#my sleep schedule is so fucked
ssparksflyy · 1 month
dont know if anyone needs to hear this or maybe its just me but sometimes your body doesnt want to go to sleep at 2 am, sometimes it wants and needs to go to sleep early
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ragingtwilight · 8 months
why the fuck is everyone asleep when im awake and chronically online!!!! wake the fuck up so i can annoy you!!!!!!!!!
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ms-ninja-crab · 4 days
It’s 3 am and I’m still workinggggg whyyyyy
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mischiefmanifold · 10 days
making some weird venison sausage and a bag of broccoli for lunch bc I've been up since 1am
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tkdpod · 3 months
waahhhhhh my sleep schedule, my timing for being ready to record and my partners getting home is unfortunately bad, ill record like 5 minutes and then get a "we're home" text from my partners and then i cant record untill the next day cuz im embarrassed about recording myself around them lmao
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magnetic-dogz · 6 months
Why no one here. Why dash empty :( *looks at the clock and sees it's 3:30AM* Ah.
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jasperscringepit · 10 months
Health Anxiety can rot in a pit. That is all.
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thirteenmyspacegirl · 2 years
righty ho it's 6am and now it's time for bed 😌
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sadgirlautumn · 1 year
It’s nearly 5pm and I’m only just now going downstairs.
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spicebushbutterfly · 1 year
"Yeah I'm definitely going to sleep earlier tonight I swear" *I'm up at 4am rearranging my room*
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victxm-allamerican · 2 years
euphoria tiff headcanons ive decided im probably going to post headcanons specific to every verse she has
grew up along with nate jacobs, one of the few people she is close to
is well known but isn't really around, stays to herself mostly unless it has to do with the clubs she's involved with (debate/track)
while she isn't really social a lot of people come to her for drugs, she doesn't sell but people love giving her pills n powders for whatever reason and she will trade them just to listen to whatever drama is going on at school
snotty and stand-offish towards most men but all the girls she knows are her ride or dies
most kids go to her if they want to be in the know she's basically the ears of east highland and will tell anyone whatever they want for the right price be it actual money or simple favors
constantly assumed to be a cheerleader (she's not)
constantly hooking up with the cheerleaders
while she seems like the lesser of two evils in many ways she can be worse than nate, is known for blackmailing because her daddy is one of the best lawyers in town
likes coquet and is pretentious about it
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goldrushzukka · 2 years
so what's this new hyperfixation 👀 been looking for something new to make my personality lol
i have watched a season and a half of shameless in 2 days
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scorndotexe · 2 years
okay so it's nearly 6 am and i'm not on the couch bed of nightmares anymore but it's still nearly 6 am
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oldbeecharmer · 3 months
starting to feel like I need sleeping pills
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omgagiantrock · 5 months
Weighing whether I should sleep for a few hours and try and get up at 9 or if I just stay awake thru the day and sleep after dinner
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onlinemisery · 6 months
happy new year ZzZzZ ...
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