#my sister's best friend my lover
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postarie · 2 years ago
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all-blues · 1 year ago
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by 【公式】姉の親友、私の恋人。
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sweetbottletops · 4 months ago
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Ugggh. Rare merch dropping when I have no money.
Yuri Exhibition 2025 is coming soon. It is a physical location kinda event in Japan, but you can preorder now too. Mangaka, including for series that don't usually see a lot of merch, are collectively releasing some including newly drawn illustrations. There's even some Strawberry Panic stuff.
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gloop898 · 7 months ago
Media Thread 2024 - Part 56
My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover
By Fujimatsu Mei
It's got some decent drama and it's quite nice to see the character development. It's not quite as risque or as taboo as the initial setup might suggest. It's much sweeter and more romantic than I thought it would be. It means that the story is more palatable for most, but as someone who occasionally enjoys the more unsavory, it's a bit lacking. Still very enjoyable overall.
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finelythreadedsky · 5 months ago
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close enough, welcome back
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velvtcherie · 2 months ago
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just saw the new card and i feel like an apology is in order because i wasn't familiar with caleb's game ,,,, i'm in tears rn i'm such a whore for childhood friends to lovers I NEED HIS CARDS NOWWWWW
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foolforlover · 7 months ago
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Immortal Sins
(ref below!!)
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penn-dragon · 2 years ago
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Probably surprises absolutely no one what my gen rex ship is
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vikingmagic33 · 2 years ago
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A little meet-cute in the garden leads Elain to visit Gwyn in the library. Here is the first installment for a Gwynlain fic for the ACOTAR Writing Circle 3. @azrielshadowssing which happens to coincide beautifully with @gwynweekofficial and pride.
Read on AO3 here!
Gwyn raced up the darkened stairwell, before spilling out of the doorway and into the rooftop’s blistering sun. She squinted up at Rhysand. He chucked down affectionately at her disheveled appearance. “You’re late,” Rhys stated with mock annoyance.
The sun was making its descent and baked the clay roof in a crackling glow. Gwyn caught sight of steam and her vision of the horizon beyond blurred through pockets of sweltering air. She gulped it down and savored freedom on her tongue.  
“Let me guess.” Rhys continued. “Merrill has concocted some new form of torture?” 
“Nothing new about it.” Gwyn smoothed the folds of her robes and gave him an impertinent stare. 
“But still torture.” He looked immediately concerned. “I can speak to...”
“I’m fine, Rhys.” Gwyn blurted. “I’ve told you that a million times already. I’m fine. I can deal with Merrill. Shall we?” 
She reached for his arm without waiting for his response. Rhys reached down to gather her to his side, as wings appeared, and he pushed up once in a massive boost just beyond the wards. The force of the push caused her sandals to slip. She heard them drop against the roof mere seconds before he’d winnowed them away. 
The first thing Gwyn noticed was the feel of a slightly damp lawn under her feet. The River House was close enough to the water that even on a hot day, spray from the river kept the gardens dewy and fresh. She drew up her hem only slightly to peer down as her toes wiggled. Emerie had painted them a perfect robin’s egg blue at a book club sleepover the night before and Gwyn relished the look against the green and soaked the silkiness through the soles of her feet.  
Rhys had asked that she give regular reports on life within the library. Clotho was technically the correct chain of command, but Rhys had expressed an interest in speaking informally on morale and their general quality of life. Gwyn had been happy to oblige. She had a list tucked into a pocket of her robes and she respected his concern. They had been meeting regularly for months, but that was the first meeting since Rhys had suggested they move them to the River House and expand their discussion to include the new Valkyrie training program. 
“You’re getting positively tan, Gwynnie.” Cassian’s bark boomed from the back steps and Gwyn’s gaze lifted from her feet to her friend’s face. “I think you’ve got twice as many freckles as you did when I first met you.” He chuckled before reaching up to tweak the end of her nose. Nesta swatted his hand and Gwyn rubbed her palm over the spot dramatically, but still managed to stick out her tongue when nobody was looking. 
She hadn’t seen the pair on the roof, so they must have arrived sometime earlier. From the state of Nesta’s hair, they could have been flying. Then again, there was no telling what else could have tangled it so much. Gwyn eyed her friend’s appearance and lifted a brow. Nesta just shrugged. Not flying then. Gwyn grinned. She was happy for Nesta. 
“I could give you a hat.” Gwyn spun at the sound of a feminine voice behind her in the flowers and found Elain kneeling in the garden. Elain set aside a pair of shears and slowly rose to her feet, careful not to touch her dress with her filthy gloves. “Not to say that freckles aren’t very pretty. Just… if you wanted a hat, I do have plenty. I could spare a few for you. If you’d like.” 
Gwyn’s gaze traveled up to Elain’s wide-brimmed, straw hat. It had an elaborate ribbon tied just beneath her chin. The absurdity of the offer was simply adorable. Gwyn couldn’t train in a floppy garden hat, but sincerity and perhaps nerves were clear in Elain’s voice, so Gwyn did not scoff.  
“Thank you, Elain,” Gwyn replied gently. “But I can’t see that I would have any use for such a thing in the library or in the training ring.” She noticed Rhys and Cassian disappearing through the kitchen door, but Nesta waited for Gwyn. 
“But surely elsewhere...” Elain studied Gwyn’s face as though she was being asked to state the obvious. 
Gwyn’s heart lurched and her face must have fallen. She saw confusion bloom in Elain’s eyes and again her heart softened. Elain wasn’t criticizing her. To hear Nesta tell it, Elain didn’t travel very far herself, but at least she could venture into Velaris unaccompanied. Nesta stepped forward and started to speak, but Gwyn stepped between the two. 
“We don’t get much light in the library.” Gwyn chided herself for her choice of words. She felt heat creep up her neck. She sounded like a moron or some sort of neglected houseplant. 
Elain was positively glowing, standing there, in her immaculate garden and she wasn’t actually wrong. Gwyn should be going more places. Gwyn should have need of a hat. 
“None at all?” Elain stepped forward and wiped at her brow with the back of one delicate wrist. All she managed to accomplish was to trap one dark blond curl into the dampness at her temple and Gwyn hid a smile. “How can anything hope to thrive in utter darkness?” Elain sounded ready to picket. 
“They do have candles, Elain.” Nesta sounded cross and Gwyn waved her off. She didn’t want to be the source of strife between the sisters. There had been plenty of that in the past and things were just starting to settle. 
“Not everything needs to be baked in the sun, Elain. We are the Night Court, are we not? Night can be beautiful too.” Gwyn practically purred. She was shocked by the tone in her own voice. Where had that come from? 
“I guess so.” Elain huffed a breath distractedly at that pesky curl, but it did not budge. 
“Here. Let me help you out.” Gwyn reached over and tugged the curl free. “Better?” 
“Thank you, Gwyneth.” Elain breathed her laughter. “I’m a mess.” 
“Nothing wrong with a bit of sweat,” Gwyn added, froze, and tried to pivot. “You’ve been hard at work.” Gwyn pointed awkwardly to an impressive pile of rose branches discarded near Elain’s very organized workstation. It was a folded towel for her knees and a bucket of what appeared to be bonemeal. Gwyn had been impressed to hear she recycled them from kitchen scraps. “We should let you get back to it.” 
Elain nodded. “Always nice to see you, Gwyneth.”
“You too, Elain.” Gwyn took Nesta’s arm and aimed for the house. Nesta narrowed her eyes.
“What was that?” Nesta hissed. 
“I have no idea.” Gwyn lied. She did have an idea. In fact, she had several. 
“You were flirting with my sister.” Nesta accused with a hungry smile. 
“I was doing no such thing!” Gwyn denied with a pout. “I was just being nice. Can’t I be nice?” 
“Liar,” Nesta growled under her breath. “You’re never that nice to me.”
“Well. You’ve never offered me a hat.” Gwyn hid her blush by rushing forward into the house. 
Elain made her way quietly down the dimly lit hall. She wasn’t sure why she’d felt the need to sneak, assuming that was even a fair description of her behavior. But it always felt like she was sneaking around the River House or the grounds or even into Valeris. The last, she liked to consider more exploration, even if she would bet all of her allowance that her sisters would scoff at that characterization. 
Rhys could be counted upon to be visiting Feyre’s art studio in the Rainbow on most afternoons and she’d timed her trek upstairs accordingly. Elain had no interest in dealing with the High Lord. Honestly, she had no interest in interacting with anyone, save perhaps the twins. 
It wasn’t that she disliked her sisters. She didn’t even dislike the families that both had chosen for themselves, not objectively at least. But the twins didn’t avert their gazes too quickly, nor did they let them linger with confusion, when Elain’s comments or behaviors were inevitably deemed uncouth or to be based on some outdated human mindset that Elain had yet to identify and sufficiently weed out. Worse were the moments when time skipped and snagged when a vision nudged or whispered and Elain simply fell behind in conversations or trailed off in the middle of speaking. 
Elain was not some shy or shrinking violet, nor was she a masochist. Solitude was just simpler and she found she liked people more when they said less and when she didn’t have to see them. 
She didn’t usually find herself in his library. Libraries in general were foreign and unknown. Visits were not something that her late mother encouraged and familiarity hadn’t been possible in their new lives after her death. 
Elain needed information though, so she tapped lightly on the door. She sighed happily at the lack of response and turned the ornate knob. Elain pressed her shoulder against his heavy door as it swung gently into the darkness of the room beyond. Need was perhaps a strong word. Elain wanted information. The idea of a gift had bloomed in her mind and she couldn’t seem to shake it. She didn’t want to shake it. 
Ultimately, the library trip had been an utter waste of her time. It had actually taken three trips into Velaris, a visit with a local botanist, and the aid of a rather talented glass blower. Finally, she found herself standing with an awkwardly large box in her arms, asking Rhys for transport to the House of Wind and his permission to visit the library below. 
“Sure.” He dusted toast crumbs from the corner of his mouth. “I’m going up there anyway. I will take the box for you.” Rhys responded absently. Had he even noticed that it wasn’t what she’d requested from him at all? 
“I’d rather deliver them myself. Thank you though.” Elain responded as Feyre peeked over the edge of the box at the greenery within. “There are care instructions and all.” Elain shrugged and adjusted the box in her arms with the help of one knee. “If you could just let this Clotho person know that I will be visiting within the library today, you can just drop me at the entrance. I believe there is one somewhere on the roof?” 
Feyre’s head shot up before she offered with a glint of curiosity in her eye, “I can take you.”
No way. Not a chance. Elain shook her head.  
“Rhys just said he was going anyway. Did he not?” 
There was some comfort in knowing that Rhysand didn’t understand her and had no interest in figuring her out. It was neglect masquerading as privacy and she offered back resentment passing for respect. 
“It is done.” Rhys tapped his temple with one finger as he took one last bite of toast and rose from the table. He bent to plant a kiss on his son’s head and one on his mate’s cheek before heading for the door. 
Clotho had been polite and accommodating and Gwyn turned out to be fairly easy to find. 
“This one is called Bird's Nest.” Elain pointed to the first plant. “They call this one a snake plant, but I’m not sure why. The spider plant makes a little more sense when you see the little baby plants that sort of shoot off as it grows.”
“That sounds like quite the kerfuffle.” Gwyn beamed and her laughter washed over Elain. She was happy. The gift had been a good idea after all. “I’d better keep my eye on these and make sure they all stay in line.”
“Yes. Well.” Elain blushed. “And this one, it’s a bromeliad. No silly name. It even blooms without any sun. None need sun. Although they will thank you for these little bauble lights I got in town. The shop owner assured me that they mimic low sunlight.”
“Are these for light too?” Gwyn peered from across the box and reached a hand underneath for support. Their fingers brushed slightly and Elain’s pulse raced. 
“Oh, no. Those are for water.” Elain tried again to adjust her hold on the box and the whole thing nearly toppled despite being trapped between their chests. Elain managed to grab hold of a colorful orb on a long glass stem. “You fill these with water and then stick them into the dirt. They will help with watering.” 
“Thank you.” Gwyn smiled and Elain was nervous at the sheen in Gwyn’s eyes. 
“This one is poisonous to cats.” Elain blurted. “You don’t have a cat do you?”
“Sometimes I think we might, but if he’s going to prowl around here nibbling on my plants, then he deserves a bit of mischief. Don’t you think?”  
“He? If you’re not sure that there is a cat, how do you know it is male?” Elain asked, genuinely amused. 
“A girl cat would know better than to eat strange plants and probably would’ve made some friends by now. At least, with the kitchen staff.” They were talking nonsense and Elain was blissfully happy. 
“So.” Elain had no idea what to say next. “I’ll just give these to you.” Elain aimed for subtle, but managed to shove the box at Gwyn. 
“Oh, no, you don’t.” Gwyn stepped away, hands raised. “You can carry them down and help me place them around my reading nook.” She turned toward the stairs. “And I hope you mean to visit them.”
“Pardon?” Elain squeaked. 
“You can’t just give a girl a basket of living things and some vague instructions and expect them to survive.” Gwyn chided and Elain was fairly sure she was teasing her. 
“Box,” Elain mumbled. 
“Pardon?” There was definite teasing in Gwyn’s voice as she mimicked Elain’s earlier nerves. Elain blushed, though not unpleasantly, she noticed. 
“It’s a box, not a basket.” Elain clarified and Gwyn chuckled. Warmth bloomed in Elain’s chest. 
“If any of the other priestesses should want...”
“They can keep their mitts off my ferns.” Gwyn yanked the box possessively to her chest then.  
“Bromeliad.” Elain corrected. 
“See,” Gwyn called over her shoulder as she continued down the stairs. “I’m in over my head already. You simply must save me, Elain.” Perhaps they were both in over their heads, but for the first time that she could remember, Elain didn’t mind at all. 
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metallicabirder · 1 year ago
“It’s one thing to accept that the person I love most is fundamentally unknowable to me; it’s another to accept she doesn’t quite see me either.”
The parallels to that quote that circulated about the mortifying ordeal of being known and the bit of to be loved is to be changed kill me
There is no book I love more than Book Lovers (even if it rips my heart out every time I read it)
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gringadano · 1 year ago
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Slumber party 💖🎶
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postarie · 2 years ago
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thewritingofspencerrose · 1 year ago
hello lovely people!
as previously promised, a new moment to Trevor & Maggie's story is on the way!
that being said... i have three options half done and need y'all input on what you'd like finished first:
California Dreamin' : Trevor's in town for a visit, and the last thing he wants to do is think about the moment she has to leave his arms, even if he's the one leaving. With only a few weeks left in Maggie's last year of school, he can't help but wonder, why do we have to be apart? (sweet)
Introducing Me : Between school and game schedules, it's just never worked out. They'd be too tired to go out and party after a Ducks v Devils game, she'd be on an overnight clinical rotation, the team would be busy with a training that Trevor just happened to get out of. Somehow it's just never worked out that Trevor got to introduce his girl to his team. But now she's the team nurse, and it's her first day on the job. Its the first day of school all over again, and she's the shiney new kid. (sweet)
What She Doesn't Know: She shouldn't be this upset, everything had been going so well since she'd moved in. That is, until Trevor is suspicious for a month and a half, coming home late, changing the conversation with the boys when she's around, and flipping his phone to hide anything it may show. Maggie does her best not to be one of those girlfriends, jealous unknown women. Rumors are swirling now though, maybe that's why it's different. Trevor being seen with girls so much more famous and attractive than she. The solution? Call and cry your heart out to her brothers. Brothers who take it upon themselves to get to the bottom of this. (rocky start, but ends sweet)
so, with this knowledge...
all the love,
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morgana-pendragon · 1 year ago
taylor swift will have a perfectly normal girl saying shit like “put the football game on”
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offbeat-manga-ships · 11 days ago
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My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover. / Fujimatsu Mei
Complete, with 21 chapters / 4 volumes
F/F; Yuri, Drama, Slice of Life + queer & ambqueer, queer character, lgbt, ag, ag: yf x of, younger f, older f
SUMMARY: Sena is a novelist who has been dealing with romantic feelings for her sister, Yuuna. Upon learning that Yuuna is to be married, Yuuna's best friend and former partner Kiku asks Sena to be her lover.
MAL score: 7.38 AL mean score: 76% MU average: 7.6
PERSONAL SCORE: 7 out of 10
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dargeereads · 5 months ago
My Mountain Man’s Seduction by Lena Rae
4 stars
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Ohhh, our heroine is a bit of a brat, and we all know that means happens to her! Briggs, for his part, gives a token effort to resisting his best friend’s little sister, but it is pretty weak at best. These two have heat for days <3
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