#my son is an oshawott btw
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sillyjestar · 7 months ago
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@torchiiko ENOUGH.
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kkolg · 2 days ago
Kim likes pokemon? :0
Need his thoughts on Gen 5 and my little son Oshawott >:3 (/nf)
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I’m tempted to just say Gen 5 is his fav because I like projecting
oshawott is a based starter btw
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ihopethisendswell · 4 years ago
Cute things about my pokemon that I can't get out my head.
I want Alexis to find and raise a baby shiny Eevee named Veve
The general idea is that Veve is very small, smaller than average, so she must looked after carefully.
The problem is that she is VERY energetic and curious.
So she gets into trouble a lot
The cute thing is that she's VERY attached to Alexis.
When he's working, she would just cuddle up on his lap/ shoulder/ hoodie and just rest there
Whenever Alexis tries to move her to her own bed she comes running back to him
In the end he gives up and just lets her rest near him until she actually falls asleep
Kai, his Samurott, his already a mom with Xavi( baby oshawott, her son) so she immediately takes Veve under her care.
Luca( Alexis' Krookidile and Kai's partner) is also a dad,so he's very protective of his kids.
Naomi loves Veve and Veve loves Naomi :)
Kenji and Alexis have this very flirty, but platonic, relationship
It's ironic because neither of them are the flirty type
And because they seem to exact opposites...at first glance anyway
The reality is that Kenji and Alexis met during A's 3 year runaway from Unova.
Kenji is actually one of the factors that convinced Alexis to return home.
And Kenji made it a point to keep in contact with Alexis after it all went down
Despite their playful ' flirting', they are really close, despite how busy their lives are.
Speaking of Kenji, Danica and him are bff's
They both became champion around the same time so they kinda went through the years together
Kenji teaches Danica traditional dancing from Johto and Danica teaches Kenji how to make bake poffins
They're also the same height ( 5'6") though for some reason the internet thinks that Danica is shorter
Oh! And they work out together. Sometimes together, but mostly virtually
When making poffins Danica likes to draw little faces on them
Is really good with children
Stronk, good for hugs
You would sometimes find her having full blown conversations with baby pokemon
When you would ask her about it she would say " Idk, but it was something"
Alexis is the same btw
Being a breeder and all.
Eva is Eva. Everything she does is cute
But really, she tries her best y'all
She loves tinkering so you would often find her in a lab or some sorts
And she loves rambling about her inventions or just cool science facts in general
She gives it her all!
She might be a streamer.
Jude may deny it but they enjoy Eva's company
Like Danica and Kenji, the two became champions around the same time.
Brooding Red vs Peppy( and sporty) Pink
Whenever Eva is in Kalos they go shopping together
Jude semi teaches Eva about Ryhorn racing.
Jude is a big softie for their friends but they pretend that they don't
But not too much cause they don't want them to think they don't appreciate them
Likes making fun of Dante ( Calem)
Dante does the same
Jude: Fuck you Dante: Yeah, I love you too.
Aster and Hau likes to make malasada's together
They're not good by any means but it's fun
They also like to go surfing
But her most favorite pastime is spend time with her mom :)
Sometimes they'd just go to the beach and relax. It's nice
Though a four year gab( in terms of when they became champion) Aster and Naomi are pretty close.
Both are 15 by then
When the first meet the immediately hit it off
And by that I mean they both sneaked out of the banquet ( Aster's idea) and used Rotom Dex/ phone to communicate
Aster teaches Naomi sign language
And Naomi plays her bass for Aster( when they're not doing champion things)
Aster is surprisingly protective of Naomi
I like to imagine that in any dire situation, Aster is the one to beat someone up if Naomi even gets a scratch on her.
Though I feel Naomi would do the same.
This isn't shipping but I can totally see the two doing the Lumity dance
The same goes for Aster and Lillie and Naomi and Marnie
Naomi is a bean
Good lass
As stated before Hop and Naomi consider each other as their twin
And as stated before she likes making treats for the rest of the League
And as stated before Marnie is teaching her the bass with Piers band and it's hella cute
She surprised herself when she realized how much of a jock she is
Likes collecting beanies and decorating them
Likes to hang out with Bede ( against his will) in Glimwood Forest.
Her pokemon are her babies
They try to cuddle up to her but they're too big :(
Sebastian ( her Grimmsnarl) loves lifting her up in a hug
He's a gentle baby don't worry
Sometimes, back in Postwick, you could just see her and her pokemon sleeping in the fields with a bunch of Wooloo.
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broomiies · 5 years ago
guess what??? imma do,,, every region,,, cuz I wanna :). btw it's for kilo cuz my son
kanto: bulbasaur
johto: chikorita
hoenn: treeko
sinnoh: piplup
unova: oshawott
kalos: froakie
alola: popplio
galar: grookey
What would your OC’s starter Pokemon be?
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