's a catch up blog to explain why i have been gone. I'm here now. And I'll pick up again one what i was simply destined to do. I became lazy, unmotivated, and very distracted. And it's one of the almost dreadful feelings I've carried for months at a time.
But this had to be a very deep lesson of my life. Besides the same load of stress i had to carry on my bad from working, and struggling. I was a prisoner of my own thoughts that consumed me more than anything. Because Love was a priority for me since i didn't have a home to receive it from anymore. I didn't feel that i could provide myself with enough of it . Well 2019, I'm here to love myself like no one else could. ♥️
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